The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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1-vmi(r.f" w -v ,.-. -. ivvy fmf-t--,' v .v$i; v--iv '(7(TSwrw
Piiblldiiil Ulllv. lAicpt Sunday, I'.V 'Ihe ; Trill.
tine 1'iililMiltiK C.miuliv, .it nit I.Vnli iiteiitli.
- -.-.a-
'WC'V S. Itll'IIAtll), IMIIur.
0. I IIVMti:)!, limine Maimer.
i- New .Yolk Wheel I30 Xa9Jil St.
f . Sole ArciiI for I'otelcti Aduillslhh'.
l.'hlcrrd at lln1 l'oloflur ill Siranton, Pa., "i
s-njinlCtnM Mnll .Matter,
When shut will penult, The 'Irlbnnc l nlnnya
Kind to pilul khoit U-llL'i fimn U Mends H'lf
file,' on ctmrnt tuple, lint Hi into lOhat '
nliit he flancil, lor publlrallon, hy tli writer
leal names ami Iho condition ti c-c-rtent to ne
icptniiic Is nil lontilbullom Mull lie Miujctt
In rilltorlal tovWon.
i m: n.AT iiati: von AmT.iiTistxo.
the following tahle jlmwj tlic irlie per imh
,'flili Itifdtlnn. p.icG to lie lined wllltlii one year;
Itmi oF Sidlnctoti full
DIM'I.AV. J'apcr llo.tdins Podtlnit
I" Ili.iti'iUO ln(bo. .'.". '.':7.-. ' ."'I
Win Infliei '20 .22 .'I I
ivm " hi .in .1"
'i.i " i:.; .17 .i."
iwi " 15 .in; .is
Tor i.lltl ill tlnlli!c, ICvdllllotm o( 1'iiiiilnlriiro
nil I'liiitrlliiillnm In tlio imtitre of ad,
trltldtiu Hie Tilhuw make a chariti' of "' nnts
ft line,
ll.ilf. fur I'l.udllid Ailuitl'lna iitinlilinl on
SCIiA.VTO.V, MAV 1, inoi.
The I.tiniltiii Saturday Review wnntH
llii.' people (if this emnitry to hcllcvc
thut lici'iimny Is IncrensliiK Its navy In
miler to ro to war with the United
States, kiinul; tlio .Monroe Doctrine Into
linticlillty and itnno South America,
lost so!
Alorc Pay for Judges.
LACKAWANNA'S Interest lit
Senalor Vntlghan's bill to In
i'I'piih" the nay of Judges In
errlaln enmities fiom $I,01HI to
$ii.nnf) a year ailses fiom the fact that'Uawanna Is one of the counties ami
thai lis judses work hard enough to
deserve the Increase proposed. Homo of
our foremost lawyers have on a nuiii
hor of occasions heen comiielled to de
cline proffered appointments or nomi
nations to the heneh because, of the
pecuniary sacrlllee. which aeceptanee
would Involve. In other cases accept
ances ami saerlllces have been made
from a sense of duty, although a good
Judge ought certainly to he as well paid
as a good practitioner of the law.
However It may be In other counties,
It certainly is true In Lackawanna
county that ll.nno a year Is Inadequate
compensation for the judges: and for
I his reason It Is hoped that the
A'aughan bill, which has already passed
the senate,' may speedily pass the
1'reslilcnt MeKinley has doubtless
di!--( overed that there were u Rood
ninny recfptlon lommlttees left over
liom the last campaign.
Touching the Quick.
ON SATIHSDAY last, the seven-ly-nintli
anniversary of t lis
birib or t'lysscs S. Grant, at
the great memorial services
held lu iikiny cities of this Union,
there were wise and patriotic and elo
quent udilrossps made by men high lu
tlio esteem of their fellow citizens.
Hut at (ialena, Illinois, as was in a
way most lltting that it should bo so,
those words were spoken that, pre
eminently, wore most worthy to 1)3
spoken at tills lime when one South
ern slate lifter another Is deliberately
setting at diMiauce the enactments of
the Federal Constitution, and prepar
ing' both to disfranchise the negro and
yet count him lu the representative
population, so as to hold and wield a
power In congress out of all propor
tion. I'eforo the war brought on' by
secession the Southern states domin
ated congress by counting tbiee-tlftlis
of Ihe number of their slaves as
though they were voters. Now they
propose to disfranchise the free negro
and count the whole number as they
did Ihe three-llflhs of shivery days.
Itev. Mr. Iirank W. (iunsauliis, of
Chicago, was the orator of the day at
ialjna.;i'hcre wore present great
numbers of people from Chicago and
i large number of tlraiid Army posts
tml hundreds of delegations from sur
oundliig towns. On the burning ques
tion of which we speak, and which
will compel the lighting of it out on
the. Hour of congress by tlio stales
which ham bean always loyal, Mr.
(Iunsauliis spoke in no uncertain
tones, lie said lu part:
We uic uiuriiy o( the mommy of fiwnl only
I. hi we 1 1 1 o liU inagn.ininilty, Mi;)iuM!numl
W", ImikUiii .iiM K'11-.e of justice toward Hie
ipuii-iil of neiy II i-. ili-iiioi.illiiii; lor
ii'. lo p.n.lile our tlrillow m iptii Uin us t tin)
ulu' of riu,iiu.'li.'ition .mil the ncirioily (it lune
il mitluKe for the negin in Ihe picremp of this n.iliie, iiimI ni'!, In tllnmUto loiitiiitiniiit
.is to Ihe loinlitlon of the fucil men ulu'li the
HiiiihI.'i' ul lil iiiiii'iiiilLini-ln- lighleoihiieis lilU
our (iir. .Intiee niut lie done In Ihe negio,
uhn Iih U li.illot in his li.i ml -, ami Ihe mill
i lile mini he inotiiled, or we must nt kIiH.
Into nt hjioniy with liunt'i limine
llll III lil-llili.' .1 ..llOl'HV (I) PI' II-,
II m.m lil.ilil tilu'i iet(iilei Ihr linhlh'
lit'in Ine.'il.iu in luiitr.ii-l mule ly Ihe
(,iiciilii.i.i, mill U will he the Anii'ili'.iu i-plilt
il.ll .i .: then '.i"- IIU.IIIUUll in ul a
lii'Sii.iii' ,.v.n,a. -Ii v IiKioK wcic coiiiilnl moie pic
n.j.i' ViiJWiioi'rjn.iiihooJ which elull now
l JvMn 'ip.$,!.;e to' Jle neKio. who as .is
c'.ji 'iu iaVhn "sitenlutli in helping lo pialfy
u. ll.i. ', When liunt 6( lit Mi. li'l.iu to l.oul.-l-:ii
li .i fjii)'' Juj'tKo to the liesin, Ills w.i a
i tJiihllt.iliijn;'.vhUh nm ulw.iin ii:ici tlut a
it'i: vmlX,,f l.'"!''1,1 will piotei I l iitUen,
li'jili i hitc, ffom ontr.iijo mill wiuni;.
(t mil -iViiliu.a tein heioltii) .it the Noilh
lo hiit luil, a nac U nqu n lllcin timl 1111111.111
ly pirjii'liw '.le.iliikl the negin will as
1'i.l.Hi ally (leiilr I1I111 of hii enil tighu as
nli. plijiiiliei' ciue cml.oril I1I111 ai lln South.
It ii. .1 nnat il.iv when Wise, ( YlrninU, who
has nihil hlcoil thu niciuory of tlut Wiie, of
Viislnin, hu li'iiw.l lolin lliown, funds 1'iin
ii'i.oiblj o;':iii-( the apparent iler.nlenie of the
1'i.tini'j. cautn- tlnli of New Yerh city, anil helps
lo In in- It h.ul; to tin) tliinluil uinler whltl.
It Vniijhl in ihe Oajs of Orant mill liineoln. It
wui lutif mitllUi 1 whhli was wlllhn; to penult
l.liieolx' ami iiMtit In ho fnellei'liio aulliiH the
-4a jMCf ncJtly toily )ears nijo. It is; now a
nultlrn' ami greedy coiiimTmlhin nhhii clmUj
the; loiiH'li iko of the lepublie, and nothing: hut
the lotc o( ju.sth'j in nhUli the tnonl el (jiunt
was 'Impelled and kioiiihI il kivc our nation
niu our roiiktltutlon ;y liefore. s.i onj m M.ile
niv('lili'iily may uiimil coiKtlt11tion.1l utixuditit lit
ami ilotioy the lihrily or threaten the ballot
of on Aineiic.111 rltUen, he he lilac 1; or nliite,
we me utteily umvoillo of the lueimny el
I liiMS S. (Irani. His kpiilt alone nukes 113 11
What DrCiiiiisanus Iietv says of thu
Miato tlio blank soldier took In saving
the Ufa of tlw nation; yes, and of what
tlio blacks, who never had u clutnco to
lljfht did, (it . lite peril, of, Jhetr own
Hvc, In tliuu:;anduof yacu t) aid uiul
save the poldleis of Iflo Union, the
tlntnil Army nien reineinher! and tho
people of this land have been told Km
often lo dure deny' It IP they would.
Not teM true In what lie says of tlio
pplilt of hicrcitiitlllmii and coiumerclat
greed tliii.t for 11 generation before IS'll
truckled to slavery and Is willing now
to condone Injustice and wrong until
us In the days when .Itilln Ward llowe'n
"llattle Hymn or the Ilepttlille" Hist
rang out there filmtl bo another
"trampling mil the vintage where the
grapes of wrath -nro stored," because
"Cod Is just Mini Ills Justice will not
sleep forever." So sn Id one of tlio land's
greatest statesmen In the days of
slavery. The Icfhoii those words con
vey Is its true and us pressing now as
when they were spoken.
it seems 11 llagranl b'reaeh of usual
courtesy on the part of ".luck the Hip
per" lo allow himself to be caught
without llrst sending' his portrait to
the New York Journal ami the l'hlla
dolphlii North Ainerleun.
A Real Patriotic Society.
Tlli-J NRW YORK Htate So
ciety for the Preservation of
Scenic and Historic I'laces
and Objects lias, by an act
of tlio legislature of that slate, which
bus received the governor's signature,
become the American Scenic, and His
toric Preservation society. It can now
work in any state of the tinolon and
hopes for a largo Increase to its mem
bership from persons who sympathize
with Its alms, in whntevci common
wealth of ibis land they may re
side. The New York Times, in taking no
tice of the largely Increased attend
ance at the meeting of the society,
following the enlarged scope and pow
ers given to it, remarks that of all
the .societies! known collectively as "(ho
patriotic societies," no other has
shown so much disinterested enthus
iasm lind Intelligence in the work of
marking and preserving the sites of
historic events.
I!ut the point especially uin do by
the Times, that "membership Is not
founded on descent; nor have efforts
been made in any way lo dignify In
dividual members through their anees
tois" Is one that must most' effectively
recommend It to I ho American people.
The disgraceful squabbles and the
style of electioneering for olllces lu
divers of the so-called "patriotic" so
cieties, and the not even veiled at
tempt to erect their membership into
an "aristocracy" as exclusive as any
which carry titles of rank In Kuropean
countries, form very disagreeable
reading for truly self-respecting and
patriotic Americans, whether these
bo of earlier or later American de
scent or birth.
A society really American, ndniitllng
to membership any American, born or
naturalized, who cares for preserving
the historic sites and places of this
land of his birth or adoption, is the
society of which to bo proud anrt that
may well command an ever-increasing
membership and tile enthusiastic de
votion and loyal work 'of its constitu
ency. Director Keller of the Vienna insti
tute for the Mind has been exhibiting
lo the assembled physicians of that
city a seven-year-old boy born "brain
blind" whom, by laborious, painstaking
and long continued training lie has
taught to see. The "brain blind" are
those born with pormnl, perfectly
formed eyes. What the deficiency Is
that prevents the brain from taking
cognizance of Images thrown on the re
tina has apparently never been known.
Hul. at all events, by means of 11 disc,
of brilliant light in a dark room, ami
unfailing persistence, Director Keller
has in one case overcome the obstacle.
Tlie contractor who lias undertaken
to raise the battleship .Maine, blown up
in the harbor of Jlavnna, declared in
Chicago last Saturday that the divers
had found the vessel less damaged than
has been believed. Tlie Maine has sunk
no lower, he says, than when he ex
amined It two years ago. Ho Is conH
ilent of success ill raising the famed
ship, and, after repairing her at the
Havana docks, of "bringing bur homo
again next fall." lie is Newton
Chamberlain, of Chicago. America will
be glad to Had 111 111 successful.
California capitalists are about to
send out a band of prospectors under
the lead of an Arizona gold-miner, John
It. Farroll, to seed; for thu gold mines
of King Solomon lu eastern or south
eastern Africa. They will explore, tlio
land in or north of Portuguese east
Africa, which a recently returned trav
eler declared he had found unquestion
able proof to be the land of Oplilr,
whence the ships of Hiram. King of
Tyre, brought gold and other precious
things to tlio Jewish monarch.
According lo the latest leporls from
Harvard. Mr. MeKinley will soon havo
the right to u.-n an additional group
ol capital letters when .signing his
The chief dliliculty In regard to tho
nnirh-tiilked-nf withdrawal from 'e
kln Eccnis to bo in thu arranging of a
date that will suit everybody.
iiiinner Morgan, it appears, was af
ter nil only an Irielilpiit of tho Saiup-scn-Schloy
Dnlly Hoiosconu Drawn by Ajncchua,'
Tlie Tribune Astrologer.
Asliohiho tJt: l.Pi a. in., tor Ve'lne,cl.iy,
A i-lilM torn oil this clay will ii.ite tlut even
tho I'licu) Mil lioauls aio hlounilii,r.
At the eytter now evacuates
No one will Icel u ipialin,
llcKiuse hlu 1 l.'l inuiigiiliitcd
Tlv M'a.ini of 010 1 lain.
If roici'Kttr ClaiKe ran continue to furnish
weutlur like that of sesltnlay, lliero will lie
no objection to a i.iu in hi. ml.iry,
It Is iI.iiiviuus 10 jostle 3. quiet in 111 or kill:
a lilint dog,
Aluio-l any nun uouhl as u'jn a "pull'1
a.i be in thu "push."
Sou i 0110 mibt hoc tuuici on the it" jci
terdjy. AJacchus' Advice.
Sec that thou ha.H union blacked sancUW.
Any who aio in doubt as lo whether IhctM
aie buM linns thuulil uk ill? ieemta.
(Colli linleil from I'.iiin 1.)
Jet't lo nil exrrciie of tliu polite power lit
limne. Tin ip tt.n in mote "inllll.itlMn" In win done by tu lu t ulna than there Is
"nillllarlMii" wluii 11 iollieiii.iii arrests u Mult'
way robber or Inuiiliur. Wo would turn
bt.uiileil with Infamy h.ul we not taken Inline
ill.llu measures to put n ktop t Hie UMpeak
nl a' cruellle.s of Hie timers, and lo prrttrct our
aiilrilllcil ir'ii'rnt.ithe.s at I'eMl) fiom the .itl.ick iiu diem. All clvlllwil
11.1II0111 wcie a unit in tills inaltrr, ami It Is
Kroatty to Hie ornllt of our troU'rnnient
ttu were amoin.' the few ivlm were ready to act
lu tlmei the (tnltant force under gallant
t Challie ttiw 11 pari "t Hie estioilltloiury
nnuy which leaclieil Pekin In the nick of Hum
to ii'iert .1 feirful tragedy. Proud Indrcd should
we hu as Americans that tlio Stars unit Stripes
llnllereil anioni? .10 ll.iu's whose approach meant
palely hum .orlnre and murder ami worse lli.ui
tot into and luiildrr lo the minted women nlul
ililldien ami tlesp,ilrlnit men wno stood at toy
lirhlnil their iitiinlillnif legation walls. We
kIioiiIiI be proud of till! nlgnal galliinlry of our
general nlul his troopsj and wo should be eoti
plunder derail? that trallantry was unstained by
imitiler mill 11 nelly. Under the Rrealet ptovo.
rallon our Binirnmriit refused lo yield lo the
clamor for tunc reu'tic,e and refucd to taki
put In, or coniiUe ul, any effort tn partition
Chilli; while our soMicrs b.iu' m borne thene
ii'Iim Ihelr canips lime dtcn crowded hy
Chined! redtttees of nil nexcs and .ine, who ties
to litem because they h.ue learned tluit IIiouk'.i
our p-oplc aic terrible In battle, they are
venllo in victory, nml that the helpless arc mire
of (irolectloti under the Ameilcnil lias.
The Task In Cuba.
hi lulu wc had lo face .1 harder because
u Ics (.iiitple lank. We were pledged to hrlti(C
peace, lieciloin and inilepciulcticc to the Mauds,
mid we h.ue been resolutely bent upon keep
ing plulse not merely In tho letter but in
the (.phll. To li.oe ilrlien nut Ihe Spaniard
and then immediately withdrawn ooj- cywn
furies. Would meant Ihe dieaklng of our
own philce, tor It would tliiowtt the
MainU inlo :c chaos hut olio ihctrcc dettcr
than the tyranny which it mrcecdeil. .Mole
over Midi a couim: would li.uo meant the aK-o-Itile
certainly of our deltnr tpeedlly forced tu
interfere, .main. W- would commit n Kr.iie
wtotiir to nor own people if we permitted the Island which is our neighbor once more
lu hdiuiie n plague t.pot of civilization; a si III
Kt.'tter wiuiiit if wo peimiltcd Ihe po-lbillly
ol ils ccr debut iM'il :ii;,iiii-l us dy some slrons
alien puuer. Our bu.slne-s was lo heli in tlio
letrlopmrnt of IIhvo ipi.illtics in tho Cubans
wlili h would uinler them able to solve the ilif
Hi'iilt problem of M'lf-ituw'innionl; lo futtlicr
1'iciy mcivenii'iit lot- ilicemy ill the island; and
tn ttiio our aid to the new Cuban I'oniniou
wcallh as it. slroio In walk alone. It In every
wlicie neieaiy (11 lime good laws; but It li
I'lrtt inoro tieccesity to have good men to exe
cute thiic laic. N-iinrthlng can be done under
11 bail law hy a flr-t clavs nun; lull the bo
lev ecr put iipnti tlie t-tatuto bouk.s is useless
in iuc.ipalilc or ihhotic.-t hands. The presi
dent iIuinu in I.eiin.tril Wood exactly the man
to put this policy into cDcct. Wc a-k that it
lie indued by lis trulls. Compare what Cuba
now is w'th what it. was three years aco; com
pile the piace and older and justice of today
with Ihe im-pi'.ikahlc mii-ory, the bloody jumble
of iin.irihy and Ijranny of three years 1150.
The.!.- i( llu: slimes made in tho H'liool sis
tun and I'm umils; think 0.' what Ilis decn
dull" louaiiU 1 leaning thil cities, towards
1.1 iiiif.imr eiil di-ete-c llememlier that Iho
tin- i-li.uign is Mdely due to the fact that we
il.ui'il M 1:0 lo war for a. rigliteoiis cuw. It
cur in liMory an iicllnn has .iuslified itw-If,
our action it. )nlerfctin lu Cuba has thus
iiniUhcd iN own jiMllnaflou.
The Philippines.
l'iii.illy, we conic to the Philippine?, wlicie
llio ilitlicultics were grcalot ol all. Perhaps
few better ttMs of our wotth as a nation have
cirr been nflfcrcil t lion Ibis Philippine pinbleni.
The tcinplatiou was great lo shirk it altogctlior.
Such .1 nurse would h.oc appealed not only lo
litany thoiouj;hly honest and excellent people
who weic inipcifcitiy iuforiucil. or who were
mi-led by faKe tuialoitics or by sentimental eon
siiler.ilioiis, hut It would al-o hale been gicct
(il Willi ciilliu-i.i-iii hy all shcirt-siirhled people
and by all in whom the legitimate dislike of
needless ellort and wmry tends to become an
unhealthy (ear nf all 11-k and trouble. Hut ns
wo lonk b.ii k wo can now sec that the national
duly was ically plain. Wc conul not give tho
Mauds to Spain: ti- nuild not see them'ii by snmo other llnropean power; and lo.i-t
of all (ould we linn thnii mei to he scrambled
fur by ltiMiigeut Iculeis, most nf whom were
hut little above the lend of banditti, and tlie
success of Ply of whom meant decline! Ion to
tlie pc.uefiil ami law-abiding poitlon of the
i-laiulcr-, and 11 moie or less swift iclapso into
barb.ilii.ui nf tin; euliie population. The tiist
Ihinir to lie done was to lestoie order lie put
tine' .1 slop In tho iii-iini'i'lii'ii. This has at
list been piaitiially acroniplisheil in .1 smies
siim of camp duns which have hi-might out into
hold relief the daring, tlie skill and tho in
domitable lCMiliition uf our otliiYr.s and men.
The iMinpaicns have been wearing and dim
cult be.iiiiul ilcscilplinn, bolli drcaiise of the in
line of the countiy ami of the character of our
opponent'. After the lli-t few lnnnlh.s the In
MU'Kcnls ce.icd to oppose us in regular warfare,
their methods hemming inoie iiiul more siuh as
liy any slcin application of the laws of war
would hale toitllii'il their right to be treated
olhetttie llian as n.isliis. for the elnh
tern inoiilhs our ihlcf ililllcully has decn not
In beat the iii-uigculs lu the field -for
w.i. ea-y but lo grapple with the difficulty
cau-eil liy tlulr conihul in isitiug inurder and
loiluie upon all Ihe peaceful and friendly na
Hies who wno anxious to sec our rule mado
pciiiiiiiinl. Yel mull 1- even these circumstances
Ihe adiniulilr.ilion has ecn In it tlio ul-
ino-t intolcinhlc pioioiation glien by our cne
niie.s shouhl not tcult in Ibcir ill-treatiuint.
Our ininy has been mo.t uienifiil in its ileal
inn;. Willi eiiial wiloui and ileineniy we vifi.ilneil liiiui; exacllng tho pen'iltlca
wlili h by rii'iy piiiiciplo of military and Inter. law we h.ul a tiaht In c.xait from our
foes. The icionl of the MrugKlc in tlie Philip
ilncs for the last twn jells and a half Isone
wlili li slnnihl in ike all .tmci leans ptouil bceaie
of Iho limine-, ami the meiey, (lie jiistlie au I
Hie fe.uleviios with which their repri'M'titatbes
in the islands haie aeled under as irylnir con
ililiuus a.s have eirr been r.ucd lu '11 similar I'lnm T.attliui to ruti'.tiiii many a name
has been added to tho honor loll of the irpuli
llc. aloieoicr as soon as we began tn get Iho
upper hand of the imiiigouti.-, slips wete tin-
iiieili.ilel.v taken I t.illf-.U a elili guveinment
lu Ihe l.l.ini.. Ileic ii-aln, as In Ihe choice of
I eon.inl Wood, the president shotted far sii;htcd
v.lsilnui in Minting mil of the wliolo ciiimlrv
Iho man best mMllflod In peifoim (he task, In
Ihe pcrseii nf .ludge T.ift. whom ho nude tho
head nf the conunlslon. It , .1 great and
Milium iispuiiilhlliiy tu fiame a new mlcm nf
goiciituiiiit nut of Midi a writer of ilintii.Ion,
and to the I'llipiiio pci.plr on the (list
sl.r,-cs of ti e.ncrr wlilch we eainently hopo
and tulleie will in the emi icult in Iheir thow.
In,- inparily to stainl aleue-a cupaclty whleli
Iheie U no ihanee of their tlinuliii; sj;e by tlio
patlint lollowlng out 011 our part of the policy
on which we have already embarked. The prop.
ics made by .liidsu Tult and his iiiHlatiiui
has been wcnderiul, 'I here Is. iiu adequate n...
w.nd wlili h wc cm rIm, to nun u .1,1,10
T.ift and Won, for Ihey have ileno
for ns, hul a 11, at ! juv ii,s,n u, li)m.
aue of .1 thoionali appKchtnui of tlicfr work.
Allir nil, any lewanj 1l1.1i w,' 1011M yiie thim
would be but Utile lompareil lo the pilcclcss
KWJtil nf iuW mi well the woik lUelfj for
cull nf these Iwi. nun m ,,.lv ,c hg.3t
lui.o we have In offer on this carlh-llie prill
of dolus.- lu ih ,ri pos.ihle way a seuiee that
Is of vital impnit.iiic-o to mankind.
Lovers of Civilization.
In developing these Maud, It I. will to keep
steadily In mind tlut bi..slncs i, ono nf Iho
gieat level of ilvilijation. It U Immcn.ely lo
tho inleict of (he people s)f (he blaiulj that
Hull' lesouiiei should be developed, ami there
fore It I, 10 tlicti- interests even mme than to
ours lint our citizens shoul.1 develop their lie
ihislrles. The further fad that it i, our dut'v lo
en that Hit; ilevcnipiuent lakes place nmler
coiiJillulH so laicfully Rttarded tint mi wioiil
may conie to the Mamlei. ,mu,t not blind ui
to the Hut gieat fait, which h Iho nerd of the
ilevelopinint, Xo Bt,-j(r ktitlc towards secur
li prospeiily for tho l.ljn, fulk can l; Wen
Hun lo nuke Ihe iuiid..tH mill us to In.
vilu bii,lnes-s cnleipitve. Hut in our own lu-leu-it
and for the sake of nur nun I,,-.
must leadlly imist upon one point, pur public
men, the tepreseulalivrs ol our lilll.On. whellief
in rlvll or hi inllllnry life, whether In ronutrsi,
In Hie colonial scrvlte, or In Ihe army nr nary,
must tiiiderslaiul Hut their relations towards Hie
Islanders arc these of (rulees and Hmt no irnv
lee Is allmint lo make any gain brcau'e of tils
relallons with his ward. It Is to Hie advantage
IkiIIi of America .mil of the Islands lo Imve any
Increliinl or business man slart and develop it
leglllinatc business enterprise of an' Mini In
(lie Islands; but no public! men should lio
any share In such 11 business, and public opinion
should not loleralc tor n moment such iicllon
anintiff our public men. As for Hie offelisdi are nt times liind In ncnir In iihimm
Hon wllh Ihe public service In the Islands, we
should 1111 Iho one hand tu ll Hut "in most
prompt mid severe punishment Is visited upon
the olfititlersj .Hid In the next place we should
remember It Is simply silly In treat such
an offense 11s In any way a ioiiilenin.illoii nf
our policy. It Is exactly m In private life. It
Is highly necessary to punish with severity any
defaulting bonk cilshlerj but lo treat such a
defalcation as a trasmi for abandoning our
luflklns system would be prepostetoiis. hi or
ganising tlio new Roveriiliicnls II Is Impossible
t prevent an occasional unworthy man from
being put In some )Ksltlon of Irn-l which ho
may nbuse. Probably the best way to pievrnt
It Is to give as much power as possible lo men
like ( Wood and -Indue Tuft men whoi
nppolnlmcnt by the president has put nil
Americans who nro jealous of their country's)
reputation deeply In his debt. All that can
be done In addition Is belli by law ami dy tho
forrc of public opinion to visit witli 1 rushing
tcrirliy any such olfenv when It neeins. 1t. Is
nn Infamous thing for a man to dc uullly of
dishonesty here lu our own counlryi hut It Is
doubly nod trebly Infamous when lie Is gullly
of dishonesty In coniKctloii wllh Hie public
service In Cuba or the Philippines or Porto
Iliio. In Ihe llrst case, be sins against Indi
viduals; in the next ease, he not only sins
against Individuals, but lie blackens the good
name of the enllre nation, hi every man who
serves our government, from the top In the
bottom, In military or In civil life, In these
distant Islands, wc hive a right tn diinaud the
highest standards the most unblemished record
of public conduct; mid woe to us If we lower
this standard; II we relax our jut and jo.ilutij
w rally.
After the lecture tho vice-president
was given a. reception by President
lillot and'Pror. John Waive.
A wimple inpy of Ihe lland-.McNally indexed
pockcl map of this state has just come lo hand,
remaining the nlhclnl tlgurrs of the census of
limo. The imp Is aixBd inches in size, and U
piliilftl from peilictly emiiaved plates, every
line being clear and ilistinil, eveiy word plain
and loadable. The lalliomls ale accurately lo
cated, mid nil lakes, liuis, decks ami other
nalnral features ate glien. Accompanying the
map is a new and original compilation of sl.ttis.
deal matter, combined wllh a ready-refeiencc
Index-, showing in detail the entile railroad sys
tem; locating correctly all counties, county seals,
towns, villages, etc.; designating the blanch or
p.nticulnr division of 1all1n.ul 011 which each
sLillun Is situated; specifying money-order, post
office and telegraph stations; and naming the ex
pies company or companies doing business ut
each point.
Ameiican ComiiSy Life is the title of a new
monthly magazine Poubleday, Page k Co. will
publish early in tlio autumn. It is expeitcd to
interest every on? who cities for out-door mat
ters of any soit. Liberty II. Halley, who, as
editor of the Coined Nature liullctilis, author,
piofcs.-or, and political fanner, has done more
than almost any other person to promote interest
ill out-door maltris, will edit it. The publish
ei.s claim thai it is going tn be the most
beautiful magazine on the news-stands becau-c
it has the most, beautiful subjects, and no pains
will be spioed in reproducing them with all their
01 initial (.barm.
I. Applelon .V Co. have in piepar.illon a nota
ble seiies of nature book, superbly Illustrated in
colors liy lithographic process. The new edition
of Prank Jl. Chapman's "llinl-bife," villi sev-rnty-rive
plates of our common, birds in Iheir
natural colors, leproducing Krncst Keton-Tlioiup-son's
(lrawlnKs; Professor John Henry Comstock's
"Insect Life," with Its line plclmes of butterflies
and other insects, and K. Schuyler Jlatthcws'
works on "Familiar Trees" nml "l'amlliai- Flow
ers" are particularly valuable.
"The Woman's Pock of Sports," by .1. Parmly
Parol, published by the Appletons, is a practical
guide for ain.ileur sportswomen. (!olf, lawn ten
His, sailing, Mvinuuiiig, bicycling and tu-ket-b.ill
have each their chapters, and each (,-ame Is
tioatod from the elementary standpoint. It is
thoroughly illustrated with half-tone lcpioduc
lions of instantaneous photographs showing the
coriecl and intoned methods in the different
Char.utciMic nl the rise of Kv cry body's Maga
ine to a must prominent place iimutig the Id
cent monthlies, is the novel of ItcMilutionary
days in the Caiolinas ly Mrs. Saia He.iumonl
Kennedy, now limning in its pages. Ill many
icspecls ".loielyn Cheshire" piouiiscs to be tho
most iiolcwoithy novel in several
years. Poubleday, Pugc i Co. will publish tl.c
book iic-H inontli.
A second edition nf llowanl Sutherland's
(harming California idyll, ".lacitita," Is in bo
brought out by Drexel Uiddle, the Philadelphia
publisher. filiform witli this bonk will lie
"lligg'rt Par," a collection of humorous Klnn
dyke li.nllnils by the siiuie author. ".lacinla"
Is a leturn tn the old ballad school, wherein a
tale i.s told In verse; the Klondike veises arc
the only ones of tho kind 011 the market today,
An earnest plea for I lie preservation of Niagara
fiom tlio encroachment of commercial and manu
facturing inletesls. so far as these may injure the
beauty of the gieatest natural wonder of America,
is made in the Outlook's magazine number for
Slay by Miss Slary II. llartl. The article Is
accompanied by illiistiatlous which add to the
point of the author's remarks about tho injury
alieady done to the beauly of the Falls. S, Macl.iy has added to his standard
"llisloiy of the I'nited Mates Navy" a third
Midline, bringing the vmk down to the present
time, and of inmse recounting the exploits of
our sallois limine Ihe Spanish war and in the
iccciit tioubles in China, lids history has U'cii
officially adopted for use at Annapolis. It is
published by P. Apple tun k Co.
The London ami Hath of Iteau HiiimmelPs
time form the background for "The Curium
Courtship of Kate Poius," a brilliant romance
ol the regency, wiltlcn by Louis Lvan Sliipman,
and to be published thorlly liy I. Applcton ii
Love-letters seem to ho the order of Iho day,
and particularly timely, therefore, is the new
rvlitlon of "Ills belter," by Julien Uordoti. au
thor of "Mrs. Clyde" and "A Puritan I'JiMii."
It will be brought put by P. Applelon fc Co,
Our Oxfords.
Low In cut. Low in price, High in
quality. Ladles' from 75c up. Gen
tlemen's from $1,35 up.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail,
W 1
Fleiraaslhi Oak
Our assortment of
furniture takes in all
woods, but we wish
now to call special
attention to the large'
line of goods we
carry in FLEMISH
OAK, of most artis
tic and unique de
signs, suitable for
Be Ben.
Hill & Cornell
Wfishington Avenue.
Sale of Shoes
Damaged by
Now Going oil at
Corner Lackawanna
and Wyoming Avenues,
ficneul Asent for tlie Wyoming District for
Dupont's Powder
Mining, HUMinc, Sporting, SuioLelesi ami tlie
Ttep.111110 Clieiiiiiiil Couipiinj's
S.ifely I'lie, Ops ami i;j.ploilers. Iteoin 191 Con.
nell lliiilclins .Seraulen.
tiios. lonn
10IIN B. MJIITH k so.v
w: 1:.
1'lj'lllCilllll re
Piano Tuning.
507 Piesiolt avenue. Ilet locil icfcieiieei.
P.MII.OR IIOTKI. Aicouuiioilatloin. t'n-ur-pjtorcl
moderate cIwircs. I'cniuncnl nail
liililo linaulcis. W. II. WIIYTII.
Kellar cB Harris.
Mjiiutactuiciii of llarnPNi, nml dealer in Horse
KurnUliliig fiooiti, Trunki ami Tiavcllns It.itr.
llepaiilns promptly attended to. '1'eleplione :i8.
117 l'eini avenue. Seranloti, Pa.
L. SOMMAR. nuilclincr Coiitractor.
Employs union men. Kbtimates cheerfully
t'iven. Remodcllns and lepalrlns a specialty,
Will sell all their samples of line impoilcd
Madras Shirts for men at li!V.; wmlli $1 to N.JO
Davis steam dye Co.
Goods called for ami delivered. Cleaning,
Pjeing and I'lcmlng.
Golden Gate
Dining Rooms.
Uct '.'J cent meal in the city,
Tlie Meal Ticket, fl.00.
Sunday ilinuer a peoilty,
HcinC'iiudu Pattry.
Kleitrlc Wlrlns and ri.ttuci.
Illectilu llcl and Telephone Woik,
309 Commonwealth building.
Dealers In
Plate Glass and Lumber
Kingsbury & scranton,
Mjiiuficluieis' Ati'litJ
Plstrlit Agents J'ur
.lohll A, lloihllng's Soli', IY, 'a Vic Hope and
Klcctilcid Wire, Culta IVnha and Ituhhrr llfg,
fo.'s Peltlnir, l'.i(l.lng, lloc ami Sleilunlc-al
lluhher (loodj. Know It cm I'.uklns, l.'aitcr's
Oil Clollilnc. Ioont .'110 Paul! Illds.
M0II1, Tall, I.Un- Spots ami all pKuuuury
illMuloi.itloiii (oiupleli'ly 1 iimn id hy mi u'
eial homo ttcatmout, and the loiiiplevion
uiiilcii'd ileav and miootli.
ill IrtddiiBton Ave.
::ll f-piuce St 1 eel, Near Hotel .Iriimn.
All the necv liUnki loi lprinir. hljlo are
iww in. New IliU Mulo lo Older.
Horse bliu Ins and lieiieral DUikinilthlii;
Wagon and vatiiage Uulldlu? and Iluhlirr Tiic
ing, 339 ADAMS AV1NUE.
sy2a feach,
If you have the least use for
glasses thnt usually Bell nt
twice the above price, it will
pay you to Attend our rcfjulnr
Thursday Bargain Sale,
May 2, opening nt 8.30 n. m.
Should you rctiuhonny other
article, that ought to bo kept
by n flrst-claos China Store,
you'll find it here with tho
right prlco attached.
Gruerver & Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
Union Hade
A Good Smoke or CIjcw.
A Trial Solicited. ,V
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Clock Tobacco Co,, I
644--16-48 Wyoming Ave.
Scrnnton, Pa.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Class,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc,
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati & Connell,
32 Wyoming Avenue.
KKKH K K K V. t. K tt tt R K R K R
Clock's Best
Brotherhood Wine Cos
l'lne Old Polls, Bui'Kiinilie, nml
baiili'ini"., I'.iiully Tiade duly.
Great IT ire Sale
Now (,'nliiiT On.
Kine Puts and all l.lmU of Neckwear.
Scranton Laundry,
Calls hy telephone receive prompt attention.
"That's all."
Successor to
Wh make a tpeilally ol duo bread htultj.
Orders for Salads, O.i.tets, Ooijucltcj, etc.,
promptly tilled.
A full lino of C'icaiii and lie.
GOODMAN'S shoe store.
Now al IIS l.ukawanna aie.
214, SW, 213 PAULI BLDG.
Attoineyvfit-Law, Scranton, Pa.
Theschauton Vitrified brick
and Tilc Manufacturing Company
Maker el l'lr..' Ililck, cle. Jl. II, Pile,
(Sei'fral Mien Aged, (Mine ;i2J Wjdiltclou nf
Woiks at Nay At, I'j., li. & W. '. It. It.
Remiirkablc Sale of
Taffeta Silks
An rxeniillonitl inticlitmo of over in-a
tliiilisantl yunlM nf 'rnfTotn Hlllts In nil
tliu new roloritiRH, IncliitllnB whllo and
black, wh It'll wo offer Tor 0110 week
at iiiiiiHiiully nltiticllvo prlees. TalTelii
hIIUm iho ut inesent In Rieat dcmimd
f!ir StillM, .lucketH, WiilslH, I'cltleoats,
tiiitl liliiliuiH. nml nro rarely noItl tin
ili'f the regular prlcex. For tlii.i rcnuon
thin sale on'oi's nn unciitiiilleil nppo,rtu
nlty tu Keriiro Taffeta SllltH nt pflosf
Hint will lie liiiu.M;lbli! to dttpllcato.
At 39c a Yard
A lli-liieh wltln, iiuro Milk 'I'niTi'ta, If.
lai'Ke nniRo til" eolor.s, liietutlliiK whllri
unit lilttek, lrgular vnltio tin ccnta.
1'ilco for tills week, fliio.
At 59c a Yard
A I0-Iiic;1i wide, lino llnlsh ami welRlit
TiilTela Silk, i.'oiupliilo Hue of eolott",
ii'Kiilnr vnlue 7iic. l'rlco for tills week,
At 88c a Yard
A ST-lneli will- extra nit'iHly Tuffoti
Slll, In Iiii'ko lino of I'otoi'H, rcKUlar
value $1.'J5,
At 88c a Yard
liiipnrled nml ilomoHtlc. plain llael
Tlllfctll SllltM, IlllKtlt. lllHtlo nml fino
llnlsh: Krainl weai'liifv (ititlllii:s; roKU
Inr value !H.-'."i. 1'tiee tor this) week,
SSe. '
At $ S . 1 5 a Yard
A Jr-ineh wlijo "Amerli'Mn" Rlnek
Tiiffi'tu Silk, wear tiarnntped, heavy
to Hie liiinil 'tiul nice llnl.sli, reRiitar
Millie Jl.:!,".. i'tlee for this week, $1.1.1. '
At $1.25 a Yard
ICxtia wltlo niai'l; Tin'i'etn Silk, exlm
lienvy welRlit, wear Kiiaranteeil: nlsn
"Itonnet" llni! Imported Silk, brlRht
IumIio nml beaiilit'iil tinlsli, reKiilar
value ?l.0. l'i'lee for this week, $1.S3.
Foulard Silks and Satins
Oui'H are acknowlndned tho hand
yonicst designs, and largest uHsorluicnt
In the city. Prices, 49c, 7Ce, fl.00 anif
Lackawanna Ave
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
The Dickson Manufacturing Co.
Kcranton mid Wllkevllarro, 14.
iMiintifuolurori o'
Boilers. Ilolstlngamt Pumpljig iUachlnery.
General Office. Scranton, Pa.
Guernsey ;
Don't fail to come and see as great bargains
are waiting for you,
Ill New Ciuernscy Building.
tiuld Medal
(J I'hotogiaphcr
Ill'f!l.lK.S and W'SC
ONS of all kiniU;
also IloiLici and
lluildine; Uta at
liarisaltw. HOItSPS,
(iMPPCD and
(JltOOMKll at
Uiildh.n'a C
A jperUlty, Dr.
Trou'rton, doom 1,
ov.'r (llohc sloie.
Hours; I lo .1.1:1) p.
111. 1 ' ion
free. 'Phone Diii),
M. T. Keller's, kn ami i Carriaje
BERNHARD, jeweler.
SI.j l.A(kANXA AVi;.M'i:.
The scranton Umbrella
Manufacturing Company.,
We auj the larsci
f t.eik of I lulTill.ii, l'ar
-vSV a'"jls ani' llauillni we
C&i&S a" llt:i'0i:it unibrellai
ami piMioli and mike
thnii up cipiall.i ai good
ui new and ginraiitcc our
pikes lo he loner than
rny Imu.e lu llm illy,
Wv iep.ur ell our Roods
lor e jcar nillB r