The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 02, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    wwttwi,, iV.iP.( wi- .,1Trr, -""'-; 'I'TTJ' 'Jl" 1"- I" I I - -5 ' m& 3 J" i U 'a.T,r vFi1 ? r-VM ,1 U.'VWPP. -' . ''.""V -'-d ' tUip.sWmPllVJ ' !A 'IVJW -''J'V-iM W
Wi"" fl- J"W A i v-ftt , w ft 7;TViy7,?:i'PTr;'
i , "'4 -- J'' '." ',' '
, B , Mir ' . T
- r
' M
PTsJTTTTKrJTTT , ., ..yJ. ,4 ,;T y-j ,y J. i . ,
Ait Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and l-i-noHcInt
(.(Touts of the well luiovvn remedy,
Svittii' of Fios, mnnufautured by the
Camkoiimia. I-'io Hvitui' Co., illtistnito
thevaliieof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of pltmts l-ntnvn to bo
mcdielnully luxutive und preseiitlnfr
tht'in In the form most refreshing to tlto
ttisto nnd aceeptnble to the hyfltriti. It
istliootiu perfect BtrotiKthuiiiiifj laxa
tive, eleansin the .system cll'ei'Uitilly,
dispelling colds, heiulaehes and event
fjeutly yet promptly and enablitif,' ono
to overcome habitual const hmllon per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and mib
stauee, tindits nullncr on the ltiduej'H,
liver and bowels, wilhout woukentn
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the proceis of manufacturing lips
arc used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but the inert tcinnt qualities of tho
remedy are obtained from henna and
other arbmatie plants, by a method
known to the Camfoi-nia Fin Syrup
Co. only. In order to get itsbencflelal
effects nnd to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on tho front of every package.
san rnANOisco. cal.
ForBlobyaHUrug(?lsts, Price BOo. por bottlo.
Ice Cream.
OC Per
JJC Quart.
3 clepboneordtr Promptly Dli verol
-3jt-337 Adams Avenua.
Piano Tuning.
n7 1' .imiiik lit t. irfticnio.
I'VV lV llf IMiuiii. n-,1 llinli ,.ni.
,n.i n piul (-linli .it I he lin-iin .iiid I'll li
No.- i, :, I mil 1 mill, i it
VI V VI I'li- II I, Ml. 1. 1 - III. milium i f
tlii lli.ini' ii'i il 1 1 ii nillc will linn u ' 'J
iiM'.il, n.nn u.iw nii'iimu .a lb; lioi,i,.
-lllll lllll I!, Iiowil I) - lli.n UiJIiim I ,.n
nil lm 1I.1111I1.I lu l.iul- ..( i Mi.
III. nit In In' 11-. . I in U'litltlli ill,' I Hindi pnk.
IMI'IIOVI MI.M- -. o. Ul.uiiiui. l '.'I l.nk
.imiiiiii .iv.uiit'. i-. iiul.mir iNttti-ii,. iiupiuv,.
mem 11 Iili pluu In piutiii,' 111 li.iiiil-oiui I'itiiL'-..
Mil. IN lll nidi.- IMli Milhwli. of nli.
I ii.iii r . i.h 'iucilii iiilI.i ..iliiililul in tin link
Wlltlll llli-.l .lll'l In lllll. KLIIlillir 11 It-
mi ill loi .1 liuhh 'Minn, a l.inl lulu will, li In
in 1 thui m. 1.-. .tun.
( MS lt llli VIIM IMii if 11. 1
I 11... i miiiii, w.i, iiiii uiri l.v ,1 S111.1II nun.
.. VIi.iiiIij, the, mIu iN u-,-iiij nur hi- lilt
HUH, .mil ll.ll'llllllu 11 III .l- Si-h l.lll l.ikiil
In 1I11 1U.11111 1 li..pii il
I I II ON l'VV i:ll N'l. Willi, ,11 1..11,.
) il tin. 111. I,-.. 11,-. -Ii... il .111,1 i,ll .111
Hi. i,niilii iiliiiiiiu- .111.1 luiKui .1
llll'll' Mjll WOII III till Wllilll lh H11MU1I ll(.ll'
mult nt tin. l.u I. iw.inni Im-pilil.
Willi IIINUUI v,;. -ii,,, uin,s i.iJi,..
'ibiiu -1.1 l(l nt tin N11 ml l'uli,iitiiin 1 litu. h
will lidlil .1 UK- nt ll-tllll mil !i,l( .mil ,.h In.
mi'ir.m in the ti.u In 1I10 ( iiiniiiiinwiMltli Imllil.
III., IMHUll) uuiiiii.. l.,i V. ( NiIIUkhi.
Ol'l Nl II MN.III.-. I'mpK', l.M.k
c pi mil ji-.tiTilii inuli r iikii,. ilunin.
' iii. Ni.U't nf h i .nun.-, I.i.tli lni,ims, ,
-Hill.-, imp i.puiiil ilinln; tin- ,li. ' ,,11).
1 - mil iliiiitni win1 I'Ili-i'I In'l tin li iin.,1
v.iii?nin. I pli I. III'. 11-.
vnni vi, i.Miiiti invii:m-ii.h,,ii tiw i
liv liiniiluil piiM.n jiiuiOiii tin. u111111.1l uiUl
t.iliiiiiont nl l,..i il Nn. .-i.', I micil li.iiniiiit VVuil.
i-. I11I1I li-t nlulit In (I111111-1..1 lull. .Vn .i,.
nit Hf.u'r.iniini. , in uiiilciul, u iii.-Iiiih i.In miuiI
hi. I iIiiiUiik 111. luli.l in
1 m.i 1 in 1 (uMMim.i. win vn:i i unn
Will In 1 lllMlllIU' tutlUIIIIIA lllullt U till1 (Mill
11 iMiinijtui. nf utlu win luio iilm ,
.-n i.i. ipuihiA' ot tin- .iimniv, .mil -nl,,, in.
inli j, will Pi, ippnlniui to til., ilnij,-,. ,, u
' il . Hi, ui.iihI xpiiiliii.' I. ill. ( oiinnlttoi,
'"" . I llntlli'.'. 1. 111. ii. 1. .-,!. hi u,it,
v tt
We offer subject to ptevious
'Ithaca Street Railway Co,
Qold Bonds
6 Per Cent. Mntiue 1023,
As the second nioitgae"
bonds of this company ate sell
ing at a pietnlum the value of
the 'firsts is boyond question.
M Bro,'ijr, N. V. Wilkcvtlirrc.
V I, (ml t, C5iiiiuoiiwc4llh 1)10;.,
t tttHf tHt t
ttui'porl.illf ti, iler lon, rlc, Mill all lip ap.
polhlnl .tml n ilil" ilcriiillil.v ut tor the lull.
itHNrhn i:ritn: mut,iiis(i.-riie
f'mkot rompiiiv lu IpAtiI Hip Simirr Imllillii
nit IVim fiMtnii' t'.r tin ,U'iM ami will, (mm
Mimriiy liplt oirnp.v tin' Mimlp Imllilltii, Mr.
W'ltllpi, vim lu ttiiiiiii'il Ninci' lull Inr
iiinnlipr o(, will rIip llie ttniltii; innliil
jtnnliy I'lfiilnv.
lllll MlVANCi: "Mil. Hip .tilviiiip biIp ft
llilrll fm tin- IiiIiiip (it WHIN I, Mixirp, tliirt
if llio tlilliil Mlra wcilliir Iniipiit, U pipit,
'Hip lpttniP W lo lip Rhfti fnr Hip lipiiellt nl Hip
Vntnipf Wnmp'i'ii rlithllui .Miociitlnn nml tip
srrvra u liicli nlimiii!P 'I'lip In litre Mill I
clipti 1'iip-ilij pi nlnic In Hi" liiutil nl tr.n'p
Minor and Laboter Injured at tho
Dellovuo Colliery.
All I'Xploiiuu r ifflM oi'clllleil ycnli'f
diiy iiftcrnooii ut tho lioltcvui' rnlllciy,
mill ulioitly ttrierwrmls William Onl
plilu and lil.s luhniei', .liilin tiolilcn,
Wile i'iiiikIU umlei' it full of lonf,
looseni'tl liy tin, fniu. nf i Ui. oxpln
shin. Tlii'ie wi'io Itiki'ti In tlu Mtnei
Taylor lmxpltal, whcie Dolphin wn
.Mt'i-n to ))!- sulfeilnir fiom si frite lined
sltull, while Colilon was badly etit ami
The t'olidltloii ot both men N ei Inn".
I)olilHu lives mi Smith WaxlilnKtnn
avenue nml Coition mi .Mi'ildlau
A Cord Was the Instrument
with Which the Kill
ing: Was Done.
The dead hudy uf mi infinjL iui
found in Xo, 7 lenervulr of tbe Scrau
ton (Jus and "Water company, by
Frank nnd Henry Mlseh, who were
llsblnjr tlieto, about U o'clock yester
day nun nlmr.
The clilliVh neck was tied about Willi
n slioestrliiff, which was drawn so Unlit
that the skin was broken. Theie Is
no doubt thai the child was choked to
death and afterwards placed in tho
water, li evidently had not been in
the water mote than two or three days
and wah evidently killed at birth.
Coioner Kobeits was nolilled and n
deieil the 1, .mains taken lo Undertaker
l-elehwurthV, wheie lie afterwards
peifoimeil an autopsy, which piovd
eoncluslvely l hut the child was nuii
deied. So far as tan he learned t hoi e N
no clue as to who the parents of the
child ale. Coioner Knhoils eiupun
mlled :i jmy, whiih, alter hearins,' the
facts in the i.imj ami the "tiitiMiient of
tile eninncr, iendjied a veidiet to the
elfeet thttt the child nu-t its death as
tlie lesuli of slraiiBiiliitlim al the
hi.r.ds of pat lies unknown to the Juiy.
The Jurors weio I'.uritk Keyes, T.
V. Lelcbworth. Thmniis llenwootl. ff.
11. Hone, J I. KottRor and f'liailrs Curt.
Weie Begun Last Night at St.
Peter's Cathedial.
Tho inonth of liny i.s set apail by
the Jtoman Catholic chinch lb a time
of devotion to the Weterl Vit
KUi. and each tla.v, llumiKbout the
whole woilil. she is honnml in all the
chinches vith appropriale .ervici's and
.supplicated its the .Mother of the Hu
deeiner, to mediate lor siiinei ..
These set vlt e begun last eveuhn;
tit St. J'eter's cathedral, and will con
tinue ibtoimhout the mouth. ite ,r.
A. O'llelllv, the leilm. i ouiliicled
them Then- 'mis Hie saying of the m
saiy and litany ot the I3e-scd Vli
Kiu. pious niedltatiiiii and betiiMlii
tien. This will be lepc.tted each even
IllK' eNtepi Satlirduv, when, on ac
count of lonfcssions. the seivke will
cniisi-.t onlv of the losaiy nml litany.
J.'.ich niornimr theie will be thiee
masses .it i;.;:o, "and s o'clotK, the lat
belnff tor the liildten.
Boaid of Tiade Membeis to Go in
Quest of President McKinley.
It Is llkel) that a loinnilltte will be
appointed b.v I'lesldent .1. A. Lansing,
of the ImiuiiI of trade, today or tonioi-
lovv lo attempt the eifects of peisuas
ion upon l'le.sitteni iicKinioy in onier
lo .seetlte lii.s lueseme in this city on
his i etui n i mm the IMn-Auioilcan e.
position nt Kuffalo. As will be leinoui
bcred, at the last meeting of the boaid
the pie.siileni was eiupovveieil to ap
point Mich a committee.
The committee will leave for fiulfnlo
ard theie endeavor lo secuie an Inter
view with the pifsiilciu and inevall
upon him to slop oif liut-e, it only for
nn hour or two. on his letutnlng nip
to Wiishlngioii.
ihr i jili. lii iImihuI s. j, n ,ul, ,ullM
VI.H..IIH1 i Inli will in, , i iiwUlu i.ii.iii.tli ,it
I", i.'i link ill llioii inuiiH ni Noltlt M.i-lilunliin
.in inli'.
V Killil.ll Ml'llliK- i.l III, tl'lie, uf Hip I. ill. I,
stlnl I'lllipl, Hi'lii'f .Ml. Wl.lllPllV lllllilll Mill
., lilil iii il., n. pi UK, i iii 'Ivin.ili- III!)
I'lllllll- .It 7 .II i, ,i l
'Hie NMlilmi ( h-lkV j.-x I latidli, .S.i, L'll, Mill
lli'lil lliil! h Jill II Illulll.S l-lllulil Jl M i 1ml. II
ll.i-ii li.ill, VVt'.iiilii .in inn- .VII iiHinli, i, it,. ,i.
i;iii.-1ul I,, I,, ,i... in liiip,. ii.iiu Imi. i it . I., ., tnl
Second Legislative Dlstilct.
.Not I, f i. lulili.i mini In tin lti.iihl,. in olfi,
uf 111.' suull.l llvUI lllll' llulllll, lUJIHU
rniiiitt Hiii i Millllli ili.tiun ni In, hrlil lm
sitiifhi Vlir , limi, .it tin, niilti- imllil
iUu, liitmiii Hi,, liuiir. of I anil 7 i.'iluil, ..
III., ,l till' illli.i- of l-lMtilll? W(I Ui-llrfltl'a to
r,'iit tin- .ill' li-ui-lathi- ill-trlrl in tin-trine
In.- Hi iul. Hun fiili- n.iiuntiim in It lic-ll fn
1 1 j ri i.l .in is Hie i umi ml. .ii In iniii,iii. tin, initt
will In- ii'l, nil ', Vljy -., 1'iei, ji jo
n'tlmk .i. in In tin- lonit liiiiwi in SiiJiilnli.
In .iiiuiil.iiiu' ttith Hie inli, i;.ili'iiilni,- pin
.liMilil, Hi- i ui.liililis will he mini ,n, iliuiil)
I)- llu- ntir al Hip ,i.iN ji,,! im,st uuic,.
ttith li.,- .11. Iili i iluiiiiuii hl-i full ii utit- ii,i
kiIoIIi(u- .nlilr-., .on! iij Iili jeiiu.,t n,tU
iljt lieiom lliu i IiiiIuii, in his n mi,. ,( m
pliu-il iu llu oiIuIjI lullol, in-iil,i.-i win any
Mill' l.l't I "I llilll II,' lOllllllil.
'llu- iii lint vijIliiM! tuiiuulitiu i uijoui .tf
nml Mill miul'iti Hi,- i In Hon, jn, Hiii result
ttlll In- iiuin,J ) Ilia ictuin Juilu to tlu. ,n
ma lonvuilioii, vtliUI, m1 ,0 iniii)e, of
jtidui', ul the wiluj-. iI!,lrltH.
V tulilin iioIIil- LonUliiin; futlln-i lii.inKiloni
Mill be iiuilcl In i-Jih li.viiiWt nl ihc- ,ji (4.
lllll MuilUllO lullllllitllt
rinli'lii V, rielU, .
Clulinuii bocoml lic-ijlililitu DUlriit
.MUtlj-Hallir I.'. IUti, Siiulji),
For expci t ciown nml bildgo work,
Dr. Jteyer, dentist, 511 Spruce, street.
Ask for Kelly's union urackem.
ri:ri.- Vpril . IXl. to Ur. tod Un. F. Jl
I'iuihI-, it lultun, a run
Democrats Quietly Call a Caucus of Members of
Both Branches of Councils for Tonight.
Purpose Thev Have In View.
(.'..I.tlil. Mll.ll.
Scuiiti'ii, 1. Pill
Mr. sip, TI.ap.i ,.11 1. . !..!.. . ....... .r ,1.a
. ....-.- 11 . 1. .... , J. ,1.1 1 ,.,....., ... . ...
Drinnir.itle tniriillnirn nt 7 o'llmk p. in., 'lliuii"
lav I'Kiilns.', Mi) i!, IhIoic Hh- inciting or lonti.
HllHllllWI lit till- UtllKwl illllKJllullLV I" t" llP'ii toil. Vhii me iuiii"liil In ln pii -I'm
wllliuiil (.ill. V'ny lnil,i .miiik,
ColllllllltlT III t.Jt I .111111'.
The. above, letter vinv leeelved ves
terday by every Democratic member of
councils. It was typowtltteti. even to
the uddiess, and enclosed In a plain
ICveiy elflirl was made by the pio
inoter.s of the meeting In keep it a
seeiel, but before last nlsht hatl falily
set In the tneetliiK' anil Its ''business ot Importance" had leaked out.
The caucus I.s for the ptupo-e of
nomiiuitlufr n mayor ami city solicitor.
In anticipation of Hie Hipper act belnu;
deelared unconstitutional. The elec
tion Is to take place Immediately alter
the caucus.
The Democuits think the Kipper m t
will he declined unconstitutional and
that the decision Is llltely to be handed
down next Holiday. Just what causes
them to father this thouKht. other than
u wish to that effect. Is somethlnsr that
has not been disclosed, but il Is de!'
nltely known thai they are feellnp al
most conlldent the net will be invali
dated and that the Invalidating will
occur within a week.
If the Hipper act Is killed, Seranton,
at once, falls back on the old second
class city laws, such us have for years
Kovernetl and still ate KovenilliKT Vltts
biirjr anil Allegheny.
These laws prescribe that "In case
any olllco of an eleclivv ofllcer siittil be
come vacant before (he expiration of
the icRular term thereof, the vacancy
shall lie filled by the elly councils until
a successor is elected and utmlilled;
itnd such successor shall be elected for
the unexpired let in al the Hist annual
city election which occurs after the
vatancy shall have luippencd."
The contend that the Kip
per Is unconstitutional and that by ac
cepthiR the office of rccoider. and uo
Rleetlnij lo perform the dutks of
mayor, .lames Afolr caused a vacanej
in the ofllce of chief executive. The
They Have Added the Mexican Cen-
tial to Their Other Properties
in the Southwest.
Speilil l Hi,- n union Tilluino
r.o.stnii. .las Jlay I. A I lie- lie-el-1UK-
of the Jlevicati t'ential lalltoad,
al lis Henetttl otlices here toda., the
mad pashi-U into the contiol of the
New .Mcdco IJailway and 1'oal com
pany, which is inifreh owned liy
Simpson .V WatKin-, of .Stt.intoii, Pa.
This iniiv'e was deemed wise in a. busi
ness way. to jiioteei the larse coal,
lunibei- and iallioa.1 iutuests wlikli
the latter ha'e iu Xev Muxiro.
At one teiniilUls the Xew .McnIui
l.nlwav now has the McLean I'eiilr.H,
with Its L'.flrt miles of mad, and nl
the Millet, the rtoi-U Island, with lis
4.000 miles ol liitck, which insiiies a
l.use business to the X"W Mexico Itall
way and L'oal c oinpanv and Its many v companies.
The new illteetoi.-, ol the Jlexli an
( mad elected heio today aie:
John K. P.ivis, Jlexico City, Mevleo;
John J. Mitchell. Chicago. 111.: lticli
aul Olney, Tloslon, Mass.: V. II.
Pi line, llo.ston, .Mas.-..: nben Ulcliaide,
s4l. Louis, Ho,; u. Cla.V PVice. St.
I.ouis, Mo.. .1. I'. Van liluicom, St.
Louis, .Mo.. II. I-'. Yoakum, SI. I.ouis,
Mo. '. U. Simpson, Scianton, Pa,;
V. li Stow, Xew Ymk i Ity.
Inspector Jackson's Books Show
Few Structiues Aie Going- Up.
Theie weie but thh ty-llve buildinnr
penults Issued dining the past month
liv ItuildiiiK Inspector Jitcksou. and
the total i ost of the bulldinps for
which they weie granted ainounted to
onlv 5.41,7.1.1. The value of the build
ings for which permits weie mauled
in Mai eh was $B1,'J93.
The majority of the bulldiiiKs for pel mils have been issued ilur-
Ilif? tlie month just past vveu- small
and cheap dwellings, uveiMKhitf in co"t
less than M.oiin. The only hulldiuir of
tiny Imiiortance on tile list is a three
story brick dvvelllniv elected on Cedar
avillile by Jlis Jl, llobinsou, til a r
Of S0, (lllll.
The liulldiiu; luspeclor says Unit ihe
buildiliKs tiades aie Jusl now In a.
veiy dull condltliNi and that fewer
bulldliiKii aie lielnt? en-cied tiiuii dur
ing any spiIhk; for u iiuniher of years
back. The loitiliiles iu which new
dwelliiiKH aie behiR; ereeled aie pi In-t-ipally
Iu Wen Vail; and Lincoln
JIhIkIHs, be bays.
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption.
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
" ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illness.
"I tuHercd for eij from m coukIi, bronchial
toil lung trouble. Itencd kluod frequently.
Spent 'ir in the Dakotas and other parts o(
wtt but got no relief. Kelurned ec and
began taking SlllLull. A few boltlo com
pleicly cured rue, 1 consider it the treateit of
With t I.. 1'aup J, Co., Brokers, buffalo, N. ,
Sbllob'a Couauinptlon Curo Uenld by all
druEKUtv ut 3ffo, 60c, 6t.U0 a Imltlu. A
rrlnted guaruutcf- unin with every bottle.
I you are not utlbdi'd k" tu your ilru;i;UI
aud Bel your muiiry liat-k.
Write for illustrated book on consumption. Kent
Bilhoulcostioyou S. C. Wells i Co , l,eKoy, N.V,
man who was elly sollcllor, Mr. Vns
hum, hus ceased performlnjr the duties
of thui olllce! no one has been duly
elected lo succeed him, nnd, conse
qiienlly, a vacuncy exists In that nlllce
The Deinoctals have a nuilorlty ot
two on Joint ballot. A inujoilly ot the
eouiieiliuen elected, and nut a majority
of each branch, is sufficient, they claim,
to organize a Joint convention. There
In noihlm,- In the law tueseilblnj? that
a Joint meeting, for fllllne; a vacancy,
must be called tvventy-foiir hours, or
any other slven lime, In advance of
the hour et for the tiicctliit;, us Is the
i use under ti thlid-class I'liarter. or ul
all events the Democrats ure proceed
Iiik on that presumption.
Thrlr stu prise-party caucus having
selected cunilltlntes, they can ro Inlo
their lespcetlve meetliiBs, ines.saKe by
committee from some one to the other
that it Joint incetlnir Is desired to 1111
vncunelei. and with their niujoilly ot
two, prot ceil to do iiietty much as they
All thai Is necessaiy to cany out
their pionrumme, they think, I.s that
they shall have at hand tvventv-two
voles. These they have, with one to
spate, the select council standing ten
Democrats to eleven Kepubllcans, nnd
the common council, thirteen Deino-(
to eight Republicans.
I.ule last night a. leading member on
the Democratic side In select council
was approached timidly, by a Tribune
if potter, with the queiy: "What will
the Denioeiats do ul the caucus loinor
iovv night V"
The question nearly look him off his
feet. "U'lml do you know about that?"
he evcitodlv Inquired. "Where did you
hear that'.'"
".Tllst mii'ssed it" thelepottel blutld
l.v ic piled.
"Well. If ymi ptlnt anything about
thin you will only hint yourself. If
theie is anything said about it, the
whole thing is spoiled. Just keep that
to yourself and jou iill have n sen
sation loin oi row night that will give
you a unking good stoiy."
The lenortcr said he would think It
over He decided lo print it, but label
Theietoie the lender will t onslder
this strictly
Geneial Belier That Councils Will
Not Approve of Amendments to
the Appropiiation Ordinance.
It seems pi ell v well assuted Hint
the apptopi iation oidiuunci' will not
pass connells tonight. It will ttn
doubleilly pass eommou on thinl u-itd-Imr.
but It is more than likely
some of the amendments adopted b.v
thai biancli will not meet with the
nppiuval nl .select.
due ameiulmeiit, in pai tlcul.ii, which
was adopted by common council is
said to be inconsistent with the rest
ot the iinlln.ii'.ie. It provides that tbe
lontioll'.r sh.,11 tianslei all balances
Mibieci io be moiled ami not other
wise pioWdcd for. to the "judmiienls
und incidentals" Kern.
Theie Is no "Judgments and Inciden
tals" item In the oulinanee. Theie Is
a general Jinlgment Hem and an tip-lu-opilatlnn
called the "Renernl inci
deiiial acLoiinl." but the two an: not
eoiuDlneil. as (hoy have been In the
paM. Theiofote, it is said, the amend
ment leieried to Is not In hut ninny
With the in ilinmio-. and must be .slifck
en i. in,
Theie is also soin,. ;,iiu of an at
tempt lo l,e made io ic-Iuseit the Item
oi M'.Omi lm- the Thlrt -enth reKhneiif.
At any i.-ue, If s-.-Iecl falls tu
louuir in only oiv of the amendments,
the appointnient of ;i conference roiii
miltee, to consist of numbers fiom
bol ii blanches, will be ueecssitntcd,
Seleel Ciiunelliniin Jlelvln is dlssatis
tleil with (he itctlon -of conimon coun
cil In sliikluev utit the item of $i,ti in--the
pnymeiit of Uic rlty'.s hhare of Hie
pavement in fiont of the Hundley estate,-on
Venn avenue, and will to
nlKlil Inttoduee a sepaiato onlluanee
iippropiliitii'.- this amount
City Solicitor Watson Feels He Is
Entitled to One.
Oit.v .Solicitor Watson wants a i,-ik
for his olllce and he wants ono hiul,
so he says. He had a communication
le.uly for common council on Thuis
(luy night pointing out his needs In
Ihls H-speet, bill it was not lead.
'I'li huge amount of detail woik In
connection with the llilnc of over ::,uin)
liens lor tho sew em provided for It
lliu IiIk bond Issue i-'ceutly ileniauds
tho servkes of u cletk. ho holds, so
his assistant, .Mr. liavls, may be at
llbuity lo do oilier moi.i iiupoiitinl
The only way In which It will now
be possible for the solicitor to secuie
piovlslon for a clerk will he by th.
liilioducllou nf mi oiillnaiu-e cieatlufi
the oflho and linnsiVirliiH: tunds for
lliu sulary limn some other Item In the
Keneial aptuoprl.itioii luiul.
Wyoming Seminary Yesteulay Bent
Local Team,
The Slldeis' base ball team met the
stiontr Wyoming seinlnaiy team yes
teiday at Kingston und was defeated
liy tlm close nom of S-ii, Tropp and
Hauling weie butlt-d equally ireely,
and t liu distiiiit leatuie of the game
was tlm outlleld 'woik of Flanagan, of
tho seinlnaiy. The scoio by innings
-Itib rs . I I 0 il l l ti i) i, ,
Wwmiiio; Njiilniii I 1 i) S I -J t 0 n - )s i
Kaini-il urn., siinliuii, , .sMtr, ,-, rni,ii,.,
-II ii nil jiiiJ Mnitli.
puexusey Hall,
31 1 Washington ave., Scianton, is tho
best and most reliable place to pur
chase a good Piano. It will p-ty you
to i all and get prices and terms. J, W.
Guernsey, Prop. '
Steam Hea'tlne; and Plumbing.
P. P. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
Smoke the I'oi'ono 5c, cigar,
He Wns Moie Successful Tlmn His
White Wife.
A lather peculiar srene was enacted
In Magistrate W, S. Mllliu-'tt nlllcj yes
teulay afternoon, when 1'nyton Taylor,
tall, btavvny nml eolnrcil, with uteel
niniiticlcs on his wrlHtH and a bnlf
Hiunkeil elgniette In his Iniuil, linploreil
the iniigislrate not tu send him lo thu
county .Inli.
"Have tilty on a lm' colored until, at-dei-inan,"
ho pra.VL'd and fell on his
knees heforo the bitter. Ills entieuHos
were so fi anile that Magistrate Millar
dually relented, and dismissed hint.
Tho chaige tinted back to last Kebiil
ary, Taylor still owing u lino then Im
posed for dlfiotderly conduct,
Taylor's white wife, mite Taylor, nnd
Kate Mttlhcrln, two icslilcnts of Dunn's
patch, were also arraigned hefote the
uldermnn ehaigoil with Ulsoitlei-ly con
duct b.v CJeorge.lohnson. As It wns the
thlid or fourth appearance ot tho Mill
hei In womnu on the same charge, no
nlel-ey was shown und she was lined
tin, Iu default of whluli she went to thu
county Jnli for sK months, while Kate
Taylor went up ror tlility dnys in de
fault of a J10 line.
The latter followed the example of
her spouse In creating- a scene ami
with many volcanic accompaniments
declared she would not walk to the
Jail. The patrol wagon was therefore
summoned nnd she was then removed
fiom the olllce.
Idea of Having Bunk and Call
Men Abandoned by
City Officials.
It luiH now been definitely ugieeil
upon at city hall to provide Scianton
with n full paid lire depaitment.
The scheme projected at tbe close ot
the last fiscal year of appointing twenty-two
new peiuuinent men and pad
ding out the force with bunk and call
men has been deserted: first, because
of the dillleulty experienced In getting
men to accept the bunk and call posi
tions, and secondly, because the think
ing men among the city oflleials have
come to the conclusion that this plan,
ar all events, is- not a desirable one.
They say the full paid department
hns got to come soon, nnd might ns
well come now while tbe leorganlzing
is on.
"Vou can .say for a loitalnty," de
clined Selectman VauRhain yesterday,
"thai Scianton will have a lull paid
department Inside of three months.
The tecorder is agreeable to It. Din-c-tor
Hitchcock won't be satisfied with
anything else, mailmen Chittenden
and f'alpin enthusiastically favor it,
and I have yet to Und any Inlluentlal
councilman who Is opposed to It.
"We now have thirty-six permanent
men. The appiopriatlon oulinanee pto
vides for twenty-two moie. Uliectnr
Hitchcock says he inn manage nicely
with about seventy-five or eighty men,
1 mnlei stand. AV will give him eighty
live or ninety men. Tills calls for an
additional oppiopiiatinn of SIS, 000 or
$l!i.(IOO. The special license ordinanie
now being fiamed. imposing tuxe.s on
i orponuions. will he i ushed through
as soon as the liippcr matter Is settled
filially, and with that oidinance in op
eration there will be money in pientv
to meet the expense, of expanding the
flic-lighting foi (e. if this oidinance
should be delayed, we timid lull back
on the additional revenue Unit is lo
come from liquor licenses not already
included in the contiolhVs estimate,
nnd this, aciuiding- to our liguics, -will
be Millie lent to pay the salaries of the
ueiess.iiy ,.-(ta men for ,lhe second
half of the year, al least. Next year
We could fully pi (Able lot- them."
The fuel that the volunteer com
panies are legislated oul of existence,
nnd that nijnjj of their membeis have
applied for places ns permanent men,
will (end to -win counelhnnnlc favor for
the new projei t.
The onl-f thing standing in the way
of a culmination ot the plan Is tho lack
of leady money, but thai Is not an in
Munnouniuhle dlfllculty, as Mr.Vaughun
explains, so ll Is unite- piobuble. It
would seem, that Scranlon's long-1 her
Mieil (beam of u lull paid (he depiut
nient Is at last to bo realized,
Editor of The Truth Registers in the
Office of Col. Fitzslinmons.
lion. John i:. liarreti, editor of the
Ttllth, yesteulay leglsteied its ti stu
denl at law In th ofllce of (Mlopul
J. Flizulininons.
The examining board peimitted Mr.
Hariett lo ieglster without a piellm
ai y oMimlnatlon. Tho court uiles ino
vide thai the board may do this In
cases wheie ihelr .ludgmeiit tells them
the candidate has the learning that
would III him to undertake llu- study
of the law. The boaid agiced unani
mously thai Mi. ISarieu hits this
Mr. llaiu-lis leglstiailnu as a law
student, ii Is nndoistood, does not
mean that he has concluded to with
iliitw fiom nevvspnpet woik.
IOIIIIIUlllll.ll..l M,l )ftl,Il ,,.It,., jt 1,0
i,ilutllic tiuiu lr. I). I. Imllii, nt l'ij.; VV'jailnc.
tun .in nn,-, si. ,i,ni, ,i,, i.taliiii, llnl In, uoiihl
lll.i- i jsi-cil.ilii tin, IiIiIiim nf niciiiliiH cif li,i
fJiiilly ol tin, jc .Mini II, t.ii.inl, ol this (ft)
llin.i II. M..r.iiii..tli, of 11,1, ,in, in, 1., n'.ip.
iiln(ii r.illn.iy ilirl, mi tin- loi.d lino In
llu- pl.l.i- nf Jnliu I.onir, lulkiiiil, Vr, Vo;,iii
tnlli i irjiufoiriil fi-niu tin- lout,- 1, U IMiuli i,
x v., .un! miiiiiuiic Mil
Pennsylvania Railroad Summer Ex
cursion Tickets to "nuffnlo, Niagara
Falls, and Other Summer Resorts.
(Jii Am 11 ao, U01, the Pennsylvania
Uullroml conipany will placo on sale
Siuuiuer exclusion tickets lo Jiuffalo
on at-iount of tho Pan-Anieiieau expo
sitluu, and to Niagara Pulls
Un May 1, Iflfll, the legular Sumiuei
exclusion tickets to all tho principal
.Suiumoi- le.soith east of Pittsbiiig ami
Huflalo will bo placed on sale at ticket
utllce.s of the 1'eiinsylvuiilii JUHUoad
'I'liesH tickets will beur the usual
Summer oxcuuloii limit of Ott-ober si,
11101, except that thu Nlagaia Pulls
tlcket.s will be good to retuiu until No.
veinber ::i), 1901.
The Pennsylvania Hummer
I'xcursion It onto Hook for l0i will b
Issued, as heielofoie, on June 1.
White Neckwear for Ladies.
A new lot of exquisite white neck
wear at rl veil yesterday. 'Ji inner-Wells
Co., 1W Wyoming u venue.
1 m i
Try the New 5c. Cigar "Kleon."
Uuuinicc'J long; Uuvunu filler.
Come, Old Fellow,
You know you are the first at the tabic, three times a d.iy, gj
and the last to leave It for three hundred and sixty days
ejeh year. Don't you think it's about time to buy your S
wife a nice Dinner Set? One of our I.atighlin's Semi- JJ
Vlttlous China won't break you. They are "Open Stock gj
Patterns at that. Select such pieces as you need and add
to at any time, loo pieces in beautiful lloial 4 , S
decorr.tion, with gold $ 1 O.00
Geo V Mil Inr &
Peonlc Who Ride the Seranton Bicvcle J;
You Can Easily Earn in a Few Hours
A Handsome Couch, Rocker, Sideboard, Dress Skirt,
Watch, Bicycle, Mackintosh, Violin, Mandolin, etc,, by selling
a $io order of our Groceries to your friends and neighbors,
No money required. Our plan is easy and quick. Writt
today for illustrated catalogue, with full particulars.
i ilii-ii, ii.uilnii, P.i : iiikiiiIi, April, 1'Hll
li ni.i i.nui,.'. liai-
1',1-ipl- aiVr
line M iv. Vim, vu hi. i n Ion of ,lJj
I ti n .: .in I', rluuily
j v, hi IKI I'lrtllily
;i n :n ,i I .: loiuly
4 ,11 ,fi ;i ,i! I loiuly
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I", ,i7 li .ii .ml I'liimly
III u li oi .W V. ilmiilir
17 i; :.-, ,, t"i l liur
s ,...-,i ,-, .in I 1mi.Iv
M ...... ,..."i in l ."i I"1"1'
in v ! i, .'I' I ,iuiy
il r,'i 17 .1.1 .il l liil
. , i,j i, f, ,M I', ilmnly
si .17 ir r,i ,i'i rimiiiy
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M 7-1 l Ul hi II'.1
Sl.uli Jiiiuiliui- iirbiiu, i'lfll: liUhi'i I"'"
nrp. Ml 11. ll.lli iMli: lui-t lili Willi, '-' I", ,l" '
, ,-illll, lllll' jMlli Iui-t ,li Willi, '-'HO, "In
;;,l, v.-jii limi'ii uiiti-. 17 iK-uicixi IiIbIuh i "
IHUlllll, ! IiMUi-, ll-lll- -''Iili l'lll ,lll',li
Imi-, tii iliiilii-. iIjIi --ill liUJli",' iUiIi i'"-. "i
uniiiijluu-, ..- ilirinio. il'''' -'"ll1- ll-'"' ''"'I'
ijni,!- in iiujii Unini.iUin-, I, Utjins iIjIi m
I'iojIIImi," dilution nf wind. iiuitluaM, i
llllt.; Ilil ll IIKIMIIIUH ul Iml. 11,11.1 Illlll, iii'"
Iiiiuiu vcloilli ol lml ll.) Us ukiii iinm jii.v n
n inulu ifiuiil), illiuiinii .-mil ilili-, -i nillos ii-r
lii'in fiom llu iioiI1icj1 on llw .1,1. T"l'l l-'f 'I'l
IjiI.iii, d.ll liuli-: nuiiili i i,i il.iii wnli .ol null
or iiioii' ul i,iui,ilJlioii. I'l, imiiiliii "f il'J'
ilais, 7; uill- il'.ii'li iliv, :l; ,l,nnl iIi'n -0.
IIji, of fiiit, IWit limn ; Ihmvj, iii'iii'l Uillinis,
iioiu-. Mi-in idiiivi! Iiiiiiiiillu. u pa nn'. '
Ul hiuwIjII, D.b liuli .
r II ( I n I.i'. OI.rmi
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
ceral ileil of Int-uvt U liunnf iiuiiiti-tt,l in
I Ik- liu lliil Kfjiitun I.) to liiif 4 In tun.- i-y
111., iluef nf llu- unltioi liurrjll fli.lil VV jlil'utui.
I'l'.-ltv-'ir VVIllii I.. VI iiui.' lui iwi,- ut i , in ilc -
Cn m Wjomhi Avcnno .
Have moie eniovment and
less care in their wheeling VI
than those who ride any
other. You ought to come v
in and learn all about The yj
Scianton how cheap and 5J
how good it is, and what ?j
our terms aie, M
126-128 Franklin Ave.
CO., sciton,
People's Bank,
Meats Building,
Court House Squnre.
Capital Stock, $100,000
Surplus, - 25,000
Savings nud Business Accouuts
Fiesldeut -Vice
Pies, -Cashier
- -
- - C, D. Jones
- G. F, Reynolds
- - H. M. Ives
lliouu. -n iwlie, if. 1'. I'lilir,
Vrlluir lliinii, 'Jliiu,-l NilliUT,
(1. .s. Wnolnoilli, T I'. oiiht,'.li,
s- W I, I niton, II. V jun.iii,
ft Km ml ll llli.i.. VI T llwli.i.
Ilirr tits lulur,- m ' Vli- ma Storm l'lirnoimiia '
In ll lo.irJ uf tu.lo iionin ui't 'OHiUjy m-i.
In fii- lliu Imiellt ui tlm V..I1I..' VVoinrn'i I li ..-
IIjii .ItrOtUtluil. Hi, fMl...-U uf l',lfl.-.,r
MimitV li-iluu- ,ouu I., intiiuli- ivirytlilii up,
i. ul. 1 -sjlily iu knou, ami a lie j.l.
"i in iinin iiiittrml " In lii-u ci .-ill ilu, i'liui
.lllll' M1-IIH iu III- llll-M.UlUll'. TllklU Ml! 11
mIi- Jt llanl,.i'J Lj'.ui. l'oucll's tiiibic- lorr in
ill- loom- uf llu- Vouni,' VVoni'ii'i, rim,
Iniu .im'. iiiliiin.
VII niiinlci of llu- Inline Woiutu'J Ditlitug
ov-tM tal(,-ii liulillnrf lali'in., will pIfM ritiin
illiu ji iniu'. in.- Mirrury wuil"4 IO Cloec IU
!..., 9 M, ,vyu m lW.UlV,
i I "?