The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 30, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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' j'f"A've"iM(,f'i'fl wJTRAjT'i'jremwS
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Fnctoryvllc, Apt II 'JO. The eighty
sccnutl unnlvcisiiry of Otlcl Fellowship
In Amntten was very llttliiRly vole
hratod lust Friday night by ltcd Jnckct
lodse. No. 521, lit their hrtll. A lawe
mnllence of Odd Fellows und tlich'
fntullIrM and citizens luiscmhled In sueh
numbers that It runnilotely lllled the
hull. An Inlt'ioKiliif? und extensive pro
Ki'uinuio wan carried out and much en
Joyed liy the audience. A colored or
chestra, from Scrunlon, which comprises
a whole concert In thenifulve?, made tip
ii coiiHpleiiDiis part of the programme.
John T. Howe, also or rjcianton, deliv
ered the principal iiddresc. which was
one of the ever hoard In the hall.
K. It. hilly read a paper on the origin
of the order, and the Inintovenienl und
Rood It hut) done alneo the organization.
Some of uur very host, local talent
made up the remainder of the pro
KruimiK', as follow: liee'ltatlmi, Miss
May Kink; i.olo. Miss Hess Spencer;
recitation, Mr. Suyduni; recllntlon,
Miss Anna Kurd: soiik. Mioses Spencer
and W'atklnsi. lecltiilU'li. MlhS IJeu trice
Tnylui . recitation, Miss Hess Spencer;
recitation, Miss Kva Kcyuolds. U. IT.
Tloljrale. csf., was ohalri'iiaii of the en
tertainment. Miss Jennie AVall has returned from
an extended trip through the West.
Christy Matthews, four own Christy)
has dunned n New York uniform tills
soasoii, and is playing ureal ball. Last
.Saturday he pitched the opening game
on tho Polo srounds against the
hcuy-hitllii(r Brooklyn and licld them
iluivii lo four hits and easily won the
Frame, niukln? him the heio of New
York for the tlnie.
.Miss Uliinchc Stark has' returned
liuiiH'. .ittcr a sojouiu of two weeks
wlcli frkiuls at East Lemon.
fnluii temperance servlcts were con
ducti'd at til- First tiaptist ehtireh last
Sunday evening by Row J. N. Lee.
The graduating exercises of the
Graded school will be held next Friday
eveuliiK in the Methodist Kpiscopa!
(lunch. All arc cordially Invited to at
tend, Those vt hu will graduate this
year ate: tJr.iee I Julie Carpenter, Mabel
Ileal dblfy Liudley, Kdlia. I.ucia Rey
nolds, William .loltn Miller. Paul lOugene
Smith and Heiny Daniel Matthewson.
Kc. J.. I), llaimon, p.istof of the
V.aptisi I'hurch at Laeeyville, lias hand
ed In his resignation for the second
time, and il has dually, though reluc
l.mtl. been accepted, to take elfeet
May -J'i.
Mr.-.. Alfiid Rossiter leaves next
Wednesday for Dutfalo, wheic she will
j-iln her lnibb.ind. They will reside in
tin. abne named city during the sum
mi r.
Mrs. J C. Muncri-r.
suciuliiiiT a few days
or Mill City, is
lieie with rela-
Mr. and Mrs. C. ,. liiovvn, of Spring
sille. spent last "Wednesday and Thilrs
day with ti lends at this place. Artist Ostcrhoiil now has
one of the finest shops that has over
linen in the low ii,
.Mrs Kran't Malum, of Smith Mont
iijm spent several days here List week
vvith friends.
' .Master "Wllliiir .1. (ilhnore is iiuw in
l lie employ of F. M. Osterhout, and ex
peils) to learn all the ins- and outs of
the lather brush. "Wilbur always was
a handy lellow, and will innke a big
a Mitiun to Hie shop.
Sc(, id to Hi. s'ti.mlon Tribune.
Suiqiiehann.i, April "0. Rctween 12
and J o'clock this morning tlie Krle
employes hi the AVest Suhciiiehannii
yard diseoeivd thieo or four men
stealing brass from a box. The yard
men pursued the thieves, who dropped
their plunder and lied. Car Sealer
Jo.s-ph Magliuils, wlio was in the van
of tlie men, drew his revolver and
Hied, and one ol the thieves fell, .shot
In the wrist. His oinpanions ca
mped. The wounded man was taken
to the lockup and given surgical at
tendance. is said tn ho one Sher
man, or heiiuruiann, wno conducts u
junk shop on South .street, Rlngham
ton. Ho will he given a hearing to
day. During the past two years con
siderable brass and copper has been
stolen fumi the railroad yards and the
robberies liae been credited to pere
grinating Junk dealers fioui Hlnghani
tuii and elscwlU'ie.
Re Hi. Kdwaul Taylor, ut UiiiK
hauitoii, oeeuplod the pulpit of the
Uakland (.'oiigicgutii' Ml cnureli on
William l.ung of LaueslMiro. was on
Satutday luought befoie ju.stlep Wll-
Has been responsible for much of human
mortality. Men and women die bv thou
sands in an Indian famine, not
because of lack of food but be
cause caste superstition prevents
them fiom accepting it. Kvcn
in America there arc still to be
found those who believe that hcalinj;
herbs lack irtue unless gathered during
certain phases of the moon.
The great foe of superstition is science,
Every year science increases the terri
tory of tlie natural at the
expense of tlie super
natural. Doctor Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
achieves its successful
cures because it is a
scientific preparation orig
inated by a scientific man.
It cures diseases of the
stomach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition, purifies the blood and
establishes the body in sound health,
As the writer ot the following letter
siys, "It is the best thing for nervous
ness and for a weak run-down condition
that anybody would want. It gives a
person new life and new blood,"
"Golden Medical Discovery" contains
no alcohol and is free from opium, co
caine and other narcotics.
"I must ugain bend a few lines to)ou to lei
yon know how I am selling along since liking
ibe wouderful iiH'illcitie which cuied uie two
sats ago," writes Miss jieriua
Hbeler, of 1416 Bentou Street,
St. I.ouis, Mo. "I still continue
in crj- good lieulth ami think
there l not a better medicine on
earth than Dr Pierce's Oolden
Medical nhcov cry, it is the best
tl iiiK for nervousness and tor a
weak, run-down condition, that
an) body would want. It gives a
persou new life aud new blood.
I can now work all day Ions;
without feelhu; the least bit tired.
nervous aud weak last ssimmtr. I
cities of Dr. Pierce' Colden Medical
Discovery and it jut made uie feel like a new
Dr. Pierce's l'leasant Pellet' fctlinulatc
the liver.
I was ery
look five b
limns, charged with stealing chickens
from O. K, Dodge, of Lnncsborn, In
default of $200 ball he was t'iken to
the county jail lo await the acllon of
the grand Jury.
Itcv. .1. I. Williams, pastor ot the
ltapllst church, Is at Ilnllstcad, at
tending the quarterly conference of
the Hrldguwaler Baptist association,
He will preach this evening.
William Ives will In a few days open
n restaurant In the Van Aiken build
ing, Krle avenue.
Miss Wish, of ninghamton, held a
social hop In ilogau Opera IIouso
this evening.
The "Alvin Joslln" company will ap
pear In Hogan Opera IIouso on Fri
day evening.
U. H. Thompson Is erecting a dwell
ing house on "Westllcld avenue, Oak
land Side.
Mr. and Mis. Charles A. Millar have
leturned homo from Calumet, Mich.,
where they spent the winter with their
The funeral of tin; late Mrs. Sophia
Hill took place on Saturday afternoon
from the residence of Charles Uliuia
an. West Main street, Itov. Edward
10. Uellly, pastor of the Presbyterian
church, olUclatlng. The remains were
interred in McKtine cemetery.
Thomas !. Kus.sell niut John V.
I-eary, machinists, have taken Jobs in
the Dickson locomotive shops in Scran
ton. William Kpis. of West Main street,
Is recovering trom a seveio attack of
Tlie Susquehanna County Sunday
School association will hold its six
teenth annual convention In the "Bap.
tlsi church at Hallstead. April SO and
May 1. A very attractive programme
has been arranged
A number of new dwelling houses
are being erected on the Oakland Side
of the river.
Rev. Charles W. Boot is at Wilkes
Barre. attending the spring meeting of
the archdeaconry of Scranton.
The Rrii.shvllle Baptist church is
gradually approaching completion.
Sjin-ial to tho Srrauton Tribune.
Montrose. April 2!. Vrooman Gar
diner, a student at Factoryvillc, spent
Sunday at his home In this place.
S. Bruce Chase, of Hallstead. was
professionally engaged here on Satur
day. The Odd Fellows of Montrose held
their annual supper on Friday even
ing. Dr. :. c. Halsey was master of
ceremonies. An elaborate menu was
bjrved by Caterer Hotchkiss. after
which an enjoyable musical and lit
erarjdirogramme. wasprescntcd. About
eighty people were gathered about the
festal board.
Mr. and Mrs. Ccorge 11. Watrous
aie in New York city, where they will
spend .several days.
E. P. Pope, agent of the United
States Kxprcss company at this place,
met with an accident on Friday which
lesulted In a severe shaking up and a
badly swollon optic for Mr. Pope. He
was attending to liis duties at the r,.
t M. depot and had gone into the
baggage car to dispose of .some ex
press packages, and, tarrying a little
too lung, llio train started, and was
under good speed when Mr. Pope
jumped from the car and was thrown
with considerable force against a box
ear that was standing on a siding.
1 hough considerably bruised and with
a facial expression not unlike the late
Mm t utler, Mr. Pope is around and
attending to as usual.
.. vr.Kent. of Brooklyn, was In
town on "Saturday.
The ise of W. S. Merselis vs. Hus
iiiitdMiuui loiiuty, to secure the reward
offered in connection with the capture
of tlie murderers of Jackson Pepper,
and whi'h was tried last week before
nrbltmt'-irs, lesulted in a verdict for
the plaiulirf and Mr. Merseles will re
ceive the $1,000 offered by the com
missioners. The verdict of the arbi
trators Is in accord with public senti
ment, as nearly every one acquainted
with tlie details of the matter believed
Mr. Merselis to be entitled to the re
ward. Mrs. M. J. Hannas is visiting at tho
homo of Jciemlah Stephens at Nich
olson. Kdltor and Mrs. James P. Taylor are
visitors in Binghamtoii today.
Bx-Sherifi Word Deuel, of I-lttle
Meadows, was in town on business.
The base ball season will be opened
in on Monday next with a
game belwein the Great Bend team
and our local nine. The Montrose
team will hold a hop at Village Hall
in tlie evening of tho same day.
Kev. K. A. Waniner, rector ot the
St, Paul's church, and ex-Prothontary
W, J. Baker lelt this morning on a
llshlng trip to Friendsvllle. Register
and Recorder Bruce B. Buffum was at
the same place Saturday and suc
1 ceded lit lauding several line trout.
Mrs. John Doyle, sr., is seriously
id at her home on High street.
Will Council, of Tunkliaiinoek, th
young man who sustained terrible in
juries to ope of his feet in an accident
on the Montroho branch of the Lehigh
" alley sit South Montrose on Satur
day, was accompanied to. the hospital
.it Sayiv by Dr. John ii. AVilHon. of
tills plate, who waa summoned as soon
as the accident occurred. Uepoiis
from Sayro are favorable and it Is
hoped to save tho young man's foot
lioui amputation,
Mrs. George Battles, an estimable
colored lady, Is 111 with pneumonia at
lie i- home on tho Shlpman place, near
the old Foster tannery.
Special to tlie Pcranton Tilbuni:.
Forest City, April 20, The council
will hold ,1 special session on Wednes
day evening 1 discuss the location of
the proposed borough building, and tho
hoard of trade and other citizens aro
Invited to bo present. The borough
owns a lot op Dunduff street which
council contemplate using, but so
much opposition to that site has ap
pealed that It is possible the present
lot will be sold and one on Main street
be purchutied.
On Friday night, In the Odd Fellows'
hull, u lodge of the Daughters of Na
omi w)ll be Instituted by tho Orand
otllcers, of Scranton. There are thirty
live names on the charter list.
Frederick Straub, of Green Ridge, an
old icsldent of this place, was In town
The Forest City band will continue
its fair on Thursday, Friday und Sat
urday, May 2, 3 and 1.
Kvery one who could get hold of a
rig esterday enjoyed a ride Into tho
County Commissioner Tingley waa In
(own today. The commlsslonrrB nie
very anxious to got a tax collector for
tho town, liut' remarkable though It
may seem, no one appears anxious for
the Job.
Miss Agnes Collins will this week
leave for New York, where bIic wilt
make her home. She will be accom
panied by Miss B. Connolly.
The Anthracite Social club Intend to
got up an entertainment of some sort
In the near future. It will probably
take the foun of an amateur theatrical
performance. Several such ventures
have been made here In the past and
they were always quite successful.
Them seems to be abundant material,
and the main thing needed Is some one
lo select the cast and direct the stag
ing of the play.
SprrUl lo (he Scranton Tribune.
Spiingvllle, April 29. Lathrop &. West
are enlarging their business by putting
In showcases and having it stock of
baked stuff on hand.
A. O. Ilrndershot went to Philadel
phia last week to see his little son,
Willie, who Is In the hospital, being
Heated for deformity of tlie lower
limbs. Mrs. Heiulershot Is there with
Miss Kva Woodhousc has been sick
several weeks, and It Is feared thnt It
may be of a permanent character and
prove disastrous.
Last week the Thomas milt was torn
up for repair?. Tho bolter having be
come defective, the Hues wore removed
and new ones put hi.
John Undorhlll has procured a fine
tree and Is putting a new derrick in
his quarry. The stone business has
taken on a new impetus this year.
For one week only, beginning May !.
S. o. Culver will sell wallpaper mid
borders all at the same price by the
loll. This Is what has never been dono
here before, and all orders must be ac
companied by the cash. Samples will
bo sent when lequested. State prieo
Work 011 Stuart ltlley's farmhouse
has been pushed rapidly since tho
rains, and will soon be icady for Us
tenant. There are live men at work
on It.
Over at 1. A. Strickland's there are
two cases of measles, which makes
three in the t amity thus far, and they
have all been good, healthy cases.
Mrs. Truman Fike has heen very sick
with measles. Sunday afternoon there
was a hasty call for a doctbr. and later
In the day the report came that she
was dying.
The band is talking about having the
ever-glorious Fourth celebrated In a
proper manner, and the matter will no
doubt be decided Tuesday evening.
Two years ago they took the matter
up, and the result was a rousing good
time and some cash for the organiza
tion. A number of the farmers over Strick
land hill way who have been cniiying
their milk to a creamery the other
way, aie bringing It U the milk sta
tion here now. The price paid for it Is
a trifle under two cents per quart.
Speciil to (lie Scranton TrUnin'.
Honesdale, Apiil 29. Mrs. 1;. p.
Mum ford and Miss Kdith Swift spent
Sunday with friends in Catasauqua,
William Wood, of sit. i.ouis, Mo.,
spent Sunday nlth bis parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. b. "Wood, of Third street.
The presentation of "Rip Van
Winkle," by Thomas Jeiferson and his
company in the opera house. May 2,
will bo the closing event of the season.
The advance sale of scats is large.
Thomas Jefferson, who takes the part
of Rip in tills grand old play, is a per
fect representation of his fattier, Jo
seph Jefferson.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Blandin are
.-pending a few days of their honey
moon witli the parents of the former,
.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blandin, on Maple
John Jenkins, who lias been seriously
111 tor the past two months at the home
of his parents, on Dyberry avenue, is
still in a. critical condition, with little
hope of his iccovcry.
The funeral of Eugene Doruingcr,
who was killed at White Mills on Sat
urday by falling- under a moving pas
senger coach, will he held on Tuesday
at 10.30 a. m. in the White Mills Catho
lic church. Interment will be in the
Honesdale cemetery
Grand jury court Is In session this
week, preparing the calendar for the
May term of court, -which convenes on
Monday, May 6,
Special to tho Scranton Tiibune,
HolllstervUle, April 29. Mr. William
A. Holllster died at his late residence
here April 2.";, nt IMS a. m after a
lingering Illness of sevcial months.
Mr. Holllster was born hen; and with
the exception of a few years, has al
ways been a resident of this place. He
had the contidenco and esteem of tils
neighbors, and will be greatly missed
in the community. The funeral obse
qulen. which were hugely attended
by relatives and friends front a dis
tant o. were held in the M, P. church
at 2.0O p. m., on the 27th Rev. Mr.
Fisk ollleiatcd. Interment in the Hol
llsterville cemetery. The pall beareis
worn J. B. Mott. Philander Moon.
Kllzer Fessenden, D. K. Watrous, John
Van Sickle and U, Maddox. DeVeased
was aged sevonty-two years, eleven
months and live days, and Is survived
by four children: Mrs. A. D. Wets, of
Hiiuillnton: J. p. llolllEter, of Peck
vlllej l'l. 13, Holllster, of Scranton, and
Miss Delia Hulllster, of this place:
also by a mother. A, G. Holllster, of
this place The relatives of the de
ceased have the sympathy of ;t wide
circle of friends in this, their time
of bereavement.
Mrs. John McFarlaud Is very rick,
Albert Van Gorder Is dangerously til
and his son, Chaiies Van Gorder, of
Scranton, has been summoned to his
Mrs. George Hamlin is eiltUally ill
and her sister, Mrs. Vina Gnff, of
Brooklyn, N. Y and her nephew, F, B.
Mitchell, of Olyphant, have been sum
moned to her bedside,
Mrs, George Fesenden, who has been
suffering with the quinsy Is a 111 tics
better t this writing.
Rev. S. MoVey is very ill,
The many friends of Mis. John Van
Sickle will be pleased to learn that
she Is slowly regaining her health.
Muster Homer Fessenden is conval
escent, A. G. Holllster. who has been sick
for tome time, Is slowly regaining his
Samuel Fruzier, of Mlna, Potter
county, was a teent guest at the home
of his sister, Mrs". Albeit Van Gorder.
C. D. .Mitchell. Howard Moore and
John Wilcox were at Noxon the 2tst
Alton Black, of Maplewood. spent
last Sunday at tho home of his grand
patents. Mr. and Mrs. William Cook,
-Mrs. Y. K. Heck und her daughter,
Miss Grace, of Moscow, were enter
county, was a recent jjuest nl the home
of her father, Mr. A. O. Holllster.
Mr. Henunler Is suffering with a
very sore arm.
Mis. A. C. Spniildlng. of Rome,
Bradfoid county, Is In town for a few
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mitchell and
their son, Ira. and grandson, Bute, of
Sci nnton, spent lust Sunday at their
home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Wiley and
son have returned from their visit
among relatives and friends In Scran
ton. Mnlley Van Gorder, of Klzer, was a
guest last Thursday at the home of
his brother, Mr. Albert Van Gorder,
Mr. and Mis. A. D. West and daugh
ters, the Misses IJda and Vldn, of
Hiimllnton: Mr. J. P. Holllster und
children, Jessie, Deo and Gerald, of
Peckvlllc, and Mr. and Mrs. 13. 13. Hot
lister ami son, Charles, of Scranton,
vMled last Sunday nt tlie old home
stead, Mrs. Lillian Huwk and. children
Floyd ani ICdnii, are visiting among
relatives In Scranton.
Fred Brown, of Hoadleys, spent hist
Sunday at the home of Mr. tl. I..
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Klllnni, of Pau
pack, visited last Sunday nt the home
of her father, Mr. A. G. Holllster.
Miss Cora Stanton hns returned
from her vllst among relatives In Dun
niore. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Cloiise. of
Moscow, were iccent guests at the
home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. t
D. Mitchell.
Miss Maggie Thompson, who has dis
posed of all the personal property on
her farm here, has icturned to Jor
SrecUl lo the sVunlon Trltmn-.
Brooklyn, April 29. A very pleasing
programme was given at the Unlver
sallst church last evening, in connec
tion with the Y. P. C. W. devotional
meeting. It consisted of readings, solos,
duets and recitations, which were lis
tened to witli pleasure by a large audi
ence. Owing to the illness of the pastor,
theie was no preaching In the Univer
salis! church yesterday.
At the quarterly meeting at the
Methodist Episcopal church, Rev.
Floyd, presiding elder, conducted the
Burton Sage, of W.iverly, spent Sun
day with his parents here.
13ai I Alney and Roy Shadduek. of
Keystone academy, came home to at
tend the Brooklyn graded school com
mencement and spend Sunday at their
George II. Terry is still contlned to
the house, suffering with a swelling of
the sub-maxillary glnd.
ICrncst King returned home a short
time ago from the Philippines, where
he served in tlie United States- army.
He was in live battles, and has seen
much of the country enough of It, he
sa y s.
The commencement exercises of the
Brooklyn graded scblo were held in
the Presbyterian chuich last Friday
evening. The class consisted of Louis
Gere, .Tosie Gere. Mabel Tiffany and
Sadie Rosengrant, all of whom pleased
the audience with their orations or es
says. The honors were held by Josle
Gore and Mabel Tiffany, whose per
centages were equal, and both of whom
are but sixteen years of age. Jessie
Miller gave the Juniors' reply to tlie
Mantle oration, and the primary school
gave several pleasing numbers. Prof.
C. H. Cohen and Miss Billlan Cham
berlain, of Montrose, and Mollie Tracy
Weston nssisted in making the even
ing one of much pleasure.
Spmal to the Scranten Tribune-.
Tunkhannock, April 29. Mr. and
Mrs. O. O. Ksser are entertaining' their
daughter from Plalnfield, N. ,T.
Mrs. Albert Townsend is tho guest
of iclatlves and tricnd.s at Factory
ville this week.
Archie Betts, of Binghamtoii, N. Y..
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mr?. A. B. Betts, on Second
Dr. A. II. Mulholland, of Pittston,
was in town on Sunday, en route for
Bake Carey, where he will spend some
Tracey Phinney and family loft
Monday for the state of Washington,
where they will make their home.
Harry Sickler, who Is in the em
ploy of tho Cudahy Beef company at
Scranton, spent Sunddy nt his home in
this place.
.Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Haidlng spent
Sunday with friends at Factoryvillc.
Attorney Frank W."Wheaton, of
Wllkes-Barre, was In town on Mou
dya. Attorney O Smith Khmer- uttended
the funeral of tlie late Mrs. Fannie
Keelcr, at Towanda, on Sunday after
noon. Pierce Comstock, biolher of Band
lord Louis Comstock, of the Wyoming
HoiifO, left heio on Monday for tho
West, his destination being Mon
tana. Mr. aud Mrs. Sickler, of Bingliamton,
N. Y.. uie visiting their daughter.
Mrs. Ruel 13. Billings, on Fast Tioga
Tlie township coninilssioueis aie go
lug tooppose our town being named a
borough. They claim they have tlie
majority on their side.
Duane Dills has accepted a position
In Jonas Long's Sons stoic In Scian
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane visited In
Scranton on Monday.
Don't forget the grand entertainment
to be given by the Welsh Congicga
tional church choir, of Duiiniore, on
Thursday evening at the Bi lik church.
Tho Paranihl Pile Ouio Is the safest
anil suicn Pile t'uie on tho market,
hecause It contalni no mineral juil
Konh nor opium nor cocaine, but can
he used with absolute safety nntl cer.
tatnty of cure.
Many physicians nio now uslnir the
Pyramid Pile Cure In place of surgleat
operations, beinir painless, convenient
to m.e, and the patient can attend to
IiIh dally occupation while the cure is
belns made, as It Is used at night ami
no additional treatment Is necenbary.
Dr. Wharton says the Pyramid Pile
Cure will prove a blessing to man
kind., when It Is remembered that
heretofore a surgical operation was
considered the only cure with all Its
duiiRcr to life. Intense pain and an ex
pense of from ten to one hundred doj.
law, to say nothing or the possible re
turn of the trouble. The Pyramid Pll
Cure is sold by druggists at 50 cents
and $1.00 and. does the woili quickly
und safely.
, book on caiisu and chre of piles
will be limited firo by addressing Py
laiuid I'o., Marshal. Mich.
If You Value the Power That Saves Your Money Do Not HIh
This Extraordinary
Without fear of contradiction we can state that there has never been such sell
ing of shoes in Scranton as our offer of this week. Every pair of shoes we sell to you,
whether identified with our regular stock or with our special list will be sold on our
definite guarantee of satisfaction or money is returned. The reliability of this house
assures you of the good faith of this declaration.
Sale Begins This Morning;, April 30th.
19c a Pair
I "or ")00 pairs of infants' black
duck and tan kid soft soles, but
ton Shoes. Just the tiling for the
little tots no rough seams.
Positively worth .'l!)c.
95c a Pair
lror 120 pairs of little boys'
Shoes with spring heels; sizes Si
to 1; made of solid leather all
the way through. Regularly
worth from $l.'J.r to $01.
$1.19 a Pair
For liOU pairs of Ladies' Don
gola Kid, Tititton and Lace
Shoes and Oxford Ties, with
light and heavy weight soles,
dainty and perfect in fit. and
made up in the latest styles.
Value $1.50 to $1.7.".
97c a Pair
For l."il) pairs of Ladies' Don
gola and Oxford Tics, with
patent leather or kid tip and ex
tension soles. Positively worth
t will be one of the greatest successes
of the season.
Special to tlie Fuanlon Tribune.
Hallstead, April 29. Miss (Jracn
Read visited rrlends in New Mllforcl on
The SusrfiiPha una. county Sunday
si-honi convention Is in session at the
Fiist Paptist church here. There are
about 200 deleKiites hero.
The Orcat Rend base ball club de
feated the Chair factory employes in
a ell-played (tamp of ball Saturday,
'fhe score was: Great Rend, ID; Chair
laclory employes, 4. ""
A new telephone line is about to
be erected connecting- Hallstead and
New Mllford with other towns about
tlie county. Rrothers' ciicus an Ives here on
Thursday, May 0. William Orustln. of
this place, Is traveling with tills
Mr. and Mis. "Walter Rurton, ot
Scranton, were visions' relatives here
Slater f.anib and Charles Austin
have been sent to the Southern divis
ion of tho Lackawanna, where they
wdl work.
An effort is helm? made lo have the
caily train solus west on, the Lacka
wanna, stop hete for Rlnghamton pas
sengers. Miss Kll.i Du Rols has returned and
opened tier home here, a tier spendiiiK
the winter with her sister, Mrs. Ilattie
Rache, at New Paltz. N. Y.
Mr, and Mrs. John Rook icturned
Saturday from a shopping tour to New
Krtltnr S. I'. More and family have
icturned home from a tour through
the Southern states.
Rueben Unwind Is giving his pleas
ant hom? an attractive appearance by
a new coat of paint.
lCdivard Harms, shipping clerk at the
chair factory, spout Sunday at Hrandt.
Melvln Craudall Is building; an addi
tion to his dwelling; house on upper
Pine street,
Henry Talmadge Is among: the llrsl
to take advantage of tlie industrial
boom here and In conjyction with
other improvements Is painting his
liaudsomo home on Chase avenue In
attractive colors.
Mr. Nolan has been appointed gen
eta! yardinaster here. He comes high
ly recommended as a thorough rail
road man. He will letaln tho present
yardinaster as assistant and also hlro
u clerk.
Thomas Leahy, a prominent Dol.i
waie, Lackawanna and Western Arc
mini, was 'badly burned while at work
on Ids engine last Saturday, His fuco
and right hand iccelvecl tho most se
vere burns.
Warren Vollett, whole ciilttlng a rati
last Saturday, was hit by a steel sliver
tiom a chisel. His eye was cut and
he may lose the sight. Br. A. V. Mer
l ell. company snugeou, dressed the
Two new switches aie to be lulil In
the I.ackuwannu, yaid at the end of
the yard.
Mr. and Mrs. Reit Vogei moved hero
last week from Scranton. They are
occupying the Rames house on Main
' '
A Spring Tonic.
Kciybody needs a tonic in the
spring; at this time the system craves
a tonic. It is house-cleaning time for
your body. Llchty's Celery Nerve
Compound will tone up jour nerves,
blood, kidneys and liver, and nil you
with health and energy. Sold by Mat
thews Brotheis.
Long's Sons
$1.40 a Pair
For 100 pairs of Ladies' Fine
Dongola Kid, Mutton and Lace
Shoes, with patent leather tips
and the latest toe and heel
shapes. Ordinarily sold at $1.7Ji.
$1.95 a Pair
For 1-Ti pairs of Ladies'
Opera Style Oxford Ties, with
patent tip. Goodyear well, Mc
Kay sewed and hand turned.
Worth S2..-0.
99c a Pair
F'or ."0 pairs of Ladies'
Adonis Dress Slippers, with
beautiful black colonial buckle.
Rcgularlv sold at $l.o0.
49c a Pair
For "M pairs of Little Chil
dren's Shoes in every new color;
strictly band turned: sizes -i to
(i. Regular price 7.1c.
Long's Sons
Al.'.Di:My Uiailcs . Champlin lonipjn).
Black Fattl Troubadours.
At llio I.jofimi lart iiiglil a I'.ilr lz''d -nidi-crco
eninjeil .111 entertainment gcn by the Mark
I'.itti Twiiliatloui'. The: fo.Uiirp of II as Hit
elncing of iiiiiiiIicm fiom "Itobin Hood," "Chimiy
of Normandy," "MaiiUiia" and "l.utl ill J.iiii
liicnnonr." 'the Mail: l'attl had one j-olo, "The
Holy City," liili she 1-anp? in a splendid man
lier, mealing voiic of great lange and power
which has been cucfiilly tiained. The se.xtrtte
fiom "l.uoi," muff by the Ulack ttitti, S.11.1I1
(iieen and Mes.-t.-. Itkluidsoii. Cooke, Jljid
and l.ightfoot, was lendcrcd In an excellent man-
Tha eiiteitainnient opened witli tlie faiee, "A
llaik Town l'rolic," in which tlicio was plenty
of tinfjing and dincins by tho members ot tho
company and then followed an olio in which
theie was .1 cake walk, hlnsing by a. quartette,
a monologue by James While and wlections by
simp-on and Hitman, who play .1 Mirlfty of
intnimin(s. The peifotmanco roncludcM with
the opcratii: minibrii. The company I competed
entiiely of colored people.
"The Curse of Pride."
A (air sued audience was at the Academy of
Millie la.,l cienlng to witness tho opening ipei
lormanie of I haile.s K. Uiamplin and his iunt
excellent companj, who will appear at that
plajlioice Ibis entile week, and if their play
la.t ccnin? is . ajinple of what they intend
1 '1 Kiu- dunns' the resl of Ibe ciwaReineiil, then
they tloenc the patronage of ciory admiicr of
dramatic art,
The play preoenlcd lat cenlng was the gnat
niiricly (llama, "The ( uiso of I'lldc." The plcic
wa Mani'd lii a ciy nedltablo manner, imich
elepant special -.ceiiery being displaced to gieat
advantage. The pcclaltici introduced between
Iho aits were .1 big addition to tin: icguUr pel.
foini-iucp. This alteinooii "III Old Vhginia," a
htoiy ol the koulli, J11M as the tlllo would sug.
get. This evening, "Only .1 Pihatc." a sen mllilaiy comedy drama, will be the at.
Ill the Palace of the King'.
Mlis Viola IU11 dosed ier wondeilully .ie.
ci'nlul engai.-iim-lil ot llic Theater Itcpubilc. New
nil lit Saturday cu-iiing. In all, "III the
I'alan) of II in KUig" n continuous 11111 ol
hu'HUcii vccU, Mis Allen's i-ilraonlluaiy
populaillj. Hi U'U as the uimsi'al "
(ili.1 Ii) her new pli), "In the Palace of Ilia
bins," ociM'd to make tier engagement the inoit
pioipcioiii of tho Metropolitan MJMjn.
Mi.s AIU11 U now en tour and will preenl
"In the r.ilif of llm lilng" with It gieat rat,
if the .)(iimi on 'iuculay evening, May ".
Jefferson in (,Blp Van Winkle."
Thomas .Jefferson, in liii fallici's famous role,
will be at Iho I..M111111 ncU UYcIucmIj) night.
It uai .1 bold attempt tluec K'asons agi for
Thoinai .Irfuiscii to follow ueli an
actor as liU he'loud fathe,', and it was all Iho
niuio on Initiniieli as theie nac a chance for the
liiTjl ni-plUou, imbllo to Jump lo a dinagiicable
loucluiiou, l-o uie i it lor (be people cf
a (Oiiiitiy to lake . ny nun aj wholly lulu their
I.eaiU a Iho people of Ameiica hue talen .in.
xpli .leileisoii, lint any upkioii of hading
011 Una name would be a dangeioiis thing lor
the sitipedcd parlies. That is the leason
tlio.e who haie seen .lorpl. Jelleifon in "I'.ip
Vim Winkle" udded lo it ttiong pergonal convlc.
lion that lil.s sen, unlc- pie-cmlneutly mialiUdl
for the tail;, should lue the per-o-i nu the
tlage lu attempt II. Joseph Jefteiton hiuioelf
thought olliciulic, ami those uho hate wen
Thomas williugl) anribe to the lather's eiilki,
'I nomas Jeftfiiou Is said to be "Hip Van Win.
Me" and in what mpect ho falU'thoit ot lui
lith"fs '.audaicl and how strut the drnciciicy,
arc iiuct4ions which tatmot possibly be jnnuiel.
'Ilie fact la, lie 14 -aesii of power to take tb?
plain i-implc ttoiy of "Hip Van Winkle" with ill
the alt of ) great playw light aud make it won
dcifully appealing. Hie power to slukc cbouls
that thrill every unit ot the audience, ami u
awaken thoughts ami emotion which other a?,
toii in othei hi) a ! failed to aiouc firm the
lelhaigy cf jcirt. That the iiiilruuicnt Is the
liaudlvvork of another, that he vws taught bij
$2.50 a Pair
F'or Men's Shoes and Ox
fords' that bear a reputation for
value. Known for the past 25
years for their excellent wearing
qualities. They come in all
leathers ami all styles and every
pair is strictly guaranteed.
$1.95 a Pair
F'or Men's Calf Shoes and
Oxfords, in tan and black, neat
and solid all the wav through.
Worth $2.."0.
95c a Pair
For Misses' and Children's
I Hack Kid. liutton and Lace
Shoes in all sizes; strictly solid
leather all the way through. Or
dinarily sold at $1.2i5.
$1.99 a Pair
For 212 pairs of Ladies' High
tirade $2.iO and ?.00 Button
and Lace Shoes in about twenty
different styles.
yyHi vm vv
fkill by a great master, dot not detnet credit
ficm Thomas Jefferson.
Peter F. Sailey.
There will be music and fun of the very Nt
ct order dealt out in largo doses at the tyceuti:
Friday night, when Peter K. Dailey and hi big
musical comedy company will hold forth in
"Hodge, Podge .t Co." Peter lias posed for the
past three ycats as the principal comedian in
Weber & Kield's biff aggregation of stellar
lights. He will doubtless bo heartily welcomed
now at tho head of his own company by hi
numerous admiici.". There is an added interest
in this appearance at this time owing1 lo tli"
fact that ids piece is from the protiflo pen of
that well known fatce writer, Mr. George V.
In the supporting company, which number!
fixly, will be found such well known artiata a
Miss I'.Isie It) an, William BrodericW, Delia
Nhen, Stephen Maley, Uddio Garvey, Amy Les
sor, l'ranhie Bailey, Harold Crane, Georgie
f.aiirence, Harry Austin, Martha Slcyne, lea
Ambiose and .1 ehnius of thirty pretty girK
Some of iho numerous lilt pongs are: "Cindy."
".My Sunflower Sue," "The Kissing- Trust.'
"I'b hires No Arlltt Can rainl," "Love Me
liable, and I'll lxo You," "He llidn't Fcem 1e
Know .Tint What to Say" and "A Scion or tin
House of High Hall." The i..ile of seats opent
tomorrow morning at the usual hour.
Sothein Coming'.
Rothcrn as Hamlet S There, Is no wonder at
the cilraoidinaiy rtf-li foe seats which will
take place at the box office of the Ttiyceuin
theater Thursday morninp for next Saturda)
evening's performance. The production ol
"Hamlet" will be exactly as presented at l "
Kinlcn Theater, New York. It is one of tli
mot massive and inagnlllcent stage presenta
tions wo have bad here in tnmf time. Tin
srrdict of New Yoik and Boston is: "A greal
triumph for Mr. Sothcrn."
It'has stamped him as one of the toremo,!
actors of tho day. Whatever we may nay ut
tha production, artistio circles throughout tlm
country are discussing; the new Hamlet. Sv
for tha fact that the production wu twain!
hers early last spring", tlie jun in New Yon,
could have been considerably prolonged,
American League.
At Philadelphia It. H.
Boston TJ0 10nojfi8 VI
Philadelphia, (1 2 I 0 0 3 U 0 N-8 13 I
Battciics Cuppy aud Crig-cr; Bernhiid ant
Powers. L'mplic lloaklll.
At Washington n, II. i;.
llaltlmoio 1 0 000 M) 00-3 A S
Washington 0 X 0 0 I 1 'J 0 x-S V
lialtcileii MiGlnnlty and ltoblrv.oa Cimvli
ami, I'mpiic Cantillon,
U tlevelanil- R, . J
.Milwaukee I) 1 1 I 0 00 0 0-3 S
Cleveland 0001OOOai-4 0
Batteries Haw ley and taMhyi Hotter am
Ycagcr, Uinplicij Jianasiuij and Sheridan.
AtCltlcaso- It. 11. I!.
Detroit ,, 0 0 000 .1 0 0 0-.1 fi :
Chicago lOOOOOOlO-1 7 I
Bitteiies Owens and Buelowj Pattciion anr
ulllvau, I'niplre Connolly,
National League.
At Pittsburg- It. H, i:
,M. f.ouls .,,,,,...002100018-13 1 I
Pittsburg , .a 030801 Os-ll 14 7
Batteries Biebcnsteili. Sitdhot) and Schrher;
Leever and O'Connor, Umpire Dur,vri,
At Philadelphia- R, H, IJ
New Y01U 3 3 0 3 1110 0-13 16 J
Philadelphia 3 0 3 G 8 0 0 3 -U U
Batlcrles-FUher, Polieny and Bowemian,
Puiin, Puggleby and JatkllU, I'mplre O'pa; .
At Biookljn n. II. .
Boston 003 3 10003 4-13 S 1
Biooklyi 13303000008 10
Batteries fiincen and Kittridge; McCaini, Ku
son and McGuiic Umpire Colgan.
At Chlcaeo- It. II. ),
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 3-6 1) I
Chicago, O000o03 0x-o 0 .1
Batleries Mc Paddm and I'eiUj HufliM nj
Kling. L'mpiie llnislie.
Eastern Leagu
Roeheitii, 7; Montical, 3.
Buffalo. 3; Toiciito, i.
Piovldencr, 7; S)raciue, S.
Woiccslcr, $, llJtttord, 7.