ri " ey-v ,f$pLiM)rjt- t.tW .xf.'Jii I i?J JfU. '. (.-in. v " . I J- THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1901. 5 i ir Social- WKKflk AKUANUHMlaNTH fol tlie Scthu-iimiiti-ltoliik milwi l)tlnn roti r?rt which It to tnko place at the t-yceitin Mtty 21, mo In ck colli'Mt shape. The Tillmne prints a oty liitirt! INt or Militctlbom "lid putt (ni"wn tlila nun nltiKi to which many impoi titnl iiihlltlons will ho made In the noxt Q(:. It now appeals its If thoro would In- u fin on with ti'irntcl to nciiH by the tlino tin illiiRintu li ipi'ii and that with the- his,' rontliiRent fiom both Wllkci-Hnuc and ('riibon lutc. the puopli who air- not on tin itilisctltitlon lint will find thn iholce of plnccs inthi'l llmltid. Thin It lliit ti'iliiK holh to the hum It oi tin talent i'iid to Seiiinlim. our people uluns inniiiiKU to crowd tin hon.su on the np r nil nine of a Kif.it tluritrlual event, hut so few and far between luno been die re.illv ttenic-nilouslv bltr ronoerts In this iltv thai It was a tiltle un it ltnln just what attitude would he taken, It lw Indeed n riatlsfactlon to piedht that It will he the gientest nnHlt.il (-ent whlcli has been hold bete, not oulv In letpeil to the aitlsts but the ap)ieelathe publii . It would In a notable o enslon to welcome Maud Powell alone, the (it cli ent woman violin pliiyn on the plut torm today, but alsci to Ihim Madame ehumann-Heliik and superb Kfi.mj; ion D.ivies 111 one eenhif? Is sonuthlliR Indeed woithy to niaik the beginning of thecontiiiy, and set the pate foi the lomlnjr jinit. Sub'-cilptloiis aie being: icifhtl at Powell's nuisle stoic. The follow itif; Is a paitl.il list of jn tionpSies and siibseiibeis to which the i thei names will be added Intel : Mr" Milium nurincll. Mm loan W.itrcs, Mis 1 711 II Hippie, Mi liilni Jerimn, Mr 1 rrrtt iircn, lira Thornis I' .loni, Mrs .1 nnj. thniuiiol, Mr J 1'. Dickson, Mr lames Md cod, rMr- W. V. Scrmton, Mis William n llujrr, Mr Henri' W hnisbur.i. Mis V V. 1'litt, Mis (' II stni c,c. Mrs W ,1 Hind, Mi- W II Jt-niip, ji , Ml- ". 11 renin in, Mr- flit Itlthail, Iiv V. W. t ttson, Mm I. N Willanl, Mm I 11 Stints, Mm I I I ulUr, Mr S G Holicrl-on, Mrs It Uliir, Mm V Dick-mi. Mr L It Powell, Mr-. A 11 Illacl liitmi. Mm Ceome IS Ninth, Mm. James .1 WillhnH, Mrf. B K. tailor, Mm 1. I.incn, Mm II A Knapp, Mrs (.torse sinai-on Mm II C. Shafer, Mrs A 1 (mndl. Mm (' K Connell, Mm II. M. I (In nil-, Mii J s Mrnult3, Mm C D. -imp-on, Mr- II II limit, Mr. O D Jonen, Mm limes C luphenl, Mm T II Watkins, r- I I. M'cii'il, Mm I' 0. roursen Mm I II Scolt, Mivs ldith Jones. Mrs I, M Cite-. Mm time II mil Mm O II Welles, Mr- I W. Pick, Mm li B Iliml, Mm N. V. t (t. Mm. . h Matthews Mm V. S Gotlfrty, Mr- 1 du inl s tones Mm Thonns '-pratriie, Mr- Wiltir 1. Kenwood, Mrs. A. F. Law, Mrs I I Ilowir, Mm W II Pieioe, Mm O w. Noitluip, Mm C H IiniNij, Mm F. D WitN, v.r- I H Dunhnn. Mm J. h Strllc, Mm J. W II.av ith. Mm H II N.rllpv, Mis. llidnrd I linen. Mm lolin W. Fouler, Mrc M F Jk lldiill, Mm F. P Ilnu-tn, Mm F. W. Hci(7, Vm -nlilrn 111 nr, Mis- Juln Curiam, Mrs I I li-ici, Mm J II Turrcr, Mr-. RuoiKe I! leiiimi, Mr- Iuilier hollrr, Mm 1! T. IIIkK. Mr- I ( mnell, Mm C. I. Fro, l ( Dnl'ont llnik, Mm II V. Iop-m SIr limn M In-. Mr, F. L. Phillips Mm. II. M. iiu!ii Mm I i ink llmni'ilu, Mm II. (i llinihuii 1m r 11 Sinrhi-on Mi- Nillio llolli-trr, MI- .lulu Mien, Miss inklii 1 rtoinin, Mi-i Kill I.i nil, -Mih. Clu .iiii. Ililktitini, Mr- t.nnt lMton Mm I). U. I'ntull, Mm. 1 i ink s RirKrr, Mi- bu-m llhik', MI-n Helen drilhn. Miss l tehn (.ilniorp, Mr r, Liu 1) Dimnikl.. Mm II I', llluk, Mm C W. Koir, Mm 'I. C Vn s0uh, Mm II (' Willici, Mm ., .it Nt will, Mi-s Hnrence Polpli. Mrs 0 F Itoljerlon, Mm. F Iliul, Mr- II I, I . lor, Mr- ,Io-eph PInlli!, Mm. II M MircUr, Mm lo-eh O'Duen, Mm n tor Krdi, Mm sol C.i.M-inlth, Mm Aaron Gohl--niilli. Mm .Inn MtKenna Mis Jo-opli I.r , VIl- Ilu-iu F Hire, Mm Oikfoul, .Miss Rosen Irnu, Mm Wllllim Mi IMmlil, Mm T. I. Mill liolhinl, AIm t' II I 1-liei, Mi- Willhm . ,t Mi-m Philip t mm, I ,-ph J' Ireulihrv, ! r --Mi- wiiin, s n Ihorne, .lomci Ilhir, ir. f II. siiiw-, W. .tin, H. C. Sinter, Urn . ,lieil Ihml llr 1 Connell, F. but, w I. Ilemtixiil, H II Snellej, F. F. MiComh, I M Uiimc I hides II. Doirsim, 1 F. South, milh William II Pick, F, I, 1 mllip-i, II W, How let, I. F But pi, C Perry Went?, 1, I,. Molk, ! . ( ilirmki, II V Login, II M Ite-, ' I', II im, p. Plunilej, Maiem Unity. I ( II ill, T. li. lranlz, A T. Unfit, Ikiiuiinii biuiUr, l.eoiBi Wahl, I)i, r. II. I i-h-er, W r. HiiUtl, f W. .Norlhup, W. W. Wat-Ian-, Inn, Oittinsei, .1 . Ilottarth, fii mt I'lltdi, lime, Watktns II C Willaee, .Illicit Alike. II I. Mucin, CI111I0. II Mnil-y, FreU lit MJ llllill Mc--m W. 11 t o-toii, Ilittelljn Innn, Allan liniinJ, .1 Iitelanil, Iieil Wnlnnjci, U S Iet.t, . F Ie-tci, Thomas Carroll, II. A CimMeu, A. I. (.u-,t, P, .1 Ca,ct, Arthur I mi.', W, I) Ft ins, sol l.ohl-inith, Airon (JoM. Miiitli, lilmnl S. .tones, E. K Itioi, W. f Pidil, Ihnxloro Council, Ilolieit .1, Itinpr, liules titnlir, Villiam McDoiulJ, Hugh loni, lo-cph liiiikhet, II. F, t'luU, p, ' iiiU1 1 M f-nltli, A. I, jranlttein, 1. A. IlM,clr. i. Munn, V. II. 1oIc, J. T. Mtdrilli, M. II. Tappm, P. b Ciinc, I. I. Hun. W. ,1 Hamilton, , II. Jonc, in, C. r. 'Iliomn-wn, Ircil Inuikk, Dithl llitnolii-, P, F. Ilottht, 7. (I, Fislc. Alc, Oonnill, H, ,1, shiiherl, M H Giiein-o.t, Mi. .lann, l,, Micplnnl The lollowin," weie euUi taiiieil Ihllthdnv nlfrht by Miss Annie Kitliey it a euehie patty ffiven ut the home if ltu nlhtei, Mih, p. v, Nu.ilon, on juhnitl stieet: Mioses Anna find Maty S H I t ART EMBROIDERY i DEPARTMENT. . . . 1 he " Gibson ',' Picture Pillow Tops have struck a popular chord. Six re productions from "Life" show the Gibson Girl and her male entourage in characteristic scenes, Ready for embroidery, Stamped Top, with Back, 50c Embroidery Silks to Finish. 24c Pillow Ruffles, $1,25 3 I Cramer Wells Co., I S 130 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. ; &tyev&tmal l.melle, Annie ltufter, Nellie Oman, Kate Mtttlnnehs, Mury Iteady, Jennie. Well', Hose ailtfnllon, Mninr BtoRim, Atehhiitd: MrH. Uttike and Mis, Nea lon, Mis, Kaney: Mcris. ThnmitM Itaf lei', .Michael JlutiiH. Chttille V ivls, John Mil kin, Michael hee, M. V. Oul kin, .lint Mttiphv, .lohn Klaheil., Mot Knn Hwteney, Pntileh Sweeney, P. V. Xealon. Miss Anna licllo won la dles' Hist pi e mid Mi l,ee won the tfeiillemcn'.s Hist ptl.e. Mis. (leotse hluiKts mite a tea on Weilmsiiiy, when her benttlliul home In North Pntk was a vision of spiinjr, wltlt the em tains veiled In stmllax and the tooms MUeet with aneiuoneH and tirbtitiis. The table in the dluliiK room wan ailot tied with white iosis, while ntaiKllelltes ailtlt.il a pietty toll( ll to other iip.iitinents Mis. SHiikcs te celed with Ml. H. B. KtltlKes. Otheis about the moms weie .Mis .1, llonj. 3llilinlcl, Mi . .lames, Miss Chile lte.t nolds, Mitt. Clatcnci' Stilt Kts, Mis, Jatne.s rim titter Sanderson, Miss Pome, Miss i:il7.ili. tit I'nike, Miss Bennell, Mt. Ciatdmr Sanderson, Mis. Ilutlev. Jlrs. Twltehell was at the table In the dining loom. Miss I'ltanot tctioltK Miss Janet Dickson, Miss Uennell and Miss Helen Hatul assisted with le lreslununts. Those who lnne not vlsittd the t'oun try ilub plnce winter will he tepald for consldetnble exei tlou, if that weie nec essity, in older to lo.ist their eyes on Hk beauties today. The younpr Kteen of the le.uos, which is like no other hue at hiiv .season, the ielet .sward, the lovely glimpses of sky, nnd, more than all, thobe "dtlectahle mountains" oter yonder, with their infinite chanires of coloi, their sentinel .streiiRth lnc.kliiK fast our . alley, as In a casket all pie sent a plctuie which, if we had to tratel far and away acto-.s weaty dis tance lo '-ee, Ae should be swift to joiunev tow aid Just foi a testfitl look. Now, hi cause It lies but a few paces aw. iv, we let the monotonous tomor tows tome in between om vision and the jov theieof. Mls Bet tint Galland acLomp.Miied b Miss Pt ohman, sister oL Charles Ft oil man, of New York, will be the g-ttest of Colonel and Mis. , a. AVaties next w eek. This itteinooii will cluonide the openlns ot tlie C'otintty dub for the early summt r. The entei Liniment com mlttee will sette tta today and on teiy Satin day until August. The Sat in dav afternoon teas added a pietty feature last season, and wete Kic.itly enjojed hi membets who thus found a little social atmosphete appatent which, without the infounal cjiiyinp, out of the details, would h.ue lacked inteiest. Tlie 1 idles who will seive to day ato Mis H. II. Hiady, ji JIis. riarenee T5. StuiR-es. Jits. Oeotse O Utookf, Miss Alice Matthews and Miss Hunt HiH-. and Airs. John Randolph will sail for I'm ope on June 22 Miss Itan dolpli, who has been alnoad for seveial innnths, lias leluined, and will slay at St. Petei'.s teetoi v during the absent c of the leclot and his wife Mis t C. ton Stotcli, Miss Boies, Miss Penn packer and Miss Jessup jre in Motilstowu N. J, wheie thei nro attendinK a pleasant teunion ol MKs Dana's famous school. .Mis J. Henj Bimmitk will entei tain at luncheon today, and has also issued invitations to a eaid pait foi next Thuistlay. Mr. and Mis j. Ilenlaniin Hiniinhk fi:ae a dinntn on Thtusdav night in honor of Mi and Mis. James Gaidner Sandeison. The other guests wete Mr. and Mis ("home Stmges, Mi. and Mis Biady, Miss Alice Matthews, Miss Mc-I-eod, MKs irelon .Matthews, Messtp. M. 1!. Fuller, t'hailes Sandeison and lames Blait, Ir. The one and only l'lbeit Hulibnrd will he In hitanton net "Wednesday niglit, when lie will lectin e at the 111 cvcle ilub on "no;,eioft Ideals." Al beit Hubb.ml is the fiimotis authoi of the sun moie tamous "Message to Oaiein," which has been piluted up Into the millions, is the editor of that celelnated pulodlc.il, The Philistine, published "eety little while" in Uast Auioia, X. Y.; has wtltten nihny books wliielt have been liiMiilously pi luted, and Is altorfethei a unlciue pioduct of Ann t lean enlutlon. Ills luetute Is wondetttil in its wa., while the man himself, with his classical lace and sttangc eyes, hi which nie sniotildeilng fites. Is well wotth tin pi lee of a ticket to llear and to see, Mis V V, Sciatitoii enleiltiini'd at a lunilieun jestetd.iy, when among tlie e 0, XT. gtict were Mis. W. P. Hnlhtcan, Mifl, MnltlicuR, Mrs. A. V. Hunt, Mrs. C. I, Simpson, Mrs. J. K. Carmalt, Mis. 1). 8, Moffat, Mrs. James Hosle, Mrs, J( ltenj. Dlmntlck, Mis. O. L. Dickson, Mrs. II. M, ltlnlr. Mis. Uelln, Mrs. Uen nell, Mrs. (Icorge Sitnde'rson, Mrs. J. A. IJnen, Mis. Ijitvcttjv Mlsi Jcssjo M. Clay, Miss Vliglnla Dlnunlck, Miss Sanderson, The Home lor the Kilpinlless tlesltes all of Its friends lo contribute to tho rutnmngo sale, to bctilii next Tuesday at 19 Penn avenue. Those having- tit tides to give niny lnfoim Mts. C. V. Matthews or Mrs. Ij It. H telle. In the central city, or Mts V. D. Kennedy nnd Mw. i: V Cliambetlln In (lieen ItldKc. Mie, Chntincey Itevnnlds ami the Misses Iteynoldp, of Wyoming avenue, have i etui tied fiom u yenr'n slay abioad, In which they have enloved to the lull tlie dellchts of IoicIkii ttavel. Much of (belt absence fiom this conn tit was i ndeied iinl(iit by tcison of their lst to fnnnes, where tliov were entertained by their cousin, Jfis, At thur W'lnslow, who Is not only In the smatt set of London, but Is distinctly ot It. Mis. 'Wltislow lifts Ions' been n member of "the Prince of AVales' set." nnd has ontoi tallied the pie'ent KIiir or Ihiplniid In hoi own home. At the lime of tlie recent visit made by her Ameilrnn eousln, Mis. "Wlnslow had .Inst t etui nod fiom HI. IVteisbuipr, wheie she was entei lalned hv the Cnr nnd the (Hand Duke and their eliole. Thf Inipetlul Clinutmuiua f'ltcle of the I'enn Acnue IJaptlst ehuicli was entutnined tit the homo of Mr. nnd Mis, .1. Allied PennlniUon on Tues day nitjht. A unique pioKiammo was j,len, con&istlnu of paiets by tlneo Kontlemen, as follows; jir. P,enn, "How to Oft a tlirl and K op Tfet:" Mr. O. P. livxhee, "New SptiiiK Jlats-" Mr. llotschel Hall, a htitnoious dialect poem on the Pan -Aiiti'i lean exposition. The ManslUld-Dunhani wedding and reception was the intei ostitis feat ui e oi the week. Movements (if Feeble Mr. nirl Mts I) I I.m1(i ite il tlintlc titt M1h (ititiuilc Siri2u(. I- tiMlini; roljtitts ci l!d-t( n Atlnniit Ailin tt K in Wilkivliniu t official. stile 'fipisiirci I!. 11 llinliiiliili,uf Horn iliii, t li in tie cilj tills mil. tli s W illi uih, of Sm rruuisro, is tiitins: lior fithir, It II Williaiin, it lli.tel Jmntn Mr. ,1 II llrnuls lin Bono lo tl intie ( lit, t here it 1-, liopcil lie ttill full v r('aiu liis he lit h Ml iiid Mis f.coie Hire lie oeuipwn,; the loiileiui' on Muli'un at emu, foimulj the lioim of Mr. Luteliinl Walter PiCTHiti, Kilph Miliums inn C W Gnnstcr ittuulcil tlie nli(ili(luii dimi m Pitta tun, I liufeil ,y niulit Willie, tmaiK fcun of Mr mil Mi- Samuel Ilimi, of South 51 1111 awnui, undirttpiit m uicr ition, eirlj thn ttTel., tor i tliroil ill, i Inn Mi-i I Inphdlt Siniltrson, ttlio lu- -puil th( pa-t. ttto liionllM in tin- &nnth, K now in w i-h IiiKtun, iniouli toi li me, tthut h( ii ctpieUil nct ttcik Mr intl Mi- Willlim M W il-tn nturnul It tin ulj mi ludit, fiom l si months' Inp lliiom.'h tin- smith, mo,t nf which tune Ihrt s mt in Hijiiniorit. litis the ruU nut oil ccnln ! HER POINT OF VIEW A&IJUIUrf of attieles m the Centuiv .M.iKazme on "Some Amei leans Abioad" contains mafiv escellent luts on out little fialltiis. One diame ter is it presented as stathiH: that 'A man who is easily pleased sets him self down as common-place at om t ," and tlie speaker t onsclcntiouslt m. deinored to i.iny out tlie tin on. Ti be sine he made sevotal Kinds ot a tool ot himself, but that Is nnnlln-r sloiy. In .'nine iisjieci- he was piubahlv light. It is the ptiniitie taste which is contMiltl with the law etilois of ted, si eon and blue, tmsoftenud and unwashed. It takes , lonnolsseui in ait (o .'ppieciale a put pie eott weirdly looniitiK up against c idet bin dees outlined upon a letise sk, oi a nile frteen lady walking neat a pink oieau and tiilkltiR to a mail done up in smudsy jellow. The cnininoii eety-da put son is pleased wlun he can letugnle the alt ol "Tlie Star ripniiKled Jlannei ' 01 Tliete'li 13e a Hot Time In the Old Town Touijjht." Only it culthnled cal ls able to Know when a i kissh al pto riiain is i cully ends or wheie tue mid dle behlns and nf eoutse plain tunes Ittll.ite the cultivated c.u. The tom moiipl.iee indhidual is pione lo si e a Joke when it is diagramed, and Is moed to tents when sottow oot takes It 1 1 ii oi he beholds othei people In af fliction, Of coiii-to a tultuied, supetior mind I-. hetti'i contt oiled and can Iheiefoii' see the subtle line points of liilinni w'lhh otheis oteilook and can Kuiti a cettaln ileKicv of satisfaction in analyltis" other people's emotions and In the knowledge of hiipoilotliy. Posslblv, howenei, he loses much which Kites them pleasuie. It' the chief aim ot this lite is to bo dlseilin iiiailiiK, to he totever dissecting one's sensations and e-itiiuatiUK' win titer it would be in hnimony with one's su pctlotlty to smile at tills point or weep at tint, the supoi-c liliial pctfou has the best ot it If, however, it is con EiiU'icd that wo shall not pass this way luulii and tho eyes should he ulml detied by the lmely kivcii of May, tho lie.ui wanned by .suinntci's tin III, tho senses leinpetid and hushed by the pathos of autumn nnd the soul tested In tho guy Mittntss of winter, then blessed ate those who ute easily moved to teats or laughter by the gilefs or jos of otheis, who see. beauty In .sky and cm th and ocean, who take sweet ness out nf old laiullltn tunes as well nsi fiom the touch ot dear familiar hands, who in tact mo not hoted with tho fair monotony of eaith, of the sun shine, of their f i lends ot of htpplncss llsell, . The bote is a poison, Isn't lie, who titllis about himself when you want lo talk nbaut youiself.' I can think of no boie mote "hoicHoniu" than thu one who dieaiily Insists on point Ins' out his ttade mail; of stipotloilty as made evident b the fact that ho Is not easily pleased as it because lis Ilncls all his, oses to be labing thorns and i.o blooms that he must Insist upon your planting- thu thornful vat Icty also. Ho Is torovor Boing- about taking the colors out of your sunsets by u coiupaiisou with sunsets In Italy ot borne other place which us likely as not ha never saw. Ho is always llnd. lug the weak points In the glotious t bluing annor of your ft lends nnd making nicks In tho fult statues of your ideals nnd dtags'itiK away the sciccns joil h.iM' decotously sot up to conceal the unveiled skeletons of vice In the closets of yoitr Imagination, It may be ptcblitn and primitive and rom mem place to he easily pleased as ou walk thiotigh the wot Id, but It must he woefully tiresome to be obliged to live tip to a reputation for such fas tidiousness us loaves no sweet How or tinhllghled In one's Kaitlon and no fair fnniu uitHinliihed In one's stntely halls of memory. To by. sine thine Is such o thing na being too oelfeioiin In evptesslng sit Isfaollon, whether the object be me diocre or nthcivvlso. The lady who Industriously set about to pialse a cntpcU In a cettaln ft lentil homo and who wondered why her effusiveness seemed to moot with such thllly tesponsc, aftoi wards dls coveiid that the floor coveting In ques tion was a choice mnde by the former wife ot her ftlend's husband. At all otl'ei tlnio she waud vety cnthuslastlo over a gown woin by an niqualntatiCQ and was.stiipilsed at the coldness with which hei teniiiks wete leeched by the lttdv on whom she was calling. I. ilet ll ttausphed that I he owner of the pntly diess wuh a hitler enemy of the unentliuslasllj llsletiei. Tin- snubbed Alslloi in lelatltiR Iter epei!enies added: "Well, the whole nr.ltot Is lust thin, she hadn't nnv business to be on bad tonus with the other woman, tioodness me, I think I ci'iild eniluie it to hear anybody In the wide wot id Dtalgod, oven though I icfiulned iiotn Jolntni; In the choins t haven't .my patient e with uen peo ple, nnd tlicie too was thtl carpet friend of mine, yl shall ulttas think of 'hot as I lie Cat pet laid v.) Whv tin der the sun need nnvbndy who Ix nllve and sjood-lonklng hnself 1k Jealous of a dead woman" If lit" othei wile '"as still domishhiT about in the esh and thcie was a ptospect that slie might ensi.aie him again, there might be some sense in lieioUs. if fjit like that I'd do one thing tin- next minute and it v mild be to move sitalght out ot that house and give all the caipets and things the olhei one h id to the next rummage sale " 11 isn't nlw.i.vs Hie people who seem oasllv pleased who ate least disci Im inating, nor the ones who ate free In eptosliic, their pleasute who ate teal Iv coiuiiiiiiiplaee. .Som-llnn s the line enlht slasm t oui"s fiom a hoallhy mind in a sound bodv, a piesent day vitality which gives loso-coloiod glasses to the v Ision and a sweetness to the sptings of life, and sometimes it is tlie ( apuclt loi devoting one's thot.ghl and veiv soul to the subject at hand to tlie utlei extinguishing' of all nlnei Intel ests 1 know a little milliner lady who is an aitist in mote v.as than making stunning lials. she uses her gifts, as mill h in he." gentle manipulation of a iiistomer as in devising combinations of coloi. Mv inly lsltoi- seats hetsclf he tote the big mhioi. jradame looks at her ciitically. "les. I have the hat for ou, just the thing," and she makes a 1'. stv ditc into a big diawer It Is placed on the tisltoi's head at the pioper angle, pint bed in heie, a rose tucked tindei tltete, but still a dls sittlsiKil look on Madam's brow. "No, no,' she sis bilghtly, "It is not te lintd enough lot mih" with tho sliglit tst posslbh .u tent on the "von" "not sutlklf ntly gi.ueful," and olf she flits, tetiuning with a maivtl in pale gold ami pink, which huly enough suits my lath's fair be mty. To another cus tomer Madam savs decisively, "No, I hae nothing which will exactly do for ton. It is something elegant and tet unique which jott must have. Wait until the dat" alter tomonow, 1 will inakf ton a hit which will make ott a pictute. 'These things which I have," and she sweeps her hand out with n compichcmhc gestuie, 'might do lor some, but not foi ou," and the Mat tel ed pet son -joes awav putilng like a kitten and she comes back, too, and theie is tlie hat awaiting' her and stiangelv hei oming and fascinating aa ,i stud of uppiopti.ilcness It is 'Mil, bill toil .tie a h..se llatlelel,' s.ts an ijbseiving acciiaintanee, who had witnessed sin li a si cue wheie the obiict was a eij plain woman, and Mad nnc hid tinned inside out the m in v tissue -lined diaweis and mys teilous btiMs and was still unsatis lleil ' You make them go off feeling thai ihev ( oiilil be pioit ssional beau ties' il tiny only (and to do so, and vou do (agjCetale tilth (hums mi tabuiousl." "Indeid not1" piotcsts in idanie, hall' iiidignnntb. 'I do not tlattei. I do not tell lies. I am oulv inlet ested, that is all. Knoh customer is to me a 1 n tine, to vvnlch I must suit a itanie All the ctislomets oi jcstcidnv ato foi f,otttn. I only see tln one sitting Ihete holme the miiiii, At a glance I nin tel. wliat she wants. To mc she is not plain. I i.in sit possibilities in hei tnce which a good hamo will de velop. I know m v business, that Is all. 1 want to sa.t a wind, too. Unit will make her line look al its, best. Did ou se hois- light up lust now when I said, ''iour husband will like that hat; lie will say It hi ings out the sold which usi d to bo jn jom hill.' Del end upon It. thai woman's heaugear his I eon a lilul to hei bus bind, Vou (tin si e ll. Me has hatei! those cold blues and giujs and gieens, "V.ou'11 sou low she'll look with the Pink toscs callliu, a llltlo tutor Into hei clucks and ih ueamy biowu against her hair, with It Is ically love 1 Whoievor she puts on that hat her lace will light up with the leinom. hi .nice of my wouls, Just as it did to. day. She'll have (ompllmetits oil her boiler hi nlth this sumniei " THE HEAVY SISTER. i oiiii 111, si.tcr VlJiiilt ilon't .tiu" iln l,.v ih do' Pe lulillc ilis uttiii(, in ilr tthitti tn' on tie- Hi'! lie 6Mu in ik icnlil-.-hc ttcUli no liuiulieil pouii', l.n lie piio i fil tie diuoii ilat'll sttinp illt slttr lonn'l ) in'l .tun iicjli lie luii-ii f ( nine en jinu tie rnnvl Vln'l ill-, lulhlnli? siiinir ju' iiVlmrt ittn. Hull come II. .uon VMHUni lic'll ttln out, I lo bucm'! tnl nil' tlJt lie tv j- iMer ilone tllni-i lli'it Willlatiii ilottn! siill she tUinlin' lonesome llncst il in town; In tie prize H fu de ileaion djt'll tuluc iU( liter lonn'l Pcii't jot lit ih di inu'ie? ( oine in jlnt de ling! Vln'l dht lulleiiiU? sttins o' lu'lneti win$ llle (,uJ, none Mn swine her! Wlul )ou j,tiine ter dot Pji'S da )rUesa iopMn' t'um de chiinbl) shell at youl I5lr VVilllann he uiiiUii', but he'll git dar, I be boun't llu gone ter H i clcitiik (er ter .wing dat s'slci louiid'! Don't on heah de uiiijlcf ( mm en ji ne de tin;! Vin't di. halMnUr Sttin' ju' a'lner ntlnif' - I'l Jik I.. Uuttm in J esUe'e MvliIiI. 1 JON AB LONG'S aoNa. IM Saturday is a Good Economy Day Our Big Stores piesent an economy tale every day, but especially today will the advantages of purchasing here be evident at a gUnce over the many departments. Our Lackawanna avenue win dow display of shoes will attract you and then it will be worth your while to look well at other op portunities which await yotit choice. Men's Furnishings Probably the most styl isli white shirt adds to a man's, good looks. They come in plain madras, cheviot and linen, The prices are $1.00 and f i, 50. What is known as "Print Ma dras" will also be in great de mand: colors black, white, plain and broken stripe effects. 4. 4 Price $1 Plain blue and ox blood colors have been selling wdl; the grade offeicd especially good fot p 1 The Great Shoe Sale At the Big Shoe Stores Has been the most unusual ever planned by these or any other stores. The thousands of pairs of shoes we have already sold and the thousands of pairs we expect to sell add to the exceptional featuies. OWING TO LIMITED SPACE in our SHOE Department, we have devoted part of the center aisle, on the main floor, opposite the Glove Counter, to a May Day Shoe Sale for Misses' and Children's May Day Oxford Ties and Strap-Sandal Slippers in all sizes. Infants' Sandals, without heels, in all colors ; b'ues 2 to 0 46c Children's Sandals, with spring heels; sizes 5 to 8 00c Children's and Misses' Sandal Slippers in all leather; sizes 8 to 2; pi ice 89c Children's and Misses' Dongola Oxford Ties, in all sizes, at 95c Morrison's Imperial Silver Soap is now being demonstrated in the main aisle. It makes no dust; it will not scratch. It does polish everything it touches. Jonas 4 4- k "l 4 4 4 4 SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inicnii itc l.iintt Mgc 1 1 ilimicimi-. tlmij. Ni 111 lit lhlll.4 let ih In iteuriti'" Hi uhi nl tin Mill toiilil ti"UU ml mo In im I ik In 'Kin fin-linis tnol 1 in-, null foi public ition), tthich it pnsMlile ttill li iiMtruil in full 111 111 oirl) i tu if (If Hcrklt Mini jnil then irrcint ici ,int' IciIruI iriiuieiliittlt hv mill Ml 1.111I1 miiiiiiimiu tiuiii unit, hottiur i- 1 matter f irir-i lipm thi ttritu'-. iniiii t mm 11 1 iiMuv, ih 1 tin 1 n it tin; 1 miiut I 0 nh.11 intu n Mild it 1(11 Dfindelion as a Spilng Vegetable. OM: or tin- culnit iml mi-l hIiih of th IlltCIlt Ot .plllllt 111 thin IntllitV i-t till! 11 pi , 11 nice of ttonuii ir.'l tluhlun up 11 tji in' 1 H, tthi, mind ttith in oh! 1 info or Im puou mil 1 hii! it, ill),' up tho liiiilihui; plmU (it lliu 1,111111011 tillovt Hittir, lli it tn I 11 11, iml th' mijiiilt 01 our tittiiH 111 il iiilit ttm lev ttht Iho-o pioih klioulil mi ( villi miii It fu iml Ilimi illicit (olhit Mil flint puniN ut thin (om mon ttiml Hum' ttiniiii .iini chtliluii ttith ft w itrtpli tin ik(, 1 1 111 111 01 I 1 cut H mil f, ithoi I In' iliiiililion 11 1 pndotiH nml liirJilt I'-Ufmul 1IM1 of tin tiini icui tirt'lihhi ot tin iiopli, tin more, ippiit-itlril Ih it i the- lunt ohtliiulil.. Jiltr tin' Im,; ttintti i'ut ot uiiiU iml ihh I tltt.lllh, IiUIIh, pi Ih 1. Illi pilltniH llnj fol- Iltv only the niluul liinlinu of inimal iiitiiio foi 1 ohinsri ol ilkr tilth tju1 chaiu,e 1 f ihi ! i- -COS, Jill 'lH (l llllill li 11 Ih om 0 1 1 l Ht ulililo iml it tin- -nil- limo iiiLilhiiial jilmli ttliith milt lN ippi 11 inn', il ii f ii 1 l.t muikIi'. iftn mi 1 titui with 11INI1 cithti euol.dl like piri ic li in inUeil Willi potitors ih i oltoiy Mia 1 III' 11)0 llCIIIll plulllitH ol 1 hi' phut, tthliii ici Oil nl it-, l.lllJMl llllill. Il.uil tin timltil It i mlil 11110 of its li ins to 1 lioii'n t nth. Inn tthliii in (It nil ill (I'i-lliln 11) iii, in lu'iuli (l'i--nilit) tt in 11 mini .ulii iti. proptities lH ,1 liiilhliiu in nltliuliliu ill" nihil it lli'i-i! or u'iiih 01 tlu Ik l.t tthi')' oltii, it in lo ml tin Mit!!!l 01 llf lllllliml itlol! lit UmiI up nutiiiil. tl. Mi mm mi- mi 111I11 in,.-', llu I IiIiujh .mil I In. tn .iml thiiilit lo, ih It i i iuil.iih' llllllnl, plllllt tho I loo I, 111 1 pli-.Miili, li.t till ttlt, ttlllll. Ih I Kill (f till 111, llu ll llllill) cf th. mill Hit io, (lit "hunionl tluuit of ilin. t.ii," which 1 iiiliul ill illi ihs to liiiiiuil,t if th- liuiiuiH .I liiiii'li iluuhitlin; itithln the limit, III inoilii ini' (lit loot 11 1I111I1 liuii hi- htm 11-nl fol liiiiuliuN of .tills ih 1 1 limbic' 111111 ilt 11(1 in 6lil mi cmplo.tnl lij 1 mv if tin ohlir phtHliiins iml thin ixkiulul iitll(lo Ihh nliimii that this Iiotv uIiiiuhI foiKOtlui iliii!,, tthie.i (.iohh ,il 0111 iluit., in In iiuny icp,i, lir Hiiperloi In tlie 'unlit mtf fant,lnl nml tiKirlf IioukIiI. pilfiit lilooil imr I lit r-t iml niii- iiioili. (iini or ttill tho inn heiiitc illy picpuitl hut liltlo ttlitl ilrugH HhuI lit phlt i.in, iiott 11I 1 1 1-, tlilillj liciu-o 1 In y Jlc put Into tliil liimll in 1 lOineiiiint J ml .ittrKtiw (mm, Huh 1111k. iiU" it easier In dis ciimi thou thin the ou tline, lon" liii',1 ami mtir tmmil intinif litlp. lilctH of tho f.llilllv iloitou It luikea one Ht llku mi in' tttlli the (iiiuian picf "Wlij vtanilor iml iohh inin uuIiuh mikuuttii I'oi the netr of tmt ilouhtfiil taluc, When so much that is kooiI lie mtlfttetl at 1 oine, l.tir teatly anil potent to ahl iou." Aspaiagits as a Medicinal Plant. Jt ituru Im placul jt our iliniiosil ttlthout. tho nreesaari" Inlittciiticn ot tlii iliuc.L,Kt another taluihlu .0 calleil Hood imrilicr III Hut dclielitful and sit my t.piiug MKrtaM', .ip.iuyiH. Ihi-i plant, like to uun.t others, eon talna certain actlte principles which iheinUit lute isolated and named, ani ttliieh into a tut litiitneial action upon tlie evcietoiy mgaiis ot the boil), especially the khlnc.u, .tml tlitso i-o, htc J aetite principles in thu form of alkaloid aid cf late u-(?( quite eileiiDitcli in medicine Hut in older to get not only the lull wlue ol the plant at a satori vrgelahle, but ala it Iiiietttlal eftect it has to be properly ral-tl ami properly cooked, and aspatagu; U one cf the mq.nt pertinent illtc-trat loua vc lute ot the old baling thai "the good lord protidul the fcuotl tiling to eat, but the detil nut tlie cookb to toil tin in." lo phtaiii tho lnot itwlta tho upiouts khould be cut about teven inthei lielott the surface ol the (tiouinl hi lore 6uniU, thrii tho tipj hate Jiut appeaud abote the ground, be tjune ui in celtry the cpourc oi the ttalk lo the cunllsht and the air while grotting; cauo.n a rapid ilcpo-.it wf uocdy fibre and of the green coloring inatfii tthlcli' alvj change!) the relation ut the dlUtrcut act he priiiunka to each otliti JONAS LONQ'9 SONS, "Comfort" Shirts for men or, as they are usually called, Negligee Shirts, are here in every style that will be In vogue during the coming season. Tlie assortment of popular priced goods is more complete than ever. and modish shirt this summer will A tine grade of Percale Shirts, in all the new coloring, with cuffs to match .... 75C A finely woven Madras cloth, made with one pair of cuffs, has been a rapid seller. You'll find plenty on the tables to- day at 59C Long's Sons in I then In tliineen the flator mil mcilieinnl Mr 11m ot the pi inf bennies mikinir it touch intl slrlnsj tthen nuked, so (hit onl.t the tip-) of tho hlnots iio fit to eit. Hut iten If tin (.talks are tthitu nnd ftinlir thev nnv -.till be ppoilul in the cookiujr lit drum); the juice tonliiintd in the tube, it huh run pirallel to eieh othu tliloiiKhont I ho whole lensth nf the ntilk, out in the lioiliiur iml lo mi.lcctiiu. to remote rhe IuiirIi outti nkin which, ih in the munnbei, contJius a litlir it lite prnicipli To net the lull Ih in til 111 iujlitt ih well is 111 uuautiii, tlm i.-ni.igin Malls it frelily cut 11 pohhIIiIp, white .mil n 1 in. should, without fli' I. w chimr, be pirhil nil the oiilci skin villi 1 slurp knife from I Im tip- ilittn in Ioiik ships liko eiitunibtri, the 1 ml-. hIiouIiI thin Ih cut otl -quire and the petleil -talk- tt inlied ciiiiklt 111 1 old water Diet Mioultl thou be !oo!y tud in a bunch nnd the btiin li placed on two mull pins of wood m tin hotlom of 1 till put 01 kettle in in upURht ii-!(nm iiid tin i(t lllltd wuh inhl -ill watir (one tea-pLiniul 10 the pint) Miflliknt to cottr the lip-i of the aspatiiiiH Hit pit should then be toiiitd mil tin silt w ittt hiou-hl to a bull nnd kept. 1 nliiiR nh ttlt- foi llnrlt niiuutro ot loiici if mcin-niri. llu hiuor is then piniiit oil, tin Inimli till upon the pl.lttt r upon which it in hi I e eiiul mil tho Muufc, cut jinl irmtteil tthih the uniiiniui; lupioi H diaiued oil bt nlichtlt tllliniT tin plittci In thin iiiaiinii of uiukiiii;, Hi iuiie In tin tubet ih iiiiteulid fiom i-iapne inin the salt wilrr ind ill tin. II n 01 and medicinal pripeilift .ire rituiKil In the sialki, uti.t poitnn tu whiih 11 IiimIouh iml ttndci. Tin cuitim?'! and pai Iiuh nut In ilrh J iml site I an Hit ir for soup The Prevnlance of Nasal Catanh. On- i,r the riitktH of the 'ilnl !i-k: "U rtal 1 itairh nine pin dent in Mime of lh stttOH thin in olIiii-Hc" md "What m the reion Hut then Ih po iiiiicb less uisal 1 ttJiili in l, 1c.1t Itiililii lb 111 In tin- 'lihf" 111 HIV.MlIm, UiihO . jlltl-1 If llJi I llllill Mint of ill uniliil I ln leidir ilnl Hie tenn "c ilarrh" oi "nitil catinh" is popiihilj ipplled h a pelt t niet of iIm t-ttl conditioiH of the mil tius iiKiiibruie iml tt the bint 01 1 nllliiriuoiH Iruiiettiik ol tin in-. il ratiliiH pioluced b; .1 en it tulcli ol illiliicul cui-iH iml iciompi. 11111I bt in L.n il 1 tiililt uf iliiltiuit stiuiiloniti but HHiuiblliii; -iih othei bt ill.tciufnil ill the ni-il cririiiH ind tint 1 ih of tin mist iniiieiitlf iliHiitid 1 iiihi-i i an our sti.unln or titer itllitioii nf tin 11. rt 1111-. HiHttin, liuithu with wiiil o in-li ir ml nihil 11011 -.unit 11) ciiinli. tioiiH uf I ih, whlh 111 tho othu hind the k pit lult siipp Mil mil 1 iiihi if mill iiliiili, 11, iliuoHplniii eonililioiK, lipid ami tiohut tliiin.c.1 in It 111 fu 1 1 1 tin ind 01 ilimilf, luti been I lund to li but liltlo i!-Kin.iUi for the pit tab lint- if tin tli-i i". -n tu Innl Hut In l.irs'n cilli It l imu e put ilt n( ih 111 111 mril ilHhii hi mil uicri ttiiun.ou in niiniilii liulut,' trmus thnii in luh ulliit il lenlus Hut in cnmpiiiuir the atailible -.litMUs im- Imd tl.it theie is ten llltlo tlilbiintt 111 the diltiiiiit sit,s of the I nihil Wilis in losuil to tho prutulciHi! of in. J I 1 ilanh, tlLliu, the total population of cull si iti into ion.1,1. ullon In some of tho hi til. jt llMJM l Iht 11-11 ll l.ljMlltl' to le mini' piitilcnt beiau-i of the duir popula tion ami tlie iin.(.iUiut niulliplieatiou oi 11. t.mli into adttitUnitnt'i callluir public attcn tl"il ti) tin' eWcnre of the tiuladt. Whither 1r1s.1l laliuli ic mure piculent in the tlulteil Stitri f hiii In th llcilt-li l-le-i I 1111 not pic puid lo sit, bn if it should bo bn, it an 1 i.il.t ho ictoiiiitul fot lo llu- ililfiieiK.- in the tcinpeiainrnt and life condltiotui oi tin- two nations 'I lie one nertoui, netrr resting, etei forward MiitiiiR Ameriran, and tin) other his inoio phhtiiiatlt, blow smug, consettatite ind ic-sl-litlui; (oiiiin on th" mini sld.t of the ocean, mil the dilftrince in climate in i If- ftlul upon thn mtioui oiitciii tut alni hate its inliucme upon tho lilffetence of the piet iknco cf naal ut.inh in the two lounlrln Uselesb Effoit.s, fcil. tit) of om- forfiun fmli inprcs are 1 miiiieiii iiij cililciiiallt, in 4 ro-initlie ttln, en the futility if all eftoitu to educate (lit public 111 Hut mallei of losriuie, "tlie most linpa-.-ioiud .ijiostlrs of hiulene ami rantlarj pregrmt teem td Ih. potterlts,. 10 toutliito etcn their own wind and daiiqliteij ot tho danscre of trailing thiir 4klrH throusti Hid tilth of (bo etreet-i, tol Ittlintt animal online aVd urine and p allogenic niltrubi-i, ami thin drain them into pritate hou-is " Journal i the ttneilcan Mtdieal As faociaticn The Compaiative Pathology of the Jews. Loncluditi. ailitle b.t M, Iwhb, 1. The id"aj adiauud are nininuiUoil in the fol lowing propositions. () Hie dt illi ratn ol the Jewj.it all aKO.arerilatitel.i ami ab-olutely low er than those ot the people auioiia: whom tin v lite. (,:) Ihe niauu',c uUb anl billli lite ol the JONAS LONQ'SSONS, be white. We all know that and plaited fronts; the fabrics ate The whole range of Shirts has been covered in the so-cent line. Bedford, Madras, Cheviot and Percale, attached and de tached cuffs; in fact everything worthy you will find In this line, fiacii, 50c Boys' Clothing We have manv Blouse Suits, in all wool blue serge; deep sailor collars; shield in I rout collars beautifully trimmed; sizes 3 to 9 years. Saturday $3.09 Boys' Caps a special lot Saturday 35c Boys' Double" Breasted Suits in new and pretty designs; colors blue and brown, plaids and checks; light and dark; sires, 8 to 25 years. Saturday $2.99 Boys' Knee Pants special for Saturday . . 35c Boys' and Children's Hats in all the new shades: made of felt extremely light weight, in blue, brown, castor, stone-grey, pearl and garnet ; all sires. Saturday 50c Boys' and Children's Straw Hats, new and attractive effects in style color and quality. Prices, 25c, 50c, 89c, 98c, $1.48, $i.98. A Saturday special at 35c Boys' Washable Suits in blouse and Rus sian blouse effects; sizes j; to 10 and 8 to 14 years in all the charming new wash fabrics; beautiful shades; up-to-date models; prices, 39c, 50c, 75c, 89c, 98c. $1.35, $1.50 A special lot of Boys' Wash Knee Pants. 35c twAyAyt Tens' ire nnnllcr than those of the Christian?, the lews liicuase in number more rapullt thin louTittn bcriu-e tiny lose b ilnlh lelttitelt fewir cliililrcn and bniu more to nntiiritt. (i) Ihti .bits die hss oftin til in their ncitrhbon from miny nf the infcctiui? di-e-CHCS, partlculnly cpiilciiilo cliolni, Hiuillpiv mil tubciLiilosi U) Mplulw ind ilcoholism, "mil al5o dm Ihc-s due 111 sri it 1111 i-uie to 1ueir poisons, ire com piritntlv tuo-mionif the Jiws, (3) Dubetoa ii teit fieoiirut anioiij tin Titt. Mie-t ib-trtirs bin- ncordid tint ilmo-t S'i pir cent of all the ci-es ot dub Irs 011111 in Iitts (n) Ml thn fiinclioiul iiiuiuct and p-tiho-i-. putn ularly lieui islhiiiu and h.t-stuii, occur more fiemientlv anions I In-' lewt tniu anions mn.liws, while all the orc'inlo lunuiis disca-e-, as tubes, (rencul juiiltH, etc, lie les- fu tiu'Mit, coiiiincnsuia-c with th lntreiiuuHj 01 sjpluIiH and aliohileiti .Mm iik Hi, in the auat miiuiltt ot ca.-ei ol irnuuotii id(H y ,ciii ut .liwi-li ihitdien, aic' iu-.initt i- nut with iiuonir Tetts betwem tttc ml lite limes moie otlrn Hun siiminsr Cluistiii (7) ISIImliiis-, 10I01 bliudiH-, trichiimi, mil elm eiiiit, and il-1 t.tucOM tcius, piilnulirlj hcinoi ihoitls iml hi mi is, ,ue tilt In qui ill mini., Im- (s) ll Hicm' ptinliaiitics 111 the lonipu .line patholiL.t if III' lilts an not dm to im cthnii, 'bio-tilu," ir laclal 1 h iiaettn-tm of a pmi'lt uuili inn ll 01 plrtsiologual luture in lelatlon lu nun I it Ihet hate their oiiriii 111 the pi-l lu-loit in ll,e Juts, m.theii hibils nl Im, nnd 111 the nit Hut sjplulis md alcohol f -111 lute but unit lien sun jiiioiil, tin 111 t'i) Allele the Jut is iouiiiiinlln, tilth Ids fliri--1 1 111 iieu.hbois ind ulipts theli cu-tonis ami hi Into ol life. In- Menu or lain lo-es lm "1 ieu 1 hauteiistiif," md his ctiiuiir ilit.i pitholoL,v prneuts no spieiu) peciillorltus New 101k AleO leal lotiinil A Lnige Fossil Skeleton. Putisni W. I' .Muilili. of Hut Uatsitt ulii-tu-ill, leicnllt ili'lltiiul .1 hi line at M. Pet irsluiL. iililina: tn Hie di-cottit ol In, tir.l skilitin In Nnrtli llu-.ii of an iiiledllutiiu im in jinn-, the I'liio.tiuiL- The skilcton he un i.iillul un istuis ni.ult tin ful ut Itnglli iml u Un Inuiit !o-iil of this Hptile Hut his etc Inn ili-cuti ml llillii itc, the lliiti-.li MiLii-in, lii po-.Hti.Mll 1 lie larrft-t iiiiiiien, lound bt- IT 1 i(Hi,i wllct, 111 C ipn ('ultiij, 111 i-i, in d tthiil ncisuns otir 11I11- feet in luijlli l'roff-su Vmilikl Im been eiiluul in 1I1I1 qut-it in Ici-sils for sitenl uiouth- lie imeirtlied noil Ihutt ekclctoiis on llu bulks ol thn t)ltlicin Dttlni, but Ihet wire in fi iiiicut, wlili tln ttptnui of this colo.-al spi liiiin. 'I lie hkiie Ions ittlo luiind nub, d.kil linnlv ill .1 hard bar, I stun Tin j will bo deposited in the l'alieouto loitlt il Viii,eiuti, whiih n t-hoitlt- to be Inult at M IVttiohiiiir. Lime as a Fertilize!. Im.- id icialnli 11-eil to inipioto the levin i and the drain 11:0 pottet of the soli, which huUiu th- diiompiititioii of uruiio matter into aiAlU bio 1 1 nit food or In assist in ticeuig the 1.01I Ot I nil lit jlisll Ideli ia in tho null. 'Uicre in 4 'uilitknt amount of lima in must soils nhlcli it taken up by culinary tion and in buch cues lie ililieienr in nitres n 1ml phosphone acid, ttliicli is t!Ui(nll known, tint the land be in hcl; cf pome attention and in such easei them i-i found Hut th 10 is a ihpritaiy of lime thriein, when is in null c.i-is the land b atcompajile I bt 1 tiln of icidlti or foiirnrsi ind which 11 fiUl tu the oisiniw 8tow(li ot tiuny cultitit-d pllllls On Vowels and Consonants. Celle (1'aris). 'Hie luthoi ileiiion-hitpil by meJu.i of (ha pliam ejiiiphli' IruiiiRi which he presented not onl Hio dHlcimcrs- ill the tailous tint els iintl ronm naut.s, but aUa the inditidiitl dillcrencrri due 1 1 tlij dlflereut manner nl' fcuiech in t4rioiii sub juln lit mcire, of these phonoiruphlt) tracin;i Ihe author Ins aim been enablul to ilcmomtN Imlts in pic niiriclaiioi , rrrttln hultj in ipiecl Tims in sltittrrer lie tound betwetii tbi'.A and I (Im h'm of i;, tthith by Hio slntviywa ot thi tlctatioii oi He tongue li eri ohtluctlv form. Definitions. Cotiooii mts foil-in int arc iho-e parts of mil irticnlato ipeetli width caa ouli bo distinjuiflied nml leeoKuired as to their elui tcttristici at 4 ili.it line bv thr ear when thej are counded to. Ri-tlni with i tocil wnunl, or 14 it is callei, 1 toue). The name itself impllct at much, ai it iiifjns to jound with, to be con-onant. Catl KIKr, M, I Hlnglluts niotliers.' Rtoat canxat (i llluns outer mote tli.in lM'lc iteMii, unci constitute .t otltable olty of fnt The niaiiuiiotli lilppodtomo unipltltli"!i ter lb tho LiiKC-st ever const! tn tftl, ami ij absolutely impm lotis to uln,