i 1 "t ' -.'. - ,' - ' .-Wr-, .!5$i ,. l I , ' , ., v THE SCR ANTON T1U13UNE-SATURDAY, MAY h 1001c rf . iv ,. (ir'i. - sn -. t.-i. '(.-., i- . V 'i4Sf - J- ,V . IIK.IIAIII), bdlmr. II, P. HYXIlKi:, ll'i-Hi'". Miiijkci. New Vuik Offlfi IM) .Sjni -I. VIU'.l.liAM). Nile Numil (m I'uielsiti Aduili'ltU. ki.li-ir.l ill t lir I'o.tilltli.' .11 nillllntl, l'.i , Niutitl I'l-i' Miill Mallei. --.-. ' - - - " uiini iMir win i.Minit. 'Mir 't illume i',a,.,,;r .lad III pi III) .1.011 Mll-I '11,111 IM fill III' '" I fi.sr n .ntieiit li.pl". I'"l H "'I" "1,"u. , inii-i in. .lmi.il. mi i,Uii.iii"". !.' '"'. Vi . ml iuiiip; -mil Hi,' loiiilltlmi iii;.imcIiI ' IM, I. liui ill i mil n Iml lot" lnll I" '"lout to nlllullil i"illtui. I Hi: I'l.VT llMli fill Mtvr.lt 1 l-INCt. Ilir fntlmiln;r Utile '!, Hi"1 'iiv I"'1 l",',1' rmli Itwrlloii. -'" I" '" 1""1 l"'l" '""' ''" I It, in nl lnl liiriili ' mi HIM'I.W. I I'M" I -- lh III 1IJII llllll."1 .-'"I Knl lmhe I .' Vim ! .In .,.,:i " ! .I.V liKM " I'l HiMiiitii; I'iuMIuII ' .',1 I'l .H" .1". .III-. I r idi nf lliu,'. olull.m- of i,.ii,l,"l III.' .Hi n...l -I... II... ....ilrll.i.liiil.4 III Ihe II Itlll fl MIIMni! 'I hf Tlllllllll- Wake. I tlium- ,l nt . 1,1,1 lUt'r. d.r (l.i-.lti-d A'btiti-hnr fm nl-li'-il "" .plli Jll'iti. TWELVE 'PAGES. Hi'P.ANTON. MAY I. 1H01. mii tlin ,iii"iiiit nf k"i'iiiiiRr Hit' fhow i.p n mi Suniliiy. lip" niiiniiBi'is of tln- I'ltll-Alllfl-Ifllll l-Xllllinil IIH' i'N'll''fl- piiiIiik: 111,' usiinl illlllciilty linn iiltcnil.-t nit I'fCmi to iliM.n ifViM ylunly. Ballot Reform. AlVMlMMNCt TO tin- IluiiiwbiliK Kitli'i'lMinik'lll of lln I'lllln- lulplilu KciIrit. "tlipif mo only two points of illfffH'tir.' Iietwivn tlie Wimy ltc'iuliUc:ms tti the U'Slsbititir- anil thiiMp wlm iloslro nn iintn-ovt mi'iit in tho biillnt lnw.i. Tin1 l.ittop want in nli.iinloii tlif I'iti'b-. the foiini'i' ii.itit to ti'tiilii ll. 'fills Is t lit (It. st. I'oloni'l lltiffeyV bill innvlil(" foi" no flri'lp, Scu.tt nt- l-'in'lit's tine-:. 'I'Iip utlii'i- point of illflPicini' I.- ilit- assWi iincp inovlslon. rolotu'l (iiillVyV 1)111 pt-ovidPK th.it no voti'i- slmll ii'iciM- us Mlstanip in till' piop.inttion of his bal lot, unit". ii'" n M Up." .itllibivit tbal ln ii unalilc to lead l-'nulMi. 01 is uip xpiiti'd 1 1 urn iii.uMiiK Ills ballot by bliiidiii'ss in- otlipr iiliysli'iil ills.ibilliy. S'-mitm- Koclit's bill allows any vnler to luiiiK another into lite booth to, mark liN ballot wit hunt alleglns nnv iiecessit." 'flic last sellti'tice ill 111"' Itili'Kiiilltf Miiotnllon is liaiilly a fair slai.'iiieiil of I lie Koeht bill. That bill pnivlilp: that "if any voter deulaies to the JiiiIup of eb'i'tioii thai by icason of any disabil ity he deciles assistanee in the )iiep .nalioii ol Ills ballot, he shall be per mitted by the JikIbp of eleelion In se lect any eleelnr nf Ills votins piei-lnet or distt let lo aid him in the inep.ira llnii of his ballot in llw otitiK eotu piiitnieiil " IJis.iliility must be de- l.ucd. Thai eonstlllltes "alli'sius a ni'i e.s.sil." I'.lil in tills- niallPi' of assKlance at tile polls the I'lllYiw bill is ideally ptef eiable. The latitude allowed in the Koeht hill is loo wide. Disabled votPrs ineiil help: bill the veiy fart that they have In have it Jtislilles safi'Riiaids aq:.iinst hand. When any voter by moldy s.iyiiiK be is disabled tan taUe any helpoi he pleases lino the booth with him, then- will be an end nl sp eieey and of hoiip.sty in our eleetions. mid I lie inai ketiiiK; of voles will llniirish beyond nieeedelil. I'loserM- the parly i in-le but put clamps on the inn active ' lielpoi." ('or d city thai is mil used to lecelv ins inesidontlal "visitors eveiy day, New Orleans has made a very favor able MiowiiiB- Letting Off Steam. ONI" "WHO .dKlls hot self "A "Di.sRUMjd Wonmn" contrib utes to the Sun a letter which, ' ir hiK'i-pri'SMire liosiilniiam bonleriim on hysieria, is really worthy of pie.s.'i vatlou as a curiosity. This woman fi.r internal c. Idenci' bhows the feminine tor.ch vrKe.s: I ,ini liiiil Trading .il.oiil .uili-i.i .oiiiiiiuiil tii's ii'fnriii cirjciilcs ami pnillj Ii.ikui-, WIiv ilnii't llicy im In, tlip",b.ttnni el Hie liuulili -ll liuulirr.' Ildorni thf wi.iiiin .mil t In- men will ! .ill ilslit, lift a bill In loin the 1eil.!tiin .iloli-hin sll Mcnii'ii'ji ilui-, Irl I he onicii Miy at lioinc- ami take cur of their children. niikr- hornet (or tlu'ir hiisbJiul and com, lip lilirr.il, liinjil-iiilniliil .iml wit-respecting and I liilr iliiMun ill ii-i-iipi'I tlicin and tliein vlu-. lln' liinilii'is u( iIh' (li'ohition hid no i (lilt.. Tlidr -in-, lniilt up tills Krand republic, I tie lUin-Inu' miiih have kiuii (. worthier, I. li.nir In i. ili-.iud moully ilepuvnl tint llure er tour loluiniw .no ,M .iUit ill almoit ei.-ry ,,i.ii im lln' wonniilaml In herald (orlli to all vim .in- iml 10" ill-iMul tu lead, in III,- n,t iiiinil.', iKnoiiiil -aid MilKr nianiiiT li,nv nil, i -lr i,ithle-.-i i hoy mi' tlmiiu'lm, lo liae rc.anl, . .liK.Hnl .aid loiiliiilli-d (or the must Impi,-. Minulile ,i.ir-i u( Ihelr Jive) (lui.e iiitl,.iii.U .iml miii-i liny aie tiow liei.ltlni:, Oh! 1 lould all,, on Mi (or il nionJIchy il il uould pin nu -in "Hid 1'ritt" to chip Mi, in .iml mih Hi, hi lienni hen he (omul tluru eollfi linn im iioIks in Ihrir (raini tu carry home in ilii- imiir iiiieaieddor, un(ortnnite otUiirliii;. We want ' missionaries women niKsinnji ( i tulit lietti wcll-inlnrinid umen, iliilile., ii,i',llc, fiiolilres nud 6li9ri!elf.i. While .mihiiiii f nre uamhlcrs drunkard-i mid siioli-. inui uili he irucl, ilcpraird and dUhuin"l . We'll waRcr this woman fei-s better iirtiuly. It Is always a iellef to nn oad, 3 tin of court's .s)io doesn't mean ill she s-iys. The inability of the f.m liluu mill, I to s-menilize correctly is i lie of the until eui Ions of psjcholosl nl piienonienu. The ilantter of nu eaily straw hat epidemic lias been tempoiarlly averted, Porto Ricnns in Hawaii. B,Vni TUi; fail of I'orto nican em Ik rat Inn to Hawaii, awl thu lator unnoiiused one that tho iiiiiiibor.-i of siieh end-cinnd- had been lurwly overs-'tnted at first, ha vo lac n uotiii-1 In these col-v-iiiU-s. ThCio people, at l-.-ast the fliht sots of tln'Ui, have now been ft r soni.) moiuhH In their n w honie. Mr. lieu ry Kt, ilimr, of Han Fntnols-ro, who i.s ore of the l.uijo 'Jiuployeis of labor en the islands, has within a few dnvs ceen in New YoiJ;. and bus told th? Tiibuiio of that elty (hit these I'oriu Rlcan laboieis havu piowil nn effect jol FOlutlon of the dltllnillles that con (iiicd I'liuuvis itl it uuiic'-taiion cut off fuitliiM' Oilctitnl IniinlRrntluit. Much was mi Id. al tli time. "I" ttolibto In i-'un I'miit'I'io wllli KUitlnR Hip llrat p of 1'iiito Kleini- m ro mi to ilio IflJtiiN. Sny.M Mj. .St. rjinif! '"I'ltl-t trouble iirosr fioin Inlior iiRltiltnis III -nii I'l'iin I'co, who tnlil tin. iiiinil Kiiinl- they wi itiiln.' lo mi t'li lienllliy ni'.intry, ntul Wiio to It" hoU llltll lllllllUHl Id I'llltle?''."' Ml their iPiidllloli In llielr new lioii'o I lie Hlill: "Mli nll'IMll Hip IIUllVI'M ate lit IllhlltPil pin tatti illlioiii; tile liliilf I mt loii!, mid lllul tlielilselVP!) I'oiiifori ii lily hoiiM'il ami piovldpil fur. Tlteli' new xiliiotllidlliK" mo the ni:lilp of In. iirj. In (tiiiipiiil.eoii with wliui tliey have been aeellslotneil to lit Ii.iiiip. Tln-y hnve Iioiios. filr'l, wiiIpi. IuhiiI till mid medical not Vice flee, nil 1 1 lite I aid nt "(hf Uile of from SIS lo $.20 il tin nib Im tin men mid from fl'J to $11 for th women. Tliio Is" no ilnulit tlml I hey wlli develop Into llreflll Mollieis, fiti' lliey ale ni'i ll.sliimed to the lrnt1 I'lil mmosplieie anil ttike iiiiliiially lo tin- llf of the pliinliillnns. In tliolr mw .MirioiindliiK.s (hey me .happy, mill because of their leports lo their kins ii'.ni little dldli'iilty Is IipIiir oxprl fliced In secililnif othpi ipcrults In I'or li. lileo." It .K'jem.s to he aillililted nl.- nil iddos Hint the inboiiiiR population of I'oito Klco s one ' oiiHldoi'iiblv In exee.ss of piisenl opportliiiiUe!-. wlillo the Ha waiian Islands' me developing Brent prosperity. There Hpeins to be no call for sentimental niniirnliiK over I'oito liiiau emigration. It Is satlsfnelory to learn of the pro.s pict nf xonie early IniproveniPiitH 111 Nay Aiif park. Al.so of tho ineipiisp in sliaile mid beauty In Council park. The elty oimlit also to posspsh tho Round Woods and some suitable park site In Hip I'rovldencp section of the elty. Yet One Word Lacked. CHAI'Nl'KY M. DKPHW 111 a I cent addiPss before the Mr tank club of Urooklyn. nfi DKPHW 111 a ip- on- fter dlseiissliiK at .soniP li'iiRth the illlfeience In financial conditions of the piesent time mid (he past of fifty yea is ami, of twenty-five yea is nRO. nay, of six months roup by. and both explain ing ami Justifying the evolution as he sees It, spoke .some very stroiiR and wise wot ds lo one class of the newly made millloniiiles of this country. He fore tiiiotiiiR them it will be nf Intel est in see his point of view of the courses of the present eomnieielal conditions, roIiir back only thu six months Just ipfened to lie said: "The animal mosi frequently seen upon the p.iKes nf a huge por tion of the piess of the t'llited Slates dm Ins the canvass of WOO and InoiiRlit nut upon the platform :it every ineetiiiK: of one parly was the ociopus. It fiiRhtened millions of titers as to the dangers to themselves, wild lis ("iilucles spieadiitR over and eiielopliiR the country, but the oi topus of the imagination nf the Populist wilier and speaker of October. 1M0, was a lamb compared with a lion be side Hie ie.ll octopus of Mm ell, 1!MH. A billion dollar em poralion formed In Oc tober iniRlil have reversed the Novem ber verdicts And yet such has been the march of public opinion, owing to the marvellous conditions which have come up within n few months, that the foimnllou of a $l,OOii.Orta,ono company frlslileiis nobody, and is not even the subject of extended eililoiinl comment in tile pages nf 'The Commoner.' The processes mid the piocession up to the present have so happily included, for their own benefit, every profession, trade and occupation, that people me lOokiiiR for lesults Instead of eiltic-li!-iiiR methods or listening to predictions of disaster. We witness in this rapid .evolution a universal effort to nullify the maxim which has existed since bailer was known that 'competition Is the life of tinde.' " lleie Mr. Oepew instanced the late A. T Steu.iii and described how he wioiiRht in and by meroilpss ompc tllion the ruin of hundreds of ilvals, Then lie vwnt op to say: "The busi ness and industrial world hPRiin re ceuily to lecoRniz-', as the railway win Id had discovered yeai.s iiro, that theie Is a point In competition which Is distinctive of society. It works by closing the factories and stores, tho transfer mid concentration of labor, the inln of towns and Individuals, and laushiK widespread disuess anioiiR the win thy people whose means of IIvIiir liiive been suddenly taken away.- The in w method, or cither the new experi ment, is community ol liueiests, So far It has teeelvetl the approval of labor because of better wattes and mote icRiilar euiplovnicnt. So far ll has not i used priies m lonsuiner or iiiovi'd destiuclive to piodtlcer. Its laiiRei is i ho misuse of power. The siinie dnnuci cvisted when nierclless eiiliipellilou left only the survivor in the Held." A laiRe number of the i.irtuuate Ar.ioin.iu cllUens of wealth, ti speaker noted, me thrnwIiiR puttee lion nni'iiiil themselves and their cliisn by liberalitv of Rifts and inuiillm tloiis for education mid benevolent e unknown In tiny otbei nge nr country. Then i-.tme ine winds 111 Ht lef.'iied to by lis. addressed to a veiy illll'eieia clns.-,, Theie is, he told them, a sec tion nl 111" veiy i-kll wlln aie dolii!" more to piomnte socialism ami unar eliy Until all other uRcm-les comblneil. They aim, he declines, in hedRe them fcelves nboul with a social exclusive ness unknown In Ihirope, Here Js the contiast as he ui.uIk Ii: "Jjomlon has lon been ihe soi lal ecu' ter of the world, lienius, which has won dlstliietiou in ait, In -itnis. in lit cloture, in public lite in e.ltieiiilnn, in invention, upoii the lyii. oi dramatlo siutte or in .louinalism. llnds a cordial wcleoiua and apptecialive ifconltluu In tilts homes, Imih ilty and country, or the proudest of the nrlatneracy and (he descendants of the oldest and most distinguished titles anions the nobility. Their parks and picture Riillerles are frt'3 mid open to tho people, and It Is tills acknowledgement and welcome, of the leadership of those who have won success In eveiy department of human intei est and the brotherhood of man which liava kept ihe nineteenth c n lury car of prosrefH from riiiinliiR over and lovi-llny the ancestral orders of Km ope. Hut niir millionaire cm. In sives- bin the doors and refuse lo let In upon u sotlui equality these ropr .sotiltitlves of HitplllRctit iit'lilcveinent, They souk to iniiHe nil cxei'iit the io.h sertsors of oxiiKKerated liiroines socially hoi olid class, 'flip result Is seen In tliJ rosentmciilwlilili well Inrorini'il pe'tipli! lire illscoverlllK In .l!t lllul lo ll R-rowliif, iimoiiK those who educate, who lot to mid who Htilde public opliiloiii mill whilst' tPiiohliitiK iiltliiiatL'ly urys talllxe Into laws uKalnst the hold Inn or iluxlslliic of menl wealth." Mr. UepeW'.i loellil stntelllelits ill each mill alt these lines of tliuUKlit nilil ids pii'sentatiou uf leceiil history mid prosent coiulliloiis lire worthy the con sideration of tin- cltlxeii of nil cliisse. Hut IhoiP Is .u't more t tut 1 1 he toilohed upon In .spo.iklti- of what has "kepi (he nineteenth eenllliy ear of pro it res') Iroiu iiinuini; over and IovcMiik the an ii'Mti'iil orders of l-hiiope." II" the twentieth century's car or pi or i -. Is lo bo on a peaceful, and not a desdlle live wav. In the old woild und In this, there must be found a way in make "Hie community of Intoie.sls"' between i, filial mid labor broader, deeper, In ti'Rl'JI, vital. They will be wise leadels on both sides who shall compass this. Philadelphia has a race "ptlucatlonnl problem" to meet. There has Just been held a Rreat nieetlni hi Wltlierspoon hall, in the heart, of the city, to con sider It. Of the estimated 60.000 col oi ed population '!'! !-" per cent, have (.onip up from the south within tho lust ten .veins. -Matty more are coniliiR. Says one of the Philadelphia pa pers: "In some nf the thickly Inhabited districts, where they prin cipally reside, (he proportion or colored to while people is as Rreat as in the black belt of the south." Tho committee thai called (he conference comprises over sixty of the leudliiR men of the city, and the .speakers asked In advance lo take part ate men of mark In the church, in journalism. In education, In business. The first effort to be made Is to extend (he work-, antl the facilities for its work, of the Berean Manual TralnhiR and Indus trial school, founded some years iiro lor the colored people. Montieal dispatches mention the presence in that city of n repipsenta tive of tliu Pulled States customs de partment, sent by the Rovurnnient to act with Canadian authorities in mi effort to stop the siiiurrIIiir of and unlawful entry of rlilnese Into this country and Canada. The Canadian olllclals are satisfied from their iuves tiR.itlou that several hundreds of Chinese have, in each nf the last live years, been allowed unlawful entry and that (he larser number of these have made eiilniuce In Hip Cnited States throURh (he Canadian bonier. The dispalches add (hat evidence Is tu the possession of the Canadian Rovern ment that It Is oflieers of the customs who are Riillly In the matter antl that they will be hl'oilRhl speedily lo no touutinir. The Rreat forest Cues near 1'nion town are reported "under control" af ter enormous destruction nr woodland values, and also after a hard anil pro longed battle with the (lames by the farmers and town residents whose property and the lives or Ihelr families weie threatened. How Ioiir will Un people of Pennsylvania be content to settle down without tlnditiR the Riillly setters of the woods on Hie, antl see ing to their punishment'.' The pandemonium features of the Pan-American aie now in liiunliiR or der. Is at Head of the Exporting Nations spriial ("iiiie-.oriil''n(c t The Tiihune. W.ihimli,n. M.u .1 Till; 1-iril'Hf. of tin- wmlif tonmicn. Miiti'd i-.uh innnlli bv Ihe 'I'l e.i-ui y lluieiii of st.ill-tit.-" I" it- tntinthl.v I'lilillcailon, ll,,' MoiithU SiiiiiniiiJ of Ciiiniiieiit .aid fituiiti, iniMiil- in the iiiiienl number some liileie-llin; lull almul Ihe uiiiimi-ue of III"1 prlnriial unions ol lh" ild. I'nlni ll"' liiti-t lineii'-tiiii.- fm wl.bli b "ll""s I" 1,ut ""' l'liileil stnle-i Hand- m the li- -il e-o l'H,l 1'.ii li and iiiiiin.l inn ltd Jl ll'1' '"'.i'l i I'11' '"td's hl nf i"tinriiii:r niiion.-, hi i .miane iinuilhly i'iiiit.iliniH lor the nine im-iillw indiiu with Maul,, l'"il, bill; i-JI,l''7.'". luli lliiw of the tnitid Uinitiloiii, her il.i-.e-t ioiiii-liloi Hue sl7,li.,il'l i inoiith iliirni!; I lie Mini- ptifml; llm-e o( f Hi. 'he neM Liikc-I v- ,oiiu, f7..Vil.iitt per m.iiilli iliiiliii; ihe nube in, nlh-i iiidiinr Willi lieiemnei, i' ii.ii.ie sV,,ii7,n,i: I Mi India, K.iii, 'i.7 u I inoiith, lliila, s-i'i.'i "in mi.1 r inoiitlii II, t- .'!,7I7,I)U) miiilli: Aii-tiia lime 11,-iVi -i im.iiili: llileliiin. -Jl,.','S.ti,0 and ll.ll.i, sii,."iIVKH) ,ei muinh. o u( lh.- imi nly (intr riniiiiiii- r mllili.il ii us iimit'il In lln- talili- It'll -li.iw -in !. .spun, niir iniinil, uliili- Hit' li liuininj- lln. .. nf liil.l- l- ll-ill -IDA .111 l-Mf "I n"l -."..- Kt-lllllll. lltllK.nl-l. .Hl-l.l-l. I.U.I". Illlll-n lll'ix. M.'Sliii. lln- I'litlliiliii. l-lniil-. 11.1-i.i. i'i-iu'iii. .iml I In- I llltnl -I.lll - llW .III IVM-S tit I'SIIIHl- nr imiiiii.: iliili- An-lri.i-llimi.Mi. lU-Iainin, i .i..- nt iiuii'i iiiuii". rni'.i. ri.iiui-, iiiiui.iiiv, limn, Itil.t. .lip I'uilii linn. l'.nlii;.il. Si,iim, srtiiiihi il, .iml lln- I nun! Iniuil.ini hllliU .III ."ll'-lll' lllliilll- lllll ll.lll llfHI' iin.t i."i in ti'i- iu.'Im- tiit'iiili- i ti'linsr bli li.i.iiiliir l.il sl'i.nmi.m il iiuiii' i.f t'mii-. Ilim 1 1 Iiiikiii. I, hi.hI l in ll..' . iln iiiiiiiiIk in-l-ihu Willi riliiiui). ii"l. ll IHltll l.llll.t.ll iltill.il-. iii.iii nt riinls tli. nf In. i m-. Iliili-h linli.i iliiiliii' lln- nit"' ti until u.'ilnit v- Il ll I1'' inln i -liu,-i li.-ri'in nillliiii tltill in. iiiunt ( riiii.. llt.ni .( biipoH-, -iml Itii-i.i iluiimr ll' :imIvi iiiuiitlu. tinlili Willi UriiiiilitT .-li'.w. Inn n nullum iln!.iu ni"H' of i'unl- ili-m ii iini.iil: ulillt lln' 1 nl 1 1 il si.ili'H in tin- i.'iui ii'iiiiiln omlii'ir wllli Jlnili. I"ni. lniw l.'l mil- lll.ll lltllUll lll..t H( ' Sl'i'll-. Hull llf lllliull, I 111 I ll 1 llllllll-illl nl III'' l-llllt lljlliu wn I I In...- n( ili- it iii-iiiiiiih4 ihiiiiI Im lln' ii- minis.- t.'.n il-n iltvilui. m.iiii liti-iivlnu tisl-. Mri'iilini in Ilit lilw moiiili in.lnu Willi btiinilii'i'. I-'H, .IiuimiI. kiM'-lii- niillliiil mil- In-. i'V.i-v, i.t i.nlt 1 1 1 1 1 1 y 1 1 1 1 K' iuIIIihii .l.ill.n. I .hi.hI i in lln- ii;l.l moiilli riulli'i; with I rb- llllll, I'"'1'. sllllWt'll Milll lilt. Illilliull liull.llS IhIhw Hip miioil, whll i Hi." iiiiiiiiiiiiiij IiiiiiiiIk i-i iliiig Willi I 'lln 11.11 v. I'i, !iiWi-'l iwilw mill. mi il.iUnt' i'i o.i- nl i .pi.iih mil liiiinil. Itni i In Ilir- ivuliu iiiuiilli rmllii'; with II -it li.ln-l. IsO'l, ilinu nl b 1I1..11 fniii mil In. n il.illn..' i-its .( oiom mi'i impnii., unl In I lie ihcUi- iiniiillis i-iiillnu willi lloiomlitr, l'liai. tl(i niiu- i.illll. .n iliill-iw ii'tur m fM""' Hun nf inipuil.; .tlillt' I lio I'liiml sun-, wtii'i III lilt' llllll' lll'HlllH t ii. lln.' Willi Mllvll. t'. I'uW.li l.'ll million llollil-' i M't'-S t.f l(i'HK i.' .'I lllliull. ill lilt' 'Jill" lllOlllll- ill I I'l' ll-ul Mur 1'itil howi'il -iil mlllii'ii il'.ll.n.- i ii-M uf -I .oi ii in. I- i 1 1 , .i t -i. ,i ujIii tt s'jin,mi,) ,, n.(. fiw.i.ililt' h iI.uk tj nf luil'" (ur lln- iilnr iiumilV iit'iinil u1 I ') I a- imiiuu'il Willi a like IHl'llll I'f l'). ti -- III" tnlil llOIII H I'ViiUlli! Ill ill" I'll. It'll Sini:-. iii th" iiii.o inui. ill, riulnu "bit M J rtli .no rl,?tl,liMir:! wlille the Hiuil,ilon nf llrl- li-li ji'.l lil.li im. .lute in Ihe (.iiiu tienoil i l,ll. 1I..II5..MI. rl'nwilic I lit' etjll 't lh? t'llitt'l Sulci to In- sixty mlllii'ii iIoIIjm reJlcr (luil tli'fr of Ihe I'niltil Kingdom, her steateet rival, ilurin,' I lie let in uuJcr toaiitJcratlou. TALKS BY THE PUBLISHER City Advertising; The L.tw And The Tribune's Rate C.udio. AS "the piihllsher" wae out of the elty the hitter pmt of last w -ei, his customary Kntiirilay "tulu' did not i!p:rtir. and tliiiiiestliin nl the city ndveilhlnR, which wns uwaided n day or two pievlous. wns deferied. The law In repanl lo the publleatlon of city .ittvPtllsliiR Is veiy specific thill Is, It would be If the pnpeis wete fiil. "built" m fonfnrm with the law. It stipulates that the contiMclR are "to In' let ., ihe lowest blibler, nRiit mciisiiie, per line. ' There Is not n paper In Scrantou Hint u-"'S iiRiite type, nud yet IiUIh wete submitted on Ibis basis and contracts awarded. Can the law compel Pi'psp pap'rs to l-.SP HKilte type.' If noi. what type tire they tit llheriy to use'.' There .ire I'oiiituen lines ol iiRiite t.vpi In an Inch, and these bids wen- r.unnilltetl with the undeislaiitlliiR that 111- papers publishing the tulvniilfliii- would re nd ve pay for font teen lines for every huh occupied by elty adverlisiiiR. The Ilepnhllcan and Tlni'-s use non piucll for their IcriiI atlvertlslnR, twelve lines of which oiiupy nn Inch, mid the Truth Is usiiiR million type, ten lines to the Inch. Do the city uu thnrltles intend to pay for tourteon lines whet, only ten antl twelve lines appear'.' In plaoiiiR a pile" on ills play nilvotisln;,' It Is customary to cHllinali- fouiteen lines to the Inch, but lesal I'dvertlsliiR Is clitliely differ ent, It belmr -humeri for by the count line. Probably the lemnetl lawyer who dicw up this statute was familiar with the papois of sonic city which tiled aRiite type In IcriiI adverlisiiiR, but that city was not Sciaiilon. There is no provision In ihe law for the size uf type In which the atlvert'slns Is to lie set. 'file law does not even say Ihe city's advert tsllift shall be pub lish! d In Ihe type nitlinarily used for IcriiI ndvettisiiiR. If the authorities cannot -nimpel the use of riRate, U there anythii'R to pi event the use of plea, which has only sl lines to the li-rhV The Tribune knew that Us bid was incRUlar, acconlltiR to the icadir.p of the law, bat it was no more IrrcRtilar (him Hie other bills submitted, when the fi t-t Is (ousltleied that the papcis Mihnilttim those bids would be uirible to cany out the piovlsions stiletly In accuidance wllli tb" u-adliiR of that law. The Trihuti'-'s bid was s;lilt tly mi honest inc. ll has taken the stand of tieatiiif,- eveiy aiHerlisef exactly1 the same as every olher advertiser, uhiltiei-a merclinnl, a corporation or the Sty of Sciainon In siibmltUnR a bid for the city advertising, a copy of Us i ate cinri was sent lo Hie author ities with Ihe followhiR p.irasraph un tlerscoied: "Lesal advertisliiR, in cents per llni. lirsl Insertion; .. cents each Mtbseiiiicii' insertion." The 'fribiine prints it.' I'-Ral ndwrtWiiR in nonpareil type .tv.ilve lines to th men. ami me r hm fre would be made upon the basis of iwplve lints and nof upon fourteen, when only twelve woi. used. AliJIher feature of ibis advert Islns if. tin- nunibcr of inset lions uiich ad. will leeeive. Y" an- illfoiuird that some of the nil irlNem nts. will, be In serted linee eon-eeuliv- times and others four times. The Ttihune's bid upon n basis of linee Insertions, calls for an .ivernRe of Mi cents per Ineh. What the other pa pels are to receive omuiot be determined until their sworn staleiiHUts of "ir. illation me submlt led. 'flic ip will piohably be some in le'TslniR devclopiiieius nloiiR this lino Inter. We ciiiRialtilale urn conti niporailes upon ilu-lr su.'ipss In this niattter, particularly the Republican, whose bid war i-lRht tinu-s lamer than-that of the Truth, but the Times and Truth made a p.uat mistake In not pl.u'lns their bids hlRher. as the Riime was en tiielv Ikt Ir own. So Iour as into cards meaii ni.ihhif.. these dise.-epancles will be Mile lo en P out. APBIL LAWS. The fi.lloiMiirr Mil- I"'1 ""' stale ln dm in; pnl. "Ihe li-l it t.it-f" '""ll ""' H.iriisl.iire Tcleur.iili: IVinnlliiu h-liool illuilfi- I" etabli-Ii out of the pulilie silmtil liea-uri fne l.iiuleisir-tin-s fi ilillilien heiiMeii linee and si ,e,ir nf iiri-. ami l i nperalr mill m Ii "ther -ilinnl- e-l.ililMinl In iniii-.efl.il Ian imem ii-". I'li-Hiihinu- a ninln sl"" '"i" '"' -o'aller-alion n( und the .lueplion in I lie sale of tUx-s.-.-,l and liir-uil "II- ltesiilalinu- the pi-n the in ,i it Itpleiin, iilu'ie (he writ of lepleiin I- I mil. ftimltlini.' torponilon-. (..imid for tlie pnr- pn-i nf lllllll-llllli; he lo lu.lil li-.ll ii aie i nn niinuiiil neif-niv and piop,-r foi lorpoiile liiirpo-i"1. biiiKi-inu- -i Hi"' nf -"a in stnil and tiopi i-ori- meiil dir iml iiinri' llllll -IMV ll.lt- fill tin' J-I'll terilltiii n( mill.. nii.iiliiiir thf -"t itlitiiis I" nit ln-mif tnn-'Mrite-. fit., rniulrliur lh'' Iff- lulinn n p.iv only llm n-t nt npu-.il until Hie fi 1 1 1 1 ill-li-riiiiii.iiiili of Ihe Hin. Kinpowi'ilnif Hit' iimrt In nril.-r -iml .Iin.t bv whom miic.iiui- hlull ! riiuli' In liineri-iliiis In w libit .1 I'oiivi'.iJiiif nf l-imli 'r nmmeiiU slnll li" onliriil. Ili'U'inni: n I'lironuli Ihm-iiiIi- Jll liioiK-y tl.. fur llif ni.i.il n( the I")'"' 1'l '"I"' penilt'il ilillnu lb I'.'i' "''i'- " llu' ''im- on "" si'.iifil liml- whltli line nit bi'i'ii nll by I'1" nwntr. V.iIiiIiiIiij: ill elt'iliom hehl l m"' "I"1" "" fii...timi n( iiuii'i.liij: Ihe imliliti'ilinvi nf iiiinil ti)i illlli'.-i- I'eiiiilttimr slut l.hi.l.ln it will i" imii'.i-e "r ilimiiiMi lh" iiumliir ( illrt'iiii" "t irior linn. , , nii-liiliii!; lh" nl I" bmk- mi .1- I" -ii.niil llt. rl.iii'P .riiiillim.' tin- lioMliu' .( it'll i-'l-n-o- -.ft Hilly (nr ill hi. iiiili.iili''l iircil'iiw to ihe irfiiilon ol .1 mtiilKisn. I. rmlt lln-f mIuwI Iwanti I" sum tin- - nl Mlinol liuiiif- lor ljit'imi jii.I mliu llbu'r pnrposep. 'In t'lii.uius.- lh'- ili'.-eri.iiii'ii "I I'lH-N bv nr.n niiu-' Inr i nliati' ol n nt r n-in. "( l"- l IMS li'tilil mi I hi III. I'ivii iillntt thli im- until I weljhl nf a bib' of li t ur nil-Hi -lull be il.nnl in.nl.iil mi.lir .1 inn ill)" of f.i'i tu ijion. To proililn (ur Ilio t.iKnu '( it. io-iii.iu be- (urn iiiikMliti-. -iml j'lUi I " I'1-"''. I"11' i.lina lh.it ili'ii'i-iiinn-i li.ill I"- pii-t'ieil. Itfpe.ilinir (In- lill nil "I I''1". ""' I""!''' Ins; (nr iroi'ititiniii ill iiimlliil bin I nii. Ileliillna; In lln- mt fm 11" Uwtinii l iI'M' .ml tin pintfdioii ol klierp, jiplm; il lo oilier ilnnie-lii' .lliilnals. Imttr-. mull - .unl .wine VulhorbliU tin' nwiifu nl It'll fUle I) kill h.in nl llhbiU all Ihe tur Jiniiml I'Kini; the it Hi- ol niii.nli' pnhlii t (mr vt. in finin tin- ililc nt eiii limn ul pri-uiiin l.lllllui-v.Itill. In ii'Ktiljln bakrrles. pulel -iml iiijci'jronl r.it toiir-t in Mils fcUte, pmililliu lliey .lull b.. pjinti-il niry (lie ran, l!ni wa.he.l en-ry ll let- iniiiilln. anil he nnler Hi-- inpci vision nl the fjuur ln-ii'itor. Ti) cn-ihle ln.ll JH-. to sun jti.l he i eil in t Ills iUle. To i.ili.lite tli.nut'i heretofore nuito in t lo tunic ol lorpoiallon by tlie unirli. i'erinlltini: mariieil ivoiiitn Ihe same risliU ii men in tlie aiknowlnliitiiirnt o( ilce., ttc. 'lo jlliliti! priule Mlc uf teil citato here, loloie iiuiht niiilcr authoillv ot nipliaiis' court (ur pj.Mnent c( Jtbts. Tu I'iinI.Ii Ll.iuiper, their ahlen, aiiUtcr ond aln-'.tc if. The priiulpjl to be wnt to pri on lor life ami the lighten to iQV) One atnJ I twcnty-B.-j jura iu vrison. .nieiulliiii Hie irliale re.t.l la el 1P.W. m piMieritij1 imiiH on pelllioni n( iiilIhI.iii, iartiierhlp, ttorV i tunnnnlei or loiporatlonl In appoint lrwer. I'.nipoiieilnr; InMirtme itnnpinle" .i i-UIfy their illieiloH Inln one. Inn, time iml four etr ihe, To .iiilhntire railiii.iiU liiieliitiiie oi tn-teillrr ionlriieti-il In itiimerl with any lallronl fmin mi nljoinliitf l,lle In mi-UK l h hrhljie mi (ar ii the middle nf the rller. .uillioilrlmr lallmml nud nlliei Ii ttip,ittnlion i itupiniet In nc.pille mid ilbpi'e ol Hie loek ol nllier ioiporallon of the t.lle nr ibenheu-. In entoiie the pioillon nl the eoirllliltlin n,-i, nilm: iiilliinil, inul or othei tnrpoialhitil l,i .itiptlte i niitrnl nf pnilhl m I'ompcllmt lii,e under pin ill of piiiilthiiiein for nil-de Ineanor. Hi pi-illlm Ihe nl iieailmt Ihe hnird id re-vl-loii of lae in 1'liil.iiteliilil.i. ami ro l-lltit! fl the th 1 1 Inn nt a hn.inl o( ieillon of taxel In I'lill.tilelphl.l I i.v lute of I lie people Itiipillliu linn-ieildriil RiniiieM In pie a II im e n( II in tli.ll.ii-. hrhiie Ihev ran mm In thli rime. I'tidimliiK I null-,-' of hiopil il- nii.l -i-yluni llluli l I ',e iiillllnl vi( III,' si lie lillli foipor.llt ponei. It. t-ni oiii-iire the m-e of Miile in. upon nag oil upon the ptililli hlchia.i o( the late. I'iI-oim wlm nsp exelillieli (mil In, ll lire ami ,1 . iml I, nil loiiN i"i. eedliK "Muni poiind In Miiuhl li ill he eredltn' mill ..ne-fumlli o( tle'lr load I i. I'ei-oiM wlm hull hnili nf tn.mxi piiiiinl- iiolvhl nil nation Inline; li'-t lli.lll four Inth tiiei iliall he liable In a line of Hie ilol- .im (or taili ollenie. I'rnildlii'f I hat pilMUiem lmll he put tn work on Ihe i-tle, I- ot liuioitulet Mheie the tall ii lot all il I'rmlillu.' fi a line nf s'l.Otm mill ten jeari In IiiImiii (or mi p,t -on tnmkteil of iilutiniterltiK I. nod, mil il.,p Anltiio iini; a,plltaiil loi liiinoi lireme In -eiiiie a hond In any pari nl Hie county, The Ian heii'toliin- le-liktul .ipplliants lo lioutl-mi n finin ihtlr ilNlrkt. I'i.iililiii;t 111 it all inmnieri lal (eed ittn(T offered fm sale mm! lie branded plilnly ntul I, ale .illlvil Iheiett) an anili-U nllli lln- name o( the m nmfaitiuit, and impo-dmr il line n( (mm 'f.'.il tu siki ai.il Impil-ienninil o( ten lo tliirly tlayii lor ilnlalhm nf the law. Tn el iblMi a illil-lon o( hortieiiltiire and pom,iloi; la Ihe aatldiltiaal department with a i (iiiiniU-liiiiei of hoitliulluie and one clerk. I'roildniK tint lt'L-1 1 .idieitliementi shall be punted in Ketiiun iapen uhtre there ire forty tlio,,-. iml Hermans in the county where the nen-piper aie publMieil. fieRiilatins; the uelcht of blaeK blast Ins pow der u-,',1 In toil mines mid niakinv; it unlanful for .injibiidy -lie tint manufacturer to stamp hi name on the Kib. Kierj kec -hall contain mi ntj -fin- pound, Miinller keg in proportion, ,-tud all la-;:-, mii-t he stamped with lite name of Ihe in.inuf.ii liiror, and nn olher person (an -ill il iimlei a prualti of lietiu-en S3"il and -l,000. lloiilileila.i. Pane tc C , nffei ;i Hit of ea-h t'lii-c' for ilmtoui.ipli4 nf any nut-tloor ul.jecM tint tome within ihe .-.tope nf their lieu 111.11..1 7irtj-, Counliy l.lf" Ahull N to appear next tal' now TIat oa Arc IN YOUR NEW HOME You need a few odd pieces of Parlor F:urniture to set off that new carpet or new curtains. ' It may be a new Parlor Tabic -some one of those new de signs which are so pretty we have a big line ot these. We would like to show you some of the latest things in oak and mahogany. It may be a Rocker or a Re ception Chair some of our odd chairs are beauties it is a pleasure just to look at them. ALL PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES Hill&Connell 121 N. Washington Avenue. Scranton's Business Houses J1!' I THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS REMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET, 315 TO 3S5 N. SEVENTH ST.. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS, CLEAN BARBERS. DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH OATH ATTACHED, SBC. SCRANTON. PA. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, Ml. llm l"t MeiU, tin- i in. Tiy in ( hups ntul l.tilKhes .iml be minium!. M F, WYMBS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, III' l.iiUcn Mnel 'o Myniiuiig ir I .ill bv tVlephon llm-ritc I'lOnilit Mtt.nl Inn PETER STIPP. i.'mi-ul l niiir.ii im, llulltltr anil P'aler ui lliillilmi l"i.'' trint'liim-,' of ielliii a pr i iill) Telephone -JJ'J! Ofliie. ..'1 W.iili.nslnii leutie ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. k. JUStifH KUe.1 I'tzL, ni Ml latkiwjnu.i avenue, inimun unei- I Mile s, ireni of .ill 1.1ml. fully irruiiil i"r the prin'.- ntjtun. lo niil.c ult kind-, nl norm Mirtiu. el. ' III i. nulls I III Ml II.UIA GOLDEN GATE CASH STORE, J t li.i.ii'i I'rjpri.'loi, ilejler in line tlinu-t ic antl I'ii'vi-ioiu, fine (U-ais .old lo the hoi. 203 tV.liliii;loii aieiiue THE NEW " WALL PAPER CO. Ilai no ul'l loodj Iu woik oil I'.icry tljle U new and u;t to-tlite. Our piiici it- loner than any oilier. 303 SPRUCE STREET, NEAR PCNN AVE, ALWAYS BUSY. i "A W It ?L .'.'. .-eiLJ ft s l.2.-v...J Our Oxfords. Low In cut. Low in price. High in quality. Ladles' from 75e up. Gen tlemen's ftom !?1.25 up, Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale ami Retail. TRY Clock's Best Union Hade ,tl '1 i ' Tobacco; t ft A Good Smoke or Chew. A Trial Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED BY ; The Clock Tobacco Co,, 644-40-48 Wyoming' Ave. Scinnton, Pa. ftp.: Sale of Shoes Damaged by Water Now Going on at Corner LacUawnnnu nud Wyoming Avenues. P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. . The Dickson .Maiiiifiuturiii',' Ci. 1 crnnton mitl VIIUa-Ilirrj, -'. . MttiiufaiHui'dri o.' LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY HNQINES Boilers. Ilolstlnzaml Pti-tiplnx .Mj;liln:ry Oeneral OIHce. Bcranton, Pa. 3 w&MSm, THESB ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. SEOURITY BUILDINO & SAVINGS UNION. Ilmne nitli e -jis-tv) h.n- lluililinir. Ii.iii-.ii M j ttniri.il biuliliii- .unl Imii Iiii.iih'-. tliKnulioul tliu itu nl I', nii-.'b.iui FARRELL'S TRANSFER M.nt'.s liiiKhl. 1 in li 1 1 in and ll.n,'R.ise, sili-i l-l.ilin-. mil .M.IlIiIiici; 2(7 LACKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANDER C CO. I lie inoie.l tl-.-ii Millun-iy li.il.li-liini'iu i ll ilam. u . n.i nil lii.it JAMES . QUICK, IMiiinbllii.' Iinun a I. I ti nil- i..i tin I l l.aiin i-i oil, l'loj, 'I'liom, o. .', new '.Jlj ."ill I I .iil.i .nun .im nut' FRED H, WINTER. BS4 CAPOU3C AVENUE, Mili I.lfiillii" .iml I'lntl-iiili- nil III"' i'l i'Ki inhii.'i. it- i.-i-lieil iluli REGULAR SS PHOTOS FOR $3.00. CRAMER'S LActt'.Auz, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I llllll 'I lMlll flU I l"l II '!- I 'IIIU M"IIM-I lei- 1 urn nl ' II' I" I hU Mm iml llltuie I'l-'ii" U lln I llmlibli.t WILLIAM G. LOOM IS, llnoill- I ullil i Iblll Iblil'llllU MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S, RADIN'S IS3PCNN AVENUE MWWIWhWAmUU KaMMMkUMMtMM MMMfJMUMWHWHH-M COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. I lr.ililirir.-w, l-iue I ntul. I'-jliu riiiMiitp i'lii- Oniii i.ia. i.lien II. J .him uulil Suiiuii, l-i i'l jiel 'JJtl i urn alio i. WILLIAM JANKO. MERCHANT TAILOR. 3S9 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE, ltrpiuius ami ie ins June .it .holt iioibe. ALEX, HAY, HOUSE, SIQN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, 321 MULBERRr ST THE CHEAPEST llcjl and iuteki-t due in Hie ill to hue .iu ur .Iiik-9 lived, we u-" ii"inin." nut i'Jt tan i .liner Jim m.i u.i-o non.iujiiiii Ul Linden tlitcl. oiHiulto ia.toiHn. FILEY'S Remarkable Sale of ta All oxr'optlonul iiiii't'lm.io of over two tliiiusutul ynrdn of Toffcto Silks In nil dm now rolot'liigM, itifiuiilm while ami liliu k, wlili'li wo" otTi'i- for ono woc-k nt imiiHtiiilly ottriietlw pi Ices. TafTe(n. elllii fuo at iiiPRont In stent tlcmatiil lor rfulK .liiokclM, WiiIhIs, I'clllcoats. anil UhIiiith, ntul arr rarely sold ttn ilt'f ilio rpRiilar ii'li'..'M. For this reason tlilM (alp iiiTpi- 1111 uneiitnilled onportu nlty to Hcctiio Tarfeta Silks at prices tlml will bo lmiti!llile lo duplicate. At 39c a Yard . ln-liich wlilo. pine Silk T.iffet.t, In liiiRr- nitiRc of oolors, Induiliiu whltn anil lilai'k. rcRiilar value fin crnli. I'rlee Cor this week, ync. At 59c a Yard A I!)-liK'li witlo, fine llnlsli and weight Taffeta Silk, poinplolo line of colors, i-PKiiliir viiliio 7."ic. t'llcp for tills vck, At 88c a Yard A -7-lnt'li wltlo r-xlra tii:tllty Silk, In laise lino of i-i-lors, Taffeta regular vultit- 1.2.1. At 88c a Vard liiipoi'fptl ntul iloiuestlp plain black; Taffeta Silks, lu-lprht lustre ami (Ine; iluif.li: srand wcarluR- niinlllles: t-OKii-liit vpluc $1.25. Price lor thli week- Sk'. Me Silks :5;At $1.15 a Yard 9 A :.T-liK'li wble "AmeriL-iin ruacK TalTota Silk, wem Riiiiranteed. heavy to die hiiuil and nice llnlsh, reRUlar 11lue $1.:1. Price for ibis week, $l.t5. At $1.25 a Yard Hxliu wide- P.lai-k TnlTctii Silk, oxtia lie.ivy wcIrIiI. w.-iu- Kuttrnntccd: alo "Himnot" fine luipiuteil Silk. htltht liislii' and boautiful llnlsh. lORillar value $1.1". Pilcp for this week, 51.23. Foulard Silks and Satins nu is ait- ai'knowlcdsed the hand somest iIpsIkiii nii-1 lai-Kcst assortment In the city. Prices, 41V, T5e, $1.00 and $1.2;,. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave A Second-Class City with a First-CI ass Stock of Gut Glass, terling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereali 5 Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. 2 FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. !)20 PENN AVENUE. .inlibiiiBr of nil Ulnrls promptly alt out I ot I to, IMIMAIIn I III. I 111 I MiiMiiir.it. THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Il.-ljili (.iiiiii.ii", '.eililini; .iml lluoi coverings foi i a.lt .ii wlirih-r.ile pi u r. -il 724 VJ, LACKAWANNA AVE.. SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. Ill I'MUIM. -l'l.ll.M.I F", GROSS, 422 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, i i-i mil In Ihe Hum .V I'oiiir-ll l,Vi., in tin ,.u I kin-, in. ul ii.uk jii.I .eiilil.tllou. I arlun im hi i. i ..ili jii.I p'nei.il tin woil ii kpn..iil.i, No IU I .i.'k.ii.imit dieiuie. lwnHMMMt. I'M i. wi.Mir, n m -iiii.ion i:.sn; siTEAM DYE WORKS. tn. I li'ii. li Hi I le.inmi; ami It.-hnlihini; inn i- i.ilh I lor ami tieliirieiJ ll I, pllilll" lllllllCi.lll.ll wolf & MCLANE, sss Adams Ave, Easter Millinery WENZEL I'miIiimI rlumlvr, 'I mm 1 4 antl li.nfil ir rurnJi-e a ,p t I j I I y llrpairinsr pioiuptly dene It1) ium-. an-, teran but, -i. MMH WILSON COMPANY, I Hiiiiinlile 'biibm 'Ibilel .leiiii.in Ibiildlnt), .t." --priii e klu-ii Nidiitnn, l'.t. sinti pirnsed, .ti lent, p.iiiin ii-e.i, r i uiin, i nulling re liim-d, -iilh-il d'l iml 'It birred Sew I'hone. -f H, A, RIEFENBERG, l'liuiiiiiu; Tell pli.ill. Tiiininis -i'"l tut lo.i.ini llealniir Sole asent I'uiuace .117 Linden .trrct DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY, DENTIST, I li mt ) iv h Ur Hill. 321 SPRUCE ST, MRS, SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT Al ! Mean lliiildin;. Tailor, open Uoniay, ;..- . - . .....j,. .. ,,... I "'""'-? -"" a.tuiday cieniu. I .". t