The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 02, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    i 'W!!
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Wr 'V-vwTr?;.
As It Wns Ho Sustnlnecl a Fiactuicd
Leg. Scalp Wounds nml BotHly
Injuiics Ivoiltes Annual Conven
tion to Bo Hold in Tnyloi Pies
entntion of Jophthnh nnd His
Daughter' Slight Fiio Ycsteidny.
Mail Cm l lei a" Shiit Waists Othei
News Notes nml Peisonuls.
Thomas iIiiik-i iif ".IT N'lillll
til milled :i t'llllr. i nii!n il ns n miller
111 till' Ttlll m1(I)C, IllPt With II XI'lldlH
nii'lilciii while at woik .vtHteidny nnd
liml ii moit nilim itlous i'citi" 1 1 tnii
death. ll( VVUS otlKujri il 111 lllx usual
woik ubotil tlii eliiimber nml was- In
the in l ni iiliklnf, up soniothlni' 1 1 "in
Hie Kioiiin'i wlii'ii a lull Di nml iii
i in in).
'I In- lulling mil. i.umlit hi loll li'R
lit I lie knee Inllil, Inn tlllhiK It badlv
mill ilNloi'iilliijT both bones', lie also
sustained soveinl .-iiali wounds' nml n
juilos niiiM the link, liml hi bet n
Maudlin: in mi tipilKht position he
would uiiiioitlil ills have hi'i'ii Ullleil.
1)1. (!oillh' I' Itevnolds- WHS Slllll-
IIIOIH'll .lllll. Willi till' IllvlslJIlllI' o Oi.
. liiiw l.iml Davles hi- i't tlii- In
lined nii'iuliii. .Mi. .Inno nn lesiiiiK
.itxllv lust nlirhi, ulthiiiiKh stiltetlntr
vei much ti out Ills In hull's.
"Jephthnh ml His Daughtei.''
One of the most nntcvvoilliv music il
vents oC the season will bo the poi
iiiiiiuiu i' L tho ln mtlfiil diaiuailc
mitiit.i. "Ipphiluih .mil iris ti.uiKh
01." nt MeaTs hull, on AVodne.sdnv
mil Thiiisil.iv evening", Mav 11 unil
li, bv the Sumner Avenue I'liuuh
.In c uilo ehoir, with a thorns of about
one bundled voices-, assisted In the
ihotiis hy good lulont fiom illlTeiont
hmihrs of tin" "West Side, anil hy tlu
best talent In the tltv as soloists, iep
lesentlng the illffuint ihiiwieteis In
the mtatn
This rantata was poifoiinod under
the same management about ten veais"
aso, and made quite a hit. and tho
i oniiuiUee ol manarremonL doslies to
appeal to the public in general for
I heir pntionago and suppoit upon this
iHiiisIon. again, fully assuieil that
ipilto a heat Is In stoie for those -who
will avail themselves; of the oppoitu
uiiv nf heaihig and seeing this most
iMlting cantata.
Tho choius will also ho assisted hy
ron pvm: at
the ill air Hie
Im! Hi Mini il....
The summer sunshine came this year at a single
bound. In a day we passed from chilly spring weath
er to the radiancy of mid-summer warmth, conse
quently Parasols and Sun Shades
are in demand cousiderably earlier this year than usual.
Our new line is open. It meets all of fashions re
quirements, and is so generous in its proportions as to
win the admiration and even astonishment of all who
have seen our new purchases.
Our Windows Hint at Styles
but if you desire to see the whole range of Parasol
beauty, you will have to step inside and spend many an
hour going over the endless assortment.
Among Parasol Styles Shown Are
Black, with hemstitched effects; or trimmed with Ap
plique work, Chiffon or Malorie, black and white stripes
Plain White Taffeta Parasols, Plain white China Silk
Parasols, with from one to six ruffles, also with white
Chiffon trimmings, Persian borders aud Persian stripes
in all colors. Polka Dot Taffetas in all colors aud
tints. Fancy Colored Taffeta Parasols, with black ap
plique trimmiugs. New Tucked Taffeta Silk Parasols,
and a score of other popular styles, designed expressly
for women of fashion who must have things right,
Coaching Umbrellas
In all the leading colors, trimmed with braid or rib
bon. A good assortment, Also Plain Taffeta Coach
ings in all the prevailing colors.
Children's Parasols a Specialty
Colored Silk
with borders,
shower, aud
Globe Warehouse
y. - fc -w.
a siniuil I'loin tho Thirteenth toglniont,
who will take an active tmit in the
nun thing nnd nlo In tho dlffetont
tableaux. The nnniCB of tho dllfetont
miIoIhIk will' In tho pnpcis In
u revv itinu. Many of those who vvlt
iu'shpiI tie petioinulneo of Hits enn
laln, mo eiy (IimIioiis of u Itnesslng
It tigulu,
Ivoiltes Annual Convention.
Tim (iiinunl totiventlou of the Older
of Aini'ileiiu Tino Unities' will ho hold
in Tnlir eonnnenoltig TuomiIiij, Muv
14, nnd (ontluuhig lour duy.s. Dele
gatus fiom noaily ci'iv state In the
union will ho In allenilanio. On
Tlunxdii evening. May 1fi, tin: - I1
toss will be U'tuloiv'il il lecoptlou b"
the lui'inl em nt Itohoit Mm lis lodge
at I vol lie halt. South .Main iiveiiup.
.Inhii It IMumds will lepies-ent tho
Unbolt .Mollis lode at Hie (ollU'll
l Ion
Honor Kv.ins, of Unbelt .Mollis lodge,
No f.v, gnind tieasiiiei, ami John .T.
Kniis, ol CailaUlaw ii lodge, Xo. 3, of
.Vol 111 Hi i an t on. gnind 'oi'iotniv of
the (Hiler of Aniotlemi Tine Untiles,
lepioMtitlng tho gownilng bnuid, will
wo tr Km i si Citv tmniiiiow ovenlng
to Institute a new hid Ion' lodge of tho
Uigiee of Xai'iul, with a (halter iiioni
hoi "hip of thlilynne nf the loading
Welsh ladles nf Kmont "ll,.
Mnil Cnuleis' Shiit Wnists.
'I he mull ( an lots 111 the West Sot ui
loii postal station hne tllkeil a vote
nn the riuestliiu ol whether in not thov
will wrm shiit waists dtnlliK the inui
Int; siiiumoi The sentltnent is unanl
nioiislv in favni of the Innovation.
Ttie entile foue In the ( Ity .lie prne
tlonllv u unit on the subject and in a
slant time we m.iv pp it to see the
mall i an lois appeal Inn In theii sum
mer unifoinis ol giav lilonse and tunis
eis, without mats.
Tile mombeis of the fouo mo de
lighted with the piospeit ol a pliatiKP
fiom I lie old slvle and will welcome
the shli t waist whli h Postmaster
(ieliei il Sinitli has ikslgiud
An Afternoon File.
The alalia fiom bo" .17. ooiuei of llv
eiett avenue and Jackson utieet, jes
tenlav .ittoinoAn was i auid hv a
sllslit hlue in a house on 1'ilcp stioot,
oi cupled by Thomas l'hllllps and fum
ilv. Sir. Phillips was woiklag in tlio Pil
lar nnd hid a mining lump biiinim;.
Tlio dimes fiom the naked lamp In
lilted the wood woik and stalled tho
Vionipt applioatlrin of thr ditnikals
hv the roluinhias in evented the flames
U om spi ending. The ihuuage amount
id to about SJ"
Boys Failed to Betuin.
The two Jones hoys who wpil liniili
oated in a peltv thelt at Kranthi's
ft uit stand Tutsilay eenlng failed to
appear heroic Iiouti nfint Williams list
evening and ivnuants will piobihlv
liao to he issued for the an est.
One of the bojs, -was detained In
tho station house lorsomotime Tueslay
evening and Avas onlv leloised after
pi utilising to bung his coinpinlon
around last evening. Tho jiolke aio
Umbrellas, perfectly plaiu, or
They serve for sunshine or
are uever out of place.
doloi mined to break ui thlt practice
of patty thieving.
Musical Festival.
The Htunni' Avcnua I'iphtttliin
rhuipli Is" at proont making autlve
piepmntluiiH for ti luUsluil festival in
lake place on Alull 15 nnd US, nt Moms'
hall. Tho ltiuid of Itopo, it inusknl
mgnulratlou, of Willi Ii Aldoiiuan Dti
vh Is conduetm, has hem pi noticing
"Ti plithnli'tt Daughtei" on Tuosdav
mid Thuisdny c cuing for M'veiiil
weeks. All thn vottng people In the
eliuich me iiHtnl)"ts, and Mr. llitvls
Inn nrnuiiod tho gieatest Inleiest hv
his olllclont woik ns conductor. Mr.
Davis pcpo( Is the assistance of soin v
nf the host s-ololsts in the city, nnd
lais the promise of u siunil nf. sol
illeiH fiom the Thhteenth to give
diameter lr one of the mulching
l llOUIK'.J.
Thin dim ill has 'ii! uioiiihoiH on Its
loll, hud 07 at undnv school last Sun
dav, and n tlno uttondatieo nt tho Sun
dnv i veiling M'lVlco. 11 Is In chut go
or V.. riunilov, under tho inodra
tin ship or 11r. McT.cod, of the Fllst
I'losbvtoihn chinch, ltieatsme fioo
nnd Its doois mo vvld" upon with a
inidlal welcome for thoso who wish to
loin In Its poivlios At the (! o't lo I;
jpivlie the singing Is a delightful foa-
Abused Hiu Better Hnlf.
Mulnel Devlin', a huckster, losld
hnr at 1007 Jackson tipot, was m
lested Tuesday evening, on a waiiant
Issued hv Aldeiiunn John, at tlio In
siaiRe of his wife, who chut god him
with assault and buttriy. He opent
the night In the station house, and
vesidav the wlto wltlidicvv tho
i Inn go, upon Devlne pajlng the costs.
As soon as the louplc leached homo,
hostilities wete u'sumed, and Devlne
tlucatencd to aunlhil ite his wife. She
lied fiopi tlio house the second time
ilnd again sought piotectlon at tho
hands of tho law. Now the woman
will pinspiiito her husband to tho
Robeit Monis Lodge.
A meeting of Kobei t Mori Is lodge
will bo held In Tvoiite hall. South
Main avenue, this evening. A debate
will be held on the subject. "Hcsolved,
That Ancient (jiatois Woie Hotter
Then Those of ihe Piosent Day." The
mill mative side will be uphold by Dr.
AW liovvlind Oavles and T.ouls A.
llovvoll, and tho negative hy Palmer
J. AVIIIIams and U. Jav P.eeso.
The deli no will bo followed bv a
stnokei. Jlmli Inleiest is being mani
fested in tho meetings hinco the debate-,
woie commenced
Their Fiist Anniveisaiy.
John Howell and Klv ll.inU, who
openid a elgai .stole nn Eolith Main
avanue a cai ago Mstcidav. i ele
biated tholi fit fat annlveisaiv last even,
lug In a novel nimiuei.
I'.veiv one who i.illcd it tli'li -.ton
was pieseiittd with good li,iis 'the
callois weip nuiiieioiis.
Fiineial of a Child.
Quiti an elaboiatf tuneial s(.iee
vas hold esten!iv afteinoon in ion
noctlon with the Inn Inl of Mi and
Mi John James' -voting i lilld. nu
lls Tile si i vii es weio i onduoted at
the liiiiise on rouiUonth stieet bv lt-v
IX D Hopkins, of the Pii'st Welsh
liiptist iliniili and interment was
made in tho Washburn stieet i emo
toiv. The pall-lx in I-- w i e Daniel Wil
li mis. Pi auk Jones, lilwanl Davis ami
John Tones. The llovvei beaieis Ueie
William Daw kin--, ilooige Williams,
liiiidoii Paiiyanil Aitlnu "William-.
Steamship Tickets,
at lowest late- .Vpjilv lo
Thoinii-, ll.'S .I.u ksuii stieet "'
Mi-s Sadli l'duaids. ot N'oi th liioin
kv avuiilo, who has btm spending ,i
few d.ivs with lui pitents, i etui nod to
Xew Yoik osteidav afteinoon to )e
sunio hti muskal studiisi.
Clem Jlaish, jr, was on a llslilng nip
to Ml. Poioiio c.stoidav and made a
nice atili ot linui
Mr. and Mis. Piank Kostoi.ol llainp
tnn stiut, gave a paitv on Mondav
r nliir. In lioiioi oi their daughtei,
lifuiicu Mi link, a lad h siding on
( litstnut s-tuet, while ilaviug with a
number of companions leceiitlv, tiipped
on a wiie, and lull on his aim, tt. unit
ing it. A phvsklmi sot the member
Miss I'mmn l.ainb, or Moscow, is the
guest ot Mt-s Miimlt Lot or 0toid
Uovven Hios , the Sniutll M.iin avenue
inaiblo iiittoi.s, liavo. just tlnished a
handsome monument, which will be
euetod oer the grave of the late
Ueoise Pai bar, a Civil war-veteiaii
P.thel, the voungest daughter of .Mr.
and .Mis, p. c, i:non, is ill witli pin u
rnoula, A legttlar meeting of the Sloeuni
lodge ot-Odd Fellows was held In
MiMonii linll last evenlni,, when tlio
it(eiillv Installed olliieis ocoupled tlio
i hulls
Itev, II, C MoDernintt conductod the
pin.ver uniting at the Simpson Mctlin
dist npistopal i hutch last u cuing, and
met many ot tlie nieinbeis Ho i" last
beiomiiig uiiiialuteil with ills pailt-h-louei.s,
A .son was tonally bout to .Mi, and
Mis, tloiiihnkoi, nt Mini. mint. Mr.
and .Mr.s, Pdwaid J. Jo.veo, of iij Hm
Uli't hlu el, me also lejoleiug over llio
uiilval of a son at tholi hoiue.
Meeting of l he I, idles' Aid soihHv
of the Simp-am .Mi'ihodlsi
The uioinbei.s of lii.imh fill, of tho
r.udles' Catliolle lletievoleiit ushoiiu
tlon, will conduit n ptogiosslvi) euihro
nnd .soilul In Young Men's Institute
hall on Tupsd.i ovouhig, May II
A fair mid hoelal was In Id last even
ing in the Hellevue "Wel-h ',lU'luistle
MithodlKt chuii Ii, under the uin-phes
of tho Ladles' Aid s-oelet. A uiuuhor
of piotty laney utllik's wete on s-uh',
and tho utieudauco was unite huge.
A conceit and s-oi lul will bo hun
thlti evening at tho1 icslduin o of MlhS
.Sadln Kdvvmds, 1JJ i3ioinley avenue,
for the benellt ol iluilih fund, Quar
tette, hv Messi.s. Ahy, Thomas, Will
lams mid Jones; vocal boo, Mis.
Ihunduge; plnim m1u MIhs .Viitmu
June--; ucltutlou, MiK Mattlu llughe-i;
piano duct, Maud and .Noiiiui Joue.s;
tenor bolo, V. F. Jones Itetieblunoiu-.
aud Ice cieam will be .soived.
llvangellt't tins Nelbell held lot tit at
the r oi in t ot Main uveniio mid Jack
miu .stieet last evening, aud expounded
tho ()ospel lo n Imgo abMnuhhih".
Hlieet Commissioner liovvluud Y,
Tlieiuas pcisoually dlieited u fotco of
men In Hushing the paved sheets last
Mis. Dehiik, ot 509 Chestnut .stieit,
Is iiilto III at her home.
Itev. Pi auk J. Mllmnn. I'll T , pas
tot of the Second Piosbyleilan ihuuh
at Potlsvllle, attended thn servites in
tlio Suiniier Am'Iiuu Piesbyleiluu
Inn c It last evi ulug.
The Tabeiuatlu uuiteil ilmli held a
woll-nllcnded lohcntsnl In tho chtttrh
Inst evening on tho cnntiitn, "Daniel."
Another l client sill will he held nest
Sundcv evening. Tickets mo selling
nihility for the cantata, which ptont
Isch to he n mimical ticnl,
Tho leiimlns of nn Infant child of
Mr. unil Aii. William Hopkins, of 117
South nutdpld nvcntic, weio Inloiieil
hi the Wnshbutn ah cot tonioteiy.
Enjoyable Social nnd Conceit Oiven
by Junger Mnenneichor Fiine
ial of Lillian Ktthncr.
Thoioticoil mid puteitulinuent which
jus hold lnt evening In (lei mania
hall under the auspices of the Junger
.Vnniineivlior wns largeh' tittonded, the
hall being unable to hold all who de
died to gain admission to llslon lo the
escellpnt musical and llteiary feast.
Tlio pi ngi amine which was ecel
lentlv arianged, opetipd with nn ovet
tillo bv Lawienec'H full oiehestin. Tho
.lunger Maonneiclior did soniu splen
did singing.
Mih. Alnigmetlu Jones-Imnes len
deied two eoelcnl loutialto hoIos mid
Ihe feature ot tho niglit was a cotule
plnv In one act called "Dal Mad Tog."
which was pla.ved Iiy AVIlllam Moser,
ClimloH Hpt audio, Chi Is. Binder aud
I loin v AVetter,
Thev made a dei tiled hit and vveie
teudpied a lousing leo'plion Tlio
test of the ptogiamnip was given bv
the Miiptinpr (iosang Veieln and the
Junger Mnonnoiohni iindei the dli op
tion of Pinf. Cr. Schmidt.
Funeinl of Lillian Ktihner.
Tlie fuueial of Lillian, the .-eai -old
child of Air. nnd Alls. John Kuhnei,
wlio was so seilously binned while
playing with matches dining the ouilv
pait of the week that deatli camp a
lew hours later, took place esteiday
afteinoon fiom the family icsldence at
'"",$ Hlich .sheet.
fe'civiofs wete IHtl In St. Alnrv's fici
ninii Catholic cliitnh on It Ivor sheet.
Itev. Pathoi Sti.uib was the oflh luting
eleigvinan hileiiueiit was muclo In
the Twentieth waid cemetet v. Tlie
pall-boniets weio: (SoitleKint, Alatv
Kiaft, Amelia AVallot and Alice ilaiin.
Silk Mill Gills' Enteitninment.
An enteitainnieiU and soelnl woie
li'Id last evening at Xovlski's ball, on
1'lttston avenue, under the auspices of
the Hmvev silk mill emptovps. Tt win
well attended and a number ol vnial
and instiiimontal selei tions weio ten
deieil by Aliss Xcna (ieuity, P.iti Ick
Connois and .Miss Ala.v Manga u.
A stining addles-! was given hv
"Alothei" Tones. The atf.m was in
dun go of Miss Julia Ilaggottv, Katie
Duffy, Doia Kiuhmei, Anna Heln.
Katie ihogtn and Llte Audi ens Jlu
sle lot the social was tarnished bv
Pioie HiotliMs' oiihestii ot West
Si lanton
Bieezy Bievities.
Ilobeit. the ,s-eai-old son ot .Mi and
Mis. Jacob Maul, of V.t Alaple stieet,
ni't with a picuhii auldent i.stenlav
alteinoon The bov was ,il woik oiu
lllin i pioie of wood when his Unite
suddenlv slipped U bulled itsell in
tile top ol the Miungstei s linnd and
made a wound about two mi lies long,
tioui whli ii the l)lood llowcd In eh.
Di .1. I. Walsh was (pili klv siiniinoned
and two stilt h;s vveie lound neiessaiv
to i lose the wound
The 'i-em-old dtnhtii of Mi and
Alls. Dub! Powell, of Pitt -ton ave
nue, was setiotis bitten bv a dog
vostetdav allttnoon 'I hf i liild vvus
lilajing In ihe whin tin i mine
siiaiiped at lit) and i iiughl hi"in tlie
lit lit mm Di 1 I WaSh i.tuiuled
the wound
Ah and Ah-- John Welti--, ot this
side lelt last ev.ning foi Dallnii lo
attend llio tuneial ol Al- Wi hiss'
Funeial of Thomas Young Took
Place Yesteidny Rev. Gibbons
in Chnige of Sei vices.
'I he Mineral ol Thomas Vomit, oi -i
m led 1 1 om his late homo vistenho
atteiiiuoii, lit v. W. P. (ilbbons, of the
Piesbvteiian ihuuh, otlkiaiing.
Dining the lattei'h icmaiks he .-poke
of thn manv stetling dualities ot the
dpi eased and paid a high tilhuie to his
cliaiaitei A Inge cotuoutsc ot nknds
tiom this and sutioundlug towns lul
lowed the icinains to tholi last listing
pliue in Duiimoie cemelet.v.
The pall-lie.ueis wete James nml
Thomas Young, John Hatpin, James
Hijikn, William Migle and P. II
Swm Kf.
Among thio iiniu out ol touu In ot
lendauce tit tlie funeial vveie AY, K.
Young and Imullj, ol" Ihiglevvood, X,
J.; Dr, Spammis and wile, ol Avma;
Dr. Davidson and wlte, ot Tunklimi
liock. Alls, and Altss Hiovvn, of Avoia;
Aiiiliovv lit.vden and wile, or Pittston;
Ali-s Paiinv, Si'ighton, of Phlladilphia.
Ycsteulny's. Tiie,
Tile Inn ulug ol tint stable loiiueiied
Willi llio lIxchangK hotel, eatly e-ict-dav
mm niug, hi ought a lingo piopor
lion ot out people to the scene, it being
thouu'hl the hotel llsell was
The loss on tlie.stabks was lullviov
eied by liisiiiauiu run In) with tho
Poster .v Aloote ageni v. The lowm
side of the hotel wns badly scon lied
hv the llames, windows being bioken,
and had It been u vvlnilv night tills
famous old hos(ety would dotilille.-a
huvo boon swept away,
Tuesday's Convention,
Tlie Women's Poiclgn Allsslonaiy
-oiloty of tlio llotiosdale dlstiict vvltt
hold u convention on Tuesday net lit
the Methodist Episcopal iluueli,
Tho sessions will last thioughout the
da.v, sevniat pioinliieut speakens on
inissiouan subjm.s being epootod to
be pii-eiit,
lii'v c 11, .Nuwing, tho new pastoi ot
thn Alolhodlst Pplscopal Lhuieh, will
Ijii tendeied ti iccrptlon hy the meni
beiH of the iluiMh lu thetchuich pai
lots tonight,
All.s Alnigatet Hlcrdon Is vl-dilng
lili'inlu in PiltKton
Tho Women'.-. Clulstlan Tuupeiatico
union -will nuel In the Alethodlst Jjpls-
Is in .ton- for all ulio ua Kcmn'i llaUini for
the 'JIiiojI J nil I.unt-i, llio .io-ii KiiauiituJ
much- A nnlH jcu licllivu lluv it i-i toM un
Iti inoriti ami anj Jiii.-i;l-t U aullioiizod lij Ilia
lupilrlui ol tlilt uunHil'il icnuily iu j,ic jvu
u fomi'lo IiuIIId ft ci? It noicr falH tu cure
aiulu ii iliiunlc louglic. All iiiullij till
Kimti'-i IUIjjiii. 1'ikc 2jv. a ii J Wo.
MAY will be busier than any May before. There will be great Store News in
piint this month, and it is to your interest to know what is daily ready for your money
saving at JONAS LONG'S SONS. It was the greatest April's business our Big Stores
ever had. You whose favor made and makes this success will be interested in know
ing this, for the stores' business is the best index of its worth.
The Great Shoe Sale
no one can afford to miss.
laulles' Pino Dongola Kid, But
ton and I.uce Simon, with pat
ent Icuthor tips and the latest too and
heel Hliapes, Oldlirnlly sold at $1.7,1.
This w eolc
Taidics' Opei.i Slyln CKfont Tien,
with patent tip, (Jnodjear welt,
AlelCav s.'vved and hand tm nod.
AVoilh t2.r,o. This .voolc
Ladles' Adonis Dtess Kllppois,
with bountiful black colonial buckle,
liogulmlv Hold at $1 r.O. This
T.lttlo Chlldion's Shoes, In oveiv
new lolnt; ttti Ictly hand tin li
ed, sl?cs 'j lo C. This week
Men's Shoes and Ofonls (bat hour
ii leptititlon for value. Known fur the
I nt L'.'i vcais for tholi excellent well
ing (innllties. They t ome In all leltli
eis mid all stjles. and evety pair Is
sliletlv guuiauteed. Tills wck
Alcn'.s Call SIiom and Opioids, In tun
and Illicit, neat and solid all tlie way
thiough. AVoith fJ.iVJ. Till- wed;.. .
Atl-sps and Childien'M lilick Kid,
llutton and l.aie lioes In all
sliictlv s,,i(i leithoi' all the way
thiough. Oidinaiilv sold at $I.'J". This
Ladles' High Glade $.' 10 and
$10n Mutton and I.nce Shoes in
about twenty dlffetent "Ivlc-!;. Tills
hifanls' Dlai k and 'I'an Kid,
Soft boles, Mutton Shoe- .lust
the thing for tli little tols no icuigli
seams. Po-itivelv wiuth n.rii iilo
pi ice
I.iltlc ltis' Shoes with spilng
heels, sizes S to ": made ol solid
icuthor all the vvav tliuiugh Itegitlai
Iv wot Hi horn 1 'J1 lo l jO This
Ladies" Dongola Kid. lllittou and
Life Shoes and Osloiil Tli s,
with light and lie iv v weight sole-,
dalntv and peilcct in lit. 'ind m ule up
in tlie lati'M stviec A'alue ?! ",n to
?l 71 This V eek
L idles' Dangoln and Ovloid Tics'
with pitint leatliu oi kid ll and ex
tension solis. Po-ltively wit tli $1 in
This week
Jonas Long's
inpal ihuuh hiindav si liool looms lo
1l.1v at 1 !D o"c lot k
CNciu Yosl is spimlliin a lew di.vs
with ri if nils at Mlnoiushtiit;.
Mis I'.ieliniil Wintoisti in. of Hlakclv
sttLot, is lonvalesi etil, aftet lici lecenl
sei toils illlRs-
Piof. I". T Uovaul, supei intetuli ut
ol tlie botoilKli schools, wislus to denv
ilu vain iu .Lstei day's HepubllLan in
lititenie to ills cpciieiuis iu loiiiIhk
1 10111 i 1 anion, and savs on tlie nislu
in iiie.t!ou In; letiied at ' o i lot k
Last nishi bin flits en
uani o into Hent.v's i onlcc lionet v stole
on .Al.ukit stieet wlieie they seiiueil
$s iu iiisb .ind .1 iiinuitllj ol cutulv and
Thov also . ntiied tlie house of Thus
h unit and a -dim. lepaliin sluii lo
i.ited on the s nne stnil anil eauicd
iivvuv a uiinihei ol atliiles Tin- tie.
iiieiicv ot the visits ol htiigliiis to
houses iu tlie Tlilnl waul lias caused
nun Ii ahum uiuoiir, the pi opl liviin;
The annual niepiin? ol the Viovi
deili o l'leslivteii in i lllll ill and coiikic
Hation will be hi Id 011 Mondav ovenlmr
iii'vl, Hesides ih animal lepoit ol the
lioaid ol tiustces ti pints will lie icad
tioui eac ii ol the vaiioils ulllliuiv ile
pai tinent ol ihuicli woik The-., will
iniliiile lepmlh tioui the session tlie
twentieth ci mill tuud. Siiinlav si lmol
Ihlduivoi .societv. Ladles' Aid soeletv ,
Home and rmeU'ii Mlssionaiv sock
tit's, Kins's Hailhlltc is and tholi. Kev
fit. tlulld will pit. nil the uttial an
nual disc mil so 011 Mtndiij 11101 iiIiik
Miss Mut,v O.tkliv ol (Kik ", Is
visltins ti lends iu I'liiladolphla,
(.'hail's II Oltovle the well known
oiKaniei ot tlio Cleiks' atsoiiatIon has
icslhiied his position at Peviiii i
(lliei'.s Mm "i v stme to in epi u posi
tion iu ihe Si 1. niton Tiuth t Ik illation
itep.u tinoiil.
All ineinlieis ol the I'm iudl iwn l"d,e.
.No !, Aineiieau Title Ivoiit'", nie I e-(lUOs-tod
to ho piosent at a inet ihlK to
bo held Mituiduy ih hnslnts's ol hn
poituuci will bo ii.insitted
At Ihni' W I'aso. ol .'I.' Theoihue
Mioii, ins 1 'hlmied his position with
I! Meilth and nutpted one nt,i tlotk
In liillllu'H dilltf htoie
The Kej stone hiteial.v and lui
111:1 tli 1 lull will 1 online 1 11 dame this
evening al the Audltoi iiim
William lenkliis, ol Dun on stieet.
sllpp'd 011 a banana peel aud Injun d
Ills III 111
Miss .Alamo Kellv. or West Maiket
st 1 eel, ll.W lotllllied attti u llliee
WeekH' slll with tlltlld). Ill I'lllbon-
I'lof (lenih'e Howell, hiipoillllt nib lit
of ht 1 union puhlli Kthools, will dtlivei
his leituio 011 "Winds," 101 the hem III
of the titeeil ItldBe liluui.v, III tin
llbliuy biiililillB Ulls uveiilllK Ml
Howell is aw inn it'stlnt, nnd piunhal' and thl.s lutuio Is vet lmhl
.spoken ot b those who havt heaul It I
The hob' hlot 1 1"1' '" i"" Mi'tliiou
llish M'liool will hln. Jinl Mifri Mll
lied iieellt will Ittlio A hllvu' ollu
IlliJ Will bo tukell al Ihe dool. and
iaiid.v maiK b the tiieili ltldo ladles
will he olfeied lor bale
David J. AVhltloul has moved liotn
Dolawiuo Htieet lo the hous-i on Itleh
niont uvtnuu leienth oiuipUd h Itev.
i it roMet',.ind Itev. Tostei has luken
po.sbe.sslon of thu loiiutf hoineot Jaiuts
Dhnmlfk, on Tali Held avenue.
A baud of k psles aie ininped on the
liver bank, near the old Dilvlntf paik.
Their tonilng Is a. Ilttlo Into (his jeai.
but an unusually luge tenl and Im
pioved -wagons hiiiilsh addtd alliae
lions foi' tlio tiiuall boy.
Cluilea V. liond, pitbcilptlon tleilt
Long's Sons
is something
made, laid and
(01 s,st, fiith st ami ImiiK I'litt,
Villi HI HI I'l 111, V "'I I'll Hit 111 i t lt IllN
luiniiiiii I'l 111, S () t, 1 u mil I pu ii.U
spuuil It 1(1 Iu 1 inillka
Ufoiin), 3th Ave. tad 27lb Street, New ort..
Absolutely Fireproof
111 tilt. ceil,
tttoi Ihe
anil ihe it i c
1 i s 1 1 1 1 t .
Tiist ihss
in .ell Us ip
ltoiiitmi.uts Ln 1 11 e h
nee. lluocii
nnnni4 ..In
oionnuw uerrtNtv.riTiri nr j,e or cll
.iiltc, with or without bath, hot unit eei'il wntir
iiidtrlrnlio I'inceeiy room Culsliw unexcelled
Tor Uibiiioss Men
In the h?arl of tho wliotcs.ilii
ri biioi)ci'A
s mlnutet' walk to Wanamnlion:
minutes to Bireel Coopn's uig
Htnic Uiisy of access to the float
Ory Goods Stores.
Tor Sightseers
One block from 13'ivny Cam, glv.
In? easy uanspoi tatlou to aU
points ot Interest.
ror. mu bf UNivnnsiTv pr
Onl one Block from Uremdvv.iy.
Pvnm; R I Tin IM'MAURANr
nOOllb, s"l Up. prCc, Icvasnuabl;
with i' 1. .Ioni"J has leluined hum a
lew di!n' wltli his laniilv til tionth
Ol.llIKe, N .1
At a ii' IlieellllC ol liieell ItielBO
aiup. Model 11 Woodmen of .Mneiiea,
held l.ici evening' in M.imiiiIi' hull, on
DlikMin iivtiiue ill teen now nieiuhft.s
weio Initialed tutu tho oidei, unci IWell
tj.tvvo pioposliliuis fm niiiinheinhip
vm le 1 ec oh ed
The hoeond iIokiio will hi onioned
at tills eveulUK's- IlliellllK of thet'll
KlilKO IoiIko Independent Unlet' of Odd
l'i Hows,
i: It MUlt,es kiivo an Inteiestiin,'
iitlk on 'Missions lu riiliia,' ut tho
iiild-wetk hcivloo ol the fin en IIIiIko
I'l oshvlm Ian 1 lllll (ll Iiih t ovt'lliun.
Tin 10 will ho ait eiiteitaiumont and
MKial at tlio lioniti ot Mi .1 K. .lohlei,
171 '1 Haudoi.soil avenue, tomoiinw' even
iiiif, Inr tin benellt of the 1'iov Idoueo
I'lnli-llaii e lint ih , pioesi.itnute of
nuisle and itcitalloiis lias, been pie
p. ind, nnd no itcuiu nnd inko will ha
Mild Ailnii.-Mon, live ci nth.
Mr llolleiihaik, of hake W'lnola, was
a bushiLs" vlsdloi licit jifleiil.t1,
.Mis M, It Ka.v.s and daiiKhlii, of
Sandetson avenue, have letinued fiom
a visit to .Vow Voik aud Philadelphia
Mat-nils Xelson. lintel ii .viats, illed
esienlay al her home .'11.' W'aslibui.'i
The litueial of J.tliu s I" Itobeits will
take il.ue at J o't loi k Oils atleiuoon
ll om llio ii'sldente, .IIS tillisem .sheet,
hei vices will bo held at til. l.ukt'a unil
inlet iiieut nudu In Koiest Hill.
Laces and Summer Fabrics
Summer has come with a rush, and
that you may be prepared for it we have.,
provided exceptionally attractive counters.
The Serpentine Laces are greatly in demand
for the lovely foulatd and cotton gowns. We
have many fascinating varieties in white, cream, '
Arabian and black, The prices range
from toe to 5C
All-Ovcr White Nottingham Lace, now so
much in vogue for shirt waists, cor- ,.
set covers and yokes. Prices 45c to P&.4y
Lawns, Poulards, Etc.
Fine Printed Lawns, dainty coloring, charm
ing designs, never sold under I2c.
Our price 1 UC
Foulards, just as nice as silk, and certainly
giving neatly as good wear. These beautiful
new Cotton Foulards and Khedive Silks
in soft oriental coloring. Price 2iDC
Carpets and Rugs
Housekeepeis should not fail to visit
this department on the third floor. New
goods are constantly arriving and shop
pets will be sure to find something to
please them,
A fine line of Rugs may now t Q
be seen. The Wilton door size $1.0
A beautiful Wilton, 27x54 S4.00
Wilton Rug, 36x60 $6.00
Wilton Rug, large size, 9x12... $35oo
Aminster Rug, 0x12 $25.00
Saiaband Rug, 9x12 $25.00
Supeiiot quality of Mattings, pretty
patterns, good colors, from i2c to 5?C
I'apestrv Biussels in a variety of patterns,
lined, regular value 80c.
- hlis k minotiNm n. Lessen
A J. Illil 1 J, Manatcr.
Friday, May 3.
IttVMv VI' M.I. 1'icnU
Mr. Peter F. Dailey
In 1 New g Miwial OhimIi, Intitlerl
Hodgepodge & Co
Uiuinil i Veik rrmliictiun
I'llll Is J-i , 0 , Tk , s 1)0 mil si "jO
si its ill sill' WhIiiimIu -1 ') 1 III
One Night Only,
Saturday, (VI ay -.
( iirt in n-e- it 7 j slurp
E. H. Sothern,
MiiiUiimnt DVMI Ii 1 ItOIlM N
In tin Cinliu llioiui, N'w oik, l'nilii.ilan ol
I'llni- luvirr Urn. sl J". ! '' nml sj, I i,
seals, s.'.iij I ilinne, ., "i, nml st (Hi, linic ami
ami le(,c oi i, st "ill V Inii-sM u 7"i ni'l M Oil
M its ill ali 'JIiiii-iI iv n 'I ii in
Monday Night, May G.
lliil llllillli-l t.llie. lllll Jill lljirilnl
-Br,- A w
'fcs4.N.-W ilia
s. c
I nn tut la i sp, i it , i,. ,1 t iiniiutiy.
l'iiiii.-Jii li ft mi
lljinsers ami Uisecs. Loeil llinagcr.
ii vi vn or wii ic.
Ddle Vtitiuii,
Charles K. Clianiplin & Co,
pin i riAc
IliilMlae I .omui; , V, I.ill
I lithe I veiling ., Mj link iit-inNin Aod
Sllllill rvtllllll, lliluil Vllli'lIK llit MIikii
I' MISti
Vloneiae Iiiiiiuj. . 1 lw Minister's Si
All Hl.ltlll.M'.rON, 4iu.-tr
llll.l I llllllH IH III.? llllll)jt Vl-l -'.
Irwin's Majesties.
Pale iiuliiiu
(Keiulioni Vlhntit fiu, Nett le-rff.x's faiin l
III lllll Ull'l I'lf tslll IIMIll j.nil mi tlie OJi.
M.j. I iiiiutiil Ilea in I I "I'l S .lie ill l luthf. it
hciwo. Inn In I,'"'-!.- spdtjl Siltlll KjIui
thiliesti i nml il'iieiiiL
UIVs t vm.lts, Hum i jiul l'lop r
Mauingo Licenses,
pivi'l I III Hint, . .. , Olei'lun
Villi, l'lnlllps 1)1 i'l' JH
A 1 11 1 j tit llu-ie Duiiiimi
lllljlllll ulikl , ..PumiKui
William It Wlllijiii Ol.epluu
Uuit L.tjai ,,,..,.,,, Oi)pluc