The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 04, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    v, .v ' ' .; vuv..,v ' Wa-w -';?4ttgfte "s-p
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Bpfolst to Hie Scranton Tribune.
PIltMon, May a.-Ovncoiiu- hy
morie, penitent John McOriill xvent In
to n bcdiooni tit 111 horn" In Wyoming
during" tho temporary hKpiicc of his
wife Bt ton o'clock thin ""nlnff, dtovv
n revolver nnd ont u iii it Into his
head Just abovp the tempir. Il died
within fifteen mlmitn.i. Moduli! hml
lvndo threats nunlnst the life of lilt
wife and she hnd made up her mind
lo desert him, which Is the only enuso
(riven for his self-destruction, lie wiis
it well known resident of Wyoming.
Having lived there for (he p.tsl twenty
A Miss Ruune, of this city, became
oxclted while on one of tin- t'lttston
electric cars last evenlnK en route to
"SVIIItes-Barrc durlnir the heavy thun
der and llRhtnlnff storm, and leaped
from the ear. One of her aims was
fractured by the fall.
At the weekly meetings of the West
Tlttston High School Literary society
tiili afternoon, the following pro
gramme was rendered: Oration.
' ARulnaldo's rupture." John ,T. Kel
ley: recitation. Katherlne Hatjfrerty:
piano solo, Muzatte tladsall; veclta
tlon. noberl It. Bevan: piano solo.
Mnttle C. 'McCabe: essay, Mary Kel
ley: "farrle Nation's C'tneer." licnju
niln Vheler: rending. Tterthn t 'raw
ford: "Chinese Question." Thomas J.
Keilcy: essay, Kay f. Kvk: "Cuban
Question." William M. Saute.
The Treble Clef club, of West ritts
ton. 1st arranging- to conduct n concert
In Music Hall. May 30th. tor the bene
fit of the Yoiiiib Men's Christian as
sociation building fund. Anions? the
soloists who will take pan ure Mrs.
Maxwell Chapman, of Soniiiton; Mrs.
Clara rjInir.soii-Br.iely. nnd Kiederlel:
Widmayer, of Scranton.
.f. C Manning, of Scixtimmli. (.In.,
foimerly of this city. Is a patient in a
New York elf hospital, where he is
undergoing treatment for the icmoval
of a tumor from his side.
Without an cwotlon, the subset ip
tlon dance in Keystone hall last even
ing' was the most foshlorable event of
the season here. The decorations were
rlaboiatc. and tin music was fur
i.lslied by eight pieces from Oppen
heiin's orchestra. The participants in
the cotillion numbot"l over 100.
John Polaskle. ,wed '-? years, lilted
a room in the Sinclair Houe late hist
i.irjit, went to bed and blew out the
pjs. About 5..10 this morning employes
of tilt hotel found him ultnost dead.
After an hour's haul wotk. T)r.
New Hi restored life.
Special tn the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock. May 3. The Tiiiikluin
nock High school will hold its gradu
ating exercises on the evening of June
7, at Piatt's opera house, and the fol
lowing will graduate: Kverett Borden,
Louis Floblrison. Hairy Boss, Fred Pot
ter. Jessie Billings. Katie Connell. May
Keltlillno, Mary Mitchell. Knima Iluf
foul and Florence Hufford.
Harry Welch and family, of Hayre,
Mho have been visiting at the home of
ICImer Thomas, on Harrison street, the
past week, returned home on Friday.
Hugh Callahan, section foreman, is
superintending some railroad work at
Richard Moneypenny. who has been
spending some time with his daughter
in Brooklyn. X. Y., has returned to
Tunkhannock and intends to remain
hero during the summer.
The sheriff's residence is being im
proved 'by an application of fresh paint.
Edward Funnan has the Job.
Sirs. SIckler, of Binghamton. .V. Y.,
who has been the guest of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Bud Billings, on Kast Tioga
stieet. the past two weeks, has re
turned home.
Miss Etta Luckenblll, or Wilkes
Banc, is visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Luckcnblll. at this place.
Prof. MoteloeU, principal of our High
school, has siven notice that he will
resign Ills position here at the expir
ation of the present term of school. It
Is understood that he will go to Xew
York stale, where they pay laiger sal
aries. A petition will be piesenteil at the
nest term of couit asking that a load
be laid out that will connect Harrison
street and Tlcga. passing along the
market garden of William T. Avery.
There has been a private road in that
locality for several years, but It has
recently been closed,
Miss Eva Moss Is visiting her mother
nt Plalnsvllle, this week.
The Jewelry store of L. T. Bums, on
Tioga street, was broken Into on Fii
day morning- by thieves at about 3.30
o'clock. The glass front of the build
ing was crushed In by a blow from a
large stone. The noise caused by the
breaking glass awakened Mr. Burns,
who lives In the building, and the
burglars hearing his approaching foot
steps hastily decamped. The only booty
they secured was nbout one-half dozen
old watches of doubtful value.
A barn belonging to .Samuel Hauling
nt Eatonvlllc, about two miles from
this place, was consumed by (lie on
Friday afternoon about 2 o'clock. A
horse and wagon and a quantity of
hay and grain were burned. On no.
count of the high wind prevailing at
the time. Mr, Harding's lesldenee w,t
In great danger, and Tunkhannock was
telephoned for help. Qiiltrt n number
from this place went over to nsst In
subduing the (lames.
(puial lo the Scranton Tillmne.
Huwley, May .!. Mrs. A, II, Aveiy
returned to her home in Brooklyn, X.
Y,, Monday, after spending- several
weeks w Ith her parents here,
.1, Orant Kellam, a student at tho
Scranton Business college, spent Sun
day In town,
Will Lobb spent Sunday with his
brother, ficovge, in Scranton.
Mrs. J, I, Pierson and family, of
Klmbles, spent Monday night here.
They were on their way to b'crunton.
where they will reside,
W, O. Knapp was in Mllt'onl on busi
ness on Monday,
Mrs. Alfred Decker and Miss Nell B.
Many School Childni Ad Sickly
Mother Grav's Sweet Powders for Children. ue.
hy Mother Cray, a nurse In Children' Home,
Jiw crk, Ureal: up Colds in '.'t hours, cure l'c
viil.bicsj, Headache. Stomach Troubles, leethin
Disorders, move and rceulaic the Hovvels, anil
!ettroy Wf.-uu. Mr, Emily JUronn, Mcrid-n
It , u); "(t li the !jt mciliclne In tho worM
T'jr children uhen (eeriaU and compUlnlne."
fftW by all drufsUtd or by mail. SJo. bampla
iirl FIIKE. Addicsi Alien S. Olmited, UBoy,
Ulngman rrtutned homo Friday ftom
Washington, D. C.
Miss fella Winters called on Holies
dale people .Salutday afternoon.
Mr. '.diner spent Sunday tit his home
In Piompton.
Charles Lnnge spent Sunday with Ills
parents at Newfoundland.
Vi-s. Mark Creasy and Miss Oludys
Itiiin ere Setanton visitors on Tues
day. I. "sler Kuiipp, of llonosdale, was In
low it on Monilny.
Messis, Jacob and Jetse Colltim and
S. S. Speers went to Port Jervls on
Tuesday moinlng.
Messrs. Walter Campbell, Ben Delt
tlh nnil Frank Socle, of Honesdale,
were In town Sunday.
O, M. Spettlgue, of llonesdalc, was In
town Tuesday night.
Wunguni lodge, Xo. 44S. Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, celebrated the
eighty-second anniversary of the older
In their hull last Friday evening. A
very good programme was rendered.
In the chairs were Noble Grand J. II.
Thompson. Vlce-Orand W. C. Knapp,
Recording Secretary George Collum,
Financial Seeretury W. B. Ammerman,
Chaplain Jesse Collum. Past Grand
Henry Hlttinger. The guests of the
lodge were Rev. J. Crane and family
and Rev. S. P. Simpklns and family.
After th entertainment an elegant
supper was served In the dining hall,
and It was after midnight when the
party broke up, every one reporting a
good time.
Mis. Brlggs, of Klmbles, was In town
on Thursday.
A new society of young ladies is
about to be organized hcte, Full par
ticulars later.
Mrs. Gillie, of Brooklyn. N. Y., is be
ing entertained at the home of her
mother, Mts. George Jacobs.
Special tn the Sranton Tribune.
Montroe. Mnv .:.-The lenowned
Metropolitan Male quartette, who sang
Its way to fame at Sousa's concerts,
have by rate good luck been secured to
appear at Village hatl In this place
on Wednesday evening. May !', under
the auspices of Rough and Ready Fire
The regular monthly meeting of the
borough council will be held at the
council chamber on next Monday even
ing. Hon, (.ieorge c. lll. oni of Susriue
hnnnii county's lepresentatlves at
Harrlsbmg. was in town for a few
hours today. Mr. Hill was en loute to
his home at Silver Lake, where he will
spend a Tew days, returning to the
state capital the foi pait of next
The annual bumjuet of the Alumni
association of the Montrose high school
and reception to the class of 1901. will
take place at Village hall in this place
Fiiday evening. May 10.
.Miss Mnrgaiet Doyle, of the Scran
ton Business college, is at the home of
her parents In Mite place, summoned
here by the serious illness of her
The remains of Miss Susan Glffln, a
former resident of Bii chard vllle, were
brought to tills place from Bingham
ton on Wednesday morning and taken
to her old home for interment. Her
death occurred at her late home In
Binghamton on Monday.
Corporal John Quinn. of Silver Lake
township, a well known veteran of the
lebiilllon. was a prominent figure on
our streets this week.
MRs Blennle M. Bunnell, of Rush,
has been visiting friends In town.
.Miss Bessie Mack is the guest of rel
atives at Binghamton.
W. Nelson Barries, deputy register
and recorder, is transacting business
at his old home in Rush.
Miss Lillian Williams has returned
from Xew York city, where she spent
several weeks with relative1'.
Bev. K. K. Thomas, pastor of the
Baptist church, was at Hallstead on
Tuesday and Wednesday attending
the annual convention of the Susque
hanna county Sunday School associa
tion. Genit Gaidner, of Scranton, visited
his mother and sister in this place this
The Mls-es Riddle, or Philadelphia,
have arrived In Montrose and taken
possession of their cottage on Church
strpet for the season.
Cart Hnwlny Is visiting his sister,
Mis, Rosendale, In New York.
Montrose's oldest te.sldent. Mis. Ar
iniilunn Parke, of Drinker street, who
I.' In the ninely-fouith year of her age,
has Just completed the knitting of a
rug 'Mxi'2 Indies In size. Mrs. Parke
is remaikably active for one so very
old, and still finds enjoyment in doing
lolght housework.
W. W. Amsbry and family, of tier
mantown, Pa., ar expected to arrive
In Montrose very soon, Tliey will oc
cupy their handsome residence on Lake
avenue during the season.
There promises lo be a great turnout
at the ball grounds on Monday afler
noon when the Initial game of the sett
son will be played between the Great
Bend and Montrose teams, In tho
evening the boys will have a benefit
hop ai Village hall which will doubt
l"ss be largely atetndod.
Edward Ruane, plumber at the Boyd
stoie, has been offered a position with
a Tunkhannncl; (rni and expects to
move to Wyoming's county scat very
The funeral nfMis. Margatette 15.
Rlsley, wife of Reuben W. Rlsl",v,
whose death occuired at her late ijoniti
on Hepol street on Tuesday, was at
tended from the house yesterday after
noon at I o'clock, Bev. H. B. 'lenedlu
conducting the services. Interment
was made In the Newton cemetery at
The Spring Fever,
Is a malady which no one can escape
at this Beason of the year. The vital
ity Is usually overtaxed during the
winter months, and spring finds tho
system all run down. The blood Is
thinned and Impure. The kidneys and
liver are Inactive reeultlng in a loss
of energy and uppatlte. and a de
rangement of the nerves. Llchty's
Celery Nerve Compound will purify
your blood, tone up your nerves, and
leave you feeling fresh and energetic.
Sold by Matthews Bros.
Sperial I" the Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, May 3. F, M. Gelatt ha3
sold his wares and rented his store
room to I. A. Van Volklnburg, who will
run the business for a time.
G. I, Clark, whose sickness has been
mentioned in these Itenu, bw rcov
Mora Than
ft " tap
For Bent.
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the Times. In
cluding Desks, Steam Heat and
Klectric Light.
Also 1200 feet of lloor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
su'lable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
The Tribune.
ion RK.NT At Olonbiim. an plRlit-rooin Iminr
am) crvmmlt tor I lie si-ason; fine location:
nen tninutps walk from thf station. W'rlte
Mh. I. V. Hall, lilonbmii, I'a.
KOIt KNT-single In u 1T4:i CtpmiM; avrmif.
North I'jrk; furnished oi unfurnished. Applv
mi jircmNf".
roomis furnished f.jr the sMnni (he minutes
to station: onr of the bisl location in Pjllun.
Apply lo C. W. Carlton. Daltoti. I'a,
I'l.AT rOR IIKNT with steam heat nnd all moil
em linprofm.'nt. Appl at ."Hi Linden htie.'l.
l'Olt RUNT KiRhi loom hou-e In Gicrn ISidRe:
modem impiownifnt"; oilier furnished or tin
lurnMird. dche ,s. V. I... Trilmne otllo
I'OH IIKNT llous-- at f(W Harrison aenue, with
all improvements: for rent at YlP.OO or will t.ell
foi 4'!,!;no. Apply en premises.
.'9 rjRIXN Itinr.K rni:rr. ten roonn, modem
improcnicnl.s; steam heat furnished: desir
Money to Loan.
MO.SKY to loan on unproved city leal r.-Ute.
MOM1V TO LOAN -On leal i-stalr. laiffe or
.mail auioiict'. .it ow.e; rate-. 4 lo ti per tent.
Fay tenu-i. Doughs & Van Ileuien, oll-Sl.l'i
Connell nulldin?.
MONKV TO LOAN Kii hundred to fifty tlion
Jnd: iiitero.1 t In tl per rent: partial pij
menlK on larisr loans acfepted pioinptly. lie.i.
I'olda Ml Mean, HuildmR
iitf.iiOci TO I.OAN-LowcM rates: stialabt or
monthly pajments. Stark Co.,Tradeis' bids.
SiTRAifiHT LOANS for any amount, inteiest 4 to
0 per i ml., (an be obtained from A. Don
nlly, l:t Trader' National bank InilMtiig.
PANY will loan upon flrl mortgaEe upon
centrally located properties any amount for tem
of yeirs. tat low rale ol interest, t'apvell. At
torney, Patili lluildins.
S'lHAKillT loans In amnunU y.O to .M00,()
at 4'a lo B per Lent: pajments montblv,
henil-anniMllr or early. Intere-t en balance.
W. M Bunnell, Ally. 301 : Mean, HIiIk.
itral:rl I leans or Huilnlnir and Loan. At
from 4 lo 8 per lent. Call on N. . M,ti,
3M-315 Onncll buildini;.
oi ed sufficiently to be in his store part
of the time.
Rev. A. .1. Skillott has moved into
the Stoddard house on Water .street.
Xelson Dow, who was killed sit Hull
stead yesterday by accident, was well
and favorably known here. His par
ents live at Htarrucca.
.1. Ci. Scovlllo. of Gloversvllle. X. Y..
was a business caller in tow n this
Mr. and Mrs. Danford Walker, ot
Gelatt. aie vlsitlim Mrs. Fletcher, on
Jackson street, today.
Samuel Carnegie, ased seventy-four
years, died at Stevens' Point yesterday
Mis. Kdward Worth, an used lady,
of Ararat, was buried at that place
Mrs. W.
inK from
P. Tallinan is iiR.iiu siiffor
thofe recurrliiK cuneerous
rtcv. P. It, Tower tv ill supply the
Baptist church pulpit at Deposit, N.
Y., next Sabbath, by request.
Walton Snnford, of Wavcrly, Pa , Is
vlsltiiifr Ids sister. Mini Flora Sanfnrd,
at the Methodist Kplscopal parsonaRe,
this week.
Miss Cora Koss. of Iturnwond, Is vls
itimr at (lie home of Mrs, ., O. Foster
The Prohibition convention here next
Tuesday bids fair to draw a crowd.
Frank Hollenbaek, lumber mer'hant
for tho Delaware and Hudson, Is heie
Special In ihe Srrintou Trihun.
t-'iisriuchiinna, May Ii. -In I toga n
Opmii bouse, on WudncMluy even
Iiik next, the two-net comedy, "Mr.
Hobs," will be produced by Hlus
liunitou tulc-nt memheis of rhrlst
Kplsropnl chinch under the dlret'tlon
of Mis. D. Post Jackson, and under
the auspices uf Christ church, Susriue.
haniKi. , very line production li
Mis. S, F, Houlihan and son, of Oak.
land, left fin Thursday for a protracted
visit to Washington, Boston, rhlladel.
phla and New YorK.
Kdward P. llrady, of Hlnghnmton.
was In town last evening tu business,
The Century club had u well-attend-ed
socldl hop last evening In Ilnqan
Opera house. Prof. Pierce, of HlnR
humlon, furnished music for the occa
sion, William M. Post and OeorKe P.
tie, fsiS,, of Montrose, were profes
sionally fii&JBcd In town on Thurs
day, Kxlru Krle P.issoiiKer Condtictor
John 1., McKnlght, a native ofSus-(iitc-lianna,
died at his home In Tort
Jervls on Wednesday, of typhoid fever,
He leaves a wife and five children.
Hit was a son of Mrs. Patrick ariffln,
of this rlace, A largo number of rela
tives and a host of friends deeply re
pret his death. The funeral will take
jilneo in Port Jervls on Sunday,
Mrs. Frank Wrighton Is still III at
her home on Broad sttcet.
Mrs. A. Ij. Jackson, of Binghamton,
Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. K.
Uryan, Wushlnston street.
The funeral of Mrs. C. O. Sutherland,
of the Oakland tide, took place "and
was largely attended this afternoon
from the Avenue Methodist church, the
Lines 0 Cents
Four Lines, 3 Cents for Each Extra
For Snlc.
I DkSlltl-. to announce heieliy Hut tor the pur.
posr of selltltiR the partnership Iiii-Iiiom of ilit
late linn of T. I'.. Cur k !on. 1 Iiim' decided tu
otter for i-ale Ihe prrnile on Washlnnfon ave
nue known ai Can's Market, toiccthcr llli tho
Il-tnre4, tiado and Roml-wlll ol the bulncn. t
ronsider tln rstdbll-hment so well known In this
ilty that t deem II iinnri nuary tn maUn any
i-nniiiienl as In the Impntlanre of this offer as
an unusual cppnrtmilli lor Imc'tim-nt. The real
istule, ii lol PMWi fill, will lie sold nepirato it
de-lied. V. L. C'AIIII.
Ninlilnc pJilnei ol the late linn "I T. K. Carr
A' Son.
I)lli; MOIti: In he-it neini.ui looallty In Phlla
ilrlplild, for sale iluup for cash: llrst ilass
rlintiu- for ilru!!iil ur iloetor: dntulst wishes
In iro west in .lime. ddres .1, A. ILitt. DniK
Slat, 120! N. 5th Mieet, Philadelphia, I'a.
Renl Estate.
t.ij00 Itns-s slx-rnotn. sinnlr house, eood well.
Lol lniiOO. Sunntun luct, Billon, I'a.
Wells ti Kcalor.
tl.S'K) IIiism liuildliu lol, IOxt.V. Wherlei .m
nue. Wells ,V Keatel, Hurt- llulldlnt;,
t2,!H) Ru.vs donlili- hnu-e, 7 looms on a side, all
iinprornntd, eurpt r.i-.. Oean ntreet, frost
di nee. Wells A- Keller.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTKIJ-Table boulders. Ml", 'lumpkliw, 5U
Washington avenue.
01 NG AMHOW. unllmltid means, ipml, it-fined.
edu'atid, drirp coiiespoii'lence with a lella.
ble di-neet Ktutlcroin. Object, m itrimony. UlO
III own, Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
Srn'ATIOS" WAN! I'D Mr a lady, as houekeep
er oi iiur-i'. M. h.. ,itf tt.iili-.rni iiwmip,
SITCATION WANTI'.n lly a woman to no nut by
day washinu, iipuin? oi leanlrir. fill or ad
drcs. Mrs. llnsell, 1219 Cedar avenue, city.
SITUATION WANTKD A man w-uutrl like to Ret
work opading caidens or tal.ini; cute of liwm
or clcanini: .laul-, can do any kind of work. 1"no
Pioudcnii- mjd.
SIll'ATIO.V WAMKI) -To so out by the day
wahinu ar.d iromiiR the fil part of the
week. Call or address L. It., ")l Sumntr ave
nue. SlTt'ATION WANTKD-riy a younfr man as
bookkeeper and Ispewr iter: an cive refer
ence; fctnall hilars. tldres Wesley II. Weaver,
Lope, Pa.
f-ITCATION WANIKD-ltcKistered pluimaci.-t,
sinsle, dthires portion, ddiess Pill", 'rrihunc
SlfUAllON WA.N'ILD II; a vouncr man, as
collector: lias lad I mi- i viri' evpeticreo
witi a leadinc f,nn u, liiiv , it; .,.,.1 can rtuiiJ-H
A No. 1 lefirenees. Address . C (J., Trvtiunc.
WOMAN wants work by Ihe day, Mich ok wash
iiiB- or I'lcanms or work In take- home. Call
o- addiess '.'IS 1'cnn avenue, up stairs.
WANTKD Woik by the d.iv a laundre-s. oi any
kidn of work for Tuesdajt. C'aii give luit
if ily refeiences. Addrens 702 Kim ..licet.
lo do housekeeping.
oiy street.
An ajred Iidv vvantmR
1'lfOM- call at 31.1 Hick-
SlTfATIOV WANTED-Hy a .voimc; man, to do
woik in olhcc or stoic. Address Z., can
HKI.I III.i; vounR man, bavinc; bad expciieiuo as
a bookkeeper, wants some work to do thiee
davs a uvrk. Addiess II.. Tilbunc ofllee.
I'.M'KKII'.M EH I.MJNDRi: would like senile.
men's and ladies' laundiy lo take home, 'J.!S
Penn avenue.
pastoi. Itev. W. M. Ronton, officiating.
Interment was made In McKane coun
ty. The "Alvin .loslyn" company will ap
Par in Hopan Opeiu house this even
In B.
Dr. Jacob S. Riandt, of Brandt, will
open a dental ofllee In this place.
During the stotm on Thursday even
ing ligl.tning struck the residence ot
Mi", Hogiin, Went Washington street,
and considerably ilaninwd It. It ,vas
on lire, but neighbor-, riucir.hed the
Some vvietihis List uishi linl and
probably latally uimndeil a ilu be
lc nglng lo LivcrviiTin P.ilmer. The
animal nightly Clii"f of Police Me
Malum upon lil rounds, and Is a gen
eial favorite.
The Vic-la Allen company will on
Monday evenliie attract a large uuni
hrr of Susquehanna people to Stone
Opera 1 oiifce, Rlnghaiiilcn.
American League.
t I-hilid.-lplm- It. II. F.
Riltimore n n n .1 o o n o I Pi r.
Pliilid.-lpliia jiiii'ilon-i I J -j
Riltrries Verkes and llobinon, Ener and
I'.evcis. Umpire ILi -Kcll.
At pclioii- II. II. I
Cleveland U I 1 0 mill I :) n 1
Dctioil I I I I 20(iu s-i, ,
llittcinh-lloftei- and Yuen'; silvn and lien
low. Umpiic -liciidan
XI Xi,hlin;tnn- It II I
llodiin l 0 2 1 il cm 0 I 7 I
Haehiiwlon i l no I linn -i ,-,
llatteiies -Foreman and ('riser; lairid. and riiipiri'-Cantillion.
XI Milwaukee II. II. I..
fhl.asc I 7 0 Ml Oil (I 1--
Milwaukee 0 (I 0 (1 fl (I 3 (I (I - ,1 I, s
Hittrrlcs fkopec and Sulllvani llawlej, SpaiUs
and Maloney, Umpire Connolly,
National League.
Al Itc.slmi It. II. E,
N w- Xoik. 0 0 I 0 0 I non-3 S I
lioston oonoioooo-i ,i i
Hittciics-Malthevvson and Smith; Nkhols
and Kit I ridge. L'mplie Nash,
At IliooUvn-- II. II. I.
Philadelphia 0 00 100000-1 :
Rrookiji loonni i 2x-: in s
lUtlerle.s-XVhite and MvFarland; EiUo'n and
Mifiulre. UmplreO'Day.
At PilUhurg II. II. II,
fhiutrn 0,1 t 00 I I 00- ij j
Pittsburg 3 0 0.10(i0i-in ll :i
Halterjes Hughes and Chance; l.eevcr and
O'Connor. I'mplre Enwlic,
f incinnatiSt, Louit, not achcilulcil.
Eastern League
At lUilford-Providence, 10J llarlford. II.
t Worcester XX'oncolcr, 1", S.vraciue, IU.
Al llutlalo-lluffjlo, 8 iToronto, 5.
At Montreal Montreal, 10; Rochester, I.
Ihe Lilacs of the South Sido would like to
play any team under, thirteen years of age,
William Scull, manager; Charles Guthelm, cap
tain. The players are: George Kojar, catcher;
Wll'le Scull, pitcher; James McDonald, short
stop; ntto llcpp, fint base; R. Ponihoe, second
bac; Charles Guthcliu, third base; Archie Fennc,
right field; Dominick Schulbacker, left field;
Frank lUnna, center V-ld; Albert Kennedy,
kecond catcher,
Help Wanted Malo,
WANTKD-Youne nun. ibout 19 jears of HRe,
s Rrenian. SI. Charles hotel.
A - Vw -
WNTFI)-Al once, (list tlass plumber. Apply
tn .1. II. Colter, comer lleltnont and (jnaan
sltcets, Cithondale, I'a.
AflTIVh MN bv larrie iiunulniturliiR house to
woik at home, ;:M.IXI In rash paid (or
twelve davs' trial! prnniollon and permanent po
sillon If "sall"(actoiv. Addicts S, I. Co,, U)
llmsltail lrcet, Pliiladelphbi! Pa.
WANTKD -SlenouraphVi .voumc man llb some
knowledge of bookkeepliiR. Stale ex
pected. Address "Kenle," Tribune oflUe.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALtlKltT SCHLPIZ, corner Mulheiry
ftrcel and Webster avenue.
(iUSI'AV PIC1II.L, O'O Adams avenue.
West Side
OEOROK W, JKNKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
I'HUD L. TKllPPK. TEl Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OKO. W. PAVIs, corner North Main
avenue and Market stieet
Green Ridge
CHAitl.KS P. JONES. 1357 Dickson
P .1 .10IIN, O.'O Cirecn Itlclge street.
C. LOUFNX, comer Washington ave.
n uc und Mai Ion street.
W. II. KNt.l'IT.L, 101! Iivine avenue.
.;. a. iioni: k son.
Help Wanted Female.
GIRL WANTED Who is Rood cook and laiindn-s
and conies well lecoinmencled (lom IiIrIim lass
familv; Miitable wapes for competent pei.m;
Ktiirh-'li or (iermri pufeued: familv of two.
Mrs. C. E. Dean, 1,"TI Momoe avenue.
WANTED Tvveiit.v.ttvo -vomen 'or weavers, wind,
eis and joinder-. steady w-nikers can make
Rood wjRe.s. I'aniill" piefened. UloolnlllUR
Carpel Woiku, nioomJiuig, Pa.
WANTED Capalil woikins hou-ekecper for nun,
wife and one child. Must be Rood plain
cook, washer and iionei. (five iefercnce3 and
experience. Wircs, .l.;o. Rox (03. Blooms
biUR. I'a.
WANTED An engine and boiler from t lo S
Iioim- powei. j-aac lone", Pa.
Board Wanted.
MIL NO, quiet duple wants bojnl. Adilrcs
lloaid, Tiibune rfike.
Furnished Rooms.
rCKNIMIED ROOM All conveniences: hot .uvi
cold vvalT in room, all Mulheiry strict.
W1.LL I't'ENISIIEH loom foi moth nun. in pii
vate f.imil. : iru minutes walk to com.
Iipi.-i", all convenience. 'ldrcs- Itoom, 'trib
une office.
Wall Street Bevlew.
Vc X'ork. M.i.v .1,-Thl afteinoon'-. in
pucit. vva the moot violent which liai onurrnl
inri tile- present phaw of the bull market set
In. It wat. absolutrly without cans- in nvvs if
anjlhing that vvniihl do 1mm to intrlncii value?
of M'l-iuitlo--. loininerie or indiisii.v. A flunj in
Hip money nuiiket cninina; on over extended spec,
illative .mount, Inilu.ilis til- iibob- itualiun in
a nutshell, It n ihrdi trrl.slic of a boum Hut
ll slu.uld lontiniic unabited Into llif veiy icetli
of such a .situati.ui, wilh even picliiiiin.iiv vvam
inir, bin piislilnj: n-i M.-s-'v onuaid until Ihe
icluil event fiuribli cli.iki.l I'" ."dvancn 'ia
cIii-ec-i his been dIivIoii tli.- spnulatiou 'vas
incr.iiiiiiiiu Hi b muds ot icison and 'I .
Iiii.viin; vv.i-, iirlmliirdlv vvithoiit moiivi or mfoi.
n-ation beyimd ih hope nnd bellcl ilieip
woiilil be enough fill in i- huvci to put pint's 1
a lusher plane and so offer piotiti. 'Ihere were
CMiptioiis in I ho c.i-c of the meal ni.ul.rl lead
en in which then- wcie plausible throne-, .md
repmls of bujinif to ilunj;,- conliol, Hut in
lhc.-e also the boril,. ot -cpi i ulatoiN. who hive
tilled on pre, ipil.itclv t ill movement of thin
kind for -evcul wciks pist va a veiv Ijiki
clement in Ihe bu.wiiir, liu-eastny: lupidalion lui
l-fii a I IK lonuiiisslon anil lenders (
inom-v who a.-stiiiii- nspoiiibilities ioi spu ul.ilivp
buvus that iiiiiiv of this lj-s wcie slrelihinn
their resnuirr-i und.ilv, ileprndftit as llie.v are on
tlu- MiinleniiKP of ibe prices of .s.'iutitics lo
keep tin ii i icibl u I,
Ibo evticui,- eiisiiieiiexs ot (he nu.itcin vcis
tiiQni I, r-t in tli.' viohiiii. of lh- UMiiiou c au-ed
by what vvj. n-illi a ino.leuti b.inleiiinh- In
Iho nioup.v rate, flu- delicacy ot the .siniiiioii
was rnh.iniccl b.v ihe fuiloii. ip,viil,itiin ihis
iiioinin;,- in Mi Ih-oii. st. Paul, Kml. I-I.inl, Hal-tiinivii-
and (Inlo, Mi-oiui I'aciiii antl c iiumhi i
of ,-loiks liiltuiiiieil b.v these iinivnticiil". Xd
viintpH of il', u.l' bid rcsiillid diiiiinr the- iiioiii-
uu aiiioinrsl these IOlks, m. Paul beinu pji
llnil.irlv buoyaui. Uliin the piisMite mine upon
ihe in.iikit I In hi floiU vveie neail.v .inicni'-l
tho- vvhhli veic- imvl iruli ly atteciccl b.v the
M'llitir,'. Enoimoiis bloeks who mil led on the
decline- .It MiccKSive diops ol a halt to a point
through many polnu dec line. The diup m Xt h
i.oii n-ai-licl !'3; --t, Paul, a'-,; Roek Maud.
iV; Northern I '.u I lie. s- II ililmon- and tilm,,
7'-; Union Pailfl.-, J: Mi-miuiI I'aeille, 0 ;
Sew Xoik I iiitl.ll, l; lllinoiv, ,i; XX'ab.
a.h preurrcel. i, IC.iums and Tcvu preforievl,
Csi Xlchlmu piuninl, I; Suirir, Vt, and n
lirj;e Diimbi'i of other moiI.h Iwlucen I ami t
poiniK. Ihe bejiii were so i-jger to lake- prohU
alter their lone a Until nine that Ibeir demaiid to
i over r.illii's' anioiiKol these htoi ks of (mm
J ti) I. Hut the i lilies were not well held and
priccri "i nl on again In feme eaiees hi the low.
eel, Tim flcwlng w.ii levirlsh and unwell led and
the underlone continued weak. Total Mica today,
2,0ii.l,J0i) Kliarcs.
llouds gave way in .'.wiipJlbv- vvitlt Ktocks, but
Iheic wan no great activity in the list,
lutul bjea, par value, .i,70.",oiV), i. a. .Is and
Ss declined it and the new Is and lefundlni;
H, -In, and do. coupon, i; per tent, on (he last
The following miotatiODs
Tribune by XI, S. Jordan A
llraia building, Sainton, Pa,
are furnished Tli
Co., jooms 7O5-701
Telcphonej 5003;
High- I.on dri
est. et. iiur,
llH',-1 111 11 HI
12S!4 lW'.i l.s
CO 81 8Ji4
insu ii, ion;
Mi M t-IJi
11 Hi IOSH JlOii
li i'i'.i vlTli
5; Cl 4'J't
P'-i'i" lTi IM
ipiit- i7.xr4 u,-ii
1W1'.! 101'i 161'
1T7TJ mii. 17(ii
67 (11 ojv,
100T4 lUIJi HWi
127i I.'l lid
17i',j 17014 171
It) 109 110
57H MTi fit 14
H 02H 54
115 107?; 110
101 loci 100
10515 160'.; Ml
3aVi 3G ar,:
IJIVi 35l!i lOlVi
4014 Sit MU
m. UK 42H
7S?i 77!i 77i
W',i 31 '; 3i;
Arirriun mi jar
Aiucr. tobjcci)
Xttlil-cn. Pr. ..
Iliook. 'Ii.uliou
Kill, llhlo
Cunt. Tobucio
Clute. A Ohio .
( lib-.. II. & Ij.
!t. Paul
Rock Maud .
. llVXi
IK I. ,; Ilucl.soti
,..,,....11 -.1
Kan. k Tex., Pr. , (HVt
Louis, k Null 105?;
Man. Elevated t.,.,,...l-7U
Met. Traction ,....,....112
Miuo. Pacliie ,.,..1(M
Southern i'acirni 53 TA
Norfolk ti Wcsl J'JVi
Northern Pacific .., ...1H!4
North. Pat Hie, IT. KH
N. Y. tVutral 1(0
Ontario & West ajii
Pcniu. II. It, ,.t.,.,,.,,lJ2Lj
Pidno Mail , :W
leading ity ,..., W,i
Reading lly., 1'r 78 !i
uutb. it. It, ,..., Sift
3 Insertions 25
More Than Four Lines, 6 Cents for Ear;
LOST Friday, UrIiI inloreil rat terrier, ver,
fond of ihlldreii, unci i( lelumed lo II Noill.'ii t niirl patty will receive llbeial reward.
I.OnT I'ro'if 411 JefTer'oti avenue, a small,
cnen. Ioiir. tilled I'arocnict! a reward will
te Riven lor Its trluili.
Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Two or thiee looms, furnished, for
Unlit liniisiku-piliir. Adilrc"", LIrIiI lloue
kiepliur, Trllmtir cdllie.
Rooms and Board.
TWO PI.KASANT prople, liusbaml and wife, or
two ladles, may Hml board foi the miiiinior
in a ptlv.itc fitnlly ilvlnir in the suburbs; ele
pant be me, fine tables viry nindeiJle ratid. Fn,
terms address It., Tribune office.
FOII PENT With board, a lame front room,
suitable lor two it-r'nis; Wl Mulheny stieet.
LAllfii: front room with board for two gentle
men, 41(1 Adams avenue.
Business Opportunity.
mit'd STOIIi; fui silc Im- task ill be-t fiernnn
lonllly In Philadelphia: cheap if vdd soon;
first rl.i opportuullv, ilriiiiei't or doctor. Ad
Hhi J. Hart, ilruirslst, PJC N. ."Hi !.. Phila
delphia, Pa,
OL'It Ml'sICAI, clot picture machines and btir
punching nmililnes: trieatrM money makets
ever invinted: one v. Ill pay vour inn. meri.
ran utn-Maililne Co., V! cl .-Irect, Vivv
York SALESMAN wants icputablc article to vairy as
ld Hue: rxtindvi' tcinlory, exirptlonal op
portunities: will lundle bona fide aiticle only.
Address R. s. (i , Tribune offii e.
sfiuic for liiiusrlf a Rood position at a lib
eral Mlarv bv invr-dhiR six lo ten thoiKind dob
bus in a wvllestabll'lied, dhidend-p.ivimr com
panv, Adchcss I.. M. N.. Tribune olllc :
Fireuii-n, etc, new 41) p pe ptmphlct contiin
ll,i iiienlions asked lij exainininR board of cnKi
neers cent free. Geo. A. Zellcr, Publisher, St.
Louis, Mo.
Certified Public Accountant.
buildiliR, I'.ti WasliliiRton avenue, Scranton.
bpruce blieet, Scranton.
DR. C. C. LAt'UAt 11, 111 W.YOM1NO AVENUE.
S. f.'EinRI'Di: EVANS, O.-TEOPATH. 32S AM)
12C Washington Ave., Saanlon Pa, Clironie
Discasea a specially. Oilicc Hours: 8.W) to 12
ri.; Lull tc t.:iO p. ill.
cess pools; no odoi; onlv improved pumps used.
A. II. HriRR-, proprietor. Leave orders J 100
North Main avenue, or Eicke'.s driiR store, cor
ner Adams and Mulbeny. Roth telephones.
outh. II. II.. Pr Sll'i SC,TX S", W
Tcun. Coil k Iron c!i I53VG M 614
I". S. Leather l?t 13'4 11 1
U. S. Leather. P TS'i 78Vi "Vi "i
I'. S. Rubber ilia 217a 21Ti
1 nion Paelfle I.MJ l.'hj 123", 121
Union Pacilic, Pr. M AS M'4 Ml
Xtulush, Pr 13'; tl Stl'a vlOXi
XXestiin Union Irt'.i 0Vi f PO
Amil. Copper 122'i 122' 111)?; 120
I'cople's (ias 117 118 Hi J1SVJ
U. S. Stiel Cv Wi 5.1 51 fdij
U. fi. -icel lo., Pr OT.'i 100 IW'i Wi
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Pirst National Dank
Scranton Savings Rant
third National Dank
Iliniu Pepo'll and Dcnunt Rank..
Economy Ucht. II. & J, ito;
I.iukJ. Trust sale Deposit Co
CUrk k Snover Co.. 1 r.
Scranten Iron I. -nee & illg. Co. ...
Scranton Axie Works
Lacku'vauna Dairy Co., Pr. ......
Countj Saving llibt Co..
Klrot National Dank (Carbondale)..
Standard Drilling Co.
liaelcrs' National Hani."
iirantcn Holt and Nut I
Scranton Paas.-ngcr Railway, llrst
Mortgage, due lO-'O ..............
Pcoiile' street Railway, first mort
gage, flue 1013 -- -
People's street Rallnay. General
mortgaKc, due 1P21
D'clison JlanufaelutlnR Co
Lacks. Town-hip School 5 per cent.
City ol, Scranton fct. Imp. 8 ptt
Sirantcn 'Iractlou 8 per cent. .....
Scranton Wholesale Market.
ll nriected bv II. (!. Hale, "" Laeliavv-aniu Ave.)
Ilultc-i I re.iimi.v. old, J'Ja'Jlc; fresh, 22.122',:;
dairv, fii'sli. Pii-jivn'se.
( bec-e I'ull ili-Jiii. I-Jl.'c -Eu'Ks
Wcsicin luvli, 1 I'a to IJo.; nearby
Slate', Ue'j l' ll'1
Ileitis Per 1iii clioin- nurrow, $2.'5a2.fiO.
IVa llcnu Pel bu.. ihoiio marrow, $2.3ja2.G0.
Xlediimi HeJiiPer bu., 52.t0a2.l3.
Hri'i'ii IVs- Per bu., $l.4'ial.4S.
Unions IVi bu., $l.0al..xn.
Flour patent, per bain I. t.i.
Red Kidney Heans-Per bu., ;. tjaJ.C.
Poialocs .We. bushel.
Hoi iniida Onion-?2.3Ja2,t .
-' '
New York drain and Product,
"NYw Voik, May 3 Flour Unsettled ihd lower
tn sell, Whe it-Spot flim; Ncn a red. 84e. f.
c. li. alio it, and SHie. elevator; No, 1 northern
Hulutli, S'i'ic f. o. b, afloat. Optloni, after
opcnlni; firm and active, turned weak, declininc
under active liquidatlnn. Closetl weak tt Hac,
net decline. Way tlosed fllUe.; July, VOtii-,;
Sept., 771ic Corn bpot weaker) No. 2, D5o,
elevator, and 5Uc. (. n. b. afloat. Options, mar
ket ojienccl strong but turned weak later; closed
rosy and H'e. net lower; May cloded Bllic;
July, 5lTo.; Sept., WHc OaU-Spot quiet;
No. 2, 32'.,c.; No. 3, 3.V.; No. 2 white, 3I
3t',Je,; No. '4 wlille, tUHc.i track mUdl west,
crn, 32a33Ho-i track whlto, a2'.ia17c. Options,
quiet and Irrecrnlar. Iluttcr Pirm; creamery,
tBaiye.; factory, Uatfijc; imitation creamery,
13,4 jlT'.so, ; stale dairy, liaisy.c, Chece fillet ;
fancy large lolnred, 10" jc.; fancy larito while,
lOiJalOVc; fancy small mlored, 11! jc; finty
small white. UHe. Ebks bteady; state and
Peiiua., ljv..allc. ; sou' hern, liaise,; western,
Storage, lJtiJllc. ; vvi
.vestern, regular narked, J2lj
Chicago Grain and Product.
Chicago, May 3. Shorts set another reconl
breaklna price lor May corn today, and the closi
wai 2 rents over jcbtcrdjy, July closed a shade
up. July wheat broke .liter a period of rinnness
on Kloulnf nop piopcits and other bearish ion
sldrralions, iloulm; ?a7it-. lower. Oats elexed
', tci ici.U down and provisiom 71: to -7'.j
cents deprcted. Tho wild course) of prim fur
May corn had little to do with general market
condition, its manipulated ronditiou was more
than ever appannt. July deliveiy was compau
tively tame, while, May shorts vvero panic stricken
and hid the market up In tremendous leaps (mm
55 and 53 cents to the opening to M cents com
pared with yesterday's close at !i!c. Phillips,
who control tho juarket told fc00,0ou Uuthtla i
Rooms 12, 14, Id and IS llurr liullillnir.
Haled on real estate security. Mears buildlne
corner WashltiRton avenue and Spruce alrcet.
and lounscllors-al-Uvv. Republican building,
WaaliltiKlon avenue.
H'llors-al-law. Commonwealtti building, Boonu
IP, SO and 'Jl.
003-IKII, Oth (lc)or, Mears bulldlns.
of Trade building, Scranton, Pa.
Hank bullcliiiR.
211 WjomlnR avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
av cnue.
inirlon avenue. Residence, 131S Mulberry.
I'bronle disea.-.e. luiiR", heart, kldnc.vs and
jrctilto-urlnary organs a tpecialty. Hours,
to 4 p. m.
Hotels nnd Resturants.
tver.ue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor.
t-enffer depol. Conducled on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
crvinen. htou- 201 WahlnRton avenue; gretn
linuin, l'.'.'iCJ North Main avenue; ttoro tcio
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
,il-o ladieV waists. Louis Shoemaker, 2li
Adams avenue.
velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1S1
WashinRton avenue, Scranton, Fa.
in Scranton at the news stands of llelsmaa
Bros., 40(1 Spruce and 501 Linden; M. Norton.
:22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schulzcr, ill
Spnice btreet.
A MEETING of the stockholders of tho Enters
prii-c Coal Compiuy will be belcl at their ofAia
No. 2011 Council building on the fith day ot May
nt 2 o'clock p. tn., tor the election ot olflcers,
and the transaction of suih other budneal a4
may properly ionic bcfoie them.
A. J. CONNELL. Secretary.
. s
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders ol
the Dickson Manufacturing Company will hc
held at the olflce ot the company, in the city o
Scranton, on the eighth day of May, 1001, at P)
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of eteetlntr Dlrcc
tors and voting upon such other matters as may
come before the mectinpr.
L. i BOWER, Secretary.
shorts between 50 and 6S. TailbR lonw, fearir.
that their leader was about to unload dumped
their linea into the pit and the marktt beokn
to 63. Tho leader sold nothing under 5(1, at leafc
not openly, and the market reacted and closed
2c-. higher at fi5VaC. The fact that out of 30J
cars received today, but 21 graded contract hid
much to do in causing iresli alarm, July openoel
strong and enjoyed a general demand tor a time,
but liberal realizing caused a decline. Cash quo.
tatioas were as follows:
Klour Demand moderate: No. S spring wlieit,
71V&a73a; No. 2 red, Wa'l-fic: No. a corn,
51?4a55c.; No. 2 jcllovv, 53c.; No. 'J oits "Va
20ic; No. 3 white. 'JOVJe.; No. .7 while, '.!
'JS?c: No. 2 ne, 53?Ja54e ; good feeding bar
ley, MaMc. ; fair to choice, rnaltinir. .'na.'iOi ;
No. 1 flax seed, $l.oS: No. 1 norlliw-esteru,
Sl.fiS'.J; primo timothy seed, $2.75; mcs-i imrl lard, $S.62',i-iS.7.i; short rib--, s "ti;
dry mlted shoulders. fiTs47',s; short clcir, 5.Jrf
S.37tS; whUkcy, 5-1.2S. '
Chicago Live Sto'ik Market.
Clileairo, May 3. Calllc .Herelptit, 1,.'jM; E'p
erally steady, good in prime ideerse, is-.t", ikj.
poor to medium,'jii; .stoekers and
ers. strong, $.!i3; cows, fjt!.Hial.jO; lie ilers, W.7l
al."o; canneri, slow, fja'j.t,0: bulM, Kt';adv,
f'JT5i4.ifi; talv-e), weals, except choice, (.:,:li
5.12H; Texas fed steer i 1.2.-iaVt0; Texas. Rra.-t
steers, S.:..'Jla; Teu hulls, L'.75a.'!.SO.
Ilogs-lteccipta today, IS.OOO; tomori.tiw, in,.
OOcj; estlmatid left over, ;,50: strour tn ',
ldKber; top, 5.')7ii; mied and huti.-liers, fvai
n5.; Rood to choro heavy, ?"i'7'4; rouuli
bf.ivT. $A6ja5.7J; lilst, 55.60a5.!'i; 'milk of sales,
Kheep Rerelplit, S.leVl; sheep an.f Iambi, finely
to slow: clipped fcimlw up e SI "i; j-ood in
rholi- welliers, ,'.VIi,5ii; fib- o choice mived.
lal.-.'"i; wee-tern sheep, I, .VI; ycarllis,
el.?.-,.lv); n.ilivr) lauiuc, 5l.'j0i3..'3; vvivt;iu
lamb?, jl.CO.ij.sO.
. j
Buffalo Xlva Stock.
Hivt Ruffalo, May 3. -CattlerieoclpO, ,"il ears
slieip and lamlns. tt-l can,; hogs, In lis. rhip.
rnenU-attle. .Ml; theep and limbs, M
tars; he4rs, SO c-am
Cattle Demaml fair; ealve.i, flioice to ovtra
.'i.25a0.5O, I.unlw, chnico to cvtia, 'n5.tQ,
Sheep, wetticn, 5l.Whl.40.
liogs-Ilcavy, $1110.0.1; pigi, 5.7ia3.'!0.
Oil Market.
Oil rily. May 3. fiocllt Inline r..'ll'; rerlll.
riles, ne lild, .hipuienls, 7ii,d2i, 71,1.'!,
Uuc3, W,7o7j av erase, ys,:;iei.
RtnKlItiK?-fiVotlior3' jrrr-at rlri-n-s:' rri
resents an 'Invested capital. of $::,7('0,-.
000 moro than txli-e thr- aiiiotiiiL In
vested In nil the other i'Iiousi-u In ihej
Unlteil Stan-s,
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3.75 to 5,75 Por Cent,
Flu. Ceil, & Gen. Con, 5s,
Fort Worth & Rio Grande, 1st
Cnl. Hfir. & San Ant. 1st; Os,
Iowa Cent. Ry Co. 1st 5s,
Long Island City & Flush. 1st
5 s,
Louis. New Albany & Chic, 1st
Mexican Cent. Ry Co. ls,
Missouri Pacific Trust. 5s.
.Minn, oen'l fciec. 1st Con.
Rio Grande West. 1st 4s,
5 s,
St. L Iron Mt. & So. Refd.
CcuipliU- (lie III ir l.i.M on Xnnlii'.ilion.
lsH Xl'ockv't lalilivii) now rcadj,
Spencer Trask & Co,
37-20 Pine Street
fi.1 State Nicct. xllian.v. N X M:XV YORK