aj3 "? v (Mpftf tj,i-w- w-3t pS-jJTT ? !-fF5y"-. (fT?Kr'KTl.'f.s"-"t;-if,i Jli.iVrfrTTV'.wnv jr ''JlWM& WTVSu1 JTOiSL2.ri 5 . J., , -J..'- ' "T""i;;"-"' ----".T?-- T-i ' '- '."r,nTin'' r - JTr-y'V - -"'i"r-S-',!"7 ' - .', . . 4 . , THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAY 6, 190L . C6e Scnvrtcm -JriSt-me I'uMWIinl Dilly, txiepl Sunday, ly The "tll nil' Publishing CompJh.t, l I'Kty Ccnti n Month. J.tVV S. Mr Haiti', IMIInr. o. t riVMllX limine Mimccr. N'ctr Vollv (IfTif C! 110 .V.THMIl M. , , S. .. Vlll'Ui.AND, tv)f Actut dr IVirelgu .VltcrtUlhS. Ll.lrtcrl at th I'mlnlluc .It Sr.itilon. IM ill -nuntM li-v Mill JUllit. 1 When nic uill punilt, 'Hip Irlliune l -ilttay fclad to piint slimt Icltm fiimi It Irtcnd bear, tic uri cum-iil tftilr, lint lit lute It llial t In mut be niidicil, fur iitdillcallnn, lij the wrllM If'il mines iiikI lli rendition pnccdent to ac iff'tam.: !. Out nil loiilrilmtlons shall be subject i" clllorliil minion. i in; plat iiati: ion Anviiimstsn. flic fnllov tntf talil bnm thp ptlrp per Inch mil Imcrllfjii, iinc to bo ued within one jmi. I ttiinot ISiiIlmson lull DIM'LAV ' I'M"! Readfus I'oltloli Ip'm linn Jm) inchPt ,! I .23 ' nf .Vil Inrlic.i tfi ..' '' l:rO " n, I .ITS -If wm " i.v. j .ir .i" ''"'I " .li I .!. I I IVt raid of lhin'. mMiitlon fit ioiil.il(i.ro iii'l Miull.ii- 'i nttltmllnin In thp tntuip if '' tirtitln,- 1h Trlliim" iinko i durar "f .'' '' a line, tl Uti Im t jlilr. Ailvrillfil u ImiiWml tn MM'llratkri. Si'IIANTii.V. .Willi, li. I'.'iil. 'I In n-HhiKitfil Mint in th'- 'iii-MMit n-'iillw i. Mln of ytnitlli, Ni-w Villi. In III t 'mi jr-.-iM will ho hlKKi'r than I.Mli'lnii In .ill hut iittinli"!.- .Wu Vuik In lih:'(i ti'iw. - The President's Journey. 1' t'n.MIjr,Eri:)J as planned, the yrt ,h.'nt'.s .iuliniP ulll i-orr a iliHtiinir ill' n;..i)iiO miles an J In- i linli' v I it-, to thlt ty ul the fut't.v ilw n,ii"n .mil in tun nt tln thnv ttT i llnrli' the ninwt fXt-'iLilv.' journey I'Vut in Im Si ny :im A hum lean executive ami ii'n- which will hniiK him Into eln.se I'lllcll With ,l I.I I Kit lltltllhef ul" his, fcl-liiw-fllhv it-, than was ewt cln f.icu to taic hy imij pi"eii"epiiir 111 the White Wuus". .Moieiivr, lialtiK now won his 'u oiiil 'i i ion, theif Is no personal politics In ihc jiiuniey luit simply the t!i'l(C nt' nie-hleiil and penplu to nieetl "li i (iiiimnn. giiiuinl In lionor oC each other and of the eotiiiuoti eoimtty. 'I'heie i. nt course, politico 111 the ctl lerprlK', hut of the higher mcler which ' ivteps paitv line.-, 'ipii ni.ihcs I'd" I lie mittiinnl adMiiiccinent. In his sp-Li huh the pic I lent h.i.s eni 1 h:..slz(l certain broad di.'tiliies upon which the lutiire welfate ot our coun try depends. He has extolkd national unity, the Initial of old .s.'-etional prejn dli e;,. the oneliuss of civic thought and put pare I ict ween li.iM and West and lietwccn Xorth and South. To this pur pose he has eonti United more than any cMiiteuiporary, as the warmth of his welcome hy the South attests. He lias also pioelaliin d the new needs In the old doctrine of protection to .iiicrKiu Industry and lahor expan sion of our foreign commerce, the cul tivation of friendlv iclatioits with the other nations of the earth, the upbuild ins of a ineteliaut inaiine whereby our expiiiicif may dec, no independence of fiirelKti vessel owners In the carrylliK if Airieiiean-tnade soods to eompeie in t'orilgn nun hots. Finally he has emphasized the moral duties or this powerful nation; which js just hoKlnnlntr. m far as world-wide lucstlous so, to .see and realize its pow (ts and iipnortunltlos. Iteeeiit events hiue Involved us ill ,i trusteeship over ccitnln alien peoples. The president's word is for hone.sty, justice and patience m tin- pi-rlormaiice nf nils linieiilt trust, rtut tint less iifRent Is the need to cue propotly for die s,, i"i'),uuf" of blaehs wlio inhabit (he heart our home land, and with respect to ihls perplexing u pmblem the presi dent counsels Industry, toleration and sivini; in .ill a l.iit and an lionoiahle i hiitice. This Is the substanee of the polities, hi the president's travel and daily i-peneh. It is not partisan polities 'Hither than his administration, by nf llrtiilus and sitppoitltiH such iiollcies, tends o Identify Uieui with the liepuh limn iiariy. There is nu lieneUt to that parly in the piesldent's inogramme which Is not equally a beiiellt to citi zens holonBiiiB -In the other political part Its of mir tune. That the pre,-l- Ictifs pMbi Image may have the- effect to stieimtheii the Republican party's hold upon the good will of the people ill only come by tea.soii ot the Knowl edge which It will quicken that the Republican puny us tepresetited by the adinlnlstiatlou of William .MoKlnley has Ik en true to Its principles anil promises and has proui Its adminis tl.Mlve ellicleiu.v. Again we remark that It i.-, high tlino the city 'inn- people of sierantou w.-re attending to the founding and support of Mimiiier vacation schoula, such in; are cloinjf so great and .splen did wnrlt annuis the less tnrlun.itu classes In inn a few other fill . Scientific V eather Lore. I k. V. .X.i know t-niiiciJiliie .7' about the weather. It wouiu ne gieaity 10 our liullviilunl udvnntnge if wo Know' hiorc It Is true, that within. this Ihst Iwenty year? or so metroologi. fnl attuly and muteorologienl science have, nmrvcillously ilesvloped, not only in the Untied Sta-tea hut, following our load,- throughout the civilized world, i Muttiprnlnslcul stations aro nov aR coimrtnn as u&tioinmlcnl observatories), and, from more than one. standpoint, of arbiter Impoitance McLcurfclogy iinil tiblrononiy uro the least junipliteal of all the fundamental seieiides In their foiecasts und ohser viitloiis. -, cyclonu nmy bo piedletiiil with tho exactness nu4 i-eitainty of an eclipse not, of course years or month, beforehand, hut witli a certl Hide not thu less lemurkable and cer tainly! none the kss important to mankind because it only amounts to dayh ustcad of ceuturlCK. Mett-orolo. cy Is unquej.tlonubly ouy of tho mo.st tc-rvii.-tablo and proiltable of tho youngtr (cleiun?. It saves millions worth of piopcrty and Ihousunda of lives, every year at a comparatively in significant out, to the nation. It does more; it afford!) shipping, ngiicultuie und communities .dtuutcd In cyclonic teutons u. sense uf sccuilty in the pur 1L 1"NL I ' suit ot tholr ocoupnllonn which Im ot inrrtlrttnlile Vnltte ill their initsiiltfl. Tiutt the wind bloweth whcVe it llslolh Is it pinverblrtl nserllon of lis Insta blllly. but tho wind Ik subjected to laws which are nu conmuttl In Ihelr effect uh the luwi of Rrnvlttillon, In tniMeoiolog.v, u In other science, there an- depths far beyond the JlinltH of our knowledge, or nny knowleilqc inestimably whl'h iiutnklnd li ever likely to iieqiilto. Hut although we may feel very .small In the pteietiee of this abyss Vet we tan and should make the most nf what la o)'Mi for observation to iluws who seek It. Them Is no nmn or woman, hoy or girl. blcMteil With nveiaco Intelllgenei; and h pair of eyes who rimy not become. In metiHUre mid degree, a uuathcr observer and tot center, yavages aiv born meteorologist.". They need to be. for upon their petceptlons or climatic condition!, depend not mcieiy their subsistence, but their wry lives, our mtlriolal lives preduilu us from thu necessity of doing for oitrselve.- what others do for us. Nevertheless, an at tentive observation ul till clouds, which Ituskln has taught us to believe are the most beautiful of all concrete natural phenomena, is not only a de light In itself, but enlarges the mind, sharpens the faculties und tinfottei-H us from Hie sordid yoke of our material eslrUciicc to a degree those only can iindeistand who have diligently and iiyrpiiiittliall tried the experiment. The lecture which is to be dotivoied I omul low i'eningt hy Hon. Willis I. Moore promises to be as largely at tended us it will l) worthy of atten tion. Meteorology Is very far. Indeed, fiom being an uniiiteiesting subject or a dismal m-Iiiicc, but It Is one which has Milfeic.il In attracting disciples frrirr ilio lack of popular ("position. .Mr. Moore is doing what he can to le luoe that reproach from the service with which he Is lilentllled. Considering that he has as yet hard ly any money to wink with, Director Uoche is certainly making tho public woiks department present a good ap pearance (,f activity. There is little doubt that when he gets in full swing things will move in his department. For Southern Education. AtHK Tlill' of prominent north- I ein men, of which wu leeent- 1 ly took iioUlo, to Hampton, Tiu-kagee Atlanta and Win-stoii-S.ileni, (.arrles promise ot rich ed ucational t'rul L ft v both the white and black races in the South. The pai ty of seventy-live, included leaders in religion, in education, In the woilus of lliiancc and industry. At Wlns-ton-ssalom, Xuilli Caiolina, its members took part in the thiee days' sessions of the Southern Educational contcreuee which had brought together the leading educators fiom all the southern stall s. The esptdal purpose of iho northern men's visit was the biingintr about of some practical plan by which both sections shall co-operate In securing universal 1'iee education in the South. Robert f. Ogden, ot Now Voik. whore name ever shin- the close of the war for the Union has been that of ii leader in promoting- education In Hit! southern states, piesidei! over the conference. Its secret. uy was Dr. A. It. Hunter, of Kulelgh. As reported by flu- Now Vork Win Id's correspondent. Hit- piobleui was discusFCd with the utnui frank ness on both slde.i. An agieemc'it, without a I'lssentiug volt.,' was leached that "the onlv solution of the negro iiucstion is the oduuitloii of the illiter ate whites of tin- south." The lesson of neai ly torly years' ett'ort to educate the negro and the i.pciidi'.ig of nearly fnw.OOu.oOO h. notth.'in philanthropist, the southern educaiois ilecliuvil is, "that the wmk could rot ho accom plished i nlesa tile wiiltes ate educat ed too." The northerners icspomlcil that "this licmendoiis tr.sl: could never he ptitoiimd without the co-opciation of tho iiouih. All the billions that r.oitl.eii. men might spend would be wasted it the south woie hostile." llcie, then, is the plan unanimously adopted: "Klrst To wage it campaotu thioughout the south for unlversiil tltc slI:iiIs, so a.s to force legjsl.iluios to make bigger appuiprhilions and to cie.ite a. senlhueut among the people which will demand .schools. Second The liberal it.-o of millions given by philtiulhioiile uorlheineis In building up industrial .schools and Institutions of higher learning," It Is proposed to place loth the cur lylng out of the educational cam paign, and tile distribution of funds foi' Industrial lustituiions and lollegLS, in tho hands of a permanent hoaul ot seven men. This was provided tor at the conference, and ltobeit ', Ogden ekcled its chah man. The naming of his colleagues on the board was lot t with him. Ills putposo is "to select UlO ablest men In the south who will coin cllt to serve," and the putpo-o is to cuitiallzo In this hoaid ihu exeeu tlve administration ot the eiillro edu-i-iiiluiial niovement hi tlie south out side ot the statu public schools. Its lin-it work, as nlieady nuted, Is the campaign for biliislug tlie pulilli: schcols Into the place and work 111- y rught to occupy. With this Initial und Immense wmk for whites and blacks alike brought well Into the wny toward success, there Is arsuianee altendy from tho po.-sss-sors of millions of abundance of meaua for Industrial und normal tiiilnltig traii.lng of skilled Industrial workers to develop the south's resources, and thu training of teanher.-i for industrial and for public schools, i The voting of a little less city money to fa voi lies on tho pay roll and a little more to Nay Auk park would become councils. Diseases of Farm Animals. I.V SUPPORT of its request to thp k'Kls-lature tor an appropriation of $r.',00u tor the next two years, to continue the weak of the State, Mvo ritotk Sanitary board, the les'shnlvc committee, of the I'onnsyl viuiht Veterinary Medical atnoclutlon has issued a timely statement in iu latlon to the need for coiitlnucjus In vesligatlon.s eoiuernhig the diseases of animal. After nrsniiip air length to eatublish the usefulness of domestic anlmal-s In agriculture, a fact few will dlput. th statement points mil that Hie value of siteh animals In Pennsylvania Is nhoiit JHW.OOU.noo and estlinatcH that upon this value a lax of Sil.wO.eOo it yuiv Is How placeil through the ravitges of dleascs Which might tu ho pi-evptitett. Th? State Mvp Stock Snnltiny board, It then nolt", lit charged with the ie Kiionslbltlly of kfie)lng lliwse itlsenscs hi check. It has been lit existence four oil j s, costing the nlnto $l'.I,uoii In that tlm,', and gieat progrc.M Is alleged to hnvo been made, to wll: "fnvesllca tloiis and discoveries have been inndo lu lelatloii tti the mode of transmis sion of anthrax by Infected hide1 wotked upon lu tanneries: a groiil many points of practical value and application In it-spool to tuberculosis have been made clear as, for example, the repression of (uboiviilo.sls of cattle by sanitation, the tniliipiico of sluullns conditions on the spread of tubercu losis, the conditions under which tuber cle bacilli cuter milk of tubercular cows, the destruction of tubercle bacil li lu milk by heat, the Identity of hu man and bovine tuberculosis and their comparative virulence for animals of different species. The value of several disinfectants for destroying the germs of vai Ions diseases has been dnter mlned. A new and exceedingly valua ble, treatment for milk fover of cows has boon tested, Imptoved and made available for general use. Abortion ot little has been Investigated and n form' of tieatment has been formu lated and developed that has com pletely eradicated this disease from many herds. A cause of the hitherto mysterious and destiuctlvo disease of horses known as cerobro-splnal-menln-gltls has been discovered and this im portant source of disease can now be guarded against. A now and rapid method of diagnosing rabies has been de eloped. A disease ot cows, entirely new In this country, caused by a fungus growing In tho lungs, has been discovered and described. Many other diseases and diseased conditions have received careful and fruitful study. Mm h Information of direct, practical application has been made serviceable. "In addition to the various investi gations: that have been conducted, a givaL many special problems have been studies that. h.ie been referred by tanners and veterinarians throughout the state. For example, animals often die of diseases that cannot he diag nosed on tha spot. In such cases a .specimen may m; sent to thu labora tory for investigation and usually the nature of the disease can thus be made clear. In this way, a groat many outbreaks of dangerous diseases ara recognized and chocked before they have had an opportunity lo become widespread. The laboratory of the State Ilve Sfoek Sanitary board is Hi only laboratory In the state that is equipped and manned for this work. In addition to the large amount of re search and diagnostic work, the labor atory has produced and has furnished lor use in the state for the suppres sion of disease, free of cost, tuberculin, mullein and anthrax vaccine to the value of about Sfi.OOO each year, or more than enough to pay its way. Heslde this, It has paid for Itself a hundredfold lu the discoveries made i.ml knowledge Imparted. If $fi,000 per year is devoted to investigations con- erning the diseases of animals the cost will bo but. one thousandth of the yearly losses from the diseases that ought to be prevented. That is, the investigations would cost one-tenth of. one per cent, of the present losses. These losses from diseases that should bo pi evented cannot bo avoided until there is more knowledge, concerning their causes, and such knowledge can be obtained only by investigation," This certainly makes out a case. The tainotis I'jiinsylvauia hospital, the buildings and giounds of which occupy the great square from Eighth to Ninth streets, and from Spruce to 1 'uc, Philadelphia, and whose greater giounl.-) and .spacious buildings for the nee of i lie Insane aro situated J'.ir over in West, Philadelphia, is about to keep the one bundled and fiftieth anniversary of its founding. It has cared tor over 'JOO.Oud patients, 9." per cent, of tlieiu heit.g of those, whom the hospital itself hail to support while in Its caio. Saturday n?xt. May 11, will be the anniversary of lids noble in stitution. Another new structure for Its wotk, lu addition lo those lu use, will ho dedicated on tiutt day. Alietdy, with the coming of tin m-.st week of May, .some of Scrantou's residents who have for years hail the happiness of possessing country homes are pioparing to Hit to them at once for tho season. Therefore, though It be some weeks yet. before the opening time of St. Luke's Summer Hume at (.'resco, for iho poor, over-worked motuji-.s and the little children of this city who without that home could have no summer rest or upbuilding nt all, we muko the plea that those who are going away for a piolonged good I luii- will remember it befoio they go, The public will welcome a test of thn tiuth of t'oiiticllnian Oliver's recent tcuiimonts upon Iho chief of police and tlty detective. Let the band play. Minister Conger sns tho bravest whites lu China are thu nil.'jsloiint'k-s. The conspiracy to malign them l not punning out worth a cent. i Tho Philadelphia, Press denies that it committed contempt of court, Tech nically, perlmpH not; but contempt of truth Is quite as bad. ".Major" Robinson doubtless thinks that a lltthi practice in running for tho city chief magistracy may coma In handy later on. Colonel Cjiilfey, It s safe to say, Is a reformer for appearances, only. Ilainmcrliit,' the liolley car flat wheel seems only to muko it worse. NEW MUSIC. Annus tctciit publiialloii u( the ohm UiloOu cumpjiij wp note iv lollouini; tu uliiih Jro wirtU vt Hit- -iiu.'ilkli ,l nnijli. lou'i'e. ' blicii til tlu tW'ild I j Vniiiih. UiJ," ,i ciiiioltlvn tur j indium oiic l,,v l.'lnli Ituunu NoC n.t i llv woe I- (I ( linli Kiiii.'.lM'i pupul.ir C1M", "l.illhb.l I..1111I," nu .1 hii;li loUc. uonU l.v l.in.l s. 'llMiipaon, iiiiulu Hi I..1I0 f. Inii'i "All Low, lut a I)j." in uhi, li Julian IVim-uI !iu tvotrn .iiiui.,1 HiuV.iiIiij'b ucll-kruuu ucniU .1 ehirmlm, nu'lmli lr 11 iivliiiiii oii; .ami luo ,iiiq 1t .hn,p II. lti,ger. one, "1 llcaM t!iv olei ot ,trnn Sdj," iiidltiim tote', eultablo fur IiiihIi impi nnil the eth'i Ihel.v f'llltic for ."IwkupciiicV "Slch No Mf.1T, tJtlio"." M fiT Hinlliim tnlce. At tlth oil of Hip Dllfoti pil" htjllniw, thtr Krg, In addition to thflr I'M hil inrtll, are clntniliu bccmne of Iho tlcr Iiiki' ft thflr (iflnt. Of hi tv romiKvultlan f-if the f'l'lio Iwucd by llw nine inibllilicM Itiref by tf, Uenviild, wlifrro-tjle In A tUl major. frpiinlc In if nnjor, ami a il4n,i r.ipilte In A flat major, .110 n illy ,ilo 4iir not Hlfilcult. 1'or iwrlormen h',t ,. I.ir a.liancod, four number by Kmll Olio. "IMIiuttto Pinto." "Veil and I tVlli." "lolly Mniintalneet" and "Joyom Momnit," will lilr.uo bfi-aene hllj fhnplo lh.v te more thin nitlltnrlly inoloilloiu". Other Humbert t II .il f1 cil ,ir ittiidlM arc the 'TcjIIvjI Mlnuol" by b. n. Orlli, a fh-inonrcltr hv .fainr It. TIorcis and the "tl.-udle tValtifit" by Harold T.ippln Weekly Letter on Municipal Affairs XliVir. Llfo-Savine' ScIiooIb in tho 1 Flic Department. FOR TWI.NTV fr tho New York tlie de prtmi'nt hii condueted a. tralnlns, school to teach lt tnoinbcr liow to ae lite u ucll as how lo tight life. During thl periud apparatus ha been Imcnleii to enable m(n to ellmb up tho fjee of a twetity-story biilldlhcr ttllh as iimcli rate .19 tint ot a the toiy bnildlne! the UteivlnfC ti"t ha been nerfceltd, and cten some of the apparatus which has been wed tor .Mais by life titlns tatloni alonB the Atlantic coikt for sailni? liiptreeKrrt marlneii lias been adapted to the lipids of the tire depaitinctit and used to good ailt.intigc, Captain McAdim his bren at the head of the Ni-w York department dinee Its organisation tMfiity jeats ngn, fully 25,000 men, including many fiom smaller and inland rltlrj, liae piwd tbrougli this department, and while rei tain stage! of the training are particularly haz aidtiou?, jet only to accidents have happened during that, timeand those were not fatal, ttlille general methods employed in tho fire ?er tiro aie thoroughly taught, th piimiry ebjeet uf the school is to teach men how to fve life at a lire. After ft man has taken a three months' course of instruction, if lie Is worthy a place in the dcp.utment, he can take a pompier or scaling lidder and do wonderful thing'. The ladder ia Mmple in It.s construction, being made of the toughest kind of hickory, fifteen feet in length, with .1 two-foot steel hook on one end and tough hiekoiy cross b.tr-s cteiy foot of its length. 'Iho inilde of the steel hook is armed with sharp teeth to keep II trom slipping. With one of there ladders, lie t-jn climb to the top of the tallest building in New Yoik, without the aid of staircase or eletator; with ttt-o of them he 0.111 make his way from s.lde to lde and surmount the grcalc.-t obstacles When he starts to climb the outside of a building he swing the hook end tliiougli' the window, smashing it if necessary, and then chmbi up the cross bai. Then bo pulls the ladder after linn and thrusts its hook- tluough the window .il.oio him, and so he proceeds until he reaches the top of tlfe tallest building. With the aid of thii ladder some of the most thrilling rescues wcic undo fiom the Windsor hotel fire, in which so many lites were lot a .tea a year orto ago. lis usefulness t being constantly demonstrated in the lcs- dangerous (Ires, and hy no means its least .aluo is tound in that it keep the men in eon-tjut tiainlug for the most hazardous un dertaking;. With two laddcis a man can woik his way diagonally across a building. To go from side to side he places one ladder in the window di rectly aboie him, then a second ladder through the window to the light or left, ai the case may lie; stepping out on to the first ladder her swings back and forth until he catches the one to his right and so traicrses tint distance, when the tirst ladder is taken don and leiuotcd to the next window to the light, and su on. In this fashion the trained tinman cm climb up or down, and to the light or to the left. It would seem to be so auknaid us to lie extremely slow in epeiatiun, but the fact ii that two men can take a ladder apiece and climb to the top of a fiw-r-lory huilding in less than three minutes. There an- limes, hutccr, when tho ladder is of no .o.iil; for instance, when a fireman has been cut off Horn his way of escape by a gulf 01 tire and is left on the top of a binning build ing. Then it is that the captain gets his gun. Not the ordinary gun, although n. looks like th rrgulir eawilry i.uhine. but It is miuh heavier, tlie stock being made of solid steel. It is used in muc.h the same way that a small cannon i used to throw a line oter wrecked ussel along the oa.st. (Jtcr the nim.le of the gun is Iked a steel cap, to one end nf which is at tached .1 sery stumg and exceedingly light line. The b.ilmco .,f the line is coiled In 4 tin dish, witli .1 eore in tnc 1 enter, for all tho worldlike the cake tin used in f!n kitchen, evept that 1, is l.uger. Slipping tins cap oier tlie muzzle it the gun, and tiring, the cap sues sailing oter the inof, pulling the line aftrr it. The flrttnin on the roof picks it up, and pulls up .1 much stiongcr lope, wlueh he makes fast to the chimney or some other secure fastening. He i equipped with a brojil webbed belt, to which is attached an immense steel book or snip, lie takes two half hitches- of the rope around this hook and loners himself oter the mot. 'I hen, by grasping the rope with his right hand, and the hock with his left, he lowirs hinisi-lt to the- ground at whatever sliced he d". sires. It tluie aie lo men on the roof instead of cue, thu opei.it Urn is ju-t the same, except that just bt-tote he is ready to start, the man at tailicd tu tho rope by means of the hook spicuks his legs il,' apart against the side of the building, and his, teuipanion flips down between, alter houking himself to his com rade's snap, la this manner (no two men de scend in safety to the ground. When there is a helple-s or uuconsilous nun to deal with, a nadle Is mule uf the lope, from which itj is impassible for Ihc man to slip, and then bo u hittcred away. In the Held of lite sating apparatus as in tint pf flw lighting tools, the Yankees hate distanced their l'.nglNn cousin-. But whit the Kuglish llreuun lack in tools, the rules gov erning the lon-stiuelloii of buildings make up lis-. Ileie ten dullais .-ire spent in the impiotc inent and equipment of fire apparatus, while oter there twenty dollars aie expended In experi menting and in lonstruLtion to prevent tires. The eoii-i'fuencc in that, in London, the annual ttre loss U less than bait Hut of the city of 'cw Yoik, while Iho iclatitc expense of the two ilepirtnicnts is still lessLondon's Arc de partment t-Osts ift.-JOO.uue), that uf .Vcw Vork ?3,. mio.iion a jrir, It I only within the put decade that cities oiittids of New Yuik lute utablished icgular Paining schools, ithcic the min of the depirt mint aie taught the ue of (he various pieces of oppiratuj cmplotcd lor I he sating ut life, and, stiange to ay, ,ho smaller (hies hate been the only ones to .ollow New York's example, and all these have det-jlled men to spend several luuiiths in the New Yoik sehoo. to learn the method,, Kansas City, Mo., was the first one hi take up the wnik outsida of New Yoik, about ten years ago. In 105, the little city of Kb iii.r.i, N. Y., followed suit, then Syracuse estab. llshed a si hool in 1j7, and Clnrleston in 1900. At the present timo the Idea Is spreading and within the .scai Tom U Johnson, mayor of Cleveland, pioposcs to hate the Cleveland ile piitimnt piovided with a similar institution, and the Uostonlans are contemplating the open ing cf such a school, as ucll as llaltiiivire. ONLY A BIRD. Pr. if. I.. II It.iuuscvllle, suigeoa of Hie Wis consin Central tailroid, has drepped intu poetry for the expression ra tome of his ideas. He wished to tell some of his 11 lends the other day Ins views on the old doctrine of trtn-iiiigration uf souls, and he chose verse fur hit vehitle. This is ttlial and how he told them; t t.coic of lumber Jacks cue dit Cime tn town to vtjie (lie time auay, Sought an )nn to quench their lldist, tnd fill the pUce with liluld inhth, Hound after lound, the plain would ling ttili Hi bolsteious songs their comrades siu A vtag, the butt or all the town, I ncouib in looks', but still a down, Was nude c paiiy to their fun. "We'll get him diiiuk," ssid moie dun one With ficquiiit diinkt Ihtj nude him mellow Mtvat lots of fun for tvny lellow, '(III all .it one i) he toppled "Vr And spiawlcd his length upon the !W. Tiny tan led blin to ju outer loom, l.ild him by, in liU diuiikcu swoon, Kesolvrd upon him .1 trick to play. "tthat' the dlltt-rcmc, lie's only a Jay, let's tor and feather him," said one. 'Ttv i only fo speik, and It a tiene. 'Ihey Ithnined him up with teallicis giy. f.cll hint tn snote Ids diunk ntriy; They'd talen hi 'nerr all llie town Atwl cbnting bark tor one more round. Happened lo think of Ihc lealhereil vttaht, ttonderlng If he'd rutne mil nil llgtit. ".Vow let's go and wake him up And fiked him lo have .mother cup." They ttrnt and peeked through the Hoi "J In. it alt M-t up ii inlahlt 1 11.11 1 When suddenly waking limn his sleep And slow ty snuggling to hi fict, Irving to pull himself together. Lspled hLs sultof t.ir .lint feather, tthllo round him stared the motely group. He tried his senr.s Id recoup. Then leellng o'er Ids feathered frame, Folllnqiilzeil In quaint red iln, ".fust as t rtpecleil. I'tn bent Interred. Head; In elcinltji And a Mid " "li It r.ol lotely, tvliti husband and wife lie altta.t.t of the JAma opinion?" "Ceitalnl.t! only It nukes muIi . great illl fertm-e ttho-o opinion It Is." Urookltii Life. Hill Coaaeen Svmi Floors Fnall of Exclysive Desiginis do New Furaitiare. in Plata FngyreSo WASHINGTON AVEHUE Sale of Shoes Damaged by Water Now Going on at Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. Scranton $ "i1 HOTEL TERRACE. PARLOR IIOTKL Accommodations. Fmnr pawed moderate charcee. Permanent and lablo hoarder. H. WHYTE. Kellar f Harris. Manufacturers of Harness, and dealer in Ilore l-'iirnisliinu OootK TiunV and Travellnc Hani. Itciauing piomptly attended to. Telephone 4JU2. 117 Pcnn atcnue, Scranton, I'a. L. SOMMAR. Buildlns Contractor. IJmploj-s union men. Estimates cheerfully git en. Reniodeling and repairing a specialty. 32B WASHINGTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDER WE A R STORE Will sell all their samples ot flno imported JIadras Shirts for men at fiV.i ttcrth $1 to fcl.JO Davis steam dye Co. 313 PENN AVE. flood! called lor and delitcred. Clewing, Djrliig and Pressing. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONE 3735 Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. Ict CJ tent meal in t tic city. !"lte Meal lictets, 81.00. Sunday dinner a apeuclly, lUme-mido f'astrj. 244 ADAMS VE, W. A. HARVEY, Uectrlo Wiring ami rhlurci niectnc Uell ami Telephon.; W'oiU, 309 COMMONWI'LTH BUILOI'Q, J. B. WOOLSEY & CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealeis In Plate Glass and Lumber O" ALL kin as. KiNGsauRr & Scranton, Manufacturers' Atinls MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Putrid At'cnU for John A. Itotblmg'a lions Co 't. Uirt- KuJ'C aud f.Uctrlcal IMrc, liutta I'tuha and Itulib.r 51 If. Co. 's Uclting, Packing, lluac and Mttliankal ftulber Goud:. Knottlton I'jtkiug I aiUr's Oil ClotlitiiK. Ito.-lil i10 I'auli Hide FRECKLES, Muth, Tan, Liter pal md all l Ismcniary dlstoloratloiia tompleiely innmcl by m.t pe cial borne tl't'atniciit, and the loniplt-iou reudeicd ileal aud uioolli. HELEN BUCHANAN, PvlllUlolCglrl ll' Uliinsioii An- SHOFF'S HAT FAC rORY, Jll f-piuif ueel, Ncji Hotel Jernuii All the not Mil. for .-rriiij tM-iIrt uc notv In. V" H it 'ltlv to Oidei W, H. GORDON & SON. Hoiec bhotins and (I.ncral nijtLaniiilln; Wagon and Canlajc Building and Rubber lire i,g. 339 ADAMS AVNUE. sBMm ALWAYS BUSY. w u Our Oxfords. Low In cut. Low In price. High In quality. Iindles' from 75c up. Ocnf tlemeu's from $1.25 up, Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. TRY IGlocksBestl Union Hade ; Tobacco K K K ar a; v X X X' X A Good Smoke or Chow. A Trial Solicited. Satisfaction Gurtrnnteed. . MANUFACTURED BY The Clock Tobacco Co,, 644-46-48 Wyoming Ave. Scranton, Pn. X X X X X K.ltllXltltltlt.Cltlttlt A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereafc 5 Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Business THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos Fine Old I'oiK tiui Bundles, and taiiteine-. family 'trade Onlj. P. H. FRENCH. AOS CONNELL SLOG Brescheus Great F"ire Sale 124 WYOMING AVENUE. Now doing On. I'liio I'uia and all Hnds nf XciKticar BRESCHEL & CO. Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUE. falls by telephone rciclte prompt nllcntion. WILSON & WASBERS. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED. "That's .til " S. H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. REGULAR aa PHOTOS ROR $3.00 AT CRAMER'S 311 LACK A. AVE Hanleys Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, hiKcresoi lo HUNTINGTON W'v inalo a i-pcdalty of flno biead stull3. Orders for Salads, Ousters, Cioqiicttcs, etc., promptly tilled. A full lino uf Leu O.'icim and Ires. GOODMAN'S SHOE STORE, Notv at lis Latkattamu ate. SOUVENIRS CIV N OUR CUSTOMERS. WALTER E, DAVIS. SI4, 216, 313 PAUL! BLDG, Attornoy-at-I.aw, Scianton, Fn, THE MOST PALATABLE ,1.1 llcillliliil Ucn Hut is ln. d llie I'w! N tin- ot iho Ninon, I nnt.ilul in in Piuiit i I'iiio .-thill the Ik' i thai intdc Milttaul.c liiuuii- Mild I i.i A. W. SHRADER, i-M ",! i.iiii-. t ime ti.iutoii, I'a llolli lelt-pnunrr. The scranton Vitrified Brick und Tile Manufacturing Company Makrii. ul fating Ulit'K, fit'. SI, II pile, li'tinal .-rale Ai;riit. nuke ;?!'J Wa.hlnutun a Woti.i at N'ay Aui. Pa., I.. A, . V It. It. FINLEY'S Lace Curtains at Factory Prices This Week To close out our entire stock of Lncc Curttiins at once, owing to lack of proper display spneo to show to advantage the large asosrtmont of curtains necessary for us to carry in stock, we have decided to discon tinue our Irnce Curtain -department and to close out tho entire line lu tho quickest possiblo time have cut tho prices nway down. We nsk no profit on any of the numbers, and in many instances have marked them away below cost. It is impossible to give a description of the many quali ties and designs. The low pi ices marked on them, will have to do the talking. Tlu following are some of the reduction! wo have made: . At 50c, reduced from 75c. At 70c, reduced from $t.00 At 05c, reduced from $1.25. At S1.25, reduced from $1.75. At SI. 50, reduced from S2.00. At S1.75, reduced from S2.50. At $2.25, reduced trom S3.00. At S3.00, reduced from S4.00. At S3.88, reduced from S5.00. At $4.75, reduced from $6.00. At $5.50, reduced from $7.00. At $6.75, reduced from $8.50. At $7.50, reduced from $10.00. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. The Dickson Miiniiracturing Go. tcrnuton and Wllkoi.B.irrj, i', .Munufacturori ot LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENOJNES Boller.i. IfolstlngandPutnrlnE Maclilnsry. General Office, Bcranton, Pa. Houses. Guernsey, Hall is the best place in scranton to buy a RIANO OR ORGAN Don't tail to come and see as Rre.it bargains arc waitlm; for you, J.W.GUERNSEY; PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In New liuernscy Building. l.-nd Medal tSt Photographer X t hildiL-n'o V ArHt. FOR SALE BUGGIES and WG OXii of all hwdi. al.-u Ifousei and Building LoH at li.irg.iiiw. HOHSEb. OMIMTI) and OftOOMEP at ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. tpcrijlty D.. Trctcrlii:i, llooni I, ntt'i' Olobo lore llouia, I to VS'J p HI, ('.lUMlltltioil fl(0. 'Pliunc UiJJ, VT. 7". Keller's Latlavtanna Carriage Woiks. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. . BERNHARD, jeweler. Ul. l..lh.-i .M AW'.NLr. tiDWIN S, WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 25 COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANUFACTURING COMPANY..,,.,, No wiry the hrget tuil ot Ltnl'iellu, par atuli and Handles; we alon ttECDVF.K umbrella! and inuiols and male thdii up cqujll) ai good at ne a' and guaiaulee our x V-tvmi vwt ' lw ner man C x '"' 'IOl'-,,' ' "I0 c''.'" w " W. renali ll our loodi foi nut jear PIU.E Of rilMiiits. 313 SPRUCE STREET.