fi Vt' -'v-jv -' - A'nfiuj 7 -h. '" t, "M - ' H - , v r A r i n , v M v. u -ribiing. nton THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCRANTON, lAM TMUUSDAY MORNING, MAY 2. 1001. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. BILLS PASSED IN SENATE Measure to Provide lor Jndues of Sjipreme and Other Courts Who ftre Permanentlu Dfsciualff led. ADULTERATED FOOD ACT Bill PioHlbitlng the Stile of Adultct ntccl nml Iiupuie Milk in Second Class Cities, nnd Piovidln Penal ties for Violations To Authoilze Councils or School Boards to Take Piopeity for School Purposes. Regulating the Employment of Minor Chilthen in Theatrical En terprises. r.r rulu-hc Wire I lit- w liti-il l'ii" '(unisluitg, .Mnv 1. Alter sev- o.l attempts ellllilig till' Mst months, tin- somite today passed llimllv the Kov liill pinvidlng for the iiiiisiiuclinii and completion of the i.ipltol building. Tin- vote was JS to li! flu 1I11 inlglnully in )L Kiloil $ -(MIU.IHI mul named the (tiivpiniir, stale Tioasuier Uuiiiftl, Auditor-C.enernl i lc( t llaidonhuigh, Speaker Mai.shall jiikI President pin tem. i' ..- a I'omniissiiiii l wiiy out the provis ions hi tin- bill. Jn the foie-pnit of tnda.v's session of tlio senate, Mr. l'oy, ol Dauphin, moved to amend the hill bv sulking nut the name'. above- men tioned mul insetting theiotoie a pio so tlnit the commission he appointed In the -tcivciiiui, lie to name four pei miis .it lean one of whom shall he i, and that the governor .ilsii he a member of the commission. Tin- .nuenilinent was adopted, und the hill I ild aide for printing. Shortly tft moon, when the hill hud been ie ieived lioin the print pi, with the amendment insetted, Mr. Fo again lallul it up and the senate immediately tools n ote on It. The vote, in detail, a as follows: Yeas Hei kelb.iell. T.oyl. Plldko, I'll in m inR.s, Kisher, Foeht, Fox, f'l.ins huK. Haines. lardnliorgli, Holdel littigh. Itlggius, Key.ser, Matson. Nee 1 Quail Menu, His, on, Snyder, Spiotil, stiles. Stirieni.'in. Stober. Vare, Vau Washburn, 'William. "Woods tot. 1 1, ." t'lieliien. 1)iui., nilmlnston, ninii, Ci.idy, llelnl", Henry, Loo, Mn eer. Mlllei. Muohlbionnor, Kioo. Sstow ai t. Wis'. Weller, Wonts total, 10. Bills Passed Finally. 'I'll lollowlng bills weie passed fi nally House bill amending the act ptcivid mg tor th" govoinnitiiL of thiid-elas.s illiis. so as in onhiigo. modify and deliue the poweis of sli'oh cities-. House bill pioviding for the liinln teii.uii e and Instiuetion of ehlldren eomnilttod to the House of 1efugc, which aie not exclusively under statu untiol. House bill gtanting an annuity of R100 to T'l.niois Zieber, of Heading, .v pihate in the Fifty-rhlicl loglmont. Ptiins.vlv.inia State Militia, (inline- ttie Civil war, who Is Incapacitated Mom earning ills own living. House hill pioviding lor tlie levy ing of a tax to erect and maintain a .suitable building lop the put pose of locking up and keeping criminal and disorderly persons; until they can he Piopetly dealt with aceotdlng to law. To Provide for Judges. House bill pioviding for the ic-niovnl f judges of the supieine, supeiioi, common pleas and orphans' court, permanently disqualified by lensou of phjsical or mental disability to poi form their .iudicial functions and du ties, with half pay for their unoplmd terms, and for the tllliiiB of vacancies caused by hucIi lemoval. ' Authorizing: and empowei Uk any tplephonn coipmatlon to buy and unit the capital utock of anv other like eoipor.itiim and to actilie the itau chlse properly ilKhts and ei edits of tho latter for the pniposo of conneft htK tile two Into u lontiutious tele phone line. Providing (lint u pioposed constitu tional amendment chittiKins eeitain portions of the election laws be .sub niltted to tho people for their appiu val or tejectlon at the loininc koijoiuI olection In November. Two bills lppoalhiK tho nets pioxld inrr for the annual nsslKninent to the slnldnw fund ot coilnln sums uf money icalUed nut of tho Keneiul rinonue 111 aicotdance with the mikki'MIuuk of tint governor In ills last annual niessaKe llntito hill prohibiting Die sale uf rtulteiated, unwholesome or impuin milk in second elass tlths, )uvfiliiiK lor the llteiisliif,' of peisons oiiffaned In dealluiT in milk and pioiiik peiiul ,les for violations thoienf. House bill icsulalhitr the chaises fur iBal advertlshiff in dally newsiiupei.s, Pennlties for Violation of Laws. llouso hill lelatlvo to tho police lit tho sevetal cities of the slate and pio Idlng penalties and ImpilMuuueitis fur violations of city oidlnames House hill regulating toteltvn mutual tavlnKs (und or bullaniB and loan as. laclntlons tloliiff business within the itate and ptcscilhlug an annual license lea to he paid by such associations. House bill tclatlMi to tho pmchase uf a law llhraiy In counties of the. state liaUiiB ti potnilation of less than lon.onn Inhabitants and aut!iorli;ln; one-half ol the lines and forteltuics to whhh said county under exlstlnt,' laws may lie entitled to ho cpeniled for the piu rhase and suppoit of such llhiaiy. lhilaiBhiK tho Jurisdiction nf the cciiils of common pleas of the suei.ll counties of the state House bill aiithoiUlug bnroimli iuiiii rlls or school boards to pm chase, ac aultc, take, use and nppioprlate pi i cate piopeity lur public iur (oses .1 ml providing the maimer in i hlch ilumugcs sustained theii.b) shall sc assessed und collected. HoiiHe bill piovldlnpr for wai'd rcpie .selttallon in the Bchool hoatd III thr school dlstilct of butimote, hackn wanna county, nnd piovldlm; lor the election of school illioctois fioin each wind. licKUtntltiK the employment of minor (hllilieu iituler eighteen yoais of aijo lor thcatilcal or athletic perforinitmes, shiKln exhibition; or tor pliiylntr ti ou musical Instruments. After the calendar has been cleat ed ot bllN on second tcMillnir the senate ml Intuit" I until S.",U n'cloik toinonow nun tilnjA. VOORIIEES BILL REPORTED. Older of Business in the llouse Yes terdny. n. rivcliuh Ulrr trnin Tlic Miiljtul I'im llatiisbiutr, May I The Vooihues bill piovldltu; lor the subiulsslnu to n vole of the people at the net general t lection of n proposition to lentove tha state capital fiom lljtrtlsbiirif to I'hll adelphla, w.n today tepot ted fioin the house eonimlttee on puhllc bullillims and will be lead the Hist time at Fil day's session. The .MiCl.iln bill pto xldhiK lor the umiiomiI of the capital to J.anrnstor litis noL et been illspused of by the lonnnltlce. Tile older of business at tonlfthl's session of the bouse wnt seimle bills on second letld liiR. A bill was inlroilucPil li' .Mr. Smith, of fiieene, nppioiirlntlnt; SlL',000 to the liiistees of the WnynesbuiR hospital. The senate amendment to the thltd ilns city bill nitthoMzlUK such cities to license master and loinney pluinh eis was eonctured In. Anions the hlllt p isslnfir second lendlnp were those prn idiiitf that vlnoKar made wholly ftom Si.ipcs, apples or other fruits shall not be lequlied to contain an acidity ot 4 per tent.: authoi b.inR; judges and nniK I st rales to lonimit vicious or ineoiili? ihle bos to the Philadelphia protec loi y for bo.NS. and pioposlns: an ,-mi nilinent t the constitution to pio- iik for the use of voting machine .u elc r I. oils. Jlr. IKelPi, of Columbia, made a Iouk speech in opposition to the Stln'midli bill iitithoiling the uttllzntion of aban doned canals for domestic, mantifae tilling and eommcielal puiposus. Jlessis. aid'laln. of Tancnstei : Jlc f'onuell, of I elite: Mcacoin. ot Ite.icnm, of West moi eland, and Hosai k, of Allegheny, spoke fin the bill, and Messrs. ('may, of laizeine. andC'ieasv, of Columbia, against It. altei which it passed second leading by n ole ol 07 to 2. Tile bouse adjoin ned until 10 n'c lock toinoirow GOVERNOR'S APPOINTMENTS. Confiimed by the Senate at Harits buig Yesterday. fly VTrlnli( Wile bom I hi- wwiilnl l'ir, iranlsburg, May 1. The goernor to day sent to the senate tho following appointments, which -weie all con tinned: Leonard Teal son, of Philadelphia, to be state 'tetlnaiian, department of agriculture, for the term of four ycais liom January 2, 1!M0. "Willloin Hell, of Allegheny, to he in spector of steam engines and steam boilei.s for Alleghenv county, lor the teim of two yeais ftom May P. 1000. James AV. Pnttetson, of Ptttsbiug. to be Inspector of illuminating gas and sas meteis for Allpgheny county, for tho term of three you is, fiom -Match 'S. 1H00. Samuel A. Steel, of HuntlliKilon, to be a member of the board of managers of the Huntingdon reformatory, to sene until May 1.1. 1010, vice Samuel .McCaiuant, deceased. H. U Uossell, of MIoomlleld. to be justic e of the peace for Rloomfield township, Ciaw foid county, ieo 3. M, Itanse, dec eased, o sene until the Hist Monday. 1002. MANILA BAY BANQUET. Thiid Anniveisaiy of the Gieat Naval Battle Is Celebrated by n Dinner at the Raleigh Hotel. Hi I vli!it lri from 1 lie snniinl l'n. Vasliiugton, May L Tito tlihd annl M'lsaiy ut the battle of Manila bay was celebrated heie tonlshi by n banuuet at the Raleigh hotel, pflrtlcipated in by oilkets of the Ameilcan Meet who took pan lu that coutllct, These uiiuiheii d ahciui iwenty-llve poisons, less thtm-one-touith of those who weie In the battle, 'file gioater number of them i nine liom stations along the Atlantic coast Horn Portsmouth, X. Jl to Nor folk. Va Tltr iloial dei orations weu unusually atliaithe The fiont pae ol an eluli male menu caul gave a water color icpiesetiiatloii of the Ameilcan licet as k entiled tho haiborcif Manila, under llieof the Spanish torts and ships, the whole Milt minded by n baud ot .Manila hemp, lu the lower poitlon of the pic tine, in swni-olii ular I'm in, weie Ihe winds of the command given by Ad Dewev to his taptain when tho battlo began, vl.i "You may the when you are icaily, rildley." Theie weie no formal toasts or speeches, The talk was icinlnlsient. Adiulinl Hewey, Captain 'Wilde, who c oniniiiiided the Hoston, and Captain AValker, who coniiunnded the Cuncoicl, iM'ie among those who sat down to tho dinner. Steamship Aulvalb. lii INiliwie Jln fniiu iic .oiljfil I'u'.t '. atl, Mil I -I li'aifil: I j lliii.ini, llniii liri ulu'i n I.uIm', IIkihhm l,i SoiiIIijiiii lull! ( uliiniliij, llainhini. Ua I'l.iiiioulli jihI t liiilhimi; sj(, lniioiik, I,tiimuli '., ). Iiii-I, nUiii ilu lliiliouiir nl SnilhJniiini. Imiimol riitnl tin ink, Nrw oik. II m. Ic.iii- iiiinl' SiieUiiliiii, Vnv Ynik lu lint- lllllllll SuiHlu,,,!,. , ,Vlil; st .Mil,, v ill JllOlll.lirtMi-s,J f) ivla (fn.m Jlvil iol) Nc mV sdHj-l'idl; ,,n , V. Iiu sniiiliiniitibii jihI lliomen lhisili l'j.i liiiljililiij, Nr mI. fni Mxripuol Goveinor Dietrick Resigns. 11 it l'ilii-.ho Whe fiom the Aolitnl 'rH. liniolii, Nili., Jli I l.oii-ni.ii Ihotruli In. aUni'l ioiIjj mil w, ircuilci in ollut bj tra P. SJU.'i- 'III' llei.!IMlioil -ai Mut to tlip kit. ul it of si He .iii.l iimiifiliali h i,iKitul f;oi. in.or s.iiu.1' ihi-ii umU liU scit and lilt fr-i uf lllijl Jll UJS llll .lil'IIV lit till M1S)U 1,,1. nilwiin for viiaioi liMtUli s,i,jgr iivit, uill u in lljtllm,. Ilie Ullu uit of ihN m 1 1 K juil jbuui Juno 1 uill uit (or W'ililmlon APOLOGY FROM VENEZUELA Moneu Forced Irom the United States Officials Is to Be Refunded. SATISFACTION FOR BAIZ The Venezuelan Government Has Apologized for the Indignity Of feied to Ignaclo H. Balz, United States Consular Agent nt Baice lona The Apology and Refunding of Money Will End the Incident. By l'.'iliwio Who fioin Ilie -mhiiIuI l'n. Washington, May 1. A tclcgiam Iris been lecelved at the stnte ilepaittnent ftom iouls C.oldsinllh, Cnlt"l States consul at ha Can via. Veiieneln In which he mi.i 'hat the Ve'e.'iti Ian goveinnifiit has niiolDglz" I fo' the In dignity olfeied to Ignuiio If. H.lU, t'nited Stales coiistihu tig nt at Mai celonn. Mr. Hal, was iiupi Honed for lcfttslng to ttiinlsh money ti Vene zuelan ollleeis. ''o si-uuie his leleare, he paid the money and was glen u celpts lor It YoneKlielii, accoidlliB to the state ilcp.utment advices, will make good the amount taken fiom Mr. llalz. The apology and lefi.ndlng ol the money will end the Inc'dent. As a lesiill ot the visit to Welling ton ot Mr. l.oomis. the l'niud Start's minister at, n fileiidlv note has been addicssed lo the Venezuelan goveienment with lcgaul to the sev coniplnlrits made by Aiuo1 lean tltiens having inteicsts in tint coun try ol ill-ticatmetu by olllckt'-. In addition to biinglng the attention "f Venez.uelaus to the cases of the Ori noco coinpaiu and othei Ameiuaii sMidlcites. which allege to base been depihid of concessional y lights, the note Is designed to collect anv lm piession Unit may hae been given lo Veiieiuel.i that this government had no (oiifldence In the Vunesmclau eniuls and would not abide by then dei islons wheie Ameilcan i itUens weie con leired. Tile note assuies Venezuela to the and expiesscs confi dence Iustice will be done Ameil can citizens liv the Venezuelan comts. BIG BLAZE IN P0RT0 R1C0 San Juan Is Visited by a Tue That Destioys ?300,000 Woith of Propei'ty. B.i liilu'ii" Win- rnm "1 lie U-.muIi I l'i." San .luan De Potto llleo, Mav I. ''he lire which bioke out on the pier heie josteulay afleinoou destioied that stiucliiie and Its entlte contents in forty-the minutes. The total loss is estimated at about ?300,000, but the losers .no believed to bo fully insured, with the exception of about J,7l.0ii0 woith of caigo awaiting steameis. The pier tost $100,000, and was instiled, the agent s.iy.s, for $100,000. Kight thou sand sacks of siigyir weie awaiting ships due here today. Frite, Ltindt A: Co., sliippeis, had JSO.OOD of frelnht for the Spanish ship Catallna, ivhleli dis c bin Red Sunday, and theic were other cargoes valued at $t"),000. The lire stinted under the ptei's deck, beneath tho oil room, and was appaienlly of In i cudiary oiigin. The marines were called out and ran a line of hose to the pier, bill the navy couplings did not lit the Ilie plURS. Five men, who weie lu a launch alongside the pier, lighting the Humes, weie oveii-ome by smoke, and weie ltscucd senseless, The Jn i liuled the company's agent. The Uovd agent, Butler, whose tetient was nil oft, jumped ovei-boaid and was lesiucd b Captain Yates Stilling, tho commander of the naval station heie. The Mantes spread with gieit rapid Itv and seeuil marines, soldleis and polleiinen sufi'eied noin hums, but theie was no loss of Hie. The luatiuos', sohlieis anil liollee Winked heiolcally, but the eieosoted wondwotl; and piling tendeied all ef foits lo sac tlie pier useless In tluee minutes. Tlie eustoius sheds weie not ilainiiRed The steamer Lcinglellow taught lln, lint was nm seiluusly iluni ugi d CONFLICT IN A OEMETERY. Socialists nnd Police Hove a Stiug- gle nt Madame Minck's Fuueinl. Ill iluiie Mm' hum I In l'ii IMiis, Mav 1. The body of Mmlamn Paulo Mlnck, the ngitator, who was 1 1 unspoiled hi iiiiiiiecili'ii with tho Coininunc ttoiibles and was sub'-.. ciicutly gi anted iiliui'sty, and who died last week, was bulled today In Peio l.a C'lmlso ceuiui.My, ltei idIIIii wns envoi ed with a id iloak and fol lowed by Socialist, notables, At tho ceineteiy a conflict oictuied between the socialists anil tho police, the lalli" I'lideuvurlim to lepieps iov iiliilionaiv i lies. anesis weie lllllde. Culm -Banks Exhausted. Hi ujuslte Win- from 'ihe -uiltci Prm jlituii, Mai I 'lln' li iiiCaIIU Jlioo of t lie lilnifh alley Ceil iuiiiimii, iiiiploilu 'm mm, j ilu'Ctl iIoimi iinliliniulj timiKlit I Ik mini I niln nliicli lur Uin llii' .iln 1 1 's -oinou uf mpjili jio islintil. 'llii' MihLiiii lieakir nf Com,' llrm.. . lo., iiiiilu.iiii .( nun. a.j ilo-ul ti night fur uu (luK Initio iurlol 'lln- cul uiiiiil tlnii' uill bu .riMiii fur miikot at tin II .imi Mi.nhu lolliiiy ut Ilie ill? linn Gaitvell in Juil. lb r.ilulti Who from Tlie wiiljtnl I'm,' Kua-as ('II j, Mij 1, Pi, ,1 I, ciirtrttM, win .UKlflillJ tciifs-nl to kllllllR 1'. II. Ilulll.'jll, a Mi tor. Col, I'limi, iui ukou lo llutln, Mn, luilj.i, toolhor llllll llli hull, U. I). C'Jl III l'. WIumi Sliuirt Snill'i .mil liii ilqily iojcIiiiI lliitlu a ciuil mrt Hum ut II o utpol, 'lln- 'licillf u lllllfolllll -lliil ll-iltl' till M III Ills lit lllillllll 111) lirl-uuun lu tlic Jill 111 . ifil.i PENNSYLVANIA DIVIDEND. Tho Extta One-half Per Cent. Will Piobably Be Allowed at the End of the Year, lb l.iiliiiie who fmiii 1 lie A-W.1C Inted I list Philadelphia, Mi.y 1. The bo.itcl ot dliectoMof the Pennsylvania, Hull road company today declined u semi-annual dividend of 2's per cent. The ptcvlous dividend was 2'j per cent, and per cent, eslia. The foimal nnnounceiuent of tho dl teclots on the dividend iUestimi was glMMi out b the secretary of the com pany as lollows. "The board of directors of the Penn sylvania Jtallroad company, at a meet ing held this day. declined a seml-an-nuiil dividend of 2'J. jier cent, upon the cuiiltal slock of the company, payable on and after May 111, 11)01, to the stoek huldots teglsteicd on the books of the company at the close of business May I, lUOl." Xo other business was tiansactecl. The announcement that only the leg uliir dividend of "'j per cent, was de clined was a disappointment to those who had expected that the Inciease ot Jj per cent, allowed to stockholders) sK months ago would again be allottid today. 1t was esplalned by an ofllclal of the comtiany that It Is customaty to t-onsldei the question of extra dl I dens only when the accounts for the j ear .lie made up. The Pennsylvania i onipany's year ends with No vember MINISTER CONGER WELCOMED HOME He Receives a Heio's Greeting- as His Feet Touch Iowa Soil. Or rxcliKbc Mir.' fiom 'Un Asivrialril Vrt' Council niufts, Tn May I. IMwin IT. Cougei. minister to China, wns necoid cd a heio's ici option this morning by the people of his .state as he titst set foot on Iowa soli at Council ItltilfH. Ills pihate ear arUved in the city st it ion pinmptlv at 11 o'clotk and wns gieettd in inoie than a thousand peo ple, wlio hid assembled to do the (list lioinii s to the i ('turning minister. Con giessmaii Smith, MaMir .Tennings and others boaided the tar to et"iul the Kieetlngs of the city. As .Minister Cougei appealed on tlie tear Vlatfoim tremendous cheeiing gitotid him. II' was osiottcd to llii' fitaiid Hotel by seveial local militaiv loinpanies and many i itizens. "When the minister atrheil at the Ciinnd Ho tel n long line of people was walling to shake his hand and a foimal recep tion 1 allowed, lasting nciuly an hour. While the lecention was at its height tlic-special p.uty from lies Moines ani'cd at the hotel, headnl hv a band. Dining the time occupied bv tlie public leceptlon In the coiridor of the hotel Mis. Cougei held .n In fill nial leeei.tion in patlcus on tb ' sec ond floor ot the hotel, which was at tended by liumbois of the women who weie attending the Iowa Federation of Women's clubs. The foimal welcome to Major Conger wns extended by Mn.voi .Tennings In a happy manner. Jlr. Conger lesponded to the toast, "Our CStist." He epiessed his pleas mo at being again on the soil of Iowa. Heiefeued btlelly lo the ti'lng events of tho last j ear and to the gloty with which the stats and stilpes weie hi ought tluough tho intricate and deli cate pioteedings at Pekln. Accompanied by a laige Dos Mollies delegation. Mr. Conger loll for the .state capital nt " o'clock this afternoon. KITCHENER'S CAMPAIGN. His Tioops Keep the Boers Busy in Land of Discontent. Dv Krclmne Wiir from 'lln- Ai-ochlnl t'rfii London, May 1. A dispatch ttom Loi'd Kitchener, dated ftom Pretoria, today, says: "Gionftll iittiickt'il the lloois .it lieigplantz, near llalver.stbetg, whom the last long torn opened tlie nt 10,000 .Minis, ICItclinei'.s scouts advanced to 'within ll.OOO yards, when the gun was blown up and the lloets link Ten ot tlieiu weie made pi isonei-s. "Other columns tepoit ten lloets killed, six wounded, six made pi hon ors and sixty suiieudcted and .:o,OiM i minds of ntninunlilon inptuied. The llililsh had four killed and opii wounded," QUIET MAY DAY. Peisons Attend Tiades Union Meet ingi, at Beilin. flv l.ln-lu Wire fi'ii'i 'Hie Xswiiitcd I'm lleilin, May 1 May day iiassod mf ipiietly. Tluce hundfi-d and elghty-lhe thou-and iietsons attended the aihnis socialist and tiades union meetings, and at all of these u-solntlons weio adopted In finor of tho eiglii-hour day und tlie right jlit union. lu ciinsecjueiue ot the Uncus of the master bullileis lu Im-lv out till those woiknieu who iilebf.ued .May day, wink lu tho building tiades wont nil, although many men weie absent. PENNSYLVANIA EARNINGS. flv I'vliiflve Win 'urn Ilie W-uiUli'il l'iiv riiilnlill'liij, Mi I 'li"' I'. iiii-.ih.iiiii Kail nml i oiiipui' 'h nf cirnlii!t4 uul i piiws fui llm iiioiilli nf Miuli, Iwl, uiul tor llii' illicit ni.iiilli-. I'lulliii; MjuIi M, t'Kil, illi miiii' nil. iU uf rl, is i fulliius! I'.iml. t mil iilliunl, liiii- iliiull i'IhuIciI; Month nt Minli, llii): finis uuili v. Imrci-e jjw,.'ihI, is. iu-i, linn i" i-.'", ml i irnln.'s, hui'ic kI.,.' ,i 'Hiiii! iimnlli, iinliiii; Miuli ..I. Il'll 1.111.V, i nnliif,., linn i-i' s'.Ih'i, iiu); i'Niiti-i', lie iu.imi sj .i),il: tol i ai uin;., mi 1 1 .i- M.lj), ,n 'lln' iibmii luuifi ilu nut iinliili lln' uhiiIi.hh nt tin llnllilii mul lli''liiie jIIi. !U Tiaiu Rohbeis Sentenced, 1 i:ilndii.' Wire fiom 'l lie .Uioiiatnl Prm Mji.iii, f.i , Mi) 10 O W. ( liiMtnit, uf Ins i.iiullli', oril t'llll Ionian, ot Mai on, tlursul tilth nl'lilni; an i-Nptrio ill' en thf C.iiliil l.iuiu-li tjilinnl, pl.-ait khIII) tnh.i ami utio MilliiiKil In Mini .iimi-. In llio iHiiltintliu Ilu lolilni) oiiurild I lit nUlit. Plnsteievs on Stlike. 11 ricltMtr Vlrc fiom I lie HoilaiH l're hull mjinli-i. M.ii II.- Ml union I'lulcnr-. In IliU illy Mud. Io.Iji fni an niiriasi' of ten (Oil's an Imnr, uliich. If srantoil, Mill make llio union m.iIo I i i v i cult laur mimlii uf union plmnli lit ale al-u ..'ill lull tin h tllkf la mn ,uuial, CHINA TO PAY S263.000.000 The Report ot the Indeninliu Com mittee Has Been Made Known at Last. M.PICH0N MAKES REPORT Distilbutlon Anions Poweis Not Mentioned Belief That It Will Be Settled by Ministers in Pekln and Not Refened to The Hague Great Biltain nnd the United States Op posed to Increase of Customs Duties. By rxilthlti Wirr fiom Thr A-Wvic-Ulcl I'km Pails. May 1. The forclRii nillce has lecelved a dispatch ftom Pekln an nouncing that M. Plchon, the Fiench minister, ptesented today the repoil of the committee on indemnity. The amount China is to pay has been lled at l,.'!B"i,000.00 fi lines. How it in pio posed that the indemnity be dlsUilbuted among the now el's Is not .set foith. As the dispatch does not mention The Hague, it Ik thought that the mlnlsteis aie hopelul of being able to settle the piopottiou to be lecelved by each power, by discussion at Ptkln. Ofllclal advices lecelved here from Pekln say the miulstei.s aie divided into two parlies In tlie discussion to decide how China is to raise the indem nity. Prance, Cleiinnuy, Russia, and Japan agice In fax or of raisins llio custom duties, -which can be lelled upon to pioduco a great patt of tho lecjulslte sum. and the imposition of a duty on junks, which will constitute a tax on inland navigation, and the taking ovei ot some or the llkin duties. On the other hand, the United States and Cieat Hiitaln decline to agiee to nn Incie.use of the customs duties, hut they do not appear to h.te piesented a eiiii nt ei -proposition. The fact that the United States and Ctcat Britain have joined hands on this question has caused surprise heie. It -was hoped tho United Slates would stand with Fiance anil Itussla. The lesitlt will be gteatly to prottacl the negotiations. MAY DAY WAS QUIET. No Distui bailees of Seiious Chaiacter Reported Spanish Mobs Most Anxious for a Sciap. lb Kvlntiie Win fiom riii Wnditcit Prcis. Home. May 1. Both in this city and the provinces May day passed quietly and oidetly meetings weio held. Paiis, May , This evening passed riuletlv in Pat is and the departments, with the exception of Cionohle. whom soufllos occurred at the close ot a meeting. The genilnrmes chatgod the eiowds unci .some policemen wei in jured . Madlld, Mav 1. demonsti.i tions occui red lu Spanish cities, but thorn were no serious illstui nances. At Hut ct'loua gioups of sttikets pillaged the chapel of a convent and weie dis pel sed by the tioops Lisbon. May 1. Some distill bailees aie lepotted fiom pails of this countiy find Imposing demonsttntlons weie held in this city. Violent speeches weie made and police stippiessed attempts at rioting. Vlonnn. May 1. Ten thousand per sons took patt hi nn oi doily May day pioeossion hem today. The publica tion ol new spa pel h has been suspend ed for tlility houis, Lawful meetings weie held heie and in the piov luces THIS REVOLVER WAS LOADED. Lebanon Youth Piobably Fatally Shot While Examining Weapon. by I'silielti' Wilt hum "lln isociaUil Picas. Lebanon, Muy 1. John nehnej, of Ibis city, tonight shot bis tiiend lli i si luii'Ler, of I'lecinu, vul ii is thought lie cannot live until inotning. Hi Ir leer was taken to a hospital, Hilckernnd Helinoy and Many Tins lie una in .tout of the com t bouse ami weie examining icvolvers, when one of tlie weapons, not supposed to be load ed, was .suddenly dlschiiiged, Tim ball outoi od Uilcker's abdomen Tho shoot Inn Is .supposed to have been puiely aelcilontal Hehn'iy and Ttoslle sup. teiideied to the nulhoilllfs, Fiesh rightiiiB in Mnnchuiia. Ill I Win- fium Hid A'sixf ttcil Pri"i IVMn, Mn 1 It i u nl.n nth n pi. in i, luio tint linn' III' hull lii'li lUlilii.L I'lhaiii I'm ln.lll nml C lilni.-o In Miinliuin Nn unit iiiiliiiii' N il.uul in iuli minor., Iuhumi, H u Is In IK Mil tin,' in nn ul Uul in .-Iii.m llm mi 'iiltv foi in Imiii'O in lln inlliiaii -iii'iiHi uf lir.'-l i Section Men Stlike. D llulusiiu Vin from The Assoclitnl Prtu. lillhmpml, l'i , Mi.i 1- V iiiiil in He fiactto ami llulklln ftom ll.lil-. Itini, l'a , r,i,ia; All llm n'lllni linn mi llio I.o.i (irailo Iimoii nf tin' l,iiin..lianii riilioul Iim 1,0110 111 ,nl,o fni liiitliri' iiaitii Ml Mi-tluiis aio mil hut llinr ami llr.i m iviniliil In 00 nut In ininoiii In the Gould System. Ily rvcluslir Wire from 'Ilie Auoclatet Prru rioiclJiiil. Mai I, tin' 10. nil uf anion lakin at tho annual Medina; ol Iiu' Wlii'tHin; ami I An l.rii' llaihnail iumiini, I10I1I In 10 lu.l 1 v . llio piopetly irmln 1II.1 Immtiri a Mll nf tin linuli) fWlun Spanish War Pensiou, Pi llxcliiilic Wire fiom 'I ho Afjorialcil I'rc-'J Vavliln,'lou, M.11 I liniolliv I. .loin,, ul siraiilnu. Ins In'in siantnl a ifii-lon ( -j, i inoiitli, iliaipil lu tin acrounl ol Ilu iwi vttli So i In. Plumbeis Have the Stlike Fever. By Ihcluihe Mhe fiom 'Hie AmoclateJ l're siiarun, l'a, Ma.i I, Tlir pluml f of Sharon, ho I'ici'iilly 111 ulo u ili-inaiul foi an ailianu hi In w J 1. 1 s of .Ml culls a 1I11, MiiuK loilai Till: NEWS THIS M0HNIN0. Weather Inilleatlonn Today t FAIR WARMCH. I General Tlie I'liiliVntV Tup fiom .Memilili to llm (lulf Vciie?nili Apuloi.'l?i"i fni- lnihmiltli'1 OfTrinl an AtueiliBtt ( Itlii'ii. WoiW of the s(tt(. biiMitiKini, ( liliu Mint lij s:il.i,i!0iVo liiilomtiilj. 1 tieiiciiil Cailjomlale IJipirtmciit. .1 1 01 ul llrinoirtlte Cuuiicllim n Would l.lut a lajor and Solicitor. I'ur 11 I'iiII'I'iIiI t'lie l)('irtui. nt. An l.iin.1 Mraiiul. .1 i IMitoriul. Note iitnl Coinliic lit & Im ll ( omity W C. T. I In i m 'lallul Almtit Anions tin IIomIii' 0 I in. it Wc it hi mloii mul Miliiicliin. T (Irnr1.1l Soitlipntctn I'i'nii'ili mi 1. I 'i 111 111 ill mil Coimiirrrf il, s 1,111 il hnliKlrlal mil T1I101 PROGRESS IN THE EASTMAN CASE Government's Chaiges Against the Alleged Muideier Aie Neaily All in. Ill I. lllllll' Will' full! llll' Vsoillllil I'll-'. Canibildge, Mass, .May 1. The gov einiueiit's c.iue against t'hailcs I. I'aslinani the llatviud inslructor, chin god with tho liiuider of his biolhei-ln-law, Klclisiid 11. Ciogan, jr., is all but finished. The prosecution seo: eel mpoatodly today, and especial ly when the tleleiise voluntai Ily ad mitted that the bullet w hie It has been fiectuently pioduteil iltlliug tlie, and which tlie government, claims was taken fiom Cmgan's body, was, llted ftom a modem Smith it AVesson ten ter tlie levolver of the same pattern as those nsfcd bv Hasttnan and Ciogan In thelt tiuget .shooting. The govein mt'iit also showed that the levolver a hit It dlsfiiatgeil the fatal bullet must have ben at least sK feet Horn Cio gan when it went on. Kustinan in his nitnieious state ments, elnlnttd that the bullet was filed f 10111 an old 1 hn the levolvei. It was evidnit liom the oioss-evnniin.i-tlon that the delence will attempt to show that tlic bullet which has been liecuienllv shown th jtitv was not the one which killed Ciogan. Tlie testi mony today was almost wholly 4fm lined to epeil testimony on Ihe aims and caitticlges, and theie was no at tempt by the government to show ad ditional ev iilence as to the ill-leeling between thr two men. VETERAN SHOT DEAD. John P. Cunimings Kills John F. Reynolds. Uj l.xclusne Who fnim Hie AsiiciatiM Prca Worcester, Mass.. May 1 John 1 Itevnolds, .1 vetcian ol the Spanisli Ametican vvai, was shot dead this af teinoon bv John P. ('ummiiigs. Tho ini'ii hud been fi lends lot-, but thev iiuinmleil a welc ago. This morning Cunimings pin chased a levolver and a bo of cat H idges, and spent seveial bonis walking about the city. The shooting nic lined lu fionip ton Paik, wheie the men met, I'duniil Maiu, a liioml. held c'liiu mlngs until the anhal of the police. Ciiiiunlngs s.ijs he was aliitld 01 Itev nolds and knew the latter would in juie biui In a flglil. lie savs ho wanted him he was ainitd and ihoiight rtiynolds and Mui.i and another man, 11 lined J ihn Mcl.oiighlin, weie going to jump on liini. Mai. 1 and Mi Loiiah lin say theie was no light, and that ''jminiugs pulled the revolve! as soon .is the men nut. PAN-AMERICAN IS OPENED Beautiful Electncnl Display Is the Culminating Event of tlie Day. Hi- T'ulmli.' 1 fiom rn Viccmilivl 'if. lliiffulo. May 1 The beautiful elee tilcul dlsphi.v loniglit was the 1 uluiln atlng event of tlie opening day of the; exposition, The intend mice this moiniug was small, owing to tlie tlueatcnlng weather. Later In the clay, when the sun Inoko Ihiuugh tho giay clouds, the iiovvd began to as sume the pinpoitlons of an exposition timing, and tonight thousands passed tluough the turnstile-. The opining day un monies worn postponed until May Co, when they will be combined with dodieatliU) day eser- C sl s ANOTHER LICENSE ORDINANCE. City Solicitor Is Fiepniiiie One to So Iutioduced Soon, Tills Is to liea glo.ll vein- foi liieilsii las 011II11. lines Tin in ,110 uin adv two pending in 1 iuiiii lis and 11 tllild Is linn in iiniiso 01 piepaiatluu by City So licitor Watson. This lulpr, It Is uu cIC'Mlood. Will be 111 1 1 ml III i'il ill Ilie ileal' liituin and will einhodv snuie of the views of Hot 111 dor M11I1 011 lilln sub jei t. H Will be vel.v 1 '.li.lllsllvii and pro Vide tor .1 tas upon all imputations-, companies or Individuals doing busi ness in tilt 1 Uy wlio inuv ha t.iNed under tho t.itliei sweeping section of the. ilppoi liill lonierilug iinlliultcil power upon illles nf the second class to impose 11 llieiise lav Mi3. Nation Returns to Jail, Il Vin fiom 'llio Vi'Dilatiil I'rci Will ill. Kan. Mil I -Sli I'airio alloii n'-1111111-4 l.i Wliliill lulai altoi allui'li'i; in HI mil ul ln.1 IitoiIhi at Lciiiiiliiu.' -she Hint ilir.'iih In die Jail ami muifii.l.ii.l lu au.iil luallur uu Ilu' llm. ' f il( -Inn In, iiloon .iup ul). ' '' ' Adveitisement Bill Signed. Hi I'vilnslvo Wire fiom 'llio i-oclalcil 1'r. s lmiluir', Mn I -'Hit sot 11 1101 ha mfciiul the Mil ii"inhiu llio pul.lUatiuii of ailuili-i'-ii.cnli ami no'.lm ruiuiml l.. laiv In In- pub. ll.hitl In tiiinlii'i if U1I1 loiuiiiomuiihli in neiw ii..'ii! pntli.liv.l In Ho I iuIUIi I iniiii.ij. anil lfHsunf pnliliilii'il in IL Ci'iiuaii ljin;,o, PROM MEMPHIS TO THE GULF Plifllit of the Presidential Excursior. Train Throuoh the Cotton Belt yesterdau. THE VISIT TO VICKSBURG In Some Respects the Most Intel est-iug- of the Tour Tho President Passes Under a Tiiunvphant Aicli Made of Balos of Cotton Addresses Made by Mr. McKinley. Ill- lAclii-lio Mho fio'ii riie Aociitdt I'rosi Xew Oilcans, Ml.iy 1. The presiden tial patty tiavelod acioss the cotton belt today fiom .Memphis almost to the gulf of Mexico. Down the low lying licit Yu.oo vallov, fertile as that oC tho Nile, it went to Vlcksburg, teeming Willi its lnemoties of thitty yoats ago, 'hence cast to Jackson, the vapltnl of Mii.isippi, and fioin there down into tho iatnl of the magnolia and tin uririge to the old romantic city near tile mouth of Ihe Mississippi, itli In traditions of Fmneh and Spanish rule. Tii" outpouilngs uf pcojile to see tho pif-lcii'titlal tiain along the route to day 'veto larger if anything that on the two previous days nnd the demon strations at Vlcksburg and Jackson, tlie two principal stops, were veiy sti iking. Tlie .islt to Vlcksburg -was In sonic lespetts the most interesting yet made. Here a tilumphnl arch oC 1 otton bales with the magic woid, "ex pansion," pointed out to tho piesldenC as ho passed under it the path of the. new .south. Although it hud not been Intended to make any stops after leav -Ing Jackson, tho train was halted at seveial of tho small towns where cot ton mills are located to penult ths piesldenl to seo and speak to the opei -a lives. At some of the stations tha eiowd actually impeded the piogtess of the 1 1 still and the engineer was obliged to slow down to avoid danger of 1 mining over enthusiastic' people. As the sun was low ei Ing the ti.iin eicissed the bayou, with their tangle of nioss-eovei "il cvpiess and live o.iks and. skirting Lake Ponchartralii, steamed into Xevv Orleans. A Notable Speech. This is the (list time New Oile.itt" over had a visit from the chief uiagls tiale of tho nation and It was a loy.i loeoption that tlie old tltv el"niled ti Piesideni MeKinle.v. Mr. aicKlnlov himself has been lieie befoie. II. mule a notable speech h"ie the ve.u pmccdlng bis nomination for the pros, i li'iii'V and e--l'i o-dileut Cleveland wa heie iiion one occasion dm lug the In tel tin hetvv 'i his two tonus, but nov el befoie has a president while In nilb e sited tho Citsient Citv, Tlie air wns lllled with the bltuc of bands, the booming of cannon and the stream oL whistles liom the haibor tiafl as tho ti .ilu diew Into the city. Hem the piesldent and his patty weie giceted by Coveinoi- Hind. Ma.voi- Cn.vde vlolle, Senatois McInory and Foster tii" entile Louisiana congressional del egation, the illy council and lepiesen t.Ulves of the vailous e. changes. While tlie mayor was for niullv cctendlng tlie hospitality or the elO to tlie piesident ! Hue nillilaij build was coiiiplntelv chownliiR hit wolds with Now- Oili .ins" favoilte air, "Louisiana Lou." Tlie nowd aioiind the slation was so dense that It miiuimd the heiolc of 101 Is of the police to keep the path to the eanlages clear. Never ecepl In inardl gins limes were they known to be so choked and Jammed with surg ing humanity. Mrs. McKinley and the ladies or the pattv dined quietly at the hotel ami later in 'Ived tho ladle of New Oi loans. The president and Ills cabinet with the other gentlemen of tho pai tv weie given an elaborate banquet at the hotel in the evening. About r.ciil of the piomlneut fltl.ens oC New Oi -leans weie piesent nml thu banquet wns said to have eweeded in oveiy re sp.ct anytliiiiR of .1 similar character ever attempted In tills city. Tho party will drive about the city totnoriiuv nioining and lu the after noon take a sail along the liver front. The spec lal will ugaln re sume its Journey toward tho Golden Cate nt il o'c-lui k tonioriow evening. LEAGUE MAY DECIDE TODAY. Confoieiico on Disposition of Cases Now Pending Before Aldeiman. Todnv will likely hi lug dlscomfltum or lullef. us the case niny be, to tho e 1 nunc Union and others wlio.u cases nm now pending befmo Alcleuuan Fuller A confeieiiie Is to In held today bv the lepiescntatives ol llio Muulclpiil league to dei hie on whai couiso Is ti Iiu ptusued regatdlng ihe vailous cases, and befui 0 nUhttall, Mr Htuigos says, the icsult of tlie loiiren-nio will likely he made known. Not all of the panics v ho have been .11 tested am to bo sent to etiutt, thu attoineys being satlslled that lu s-oni-inslnm es the ovldeuin is not of a ehni acter to wanaut this. Whh li cases me In ho iltiippcil and which of tlieiu aie to be pushed will pinbably bo inailo kiiovvn tndii. Coipeuteis Want Inciease, Pt- Vic-lutltc Wlro fiont Uu jocltril l'rc. I I, limn, l'a, Mn I,- llm mi lulu 1 of t ti pi 11 III' I'lli'.ll. Nl' l'i". Illllllllllil.n lu", teiii I'll Miiku llila ll'illllll' u an lllllll'... of 11 l.i - 'lli.i 1I1 111 uul 11 11 nt i an Iiu, 11 M nn lium 'Hut foi mil l.i riuiitil tmiii to IT i cut-.. I on tijilou ki.v tint an Milling lu piy llio nun is' rate In uu 11 t.ln. an mtlli u hut nol 10 uilo'U -- WEATHER FORECAST. - 4 Uasliingtnn, Ma.t I -r.uitail for pjt. -f nn IMiiniltaiiii- I 111 'I Imisiliv ami 1 rl -- .lai , ti inner in onliuiit i-nllm lliurn- ilat: M.utl.i 1'iiiii vinl, lsii.iiln; in 111. Ii A t tftt-f4-4--f-4-f4-r V S !t,J(1 j . Pt&L.