.v ' I ! i I THE SCTtANTON TrttBUXto-TIIlltSDAV, MAY .1001. 5h M NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY '. - r l ' PITTSTON. Ipedl to the 5cranlnn Tribune, I'lttnton, Mtiy l.-ttriioiiiliiiiuilt In evidently Iho policy or tho Krlr coin puny In llsi'fHiiltiot of tlm iiffulrn of the ronnsylvaitln (.'mil t'otiipmiy. Within I ho punt few vc'k there Iiiih horn it rontlniiiil iriltii'tlun ur tlm iiiiiuIkm' "t employe?) lit every iiViillitlili' point. In Rome InHtiniees firemen have heen liilil off nnd it ilotlhlo bunion phaeil on the etiRlnr-iTK. The Ktiiit? of icpiilr men, which hiivi- hem under tin- foriMiiiiti .'hip of .luineft Itoseiieniliee, Iiiim hoeli illHpenscd with, tin iilsn Is the case with the xqitiKl lindei- Koreinini TIioiiiiim C'ooli, Who lias hart cIiiiikp or the work it I the ttavlne nlm.fl. Andrew I'll?. -Pllllliioil!, wIio had ehai'Ke or the stable at No. H .shaft, has been laid off and it In said the mine foreman, Wil liam Abbott, will be retired. Willie f,(!iieli, iif I.ai'kiiwiinniii was bitten tiy a dog owneil by .lohn Sorber Insi evening. The anlmnl sank Its teeth i!ti Into the bi ' eheek, In flletlnp; a bad RiiHh. Krank ,r. Hat tie. nvi'ittl.v elected, today a.ssnined the t itf li-t. attaeheil to tile ofllee. of bouid of health secretary. Michael Sullivan, af Market street, today tmccceded Charles McCann as driver of the Niagara KiirIiio com pany's team. Mrs. David .tones and niece, Miss Martha .lames, of .Scraiiton, spent lust i venltm at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.manitol IJiieklcy. Wllliani Kiis-chel sradnated this ueek l'roin the commercial department or the Wyoming senilnary. While stealing a ride on a l.ohicrli alley train, Itobert Uanson, of lias oii, was thrown off at the helilgh ' all y depot here, striking .iBalnst a .-tone wall .mil tcccivinj; a t'ra.-tured ankle. Kcv S. .1. Arthur, who leaves here this week for Krie, Ha., where be has accept (1 the pastorate, of the First Fiaptlst. church, was tendered a fare well reception in the Luzerne Avenue Haptist church, West Pittston. last evening. Thomas Houlihan, proprietor of the K'eystun-' Hall restaurant, and Miss fella O'-Roylo. f riiie street, were united In inariiase this mornlns in St. John's Honinn Catholic church by Jiev. Father ("larvey. Alfred . T. Miller and Miss Hriil ;.'et A. Kuaiie, botli of rieranton. were nulf-tl in marriapje in tho par.soniiKe of the Broad street Methodist Episco pal tliureh last evcnbiK by ltev. O. M. Siirdam. FOREST CITY. Special to the -ii.inti.li lnbiinr. KoreM 1'lty. May 1. A. .1. Lowrie i no Walter ISraln were trout lishtnp: at I .yon street creek yesterday. There is littel tr ait tlshliiB being done as yet by Finest City sportsmen, but all the ueiKhhorlii'-; ponds hive daily ileleRa tions, who ale after bull-heads and Mlcki is Theri will be a dame at JSoynl on tin nub. Slurlir Maxcy spent last niht in town. Til.- stteel committee of council is making a crusade for better sidewalks. The funeral u;' Thomas Johns, sr., of Vandling. who died Saturday from in juries recelvid in the mines, look place at ' o' look today and was very larpo 1 atti ud"d Kev. It. I,. Clark oltl eaied anil inteiinent was made in the Hillside cenctory. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kaae are inoviiip; to High lake. Mi.-s Sarah ("icrrard. of i 'arlmnilale, was a visitor in town today. Mrs. James l.cale, of Hiimhaintou. 'IMti'il ill I hi- home of K. !:. li.in ' .ill Mi n lay and Tuesday, and then I' ft fm a stay with Carbondale f I Ill's Tin Xortheii.-t.-rn Pennsylvania. Tel' plioii" loiupauy is now working' tn fM ml lis lines to ll.'illstead and il'iat Fiend. lieneial Manager Os i.iii d. "i" Fi lest "It v, is canvassing l' it d.-.rii t ibis week. Alfred i.ils has returned liom a x U with Tay.,r friends. TUNKHANWOCK. Fpccial ti tli.-' Siriiuoii 'lutuir.c. Tliukhaiinock. May 1. Judge John A. Slti.-cr and daughter, Mrs. lidwln N. Stone, h ft yesterday for Lake Owaseo, ntar Auburn, X. Y where they have a sumniei resltlenec. .Mis. Franlc Itrundage, of Sernnton, ii visiting with the family of Dr. A. U. Woodward, on Second street. Miss Josephine Stark was called to Haltiiuuiv on Tmsduy by the serious illness of her uncle. Mrs. A. II, SriuieiH was in Wilkes Harro mi ediiesday. Tin re will bo a regular meeting of the Junior Order or American Mo. ilmn k'h at the lir.iiid Army hall this iThuihday) evening. The Monday club held Its last meet lug on Wednesday afternoon at the honie of Mrs. James l'iatt, There will be no more meetings until fall. Mrs. Edward Hunter, of Dorr.inec ton, who has been visiting her parents, Air, and .Mrs, l.ouis Luckenblll, the past two weeks, returned home yes t onlay, HeAViit c, smith, a well. known far mer of Monroe, was doing business In town on Wednesday. There will bo a session of Argument court today. Thursday, May ', THOMPSON. fffrial to tlio Fcrsnton Tribune Thompson, April ISO. J. S. Mulvey, of Port Jervls, was a caller on frlenda here over (he Sabbath and was looking after his Interests hero yesterday. Sirs. Muzzy and daughter, or Owego, X. V. visited her father, Mr, V, A. Saxlou at C. a. Jenklps over the Sub. bath. Vroies.sor c. v. Thorpe, of Forest city was In town on Saturday. .Mrs, H. J. King, who bus apont tho winter vnh her daughter in Mt. l'lvas nut, Is ut her pleaaut hoiu here oiu-s piorc, on Jackson street. Miss Iteua Van Horn, of Laneslmio, 'u thu pleasant guest of Mrs. );, J-;. lelat,t over tho Sabbath. Tlm PXTi:lsot. connected with tlift commencement of our Ki'adeU school began Sabbath evening in the Mctho dl.it Episcopal church, where, thu pas tor proaehd the sermon to tho gradu ating class. Friday evening of this week tnn graduating exercises will take place and Uev. H. T. Wliulen. IJ. D., of Carbondale. will speak and on Satur day evening tho ."clioo) will give an ( iitertainiuent in Keystone hall. This afternoon at th" rcsldenco of Mr. uud Mrs. Oscar Stone. In Jackson, will occur tho funeral of their daugh ter, Agnes, who died Sabbath mornluR after a long fdrkiuiss, nged about IS years, i 'A, 1'iekcrltig and family, or this, place, relatives or tlm family, ate In attendance. Uev. W. II. nnil Mrs. French and Miss Iteba. Wllniarth, ot the Free Hup list church, and Mr. and Mrs. A. II, C.rozler and MIkk llannab Latliinn, of tho Methodist Episcopal Sunday school, wenl to HallstPiul today to attend tllft county Sabbath Kchool convention there this afternoon and tomorrow, Saturday the tnwiiRhpIs of Horrlck and Ararat had a suit at law before Viiulres Howard and Tollman to know whose wards certain dependents are, F. 1. Lott. of Montrose, represented the Herrlck side, and J. I). Miller, of our town, defended Ararat and won jjm case, so tin; 'squires thought. Uev. Leonard Colo is not as well for Hie past few days as heretofore.' The oil company's tank wagon, which Is drawn by thro inannnnlu horses as It delivers oil through this region, did not get hen; yesterday. While on its way It wont through a bridge nt Stev ens' Point, and last reports had It bottom side up In the creek there, with one horse ruined by the fall. HOPBOJTOM. erpclal tn tlc Smnton Tribune. Ilopbottom. May 1. An exciting run away occurred yesterday on Centre street. A span of horses belonging- to Lodwlck Bailey became frightened at the creamery and came rushing down the grade toward town at full speed, meeting the road worker, which was In operation on the street, with two span of horses attached The runawav team had already left behind them all except the wagon tongue and front wheels, and as they met the road ma chine they plunged headlong Into the two teams, which the driver was try ing to pull from the roadway. A gen eral tangle of struggling horses and shouting men fcllowed, but with what seemed like marvelous good fortune none of the horses were injured, the shattered wagon being about the only damage resulting. Mr. James .Tetters, of Montrose, vis ited friends In town this week. Mrs. ft. AV. Strunler spent Monday In Binghamton. Misses Gertrude and Jtaud AValdlp, of Brooklyn, were callers in town Tuesday. Mrs. Russell Phillips returned on Saturday from Malone. X. Y where shn had been spending: a few weeks with her husband. Just as she reached home an accident occurred, which re sulted in the loss of her purse con taining $"0. and' which for a. moment threatened a calamity which made the loss of the purse of small account. In eager haste to reach homo, where he saw his grandfather at work. Clarence, the little livo-ycar-old son, ran on to the narrow foot bridge which furnishes a short cut across the creek, and when part way actoss became dizzy or frightened and fell into the water. The current was quite swift and carried him some little distance before the frightened mother, wlio jumped in alter him, secured him. Men ivho were near quickly rescued both the mother and child uninjured, but In the meantime a band grip, a child's garden set and a purse bad gone down stream, and the purse was not recovered. Mrs. 12. M. Tiffany? Mrs. D. F. Wright and Mrs. W. E, Brown all spent Tuesday in Seranton. The V. P. C. N. convention of the .Susquehanna I'niversalists will meet here. May 11th and 12th. Mrs. 1. AV. AVright, who has been spending several weeks with her d'lughter, Mrs. A. J. Taylor, leaves today for her home near Chicago. Jliss Elizabeth AVright. who tinislied her school work in tlie Brooklyn graded school last wi-elj, will remain for some time with her sister. MOOSIC. W. S. Hutcliings left yesterday for tlie Bermuda Islands, where he will t-pend ten days. Messrs. Harry (irlener and Will Kjiley left yesterday for Bul'falu, where Ihey expect to secure positions. Yesdeidny was Miss MeCrindle's last day in the postolllce for about three months. Miss McCrindlo will accom pany her mother to Scotland In the near future. Mr. S. J. Hinds is visiting her daugh ter, at Blakely, Edwin Harris, of Boston, .Muss., vis ited Mrs. James Campbell on Monday, Mrs. O. H, Pearl, Mrs. E. C. Berlew and Mis. Brungess attended the AVo men's Christian Temperance union, at Providence, yesterday. Daniel Hessler, of AVilkes-Barre, was a caller in town yesterday. The Missionary society of the Pres byterian church will meet ut the home of Mrs, Grant Brown on Friday after noon. The Spring Fever. Is a malady which no ope can escape at this season of the year. The vital Ity is usually overtaxed during tho winter mouth, and spring finds the system all run down, The blood is thinned and impure, tiir kidneys and liver are Inactive resulting In a joss of energy and rtppotlte, and a de rangement of the nerves, Lic.bty's Celery Xervo compound will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, and leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Sold by Matthews Bros. poooooooooooooooo $ s intAiMtAL. ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. M'Alll'.MV. -( iuilrk II. fliiniiin lompanj. Mil into ami iiiglit, tiAIITV- Imin's Mijritiis. Ualjppf jnl nilit. "Rip Van Winkle." TllullUt JcltflMJll .liiMICi hit nislit ut tlie IjuHini ill "Hip .ai Winkle,'' thi pliy with uliiilt tin.' name m litis illu.itiluus father, Juscph Jritftton, is m iiS(i.iNllj' loiicitcii. is - I CI Is .i iluiiliiite el thu ili.iratlir M Ml her Im gum tlie . ttJgo. 'Hie joun$ci Iitli'iv.n whtiy didiM Hut li-1 ciibl mil I iO). i lo liiip.uu on the lovable el'l Puli.lnii.in hi IjiIkt In, W c inny r lni iklincuius die tunc .wl which lus been -.u niJwivill) 'ippiutcil Iy the Irr puns. 'tlm inlfniiiiliia- uf Miunj Mi. .lcltritOU lttt llsht iJoiiionti.iti'il tit K Ir n.i biherilnt lie iluiiutiii tU nt oi lii.i utlur jimI lli.it hit lidi ilc. liil liiiiio.il to liaril. loieiiiiilioin wurk in el uti tu l'Cii'cU IjIumK in thf nkr dcUlli ol th? ' T For Bent. FOR RENT FROM MAY 1. Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Steam Hiat and Electric Light. Also 1 200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. 1 b.T FOtl ItnST Willi fli.ne hont i.nd nil moil im lniprorini-nt!. Apply .it 11IH f.lmk-n Mrrcl. l'dll HUNT Weill innm Iioiho tn (Iiccn ItiilRO; ni.iikin impi iiv 1'iticritM : cithir tuiiiilioil or im fiirnUlinl. ,hhi'?s S. V. 1,.. Tiihnni! ofltce. I'dlt lti:NT IIon; nl MKi ll.nilsnn inenilo. with .ill inipruteiiiciils; fi rent at iliUKl or will cll for SV.'W. Apily on iiiomi-.iv. IfJO 01ti:i:.V Itllir.i; MIKCT, ion vnmiw. modern improM'niontsj team heat fnini-licd; deslr llOf.il iihlo. Money to Loan. M0Ni;V to hun on tnipiovrd nily io.il oM.ile. IlKN'llY BIXIN, .11!. (HAS. II. WKL1.KS. THOMAS SPHAGUII. MOXi:V TO T.OAN-On ie.il estate, large, or Mnall nmounl.i, at rmec; rates, 4 to 15 per rent. Ka.'.v tcims Donslaa A- Van lleu-.cn, r,I3-5l:l,! Connell Itnililiiij;. MONTY TO I.OAN'-Fne linndreil to tlfty thou Mild; inlciest 4 to il pee cent; ti.iitial juj-nienl-, on l.irso lo.nm accepted pminplly. Ite.i nolds, bill Meats IluililiiiK. Sin.tHin TO LOAN Lowest rutes; Ftrainht or monthly paiinenla. Stark & C'o.,Tradeis' hid?. STltAKillT LOANS (or any amount, inlere-t I tn li ier font., cmi l,e ohtained liom A. l'oil nelly, fl TiadeiV National bmk tnillillns. THU rCNN MUTUAL L1IT 1NSURAN01J COM I'ANY wilt loan upon Hr.-t niorlcico upon centrally located piopcrtiiw uny amount for loin of years, at. low into of inleic-t. C'apwcll, At torney, I'anli linildiiiR. STltAKiirr loans in amounts V'0- lo SWO.OOO at l!-i to 0 per ient; paynienti monthly, scrni-amiiidllv or o.nh. Interest on balanw W. M nimneP, Ally, SOI-S Meai H1i!k. ANY AMOUNT OK MONTY TO LOAX-OuUk. btrai,".l.l leans or IliiihiiiiR and Loan. At from 1 tii 0 per inil. Call on N. V. Walker, 3lt-3l."i Connell huildinpr. Agents Wanted. WANTED Audits tr. j-rll Iho f.:-lo,( selling liouvholil spwiallv on the in.ukrt. payiin; 101 per unt. profit; hoth ees. Apply .it dis tribution ccntci, !K.I Wa-hinxlon avenue. dranialic ail. His woik la-t nighl j rccciied ii itli gloat tavoi. His supoiling company was of a i-li.ii.ii tor (Lit would not oicishaduw the loui.g star. 'Hodge, Podge & Co." A llie.itrlcal cient whiili sliould atti.nt (lie atlentiou of eieiy lnier of fun R (lie engagr iiient of Petri1 F. llailey In "Hodge, Podge k Co.," who is announced for appoaratne at the Liceuin lonioirow night. Mr. Pailei'' is a sure line for tho Mues; his eicry movement is a sig nal fur liughlor, and some of die things ho sais and iIoob aie simply iricsi-lihle. Any one who can't laugh at the original "Tote" nui-t be a slu dent of Ibsen. The company comes lieio illicit fiom ils long and successful cug.igernent at tho Madison Square tluaier. New Yolk, and it will he pie soiled with eicry bit ot (he scenery, properties, costumes and exactly the same people who played in tlie New York production. Mr. Dalloy has seior.il new song hits this season and tho most extravagantly tunny pail in which ho has cut appealed. His chorus will lie the talk of the limn. Nothing equalling it in beauly and mice lias been seen in some time, and Ids ashling company contains tome of the best known names on the stage, including f.Pie It.ian and C.'eorge W. llai num. Seats aie now on sale. Why Did I Play Hamlet? "Why did I pluy Hamlet? Wilte it down sim ply ambition." said Mr. Soth'ern, who eoines to Ihe Lioenni Saturday night, "an actor's ambi tion, il you like. 1 was anxious to reach the highest in ait, and I consider llanilet affords ciery oppoitunity for the best a man has in him. Am I satisfied? ,s to the lesultf, the reception, the generosity of Hie audiences and Hie ciKirs, I am mom than sitiafkd; I am deeply gralrtul, It t? dllfkult to deseiibe one's feelings when an audiences lisi'.-, as it were, at ion, and direr .ion tor the months of silent labor, tlie Iinurt of study and doubt and fear. An lintunt may decide tlie efl'oil of a lifetime, and Hamlet h.ij been my life woik, I have had il in my mind eiei since I can remember, "IIom- many Hamlets ham I sern'' I was present at Henry living's first night In London, and I saw Salilni's last night in the pliy in New York at tlie theater on Ihlrty.fnuitli idrcet, I mw llcinliault lec-ently in I'aik Aa member if McCulluugh's company, I shook hands with Hamlet in tun different rluractrrs in t lie play. I haie briu cast for both ltosenoianlc anil "iui)il-rli-teiu, Tlif.v wtic Hie biggest parts I Pier plj.trd in 'Ilimlet' until I essayed the thltf lole. I J'llino sevci.il inenibirs of my cuiupmy ham plajed uciy put In the tragedy, Did I see Kooth.' Yes, (or a fe- minutes only, just the church ard scene! that is all, I regict In say. I iia ingagtd -it anotlirr theater when Mr. Iloolh plaied the part, but, as 'Hamlet' Is i long peiforuunie, one night alter had 'washed oft1 I managed to fee tho List fcocnes. The urivcvaid i Hie only meinoiy nt tlie eient I haie. fnimiiciit on tne performance? One must leaic that In tho critics, my work ii to act," Tlie curtain will r.se promptly at 7, IS next Sat. incliy niching, when Mr. Solhem comes. In the Li cum. "A Stranger in a Strange Land." The first of l3t season's New Ymk wicersies to reach hem this seatoii w be William A. Dradi'i and .lo'cph It. (friincr's prouucllon, "A Stranger in a Strange Land," a farcical comedy In ihice acts, which conies to Iho Ljccuiu next Mondiy night- The play is by Sidney Wilmrr and Waller Vincent. The scrno i laid in England, ami Hie kluiy ii suggested by the Ignoranee of the upper English I'lassr roncrining Anicilcan lopogiaphy, manners ami iiiMomt. A itlhi and erring youn; scion of a llritlsli family has ken tent In this country Willi Hie understanding Hint he will re main aiiay thicc !U as a lainliiiuii. lint this pktn iloti, nol proie conaenlal lo liiui and he rrt tic in New Yolk and alter a lime writes home trlliiig hair-raising toiir of liU vast tattle ranch neir Ituflilo, N. Y an I the desperadoes who sunounil him. ,.. imclr, howeier, oiddenlally IcJins Ihe tiiilh, and, ileslrlna lo tavc him from (he lamlly uiath? write; a Irltcr adiieing him tu come back with a lot of Indians in low and all nun ncr ol blood-curdling itolie ivuiml'ted lo memory, 01 iu ii, i Im letter iiiiiwiilfv, ml I-vk 4 Lines 0 Cents More Than Four Linos, 3 Cants for Each Extra I I'ov Sale. I DIlSllli: ti iiiinaiinip lirH'.v tint tor the pur. pme u( MMtlllii! tin! pIltncM'ilp lnillii! nt iln" l.itr Him ol T. IJ. t'.ui- tt Nin. I hur ill'lcil In nlliT tor talc the pii'inl'i mi Wililtmlnn a e lino kmrnii 111 r.nr'd M.irkol. toselhor utlli Hie IMllll'l". trjclf llllll BOOll'Wltl ot III!' IiikIiipm. I Consider Iho Mlnliliiiicnt n well known In Hilt illy th.it t ilmn II uiilieirtAiry In JtuWc Jny louiinrnt. .is In tlm liiimrliilni' of thin nlTcr im .in lllillMiiil niiDilitnlt,v fur Imollnrtit, Tho 1tl ii-lnlc, a lot I'lvluO feet, will lie nlil fepaitc II lodrcil. I", t.. CAIttt, ."imMiur (uitiiei- ol the Lite Him ot T, I!. Cfi A- Son. t'Olt SAt.K-rllH) lmic for ifT.'i It oM nl ouic; kind, senile and le.nlei. Impeilal Paint Co., i'iTI Linden Ml.cl. LOOK llt:i(i:-lloreii for pale; to fancier" of lino ihlirts and Mildler. IS head nt hlchly bred (loiters and paecis at (hitman's Sale Itam. Pltri! HTOIti: In best, tlrimoa locality In Phila delphia, tor mle i-lioap lor i.islr, llrgt clai i-liante for diunclit or dortor; driiRRM vlho.? to i?o WTt In .tune. Addresi .1. A. Mart, Drus Blst, tifl-J ,V. .".Ill street. Philadelphia, Pa. Furnished Booms. LliillT lim;..i:Ki:i:PtN(.!.tooms cerylhlnt; fur nislied; i-onenlenre. Td8 Pin? utrect. Business Opportunity. SALESMAN nnnli repiilablo nitlole to carry as side line; elcii'.lvc teirlloiy, cucplioual op poitunltlon; will handle bona lido aillele only. Addict It. S. (!.. Tribune oltlce. !H,mt st:ctnti: Ttuti:i:-iMsAttTi:it lstiiukst In Scranlon biisinr netllnc fL'.OUJ) jculy. Addicss "Jliislnrss," Tilbnne ollke. A PAUTY I'NDIIHSTANOIN'O HOOKhTKPIMi can seiuro for hlnielf a soud prwltioii at a lib oral halary by iuvi'itlna: ?i. to ten IhoiN.md ilol I.irs In a w-ell-r.slabllshed, ilividenil-pajlnj; torn pany. Addic.-vi L. M. N., Tribune olllcc. Situations Wanted. SITCATION WANTKP To S" out by the day w-ashinir and honlnc the llrt 11.11 1 of the week. Call or .iddiess L. H.. SU Sumner ave nue. SITUATION WANTKII-Ii.V a jouni: man i bookkerper and Ijiicwt Iter: ran Kive icfer enee; Mii.ill silaiy. Adihe-s Weley II. Weaver, l.opci. Pa. SITUATION" WANTi:t) ItCKiiteied pliaini.iei.-t, slnslc, dihiies po-ilion. Addicts IMIN, Tribune ofilei. t-ITUATION WANTI'.n Ity a oiihb man. as collector; ha-i had tour y.'ar' o.p(iicnee with a leadiiiK lin of Ihii i ity a, el ran liunUh A No. 1 references Aildro-s '.. i.'. (,.. Tribune. WOMAN" wants woik by Ihe day, such as wash ings or cleaning or woik lo lake home. Call or addie.-s "i-iS lVnn avenue, up stairs. WANTIID Woik by the day as laundress, or any kidn o( wiak for Tuesdays. Can give bet of litv icfercnco.-. Address 703 Kim street. SITUATION WAN'ITP-An aced lady wantine; to do hoa-tkctpini;. I'lcafC call .it "118 Hick oiy stieet. SITUATION" WANTKP-lty a jotin;; man, to do woik in office or store. Addie-s Z., care Tilbune. RULIA11LU ynnnst man, haviiiR had expel ienio as a bookkeeper, want.' some woik to do thlec da, a week. Address II., Tiibunc office. I'.ATKHIKNCl"!) LAUNDItKSS would like Rcntle. men's and ladies' laundry lo lake home, 2.18 l'omi avenue. SITUATION WANTED A'ounc mar. wanls posi tion as bookkeeper; IhoroUKhly familiar with iitliro woik. Van ttnnish excellent references as ('. ibar.iitoi and ability. Addiesa Ho 10, Tiib one oltkc, city. Utt4iiMt41ttttttt arriies homo without the Indian? and without knowledge ol what lias leaked out, and to crown it all. on the same tram with him comes a young American heiress. To amid expo-uie a suitor for his sistei'.s hand, in the person of Arthur Lowe, I-. made to uie.-s a- a savage. Then a ijii.ii k doctor liom the Western United States appeals with a true Indian, while a detective appear cm the scene an- dUeuNes him-clf as a. third Indian. Finally .mik manios the Amoii can heiress, who is quite won by his "pktuicsque exaggeration" and no aunt and cousin ale pio pitiated and the sister at last wins her luvrr. "The Minister's Son." "'Ihe Ministers Son" i the play billed hi the M.icaiitoy-I'alion ii.nip.iny .is Ihe opening piein at Ihe Academy if Music Monday cirniiig, May II, wheic they play a week's euga genu nt, and ai leadv Ihcie lias been a bilge sale of seals, as tho ladies nil tal.c advantage of Ihe li-cent. tickets, such playn as "Tho Minislci's Son" niut do the human uife good, and aie worth a IhoiKind melo. ill. mi. is with their led Hie, scowling villains and impossible situations. Il is lull ol whclcMinu.' laughter and waini humanity, if presents people and charaitcis who ato In lie seen eveiy day, and In knowing whin the world is better oft. Mr. Patton, the aullni of tills play will be seen in the leading role, that, of Simon Iti.y, Ills suppott is very strong and nianv featiucs hale been aduod this sca-on, 'Ihe week's rcpeitolic will be taken from Ihe following lit of plays, "IVacrtiil Valley," A Wusteil Lite," "lloval Rags," "Inside Trad.." "A Texas Cowboy" and ".lust Prime Dawn," eacli act will leally be n change of scenery instead or long walls, Iiv tne aid of seieial rehbialcd sl.ctih artils. Popular piices will prevail a( ill pclfoiinanccs. Irwin's Majesties. The coming production of Irwin's Majesties in this city at thu (Jafety theater, beginning 'Ihuisilay, May!, is being looked foiward to with a great deal of appreciation by Manager Her lington, as thu show has can led oil all the honors ot the large cities It has played. As this i the first appearance hue of this big show, the palions of the lioti-e will haie an op portunity of seeing something new and novel in Ihe play line. Tho company numbeis thirty peo ple, of no small leputation, among whom aio men t lone il such guod ails as llie Todd .ludgo family, Hie woild'.s gtcatest .irinhats; Kalk and Dill, eminent (onii.ni cnmrdlaus; Kale Pha, as (he cliolr gill; (no Americans Macv; Walling and Hammond, song ...iislratntsj Hello Taylors prima iloniij, and many ulluu. 'I tie mule, comedy and singing of lids loiupiuy l said tu lie par excel lence. Dally nutinee. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review, New Yoik, May 1- I i.lnn pacific aaiu I'm nisliiil llw scnsulon ol Iho slock market today and the inoviniiut ol lhal slock and slocks co le hit cd with It in Ihe i-pc dilation dominated (lie luaikct all day. The loc.k showed a good gam nt iho opening and was Ihinly inilul.iined all llnoiigh (he peilod ol shup vcactloii when the cnonuous prollt taking bad homo iloun pijcrs attrr tlio opening, 'lids ifiiciiou had I it cone v.ry gi'iivml when Union I'aiilio began In ad v .im o by ucli slildi'- and on such a sajr-cc'tiou il luiylug euleit as 'ias a tuipii'e in cicn (be inilint maikel The advance ua pielty uleadj by liactlcns up lo uboct Ii., but licni Hut point the Hdiancc beianio wild, junipiug a pwnit i'l'liufii sabs vjiiicliciicj. and fallinif back as ali liiptly. but willioiit any lelaxallcn in the rlmr aier nl lln iiuiina till the pileo touched IS'. I'loiu lhal poiiil tlio sli'sk tell buk by irui Ish HucliHtions (n lis and then vibialed wildly l Ihougli the tndeis wcic alleinptlng In find a level lepirK-nliug some undisclosed oiler ml III'; ttuck. rin- violent n-lap-e In Union Pacific ...lino about the sauie time- as the announcement oi tlie dividend action on Atlhisou. As theie have been my ilcmousliatltr eliiiiu lint liui ciul-annu.il dnidend would e 2 per mil. in stead of I1,.- tin "c ucie some ilisjppoinicil tradcis vho oli flic stoek tucly on the annonncfiiienl i.,u.ii il ielap.se (if ;! pnul. The market looked ai Hilt Ilmn is llioigli il would lose all Iho adiautJL'e derlifd fiom tin- spuit In tfnlmi Pacific adit a laise put ol the leemeiles whhli Line SITUATIONS WANTIsD PRF.n. Help Wanted Mnle. WANTKn-Meiioiraplirr1 yonn man willi foiiie kliowleilcjo of bookkoeplne. Mtp salary c. peeled. Address "Kenle," 'lilbime nffloo. YOUNi? MAS' n( itond ad.lu-Ki wauled, about al tn I" .icais of oKO. at li.ivellmr s.it"in.in and solicitor. Apply by lettei. bUIiir tefereiuoH to Wairrn I'hrcl ('ompany, ftjl Wahlnstnn avenne. WANTKIl-Tallors and bn-lieliiian, fill Spruce street. BOY WA.YI'I'lt-IMiii lias had some, oxpoilrm-c In bather bnlno-i. Addicsn Prltihaid'H lui brr .Imp, si", Coint slieit, .. WANTMIl lti-.pi.,inlhh wbolesab firm wants of- flee manager at "eraiilon, no tiaiellnu! ?1,iV") Falary, laino extta pinrtts; i?00 cash vninlred; poslllnti poimaiirnl. Addresi. Manufacluicis. No. i.i.r.' neny, rniiarlolplila, v.i. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Wnnt Advertisements Will Be Heceived nt Any of the Follow ing; Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALIIDItT SCIILITZ, cnier Mtilbeiry ilieil and Webster avenue. OL'Sl'AV riCIILL, R'iO Adams aienue. West Side ot-xmrti: w. .ilnkins, tut south .imn avenue. South Sernnton Ftti:i) L. Tr.llPPE. 7-Jl) Cedar aienuc. North Seranton OLO. W. HA VIS. comer North Main untie and Maiktl itiect. Green Ridge CIIAItLLS P. .TONUS, l,V,7 Piik-on aienne. V. J. .IOIINS, !1!0 firej-n Itldac street. C. LOKUN'Z. coiner Waslihn;ton :ie nu and Mil ion street. Petersburg W. II. KNi:PFi:i inir livlu; ,icnn. Dunmore .1. (!. IlONi: k SON. Help Wanted Female. WANTUP A joun? woman of refinement lo act as cashier and wai'. on leceplion loom. The Whilu Pental l'arlois, Lackawanna and Wyoming uienucs. WANTKP TwTnty-Hn women for weavei", wind ois and tpooleis. Steady worker can m.ika Rood wanes. Families pieferied. flloonisbuic Caipct Works, nioonisbui'K, Pa. WANTKD Capable working bouekneper for man. wife and olio child. Jlu-t be koocI plain cook, washer and ironer. dive refeiemei and experience. Wages, il.jo. Ho WS, lllouins burg, Pa. Real Estate. UAIICUNS in city propel I lej. Kcator, Bun- Duildiug. See Wclk & ?tl.2.jl Itujs 10-rooin siusle lioubc. iinjii-ove-menls; let 10x100; Hairison avenue. Well ,t Kcator, lluir Iluildiug. ;on nuya lot 2oxlll, Palton, Pa., a bargain. Wells & Kcator. Boarders Wanted. WANTKP Table boarders. Mn. Tompkin-, JV Wa-diington avenue liad leached f i urn I to :! points fiom the eaily low level were lost again. Union Pacific's late advanoe cairieel up (o ISO, an extreme rise cif Pi points i and New York Central touched loOJJ, n gain of ,V,J. Northwest gains 5U on the ilaj. These adianres weio apparently syrnpalliottc and gave color In the supposilion that tho Van del hilts bail seemed cannot ot the Union Pa cific. Tills siipiiosltion. was commonly incepted tin's moining, but Ihe violent moicments ir Union Pacific gave ri-e lo .suiiniso of a teuewed contest fornhe conllol of the property. There is an appearance of uncertainty eicn among the; iiisidcis as lo wheie Hie attual enndol lies bin tliat a bold contest in the open inaiket tor lie control has been going on is now- an accepted lad, following upon Hie accomplishment ot the. lluilingloii deal it makes (lie speculative public quite, i wily .to jump at any suggestion of u son Siolldallon o( whatever magnitude. The condi tions picelpitatcd by the lluilingloii deal and es pecially when tollowed by tlie Union Pacific op ciatiou, giio a very logical basis (or the sup position that ilval railroad si-dcnis aio in a lucasuii' in an unpiotectcd position nnle.-s they lollow- with similar consolidations. Tlie Peun s.iliania dividend was also a disappointment to Ihe moio ebullient class of speclatois, as Ihey had ptcdicted with gloat confidence that it would bo supplemented by an extra dividend, but the ett'ect on the stock was very slight as it came af ter thu market had lalrly turned upward again. Theie weio periods of strength today among tlie Coalers, especially the Readings, lailroaels in the btiothcrn region, tho Wabaslies, Mexican Ceutial, Ilaltliuoro and Ohio, Illinois Central, Western Union, United States Leather, (Jlucose, Peopl'o Has, Hocking Valley, lulernational Power, (feu eial Electric, and a number of minor stocks but none ol these movements was explained liy any thing else than the general speoiil.il lie confidence. Tlie ilay',s business, though falling half ti million shaies below yi'stordayV level was still of ah noiin.il proportions. The United States steel stoiks. though continuing aetlie, moved veiy lianoiily except tor tne dip alter the opening. The laigc business In bonds' today was hugely accounted for by the extraordinary dealings and price fluctuation in Union Pacific conienlble is lu sympathy with Iho flock, Otherwise the mar ket was moderately active and stiong. Total silos, par value, M,.m,0uO. United Stale- .'Is declined ' per cent, on Hie la-i call. The following quotation Tiihunr by M. S. Jordan .V. Mean building, Scranlon, Pa, An. n lean Siuvr I IT .Mnilicau Toh.ncn IJS'i Atch.. To. ,- s. IV .... Pi'i A T. & S. F Pr 10.114 Hrookl.m Traction eiiii Halt. & Ohio 10IU Cent. Tobacco .,,, hl', I'ho, d Ohio ,,., 'l Chic fV (i. W S chic. i. ex- o im, SI, Paul 171 Hoik bland Mil's ar furnished Tin Co., loom 70j-7Jd Telenhone 300.1 ! High- Low. Cles est. est, lUi'4 127'i; 711 101 ' ftlii 10,1 IV, IS'.', JI1 insH 17'.s 102 !s I7 in: IWi 12sT 7l,i,. Pit sr 100'i. tilS lit . Us 127'j 711' . lo.'!',, S7 l)t', II H'i sin loo 172!, lo.l ll'OU Il'i-'s 1 7.1 'a in., ISO's nl! i un; 129 I7l'l 111)1.. .i7'-; ,Vi h lti' 10 I-'- PIT ll:,i Mil, u ,Ssl. Hi " n6 .'''s ,"'"' PHI !)'!, I"l'-.' ('; n. i2iP.i Ilol. 121, Dcl.iwaie cV Hudson . ,..!i-i Kan. & Tex., IT i;v: Louis, .V Nash ,, Manhattan Kle .. .....lOO'i I2si iiWi im .-I'U .".t nv,i . .. im .. .tniii ids J-'S'.K 1711 1 1: M ."s'l", IIS',4 101 lui'a :i7')i l"'V), ,"'! IP, 77 '-. .Hi,- si, r.i ti'.. 7S'" I 117 7 lli H lot 121'... Il'j in; 701- I'l " W'a I')1, no:i 12!) 171 Mel, Tiaition Co , Mls-iourt Pacific ... Soullieril Pacific .. No) folk .V Wesletu .Vol tli. Pacific Ninth. Pacific 'i . N, Y. tl 'nil ,il .... Hut, .x West . ... IViiiij. R. II P,ietic Mall Heading Iti-aillng, IT ,, .. inmlierll I, R. ... Southern II. II.. Pr Tenn, ('. , lien .. U. S. l.ealliii .. . I . . Leaiher, Pr U. . Itllbbil Union Pat lln .. .. Union Pacific, Pr . Waba.h, Pi Western Union ,.. C. P. I Mn-il. Copper .... People's li.i File I'.ile. l,i Pr Texas Pat ilic 1,'. ft Sled Co .... U. S. '-led Co., IT li'tli ri'-di I'll';. I LI Mlli I, ".7 :i-i !i it: 7l".s II 0 111, '.'!', ! 12"; i'i Il'j l'l.-i I')'. 12) IIS 71 !; ..Hi 101 ' j fir, in.- Ji; 7 Tii il'i . .Ml'!, . I..', H'j . U , 21 .1IS! . '17 . J2U . (Jl'.i .101 Kits ,117'i . I.'?i . !', . :,i "l'1'i -M! 101-', I'lUi CIIICAdO UII.MV MARIiUT. (pen WIIKAT. in-. May TJ1 toK't Jul.i 7"1i tu Wti ions:. July OH to 1-V'i Illsh- Low et. ei(, 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Four Lines, 6 Cents for Each Extra Line Lost. I.OsT -Since Apill tl, a daik. bilndle u; a I mi a yoiiug helfet. tntoinntion thai will lead In the Ireoieiy ot Ihe cow will alailly be I'" colsrd by Ihe unilouigned. .1, II. I.llltejohn, ding sloie, roiuer I'aikei and Nuilli Main. I.OS'I I'ron III .leffeMon aiei-ue, a small, nueti, lonK-t.illed t'.irtxpitli a rewind vlli lc Ellen for lis icluni. Rooms and Bonrd. FOTt tll.NT -With Imaiil, a l.nce tionl nioui. "tillnl'p- for twu pcis'iii"; Ml!l Mulbeny slieil. LA1KIH front room with boaid for Inn gentle men, lln Adami aui'iio. Ocenn Steamers. U'iO cxcrusioN to i;t itopi:. .iuni: '''i-s. s. "I Hy ot liom?." S.lt'i (on-, wllh f7i Itlilne and SivIh and 'Kill 1 1. it; Aimo lilis. May and .luno paitles via tllhrallar. I', C. CLAIIK. Ill llio.idivn.1. New Voik. PROFESStONAL. Certified Public Accountant. U. C. bPAULDINO, York. JiO llltOAPWAY, NKW Architects KDWA1IU II. DAVI--, AUUIIITC'I. ( ONNTI.I. building. unniiKRicK l. imow.v, arciiitixt, piiici: building, t'JU Washington avenue, Scianton. Dentists, nit. o. i:. r.iLi:Nm:itm:n, paui.i iiuildino. Spiuce street, Scr.intoti. Pit. C. C. LAUS1ACII, 113 WVOMINO AVK.MIK. Lawyers. FRANK K. IIOYLL", ATTOIt.NTY-AT-l.AM", Rooms 12. II, PI and IS llmr buildius. V. K. TRACY,.TT"Y,COMMOXWi:.L'lll III.IK!. i. II. HKl'LiKil.i:. ATTORNKY-LOANh NLliO tlated on leal estate seem Ity. Meals building, corner Washington avenue and Spline stieet. WILLAHD, WARRKN & KNAI'P. ATTORNins and couiisellors-at-law. Republican building, Washington avenue. JKSSUl & .tESSl'P, A'lTORNKYS AND CoUN-selloi-s-al-law. Con.nionwealth building, Rooiih 1!), 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYKli. ATTORNKY, rI-(X)4, Oth floor, Meais linllding. ROOMS I.. A. WATRUS'. ATTORNICY-AT-LAW, HOARD of Trade building, Scranlon, Pa. PATTERSON" .t WILCOX. TRAPi:it.S' NATIONAL Hank building. C. COMEOYS, 0-ia RKPUllLICAN lIUIl.tllNC. A. W. BEnrilOLf. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 -Wyoming aienuo. Osteopath. S. (iERTRL'Pi: EVANS, OSTEOPATH. US AMI 12(1 Washington Aie., Sci.mlon Pa, Cluonlc Diseases a specially. OIIIlc llouts; S.::o to 12 m.; LSI to -ri.".0 p. in. Scavenger. A. It. IIRKKiS CLEANS PRIVY VAUL'K AND css pools; no odor: only improved pumps n-il. A. I. Uriggs. prnprletor. Leave oiiler.i 1100 N'oitli Alain aienuo, or F.ickc's diug stole, i-m licr Adams and Mulbeiry. Roth telephone-. IAttMtt"-""-".AAAAA... Seranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. First National Bank Seranton Savings Hank Third National Rank Dime Deposit and Discount Hank.. Economy Light, II. & P. Co Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co Clark & Bnover Co., Pr Seranton lion Fence it Mfg. Co. ... Seranton Axie Works Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr. County Savings Hank & Trust Co.. First National Bank (Carbondale).. Standard Drilling Co Tiaders' National Bank Suanton Holt and Nut Co BONDS. Seranton Passinger Hallway, (trst Mortgage, due 1020 People's Street Railway, first mort gage, due 1018 People's Street Hallway, General mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 5 per tent. City of Scuiiion St. Imp. 0 per cent Seranton Traction li per cent Bid. Askci 120U i'5l) -To 161) 125 1UU 0.1 20 ;joo sou no 145 100 hi ... itj 115 HIO 102 102 115 Seranton Wholesale Market. (Coneuied by 11. C. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Aiej Huttif ('ie.uu?r.i. old, 20a2lc: flesh, -'2a22l::e. i daily, fiesli, 2l'.ta22ci old. IJilEc. Cheese Full cieam. Ualli-. Fkks We-leiu tu-li, It's to l"-l maiby stale, 15'j to Hie. Heans Pel Im., choice manow, ?2.5,"ia2.i',0 Pea leans--Pet bii., ehoue niaiimv, :.'..Via2 (W, .Meelluiu Beans-P.-r Im.. W. iOa'.'.-l.'i. (Iieen Pea -Per bu .l,)0al.t,". Onions -Per bu ipl.10.il, DO. Flout Best patent, per bbl $.K Itcd Kidney Heans Per Im., .Ija'-MO. Philadelphia Grain nnd Product,. Philadelphia. May I. -Wheal -Finn, !so. Iifi.li n ; loi.liait stade. May, 7'1'saNlc, Coin Finn. Uc hliilier: No. 2 mixed May, o-!,a".0i,c. Data Steady! No. 2 white dipped, :i.J'-;c, lluttir-ijiiu-t ; priuls, lc. lower; lancy wolem cic.imn.i, 20c.', do. do, pilnts, '.'lc; do. neaibv do., r.i . Klifh'Stfaily; ticdi ncatby, IHc.j do, lusteiu Lie,; do, soulhwcitiin, I'i'.jc.i do, nuilliein, I'.v. Chcc.-e Slciiclyt Vow Yml. mil iieauis taiiiy small, ll'ii.i do, do. do. bill lo i hoici , O'.-i ll'.i'.: do. do. do, new ihnice, PaO'ici do, ,lo. do. do, tail lei fc'O.id, iasi., Ilclini'el Mitfats Finn but rptlet. Coilou- I'm lianxcd, '.iu -Slead.v; ill) piinie in hoarheads, t'ici (nimllj do, do., baiicls, p4,il?,c,i cakes, a'iai1;. . LH l'oullii--l 'Inn. Rood ilrin iml ; lowls lhill'c, old looslits, 7a7'i:c. I iilnlri c-hlckcii', ,"i.i'.lic . spiltv.' chickens, ,:iij.),'i.'. : dm I,-, u.ilOe. Dio.'d IVultiv -Uuihaui.'edi Imls, Hi'-c. j do. tail lo Kood, O'v.llOi , old iousli'14, 7c. ; inastluir iliiik cii, fioeu, I'laP.'e,; luikej. tioen. 0a2c i dinks, lOal'.'c. Renlpls 1-loiu, l.-MK) battels and l.'iO.VW" pniitiik In acks j vvlie.it, ifi.onu Inulids ioiii, SS.limi bushd Is, ,",7,oe) bushel,, Hup mi nt-Wheal, lOl.nnil bibliels; coin, 3(l,nno InMi th; oats, I : , h K biiihcU. Now Yorl; Grain nnd Producs, Niw orl May L-liom -I'alily stc.id.i. Wheal Spot sli'.ul.i; No. 2 ted, MI41. o- b, altoai 1 options opiuul linn and went up mi Ilic "inciiiiii; mi i' iudila a le.uiiou look pin lindei li'lic, -elliua ind Hie ilo.e ,. li.uel.' sle.idv at "a'ji. net adiauie; May lo-.-il Ml'ji , .lunc, 70'jc; .lui.., Tl'i . : Siptcuibci, 77'." 1. em Sp.il linn, No, '., .'ilc clciatui 'ipinii 111.11 hi 1 no -li.'li-; and nillio i( ihe 0i. nlie;: ihtecl Iuni .a i43it: uel ad. am '. M.11 .dosid .Via,,.! .lull, ,"ais,i.-, iplllobe,, I'l",!. (Ijls "pnl iliinei; . -', il'J'il.. So. '. H2i . . So ' nhlli-. ,::ibi ; .i 1 white. ;'"... Ii.uk iiiiv.i vii-liMi, .'fall ,tj . : Had, nliiir. I2'2a-I7i . "I ilniL- ipiict I no bit .leadv with i.'in. Iliinei I'liui: ereamii.i. lulOe.: laitcn.v, lla:,i,c ; uoi lali.ll iioj.niei.i. l:!'.-.il7'r''. i ,lale ilal" I'l ls';c. I hrrc ttciki line 1 lain" ilouil. in'j. .: (aci laiirc wliile, in',, il2'c 1 ljm mii-iII inloied, t'ai.; lancy small while. ll'.,i. Usu Mivil.it slate and Peiuitll.iiila, IJJ'a it It . soul nil. Ilal-'c; H'siun tloiaue. I-I'jill' "i''1 ill', iritulai pac k.il, l"'.;ai;c. Chicago Grain nnu Prnduc chnao. M1.1 1.- lodii' session in the sum pits was a sllcii'io'K one, Slfiip ailwnu nils icoifd for ddiiciy ihe picscnl nioi.ib while -lull options shuuc'l modcralc s.iiiipallielic ncnslh. Mjj e.0111 and oais mie .-aid lo be piaelleally ic'inirid and showed at llm iloso ains of lUalc 3 ! PjOFESamiNAL Physlclnns nnd Sugeonn. lilt. W. U. Al.LIlN, Alii NORTH WASIIINOTON aienne. Plt.T,VUIoilKAti'Y',"(')Kiir Inglon aienne. Ilesldence. 13is Mulbeny (.'hioiilc dlsenic, lung!, heart, kidneys and geulto-urlnary oigans a tpeclally. tlourt, I to I p. in. Hotels and Rcsturants. nil: i:i.K cAiT'i?rANirT"mNKiJN aienuc. Rales icasoiiable. P. ZKUSU'.R, Piopiletor. SCIt ANION" IIOt'fsK. NIIAIt II.. !,. ,V V. PAP-sense.- depot. I'ondurlcd on the Uurcpc-an plan. MOTOR KOUII, Pioprietor. Seeds. (!. It. CLARK?: k CO.. SIlUPSMKNTNONtiRs' eijmcn. sloie an llashlnglon aienuo; greu lii.iinv, ll'jii Noith Main aienuo; stole ttlf phone. 7si. Wire Screens. JOSI.'I'II KtJirnTb, IHIAU lil I LACK A. AVB., Suanton, Pa., iii.imifacluier cf Wire seiccn. JMiscollaneous. IlllKsSJIAKINli foil CIIILIIUKN' 10 OUIJKR; al-n ladles' waist". Louis Shoemaker, 'Jli Adam? aicnue. MKIiAIICI'.i: IllttH., I'RINTKRS' iUPI'Uf.-. f.N- "lo;ie-, iaper bags, liilno, Waichou-e, ly! Wiiiiln;tnii aienne, Siiatilou, Pa. I III: WII.KKSIIARIIi: RECOUP (.AN KK HAH In ScijiiIuii at tin' news Maml- ol liein.i.iu Uios., mil Spiuce and jn.1 Minim; M. Noiim,., :-'.' Laikawanui hiimie; I. S, sjclmtzci, "J 1 1 Spnue sti-eel. LEGAL. EsTA'li: OF llEOIIIJi: WAIINEU. late of Ihe flly of Sii.intou. County ol Laikawanna and Stale of Ptnii-.ili'.itila, ilcea'ed. I.ettus of adiuliiistratlnn, i. t. a. upon the annvn cM.ne haling neiu gi.iuteii lo tne un Mlii-igned, all prison haling clalina oi d-- in.-.mls against sanl etiite will piccnl them f.-r painient and I hose indebted therein will li.aki immediate painient lo IMIII.II lll'.ill.l., Administrator, I . A. IIA'ITE.MIEIKI, Aichbald, Pa. Attciuey for Estate. I VHP; COfltT (IP COMMON PI.FAS of I.Htkn Kama', inunli. No. -J'l'i May term, pmi, Nolici- is hcieby given lhat nu application will be made In Ihe -aid con, I, on the 20th day ot Ma.i, A. P llHil, ai III 1,'i'lnd,- i. in., under tlr act of nitnbly of the commonwealth ol Pcun silvenhi, I'utttloil 'An ail lo provide lor th" incoipoialku and icgnlaiion of ciituin coipo, i-li.ni-," appioicd Apill (In.1 'Jt'lh, 1S7I. and the .iipplcmcnts Iheicl... for the approval of certain amendments tr, the idkilcr of Ihe Hebrew Con-i;n-getion An-he l.'In-sed as set forth in the pel it Ion tor the allowanii; of said amendnienis Ilieil in said lOiul. !l. L. LEVY, Solicitor. HIE ANNUAL Mi-M'.TtNi! ot tlie lot holders ol Hie Cemetery Association of Dunmore will be held at their nlner on (ho giounds on Friday. M i.i II, .it :i o'clock p. in., for (he election of I ii i, tiiisteis In soivc for tlireo years and the lraiis.i( (ion of such other business as may come befoi-j the meeting. HKN'ltY BF.YE.1.. Il.irmoic, Apill :!l), l!ii). Tlil": ANNUAL MEETINO of Iho stockholder of (he Diiksou Manufacturing Company will be held at tho officii of the company, in the city of Suanton, on the cIrIi(Ii day of May, 1901, at P. o'clock a. in., for tho purpose of electing Ditec Ims and voting upon such other matters a? may icnie liefoie the mooting. L. f. ROWER, Seeretaiy. ie-pee lively. May wheat roso c. and Julv Ha 4c . duly mm clo-od 7;.i',H-. and July oats, ',1 'ii. improved. The piovMon inaiket w.h 7!-... I".', to :,',-,e.-. improved in price. Casli quotation, iwie as follows: I-loui Steaelv; No. :t spiim: wlteat, 7la7.','Sc. : No. -J icd, 74',Ja75c; No. . com, if),-.; No. 2 yellow, ilUlSc; No. 2 ojt "-""if. : No. 2 white. ':0i,c.: No. S white. 2HT,i "!":-e.: No. 2 r.ie, 5.1a5lc; p-ooil feedim; baile,', tic: lair lo ilinit'o maltinc, SlaJDo. ; No. 1 flex si'i'd. S1.70; No. 1 noiihwestcni, $1.70; prime liiu-iHiy seed, S3.7."i mess poik, ..S.'m14.00; lard, ifM7's.iS.20: slnnt ills,. MS.I.'u8.10: drv salted -lioulilciti, 0TJa7',.',c. ; hoit clear sidc, 'iS.37'a S.CO; uliiskcr, S1.2,", Chicago Live Stock Harktt. CliicaKo, .May 1. ( attic Receipt, 18.000; in I'ludiiiK 2,.Jil Tc.aii.s: btcoii,, active; butchciV stocl; slow; Texan.-., llrm: fvood to ptiino lcei, Sl,(i'ia."i.!it): pour lo medium, l.OOat.90; htock ois 'and leeders, tinii, .Slat,'.); eow$, .foat.ia): heifeis, l?2.70al.M); canners, If2a2.h0; bulls about steady, $; ealies, weak, !M5; Texas fed .stceii, $l,2;,i."i.(il; Texas crasi eteeis, ;i.50al; Texas bulls, S2,73afl.S,V. lloirs Receipts todai. :i(),is); toinoiiim, t!"i,u0; estimated left ovo'- ;i,CKH); opened weak, dofed t,leady; top, s).3.871i: ; mixed and butcher. .f.i..Viaj.b.1; (rood to dioli heavy, S."'.0-'ia'i.S7'a; ronjili heavy, .to.jOa.i.HO; lliihl, K. M),i"i.7.'i: bulk o( sales, M.70a3.SO. shcei, -Receipts, 7,(,(N); sheep, weak; lambs, slow; fiiloiadcM mostly s,'i.2j; clipped lambs up ( xl.Tlj Kciorl to choice wetheii, $t.2."i.it.65: fair to ihoice tnixeil, s,,IOal.4(); vitntrm sheep, $I.S0i LU',: .leailinsa, SLMaLOa; 11,1 tlvu lambj, l,0", ,i,'i,2.'.l iMMi'in laiiibc, SL.'iOaS.'J,"!. New York Live Stock. Veiv York, -Mav L Heevrs Film, demini4 tnm: pihes, steady to a shade lower; atccr-, l,7u.l'i.S"i: fa( oven, ?I.R"i: bulls, fTait. IU; ow. x.'.la.i.'l.'.K); i-hoiee 10 exti.,, i,0aaf.40i e.ilie, niaiki't tiiodeiatdi' actiie hut 2Jat0c. loan veaU, ik'iai.iO; choice do., M.(i-J)C'a.1.TS; t-xlni, fc little calieM, is;, sheep and Lamlw Market gn. einlly steady: handy lamlw, flnii; unshotn sheep Vil.Tia.i": cllppeil elo., s.lal..'0; uuaiioin lamb", s-"i.li",.i.'.P7'j: clipped do., $.(,2!f,a.i..'M; niitliin spiimr LiiiiIh, a.7ja.",, Hoes Maikct a tilflc tit in ,il Siiiii.l",; f-w dioiee slate liORt, M, H, Enst Liberty Cattle. La-t Lihcity, Mav L-Cattlo-Stcady; eura, W.l'itlai.sfl; pniiic, fi';o.,5..'iO; 'aood, 3.inal.;A Ibu's-SIow and loneij irime hoiile, and bi-t mediinns, s.-(,si.i.' (nl; heaiy Yorkcm. 4s..'t34."i.S . lLhl YniUr. S1.7Ji."i.!l; pig. M.70i,1.7i; kii !.7Ja.5.'.',i; louglui, ipl.id.IO. Hicep-Kteidy; b-l viL'tlii'li. $l.0,iLJ0: eonnnon, 2aXi0; chonc IiiiiIk, S.'i.tOa-i.'.'a; common lo Rood, USOj.'iI via raliM, l.ulMi, Oil Market. Oil (in, Miv I -Credit balance, HI, IS; eep lilliaU's, no hid; Milp'nrnts, ll7,')."i batrrHj tv cusp, 02,11 batrdij im.,, 1 17.701 brel; v eiae, s7,hvi b.ineli, FINANCIAL, -.H X'VX' Bond Offerings. Paying 3.75 to 5.75 Per Cent. Fin. Cen, & Gen, Con, 5s, Fmt Worth & Rio Grande, 1st a-4s, . Cal, Har. & Snn Ant, 1st 5s, Iowa Cent, Ry Co. lat 5s, Long- Island City & Flush, list 5b, Louh). New Albnny & Chic. 1st (is, Mexican Cent. Ry Co, 4s, Missouri Pacific Trust, Ds, Minn. Qon'l Zlec. lot Con. fts, Rio araiule West. 1st 4s, St. L., Iron Mt. & So. Rrfd. 4s. I oiuplcle I in nl ir I-i-r t on Application. "STATISTICAL TABLES." T"l (I'otfUd laliticn) now tcadj. Spencer Trask & Co, 37-20 Pine Street, h", Mate Seicct, .Mbany, N. V. NEW YORK . k. t -'.-