Vt ,. v t-j'j? V fm.' y t$$ ij rfryyi f J v Till! SCJRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1U0JL. fl 1 1 WEST SCRANTON f MAY LOCATE ON THIS SIDE rtONASTERY BUILDINGS LIKELY . TO BE ERECTED HERE. .'lovlnclal of the Pa3sloiilBt Older Expresses a Preference for West Scranton Sites FourFunernls Hold Yesterday Weekly School Depos its nt Nos. 13 nnd 10 Number of Chlldicii Receive Their Fhst Com munion Thomns J. Jones Wns Committed to the County Jail. A ptonrlncnt I'nthollr lnynmii. who is Hiilnvr fur the provincial of the Order Hi- Paxxlonlflt I-'atlicin, whi) contemplate luciillm; a inniiimtciy In Kefiinton, bus lif'ii KOttliiff pi-lccr (Hi iUitn1)lu .-dies In wit ions p.uN of tlii" city, two oi the lies bcliifr on this jdde. J If r-ays that when the piovlliolal w.ik lii'lo lie ev: pic.sscd ii picfttenee for I hi Wsl Hide nnil Mild In' would like in ei'Otiro a plot near the Hound Wood-, or ono on .Vol tit Main .ivi'titli'. near I'cineteiy .stieet. Tlio IiiiIUIImi-". to lio elected will fii-t unwinds of simVJUi), .mil will l nt u.icilw" In iippi-uiam e. Jephthnh nnd His Daughtei. v full if bengal tor tin cinl.Uii, .leplitlmh anil 1 IIm I'.iukIiIi r," "ill be In Id nf tin1 Sumner Avenue 1'ies.bv iiIhh i Iiui ili this. otilmr. hoKlnniiiiT inoinpily at .M o'i lock. Ihieh anil vciv mi'inht'i oi the I'hoir ate lequest imI to lie in tlii'lr plan's on tiini'. I'vety tlilnpr is pmsnisiiiR finely tor tin1 per fiiiinnncp. v lilcli will In lii'ld on Wed nesday and Tluiiiln. evenings. .M.t ITi km Iii. ami all w lio nun avail them irlics of tin- opportunity to .see and ticrir this M'l'llctit c.mtat.i nif nssuied ftf a i.iil' licit. Some of the nio-l talented amntourn the city will taLc an active part, minn? whom is tlit well-known ac (Ciniplislied sinsxr. I'tot", Unity 15. Tones, late ol l'hiladc Iplii.i, of whom no comment Is needed. All who know Mr. .Jours aie well aw .up of ills .ibilltv hs a singer and also as a composer. His "Ciiinbiiiin Alatili." composed by liim a lew je.n.s .-iko. will be plajpd at tho cantata, dm Uk oup of thp in.trchi". and s ono of thp bp.sl over published. .Mi. .Tones is ,i Spt.nUoii boy. and Is now lesidlii.' in thi.s elt. Panot Cried for Mamma. handsome p.n lot. owned bv a ics.1 ipit in tin- vklnltv- of South Main avp- HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES ion sir at G. W. JENKINS'. CHILDREN'S Complete Outfitters. THE 6L0BE WAREHOUSE. Dear Madam : We take it lor granted that you are deeply inter ested in the children under your care, and as their personal appearance aud dress are usually accepted as a sort of reflection of their guardiau's person ality, we respectfelly invite your attention for a few moments to our complete Outfitting Department for Young Children. We can supply with every thiug that childreu , cau wear, from their earliest babyhood till they reach the age of four or five years. Dainty Dresses with petticoats in French bodices to match, under wear of every description, headgear in pretty con ceits and faucies aud in endless variety. Bootees, little Shoes, Jackets of all kinds, Coats or Reefers, Rubber Goods, Bauds, etc. Make a note of this fact. If you are looking- for clothing for the babies we have it ready for your inspection, made from the best materials, aud finished in such a manner ' " as makes betterment well nigh impossible. We invite your special atteution to our superb assortment of Babies' Long Slips and Children's . . Short White Dresses. They are perfect poems of dainty elegance, aud in each instance there are underskirts, etc., to match, so that the little one's clothing may be bought iu sets, if you prefer it that way. Details are impossible in a subject like this, consequently we would simply add iu closing that ' if you are desirous of combining economy with matchless beauty aud perfect satisfaction, we be ',,. lieve that as a duty to yourself you ought to call and look over the stock in our Children's Outfit ting Department, .which lacks uothiug to make it complete aa far as we know. Globe Warehouse into nnil I'yimn sdicet. escaped fiom ills piico yesterday, nnd caused a Hut ter of excitement In tho neighborhood. Thp hlul Hew n round fiom one place to another and finally lit on an electric light wire, whole lio wit for coiuo time, culling loudly for "mnmnm." Tim etitrentlcH of Hie spectators ami Hip stones thrown hy tlm .mnnll boys hud little terror for polly, and when ho was tendy, left ills perch and lelstiiely sauntered homewnrd, wlicio ills "nuini inn" wvtroiiipd him with open nun". Four Funoials Yesteulny. Itev. llllfih Davie", pastor ol the South Main Avenue Welsh Calvlnlslle Methodist church, oltlelntod at the funcial of the lute TIioiuuh I. 'Will iams ypsteuliiy a f let noon. Tho mt vlees wpio I'onditi'ted at the hottso, i oi' iier of North Main avenup and Howell stieet, Interment wns inndp In ihe Washburn stleel eemcteiy. The p.ill-bciiiei-M wete selected limn antoiiK the lodges In attemlatue at the funeral. Shore tttneial mm Vices wore i ondlletPd yesterdav aitetnoon over Ihe lemains of Maiy. the .couiik child or Mr. and Mrs. .Michael Needlinni, of Klltecnth and l.uerne stiPi-ts. Hill !al was made In tlio CatliMlinl lemeteiy. The tuneial of Kthel. diiURhtcr of Mr. ami Mis. .1 J!, ruii-j, of !U.' West Him siiHfi, w.'ih lipid jesti'iday moinhiR. The remains weie taken to Ashley yos teidnv al tel noon lor interment. Urn-. II. i'. McDpi mntt, pastor of (lie Simpson .Methodist Hpisiopal chinch, rondticied ihe funei.il lenlcort owr the teimilim of the late Sits. Hose H, like lasl evening at the home of deceased's slstet, Jlis. Mary H. Newton, on M'nt son avenue, Lincoln Heights The i" nialnswill lie taken to Frnnklhi Koiks tills iiioinim,' lor inteiuient. Communion nt St. John's Chutcli. He. A. FliikPi". pastor of SI. .lohn's (Set man Catholic chuic.li. South Main aoiiue, adiultilhtered (onmiunion to a i las'? uC twenty-live children on Sunday nioinllig, among whom weir tliiiteeli bojs and twelve gills Tile (ommuiilcanls weie: William Pislor, Kranl; Hcisin, .lohn Theobald, Fiank Novak, .lohn Kaiaknsih, Chiist. iTOlhie, Sleplien Torda, l.oui.s Sihmidt, Michael Manz, Ch.ules langan. Peter Hiyant, Fiank Selimldt.lMwaiil Gioss ni.in, Anna Miller, MaiyHeck. Augusta Hupp, Hedwig Si limidt, Ihnma AVeber, Hildpgaid Kurt?, Host Koister. Agatha l'oistcr. Mnrgueiite Jiies, Anna Wv kof.slsv. Maiy Wainer. ficitiiuli" Frlt- ZPIl. Weekly School Deposits. The following deposits weif made at the West Side bank yesterday tor the pupils ol public schools Nos. U and 1!, by their respectle principals: No. 1.5 Daid Owens, ?J: Maitba Wat kins., t: Bertlu Kelly, .(,0: Cath eline rhilllp.s, ..-.2; Xcllk" Kelly, .10: Eliz.1 Tuce, $I.lil; Saiah McDonald, .01; Maty Harris. .0": total, V.fiH. Xo. 19 Miss I-ees. $1.70: Miss Mui lay. .10; Mits Nichols, .3: Miss Mor gan, .1.1; Miss Beamish, .lO; Miss llut ton. .",; Miss. Daxis, 11.2".; Miss Kvans, $1.0). -Miss Kellow, .id: Miss Flynn. $1.31: .Miss Wade, .hi: Miss Muiphy. ,67! Mrs. Keibcr, .S3! MIks Tech, $1.21! tolal, $11.30. Today's Events. The l.cek club will meet thin men In hi Ihioch Uvans' hotel on .luckson street. A legular meeting of the llltcttlo City Wheelmen w 111 lie held this even lllir. Olllccrs will lie elected. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Attorney Ohiirlen 11. Olvrr, of Ninth Alain uvenue, loft for Han Isbutg yes teiday to attend the grand council of the Itoyal Aicaiium, which meets al liettysbuig' tomotrovv. Abel Stover, of Itlmcu. N. Y for merly employed iu The Tilhunu com posing room, Is visiting al tlio homo of Ills patents on Lafayette street. The boaid of trustee and the mem bers of the Claina Nil society held meetings In the Washburn Stieet 1'ies Intel Ian church last evening. MI'S ntissle l'olhiimiis, of North Stunner avenue, left yesterday for a two weeks' visit with fi lends in Kl- Dill II. Louis I.anmiiu. of N'oitli Sunnier ave line, has lettiined home fiom a busi ness tilp to Philadelphia. Thomas; ,T. .lone", of 1!S2 South fini lleld avenue, was lommitlid to the (unity jail on Saturday Iu default of S.'iOi) ball. Ills wile complained against him befoie Aldeimau John, who made out the commitment on chiuges of I hi cats, assault and battery and dls ouleily conduct. Haydn Hldililge nnd family have taken possession of Jo!ah Puff's house on Not lb Lincoln avenue. Chillies Itemlcr ami family, of North Sunnier avenue, will move to Johns town this week. The singers in the enntata of ".lepli thiih and Ills Daughter' aie becoming veiy piofk'lent In their pni ts and will gle an elaborate pi escalation nt Meais' hall on May 13 and li). A smoker and social hour was eii ii'(1 last evening by the ineinbei.s of Hvde P.uk ramp. Modem Woodmen of Amciica, after their rueelln? in Hoiite hall Si. liii'iidin's council. Young Men's Institute, will (omlpil a May social for the membeis and their lady fi lends at their moms on Wednesday eenlng, Miy I.'.. The leccptlou and house warming at Ihe iilw ipi.iilus of tile Young Wo men's flu 1st inn association will be held net Piiday evening. A supper will be solved on Mondav evening, Mav 1.1. by Classes S and :ifl of (lie I'll st WelMi Congiegatlonal Sun dav school. Tickets will be tlftecn tents, and ice iio.im tv 111 be li.i. Dr. David lliM.se, of Wilkes-Banc, tailed on Dr. Tallcsen Phillips yester dav. -Mi. ami Mis. John Mnisan, of South Lincoln avenue, will leave for New Yoik today ami will sail lioni tbcte lor a tiip to W.ile. William Davis and tanillv. foimeily of Plj mouth, aie now occupying the Thomas itlchnuK homestead, at the (Oilier of Jackson sticel and Ct.iiflokl avenue, after an absence fiom the cltv of thii ty-tlnec vears. Mis. Pavis is a sister of Mis. II. M. Htlwards. The congiegation ot St. Mink's Luth ei.tn ihuich will tun their annual ex clusion to Lake Lodoie on August 15. Funeial Dluctor P. W. Tague es tcnl.iy adtled a handsome new coach to his liveiy equipment. It was built bv Lowney Uiotheis, of Philadelphia. LOCAL AMATEURS IN OPERA. "The Witch" Was Piesented at Music Hall Last Night. A comic opcia entitled "The Witch" v.ns pioscnted at Music Hall last night to an audience which tluongeil the loom, bv a oimp.inv oi lm.il ama t'Uis, v ho entiled out the exacting iolf ol the piodueiion In a nianntr i.ik ul.ited to please thi most eat t iug of oi it it s. The plav is fiom tile pen ol the gllted and well known New Yoi k pl.iyvi light, ,. iJoidfadfi. ami consists of eight scenes in ri r acts Its stoty deals with the w liked machinations of M.issU, tlie stop-wife, against her hus luiiil, Abraham. ,mii thu fin ther.iiice of her malevolent schemes tluough Hobie Vachnie. the witch. Tlie latter is a vvietd, nncannv ihaiaetei and was ably poitiayed by L. til.iei. Miss )!. Jiueucveig, as Mlrele, made a tender and phasing heiolnc, ami L. Lai-aiovilz nrqulllod hiiiist.f well as Abi.ih.im, the merchant. Mis a. Poailin.ui vas tlu wlelud Hassle, ami Miss Schwaitz Ha.-sin's dtiughtei. 1. .Margolles as Lholslm: A. 11. Lewis as Man us: J,. AiouovltK as llotzniaeh; L. fielbman as Xoiaeh, A. D. Hpstein, as Nachiniii, and Mits II, Oi uniting, as Phrifia, all poutnjed their loles capi tally. Hi'tween the at t.s -peclallies weie in tioduceil by ,. H, r.i w bj, A. Saundeis, J. Ii. Tlioinas, J, Hollatuer. The sing ing of W. K Huike's latest song, "Tho Cut so of a Pn-tty Kac," ),y ,, jj, L"Wis, won tieiiifmiotis apjilattse. W. S. GOULD IS VICTOR. Quaitermaster Seigeant Clrosen Fiibt Lieutenant of Company K. Lieutenant Colonel V Stlllwell last night (ouductetl an election al the aimoiy to till tlie vacancy caused in Company K, by the death oL Khst I.leiiii.naiit l.suuit Uiown, Theie weio two taiitlltlati's for tlie position, Quar tcimasti'i" h'eigoant XV S (lould and Sergeant Niebell. The vote taken icsillled In a big mil .iouty loi Snrgflini Huulil, wlio ic ( civ etl thiity-ono votes to his oppon ent's live. Following the election the new lieutenant coltibiaied with thu niembuiK of lus company lil.s accession to tlio commissioned odlcois' mnks. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. 'Ilu mriiliiK of tin.- St union iii(,Mrtii i!c romliiitcil .i family tukit linniuit lai (vnilnrf at AtliUtio lull, to (LlUirito the snui-.-, cr tlii'ii Iiljv "Jji.huIi," (lliltll lluv H(l tiMUl Willll 4U at MuIc lull, 'IH (inline wjs au.nt In ihnciuj: ,ii,d other niJomciiK, lin.ii Iwlii,' Int. nbhiU Ii; Prof .lilimon, whllo lie iln,n iui. il'rdl fieo uf tlieir Eikiliui. I nncli jml iificoliintnts ucic tciui! lit i l.tc limi Iii !. . t (IU ol tlm .uljli iicib Icoucil ..(til Iiv MiJiniim Jillll Icntfj. '11.9 lioini! cf porm ineiii in-ii Williini I'liKus, of the Nrptuiic lliiiiu; couiaii. It-, lu'iu hilthl. euril by ihe aniul o a lul lio;. Ml's Mai-au't lluiill, ui I'llUiuu nenue, will leno tcxliy fur Ntu Voil vnuu !ic uill iinl hu JC.aloii. OullH't loJ'C, NO 4. J, Kliu.li!, of I'.ltlllaf will nuec at IIjuiuju'i. lull toiiignt. fhc lmmlni!. of I'ouucil No. .'-', .luintr Oulcr ITiiIlnl Amrrli 111 Meihankt, will moot in mular teflon at NhlmpU'j lull tor.li.hl, THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON i well 94 (he iuruLoiucst, anJ oilier-, no iiuitdl to cull on any druifsLt inc net fico a dial botllo of lump'j UjUjiii tor the 'lliioal ami I.un, a lenicJy that L tjujrautcx to cure awl ulicvr dll Cluonlc ami Ante l"ou,-tu, Astliiiu. IIuiiiIiUU Jul wnunivtUii I'ltn. Si.. mil SOc. NORTH SCRANTON MEETING AT PROVIDENCE PEES BYTERIAN CHUHCH. Aimunl Meeting o the CongiogftUon. Wns Held Last; Night nnd a Largo Amount of Business Transacted. L S. Jnckson's Nnnow Escape from a Bullet Which . Went Through His Window Constable Gllbride Committed to the County Jnll Other News Notes. The nnntinl meeting of the cougic Riitlon of the Providence I'lesbytcrlan churcli was held lam nltfht In tlio Au ditorium of the church. The meeting was called to order by Presiding Olll rer Uolpli Athcrton and ptnyer vvui olfeied by Uev. Dr. Ucoiko J J. Oiilld, followed bv the reudltiK of the inlnlltei of tlio trusteed of tlie cliuich by Dud ley Atheiton, .secretary. Ill-ports of session, of tho Sunday Mihool, Ihuleavor society, Women's KoielKn Mlssloniny society, Ladles' Aid society nnd Klns'H Untight"! a .society 11 ml clioir were then rend. Tin- inosl intet e.stlnt; icpoit of tho evening: was that of thu tiUHteos ot tin cliurrli by n. 11. Atheiton, showliiB thu uNpenses and luvenues ot tlio churcli and revealing u riiemborshlp of llii membeis. The chin eli gave in tlie year clostiiK Slay 1, $S07 to tho home missionary cause, Sli'i! to lorulgn ml.sslonniy, $200 lo Htindnv school vunk. 100 to board of chinch erection, American Uible .so ciety, $75; Kcneral assembly, $7e, and smaller amount, to benevolent objects. C. IS, Von Storch nnd Chailcs Zel;ler were elected trustees, and H. R. llrrrl bilt, Charles ZolKler and K. K. Jackson were chettd a committee- on music. Mr. Jackson's Nniow Escape. i:. P. Jnekson, of Helmont Terrace, note teller of the Fitst Xatlonal hank, bail :i mil low oscnpo from death yes terday 11101 iilm.--, while slttlnt? al his bieaklast table. Jlr. .Tackpon and family weie .sitting: toKetlier at tlie table, e.itlnu break fasl, when ,1 .stray bullet came clash ing through the window, whizzing past his head and lodffins; In the side of the wall ilr. Jackson quickly aiose and .stm ud to the window to see when- the bullet came from, but no one was in sight. The bullet was nboul the S.I70 Unit fits an oullnary ride. Constable Goes to Jail. Count v (Jiibride, tlie wull-Knovvn constable ot the Third ward, was com mitted to the county jail yestuiduy afternoon by Aldeimau Myers, on a wini. mt issued at the instance of his wife, for disorderly conduct. This is the thlid or lourth time Gil bi ide lias hem arrested on the same charge, befoie Alder man JI.vcis. al the Instance of ills wit IN A FEW LINES. Lliiveu Coin ad, of Caibonclale, was m tested jesteid.iy atternoon bv Con stable Thomas i:. Mills, of the Second wi.id. en a waiiant issued an the in stance ol lieiiiaul Poluskl. who claimed that Conrad had stolen $S w bile hoarding vv ith him. The de fendant was taken before Alderman Alveis and settled the cae bv paing the costs and lettunlng the TS to tho pioseontor. John Kelly h.al Anthony ltlcu ar rested for djsord-'rlyl tonduct. Itice was dischnged on piinp the costs, lieinaitl Pitcavoehsi. ot Breaker street, sweuo out a wattant befoie Al deimau Mycis for Louis Thomas, lor ilclr. Hiding- him out ot a boaid bill. Thomas was ai tested by Constable .Mills In Caibomlnle and hi ought he ioie Aldei man Mvers. After the hear-tn-r. tlii- eas- was tcitled by Thoin is paying the costs of the into. The olllceis of the Third pteeinet did not get into their now quaiUt.-., S.1U11 -day. iio was epe ted. owing to the water supply in the building not being sii'tllc'errl to supply the police .station and the hose house. Laiger pipes, weio. laid yesteulny, ami it is expeeled thai the moving day tor tho olllceis will he nest Thuisriay, Then- will l- .1 spet lal zuhcarsel for the X01H1 Main Avenue Christian ihinrh tonroiorw evening for tlie lantata. "Anita." Theie will be busi ness ot ImpoitHiice tiansaeted. All nienibeis ar u-iiuc-stc-d to attend. LUTHEHAN PASTORS MEET. Their Session Held nt the Residence of Rev. W. C. Ii. Xinuer. The Sit. niton and "WtlkOs-llai r Iaitlieian Pastols' assoiluliou held their regul.ii monthly meeting jester ilav at the home of lit v. AV. C. I,. Latter, on Shoit averrue. Those in at tendance weie ltev, II. I" J Seneker, Uev. L. l.liideiistiutli and Itev. AV, r.. Iliinlon, of Wilkcs-Hane: ltev. O. F. Ihtweln, ot Plttstou: Uev. C. fi. Hpio ker, Itev. A. I.. Ilanrer anil lluv. W. C. Ii. l.auer, of Seiauton. Piesldcnt iseiu'kor piesltled, prayer was oftucil by Dr. Ilniner, and Secre tniy Kttweln lead tlie minutes of the pievious nnetliig. The clergy men afler wiiids took up the .stitdv of Ht, Jolui's gospel, cliapter svi:-3-.'!i), Iu liicek, Tli. study was ptolitable and plensuiabie. Dr. ltiinier tc.nl a woil-ptepatoil e,e getlcal pupt r 011 the gosjiel, which was aflet win lis discussed by the membc-i.s, A ilcllKlutiil liiiuh was served by Mis-, l.nuer. nnd iu tlio suteinoon ltev. Sen-elu-r lead u jinpcr on "Tire Normative Vitltto of the Holy .Seiiptuies." This paper was also discussed and enjoved by all pii'sent. Tlio cleigvmen afterwauls looked at llio lot vvheir- It Is proposed to ctect Ht, I'aul'.s iirlhsion, on Nor tit Muln avenue ami I'lovidenio road. Tho next meet ing will be held al Itev, Huntou's home III AVIIkuu.iS.il 1 e. POLICE AND ALDEnMEN, V I" (lomun, .luni nrxl.ktum, & 1'it i-i. il loi1in-i, l I'li-iuii, inill nnJ ol Wcl.liir, tnoiliiiit- iluli. liu.lnr "ii film J imc. vuio imstfJ ji"t ulai" at the uistancj nl I I.. 1U(J, "( tin." ClukV I'lOlcclivi! jfiiAle tion, on Did iluiao ol llmg (josJt on Sundir, 't" 11 mlnets., I'uiikIv Waldi ami Idnjnl l.i-ul, tl.llllv.l to llJMIIg lluUSllt R.iolll In llic lcrvs if the" actvioOil on Sun.liv V.iUh rlmlcil thit In. Ijil been tent by tlio duk3 to lirnuic- cii.nco jalnst tin- men, hut while LjiuI v.oiiW mt jii 111U lliat h I nl bo. 11 it by tho joiiJtioii, I rclusctl in ttijr 10 the lonlni Mji;i"tuu .Millar, before wlom Hip "so a tilnl, ..ill lliat vilillc Ui would lilt- to wo the law uitoicul thai iicmiIIipIi lio did H"t liUe the nvilt in vlilch tie iirt'iccutloiu ind hern broiiijlit. y fuo jrisomrj cure all ilUJiuircil. A hi-', tall DuniiioriJii, who vat lo iliunk and ut-l to she Llj name-, tried lust niflil, aluul i.) o'clock, 011 I'inii nuni'i, tu take a likc!u away iiom tlio 7'jcar-ohl boy ol lolm Lohniarn. 'lie little lid M plucky and held on lo tho v. heel, wlicieat Hu ilrunU'n Mlou- ttiuik him a vuiuu. blow in lh face, knocking liim jlnmsl ImIi uav aritPD the elicit. I'aliolinc-n luilin ml Toller hail atrlicil on the crne hy this I Imp iiiiil tlioy iihtril the in in nnJer irrrst) tic iltr lilt violent irslstimc1, CHARLES TROPP INJURED. Kicked In the Log by a Horse Ho Wns Driving-. Chillies Tropp, tlilver of tlie t'rystnl Jlosc wit Ron, hud his light leg badly Injured yesterday hy being kicked hy II hot so. lio was driving the supply wagon of tin- department along West Market stieet, when something went wrong Willi the harness. Ho got down to lis It and was en gnged In that vvoik when the hoise kicked Tropp In the leg. The Injured man was taken to Dr. J. .1. .Sullivan's ofllce, vviiete the injury was attended to. Later ho wits lemoved to his home. dunmrTdoings. Meeting of Borough Council Last Night Lnrge Amount of Busi ness Wns Tinnsncted. Council met In legulnt session hit night with all members pi esprit oveept McAllister. Mr. AVnrd was elected Dmporary chaiimnn. Minutes ot tlie pluvious meeting weie approved ami lead arrd P. II. Cooney, of tlie boa id of health, repotted to the council Unit the .Scranton poor district hud refused to hereafter bury tlio unclaimed dead In the borough, as they have previously done. The matter was refcricd to the borough attorney. The bond of August AVahler In tlie sum of $1,000, with August AVah ler, Viank Ftthr, Oscar I.ttdvvig and K. AV, Osterlioiit. as securities, was 10 ferred to the botollgh attorney foi in vestigation. MrSlote, of IJlectrio avenue, com plained of a water nuisance near his propel ty cruised by faulty drainage. His complaint was referred to the street and biidge committee. Oiillnaiice Xo. Mi, providing for doing away with all lalerul sewers, wa. 10 turued by Jluigess Hursehcll unap proved, with a ojiirmurrlcatlon In which he statetl ills objections. He .states that already nearly $12,000 bus been expended upon the sewers, which would be thiown away should this oidinanee be appioved. He also stated that tho benellts would affect only Hl.ikel.v and Di inker stieet. while the cosl would tall on the whole town, vvhjeh hu says would be 11 1 ank Injustice. McLaughlin moved that the oidinanee be passed over tlio veto ol the burgess. The or dinance was passed without debate, all members voting yes. Iiorough A I tor noy McDonald ren deied an opiniun iu icteience to the liability of tlio Dunmoie DleUrio Light, Heal and Power company for pole tn, lecently demanded fiom them bv the council, and which they claimed their contiacted vvitii the boiougli ex empted them ttom. In his opinion, in which he cites sev eial similar cases, hu decides that their loiittaet does not exempt them and that they aie liable for the amount ot the tax. McLaughlin moved that the boiouglr engineer and attorney bo Instructed to proceed with piepar.r tion.s for the eonsti itction or the tr link sewer. Chief of Police He.ilcv icpoited eight .iriests dining April. The stieet com missioner's time she"! for the month of Apill amounted to $AC. Miscellane ous bills amounting to $749.97 weie or dered paid. Time sheets of ebiot of police tor $;!J0 and chief of fhu do pailmeiu fur fiOO weie nppioveri OBITUARY. MICI1AI.L SIIUA. .Allcha. 1 Shea, aged ."7 ynrs. died jysteulay atter noun al ."1 o'clot k it his home, .'lit Pittston uvenue, litter a ten days' ill ness with pneumonia. Death was not expected, as Mi. When was about on Sattmlay. He took to boil Sunday and giew rapidly wcu.se until death Anally re lieved him. Deceased is survived by a wife, live sons, .lohn, select council man of the Twelfth ward: James, Michael. Thomas and AVilllam. and three daughters, Mtity. Catheiine and Mnigaict. lie came to this tommy when a bov of tliiee years, and lived iu Hoirrlr Sei.intou ever since. Fu neial aimoiini-eineul will be published Intel. MISS. CAROLINA PKTItL Mrs.Cni ollna Petti aged ."') .veais, died yestm day moiiilng at hei lesidenie, im) llamni iniiit, of a thirteen ears' lin geilrrg illness of c.itauli. Dei eased is sin vlv ed bv one roir, August, and .1 dnughter, Mis. AVilllam Uhihurt, her limbauil having died seven ye.tis ago. She came to the country twenty-four voni.s ago and lived in South Seiau ton tinting her enilio lesidence lieie, Jlis, Petil was a hlghlv iespicio(l lnily and was well liked hy all who knew her. Tile funeial will take place AVed ncsiiay atteinoon at L' o'clock from her late lesidenie, Sei vices will lm conducted at llio hoiisu bj Ttev. A. Norttt, and Intel iuliu will bo made in lire Pittston avenue- cemeteiy, DAVID I '.LOCI I, At the home of his son, Joseph Ulueh, U'J Linden sticot. ye.sienl.iy, oi-diried the death of D.rv Id Hloeh, aged 77 yeitis. Tlie funeral will be heltl lioin tho lesltlc-nce tit y i. in. AVediiesday uftuinoon. Alembc-is of Amos lodge, I. o. 11 n anil Allliuiee lodge, Indnpendent Older of Odd VI lows, aio Invited to attend, Waller, the flftcen-nionth.s.olil child of Mr. arid Mis. AVilllam T. Decker, (1f No 7 Stark place, died ycsteiday ana v. Ill be bulled in AVashbrrrn stieol eeniotery tornoiiow atteinoon funerals. The funoial of Jolin 1-' Heuderson will ho held from the r evidence ut his I paienls, 120 .South Washington ave. line, this afternoon, liiteiment n Por est 1IIII temetorj, Tlie lunei.il 01 Allien Colli II Kays will be held Wednesday aftiinoon at 2 Sir o'clock from the i.imlly lesidenco. Hir, Pine stieet. Internruu irr Dun moto lemeteiy. The tunuial of the late Paliick Du-n. nan will rnkc place thlh morning at 'i oMcck, 1 10111 his lata jc-sldence, on it'rown avenue Seive,?s will b? held at St. Peter's cathedial and inter ment will be 11111 Iu in the Cathcdin! temetei y AMATEUR BASE BALL. II 0 l lilt Wink-, II wi 11.41 IPllii lii.o cujIi bid toi the ft 1.C11. In line up it ii fiilloM: U. Mill, lalcluii II IIUin. eial.u, l. Iliiniu, tlioitil, Kill -. Ilit h.ti, M llannoii, hi mid l.i"; I. knii, lliiul ha 0; II. Stnlzmjii, life Mild; ( 'tmncliiuil, ccnur Held, .1. (jnnoi, ii;l.l li-ld; II. IV.1I1, null-a-'u; W Whiz, laptalu. 'lie Akit-, (lulUiuc- the t-oniH side cr sijimt? tcsn.i tui a uaino ot lull on Miv J.'. Viimcr lhn.ui;li thU patur. Hi.- Urrlhi-u nt Pltt,ion lUttatcd Ihe !eit if tin Uct tide hunlaj on the Went Park. (8)" SAM YARNELL, Famous Member of Brotherhood of Carpen ters and s. wnn HfiriWM in Jtii Rinnripan &) Five Bisr Conventions. Reproionted His Union At tho Nashville nnd Cincinnati Convention of the & American Federation of Labor. , An Inlercstliip Man What He Cure, (lie Greatest Kidney Cure of the Age. fe " MADE MY BURDEN LIGHTER." ChlcajTo, Pel), 10, 1901. W.uner'8 .Safe Cine Co., Rochester, X. Y. Gentlemen: I do not claim tluit W.uner'8 Hnfo Cure is a. Cine-all, but do readily admit that It has mndc my burden lighter, hy building . tip my ruii-uown Hjsiem. -i'lio aliment 01 Ricaiesi iiiiiiininee 10 111c 1 wns kidney tumble, which, na thtme who suffer front It know, ubbo- ltlteiy Utnui ti man rnr uiisincy. ......... u...u rr.t . ...... lj...".. r l-s LeiUI'UlttlllC'Ill. llllll'l rlliu V safely pronounce it tho superior used by my liuniiy ot- rnyhcir. All porsons whoso kidneys are diseased in any way, no matter how slightly or seriously they may he affected, should go to tho noarost druggist and get a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure. r--v (. - (111(11' UI 11 ill II' I 'I ' ."!. "II 9) Uuiiiu's fTf' t inn i o 1 .... -.. ...! i 1m km Ltfn I IICH ill til r.ll (i) () () (D KiouncU hj a .uoro of II 1. 'Hie fcalun ot llio l-anio wa-t the- line (iiUhliu "' H iidintr "i II .M"t wlio retired IhltUin men on 'trlki '. OLYPHAIST. Doris, the little dariKliter- of Isabel Kletcher, ot the Tommy Shearer com pany, lb hc-lioitsly 111 at the .Million house. Thu musical event at the Father Mat hew Opeia House tornoiiow cven int? by the pupils of St. Patrick's paio clrl.il academy, promises to be a iaie licit for all who attend. Don't miss it. Miss Miiv Wave1, of Avocn. vlio has been vlsllinsr lelatlves lieie. leluined home ycsteiday. William Rogiin, of Pittston, .spent Sunday nt his home on Dunmoie stieet. Mi. nnd Mi.. William Wells- and ehlldien, Jessie and Willie Wells, of Piovltlenct , visited Mr. and Mrs. T. T AVilIinms, of Stisriuehauna sti-eet, Sun clay. Mrs. Catherine Thomas .spent Sun day with her brother, T. J. Mutthevvs, at Sprinpbi 00k, who is veiy ill. Mitf. AVilllam Boi-er and son. Td-v-aid, ot Pittston. weie tho guests ot relatives in town Sunday. Mr. and Mir-. John O'Malley 11 1 tended the funeral or the late John Honshu-, nt Wllke.s-Barre, ester d.iv. ARitsttrs Stiitt, the clerk at the Ma lion house, is ill vvitlr the srip. Miss Alice Uviiiis, nf Dickson, is v is lliiif,' MUh Jennie I'.irten, of Delnuaie .stieet. The .school boaid will liieel ill H-KU-l.u- se.st.ion on l-'iulay eveiiinpr. John MeCit.iw, of Scranton, vas .1 caller in town v ester day. TAYLOR. The Ta.vlor lleds base ball team re oisanl.ed fin- the .season on Ki Iday eveninpr in rlic- library liall. 13. G. Watklns, who hat- so successfully 111:111 a Red the team on foimer sea.soiis, vs. 11 riKain ic-electetl to that position. The team has been matcnallv stieiiKthened and will be 1 epi evented on the dia mond vvitii the lollovWuiT playeis: AVat kins, center Held; Shields, lett Held. i:.iK.in. ilBht field; Stone, tlii.t base; (!. Moiils, fcccoud bat-e; J. Motrls, iit chei; Glynn, catcher. MantiKOi-AVat-kins would like to hear fiom the llist t l.ihs amateur teams thiotiKhoiit the county The opening name oL the t-eiihon will be played on Ihe .school house Kiiitiiid.s oir Satrrrday next, wlien tlio Ucd.s -Hid .loi dan's Philipi iios w ill cross bats. The lollowlni? unclaimed letteis ic. m.iin at tlie Taylor postotllce tin the pet iod endliiiT May fi Persons call in:; for the Kime 'vill pleas-e say ad verlisid, nnd Kivc- dntc: llonu-ntii K. I'leRO (-), itobeil XV. l.ee. Ml. Tibbtlh. Miss Aiinio A .Thomas, Sal lie Williams, J ,W. ileee. poslmnstei-. r.laboiate piepai.itlons aie h. hu; miido by tile niernbei.s of Temple of l.ove lodtje, Xo. T, Title Ivoilte.s, lor the Hrriuid IndRe, which will as.semblo in annual .session in tills low 11, Tlie 1 vent piomisos to hu notable In the ihlstmy of ihe oitloi-. as ileleK'.ite.s Irep- , H.sentliifr the viuioris lodijer. of Ivnr- iles fiom nveiy hl.ite 111 the union will be present 011 this ncrat-Iuii. One of ' .1.... ..Inrw...,. .'....(.. ... ...' 11... ... II. .1 llll (llVs.IIL I.-.II.IH.-T ... I. IV ,,.... IoiIbo .session will be a fcln-ot ji.n.Kh . coniplibliifr the fnllnv. I111; lotlf?es; ij.u iadl.iwii lod(.'L, Xo. !'; Temple uf l.ovo loch-.e, Xo. 7. Ihnlyii IocIkc. Xo. H: Dil Sunt IoiIrc, Xo. 30; Tlionm.s JeC lu.son Inilpfe. Xo ."fi; Uolreit Morris lodne, Xo, ,vj- and all thu visltlnir dele-R-ates and inembois, A Kininl enter tainment will be Klvon on ihe opc-n-illK evenhrw, cotirflbtlllK of tlie best of local talent, and a banquet will fol low. Tlie ) cumins of the infant ( liild of Dr, nud Mt.s. .1. A. Thompson, of Muiu Mieet. which died "11 Sunday, weie ir.teueil Jit tho Koic-st Home (eineiety jistindny I A uipie(' leceplloil vmis tendeied W.illi'i Pi ice on Siituniuv evenlns In l.lewillyu hall by IiIh nrrny filen-ls. Kelit'blmieiitsi vvero !e-od. The Kiiehth pieM-nt vvci-e Ml. and Mm, Wlllium I'lice, Mm. W. J. DavK Mlst.es Maiy J. ami lllleii I.lojd, I.iK ie Davi. Annie- Tii-lrei, Airulo St lier ir, Ada lMvvaid.s, l.liiio I'lico l.inlj 1'Mnr, 1'11-r CummliiK.s, ami Mcs.sm llluiii' Ihrki r, J-'ieti AVilhou, Jtiuie.-, in-kII-c, William UnKtM, JMwuid liiinsr Wei, licit I.uvvls, Ijlihnid Jenkins. David J- Dai lb, lluniy Coomlis, Kiuest Joiicj- A llll.im Tlionms, l.oilks IJey. iioltl.s, duulcs Peiiy. hanniel .Milln-l-'ianl; Dumuoiie, David Peiiy. Tliouins Tovviisciid and Titus, Uvam-. The Jaillcs of the- Calvary n.tpii.t (lunch' vvlll comluci a Kininl lm i-re.iui nnd cako .social iu tlio drunk i lass 100111 on Satruday eveuliih', May tl. 1 m that cveniiu? the eontebt tor the pallor hulle between Mis. lieujiimlii WIllianiK and Mm. lEIehard Itobeits, which was iiObt)oncd lioni tho fair n icntly held will tcnnhialc. Tin- Hib. lie Is. coidiiilly invited to lioirr the in sults and ctijoy the iVatlvilies. of the eveiiliig. John Sand 'M. an old ami niia Ii le spectcd lesitlent ot Did I'-oipe, passed away yesterduy morulas' at tlie ripe old u?e of 60 eai.s. Deceased was a member of the Improved Order ot Ited Joiners, xnunn. nnrvnn liniavfiT.H i.n Says About Warners Safe eHpeciaiiy wiien nc is 01 11 nervous 1..... 1...II. ...,, .. n ,1..,, T ,.. lilt' lllin Ulllli. mrs .. o.f int.l. x ut. of any pioptletary medicine ever hv.m a aumjii.. aiiliiatlon, Vildrc -Miiiple lloputmi-nt, , ltci-licsl r. . V. () I YCEUn THEATRE IlLIS .V mrHiHIVni.lt. Leasees. A. J. llfl'l V. .VhiUKer. II imu vi ri,iion ,n hviaino. vt.vv i, VIOLA ALLEN ami temp my, lioriitins In the Palace ....of the King luiiniir MniMuil' ilr.iiinliilion nf I'. Vlniot ( 1 n HjiiI's 10111 him. Ilir Minlliil New mli picidiictioii. I.nli'ii ,V (n, .MiliiKir-. I'ncis 7.""-.. st m. bl.'H mil '(Xl, !)( inc lo'c s, r.ls, S2.VI; Killt-i.i, ."0i Suits on frilo sitmiliv .it 'i 1. 111 ACADEHY OF HUSIC. KBIS&DUKUUNMEK IIARRV A. BROW.N Mnngcrs mil IrfSicw. Local Manager. OM; soi.it) VVIH'K COVtVir.NCl.NG MOM)Y, MV licluiii l.iuicmriit of tin" Olil I'icniilo MflCflOLEYPflTTONCC I'lc-sriitnc rnc-ili Vljtinrc "lev is f'o ltev." 1 tit sijj.v r.vmliis "A .i.tcd lift-' VVnlncwljv VI iliiue-"Ito.il Itice" Wcilni-ih.v Kvr 11I11? -'T01 Anollii-i's Crime MCSHT l'ItlCi:s-1d, 20, :o unl. .mvtim.i: riiiu.s-10, .'u cnt-i. THE WALTER L. MAIN ALL NEW BIG Fashion Plate Shows The 20th Centuiy Amusement Idea. CLEANEST. BRIGHEST. BEST. AMERICA'S ONLY EEPRESENTATIVE Double Circuses, Menageries " and Hippodromes. SCRANTON, MDAY.UY 20 llic Latest smMtlnn, I The "Blootly Sixtll 'lite I v male Znuave Corp- 1 lniiiUnic Mil Nt. I Vllll.s in hocllil rln. .Milllal.V MllltillC'lr Rough Riders I rcsli from their Phil ippine Victories: A VAST ALL-STAB. PROGRAMME 111 s, i-Hirt'il .mil EXCLUSIVE FEATURES. I Itl.i; IH'I N Ml! lAIIIIIIIION. ,j the l.li 1 llli lli. 11I111111 ll.nr, Ilu WniM's Mc-t. Wuiult-i. till IIUli Hull in tin- xiutinil. at 11 a. in .1111 I. n i. m 'I Mil I'lllll 11IIM VM I s HVIIV-!1)"i-i open if I I mil T ' 111 l-iiiiM-nuiuii lii-hn at 'i .ui'l 1 F 1 in Mliiiimin iml iiiiinij iirfoiiiiiiici oiiiul l iuiliti, a 1 In cr liln V iniii( cam n. I '! 1.1 I Ik I 11 sj, ,t N. A. BULRERT'S MUSIC STORE Un si, ,i pi, ..iinimncins .it u. in Giand Oichestial Conceit One Hour Pievious to Ench Peifoimance. .Men and tlie Independent Older ot Odd l'Vllow.s. l-'iiiui tl will be lidd to. moioiw aftctti ion at - o'clock. In tel incut v ill be made Iu llio Illicit Cliuich cemeteiy, AVOCA. Tlie hills on l lie east side of tlU town trie beslunlnw to .show homo simia in' .activity. I'outi actor Neville h.n thu'mtt of tht Kiadliiff ami IcvcIIiik ot about two miles thi. hide ol Moo<, Yftvrdny moinhm inmo thmi a liun dictl men weio on tlm M-eiie, trslluK fot woilv Hut low of them weio taKeii on. .is the wuik in not yet piopeily bcKiin. Mail) JJiitim, of West 1'ltts ton, Ks doiiiK (lie liirullrrK for tllih see tlcn. Tip' bild'-re vvoik is In cli.irge ol ('(iiiti.utor 1'ioiiii) liullcalloiih ai lll.lt W-ot.i will in- ono of tho live liest low us .limit; ili.' lino llilb suni-nu-r. siiipetliitindent riuiilv Hopper will louduci .in I'N.unliiation tor te.iclicrs in the lliij! school on June -I. .losi'ph Mhovellu and Mls.s Anna Wh.iicn. ut AVilUc-a-narre. tipent Sun" d.i wltii .Miss .Maiy O'Malley T .J. J.ltfwellyn left yehteul.iy tor lJairlsbuiK. heJiiB a member of tin milieus' legislative committee, ,1a Dies Calvin, of Hill Micct, Is silt teiliiK from f,icr.il luoheii limbs., 1 1UH1I bv licltiK pltthed a i-oiisider-able- dlstanio whii t .itti'iuptlng t jump lioni .1 movliiK tin!n. .lolm llousiuii, I'.uucK 1'iyor, Mlch.ie I I.oiiKhic, Anthoii) McGov (in, John Heap, Hi tries Drurfner, .Mis-scs Annie Waul, Mtrrgiiet Me. Ketiii, 'IVwhi Met '111 th j, Maiy Oordon, M.iitratct Tlijue aiitl KlU.ilieth Iloont attended the temperance conventiot ut tieiHgetown on Tuesday. t , ' f --.J- .V M$ .w4