. fu(i:,yj r tt- m 'sris-'i r&W"S'&l- tv'V Vtvir;'' ribunc. TUB ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE Ol- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCJR ANTON, PA., TUESDAY MOKNING, 31 AY 7, 1901. rv TWO CENTS. ly .-V- . 8 THE GREETING OF MEXICO Representatives of President Diaz Meet Mr. McKinleu and His Partu at El Paso. THE ADDRESSES MADE Scneinl Hernandez, on Behalf of the Mexican President. Extends the letter's Congratulations Mr. Mc Klnley Replies In a Happy Speech. A Warm Welcome at Chlhunhun. The Ladies of the Cabinet Ten dered a Bienkfnst by a Mexican Banker. , lit I mIi Mi ' Win' do." 'Hi A'soci.itrJ I'rc'i. Kl Paso, Texas. May Ik Ameiican q ti.l Mexican lings weie intertwined In lu d.'cornti.'ns or lliu plaza where lie ollielal greeting of Pri'hlilenl Mc Klnliy iin.l Ids cabinet look plan this morning. The ptc-enee on the st.uvl if Coiiet-al Hernandez, principal rep i .- nt.itlve of President Diaz, iiml tli p.viimi- of tin- slate of Chihuahua ;,IM (ill Intel national significance to 'lis mi'iil. Then 'mm i' thousand- of Mcwlcnni In tin1 vast ciinciiini of people to . limn tlto pi evident spoke, mill their rptlitp-liiHin wan almost as wild as that of tin- Anir,rlenns. ileiioinl Hernandez nddreed the ifhlili'iit on behalf or his president, Mending tin- hitter's congiatulations. suvl l'tesident MeKlnley, in his te sponsu. p.iid a high tribute to the pres--lil in ol the Mexican republic, and i liatged bis emissary to convey to his bli-f Ids warm regard and personal siiem. with his best wishes for the ontmui'd prosperity of our sister re l iihlic. I'ln pivsid'Mifs speech was very li.ippy and was especially notable on iicm unt uf his injunction to the peo ple not to hi. alarmed about "imper ialism." Theio was. he said, no Im perialism, cxcepl the Imperial power of i hi s-ineteign people of the T'nitcd Stales. The governor of Chihuahua alo .:. Italy welcomed the president to the bonier. The exercises in the plaza weie pteceded by a. military parade. The ladies of I he cabinet noised the Kin (Jr.iiule io .Inure;:, where they were tc-juleieii it breakfast by Juan. Ochoa, a iiinniliK'Ut Mexican banker. Mis. MeKlnley illil not attend the bie.ikfast, but enjoyed a short drive lining th'1 morning. At noon tlie picsidunti.il paily ro stiined ils journey westward. President's Speech. I Hiring the course of his speech, the president said: Tin- H tin 2.ilfii..y to (lie cic.in icpublie :.nd I Mint, in tin-, lonntetion. to epics my i.il satM.n ten mtli the nrill.ll .-alut Jtiniis I 1 1 I i In iin hi lint Rieal ami distluKulsheil pi.si.kut fit our Hit icpnl.ltc, President DIiu kiiI u-i i-iii- upplnw .aid uies of lii.iiii). 1 lhi.llh Ills lfilt'a(Ii(jli.i foi Hip icidi.il M-or'N 'Mi ihiib. In' In- pic-intul tin- fciliiisr of ic-i-l".it .mil rc,'.ir.l uf hit illmliioits pirsidi'iil lo -t jroii rumen! ol tlie 1'nilcfl Mates, ami I heir ii ii In- "ill lonio.i to his pi -si.li nl the iaini i sn'.U and llio pi r-oii.il i-toeui whl.h I lime, lor is ilni'l ni.iRi-lialr, which is .--lured by t lie vlmlc Ameiii.m people. (Applause). Ami mv j'i tor Mill tin t lie i piospcrity ..ml .iilinneemuil uuong lit- people, ( Npplaii-.. anil ties of hi .HOI Ml' ll'llfiW IlliClli, il tll.'IO fid AMs any doubt .I'lOtti .mis lii'ini; .1 niiiliil people, if you coulil 1 ir tr.nille.1 Willi mi' 'J.nui imli-, liuin llio pit.il ,ii W.i-liincU.n io tin- mi of I'.l P.iMi, iiml iloiilit moiiM line bci.i foinpii'lily lii.-pilli il. ppl.iii-M. 'linn iioi' mi- niih unity in tlio l'liltnl stjlrs ,is llii'io It at tins limn. Then tii'ivr ilis hi niiiiti lot' .i ii illnii ol TS,tM0,(m.l "f priiplf to Ik pioml o .1- .il Mas honi. Ai pi iii-i i. i lino sont, oui .uiiii ,uiil oui ll'.l, ti ill. Mia si'.is nml tin ii.iw only ..ililiil aloty to i ir l.ijt. 'Hii-y Inn In.iiiIii no slianii' upon t ir iin liuin t nliuii. f ppliin-i'l. We M'lit tlirtn to I llill.l IO liMIIC 0111 hcllMBlMCll ll'pllWllll' 'io( an tlu'j ilii the ivetl, ittii iliil it iiijk ulllrciitly "llli llio iippnit.il of Ihf tiiill.iil "mill. (Appl.itisi'). lint il U mn in tin art 01 ".ir thai ( like our mcili-t piiilc. Ue nro Hoi i M'.irllki' pi'oph'. Wo .in' i.ot ii imllt.iiy i ni!i, tV iirid no Io V..H unless vi Iiim In i 'k p.'ju', (Appliil-o). Our piii'o U in the r. ft pi.nc, in iniiii-i iil .mil iiiti'llutu.il Ii lopioiiit !n llo !,'ii)iitli of our iniiiiiir, m llio io wiii r;iu ul of riiu pcopli, in i liill.illuii, in tli,. .ii in tin m temps, nml Ii. ii'iuuUitiiiis, Thi-i t- Ik nul pncle oi (he luu'rii in jieopl . Hot nnd Dusty Ride. neinliiLT. X. ,M May B. Shortly afiet luavlnir Kl Vaso the train crossed ilm line Into New Mexico and tan tliioiiirh I be KlltzlllK secllon of the teviltory, It was a hot ami dusty ride. The tlrst stop In the lerrlloiy was made at Deiu Iiilt. where the piesldoiit was welcoinod by Governor otcio and his stalT. Them "an n biff ciowd and a band at the sta tion, and llio picsldi'iit mis kIvcii a warm Kieellnir. V. M. Hei'tjt'i. pitsldinl of (lie Now Mexico I'i'css tiHsoulailt.ii, had met the putty at I'l Vaso and accoiiiimiiled tlto I rain acid.ss the tenlloiy. The address of welcome at PemliiK was largely de voted to New Mexico's claim for stale hood. , hio.nl banner above the irnln lead: "New McMcii demands slate hood," The picsldein spoKc Inlftlly. SPANISH WAH, CLAIMS. l Ktiluilii Wire (loin The ,.oiiJleii Piom Wa.liiti8t5ii. Miv ii. iUIiii M-ta iileJ iiuh the bpanlsli filing icninilFtlon luikij In licl.alf cf ll'iiry ili-C'aiui a ,ean.jii 0,1 the ill-lakil Maine wi.cn .ho h.i, hlouu up in la.n.i h.i hot, dtkini; ijlO.Oul lor injinie. Milaine. Ijv lilm in ioiirt.iitiiiu ot Hie explosion. . iljim ei IJoOun tut i,u.i 1Pujr 0( t.itltciii.o Ilium. ho.e tan, a rntpor.'l ot tiutino, iva killnl hy ihe unii etploMon. Iinil,r ami IIjihi.o.I, of Km Uik lily, uliu II!.. 1 the tlaim,, hae (honi mi ili moiinil llial Spain .JiniUy or ..v reason nl riCiilljsinir, tispoasiule lot the f'vplmlon. Repoit from Delngoa Bay. Bj KxduJlte Wiif from 'Ihe A-soiialc.l I'iMt. lirij."!?, Mjj i). -t u itpoiti.l hetc that He k-i.ij;o.i la. lallioul lu aifaln bem iletiei'. ij ttji'r foim uii'ltr (.'omnunilant Ito.tci. REMAINS Or THE FIRE VICTIMS Bodies of Hnny jxmnetheau nnd Two NcBro59 Recovered. Py nelnlve Wire from The AimvlntciJ Pkm. .liieksoiivllle, Kin., fny C The body of Harry Hotinetheau, n. real estate dealer, wnti recovered today from the St. .folins river. The bodies of two nefiroes wen also recovered. All are victims of Krldny's disastrous Ihe. There are many rumors of I'uitlier loss of life, but owing to the deparl iii i' of thousands of pcopli from tli a city, It will bo Impossible for several days to veill'y the reports, unlesn Llio bodies are found. Mayor Dowdeii today Kstictl a le Miiest, that all slKht-seers remain ttway from .laeksonvllle. It Is reared the vast army of Idle negroes may (,au"e some trouble, and It Is believed that all those who will not no to work at i per cluy and rations will b" de ported. .Martini law i midlines Io be i lt;iilly enforced. LITTLE FAITH IN THE MINERS' PILGRIMAGE Governor Stone and Adjutant Gen- eial Stownrt Do Not Believe They Will Visit Harrisburg. Ily KiiltMM' irrt fioiu 'Hie Aw.nlilnl l'iei. Unrrlsburfr, May . Governor Stone, A.I hi t;i n L Ceneial Stewart and other state ofliclals take no stock in tho stories that the mlueis hi the anthra cite ickIoii are proparlnK' to march Io Ilui'ilsbuim: to demand the jiassiiKe of the anthracite mine bills passed by the house eaily in April. These bills are pending before the 'jenate eomtnitlee on mines and minliiK, and it is expected tbev will be reported out after "Wed-nes-day nifrht's liearins. Tlie state otlleials also denied Unit Hit. National Guard is to be called out to escort the miners to HarrisburK, al though there has been unusual activ ity about the state arsenal in this city since Sattiiday. It is probable that a portion of the guard will he ordeied out to prevent any possible trouble, if the miners -should decide to come heie In a body. Pottsvlllo, Ti May . Colonel TUch ardion, of the state arsenal. limits-l)iii-5?. arrived in this city today, with a view of learnim; the true situation of the proposed march of Ihe miners to Harrlsburj;. Colonel Kichardson would not discuss tlie situation, but it is said that secret orders have been sent out to certain military commands, and should there be a movement Io march on Uarrlsburs: the miners would bo turned back. Them has been no request made by llli. sheriff for the militia, -which Is the custom in cases where law and order arc to he violated. WHERE NEGROES CANNOT VOTE First Election Held in Baltimore Under the Law Calculated to Disfranchise the Illiterate. By i:ela-nc Wue from The Associateil I'iw. naUimore, May C The fli&t import ant election to be held under the new ballot law devised by the Democrats to disfr.inshl.se illiterates-, will take place in this city tomororw, when a new city council will be chosen. Tli election will be InterestlniT principally because of lis beailnpr upon the new law, and the opportunity which 1t will alioid for testlni; its efficacy from a Democratic point of view. Hoth parties have been comparative ly inactive In their canvasses and tlio general public Is decidedly aiiatheii as to the remit. Of the two, however, the Hepubllcans have made tho si eater effort. This fait, together with the further fuel that a factional light In the Demoi-cratlc ranks Is on, with .Mayor Hayes and his friends on one side and the followeis of I. Kieoiuan Kasln. on the oilier, makes It highly probable that the council, which Is now Democratic, may have a Republican majority after tho votes ai'i counted. Surface Indications point io this ie hiilt as Inevitable unless the new law cms olf oiioukIi ik-kmi voles Io give the Democrats a l tory. JUNK DEALER SENTENCED. E. J. Eibhor Convicted of Buying- Stolen Brass. IS. Kulu-ne Win Honi 'Ihe .W.Ki.nnl rio WilUsllJH". Ml' IS.-1", .1. I'lshi'i', .in I'M. ii sii'o jnnl; il.'ilii'ci llif-. liiv, .i led i.v Mn tiiii'ul iu com I to .six iiMiuli-- in the loiiut.i jjtl. The prI-oii(i was toiivieliil n nuhiii: utolin bus- ami his .n r. a K.I to ihe luealiiuir up of a uane of liict'i Mi hj.l licen robhini 'Li; r.illriM.ls fof ,u.il. Hie thrlls hail l.eioui.- m miiiiiioiis ,, I iu ;eaii lhat the I'l'iuuih'.uii.i, l.uiluli V.ilh.i, I . it . tt.il Iljiltoail of .V(iv ) i--( , l.ii'k.iiuuua in I luliuiii' ami lluiUoii iMupiitiis toiiinl tl.il their li .-i.s in Into thou.inib of ih.ll.ir.- moiillili. Tlie ililll ili Hi llll' it the ui lolls l .Mil. oi-guui-cil, ami lii a i.tiiiulie clloit MiiKe.leil In ii.unillliK lh thioes up, A kh.u ileal of the sluliii l.ijss wis li.iti.l jo ri-h.rV Junk yard in (his iit.. Tinlnmen In Convention, Dy 1!1ikIib Wlte Itoui 'the ,M.,elalf. 1'ifsi jlilttaiil.ie. Mn i. -Tlie Ullli litcntiial n.nnri tioii ol llli' llr.ithdi.oo.l ot llalltnuil 'lljinlii.il met lute I r i l.i y mil ju ot...lili will out i mu- In cuaion lor tvin ve ks. j .Matleu fit routine ilia ailrr weie ilitCUsM'il at (lie opilili.i; rvloli. ChaiiLia h) llio loinlllulion ami nullet ulKcl' inK the iiivilaud hull. Il ot Ihe orilu an- I lie principal i,ieil(.ii. Itili. the roriienlioti, ihu n.hai- of whuli lie rii'et. Aholll MM Ul.-S.n.' ate in alleielaiiie. First Tinin Over Akion Route. Dy lAilnsiin Win ttoi't ")u i.s, ioia..'.l I'.iw. llutlalo, lj II. Tli" hijl tiaiu oui the kvon mile i l'i nils tula an.) I'tte) airhcl here lli iiiuiuliiir biinnli. pasientieni from Cii.i InuJtl, N.ilillle anil si. I.oiiiw. Ihete wera mei Kl pa-vciiser. Carter Gets DecUlon, My l'-cluie Wire from Tho Ajfwlatcil Pie.-ai. houiiiille. May 0. KM fatter, of llrool.l'n. wat toniglil (,'iun Ihe .1. i ision oin Jack 11- n ur. ol .Siinimit till, l'. Toe flu lit went the IttClll) IOUIl'1 lllllil. BUSINESS IN LEGISLATURE Senate Devotes Much of tlie. Time to Bills on First Reading. THE HOUSE PROGRAMME Mr. Reynolds, of Inckawanun, Offers n Resolution Regarding Passenger Railways Beer Brewing Bill Re committed to the Ways and Menus Committee A Resolution Provid ing for Auxiliaiy Commission from Pennsylvania to the Pan American Exhibition. Py flu-lib.lu' Wile front 'Hie Vi-ou.ile.l 1'iess Harrlshuir, May 0 Tho order of business in the .senate tonight was bills on llrst rending. After the ilrst read ing calendar and the president's table had been cleared, the senate adjourned until tomorrow nlBln. at 8 o'clock. .Mr, .Scott, of Philadelphia, Introduced il bill supplementing and nmcndlnqr Section 4!) of the building laws of 18!I, to as to allow the constrtiellon of a new Philadelphia theatre under the plans as originally drawn by the archi tects. The bill has the approval of the Philadelphia building Inspeclois. Mr. Cunitnlngs.of Warren, Introduced a bill making recltnls in deeds and other Instruments of title evidence of certain fuels in actions Involving Un title to land where the title to land is drawn In finest ion. A special order was made by the house tonight, at the wiliest or Mr. Vooihoes, of Philadelphia, for his 1)111 providing for a submission Io a vote of the people at the next general election the question of removing the capitol from llart-ioburg to Philadelphia. The bill was read the llrst time at tonight's session, will be taken up tomorrow for second reading and 'Wednesday for third rending and tlnal passage. Mr. Reynolds' Bill. Mr. liuynolds. of I,aekawanii.i, of fered a resolution, consideration of which was postponed for the present, that any and all bills in the hands of the city passenger railways commit tee lie referred to a .special committee of nlne.which shall report at Its earliest convenience. Tho bill levying a tax or one cent a gallon on all ale. beer and porter brewed in Pennsylvania, was recom mitted io the ways and means com mittee. Mr. Plisp, of Delaware, leported from the rules committee a resolution, which was adopted, making senate bills on third reading' and llnal passage the order of business on Tuesdays and Thursdays; senate and house bills on third reading and tlnal passage on Wednesdays and second leading bills on Fridays. A lesolution was offeied by Mr. Pomeroy, of Franklin, and adopted, di recting Governor Stone to appoint twenty persons, not more than one from ench county, to bo known as an auxiliary commission from Pennsyl vania, to the Pan-American exposition. Mr. Corny, of Ijiizorne, introduced a bill prohibiting the mmiufncture and sale, importation or exportation or dis pensing in any wny of all Intoxicating beverages in Pennsylvania, except for scientific, mechanical or medicinal pur poses. The calendar of llrst reading bills was disposed of, after which the house adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. THE SITUATION AT JACKSONVILLE Work of Relief Progressing Sys tematicallyRebuilding Has Already Commenced. IV i:iliune Wit" ft mn The AtF.'i I itiil Piet. Jacksonville, l-'la May il, The woilc ot iclief In Jacksonville Is piogrcsslng systematically, Th relief association today Increased Its coinmltlce of nine to lifteon. appointed a ilnanclal coni mllti'i of live, adopted a constitution, made lempoiaiy orgiinl.aiIoii pi run ucnl. with (', K. Oarner, ptesident, atid .!, IS. I'anott, vice president, Tho following lire the dead so far iccov eieil; 'Hurry D. llollianeau ami AVIll ritirk, white, and an unknown negro, found In the liver today at the toot of Maikut stieel, .Mrs. Cornelia Thomp. son, widow of tho Into Cioneinl Waildy Thompson, hones found hi nilns of old ladles' home, I'nlon and l-iiuroi slieuts, today, Manila IIuficii, a nego woman, woman, ioiiiuI yesteiday at ticean and State stieels. One othei unknown ue gto l. reported found In the rlvi r, but the icport Is not coullt iiiuil, lloth niieau was .M yems of age and a prom inent real estate man, He, with Cl.'irlc, was cut on' by the lainf.s at Market Mi eel wharf, Sis thousand desil-tr.lr-h uiiro fed today by the teller -is .MKl.ition. (ioveruor Jennlng. has pel iVctcil the military government of Ihe cliy. Tho lecelpts of cash by tho relief asso ciation and other agencies approximate $50,01)11 tonight. Ten on loads of supplies were iv. reived today from t'liarleMowu, and one fioiu Atlanta, as wdl as nittuy other smaller lots. I'eilV-ct older pre uills. The woik of relnillding h.in com menced, lusiiiaiico adjusters con tinue to airive, but no concerted plan of loss settlements has been ar ranged. Pennsylvania Pensions. Il. Kseluiir Wire liom Tl.u scccl..lci 1'iu. Wjiliinxtnii, May M. John (I. Smith, of SYun ton, l.a teen Riai.tril j p.iulon of 10 u inoi.th, art'l Cioiue llaii, of siianuu, a peintou of Ul ft inoiilli. Tlio latttr ii iharceaMe to thq ac count of the war with bpaln. SENATOR HARDENBERGH DID NOT RESIGN. For Party Reasons Ho Desires to Re tain Hie Scat in tho Senate. Dy I'vclmhc Wire frem 'flic Awoelalnl I'rcni. tlarrlshurg, May 0. rontrary to gen oral expectations, Senator K. H. I lard -eiibergh, or the Siistiunhannti-'Waytie tllstrlct, did not resign his sent In the senate tonight In order to allow him lo assume the olllce of auditor gen eral toinonow, to which he was elect ed last November. Auditor General McAuley's term expires tomorrow, but Mr. Hnrtlenbergh desires to retain his sent In the senate for paity reasons until the adjournment ot the legisla ture. lie has asked the attorney general for pn opinion as to whether the pres ent deputy auditor general, Snm Matt Friday, of Lancaster, can act as au ditor general until lie Is ready lo as sume the ofllce himself. CONFERENCE ON BALLOT REFORM Republican nnd Democratic Lenders Try to Foimulato a Bill Party Circle to Be Dropped. By r.xilniivi' Wile from The "Wndaled 1'icm. Tlarrhburg, May (!. A conference be tween tho Kepubllcan and Democratic leaders of Pennsylvania on ballot re form legislation was held tonight at the executive inanson. The purpose of the meeting was to try to formulate a. ballot bill which will receive the sup port of a majoilty ot the members ot the picsent legislature. The Republi can confeiees were United States Sen ators Quay iiml Penrose, Governor Stone, JiiMiianee Commissioner Dur ham, Senator Focht, chaliman of the senate election committee; Senate President Pro Tern Snyder and State Chairman Ueeder. The Democratic representatives were Colonel James M. Guffey, of Pittsburg, member of the national committee: Congressman Polk, of Montour; Representative Ikeler, of Columbia: ex-State Chairman Killing, State Chairman Creasy and Senator Miller, of Cumberland. The Democrats favor the passage of a hill which does away -with the party circle on the official ballot, and will agree to no measure which provides for lis retention. Senator Quay also favois the elimination of the circle, but some of his associates are opposed to doing away with It. The conference came to it close after midnight, without reaching a definite agreement. Hoth parties agreed that Ihe party circle Miould he dropped and that the party colninc-i" .should lemaln as they aie on the present ballot. The Democrats insisted that no person shall be entitled to assist more than ten voters to prepare their ballot, and that bofote a voter can secure assistance he must, make aflldavit. that be cannot read and write, or that he is physic ally unable to prepare his ballot. Tlio Republicans objected to the feature re quiring the voter to make affidavit as to his disability, and promised to take the matter under consideration and re port later. Tho original Democratic proposition was that no person could assist more than three voters. CUBAN EDITOR SHOOTS, Senov Corona, of the Cubano Libre, Slightly Wounds Ricnrdo Miran da in a Theatei' Result of Politics. r.y Kuhklve Wire front The .WovUlcil I'ioi-i. Santiago do Cuba. May C Senor Corona, editor of the Cuban Libre, shot and slightly wounded Itleardo Miranda in the theater here tonight. The Cuban Libre had published a statement accusing Miranda and two companions, who are all prominent Re publicans, of Indulging in drunken and disorderly conduct the previous nlghl. The article called particular attention to the private character of Miranda and his friends, Miranda, accompan ied by his companions, called at Cor ona's house during the day, but the latter i of used to see them. They left it message that I hey would whip Cor ona at sight. Tonight at tho theater .Miranda entered Corona's box and at tempted to assault him with a. cane, corona quickly drow a levolver and shot .Miranda above the ear. Indicting a painful, but not dangerous, wound, Tlui attack Is a lesult of the political feeling hetween the two Cuban fac tions and considerable excitement has been aroused. All the participants In the affair are in J.ill. Steamship Arrivals. Iti iMlil'ilo Wire lio. n 'Hi. Atsoilatc.1 I'm--- Ww Yuri;, May.'.. Alfhiil: Mi.isil.nn. hotter .liiiii Tl.u.', .Yil..s; D.uts.'hl.iit.l, llottiiilim. Il.nie irlwih l..i IIjjiokiic, Viw Yoil,. fliei. l.oins-ilheil: lI'llliaiiiMi, Neil- Ymk for Hie. in. n, silleil: K.ii-eiin MjiIi Th.tenia (irom lli.'iiiiii una Sotith.iiiinn). Niiv Yoi I:, lillnil In S.ilU.I: lloheiiolliin tnom f'enoa iiml N,iilii), New YoiK. Airiu'il: Alia, Nov Ymk lot Naples aii.l (iiiiot (.nul piofeuleil), I.uiul -I'a.seil: sl.ilu.ibm, Nov Yoil. lor Itntlei.iim, Not Committed to Km get. Hi '..lii.slie Ulic limn 'Hie Wmh'I.iIhI I'teni. U.i-lilngtcii, May I'. It 1, leameil m the n(.ito iti'..itlmut thai llio ineil.linl lias mole iej al.it.' iiiiiiI tliioncU an) fl tho mull ilumiiU to thu elleit that U u.u. tifiho lo lecii'.o Krni;ir ottiiially oi iinolli. ially. The koi, eminent lia.i ii'aili in. . .oiiiIm' a. lo the ihtnitier ol Ills le ii.lloii il he aliouhl iluhle l.i i ..in.- I.ete. Postmaster Sobel's Case, Py i:eltnlie Wire ficm Tlie Aoclitil ru Waaliingleii. Mai u Tin- liill service coiiiinlii ioii has il.'iiileil flul il.e i.kd u( l'.slliu,tir sohel, of lliic. Pa., ihime.I uilh political av Iliil) is one lor the ilollin ilep tri imiit to dial unit mill IMpiH ui.i le f.irnaiilc.l to that K i.n I mi lit . Russian Lieutenant Shot Dead. Ii. r.Mlu.h.' tite Hum lit .;.clitcil I'm?. Tim 'Mn. Miy 0, llio llulan lienlciunt, I'll. Iioi.'k.i, fioiu the Kunhoat llohr, ua .hot ilejil l.y a Cirnian schllir ilnriiifr a traeas on th Tikit r.ia.l. 'Ilie I .'oi in in fl i 1 1 n s. U-iiilViu o, l.liiiteii'ie TeliUi-n-hj halu Jllaike.l him iilli 1:1, .III I.. HAY PRESENTS NEW TREATY An Unotilcinl Memoranuiim on the Nlcaraouan Ganal Affair Is Submitted to Pauncefote. INFORMAL NEGOTIATIONS What They Embody Is Not Known, but It la Understood Thnt They Are aix Expression of the Views of United States Senators as to the Essential Features Which Should Be Included In the Treaty Tho Features of Negotiations Are the Neutralizing the Canal. By Ilsdmhe Wire from Tfie As'oclaleil fun. London, May (I. The Associated Press has been officially notified that Lord Pauncefote has received from Secretary Hay tho draft of a new Nlc araguan canal treaty. It is undTstood thnt II advises neu trality. It is learned from an authoritative source that before Secretary Hay left hero for the west he had several con ferences with Xord Pauncefote rela tive to the basis for another Isthmian canal treaty and that an unofficial written memorandum was submitted to Lord Pauncefote on the subject. The ambassador has made known the general results of these conversations and tit the memorandum to the au thorities at London nnd it is doubtless lo this that allusion Is made in the London dispatches. It Is said, how ever, that the negotiations ate not so tonatlve and informal that they are not regaidcd as an official ex change or proposition. What they cm body is not made known Ttere, tiioiigh it is understood they are an expres sion of the views held by I'nited States senators as lo the essential features which should be Included in n treaty. "While this is not a ptorfer of a treaty, It conveys to the Uritislt. authorities what is considered essen tial by the senators who control the ratification of any treaty which will be made. It i.s also learned indirectly from the senators who have been con sulted that among the features in tho negotiations are a neutralizing of the canal, the I'nltcd States alone under talcing fo guarantee this neutrality, and the admission of all shipping on an ecmui basis with that ot the I'nltcd States. Although, as stated these confer ences and the written memorandum have been exchanged. It is not ex pected that there will be any further negotiations prior to Lord Pauncofote's departuie for London, which occurs on June r, or during his absence. The Prltlsh embassy will remove to New port as soon as the ambassador leaves. Mr. Oerard A. Lowther will be Urltlsh charge d'affaires during Lord Paunce I'oto's absence. LACEMAKERS MEET. Curtain Operatives Organize National Association at Philadelphia. Ily nclus.Ive Wire f torn 'the A&jocUtcd Pres. Philadelphia, May fl. National Asso ciation or tlie Lace Curtain Operatives, one of the most skilled branches of the textile trade, opened the tlrst meeting of a three days' annual convention here today. Beyond the recognition of dele gates, little business of importance was transacted. I Many radical changes in the laws governing tho association are contem plated before adjournment, mid this session Is expected to make a new era In the trade. The body Is small, hav ing not over ".00 members located at Philadelphia, Wllkes-llarre, Scranton, Chester and Tarlffville, Conn. A Tea tuio of the gathering today was tho icport that good business was almost universal in the tiade. COST OF THE WAR. Total Number of Deaths in South Africa 14,204 Men large Num ber Unfit for Duty. By I'Atliisbi Wiie from The Assoilatcil I'tew. London, .May i!, The war oince to day ntllclally gives out the total num ber or deaths In tho South African war at 7H officers nnd H.JW men. Four otll eeis and 1114 men have been Invalided home and subseiiiently died. Two thousand, four bundled and ninety-three iion-cominlssloiied oillcers and men have leit ttie service until for duty. State Convention of 0, U. A. M. Hi rciiihc Wiin nom Tin .Wori.iie.t i'n. VorK, l'.i.. Maj C 'Hie .stale lonvitilloii of thq (Mir L'niti'il .umrlcni Mechanics Mill open in this clii lomonow. Tmliy tin (With annual .'s,lon of llio ritnci.il AM .i5-oi iilion was licM, it i hiili .1 lines Iteiil nn.l A. II. f-i.il.oll, li.itli ot I'lill nlililil I, mn ii'-fledul piesiilinl anil ... i.ifi.ui , iv-k' thi'li. Ti imuihiulilp of die a.sotlatton Is now al.oiil l,."ii, an annas mir last ion- 'I'm 1o.it U iLliiis ii'iii I'.ii.l iliiiiu;; tho u-t year. . Factory Doors Locked, :t i.xtli.-he Wire liom 'lh- .o.Iiti.l I'tc. siiaiu.e, Jtay n, niicn tic idl employis ot t'e M. S. Dcncillet M.iinif.'ctiiiint toinp.iny cf l.'jsl Siacue, ituU'iT ol klbcr metal tf.,o.l.s, te. tuincil lo ivoifc toilay lliei- foui.il the tulory iboti locke.l, Tlio nieu l.elleVL lhat the aili.m Is tl'W jo the iroMftlie lomalion ol a uiii..ii, ') lie i.i.iiip.ili) claim, lo hoe cl.ul ilov. n .,i i'j iiit The Catch of Seals. Hi I'ulmitu V lie fioin 'fi ksoiiiieil Pried. W. Johns, X, I'., May b. The M'json'f njI fishery came to a close Lst i Iglil ivllh Ihe ar that at tliis oit of Ihe Kaler Viiglma Like, lu total caltli wj.i :.M,i)oii m:iI. tabu.. I at ((Jil.uii, 'llieie im not u ,ii;sle faiallly or n li ons aiciilent anion.' thu ..iK) men eiua.'eil, ami nilv ""v Usui, the Hope, tw .t. THK NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather trtdlcatlann Today: l PARTLY CLOUDY! WARMER. 1 OcnTitt .Tnd-K AilIiI..i1.1 Ornllilin tlie Xei I't'tli'Ml Court, Oreellmnt for I'tclilctit MeKlnley from Metlco, l'nr A New Ciili.il Tirily. Doings of the -jutt t.iwnifllcfi. 2 Ceneral C'ail.yt'ilile Pcpitliiiit.t. .1 Lndt aui(illitrn.lcr.l l.loyii Ciinnnt Coieiilcr MaclilnUls' IteqiKvit'i a l'reetiteil. nny Ply In the Local Court-. Ml ike on (he ) , I,. A W. Mar iir.t.l, 4 Editorial. Note ami Coni'ii. nl. 6 Ioctl Miyor Moil's Irllmle lo Hie VoliuUict rircmen. JJIshop l'otttr Will He Hpi'Mier .11 l.ajliilt "t V. At. C. A. t!oi tiers-tone, 0 Local West Scraiitnti nml Sutnirlian. 7 Ocncrnl 1 lie Tribune rMiicitlnnil Contivt. Northeastern Pennsylvania. Financial utnl Comtnerclil. 8 Loe.il lnihiistrl.il anil Lalioi SITUATION FAVORABLE THE MARCH DELAYED Mr. Fahy Is Pleased with the Result of the Interview the Committee Hnd with Senator Snyder. Py rilll..iv.' Wile fn.ln The Avoii.lleil 1'irvs Hariisburg, May fi. A committee of miners consisting of John Kahy, presi dent of District Xo. 0, United .Mine AVorkers of America: John Williams, John P. Kearney, Thomas .). Itlch ards and T. J. 'Llewellyn held a con ference with Senator Snyder, of Ches ter, tonight In icgard to the mining bills that ar now In the senate com mittee on mines and mining. Mr. Sny der, by virtue of bis position as presi dent pro tern of the senate, Is an tv oflicio member of ths committee. The conference was held behind closed doors and at Its conclusion Mr. I'.ihy said the committee had a "very satis factory interview and Is highly pleased." Senator Snyder bad little lo Rive out as to what took place at the confer ence, lie, however, said he as.sured the miners that be would do all he could to have lb bills reported from coin mitee. The question of marching was touched upon and the delegation in formed the senator that Ihe nihit-rs were anxious to come here. Mr. Fahy after the meeting refused to say whether or not the miners would march here and make a demonstra tion, but It is generally believed that such a movement will not take place. The senate committee on mines and mining will hold n meeting tomorrou night. At midnight the following telegram was sent to the district leaders ot the miners at Hazletou, Shamokln and Pottsvlllo: 'Ihe Htiulinii ij tnuili timie f.nni.ihle; no tify men to ilclaj fomimr anil bold thuu-clvej in lei.lines-i on luitlici commnnleaiioii f"i;jno.l) .lul.ii Pahy. THE CONSTITUTION IS CHRISTENED Mis. W. Butler Duncan Breaks the Traditional Bottle of Wine on the Yacht's Bow. Pi i:Lln.ie Wire liom The vdaleil l'iei lliislol. U. I.. May C With her hull gaily decorated with flags and her deck well tilled with suilois, the yacht Constitution was christened this even ing by Airs. liutler Duncan, who bioke the traditional bottel of wine cm her glistening bow just as she htnrteil slnwlv down the wars Into the 1 sea. A platform hnd been jigged under the bow of tho boat, and on this Mrs. Duncan stood when the gong for the i starting was sounded. Heslde her on i the platform was her husband, tins I manager of the new boat, bill all tin? icst of the party stood ,i Utile dis tance off. At tho MHind of tin gong Mrs. Dun can dashed a bottle of cliiinipague against thu yacht's bow and ns the wine gushed in sparkling foam on the prow, tho .sleek raerr acquited motion and slowly began her descent Into tho water. With the breaking of the bot tle, Mrs. Duncan, In a clear voico. said: "I elul-t' n thee constitution." The scene was a hillliant one us the Constitution slowly loweted Into tho jvater, the cheering fioin ihe boats' outside being loud and vigorous, while the seaichllght from the steam yacht Colonla, just outside ihe dock, illu minated the stern of tlie Constitu tion. Uo'ikets and other fireworks added pot a little lo the gaiety uf the occasion. EX-PKESIDENT OF PERU DEAD. Py rArlii'ltn Wiie fioin Tne S..vlil"l 1'iih. IMrN, May (.. MatiJtio Ignuio Prailo, m piivl'lllit Ot Pent, Is ll.'J.I, Mniann Isnieln pridn wa Imtii in s'.:, lie Liitltliatiil in (.'tti.'ral (IwlllUS ri'Mvlitll.iii aj.Mln-1 I'lhlnhineN ituMiiiMiit III lil. II. i iiiarcluil uu.ilnst Mini In li'. .m. I iiilu.'.l IIlj t'lpllal Not, ii at the he.nl of ,i ti. lotions army. (In Nor, "ii In ilfcl-ml lilni-.li dictator .ml ens siilise.jtienlly eleitul fon-lltiilloiu pn.l.Knt hy Ihe I'fiuiiJii fonxioi... lie Js .i'jln rleile.1 i(s.l.'iit in IsTil. " ' Coal Tax Oppressive, ll.i llNiluhp Wire trr.ni Hi.' -.n'iji.l l'n' J.oii.ivii. 11 iy 'i --The I e Mas. nnihint .iiiliiintoii jml itieml.il in in ,lln. lentso o coiiimonc ten In nhen Ihi Ut in.t illnunt of the 10.1I 1 1 i. so lution iltl'.ite W.H iipiiieil I'J ."-ir IMwjuI (.ley (l.ibei.'.b, ilio ili'lini'il lli inea.uii J-i hil.li ami i.iiii-iive. 'Ihe hntia.! a.lopU.i Ihe i.ut las I. a ioi ol .KI.I lo 2.7. Hospital Tents Received. Hi IaiIiiMVi! Wile liom llu Aiiocijle.l l'iv,.-. Wjhlnt;lo-.i. Mj.c (', The niiittfimotliT seller i'i d'patlinrnt toilay rueiinl .i II,uleh ftom Paphln I'.nsons at .lai! soiiillle, I'M., Jini; that Iw lu;i I urrltdl Ihric ii!i the hospital l.r.ts sent liy lh wir licpiitn.enl. He ml.l-i Hut Hi) upoils ol llio loti Iiil not Irfiii cs-KsciaUJ, ami thai l''..i0 pcopl.' aiv hoim'li, NEW FEDERAL COURT MEETS Organized for the Middle District ot Pennsylvania bu Judoe Robert W. flrchbald. THE APPOINTMENTS MADE Ceremonies Followed with an Ad dress of Welcome by Lyman D. Gilbert A. J. Colbovn, George D. Taylor nnd Charles A. Van Woimer, of Scranton, Among; tho Officials Judge Archbald Tendered a Banquet by Dnuphiu County Bar. Py i:vi lib.lt.' Wile fioin Tlie AsMi.'l.ileJ I'tri-l-. TTariisbtirg, May C The newly cie ulcd Pedcial court for the Middle ills It let of Pennsylvania was organized In the Dauphin court room Ibis allornoon by Judge Hubert W. Archhnld, of Serantiiu. This ceremony was lollowed with an nihil ess of welcome by l.ymaii l'i. (illbcrl, of Marrlsburg. on behalf of Ihe bar of Dauphin and oilier counties composing the district. Following Mi. Hubert's speech, .linlge Arcbhald wn tendeieit an Informal leceptlou h. inembers of the bar and state oltlclal.. This evening (he oillcers ol' the new court weie tendeteil ii liaii(itet by thu Dauphin C'ounly Uar association. .Indue Achcsnii. of Ptltsbtirg, . Itn pn sided at ihe opening of coin t, nn polnled William ll. Crocker, of AVill lamspiirt as ( ,ii of tlie clictiit Tor tlie iiiiddlt division, and A. .I. Colbert), jr. deputy clerk at Scianton nnd Frank P. Sandglass nL flat risuurg. Judge Arcbhald made the following appointments: Mirk of llu 1IM11..I 1 nml. Ii. II. W. s.'.iih-, of M1.nlro.s1 ; deputy i lerk, 1'r.ink P. Siio.Iki.is-, of ll.ttii--hinLr, ( 'oiinni'X.ioiiii''. (,'. I). Tailor, s'lianloii; (.iiisti.v U.il.n. Wilkis'llarre; .1. W. .Mi. TnunniM; II S. Ill ntl.i, WTlllaimpuit; T.croy .1. Wolfe, Hun I.uik: (I. Jl. Wali.i-, fii-IUshniK: r. 1'. Mill, ll.i?lelon; I". Jl. Iluivr. Slinnokhi: Fie.l Sir 1 Mils. I'.ni.lerspnit; .1. II. Van i:ilcn, Jlllfopl T. . Ihlun, limtiii.'.l..ii: T. P. Capp, l.ehanon. llefeni"! ill liankriiptiy, ('. A. Van Wonim, Si rant. .n, for l..ickaiann.i, Siis.iirhannn. W30111 Inic .mil Monro. counties; Alono T. Searle-i, Ilotifs.hle, for Waine ami I'ikc t oiintlcj. ; II. A. t'lilli-r, 1MII.cs-ll.titt'. for I.ureine count i l.ouis M. Hall, Toii-aniki, for llrailfonl count.; . W. Duy, Illooiiulntrr, foi Columbia 1 ount.i , Win. fl. Tlmmi-', MjuiIi Cliunk, for Cait.cn f unity; M. A. T.nrtcart, Sunlniiy. for Xortluiui' l.erltiid, Montour, Siiyilei- anil I'niou countie 1.1011 11. 1'eriy, Wellsboro, for TioK.i county; W II. Snider, William-port, for i.jioininif ami P11I livait (.ouulies; Alono It. Jloore, Cotulerspoit, for Potter nml Caineiou loiinliei; W. J'., fir.1.1, lleltcfoiite, for Cii'lie and Clinton counties; M W. .knolls', llairisbure, for Dauphin, Perry an Cumberland cotinlt.'s; C.irus It. Imts, T,ehanou, for Lebanon county; Smj?er William?, Yoil;, for York and Adams coiuitlo; W. Hion-011 On, ol ChanilieulnniT, tor Frnnklin nnd Pulton .ounties Itiehanl William-on, lliinlindon, for Himtinicdon Mifltiu ami .luniit.i (ounthii. SUICIDE OF A COUNT. Joseph Joerge, a Geimnn. Nobleman' Takes Carbolic Acid. Dy Kiclu'iie Wilis fioin 'Ihe Asociitrd Prcs Xew York, May 0. Joseph Joerge, who committed suicide In Ifoboken or Sunday night by talcing carbolic acid, is said to lie a member of the (ionium nobility, rightfully entitled to call him self a count. A Mister lives In Ma in?., Germany, and his hrother-ln-law Is Count Von .itrllch, .said lo be a privy councillor to the kaiser. Joerge came to this country sonm seven yeai.s ago, slncn which time he has been In itveipt of quarterly u mlltanct'S, the la.sl, to the amount ot of $700, having conn to him two weeki ago. This sum be I.s .said to have squandered in less than a week. HIS EMINENCE STILL DEFENDS HIS TITLS Winner of the Twenty-seventh Ken tucky Derby Takes Clark Stakes. fly Kwliphr' Wire from 'I lie iei.itcil Presi. Louisville, May (i. Ills Ihulneuce, winner of the twenty-seventh Ken tucky Pei by last .Monday, todnj demoii'Slraled his supeilorlly over th westeiu 1 nits that have so far facci ihe ling, by today winning tin Cliiil stakes at 0110 mile and an eighth. The Clark stakes, worth tja.fino to the win ner, Is second only in hiiportntii'o ic the Kentuokv Peiby. Tho Puritan finished M'cond, wltl liih-coll third and the otheis strag. gllng In the rear. Tip trail; was fast and a crowd 01 T.Oort people was prest'iii. The Johnsons Buy a Trolley Line. pi I'Tiliislto Who lini.i TI11 U-ocLtid I'riv. 'lieiiti'ii, Miv 11. tlie fljiiilieile heailed l.y 'ton a.il Alheit f. .loluiiou, I0.I11- punhisiil tin Tien ion, Mrnisville anil Yanlley (ulley line, wltl. a nun frnni Moil isi ill's 1,- Yanlley on Ihe I'hiu ejlvinia kiilu of Ihe Dehi.-an ilvci. Tills io.k 1ul.t10l.-1 the a.pi.'.ic)i on the P. 1.11'ih.ilil.i ..id. In Ihe LritUi airn.s the llelawaie llier fioi' M(rlllli' mJ Triidon, wlihlt ll.o .(.'lui-oti p.s. pit Loiiuht Ki me tin..' .in is a link in tli.'.i .I)1.KI. 10.1.1 I'll. HI Pllill.l. IpllU 10 Sell Olk, Sultan Shoots a Doctor, Ily I.Mlu.lie jie 1,01.1 llu. .o.i.ilcil 'r(.s. I.oinl.iii. May 7. "h H iuiuoie.1,'' ayn ll.i (VutantiiiOile roiii'.-...ii.'Ui ol Ihe Daily l'. piesi, "Hut Ihe Hiluii tln.i dead a plijulrln ivl.o, iilule alteli.Iiug him l'i t'.ir coinplaiul am iiij.t.islii' him. imiiltini,'iy ciiiii.il hU iiiijei; intni.-o pain. The 1 liiuil'eiUlii in-hcd into tin room, nml the siill.in Mho siippo-.d there 'l.i a .itteiii.l on Ids' Hie, nml :i;aiii, vioiiniliiig tb diamWilaiti." i-4Vif l -V i f WEATHER FORECAST. - f 4 WashhiKtrti, May i.. 1'oieiast for Tiles i day mid Wcduc.diy; ll.islrru Piim-iba- - nU Partly cloudyj iiatmir in Miutlicant. -i . rn pnitlon; piol.al.ly nhoMtrs In lh . .illiltiooii or it i.lijl.l Tuesilaj. Wcdnc- i 4 day, hlioucK Hi' I loolii; luli In brisk 4 4- ii"filmtit'ily Mind.. i tliHHHt tnttt I