The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 02, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Insulting Annoyjinces of Drunken
Rowdies Hesult of Onmo Fights
nt Monkey Bun The Principals to
Bo Punished.
The I(u1psi locking nuilui which
uve besn e-nneltictrcl In n lliiKnuit in nil
mr In the village of Simpson, or Mon
ey Hun, as It Is itcncrullv known, at
licniient lntcnnlo iltnliiK the past few
months wns the riitmo of .1 illMRrneeful
teenv on a ir.u'tloii ear late S.ituiiliiy
A delegation of the .spoils who fo.s
ter and p,itionl.e these niiitcliIiiBsi of
unine foliels pirrlnltnteil a IIrIU with
the conductor ni the ear, who eniiits
to the deteiiHO of novel u I women pas
f'enppis, one of whom was stlbjectc il
to the yrosaeML of Insults by one of
ihe uiwdlea. The si rltiitnaifi lioileil
dls.ister id the pasenKery and, under
fear ol being waylaid and mobbed, .1
l)ili ry e ill wa.s j-i'tit to the 1 taction
-inmpanv ofllee for p'dlee assistance.
'oirit.ibles M01.111 and Ne.iry uetom
p.mkd Siiperlntonilent Kelly to the
scene-, but the dlsturbcis hail aban
doned the place for the cocking main
and could not be located. The piinel
pals of tlii; afl'ali, whu aio fiom Car
hondale, ,110 known, however, and war
1 iris for th'.ir .most weio swoin out
psteidny. It is expected that they will
In le.icllly appichended and, If elr
i nnistanc?s faor It, the ti.ictlon eom
1'iiiv olllel.ils will make an cample of
the ofi'endeis In older to efi'ectuallv
"Uppiess the spirit of 1lls.n1 dor which
these Mill llghtins exhibitions hino
tlrioel up.
The dlstui banco of Monday nl(,'ht
took place .shortly after the car left the
transfer point at the now bridge which
Is being built at the I1111UI011 oL N'orth
f'huieh and 13elmont sheet. Among
the passenger, tiannfeiied weio the
men who enacted the dNgi .Refill
-ene. Theie were probably a doen of
them. They weio on the wav to the
light and lrid the lighting blids with
them In a comu feed bag. While a
number of the men were in a. noisy
mood thev showed no misbehavior un
til a. number of women who weie le
tuining fiom chinch hot vices boatded
the cai en loute to their homes in the
noi them pait of the iltv.
One of the patty soon became test-1-ss
and after linking secial tutile
attempts to engage one of the ladles
Iti convet nation lie took further llbei
tles with them. The ct earns utteied
liv the young lady who was ospjelally
the obiect of his insulting annoyances
seemed only to delight the offender
and befoie the conductor could ptc
vent him he eommitttd an outiagaoiib
1 indecent offence. The eonductoi, as
soon as lie could leaeh him, gt applet!
with the follow and succeeded In elect
ing him fiom tlu car. Anothei ol the
ciowd came to the assistance of his
companion and engaged In a sharp
"tm-jglo with the conduitor. The con
ductor. Who was Cl.uencc Hiownell,
ol this eitj, pluckllv snuggled with his
antagonist, and hid pitched him as tar
,:. the door when the litter imnaged
to fie- hi in "ell and halt lumped and
ciawled thiough a window at the
of the ear. Doth men when put olf
the (,ir 'eampeied about lor stones to
hull at the cu. at the same time keep
ing up a 1 tinning Ihe of thte.its, ent
ph.r'bod with o.iths. The Unfits
which the men uttei"d, together with
their enileavois to loiate stones to hull
at the! caused the vmn-n to be
i onio panle-micken. The distmbets,
however, did not follow up their
llne'tti and v hen the test of the p.uty I
left tho cai when it neu -d Just ice of
the Ie ice Nicholas Oletin's hotel the
feats 01 the passeitgets sub'-iiled "-ome- :
ivhil t Ihn rtliil nf tlin itlti 111. el ew '
1 f the car, Conductor Blow noil and
Motoimin Cobb, leal In? that they
would be molested, telephoned to Su
peiintendent Kellv tor .I'slstnncc, The
-ti i' Int'iid lit loi at vl Constiibles Mor
aa and Xe.ny, who aciompanled hliu
'o l he end of the Hues and cnde.ivoteil
in li cr.te the men, lut without sue
1 r ss Tluy vete ptolialily engim-eil In
the llaht, which was in piogiess near
il"'iin'. hotel.
Home from Chicago.
Kiohaid Cm now, of I.auiel stieet,
who lett this city lust lull to enter the
Moody Dv angelical institute, in Chl-
ago, I ti home to spend tile summer
Mi. Cm now is littlug himself for
1 vunuelleal wotk, und is lecelvlng the
advantages of the institute which Is
named utter the late D. 1. Moody, tho
liiinoiih evangelist.
Duck Shootejs Hold in Bail.
Joseph llennfssy and t'luules 1M
wards, the West Side young men who
weie uriested on Tuesday night on the
(lunge of shooting two dutks, the
piupeity ot William, ol the
Left with the Conviction That There Is Not Power to
Go Ahead It May Be nine! Confusion or Huscle
Weakness Waning Strength or Prostration
How Scrantonians Right Themselves.
The business man vho tlnds himself
depilved of the uaiial buslneai foice.
The woiUIng innn or loinmi who ilnds
oullnaiy labor piohlbltel aiu side-tuieed--lt
may como by the way ot
sleepless nights, languor, Hugging up
pitlte, pool .llgesllon, (UrI1 eelle.l,
tieiobllug hands nod ilaibs, loss of
must ular power numhuess, llutteilug,
p.ilpltating lie.n t all point to the one
Moat ' uuse, lack of ueivo foice. To le.
stoio it teiiiiej the Inlluetuo of the
gleat diseovety, Dr, A. V. Chase a
Nrive Pills, and that is the seciet of
their wonclciful success they win
stiength fur deputed oigans
Mr. Thoinns Kuinmets, of No. liSl")
luckbon r.ticet. Scrantou, Pa says:
Dr. A. W. Chase's Neive Pills aio a
plendid cine for neivoiih sick head
lehes. Mine weio teriible nt times. I
vas nervous nt the same time-. Th.1
lerve pills weio ucominonded to mo
and I got a bo ut Matihows liios.'
'rug stoie, No. 3JU X.atkawanna ue
nue, and they completely euicil the
headaches und nervousness This I
HiltiK Is iccoiniiicndullon euoitgh."
Cuthondale Departmenti
Piillbiook toad, siiul which thev claim
they suppocd weio wild ducks, will
have to take their chances of being In
dicted by the grand Juiy. Their heal
ing citmc up ostcrdiiy nioinlng bofotu
Aldcrnuin dones, win; lield them In WO
hall each to await the grand Juiy'.s in
Hon. They furnished Hie qccutlty ntul
weie leleiiHPil.
Miss Estella Dibble, of Lincoln Ave
nue, Exphcs fiom Henit Dis
ease. Ml..s IMelhi Dibble explied Middeiilv
.Monday night ut ihe home of her
mother, Mis. Han lei Alpaugh. on Lin
coln avenue. Death was due to or
ganic heart trouble, fiom which .-he
had Hllffeied for months.
Deteaned was horn thlit.v-two veais
ago In AVellsbiidge. N. Y. In 1SS7 she
eanio to this city ami since that time
has won the highest esteem of 11 lingo
ciicle of ft lends.
.Miss Dibble Is survived bv her
mothci, Mrs. Han let Alpaugh. and
two sl.steis and two biothois as lol
low.s. Mis. .lollli Del lues and Mis.
lMtilck Smith, of this cltj : riiailes
llibble, of Coining, N. V.. and Wil
liam Dibble, of Mlnncrotu. Another
sister died In New York two months
ago tomotiow.
Miss Dibble was :t member of the
Companions or the Foiest, and that ol
der, with the Kotosleis of Aineiica.
will pioh.iuly attend the obsequies In
a body. The atrangements for the lil
nerjl will not b lompleted till woid
Is l.ieivcd fiom the two out-of-town
brotliei -.
Nuptinls of Miss Maiy Oibbs nnd
Thomas Swinglehuist Last Niglit.
Them was a pietty evening wedding
ot the homo ot Mi. and Mm. .lohn
Gibbs, on l3.nk stieel, last evening,
when their d.iughtet, Miss Maiy
Spiaguo GlblM, was mariied to Thonuls
Swlngleliuisl, ot AYilson nook.
The ceiemony was soleinnled In the
pailoi, which was tastefully decoiated
with cut How cis and potted plants
wheie the bildal p.uty fotmed a piet
ty pictutc, as Iiev. A. P. Clmtleo joined
them In the bonds of nuitilmony.
The luldr-inaid was Miss MtllKon
c.lbbs, sister nt the bude, and Will
Dnuiict was giooin-man. The bi ido
and her maid both wore gowns of giey.
The leceptlon which followed wan
attended by the near ft lends of the
Mi. and Mis (Jilibs. who have u
host of fi lends, will lesido at 17 P.tili
slice t.
"The Chiistinn'' to Be Seen at the
Giand Tonight.
"The Clulstlan" will 1)- pi educed at
the Hi and tonight.
The pla.v dillets vetv maleilnlly
ft 0111 the book, the chief lescmblante
lhtweon them eonslsting of the In
iluetues which siiuound and ship" the
lives and destinies ot the piineipal
ilim.Ktuis nnd In theme anil The plav, however, I' an im
provement on the book, in that it hits
a ptettler, inoie satisf.u toi v denoue
Knights of Columbus Will Obscive
Bhthday with a Dance.
The Knights ol Columbus will ion
duet their annual dance on Wednesday
night next, Apiil in Ihttke's hall.
The funetlon will li held In com
memoiatlou of the thhd anniveisaiy of
the institution of tho local council,
and the atfiir will iniiueuionablv be
the most Impel taut social event of ihe
Mr. Tayloi's runeinl.
The of the late Thomas Tay
lor was held .vesteiday mottling. ,1
Unge number of Ihe fticnds of the de
ciiiFed being in attendance. At St.
Fo (lunch, ltev. Walter Ooiniau
sang the lequteui mass, alter which In
tel incut took place ill .St, lto.-u 1 01110
tn. Home fiom Ctulisle Lnvv School.
Myton Hockenbeity, sou of I'tof. IT.
,1. Hockenbeity, u-uiined yesteiduy
fiom Dickinson Law school at Cat lisle,
wueie ue is a miiiii'iu. .vir. iiocj:cn
heiry is liome to spend the .summer 1
vacation with his patents, the school
ti im having ilose1
To Locate in the West,
J, J, Lowi.v and sons, Chailos and
Pi auk, ot Belmont stuet, left on the
Hi If flyer 011 Tttesd.ij evening lor
Seattle, Wash.
This Is tho sliupo und design of tho
genuine) Dr. A. W. Chase's None Pills.
All otheis am Imitations and cluie not
use this design.
)m nol allow an dialer to snbstltuie
ft dlffcient cleslgn fiom the above. 5Jc.
all de.Ueis. or Di A. W. Phnor t
line I'o. Huffalo N' V
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Pnikkeepcr Rlchnul Utly Iiulusttl-
ottsly Preparing for tho Opening.
Tho smiling aiulng gladdens no one
nime llian Parkkecpcr Rlchnril Udy,
the watchful custodian of Carbondnle'a
hcituty spot, Memorial pink.
The touch of summer which has been
felt the past few days I1111 quickened
the p.ultkecper In his efforts to have
the pink leady for the early use of the
public. Yestoidny the glass received
the fhsl mowing, and patches of dead
blades weie lemoved to hasten nnothor
glow th. Theie Was some llltle pi till
ing done hoio and theie about the tiees
and hushes and vlne, and the llowcr
beds weie also given necessaiy atten
tion, A week ago the walks weie
spiead with led ashes, hut during the
week, woims, which weio awakened
by the warmth of the sun's rays, gave
some annoyance, and to olfset this line
salt was genet uuslv distributed over
the ashes This explains the pioeess
which was watched with so much In
tel est by passersby yesterday, and
which was .1 souue of much specula
tion. Mi. Udy. wlio maintains so much
pi Ido in the appeaiance of the pink,
and who Is evet nleit to acqulio any
eontilvaiice or appliance which will
seivo him In this direction, has mil -chased
a new lawn rake.
The appliance Is called the Flnley
low 11 lake, and embodies the piineipal
featuie of the mdlnury lawn mower.
Tho lotaty wheel, which on the lawn
mower has four blades, has four rakes
slmilaily constmetod. After the lawn
has been rut the new machine is
pushed oveV tho lawn and the revolv
ing lakes gather up the loose gia&s
paper, sticks, etc., and deposit them
Into .1 galvanized lion, box that sets in
the lear of the appliance. The lake
does its woik most effectively, and
P.irkkeeper Tdy, t specially, icgauls
the machine lor the gteat economy of
time and labor that it effects.
The lake Is the p.ukkeepei's pi hate
piopottv, having purchased it as soon
a., he was able to appieclate its elll
leney in the woik of maintaining the
appeaiance of the p-uk.
Llewellyn Bevau, of Swansea, Is Re
newing Old Acquaintances.
Llewellyn Uevjii, whom old lesldents
heieabouts will iccall us a foimor well
known lesldent ot Caibondale, is heie
fiom hit piesent home In Swansea,
South Wales', lenewing tho acquaint
ances and tiltndships ot ovei thitty
11 ve yea is ago.
Mr. 13ev.ui, when he lived heie, was
employed in and about the mines of the
Dclawaie and Hudson company. His
Knowledge ot mining seemed for him
the position ot liieboss at the "C01 k
and Jlottle-' shall ot the Stevens Coal
company al Setanton. When this wink
ing was abandoned, Mr. Iiev an 1 etui nod
10 Swansea, Pnulh Wales, whole he
was u udi ied a miliar position In the
mammoth Coiyea .v. Co 's mines, which
he aieepted and which he has continu
ously hold
Mr. IJevnti is 111 the happy enjojment
of sound health, and his leminiscences
of Caibondale afiotd pleasant cnlov-
nient. He is visiting at the home of
his step-son, T. c, Williams, the bottler,
on W.i.vno avenue, and will piobably te
111. 'in heie dining the summer mouthy.
In Memoiy o Dr. Stumer,
one ol the most nitetpting 11111 ,ical
sen Ices jet given by a Knal choir will
be that uudetcd at tho Piist Coiiric
gational chuieh next Sunday evening,
when the i xloIUiiI tholi ot thatehuiih
will sivc a '.Memorial' to Dr. John
St liner, the eminent and billllunt In
stmmontulist, who has iceeiitl passed
away. All the anthems and other nuin
btts on this occasion will be fiom Dr.
KtaliiLi'i, conuiositlous, and the paslor
will give a lilteni-minute talk 011 tho
life of th" author und "The Power of
Music." The seivlee ill piactlcully be
"An Hour vmHi htainor," Uvei.v eltoi t
will Ik made to seat lomtoi tublv all
who attend. The ' Te Deum" In B 11 it,
"Ye Mull Dwell in the Sand." "Awake,
Awake, Put 011 Thy, Stiength," "Love,
Divine, All Love Ucellinsr," will be tho
numbeis t tout Dr. Slitluer Hint the
choir will sing.
Change of Idillineis.
Miss Winnie Meehau, of, who
has been employed as a milliner's trim
mer in Xew Yoik city, has accepted a
similar position al Miss tiallaghy's es
tablishment on Chinch stieet, and has
enleied on her duties tlieje.
Miss Thomas, who was chief tilm
iner at Laugstaff ,: Pony's, In Setan
ton, Is at piesent filling the position ot
Miss Puller, at Miss Clallugu.v's stole,
Mss Puller has been called to Water
town hy the dangerous illnest, of hoi
To Attend Piinelpals' Meeting.
The piinelpals of the county public
schools that Is, those schools outside
ot Cuibondnlu and Si raiiton will meet
wMh bounty Supeiintendent Tavlor on
Saturday next to leviso the couise of
studies. Tho com so ot study in vogue
in the touniv schools has been adopted
tioin the couise of the Illinois state
board and the piopcscd changes will
be made with the view of varying the
lessons '
Piineipal John Deluuoy, of Pell, will
attend from hoio,
Opening of May Devotions.
The opening of tho May devotions
took pi ice at St, Hose cliuicli Tuesday
Those devotions, which consist of
meditation pi aver and benediction of
the miowscmI Sk lament, .110 hold In
honoi ot tho niessfd Viifiin, to whom
Hie month ol M ly is dedicated. The
devotions will begin each evcuilng at
7 HO ll luck.
Rnllionder Injuied.
Panic k lladgln, of Uoiddu avenue,
einplojed op the Del.maie and Hudson
1'illroad between this eitv and Seian
ton had his shouldei dislocated wlillo
engaged in his duties on his (lain
while" in Hi, Urcen itlclge jatd jester
dav afteiiieion. He was laken to Unier
gouey hospital, nlicio the'' fiactuie was
lediued lie will go to his home, on
ioidon avenue, today.
Located in New Yoxk City.
Pi lends have iccehed woid in 1I1U
cllj that Otto Ottunhelmer, al one (lino
n popiilni clerk In the employ of Abe
iliiu h p 1 c.lio, depaitiuelit he nun- I
nged, In now favorably locnted In New
York city. Mr. Ottenheliner, vhon ho
left thin city, located in the shoo IiuhI
nesi near Delaware Wnlei' Gap, but
recently ho disposed of his place to ad
vantage, nnd Is now In the niettopolls.
V, IX, Hibblts, of tho E1I6 Leaves to
Accept Position Under Union Pncl
' ile Ralhoail.
The reported lealgnatlon of P. It.
lllbbltts, division Hupcrlntendcnt of
the Dile, was combined flnnlly today,
when that nlllclal rellnnulshed his du
ties nnd left for Omaha, uheie he wilt
iisstnne the position of mechanical en
gineer for tho Union Paclllo uillroad.
Mr. lllbbltt's hendiiuniteiB were In
this city, nnd during tho voar nnd a
half that he passed among the peo
ple of Cnrbondale, he won many warm
friendships. Ills leaving will bo 10
grcttccl, but his friends tejolce In his
good fortune In bettering himself. As
an cilllehtl, Mi: Hlbbltts made a highly
creditable leooid, and his subordinates,
too, will rogiet his departing
Shlit Waist Men In Clover.
Tho shlit waist niaii, who, fashion
has decreed, will mlc this summer, can
como out In nil the blight colors of hla
attlro on Wednerduy evening, May IT,,
when the Friday night dancing class
will give a "shirt waist" social
This function can be accepted as the
Inauguration of the shlit waist season
In this city, for every one who receives
an Invitation to the affair Is expected
l appear lit this latest fancy of
fashion. The Mozart orchestra will pio
vlde music for tho evening. Invitations
have 'been forwinded to nearby towns,
and the expectation Is that the affair
will he quite 11 social event.
Handsome Stole Flxtuica.
Abe Sahni, the Main stieet haber
dasher. Is pieparing his store for the
leoponing, which will soon bo an
nounced. Mr Salmi's stoio, which was visited
by a dlsastious Ihe seveial weeks ago,
has been entliely innovated and in Us
changed condition pieseiits an appeai
ance that Is not exceeded by any
stote Interior in the city. Conspicu
ous among tho new stiiiounditms Is
the metal celling, which Is quite or
nate. The accessotles In the way of
show cases nnd fixtures, indicate good
taste and judgment In their seUc
tinn. Blaze in a Foundxy.
There was a slight blaze dlscoveied
in the foundry of Lindsay & Walsh,
on Seventh avenue, caily yestciday
morning. The cupola had been in
operation during the day nnd tho heat
tliat It gave olf In cooling Ignited the
sunounding diy timber of the roof.
The Columbius and tho Mitchells le
sponded to an aluun from the Sixth
avenue and Main street box, but their
tei vices were not needed, as the blaze
was subdued witii a few pails of
watoi. The loss was only tilfliug.
M. J. Hoi, in was in Scianton last
Iklvvuril Roberts was a Scianton vis
itor last night.
Miss Nora Ncalon, of Church stieet,
vent to Wilkes-Rone jesteiclay.
J. P Meyeis, of Scianton, wholesale
dmg agent, was heie M-'Steulay.
Mis. Dalley and daughter. Miss Mai v
Dai ley, of Salem avenii", were 111
Srranton yesteiduy.
M. P. Lvnett, of the M. J Kellv
bakeiy, Scianton, made a business tiip
to Caibondale esterday.
Kdwaid Evans, of Scranton, repie
senting an Albany ding company, was
in Carbondnle on Monday.
John Nallin, of Scianton, sales agent
lor the iioss Packing company, of
Pittston was in town yesteiday.
John J., tiav cling sales
man 101 the Scianton Packing (0111
piuy, made a business tiip heie yes
teiduy. Mi.s Biitlget MeAudiew of tho
Leader ofhee, is in fccianton today, at
tending th- funeial of the late liaiiy
Uibboits, in Diiiimoie.
K'V. Jo-eph Mi Cube, ol Avoca: Rev.
J W. Holmes anil Re. m. U. Lottos,
of t-i, Pa'il'h church, Crten Ridge, cr
in the citv Monday afternoon.
Mis. W. G. We nor, wife of Pr.
Weaver, of AVilkes-Rarie, Is visiting
at the home of her patents, Rev. P.. H.
Abbott and Mrs. Abbott, 011 Spiing
II. J. Schubeit, superintendent of the
Piudentinl Lite Insurance company's
Scianton olllce, was the guest yestor
d iy of Assistant Superintendent
O'Malle.v, 01 tho Caibondale office.
Tho Delawaio and Hudson tollieiy
had to shut down yesteiday morning
about 10 o'clock, owing to ttoublo with
tho men in tegard to tunning cm is. For
.1 long time It has been eustomaiy tor
the mlnets to tun their loaded eats out
of tho chambers. About two weeks ago
a committee notified Hie foieman that
after May 1 the men would not 11111 out
their 1 ins. It was expected that the
lilnnois would do the woik, but yestei
day moinlng borne of the boys ionised
to do so, and in consequence Hie rol
Ileiy woikod but tlnee bonis. It is Idle
again today, no attempt being made to
work. H Is hoped the matter will be
amicably adjusted.
A Hungarian laboicr, while at woik
in tho Gleuv.ood shatt estcrday,
one of his legs very soilously crushed
by a fall of top coal,
Tho concert last evening tor the
benefit of Mis, Henry Mnyne was quite
llbeially pationizecl and pi overt a very
enjoyable atfalr. The singing of Kb-n-c:er
Pi Ice, Mis, Buckingham, Henry
Rattle, the well-known comedian; Miss
ilerllo Vull, Rtchurd Hocking and
Aiehlo Muitln weio all deseivedly ap
plauded. One of tho best liistuiinenta!
lillliibeis was u violin solo by Miss
Hannah Mm phi, a talented local
player, who was accompanied by Miss
Sadie Timlin. 'I ho band numbeis v 'in
also thoioiighly enjoyed.
Scott N'nll, a well-known resident of
Scott township, died at the home of his
lumber. Will Vail, at Scott, ol heuit
disease, .vesteinay nioinlng,
It is expected that Rev, Thomas
Cuok, pistur of tho Piintltlvo Metho
dlbt chin eh, who Is now attending the
lonfeienee, will accept a call to become,
pastor of the Pilmitlvo Methodist
chin 1 It at l'l.v mouth,
Pioptlotm Jldnumds, of the Windsor
hotel, M-hterclay had tlneo of his llngeis
painfully ciushed while laving some
ll.igstones In fiout ot Assembly hall,
iloiliu f!N' buect Poncitis (01 I luldrrn u
msIuII) ii'fil bv Mallei f,ra, lor 511-5 1 uuw
in die iblllirn'k llunic In .Ntw ek, Ciiib l
uidmcJ, UjiI Momuli, 'hcllilnir DKoul. n.
nice jml icfuljtc the- II Ufa .-nut do lio.c Wlmiis Jlc plcivant lu llic tJflc jml h.iunlc,,
j, inllU. 1I1IM1111 liko lb m, en ci I0,um
ni'iiUU nf eiiic IIkc iicici liil sold In
nil cliiif;lt, Jii V-l I-mIm hj,i0 m l
Jlr Allen S oliu-iui, .c tc, ,
Intelligence was tecelved heie fiom
riearlleld county on Tuesday, statlnir
that William Edmundi', a foimer resi
dent of this town, was seiloiisly In
Jutcd at that place the forepait of the
neck. Mr. Edmunds Is einplo.vcd In a
laigu bilck yard, and Was In the act of
piling bileks when the pile inme down
upon htm, almost uovurlng lilui.
A quoit match for a purse of $.'5 w III
be Hie ntliactlon at Hie Depot hold,
on .Saturday next, between two well
known local quoit men,
I.oveis of homo mid euuntiy, romc
nut and hear Dr. Ratcson, Thuisday
evening, In Van Horn's hall, it I
Joseph, the iilne-cai-nld son of Mr.
and Mrs. David Evnns, of North Tav
lor, met with 11 painful accident by
falling fiom a tice, near bis home, on
Tuesday. Young Hvans sustained a
broken lib and arm and a laige gush
on the head, as 11 result of hltt fall.
County Oiganlzer Clomer D. Reese,
of Scranton, will come to town this
evening and oiganlze n Prohibition
league here. J. At. Men-gar) will preside
over the meeting Addi esses will be
delivered by Rev Clinton R. Henry, of
this town: Organizer f,omer D. Reese,
and Dr. Ratcson, ot Otccn Ridge. The
Sons of Tempeinnce rilce club, of West
Scranton, will lender seveial selec
tions. A solo and recitation will be
rendered, le.spcctlvcly, by Mrs. J, D.
Atherton nnd Miss Kdlth A. May. of
Scranton. AH are Invited to the meet
ing. Archbald mine local, No. HMO, Pulled
Mine Workers of America, will meet In
logular session tonight in D. D. Deans'
hall, West Scranton.
Tho Taylor Silver Cornet hand Is 10
heinslng new music, and will treat tho
public to 1111 open-air conceit. In the
near future.
The following savings fund deposit
was made at the Peltsville school for
the closing week of Apiil: Pi of. S. J.
Phillips' room,?i!37: Miss Bossle.Tame'
loom, $JS4; total. $U21.
The following out-of-town guests at
tended tho Butns-Doyle nuptials heie
on Tuesday: Mrs. McLynch, of Phila
delphia; tho Misses Dovle, of Bhigham
ton. N. Y.: Mis. W. A. iieiclurt and
daughter. Wilhelmlna, and Miss Emma
Cooper, of Wilke.s-Rane: Mr. and Mts.
James Ryan, Frank Ryan, Misses Net
tie and Uiace Ran, ot Daltoii, Pa.;
Mr. and Mis. Oscar Minor, of Scran
ton: Miss May Al limit, Mr. and Mis
M. J. Biennan nnd daughter, Kather
ine, and Mr. and Mis. Thomus Fadden,
of Pittston.
The Bachelor Knights who lecently
conducted an exceptionally pleasing
social affair at AVeber's link, have, at
j the iuqtiet of their many fi lends, de
cided to open up a dancing class in this
town. Pi of. Hariy AVing, the well
j known and popular dancing tutor, has
I been engaged by tho members of this
I popular organization as their teacher.
The very latest dances, direct fiom the
Shawnee dancing school, will be taught
to tho pupils by Prof. AVing, who Is
the efilcient lepiesentatlve in this dls
tiict. Mr. and Mis. Dmoi Carey and Mr.
and Mrs. tJeorge Monroe.' of Pittston,
spent tho Sabbath ut the Nash iesl
dence, on Union stieet.
Lackawanna Valley council, No. Si,
Junior Older United American Me
rhanics, will meet in session this even
ing. Mis. John Hodge of Washington
stieet, is shghtl.i inipioved.
M Lizzie Evans, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Henry J. Evans, of Riu e
stieot, and AVilliani AVilll.tms, of Hud
son stie-et, weio united in maiiiago by
Rev. David Jones, pastor of the- C011
giegational 1 hutch al H.vele Paik, last
evening at S o'clock. The bildc won-11
handsome gown of silk, with
lace liimmings, and a to mutch.
They weie unattended. Alter tho ceie
mony a leception was held at the home'
of the btlde on Rare stieet, which was
attended only by the lelatives ot the
contiacllng patties. Mr. and Mis. AVill
iams will go to housekeeping on Hud
son stieet, amid t lie best wishes ot 11
host of ft lends.
The membeis of St. tieoigo's Episco
pal cluuili will conduct n iiimni.iRe
sale in the vacant store next to AV. J
Sweeney's undertaking establishment.
The sale will commence Satuiday, M.ij
Rev. A, D. David, of Thompson, vis
ited hit, home lu Bhtkely Msteid.ty.
.Mis. Catheilne Thomas and daugh
ter. Miss Geoiglu Thomas, spent Tues
day evening with Scianton tileucl
Mis. Peiry, who has been the guest
of Mts. M. B. Hull, of Blukolv, leit
.vosterday to visit iclatlves in Phila
delphia. Rev. J. M. Smoulter, of Rock Lake,
Is a visitor .it the patoehlal lesldome
Mis. M. B. Hull and daughtei. Miss
Clara Hull, have gone to New Yoik to
visit 1 datives.
Mr. L. B, Thompson, 1 oriospoitdent
for the Scranton Republican at this
place, Is reported seiloiisly 111 at his
home on Academy stieot.
Mr. Thomas Sitgt eaves has tetuined
homo tioin Mineisvllle, wheie ho has
been employed.
Mrs. Levi Stage and daughter. Miss
Sadie, woie the- guests of Sci.iniou
t rlends Tuesday
Borough Attorney ,jo,oph Hlhoy has
leturned hoiua fiom .1 sojouiit at liar
ilshurg. Mr. II. J. McCorinlek and family left
yesterday forOiange, N, ,1 , whrio they
will lesirte.
Cheap Bates to Cnlifoimn.
Parties desiring to muko trip to Cali
fornia, AlUona ur New Mexico, either
for business or pleasiitc, can do so now
at almost half pi Ice.
Every Tuesday, until April b'Oih in.
elusive, tickets niaiUed "Colonist" may
be piuchased via Southe-in Railway for
JHOO tiom, Jtii.oi) tioin
Philadelphia, and cotiospoudliisly o
pi Ices fiom other points,
The Southern Railway and Southern
Paelllo company operate thiougli ,
cuisl'in sleepeis Hum Washluinu,
having .Mondajs. Tiiisdays ami Pu
da3, the Tiusdaj slcejui being avail
able) j or Colonist" tickets. Th beitll
late III tin te sleepeit, Is only $J 00, two
people b.-iiio' ulluwed to occupj micj
bet ill It deslte-d. Peisunnl conduitois
nnd Pullman porteis go with
each blcepei Thuio .11 e uthui n.-w,
lonvouli'iU and economical t atiuc-s
connected with tlie?o eNciiisIoiis win h
may bo asceitalued Itinu Chailos L
Hopkins, Dlbtiiet Pas..en?ei Agent
Southern Railway, S-'S Cliejituui stuet,
,. ... ,... r--t - ,T., .-I.. I
WJien iciu ui'i 11 xieiuiticiio
don't waste a minute but go to jour
druggist and get a bo.v. of Kiaiifos
lleadacho Capsules The) will pie
veuti pain even though our skull
weio clacked T)if, me liaimlr.s.s,
too. Read the guarantee Pi he
Sold b all diilgglsls.
The annual solrco of the glils of
Buekncll Institute, given last Sat unlay
night, was no exception to Hie usual
excellence Hint has ehunietcilzeel such
affalis or former cais. The perform
ince wan eutltled "Hreck Tiusody,"
and lu dieok loituntes and with llreok
accents tho young ladles rhuuned tho
coldest college bachelor. Tho follow
ing young ladles p'titlclpated lu the
tiagedy: (truer Hruhakrr, Orace Rur
ehotte, Jtni.v Hmver, Marjoilr t'lillieh,
Evu Cilntoi, Kdlth Kelly, Sarah Nes
bit, Rachel Uiinkle, Kniinn Nesblt
Ruth Slinkey, Hossle Ktepliriison and
Alice AVull,
At Priin'M annual irluy 1 111 nival,
Bticktiell this year lulled to win the
ctHtoinary vhtot.v, and the honois of
the race went to Slate college. The
truck on Franklin Field was e-onsld-eied,
by all tenuis, to be veiy heavy,
and to this may' be 11 Ui bated the slow
time In alt Hie laces or last Sittuidiiv.
Tlio rate was tun In :',.4t t-S, over two
seconds slower than the time made last
year by Bueknell unlveislt.v. Frank
lin and Mni.shall, ubo ClettMsbuig,
failed tn appear when the tine was
called, so only four trains contested.
The positions lu the nice were as fol
lows: State, fit id , Dickinson, second,
Bueknell, third; Indians, fotiiih.
Last Friday tho llttcknell base ball
team lined up on the home gtottuds
against the exceedingly stiong team of
A'lllu Nova. The vlsltnts ptoved to be
the fastest team that Bueknell uni
versity has met thin year. Two of last
jcar's Httckuoll men weie playing with
the A'lIIa. Nova team, "Teeldv" Cailiii
and "MI0UI0" Dolan, and these men as
sisted veiy ni.iteiliillv in winning the
game Seoie:
Bueknell M 0 1 (l 11 11 J 11- .'!
Villa, Nova I 0 1 0 1 11 11 li (1
The nexl iln.v. Satuiday, Bueknell
Lsttcceedcd ill defeating the team of
hiisqiiolmiiiia. on Ihe Sollnsgiove
giounds, in a i.tther onr-.ilded game,
the Dual Mine being 1,'urkncll, 1"!
Siisquehaiina L'
l-..iul Sunday, "Chiisty" Mathiwon
the twliler lor the Now A'oik Nutioiial
league team, visited Lewlsbuig fi lends
and his Phi liinnnia Delta biotheisi ot
the college. Mathcwsou has been eij
.siiccofesfnl so lar this season in his
woik. and bids fair lo stand among
the best meti 011 the National league
diamond. Mr. Johnson, '0.', picsldcnl of the
Young Men's Chiistlan association of
the college, attended the lonvention at
Cicttvshiug last week.
National league.
At rial iiiclpiu i - i: li 1:
Xec i iK II IM 0 il 0 il fl il i s
I'liiinkiiiiiit . . . . a o n j i a a o - i. 'i i
Il itti i ir- - r iv I ir iim! Wiinifi, linilmo .ml
Mel illlllll I II11MII- il'lio,
i PiiMjiiit: - i: ii r
I Illeiu3 J on n ii l t IMI 7s'
I'lli'liuiR .. .. n l j o o no n o l 7 I
llittuus H.iMrll iiul Di imliur; I liolnii mil
eiteiiuoi: Ineloi uiiTf li nice, I iiipiio I m-Iio.
VI SI. I.i.iHv- I! II I
l im miiiti j n n ii im I o n 7 I
st I .mi-, ii n n II j II I n ii ., ". .1
lliilciio- llilm ni.I I'liU, .leiio-, I'.iuiII iikI
NuIkN t nipno Ihwci.
Il"-lun llrnokleii iml -ill ilnlnl
Ameiicau League.
vi riniiiiiMiii ii n i
i: -lu n i ii n n n t no - t ii ",
fli I iiMpl ii ..1 - l n : J l I - li n i
Untitles Krlluin st inu I , nu-i; Ptitf mi
1'iltti I- I lllllli- II I h' ll
l Wjiliinstiiii If II I
IJiltinioii ii ii ll I il n J n 0 - il "i :
W i-liincli ii n ii 1 ll J n I n ll 'I ii
Hitiirui Mil.imiih m.I llic-n ilim; Vlnm
in I I I ill.. I inpiic -e'inUilli n.
VI C licclin I- I! II I
Milu nilie- . .no n n ii j imi l ; in
I lieclni I . . . t n I n I n ii n " ii ! n
llittuiis Iti nlc .iml leiio, Vloiui- mil Wonl.
iiij.ik - sin i nl in mil V mi--ml,
l I In. i. .1 - II II 1
IMicut .. .. ... I n "i nl ii ii I l - -i ll in
I llic i i . .. .. .-J s l I l II II ii VI 1 i l
II 1 1 1, ue- mmi, bii-i iml Mi lli-ln lln
in, 1'ittiiMi! iiul suuj 1M I nipin- e iinnnlK
Eastern League.
l'lei I it II 0. i, s( iuic, -Wulic-lcl,
7, llillli'lcl li
llmlii -tn. in, VI., niii il, ii
lliiHil ', n; rmctitri, I
College Games. ,
VI I'liiiuliMi I'imcitiiii, .'I, I nindl. -M
c nll-le bull in- I , l.i li nun V ill. c n
Ice-i s.
Vl cc 11 in l ll , 'I, llirie
5lHiiruc!urov3 r
438 tc 453
N. Ninth Street
leloplionj Oil!,
ES"?rS-Jni 411IRFR
C'k-il Biliniisnnc
5w,U?MiWj'Ai1.i . :
ui'y ana fc.ivui
100 PILLS jolcl j,j au ,ir,i(.?i,';,
or 11" I or sent liy mail
fjJ.:-iiJhtrlta flrfiMi Co., CMc-9
ivld ly M (
I j l.i.iiiu .iunut,
.V llionu'. J).ug;Ulj,
:.iaiili3ii, l'j
t iilllS !f 8
i . . ., . i
5?S Prof.G.F.TIIEEL,527 sA!
J 4milci, imrailcf lirur(lMjbv mill TrltAlr
IfVVl','.i I'tfUm. Nnm H'lilUl), Un flqbi T
iv.wNIaiV loilrtiftl V'rlfium tvrM'lii , litiltft-lwp
.uiroi'riiiikt-iilliifiu ryrn4rvrtora ItfcMniuuUUV Woli
riloUH rt ibp llfftl unl flt-rlHrtlrraiil. iliillun I imt
Suits Us.
Because we know if you
compare it with China
and Japan teas you will
never use either of them
Ceylon Tea
Sold only lu Lend rnckeln.
J50c., 60c. nnd 70c. I'cr LI).
Capital 5200,000. Suiplus $500,003.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Opeu Saturday, evening?
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connili, President.
Hi.nry, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Pick, Cashier
Said the bait to the fish.
Or next thing you know
you'll garnish a dish.
I came from the store of
Flosey & Brooks,
Aud I'm daugerous.
211 Washington Ave.
ale of Shoes
Damaged by
Now Going on at
Corner Lnckuwaiiiia
and Wjomlus Avenues.
Tim DlckMHi Miuiiiriietiirini; Co.
i tiuiitcin unit Wlllcoiillarr t i cj
I UolliTi. UcUlliiL'unJ Pumplns .Matliln:ry
Qcneral onicc, Scranton. Po.
i uilllfrtili IniiUlivillilLlio
a " jUut lLowoii.eiful
. r.HRVH Whirling Spray
iS ?7-.; Tic me, Ujlinlbir.rrf. 1'U t
.J?C CT yL i hi ii I imhiioii llffi sat
. W-,v li'X. ,.(! Must r.iuv.Tilvnl
-V,'W"' UCIfBlfltlnll,
1.1 ,,,... ,1... . . t..f U
ll li- tnii LrttiiMy ihrt
II III 1,'f . Ui.lll till
? &
R ID Fl!
- . . m u ir r
uiiiti. biu.iinlnjiiii'ipril j
Ill.U lll'l l.uM .nkJ ll t vo '
lull liillluiLil:ili'lillli'il'ii"ll' 0 ,
ilii.ilii lull lie I1il l. I'., cJ y
It niu i liuni Rl? , Nf ork