The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    r,Iv,-- v i if " .-v -'-- - ji (V-v3' "" t," trs-4rv
Aflr flvS
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method ntitl beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Svnui' or Flos, liintiiiiacttired by the
Camfoiwia Flo Hrnur Co., illustrato
thcvaltiQof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
hem in tho form most refreshing to tho
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is tliu ono perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the sybtein effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevera
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to ovcreorao habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable, quality nnd sub
stance, nnd its acting on the k!dneyn,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, moke it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figH
are used, as they arc pleasant, to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualitlesof the
remedy are obtained from M'tinti and
other 'aromatic plants, by n method
known to tho California Vk, Sy!iui
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
) cmembcr the full name of tlie Company
printed on the front of every puckage.
Female) by all DniRrjists. l'ricoBOs. pcrliottlo.
Ice Cream.
OK Per
fc Quart
1 1 Ic-iil-one orittri Promptty 0 vsroi
:3f37 Adimi Avenu.
Piano Tuning.
n. Tic-oil nume Hftt l"tal lefiretue
iinl.r- iiiiim ii .nipt mention l,,i i.i-ii ,i
I I l. Jlllt hi tin' III tui l ll Hi 1'ict
I lti tor tliiniivti,. Hit
"iiullri .in hi -It nil .iihI imoi ptnpn.e
. .pimlii
I'.iM i.f Unions in .itliiiiliiu,' .it
III .ikl I
People's Coal Co.
IV I, pli IIP NO. 'Umi little I' 'I'llllll MHO'
Illl.ll.ll IslMtill llMiinl .lllil 'IPIllll
sv H
l.tilGI. -I.i; ilnre i- jln. nl i in 1 ill..;' fill of tla li'iin inn-1 U-iliU coiicii on
:! iv !!
II.. I A. . l'AS.--'llie , iiiiv -. n llit: 1M.
.,u ue, l.u kawuma .mil MiMii hi'p
liil .Mililill.
-Illlir W.MM' iMiX--. -Ihr mi ttji.l ,la.
nl tlic Viiiine W'dihi ii'.s ( Iiriil'i inm I itinr will
liupt this ciciiiltir nL 7.H nMi . Ml ;.iils in
UIT,ltfllti (Ml. -Nn. I ailnili.iti, en ..f
1 lie .1 1 1 ( I M.ilii i In i'- is in (lie ill, liillinu
llie ill tui I In- i In in uhiih will i slilliit hen.
ll.i, '.
I) iV II. l'W PUs, -t', lliiniaio ,mU lliiil.
mjii uiiimii pjll vlirilj .it llii Mn In,-,
I.eKir.tlV fuel,, in Moult .iinl niik-i'ii i illii'i
li", .ill uf .Nuilli N mucin.
IIIID MII.V .Mi:i.T.-l'.iiiit tillii- liii.r..v.,l
(lulu o Jli-il Mm, Nn. .J.;;, will ini'pl ,,i.
il.ij .11 I..1H n'lluil. a 0.1,1 I'll ,' Kill i ,i
tfllll tin- liui'ial hi Willi im IV (.
H.I I, 1'llliM 1.01 I'.-1I.H, 'tn llullinil, llio
umil roil ot I'ltilil, Mrlntrr .in nin ,
vll.l.lilltll A ll.lttlltO ,ll III lllviv joint ll) ,.
Mt .urn ,pii'iil4,, l.,v i iiliiu- Hutu a nvinsuii,'
iNor iii ll" 1'iit it Ins iiilu'iN Ihiii. lip w.i?
taKni In llio 1,.h!.j.iiiiu iw.-iil ll iur lii.iliiniii.
i:.vii'm:i) ui-nx 'iiu.nt iirui.-.-M, i, iii,..
ilv, tlic ilw iiMiniuii il tin .-it,Liuli ,.nil,
ii.U'U'il npoii tin' .liilio nf i, ottlir i',iiub)
mninlne in llio hiiitc nt mi,,, ill t It.. till mi's
liiiililiiil,. Ma,'Mi.ito .luliii r. UI, .,MI ,.
i. ii'il upon lil. M',f,n, iuim .i, .,il. mun m nlv
Muntitiitli ,.,iiil
(OM'IIIWirii 'i IIIMMU.i: MI.I, -l.p
ludUs nt Hie i:iin I'.iil, lIiuic h i,li ir, r,iu,
llivlr Br.ililnip lo tin- fullowiiii; fiinn I )r lluir
lliulriiKS in coiilriljulliiK to tliu iiiiiiiiuj;,' o.i j
I'. II. I'lnlo, l.aiKaw.iniu MIIU, Hi i.lm, llmoi,
i-lorf, (ilflic Wiunnii-o, IKm.liril,, 'U,unu.,
Ml-S llvlli;, 111 U II ItliUl' I..IU' tH!,,
ri:iKii.vno. or now ci.rn- 'iii. iPdU.i.
Mull uf llo,," tlub, in llils iii, If, n ui i,r tt ite
"III liolil IH Illl.IllOi iiiuliiv llil, ailciiKuni In
Im loom, of tliu III'"' linlu.tiijl j-niit(jii in
M l.uli'i l'Jli.h lioii-e. In tliu eiPiinii- till'
wl',1 plii an cutcitali imnl in Hi; ainlltuiium Jl
the IVitUli liou-c, in wliLli t lie i.iliic I, Imltul.
WM.M, I'KW MITIINO-llio .ii.ihu pc,
)n tins' (it Hi'-' l.lin I'jn, ilumli u..-. uuiiluitid
Ust rilflit in ili iiniii jmlitoritiiii, .ijiil was
atitmlfil liv an ipci4lly Ijiku nmutiri of tlic
iiiiinbpis of Hie iuiit,iosution. A lj"f oiiui In
pumiuins lot Hie Iftt ihouo wa icjIIciI, tliu
niajority ot tin' n-'Siilar p' w holilttii lii'Hrlii; lo
teliin tla'lr dlj tuts
lIMIIsi" JIIMslKltV li:i:i.N(i.- Hie lUptUt
lumlstcrj of the nl,, .it tliclr lepihr
iii'ftlui litlil jtoUiiiaj inoinlns in Hie ppnii
,niuc llaplist cliurdi, di-iiiv-nl in j (juiuul
,uy Hie ubjcrt "lllnUlrj lo the Afilictv.l mi!
BuiIjI of llie llcail " 'Iliei was an mteii-Inii,
nf .iiorul riuiivuoi in tho ficl. loom .en
in jiPiuti of tnUcry Hut nas m.vt inleii'tlnn;
inl tlie cUtfymia prc.enl uttalncJ nuiiy ,jlu
iiMe ujptloii oup iroin tlic othci on llils nut
ter Ask for Kelly's unluu cruckcts.
He Will Talk Tonifrht in the Bontd
of Trade Room.
Tliu leeluie of I'rofet,sor "VVIIIIi .1
Mooto tills ovptilnK, In the board of
tt title rooiiiH, will bo one ot tho most
Important events of the Bcasnn, He
Is n fascinating ttpctikcr and will talk
on a mutter which It the subject ot
more conversations than all other top
lea tinder the sun. What Professor
Mooro do"s not know about the weath
er Isn't worth knowing, and as we
all want lo lentil as much as possible
foneertilni? it, ho ought to havo it
ctowiletl house. Ills lecture will be of
deep Inlet est to men and If the publle
wnnl.w to find out everything, from
the Meeiei of dodging lightning to IH
uiVfMlog what Is the host place and
lime In lite moon to plant potatoes'.
It should t Lit it out onmas.e nnd gain
Information fioni head(:v:arter. If.
Isn't often that we can snare the rhlof
of thn weather Inn can In fiunton,
and the oppot limit v shoukl be nppte-
SIis. William Coniiell, Aits. 13. H.
Hippie antl Alts, It. !. Powell tile on
the eomnilttee wlileh Is malting at
inngcntentM with Keci'-taiy Atherton,
of the bottrd of ttade, for the great
leclute. TleketK may be litttl til the
Young "Women's christian iihsoelntlon,
for Who"e belietlf tile leelure Is given;
at HtindlcyV and U. II. I'oweli ,t t.'o.
Shop Hands at Buffalo Also Threaten
to Go Out on Account of Hicks.
The strike of the men entiiloyed at
the ear shops of tho Delaware, Lacka
wanna nnd Western company is still
mi. It seems destined to mTect the
simp ot 1 1 if company till along the
line, The men nt the llllffalo shops
Inhumed blaster Muilder Canlleld ye.s
tenl.iy that they will go out today it
Hicks Is nut reinstated at Dover. There
tin- shops til lUicn, floliokett tinrt
Klngslnii, besides those at Buffalo.
Dover and Scran lou.
Hut lew ninn lepoited for iluly yes
lei day, and thes were not inteifered
with, il is understood that today a
number ot outride men will be bi ought
heie and put at woik In tho shops. A
iiiuulici nl" .special otllcei's wete ye3
ti l tiny mi duty at the shops.
Xo Intel, foienea with the woikets
nteui led and the strikers declare that
none will take place. They propose to
keep away lrom the yaid and shops
until lifter an adjustment of the ,11(11
cttlties. A meeting was held yesterday after
noon In Kconomy hall by the strlkeis
and was attended by between sis ami
seven bundled men. a number of
nuiitet.s weie discussed, alter which
the Mnieliity re'id the lnllowing tele
gram I roni the Hull alii local:
lintrilo. . II iy il, PiOI.' .siiinlnn l.onil: IIjm notilinl ,m-
fiPllI tlOlll.lp lllll.t III' Mllllll t,,l, oi Itut-
Mlo -hops .mil inN mil hiilke toiiiiimm' nnon.
Win- mo full part Kill n -.
s, in in, .it
Shoitly infer the leading of this, the
meeting adjourned and the executive
committee went Into .session at their
headiiutirteis in the Claud Central
lintel. The nienibeis of the eomnilttee
dtclnre that at the otder trom the
local union the men will ao out tit
the shops nil alouu the line. Tills
would thiow nut nf wot 1; about olio
numbed men at I'.uffaln, tlfty at ITtlea,
seventy at Kingston, and about a bun
dled at llnboken, which, with t lie
eleven hundieil idle at Scrnnton and
Dover, makes a total of about fifteen
bundled men .
One of tin- exeuillve member, of the
local union was asked by a Ti ibune
mail whether steps weie being taken
towuid humiliating a list of local
grleianers, mil fr.wklj. he leplied:
"Xo A'e linve no local gi lei elites
t'ir djiihlment. with the exceptinn of
a tiii.e-hour day. anil have aheady de.
niauded tills. The whole .stllke, ten
teis up, n the leiiiJtateiiKiit of this
num. ffeoigc lllek-.."
The executive conimittte was in .ses
sion last night, bill relnsed to give
out any account of their doings. A
like leticonee. is nuiiiitained by .Master
Car Builder f'aiillelil, who yesterday
detllneil to make any statement le
gal ding the company's future course.
Recorder Moir Decided Not to Veto
Any of Its Provisions.
lieeoider Jloir jestenlay morning
signed the entire appiopilatliin onll
nante, having decided not to veto any
of the iieparate items, a.s he if given
power by the lipper bill to do. Tho
various heads of depaitments had their
pay-mils already signed in tho leooni
er's hands and at let' they hud beep
approved by the controller they wete
sent to City C'li-tk I.avelle to lm,. tip
wan ants drawn.
The city cleil; dieiv the
will today piesetit them lo the i reorder
for his signature. This method of pro
eeduie is the one piovlded for In the
oidlnaneo lately iiittndin d In Hie eoni
liii ni eoiitit II,
l.lhell llllbliard, the Plillislilie, lee.
till os heie loniotiow night, liver
heatd of him,
Second Legislative Distiic ,
Sllllli' i, llOll'li Kill 11 to till' Itlplllllll.lll ,ot,H
of tin' soioinl Uwi-litiw ilMikt ,'.n.ji.l..iHjiiia
loimly tint i iilmii UpUIoii ,UII lie i,ii i,u
salut'ln. I'- tvi 1'"", -d Hi" ti'nulji- pollliii-
. . , ,1... I....... r , ...., . ,.. . "
pill,'., HPlr,,, i'i, im ".il- ,', mm , ll nut . p.
Ill,, tl, till' plllp'ioi. HI I'li'itillir ll,,, ill l,'' Ill's to
iipii.,1,1 tin- ulit UgMillir ilMilil in Hieiom
inK ItipiiMliau i-tate (niiuiitliin In In, helil in
llaril.t'iiit,. 'I I"-- loiivi'iitlon In ionipulii dm i0p
will !,. helil on TuoJa), Mjy '.'l, i.), j, j0
n'llotl, J. in. I" U'pioiut Iioii,i in sranton.
In I'lOicl'anic Willi llo riilei non-run.;; llio
ilMll'i, ll.i' iiinliilJtis will he mi(ii pa' Uiirtil,
Iy tin- liter-, nt fio poll, ainl nm,t iokI.Ic
uilli Hi'.' ilUtnit iliiltmin In, mil lunif ami
pi.toliiie aiiili'-i, auJ ny lii-i a.-c.mi'iit llftfeu
iIjjh Uion llio ilnlion, oi lil, iiaini? will nut tic
iiliieil ill tin ollilil l.allill, iieltlur Mill any
lotc n4 fur linn lie coiiiitcil.
'llio tli.tllit iJiiilaiiri' (oininlllptf In vatioii pio.
lincti i.ill (omliict Hip ili'itlcn, ami Kip result
v ill 1g icimtul ly llie lilmn jinlm- tn the j
tf i. L ceimntloii, ulilili villi bo uiiupoedl of
jmlaf. uf Hie uiloi. liisiikt.
willtiii iiotm (untalnlni; liirtlur IiijIiu'Iidih
mil ho niillril lo ucli inuntri nt llio ,ai UU
tliu ,I),II.i'iil' ttiniiiiltiv,
I'uJeiit W. j'Wt
1 liiiiiiun Ss-ruinl l,i',i..4llu' llU'rlit
Ail, -l -Malm I. lUil.. soiifUi
llubbaid's leelure at tho Uleyel
elub tomouow night will set th brain
w oi King.
Guernsey Hall,
314 Washington nve Sci anion, Is this
licet ami most veiiauio mace to nin-.
chase a good I'iniio. it will pay you
to ion aim got prices and teuns. j. v.
ni'iusey, nop,
Tin- dale of i;ibeit llubbanrs lectin n
1 loinorron night: the pi Ice, Jl,
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. V, ti Jl. T, ftowley.JJl Wrnilny ave,
Sixteen Opinions Handed Down De
cision In the Dickson City Cottn
cllinanlc right CoBts of Eighth
Ward Contest Placed on the City.
Six New Suits Instituted Two
Equity Cases Being Heard Grand
Jury Hears the Mitchell Libel Case
Against the Scinntoninn,
Sixteen opinions wcio handed down
by the locnl court yestctday, seven by
I'leslilent Judge II. M. Kd wauls, six by
.fudge, .lolm 1. Kelly and three by
Judge J. "W. (.'iirpuiKot-.
tJiie of the linportiint decisions was
tint in the case of the Commonwealth
ex re, John (5. Miller agulnst Moiloy
Hawk, In which Judge lalwntds gives
Judgment for the relator In the contest
between the ilval borough councils of
Olekson Cily. in tho opinion convey
ing tho decision Judge Kdwnrds com
ments at length nn the maimer in
which the pleadings nte presented. The
opinion Is given hi lull:
In the cinnl.lri.itlon of Ihl. i kr u h lmri ullli Hi,, loo in,, :ii,i 'i,rin.illlv nf
Hi" il,lilllis. 'tlic sllgm'..iii lr (hn lllimilbp
vi It ii ml .i p.dfi.' as ll slifniM Im, .mil tin
ftiiin of the riMiimtopt I, iiioie ilcfn, (,,. t,
in llil, io.p,nl. IJitans,. (, ,n,i,,H- ,v mat,,!,.
iiiih isof .in ttrinrilln,ry Uiii.Hli'i, th, iiiiru.ri
tlii am,i- tin!, tin- MiRBnlInn Innilii ,t fortli
..II tie tuts (pi'cilli'ill, ,lil,h, h im,.. ,ul,
uitllle tlic trhtor to tlic nllu miieIii, .mil It
imikI show a clcir piimi ft, , ,t t,, t,
iloiiininr. lift! i, in i:mi imilhi.i, II, ,,,,. In .,
tcitlou )-.0, .),. "i a. ,, , ,( ,,,,
slioiild Ih hlitdl ,,i dcirly that Hip rcsiomlini
nny ailimt or it. in- tin in in ,j ri'tiirn, lint lsMii.' nny lip Ii .inn .1 tiputi the funiliiiKiital
m-riiifiits mule In- tin- u latin. Tin.. nt.iii',llim
muM io,v tint the rclitur ln n sihhIIu.. iiKht
mil is wltliout other titloqiiile niiicily, though it
is not iiltt.n. iiKi'.sni- tn , .-illcge hi tittiis.
I lie Ji t op aits iihrM! iprfoiin imp is -iiiislit
lo he rnnilipil In- tlin iii.inilumis irni-t lip i liar.
Iy nml ilMlnitly spi i Ifltil.'
'Iliv sjimi, it, (InitLi.ifs iiiu.t lie nli.i'rii'il in pif
piuii!; the l t in n In tlic .iltertiHiic will, 'llie
U'linii inifct ilMltictlv aitr fact,, not men' in
firiiurs or liiiiiini'iit, llii'iotioni. Colli. ,. 1'ilts.
Inirr. .It Pi. IO.J. It a letitrn W iimortain,
iiiisu,. or i',a,he, or if it l ilefivliii' in nib
name, a ihinuiier will 1 snst.iineil
W li,il now irouiil to rximiiic Ihi -H.'ufs
tiini ami the r, turn llie .miwers to puamiphs
"lie nml two nf thi Miirgistlnii slion tint the
lili.uhi has nifiioncciiiil tin purpii-p in, fmu'.
ti, n of a ii'tnni lo an nltpimtiie iit of man
iIjiihis. 'llio petition of the r, later .iiiim
l'trst Ihal he . ,ltieii of l)iil,.on i itv,
lnlu,Bmu f omit . a honniU mkIjIhhI niiilu
the li,is of this stitr.
n,,,ir I tun not infotnieil a, to the truth ot
the lonlenls of the fir,t piui ipli in pi tintitT'-s
petition and ,i,l; prom' of the same.
'eionil Tint ly the Ims of tin l ite itcn
l.ilniK lioiiiinrli., the toiiiiiil of sjnl ,iniili
H roinpoMil of nine im inlin.-, tlidi' lieina llni"
,ianls, ami each waul i, upu., ntul In- Ihire
rutinilliiKii wliH-.e term of oil I. e K for i ihiioiI
of three in.
Ansntr , lo the miinhei of ioiiikMiiii n rep-ir-intinir
eich waul I am not initio,
ii It liisnus a, Ihe-e ire nf no elTe, I uhit
i,n. Ami, a, a le-ult In ph uliiipr, the f h f
atineil In Hit pirii.iph, reniiln iiiun,uer,il.
ami lie (onilu-ite npnii the ri-iomli nt. It Is
the iltitt of the revpunili'iit to lie "niforineil"
iml "iihe-ul" as lo ficto -a, is to he able to
liltnif or ill ni ihnu. oi to ,el up new matter
he mi nf eiiiilr.iiIn.tion. It I. true tint the
mi, pniKiiph, nleneil to .lie piellmiiiity iml
inlioiliKtiiiy in lluir ii.itnie. We hue n-eil
tin in mil the aii,wci, tn them nitte a, illn--tl.
ilii. lis fif ih fn tiw ih ulinif than a: nutter,
i nmiolhnj;' the e.,e it hli. Hut the Mine ,lee
1, to he tiiiiml In the mole inileil.ll ints of Hi
ndu u.
'Ihe thinl pinisi.ipli if the i-elerlion .iters
tint the tenii, of otlire of thru' onm ilim n,
niio fii'iii 1.11I1 v.aiil, li.ul eTptieil nn the fii,,t
Mnnil.i in Maiih, 1'KJl, ami tint at ihe lrpil.u'
liorouli tleition In hi Till I't, I'K'I, feitain tine ilulf ile,leil lo lepneenl Hull re
spirtite t iriN is (ninii ilim n In the pi lie nf
tlio-e tthose turns Iml eNp'ieil, ,1: loin-,
ltd luriK for the l'li-t Mini: llenif Hi if-r,
tor Ihe s.tetul uml, ami fnnriil -tiiiht, fn"
th 'I hi nl ttjul. While llils an inn nt imiJit
hue hull moie ililinite in ome,, it
i, neuithrle-o. siillliinillv piilfie lo ihniinl
full, the n,p(llililll illllil .III .lilllli.-loll of the
until tlrp'of in a ihttiil ,iLti.iiii.iiiinl In' in
plinitnry f let,, lint the ir.puniliiit eimpli n,
"I .1111 tint infoinidl a. to the Until of Ihe thinl
pitaioiph 1" the pititiou ami it sin Ii alli-aiumn
lie niiliriil 1 .fiK pront oi the sinie." 'Ilns is
uiii, ill lit lo no .iiisttci. Ihe I it tf allepnl thcie
tine st mil.
'Ihe fniiitli pirasuph n Ihe ,in,'n,".ti.iii Kites
the names of the othn tuiiiiclliinii anil I- as
tnllo,,,: "That the r, iiiaininiv duly ildtul ami
in tin.: liiiniheij nf -ihl iiuiiirll ttho-e icniis
ihil nnt expiie on the fill Momlif in Mil li.
Ilidl, .lii.l ,iln hate one oi ninie, theieiflu'
in fene, are: llitry Mittaiiity. John Heiitlniii
.Inlui X. .iJiiit-. .Iuim l.Jtl-. I"!'" 1" O'lliia .Iml
Inhii Kin.hinl;, it,." 'laKliw the mi nml. tlni.1
iml imntli pnamaiilis louelhu ,tt ait alih
,,. .i.i.rlniit who the iijiiiicilmeii nt the Imroiuli
nf piih'.iii til ttore on the flist Mmnli.t of
Mltih. II 01. 11 iiflu lontly ippiai., that the
lmiHiitlli In- thiff WJI,1-; thil i Jih V'Hil hn
three .otini'llmiii; Hut ihe tuin- nf time of the
i mm Mint ll, olio lif'in l.iih Maul, epilnl in the
il.iu la.t iiKiillniifil; that tlueo pei-nii-, ttho-e
i li.H, .lie kIaoii. inn- tlu'tca to Ul.e the plj,,.
i,' ihe !itliin' eoiitii'ilinin; ami the mine.- of
i ,iili-i' -is onini ilium, li"-t titm- h Hi
nt epnnl. ale jilteii. 'Ihe only lti-tti r iimh
tn ill this li the li-ponihiit il a ililllil "lint
llrmy Xillu'iily .ni'i li'lm t'm-lnnk tteie hohl
ottr iiidiihi'is of the (tiiiiml al 11"' tune ol tho
iiiKanlt-iliuii." lie siihinlt- no fad- to the lonrt
is i ie.ui.ti fni hi? iknlJl. "lliu iiiii-iiiilni; al-h,'iliiii-
(enliliifil in the MiKRistion leille the
i.ut of the ouanliliou nt the coiim II l,v lite,
or a iniloiily of it, iiiemhei-, tlic (leithm ot Iho
iilitnr a, Miretirr ami Ihe nfu-il oi the ie-
inmlilil tn tin u ntci ihe Uiinlt, In !.
oi tho uiiimll In his ins-i.luii to the Klum
'I Inn- i-i no .-nllii'ioiit ansuir J- to tin-' milter,
in llie Hepniiili nt'- retnin. 'Ihe tiinteis ate
.utile ami oi.wlie iml imii-t ni.iinl nf pin
iial ill nl. iK ami mm lliiinli-.
It fioni the lileulinu tint tin ii- ii"
Ittii luuixilh DiKJ'ilnl in the lioiiinuli ot llicl.-mi
Cily, Ami It Hi it Ik, that the rlnhN ol the
piitles i .Hi he ililiimliii'il only hy fpio u liijnl.i
lo ti,t the tillo ot one of the (ouiiellinui lo his
nllHe. Ihil tie uie iml lonniiiul Willi this
plum of the oj-e at pnant. Vliulni; the ea.e
af n ,, iiotv I'eiou' ii, ,, 'inhl tint Ihe leuim
hi Ihe .ill, itiitiii- ui It nt m iml nun. Is iliuly
In-iilliilenl lo imteiit jiiil'jiiiint in tool of the
li latnt,
Ni-'.l, IhiitfiH, .ilui u. I'ii'I. tie MI.I im tin,
'di'inurrei ami glt jiultjiiiinl foi llie riltlor upon
the dtiiinrrtr, anil ttu illirct tlul a piieiuptory
ttril of lilDllil.lliui- i,.ue, illri'itul to the ie
.imndint ioiiiiii3tiiiii' lilui to tiui-fir alnl Imn
otir lo llio itlitoi' llie seal, linohs, papirs and
piouliy of llio boioiuli of Hi, ...nil I'ity now
in i.'.poiulenl's poiMmlun, and thai the iron
ih ll I pay the ,o,ti of tlu-e im 1 1 i'iliil'.
II M. lalnards, I'. I
Othei decis-lons by Juilgo IMwanls
wen; as follows:
.1, V,. Cleveland tigalnn .Iphu T.
.lone',: exceptions to jepoit ol iot'ere
i:m!l s: HUilnipir .iK.tlnsi iie Dinio
ImiiI;; deinitiier ovi'lTUled and defend,
mil directed m answer within m teen
day.-. '
t. M. Cafletty against i'. il. .Schndt,
title lo o))i'ii Judgment dlsclmiged.
1'tilni' .1. .MtC.tim uiitilust the Old
Wayne .Mutual Lite Insurant',! com
pany; rule to stilke off service of sum
mons made absolute and suumiuus sot
ilouesd.ile Khoe lompun.i tigdlnst O.
V, KtiKunstelu; mlo giantetl to show
cuusc why the Judgment should not bo
stilcKcn olf.
t tlliieitcld against ('. Matinowskl;
mlo to open judgment discharged.
Ono of the sis decisions handed down
by Judge Kelly places tin.- I'ouu of tho
election conlesl In the Klghtlt ward on
llio city of dcinnton, Tho opinion Is
US) follow Si
V tlinH.ii Pile to l In' mil! imn' lufoie us for tins iII.m li iiirid l.v till, rmirt In .laiiii
rv l.l't, mi'l Ihe pitltloni'ts ,pie illieitnl lo piy
Ihe iM nt lliifi' proierilltum. 11ie mllon ot tint
mill tui In.iil tiputi the ptOiottiou tint llio
net nl Apill !!, l'W, mncntlliiff Ihe iiinlli fecttun
of tl, net ot M.n' l'. ISTI, toft the mint lio
ilb'retloti in the illpollfon (il llie rnsts ol illi
iiii,uceeful thrllon tontr.t. An appeal wis Ilk.
r'l to the Siipicine mult nml the iherpe of llils
mint tfas tttTid nnd il toinleinl uwardd,
We nre, lliripfnTC linM' culled lipon lo Ooiltln
the nm.tliiti nt prnhlhte uiue under the pin
tbloii. ot the ail nt bl. In Hut act ll is pin
tided, "111 lniilitPil flections nt tnunlcb
pit nlllicM In whlrh the lotitl or fudge .h'.l
not ih tide Unit the romphiltil Is wllliout ptob
nhte t nine, the pioper ' munlrlpallly
lull hi ll.ihle lo p.w all ro.,ln; ami llis KJme
hh.ill he pinniitly paid I'.i Hie pioper nullidrltli',
npnii the older ot Ihe contt oi Jmlite trjlin; ttie
, ii " Me ate not prep-irul to doiiile that the
(.implalnt without piohahle eauv. 'Ihe
hlioMilig nude h tho I'Hilnlants i-tlhllshr.
piohahle ta'i-e unili r uiiiiicroiis tiitlhoillles tthltli
it is uniiuesiif to tlte. In lie Iiiisii.ibp ot Mr.
.lusliie Millie it who imte the nplnloii of the
NipuniL (milt in this i i-e. "While the uppellec
was is I m nt I is tidbit owr his opuomnt li.v
llie teles th- petltlnliris .iiui'idul in fhotillirf
lint mill nine IHpki! ioIpk hid hrni rait fur
hhn, thus iiiiiniiily pstahli-him; thch Mlmirlt
In liilnitlin; llie proeerdlni,',,"
And tiitt- Mi, ii, HOI, the rule lo idiote anse
vhy Iilihlhle i iu,e tt. nut shnltll is made lib
hoitite, rnd it Is ordered iml ili'tried that the
eitt in this Jv lie pihl hy the rlly ol Si'Utitoii.
.Inhn V. Kelly. A. b. .1.
Ill the cae of Knos Flynn against,
the e'tithei- Whltty Young .Men's Total
Abstinence .-mil liencvolenl society, the
rule for n new trial seemed by the
plaintiff was made absolute by Judge
Kelly. He nile.s that the court was In
en or in icfuslng to submit to the jury
the ouestlon of whether or not the
plaintiff made a tender of payment as
agent for his son.
Cither dot islons by Judge Kelly were
n.- follow-'
t'iiv ot Scianton against M. Alice
Se.iulon, iidmlnlstintrix; exceptions re
viewed and case leferred back to the
flty of Pcranton against jr. Alice
Seaulon, adiiilnlslratrlx; mlo to stilko
olf mtmicipal Hen made absolute.
John Ilarrniian against the Township
of Old Foige; plaintiff had no light to
iccover for "physical discomfort to his
family;" ease referred back to referee
foj' new
Oeorge II. Trauger agahist Vlr.i
Ti linger; respondent allowed $.13 coun
sel fees and $20 ti month alimony.
In re estate of ficorge M. Knight, de
i eaetl; exceptions to nutntor's report
tllsnil-.-ed and repoit confirmed finally.
in the ease of D. B. Keplogle against
.laiio J:. Singer, Judge Carpenter de
cided that llio plaintiff Is to tile nn
lccoul a teceipt on account of $33, when
the i tile to open Judgment Is lo bo dls
thntgeil; otherwise the rule Is to bo
made absolute.
Judge f'aipcnicr also decided In the
cave of the f-eianton Packing company
against Frank Welsberger et al. that
the exceptions to the declaration should
be dismissed, and in'tlie estate of John
Kieig, deceased, that the money to be
chat god against the administrator
should be cut down from $4C 09 to J.IXlfl.
Five New Suits Instituted.
I! Willis llees,, of Oltl Foige.
se uted a nile for an injunction yes
teidny, to lestrain the Lackawanna
Kloctrie llglit. Ileal and Power com
pany liom installing a system of elec
n Ie lighting in that borough.
The oidiniiuce under which the clec
tuc lighting totitiaci tu drawn, was
passed over Htuge-s llees' veto, he
having i el used to sign H because n
alleged defetts. When lie refused to
sign the contract, the councils author
ized their pte.sident tn do s,o, and he
did. The binges, is now endeavoring
to nullity this contiact. Tie alleges It
Is Illegal because of llie defects In the
oi (linance on which it iclies, and tur
ther because, as he puts It, "it is taint
ed with ft and und coiiupiiou," money
employment and other valuable tilings
having been used to effect the passage
of tlie ouliiiiiiKo.
II is a ten-year coulract and calls
for tlilily uie light of 12.i watts each,
nnd forly incandescent lights of BJ
i audio power each; the r,ie lights tn
cost $7L'..".0 a ear. anil the incandes
cent lights SJO a year.
Tlie nile for an injunction was made
leluutable next S.itutdn,,' at 11 o'clock,
brloie Judge Kelly. Hairy C. llub
ler and 1,. 0". Xewconib leiiresent tho
plaint iff.
.Mr. J.oul-a Wil-on, widniv of David
Wilson, who win, killed by the boiler
explosion of the iton works of Van
Ik t win &- t'o., limited, lit Carbondale,
Nm. I'.i. IfiOO, biought -ult, In Piothon
nlaiy ropeltitidV oflko, against the
i onipaii ye-leidtiy, lo iccover $2.",0iin
oitiiiuges for her kilobaud's death.
ll is ulleged I hat the stay bolts on
llie boiler were i lifted, and corroded lo
.such an ( tliat ,. some of them
who biokeu and others gieatly weak
i nod. il. . Xeweonib ,s attoiney for
the pl.Hiititf.
Mr .Newcomb jtI.,o in.-lltuti'd a suit
for I'atlici'iiiu McC'ann, lo ii-cover Jl.OOf)
insuianco fiom Ihe Independent Older
of Odd Fellows' .Mutual Life Insur
auco Society uf Pennsylvania. Johanna
Whalen, tlie paity insuied, died Oct.
ln, K'GO, but the loiiipany m,s failed to
honor the policy.
.V suit in ejectment was In ought bv
John n. 'Wllllnins ngalnst Crandall V,
'I'hciiipsnn and William Thompson,
to gain po-MS-sion of a UOxlTl'i foot
lot. No. t; in Hlock i on Saiider.-on
nvenue, Thiileentli wind, 1. II, Durns
titnl Fiank I.'. Donnelly lepresent tlu
There was, of coiu-e, a divorce suit,
Jenulo Wilson Is tho libelliint. Sho
was mauled to James F. Wilson Oct.
I", ISSI, nnd, she alleges, was foiced bv
his ctuelty lo leave him Aug. 4, ISfli.
V iiohuig A ntiwMm leiiresent Mrs,
In Equity Couit.
Indues Kd wauls and Koll both sat
In eiuy, yesterday, the foinier In Ihe
ease or Angus Camcinn ngalnst Angus
('. flray, ami the latter, in llio rasa of
Kbon l. Davis against the Pirsl Welsh
llaplist eliuieh.
In tho ('amet'oii'iitay cape the tillo
In a $1,500 ptoperty at llie coiner ot
Ninth Main avenue ami I'leioo street,
111 tho Second waul, Is at stake. Tim
plaintiff sues tor himself and six
(illicit., who aio sons and daughtcts of
Angus Cuuieion, m, kilo of roll town
ship. Tho defendant is 11 son or ono of
tha old man's diuiRhteis. Tito older
t'ltineioti died September ifl, js3, in the
ulnety-thlrd year of his age, at llio
homo of his datiglittii', Mip Anna Scur
ry, in Onibondule. Anoiher daughter,
Mm, Kmiua Oiay, inothei of tho de
fendant, was with him and caied for
him constantly dating (he last tluce
weeks of bin illness. A shott timu be,
lore- his death, tho old man brought in
Alderman linker and had him chaw up
a deed ti.insienlng lu Mis. fluiy's son.
Angus ('. tliay, the ptoperty now In
dispute, which repiecenls about half
tin. estate. Tho deed was sdiriictl lie
tho old man, placed by him In a satchel
lu wiiicn no usually Kept
iVntiiiui'd on 'j $.)
All Such Statements Must Come
fiom Men Who Are Employed by
the D., L. & W. Co. That Is the
Policy of the Company in All
Suck Mntteis Answer of Hu lu
pin ey B. Campbell, the Chairman
of Councils, to Mr. Lloyd's Letter
to Committee.
T. S. bloyd, supeiintcndeitt of mo
tive power and machinery for the
rielawiiri;, r.iiil.nwininu. and AVeatern
company, yesterday sent the follow
ing letter to Humphrey II. Campbell,
tho chalimntt of tho committee which
last Thursday pu-setilcd the rctiuest
for tt nine-hour day and the same
wuges now received for ton hours
S'erjtiton, !'., Mjv ., l'll
Mi. ltiniiil,if.v 11. Ciiniil.cll, Ju9 Until n fctui-t,
SlMlltlill, l'.i.
lli'ir Sir: I ,Ili to arltnoMrlrtlite trirl)t nt
vmir It tin of tlie '.'nil lust, .s you are nut In
tlie I'lnplny of tlic Dthiurc. J.jrlMiiJiini ami
Wt-.lun llillroiil ioniuny, 1 do not mo tlut
uu lt.i,i' nny question nfft'Ctinpr waROs, hours
in Mtilcu or otlitr cunilltl'iM prrtaliilnB to em
plnjcs f.f thin uiinijti, wlilcli 1 or any otlirr
lopriktiitntlii- ot tlic coni'iiny lias to dlscu-iS.
V tt II JOl?
Tills cnmpiiii, I1.1 its proper reprrsfntaliif,
i Millinir nt all times to meet and dimes ,lth
its un unplo.MS 01 .1 committee coasl-tiiiK of
ill outi cmplojrs, duly autlioileil ti represent
tlio-c in tlie employ of the company in any
ln.inrli 01 lis Hrrilce, to con-lder questions of
,ie, boms of s, rvi, antl otlirr ntks nnd
rrtoilalinii, routiiIiii," lli uiii1o.U' of tlic com
p my.
Nfillior I in.wlf, nor .my 0llitl.1l of this com
piny, so far js I .1111 niiirt-, been jI-rtl
liy the employes of its mechanical depart lucnt,
or any cimtniltei consUtitie of its etnplujes
duly nulboibrd to lepriicnt them, to meet with
.mil ui-t u-s with curl, rmplojes or comuiilUe tn
manner indicated, any qucMwn Jtrccling .iRfi,
l.imrs of crilic, etc,
1 have leeched under djle of May 1 1 com
liunliatloii slcntd li.i loui-M'it as rliaiiinaii, .mil
A. .1. Valentine, I". I'ljnii nml Thomas bions,
tMo.ite, claiming to represent iiitaiti lodge;
1K0 one siitnid tiy Mes-r'. l!o. (iteBRS antl
William k. I'li'll'ps. claiming to nprount cer
tain cthn Ioilsc. Thi.s tonipany ,vill not gi,c
eon.ltl.'i.illiui ti thtfe communiratlons, or the
uli;crt :iltler ot tlrm, as they line brin pre
sented. .1111I is mm illnii- to do .so until tin, .ire
ntiliiiiltted to the company in atcortlanep with ils
loqiuumcnts, is indicated aho,e. WV nquiie
our cmplirtes in all iirauehes ol tlic FUilie to
liantlii- am h cpustlons in this mannei, and there
i' no kooiI ieason occurs to us wliv vie should
iniki" our shop cmplo.M's in exception to our
inte in this regjnl. nurs tinly.
T. W. I.lojd.
tup:rintcndnt Mothc Tniier ami MathliKry.
Copies of tills letter wete sent to A.
.T. Valentine, delegate Utlea lodge,
No. 42.-., Utica, X. Y.; P. Flynn, dele
gate HImh a lodge, .Vo. 121, r.lnilra, N.
Y.; Thomas Lyon, delegate Huffalo
loilg". No. 213. Huffalo, N T.: Roy
(Iregg and W. K. Phillips, coinmitteo
lepiesentlng f'otincil of Atllliated Mn
cine IJollor, t'ar. Blncksmith nnd Pat
tern Shop lCmploys of Central Labor
union, or Seinnton: D. Davis, Thomas
.lelfic-y, committee Scrnnton Shop
To this Ieltcr 3Ir. Cnmpbei: later in
Ike day leplied as follows:
S Milton, May C, 1001.
Hi'. 'I' s, T.lo,d, Siiprriiiliiiilml .Mothc Power
anl Miiliinnv,,,, Laekauanm ant
Wtaitrn Itailinad, Stanton, Pa.
0,-ir Sir: I am in luelpt of jour's of (he
Mil int., in leply to petitions of tlie council
nf deli (.-ales iinm loilges of the lnttuutional A.
Biiriatiou of Miclilnlsts cm the lltlawaie, kack
aiiaima and Wileiu i.iiiroul s, stem, and tiom
the f'oiintil of tlltiit,d Jl.ichinc, Holler, far. k-iiihli .mil Pattern si,, Ktnplojes of Hi I.aln,r union of Seranlon, Pa,, both
.i-kintr for tin- nine liom iliy. In reply. ill
.y dial if I am not lin.laken jour represenla
tl,e and jmirsik weie niwu to understand tint
fiery in in who atioiupaiiied the prouitinir nf
llie petition anil ,liu-.o names are .iitarluil to
jour tinn letnr an- no, einplnjes of die Jlela
,, I.aiUaw inni iml Weitern ltailioul corn.
pine, witli the creption of nijielf, and I was
in Ihe employ of ,our cotupan until JIarcli I
!at, nheri I loluutirily lesisuetl inv position
I nf maihiiii-l in the N.raiuon shops fur the
piupn-e oi t.ii.uu tn use nt tin. nint hour tla,'
mme. 'I hat 1 a aalisfutmy emploje of
jniir eniiipinv I ha,e the , pre-sod remits of
,i "iir tlmi .I'tim, (.nieial fonman at my liaiinc
to lease, mi, llitnfoie, 1 take it the tendency
of the rtr't part of jour lettn toward a fiijht
mi me peisunallj as pemnna umi gratia in
this aflair I- nut on auinint of any objection
lo me in pirtliulir, but that , mi lunilil eqiullv
nbjeLt in any one oeciipjinir tho posillou I il$
with lelilioii fn the poutlou of jour cmplojei,
.Now, as Iheie ate two sets nt men iluolivd,
fiom catli ot whom jnu leieiied a petition, I
diIie to roii.ldei tliem sepiiatdi,
I will -iy tlir-t tlul lor a man lo head a jinivc
incut a. 1 line done umi .il-.i work ten Imur,
per day In n midline shop N an iniios-iliililv
ami li .uti'pi join proponlljoii, or whtt it ivnuhl
imply, lint no nun not uuplnj-ul by join com
piny would ha,,i an,- concern in ilcallng vcitli
tliu atlalr of the michiiiHts on jour itnn
woiibl c.i 1 1 ;.- with ll that tin' picsldtnt of tha
lutein Uion il .Wnilatlou of Mathlnlnts liliii.elt
rtimld bait- no riu'ht to take the leuliishlp ct a
j inouinint ot the uncliinhls mi (lie Delaware,
hail.awaiiiii u.d Wi-tiui M-tcm, Mow ilnoi
... , ...., ,n .i ,...A n.. i ii.i.
llll-lj (' SI,' i,-l'l,,i( ,l' l, ,-lll,il,.,l,' IIIUL ,1111
I lint the ca-e I lull lathir would be nil
clentli .itciplid .H a ton cone conclusion rather
than tn Ih. le.nd. So miiili fm lujicll and my
poiitioti In tlili uiatltr.
Now- i. Ir, the cnuiicil of ilelicatis fiom lo,l(,rs
nf tho liitn nat iotnl Aii0f titlon of MaihlnMii
on the lldaw ire, l.nkawaniu and Western ,,i
I, il, the ui nihil, nl whbli J itt l.-lir lu ,s
"cliluiiiil,' In ii'piirint reil.uu loik'i.-," I Ih'l'
In .-.tale tint the Intiiiiatlonal .s..itl.itlan ot
MadiinUls lu-. be, u In evi-ti-me ton Iouk and
lb, slaiidir.u' i too wen ulahlMicd for me lo
mtil Id wa.tu any lime csplalnlnif of wliotn
llu.. "icrt.iiii Ifl'lco- .lie coinpovcd mil who
(hev iipiruit .iml I im ,uic I am put at all
tiiu.i.y oi the , t nil, I of Ihe irintral public, that
If tint nliie-hoiii l.iv K liiaiiioiiatid al all it
ninbl be dene all our tho i iliv at nine,
n we luie tiled tn do, and will pielt, neuly
Min rut, thus placing all uur tinplujira on an
equil footlnir. To actomplMi Ibis wllliout quite
l iiiuiibii of the-., "certain IoiUiV would lie an
linp.lbillli thirefnie to mill Into iny fmther
C,pl.itiati.ii .is to wh' tb.e deli Halts cM-t
from thiei lodais it, t pon Inii.ti
Katlmi, Imiuiii'. f think j mi will tin. I ,i,ij 1,1,3
of Hum, isiiplini; ml... If, the delicate of l.ln.
Ilk- Cily luiljie, No' 2.n, Intcrmtlonal A.soda,
lion of Maehlnl.ts, ef Mrarton, is at pioenr
in tlie employ of jour road umi thai the) are
llioronjlilr familiar wllli und upie.enl tin- .in
tlnienl ot Jour employes it the point from
wtildi t lay come, ll.e diU'R.ite from II ilfalo liai
uij in lil-t po3e-Ioii peclal pnpunl utliig
laid, witli the writlui iote of j,,uv llurlilo mi
ililnists, a 1 alto bile ot jcur Snamon ma,
so iiiucli for Ih'l llolawale, luikaiui.iu nel
Western maelilnUL, ailing thmutili the ImUei
of the Inleriialional Association nf Mlclunl.ti
hi Hie lariom points at width the, ore em.
plojetl, winch ban, a liuh 10 do, we
claim. '
Vow far j-onr other employes, (he blail.
iinltbf. boiler makers, bandy men ond lielpri!
al the uilou, points, 'dice men ba,e ihclr
le.j'eitlu' oritauiutitins at the ijriwn p,mi,
aa jou kii'w, lmt they Ii.ue Mt Knj.e into Hie
f ni 111a 1 1I.1 o. foiimui; a i-nmi. II a. tho
did, but us iu ilateil to Jb, l.bln, ,Ur up
uienlatiie, in jour ortice, during your ali.inie
at the time we endeawted to ineit jou, llu
delcttati were uuthoriml and In.tmclfd to up.
re-fiit thiol- otbei men at polnls on join ml
road, but, of cour.c, lle-y could not Ie admitted
to a council of inaeiiluUti onlj, 'Ihcic other
cralti-nicu licre In Sirantun, j-our implojca, cliu-o
lo put their petition in more definite form than
j ,crbal pellliiif. to bu promt id by another
lUitjmau (I. c , a uuvliiuUt), to n their re-
Novel Effects in Jardinieres
, Oinceful, sentstble, witle-neck sliapes. giountl coloring of JS
golden blown, underpin?. c decorations of large tulips aim va- Sfc
rious other flowers', seven sizes and four slmiies. Tho tinder- .
glnzo decorations and blended colors lemlntls ono of Hook
wood. They nie very effective.
8 inches 1?2.00 10 inches 84.75
9 inches 32.75 12 inches 30.00
We invite compailsoii of piices.
Geo V Millar &
VJVCU. V. iTllllal IX
R Bicycles That Run Easy.
We Offer a Limited Number of
Detroit, Rochester,
Romeo and Lake Orion Railway
First Mortgage 5 20-Year $1,000 Gold Bonds.
The above company operates an electric railway system lunnitifl
out of Detroit, MicHgan, through one of the finest sections of the
state. Eighty percent, of the right ol way is owned in fee simple.
Lines are built according to steam railroad standards throughout, heavy
rails with ctdar ties on two-foot centres, permitting a high rate of speed
to be attained by its passenger cars. The company also does a genera'
freight business. The road is bonded for only $14,200 per mile.
Full information as to bonds, together with map of route, de
scription of country, statement of earnings, etc., may be seen at oui
We have made a thorough investigation or the above prop
erty, and recommend these bonds as a safe and conservative in
Title Guaranty
516 Spruce Street.
pei ti,e unions ire minibus nf the Central t.iboi
nuinn, tiny .ulcil with a tude council
of tliu (Antral Labor riiinii. .is it ,uie, width
,ie ba,e ilesignated the ituiiitll ef Afllliitid Ml
chine, liotlei, t al, lib. l.-milli nml I'attuu shop
riiiplo.M'S of the enlral I.tbnr union of s'i rjiitnii,
I'a. Vow I want to nuke clear one point: Thin
eoundl is not altciuiiliii; to diitate to jou tint
j on xliemld 1.1 mt Miineihinc to jour employes:
Hie pititiou .-iiiipl.i sas it diluted .umi tin-p1li-)(.S
to o'ii eltldnl,'l.. unl
this wis done b.ratt-e ,muu enipl,,,.
bn wl.hetl it, and tliej etttalnli lu
tonic iiilit in tlie ielei linn of Hull tin tbo, nf
cniiiiiiiintiutiiii; tiiui ,,oii.
Thce men who cinie lo see u with tin1
petition, ami aceoiiiiiinleil b, two Inn liimsis
of tlw Delaware, l.ukan.miu and Western Imps,
0I all join eliiiin,is ami leprtMiit tin senti
incut nf'joitr 1 iiiplnji'-i wciiinl bj as Ihoioiisli
niithod-, ai.d ninie HiOihukIi iiii llio,l, than I
haie eier Iieird nf bclm; u-nl in i Ii!"r nm,.
nient, and I tlaini. and we all eliuii. lint ve
icpretenl tin alinnt liiiiiiiuiinw - lit Inn nt nf
jour entire , at tin- points fmn whieli
llii! debititi' e line. Num. it ,m wi-b to put
us on til" deft-inlie before tie ilblle o lilll-llll,'
tn b.llno one stilemeiit, we think lie can Mtv
Mill take cue e,f niirrlw-, hut the bunUu of
ptoof jou know is 111,11 on Ihe ibien-e, and in
ie,, im" ncej-lon fm fuilhii ,01111 in In tin mil
ter until Jlaj -u rci-nuill,, I , eitalniy de nor.
and I am icil, uiita, ahoiil tlie outcome "lull
the opinion of the ellnl deliiratee ami tlm.e
tnlllCIII'd i .'Itllnl. Illfll'ltflllll.
Iluiiipluei' II Cauipbill.
Cbaiiniin nt I'oniuil.
Electric City Rifle Club's Membeib
Presented Xftst Night.
Tlit iiii;.s-f-nt.illim of uioii.ilh In tlic
H'UilltUV niaiU.s-iiHMi In Urn rer-cnlly cniii
lilutctl wliilcr tout ntinti'iit nf tlic Klcei
trici City Ulnv 1'luli. t'")l: iilin-'r- last
,-illii nt llltitlnr'H HllinitlllB K.illctJ.
Tlli lHi'-Ule'ilt eif tlie 1 lull, AK'-. lilai'
lior, jh.sittteil lJ' Wmiiim .lay. wi'io In
e,liiiri "I" til" iurtoilliitioii iimpei, anil
ciicli of llio )tl' "Inuc'is tirt lif i
ciU'fil 111- inc'lul ivfiiincltil Willi a
bl lot' rspct'i'll,
II. M. Spcnt'ot, wlu .stooil ttisl in llio
louinnnioiu, KTi'h'i'il ti Kolcli nifiliil
ami Hie eitlK'r piii'S' wniv .uviuili'il at
feilltnvn; Silver im iiilN .Miiiit-w K"lu
)i, .leilill A. rSienllitf. Kltillk TiMli'll.
Inciiict' meilulb, I'lilili Xiii'lluli, .lob"
AmliOKKi III" Jllultoi' 30UI liiotltil, M,
MeVilliii, Hi" Spenrei' Inonitii nieiliil,
t'.ipialn .Iuim lllnii.T, Kvery iinm
,liti htli.ii ten or mute MMii'i, alsei m-
I'clli'el ,1 IflllVlltlll .lll('. llie.'!-!' WlvllllT
llio lot 111 (if liniliU'lU ttli'l "Uiei lis"l'ul
(lei' tirtlclei-,
Til" IniliT piin'-' ulniHU.s W'l'"1 .h f'1'
!nv.: .lolm '. Hl.'ilter, Cnspi-r An
ilc 1 phi.', .luliii It. .Ali'Amlii'W, Cuplalu
J.1I111 lllatlei. M .Mi Villi", Alex, lli'ir-ni'i-,
!:. .1. HiiBlU'e, r!,iitiiii'l Travln, .lolm
Wattoiis, Ileitt' lloetti'lii.'i, Clmrleri Jr.
'loluitiiiii. ArranBumeillh "' now In)
Intf 11 11 1 1 1 0 foi ti Miiiwiier .tliont
I'lank Heffiou, of Piospect Avenue,
Was Painfully Injuied.
Willie pluyltiK ubout llio Uu'Iiii.iriiia
tniclcs, iienr the blnst titninue, yester
day nl im noon. F11111K JUl'ficiu, tt llttln
Iml from Vioippi't 11 venae, intiiul u inll totpedo tuul oxplo'led it by plar
in it on n rail and liltllns: tt wllli .1
1'lyliib" pie,-.'!, oi tio nietul badly
Co ,34 Wfomlm Avennc
WU. V.llcln.i,dLor.kAr,ind. S"
It Is mm Import tut I hit a bicycle
lioiiId be C.LJ ninnltiE.
Ileillbful eeitl-e 1-) benelleial, till L '
li i nt no. I; J-. Iiijuricti.
Ihe ln.iriiiLii of llie "ct ranlon"
tiuiiaulee IIkIiIuim of 11111111111!- and its .
htirncth makes It the mol eluiablei
vheel for ill tlis-ts of rider,
l'rlcec to iiilit (he m, kelbook.
126-128 Franklin Ave. g
and Trust Co.
People's Bank,
Menrs Buildiiijv,
Court House Square.
Capital Stock, $100,000
Surplus, - - - 25,000
5 Savinas nnd Business. Accounts
Vice Pies.
Cashier -
- - C. D. Jones ?
- G P. Reynolds h
- - H. M. Ives ft
llinllM. ll IJ.III',
All III. I1 Dllllll.
I' .,, t'ot,,iilli
W li. I'liltini,
lilt il Illi tl'lilll II
VI I' 1 ,11111.
sjiuiii I nn i,
I' ( lull soiLli,
II M.iiin.ill,
11 I' Ihalii.
Don't Worry
About that . all.ei s II Csi: , ) , j j
IVe line i I.iki j v., .tin, i nt ,,f 1 1, tin at Ihi
Itltilll' I'ltlt l.s, in l.ul an ,jie ,,011 5 pei
til e u al u 'il nu'li'li.
laceratud bi.s I'.uu and llo uat
rtii 1 led into the 1,.11'kuuatui.i, Iron ano
Sleel I'oinpuiiy'.i htoio nnd attended lij,
lr, O'lltlen, alter which ln was con
veyed to his home.
I'or Female Complaints
and eliscabei arisdnir from an impiii-.i
state nf llie blood l.lehU'a t'clciy
Nerve ("ouipounU Is an Invaluable. p..
ellK'. Sold b .Multliews Uros, '.
m r..ii. i
i.i mmw.r
"ii Tmn?
f sr.A ni
tm mi:
ss-'.ik: ! j