The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 06, 1901, Image 1

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1 r
: I
two CENTS.
United Mine Workers to Visit the
State Ganital and Insist Upon
Their Own Legislation.
The Workers Are Unking' Prepnra
tions to Send Recruits from nil
Towns in the Shamokin Region.
The Army Expects to Arrive in
Harrisburg- on Wednesdny Night
or Thuisday Hrive No Fears of
the State Militia The Question of
Rations Unsettled.
II; l..i.!u-iie ttire from 'IV A;sOtiatod Pie-i.
Shumnkiu, May .I.- A committee from
tin- United 'Mihe Workers. districts
Xos. I. 7 mid of tlif anthracite re
gion, will go to Ilorrlsburg tomnriow
morning to .-ci' Acting President sjny
di'f of the stale smate. lie Is ex
pected to Inform them whether the
senate committee Intends holding ni
the labor bills oi' report thorn In the
negative. In either event the news will
lie sent to the coal region, whereupon
the secretaries of the illsttlcls will
nnt'fy the locals to hold mass meet
lugs tomorrow night in every town and
village to prepare the men for mobil
isation preparatory to the invasion of
Secretary linrtlein. of District No. 9.
.-alii today that the. men should he at
Mi' st, He capital hy Wednesday night
'' Thursday. The men do not expect
'h authorities to interfere with them,
drspiie a rumor that the militia would
disperse them if the march started.
Hnstleton to Send 5.000.
Iliiy.lelnn. ."May :.. It is estimated that
lie llazlelnu region will furnish about
"..iian men on ihe march to Harrls
burg, if the lenders doeld-' that such
a move -will he necessary to force
I rough tile legislature Ihe bills in
ilnrsed by the United Mine "Workers.
Hazkton will be the point of mobillz
.nloii for the Lehigh region. From
ilis city the men will ninreli aeios-,
lie mountains t the Panther Creek
Valley and thence, to Pnttsvllle. where
they will join the Schuylkill forces.
Til"- foreigners are very enthusiastic
and all ai i; in readiness lo move. Ar
i.ingeiueiits ar! being made to have
drum turps and brass bunds accom
pany tile marchers. The matter of
feeding ihe men on the march and on
ihelr arrival at tin' state capital has
not yet been dellnitely settled.
Trains and Boats Arrive Laden
with Piovisions 3,000 Persons
Leave the City.
"! I vrlu.-iie Wile -Kin Tli"" Avoiijli" Tier'
Jacksonville, Fla., May 5. The hun
ger of 10,00ft homeless people wan sat
lied today upon the arrival of relief
trains and boats bringing' provisions
from neighboring' towns. Karly this
morning a. commissary was established
in the center of the, city and thousands
were fed during the day.
The relief fund is gi owing hourly,
.ind every mall brings offers of assist
ance. Today an older was promulgated,
under martial law. reitiirlng all mer
chants whose stoics were spared by
tile conilagratinn to open their iloois
and sell to all who asked. The slteets
have been crowded all day with shop,
pcr.s who lost nil In the lire, and many
stores will remain open all night.
It is estimated that :s,fi00 pcrcnus
have left the city and every out-going
train Is crowded with t-'fugees, Five
carloads of tents were received today,
the property of the state, which an
to he used by the homeless temporar
ily Another shipment of tents is c..
peeteil from tlie government to arrive
Tomorrow morning the Times-l'iilon
ami citizen will estimate the total
property loss at $ll,utn,Uiiii,
These tl-jtircs are based upon an
It mlsccd statement furnished by a vol
unteer committee of citizens.
(tumors of loss of life are nil every
hand tonight and the river m been
losely watched today. Many persons
hnvo continued the report of loss of
Ufi at Iho Market street wharf. Nil
morons advertisements appeared in the
Ileal papers asking for aid In searching
i ir persons who aie misslm). A
nany have loft the city for the gulf,
ti is Impossible lo ascertain who have
been lost In the Market street pier
A committee of Atiantan-, was- hero
loday to deliver $,(iiii) wortli of provi
sions, piomlsltig another car during
he wwk, Atlanta also furnished by
-xpicss one thousand feet of hose.
Martini law s bdng rigidly enforced
and the town is quiet tonight, altliough
much anxiety prevails .becntiM of th
lireats snid to have lieeit inndn by the
negroes that they would obtain pro.
lslons by force at their Drst oppor.
In the eastern portion ot Use city tip:
debris Is still burning, but no further
outbreak of the. (lames It- anticipated.
Tomorrow morning the citizens'
iwii.mlltee will m .at to further argnn
isso the relief work. At a nieeilug of
tlie icllcf committee today a evolu
tion was adopted offering work to
very unemployed person In the city,
to In paid for ut the rate of $1 a day
i.nd rations. The men will bo put to
work clearing away the debris In the
mined district. It is believed this
plnn will prove a happy solution of the
present nnd will prevent any antlel.
paled trouble.
flrand Muster James Campbell, of
th Masonic h'rund ludge. of Florida, to.
nlKht Issued nit unpen I to Ihe Masonic,
fraternity of the TInited (states. It"
nsks all Masons to send contributions
to W. V. Webster, gtund .secretary,
Anthracite Trade Is Enlarging Its
Py l. hisiv Win; (mm The Ao.l,itcil I'rr'i.
Philadelphia, May .'..-The Ledger III
Its coal article tomorrow will say:
Tlie anthracite coal trade Is enlarg
ing Its shipments to the lake ports
through the opening of navigation, hut
elsewhere the business Is .pruetlcaliy
unchanged. The consuming public Is
not taking any more coal than Is usual
at this season, and the companies) ore
rigorously curtiiillng their output. The
Increase of ten cents per ton went Into
effect May 1. and this advance is to
be repented monthly until September,
when the .March circular llgures will
he resloied. The producing companies
have icporlc'l their Maich earnings,
showing gienl increases, through the
higher of coal, when compared
with .March, 11'i'H. and they tegard the
treile as in very satisfactory shape,
n-Uli an excellent outlook.
The British Consul at Panama Tells
of the Central American Trouble.
More Guerillo Warfnie.
By i:ili.iivo Wile limn Tup Aiou.ilcii l'iei.
Kingston, Jamaica, May r,. Claude
C. Mallet, Hritish consul ut Panama,
arrived here today on the steamer
Atrato, on his way lo England. Mr.
Mallet was intervelevved by the repre
sentative of the Associated Tress on
emiililiimu In I'olonibhi and said that
tin-, revolution there had degenerated
Into guerilla warfare and that the
strength of the rebels was not known.
One ueek, perhaps r.,(Wl men are hi
tile Held, wliile the next week there
will be but one thousand, as tlie rebels
aie In the habit of returning to their
homes in oubr to gather supplies and
the following week they are out in
full force again.
The Colombian government has
taken the most strict precautious to
guard the nins-t important towns of the j
country, especially Panama, which is
considered to be perfectly safe. In
spite of tlie strong garrisons, how- j
ever, the lebels occasionally ma tinge i
lo get near enough to the towns to
indict damage by sniping. No or- ,
ganized attack has been made during I
the past two months.
Tlie country is altogether unsettled
in consequence of the continuation of
the struggle. Iltisiucss is paralyzed as
the merchants ai" nt'iald to trade un
der the present conditions. Kxchnuge
on London Is at ISn, and on Xctv York
it Is 140. The people in I lie Interior
of tlie ciiintiy are suffering ns a le
sull of the trade stagnation. The Co
lombian government, concluded Air.
Mallei, aie exercising very strong
precautions in order lo prevent nt.'ws
alfceling themselves fioin leaking out
or the country
Advices from other sources report
heavy lighting last week in tlie inter
ior of .Sa'vanillah and liarnmpilllii. The
rebels tepulsed an attack of the gov
ernment t'i roe wltli heavy losses on
both sides.
Sightseeis Will Not Be Allowed to
Witness the Ceremony, Unless in
fly Oilii'ivi Win (nun llu' .siu,'i.ileil Pi.,,
liiistul, 11, r,, May .V All arrange
ments have been made at the Ilerres
liot'f yards for the launching of the
Constitution tomorrow evening. Woik
cens-ed last night, and no doubt Iho
ytiehl is in perfect readiness for' her
plunge. The general public will be nf-
lorded no facility whatever for seeim
the ceremony. .Mr. Hutler Duncan and '
Ills party will be admitted into the
shop, hut, according to present plans,
the llerreslioll' dock Will be closed to
lio.'its. launches and rafts aie In
readiness, for the pleis being denied to
spei tatnt's, the water Is the only place
from which the launching' will lie vis
ible. There will be nothing of tlie old
fashioned ecieiuony in it, when the
launch of a vessel was a public holi
day, cclchi tiled with festivities and
much consumption of cakes and ale.
In the old days, yachts used to lie
launched with a plunge. It was all
over in it few .seconds. The Constitu
tion will be lowered Into the water
slowly and gradually under control of
a windlass, From the time the bottle
or wine Is broken on her bow until she
Is ailoal, probably twenty minutes will
elapse, In that interval, by means of
seaichlightH and flashlights, tho jeal
ously guarded secrets of her hull will
bo observed by u hundred eager eyes,
and many u camera will record the
giacefiil hull mi its way to the water.
Two Child) en Burned to Death,
lly Ktrlndve WilP (torn Tlii" .Wicutul l'u"
MjIow, X, Y ,iv ."iTwo ililMii'ii luniul
1'ilimli', .uti'il S .an) 'j yens, ,i le.v Jiel a uirl,
wile ImiiiiciI to iliutli in llullu, X, V in I'liiljy
PMniiiy, Tlie luiulndi'i' nf the Unilly uric Jt
ilninli .iinl tin- l.fii-'r iiuxlit 'iic Jlli I llu' "lilb
ill I'll ll.ul 'I'lK' lo In 'I.
Col. Dennison Captured.
Py i;.,luho Wlie fpini 'Hie As.wlatnl l'fsj.
London, May n. ' Xe ha arrived hw," '
lit t'apu Tnwii I'oii.siwmknt el tho lully Ux.
pii'.... " Cclonrl lifimbon, uilli a patrol o
.rout?, lu-i Lfi'ii rjitnii'"l. 'Hie p.i'atlon of the
inislidi U tint knowi In (Vpi? Town."
t .-,
Itv L(ltiic Wilt (lulu 'flip ,sa. Ulnl 1'ivm.
IIhiiIuj, Aljy 5.-Sir Jtjlinilijcp 1VIII,
tlie veil 1,'ii'iwn iiiilliuiulii' ami p.iuci' phil.m.
$05,000 Wortli of Property Fired,
ny Kiilu-dic Wire (rorn 'n A'soclatwl I'ren.
LufLIn, Tew. May fl-Klu' yfsuiJjj- after
neoif .wipt .may tuenlj iv lnKin.' Iieii.r. jnl
llule I'ont.'iiH, eiiUilliiit a ta-t n (bout $'5,010,
in wliti h tlK'ie U Hide iiuuriDci,
Seven Persons fire Burned to
Death In Conflagration on
Marouette Avenue.
A Three Story Apartment Building
Destroyed Firemen Responding
to the Alarm Are Unable to Reach
the Building ou Account of
Freight Cars Blocking the Way,
Which the Train Crew Refused to
Remove Until Too Late to Save
tho Building The Trainmen Are
By i:.duItv Wiri' fiimi llir Voiiiilnl l'ir.
Chicago, .May .3. Seven persons
were burned to death, three fatally
Injured and several others slightly
burned nnd otherwise injured In a lire
that destroyed a three story apartment
building at ilolil Marquette avenue,
South Chicago, early today.
The dead: .Mrs. Josephine Cooly,
Mabel Cooly, ti years old: Annie Cooly,
15 inmUis old; Peter Zook, owner of
the building; Mrs. Peter Zook. Victoria
Zonk, Nicholas Zook.
The seriously iiijnicd: William
Cooly, husband of Mrs. Josephine
Cooly, badly burned, will die; Louisa
Clirlstcnsen, face and body burned,
I will probably die
Mabel Cliristenseii.
. years old, daughter ot Mrs,, cnrlslcn-
I son, severely burned, l die; Henry
j Murphy, slightly burned and both legs
broken by jumping from third story
window, will recover: John Zook. bad
ly burned and bruised about body, wilt
recover: Airs Julia Krwin, burned and
Obstinate Trainmen.
While the occupants of the burning
building weie struggling with the
smoke and Panics in hope of forcing
their way lo safety, the liremen who
were responding to the alarm were
j vainly waiting for a Irelght train,
I which blocked the way of the lire en
gines, to move from the crossing and
(give a clear road to the Die. Marshal
I Drlscoll, in eliaige of the liremen.
called to the conductor and brukemeii
I to move the train, but they refused
Hnrjuply with his request. The police
Mile n?nl for and the crew was ar
i listed. Then under oideis of the tlr"
marshal the train was backed from tlie
i crossing, but by the time the liremen
! reached the binning building tlie
j structure hail been destroyed. Scat
I tered among' the embers were found
I the hinted leinaius of the victims.
I The liodlis were burned beyond reeog
I nitioii and were disilgmed in various
ways. I lie Haiti crow, who live at
Klkbart. are being held without hall,
au. tiling the verdict of the coroner's
The oripln "if the tile is unknown.
'I be building was an old one. built of
x.ood. and burned so rapidly that all
avenues of escape hy stairways were
"ut off before (lie occupants were
uiuiii' of the fire.
Imposing Ceremonies Attend the De
parture of Uncle Sam's Forces
from Pekiu.
llii lii. be Uii'" nun 'Hi" Av.uiljtdl Pn'.
Pekln. .May 5. Tho United Stat.-s
iiiviiliy and artillery left Pekln this
morning to march to Ton
Ku. Im
posing farewell ceremonies attended
their departure. Sir Alfred liasalee
and the otlwr Uritish generals, with
their sutlfs, were present, and the
Hrltlsh i miiunnder s-ent a detachment
of u.iluehls, who escorted the Ameri
cans outside tlie city wall,
(icnernl Chuffo publicly thanked the
cavalry and artillery for their ser
vices in the international relief ex
pedition and for their behavior since,
which has been, he said, a credit to
tli.imselves and their nation,
The Infantry headquarters statf will
leave by rail as soon tho transports
arrive at Taku.
He Will Not Consent to. Prolonging
the Hawaiian Legislature.
Uy Kxclushc Wire fimvi 'flie Avnrlatcil l'rej.
Honolulu, April :.'. vlu San Prnncls
co, Alay .1, flovernor Dole has refused
to oNiond the .session of the legisla
ture, although he was reriue.sied to do
so by both houses. In a letter to tho
senate answering Its request for thirty
days morn time In which to complete
Iho legislation, the executive says thai
the session has Imeu a waste or time
nnd money mid ho had no coiuldenee
that an extension would icsuit in any
thing hotter,
The governor's action is a greal ills,
appointment to the home rulers, and
to tunny others Interested In hills now
before tho house, There are over n
hundred nets of various kinds unacted
Oeenn Liners Bring an Average of
1,000 Each.
I bsilii-ivt Hue hum 'Clie V"HLdel I ii
New York, .May 5. The ocean liners
arriving of late are averaging 1,000 m
migrants each, and the health olllccr
or the port and the corps of marina
hospital surgeons who examine the new
arrivals a second time whop they reach
Kills Island, are kept buiy from early
In the day until long after sundown.
Steerage passengers with sore eyes are
rejected, and on Saturday among 1,1'-'-'
Geruiuu Immigrants on a vessel from
Iiuniburg, a case or smallpox van (Un
covered. The patient was sent to the
pest house, and over 100 passengers
were removed from the vessel to Hoff
man Island,
A steamer from Marseilles, whtc.h ar
rived here today, had three cases of
smallpox among her 1,1711 steerage pas
sengers. They were also sent to the
post house, unci U10 Immigrants who
wii' In the Infected compartments of
the ship were sent to Join the other
suspects at the lower quai-antlne.
At the Instant the Button Is Pressed
Miss Helen Deshler Will Break a
Bottle of Wine Over the Bow.
lly i;rtulie Whf tiiiin The Ajtotlitrd Prri.
San Francisco. May B. Tins much
discussed question us to upon whom
would fall the honor of launching the
battleship Ohio has been settled by
the announcement that the function
would bo performed by Airs. MeKIn
ley. After the simple ceremonies pre
ceding the event, consisting of short
addresses by President McKlnley, flov
ernor Nash and Irving Al. Scott, Mrs.
AtcKlnley will press the button and
the rolcifocd nxe will sever the rope
Just at " ' turn of the tide at 12,'Jfi
p. m.
Just as . -i's. McKlnley touches the
button -Miss Helen Pesliler, of Co
lumbus, Ohio, will break the bottle of
California wine over tho how and give
the new lighting machine the name of
Two of The Crew Wounded The Fei
Ho River Commission.
Tien Tsin, Alay ,". Some German
soldiers who were guarding a German
bridge across the Pel-Ho river, at the
south end of tlie Uritish concession
here, fired on a Lirlllsh tug, the Kgo.
this morning, wounding' two of her
crow. The bridge impedes river Irntlle
and the tug touched It.
The ministers and generals have
agreed upon the Pel-llo KlVcr Im
provement commission, which is to he
composed of one member each from the
consular body, the Tien-Tslti provis
ional government and the eommisslon
eis or customs, and the following have
been nominated: From the consular
body, Air. Hopkins: from the provis
ional government, fieneral "Wngaek.
and from the commissioners of cus
toms, Herr Detriug. Tt is Intended thai,
the commission shall begin Its work
The Members Are Again at Havana.
The Commission Will Soon
Make a Report.
11 Cm lie-in' Win' from I'Ih- AhmhuIciI 1'ie-ii
Havana, .May .". Tin: special coin
misslou of ,tli- Cuban constitutional
convention, who went to Washington
lo obtain n better knowledge of the
intentions ol the Lulled States gov
ernment regarding Cuba, arrived here,
i urly this morning:. They were met
by a delegation of Cubans and Colonel
f-cott. jepi'i'senilnff tin military gover-
Keiior Miironte said that tlie commis
sion had held several conferences on
the Meanv r during the return trip
ami that, an -understanding had been
reached. He explained, however, that
ii would be necessary to hold another
meeting; tomorrow, when the report of
the fiiuu.-ii.sf.Inn would be drawn up
at.d a call Is-'Mied for the other dele
gates Tue.-'dby.
A Missionary Says tho Country Is in
a Deplorable State.
ll.i I'.iili.Mie Wlie liD'.n 'Hi.' AvikIjIimI 'r, ...
Pekln, Alay 3, A majority of the
foreign ministers will leave Pekln next
week for Hie Western Mills, to spend
the summer, taking with thein military
guards for their protection, their In
tention being to come to Pekln for the
purpose or holding meetings and at
tending to necessary business,
Air, Owen, or the London mission,
says all the reports received by his
mission from the provinces show iho
country lo be in a deplorable state.
Discontent and intense hatred of for
eigners prevail, and worse conditions
than existed before the siege ate
threatened, Tho departure of the
troops, lie piediets. will be signalized
by a massacre of the native Christians.
"Those unable to recognize the facts,
and reporting otherwlso to their gov
ernments," says Air, Owen, "ate as
wilfully blind as bei'oie."
The Russky Invalid Publishes De
tails of Recent Engagements.
Uy Kvelu'lie Wire bom 'the. Ahch-'IjIinJ IViM
St, Petersburg:. .May ,", The llussky
Invalid publishes details of tin- recent
operations hi Alanehiirhi. it appears
tlml the Noi Hi .Maudlin (an division,
under Ueneral .eerpltskl, fought, over
twenty eiiRageuicnls. losing altogether
twenty-four men killed and seven otll
ciiis and sfst.v-one men wounded, two
olllccrs having died of their wounds.
, quantity of guns and rilles wore cap
tured. Tin- total results of Ihe operations Is
that of three hands, which at the bo.
ginning of the year wero menacing tho
peace of Munchiiilu, two have been an
nihilated, aciordlng to tliu llussky In
valid, and the thltd, after sustaining
a number or defrals, Is now being pur
sued by the Uiisslun division.
Markle Stike Settled.
Py i:rlu.ivp Wiie fiuiu 'I lie A&ioriati'il Pkm
,llulcon, MJ.v 5.'llie trouble at (tin O. P.
Marlvle & Co, llbervalc collieries uliieli lia
eilei for i-oeul eik, iv.i oiliitci dually
tuilu.t, iiml i lie nun ulll it-turn lo ivnik ilu
wvek. All tlie ni"i will I le-tiiinl lv
ulll pi Hi'-.
Mr. McKlnlcu and Partu Have
Reached the Gatewau ot
A Cordial Greeting from the Presi
dent of Mexico The Sabbath
Strictly Observed by Mr. McKln
ley and Immediate Party, but the
Mexicans Enjoy a Spanish Bull
Fight A Mexican Breakfast to Be
Served Today.
By llxiluslie Wire fium Tlie AsiufUlfd I'M'".
Kl Paso, Texas. .May 5. The presi
dential party reached Kl Paso, the
gateway of Mexico, at ! o'clock this
morning', nnd will remain lien- until
noon toniotrow. President Dlsvz, of
Mexico, had hoped to meet tho presi
dent here and shake hands across tho
border, but as the Mexican congress Is
in session ho could not leave the capi
tal. He sent a personal message to the
nrosident, howover. and also des
patched General .luan Hernandez, the
commander of the Second military
none of the statu of Chihuahua, per
sonally to present his good wishes to
the elder magistrate ol' the ITnlted
Governor Aliguel Ahuniada,.of Chi
huahua, Ihe most northerly state of
Mexico, jiisu traveled to 101 Paso to
pay his respects, and these otllclals,
acnempanied by General Hernniide'.'s
staff In full uniform, were icceived by
the president in his car al the sta
tion. After exchanging felicitation
the president reouesled General Her
nandez to convey to President Diaz his
personal good wishes for the health
and happiness of President Diaz, and
for a continuation of the cordial good
relations tit present existing between
the two countries. President Diaz's
message was as follows:
City of loii o, May r.
To tlie T'rewili lit cif Hie I'nilnl Malts of Viiii'ii-
', Kl ratio.
When you arriieil lln.i hy al Ihe trenli.-r ot
HfiUo I wishiMl I tnitflil shaki' humls- with uii,
lull I send j-.iu as :i .iluli as coire.
rends with the lelatinns whii ti rUL h"
twecn the two n.'mlilicf! of .Voith Anu-iiea. I
:ilu M-iid General (Iciiu.iJc U ri,s to uu
the -siine feeling.
(Signed) I'uriliio Ilia.
To this the president senl tin; fol
lowing response:
id I'.i-.., Ti'Wi., .May !.
To Ilis i;vfell"iny, (,'en. I'oiftiio Ilia., l'resiilcnt
o( tin- ltcpiililie of Mexico, Cliy of Meii.
li Rives me great pUmkiiib t ri'il,ri'.ite llu
ronrti'iins givelinir of your .Actlli'iiey nnd to i"C-)'i-h
my most cmilial kooI ivMicv foi youi healll;
ad li.iiiineu anil (or the eontiiuud piotperil- of
Ihe Mi'ieo republic, to whii li hc aie bound by
mi uiaiiy lies of mutual inti-iiv-l and fi iewh-liiii.
(Sisneil) Win. Mi liinli'V.
Sunday Observed.
It being- Sunday, the president re
tpiested the local committee here not
to arrange any programme for the
day. Ills wishes were respected and
the military parade and ofllclal exer
cises were postponed until tomorrow.
The president and Airs. AlcKlnley and
the members of the cabinet attended
the Station Street Methodist church
in th morning and In the afternoon
some of the party went for a drive.
After dark tonight tlie Alexlean baud,
which has been brought from tlie city
of Mexico by General Hernandez, ser
enaded the president and Airs. McKln
ley at the train. No horns nor drums
wore used '"d the soft, langiiious
Spanish airs strummed ou guitars and
mandolins In the coul of the evening
were thoroughly enjoyed. While It was
a comparatively unlet day in Ml Paso,
notwithstanding ihe large number or
strangers In town, It was otherwise
in the Mexican city of Juarez, Just
across the Itio Grande. .May fi Is the
anniversary of the defeat of the French
Invaders at Pueblu, and Is cMohruted
us our Fourth of July Is In the United
States. The .Mexicans are not puri
tanical in their observation of the Sab
bath, Indeed, Sunday Is always a fete
day with them.
The great feature of til celebra
tionis today was a Spanish bull llglil.
A famous matador had come to Juarez
from the city of Mexico for the occn.
slon, None of the members of the
president's immediate party attended,
but hull lighting Is tin national sport
in Mexico, as in Spain, and General
llornnndcz and the governor of Chi
huahua occupied a box overlooking tho
ring. The llrsl proved to be more iliau
usually bloody and brutal, The net
casualties were four bulls despatchi-d,
one horse killed, two picadors un
horsed and one toreador severely, but
not fatally wounded, as lie was helped
over the fence siiriounillng th aienn.
hy a maddened bull,
Governor Murphy, of Arizona, and
his slaff, will participate in the furmai
greetings tomorrow. i)ii" of tho real
ities of tho programme tomorrow is pi
be n Alexlean breakfast. Willi tlm typi
cal Spanish dishes for Hie Indies of the
part .
Steamship Artlvalb,
IJ.l .illl-ile Will' limit I'll Woiutld 'i-.
NViv fori., May ', lnivol: ,a Uiani'MHiir,
lUwe; I'urnessla, lilou' and .Moville: W.'ii.i,
i.iniu, .Naples and liihialtai. I.lranl- l'a.d!
I.a (l.ui'ORiK, Veil' olI (or Kane. l,lieivjol
- Aniied: Cinliitj, N'di- VoiU ii., Qaceinloun,
Antneip- Aliivul: Keii.lutun, New mk. l.on. Milim'jnnllt, v(.iv Vol'.. (juei-nc
tmvii "illt'il Cimpaiila. fioin l.iiilpool, 'ui
Veil.. Novoe Viemya Expresses Ilegiet.
ny i:iliuivo Wile ft inn I lie '.sodateil I'ren.
St. Vli'iliuiir, .Mi .'. -Tlie Xfiive Viuuy.i ev
PKni'i. u'isivt llui tlie pourH have not aciv ted
the pri)pos.iN of liie I'nit'.il Statn. en (lie snlijeu
of Chlne-e iudeuiullii..
The Ameer to Buy Guns.
Hy F'.xiluiiic Wiie lieiii The Aoeiatcd 1'ien.
laMidnn. ily . Ueoiiliui- to ,i depalil, to
the Pally .Mail from Simla, Hi! Ameer of At
Chaelslaii hi. sent an aenl lo liuiiiau.i to pin'-cli.i-i,'
t-K haili'ili's oi Knipp sun. for Cabul.
Weather lndlctlon Tetlayt
1 Oenerl I)lsJtluii ('Mr.ign I'iic.
Minister Uoiim-i'n View mi tin- CliiiiKe.
.Mine Worlicts to In.tUL Upon bpgllj(lnii ot
Prcsliltntld Parly t (Jatew.iy of Mexico,
2 (icnernl t'nrbond.ile PcpjiliiU'iit.
8 Local Ilistiondonment of Vnlunlfer I'lie be
parlment. Maud (tonne Favor Fujotlnir llniilinil.
4 Kdltoiiat.
Note and ('Cimtuciil.
5 Local Oo9lp o( tlie flnani.
Pr. (illlln'j Seiinon,
(t (.oral WVl Siranlmi and miIjiiiIhii.
7 t.oeal 'Hie Seeoml IMncallonal Oinlft.
Wliltne'9 Xei lliiiluet.
rinanelal and Commeniil.
S Local News ot Hie bibor Wmlil.
Sends a Message to the Governor of
Florida The Kespouae 10,000
Are Homeless.
By I'tiliMlrr Wiie bom The Avorinled l'ir..
Tallahassee, Fla., May 0. Governor
Jennings this afternoon received the
following telegram:
i:l I'a-o. I'"'a.
The (iovntior of I'lotida, T:ill(Ov.i'e, Fla.
I liuve jrt ie.iinfd ol tlie (.ilaniiloiK tile that
has swept over Ihe i ill- of JaeWoin'ille and linnten
to e.pici deep .sympatliy, in roiiin.oii nilii mir
louiilry, I d'cl (or those iilio have Biilfeieil. 'Hi-Ri'Veinini-nl
will do all il (.m in ll.u otl of
lelicf. i (Kicned) Win. MiKlnley.
Governor .leuulngs acknowledged Iho
receipt of the president's message of
sympathy in the following telegram:
'I'.illali.i.-.seo. I'la.. Maj ."i.
To lion. Win. l. Kinle.l, I'.I I'.no. Toa.
We appri'ilate your sympathy for Hie MiBfriu
of our people iai'od h the .laclonvllle louliii inn, wlildi i appallinir, .nnl lhaiil. ion for
Ihe aid of the fiovi ium ut. .so Keneroiisl' ten
clcirel. rtimateil that our 1V.0W aif homeless
and losa "ill re.uli fifteen millions. Vo
lii,'i nl .so fai a know ii. Sufficient, hinds hae
hern plarccl al ili-po-,il of icllef assoiiation o
priiiid- for iminislhile nee itlrs. I'eifeit order
pii'iails. 1 b.'c to vxti-nd Ihe xolilmle of I tic
piopli- of I'loiida lo you.
iSisned) W. s. .I('.ninir. rtineiiioi-
Thousand's Hnve Been Made Desti
tute by the Recent Conflagration.
The Work of Belief.
By l.'xchuile Wire fium The A3ucla(ed 1'icsa.
New York. May .".The .lacksonville
eilii'igency committee of the Merchants'
association of tills city, organized to
send relief to .lacksonville, today ic
ceived the following telegrams:
Tallahassee, Fla., May . I'ood supplier niedeil
as liuipoiaiy icllcf. .l.n'iMoniilli' n-suiiatlon will
insiie i all ivhiili will be fuiiilu-l m siiitu;
t of supplies ne, did. Tin' people of Florida
.tppHC'iale .votir nolilo uoi'k. tii llu'ii name I
111 mi, ou.
(Sigliul) W -. .lellllililia, (loiVI'IIOI.
.I.u kyjin ille, FIj., Mi.i '.- One liumlied anl Idotss, invvriui; hil niilentlal and
liiidineM poitfoii of ilty deslioyid; alioul lWiik)
people homeless and thousands ilesliluie. our
piople iep.)ndiim lilieiall.i, but. dtniauds foi help
tie.'";ud our ability lo meet.
(Minii-dl d. II. T. Iliiivdiii. .ir.
A telegram in reply was sent telling;
him that the citizens of Now York
would respond nobly to his appeal to
that which is necessary in tlie way of
I'ood, clothing, cots, household utensils.
ni'iigs. etc., as soon as they knew Just
what was needed, and that the emer
pcrcy committee would neet tomor
row, together with tlie old Galveston
relief committee, to take immediate ac
tion upon receipt of inlrlgerit Infor
A Good-Sized Crowd Viewed the Ex
position Featmes.
Uv l'.xrliisle Wiie fioin Tile .s0iij(eij fie".
Murrain, May .".The llrsl Sunday or
the I'nn-Ainerleaii exposition's ofllclal
existence brought out a good-sized
crowd. I'eaeeful strolling1 along tho
terrace and the esplanade, icstrul sit
ting on the benches within hearing of
tho sacred baud concerts on ihe plaza,
and uninterrupted sauntering' on the
Midway were the pilnclpai indulgence
of the .Sunday sightseers.
Tlie gates weie open, but tho build
ings were closed. On the Midway two
of the shows opened their doors this
morning and their criers announced
that they were ready for business.
They were promptly notlileil by the ex
position police to close their shows.
They did so under protest, and a test
case will be tried to decide whether tho
Midway cnitcessloiialies havo a right
to give their exhibition on Sunday.
The claim sei up by the concessionaires
Is that their contracts specify that
they shall be allowed to juu every day
Ihe exposition gtotinds ur open to tip.
Strike of "Dounh Mivpis
Cy llulii.lie irc bom 'fho Avocialcd I'lfi',
.New Veil., May S.-'Vo hiindiid uinr- lleb
liliil en the j;i,t Shi,, juiuoil tha i.iuk of
slril.ei!. todiy ami twcity-liie el the lio.,sis i
i.-iltil the ikirillida of Ihe oi a leu .
u'cirldiu; daj- and bl days' ivork a ni'il.. 'I
in 7'i (( the thousand haluiij Iijic mi..l, .
,", Ol III! '."iO h,, li.llill,'. vie I , I I . ahl'lll
..I lilA 111, HI lllll. .il 1,1 ,...,1 li. 11,1.
Big Fire nt Dnllns.
Py F.Nilu.iive Wiie boni '(he Aw-oelalfd l'ici.
pallj?, Tinas, May 'i. The i.po.llory of Ill's
SoiiiIkiii Hull; Island I'lmv loiupany line, was
dotio.u'd by die last'1'l. ll.c loii. i-i eti
mated at about t2.V.(, ltti prubably $l."a.(l0
insuranee. rin' the a eauwd by tijlilnlm:,
wiiU h ktimk the biiildini: and laimeil ilowiiward
IICIII Ills' .Ulll Ol I Cf rlol 10 I In- blttlllilll.
"Amelia's Mnusion" Sold,
lly Fvlu-lvi- Wli (tern 'll.u WoUatnl I'ies.
fall, I'lidi, May ".'Ihe lioiw
t.iou u ... ' niillu'. Maii.iou," hiiill by II, u
Lou Venus loi hU Mveiiti wile, Amelia 'Noni
Veinif, and ('ir uais m , upiei In i.'i. ui pa.-i'd
nut ot I lie hand- oi the eiunili. Thn pivneity
U soli! Ill the li.'ilue of I'li'slilent S'noiv as till.
tie nr tin., lo Colonel i;, ; Holmr.,
.,( Ibis c it-.
The United States Minister Gives
a View ot the Situation Through
China Perfectly Willing' to Do Any
thing- That tho Powers May Aprce
Upon, in Order to Secure Pence As
Far as Punishment Is Concerned,
China Has Bono All PossibleMr.
Conger Is Not Bloodthirsty In tho
Matter of Insisting' on Drnstlo
Measures at Pekin.
By Kicluir Wire from The A.oclild 1'rew.
Now York, May 5. Minister K. If.
Conger, who hiw lately returned to this
country, furnishes an. article on tho
Chinese situation, which will appear in
the coining number ot Leslie's "Weekly.
Mr. Conger says, in part:
"Unless matters have changed very
materially since i left China, six weeks
ago, the powers will roach sonic con
clusion hi regard to China, very soon.
Of course, it is difllcult for eleven men
to agree on anything, especially when
they have eleven governments with dif
ferent views behind them. China is
perfectly willing to do anything thuL
the powers agree on that is. anything
within her aibillty to accomplish. She
is only too anxious to expedite these
mutters and settle down to peaceful
pursuits again. Of course, the powers
must not. demand an Indemnity which
China, will be physically unable to
"It Is not certain that dually some
nation may not demand territory of
China, in lieu of a money indemnity. II
is perfectly certain that if any nation
docs make this demand the partition
of China will follow, and this will in
evitablycauso much dissension between
the powers. These difficulties and dis
putes would be lung In the settling and
would lead to terrible confusion in
"Russia has so fur mitigated her de
mands that there Is not now much
danger of sorlous diflieulty between
her and Japan. Personally I am very
much In favor of (he conllnueil exist
ence of China as an empire', governed
by her own einpeior. It. will save us
and all the rest, of the world lots of
I rouble if the integrity of the empire
Is maintained.
As to Punishment.
"As far as the punishment of Chi
nese ollicinls goes. China, has already
done all that she could. Something our
of Ihe ordinary had to be demanded
by the powers, for It takes a. good
deal of punishment to Impress these
people, and tills was no ordinary r
feiise. In some cas'-s the olllcials
whose punishment was demanded were
more powerful than the government,
and then, of course, the punishment
could not be enforced. Kxcept In these
cases, everything was done as the pow
ers demanded.
"At home T understand that I was
thought bloodthirsty, but in China I
was the most lenient of all the min
isters except one. AVe know tho con
ditions better than those who were
not there possibly could know them.
Drastic measures were demanded, but
I do not think we were, cruel. "What,
would seem a severe punishment to us
al home would not impress the Chi
nese at all, for the reason that they
tire accustomed to see so many cruel
and unusual punishments. The re
ports of cruelty on the part of sol
diers havo been grossly exaggerated,
though I am sum that there was plen
ty of cruelty on the part of individual
soldiers. As an army, tho allle.4 were
exceedingly well behaved. iNor were
the stories or unrestricted looting true,
in Pekln the soldiers took what they
needed, of course, just as he would
havo seined anything that we needed
while we wero caged up In the com
pound, had we been able to fasten
anything that would help us to with
stand the siege. As for the stories of
missionary looting, they are undls-
gulsediy false. The missionaries dl?
not loot."
Elaborate Preparations for Enter
tainment Are Now Complete,
By Gichuht Wire Irom Thr AssocltUd I'ren.
.san Frail' Isco, May 5. All prepara
tions for tlie reception and entertain
ment nl' President McKlnley and Gov
ernor Nash, ,if Ohio, witll their te
speetlvo parties, while In .California,
have bci u completed, A programme!
of receptions ,md side trips to points
ut iutei est lias Ih'cu arranged on sudi
an extensive scale that it begins to
look as though It will be lmponiii'
fop the president to get to all the
places at the tune ,si lieiluled fi.r th
various functions.
Governor Gage and his iccepijon
committee, accompanied by I'nlteil
.States Senator Hard .nnl the seven
congfessiui u from California, will
leave loiiinriow night tor tiliii)d.
Cnl., where tho pi evidential train will
h' met Wednesday moinlng.
Geiieial Jilines M. Gleaves, piesi
ilenl of thi Ohio society, mid William
II. .Ionian, via president, left IoiiIbIii
over the Santa IV for Needles, when5
they will meet Governor Nash and his
party, and weleonie them.
HH Htt H-fH
4 . .
.Vj.liliiiilo'i. Mj.v 5 I'oieia-t (or Hon
do and Tin ih : lii.l-in IVniiiilvinla
-I'alr Mwiiijy ind inoliihli Tui'Mla.i".
lower b'.upiiiuue Moiidai ; Ini.-K le'illi
t iioulmeit u i iids. I'i'i oinli ; i jiijl I".
Mj v.