The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    i'r."1Wlf,.l.D-'4ffit. " j3J-iWat'
.--,fj, t fgV3PK " 1" t '?
!?e:f i-r ,-i'ijur y gpt9Ka r i . ' 'r A
,; i;;'
ii.f ""JifY
g v"
va"f v
V.f- "tv -j? , - :lft
(C'onrtutlcil fron I'JKf
mpetsTtind by his illrui'tion llio puti'liel
a ns rrtttrncil to llio rloset from which
It had hccn titUeti. It U'liiuliioil thnto
wllh thp ttci'il lnsltl.j of It until Airs.
Oruy took It out, a row Iioui-h uftor tin
nld mnii'H iloath. She dHlvpi-od It to
Iipi1 won nnd ho hud It rrrordod.
The philutirfs want rourt to nullify
tho ilcril on thu Kround" thai the tritiiH
fr wns olfpctfd by innltio Intlitctico and
thai, llit-re was never any legal delivery
of the Instrument. The deCeino Is that
thpio was no undue Intluencu and Hint
It Is not I'piiuliPil that thuie should he
n physical delivery of n dred to ntnlte
It valid. The defense also claims that
Atis. Sunny wan iIIii'uWmI to rIvo tho
deed io Mrs. (liny to Rive to her son,
hut Airs. Sentry denies this.
AN'. V, I.nthrope. II. ihillor and
Thomas J. IJ.ivles, of Montrose, lepn
seiit the plaintiff. The del'oiidaiits at
torneys are Voshnrn & Dawson and V.
AW Haylor.
The ease of Davie- iikiiIiimI (he First
Welsh Hutillsl ehureli Is one that Is
now quite fnmllliir. Davk-s made some
offonslvo alleatlons ukiiIiihI thn-e
inemhers of a -ouunltlec of the ehureh
M'hleh was appointed to secure :i ii"v
liaslor. rle was excluded from tho
i-hureh and his appeal from tin- decis
ion of the riders was In tin n dismissed
by a committee of four members of
neighboring eliuieln-s, and by the un
nunl dlslilet conference, lie claims he
has compiled with the dlsclpllnaty
iiiimdute of the court which llrst tried
him. and Hun he should have been re
ceived back into i he fellowship of the
chinch, lip wants court to -so inle. K.
i. Xewcomb repivMrnts Hie' plaintiff,
and e.v-.ludse K N. Wlllnrd, the de
fondant. Doesn't Want the Gloiy.
Constable .lolm O'Donnell, of the
Seventh ward, was the only one of the
county's sleuths to n-port illegal sell
ers, and he only did il after making
an explanation that savored somewhat
of the apologetic. He told the court he
had no peisonal knowledge of the of-tonst-H
alleged in his report: that
Patrolman Thomas l'nlter into! mod
him of them, and that when Patrol
man Potter was told he would bp made
i lie principal witness, lie. la turn, said
he had no personal knowledge of the
offense?, bill learned of them from
some other people. Judge Kelly ili-lt-cted
that the ipport 1"' referred to
tin- diMiict attorney.
The p.n ties charged in the leport are:
.Mary lU-jini. Kate AInlloy, Thomas
F.-iddeii and Alls. I'lendegust.
Mitchell Gives His Testimony.
John Mitchell, piesident of the Uni
ted .Mine WoikPi-f-. appeared hefoio the
grand Jury yesterday morning, to give
bis testimony in the case of libeU hicli
ho liar, preleircl againft Kdltor iiich
iiid Little, of the Scrantoniati.
The grant jury was charged by
Judge Kelly. He appointed as foiu
man Victor Ktn-.-i'lirll, of Duuinorc, one
of ihe keepers at the county Jail.
The petition for the annexation to
Taylor boiongli of the colitiRoiis por
tions of Lackawanna, township was
presented again and ordeied submitted
io the grand Jury tomorrow morning.
O'liu UhUal oxuoptions wcie also Wed.
Howell Will Make Answer.
in the equity case biouglif by .Mis.
Jennie t' .'iimpe! her brother.
Franklin Houoll. to reudei an ue
toiiiiting of her estate, Judge Kelly
.esleuiay gi anted a uile on the plain
tilt to feliow en use why the judgment
taken pio runfc-iu, lust Thursday,
should not be opened,
The plaiiuilf's attorneys, n. j. Hnn agreed to tho rule being made ah-sc-luf
forthwith, upon the defendant's
i ouiisp, Joseph O'llrlen proniisiug that
.in answer to tho bill will be tiled with
in lifteen days.
Jl appear;; that an accounting' was
lendeiPd. but it proved unsatisfac
tory. The defendanl supposed it was
satisfactory end paid no heed to the
Yesterdny's Marriage Licenses.
I.rU llo'lav :'.2i Dicker uiiirl
Mnirncl .IiiiUiiw "hlJ I'l'ihut. unirt
Wllllim II. Iliius- Wnnimie
M it ill i W.illJii"- V.mlii'iAo
III-. Ull 11,1 '. IIOl.O.WM II -liailton
Ann) .1. IMii.iuk S'rnnlnii
Mnlui Lottiry Mlnr,nl,2
ruliiTiiii llonoltoi' Mitioiilc.i
M. I. Ui -Muslim Iirmjii
linlivl I'.iilitl .'. .-. Iiuim:
Mil,.. .Mnicsy 'llirfM.p
sinu Xiiline Tluoop
.lellll III at lis. ii
Mini Ki'U'.jr Ii,up
l.t..l Is. Diiiiiui-lty Wllkis..mi.
1 I -ill i l.titmuki .Min)ii.,i
liisi' l.liitil s.Vi ld, i- iii-i-l
,Mji.i llnki-y s.''i Alik-r Ui-
I cult, iMfn!.i, ,ii,iih t liccifi' iiniittiii
.hiii,nii Wiiillnli te ,iiluil pli(. Ilnlliy.
In t In- i i-t nt I'u cm to l,.n.h .iifjiiist Pii-,1
.Hill K I , lliC .Itlilili.lV. '01 1 U.I., j. i st, i ilo .v, nil
lllllll'l l.Mlllilli.ll.lll.V.
'I In- iiKit i 'I. iirf.- ii'i-iw,;,,-, i,miniilii in
(In, licitu it tlic Inn ii ii) IMot- liiiM-y, w.ik,
r-l(n.', t . i .til ) ( il (uinllili iul.
Iiihii Hawks, ir,, .is ,i pp. .ii. t i-,l ilijuiiy ron.t.i-l-lti
fit tin- Ntoml, in.. I Cinici- I.,
ili-imu t oit-l.ililo iif llu- Moi,lli umiiI ji-htcnUr.
In llu- iiuttirof Hie IiiioI-.i-ih.i- nf ( li.irlt-i M t.
hi, c urn t . jilcril.i. ilimtiil llio inuslit-. K. W,
ft,jji.r. I" n-11 ill.- o-nl iHrfti- nt l he jiwilrriit
.ml .i'iiU- 1 io lil-i ili-l.t-
TU Injun tiun iiin-lfliuii Manunl In llio o.Hj
.i tin- ,cw Yuri., Ontario anil Wr-ihrn llallrnJil
i u!iii.iiiy jnliist Mir- cllllMal Coal iiiiuii
s .nrjiii (CHilinikil, tint tlnn- llll N'.iv 4, I.
cures coughs anil colds at
once. We don't mean that it
relieves you for a little while
it cures, It has been doing
this for half a century. It has
saved hundreds of thousands
of lives. It will save yours if
you give it a chance,
"l hate teethed to much tcnelit from ll, lint
I always lrcomtnenil Shiluh'i for toughi,
throat, bronchial and lung trouble."
CHAb. VANUKKOAK, Wetcrlord, N, V.
Bkllob'a Consumption Cur U solit liy all
tlrugUt at 36c, flOt, W 1. 00 a boltl. A
iriuted KUarauUa koh with avcry bottl.
K 7011 ate nt (atlaOedgo lu your ilrujelil
suet get your luonay buck.
Writs let illuftratfd bk en ni-i.uinoltoii. Sent
ilhoutteitltfeJ. ti.C.Wt'U.i( . I Ku-.N.l
Ho Has Perfected a Complete Finn
for tho Ordering of Mnterlnl.
nircelor of Public Works John V..
Iloehc has Just pcrfoelcd n system for
ne In his (ttiitiirtjnciit In tho ordotlni?
of vatlotts nirtturlals and cnpplles. Klvo
different hliink forma aro used, and It
would Hcutn lit ho almost perfect.
The llrVt hlanl: form Ih tilled out by
lht foreman or other mibordlnato olll-i-lal
who may desire lo luivo HoniethltiK
piireliaM-d. TIiIh hu llles with tho fttper
liitcnitcnt or tho bureau, who nmlses
out ti copy which he fiends to Director
Itoeho, arter approvlnp it. lie lilmsolt
letalmi llu- foremon'8 original i-equlsl-tlon.
Director Iloehc, nftur satisfying him
fcelf that the poods arc required, lllls
out a third blank foim oidcrhiK them,
which foim Ih sent lo the poison fioin
whom the purchase 1 to he made. A
duplicate copy Ih furnished to the
bureau, (hat the person lceelvliur Iho
Koodri or material may eeitlfy thereon
that they luivo lM'on dcllveied.
A iliiplleatc copy of the order is fur
nished the city cotiti oiler, so that that
olllelal may cotnparo It with the bill
when the latter comes lo hhn. Hy com
pnrinfrnll these blanks, Director ltocho
belleveH Hint there Will bo 11. cheek upon
each employe Intcu-Hted In llu- whole
The D.. L. & W. Bonid for Today.
Culm Is to Be Hushed Into
Burning: Mine.
i-'olhnviiiK Is the mako-np of the I)..
L. W. board for today:
WilJ OjK l..wt S I i. m., A. II. K'jui 1" P.
in., J. A. llu-li; 11 p. 111., I'. Ciiv.111 iiigli.
'ri'Ksn.w, may ;.
VMM (,iir 12.S0 j. in., it. Cjtwi,
i. in., O'Connor with John IJixtcr's moiii II
u. 111., O. W. Dimii ; 5 .1. 111., .'. Mo-lirs S
v. 111., II. M. Ilalld; 10 .1. in., .1.; 11
a. m., T. I.. Hi'Bi-ris; 1 p. 111. Oco. Ilioini--; :'.
p. in., W. W. b-illarr; .'1 p. 111., O. Kcaitii-y; 0
p. m., W. A. ILirtlioluinou.
Suiiiinit', Kte. 0 11. 111., cut, .1. IIcnnii;iili: 8
n. in., west, II. Kiomitilkn: 0 p. 111., o.i-n, Ja.
IJ.nriKs; 7 p. 111., .T-t, W. 11. Xiclml-.; T p
in.. wt I10111 X.iy Aiiff, II. Me.Ml: 7 p- 111.,
M-sl from rayint.-., Tlininp'-on; 7 p. 111., w5t
front Cjj 117.1,
Pullers 10 .1. 111., 1-V 1!. "-tcoi.
Piifliirs -i .1. in., ItniMrt; In .1. ai.. .- I'.n
ncrtv; ll..'iO a. 111., .M01-.111; 7 . in., Murphy;
! i." in., M. M.ipli.-; H) p. 111.. Wkl. nci.
Pa-wf-np-r I'nsiiwi 7 11. 111, CiMnoy; 7 .1. 111.
Slnw-i; '."0 p. 111.. Stanton; 7 p. 111 , Uitimci.
Wild rjti Wct-3 a. 111., A. (f. Iliiniuitt: 7
11. 111., Doiiilictn; fi .1. 111., .1. f.inliy; 111 .1. m..
I'. Wall; 1 p. in.. M. C.irinoily; 2 p. in., .1. '.
Miiriav, C T. Muplti nn 11; ." p. 111.. II. Kinsn
by: 'i p. in., O. .'.'anilolpli: ." p. 111., -lolm
CiliiBan, (. p. 111., M. i.miglnii-x.
M. Maplfi Mill lu-i 0 p. 111. piMioi li.hiulit,
May l'., In iilacr- of I.imi'inu'.
Condmtor HaiTprly and cn-vv will rim ll.:,fl
p. 111. wild cat, Tuc.stiay, May 7, and p tlireuish
tu II0I10U011.
Briliciiiin Dawd Iluri leporli for duly with
It. C.-i-tici.
Will Flush the Mine.
The fire in the Pine llldfre mine nf
tho Delaware and Hudson, which lias
been burning for the past live months,
is Htill raRlng and the company is
about to adopt other methods in an
effort to extinguish it.
The company is now niiiingiuK 10
flush the workings with culm, which
is to bo carried upon tho lire by a
steady stream of wat-'r.
A large pump has been erected
above Miner's Mills and a pipe line
nearly tivo miles Ions' has been laid.
Through this the culm will be forced
to a cave-hole in the vicinity of Scotch
Hill and then down into the mine. Tho
operations will commence in a couple
of weeks. "WIlkes-Tlarro llecord.
This and That.
F. I.. Burton has been appointed
lceal watch inspector at Kingston, vice
P. Ij. Brown, resigned.
A mass meeting of miners was held
last night at Moosic. .National Cora
mlttpemim Frederick Dilchcr was
piesent and madj an address.
President John Mitchell, of tho
T'nlted Mine "Workoip, left the ( Ity
yehteidu; morning for Now York city,
where he will remain dining the week
on business connected with the Civic
industrial association.
Carpenters are at work laying a new
floor in llio main hallway on the sec
ond floor of the Lackawanna railroad
oillcc- building. A now door has also
been placed lu tho division freight anil
pastiengcr agents' oillce.
The last member of the grievance
board of the Lackawanna. Switchmen's
union to leave Scinntnu, lofl the city
yesterday morning, Ihe others de
parting Saturday and Sunday. Tho
matters which biought the committee
to the city have not been yet settled
and another visit will vnvy likely oc
cur at no distant Onto,
It Will Exhibit Here on Monday,
May SO,
As the Waller I,. Main New Fash
ion Piute Shows are announced in ap
pear In thir city on .Monday, May "0,
it Is now in onlcr for rude Fred to
begin Inviting his iiuniei-ous relatives
to bo on hand that day to help tako
his little nephew To.iun.v to son the
elephants. Thin plan has been In
vogue fop years anil years', yet It Is
huceesslully worked to tho present
day, ut lejiKt many grown folk.i go
under that pivtons nnd huagln"
llH-iii-'elven safe in their deceit,
Why mil be candid and acknowl
edge that the glitter nf tlie parade,
tho s-lght of the white touts, tho n
spiilng muslo that uulv clieus bands
plav, and tho crush of the gnml-nut-j
med crowd, has awakened momoile
of your chllilnood that could not bo
lislsti-'l. The circus, with lis inyilml
of flags and tuieiimots, has been and
always will bo a. niagn-i. to all lovorn
of clean nnd wholesonm mnusomeut,
( ,-nt It's up to somebody to originate nn
i-Miufcii i"i Kiaiiiying uieir mvii in
South Scvanton Team Too Speedy
for Hopkins Men.
In a return inaicli played the South
Si-rantou bowling u-ani by the Backus
club last night, on Miubscher's alleys,
the league rollers were bested two out
of thieo games by the home team.
The latter won two out of thice
games, but tho n.ieltus men won In the.
minis by -,3S7 plus to IMCiC.
This leaves three vieloiles for each
team in the stiles. I.ust night's games
were as follows; South Sciantou, S22,
721, 793; Haekus. SOI. 812. 771. The
liuckus team was made up of Hopkins,
Koll, Fahrenheit, Coons and Pecker,
and llielr opponents weio H. Klefer,
William Jlelster, C. Kelfer. J. Hauck
and .1. Klefer. Following Ihe howllnr
supper wa'- served.
A Great
Jonas Long's Sons will commence their Annual Spring
Closing-Out Sale of Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits today,
Tuesday Morning, May 7
And will continue the remainder of this week, The man
ager of the department has gone carefully over the stock and
the price sacrifices that he has made will be a , great incentive
to the ladies of Scranton and vicinity to come and secure one
of those High-Grade Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits that has always
characterized the Cloak Department.
Ladies who contemplate going to the Pan-American Ex
position at Buffalo or to mountain or seaside will easily save
their railway fare by purchasing a gown now. The reductions
are genuine, and nothing but actual facts are given.
A partial list of the many Suits that are marked down:
-Black Broadcloth,
No. 231 1-2516-2309-
2 r 22"
-Blue Cheviot bton, vest front with gilt
-Blue Cheviot Princess Eton, satin trimmed
-Black Venetian Eton, richly braided
-Black Cheviot, tight fitting, silk facing
-Black Cheviot Eton, gilt trimming
-Tan, Wide Wale Cheviot Eton, trimmed
-Blue Broadcloth, Eton, silk trimmed
-Blue Cheviot, Eton, red vest front
-Tan and Black
-Black Cheviot
-Blue and Tan Pebble Cheviot, tight fitting
-Blue Cheviot Eton, red vest trimmed
-Blue Cheviot Eton, Persian trimmed vest
-Black Venetian, tight fitting, silk faced
-Black and Brown Eton, taffeta trimmed
-Tan and Black Eton, Persian trimmed
-Oxford Homespun, tight fitting, silk faced
-Brown and Grey Cheviot, tight fitting, silk faced 20 00
-Black and Gray Cheviot, tight fitting, all silk lined 21 00
-Tan Venetian, tight fitting, silk faced 20 00
-Oxford Gray, tight fitting, silk faced 20 00
-Blue and Brown Pebble Cheviot, silk faced 20 00
-Light Gray Wide Wale Cheviot Eton '. 18 50
-Black Cheviot, tight fitting, silk faced 18 00
-Black Cheviot, purple vest front 18 00
No. 2774 Brown Cheviot Eton, Persian trimmed $25 00 now $20 00
2773 Blue Broadcloth, velvet vest front 2 00 now 20 00
2769 Garnet Cheviot, taffeta vest front 23 50 now 18 50
2772 Gray Wide Wale Homespun Eton 23 50 now 18 50
2315 Light Gray Homespun Cheviot, red vest 1800 now 14 50
2777 Gray Homespun, taffeta trimmed vest 1750 now 14 00.
We also will place on sale Etons, Tight Fitting Suits in Home- 4MA AA'
spuns, Venetians and Cheviots, about 100 in all, that formerly were ll llll
$ 1 2.00 to $15.00. All new and all shades, Choice each xv
About 15 only of Suits that are soiled and faded by the sun and t Cf
light. Only one suit to each customer. Per suit P-Ovr
Jonas Long's Sons
Delaware, Lackawanna ami Western
in r.iii-Lt !), :. lwo.
Houlli Liau NraiiUiii for Niw York .it 1,40,
.110 fi.riO. S.00 ami 10 01 ,i. in.; 18,35, It.!-! p. 111.
Tor Plillaili'lpliU nt S.() .unl lO.u.-, .1. m. j .y,
ami ll.:iU ). 111. Tor Sluni'liburj; .it (l.ln p. in.
.Milk airuiiimiirlntton at !i.l p. 111. Anhc at
llcliokir. at il,A ".In 10.'J', IJ.W. K,3, I?,
7,11) . 111, ,Sirli at I'lilliilrlplila ut, J.S1,
il.l ami f.2J p. Hi. Anle Mum New Yuri; .il
1.10, ti.M 10.21 1. in,: LW.', fi.U, -Ml
nml U.u) 1 . in. I'rom MnnuUliuri; .it Sir, a.
N'nrtli l.raw PrruntMi fur llnflalo 11ml inter,
incillaii' Flulli'in Jl 1.15, 0.33 ami SUM u, in.:
l.M, fi.lS .il.d 1I.3S p. in. l'ur IM.rj;,) nnd
Srurii.c nl ti.13 a, 111. 11ml I.SJ , in. Tur
Ultra ut 1.10 11, 111, 11r.1l 1,."m p. 111, I'm- Mini.
lroc nl I'.W i mi MU ami C.H p, in Tur
Xiiliol-oi' .it lu ami T' I'. 111. Pur llinrf
liionton nt ln.-il 111, Aillii" In Hcrantoii limn
II111I.1I11 al I.S1, !i.r'1, 5.l -Hi'l WM u. in.; 3..K1
ami t'.in.' p. ii P10111 flitirisu ami )uiui at
2.63 a. 111.; !-'! ami b ft) i. m I'uiui l'tl(.i
lit '.',33 a, 111. 1 12.3S nnd I,J1 i. 111. I'iohi
N'liliol-un 111 "."') a- in, and i.0n p. m. Worn
Mni'lintv ill 10."" ' i ;i,-l and h,i) p. in,
HU'Oin-lmii: IHiMrni- Iip Mrantim for
Vi.illiiiinliclland, at n. 15,, ,1. ,,; 1,33 an I
3CH1 p. III. Pr I'ljimmlli at 1,1)1, ,1,10, i.."0 p.
111. I'm KUiK-ton at hill a. 111 Aulo 11
Noitliiiiulh'iUiHl .it i'.M J. in,; I, Id, 3,01 and Kli
11, 111. Atiltu ut Kliigriim al 8,SJ a, m, Ariin
ut riimotUli r.t -'.iw, I. -', I'. I'i p. 111. ,Miir
in Suanlon firm N'oillimnhcilaiid at !) U a. pi ;
li'.ltl, i.M and S.13 p. in. Prom Klng'tuti it
II.IM a. 111. Plum I'ljnioutli at 7 3.", a. in.; .t.'Ju
uud 3.".3 p. 111.
Saiill.-I.ra Miintoii ut, ,!.(), 3.3U, 1 ).0f,
p. in.; -I..U ami .t.40 p. m.
N'oilliI.taic Strant'iii at I. If,, G.J) j. in ;
1.33, .Vli and U."1 p. in.
illoonitliuiv l)iU'ionl,ava hcuiituii at 10.03
,1 111. aid i.Ji p. in.
Central Rallrond of New Jersey,
fctatlom in Nov Voil.-Povl bl l.tlicity lird.
N. II.. ll SJ1"1, ,cllJ'-
TIMB TAHI.i: IN PPPl.C'l' NOV. ii, iw.
'luliii Kai' M'M'dO'i li N1-'" Vuik. NiH.rk,
rllKaUclh, 'liildi'lplili, laiiun. Ilcilili-lifin, Al
UmiIouh. Mjik-Ii Piu" r"l Wiite llaun at e...!ii
a, in,; txpia, cspifi, :i30 j. in. j.u;.
Jj, 2.13 p, )"'
Por l'Utfclon and llkfa-llaiie. K.K0 a, 111.; I.iu
end i). I'. Miuda). s.n p. 111.
Toi llaltiinoti-' -"'d Wuddnstlon anl points
Foutli and Wwt la llflliU'liiin. Aju u, m ,jn
and J.W 1. '" Sund.y, 2.13 p. in.
por JjJiig Hrancli. Otian 1,'rove, He, at S.30
a. in. und 1.10 v. 1.1.
Poi Heading. Lebanon and lUrrUliuij, Ua Al.
lentuniii B.0 . in. and 1.10 p. 111, Sgndaji.
2.15 p. in.
Por PotUilltf." S.M) j. ni. and 1.10 p. m.
Jliiuiijli IkUU lu nil point? rati, foutli jinl
wtt at loi oL raits at llu fetation.
II. I'. IIU.IWIV. ti.11 I'j... m
. II. 01,11 l Si:v. lien m.,i
TailorMade Suits
tight fitting
Venetian Eton, finely stitched
Eton, gilt trimming..".
Schedule in Effect March 17, 1901.
Trains leave Scranton;
0.45 a. m,, week days, for Sunbuiy,
Harrlsbui'B', Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and for Pitts
burg and tho West.
0.88 n. ni week days,, for Hazleton.
nnd for Sunbury, Harrisburg-,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg nnd the
2.18 p. in,, week days, (Suudays
1.58 p. m) fov Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. Por Hazleton, week
days only.
4,27 p. ni week days, for Sunbury.
Hazleton, Pottbvlllo, Harrisburg-,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
.1 II. lllTC'lUNi-ON', en. JK'i,
J, II, lMlllll, Oiii. I'a,s. Ast.
Lehigh Valley Baihoad.
In KffM Minli ii, KOI,
Poi PlilUdvlpliU and Ner Voik tj ). ,t II
II. 11., at ti.43 and 11.35 a. ni., unl 2.1b, I .7
(IllacU Di.iiiiniid Pipifm), ai.d U,.';o p, in, hun.
il, 1). . II. II 11.. I 5n 8.0T p, m
Per Willis llawn, llulclcu and pilnoipjl point)
in ti (oal rccloiij, ia I), 4; II, It. I),, (1.13,
.Ms and 4.27 p 1.1. Por I'ottJi llio, 1.27 p. ni.
Pur llithK'l.riii, PuEli.n, Itradiny, llairijljiiiij
and principal inluimillau!om l.i I). ,c II,
It II., 0.13, 11.33 11 in.; 2.1N 1.27 lUlacli Dia.
mond L'.vprw), II :.o p. 111. Suii'la.iw, u, d II.
11. I!., I.5S, b.27 p. in.
Por lunklijunoil., l'oandi, Plmlra, Itlaci,
lirnsta nr,d niliutpil Intunncdlatr tailoni. .u
)., 1.. & V. Ii, J, MM a. in.; 1,03 and
. in.
Por (Icnt-va, llochi'itiir, llnflalo, PalU,
CliUagu and i,ll imints ut, via 1). i: II. II. If.,
1133 a. in., 3.3.1 (lll.irk Duinoiid Jlpn-). 7. IS,
10.11, ll.iiii p. 111. bundjr, 1). k II. 11. 11
11.63. 8.27 p. in
Pullman pallor and flccplns or I.t-l.iiili YalUy
parlois cava on all luin-. lid u ten U'llkis-lLuic
and New 5'"ii, I'lilUdt'lplila, Uuffalo and Sui
pension Bridge
HOLMS' II. WIM1UK, cn. Supt,, 20 C'orlUnd
klieet, N'nv York.
CIIAHLES h, l.i:i:, lien. IMsi. Ail., 20 Corlland
ttrret. New Yollc.
a v. .o.NM:MA(.'iii:it. niv. i'a. .ut., s.utii
Petlilelii'iu. Pa.
Por HoUtt and Pullman reiertalloru apply to
'0') l.acljujniia avenue, S'lJiiton, I'j.
Sale of
Former Price,
45 00
Reduced Price
now $35 00
now 35 00
35 00
32 50
21 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
2 1' 00
20 00
19 50
18 50
16 50
16 50
16 50
16 50
16 00
16 00
15 00
16 50
16 50
15 00
15 00
14 50
15 00
15 00
30 00
25 00
Time Card In tffeet Dee, ,10th, I DUO.
.' 00.
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l.Hilioiml lnlnilrmii I'nrti.ndale fur MlilifM Yr.l
B Mr u ii nit Huiiui) , and 7 so pm HLnily uniy, nrliioe
llsiil. Var 1 7 OU 1 in kuJ 8 U) pi.
ItopinDj null Hull, .iu tu 1'irluinaiV, arniii.A al 7 is 1,111,
ml irilu Utvrt Mtllirl.l Yllil tor UrUuOaVl ttAUiu
Jlatoii it cfiit pi'i' milt!,
T.oncat ltitlt'4 tu nil Points IVest,
V, C. 1NOCR30N,
(,4VlI'lil,r A((il
New York 1 it jf
t, we m 11,
Irav. Aoat,
acratitua, l't.
W aaaatjiyiKg'
3..- julia
1 1- s d a 3,
1 1 1
1 l'4l
Erie Railroad, Wyoming: Division,
Tiinu Taldu In Pifict N?pt. 17 lM.
'lialiii lor and loial iotnt. t niuirvt
Iru at Hauliy with Krlt' lullicad lui Now oiV,
Kvubuii; and Inleuni'dialu points lean. &,.ijh.
ton at 7. a. 111. and 2.23 p. 111.
Traill airivc at btiautoii at l').i) a. 111. and
9.10 p. m.
Delaware and Hudson.
In PtU'ft Nov. 23, lift).
Tialn for l.'ailiondalu lean- biuntoii at 0.2i
7.0.1. b.k 1.W "' 'W. I.2D, 2.41, a.0'
it), Ij.'IS, "'', "" 'I-1'' !' '"'I LI') -I. in.
lVr llontadjle U.iiU. a. 111.; 2,l and .'.2u
'"'Pu'r VIIUiUarK-0,l3, 7.IS, S.13,, j'o 41,
VVc are now prepared to show
Wall Papers and Draperies
Every item i? this season's goods, and we arc prepared to serve J
yon promptly ami at
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue- I
Magnificent Display
Of New Parasols
Our center show window will give you an
idea of our exquisite Hue of New Parasols.
These lovely sun protectors are un
equalled both in beauty and price.
Your inspection is respeetfully solicited
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Capital $200,000. Surplus $500,003.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Consui-L, President.
Henry, Jk.. Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Pi-CK, Cashier.
Cor. Mloontli ft. and In Ins l'lair,
AtiH'iiian Plan, s.1.31) Per Day and 1 pwnk
Puropoaii Plan, ljl.l Por I).i.v and UpuauR
bpecial Rates lo PanilliM.
Hotel Victoria
Brudwiy, 81b Am. idJ Z7th Street. New Hrt..
Absolutely Fireproof
in the ten
trtol the
slioppin K
and tlu-atie
dlnti lot.
Flist - i.lasi
IiihII ilsnp
poliilnnnls 1C n t i r e I y
. . rT2t.-"L noanii inn
H.uai,. w, Dnaa-iiii.iTcrri.di. IT 1 C or rl
mite, wllli or without bath, hot nnd mid wain
ndteleplione In every room. Culilneuneicelled
For Business Men
In tho heart ot the wholrsala
dlutrlct f
For Sliopiiurs
R minutes' walk to Wannmahrrv,
S minutes to Blogcl Coopei-H His 4.
Btore. Easy of access to the urat T
Diy Goods Stores.
For SiKlitscerA
One tloclc from D'way Cars, civ- .
InK eay trnnsportatloii to all
points of Interest. -4-
Cor. ltth ST. ft UNIVKRBITY Pt..
'only ono niock from Broadway.
nOOmS, 91 Up. Prices Kcuiuiiab,
ii.,." a. in.; i.n, :.'.!. '& -i..!, u.iu,, mil.
ll.U) p, HI.
Wt I.. V. II. H l")Hit - U.IJ, 11 ji j. m , j,i0
I.i7 ami 11., o p. in.
Tor rcinnlmU It. It. polnU-o.43, y.uS a
in., '-MS l.'J7 p. in.
for Alluuy i'i'' JU points noilli u. ij a ,.
ami ,'I.OJ p. ni.
fcUNim 'I'llM.NS.
Tor Cartondale D.W, U.ya a. in.; :. y.oi
0.47, lO.ii p. in.
l'ur WlUcHrre-0.SS, 11.55 a. in.; i.SS, 1.2s,
u.'J, 8.'-" I'. '"
I'm- Albjuy ami point mrlli-S..',:' p. in.
Ii.r lloncfUali U.W u. in. an.l v.'ei p. in.
i .,.! ml la all ijlnt.-i In irMli..l s.ijl,4
ami CanadJ.
.1. I. liriiim ii, i. i". A., iijjny. N. v
ii l' I'lllVsS. I). I A S,,a,,l,, 1',
--- - - .... ..,
you tin entire NliW slock of
our wcii-khowh iov prices.
ScottJ Co.
Consult Our
Lace Department
For everything' that is new nnd de
sirable for Dress Trimming'. Many
exclusive idens are here shown i
Arabian, Maltese Cuni
and Point de Aencon,
Laces, Applique Bands
and All Overs.
Choice line of Plain and Pnuc
Tuckings, of Chiffon, I4bcity Silk
and Silk Mouseline, also of Satin
Liberty and Taffeta, with hemstitch
nnd real Vnl Insertlngs.
Large Assortment of
Fine Silk
In White, Black, Persian, BlacM
and White, etc. Stitched Taffeta and
Satin Bands, in all widths.
Elegant Line of Silk ana
Lace Neckwear.
126 Wyoming Ave,
Hnnufocturoi'3 ir
488 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephoos Call, 2.13.1.
I iiM.iJMlirl(iiri'l.'lrl, iurrii..ffutil.vj.l.4.i.l.p..
I ,"iiv'i'"'i'w',i"..ito,
' Iil'l.''''lll'll"''l"l''.,uJ''l''
til's l
5ps Prof,G.F.THEEL,527iS?t)?l3
aJa imrrlra. Iiutragtrrt lorirelat; ntll l'mtf
A JBjjjL l'WM.lfffhfMii4 toll) JaiHlft.jbgfcl
r JrWX lilrt i PhLili va.iiia iikiih. i..t .!. j i
i i v'iii: .ni. .-..iv i"7'iii infi BBain.
y y -t t- r-v-"