p Vj VV , , . rf. las: ir.-- ' ' ,, - :A-.a. .sf-'j -to' i-fV' "A. $''" -' o THE SOU ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAY ti, 1001, 0itlG6J BURKE BUILDIN VISITS HOME OP LONG AGO. Ex-Senator Severance, o Minnesota, and Daughter In Catbonclalo En Joying SconeS o Earlier Days. Among the guests at the American Itouso last week were Hon. E. S. f-r-v-fiance, of Ht. Paul, rortner state sotin- tor from Minnesota, and his daughter. Mi.d I'ni.fiii a. Si-vei-iince. ot "'W York city, whose visit will InteroH many Cnrbondnlo residents. Mr. Severance la bote visiting the uttn'rt ol his early manhood and re newing these early friendships, bo shies those matlo during the triennial visits ho makes to the "seats uf his youth'.' , ., Mr. beveiance left Ciirbnndnlo a hair o-ntury ago. when there was no Sorun mn: when the coal mining industry w.is utilv beginning to develop, and ulu-n this 'Ity hud about passed Its llrst birthday. He was employed at tin; Hint! In Hi" goilurul store of V. . .'row, mid a fellow clerk was Edwin Watt. When h" left Carboiidale. Mr. hcv 'i ranee went we.-,twaid anrl located In St. Paul. Minn., where he was sur :OMl'dc "v lih advantages wliich he i-ngn-iv :ra-p;-d and pursued until In i cached and retailed a prominent place in Hi" affair1' of that city. Mr. Severance hos ha-1 numerous public i.Ufls hupon-1 on him ainl among iheiii v.a. a teim hi the state senate i.i Miulirvifi. He l a flm- "Id gontle-.-.jti, ir i r-liiu-tl tastes and polished in.'iunnis, and is i delightful ntor i"!ii"r wln-n li''' ti?ntfs a party of f-t-liid- i, eon c-.niion and recounts i''- incidents that have coon- within bin experience in I lie c'-owlnt- and l.iu.tling 'lav- of the unit invest. Mr. i-t-vel.iiii ' has pas.-tl a pleasant week among his friends in this rlty, who t-iv. r a wale cln-1 Mr. Severance ,!!!.. vl.-It.- al U'uuoxvill'.' Ihe w.dl I' nown SeveiniKi' .family thi're being Ida lol.it lo.'. Mr. Sovctunee, though Pi ih- sevt-ntlo-, In In th- enjoyment i' the soundest health, and retains that vIl'.hi-'Us spliit that has marked bis life. !h- and his daughter have iibiint uplct"d th-i'- .n.loyiblt- slay in this city. A SUDDEN DEATH. Chailcs K. O'Malley. of Serauton, WelMCuown Here. Expired Satur day. Quite ii slio-l: was caused on Satur day iifturiiutin t'i the many friends nr i.'harls.s K. O'Mallpy. of Scranton, who vcis very well known lice, by he aniiounciinent nl" hi- death. Mr. J'.Malley was sup-rintriid-nt of th" Ireitlatuai department nt the Scran tan Truth. He resided at HH 'ilbson strtei. that city. Mr. O'Malley whu had been suffer ing fi'un a suvcre eold for about six weeks, was nut tin Krid.iy and Satur day u that his death was totally 1111-e:cpc-tei, i- was a bpither uf Mir tin T. O'.Mallev who has been in charRc; uf ill.- i 'ai bonilale department of The Tribuu'! tor Ihe past ten days. I'lKirl.s u'Malley had for .vers been an active worker in connctlon wllh Ihe I'atlie.lrnl societies, and was one of" ih- orl'-'inal nembers of Hie Holy Xiim soeiety, and in this maimer be came widely known and attracted a larprc circle of trleuds. lie was affable and courteous at all limes and many will iiiicei-iy rpsrel his early demise. Mr. O'Malley, who was the son of Hie late IVter li. O'Mallev, for many yi,u enmieeticl with the 11 fill of i 'lemon.-. l'"-iber .; i'o was born on 'ov. 3. 1ST.",. Win 11 the Truth was founded in 11 li ; was einpl.iyecl as a nevbuy and afterward made assist ant supcrlnt'eiiilfiit of i hvulation. For .""me years he has been superintend- -nt of the dep'irlinent and attended to lis duths ltli great failhfuln-'s. peculiarly h-id feature in conncc- "on wit.li his dcmis.' is the fact that tlipV nioliths a;;o vesterdny. on Keb. '. lie was maiil-d to Miss Agues Movie's, then ax-lhtant agent of the Hoard uf Charities, tie I., survived in bin widyw, his tluvu rdsters, .Mrs T. J. Ste.wart, of Tol-do, O.: M!s;s Klixa botli and Alice of this -Ity, and on bn.tlier, Martin, now lhlim- in Car-boiidal-. The fuiioral v ill lake plac i Weil- tfsiiiij moniiiiK. THE NEW STREET LAMPS. 'Ihe First. Exhibition of 'the Sample Gas Lights a Success. The bix W'cdsbuch street lamps, that. iijo o-eu erected liy ihu I'arboiiilah Oat. company at points hi the citv. in , uemnji.sir.itc Deture tho councils and he tliucm, generally their -illeency for street lighting- purposes, gut their initial test mi Saturday evening. The mellow glow from tho lamps was n contrast indeed from the glaring i alliance of th- tin- lights. The sil houette,, and zig-zag shadows, thrown aco?s tile roalwajs by the swaving. hissing arcs were mifised, hut m, one inourneu, tho limovutloii was u sue- lessful experiment, as tar as the litrlilK themselves were concerned, hut thoy , TOLD IN SCRAN ION. It's the Evidence of Scrnnton Peo ple Published, in Scranton Papers . That Has Made Such a Reputation for Dr. A. V. Chase's Nerve Pills. Standing clear and distinct, marking tho difference, tho superior merit, tho adaptability to present-day ailments Is the volume of local testimony for Dr. A. V. t.'lmse's Nervo Pills. It's so dif ferent to tho ordinary remedies ret er ring to cures made at distant points which it Is hard to verify. There Is n reason for Dr. A. W. Chase's Norvo Pills commanding home ovidenin I wherever they are known. It Is their womlerful liuluence In bringing up the standard of nervo force. Mrt Henry Alberts, of Nu. 0il Kirch street, Scronlon, Pa., says: "For about two years my back ami kidneys had been soi, lumn and the secretions in bad shape. Nothing seemed to help trie until l got Dr. A. V. Chase's Nervo Pills at Matthews Uros.' drug store, No. "20 Lackawanna avenue. They did the work, curing the soreness and loiiK'iii'ys, making the secretions healthy. 01111 generally giving me. health and ftreiisth." Di. A. W. Chafe's Nervo Pills ar sold at ufic. a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Uul'fiilo, N, Y. See ((pa portrait and slgiiifturc of A. V. Chase. .M. 1)., are or -werv package. Carbondale Department itld not mill anything to Ihe ainoiint of area illuinlimtt'il. In fiu-l, as far an that Ih euneeineit, Ihu arc lights an superior, probably booauri- of their higher elevation and nlfo 1itpnticc of a greater candle power. The gas lamps have cheapness In toeoinmond Ihoin, however. Utiu citizen, who watched .the tilal with much Intoiost m Saturday ' night, going over the route Illuminated iy the six new lamps, said that he wan greatly pleased with the lumps, as far as they wenl. but they did not ko far eiioitKh, In his opinion, t'nless some thliis; vastly superior to electric lights was produced, he did not think It would bti a wise move on the part, of the city to take a backward step and llhunln ale the city by bus, and unless further experiments) proved that the new- .sys tem was grt-iitly superior to gas he favored letting well enough alone. Considerable Interest has been aroused over the proposed lighting con tract, which councils will award oil May Kt, and there has been a great, deal of discussion intent the superior ity of the respective .systems. THE METROPOLITANS. They Eiequently Sing for the Union League Club. There is nu more fashionable men's club in the world than the tnlon League club, of Hrooklyn. To appear heroic this organization is a privi lege sought by all entertaln-rs, and on iv that the Metropolitan Male iunr teite fieouelitls enjoys'. In a personal letter. W K. Fuller, chairman of lb progiainme cuninittee says; "Their appearance is always look, d iorward to with pleasure. The fact that the iiiartolte appeared al the club three times during tile past sea son, and 'were repeal, dly encored, speaks volumes for th satisfaction given the meinlieis." These vocalists will appear at tll-Her-an J snpt 1st chili eh on Monday evening- next, when a musical In at la lo-k-d for. ELECTION ANTICIPATIONS. Rivalry Over Vice Presidency of the Carbondale Bicycle Club. The fact that the election of ollicer.s nt the Caiboudale l'lieycle club is Io be held at the club quarters, on Lin--oln av-nue, has awakened much in-tci-st, not from the mere fact that the annual choosing of officers in this prominent social organization is lo take place, but thai there is a spirited, though friendly, rivalry over one of the oiiiecs that of vkv president. river Ihe other oIllccs there is no contest lap for the niliee named Iheio an two candidates. Albert Crane and Clarence IJriggs. liotli are aspirants tor ih" iiflb - and both have ft lends among I he members who are equally anxious to see either one or the other of their favoiitcs seated hi Ihe coveted pl.'u e. Interest in the contest grows, anrl i lively session Is IooUed for tomorrow evening. So.unnrlered Poor Board's Donation. The city jail held a pidsoner yester- j day by the name of Munley. who had b"i n deposited there by Constable Km- i mull at 11 o'clock on Satuiday night. The circumstances surrounding his ar rest and commitment, as far as they could li,. gleaned, are these: The noor board has Mr. and Mrs, .Munley on (heir roll of "pensioners." A few days ago tiny received an order for a small sum of money from the board, mad" out to .Mrs. Munley';, name, which her I husband obtained control of in som- manner, and proceeded lo "blow it in." Mrs. Munley at once obtained a war- , rani for his arrest lrom A'dormnu i Delevnu. on the charge of assault and i battery, which offence probably ensued on Munley'.-! return home. The aldur- . man committed hlui to the county jail, in default of bad. Mrs. Munley, It is said, is h woman who lips the scales in the neighborho id of "'in pounds, i while her husband has hard wml; to brini'v the beam up to ninety, and is sadly broken in health as well. Getting Ready for Games. The amateur base ball fans are get ting ready fur the; opening of the s-a-miii in this section. Alit-adr several ;;anies have been anaiigud for and tlw newly i -organized Cic-eenls of this i ity ai"- putting in th-lr spar- time doing htunls with the spheic. Their 111 st game will lake place within a few days on Duffy's Held. It will b Wltll the Athletics. -Jf Olyphunt. The local play-is arc all in good condition, uad a well-fought 'oiutst is expected. Th- I'lewculs will line up as fol lows; Mora u, catcher; Cull', pitcher; Mcllale, shortstop; I'idgeon, lirst base; llogan, oecond base; Monogli.iu. third base; 1'Vx, left Held, Uordcii, center Held; I'hnmeii, right Hold. Will Bo Let Go, on Conditions. .Innies Flannaghau. of No, 1, who was urested ami Jaild on Friday night bv CiiiisiMliI,. N'Min- .,fi.,i. ,.,-..,ua,-r.ia trouble, had a hearing before Alder man Jones on Saturday. He was ehargul with boating- his mother. Elizabeth Flannaghau. Tho mother whs willing to withdraw her charges against her sou If ho would take the pledge and pay her noino arrears of board. Tho accused wished a llttla more time to think It over before tak ing such a serious stop as "swearing off" and ho was given until this even ing to come to a conclusion. He wir forbidden to go near his mother's house in the meantime. In Memory of Dr. Stniner. Tho evening service at the Fiiet Congregational church yesterday wns In ihe nature of ,1 memorial to the late Dr. Hiaincr, the brilliant composer of churih music. The choir snug a number uf Staluers's anthems. One of the most enjoynbl features was n duel by- Miss Heiisou and .Mr. Roe, who sang "l.ove Hlviee. .n i.ovo Rxenl ling." by Dr. Wtaluor. Ilev. Mr. F,lott delivered a brief sermon on tho themo "The I'owir ot Music on Conduct." Why Monday Night P 11 is sllggtsletl that Monday Is an unfavorable night for an ciiteiinln meat ami that ihe conceit by tint Metropolitans at tho licieuu ltaptlst chinch should have been on some other night. The local management agreo with this. Inn tin fact that Monday. Mny 1:1. was. the only date on which they could bo secured thin teason left no room for choice. 'Phone j NEW, 286 I OLD, 0423 U. j, Meetings Tonight. Select council. School hoard. olive Leaf lodge, No. Jfifi. 1. tj. O. F. Typographical union, No. 2:'.!'. Federal union, No. 7201. Uraneh l:i, N, A. I.. Young iron's Institute. Merchants' association'. Patriotic order Sons of America, .loiirii-yimin's Harbers' union, At the Opera Hoursc. Sattnday-"Way Down Knst." A Missionary from China. Miss Miranda Crouchcr, a mission ary from northern China, gave an ad dress' at tilt; First Methodist Kplsrtipal chin eh yeslerday morning. She was in Tlcii-Tsln during the Boxer upris ing and her description of the thrcj wet Its of Imminent peril was Ihrllllng. She told nl' living In caves and collar while awaiting the rescuers. A large cmgregatloii listened to her dramatic sioiy. Improvements nt the Depot. A number of Improvements ore be ing carried out in front of the depot of the Delaware and Hudson. A gong of men arc hard at work digging up the soil between the platform ami the tracks, for the purpose of raising tho ground level. New rails are to be laid, replacing the present ones, and when the job Ih completed the long step from th- cars to the ground will be materi ally shortcn-d. Contemplating' Improvements. The Maplcwood Cemetery association is endeavoring to secure land to en large their burying giounds. It Is said tliev have received an option on the estate lying immediately to tho north of th- cemetery, bill that for certain reasons it will bi Impossible lo trans fer ihe deetls fur several months. Other Improvements are contemplated which will Impi nve the grounds. Have Commenced Audit. The poor board auditors, Messrs. II. IJ. .laclwin, C. H. llorton and John F. Wheel-r, hay- commenced the work of scutinivdng tho accounts of the board for the twelve months pit-ceding April 1, hud. It is scarcely probable that the audllors will lmvo s.o many difli c 11I tics lo contend with this year as they had with the expenditures of the old board. A Sermon for tho Knights. In at rdatii'e with their usual cus tom, Palestine commandery, No. 14, Knights T -miliar, will attend church in a body on the evening of May til. (Asc-nsion Hay) Holy Thursday. The Knights will bo attired in their full th ess uniforms. The First Congrega tional church, Uev. It. ('. Elliott, pas tor will be the scene of their devo tions this year. A Grand Ball. 'ai bonilale council, No. :t2!i. Knights of Columbus, will celebrate the third anniversary or the council by a grand ball, whlfh Is to be given in the Hurke building on Wednesday evening. May b, Frank Clifford is giand knight. It is said that the affair will be the litvvst affair of its kind given 111 1 arliondalt- this season. A Position in Scranton. M. O. Sahni has actejited a. position in the clothing deportment of Sain lei Druthers' store in Scir.ulon. IK; left for the Klt-etric City tm Saturday. Mi. Salmi's friends will be pleased to 1-ai 11 that he has recovered his health .-o as to be able to resume his busi ness eaicer. Will Celebrate Anniversary. The anniversary of the Kpworth League uf the First Methodist Epis copal church will occur next Sunday. To toinmenioiate it, special exercl-es will be held at the church that even ing. Prof. Craves, of Harford, will de livt r an address, and Ih-ie will l.j other liitere.-aiiig features. Birthday Party. Trinity Sunday school held a birth day party on Friday night, in tho par ish house K.ub oii paid as many tents as be or she was yc-ais old, to sain admission. names and other '.niusein-ius wei,- piovld-d. be eie.im and cake wtie served. Have Changed Lodge Room. Fidelity conclave, No, 130, Improved order of llcptasup'is, have changed their place of meeting from Cambrian hall lo the J. F. Watt hull, corner of Salem avenue and Main street, which th-y will occupy for Iho llrst time on next Widuesdny evening. A Growing Organization. The Curbondalo Cycle club has eight applications for membership on Its bul letin hoard, on which action will be taken ,l week from tomorrow night. The organization is growing with uipidity. Changed Their Quarters, Mr. ami Mrs, Lohshire, who havo been boarding at tho humo of sirs. Webb, on Lincoln avenue, have taken quarters In the Anthracite, mid 1110 located there now. Homo from College. I ir, llruest Downton is homo from the Modloo-Chirurgloal colloqo at Plit-Iadclphla, He expects to spend tho summer months hi Carbondale, A Belated Attack of Grip. Patrick F. Fox, the always genial clerk al the po.uottioc, was compelled to lay oil' lrom work on Saturday, on acuciiui of a sev-ro attack of grip. To Be a Drug Clerk, Itoytl Olivoi hu. ,'esgneii js posl. lion wltn W. II. Stano mid tiectfplQd one with A- W. ItoyimliU, the thug. Klt. Sang Vespers. Yesterday being tho tirst Sunday In the month, espers were sung at St. j Host! chin tu at T p. m. "An Aged Folks' Meeting." At th- First Congregutiuiiul church 1 yesterday morning the services look ' ti- form of "an aged folks' meeting," and were londiietod as in the days of ' vore The theme of the sermon was, i "A Illpo Life," A number of tlmo honored, old-fashioned hyinna wore sttnic by Hie congregation, while the choir rendered Rome special selections. Is in Scranton, liartlu T. O'Malley Is In Scranton, called thnro by ,thc death of his brother, Chailcs K. O'Malley. Born. To Mr, and Mrs. Walter Olbbs, of Park street, a sou. The Passing Throng. Mim. K. Policy uml daughter, Floasl-, havo returned lo their home In Seeluy villc after a visit with Mr. 'ind Mrs. M. O. Abbey, of tills 0U.V Mlfs Clara Hobbs, of North Delniont street, Is the possessor of a now piano, Frank Williams, and wife, of Scran ton, formerly of this city, are upend ing a few days with friends In town. Miss Maine O'Neill, of thu West Side, left Saturday for a visit wllh friends In New York city. .lohn Wallace, of the Scranton Busi ness college, spent Sunday with friends In town. Mrs. Wllllnm Johnson, sr., Is lying vjiy III at her home fill North Wash ington street. Mrs. George Chapman, of Jeffrey Mtoct, has returned after spending a few days with her son. Charles, In Iloncsdal; K. Muiihatoit. of Aldonvllle, spent Saturday with his son, Anson, op Ca naan street. Mm. George Foster has returned to her home after spending 11 fow weeks with relatives In Pitts ton. Mrs. li. ,M. Thomas, daughter. Lil lian, arid Miss Helen Passmoro wore. In Scran tt-n Saturday. Miss Margaret MoAndrew. who has bren confined to her home for the past week 1-y illness Is able to be about again. Charles Dugan of Luzerne, was a caller in lown Saturday. Charles Law, of Pittston, was a-visitor here Saturday. Dr. Wilfred P. Byrne, a former Car- bondalian, who Is now one of the member.-, of tho staff of the New York rlty i.o.i d of health, spent Sunday with, relatives In town. Charles II. Corbett, of Hrooklyn. who has been the guest of his son, Kugene II. Corbi li. or the Carbondale Machine company, loft on Saturday for the Pan American exposition, Miss Mary K. Corbel t will remain with her brother here Until tomorrow, when she will join her father at Kuffalo. OLYPHANT. The ladles of tho Initial .-ocicty of the Ulakcly Haptist church will servu suppt-r in the social rooms of tho church next Thursday ovenlnp from it tu n o'clock, for tho small sum nf 2," tents. Ice cream will also be sold. W. W. Adair, general secretary of tho Hnilroad Yount,- Men's Christian asso ciation of Scranton, addressed a. very lai'Ktj and attentive congregation at tlm Presbyterian church lost evening. Joseph Cilennen, of Carbondale, wns a visitor in town yesterday. Mrs. Thomas Williams, of Ilydo Park, spent yesterday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. I"). W. Harris worn vis itors at Wilkes-Barro yesterday. Mrs. Mary Mason, of Lackawanna street, who was brought home from the Lackawanna hospital at Hcranton on Saturday, is in very critical con dition at this writing. Tho members of the Excelsior I lose company will bold a smoker in their moms on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Kldiam, of Car bondale, visited friends at this place yesterday. Miss (iertio Mcllale. uf Green Itldgo, spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. .lohn II. Mcllale, of Duniuore street. Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Pymons. of Car bondale, were thu guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lewsley, of Dunmoro street, yesterday. Tho house of Ktlward Iloyd, on Scotch direct, was badly damaged by lightning on Friday. A largo section of the sliling uas ripped off and two of the doors shattered. A largo hole was rent in tht- roof and in onu of the rooms a portion of plaster fell. Tin; residence of William Bolancl. in Blake Iy. wan also visited by tho fiery fluid, but the damage, was slight. The Olyphant Minstrel company will give a performance at .Mauley's lull, in Dunmorc on Thursday evening. John P. O'Malley, of Carbondale, cir filiated among friends hero joMrrdny. JCRMYN AND A1AYFIELP. A pigeon shooting match which at tracled a large number of men took place on thu East. Sitb grounds on Saturday afternoon between George Trotter and Jacob Van Sickle. The match, which was for twenty-five dol lars, ended In a tie, as may bo seen fiom tint following: Trotter 1 1 ooon t Van Slvklo ; o o 1 t i n o A committee of the runners lrom the Delaware and Hudson colliery' went to Scranton on Saturday to seek an Interview with Superintendent. Huso regarding the local trouble which caused an idleness here since Wednes day morning. Superintendent Koto, it is said, referred the committee to As- sistant huparlntondoiit Surge, at Oly phant. It Is expected tho committee will have another Interview with him Uro today nt Jcrmyn. A committee. Horn the union waited upon Outside foreman Thomas Hunter on Satur day night asking him to start up work tnis morning, but lis told the commu te o ho could not comply with their wishes, until hy bad received orders fiom bis superiors to do so. Attorney and Mrs, Carey returned homo from Carlisle yesterday, Miss Mertls Hitter, of 1'eckvllle, was a visitor hero yesterday, M, Edwards, of I'lttston, Is visiting friends here, PECKVILLE. Mr, A. M. Kestell, nf Nigara Falls, Is visiting relatives In town. The Wilson Fire company has pur-cham-d a beu lit If ill team of black horses. The company has purchased a. brand new outfit, wagon, harness, etc., and will be reaily In a day or two to do team work about town. Our rltl zeiis should patronize tho boys when in need of team work, Messrs. Thomas and Hurry Sit graves left Saturday to visit the Pun American exposition at Buffalo. After visiting the exposition they expect to BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SV XOTIl Till". XAMll. ! TEETH I !-j We extract teeth, till teeth, niut apply gold crowns and bridge work, Willi at va 0 it the least pain, by it method patented and used by lis only. When the Ini 5; 5 pi'csslon is taken in the morning plates will be linlshed same clay, if desired. ;? MUttiii.'" - .K a , PDCd No olmrire 1 V-L-'- ,Kv,i a oilier Work ts Done. V 1-1 Wugivoii written giiarnnteo for 2d ycttis on nil work. The fact that this Is att Incorporated Company doing bus!, ness under the laws of tliii State, unci oponttlnn n systotn of i!0 olfleoB. is a sufficient guarantee- of our responsibility ami that we Do Exactly n, wj Advertise. - .".uj ..tint .y.jui tloys, 10 to 1, 1 The White tfWMMMWVWWMVflW return to Niagara Falls, where they have secured employment. There Mill be n regular meeting of thi borough council thla evening. Klzer's pond in Wayne county s the mecca tor tlsherincn hereabouts. On Saturday Messrs. 13 wight. Beardslee, Walter Lloyd, William Vandervoort and Gilbert Pir-roo drove lo that popu lar tishlng resort and with all kinds of bait and fishing tackle trlpt! lo drain tho pond of fish. The result of the expedition consisted of eighteen suck ers. Walter stated that on account of the bait giving out early in the evening the catch was llmlti-wl. Tin Forest and Stream club have not been able to advertise its usual spring ban riuet on account of thr- inability of the m-'inbers to secure a prpsentubl"; calch of fish. JESSUP. Owing io some misunderstanding, the contests which were to he decided last Wednesday vn- postponed until next Thursday evening. Hn E. J. T,.1ftMr-" '.-1,imI ftrnn- f-fiiit-f.lnti, in be in readiness by Thursday evening, us" all tlio contests will close that evening. A llrst-cliss entertainment is being prepared for that night and a good time Is In store for those who attend. Admission only 1u cents. Mist: Katie Golden, of Pittston. is visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Matlle White, on I.ann stieet. Mr. P. H. Eagen was a caller In Scranton Saturday, making arrange-mf-nts to move to Wilkes-Barro. The boroucl) council will hold their monthly meeting this evening. .Cards are out anounciiig the coming marrlaee of Charles O'Bovle. one of tho most prominent young people of , Hits place and Miss Annie Mackerel, one of the leading singers in the St. Patricks choir at Olyphant. and one of the most prominent young ladies of that place. Local 100.'.. Cnited Mine Workers of America, will hold a special meeting this evening at tho St. James hall. GAMES OF BASKET BALL. Two Interesting Contests in the Ar mory Saturday Night. Two interest ing basket ball games wen: played at the armory Saturday nigl)t, whore Tlguo's Gymnasium tun in defeated the North Scranton Stars by the score of S-5, and the Orientals bested the Park IHU Stars to the tune of 7-fi. The llrst match, between the Stars and gymnasiumites. was i-hnrai--terized by a deal of lively, energetic playing. At the end of the first half the Stars led. 5-1, but their lead was mure than overcome in the latter part, of the game. Individual plays by Tigue. Ttatchford and Kennedy, of Ihe victors, and McClusky and ,lone., of the tSars, featured the night's work. In Ihe sec ond game Cann anil natchfortl, of the Orientals, and Convey. Fold and Man ga n, of the Park Hill Stars, played speedily. BOWLING NOTES. Only three more games are yet to be bowlpd to wind up this season's league bowling, Tho West End team hasthreo postponed games, to play, one with the Elks, one with tho Backus team ami one with the West Entlers, No, !, if Judge J. W. Carpenter was nve.' referred to aP "one of the best known men at tho bar." Ho went on tlw bench with tho Intimate acriuaintaiice ship of comparattvtfly few of his fel low lawyers, Ho was not a recluse, or unsociable, but his praotlco was, tu a large measure, "olllce work," and It being a largo practice, and he a man who closely applied himself to his work, his opportunities tor beeoming "chummy" with the other members of the bar worn restricted. On this ac count, as might naturally bo expected, thero woie possibly some who were not ready to say enthusiastically that thu new judge would (ill every rciiilro ment of the position, that lit this court lias been so illustriously llllod. If there were such, It Is safe to say they do not nuw exift. Even Ju the short time that Judgo Carpenter has worn the ermine, he has given every evidence of lemarkablo lit-nes-K for the judiciary. It does not take tho average lawyer very long to measure it judgo before whom he prac. tlces, and it does not require a great period of tinitt for tlm .-atlmute thus formed to nialso tho round of the bar. Most of the leading attorneys appealed before .Judge Carpenter during argu ment week, and not a feu of them have had occasion to ileal with him Individually in equity and oilier p.ro. otM-dliiBs. It Is not saying anything extravagant to declare that the Lacku wanna bur has formed its opinion of tho new Judge, and that the opinion Is a most ilatteilng one. m m Ambiose Her, tho recently elected treasurer of the Scranton poor dis trict, while little known as a publlo ofllclal, h nevertheless one of the niot Note Our Prices for Perfect, Hull Set Teeth (that fit) Gold Hillings Silver Fillings Gold Crowns Teeth Without Plaies 35.o Clcnnlnp Teeth en- l! " Z for Paltilow tixtruct CDCC - WIS MAKlC A SPECIALTY ot Ooltl Crown uml ltrhlRo Work. This m a system for Inserting artificial teeth wh ore one or moic uro lulsshm without tho use of a phtto. This work Is moat beau tlful ami cannot bo detected Trout tho natural teeth. When properly done, wl II hmt a lifetime. Call and seo us oper ate. U will ho a. pleasure for us to carefully examine your teeth and toll von ..i..tl .!... . . .....! ...Ill n-i V.. ..1... ,'.... ,1.,.. it ,. . .. ..v. i.um ..in ludi No oIiiii-ko for this. Dental Parlors iniiitT l.Jik.iw.inii.i .mil U.tonihy .npiiuix. Otfr Nf-tmik Simp slnio, Si-Miitun. baiRPst ilcnnl ii-'lirrin in Hie woilil, -:n oi i in ftiltcrl Mj(m. Ititoipmiitrrl. the Wllkos-B-irreans wish to laud sec ond place they will havo to bowl in pretty good form, us the Backus men are resolved to play their fastest lo re cover their places beside flic lenders. Charles Klehl, of Ihe Elks' team, bowled three fast games on the Klk alleys Satuiday afternoon, when ho averaged :M0 1-;;, Klehl made :.':!:: and two l!)!i's. Tonight will see Ihe return game in the Buikus-South Serauton tilth's series. It will he bowled on 1 aub seher's alleys, and the South Scranton men are very conliilent of winning and atoning for the disgrace of their recent defeats on Ihe Backus alleys. The official standing of the vadium bowlers who have participated in the league games is now being compiled for The Tribune, and will be published during the week, giving a full statis tical account of the plavers' averages. DEFEATED AT FACTORYVILLE. Keystone Team Was Too Much for the Lackawannas. The Lackawanna base ball team Sat urday was defciied by Ihe Keystone Academy team at Factory, ille. Tin local learn was never for an instant In tho race, as the final score of IS to S shows. Young Spencer's curves wcie basted hard and often, and his team afforded him but poor support. The siiminaricd score by innings follows: ii. li. i:. Nlmol nf lukj....n (i ii I :; n n a . I:; s hi-.sli.in- n n .: I .-, s n I - li I.". I n.ulirirs- I'm- L.h k.it-.uin.'i. spi-nipr ;iml T.iy. l-.r: Kc-.Mciip, Kuhimoii ami Shone. U'liipin- -Mi i-c BASE BALL. American League. By Kc1iim! Win1 tc.mi The Associated Press. At Mibv.inl.rc II. II. i:. Miln.ui' i-t- a l n a i; ii a n - -j i i", i Cliit-JBO a I li I! II li I 0 0 - 7 .: 7 llilteiii- llii-linK, I.Viily .ii-il Cimiu-i; 1 .. t - uin .mil biillh.iii. I'liiplip-C.iiinnll. Attt-inl-ancp ,!). At St. 1.1-ul- - I!. II. K. SI. I,nuii n I ll II 2 I) -J 0- ., I-.' 1 I ir.riiiii.iti ii -J I -J a ll I ll 17 in I ILilmiis llif-ili'iif-li-ui .ni'l Nl- l.i-Ui ll.ihu.ii.il I'tiU. 1'inplif- -llu-.il-. Alli-iiil.inti il,ijuii. f. ini; to thr iliv,tnu tiun 1-y lm- ,-n-ti-iii.ii' ,t lln Hi, mil M.ni'l .il tin- N.itinii.il i',ii;iii- i;iimiiiiI tin.. ' -i.nin v.n pl.iw-il ;il Allili-tii- p.itK. 'I In- ii'iniil. j win- riy it.iijrli anil tin- im Iodine t.t.i mii.iII In .hi .iiiiiuoil.ito tin' iiuuil who Mt.iitnnl nut, tin- holil, ui.ikiiiu v'leiin-l I ill-- nci-f.n.v. At pi-nnit li. II. I'. Tlot mil 2 I a ll 0 I i I -In I.. II t li'M-l.in-1 ii no i) ii ii c ;: ii- :: ;; It.it ti'ii,',- sirtrr .mil llin-lnw ; Siotl .iimI r.t 1:1 r. rninlriK-Hit-iii'.iii .nnl "ihIm .-u. Al- j li-inl.inci 7.i)0. National League. At l"lllr.lB.i- a. ll. i:. ( -iir.i-ii ii i n ii o ii a o 2---J -i a l-ituiiuit: n i no mi i u-i ii i limi.iiv.v W'iIiI, II .in-1 i-iin-r: U'ilnp .nnl 7.11111111 r. I'nipiii- -l.in-.li'-. Mo i'iI.hkp- lo.iiiii. Eastern League. Al MniitrtMl-Km li"i.l(-r, 7; Monin.il, 1. Al llinl.ilo 'loionln, u; lliilT.iln, . DETRICK STILL IN JAIL. 1 Slayer of Chester Staples Not Ad mitted to Ball. Ut-piie Iietriek, of Spr.igucvllli-, has Mention of Men of the iwldely known -11111 influential German citizens of the city. He Is ,1 merchant of rfcognliicd Ftandlng in tho buslivs-s community and his success has been the result of hard wotk and persistent application. His first ciitniiu-e into public life was made about four mouths ago, when he was appointed 1 member of tho board of health by Maor Moir, to succeed ex-County Treasurer M. J. Kelly, H had served on tho board but a short time when lie was elected treasuier of tho poor district, ami al most immediately aftei wards the hoard nf heallh became defunct. While tilt duties of the treasurer of the poor district arc pot very ardu ous, ami are almost entirely uf 11 for mal nature, uovertholos-.s Mr, Hera tie. votes a large part of his time and attention to them, and can be seen in omul the city hall frequently. Ifu attends all the poor board nu-etliiga and has become very popular wii iho iw-iubers. That the duties of his olllco will be comcleiitloui'ly iierforint-d dill Ins Mr. llcrs-'s term is assured. - li will he of Imertsi 10 the many Scr.tiilou i'lit-nds of A. A- Salisbury, fonneily superintendent of the I.tu-ka-w aium railroad, tu leain that ho has Just been elected second vice presi dent of the Albany and Hudson Kail way ami Power company, which 1.' owned an-1 operated by liovernor Vn.uheos. of .New Jersey: William !'. Shechuii, cN-lifiileiiaiit govenor or Niw York: A. M. Vuuim, the Krook ln contractor, ami '. Whitney, tonner secretary of war. Tin- cum. pany operates an electric road under the third rail system between Albany ami Hudson, a distance of thirty- Painless Dentistry j $5,00 5 $1.00 j SO J $3.00 to $5.00 . . . nl HTCP Nil rbni fed r"' DCm.. Hours, S to S. Sun- r: not' yet been admitted to ball. Thft man Is charged ltii tho shooting of Chester Staples, at Spraguovllle. somo weeks ago. Ills attorneys, Ellenbergcr .V- Huffman, gave nntleo to District At torney tiearhart that an nppllcallon would be matle on Monday afternoon to admit Uetrlck to ball, but the case did not come up until this morning. In court today the district attorney refused to go op with tho matter, sav ing he was not yet ready. .Judge Craig was loath tu admit Dot rick to hail, wanting the district attorney lo take Iho responsibility. Mr. Cearhiirt want ed the court to decide the matter. It was finally arranged that Detriclc should he given a hearing on Monday next, when ihe district attorney must make out a. prima fneie ease. This wilt determine whether ball shall he taken or not. I it-trick still surfers from tho .vveie assault said lo have been given Iiiin by Charles Staples, brother of the dead mini, and Dr. Henry was called to attend ii tm nwiin Ibis afternoon. S-.ioudshurg Tinics. CALENDAR OF THE COURTS. Today Will Bs a Busy One About the Court House. The grand jury will meet today, con stables will make returns, a session of cQii.'ly court will begin and probably ii largo number of opinions will. b.i handed diwn the judge-;. Among tho cases to come before th -giand jury are those In -which ox-Self ot Councilmen McAndrow and Mc- "a mi hip prosecuted hy the Munici pal It-ague, ami tho libel case brougnt -gainst the Scrantonlan by Presul'-nt John Mitchell, of the TTnUcd .Mine Workers. On tile equity list arc the sli'lf, i.f Angus Cameron against Angus C. Cray, Ebon H. Davis against tho First. Welsh llaptlst church, S. 1$. Kohhisoit against .lohn M. Kenimerer et al., (leorge II. Winans against George (.!. Winans ft ul Charles .1. Keogh against the Pittston and Scranton Street Hallway company. JENNINGS' INTENTIONS. He Has Not Yet Signed with tht American League. Tlugliey Jennings was in town Fri day with the Cornell College loam, whose coach he is. Jennings was i--cently ofteretl jfi.oon to finish the i-o-i-son with thu Philadelphia American li.ague club. He has also an offer from McCraw lo join tho naltluior-t club. Asked whal Ids intentions urn, Jennings said: "Considering the offers I reeee-l fiom the American league people and the good showing they havo matle s far. financially, they have the tall with me. No contract lias been signed bv inc. as I am not tit. liberty (o act until about June 15. when my term with Cornell ends. It would be foolish for me lo ti" in. st If down ami then hav lo waif for more than a month befor i beginning my wiirk."--X1w York World. TO PRESENT MEDALS. The presentation of medals to th tiruck members of the Electric Cltv ltifle club will take place lonisht ,il matter's shouting gallery. Ask for Kelly's union craokcis. ," Hot?. eight miles. It als-o operates tho gn and electric lighting plants In KensiK--laer anil Hudson, Tho company Is 1 strong one and it projects are cupula, of great development. Mr. Salisbury was Ideutlllcd with tho Lackawanna railroad up to Iasp August, when he was sueet:ed''d bv T. E. Clarke, who afterwards hecaui" general superintendent. The po-sjtlor formerly' held by Mr. Salisbury is now held by Edwin M. Kino. Since hi retirement from tho Lackawanna rail, load, Mr. Salisbury has uuule lib hi mo at Watcrvlll--, N, Y. lie wll probably now make his home at Kens' seiner, where tho general ollkes of tin. company aie located. John T. Illchards has. il is ,-aH denied up a nlco little fortune or Lackawanna, I'iiIou Pacllio and West, era I'nlon holdings during' tho reconi boom on these securities. Every Sun day afternoon Mr. Klchurds can ln seen hoarding the l.ackiiwauua llmltc-i III oitler to lie on the grouu 111 .Now York when business opciu Monday mm plug. Keeently No. 1 was sevei.il hours later In unlng owing lo a snow stoim op the Huffah division, and the Si-r.intou capilahsi wanted Station Master McCaun lo put on a specuil tinlu. tu eairy lit 111 t New York. Si, eh i (imposition was out of t' ( question, but a ipeclal Pullman t.ii was attacned to th milk train, whin icached Huboken before a p. in Me Klchanls has als'i been ery success 1111111 pk dug th- Alexander Car Ri placer 011 4ho market. Hu Is one o the chief stockholders of tin- ccmp.in; which owns ih- pi t'-nis for it - M f