4 $o , i j ni aj, i)( iT 't yVT' i" j. a i nf' tTf- Nfj w'h -rw , it v ,'jimt'i m, w V ftv'4ftvwv Vmj ,r(1jrriwsj i - v - ' fvrrv ') V f! V1 I"" f t -I i t-y . i , e?J J -' I7 ( THE SCJRAKTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 1001. irn ji An Excellent Combination. Tlio iik'nsimt iiiothotl find bcncllcinl t'ffucts of 11r ucll kuowu remedy, Svnui' or L'kib, manufactured by the ('AMintiKiA Plfi SYIUM' Co., illustrate tljoMilni'of (ibt!i!iilii(T tlio liquid luxa ti o in-iiioiplcH uf plants Utioun to bo medicinally IhmiIiw nnd presenting 1 hem In tlio form most 1 eirosiiltiK' to tlio taste mid neccptablo to tlio Rystctn. It lithe ono pcrtcet strengthening ltiMi tir, elcnnsliiL'' thu nystoiii offectually, dispelling colds, lioadnehes and fevers gently yet pi omptlv nnd enabling ono lo overcome! habitual constipation ncr innneiillj. Us pel feet freedom from eery objei'lionabln cpiality nnd sub stance, .ind its acting on the lddtieyM, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating thorn, mtilco it the ideal limithe In the process of munufuctui'.ng UgH nin used, ns thoy nro pleasant to tho taste out tlio medicinal quuliliLsof tho remedy aie obtained trom (-r-ntia ami other 'aromatic plants, by a method known Jo tho Caiiioiima I'm Symir Co. only. In oidur to get ltsbeneheial elTeetaiind to avoid imitations, nlease remember the full ntimoof thoCompany printed on thu front of cvuy package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. UAN l'HAIJCIBCO, CAIi i.ouiavu.r.E, kv new Tronic, n. y. rormvlo byull Orusplsts I'ricoSOa.pcrbottlo. t- Ice Cream, BEST IN TOWN. QH Per JJC Quart. LflCKflWflNN.fi DAIRY CO 1 cler tone Orders Prompttr Dll voroi -7,.j27 Adams Avenue Piano Tuning. H. K. ZERBE, 07 Prracolt iNCnue. Ilct loc.il icf entires. 1 - I CITY NOTES : - 11.ILIION M01)Y Ml. Ill -On Mondi itbt Coiupinv l, llnilrciitli lOhiinciit, will 1 ln.t 1 liLiitinint l 1111 the 1 11 1111) ciucil lij the ilutli ut the lite IH30 Diowii on rn K's sLcrison Hi 1. riiuwn Iiib ftuicmleJ Ur l'tck a- icMiltnt ilivau.nn it the Hihmmini! ho pit ii. lor the l,t t o mii In Cliw-oii n ii touiKcttd with I lie .n nU Oplitholmii hoi it d PnOlllBlll() roNr.MIUN Ilic riolnliitton-i.-ts will hold 1 comcntion In mint touin No. 'J tht iftunoon ji 2 oiloil, jul tin, ritiln3' in M11. Auititoriuiii, Nurlli Xiamen rime "ill be a rnectun; iillri-SMi! y l'iof I'lllcn, wlio-o fopn will lo i 111. MllXll AulOi till. CllUlfllS Pitli" Iiai.S lb LIU AMI MIL -J lie liibtme 11 laktd to rail the alltntion uf the public gon ually and iniiirance people in paitiuiht to the Hot that Allnd T. 'Mailin. mining enit ct C u did, Walm, 13 now 111 Montird, Cinadi, dinl i mcII. A commiinitition aldnved to him. 010 ot fhltf DcttUwe t. II. Cirpcntcr, Mill icaili him. Second Legislative Distiict. Notice is heicbj glm. to the ljcpiibllein Aottrs nt tho Second legishthe dWrict otLacKaMaiini rountj that a jrimary election Mill he ln-ld on tatutdai. Mai IS, 1001, at the leguhr polling places, beHvcer tho hours of 4 and 7 o'clock p in , (or tho purpose ot electing two delegatio to rrpiiftrt the jald legislalbe district in the coin ing llerublican btate coinentlon to be held in Ilarnsburt'. 'the conientlon lo tonipute the ote will be held on Tuesday, Mo j, pioi, at 10 o'clock a in. in the court hoiino in Scranton In accordance iltli the mica goeininff tlio dbtrlct, tli' cindiditea Mill be lotcd for dircitlj by the utcra at the polls and must rogiitcr willi tho district chairman hbt full name and poatcffKC uddieas, and paj his assOsMnent llltieu jajs bcfoic the election, 01 hU tunie ulll not bo laccd en the olhclal ballot, neitliir will my ntes ca't for him be counted Ihe dlttrict ugilance conunittce In ailoin pre mcts will conduct the diction, and the result Will he uiorlcd bj tho ictuiii judge to the dis trict toiwentlon, which will be iompocd ot jndqcs ot the Jrlois ilUtilclo. writtrn notice containing further instructions will be mailed tu rich niimter of tho said ills iriit ifilince lomnilttn Fieilciie 11' Hell, L'haiiiiiaii b-comt I,-glslatiie DMiUt Mtut -Walter 1: DaMs, Seirctarj. A.Bk for Kvlly'a union uackors. ' "-. -f t -f -f -f -f hV We offei subject to previous sale -f Ithaca Stieet Bnllvny Co. "" f f"lvIBSl MORTGAGE X X Qbld Bonds ; 6 Per Cent, Mnture 1023, r As tho second mortgngo bdrtds of this company nio sell- lug at a pienuuiu the value of . the ihsitB'i3 beyoud question. X f W Droic'wgy, N. V, WllLesBarre. t- Dubondale. h i. 6 tod 8, Cominonnealtli Did),' , bcranton. K1 V BASE BALL AT PARK TODAY, Qninc Will Be Between Semlimiy nnd the High School, The pieseul seasdn of Imse hill would he but ntciiniely kept iiIKl weiu It mil for the eltotts nf the Set anion Itlrth fcMionl Allitoltit ititinell At 1 (list It whs UiuUL'ht itiaitlenllv Im possible to hne ii loptcelitutlvo nine, Ifoaiisc of the Jiulc of Inteicst In t li "Ity, but at ii mooting list month 1'iofessnr Wngner ttus on IihiuI to give the lieressn ent tiiii.icniPiit and tlin lioys liuxe beili at umk piui tlelng for tilt" past Hit eo weeki (.'iipliitn Tropp has nut been able to give as mui.li at tention to the team hh In funnel vein", but peisltellt elTOlt has moulded the new mateilnl Into capable ausllliiilcs for those who pliiM-d with lust j 'ill's tin in, The team has pltnctl but one giiinc this season, tli.il nt t'neton llle, In which the Ku.VHtono AliiiIciuj fans went down befoie n big hloip Mima gei I'lank (I'ltellly Ii.ih imangjd 11 giinie with the tiaik Wyoming kciii I mi 1 team lor loiln.v nt Athhtli tmik and the local bos cApcd In put up a Htionger gam,' limit did tlio SU'Icim, who tame o near defr.itlng the hciii llitit Inns lust Wulttosiluy, Miiiij of tlio Inllcld lnen ot the Itlgh vlIiou iiKgie gatlon played with the Slldds nnd all feci confident thu l thu iuloiy will be In their lrinds this ufti'iiiooii The g.imc will begin pi omptlv nt .i.n. Ad mission linn bctii placed at the low into oi in initH Tickets tan be lo omed tit the giotinds. Tlio hnltlng 01 il"r will be something after the fol lowing Dawrs, tcutoi, Spauow, sec ond: Snow, leit, Jliiitleiilicig, llijht, Tiopp, pltehei. Phillips, mtdior, O'ltclllv, thlid, (iiienstcd, Hint, 1 01 liell, shoitstoi". GROOM WAS POISONED. Died at the Clofac o the Wedding restivities Coionci Is Making an Investigation. Coioncr Hobcits was 1 nlh'tl tu the "Hislng- bun" block .it the coinci of Scianton and Seventh siiccts estei tlny to investlsate tho death 01 u Slav onian numod Jlleli.tel Ii Ich, who died voiy suddenlv on "Wcdneidny eenhiff. The doctor made an autopsy and noin his eaminations thcie Is sulllelcnt to aiotiso suspicion 01 polsonlnpr. Late blinddy Vrleh was 111,11 tied to a jounj; blmlsh woniun who iccenlt anied Horn Austilu. The wedding celeluation continued the usual thiie clujs, .tnd on Vodnesd,i the niuplc visited the bl trie's ssti 1 nil South Washington atomic, whole, It Is said, the fji 00111 paitook of sonic beer An half hotii after ho letuinod home the man tas dead. The autopsy eseldny nne.ileil the f.iot that the man b.id Ik on poisoned, eithei by earbollc .n id, ittiol 01 s()uio other iheniieal, which had evulentlv been placed In his boei. His lips on the iiibido were binned also tho tluo.it and lungs. Dr. llobeitb lciuotod the stomach, the contents of whlih wilt be nnaljed, and Intoi 1111 iniiiti st will bo held. The joung man was but '" cait. ol .iKe, and boie .1 sooit lepul.itioii 1 lo was not known to luie any ontuues, and his ft lends .11 e at ,1 loss to mule 1 -btnnd his sudden loath A lepoit was cuiicnt yestiida in the uourJiboihooil to the effect that a telathc of the bride had thie.itened to poison the lol-low- if the -hl mm led him, but this could not be eiilied 'I In 1 01 unci will intesfjigate the rao Giear London Show Coming. 'ihe L'hailis Lee crieat london show will bo bote on May illh, 7lh and stli. This is the best 23-cent ohow In Ainei 11, l without a (iiicMiiin ol .1 douot. The fihow h.if. b-n b toic the, jitibPe all It has el.umcl This jear it Is laiger than eci b.loic, and Intb moic new and nool feituus than anv other oi.e-rinir, show cei hid. The act t)i tt is done bv the ilqht pcimis is woinlo.--lul, ,iiul was gottui up foi the little lolks. The ponies aie tiained lo do .1. quudiille and aie atluod in diusses and diobb suits. They dance to the mr&ic of an old tiddler, -who culls off the uumbeis of the dance, Jliss flow land, the ohnmpion l.nlv ildei of the wot Id, is the onlv 1ml v who iteenni I libhes tho feat ot doing a someii.iult on a hoite in lull motion, Mr. 'Cweis, siled as the piince of hoit,e tininus, will appear at eeiy poUoiniuuee in nine of hit, wondeiiul acts, both witn ponies and hoibcs. 'I'ho ilowns, gjnTT n.iFtb, leapci?, tumbleib fiid 'iciobats aie all excellent. Thu show thi.s iv.ir Is owned bv two blight busin--ia nun I ti 0111 AVi'ltob-lJane, 1". N. PiU and I ('. Id. Honeywell, who liute sp.ri'l j nothing to muke this the luid"i hi itH 1 class. The hto clicagi d liotlilu;; but the bcbt of talent in outer 10 make tills a lit.st-elass show In ieiy de tail. The hois-ch mill ponies me tho linest that hate e,r b, n h"en with any show. Tiny me llnoly IihmI and puifeetly tiained anil oln dlout lo their iii.Htei'.s c ill. The admlsxlon Is J, cents for triuwn people and lr cents for chlldien, Thcie will be a gland btieot pm.ido eueh day of the dii.s tho hliow Is in Hcimiton Special Rates ia tin Delawnte' and lludhoii Unu nited and 1 ot 111 11 on nnouul ol ihe Kual musical conceit b, Mine. Hehu-ipan-He'lnk, Mhs Alaint Powell and 1 .Mr rinnseou Uuvls at thu Uecuiu 1 'I Itca tic Tuesday, Mav Jlst, 1901: I Time of tialu, liaieb. Wllke.s-Hano . T 0", p. m ,ii0 Pittntpu .i) p. III .J11 opimnt 7 JJ p. ni. i' Cmboiidalo ... 7 o5 p in. M E. Robiiibon Sons' rnnious May Bock J3eer On tap Satuidiy mid all next week, Juno Modes and rattems Now ie ul and tor b.iIc 1' iiiner Wellb (')., Uu Wjoinine, aM'IIUO, "' E. Robiiibon Sous' Famotib Mny Dock Deer t)u tup Satiu.li and all next week, 1 m . E. Robinson Sons Tamous May Bock Beer 1)11 tap Sntuiduy mid all next iok, Gueiaeey Hall, 3U Washington ave , Scianton. Is the best and most tellable place to pur-chus-e a good Piano. It will pay you to call and get ptlces, and teum. J. av. Gucmapy, Pi op. Smoke the Pocono Be cigai. E. Robinson Sons' Famous Mny Bock Buer Uri tap tjatiuday und all nct wak. SUIT AGAINST HER : BROTHER MRS. JENNIE DEAN MOVES FOR JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT. Defendant Fnlls to Make AiiRwer Within tho Piescilbed Time, in tho Equity Pioceedlngs She Instituted lo Secuie an Accounting and Pos aession of Her Pioperty Injunc tion Asked for to Restrain Scian ton Rnilwny CompnnyV from For foitinrr Couti act Other Matteis. 11 .M. llaiinnh, attoincy lot Aim. Jennie l'lowell-I)eiin, .testetday dhect td the prolhoiiotaiy to' cntet ft decree that the bill In the euilllv cuho of Mis. noun iigalnst lu r brothci, rianklln Howell, bo tuheil pio oonfesso, Tor want of appeal mice and answer within the tlino pi escribed by the 1 tiles of com t. The bill was sciwd on the defendant Apiil , but ho linn taken no Hteps to iiimwei ni defend within the flUeon oav limit, ami unless he mines In now nnd Inn the pioeeodlnt, stajed jlldg nitiit will lie against him by defnult. The suit Is In ought to compel him to lelidet an accounting of his manage ment 01 her estate and iompc.1 him to tm 11 over to her whatevi 1 piopeity be longing to her is now In his possession. The bill and the pnoor lead as follows; tinnle Hem i tunklln Unwell inui ontor ininpl ilus mil sit 1 list lint M10 l 1 ilniKlilir of Diuicl Howell, ilrcc icil, lilo of Ihe 1 itj of -n niton, and tlic difindml tbnc rumicil h lur brother. Tint her fatlici lilt In 1 1 hiire iiiintint of pioperlj, ion M'lnie' "f nil 1 -lik, b ink iluck ind (ther Mui!( 1 i-h ml nthei proprrli to the am iiint ,f ibriit "I'lMimi 'lint .it tli" linn f lur lilli trN ileilh 'he w ii nub touitren jcars of age, in I, In icion if her n;e in I Mint of buMncsi iNpriiimo, -he was nut able to jllind lit her htnlnosi illili-. foi lui-elf I hat Hip ilefiiidmt, her liothn. ictinir n her tiiHlce iml lOiifilrntnl neent, iuniivl the miniifcnunt 01 Im isliti, to lincul, niinic and r 011(1 ol it for hei sci end -Hint Ihe Mid defendant, ai inli con fi'tntlil '-.i nt mil liuilu, puiiluvel haul, blocks md nthei kiuih if tloil, f 10:11 time to time with Ihe inoncis luloivlnp In ber 1-I1I1, liililii-i'I ical 1 si lie in lur mini mil flout time In lime -old and comewd the Mini, niriwiK Ihe puicljL liKiuv inlu bis hiniK rllnt be uiiled hn led estate, nude nil cxcuikd lei-is 111 iik lepiiis iipnn lie teal est ito, paid lii- and leiLipted tm rent iK, mil ircuenllj iniinetil, iniitiolled md dlieiled her alTali" Ihliil Hut the Mid ikfiiidint, llnoiigli the 111 in lire mont of bn liiiMiie'', illairs lu rciehcd iuln In-. huul i hrM sum 1 1 111011 1 belonging In the iiuipliimnt. I hit he his nccr if 11 din I iu iieuiuit In the i oniji! iln tut nt the im in is mi meiud til Int. in t pcmlul In him in iln pmmnt of I ims 11 llu 111 1 knit: it 11 pin-', md mill m Uu di c- nut knnw Mbit 1111 mil if UKtiri mil Mm iopciti hi 11 m hit if Ik 1 1 in his I11111U ir pnsi 1011 I nut III 11 in onioi t mil 01 loniphiiiis tint tin Mid liustec iu,l it,tnt, Im been in!lx of hull md unfiithfiil conduct in tht uiiuie mini if bri tstite 'lint he uu ti in-feried sluils nf hei's Mllhuiit leeil ml piopu m thuili mil louliui to lid ui-his, tint hi ob 1 111111I 111 11 1 rf her", up hi the lepie-entation that hi 8j imeslinp; it in icitain mij-, ihen 11 i iiuIIli of fict no such investments Meic iiihIi, and Iin Usui milIi moimis md funis lu hia own puinle pitip -. pniiiR his own ilclitr. with Ihe -auie Mlthout her knowledse 01 mn nil lint he hai Milled md po,uindirid h,r luopirti in I ohsli ind m.h-ir. rt iinestnienN. md .mmii 1011111I uiiiiit ftiis tint much if her i-tale has thus been !ot I illh -that the rlctcndinl I113 now little 01 no piuputi 01 his own tin for vine time pist Ins been iiaiiif: bci e-tale for his 01111 piupoe, md 1111-I1 1 lmpr ml rlcccmng lh lumpluiiint ibout the iisi he mis nuking "f it. l'ltui.i; I ut 1 hat the deienlint, 1 1 111M111 llonell, mn Ie lomrelled li 1 deeuc ol Ibis court lo miki 1 just and tme ucoiiiu cf ill the moncts if the uMiifil 1111 nit win, It he Ins 1. ceiled inn bis hmdi or i.isl ni (nircth r miiIi a full ind oinnleie 'tilcnunt it ill iihiiMs iimlid I him vu her icn tint Sioml Tint he Ie itnuucil to 1 1 "ur I 1 h"i ill nioiujs cji hn s now 111 his hunts, m Ii ins fu I 1 In 1 ill stoiks binds, nmtipres 01 oilier semritics in his po$sC"i in belonging to hn. .ml tli it he Le icqiiiicil to lOim.i ti lur all nil tsiite lulil 1 linn in luist fu lur riiml llnl the ikfiiidant bi icati lined In 1 pieliinunii injunction fiom isaiiriiiiv, tianslci nut; u di- 0 uu; ot tin lonvpl 1111 int s. piopuli hum 111 his hands perdue the iilius "f the aiiount piijcd for 1 urn tli riiu the' ecmplalninl nnj hue sm '1 olhct ind fmlhii ullef is tlie liituii ot Hie case inn iiqtmc 1 Illh I hit tin ilifeiiilinl le iciinrul to 111 smci Ibis lull of coiiiplaiiunt and In in ike full dMljsino of ill ptoen and c-tito of Mint siciei kind lit III 15 linn 111 tiut foi the com I I liuiiil .u I tin iiniplnnjiit Mill cur prai, cle. II JI Hannah, sjlieitoi for Pluntift. Wants Contiact Continued. William Slebocker, piopiletor of tho riniiey ear Aiitoi tls.1111, compuny, pe titioned 1 0111 1 josteiday for an in junction 10 lostrain the feci union Rall wa. company fiom torfeitlns the cou ti. id which the plaintiff luih with the company foi the exclusive ndeitisins pi It Herts on the tiolley ears. The phiintllt h.ih that he enteied into an iiki cement Match 1, 1R99, wlpiiby he was to hae' this rlshU foi J.'W) ,1 .tear lor one .tear, with the piltlliffc ot coutlnulns it lor four joais nioit. Ue tultllled all the teiim. of the lontiact, hu says, and at the end of the ih.st car elfeeted a continuance "t the uuiciine'iit tor iour jeurs. He has ubsuiterl overy part of hU iiKieo- iiicni, no cietimeti, nut tn? company now wlslu.s lo tonniiiato the contiact and lefiiM'o to allow hhn to eeiesu the piltiloRo he cnuti.icted fen. .ludfTo .lohp p. Kail) mauled a nije, lotuin.iblu net Wcdnesdiij 10 compel the iieiciidaiu company to'bhow cause v lit a piemillnmy injunction .should not issue to pi event the company fiom toiteltliic? 1 ho contiact Attorney II 1. Ho nold.s appeals for the phtliuilf Suit Against Legion ot Honor, riult toi ?J,uoj against tho .supremo 01111c JJ, Ameilcan Legion ot Hanoi, of Boston, was instituted jesteuluy lu I'lothonotaij Copeland'h olllio by Mis. Mitgriln It fonipton, ot I'aibondale, thiouyji Attonieys J, D. Nicholh mid W V. l.athtope .Mi.s Coinptoii'.s huslmivl was In silled In the i.cKlun of Uriliul 101 $.',000. Tho leitlliculu was, issued May S, Ib'i), and ho died Muuli H, ls97. All tho loiliihunients of iho insuiauce con tiait wtie lomplled with, the plilntHf allot,' s, but tho Insiiiuiiui has iievoi beep paid Ceeltine Liquor Licenses. Application was imtdu to couit es leuUty bj Attornej M, J, Uouahou foi i llouoi license toi tho lemaindci of the jeai for Joseph Adomus who wants to opau up the hotel on Boul. said load, Tluoop foimcilj kepr by John J need Thiough Attouiej p j lteeds John Qulnn petitioned couit to ttansfer the license granted John Uhelka, of the Twenty. that watd. Judgo Kelly lixeil Mny l'i .it, the time for .1 healing on tho petitions COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Suit lii trot-fius-si i.is begun yvtf- In day bv1 Michael Citntilnghnm, IhioitBh Altot'ticy M, J. Wulnh, ngtiliiBt S. I.eahnwil?. ft Co. Mux Ifcrrlnff, who vim romtnltled to the county Jnll 'last Tuemlay by Aldormnn Howe io uwnlt tilal on a ihnitre of perjury piefenod by Mift. Jacob Kllman, wur tplonxed yeitleidav on .0H ball furnished bofoic Judgo Kelly. Mat 1 Inge Licenses. (liriMliii Woelirle Sll MrOaihmy Aniit Mllleli ,1)03 Staffoul menue Aliloni llonuln ,,,, , Mijllold Mil) Anni MutOMski Mfl.Mlrld (icoiko I!. Ketrlnm r'aAtla Creek, X, V, Ma M Uom Cistlc Cieck, X. Y. TODAY'SEVENTS. t t'nutily roinentlen of PinhlblltonM In tlif court lioue nt J p ni, Hi In afternoon. TIruc'r pjmnalum team lll pli the North Ind Stan at bukil bill tonlnht 1I.H10 aimory on .1l1nn 8enuc nt a oMnlk. ,n both tciins are ji ienlllle, (rood ganio h hoked foi. M'ANDREW HELD IN BAIL. Municipal League Asked Alderman Tuller to Hold Him for Court. No Decision in Other Cases. Attorney Ii'iedUoeiM, of the Municipal League, appealed before Alderman l-'iedeiluk Fuller yestoiday morning and nsked that Select Councilman John J. McAndiew, of the Twc'llty-Jlrst ward, be held In ball for his apear iincc In couit to answer the chuige of bilboiy. The iildoimmi decided to hold Mr. McAndiew lu $G00 bull and sum moned hhn to appear befoie hhn und entci bill. MiC MuAndiew appealed Mioitly after noon mid ngieed to ap pear today with a bondsinun, Attorney Heeis said yesteidav after 110011 to a Ttibune nimi that no decision had as cl been leached legnrding the other cases pending against Cat 1 W. McKlnne. Councllmen Thomas C. Jlclvln, E J, Coleman, Udward Jamei mid Thomas O'Boyle and e-CounclI-man Rlchaid H. Wlltlanis. He had an immense pile of tianscilbed testimony befoie hhn on the desk, which he said he was. examining- for the purpose of ascertaining which uibts should be al lowed to go to court. It was. learned yesteidav that tho pel Jui y cases against o -Councilman M. V. Monls and Simon Thomas have boon dlsi ontliuied and that these two will nut as wllnes&ts in iouit against 1 ci tain other touneilnicn. CHARGED WITH LAROENYi- Hany Hanis Held in $1,000 Bail for Court. Hanv Hants. omplocd bv Clner lhotheis, of bouth .Scianton, manufae tuieis of ladies! skills, was arrested esleiduy on the ehaige of laieeny. The film had been missing vailous ni tieles fiom the stock and suspected Tlaiiis, who was closelv wati hod and who was detected taking 11 skill and slipping it untlei his otcicoat. He was git en n healing and was irmmitted to the county Jail in do lault of $1,000 ball Wanants mc to bo Issued for actual women about town, who, it is ,ild, took the stolon coods trom Hauls. E. Bobinson Sons' Famous May Bock Beer On tap Satuidnj and all next week Tiy the New 5c. Cigar "Kleon." (Juaiunteed long Havana fillet. r - 1 516 Spruce Street. I Engraved 1 I We Are Showing i Seven New Shapes in i Q JL fWM 37 1 ftjfl . hurd's m w if mM S S I FAMOUS 1 S S6. "- "' rri JzL I vellum . Anyhi M&mfflilAmWB V CL L-LmkJ IVI Same Numbsr in 'IBi Tl 5 Pi t fafeJ! Wr'PrMli oranes SjJ Rmm ' Both Are in EARLY Mlm M & JSSB"tS High Favor in the 'nr - ' WM ffjUL 4U4 Jlf S7J7551 Large Cities ENGLISH rJlfim fe M ANNOUNCEMENTS lMsfS I AH the Sles in the Tiffany Gray ifejA! fe IPlf "lS S 'M I at iinur nun nrnrnTnii tmnnn UW JmiT&inJWi If We Carry Crane's Kid Finish Card Board to Match Every Texture and Shade of Paper Used, Calling Cards Mligilill Of Eveiy Style of Engraving shown. Doing this woik ourselves under personal super vision we can assure you of the BEST execu tion, style and quality. R. E Prendergast 20T Washington Ave, Scranton, Fa. 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS MEET ANNUAL COUNTY CONVENTION HELD YESTERDAY. A Laige Gathering of Delegates in tho Gicen Bidgo Baptist Chuich. Addresses Were Mado by Eev. Dr. Charles Rhondes, State Secrctaiy; Mrs. Barnes, State Superintendent of Junior Work; Hev. Dr. Fieice and Bev. Dr. Lansing Officers Elected for Coming Ycai. Neatly trjventy-llto deloBatts fiom the Sunday schools utlUluted with the Lockawnnna County Sundttv sjohool as sociation assembled esleidny In nn mil contention lu the Clicon Uhlge baptist church and tin co prontable meetings were had. Tho morning seslon. which wut opened at 10 o'clock with piayer by Itov. Dr. William O. Simpson, pastor of the Asbury Methodist I'plscopnt chinch, was pitlded over by the rieslclent, C. D. 'Winters, of Jermyn. A very little routlno business was tuinsncfed and It tvus disposed of as quickly as possible, in oider to give us much time to the addi esses und policial Interchange of ideas. Itov. Dr. Charles Rhoades, of Phila delphia, secictary of tho Pennsjlvnnla Sunday School ass illation, the best ni gnnbed nnd largest state assoclittou In the cxMilrv, gate- a most Intel esting nddHs on the nee plans of the state association for the normal training of Sunday school toncheis. Dr. Ithoades was followed by Mis. rtirnes, of Phil adelphia, state sitpeilntendent of Jun ior voik, who "poke on woik lu the ptlmmy dopaitment Her talk wan followed bv 11 goneinl loiind table tils etissliill. PH. LANSING S ADDUEh. In the uftcinoon thoie was a terv eloquent addioss riten by Rev. I. .1. Lansing, D D, pastor of the Gieen Ridge Picsbj teiian church, who told of the nuiiv lessons which God intends shall b; diawn by cvoiy one from childhood. Thoie was also a lound table discussion on the 1101 mill woik. conducted by Dr. Uhoades, and an election of oflhcis, which lesiiltcd as follows: Piesident, r. D. Wlntoi, of .IciniMi. t Ice-piesldent, .1. Wilson Ganett, of Scianton, traasmer, M. D. Lathiope. ot Carbondalc: lecoicling secretaij, J. P Shannon, of Caibondale: coirespond ing secietui), F. C. Hanjon, of Wat -eily; superintendent of piimmy woik, Mn S. C. Ki Igbaum. of Scianton. noimal .stipeiintendent, W. W. Fletch er, of Caibondale; superintendent of home dcpaitnmnt, Jliss Alice Btttlei, ot Caibondale: exeeiiliM" committee, L. F. Bpwei, James G. Shephcid and W.- T. Bui tell, ot Scianton; W. A. S.tnfoul, of Wat 01 It. Ret. h y. Voung, of Moo&lc, .1. 1- Lot eland, of Moscow, and Rev. Md.tnaid Thomp son, of Jeimyn The et oning session was vcit laigt 1 attended .both lit delegates and inteiested outsidois It was pieslded oter by Tieasuier M D. Lathi ope. Rot. Di. Robeit F. Y Pieiec, p.istor of the Penn Atenuc Baptist church, gate a talk upon tho use of the black boaid in the Sunday school in pietui -ing gospel truths The doctor illus- " I TS4!a ttitnUi xnd Tract 'a SilverPlated Ware I 31 When lightly made, niTordti eveiy satisfaction nllko to giver JJi 3J and userj it cannot do othbiwlse, bccaitso it always wears nnd 5g 5 looks well, costs little, but gieatly impioves tho appeniance S. 5S of nny tabic it might be placed on. Our Poail pattern in as J -J neat as can' be niiulc! paits exposed moit to use havo extra JE -3! l'lnting. jr 3 Tra spoons, per set . . . .$1.00 Dosseit spoons, per set . .92.00 jr eg Table spoons, per set . . .$3.40 Soup spoons, per set. , . .IJ3.00 mQ " Folks, per set B3.d0 3p Our gum nntco with every piece. CVyvxva"Vl--. 5? Geo. V. Millar & wmmmmmmtmfmftmtttfmtiM!$' KMKK50SSK$nU)J0U;UK) m Bicycles That Run Easy. S all fw Mi A We Offer a Limited Number of Detroit, Rochester, Romeo and Lake Orion Railway First Mortgage 5 20-Year $i,000 Gold Bonds. The above company operates an electric railway system running out of Uetioit, Michigan, through one ol the finest sections of tho tt.itc. Eighty pci cent, of the right ol way is owned in fee simple. Lines are built according to steam i.nlioad standards throughout, heavy Mils with cedai ties on two-foot centies, permitting a high rate of speed to be attained by its passenger cars. The company also does a general freight business. The road is bonded for only $14,200 per mile. Full information as to bonds, together with map of route, de scription ol country, statement of earnings, ctr., may be seen at our otllce. We Imvc made .1 Uioroimii investigation of I lie above prop erty, and recommend fliesc bowls as a safe anil conservative in vestment. ' I feM F3l fl wzz4 jrni , Mm I c- J lm K: l ' - ted kkmm ? K I tea?-1 -',f' "m $mwj$." QHpi You Can Easily Earn in a Few Hours A Handsome- Couch, Rocker, Sideboard, Diess Skut, Watch, Bicycle, Mackintosh, Violin, Alandolin, etc,, by selling a $10 older of our Groceiies to your fiiends and neighbois, i'o money icquired. Our plan is easy and quick. Write today for illustrated catalogue, with full particulars. BOSTON TEA !!-. 3 ml Co. "gSSSAZ? K i It In mint Iniportlnt tint 1 blejcle flmlihl be cjm lllnlilliR. i lleillhlnl etiliUe It liriieficlil, null lllld Mil k I' lllJlllklM I Ihe lie iringt of tin "Seiinton" euiiiinleo lleblnfis of niniiiiig und U i flicilglll llllku it tie llie't ilin ib'e 1 win el for all ills-c ot I hit 1 a I'lkei tcinlt the piekctbuok j Binucoi 128-128 Fraiklln Ave. CO, SCRANTON PA,