1 "' V ,' K.Vl , I " . ' 8 TUB SCR ANTON TIUJUNE-iMONDAY, MAY 0, 1901. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR HE HAS LOOKED OVER THE GRIEVANCES. WtiHonnl President Mitchell RcfUBes to Discuss Them, However The D., L. & W. Board for Today News boys and Bootblacks Addressed by "Mother" Jones Meeting: of the Central Labor Union The Servant Girls Will Be Organized Tlmrsday Night by "Mother" Jones. Picslilonl .folm .Mitchell, of Hie fill ltd Mine Wnihers nf Amotion, will Irnyo this oily today for Nw Voile, but before making hl ileparlure will appear before the Ki'iiml Jury and test ify In thcllbcl suit he turn tiiHtttutcil np.aliHt Killlor Itlchiiril I.lttle, of the riorantoiiliiu. President .Mitchell wns sen lnwi nlnlil by n Tribune man and iiftcr decliirltiK liln Intentlonn 'of llht liifr the Scrantnnlan ease, lie romarked nf IiIh local vlflt: "Since bcltiK lime I have conferred with the local and notional mine work dH' otllclal.i Htatloneil h"rc. over vari ous inntlero, and Saturday afternoon I was with the Ki'lovnnce ootiffiilttoo of nelawute, Ijitckuuumui and NVst ein miners for a short while. J looked over their demands and have sen I he suiles asked by the men of all the oinp.inIe. cophs bent sent on to me." When nsked If a refusal of thi opera tors" to comply with the requests of the, men was likely to result In any cessa tion of labor. President Mitchell quiet ly made the same answer with which he Breetetl all queries some time aero, lecardhiK the possible action of the Vllkos-Harre rniiveutlon: "I will not attempt to nnllelple the action which will hci taken In these matters." In discussing the ordeis Issued in District No. for all mnn to march to Harrlsburi; this week and there endeavor tn secure the passage of thr iiilulnpr legislation now before the sen ate, the miners' executive ollloer said: "I know on reason why they should not pass a number. If not all. of thoo bills. There are very important, not only to the well being and prosperity of the miner, hut also, to his personal -.ifety, and their passage means a great deal to the mine workers of these districts. It Is not likely, however, I hat the miners of this district will follow the example of (hose In No, 0. It's a. pretty good walk finm here to Harrislmrg." Mr. Mitchell will leave heio at H!..".S o'clock and will remain In New York for some days on business connected with the Civic Industrial association. Anthiacite Coal Trade. The bard eo.il trade is saved from absolute dullness only by the now price lists with their graded discounts. The discount lor May is 10 cents per ton and .sales audits uie assuring their f ustomers that the discounts nin cer tain to be in cents less per month till September I. Those buyers who have onfidence in the new order of things tool; quite a heavy tonnage in April and some doubteis are likely to lay in i ousiderable supplies this month. There aie no icports that ordeis for April have been carried over. In 1'uet, the market Is in excellent londition for this time of the year. At the ne.id of the "Lakes docks nie bale and practically no coal is chang ing hands. Jn Chicago territory stocks in dock ate veiy light and will lx cleaned up by the time coal begins to anive In quantity. Trade is quiet, but tile market is strong, Along the lower lakes demand has held np well. Ship pers at Jititfalo have been waiting tor i he sti Ike of the marine engineers to end. The- prospects are the into fioin Buffalo to upper Jake points will be -10 cents. In the L'ast demand has been fairly strong. Coastwise, shipments are hindered by the dltlkully of getting tonnage, owing to the gicat number of vessels and barses waiting a chance to unload at eastern points. The April prices for ftee-biirning white ash coal f. o. b. Now York har bor ports are: Broken. JS.tiO: egg, $3.8.V stove and nut. S-I.10. niiKineeiing and Mining Journal. Boys Held a Meeting. "Mother" Mary Jones yesterday af ternoon addressed a, meeting of the newsboys' and bootblacks' union and impressed upon th. members the gen civil importance of behaving them selves and trying to grow up into gooi men, A number of matters of im portance weie also discussed and among these -was the .stilke against the New York Journal. This was amicably settled. Itepro.sentatives from the New Yoik Journal and World were both present at the session, Han Is Frank, the vlci-pjesldent, was removed because he worked for in alleged "scab" prlntei. I. Moiris ww yesterday clotted to his place. I'he. boys selling Sunday newspapers nivo fallen out with the otheis and did not attend yest-nlay's meeting. Pliny are s-ald to contemplate the for mation of another union. D,, L. & W. Board. Following s the make-up of the. D J.. & W. boiuil for todav: SI'NIUV, may .'.. Wild Cats i:a,l ,S p. in , T I'ilpilii.'l.; 10 p M,, J. J, CoMUlo, MONDAY. MAY ti. HIM (.Us i:.ut-in a. m., II. lIM.ing: . ,., P. llallolt: :l p. in , II. I. Liiikin; ,1 p. in., P. P. fctmetvs 0 p. in., II. DuU'ity. Summits rlc (', u. in., o.it, J, llountii.in; li p. in., f.it, .' CarrlBKi 3" a. in.. rt, t). I'luiinfelliei; n p. in., i,t, W. II. XiclioUt 7 1. in., ruat from Nay ,Suir. II. MrAIIMir: 7 p. tii,, writ Hem Cayiijsi, 'lliiiiii-in; 7 p. hi , vr.t Horn t'sjuca, .MilJt.c. I'lillcr M a. nix f. K. sicnr. I'ualiut S a. in., Hoiiki; 10 a. lit . 1'inneitr; 11. CO a, in., Jlmanj 7 p. in., Murphy, 0 p. in l.miipliii;; in p. in,, Wlilncr. 1'isSfiiRor Ilnaiim 7 j. pi., JarTney; 7 a. in., P. s-lngoi; S.HU p hi., sl.mlen: 7 p. m., Laltl. rni r. Wild Oats i:st 10 .1. in,, P. Kiiiifslv: 1 j. ti., ,1, II, M.'i.ti'lj; 2 p, in,, O. Iljndnlpli; U v. Hi., Jolm foliajan; t p. in,, M. I.auglin)'; 6 p. in,, Kitclinnii (I p. in, 51. (ioMcii; 7 n, hi., I). Ilagsuiy, Mlllti;. BraUiiiun I'mcry Seal irporH for MoIrr Killcmau Jlcllale report tor .1, J. Dufiy This nud That, The Central Labor union mot yes wrday afternoon in Kconomy hall, but transacted little out of the usual rou tine business, Thn support of ths union was pledged this striking car builders of the Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western company. It was also decided to henceforth have a leglsUiT live committee represent the union be. fore councils and 'resident "Walter Jones was empowered by vote to ap point such a committee. The long talked of union movement imong tho domestics of the city Is at last to reach fulfillment and Thurs day nlghl "Mother" Mary Jones will meet the servant Rlrls at tho United Mine Workers' headquarters and or ganize them Into a local. Long hours ond poor pay are among the girls' grievances. National Committeeman Frederick Ditcher will tonight address a muss meeting of miners which will bo held at Mooslo. Tho Ijiieknwauna Ttalhoutl company has Just opened elegantly appointed city llckot offices at 749 Hrood stteot, Newark, N. J., and 1183 llroadwny, New York. ltrakcmon "William Hoover, Frank 8. Johnson, J. M. Harris and Thomas I. Koanlon have been assigned as extra, passenger brakemen on tho tinckn wanna, railroad In the order named. Tho Iwo bax cars which will form part of tho Delaware, Lackawanna, and oWstern Hollroad company's ex hibit at the J'on-Amerlcnn exposition, wero sent from tho shops to Uurfnlo yesterday, practically complete. Tho one's Interior wilt lie decorated with views of tnanilfaetltig exhibits and the other with pictures of natural scen ery . HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. Donations Received nt That Institu tion During April. The Homo for tho Friendless ac knowledges with gtatlttnle gifts from many donors during April. Particu larly appreciated are the Saturday night donations. These gifts tire from various dealers who send left-over vegetables, meats and fruit, which aro gathered up by tho Homo's special agent, Peter llaan. Any market or giocery pioptietor who has good ar ticles left over on Saturday which he will be willing to contribute to this worthy object, will receive :i call from the iiKent by telephoning to the Homo The following made valuable contit butluus on Satuiday nights In April1 K. (1. Coarsen, W, Jl. pierce, AV. J. Marvel, 1). K. Marberger. J. T. Hoyer. T. 10. Can- ,fc Son, W. (!. Conrad, A. M. Slorr. Kverett Bros., C. K. Hone. J. F. Arnibrusl, Itohrwnsser's and Sielil ler's bakery. Other donors weie as follows; Mr. II. II. t'un... tcip.iK i hooe, fmit, rlc ; ZeiilliT's lul.i'ij, lin.nl iiiui Lun-; Mm. N. . I.oil. lot itiiiu", 4-e -.miloi': N'ohn Pun. 'iiifi Mr.. rillniPip, takes; Miv. fliwli, IV tor.vvillr. patiliHorl,. rb.; II. I1pjiis f.airy ,(Mk, it(.: Diitiiiiurf Uranili NivdlcnoiKcn' Siiilil, Mm. Iciov IVwIi'r, ilt-iil(iit. hi .-ulU l.liilriHi.jr, olio io.it, tuw.'N, cb'.: Mr. .1. b. Piiiintll, ri.vllt'K nutlet : Mi-. I". W. M.ivon, picklci!, cti ; Mr. .1. II. Ilimnil.-k, Ml,. I 11 Sti'llc flm(i: Mtf. ( hi. r.'cl;(i. ni.nigri; Mi'i .li'iuiir McNilb, Mrs. Itii lurd IM.u.il, i ikr, Mr. I' ,s. Mii.il, flotliinir, fb'. : Mi'. It. f:. Itiiml.., ilonJtnl bill Sit: II. lulu II. humI, il ; Mrs. It. .1. Willi.niiN. Mr. rtnn .luntr. Kim-Inir-t. iIoIIiIiik; ldi(inl ItoilPiiik. irailng in.i: ( i: Ml-. Win. Mirplr. i In. l:in, loll-. ItoniT', C'.; Mi.. Mm.hi KiiuIiI, ili.tliin-, pu : H il b.iM CoiiiipII, au-s 1,'icN, fiomt vi d, ,. Tl :. Mmr. ino.it. etc.: Mim. William I'l-nm!!, n-Jiling inillfi ; l.iithn Ki'lli-r, lime; pi, 11 tl. Ilai d. i.i-c ccndi i.vil milk: Mii Sii-in Hid;. iii"ui. ipplis iic; ln. W. U. Watstui, cikf; t'fiitp and Puller, l.iu.-!i.-i; (ionis,. uul II In.i lid! ii v. 'lotliintr, up: ?IU Pauime (lolil-nnlli, ilntlniig. rti- : Hr. I.iiiliu K"iiiipi1j', nullrd milli; Lin kiwriimi Piii.v ronp.iiiv, milk, llcwrts u.'ir Imtii-lKil liv Mr?, i:. 1.. I'lilln. Mrs. I!. .1. Ilmi n II, Mi. H. if. lliiiM". Tile family has numbered eighty dur ing the month. Dr. Lucius Kennedy In attendance. l"r. Loot and Dr. Corner rendered .service:--. St. Agnes' guild of Rt. Mark's, nun more, gave n beautiful tea for the old ladiesj, which will long be lememhered. A VERY TAME EXHIBITION. High School Was Not Strong Enough for the Seminal y. A ludicrous exhibition of base ball was that given at Athletic park, Sat urday, liy the Scrai'ton High School and Wyoming Seminary teams. The game was called In the eighth Inning, as tlie moon was- about to come out, and it was reported by a youth, wise at mathematics, that the final .eme was 2i-lT, The High School team has on It a nufnher of men who can play the game up to the limit, notably Tropp, Phil lips and Corbett, but as a whole tho nine Is not rust enough for swift company, and Mich Wyoming Is. The Kingston men caught tho infection of had playing and did not exactly scintillate themselves, yet they showed that they knew the elementary piin-oipU-K of have ball. Flnnaglinn Is their bright particular star. lie plays left Held and is soon to enter fast profes sional company. A .sensational catch by him Saturday robbed the locals of at least a couple of runs. Hoy Scott, n. Ser.mton boy, plays third base for the team and plays It w, II, and in Mo Cann the seminary has a fast, gingery little shortstop. There were a uumhei of young ladles in the grand-stand Saturday, and the same young vandals who aie carting away the fence ami ble.iehei.s amused themselves by ripping off large pieces of the roof and dumping- the fiaginents among the fair motors, as well as among those made of sterner stulf. In Saturday's game the learns lined up as follows: Si-Miiton Piui'r. i.m.r il, M; sinnow, r.imi. or and llr-t Kim; Ninv, li II lidd; ii'IMIly, thiol kii; IkMiis mini! Ii,i; Tinpp, pllrle r; ll.irdVnli.-K, light ic,; Phillip-, flr-t Into ,iinl raliliu; ("mind, ,sin,i stnp, Hjm.n, M,u. rul lu-i. Wji,iiiins-Mii .inn, ,hiil-,i.ij l)i,imluii, ph. rnd Ii.'im ; Phillip., i.itd.pi; 'hn.i;(li.iii, i-il (u!d; Stott, thiol Im-; Kiw, lijrlit iiri.i; in ttiierl, ItTx-t I'Inc; Wi-uhi'iiup, ivnici- (kij llinlirr, pltdioi. I'mpluii, N.illui and (. iMjchti CHANGES AT THE LIBRARY. Room Has Been Set Aside for Juven ile Llteiatme. A number of changes hue beep )e cently made at the Albright public llbtary and the piesent arraugoment of the uioms give tho Intetlor of thn building a very different appearance from that which has been familiar to thousands of Scrautonlans .since tho looms woio first opened, Tho huge room on the first floor, for merly med as n general leading loom, has now been transformed Into a elill. drcn's loom, and was opened as such last week. In this spacious apartment are stocked the greater putt of the Juvenile llteratuie of the library, which will bo Issued direct from this room, and thus prevent the rush at the legu Jar circulation counter, The books are, however, returned and registered with all other books Issued, in the usual manner. The chll rlren's room is also In the naluio of a reading loom, It being stocked with the same number of chairs and fables ns of yore. A number of juvenllo maga zines and weeklies are supplied for tho benellt of the youthful frcquenteis of the loom. Tho geuciul leading room Is now on the second floor and has been for bomu months, during the period that tho first floor apartment was undergoing Its transition. It Is tho loom formerly used us a chupel, which answers Its purpose even better than the old quar ters, being larger and more cnmntodl ouv. Mm Mm) fifg When 'you buy SS (I '" Crackers -'if i Biscuit or S When Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In Klfcct life. 2, l'JOO. Soutli Lp.hp Srr.intoii for Ni-u YoiK at 1 10, 3 03 n..Vi, ,s.0D ami 10.0, a. in.; li.55. .'I..t3 p. in. I'm- 1'Iiil.iilclplii.i in S.m .mil 10.0,", j. in.; tjjj jiiiI .'i..'lu p. in. I'or Mrotiil-lmij," nt 6. 10 p. in. .Milk .iiromnind.itlnii at ".10 p. m. Airlvo .'t lloliol.cn lit (1.SH. 7.t-, Itl.'.'S, l'.'.O,'. S.IS, IB, T.l'i p. in. Airh nt l'liil'.ilrlplil.i at l.tw, ,t -J.!, (i,( anil h.2J p in. Anlr linin uv York .it 1.10, li,!.! .ii.il 10,'J.l 1 in.; l.tjo. 1.;;, -,.(, .!,-, .nid lt.SU p. in. l'lnm StioiiiMiuiK jl S.OJ a. m. North l.r' S r.nilini for Ilufluln and intrr miiliiilc hl.itlcni" .it 1.13, li.r.'S nml o.oo ,i m.; 1 OS. f.4S and tl..'!5 p. ir. For 0rgo and Si.uu.-o lit ! "I j .1. in. anil Lo.', p. ni. Tor tfllca at 1 10 a. in. and 1.53 p. in. Tor -Von-lio-c .(t t'.no 1 rn, 1.0.1 .ind 3.1b p. in. ror XlchoUoo ,il 4 IX) and 0.13 p. in. Tor IliiiR. liimton jt 10.20 a. in. .nive in Scrantnn lioi.i lliiff.il.1 .it l.:'"i, 2"3. 3.4J nml 10 on .i m; .;.:ii) .mil S.00 p. it.. l'l.'-n -t;n .ind .M.iiii-,. Jt 2.0.3 a. in.: 12 3 mil ( t p in Piin Vtin .it 2.33 :u hi: l-'.:: .mil 'I ,Ji p. m. Kioin Nlcliolion at T..30 a. in. and 0 On i. ni. Kium Mort'osc at 10. i ii. rn ; ::.J0 .ind s.im p. in Illnoni-lniip llMsinn I.p.ixp ,Si.intnii 'ov Xoillinmboil.iti'l, -il 0.1,3, 10.03 a. in,: i.T; a.i I :; p. iii. for rijinontii .it i.ui, .t.to, km p. in. I'or Kinji-ton ul S.lu .1. in. Anho at Xoitlnnnlicil.ind .it ,!1.3 .1. ni., t 10, ,3.00 and 1. 15 p. in. Anhc- Jl Kinir-lmi at S..32 j. in. aiiIm nt I'ltiimutli lit 2.0). 4 S2. 0.13 p. in. i,jw :u St rutiloti from NoiHiiiinlirrl.ind .it !.4J j. n.; I'jS'i, (.Ml ami Nl.3 p. in. I'lmn Kinn-ion at 11.0.1 a. in. 1'ioni rijinoulli jt 7.33 a. in.; a.20 and H S-'j p. in. l;.VnV THAIS'! Soiitli l.iino -Vi niton .it 1.10, V.CH), 3.30, 1.1.03 p. in,: :-.,U .mil !.. 10 p. in. Noitli-I.f.nc Siiniilon Jt 1.13, n :;; rf. , ; 1,53, 3.4S and 11.K3 p. in lllaoin-liuii! DUI-inii l.taie &1.SJI1I011 at lU.Oj a. n. and 5.50 p. m. Lehigh Valley Baihoad, In r.iic-i M.nrh ;i. I'.OI. I'or I'liiljdclpld.i and Now Yoik ii I). C II. R. I! .il 0.43 and 11.33 .1. in., ni.tl 2. IS, I J? (Dink Diamond Lvpic-O, Ji-d 11.20 . in. nun tla, n. ,t II. It. II.. I.-3-. s.27 p. in I'or While llaicii, llvlttnn and piinolpil poinu in tho coil reKionv, M.t 1). II. It, u ii 13, 2.1o ind 1.27 p in. I'or l'oluilllo, 1,27 p. in. I'or Hrthlclit ill, llaMcn, llcv(lin, lliirli'mii; and pnndpal iiilrrimdlilc stilioiH m'.i 11. ,v II. It. 1!., 0.13, 11,33 .1. iii ; 2.1S-, 1.27 (Illaik Ilia, inoiid I'p:i-.), li..' p. Hi. MiikI.i.v-i, I). II. It. It , 1.3S t. 2 p. in. I'or Tunklianiiod:, Juwanda, I'.lmli.i, lllucj, Ocnuva and piimipal inliiincdiito --llilion--. i.i 1).. I,. A: W. IS. It., --.U-: u. in.; 1.03 and ii.in p. in. I'or fiona, llo'lu-li-,-, IliifT.ilo. Ni.i;ai.i rjll, OIiImko .ind all point- ucst, 11.1 II. A: II. It. It., 1I.KS a. in., Ji.'i-T ini.iik Jll.iniotiil lApiit-s), 7.1-', 10.11, ii.:;o p in. iiibj--, I). ,t II. it. n , 11.33, s.27 p. in riillmaii pailia- and t.lfcpii a or '.oliisli Valley pallors i-iiii on all ti.iln-. Iii-tnn Wilkrs-lliiin and iv York, I'lillJiJi Iphl.i, lll.ll.ilo mid Mlv pui-ion llrUiic 1I0I.I.1N" II. Wll.llfll, i.'on. Supt., 20 foilland Mrcet, l Yoik. (ii.iti,i s. i.i:i:, i.'.n. i '.in. j 20- 1'nrti.inii Mnvt. New Vnik. . NUNM'.MM ili:il, Hii l.i. Axt . N.Jth I'Hl.li'li. in, I'a I'or tiikcM ami I'nlliruii n'i7,iliniis .ipph' lo "O'l l.aikaw.dimi aciau1, .-cranton, l'a. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Station in N.,,v Vwrk foot oi Lioirtj iii.!, v It., anil Smith Kill. timi: v.mii.i: in" i:t'f i:t"i' xov. 2,3, ia,, Twim leave Si union lei Vw V01U, lvalk, I'li.ili.'tli, riilUtldiiliU. I.i-tmi. IlcllilrlHiii, A Kntowii, Maiiili 'li""l " W'hiip iiiv-pii ni ,.::ii a, in.'. rx(iiib. 1.101 ni'Hw, H.30 a. 111. s-un-iliv-, 2.13 1. 11' i'or 1'itUlon Mini WiUc.-I1.iiip, xCO .1 nt. ; l.lu mil .!..'" p. !" Nindi.ix, "'a I', in. for lliltlnior'' and W.nliiiton and points Niutli and MM ' llitlilclifin. K.BJ a. in.; l.pi and ;l.3n i. in. .'iiii'lJ-. 2.13 p. in. I'oi I.oiik Hramli. ll-'caii (iinve, iti, at s:;o a. 111. and 1.10 1'- m. I'or ltradliiK. Li'l'inmi and llaiTtbaref, vii Al. lontimn, .:.o .1. m and 1.111 p. in. Sunday,:, 2.15 l. I". for I'otuvlllc. "!.!fl n in. oinl 1.10 p. 111, 'lliiouuli tlikcts to all poiiiik 0.1,1, routli and ,,t at JovvtsO. i.ilr-. at lln &l.itlnn, 11. i'. ii.u.im'iv, (,mi, iMs i;t ,1. 11. OI.IIAISU.S', (.Mi. Nipt Time Cnnl f n rffrcX lite. ,10lli, WOO, SCRANTON DIVISION, 8)7 SOS Ml . a, a c C a 08 80J , .STATIONS I I I FU I I 1M 8 I'D PH tV . lo iv loa.vr. 101012 u ...1031)8(5 " -...t'lvll U 1 " ...lOIJptS " 1'ailonin lluniu(.L . I.T.'... I 0580 I V)1 IM I 11 IH IS) IS, llil6! Iiirlivl't. " llistou part, " .vvinKood... " ...fuvntelto.,, ' .. ..OrBOii..,., " . 1'lianiitMt, " UnlontlHle., " ..Jorcst I'll.. ' C'4itondaliVit " . Curboiidala , " III II I 31 241IM. J 60 5 It. U6S3 luuuixiu -- uauil(,v OUIItl " UUillllS " ,8 094 10. Mll.V. sun jj oiouju 001 . .1 ' muii ii Hunt 11 8IB5M ill 3 mil .8 18113 :M 1(1 7 C03 SUM., ,.IUIP Jlllllf, ..am MsyllrW Vil " ir Ma ititi. " 7 0JS UOOI " 7 MSI16C3. " i7 i:icieo. .'lu.vnpin Jcrnon. AnhLalJ. Ulnton I'. ,klllo a H' 8 Mil Ml ' 6 J3. KS0I1 oil ' I S3' (Mil vt .. 118 ...,eb 10 10 M ' mini 81010 301 ' 8 .1.-10 IK 1 1 iaa did " 7 ti me " 7SJ4 036 " 7 aime 7 I3tt Mb U, 8 19 6 SI. . IW1U1II( 11 ut-1 303 83M0 1ft ' 6 03 m 10 n 80C 8WI0I0I.T. Ft IU i 1 AM 1 en 1 m I Additional tiiliDlcara Catbordalo for MsvikW Yard &M juii rictut Kiniilay, au-l 7,60 m tjuuday oofy, airlilsj atJfttbrll 1r,l7ajiinioJs.u)pi.i. , . AilOitliiualtralnilaviicriiii(iuat700iii4iUDiliyotily, tomiiniitlalltlatluua In l'orl,iiUal, arriilui: at 715 pu! aujl irslii i liatfi tin held Wr.l for (arloBlalv atCOau dall, arriving at tiiOumllaio.Maiu. Itatot emit per mile. I.one.t Kate tn ull X'olnta West, . NDCRSON, t'ta'll'ni'r Ajrnl. ih Turk (it). . WC18H, lrr, Airot, eciaulcu. I'a. 1 m s Mvw ' HHPHN 'WZ HS19filKfl W ' fe'ga ouiv -- xvi in 1 1 ll.rooli 7 311 10 IT. 'lomlrlKO. " 7 11 i III 111 Urkl'lucr " 7 JjJ i7l JS. Srlimloii., Ar. 7 III 20815. you buy Crackers Biscuit or . Wafers ask for the kind that are always fresh in the Inerseal Patent Package. Wafers I When you order Soda, Milk, Gralitim and Oat meal Biscuit, Ginger Snaps, 'Vanilla Wafers and Reception Flakes, insist on getting those which come in the In-cr-seal Patent Package. Don't take a substitute. Look for the In-er-scal trade mark design at the cud of the box. NATIONAL BISCUIT PENNSYLVANIA RAILROA I Schedule In Effect March 17, 1901. Trains leave Scran ton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays t.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.K7 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. II. IIITCIIIXSOW Ron. Mfr. .1. It. V.OOI), cn. r.i-1. ArI. Delaware and Hudson. In fffnt Nov. 23, iwo. Iiams lor rnrliomlalc liavc .Vr.inton ,11 6 20, 7..3.i, ...V.', 10.1a a- in . 12.00, 1.20, 2.41, J.52, 0.20, U.23, 7.f.7, 0.13, II.I.'i 1". 111.; I. II. a. in. for HimcMljli 0.20. 10. li. a. in,; 2.11 and 0.29 '''foi' wiikfliiru .i. 7.4S, b.vi. :).;:. 10.1s, 11.3.3 a. in.: l.'-'i. -". !-. ''-''. 0-10.7. IS. 10.11, ll.i'O p. 111. I'or I. V. R. It. iniiiilf 0. 1.1, 11.3.3 j. in, ; ..".j 4.27 and 11.-0 p. m- . for l'dirnjlvjiii.! U. 11. poii.U-b.4,3, 0.3S a. 111.: 2.1 and 1.27 p. 111. for Alli.inv and all points north 0 211 a, m. and 1!.32 l- i" SUNDAY TItAINS. for railiciiwl-ile f-00. H-"i 111 ; 'Ml. ,i,32, ,3.47, 10.52 p. in- foi WllkcvIlJirc 0.SS, 11.55 a. m.; 1.3, 1.2s, (..27, fc.'-7 p. rn. for Albany and point, north .:.5! p, m. for lloiic-d.ilc 'MV a. in d 3.32 p. 111. l.or. i.itc- to all point, in United statcj sod Canada. .1. 11. ni'nnii'K. :. r. a Aiiuny, . v. 11. V. CUOSS, D. I'. A., her.iiiton, I'a, Erie Railroad, Wyoming Kvision. Time Talilc ill Kflccl Sept. 17, 1M0. Tiain-. ioi lliwlcy and loial point.-), t-oiinctt-in;; at llnvvlcy wit li Die 1 a llrn.nl for New Voile, NfwbiirK a.nl Intornidliito points, leave Siran ton at 7.03 a. 111. and 2 2.3 p. ni. Tiaius anive at Siranlon at I0I.0 a. rn. and 1.10 p. m. FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS Gas Ranges On Sale at Our Office at Cost. We put them in your kitchen ready for use. All connections FREE, on first tioor. Double Oveu Ranges, $0,73 and up Scraiuon Gas & Water Co 115 Wyoming Avenue. MAY 1. 1901, ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. THE NEWRUDOLF. Ocelli Fmiit, Atlantic City. New .Icrs-c. 'a f.iiiion, liiullli olid pliM-Miri' Koit. I.inji-hl on the (,oj,r, Mo.-t aipra(il. Hot .mil Told SiM'W.itor luth- la liriisc, tioo lo KIK--U. .-iu'lIiI nins Itatc-, Oiilic-tia nml daniiiiL'. CIIAS. It, MYl'.llN Owner ami 1'iop'r, Grand Atlantic Hotel no annex. Virgin!.! Avo nml IIcjcIi, .Ml.uillo t'iiy, N, .1, PlMll M'.lt; .'i.i InMlltillll lixillis Oll.llilo, hlnclr ami nitli Intli; hot nml told mj-wjIci- Ii.iIIh In lintel .did unncv, I.ni'jlii'ii tilcit anil niitul, witliin iVw jvnU of tlin Mid I'Icr, Oulicti.i, Olli'M hieilal bpriiij; rites IJ to SI", b.i icl., .'0 up liy 0,iy, !-iK('ial iatii to lainllie-, OmlIks unci oil tr-uiw. H'lito tor liooKUt. ru.Mii.KS !: i ni'i. &Z&0 For years this remedy das beeu the standard uerr restorative. Thousands of happy men owe their newly found Mreugth to its use. Sexiue VilU replace weakuess and ezhaubtlou with strength aud visor; the brain becomes clear; the nerves steady aud calm; gloomy forebodings rue buulclied aud perfect vitality is ful. ly lectured. If you tire suffering as above, try a box; you'll be encouraged by iti effect to take the full course of six boxes then if jounrenot entirely cured, we will refuud your money. This satis factory nfTcr is one of the factors of our success. il.00 per box; G boxes (with guaran tee to cure or money back), $.' 00, mailed in pljlu packages. Book free. 1'kal, SIUDKi.NB Co., Cleveland, Ohio. I'or sale by Jolm 11. I'liclps, I'harmiiUt, corner V;onilns avcuuo aud b'pruie street. g I COMPANY. ta 1 Be Too Fly Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing 3011 know you'll garnish a dish. I came from the store of Florey & Brooks, Aud I'm dangerous. Ml I B 211 Washington Ave. Sale of Shoes Damaged by Water Now Going on at lidfls Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues, Lager Beer Brewery Blftu ufacm rers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 455 1ST. Ninth Street, Telephone Cull, 'J.T,3. THE illM PI) WITCH P nawwaw luiiuuil UUI Booms t and 2, Com'llh Q'ra'g. BCRANTON, VA. Hining and Blasting POWDER Meo kt Mooalo and ItutU 11 Wurki. LAPLIN RANU POWDBR CO.'.H ORANGE QUN POWDER Slretrlu Battorlet, UUatrla tlxplojart, plo4luj bl3tn, bafety Fun jul m, fil ilfllS M Retaunt Chemical Ca's u.S IVC gg WEiNGARTEN BROS,, Larseftt Manufacturers,l,4i,4.f.44,4,4,4.4,4,tTTTit"rTtT'r'rTTlrT-r'ri t ! NEW STOCK. J . J We aie now prepared to sliow yon an entire NEW stock ol : Carpets 1 : Wall Papers and Draperies I .j. Every item is this season's goods, and we are prepared to serve T j, vou jiromptlv and at our well-known low prices. 1 WILLI AHS&ncANULTY Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue- 4 "I"H,4' fr H'4,,H"I,i,4, 4"V "J"! ' MEN'S ANO WOMEN'S CLOTHING WE GARRY A LARGER LINE OF Than Any Credit in the World. '"e credit. No Extra Charge 317 Lack. Ave Second Floor Open Evenings PEOPLE'S HISTORIC Places in Virginia lanlv cumfoit.ibly .in.l easily liMClllMliy tllti Steamers tall dally rvrpt Siuiduy ttoni i'ler 2il. .Norih Rlu'i', mot ul II. jiIi tliit'l, Nr York, lr Old Poinf Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Ciiniicctuis for All Points South and Ve:.t. Thiougli I ickets returning Irom SValiington !y r.til or water, l''ji lull infcu.-.jtion api'lr to OLD DOMINION STEAA1SHIPCO. ,81-85 Beech St., New Yovk. 11.11 W'ALKKIt.'lrat Her. I.J.BIlOWS.O.r.A, Prof.Q.F.THEEL,627,?Hr a.f m jj 4wcrlr. luutLtritorr 4UwIj; nail frltttf T I ,BL Mffa t cfr, Abu, lllvutl Vlu, Arrut ' f fla V blUI,Lvt awkud,Yrlrocrlt & MrirtHrr(st fcrrrBritr rurtJ 1 1 IU . J6 ;tir prtlftl A, 6 irtifk IhuPblUl tiprrlrnro I (armif j, S4 fur bonk "Irtdfc 'tt'l IpuUQV tftrr JtiUl t Ictrlrl frtuilv. Mt illua tbU pirT 11i W. t f.i .. . . 1 . i.j... V " ronn i.rtEt li ' - ...imi.nnnc eommnatlon pf com. non riu. and ei.Klf ,t,.. ,t i . . Y. "- "" conuort ot a rib. -on (flidlp i fnmbltie. tttr ! ."'f'0 I'Hnclple (hat can be aj?. pllfd tn cirwt bulldlnc. There i. ni. reel Kon? lor .r (Uur. n ',... a'" '" s"tn srll W. Erect Form Style 701 !.idcol unite nml drab t nft Jean. Illp cored J 1 . 0U Erect Form Style 702 Hip Roreil. Jlidc ot Imported Diamond Ca. a ha tern, In while and iliali HI.3U Erect Form Style 003 Of Imported Coutll. full Rorel, blm mt. Kor mull, . r(j .lender (kup Ptit3 Erect Form Stylo 0B0 IMl'ltOVKD.-OI fine Kroncli Con. tit in wlillc and ir.il. I'nll Rorid uul libit d nn ErectFormStylo 000 Of etr.i heavy l'ruidi Cmtll, tn white and (Ir.lb ilml black Mtren. Villi Cf0) CA ifoied and hla tut. . V',JU Erect Form Stylo 002 Of linpoitrd Cnnl II. Full not ml. Illn cut. Tor fully CA detelopcd tiuuns "P,JU If your dealrr doii not rarrr them In stock, .end bis nam- anii rno price nr ninlrl you do- tin anu w Mil aenrt it direct. 3TT Broadway, N. Y. of Corsets in the World. OUR TERMS ARE' EASIER Clothing Company uy fr sPot cas se'' oa- for Credit at the Credit Clothing Company. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Suiplus $500,009. United States Depositary. Business, personal and say iugs accounts invited, t 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock, W.m. Cosntii, President. lli'NRY Bui.v, Jr., Vice Pres, Wm. H. Pi.ck, Cashier, HENRY BELIN, JR., tjciidjl AbchI for tlic Mjomii.s Dielrut 'ur Dupont's Powder Mining. IUiilui.t Kitnu. NnoMles arid th Itl'lUlllIti ( ItClliiwI (.Ulll)..U A HIOH EXPLOSIVES. -jiit) 1 ui. .ip ami Expluilrr. Itcom I'Jl ( mi ni!! IliilWiiii.' .hirantiii UII'ACIIS: 1IUN l'OIII Plt'JtOII .ItlllS It. hMllll i. SON" ,., H.ui'OU'U U. C. Ml't.l.IGVX WilVcuUirU "I 1 feVii ,H J-' - tjl Mi' h i j-tj