The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 04, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Rf-v. nhurk'H Henry NYwIiir, A. M.,
B. V., Urn wv ijaulat of tlio Dnuniiira
Mftlicullst Kplscopal church, wis Rrrtrt
mttod In 1SS7 from Wyoinlnj? Seminary
with IiIrIi hcmui-H In the climplciil
iuimfo. In thy full of .S7 ho niiUrcd
Drew 'I'hi'oluRli'nl Koinlniiry, j;iuliiitt
Ins from there In IMMi. and In April of
thnt year joined the Wyomhitr CmtlVr-
Ho rpMvi-il (he dcyiuf or master of
nrti, from Grant university, and that
or ba-helor or dlvlnltv fioni llrew The
ological Seminary, Oiirlni; the yen's
slum lily admls.slon to Die rnnfernce
he Inis hceii Htatluned at liiecne and
'ante Creek, X. V.: rail.", Ualton nnd
KuMjuehanna Pur thlee years ho
vrvcil as p res. I den I of the Kpworth
l.eiiKtle of tin.' niuKhamtoll district.
tJttrlnsr his previous pastorates he has
bfe.ii roinaikably MiecrMSititl. and uvery
ehnif;o litis been IcCt in an Improved
fondition, which aumirs well for the.
Mir-c eh of his work licit.
The I'oui! AM'iiuc Jj.iptl'l church in
irowdotl every Sunday evenlnpr to hear
the M't'tnon-kctltrc and see the beauti
ful Mcreoptiron illtistr.illiig the
old story of I'llKrlm's Process. The
t' pie announced fcr tn-morrnw myn
UiB i. 'Vanity Pair and Uuiihtliiir Cari
tl' . ' Dr. Pierre lvus a Iniuf lcvlew
pr' reeling tlif apodal -eriuoii an
nounced, tluil the L'onsniKntlon may
I'.iVi 'unlit eted story of I ho enlho
lourle ii Mi. I'hrlrtian fioni 'o rity
r li4tfii lion tu the CVkstlal Cl?y.
Thi monthly iiiulIIiik of ihe'ilKvh-H.irro J'astoial
aFoi'lalion will ho held on .Monday at
Ihe imrsonnm- of St. Vaul's l.utheian
huith, lit'V. V. (.'. I,. Lauer. pastor.
"The .orni.itie Value of the Holy
Sflllittlie.s" Will be the sllbieet of a
p.lper litcpaied by l!e. II. I'. ,. Soil
ol.'i i, o" 'ilke;,-Harii'.
Tin rvyul.u meeting- of tin Jletlio
dist ministers of Seranton and vkln
it.v Mill bo held in the pailor.s of Kim
I'aik i hurch. Monday. May ti, at ltuu a.
m. hpeakor. itr-v. H. r. JleDermott, A.
M . Miltjecl. 'Tempeianiental lntor)ire
Mtlnns of Siilrlttuillty." Theie will also
lie an election of olllcot.
Km. .1. Pabiiey will ..peak at the
men's meeting in the Yoiiiik
Men's I'hiihtian assueialion Sunday at
" 4v A prtmr.tmme tit liyinns by l'atiinus,
sliiBerw will hf Biveii on the phono
Knipli. All men air invited.
Kev. P. .VI, hit-', a nuted and able
evaiiKt'list, will pleach in the 1'tovi
ileiicr Methodist church, Green Itidpre,
nest Sunday, May ,1, inoriiiiifr mid even
ins: A welcome to all.
The co-pel meeiinj? at the YouilfT
WoienV A-soeiatiou will lt
!( tl by ICv.ingelist W. V. Davis. All
eirls and women ule cordially Invited.
Tinn , .". l"i p. m.
'I'ln re will lie a symposium at the
Hnptlst I'.iMors' conl'eience, Monday at
I0.:w, on "Ministry to the Alllictcd and of the Dead."
w s,
Methodist Episcopal.
I im I'uK ihtiwh -I'ujtr .nul Mil-c mimic at
"..!ii; -tu.iinint lit tln l.niilS miiui .mil iiccp
lifiu ul nilic i .a III.. Si) ,i. in ; t l.i . imiluu'
ill r ini'iiiiiis iiin': muliv -ilmul .it - p. in.;
.llllllCM Ii ISTHe .11 .....II p III.; Mlllul KpvMlllll
!'.imn' ,n i, ii; ph.iiliiiii; iniu .it 7.;:i) p. m.,
-uiiDii I" tiir pj-lm, In. ('. M. liilllti. Sor
iti .it tin I'nio sirctt .Mivion: siitnl.iy huol
Jt ' j. in.; Lpwoiili lojmii! .it n.;.u p. m. A Mrlii'iiu i i'tiiiiliil Id .ill
-iiiip,oii MciIu.ii-i i:ps,i,pi ihiaili-IluRli
f i.Uiiinoii, lu-ini 1'iiiiiliins .a ia..ii) .1.
in "i'l i "0 l . m. Mmiilns niji'i.t, "Oicjii-r
n ii Jli I'lim.". i niiiKT miIijcii, "i "im i-iDii
'i h. (.natcei M.m (,nl Km 1 i.Ji'.'" Oilier
in- '- ii-imI. I In' pmpli .in ii.iiliilh in
i I t!
V-I'iin MithmlU lp pit itninl,, mmih'i
M i- v ,u inn inr linl.iwjii .-uni Un. . (.,
Mnip-uii, P. P., pi-toi, 1,'ii.iiH'iH 1111U1114 Inn
..,vi at 'i'.ii .1. in, p, i,j p,. ij,ti,, tin- pic
-'lIlllK I'lili'l. Mi.lllicllt ul UlO LiililV, rllppil
ill H'.m 1 111.. Pi. liiillm 11III1 1.1111W. Mimliy
ctliiiol, 'i .in, t'lmiTtli Ii ijjuc, 11. ,il; piculiiiii,
7..;n 1,1 tin. pi-iui, .Miiipit "H11 iiniii'iiioii
IJvitloll." .ll,, 1'I.IJII lllu'lill- Wctlii-
U.IJ I .11 p. 111. N.llh till' .lllll .ill .111' Will OHIO.
I ill J I lllllli MUllOllljt tlplMupll lIllMlll
'T!' t 1'. Pl, p.iiui. MuthiK i.f tin- llinlli
rrliornl .it ')li .1, in,, pii'iulilii,- liy tlio pi-toi.
Il' J. 111. .mil 7..MI p. m, j sunJij mi a 1
11(1011 ; limii'i l.pwuiih i.ijjiii .it ;i.,'jO p. 111.;
I punllll ll.lU'lli', li.MI p Ul! ll.l-S lllii'tlll,
M0111I11 ciiiilii'.-, -..Hi; pi.iioi nirrtliii.-, Mulm.,.
(I.1.1 i".ciihi'', 7.;,n, At, imili.ill.i Imliul.
lUinptun siuit Mi'tlnnlii, :pi-upil iIiiihIi
Ttcv, .Lulu', liiiiuliii, P.I..UI-. I'li'.Hliins; jt
til.. 111. -ulikit ul xciiiiuii, "Hi,, vim
I'iiiiiih ot irnl," is t.iuslit hi Pi. I'iir.-on;
(li-rf iiikMiib .it 1I..JI; SiiiuI.i,v''m1hio1 .it V p,
III,. .Illlllul hJBIli' .it p. 111.; smlui ,.,-1K.
at ". in, U.i'lfr, mi.Ic Miilfj ciuiln; pii'.i. Ii
Ink .-inn.' .a 7,"n, ulijut ul Niiumi, "lv
Vlioic AuiIioiio la n roislMH.-" A I0ii.l
Ml'liotlll' td J.
I'roiliKiiii' k'iliijili. l.'piMnpil ilmiili llrv,
CaorKc A. 1 "mi, pi-iur. Pciuiloiwl m.-i-itu ot
Ilia Iliotliuliwil ul si, Paul .a ,1, in, s.iiij.u
of liioiniiiir ciiiiii .a iu.,71, . m,i,, , IUI, j,
ot IIMuii," the tli.-t of j Miii u ilmul! i,.
tuiy, ti- iiiietliw. tullow. humlay Mli,ui at
2 p. in, CpHiuili lojuue at li.5, topio "IKlI-Iuii
of t.lMiaetu,'' Mix. Sii-Io Umics siunler Iculu
Siibjert uf Million ut 7.;ki, "tlio (Jii-ati.t i,
Prumiti's." fctu'ot .MotlioilUt i:pl,iop.i ilnmli-iui,
J, It, Aul In, pastor Mimlay Kliool at Iii.Ai
a, in., i;, W. ,-toui', siipeiintiiiiloiit. flu. ni
quartcily mcrtlnc ervlics will l.c hP,i at 2 p.
m.. euiiiinuiC'iiitf itli .1 loin cil, !cv. .u,in
Orlltln, D. P., the pri'.lilliiK f,i(t, will puaii,
nd udinlniiur tin; .aiaiiniu of the l.our, up.
ptr, :pwollli kafiic ,it 1)4.1; 111'nlny picaile
ing tcrvlcc at ,W. A luplial wi'hciiir tu all.
Nay Aug Jfi'tlioilist cliuicl OmIih-
fimrti-rly inwllus tin; pii'.nliins wit lie Mill
oeciir at l,3a a. in.; Sumlay biliuol at 2.0II,
KianK IMttarila, uipeiiiitenili'htj ( laM iini'tlng
it 3.:i', M. N'lMiti, IimiIci. All wi'hunip.
Court sunt .Mitlioilht 1,'piMiipal 1 huii it ii. f,
tjnian, pottur. f lav, iiin-tln;, U.4J. O. p. )c.
Witt, Icailil. I'K-Jiliiii, 10.311; Suiiiliy ulnwl,
11,15, (i It. I larl, iipt'iiiihliuViitj Jiiniin- Irjyiii-,
3.S0; Kimiutli k-jgiii-, DM); puailuni;, 7.l.
Scats fur
K11M (f.irin.iiil MciliuilUi Kpl.10p.1l ilmuli,
Atlaiiuatcnu.' uiul m titc t n. IIu'jiIIii, putur.
rii'JiliiiiK Diiticu, 10.3U a. in. ami 7 Ml p. in
SubjK't in tlio inornliiK, "ic T,u CoiiiiiianJ
mints In siranton l.lfi"; in tin. i-iinlng, "Clur-titor-Ilillliliiis
Auoiiliiis tu I'attun, ' Sumlay
school at noon, ami at 2 ii'ilmk p. 111. at tlu
chapol 011 Tajloi' atinuc. I.ptioilli Iivbuc at 0.15
p. ;. Tiajur imctlUK on 'llmibilaj' tuMilm;.
African MetlwilM i:plopa clmiili, ,juaul
place Pr. p. S. Ilcnlky, piotor. I'livi'i'iiiiK by
rntliliii." l.lijci Hit. Ili'iijainiu WhciU-i, iu.;u
a. 111. J .Suinlj) Mliool, p, in ; inraclilng au.l
holy uaininiuiiuii at ,1 p. in.; I liibtun Kndcat.
oi, 7 p, in j preaching. 7.l . 111. I.oto feast,
Hondjy ctcnini:; 'lmila cicning, (iirtcil 1011
fttencp. ,
Tcnn 'cnuc lliptht, I'mii atcnuf,
tt'ttttcu ptUle: jiij Lirukn sticit. I'lcuhln;,
iikmiiIiik .0 10.80 and ctfiiiiiR at 7.;in by the
pmtor, llev. l)r, llolicil V. V. Pierce, U. I.l
nionilntf piajcrs In the loner lomplo al I'.IV
riienie nt the inorninir fciuicn, "Cnimln fmni
the Maitir'n T.ililc." lleccpllun o( lion iniliilicrs
.ind coinninniiiti. Sumliy jehnol nt t he I'cnn
Au'hur tlitinli nt 'J o'clock mi at tin;
Memorlil I11IH011 .it ,'I.Si) p. 111.; vmf I'io
plc'x iiicrtliii,' n 0.B0 p. in, Topic nl (lie rtrii.
inR1 rrrnimi Intiiic, "Vanity fail ami PoiitiliiiR
t'atlc." TIiIk i thn fointli In lite wiint l lb
luMtalctl Fcniiiini 011 I'llrlins' I'regrr". Uriel
ttjiicetlttlij nertitci In the lottci' temple.
Klrst-Hiptlkt ilmrcli, .South Main .itrniic--llcv,
S. I'. M.ilhciis pijlnr. Senium .11 umhI Mb"
balli lnornlni: .nul ctenlim, II. ml u. 111. .iii'l 7.30
p. in. iho lird Supper will w nicrtril at
tllO(lAe ol tlie etenliie teitlie; Siblnlli trhool,
'-'.3U p. 111., Plymouth ehunli, Dr., niper
Intemlcnt; 11. V. P. 1'. ccrtlm, rt."n p. m. at
liorltc hall. T' niectliiff, Wdlnenlay rtcie
I11K, 7,30 p. 111. All nrc Melconic.
.I.iikion Street tlaptlt. thtirdi MornlnR pr.i,tr
tnectlnc .it P.30, leailer, rteorsre UMdliK; e
mon by tlm (utttr, llcv. Tlininia tie llriiohy,
D. D at 10.3U, topk. "N Our Lote for Phrl't
Ileal ur Srntimontal"; Sutnliy cliool at i,
Charlcf. Policy, .upcrintcmlen't; lUiiim? ferilcc
at 7 Mnip. Pr.ile triicn for flic congregation
and full rholr will jlt with nittltims and
riuartette. ThiN M-nlcr nlll be fullownl by a
short J'MreN bv the pitoi, topic, "somctlilng:
Better Thin l.ite." N -tt .ire cordially imiled
to atti'inl.
fliccn HldBe B.iph.t (lnmh Vlotiilnc pr.t.ier
inictlnc at 10 (I'llinit. Pri'iiiilm.- hv tlie pallor
at lo;;o ami 7.M1. sulijci I in the uicrtiliitr, "flop,
inland Waitinc"; in tin ctriiiuir, "hiMftlin; in
Uppui Hinltj." 'Ihe l.oitl'f. MJpper Mill be atb
mliilstcrnl at the rhw uf the inoriiiiic seinii'n.
Siiinln Mhool at 1 I.I.I; tncellin; ot the .liinleir
fniMi al ::.;ti; roll 1 ill nt the sudor utilciy
Ot li.JI
sliiloh IlaptM (liiuih. .',""1 I'rntie tieet near
l'i 1111 it 1 line seiiiii-B at In l"i a. 111. and 7.3" p.
111 tin piloi, Kit. .Iaiiii"i A. Siiuihi. iviil
pn.iiii il huth ''eitin . I'uiiiuiiiniuii alter the
denim; -erinuii. sliaiiRiri :11c intiled and all
tlie members aie leiiuctcil In piy up tiicir ditib.
Ill ijt 1 llapti-it diuiili Hand '"pemii, P. P.,
pi.tor. I". 'in .1. in., lit -t fomi'iii mi "Hie Pal
Kin Pri.tei," MilijeU "rhe r.ilherlionil of ttud,'1
ImiiI'-i ,-iippu; II. I"., llilik miii; i,.-, p. m.,
II. . P. 1"; 7.MI, 1'iirl -uiiinu on "rhc llmik
nt Itiilh." ml. in I "Until the t.nial lleioine."
Serrunl Pie-lijleriaii duinh s. n lie-. III .iO a.
111 ami 7.30 p. 111. Pi. I,ohtu-ou uill pieidi
uinriiiiit: ,Uii iieiiina. 'Iho topic fur (lie etcn
Inir i-eiiimii nil! tie "Puinc Onii' Will." A
coidial iuiitation i., I'Xtiml.'il to all.
fi'iien Itnlce Picliitiiiaii tlnnih ltet. I. .1,
l.auninp, pastor; llcv. 1.. It. I'uslcr. ai.,tant.
111.30, -rime uf tiei-liip, 111th spnnoti bv t lie
pi-tm. Milijut. "the .Seed and .iliic uf Te.uli
iiip in lliethuuli; IS. Hililc 'iliool; 030, null
um Ktidi'itui; 7, 11. M'ltne, with mi mon by tlie
pi-lur, .-ulijcit, "Hie Lin ot l'luporlion in
Life. All aie wekonie.
Washburn sneet Piii-hileiiau ilmuli Kev.
John P. Motlat, I). P.. pactcr. wiuu'j atMOI'O
a. 111. and 7.30 p. 111.; llihle -clmol at 12 in.;
( litislim J'nilcaioi. at 0.20 p. in., Mibjcit "D(ii--ion
el thuaiter," leailci D. II. Itulleehci ;
piaiei meeting Wedncdiy, 7.30 p. 111., subject
"KslalilMuil 'Iliim.". in Itellpnit." The pa.slor
will picnh moiiiiii .mil cteiiim;. All wekonie.
Sumnel ietiue Pli-bi tei 1 ill ihlllill. coiner
suiuiKi- aii line ami Piiie -tiect -tr. llizaliel
lliotin will tomhut the moiuius ,-eitiie at
10 30 oMod,; Mi. W. I.'. IMinuley will pieaen
at 0 p. lit.; Sundiy -ihool at 2 p. in.; Hand of
Hope on T11e.-d.1y and Tliiu-diy eicniiiK Mid
wtik plater Mitne, on iedtii -day eteninpr at
7.l". The i-eats arc fico. All ate weltomc.
CipoiL-e tlupcl (Pic-biteiiaiO I'liathiuK, 10.10
a. 111. and 7.30 p. 111.. bv tlie pistor, ltet. L. II.
Pi -ter. Sundiy -1 liei'l, 3 p. nt.; Senior Kude it.
ui, i' 30; .liimui Kndiatui and sinsdns;, Monday
etiiiins; pri.iei luctitia, 7 .:n 'lliin-d i.e (tenintc.
Itcadtii lniini npui P11d.11 I'leiuiii;. All wehotue.
Ptotiduiie Picsbileil.iti 1 huri 11 ltet. 0. K.
(hull), pi-toi. Al tlie moiiiiin; .seitiee the pis
tol will picnh Ihe antniil (li-ioui-e of tlio
(liuriii. Siuiil i.t sihoolat noon; Kndcator meet
nil.', (!.. oMucK; iiinim; .-ctiite, 7.30 o'tloiK.
'the -tat- ot the chinch .tie aluats free.
Ad mis teiiue ihapel, Xeu Vorl; llcct The
llev. .lames llualies will preiih at 10.30 and
7.3ii; Sumlav mIiop! it 3 o'clock; ('. K, at fl.l.'i.
All wekonie tu the.-e --eiiiie5.
saint I. like'- piti-lt--Hct. Kegel- i-i,icl, P. P.,
reilui; lin. K. .f. Iliiichlun, senioi mute; Itcv.
M II. N.i-h, junior unate. Putiilh Sunday alltr
St l.ul.e's ilmuli 7..1H a. 111., holy 1 oniiitiinioir,
0, 1", a. ni., muminc piaiu; 10. ,o .1, 111., .-ciinun
and iiuly lommunioii; 7.30 p. ni., ivcnini;
and fetmuii; !MJ a. in., Nmday Mhoul and
llible 1 1,1-1 r,
st, Miik'c, piiiiinoic- S a. 111, holy cumuiim
ion; lii.Mi ,1. in., moiniim- and ,-ciinoii;
7..111 p. in., etuiimr pi. mi and retuioii; .: p. 111.,
Miiulat mIuoI ami llil.le ili-.
I. .1st I. ud ml-inn, Pioeoti atemie -2.30 p. 111.,
siind.i.i l1h."1 and llildr da-se,; 3,311 p, n.,,
en nitit, ptatit and M-nuon,
Sulllh Silk lllb-ioll, I'll'- tllTl-r-.,.3ll p lit ,
Sunday m huol and llihli d is-c.
st. I.'iuiae's. Illip'init 2.30 p in., uiu,iiv
m Imul ,11, d llible ii.ii.s; 3.30 p. 111., rtcnluK
pia.ti't' and .-tnihui.
l Ini-i's hint Ii, mi mi a,hinKluii atenue
and P.11I. Mnelltei. P. .-. Hallenline, iiilnr.
Sin lie,, 1O...0 a. in., 2.311 p in,, 7.30 p. in.
All m Us lue, All iickoiiie.
Reformed Episcopal.
Mate lleloiniul Kpi-iupil diliidi, Wjomunt
ateutio, lulott .Miilliitu street Itir, Ceortte h.
Abkh. pastnt: 11,311 a, 111., pi.iuT .aid piaise
seitke; I11.311 a. 111,, lontmiuiioii and ecrnioti
by the pi-tot, "I Thind," .lolm 10; 2S; 7.30
p. 111.. "Miidiw in M.ilaihi; Ills Conilng,"
Mil. I: Mi; Sibb.illi filimd, 12 111.; V, P. S, C.
K., o,3n p. in, : e-s.,u Minl.t, Viilncsila.t, 7,30
p, in.; ptatir uiuliim at , Pelts tree. All
ttiliuine. Iter. A, f. (ijibclrln, (dltor of "Our
Hope," the iiiiluenl llible teaihd', will be with
its, Mat 12 CVino ami hear him.
Evangelic! Lutlnrnn.
KtauKi Ileal I.ullitiaii 1'ouilh Sunda.t alter
r.ieti'l. lio-pd. John In; 3-H; epistle, .lamis I;
ht. Mark't, Wankliuni and Poiiitcctith iticetii
net. .. 1.. naiiier, rn. if., pastor, sertiies,
10,30 j. in., 7.30 p. ni. ; Luther Icjkiic, 0,30
p. 111,; Sunday nhool, 12 ni.; WcilnrxUy
tke, 7,30 p, 111,; MUalon II nul, situnlay, 2.30
p. 11). .Moinliiif Dtibjccl, "Tlie W'urk o the
t'oinforltt"; eunliuf subject, "Ileiiil.-ltlei In
'line, llisiipliehlp." The articles for the nil-.-lull
bus ten India ahouh be brought to tlm
iltineh the rally part ot .lie week.
Holy '1 1 lull, AiIjid, atenue 4ml MulUtty
slleet Iliv, (", li, spieket, pastor, sertkeJ,
10.30 a, in,, 7,;.o p. in,; i.uthcr leajue, li.30
p. in,; sumlay ihoo, l m,; MIlon Hand,
Saturday, 10 .1, 111,
St. pauPi. Short atenue llcv. l f. I.aurr,
paslor, So ik es, 10.30 u. in., 7,31 p.m.; Sunday
siliuol, 2.30 p. in,; tatcdutieal In.tiuition,
3.43 p. in.; I.utlur league, 'eihie,djy, 7.30 p. in.
.Ion's, .Mltiilit atenue Itev. '. Zizelnunn,
pastor. Siitkis, I0.3U .1. ni.; Sunday school, 2
p. 111.
I In it, (Vdar atenue and lliuh stieet
ltet. Jaini's Wltke, pastor, sutiecs, 1030 1.
ill., 7.30 p. in.; Sunday chool, 2 p. in.
st. I'ltti's, 1'umiiii avenue, Itev. John Han
ilulph, pastor, sertiic, 10.30 j, m., 7.31) p. ,lt.
Sunday mIiuu, 2 p. 111,
Kniamul lliiuiand'obdi Lutbciau dniuli,
"coo t net llev. I'liUliuud iMttelnieler, pastor.
PreacliiiiK in Ihe Oeuiun language at 10 a nil
Sunday .-thuol, 2 p. 111.
l'n.-l ibuuh 11' 111 I.t .SilcntUij. :,yi ,'IJin..
atuiue sundai teitiim, 10.30 a, 111. and 7.J0
p. 111,; Sunday kIiouI, 11.15 . 111., ibjeet,
"Adam an! I'alkn Man"; testimonial meetings,
Wtiiufjjy (lrnliii; at e o'tloik. The ihuuli l
al.-o open it try day durinf Hie week. 'Iho
llible and all t hihjtiau hticiite Jitintuic is kept
In fl (ice public rejdin; room. ".S(iiic and
Health with Kiy to the 8cilpture," by Mary
llaktr K'lJi, will be loaned to Invotitraton wit.
Sunday School , -. , nY
Lesson JCSUS and Peter. J.E.GilbeitD.D
Mav K J Oil II XXI. l&'iYZ, 5odletv of Rellglom
IXritOIII.'CTIflV.-The etenl follow line Hie
reuircellon hotv how .twin tie.iled UN ill
dplct 11 ii-1 KMinlit to win them In f.iltli ami
piepne IIkih for nertlie. Tint trnitimnt tt.M
nilttil to the pcutllar tunperatiienl uf radi
one. tta (iranlcd Hie Ihit Intertlew, the
uthir ttumen .illtmanl, nest, the tito luen on
the way lo Dmtiiam, then the ten In Hie upper
muni, Dually TI10111.H utter n week. All lhl
win In or tie. ii Jennilini. The loinpnty of
tIMpli Ilien lep.ilrnl to Cl.ttltee ami evident
ly HioiiRlit the M,iler bad ab.induneil them, us
they proposed In t ol urn tit their old .ivora
Hun.' Clolm, .l;,1), hi this Peter wan the
llmt lo make Miggeitlnn. A utrons .mil Im
pnldte di.iraeler ho naltti.llly led tlio othiri,
and all went on .1 fHilmr. exuirnion. Milln
ni engatted .leMW .ippeaied. Al lilt Word Ihe
nilr.i(tiloti (ImiirIiI or llshes wat feuuril, attd
the whole parly Pit ilnttn to dine, llielr bold
nlHrlafing n host. After tlie iep.)l .Icmis Jib
dreed Peter with (he ct blent purpose of .-ceiif
ln& him to greater stciidfa-stncji tint he might,
be more fmlicahlc, In the apostolic lulleRe.
How- the cart was conducted appear In our
PIHST gl'UHON (Verse 111. n appeal it.n
made tn the heart of Peter by illicit quefllon.
Old this apostle loto .Iritis 11101c (Inn the oth
ers? The Inquliy win called lorlli by the
tlronr; pioltslitluin of Hipennr alfeellun, nude
at the (.upper (Mjii., xt 1:3,1). That ilcchn
Hon of utidianjdnc- hdcllty on flic night of the
lietia.lal was iloubtliss finccre, altliough lit the
lime .l(6m cite solemn warning and piedlcted
what admire muiricd t.Malt., wth.'ll). It
was hiphly pioper in tietv of whit hid train
pired in the iiie.inliuie lo beiilu al Hut point
and n'litte ,1 ie-i'aiuinatli'ti uf into lor tondl
lions. The reply was liunmplele. Theie wis
no awilinu of lute pn.itcr thin Hill of as-o-1
iatr. Sink bo.isllni-' would hue bien im
eiinly, lnsc,l ivtei was lunluit In fiibtuil
lnnielf tu Ike n'arclilm; e,iinfnitiiin of his
Ji.i-hr lc ahiih Ihe ilcibiun that mtutit 1
plten, as that mii-t be airmrllwr to Ill ab-
fi lule and Mill, lent kiirmeil;e. 'Iliuii Knowi-t.
that I hue thee," ,h his half-et'slto answer.
Hid .le-its i rafted .nul iinniulssluneii him
!n leeil his- l.imlv,
SKI OMI (t I.-jIKiN (n-e I0).-Hut the cue
m.i nul In be ili-iiiic, lliu- e.i-lli, A fhnrlor
liiestiun i.iine, Willi .ill ( umlllnl.
"bniet thou tiir"( Ihe purpo-e was tu pin
tide N'lf-cvitiiinitii.u, tn dnm;e the apustle'
thouglil Hum in I,, his l,i yB kimttlidKe
and eiu-e him to kiinw hlm-clt. Nut whit
Jems '.new nt Petei but ttliil IMer knew of
his uttii lis wis Ihe cud suuirht. II .n
Hi" .is tit ask, "tin tun leally lote un.' ?
In- implinsN should ui- laid tn-t cpun the pni
n 11I1-. and the line iik-.i 11 1 tier uf th won'. In c
nni-l be put into Ihe ccrircmr. It was .1 mure
pi'i.-utiil and M'.iiihiin; e.saiiiitialinn than lit
111 -I. Pi Id's an-vtir was Hie Mine as the first
Kben. He did piisinue to pine nn .illliinalite
replt by il-elf, but felt it wise and neei --.try
to appiil still to the Mathim'-. knnttkdve of
Htm. an appeal de-lsned fu mute .1 tunler In art.
I pon liiift ionle-.-iun ut ttie apo-tle i.iine the
lenewed ioiumi-iun -li'htlj ili.uifreil howcter,
"Peed .My Sheep."
'llllltD (JPKsllllS (Vet-e 17). Ie-IH wis not
,tet s.iti-lled with the lostilt ot the Intel view.
There w.i' kuoiI teason to think (Inn far
Hie nun's i.t nt bid tint beui muted, and until
tlm th" 'I'd Miimht was nut sained. Ome
Dime lame lite question, this time the term
and wotds lite simc as in Ihe sciond question.
And now life stout tisheimiu was totuhid as
he had not beui. He was uriettd hu.iu-c of
the-e icpealeJ iiniuiiie.-, a-, if theie was doubt
coiiLCrnins ldni. 'Ilnl irtitf -oftuied the bent
and picpitcd it tot the truth, as the soil is
111 ule leady tur the -eid liy the plutv-shan..
Willi uioie ciiiphi-is lie repealed the an-wer
twice i 111, addiii!,' only the-e ttoul-, "thou
know et all thiiiKs" Muhn .ii;3ii), tttrnint; his
tuy inner mil to the in-pediou ut tlie .seauher
of lteiil.-. It will be lemeinbrieil tint Petei
denied his I.oul tlniie during the tune of the
aue-.f and ttiil, and now lie is made lo
(unte-s his lote tor Him tin ic u (.I0I111 ili:3).
'Ibis la-t dcdaraliuti was and .le-11- -tld
unto lnni, "Peed my -beep."
1'OlttKI) (IlltDINC Ooi-c IM, It -huiihl be
tiutiicil that in the-e qui'-tiotis .le-iis addle (d
his di-uple by his old finiily name "Simon,"
Mil of .lonas, witliniit lifeieme In his new
1.. ine, tdien to dc-isnite his apn-tolie oltue
(Matt., ti:ls), 01 ttliuli by his denial lie had
bieu dcpiited. It i- a!-o to be 1 (marked that
tlie opicssiun, "Peed my lamb-,' and "Peed
my shiep," lti-tored Ihe apu.-toIie piuoitiie.
'ilicie was inehidcil under tho-e dilations the
duly lo supply t-pit it 11-tl food and to koiohi Ihe
ilntU. lompo-eil nt the ,iotme; and tender and of
the nlder and muie e-tabhsliid. llui- siuion
lief.inie Pelir attain and was icdnte-li'd with
Hie I101101 and piitilei;( lost by his fall. 'IhH
out diJice. Visitors and letters of iiiqiin.i lie
wthcmul ami jiitin cotntcoii.s attention and in
fumiiliun lice,
t'altary ltcfuuunl church, .Momoe .ueutie and
Ifibson meet Itev. Maiion L. l'lmr, pistor.
sutiecs Sunday .it 10,30 a, in,, 7,30 p. in. ; Sun
ihy mIiooI, 11.1' J. in. Mornitiff aubieit, "(J.t
Poiward"; ctinine; subject, "C'haiiKeli'--iie-s of
All Suitls' I niici.-allst ihtitdi, Pine -tuct.
near Adams .itcttue. suilce al 10.30 a. in., mn-
dm tdl by Mr, Alfred Donley, whoso subject
will be, "A Solid llasis lor Our belief"; Siiu, sihool at II, l'i a. in.
Zinn I'ldted KtaiiRelical clitudi, 1120 I aputi-e
.iiiiuie PliMiliing 10.30 a. in. and 7.3it p. in ,
bj Hie pistol, llev, J. A. Me-enser, ulJs' H,
"I'KitokliiK lo iil Woiks" and "ltuklis Mil
uis." Sunday (chool 0.3U; .luiiior Kudeatoi, :'
p. m.; senior Kudeatoi, 0.30; pujer inetlins,
7,30 Wtducsd.iy eteniiisr. Seat- nee and ettij
bud; wekonie,
I'ulhmliifi i tlie progi.iiniiie fur the ion(crt
for the benefit of the I.end-adlanil Mi-lonary
I lule of the tiieen llldRP I'resb.vtciian diuieli,
to be alien in (Ineinaey lull, .May 10, under the
illiectiuti uf Mr. Tom Clippel, when these populir
ntists will be heaul; Mis Pnrothy Johiistoue,
luipist; MIn .lull i C'lapp Allen, tiollni-i; Mis
rimlotte I.. Illackmaii, pianist ; Mkss (.'oriklli
Wert Freeman, -.opiauo; Mi, Tom (iippel, tenor:
I'l tlio solo t ,,SeleeeJ
"favallei souk" .Maude V.deile White
Ml. lilppel.
' Pipij.dki"
Alb Johiistoue.
"Vlllanellc" Dill 'Aiqiu
MUs Freeman.
"Pause Tzigane" , ... ..N.uliOi
.MUs Allen.
"Ansels" seienade" Ilraja
Mi, nipped. -(Violin
Dlilitfato. ttllli llaip and Pluto).
Inteiniriu iinin "tavalliiia llu.-liian.i"
Jll-s Juitu.toiie.
"Ml and VaiiJtlun." , pruc!l
M1k5 Fireman.
Violin and Hup selected
Midi's Allen and Jolmstoue,
Puet .,,,, Veidi
Ml Fii'iinin .ilnl -Mr. (iippel, with
Wollu, llaip and Piano.
Mr. tltailci. Dueieain, tlie well known pianist,
1 anticipating a Hip to the continent to mm.
pletc his mtidcal studies under uue of (lie nuj-
t(. He upetlo to Icato Suanton net fall.
II b I!
'tlie ue.t (iititiit by the ll(iiib(it;ci quailtlle
is announced tu take plaie May 27, 'lite pio-
grannne will cnntiin miuibei of ureal taiicly
aiui will iiobably be the ino-t prrtcntlous jet
olleied by the-e -.tcrliiiK aiiUU. 'Ihe iiuiuUra
assured thus fir Include the "blij" F Major
quaitcttc, by llccthotrn, a tulle fur tiollii and
piano by Franz Kitt. and a qiiliitrtte (or two
ilolliu, 'tcllo and piano, by Sehuiuin.
il II 'I
Tlie great C Minor bjiiiphony No, .", b.t llee-
thottu, will be performed (or the that time In
thU city by the Symphony oiehcstij of ity-
flic imisitkiiis ut the l..mum a tterk from Mon-
ihy cvcnlns'. Tl": iiiu-Uiano and luu.-ie lotrin ol
tlie talley anticipate tlie pirn'nlatluii of IliU
noble U'liipu.-ltlou with quinine tiilhu-ljsiii, at
It Is' not only, the m',it widely known lice-
Iboteu woik, tbe mutt ihaueteiUtlc, but Hie
most populjr. Among inu-klant the C miner
bdnir .lriunipll-lii'il .Icmk fiiillier iiisliuets till
teMored iitin-lle, linklmt I1I111 kimw -oiiielliluc?
of Ihe Inline of his cireei. In all
bis (ally life lie mllourd Ids ovtn diolees,
RuliiK (will to that ttlili 11 was must plea-Inn, re
Jolt Inif lit III (oii-clous Mimutli. Hut In
the woik of Ihe ministry lie would heiome the
tletllii of pilMintlnns, his lllierly wniild Im
taken nwa.v, be would be bnntiil ntiil uiiiipcllcil
Id siibtilll lo tlie will of othus.
rol.l.OW .Ml! fci.e III). It was In one n-nse
a gloomy niitlook thai wis tlius presented In
lids linn, lie bad mi laird his lute rten Willi
diiriow that It should lie questioned, lie hid
been freely (molten lor his duikils by Ids
Lord ami lie bad incited .nr.iln the t nnimhslmi
that had beui Intfelted. All Ilnl mlcht well
li.ue t'liihkmd in hen I. Hut now, tu hear the
niittome of lids opposition, pdeciutlnu, bnndi,
eten Ii rnousli to test the nun's
f 1III1 and lot.iltj. Many would slnluk
and lien to lie cmiim'iI. n wonder the test
had been three limes applied In the heart. No
one wuubl be llrni IUiIcm lite lie.ul was MinuR.
Immedlilely .lesus hpoke ittn words In etieuuth
en the will ami put th" 1 iv' In Its true Unlit,
"Pollow Me." smelt Peter would not he.
tile if what he hid piotesled was tine. Why
ftiutild ho hesitate? Nun he epei a lot
brller Ihan Ids Misler's (Malt., Mill? lleie
tunics then lite lule of his life. He hid -eui
mi mis under all em untslnni cs pcrseuiled, killed
iind rl-en. lie must follow In the sinie lepa
tu be .1 iitlui'lrr.
t'l lllosnv (oisps ;o ,ui, 21). -II
bad l'i en thought II; il a put ot lliis Intert lew
between .)eu and 'Peter was piltate, Ilnl if
they besan In the ptcceme uf otheiH tliey went
forth tu w ilk itnl commune mure fully, A
llllle way behind wis Hie ilwlplc ,letts loved,
.lolm as it Is htllewil f.Iolui, .lii:2,l), so men.
tioned dsewhne. ceeliiB him fnllnwliie;, IMer
I'kid, "WI11I shill-Ihis mill do"? Vatiuiis
lutijiituris hue ixen mule .is In . niollte
wliidi piutiipled this aluupl. ibmcs-iuii in the
culm iMlli'li. II has been Mictc-to . Hut PUir
wit, .. Ihe oMiciucIv peisuntl
ihiiaelir nl Ihe cnntn-siliuii, and lint he di-j-iir
I to nlieel .-illciitlon fiutn linns. It by calllm;
.ninihir into Ihe (uiiipaui. It Ins birn Ihuunht
tint lie tiinh r-tood the leiiiuks of Jesus as
By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D.
l-'rom Author's Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," Published by f:, H. Revel
& Co., Chicago, III.
I'l tlie quid "I talk ol .ic-tis Willi iu ills
etplis by the mm ot (ulilee, Hie ti ,stcr a-keii
I lie one ideal test que-tioti lor i itiisttan iili-ci-
pleshtp "I.OVP.ST TIIOL' Ml..'" This is a pi r.
sun il qiicstiou; a pie-ettl tense qurslion; a piac.
licit quisttoii, atid it was Midi an iuipuifar.t
qtiL-liuu tint Jo-its upe.uid it tluei' limes with
iiurca-in euipiia-i-. ' l.eii'si thou Me" unite
Hun th,. ph'.i-inr-. and pinhls and liiiud-iiips cf
life? "I.oii.-I Ihiiu Me" mole than thou fuie-t
tlie world? Perhaps Peter was reminded of hit
oft tcpi.'tul denial, lit the 01' ii'inalul questieii
of Jesus,
Tlie loiicst niotite fur -utile i- te,u ; the inch
i-t inutile is luie. 'Ihe que-tinu was not: "llix.t
llioi. fc.u, liuiioi, 01 adiiiiii ine!" but "Pu-t
thou line me?" IVKi wept bitter ten's of
petiitiiiie. 'Hie (iiestion was nut: "How mudi
lia-t Ibuii wept, bow nun Ii tea-ted, liow mudi
adiiittd thy Mini, linu iniidi uitiu'f" but 'M.otc-t
(linn MeS"
In dcidupnie, ihe 1,'N-on ilriw a iifje qiu-tuu k or iutui.i'.Mlion puuit (') and wiite on it
Our I.oul'.s question lo lMu, "I.oti-t 'lliou Me?"
To indicate Ihe Pei-iu and the ..ulhonl.t of the
qiiestiotied draw a eio-s as .1 shadow back o(
tlie iuturoatiuii point, and speak uf ( hri.-t's lote
lor us "en it unto ikatlt." Pi.tiv aioiniil the-i
desipis an outline head, .,tid puss iiome to eidi
Mlmlar Ihe heart question nl tin l.ohkn Tet.
Cll'Ud le-.-en uf tiieal itiiju.i t.,tti i- to he
ntunber is .spokui of as alwats "fllline; the con
nrt hall." 'lid popul.uitt mat- be ttuly
.Istnbcil to the woik itself, "to the piudiioiu
oiiuhiilit.t, tune nul iuikIsoihss of the open
im.', wliidi, while' it i iipiol imllihn;, In itself
ncter been uip'te,; tu the ui.tctii i-m of the
-i In io, and tn the tuily a-iunL-litin; piaudeiir,
spirit ami pilhus of Ihe tin tie In tlie w ly
in wiilih thioiiidiuut the ttnik techtticilily is
dlai cd bv (motion to tluvt' lltinj;- lite (' Minor
holds its .swat,
llltth sihool iiiiniiteiiiuiiuit ii'iil-i- weie lis 1.1
at Mdiol-nn, In the npua bnii-i on Wcine-iliy
itittiiitf. A ten it.teti -liin; piot-tainiue i,s
letiiludl. Om uf pie tV.iliue- of the itiiiui";
was Hti plaint". l lliu indni-lta. The iiieuibeis
mil punil- ol Mi-s Ndlie IIoIIMpi's la, t
slstul In ll.ii try IlLikwoud, '(elln, ami William
(I'lillitlts, tiuuihutie, nl litis illy liteit
unlit is duo Jibs llnlll-lu lei t lie r (fie lent imrh
tlisplatcil b.t In i pupils un I In incision. Ml.s
Susie lll.irk -cieial .-nhi-, whtdi taptltaled
Ihe Mr. blew Mddds, builuite, s.iu
In I'Millent toke, 'Ine piano miIo woik ol Mis
Vi'llii Mail, ilemonsiiatiil lur .diillly as a nils.
Iir uf the in-liiituciit .mil w.i.s will appieiiitul,
.Mis. J. Ilaker jeted as .uionipanwt, 'Ihe diss
was addii's-eil bv Mr. ..Moses shields in an able
manner, who aflei his ilo.lnj,-, pir-dii-(d
eadi pupil of Iho u i.nju tUnt; dass with a
' 'I '
At touioirutt' seniors In Hie Seiond Pies
li tcrldii (liiiuh the follow inn miuleal selntlnut
will be slteii:
Oi gin Pielude mhin.e 'IIhiiii.k
Atitliem, "(iod He Merciful" llarnby
l.iuailette and Choir.
Offeitott Duel, "riiiie Is Joy in llcaicn"
Missis lll.til. and ti
Oigan I'jstlude luipin
Orsau Pielude, "Pastmale" ,...,llrlils
Aiilhem, "oh, lie Jotftil In lliu I.oiil" ....Hud,-.MU-
Ciaiaitau, Mi. tilppd and limit ,
'lllo, "Piaise Vc the I.oid" Vlniecker
Ml -is lll.n k and tiaia'aii and Mi, Mouiau,
Ollerloiy 'obi, "KIhk uf Fluiill.t" lone
Mi. lilppel,
Git-Hi I'lisllnde .' IbbUe
r. J. M. I hamr, Ortraitl-t and piiutor,
ii i: i
Al a pupils' tedtal in tlie studio of Mr.
flume lit Wldiii'siliy nfldiiouu the fullnttln,
piiiuiJiuiui' was clt en liy Mi. Ilartey lluuait,
of Dutiiuoie:
sonati In 11 Mluni (Op. lt) Ilielhoten
1.1) "Ihlietise" tliopill
(It) W.dU 111 li Flat ,, Chopin
"liameiinul U-tiott" .ltubenstiln
(a) pidttde in C shup Minor Itaihniaiilull
(h) "Shadow p.ituc" MiPotti'll
Ninellttliii in F Sdiuniau
i, n i
Musk ciiik's in lids u Hun hitr beui male"
liallv tun,'lliennl during the pa-t .tut ,y tc
line piano pla.tins ul Piolessor l.'iniat llotaul,
of Pitiuioie, who lias ejidl miiueiuii- piano
lecilals thiouithout Hie talle.i. Mr. Rot ml i
fioni the New thiulaitil ton-uiatoiy of Mule,
II0.-I1111, Ma-., and In his tiaihhn; ami plajiiiK
ehotti the ieult, ut Ids flnMiliie; Hndk taken
theie. 'Iho of Hie iu("iit lonipositlous' vf
lhl .teat .lie "I'aiaiitdlc In 11 Miiioi" and
"iil.ii; Iliad. Diamond Manli," billi el which
are lium I In pen uf Mi. Mutant. These nun
poiHea, wliidi aie fui tue piano, show Mr,
Dotard to be jbo a (Ciiipu-u of note.
" l l1
The S,iniplioui uuhc.tu lonieil peeurs at the
bin inn, culling, Mjv 13. ami will be
in loniiueiuvratiou ol ndi. 'Ihe proirjniine,
nppl.tltiR lo the liatnddps tn be (tirotmlrrcil by
the apostles Kcnu.tiiy, ami on that account
rutloos lo know wlul wmlld lie the file of the
lielotnl .loliy, whether the portion ol one would
be linn n fatorahle Ib.iu tint of the olliir,
whelher In Ids nttn lot was to be pnulinr
ly forluuale.
I'KltSONAI, I.OAI,TV (Verse 22J.-Wluleter
111,1.1 lute pioniplul the qitestlon It was alto
Itelher Intpiopd. .. rctralnl it tllqiosltlon loo
(omnion amum; men to meddle wlln Ihe .1 flails'
of olhers and neqleit their own, This lidilt
unlit one for resolute and ttCicillrei ted cfTorl-
It blinds tit the duly of Ihe hour, and weak
ens the iiiriK.e titedeil tu mhioie siuiew.
Pcler miit be cuted of this If be la tu do Ilia
Lord's .-tube, lie tuul know (hit etcrj tnan
his his peiiillai put Hi for .1 leil.iln Vtatlon
ttlili Ii he must lib reuuilless of all others (Act.
I:rtl. .tesiif, thfiefore, re-oiled lo ptetn meas
ure. "Wlial Is to thee"? he mM, "you
hue nothltit; lo no with .lolm work or (lev
liny, eten thoitali lie should Hie to see the ces
ond inniliiir, and inn had boiler dismiss that
milter riitbely fmni jour thoui;lit3. Hlte
oo, heed to .tour pail. Tint I enough to
ihsorh nil .tout eneiitlts and lime. Press Int.t
it with entire consecration. Personal loyalty I
dcminiled. Pollow thou me." Tint w.y the
nn .mini; of I tic inc. ace.
ltKI'I.KlTldJts'.--1, I'.ieii one who attempts
to i,(iio ( hilst imi-l lote Hiiti, and inut be
sine tint lote is genuine ami abiding. S'elt
cviinlintioti is llierefoic necrrfJiy, What cm
.1 sheplti'id ol the slteip do without lote (or
Jesus' If he lute the hotioit ami emoluments
unit he Is iitiHuitliy and incompetent. 2. Tine
ferilie lor ( hrl-l (ott-i-is in followinrf in His
fonNtrp-, doliiit lie wmibl tlu, at least
whi! He would hue done, -uiiuiderins; lite will
tu III will. 3. I'aithfttl iII-iIiukc "f duly in
(he reiibe ol I'hri't uftcn tu lints pain and pel
poii.i1 lo-.-, bill mis inttsl be .ucepled tilth
rcstjri ilien .Hid tuiupnsine as pirl nt the lettaul
ttldrli He 'iltes, but n m His itinie and
spitil. I 'the -maiit ,,f ( ,iis must be slni;lc
in his aim anil ellort, iliinisiiig (torn the mind
tlniv qiicsiiuiis tint Icnl away from the pel
luiiiiitne uf piesent ihilt. I'ellow worket, in
deed, nun mii-t , c, lull for himself must
lendei wlioh"he.iiled rttiee.
UukIiI toilty is Hi.. I luti. is maniicstiil lu ".ills
and settiie. Je.-iis said tu Pi ler: "Peed .My
slucp." If ton lote me show that lote bt tour
M't ii e.
Wise men f-eik Je-u In.-t, lor ttliat Ik is;
Mcoiiil,fir what He does: thiid, for what tiny
cm tri t fioni Him; fourlh, fot ithit tliey iau
pile to Him.
II is Hittiilliatit llial the Hist ait of wui.-hip
t'lndi Din I.oul ii'diwi! nn eailli should be ih.ii
aileilul by ridi itilt.-, btoujht by iletout men in
.le-11--. Tiny luo.iKht "Hold, tor .1 kins Mjnli
(Tor I'liibaliuim;) indiialite of his uioitilll.t -an.!
Pi.tnkir.un-r, in. ense foi a Hod."
bote is Hie most instil Ihinif in the woild.
We will be mote tor hue, tte will du mote tor
lote, we will iti mote tor lote Ihan tot anj-
tllillir el.e in 1,,. uniltl (lm l.t.n f la.nj
(lui-t will be be-t shown lit wliat we ale and
,0 aI1(1 ghc K Mm ,. vxr Ku ,,n
lime, niu latent
out lie.i-iue- to Pint and His
siii;mson. I'n-t ih.itt- tin btliiue-,
In one
peale draw a t
1,-ei I,. Noil liu'i
lote. lit out silt-.
In Him tlt.-t,
fo Kite In Je-ll-, we i
Stialllui), Pa
mil wiite in it the word
c in we inc., -me our iteait
Wlul sift hliall we nflir
eti. It we ate uuwiitiii";
annul low.' Hliii
with the CMcption of the opening number, which
will be the meat ( minor llcethotcn siniphony,
will lie deioled eiitltely to the works ot the
liiiientid Italian ioiupo-U', and lomprise.s bolli
meal and liistiumeiital selediuiis Horn Willi's
ino-t famous opetas. The nulie-tia will pet.
fuimthe biillliiit utirture lo "XahtKco" and
tlie 1 1 mn and liiiuuphil iniuli tiom "Aidi."
Tlie Mdoi-ts of ihe uua-lou, Mun- Albciti,
Mine. .Vbli and tl. Minima, will sinp; a due,
a Inn. a duo and a miIo cadi fmni "I'totatoie."
"Itis-ohllo," "Olhello," "Aid.!," etc. etc.
'these .sitinu, curlhnt Ions to sus
tain, 'liny wcte be btnujlit to this cotinliy by
the meal Mad uue Sembiidi to slmt with her
in opei.i. -Tills t.u t alone should lie a Riiaiautee
of their ubilitt as .illi.-i-.
It Is not ki Dually utidi-rsluud b,t the -..un.
phony nidtcslia -ubsdlbus that the fotihconilns
cnli Ion concert will lie under the
auspices of the Italian lohmy of the illy and
that the rcyular sith-ciipliun tkkeU of the
oribeslia will not be mmd tor this luneeit,
'Ilia rc'tilar tmp!iony mdiislia Mili-ulpHon
titl-ets will be Rood, hotietei, for Ihe next lesu.
lai .siii,iuiiy lunieil.
II I' l
A. X. ltippatil, 'Ihonia, llippnd I;
tunes, time of Wlkes.l.,ue' lepie-ent.iitlio
nni-lilan, wcte in attendauu' at the s.tuiphoiiy
oiehistia icheaii-als this wed;.
Haivey lll.ickttood plated some 'idlo snlos
at a conecrt In Xkhobon Wnlncdai etenlne;.
'I lie llonibeigir qtiutetle is rnarased lor tlnee
conecils in W'ill,i)s.iiU. this mouth
Special to the Suaittnn Trlhtiiie.
UoiicmIiiIc, May :i.-JIi. Itunry 'A.
Hiih.scll and son, t'lms, ni o sojourning
nt Atluntlo nty.j
At n meellntf lieht liy tlio (i.tbtnis uf
tlio Hfinosiliili! I'huii'liL'ri un Jtomlity, In
thn sttuly of Itev. William II, Swift, IL
was decided to call it public niuetlnsr,
to lie held lit the PrtMbyteiliin cluipfl
oil timidity afteninnn, Jluy 1L", ,tt 4,:i(i p,
ni., to discuss tlio (iiLNtoii and tlx upon
pluilh lor Iiesh all' work fur ety i').
dii'ii, .Mr. Stiador and .Mr, l'atans, nC
J'liri Jervls, tun oxpectPd to be ptesi'itt
nnd speak on thn subject.
1'iHinty Siiperlntfiidoiit I). J,, llinver
will deliver a lei tine In tlie Methodist
chinch, Waymait, Tuesday nveiilnir.
Mil) T Hubjei'l. '.My Tr.ivulh in
Ilonesd.ile I'itlxeiiK ttlll petition An
dlt'W CanieRln uf funds to sunt a pub.
lie llbraty In Ilonesdale.
.Mih Anna K. lteury, wlm luth la-ltl i
position ill the ollli'o of the Wayne In
dependent for a muulier of, has
ueeepted a positlmi on the Schenectady.
N. Y. lIveiiliiK Neh, and tll sever
her ronneetlon with dm liidepeiuleni.
Colonel Cue Dm hind Ih on a business
tilp to Phlladelphiu.
Miss l-oiilsa M. It'eefff Is IMtlns
friends In Seraiuon.
Jurymen doing duty at the Wayne
county courts, who teslde In the remote
p.iits of the county, have been leoerv
ius cM'ess uillcnge, or ttuvellntr fees,
by representing that they caine via
lalhoud, iiiusing: in.iuy miles travel,
The most
woman in
the world
Tur. Discovurer ok Fact. HuArtr
dRace Sleach
Removes Permanently
Does not cover up but removes the blemish.
v r
If Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders 'with a Bid One.
clbsoluiely Harmless and (Always Success futA
Drop in and itk to have Mme. Rtipncn's Face Bleach shown to you,
and have Its merits, manner of uhlngand wonderful results explained,
(o you will be natlsfled It is what you need (or your complexion.
Wc always carry a full line of Mme. A. Ruppcrt's Gray Hair Restorative,
Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic.
Call and liavo their morltn oxplnineil to you.
Abk for Mme. Rup;x-rft; book, " HOW o "E BEAUTIFUL." FREE.
Jonas Long's Sons
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In Kffe(t Ucc. 2. 1000.
t-'onth I.f jvc .Sn.inton tor Kciv olk ut 1 Ml,
3.00 b.(M and 10 05 u. in.: 12.55. 3.3J n.' in.
Tor riiilaileliliia at 8.(10 and lO.O'i ,i. m.;'li.jj
and 'i.'M p. in. Tor Stiomlibiiifj nt n 10 p. in.
Mill, iidoniniod.ition .-.t 3.40 p. in. "Attito .it
Ilolioken at (1.P.0, T.1S, 10.2S, 12.0S, .1.15, l.f.,
7.t9 p. m. Aiilrc at l'liilsdelpliij at i.ik), ::.i;,
ti.lX) and 8.22 p. in. Anite fioni New Yi.ik al
1.10, lllli unit 10.21 t. in.; l.wo, 1. ,-i., .-,11, n.;
and ll.:W p. in. 1'iom MroinMiuij; .it S.O'j i.
Xotlli I.e.tte .'"lantt'ii lor Ilnll.ilo and 1 1 t r-1
mediate hliitlnm at 1.1". 0.33 and a. in
1.55, 5.43 and 11..13 p. n:. I'm Omioro ami
Stiaciie al lit" a. in. and 1.13 p ni. I or
Utica at u. in. n nil i..u p. in. I or.?Tiin
tioac at e.M a in: 1.05 ami 5.IS p. in. for
XiilioboK Jl 1 W and i).13 . in. I'or lli-ig-hr.tnlnn
at 10.20 a. nt. ititu In Suanton Irt.i.i
Htitlido at 1.2"), '.'.n, i.4"i mid 10 0(1 a. tn.; ::.:'il
and .SOfl p. in. 1'io.n (Ktiogo uml .nacii,i at
2.J5 a. in.; I2..1J and fc 00 p. ni 1'ioni t ltet
ot 2.51 i. in : 12.1 and "''l) P- in. Tioin
Nicliotwti al 7.50 a. in. and H00 p. ni. I'ioiii
Moi'liOM- at Il'.O'i a. m ; 3.20 ami MKl . tn.
Ilhioni'.liiiii; iJttiiion l.p.ue S'lanlon ir
Nortlniiiilrilaiitti at (i 15, 10.01 a. in.; 1.55 i.i.l
5.50 p. in. I'or I'l mouth at 1.01, ,t. 0, ,s .10 p.
in. I'm KlngMou at h.10 a, in. Attito lit
Nortlnnnberland at .3.1 a. in.; 1.10, .1.00 and Mi
p. in. Atiitc at KinK--ton at S 32 a, in. Atilto
nt fltinontlt at 2.00, 4.S2, p. in. .iiitp
in Suanton fi om Northuinbcil.nid at 0.12 a. in.;
12.35, 4.30 and b.11 p. in. t'lom KiimMon at
Jl.Oi) a. i'l. 1'iom ri.tniotilh at 7.51 a in.; !!i)
and 3.31 p. in.
Smith-I.tat( -rriiilon at 1.40, ,'1.0i), 3.10, W.OI
p. in.; J..M and 3.10 p. in.
Xoith l.iate Viantoii at 1.13, o 31 a. m.;
1.1.1, 5. IS and 11. .15 p. in.
lllooni'luiK.' Hit lsionl C'.c Sounton al 10,03
it. in. and 5.00 p. in.
Lehigh Valley Rniliond.
In Itttett 3, 1101.
1'ot Philadelphia and New Yoil; tU I) X II.
It. It., at li.l.l anil 11,53 a, in., ai.d 2.18. 1.27
(lllatL Diamond Uspio). 11.30 p. in. bun.
da.iB, a k 11. It. It.. I..W. S.27 p. in
I'or Uliiti' ll.tini, lluktim and piinolpil points
in tlie iojI ii'Kion-, tia I. k II, II. It,, ii. 15,
2.18 and 4.27 p. in. I'or l'olltillc, 4,27 p. ill.
for Itethli'liem, U.iti n, lteodins, HaiiUlniru
and piltnipal intcilitediati 'tatioiti tla II. II.
It. It., '1.11, 11,51 a. in ; 2, IS, 1.27 ( Ilia
inond IMi.cs), 11,30 p. in., U. .V II.
11. It., 1.3S, N'27 p. in.
I'or TtniMiainnxh, i'.ittanda, i'.liniia, Ithaea,
fii'lieta and piinelpil iiiteiincdi.ilo ilalioiu. ill
1)., L. 4; W. I. li., S.OS a, in ; 1.03 and 3.10
p. in.
I'or (lenctM, Hot-lie-lci, lluftalo, Xlaqata Tall",
ClilcaRu and all points iul, ia I). K II. It It.,
11.13 a. in., .'1.31 llilact. Diamond i:pRs). 7.IS
10.11, ll.;.i p. in. Nitula,., 1). .V II. It. It.,
11.3.1, V27 p. in
rulliiian pallor ami .lrcpino; or Uhisli Valley
pailoio tais on all u iln- betuem Wilkcs-llaire
and Xetv VotU, I'liiladelphla, Ilnll.ilo and Sua.
pm-lon Uridyl'
ItOI.I.l.V II. WH.tlMt. (len siipt,, 2(1 I'oitland
street, .N'ctv Yoil..
CIIAIII.KS N l.lli:. 'H' ''' A-'Im -li CJrllanil
stieel, Nctf Yoil..
A W. NONNi:l.L'Ili;ii, Div I'.l.t. Agt., .South
I'clhli'htin, I'.t
I'ot tliliets and I'ltlluuii roiertationii apply to
::0'J Lackawanna annuo, ruiantou, 'j.
Erie Itnilroad, Wyoming' Division.
'I'lnto 'iahle In lltlptl sept. 17, 1000.
Tl Jill-, ior lliwlty and lo(.il pointu, ionneU
lug at HanU ttllh Kilo rilliu.ul (or Xetv Yorlf,
XetthiilK and iiitipni'dlatn p.iltiU, Uato Suan
ton at 7.01 a, in. and 2,25 p. in.
Tiuitia auite at Miaulou at 10 30 a, tu and
0,10 p, in.
while the actual imiie was across Iho
county liy uiikoii. Oho man, whose
cnil-clenrti slllotu hllll, c.lllio. to the
county olllci'ts and lofundod tlio p.-eei-N
Auothei mini was arrested and
bioilKlit lieiote the illitliotltles, lie was
penitent and confess-ed thai ho had col
lected tor lltty-i'oitr miles via rail and
came oveilnuil a illhtaixe of thirteen
miles. He was allowed to settle on
payment of $2.1, to cowr eNcet-s and
cols. He teeelvi'd $ii..,0 fop mlle.lKo
and Jury duty and paid 2.i fnp hs px
pet leiico. and thuy say theie tue others
who should do the same.
The Kiand jur, which met .Monday
atteriioou, lomplcU'il their ttoiK and
was dlnPliaieed on Ttusduy.
'lit'ii the contemplated lawn vtotU Is
coniileted on the gioiintls aioiind tlie
union Matlou. will have as
prctt) a passenner station as can b
found in die country, as a substitute
for the old screens of tile Pelu
v. aie and Hudson i anal.
Indications ol have been found
In I'lliilon touiii.ili, thiM (iitiuty. Ar
i.niKcmeuis ate belnp made to left tlio
rock beneath lo aseeitalu If the yield
will be sulllcleiit in uaiiant nilliliiK
Dr. Mead Shenck. who hits practlefd
dentistry in lei many for tlio past few
j.'ears, will open a dental p.iilnr In
West 1'iUstoti about June 1.
For thirty
years a
Schedule in Effect March 17, 1801.
Trains leave Seranton:
6.45 a. in., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and for Pitts
burg and the West.
9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
and for Sunbury, Harrlsburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the
" West.
2.18 p. in., week days, (Sundays
1.5S p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. For Hazleton, week
days only.
3.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury.
Kazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
J. H. IIl'jTClIIXSOy. Ren. Slir.
,1. It. WOOD, den. Pass. Agt,
Delaware and Hudson.
In Kllett Nov. 23, 1900.
Tiaim tot faihotidale leato Seranton at ti'.'O,
7.5.1, S.53, 10.13 a- "Li 12.00, 1.20, 3.41. S.52,
5.23, fi.2.5, T,."7, 0.13. 11.13 p. m. ; l.lli a. m.
Kor IIoiicdale ti.20. lO.lo u. in.; 2.U nd 5.23
'''r'o'r WilkeJ-H.uie-rt.IS, 7.48, S.iS, 9.38, lO.l.t.
I l.f..-. a. in.; l.SS, 2.13, tl.33, 4.27, 6.10,7.49, JO. It)
11. 10 p. in.
I'or ti. V. It. It. poinls-C.43, 11.35 a. ni.j 2.W.
4.27 and 11.30 p. m.
Kor I'cnni h anu H. It, points 6.45, ,
in.; 2.1H and 1.27 p. in.
Tor AUiany and all points north 6.20 a, m.
and J.Oi P. i"'
I'or Caibondale-U.UO, 11.83 e. m.; ., 8.5J,
fi.47, 10 .'ii p. in.
I'or Wilkc.'.-llarrc, 11.53 a, m,; 1.5S, 3.25,
0.27, S.27 p. in.
Tor AUiany and pointd north 3.82 p. m.
Tor lluiicsdalc 1.00 a. m. nm! 3.53 p. in.
I.oiiestiati3 lo all points jn United Sut'l
and Canada.
.1. II. niinilirK, G. P. A., Albany, V. Y.
11. W, CHOSS, II. P. A., Seranton. V.
Central Railroad of Now Jersey.
Stations In New York Foot ol Liberty atrert,
It., and South I'eriy.
TIME TAIlUi IN lU'l'KCT NOV. 23, 1TO0.
Trains leaie Htianton foi Jicw York, Newarlc,
PliMlietli. l'lttladolphia, Kajton, Bethlehem, Al
leiitottii. Main-li Chunk and White lUven at S.S'l
" ,n,; express, 1.10; express, 3,50 a. w. gen-
d'an 15 P' HI'
I'or PitUton and Wilkes-Darre, 8.30 t. ra.J 1.1'i
and 3 60 p. u buiidajs. 2.15 p, m.
I'or lliltlmoro and Wailiington and point
couth and We-t, via Itetlilclictn, 8.30 a, ni.j 1.1
ami 3.W p. ' "' aj. -' P. m,
I'or Lone Uianih, Otean Orovc, etc, at S.11
a. in. and 1.10 p. m.
Tur Heading, Lebanon and Ham.-hurr, vt Al.
lontiiwn, S.SO a. ui. and 1,10 p. in. Sunday i,
2,15 P.
I'or I'ottfivllle, 8 ro a. in. and 1.10 p. m.
'UnouBli tiiketa to all points east, touth aiW
went at lowest rates at the station.
II. P. ilAl.imir. Gen. Pa. Ast,
J, 11, OLIIAUSHN, Uun. hupt.
Time Card in rfftet Dec. ,10th, 1000.
, PM i
7 10 Ar. X.V..W.MBt.t,Y.
i in
litis 1 OSAr.
. luiorau "
10 31 lits "
id m ia si "
III ii In ss "
.. SiRrliifJit. , '
.rrt'Ktuulork. "
..I'oiJiteile,,, M
,.. ,Or"on "
I'laniit Mt, "
L'liiuiidale.. "
Voum Citj..
CitiljotiUaloVJ "
I'lirlioiuiftNt . )
luuiiaij "
UMlliU "
uiuii is
usiii r.
it 1 1 .
PM Still .'I "
...840 Uliitiau
7 C08 1
,,..6:ii uu; .
,,..1191 uulll II "
.. ,ii2 '.'Out I II '
, . 6 2-J ail II Mi "
,...6 24 .".1 1 1 (it "
..Si .l.WIIOI "
.. 61S S I'l 10 (J "
....611 HlOIOJrt "
.,,.60) na'iom "
....601 V. 1 0 1'.
.. .601 1)W4i "
PM I 'J l'
Mr.i lli,l,1 V.I
1 OSS 1(U
7 o;s tie 01
7 M3is0 0j.
7 isiilt w.
7 ill Ul ii
i . 2 zz z rz "
( Kia Htn
7 n i a e ii
AJlltlonal trnlii.lroie rtilrasdile fur Sl.itj.M Tit!
6 IS un tic, in b inilay, mil 7 SO put bvvity only, nn. lp j
tlSUitlflil S.r.t7aiimtiilu6pni.
U.lj'l.iunltoliii Uue .Vr.uton.t7 00pm fc'joaiToiilv
,'oiii;iiciii,1,, in c,rl..nak, irnilrc tt 7 is pi,,
ml Ir.ln Iriivm MDItrl.l Vnl for lutvDil!l t.iim
dill), irrtiiu j it Ltlwlilc it .M im.
Itntet M coatf per mile,
I.oneit Itntei l'i nil Points Wt,
( l'l I'lit'r A(-ol,
t' Vctklit,,
r. vfiiH.
Tut. 4r?l,
k'riatea. Ti
1.1 J0618O
::.:.JJ g.
.,,.1111 u,.
.. 841iC4
:;: 38! 8"
....108 J R.
... SUSM.
.. syatt
-j..v... ...
MuyiUld. . "
ll'l 1113 II .. " !
.tlxUliid... "
Wllilvn "
ivcktiilu . "
'I,II1U11I. " 7K7ICBeSl
I'ikiIiuik " 7 '001 07 8 94.
.luroop 311 1067.
I'ruviili'iiei. " 7 .u lie SI ..
I 'in k I 'la " 7.iniH6U.
bi'ianloii, Al ! I'll 206 ..