'yrrw'px'Qrs yvyi- ' yW - 'Mtoj? ' ".i " '-'' i., "x " f; , ? , ' . -. fe t W V" A i ' ,' , -fef ;v ft ' l? - s fc 12 TUB SCRANTON TUIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 1, 100J. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR PBESIDENT MITCHELL OF MINE WORKERS IN THE CITY. He Stopped Off Heie on His Way from Imllariapolls to New York. What Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review Has to Say About the Activity In Wall Street Improvements That Aie Being Made on the Lacka wanna New Position of E. T. Hoin Other Trade Notes. President John ailtilicll. or the United Mine Workers of America, nr rlvcd In Scran ton yesterday and will sponil u few days conferring on mat ters In' fjeneial with the local officers of the urbanization. Ho stopped olC heie on liN uuy from Indlunnpolls to New York, whither ho will proceed tonight or tomonow, In tuke purl In the oi'Kiinizutlnn of the :lvle tndustrlal nssoclntloii which will hav for Its iiii'imsr the prcentlon of strikes by itrltll t iittoti. llei'imin Justl, commissioner of the Illinois Coal (Jporn tors' association; Vice j'ri'slilrnt Keiinii, of the Santa I-V milroad, mill Mr. MJleliell, as pieslilont or the Mine Workers and a Ice piesl ilent of the American Federation of 1ilmi i-mnprNe the coimnltli'c luiVitiK In (linrr,e the mallei' of dinftlnt; the plan" for the new association. ThN committee, .Mr. Mitchell mivs, will nicel Momla, nkhl. In New Yoik, to inepare lis nport. and. on the fol loulim iiIkIH. "Hi snhmll It to the koii eral coininlttci' whli h 1ms the forma tion of the association in haw. Tim ceneial committee will make a leport nt a muss met inn to In held Wednos ilav nlsht. 'I'he object nf orqanlzinK this asso (latlon, says Mr. Mitchell. Is to hilnfi about such 11 state of aff.iiis that the ciiiplovei cannot erfecL a lockout or Hie employes a strilje without first en l"rlnp lipon a dlseusls-oii of whatever iiiiitters may be In dispute. This will bad to 'iibltiatlon. It Is hoped, and strike- and lockouts theieby pi evented. Mr. Mil. 'hell says the Mine Work oiV organization has inci cased its iiiembeiship ::.".. I in the last three mouths and lluil it now h.ih a paid-up iiiembeiship of :;w,0fin, of which num ber liJUinn aie pnld-up nn mbers. There is noLhliiK in the local field to particularly demand his attention. Mr. Mitchell declared. Tic does not know at this time, be say. whether or not ho will be able to appear before the errand juiy nest week to pi ess his libel rase .is.thu-a the Scr.iiitoni.in. Activity in Wall Street. F!. C4. Dun & f'o.'s Weekly Review of Trade today will say: "The srcaloht activity ever .seen in Wall street ill verts attention in .1 meas ure fioin pioRivhs in illntiiliutlnpr anil mamil'acturhiK' operations. But while on every band stock market Interests are t nunselins" caution and attempting to prove that pi Ices aie really more than condition of some of our railroads warrant, the fact icninins that with out a. brilliant crop outlook and a sreat activity of general trade. Wall stieet could hold no such cai nival. Labor difficulties arc fewer and less thieat enlnsr than for several years, and prices of merchandise hold well. Sta bility of pi ices and villous proseou ilon of work at mills indicate the wholesome condition of the iion and steel market. Throushotil entire inuRe of products of this industry the iiiiient demand lor ' Immediate delivery ex ceeds all pievlous recoids, yet makers maintain ,1 conservative position and prices are not pushed up to the danger point. "Tlie marvelously healthy condition of business is best appreciated, when it Is discovered that the defaults last month wete the smallest in ninety-one months, with the exception of May to August, JS99. inclusive. In manufac tuilnEr lines there were but 163 failures with a total indebtedness of $1, 097,694, against ITS for $4,511,003. As 1S&9 re ported the smallest liabilities of any full year In two decades, last month's Rood showing: is made manifest by de faults In manufacturing- concerns $777, !rt5. smaller than two years upo. Trad ing: failures were 5.13 for ?3,lllS.8:';;, and banking; defaults weie $5:'9.O00. The death rate was only thiee-llftieths of one per cent, of all films in business and loss averaged .$4.70, not a serious embariafismeiit to general trade. The proportion of unpaid hills was less than forty-six cents for each .$1,000 of , solvent payments through clearing houses. "No matter in what light the Apiil record may be viewed. It makes nn ex hibit that cannot lull to give encour agement," Xackawnnna Improvements. Superintendent of Hrldges and Hulltl. lugs AV, 13. lllxson, or the Lackawanna railroad, has just completed the plans and specifications tor a new summer station at IJeatt Lake on the Montrose branch or the Lackawanna railroad. The building will be of wood, with a waling room, ti eight room and open platlorm for passengeis. The plan-? have been approved, and work nn the structure will bo rommeueed as soon as possible. The extensive improvements con templated at the Seianton round house, which were mentioned exclusively In The Tribune, have been approved by the officials, and the work will ho taken up at an cai ly date, A new coaling station will bo erected at Spraguevillo this summer. The coal will he elevated by machinery, and the docks will he erected above the main track, enabling engines to lake coal from the tracks on either side. The new tiO-foot turn table put in at the Cayuga has been completed and Is low In use. It Is a vast Improvement on the old one, and greatly facilitates the work at that point. Horn's Important Position, l;. T, Horn, who has been general 'ardmuster of the Lackawanna rail oad for the- past two years, with leadquarters at Hoboken, left yester (lay for Canada, where he will become assistant general manager of the Inter colonial railroad, under General Super intendent L (i, Russell, formerly of the Lackawanna, who Is now on a sick leave of absence for three months. It Is said that Mr. Uussell receives a salary of $10,000 a year from the Canadian government, and that Mr, Horn will receive $:.,00O, annually, and has signed a live-year contract with the company. Double Track in Use. Commencing at 6 a. m. today the double tiuck In frcnt of the Lacka wanna biuischgcr station will be us!i for the nrrlval and departttte of pass enger trains on their respective ttaelco, Instead of nil trains arriving an I .de parting on west bound track us has been the practice heretofoto. Conductors will Instruct their train men, including porters of steeping or parlor cars, that In landing passengers at Scranton from vestibule cars, the vestibule on opiwslto side from depot must not be opened, ' Conductors of suburban or other trains that do not have vestibule coaches, will Instruct trainmen, per tets, etc., to see that passengers do not alight from opposite side of ttaln ft tun depot. Unglnemen, when pulling Into Scran ton passenger station while a passen eer train Is standing on opposite track, will he governed by signal from sta tion master or conductor of standing train. D., L. & W. Boaid. r Follow lug Is the make-up of the D., L. & W. board for today; ntm.w. mv 3 Wllil r.iln lint S i. 111,, W. A. nutlinl..niF; HI p. 111., O, KrMtnej; it p. 111., K. .M II.1II1I s vrnm.vv, .may i. Wllil (.it- Kut-tiso a. in., II. .). UtMn: .1 .t. 111, .1. IMI110; s 11. hi.. M. I'lnuuly; s .1. 111., T. MrCirtli.1 : 10 a. 111., Dunn; 11 a. 111., I'. Mi Donnrll, t), IVall.irt'a iiiimi! 1 p in.. ". Unit: i! p. in., O. Cue: '1 p. in., it. .1. lien iilunis H p. 111., (). W. ritrgeialil. summits etc. 0 u. m.. cist. J,iini' Cutlucj 7 11, m,, hjI, (!. t'loimfclki'r; (I p. 111 , iut, t. Iliniilpin; " p, in,, cut, W, II. MflioN; " p. in., r.Kt n ran .iv Aiic. 1;. MeAIIMcr: 7 p. in., wixt fn.iii t ',i,i tut 1, ilit.ane: V p 111,, w e-i Iiom C'iiiiik.1, TtiutiiiiMiu. I'ullii -10 .1, in., 1". i:. -rem. I'ti-lmr s .1. 111., llmiM'r; to .1, m.. -. Pin iimI.i; II. SCI 1. m,, llni.in; 7 p. m. . buupliig; l p. in.. I.itiiiliiit; III p, 111. WMciii'i. ''I in IIukIih-" 11. in., I..iirni'i i 7 1. 111. slnitui ."..'in p, 111., M.111I1111; 7 p. 111., M 11.1111 111, WIM t in cs-, .1, i .1. nlnlcvj 7 .1. in., P. Wall; II .1, 111, U ('.iiinciib; 11 :i 111.. (. K!ii;r-l',v: I p. in,, (i. It.imloli'ili; 'J i. in,, .1. II M.ili'n; :l p. in, it. I,mn;ime : I p. m., .Inl.11 Cl.ili.i.iii: A p. 111., Kctcliam; i! p. 111., it, (iiililrn. -Mll( 1 I'niiilii. I..1 W. II lt.irtbolc.iiu w will urn s 1, III wllil 111 il.ij t. fur mio dip, villi S . p. WjiiiI'i iii'W. Ilr.it.rm 111 Jnhn fonlio.i irpruts tor Julr uitli II. OlllllMll. This and That. Fifteen of the earnieu employed at the Central railroad shops at Ashley were laid olf yesterday morning, owing to luck of woik, according to the ex planation. None or the fifteen Is of the men who were laid off iceenlly and whose disdain.- caused a strike. When the last strike was settled the officials stated that probably on May 1 there would be come suspensions, and now they have come. The men held n meeting last evening and talked over Hip situation, but nothing definite was done. Wilkes-Harre Heeord. T. DeWitt C'uyler, the director of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, today emphatically denied the published ic ports that the Pennsylvania Itailroad company has secured, or is trying to sceuie, a lepresentation in the affairs of the Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe railroad. Mr. C'uyler said: "There is absolutely no truth in those leporls. They are without the slightest founda tion. The Pennsylvania rtaihond com pany is not buying any of the Atchi son's stocks." The, Wyoming A'alloy Lace mill on Union street will soon be improved by the erection ot n five-story, lire proof building to be usurl ns a warehouse. The building will be a big addition to the plant and iork will soon be com menced. Another stoiy is to be added to the building recently erected and 11 lot of new machinery is to lie added. Manager J. C. Atkin will sail 011 Sat urday for Kngland on the Lucania for the purpose of put chasing the machin ery. The bu-siness has been inci easing so rapidly that these improvements have become necessary. Wilkes-Harre. Times. SIXTY FAMOUS AEBIALISTS Kingrling Brothers' Remarkable Company of Famous Mid-Air Art ists. Sixty acriallsts will be seen with Ringling lb-others' Woild's Greatest Shows, when this famous big combined ciicus, menagerie and hippodrome ex hibits in Scranton Tuesday, May 14. This is not only the gieatest array of aeilal peiformeis ever astociated with CORCORAN & O'BRIEN The Only One.Prlce Clothiers in the City. 408 Lackavvanna Avenue. Also Pittston, Pa, an American circus, but it also em btr.ces every noted troupe of acriallsts now before the public, Every nation in Iho world has conttlbuled to this remarkable congress of mld-alr nrtlsts. Kvery famous circus or Kttropc Is rep resented, and the must renowned per tormeis of Hgypt, Aft lea, China ami Japan are represented In the grand ensemble. Among the hcadllneta Is the gieat IJollowuy Trio of hlgh-wln gymnasts. On a single r.tnnd of who, sit etched ncross the dome of the big canvas amphitheater, these clever art ists perform the most astounding feats, dancing, vaulting, leaping und turning the most difficult somersaults, and doing It in a manner that would provoke astonishment and admltntlou even If pet formed upon the gtounil. The Feeley Trio, whose marvelous per formance In mld-alr known as "La Kschelle," has been the talk of Eng land and the continent during the past two or three seasons, Is one of Klngllng Hi others' many special Importations, and -fs one of the distinct arenle hits of the year. Their act Is different ft om anything hitherto seen In this country. It is a combination of the Hying tta pezp and tjic aerial bur.i. and Is sen sational rind thrilling to an unusual degree. Another Importation ot sur passing Interest Is the Alpine Slslets. whose porfoimances have delighted wondering audiences all over the civi lised world. The porfoimance given by the far-famed French Family D.u'ninu. is superior to anything of Its kind ever seen In this country. Swinging In mld-alr, under the great canvas dome, forty feel np.ut, Arthur and Jtose toss their sister Fanehon actoss the Intel veiling .space, catching her with outsti etched hands, and repeating the daring pcrfoimance until the au dience is Inhly thrilled. Then there is tile famous aerial bar trio,,Alvo, Holse and I'lciiid; the famous Fisher Family of aeiiallsls, Mile. Tumour, the most noted, giaeefill und daring of all aeilal poiours and equilibrists; Miss Minnie Fisher, the niarvelou.5 human aerial top; La Helle Carmen, Nettle Carroll, Miss Jessie Leon and many other le n.nik.tble mid-air porfotmeis, includ ing the only complete tioupe of Japan ese aetiallsts and high-wire bicyclists ever brought to the United States. Itingllng Hrotheis' circus is, however, not limited in Its style of entertain ment. Kveiy department of the gieat show is equally complete and compre hensive. There are in addition to the gieat company of aetiallsts, sixty fa mous acrobats, thitty heroic bareback riders, forty fun-making clowns and scores of other high-class specialists, while the tialned animal features em brace thirty marvelously trained ele phants, twenty of which appear In one ling at one time; O'Hrien's magnificent, sixty-one horse act, and many other trained animal surpilses. Ciicus day will be inaugurated with a magnificent fiee street parade, which 'in length, masslveness ond colossal splendor sur passes anything ever before attempted in the line of spectaculai display. CHAS. LEE'S Great London Show WILL EXHIBIT AT SCRANTON, MAY 6, 7 AND 8, Afternoon and Evening, Rain or Shine. Admission, 25c. Children, 15c. $10,000 Feature--The Dancing Ponies Without a Counterpart in the Wculd. Hiss Cleveland, Only Lady Somersault Rider 111 tiie World. Mr. Chas Ewers, King of Horse and Pony Trainers. 10 Funny Clowns. 20 Acro bats. 12 Female Artists. 60 Ponies, Dogs and Donkeys. DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7. ASH STREET LOT, YOU KNOW Saturday is our Special Bargain Day, so today we are going to offer some special in ducements in Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits. We are going to pick about twenty-five styles of our regular $15 Suits and place them on our bargain counter for one day only, Saturday, at $ 1 0.00 These Suits are thoroughly tailored, the collars on all coats put on by hand. In fact, the garments are practically hand-finished throughout. Special Diseases of Hen S Mr SPECIALTY. Do m. W Center Not iWmmmfci' Them Scatter JMWPIm on FaoultiesHj9 Specialty . if .'on ute Milfrriiic Iron) n iUmv r condition peculiar to 111011, or It you lmv Vert af'iolntM in not pottltifr pomnnnit uire, I wnt you to come ami lni a social chat h me. I H rxjilaln to you MY SYSTEM 01' THIIATMKNT, wlilcti 1 1ne oilglnttoil nil developer after my whole life's experience In trcBllnir spcrtn! dlicws of men. I havo n belts, upeoiflcA free nsmplc, trlul trralm(.nt.i or electro medical comljimtiom or similar ilcWcrs which do not mil cannot cure dUei peculiar to men, My education, my cTperb etice, mj, comrlence, my reputation roridenim all mch (unckery. If jou will iay mc a v I'it I will nh(. you rnKK OP CHAHOK a tlioroiurli perional examination nnd an lioneat opinion of your cafe. If you are Incurable I will tell jou i, and adis'j you so that )ou "ill not tie liiiiuhiiKged by iinacruiinlcitH piactlttoncra who claim to euro all. If .liter extrci. ijiijr jou, I find you curable, I will insure you of a permanent uue, inasmuch .1 t will (the you n written RUirantee to refund ou eicry cent jnu liaie paid inn In e'Je I fall to effect cure. I make no rlurk'e for medlclnee, as they lire aluaja included in the nominal fee, atkeel, ond ou linnw to Hie icnt, bed ro jou start what jour whole treilmcnt i golnc 1 "-, .mil nlll malce no filie promiSM in to the tlm for the bike, of srtlliiB yon aj patient. j I promUe only what I tan do, ami do at I piomlw. U.N'XATUU.M, llsCIIACli:S "topped in 6 to 10 daji. -MISSIONS and Dralm atoppetl in 5 to 15 dnju. t'l.C'KItl. f c.ire not of how long standing, f will dry them up at mue. STItlrTHHi: aired without tutting or dilating. IIYIlltOOKI.K or any swelllnga c vnlirgemtnla reduced at onee. IMPOTENCY by my sjhtcm of Tre'atmTt in curable iirc-kctlc of the time taiellng ur your age. rUAnnRn AND KtDNI!V deranjements by my J-vtem of trtitinrnt eliow a-lRH ' im' provement from the xery beginning. RHEUMATISM, being caused by impure condition of blood, is rurecl permanently by me. SPECIFIC HI.OOD POIbOMNO, permanently cured without the use ot Iodide of Potash or Mercury. WR1TF, If von cannot call. All eorre'potidence strictly conllclcntiil and all repllra ent In plain emel'po. Inclwe 2-ccnt atanip to inwro redy. OFFICII HOURS, 0 a. m. to 5 p. in. and 8 to 8 p. m.j feundaja, 10 a. rn to t p. in. DR. MACKENZIE'S 1 1 Permanently Located at Rooms 208-209-210 Paul. Building, 426428 Sprnce St., SCRANTON, PA, TAKE ELEVATOR. PERFORMANCE 2 AND 8 E III iffl! ES NEW YORK HOTELS. VVESTMlASTElt HOTKL I m. Mxti'i'itfh St. and Inini Pine, NEW YORK. Aim l M. ill I'lin, f.l.VI I'u ll.ij .llid I pw.llil 1 lliopl III I'llll, sl.th) IVl ll.iv duel 1 t 1UI special llilij In 1'jniiticE T. THOMPSON, IHop. VICTORIA 27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave,, New Vorlt European Absolutely fnthecentreofthe8liopplnfi:an4 theatre district M(J-rn Ilr-t.U&5 ll&tel. (.ompl-tt- (n cM Its aiipoiir ineius I urnislilnj;?nn 1 1! 2i.or.it mas p, w thrcmK'Iiot. At.t m inoijati ,ii, f if rf, Kur-sts; 150 suites with I ltlm, Hot in 1 tul 1 ttttcran I telephone in ecrj rojin. CuLln; unesi e'le I GEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prop. For Business Men In the h:art ot Uie whotesala 4. district. For shoppers . S minutes' walk to Wanamnkcrs; -f S minutes to Stcttel Cooper's Big Btoro. Easy of access to the great y Dry Goads Stoics. a For Sightseers -f One block from B'way Car.i. slv- . f Ins easy transportation, to all 4 points of Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT NEW Y0KK. Cor. Ilth ST. A UNIVKnSITY PI T Only one Block from Broadway. t f Pnnm" R1 Tin RESTAURANT " 4 UOOlIbi .Pi Up. Prices Keaionab. . - - ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. THE NEW RUDOLF OCEAN FRONT, k & &dm Kffif. ? Allliitk lit, Xftt iion. ". fimuiu. Iit.illli ni'l llt .IslllC U'Mlll. I..IIKI.I ijl Mil- Cli.ll. Jlu-t -M" iui4il, Hot ami nM ociwjlir Ijilh In Imiii1, tup In KU(l. fpulal niiiir uti' lnliitii uml ilnulir,'. t HA". It. MM.lt. lnn "! l'i"l' ' GUANO ATLANTIC HOTEL fNO ANNEX- Ursinia Alf. .ni'1 Itiucli, AtlJiitie til, X. I. jiiMli .M'Jr; ''') I'iMiitiful iiium-. nwilii, iiwl. .111J with Intli; liol .iml inl'l wiwjii-r lntl in linul jiuI .miu'S. I.i.i.inuii 11 It t .im I ii'iilul, within tiw jaiiL. t llu hlnl I'lii Oii-hotl.). Ot)(i4 ulal Binln i.ili, lU l l"' I'J" wl. W.M up py ill), MM.UI i.iti' In Uiiillli-N lUulK'i. nit it all lltln.-. Willu lui liOuUlti IIIAIII.K I., tttl't.. 1 HE CCLEBRATEU CORDON H1ANO Befoio buying, send for catalogue. H, S. GORDON, 139 riiiu aw. ISew VorK Clt). . sav?v$2RV Plan t Fireproof I'V 1 3u ; I .. - &1 A U lUv lv ta. I fimmi 2U Washington Ave. llfiiiMik uT Qhooe .tegsssr Sale ot &I.08S 4 fi 4, if 4, 4 4. 4. if if if 41 4. 41 4 4. ! NEW We arc now prepared to show Carpets Wall Papers Every item is this season's goods, and we are prepared to servo J 4. yon promptly and at our well-known low prices. 4, . 41 l WILLIAflS&ricANULTY Temporary Store, X 126 Washington Avenue- 4 4 4"4- I Meldrum, am ' Are Showing Handsome New Lines of 0 Coaching a 0 0 Also Exclusive Novelties in JS Fine Grenadine and (M- g :: luii iiiiiimtu raiaMJi. ;; g 126 Wyoming Avenue, k Magnificent Display Of xNew Parasols Our center show window will give you an idea of our exquisite Hue of New Parasols. These lovely sun protectors are un equalled both in beauty and price. Your inspection is respeetfully solicited J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. 1' Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing you kuow you'll garnish a dish. I came from the store of Florcy &. Brooks, And I'm dangerous. Damaged by Water Now Going ou at Corner LncknwHiiiin anil Wyoming Avcmu's, California Oil. We luip a fust i1j iroio. 1011 In wliith ..o aie oBiTim; iluitri iiuiuliu ttntk .it 10' l ' ollJIf, '4 tlC CtlllllMII) UHlll IJl't Jtll klllMtlil In (he toiy tcntti' ot thu Kifat I'llifuinu uil licit, onl lia-, cptlon on aiMillonil Kriniiul. e aie offtrlnif llCJuuty tt'ck tu ult nunif) I" l"t ilown Mfllo as ijuickly as iwasltilf '1 hi tPil i nou-j-iscK-ilik- ami taiilrv. no imliviilu il lu Willy We iurnUi the ti) I.UIitl u-ftituti-. rltu im lurtkuUith TII13 KI'.NUKICK lKUAtUUN CO Be luii III F IP I mM. lUenur Colorado if 1 T P T T T T T T V T STOCK, j 4 you an entire NEW stock of and Draperies 4 44 4ii .;.. .J. .J, Scott & Go. i ta Sun Umbrellas li L OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus 5500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid ot! savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. W,i. Conni.i.i, President Mivry Bii.iN.Ji;., Vice Pres. Wm. II. PixK, Cashier. The Inrgeat line of Woolens la the city to select your Spring1 Suit or Overcoat from. EVERYTHING RIGHT OR YOUR MONEY BACK, 406 Spruce Street. ftnl e r Tliriri ct Nnrthl --. . -J I'bllililtiUk. In. On I; litru.u tprrUlUt 19 A iufr-'i iuriitw 1 (ur fUob) null rriiatrJ . I Mm Ui.t tT"D f t- t 10 1 U UJ tJ l irrM4 bUfek.i ( itiu'xi i'uuud. M-rtout i'vtintj, uit ukuwt I laririM-tlt JL Mrlflun'-i (so ruliluit. I (!. lau. Itiiati.sbruuki'ii llrunt.Vai for hworii 1rtlyDtiiftUJt Ut.uk J t i,.iIkk tt-rj mpijtfij .mlyltflrinlfrwwi. Wyllqii prrj m!?ffl .if .tIjTtPfi r-iiTifWTPjj Ggw sfSy " 4ss?'E ttu ,i M T i T 1 1 t!l r vA iWTtiS iLii Iflfi'thtK , -.. t