THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1901. Olilces BURKE BUILDING TWO SOUTH SIDE MEN CHARGED WITH RIOTING Warrants, Issued for Alleged Prln--ilnala In the Traction Cnr Dis turbanceOne of the I'nlr Ar rested. Division Superintendent Kelly, of ilia Traction eoinpunyhus Kitten uullnn imnlnst the neem-cd principals In tlio street car disturbance of Tuesday nlRht bv having warrants Issued for the two wiio, it Is claimed, Incited Hie Incipient tint that prevailed nn I lie oar for a lively liall'-lioiir. Moth of tin licensed arc from tin; South aide, and duo of tliein, Patrick Casey, was arrested early yesterday morning, Jusi as In- was leaving the house In Ills niliiliiK clothes to begin Ills day's work. .'unstable Moruii, of Alderman Atkin son's court, made the iirrest. Casey was to have appeared at tin; alderman's ofllce yesterday for a hear ing', hut he failed to conic In. Ills hear ing Is expected to take place today. The warrant for the arrest of Casey's companion has not l'een served as yet, Constable Moran not having been able to locate him. He will likely bo ap prehended todn 'J'ho accused have twocharges against I hem, committing an assault on Con ductor Browned, on whose car the oc currence tool; place, and Inciting a riot. The happening took place on Tues d iy night, while the car was carrying i number of men, of whom tile accused were a pari, to the cocking main til Monkey Ktin. There was a disgrace ful exhibition on flu- car, during which iiiu of the women passengers was sub jected to indignities. Conductor Hrow )i ell declares the accused, with whom he is acquainted, are the guilty parties, and several passengers on the car also identilied the accused as (lie principals ef the dlstiii banco. LIVELY TIME AT LAST CHANCE. Simon Cisco Causes Arrest of Two of His Neighbors Whom He Fears. There was n lively time in the seltle nieiit about the Last Chance workings on Thursday night, when two of the residents stirred up excitement by stoning the house of Simon Cisco, against whom the accused pair, George Sullska and Jacob Santos, held a grudge because of his hailing from a different county than themselves. This is the story that Cisco told Al derman Atkinson, when he came for a warrant for their arrest. Santos and Sallska were unfriendly to him since they argued some time ago about their respective birthplaces. On the night of the trouble, Cisco continued, the ac cused came home intoxicated and In a boisterous and quarrelsome mood. They taunted and jibed at him and followed this with a volley of stones, which fell In piofiision, not unlike raindrops in a spring shower. After exhausting their volley of missiles, Santos ami Sallska charged on the house, and after break ing the door, tore it from its fasten ings. Another volley came next a vol ley of threats and after the alleged disturbers retreated, Cisco hied to Al derman Atkinson's oflk-o to secure jus tice, but more particularly to have' his neighbors secured. Two charges were laid against San tos and Sallska, malicious mischief and threats to kill. The warrants weie given to Constable .Moran. who tnnk- ibe accused before the alderman. After the hearing, the pair were hold in bail j t'i await the action of tlio grand Jury's action. Friends of the pair hurried l '"i .mi me security, nut were un ible .to locale bondsmen. Santos and v. ere accordingly taken to the county jail by Constable Moran. Later, Saliska's wife entered a coun ter charge. She averred that Cisco, P ter. the aceu.-od finished then storm 1'ig, Hi'reatfned her bodily harm. On Hils Information ;, warrant was issued foi: CIm!o, and he will llk-i.iv i, ,.,-. .. noarlng-i-ume time iudn. PEMI-CEWTENNIAL COMMITTEES The Preliminary Work of the J3ig Celebration Is Making- Good Prog ress. The adveiil uf lair weather which Is so suitable for outdoor deinonslra t'ons. Ims aroused Interest In senil-ceu-irnnlal celebration. -.The. societies throughout nu, eltv are taking an earnest interest in that pan .of the programme which has been ns-i-igued to them and some surprisingly gouJ feaiiir-s are promised the public Jo- Hi'; i hue ihe alfalrs arc ready to ir.tlon-C. A. Kaiic, W. ,, ,;- A. Davis, Thomas H... iy Cooky, Martin Kane. ' I'oiv-Jiilin Kilcen, C. S. Alt. -.'ioi; Mnit'i- Oh-cr. It. It. II. kiu. lucl;, T. U. Cmighll:!. Mlu'i.lualluii:, and lirewnrks v. if Mnstei-Li, Will .Mycin, ilus N lYn, G. 1'. dates, L. Little, P. E, McDonnell. J'ubllclty-W. E. Matthews, A. F .y, n. Kerwin, n. F. Parry, feel, H.-R Vreelund. Music John Walsh. A. t'i. Nlcol, P. Dr. Humphreys filmllitt Sinilllbus Ourantur. Let likes bo treated by likes. The mild power cures. Humphreys' Homeopathic specifics, ."V. I'll! is I'l-lct.-.. '"-I'lAllUS (Yiiirtv,tibii, InlUiniiutioiu '.-, Trr,i!'.'i--. "win -mr, wmii rulle... S-IH.UU.M;, i otic, iijihi, Wjki fulness. f--iiMiimiiiu., uf i'liiiiit. ,. ,f 1. 1. .it. T-rui'iiiis (o.,. Itiumluli, tA-W.l'lt.M..i., TinilliJilii-, In. .... ft-IIi:UA('llf, Slil IliyiUlu., Vcttlw ... 111-11 VSI'HI'MA, IniliKiMitan, Wi-jk Moniiili ii-hi'l'i'iti-sNirn on i'aim'iij, I'laiiuns., u wiin'r.&, Tuo I'lciiiM. iviioib VI 1.111)11'. I.AIIVM.'ITIS, ifoaivm-,, .... H-sAl.T ti:i'.M, iiikJI'i-u., i:.uiaio,....; Vi iiiu:pi.vti.s, iiiivuiiuih- pain, II -MAMIIIA, l-,H, fcu-1- .ul .tf .... 1'J-l'AT.MIKII, liiilii.iuu, cold ju (,u i,M1 . 'i--VI(M)l'lN(i.(0lUII '.'T -KinXI'.V Ul!si:sKS ;'-M:iiViir.s M-.t'iti..iiv m:akxi:s, witii,s n,.,i ..'. 77 OUIP, Hay Ftvci- ,... , .,, ' - -...,....,, .., .v. ,,,,,, , . , .-.'1 .ii .-I il i.m Sold by ilnucUls, pr tent on recript o( pile?. A pocket ffiitomc of Domestlo.Prae tlco. mailed fur the.asliing. Initufibro' iliiiwUltilc' Mydli-hiu (.. tyr. "lUllHIl SIC. .I.Iim fcl... .Nyw VJlk. Cafjbonctale Department. ZJ K. Uoylitn, Charles Curl Is, John Too Ian, Hurry Jlall. Chin parade W. 11. Chase, licorg" Ileal! Ic, J. lOc'iiMns, Carl Uoeslnger, Clabilello I'tiglluno, ,1. U. Brown. Fantastic parade T. K. Lee, H. .1. MiLse, ti.'U. Kechoy, Joseph Jenkins. The arranguinentrt for I ho llruiiicn'a parade and contests will he left In com mil tees from the department and I lie Central Labor union will have charge of the parade and special features id the labor demonstration. The membership of the coniinlllees named above Is not yet complete as other delegates to the general commit tee will undoubtedly b- received soon mid their names will be iced lo till out the vacancies. C. S. Keeney having removed from tlic city, tlic Patriotic imler Sons of America are requested lo send another delegate to the geiiHiiil committee. On account of J. LI. Itowison being em ployed out of the city the name of Wil liam Myers has been substituted, as delegate from the Mitchell Hose com pany. J. V Hlvenbtirg not being In the city at present the lied Men have elected Joseph Jenkins lo till his place on the committee. A few societies yet remain unrepre sented. Among these are I lie Clerks' association and several of the new blanches of united labor. They are earnestly invited to name at once dele gates to represent them. THE SIERE OF PEKIN. .. . Thrilling Event, to Be Described by Miss Miranda Croucher at M. E. Church. Miss Miranda Croucher will speak in liie .Methodist Episcopal church of tills ilty next Sunday morning. Her vis:; to this place is of great ir.ii.Most. Sin was in the siege of Pekln, and bo. story, of il is thrilling. The following Is from a ret cut ar ticle by her: Two letters In tin- strange Chinese characters lie belore inc. They were received a month ago. One Is from a preacher in our Hsuiihuo district, the other from a former servant in our mission. They are strangely alike in that they contain a list of the names of those who wcie known to us all, and after each name (lie sentences read like this: "Ho was stoned to death," "lie was cut in pieces. 'He was quar tered," "She was beheaded and her headless body exposed," "Ills wife killed herself to escape outrage," "Those girls have been made slaves," "My family hid in the mountains." "She was burned, "The lamily were thrown into orison ami lands and crops confiscated, and homes looted," "Every Christian village In the dis trict is destroyed and those who 'have been killed are not a few." One of these letters ends with a plea that Dr. Terry and 1 should pray for God's church" that peace may soon come, and the other that we should pray for the "people of China," thai they soon may have peace, oil. it is heartbreak ing for one who knew Ihese people to read these letters! I could take my 1'ilde mid write tlic names of our na tive Christians In China over against every form of torture and suffering mentioned in that eleventh chapter of Hebrews. ACCEPTABLE IMPROVEMENT. The New Bridge Over Kacket Brook Practically Completed. A most acceptable improveineiil one that will be fully appreciated Is tlic new iron bridge over the Kacket brook that has just been completed. Contractor Mornu has completed the concrete on one side ot the street car tracks, and so soon as the cement and stories bciome llrinly set, so as to oIIjw teams to puna over tile new roadway, tlic force of men will be put to work on the other side. Tile Improvement has wrought a dc siruhlo change in that locality. The street car tiueks are removed to tlio west side, and while the roadway on that side is somewhat narrower, It will meet every demand, as heretofore theie was only one driveway over the bridge instead of two, as now. Whin the sidewalks will have been laid and lonnectel, the appearance of the work will be d cidedly enhanced. Gono to Denver. William J, Morgan, of North Wash ington avenue, Scranlou, left here thin v.tek for Denver, Colorado, Mr. .Mor gan mis l-een in ill li-alth lor smnc lime paol, and considered a change of cliuvite necessary. His wife, who N now staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, of Mnyllold, expects to join blui within a short lime. Offered a Position nt Rochcbter. W. 11. Stephens, formerly with tlio "lo and Western uimpaiiv, has ' .i called to Koehester, ,. y by f. !!. Lii'ldingtoii, and will prolribly ne cpt a position there. Mr. Luddlnglon was formerly ynid muster of I lie o. tt AW here. Teacherii Paid, Tlic teachers and other employe- of llio school district received their pay last night at the otllce of Secretary Hughes, in the central building. Will Reside in Philadelphia. Miss Margaret Clrudy, of South Main htrcet, will leave this city next Tues day for Philadelphia, where she will make her home Moved to Schenectady. The family of K. II. Melutlre, of South -Main street, who removed to Schenectady several days ago, left for that place yesterday. Will Hold a Smoker. Lackawuxen tribe of lied Men will hold a smoker next Tuesday evening in honor of an unusually largo number of Initiations. Drilling tha Chortle. Prof. Iluydu Kvims, of this city, is drilling the chorus of "A Sleeping Heuuty," soon to be given In llones dale. To Leam Plumbing- Trade. Dan Peel has secured the situation with Plumber George Muldfolt recently resigned by Charles Hiirrcll. A Birth. .Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Colbuin. uf Hd liiont street, an- rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 THE NEW STREET LIGHTS. The Wellsbnch Lighting Company's Lamps Will Be Put In Operation Tonight. Thy lumps of the Welsbnoh Street Ligh'tlng cnniDun.v, which the Carbon dale Uos company hopes to have super sede the arc- lights hoVln use, will be placed In service tonight at six points In the city, In order lo demonstrate 111011' elllcleiiey before the muni burs of the councils and the citizens generally. The lamps, which Superintendent Ouerln of the company has erected, arc located at tlic following places: Corner Lincoln avenue and Terrace slreel, corner Lincoln avenue and Washington street. Washington place, end of Wyoming street, corner Terrace iitn et and Jirook avenue, corner Ninth avenue and Spring street. Thu lamps will be lighted this even ing and will remain lighted each even ing until after the opening of the bids for street lighting which will tuko place before council committee on Mon day evening, May IS and as long thereafter as the company deems 111. A wide Interest has been aroused over the proposed lighting contract, which councils will let on the night mentioned, and there has been a varied discussion as lo which will give the better service, tlio present arc lights or the new idea of gas Illumination em bodied in the Welsbneh invention. The Carbondale (ius company, through Superintendent Cuorin, claims that a better quality of light and a better dis tribution will follow the use or the Welt-bach lamps, and nt no increased eosl over tlio arc light, and it is anx ious to demonstrate this claim through the exhibition or test which will be eumiuencod tills evening. The points selected for the tests were chosen with a view to best determine the elllcleiiey of the litmus, and an Inspection and comparison arc courted. These lamps are in operation in many of I lie largest cities of the country, and yesterday Superintendent Giierln re ceived a. letter from the Welsbach Lighting company telling of the adop tion of their lamps by a Luxerne coun ty town. This part of the letter is as follows: "Last Thursday we knocked out tlic electric light company at Nanticoke. They had llfty-nine arc lights at sev enty dollars and thirty thirty-two candle-power lights at twenty dollars. Our contract is for 12G Welsbach lights at tlilrly-two dollars per light per year. We will have the lights in operation Satin day night next." PATRICK M'NULTY IN TROUBLE. His Wife. Kate McNulty. Creates Scene in Alderman Jones' Office. Mrs. Kate .McNulty, of tlv West Side, who, together with her husband, is a conspicuous tigurc in thu alder manic courts, created a scene In Al derman Jones' olllce. She rushed Into Ihe court in the afternoon. Iit face smeared with blood. She wore a dis tressful look as she piteously related the story of the assault which she i barged to her husband. Patrick Mc Nulty, accusing him of beating her and l hen assailing h.n- with an axe. The blood which disfigured her face, .she declared. Mowed from (he wound Ihal Hie blow of the weapon indicted. Sh.. hogged for a warrant for her hus band's arrest after she tlnlshed the harrowing tale of his alleged cruelty and his savage onslaught on her. Patrick was subsequently arrested by Constable Neary. but related quite a dilfji-enl tale in giving his version of the eonlliet. In the first place he vehemently de nied using an axe on Ids wife, or of even seeing an axu about the house. He charged his wit'-- with bfing the aggressor and with having started Hit quarrel because she feared he was go ing to dispose of property of which she sought a share. Ills wife struck him first and whatever blows he re turned, he said, wore in self-defense. McNulty lhen Indignantly declared that he used no axe and that the blood which smeareij his wlf-'s face came from a blow which she gave her self in older lo Incite pity and sub stantiate the iharge thai she was as saulted with the axe. McNulty was to huo had a hearing last night, inn his wif.. failed lo ap pear. The ease will bo dlspo-od of to. day. At the First Congregntionnl Church. To-morrow morning thu services will In an "aged folks' meeting " conducted as of yore. In addition to tin; old hymns, the i hoir will render some spe. cial selections. The theme of the ser mon will hi "A Kipo Life," The i wiling service will be a memor ial lo the late Or Stainer, (lie bril liant composer of church music. The choir will sing a number of Staliier's anthem 4, Quo of the feat ures will l a duet by Miss Benson and .Mr. Hoc, who will sing "Love Divine," by Stuinor. The 11.01110 of the s -r i will bo ' The Power of Music on . onduet." The evening si evict will cimllmiu otio lour only. A cordl-il welcome awaits you at this church. Home from Wedding Tour. Mr. and Mrs. Mloime) Martin, who were married in St. Hose church on Wednesday of hist week, returned yes terday from their wedding tour. They an; at homo at their residence on Sand street. A Now Delivery Wngon. It. J. Kllhtillen, the South Main street grocer, has placed a hundsomo delivery wagon in survlce. The wugop Is from Hie shops of William Hlumu & Hon, Scranton. Raised Now Flngstaff. Abe Saliin hus raised a new llagstnff on the root' of ids stoio building on South .Main stieet. Thu pole is about thirty foot In length, and will servo as a lot'tv elevation for the Stars and Stripes. 01? nn n Western Visit. Miss Leah Levy, of Sprlngtleld, Ohio, who has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Manila Singer, of South Main strel, will leave here on Monday, after a delightful stay In this city. Miss Singer will accompany Miss Levy on her return, and they will go mi an itinerary that will occupy sev oral weeks. Kn route to Miss Levy's home, they will spend a week in the enjoyment of the Pan-Aiueiicait ex position a I' lluifalo and will vslt ut Niagara Fulls also. Before returning? Miss Singer will visit at Miss Levy's homo In Springfield, In Western Penn sylvania, Chicago, and other cities along the lokos. FLANAOHAN IN THE TOILS. A Chniacler of the Town Charged with Assaulting His Mother. James Flannnghan, who Is known about, town as "tllp" Vlntimtghan. was in-rested and Jailed last night on the charge of beating his mother, Eliz abeth Fluiiiuighiin. Flnnnughatt whs located by Cob slublo Neary In the house of "Ah" Stllos. at No. I, with whom he make his ffitortois. Ho was in hiding ntul when found declared that the eon stable would be a. "dandy" It ho could lake him down lo thr- Jail. Constable Neary started oft with his prisoner and as thuy were descending No. plane KliiunugliHii darted off and start ed to nulla, through the woods. The constable pulled his revolver and fired four shots heavenward In quick suc cession. At the report of the first discharge, Fiannaghcn, stricken with fear, fell over and beseeched the con stable not to shoot him. The report of Hie shots had a subduing effect on Flannuglion' spirit of reckless brav ery and hp meekly rejoined the ofllcer and continued without any ceremony to Jail. Ho was locked up over night and If sohered up this morning he will be, given a hearing. Fair Closes Tonight. The fair of the Cottage Hose com pany, which thus far has been a great, success, will come to a, close tonight. The members anticipate, as large an nttsnc'nnce us on Monday night, the opening. This afternoon there wll be a danc ing matinee, and tonight dancing will commence at ! o'clock. The prize nt the fair Thursday night, ten tickets on tho $100 In gold, was won by ticket No. 1.521, held by A. Prlndlc. The holder of ticket 1.2IS, which won the pair of slioes given by the People's shoe store, has not made himself known as yet. Sunday nt St. Paul's. Sabbath school, ti.30 it. in.; services, I0...U a. m. Church council meets In the church at 2.30 p. m. to decide sev eral matters, as tho president of the Wilkes-Barru conference, Itov. J. O. Schlenker, of Hassleton, will pay a visit to thin mission on Tuesday, May II. A now plan of mission operation within the Lutheran Mlnisterium of Pennsylvania is In vogue and will be acted upon tit the annual convention at Allcntown, Pa., from May 30 to June .", with which this visit Is con nected. More about, this visit will be iiuiuiiiiceii next weew. All are cor dially invited. Children's Deaths. Elizabeth, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuser, of Forty second street, died Thursday, after a short illness. Interment will be made today in St. Hose cemetery. The funeral services will be held at .1 o'clock in tho afternoon. Margaret, seven-nionths-olcl daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. fleorge Henry, of Belmont street, after it short illness with brain fever, passed away Thurs day night. The fur oral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock, interment in St. Hose cemetery. In Police Court. In police court yesterday, Milton Mc Kinney. who is the most freuuenl vis itor in police court, was again before the mayor. The day preceding he was in tlio same place, but was released on promising to keep sober. Hefore night fall MoKinnoy was again drunk ami was found by Patrolman Carden on Duntlaff street, where he was ereutlng a disturbance by shouting with great vgor. The mayor lined him SU), and in default he was sent to the county jail for thirty days. Car and Wagon Collide. A traction car, manned by Motormau Ditmoie and Conductor Grogan, came in collision with a dray driven by a, man named Davis, from Scranton, on Holniont street, above tho Ontario and Western crossing, Thursday night. Tho wagon was cut in twain and Davis was severely shaken up. The horses ran away and were caught in Simpson. Close Season Tonight. "The Christian" company, which gave Carbondale one of the bet productions of tile seasun, will close Its season at Now burg. N. V., tonight. The company had a highly prosper ous season. It made an exceptional record during one week, covering 2,500 miles in seven days anrt playing seven performances. Only one night was passed In a hotel by the company. The remaining six wore spent traveling. Was with Sotheni's Company. The coming of K. H, Sothorn, who is to appear in Hamlet at the Lyceum, In Hoinnton, tonight, lias a local interest inasmuch as one of the late members of the company. Miss Paul, was a fre quent visitor to ibis city. Miss Paul, whose death took place tit Albany a few weeks ago, was a slater of the Messrs'. Paul, of the Miners uud Mechanics' haul;, this city. To Visit Washington. The Miss-'s Judwiii, of Church stieet, will leave in a few days on a visit to Wribhlngtou. P, c." The party Is tak ing advantage) of the opportunity to enjoy a trip to tho capital when Wash ington Is most Interastlng. Thomas Durfee, of North Main street, will visit Washington, D. P., the coming week. Tonight's Meetings. Cambrian lodge, No, 5S, I, O, O. F. Division No. 13, A. O, H, Court fiolden TCag'le, F, of A. Np. 11. Diamond lodge, No. 20, Shield of Honor. The Passing Throng. Alderman L. I. Hunnell was a Scrun tlon visitor yesterduy, It, M. Hughes, of pittston, was in Carboudalu yesterday. J. it, Pluming, of Scranton, was a culler 111 town yesterday, J. O. fluiser, salesman for Megargeo Pros,, .Scranton, was hero yesterday. W. A. Coleman, of Scranton, made a business trip to this city yesterday. K. H. Davis, of the J, L. Counell company, Scranton, was lit the city yesterday. Miss Hose Wlllfuips, of Wllkes-liurro, ias returned home after a short stay with carbondale friends. Thomas ,. Duffy, John Early, Jo soph Walker and Joseph Powderly went visitors to Olyphant nu Thursduy night. Miss Fuller, who has been n Water town, N. y for several days on ac count of the death uf her mother, has returned to this city apd resumed her PE-RU-NA IHE WORLD'S TONIC ENTHUSIASTICALLY PRAtSID BY A HERO OF THIRTEEN WARS : jf.' v 0!sWi WIHf' ' rli ft 'il Bffls 5 5' unman i i&Mav JmJ&MM m " EAST VIM K0l ylll & INDIA 1 $ jff& Milf iQf Mexican fiFMFRAI MfhFP I Vj5 imm t B In, f If 'j font II VI i" B V U, I I, JlW mm W SSI SS3i I pLM tesssE3 rfzSS Essssa Wmk I I Jl U ' 1 I BRITISH- ITALIAN- CONFEDERATE- MEXICAN iJlMa 0551 cfc, t5i rrr"!i5np- kt&t r!?, -.rTr.-- k rtr?r itf13w?v ..M . . - , t?i?Si taalf-efH KS.owi! Wi'c's wdTriCX. v-ii&i b& psN Vsg52 etKegsss tSBifesteea entr.tct.WfflI HMa:l?,v.a i'.WwT.i-a rrr v X vikS msgsmk BBftw-a V5&&&& mxrm. fcv-3, -. ) tdP vl Ks? General Mclver has seen active pet-vice us Held olllcer under fourteen different flags. Ho Is a. soldier by Instinct and training and has been the hero of a great many sensational newspaper sketches-. Henry Itonulil D. Mclver is a man of Scottish parentase, who has sulfered all kinds of peril on sea and land and today Is a heart), vigorous man, whose love of adventure is as keen as ever. His last adventure in warfare was an organization of a baud of volunteers to aid the British against the Boers. This cosmopolitan soldier who has tough I In all climes, endured lite perils of warfare in nearly every country of Europe, Is a friend of Peruna. In speaking of this great remedy he made use of the following language: -Having received much benefit from Peruna I hereby certify that as a tonic I feel con fident it could not he surpassed by any other, and heartily recommend Peruna to any one in want of an invigorating tonic Henry ?. D. Mclver. V. E. Hlrch, fruit grower, Attoa. Vtt.. writes: "The country Is so Hooded with pa tent medicines of every kind worthless and a humbug, thai I am glad for one to be able to say 1 have found one that Is everything and more than Is claimed tor it. "My wife was very much run down and out of sorts every way. She hint female weakness and wan very weal;, nu-vous, and hud no appetite. I tried on everything 1 could think of. but. she would not touch a thing could iml eat strawberries, even. I saw Peruna In my father's store one day. mid after reading the printed matter on the bot tle, deiided to have my wife try it, lie lore sin had taken half of the holtle, she commenced to cat, and now a hi; Is hungry all the time. We both agree that II heals any medicine to bring an appetite ami put the nerves In good shape that we have over had anything to do with. "We had our family doctor to give her medicine, but she did not improve In the least. .She has consumption in her family and she was in such bad shape and so run down that I begun to gel very uneasy, but your medicine lias made an entirely new woman of her. duties as heud trimmer at Miss llal lagliy's millinery. Henry Twist, of Minooka, spout yes terday in town, He was formerly em ployed at the Delaware and Hudson freight olllce In this city. Ferguson S. Klple, of Scranton, made his lirst trip to Carboitdalo yesterday as the representative of the United States Knitting mills at Hawley. Herman Van Gordon, of the Carbon dale Telephone company, and Oscar Call, of the Harrison house barber shop, were in Hcranton yesterday mak ing some netled purchases. JEFWYN AND MAYFIELP. The borough council held their regu lar monthly meeting Inst uvunlug. Tho appropriation committee reported tlio following appropriations: Lights. $l,Bi!-.. 10; water, $'.'!;; streets and bridges, J'.'Se; borough building. 3ii; Interest, $0j salaries, $75; auditors. $18; attorney, rutnliinrt ?1S; sundrl.-s, s-iO; tire department, S1GU; minting. $15; police, $550; board of health, $G'J; law. $100; total, $3,110.50. Councllmen Wheeler and Cahaney objected to the small amount appio prlntetl for street repairs and the re port was referred back for reconsider ation. An ordluuneo granting tight of way through the borough, to enable tho People's Electric company lo constiuet and efiii. and operate their plant, was read and Attorney Curey, who was present, was accorded leave to speak before tho voti was taken. Jim oh jeciUd to Hie ordinance, because It did not contain a time limit and simgested It was only fair to the cltlztiiis lliat tho company hind themselves to erect and equip u plant within six months or a year. J, IX Htocker, ir.ldoni of thu company, icpll-jd to Mr- Cuiey's objections, and on the million of Coun cilman Dunn, seemded by D.tvls, tho People's company were given a frail chlse, providing thuy erect straight and shapely poles, paint tneiii and keep tlii.n painted, and pay the pule tax of 50 e.r.ts per pule per your. The yeas and rays being culled, Council man Wheeler was the only negative vote. Tax Collector Avery presented u long IliH of exonerations, which were referred to a committee of three, Wheier, Calmnney ami Pavls, for con- SPANISH- SERVIAN- GRECIAN- WAN- ARGENTINE I believe she eats and fe, Is better now I than she lias for yeai.s. 1 had no idea it would do half what it litis done, and don't think there is another medicine made will begin to compare with It." W. K. Iiircb. Miss .Mary iloerliing. of Medford, Wis., says: "I take great pit tt r.rc in acknowl edging Hie cura tive powers ol Peruna. ,s a nerve tunic, a ;;cntle .stimulator to ;i sluggish s.vstem, and as tin npfi'-ti!!!- and rislorer of oc-( strength and vl taliiy of wor.i out women, it is vir.v superior."--Miss Mary lioer- &$&&' Mltx Jl .i. I'lii-riiing. bing. Mr. t'liiijiics E. SlK-llhatiuer, .'ui" East Mound slreel, C'lrelevlll . t)., writes: "I snffeied for three eurs with something that Hi- doctors could not account for. one said that it viif titoniacli trouble, one that il was bad blood, uiie mnlarliil i'cm-i-, and another siiieiatioit, to report at next meeting. A bill for $M.SS for woil? upon the streets was read ami approved, and council adjourned. Mrs. Homer Carey was called to her homo at Oaiils'c i-uddt'iily on Thurs day by the serious lllnessi of her sis ter, Mrs. liobc-rl Vale. Yesterday, At torney Carey received a telegram an nouncing .Mrs. Vale's death. Deceased bus been ill for some time, but her death was unite unexpected, as until a day or two sign her recovery was looked for. Attorney Ciircy left last night to .i 1 1 i-ii I tin.- fuucial, which takes place today. All enjoyable party was hi Id yester day afternoon at tin- home of Mr, Thomas Seiitt, sr , of Third street, In honor of his seventy. eighth birthday. Mr. Scuti received tin hearty con- giatulatlons of his numerous friends, i who heartily wished him many happy j returns of Hie day. Tho party after j wards wcie terved with a substantial I supper, and spent s.'veral hours to gether In pleasant social I Among thos-o present were: Itev. and Mrs. Miller, Clifford; Mrs. Mouroo Brown and daughter, Kiln, Scranton; Mrs William Hacker and daughters, Hettha and Vera, Peckvlllu; Mr. and Mif. Delbert Scutt, Carbondale; Mrs. James Carey and family; Mr, and Mrs. Hm man Kelfer and tons, Nlles nnd Uonald, Mlns Hattle Scutt, Thom as Scutt. Jr.. and Mrs. Itlchunl Evans. Miss Cora Davis was a Scranton visitor jeHterday. The Delaware and Hudson colliery is btill idle. Eil'oitn uro about lo hu made by tlio borough fathers lo prevent tho stteut car euinpuiiy from running their culm car through the borough. OLYPHANT. In puru:ince to tic uutice -jiveu by Hie iitiei'l coninilttej of council early in the uwsk, the pi-opertj owners aloiii; l.aekawann.i street yesleiday gave tlio pave a cljall;, Mid lust night Street Cuiunils&ionu- McAndiew ami a force of men completed the work by flushing the htrcet with water troiu tin lire hydrants. Whllo' I'leoigo Patten. Jr.. was de livering a loud of goods at Threap for M. Mackey. the Irtrdwarn deulor, yes terday, the team Dut-uun. frightened and ran away. Tin; young niau, In S SPRVIA Jf 9 WBi GREECE ARGENTINE BOSNIAN- - CRETAN- CUBAN- EGYPTIAN- o k f I Washington, D. C, January 3, 1901. Hum it was a total collapsing of tho nervous system, l was a total wreck. 1 wits so nervous that I could not sleep at nightso weak I could not walk a stiuuro. After meals I would got blind and short of breath. 1 had severe pains in my head running from tho base of my brain to the forehead. I bad se vere pain in my kidneys. I had given up all hopes of ever getting any better. "I went to the drug store and bought a bottle of Peruna. It helped ihe pain in my head immediately. I now am feeling line and gained twenty pounds hi flush in three weeks. No misery in nij head, nervousness i gone, and I have a good appetite. I take great pleasure in leconinieudlng Peruna. to others. My friends meet me on the street and ask me what kind of medicine I am taking, and you may lie sure I tell them Peruna." Mr. Charles H. Shfilhunncr. If you do not derive prompt and mil isf.ietory results from the use of Pe runii, write at once to Dr. Hartmann, giving a full statement of your case and lie jvill be pleased to givo you his vulnuble advice gratis, Address Dr. Hnrtninn, president of The Ilurtiuuu Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. his efforts to stop tlio horse in Its mad flight, fell under the wheels and had his arm Injured. Tho vehicle wuf wrecked to some extent before the hoi-iio wits captured. A special meeting of tin stationary llremcu will bo held tonight In their rooms at the hotel of it. It. Williams, on Hudson street. Tho Harbors' association will hold a meeting at the shop of William Wil liams, in Klnkfly, on Monday eveuing AU members of tlio association are re quested to be present. Kov. W. II. Williams, the drummer evangelist, will occupy the pulpit of Hie Congregational church tomororw morning. fs theme will ho "P.rcuk ing Home Tie?." Attorney A. V Power, of Scranton, will conduct thr service in the evening and preach oi "The Hesurrectlon of the Soul," Wr, W. Adult-, general secretary ol Iiiillroail Young Men's Christian as hociatlon of Scranton, jvlll deliver a sermon in Hie Presbyterian church to moiorw evening. All are Invited. At tho Susquehanna Street Haptlst church, Frunols Lewis will preach nt tho morning service und W. II Priest will occupy tho pulpit In the evening Miss Mnmo Gallagher, of West Hcrunton, was a visitor hero yester day. J. A. Waring, of tho Heady Pn Store, hns returned from a trip to Now York. Mrs, .1. A. Waring, who Is at th Hahnemann hospital, at Scranton, re celvlng treatment, is much improved Mr, uud Mrs. D. G, Jonesi Imw moved from Ulakely to l.ucknwunn, stieot. A100SIC. Mr- Adair, of Scranton, in tin ah. selice of the pastor, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church Sun day morning. The service in the even lug will be one of special Interest Mi." Young will give her report ot tho tlllriy-lirst annual assembly of 111 Women's Foreign Missionary mh-iM-of the Presbyterian church, which -n.i-i held In Philadelphia the :'3d to '.'5th lilt For Female Complaints and diseases arising trom an Impurt state uf Hie blood l.ichtys Celerj Nerve Compound Is an Invaluable spe villi. Sold hy Matthews Urns,