?$r ''' Cfyt 7" J ",.- ,V' V'fl"tT If '. I 8 HIE SCRANTON TBtBUNE-THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1901'. 3 INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR AN EASTERN OUTLET TROM PITTSBURG. Vnmlerbllt Rnihond Inteiesti Snltl .o Do Endeavoring to Sectire It by Building a Bond Which Will Con nect with Delawnie and Hudson nt Binglmmton Prlco of Conl Raised. Girls Return to Work nt the Klotz Mill Switchmen Are Still in Con feicncc The Board for Today. "I'nclor tli" ilinil"!' of tlu I'lttMlnimr, liliiKlmiiituti u nd Jlastciu l'ullrimtl, nuiiliiiellini Hum bosun out of Jtlnc liniittoii. X. Y.. on n line Ink'tidi-d, It N said, Ki In mi ciixtuiii outlet I'min PltttliiuiT fur tin- VnmlrlIM Intel i-hIk " Miy.s yi'stii-luv' 1'ltinlmiK t'lininu'ii'lnl liliyi-ll''. "Tinni niiiKliiiiiilon tin- i '! I'-iiM" mi the miiitli "hie oi ilu- Hii-cUi'linniiii liver mid liilliiwlnK tin siuu-y or tin ulit lilimliiiiiiiun .md WlltlimixpiMi, niniiivm with tin- Vlllliiiiiii)ii "nd N'mtll Jlianell to leiuli Stttlei lleltl. wild llioliei- WM!laiilMioit. 1'loni WIN llmiispuit til" mute t" l'lllblllW will lie over tit" I'.eeill I'let'U. illlPIHl.V .liillll mid owned In I he Vnndei 1)111". In float llelil. wlieie the luilu- "f lb" I'.uiraln, Knehi'ster and I'IumIuub eon lied Willi the llei'ilt I'leeU. 'II has been -Hi0d 'it nlllfU'llL llllie" fm sovninl nuiiitlm past lhat Witi'l''!' bltls ale phinnllis a line to I'ltf-buiR inini the eHt lo MippleiiiPiit thilr in f out wei-tint ' oliiwi Hon. the I'ltl" Ihiik and I..iU l.i'lc Till- new line would i a iliieit HUItt to lliwtnu. liy vviiv ol" i lie Did-iw.nc and Hudson (oiiiifeiion :il Itin-'biiiuliiii and lh1 Huston and .Uliin.v fioin Alb.my. ami 1or New Vnil. and I'hll.idilphla the .leis-ey iVnli.il .md lii'iiilliu? Is Mould twelve. -Ill cdiaine of the op-U tu Hon at tile llln-'liiillltiiii end ale liwlll Tlllli ni. in, ol Sciuiiluu, and W. '. .Mason, ill liiiille, I '.I. A i oipoiilllon liiiekllisj Ihc iippl.lllnil- llll- lieell loinied tlvne. with Piwima.stei Unbelts at il head. It h.ii heen -.iiil thai a local 1 1 ir ionipan b.i" heen pImiiiiIuk the Pllti IniiK cud of it Then- will nol he nriuh sili 1- In Mont. bouever, II ! believed, as tin Vaudeihlll svndiiaie will put up most of the money needed lor the io.ul. "The ciinstim lion of tlil line would niaUe I'lttslmiH: a in inipoiiant (IK- trlhiltiiiK: renter than al picscnt. It Is believed, ami liutlalo would he tie lili.bl i it.v to lose Jiy it. The tl.lllle ol rtir.i, Syiacusc, Allnjiy and other ilt'c.s intended lor southern and west iiu pnints 'would he ent thioitsh this i ity Instead ol uIouk the lake shoic "(if its tuniiiifiu fioin thi city, ihc; new lino would he amplv n-"anvil. thiotiKh the Titt.shuiK md l..ikc IM""s Lontioctlons licie." O Burning Foity-two Yeais. The IrflllKli oal and Naxl-i.itiiui ciniip.iny is making ticiueiiduiix effottt to cvtltiKUlfch the Hi th.it has heen inoiildeiln in the buildup mine at Summit J I ill now tin the Ioiib poilod oC loily-two eai.s. I'mni twenty to lliiity iai.s ol' coal (Hit pir day aie seooiieil out of ,i dam at Ncsquehonlns by ma ihmeiy, opcrateil by steam, and aie hauled to the Spilns Tunnel opening, near Summit Hill, wlieie the dirt Is then w.ushed nuclei ki mini on the .sninul iIpiIiik enibcis-'. The eieition of the ni.icliineiy at the NeMiuelioninjr dam and all the other wink connected "with 1hia sinie busines.s has heen Koins on for many months nt great os. Tins llic bioke out on FVlmi.u.i !'. 3 Sr.y, ill a gausua.v dlhen b 'Siiuhe McKeeM't' and .lamc-i Icl'onnell, milieus, both of whom aie Ions .since dead, llfforts to ostinnul.sh It wen; made, but tailed. That poition of the Summit Hill mine was. then abandoned and the lire continued to smouldei and bm li and the "Inn nine mine" served as a Kicat eiuloslty 10 thousands anil thoiisaiids' of .sinlitseeis. J.'rinn a spec tacular standpoint it was the blKsesi "fake" on Summit 1 1111. Nothing was Isibie only a sllRht Iwiing of smoke or s-tf:iiii heie and thcie fioin the giniiml. About a e,n ago ii was leained that this umlerKi oiiiul tile was eteiullim. One day it was disenvcied bieaklnif into Hie Sprint; Tunnel liiinc, one of the best and most piolltable i o.tl workings owned by the ioinpan. Since then iniiiiy thousands of dollais haw been impended In light lug back the lUino., Jlazleton Standaid, Switchmen Again in Confeieuce. The griovauee loiniulltee of ilu l.ackawaunii i.illioad switchmen was ag.ilh in (iiiitereiue Willi (Jcncial Su lieilulendeni Clarke ycsienlay al'ter lioon. Wliatmei ililferem es exist between Clerking Looks more attractive than housework for a woman, but it is aUo even tnore I'xh.uibtitig, The work is pfteit done under high pressure, and the brightness ol tin eyes mm tiui flushed cheeks of the attentive clerk indicate nervous ness rather than health, if this is true under most t.ivnrahlu condi tions, what shall be Mid of those who tuficr from woman ly diseases, and who endure headache, backache, and other pains day after day? No sick womau should neglect the means of cure for womanly diseases uttered in Doctor l'ierce's l'avoiite Prescription. It regulates the peri ods, dries enfeebl ing drains, heals inflammation ami ulceration, anil curcf female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well, "A heart oernowinp with multitude, as well as a teviie of duty, urges me to write lojouauil tell o:i of my wonderful recovery," a8 Mi Coiiune C, Hook, Orangeum1;, Oraugvburff Co, houlh Carolhu "liy the iwe ol Dr. l'ierce's t-urorite Prevcriptlou I am entirely u new lieiut; compared with the joor miserable Mifferer who wrote you four months ago. 1 iciuurL to my parents nlmost every day that it teems almost 'iu juiiollilit for inedu'iuc lodo u iert.ou so much hood. Durlug the whole Mimiuer I coukl cjriclv Veep up to walk about the home, and vestcrday I walked four miles and felt heller horn the exercise. I now wciyli u, jwuuiU. Mine was u complicated case ol female illicase in U vort form." Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellet3 cure biliousness. fM wr fcw "11 l lwww k uuj I IDBi t the t.otnpnny and Itn eniploycs It Is stiff- t predict will be satisfactorily acjuatcil, It wns reported hero Into liisL night lhat K. 'i Horn, oC.lloholien, ehlet ynrdmaiter tit the Delaware, l-nekn wanna and Western, against whoiu the su'ltclimen direst ninny of their u'lnplutntp, passed llnough this elly yestctilay on tinln No, 3 to ae rept a position on the luter-Colonlnl inllroad, undef sltipei'liiteiulent I!. O. Utisscll, formerly .superintendent of the l.nctmwnuun, who brought Air. Horn to the Lackawanna from tin Haiti litoro and Ohio, To Present Request. A meeting was held last nighi In Hulhort's hull of the council nf it ill I luted machine, holler, ear. blacksmith and patient shop employes and It was decided to have the demand lor a nine-hour day presented to the vail our local superintendents today. Shop incmher.M weie selected lo net as committeemen and In tills way will be reached all those who lulled to ap peal at Tuesday night's ijentoimtriitliui at I he Lyceum, A foim wns ill lifted last night In which the supeilntend cnts ai'" iciiuestcil In leply not later than .May lo. stating what their Inten tions will be on .May "JO legiinllng tin uilie-liotir movement. Among those who will be seen ate Mipcrinleliiletits Delatle.v, of (lie Dick son Slanufactuilng company's Cliff sti ,. shops' McLaren, of the l'enii avenue wniKs, (leiecke, of Finch'.., and otheis. Delegates flolil the entile Lackawanna system, Including the 1'li (ii, lltilfalo and Klmliu shops, as well as thoso down llic valley, will collier with Supeilnl 'iident of .Motive Power Lloyd today. Woik Resumed nt Klotz Mill. All of Die silk mills In Lackawanna eounl.v aie now winking. i-Nccpl the Ta.vlor pl.inl of .Mtilherln iv:- .liulgc. Tin- sirikci.s lestiined woik j 'ei(biy moiullig at the K'luU mill and this leaves the Ta.vlor local as the onlv one which has inn yd accepted the ov'ei Hues made b.v thoowneis. The stik-irs' cseeiltlve cnnnniltep met with "Mother" .Jones jcstenlay afteinoon and the Taylor i oprosenta-ili-s pit sent stated that the i lo.nces of a settlement appeared to h as ie t te a., ever. The gills al a '.e el meeting, by an almost unanimous vote, decided to icntaiii out and niuttci"" are now al a veiit.ible stsindsllll. There is a univeisa! Iccling of gt.iti tude among the tiikeis in general to tin ill. He. Hlshop Jl. .1. llobali. whose mediation lnovcd Midi a potent l.u lor In bilnglng the stilke to a sat .siactoiy M'ttlemcnt, The teinis of the iilfci made by Supci Intendeiu Davis in behalf ol the other opeialois weie foi Ululated by the bishop, and It Is to his elfoi'lh that th" stilkeis teel laigelv indebted I'm the tuct that woik has been again lesunied. Boaid Member in City. . C. Calteiinull, of Chicago, a mem ber of the national executive boat d of the Oaipenteis union, is expect 'd to .it ile In this elty eaily this moinlng It is piobable that his niilv.il will mean the'iuauguiation of steps to .set tle tin- two years' stnKe between the i.iipnleis and the buildPis' exchange. The st like is practically at an end, as all the local larpentcis an now woiklng on the tonus they made with individual builders, but It is hoped that a meeting between Cattei nuill and icp lcsentatives ot the exiliange will be iiislriimetilal iu bringing toiinal end to the dillli ulties. Pi ice of Coal Raised. Managers of the coal business of the nullii licit'- i.iilioads will today an nounie an .ulvaliccd pi lie, with the new month, of ten cents a ton inoie. Stove and nut coal, which cost yes I'.ldnv ?l a ton fiee on bnaid and lower ports, will today be woith $1.10. The movement is a com cited one on the nail of the loads. The plan lontemplated Is to taiso the price ten (ents each month until September 1, by which time the llfl.v cent lebnte established on Apiil I will be wiped out find the pi Ice restoied to $4.7,0. The laise is custoinm.v al this time of the year and is smaller than usual New Yoi I; Herald. D., L. & W. Boaid. Following is the make-up of the U, L. & V. boaid for today: WI'llM.sD.W, i.v I. Wild (.Us J.ist S p. m., ,1. II. Mi lull. I" I'. in , P. I' Van Worn.rr; It p. in , II IMiimii llll'llsim, M .'. Wild I itl.il -li.iOa iii , W. Khliv. .! .i in, 1'. Mulli n; 5 .i. in . U. I'lin nrtv ; in i. m , I". I'upitilil.; II .i in.. J. .1. r.i-lillu, 1 p. in , I. Ililli'i; 'J p. in., w A. llnlli'ilDiiiiu; i p. in, C. Dunn: ii p. m . I', I'. s,(mi.s. s'uiiiniil-, Kit. -li .i. in. 1.1-1. lane-. (.uiiKk; 7 J. m., vvcsl, ikuiiii l'lniinfi IKu ; n p. m., ui. .1 lltnnis.in: 7 p in., ial, W. II Milml-i 7 p. in.. i,iit Hem Nn igr. I' Ui Vlli-lii; 7 p in, wosl inuii ( .iv n- i. Mi I. iim'; 7 p. in , im l m-m ( ii us i, Tliomp-i'ii 1'nllii- in i. in., P. i:. s,-.(11 l-ii-lim s u. in., llmwi: IO.I. in. e riniiiv; 11. ..ii .1, in.. Miu 1 1; 7 p, in. Vluiplii, li p in., I. unplug; 10 p lit.. Wnliiici. I'.iwi nut r Ihikint'v T ' n . (Ijliiii'y; 7 .i in , Sinui'i; '' P. in.. l iiiloili 7 p. Hi., Mii,unn. Wild (.is UV-I-I I. in., .1. II. I.i-t, 1,; - ,i, in, M. I.niuliuir; 7 .i. in. luiilum; . ,i m, .lulin IiiIi.ii.mii: in .-i. in, M (,'uliliiii II ,i. ui, I) 1 l.itr't rl ; 1 p. iu., V. (i. llJiiunitt: 2 in , T. ll.iinlli.iu; .1 p in, viiin ulil, Ma.nili.'s mm; I p In , .1 (ithli'.i; " p. in , I'. Wall: i, iu , M I .iimml.i Mini r. I ondiii u,i- M. .1. Ili'iiiili; ii uimI tn tiill inn i, .1 m wild (at Mo ' fm cue Hip ill pLu- nl A, ,1 MtDiiiiui'll and i n-w. I'oiiiliutoi' II. I.llllc.iii will i. ill at li.iiiun.i-iu'-, flui .l p, iu., 'My 1, liuUiinii Willi mi liii.lu ifiniris ft i duly v.llh .1, II. .MitiH lhis nnd Thnt. 't'he giievaiiie committee of Hi in miners will w.iii. upon Superlntendeul, luy this afternoon nnd present to him the list of mailers they wish adjusted, J,it H. AVhytc, district passenger agent ot the C'ential Itallroad of New Jersey at Asbury Park. N. J., stopped off In this elty yoMenlay on his way to Ilufialo. Heielofoie thu Pennsylvania I'oal company has hud day and night me bosses ut ItH mines, Thu number has been cut down oiie-hnlf by laying- oft' one shift. President John Mitchell, or the I'm. ted Jllno "Woiltcis of Amoilea, Is e pected to nrrlve hero toinonow fiosn Indlanupolii-. Comuillleeinnii Fiedei Id; Dllcher last night received n telo. Bi'am from him wakiiiij Dm announce nient. While local mine w others' olllclals mulntain a discreet silence ic. ianlltig the whys nnd whereiores of the national executive's local tilp, many shrewd guesses uin made as to the motives causing it. The most gen. eral opinion is that the matter of local grievances will ho taken up by .Mr. Mitchell, before whom will bo placed the answers nf the superintendents of the coal cairjint, companies lo tin gilevnnees brought befme them b the bpeilal committees- from their collieries. For Female Complaints nnd diseases arising from an Impure. Mate of the blood Llehty's (Vleiy Nerve Compound is an Invaluable spe cille. Sold by Matthews Uror II By the Evidence of Scranton People. The dully evidence citizens night liens at home supply Is proof siitllelent to satisfy the gieatcst .skeptic. Hero Is a ease. Henil It: Mrs. l'ntilck Wrlglit, of ir,:':! Lu zerne street, says: ".My back and kid neys lor six ycniH pained so that at times I could scarcely move. When walking In a. hurry It made me woisc than usual and .stooping nnd straight ening eattsed twinges tu the loins. X had fearful pain al night, so that t lotild not tut ii ! iota one side to the other. My leet bloated sometimes so I could not fasten my shoes nnd 1 fie iltPiilIy had to le.sort lo slippers, t got Dean's Kidney Pills at Matthews Htotliem' drug stole nnd I had nut taken niiiie than half a dozen before I could see n good effect 1 1 mil them. They wciu Just what I needed ahd they iinpioved my health immensely, Dunn's Kidney Pills aie an excellent icniedy, mill 1 shall lepoiniuend them whenever 1 can." Fin- sale by all dillggists Pi Ice. r,D cents. Fostcr-.MIIburn Co., Mulinlo, N. V.. sole agents lor the United States. Jlemenili'M- tip name, 1 loan's, and take no Mibsilltit.'. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILM Schedule in Effect Match 17, 1001. Trains leave Scianton: 0.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbuiy, Hariisburg. Philadelphia, Bnlti moie, Washington and for Pitts burg nnd the West. 9.38 n. m.. week days, for Hnzleton, and for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie. Wash ington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 2.18 p. in., week days. (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Suubuiy, Hariis burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, , Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbuiy. Hazleton. Pottsville, Hariisburg, Philadelphia and .Pittsburg. I n. Ill rClll.NsO.V. .tn Mur. .I..11. WOOD, lien. IMs A; I Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In Klin t llfr 2. 1"0. Smith l.oivc S, nut,,, ( ,(. v0, Jt no, ,ii fi.VI, MIU .aid 10 03 a. in.; li.V, II :i , p in. I'm 1'lill.idclphii at SlIO mil 10 01 .1 in; liTi .in.' .!." )i. in 1'or Stioiid-bui al 0.10 p. in. MlKr iKomiuodilion at .1.40 p. in Anne .it llnhoken at d. 10, 7 1s. 10 .', U 01-. a.15, 4 , 7.1H p ir. Anivt at I'luladelpliU at .i5, ,"21, mil .mi! S.'ii p. ni Anise linui New nrl; it 1.10, ll.l' ar.il tu.'! ii. in.: I.ihi. I. .12, .", tl, . I", .md 11. '0 p. in. 1'ioiu stinuiMitiis at 8 05 a. in. Nnilli I.P..V .union fi't Hiin.ll.) .mil nitr-. iiKih.ile dlJlion .it 1.IC, 0..)j jnd il.no i m : 105, 5.15 and II. "13 p u . I'm- O-suvrj ,ind Midi ni- al l l' ! I", and 1.33 i. in r.u 1 tifi .it 1 10 z. in. and 1 ." p. in I'oi Von lins, ul I'.IH) .1 iu, 1.03 .mil 3.1' p iu. ',,r MihoNop .it I IW .mil Ij.13 p. 111. I'oi ili-isr-huuliMi .it 10 SO ,i. iu. rnu in Siriiitim In. in lliitliitn ut I i -' ". " t .md 1000 a. in., :;..io .mil SOO p. in. 1'iom 0-.SSIKO .aid Sji nuv at '55 a in.: l-'li's .md f-on p. m I'linn rth.i ,i 2 rr .1. in i 12 .to and 1.J) p in. I inm NiilioNon al 7.M l. in. and i5 00 p. ni. l'ruui Mfnil'mi .it 1VJU i tu : : JO md .son p. in liluOlll-hlllC IjIvI-IiHI I.IMK- s,.m0n ,,,, iulliuiiibi.iliiiil. at Ii.Ij, loai a. in.;. i. j; i.ij nctl p. in. I'of l'ljmiiutli at 1.0", 3.40, bM p. in. 1 ui Kinc-tnii .it S.10 a. m. Arnso .a Nortliuiiilicihnd nt SKIS a. m ; I in, COO and M", p. m Vnlvi' at Kilittitnii at S 32 a. in, Airlso at I'luiiuiitli .it -"' IS-. !'-l P. m. Mint. ill Siunluii ftum Northiunlidlanil at 0 42 a. pi.; 12..I1. I.3U and S 13 p.,in I'liiui Kliifrtnn it jl.lk) a, li. 1'ioiu 1'I.Mnuutli al 7.33 a in.; .!.20 and 5 .!3 p. in. Sl'N'nW 'IIJA1N;-. South-Loan- s( union at 1.10, .1.00, 5 .,0, D.O", p m, ; ;; .: ; and '..40 p in N'mtll Uavt- fianloii at 1.15, (.;;: t ,. 1 1-, 5. H and 11 ::"i p. m. Iltoom-liuig Dlii-iiin Liavp .stuiiliiii ,i(, id 0j a in, and 5.50 p. in "Lehigh Valley Raihoad, In i:tUi-l Manli .1. I'OI I'm l'lnlulclphia Jinl Nrss YoiU su 1), v: II, li., at 0 Pi and 11.5". a m , art! '2.1S, I 27 (IllaiU l)i iinouil i:pri'). aid ll.."0 p. in. Sun. ilisj. I), li II. I!. 11.. 1.5s. fe'27 p. m I'm- Wliili- Ilaicn, lliK'lon and punoipil puinis iu tin- mil icgiuii', via 1). ,v II. It. It, li 41, J.IS and 4 '27 p. in l'i r PotUsllh-, 4.'27 p. 'ii I'oi lltllikhi-in, l'..str,i. Ih'.iillni;, Ihirls'iins and prim ip it liiUTniuliiti -tit ion-, vli I), a II, It It.. 0 13. 11.55 a. in.; '2.1. 1.27 fltliil; pi i. miiiid I'tp.rs), ll.MI p. m. Siiudais U. , II, It. II , I.'jS, ,s.'27 p. in. l'or TiiiiKliannocI , Tovsanda, l.lnilra, llhn-a, (iiinva and pilni'lpil iiiliTiucdlate elation., sit ) I.. S, W. It. It., S.Os a in ; 1.0.", ami .1.10 p. m. IVr fli'iicvj, ltoilnler, Ilufialo, Nlis.ua rill, ( lilt ilu and all points vmt,I, via 1). ,. II. It. It , 115") a. iu., :;.U3 (Iliad. Diaiiiond l'iii), 7.I-, toil, IL.ili p. in. SilllilJ.!-, I). A. II, It rt., 11 ,Vi. il p m Pullman pallor and slei'pinK nr l.ildjli V.ill-y p.,ilois i in on all traiui lutvstti' Wlll.rs-lljic-and ih Vtul., Pliilidilpliia, llullaln mid Ntv pendon llildm' Kdl.l.lV II. VVII.lll II, ficn supt., t Coitland ill i it, .Ni'sv niK. C II MCI.KS S. 1,1 r. llfii. I'j-h. Agt t'li Coilland Mn el, Nivv Yoil,. a w, M)NXi:M.ciir,n, tm. i'.. At., svuiii litlhlclitiu. Pa. l'or tlil.pti and Piilhiiiu loP"vitlnn- apply to :t)'i I.Jil.aauii.i aviiiiii', SitjiiIoii, Pa. Delawnie and Hudson. In Kill it Nov, 25, lilim. Trjliiii tn LjiIiouiI.iIi' loiii- huanton at rt '0, 7.51, 8.51, 1 1.1 a, : l-W. I.'20, L'.ll, ,1.62, O.'2'i, 11.21, 7.17, 11,11. 11.15 1 1, m.; l.lil a. iu l'or lluiicilile-U'-O 1 l:- " m ; y.ll and 3.:') ''lVr ill.c Unii'-fi.li. T.li'. fc.ll. (I.31, 10. n 11 ',-, a. ni ; I. to, '-' IS, .131, 1.27, (UO.-.J, io H, 11 ,0 p. in- l'or I. It, 11 i.iulb-4J II, II. ',3 a, ni,; '2,!3 4 27 .ird 1I.-0 p. n I'ur l'ciii).jb.'uU It. II. i"lnts-l,4), !i13 j, in. ; -MS and ' '27 n. in. l'or Mlianv iml all pcInU noitli (l.2u m. and .1.52 P io sr.N'HM TURIN'S. Tor C.ubondalc li ih), 11..U a. in ; y.u ji.j CI", 10 52 p. in I'nr Will.tts-IluiP 9.:.-, II 13 a. m.; J.l, (.. o.'27, S.'27 p. in, I'm' Albaiiv ami point! north .l.r,! p. m. Tor lviii''dal(.--U.ol J. m. ami '.32 p. m, Lowest mtcs to all jiointi in VultpiJ Htatci tin Canada ,1. II. IH 1MIIPK, (J. P, A Allunj-, N. Y, 11. H. LHOsS I), f, A., hcianiun, Pa. Central Bnihotid of New Jersey, Sialiuin hi Nw IviK-l'oot c( LlU-it) ilicet, v It., and fjutli I'iri.s Tisii; r.MH.1! i" i:rri:i7r now si, iooo. 'Irain Iwvo horanloii (oi .Nun oil., Xi'waiL, rilat'Ctll, I'lilladilpiila. Kaiton, llrt Iilolicm, Al U'litossn, Muu.lt L'liunl. und VMilto llaswi at .S.;ii) a. in. j M.iri!s, l.l'Ji cl'H''. JM a, m. Sun. jj.rf 2.13 p. in. I'ur I'ltUloii aud WilhO.lairf. S.JO a. m.j l.pj ml 3.W p. !" -""'JjJf- llif. iu. l'or lUlliiuon ami Waililnyltm and polnisj South and L't v' Hetlildifiii. fc.u) a. m.j l.lil and ."..HI p. i" Siiiidj, 2.15 p in. l'or Unit Prancli, (Juan Uroie, etc., .it 8 01 a m and J.W p. in. l'or Itoadins, U-bJiwn and llairljlnirif, vli Al lnilowu, H.oO a. in. and 1.10 p. m. Sundiv, '2.13 p. in. for 1'otu.vlllf, S..".Q a. in. and 1.10 p. in. 'ilirousjh tUUl, to all points cit, utli an4 wot l losvi'.t latri at the gallon. II. P. UM.IPAIN. CIt ii. Pas. Alt. J. II. OLUAUSll.S", Uiu. -una. i Meldrum. Scott & Co. S Are Showing Handsome Mew Lines of S Coaching " Sun Umbrellas K Also Exclusive Novelties in SJ Fine Grenadine and Chif fon Trimmed Parasols. 0. 0 0 sc 126 Wyoming Avenue, g BRESCHELS,124Wyoming Ave Those Wonderful Silk Waists For a quarter, a third, a half and more off regular prices. It has created somwhat of a sensation in Scranton, and no wonder. Scranton has never seen such a line of Silk Waists, and those now left we heive reduced to $6.98 Women's Tailor-Made Suits Reduced $10 for Suits worth $13.50 to $20. $15 for Suits worth $22.50 to $30. $25 for Suits worth $35.00 to $50. t All of the tailor-made, of both rough and smooth cloths, including Broadcloths, Venetian, Cheviot and Mixed Novelty Fabrics in this Spring's good styles. Eton Jackets, Fly or Double-Breasted Front Jackets, Plain Skirts or Trimmed Skirts, most of them made with flares or flounces, many of them are lined throughout with silk : some of the skirts are lined with percaline. There are all the colors that are good for Spring in the lot, but not every size in each style. BRESCHEL, The Furrier. 124 Wyoming Ave. The 'Leader's" Old Stand. California Oil. W haw a lust iIj-n priuit!oii In Hindi st ait- olt'irin.," i lurid uuinliu '.IolIc it UK, nr hliiili-. 'I'lic lompaii) msn-, 12-0 at its idluattd III the vny Liutir ut tin- uu'at L.ilifoiula ml lull, and ha options nn addition il ground. 1e tut- ofleriiur tltMMir.i htoik to i.iKn moiir.s lo put dossil svi'lU u iiili'(l as iOxflili 1ln st.sr T. !, ii.m-j t ilil,' md lauiiN no individual In lilllt.V, Wll till Ill-.ll lilt SI IV lllplltnl llfl'ltliu-. Writu fui piitkulai- lllli KliNUKICK PROMOTION CO Denver. Colornjo RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Evlo nnd Wyoming Vnlley. Tunc- 'lahle iu i:iltct S,-it, 17, 1'icvi. Train'' toi ll'sslcy and lial points, (onucit. IliK ul llasslr.s vsilh l'ric i.illioad (or Noss- tnr, i'svhur!? ami liilt'inidll.ili) points, lease Siran ton al 1.03 a. in. and 2.'21 p. tu. Trains :n lis o at hi i niton at 10"0 a, in, and 0 in p. in. Time Curd in effect lite. ,'iOtli, tUOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. E08;2Ci ID ! r di ll i52S STATION! '(Jl (09 Az I TPsT' . ,7MAr.X.Y..W psf "' .' t n. ... . r..l. IV tCtllll.LT I IK f toivi PSI PM ,a 05 so awl 45 2 81 ItS . JI1SU, 8605 11 . JM5S3 SCSI ID OSAr, I tiloiia , .f.v.t. m ni to to 10 I . UI0II18 pifiiiftnt Ml UJJ1IO tMlliV. II II. 'J " 01UIIW " , Liuoiinuie,, ,1'orr.t Clt.. I'ai bontJald Yd " . I 'arliouilulo . t .UUIteliri.lai-, " MniiUld Vtl, " May Held. , .Iprtiijii , " .Anliliald... " (VilllUM ., " l'iksllli. . rsu in.tii ii wui . PM 1M a s i ,6M 7 0018(5 54 .0 51 .swl sio, .. . ' 811111 It' ' urn ill " i uj . 7 033 IIS M 7 ws fisa. 7 133 IlBU. 6 ails i.i it oil 8 2J. SMIIOI1 t'fiil !:..B 7Ut MS M. 7 19 (86 16. ID 10 67 " .'10 5V " IIIIUIM II ajioiS msn) iv ' ssitoia UMlDlJt.s, 114 1M i , j'rUtb(lltf ,. riiruup. l-tovldfliit... ' 7sal076M. J:Ul6Sl. .." 1 Ml 178 S. Ar.;7 491 WO 91. IM i PM I tit ,,,.903, ;,,.uoe .. OKI .. 8QC I Fit rail, i nut. , Snauton.. AdJillooit litlmlci.e r.rboml.lo for DiiUtld nd 6 IS vui e iii pt H.ui(U , md 7 Wpm buojiy oufy, urrlllua st Iftiti It 1ra7HJiinmli.O0rU1. ' " vajillouiltriiliiilnit;riDtouit70t)piiiSuiiJisi)ulj, toi-innB. ilUljil,,,,. iu r.iionJii.. .rrliiiig inis iu' nd lufnlr.H. MlshtM l.t.l for I'lrbuuJllo t diSiio illly,irrl?lutUrUnJll(i.55iDi. . Kates a crntt per mile, X.oncit Kute tu oil Points Wt, -NDiCRsori, Clll'll'ltl'r A(rQ, .i Xi.ikiit;t J, V WtlOH. Jnr. Altai, bciiutu. It IILj bS ' lUIH'UL'lf , " Jl 13 49 ' . btailljilit. . " Jl Id SI " ,1'HfIuil I'alL. " lillU '- .VViussooiJ.,, " Wjala " ...PojnlelUi,,, " Wit is) " .. .(Jrnoll 0 The largest line of Woolens in the city to select your Spring Suit or Overcoat from. EVERYTHING RIGHT Oil YOUR MONEY BACK. Garson Tailoring Co 406 Spruce Street. THB M00S1C POWDER CO, Bgoms 1 and2, Com'ltk BTd'f. BORANTON, 9A. nining and Blasting POWDER Utt at Mooilo and Ruib Jala Warki. LAPLIN RAND POWDHR CO.'S ORANOE OUN POWDER Kltotrta Ilatttrlea, Klootrlo Krlo4ri. splodlug bltuti, tiufety fuitaai Reiaune Chaiical Ca's expViVe Skillful Dentistry at Small Cost r We ak jour pilroniffi! fnloly on mir tnrrlli i Malrn In Ilia St-lrnci- ol Bfiillilry. Out? price ur vvllliln tiacli ot every onu who sppreclllcj good woik palnlifj. Our Artificial Teeth tri,& set ?.oo Mr Hiiroltncti'A of llm lienlnl .it, letlmlnK (Perfoct Tit Guarnntecd.) iw'rfi'ctly tlio nnliirnt (.ontoiir unit pxpiomilou Gold rilllncs Si. 00 urllio fiice, ... .aaV .4bhHIbk . va. EvsaBalBBvJLK H5(rtt TwiJtHSKSM)1 3-"i ww CAUL. AND SEE Teeth Without Plate N a 5lcm fur Iii.-illii(- irtlflilil tpi-lh Z where cue or more an- inlwnt,', sslllioiit (In ( rf a plilr. 'UiU vvorl. I mot lieiiillfiil, rf lastliip. lo(. nwiy v.llh tin- ncrr-Mlts ol ? wcarliiB a plate. Q, -II will he n plriiiii,. for ua In fjrernllv et amliio jnur ticlh md tell you rvaitls 'sslnt O jour woik will rnt-iin rliaii;.. for lliis, g UoiiM! s in lo S p. iu. s'tm,!,),, 10 o 4 The White Dental (Om-i Niwai, Mioa -lrtit-1. 1'iitniicc on lilinicnl in (he ssuld. lutni) nthiM m ThoW.lt. feSKis. tjCSn r-rjij, I a'J Look tor letlerins v ' "W, B Erect Form" St ox i:vi:it PA1K. v WEINGABTEN BROS., BBaf?BsaaaBHBaajk sas,a HIiiaBkll3':' aBVBBBBEBBHPI-ugaaaBBBfeMiBBBBBBBBB ili SV&&&TaTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBVl&&&&a' 1 4ii.J, T, TiT,ii,if'i;iiM WWLVWulli ! hi Iff tii'Mlfliilllillltli a aTFa (aTaTBa. S rTari v-iMBaaaak ak t j NSs 'i wm S,' V FJ)h wml(Wwm W 14 v,'","",,,,''r","r,p,,"p,p'p,p'p",,'p I NEW STOCK. I Wc arc now prepared to sliow ou an cnliic NEW btock of Carpets Wall Papers and Draperies t Every item is tlii-, .season's von promptlj aiid at ! WILLIAflS&ncANULTY j Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue- ftSHHaHSBMSEHM English Print Ware Pishes, Cups, Saucer.Sj btc, made of the fa mous English Print Ware, look better and last longer than the more expensive table ware. We have a large stock of these gooods, beau tilully decorated at surprisingly low pi ices. See Display in Our Center Show Window, J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. silver Fillings mi Gold Crowns $3.00 to $5.00 Cleaning Teeth .......... .DO Nn PUADnC it i'inie.M uxiracunii I1U ulinilUU when leetli arc ordercil When tlii linpri-wlrn j takrn Iu Ihr morn. Ilia, plitcH arc llniolird rnnu ills' It dcidrcd. iMW c Riiaraiiioc lo no your woik l'Ai.li.i;ss siii-uicr ll ho tut- nillnic or irosvnlnif ol on loolli or the rvtrattlon ol twenty. iljH or Vllillreit Air nlvcn when ilctltcd. US OPERATE. . gBl "JljO PLATES liB'iSfcU'l Z1 ' Drill. ILaKlBLl-tl , KtUllltlk. ailWls MHPh ililHKl fSSfBBi XIM W Al qi Bf VnOiY I iW ' liHf 1 1 V V ,nWlHI W ftl ""tiflUllllilllittlilllllll 1 IlllilBllulP i .1 - Parlors, ' )or. Lacknwmuia nnd Wyoming Arcs W.somlns iisrnui, Snanton. l.irRct llentil .! tlsll-lu tin 1'nllul states. lnuirpuMlvd. I'rect 1'orni Cornet In nrsilMvelv Uinnnk. mudol Mild ut ii uimlointe pilio vvlilcli uh olutolv Bhow'N the proper prluclpli- of u it rululil-fronl fori Riiurtlon. Kncli pair Is goruil, hlusciil unit nuido wltliextrn henvy trout steal. ItcniPinhei-ttnit, 11 Htrnlctit. tcel ennnnt rnnko n. itiiildlit front coisi-t, nml mis- model which docs not i-oiiililiiii the nliovu ipiiilllliiitliinx, ns vsetl ns Bhiipetl seiiiiiH i li ti n In jr nioiiiiil the bmly from tlio sliuuliler to the tmttoin of thu liont steel, Is hut uu old Ktjlu vvlili u uusv iiiiiuo ERlCr I'OH.M Stvle 701. Heavy front steel. Or nliltoanddinb.Ic.'iii; liip noroil $100 ERI-CT l-ORM Style 702 Itlp uoieil: heavy front Htenl. Jliidt- ofliiipnrteil Dliiiuonil S.iteen in whlto 11 d tlinli $i..so liRh'CT F iRftl Style o(3- Of Impoi ted Cinitll; full Korod; bias cut; for small, Mender tlj? iron ?i.75 CRIlCr FORM Style o.so Improved. I'rom-b Conlli In vfliltonitd ilinb; full Roreil; bins cut $1.00 li I'C1 HORM .style (,,. or otm he.ivv Krcnrb Coutll, In vvnlloiind dnib, unil black fcatcon; full i?oreil; bias cut $2.30 BKRCTPilKM -tle.jOJ. Of liuptrtad Cotull; full eoii-il; bins cut; heavily boned; for full do vo loped "K'lies $j so CAUriOV. -l.uok for tlio loltcriiiR "W. R Urrcl Form" Nlamped on the Inside of cvory pair. All dealerH Iu Suiuutou bavo thorn 011 sale. If .van s htisn'l, send his imiiioiind ti.o prlcn ou de Rlro to pay and wo will Hcolhat you are supplied. 377 Broadway, Now York. oods, and we are prepared to serve our well-known low prices.