VI" vf ?t f0-A' fWVfeHf m? "wfTPtt ,"H'"'""V1 4 W THE SORANTON TttlBUNE-TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1901'. 'V,' ftl (S VRV. UODttlN MAtlDWARE STOKE. iwPii Tint's the Tf.inn we me aikrrlllnR lnun mnri ion will prohibly nerd one iooii nii'l i w tut juii I" pel the b(l for the lent imiiij. liny hi (Irmilnc- "Phllidelplthi";--lliiht. ry tnntiltiir nnd thiiible W'r line a complilo lino Footc & Shear Co. 119 N. "Washinerton Ave .xxxxxxxxxxxa The Coat Season Is Here Anil o arc the rhlldicnV. COATS, JACK ETS ami HNI.nins In nil the now sl)lcs nnd color. Cute llltle llecfeis for the J and .! jrar oldi. Three quarter and full ImEth foi the 4 and 0 jcai old gills. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. yyssAAr New York Ladies' Tailors and Furriers a 1 1 nvt- just an lied rioni Xpw Yeik, with latest stylo anil f..sbions for sin Iiik and .summer. ALSO A FUM. LINK OF IM I'OUTED SAAIl'LKfe. 326 Lackawanna Ave. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. ooooooooooooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Social Gossip I ooooooooooooooooo Tin- bc.uuiliil homo ot Ml-. It. J. Hi mi II, mi -Vol th Washington avo niii, was tlir -lono of :i ehaiming iiiilslialc estoidav- nl lei noon, which was attended by iho elite of the city, in honor ot Mi. Sumner Sailor, of Xow Voi k, and Mi-s llatdeuberg, in whose si huol of music Mi. Salter Is a man tel. The .sumptuous and elegantly ap pointed looms in their i it h colotlng in.ule a late sotting lor ihe gi oup of quests in their light -tinted gowns and pit tuiOMiui- l:at-. Mi. Sailer open, el Ihe pioginninic with a magnetic and fascinating leii eleiing u tin ".Moonlight Sonata." Ili ii T'. Watkins, who was the vocal -ololst of tile occasion, sang ,scoial nuinboi-, by Dudley- Illicit. Cluidw it k and othei-. One of th" most appieel ated of Ills- selections was "The Sands ol Dee," which .seemed to gather new pathos fium his ailistie intci pi elation. He .sang- "Who Knows?" an atu active little composition by Mr. Salter, lie also sang the "Villi an Souk" from 'Philemon and Hands." Sovetal pupils of Mins llaideii hergh's .school cue piano numbei.s. Miss Bunnell, whose touch is delight ful In Its .sympathy and expulsion, played two .selections with exquisite taste. Miss i'onwatdun lemleieil "! Pupillons," by Giles-, with Mipeib exe cution and afterwaid played two Jlos kowsky duets with Mr. Salter, Mi-. "Ward playid exceedingly well two numbei.s. Mrs. Salter sang with much tusle ,i solo of her husband's composition, and Mr. Salter gave a beautiful icndcilng of a Schumann Homanza. The niusi cale was In every sense n pleasure and will long be leniemboied foi Its many charming featutes. Mr. Salter's fame as a master and an artist made the occasion a pilvllege much appieclated by those so fn voted as to bo piesent. At the conclusion of the. programme an intoimal leceptloti was held. Curds' aie out aiiuouiuiug the com ing man iage of D. G, Vogolbaehor, of Dunmore, and Miss ltesslo M, Fioder lek, of Aberdeen, Pa. A very enjoyable suipilse pauy was given Inst evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Itowland?. ot Wayne avenue, In honor of their daughter. Sudie. Oamos, singing and other puitv nmusenients were Indulged in till u late hour. Those piesent weie: Mr. and Mr?, Uowland), Muscj He iie leu Is, 'idle Itnulaiids, finrii Price, flurlotto I'hilliii., Vin Walker, l.ily Coles, Mie Itowlm-I?, .Ui Raret I.ewU, Jlaruaret niclmib, Kitlr i;tmir, sidle JcnMns, Minute Tnoinii, Mai RicliarH, Illo.lnn Thcniii, Xtaclicl IJnnlaiuK, Poll) Jonrt, nnie HUhairlj, nlJnc( )!oljiidi, Mjrr WT'. lur.i;, Ituth JNlfi, Hamuli llobb., J Mlui ltctili, Itiiliel Illtdiin,-,, Katfo llitiliini Wcus Ull. lie Ttiomj, Ilivid Jolin, Winrttor fliurln, Willie ()cns, Artlmt llolilu, Thnmn llolilc, Many I i rive, Jc-cpli Crlffithf, Willie ittl s nl jrr Tlmiuat Frank Major, of Id.' Noitli lliomley avenue, and Miss Oeitiude Htiyilnni, of Ureen Uldgo, were united In in.irilagu jesteiday at the homo of tho bilde'.s parents, The wedding win u (itlet one, nnjy a few lelatlves being picseut. Tho groom in employed as shipping rlcrlc hi Jonna's Sons, and tho bride Is the daughter of Guoigo Suj dani. They will loslde nn Jllekoiy slieet, South Scianion. The meinbeis of the liupeiial 1'ha tattqua clrcla wn dtllghttully enter tained last night by I'rof, und Mis. .1. Alfied Pennington, at iheh Iwautiful now horae at 1C46 Adams avenue. The affair was entirely Informal, and, tho mlnclpnt part of the evening wns spent In listening lo three-tnlnitte papers on nil Infinite vtulety of BUblccls rend by a number of the nienfhots. Light ie frcsluncnts wclc Reived. A very pleasant sttipilsc paity mhi tendeted Adam Maus last evening at his liome on Alder street. The evening wns passed In singing, dancing and playing gomes of all kinds. Among those present weio: Mlsw T.lrrle Sclieiicli, .Minnie llirtiiimi. I'uiifH P.iiil, Amelia ll.ntmin, Minute lliulinlinili. Mln lile lleler, I'liimi Wnltiii. TlieteM Hi 111, t.l"lo ItirliHtiU. MmIi- .Mint, ljr Worler, Mle KL letinm. Mnv .Minis, Mantle Mnut, Annie 1'ririi, .Muujrel llllili'ilirindl. Amelia llhller, l.ucU Mini. Mime Lciifit, k'jlle llelilrk, iimI llmry HclmrnkiT. I'. A. Ilililinp, llcnty .Molclitnin, Wil li im llrlillmr, Herman Scliwuiker, Otto Silill llnmr, I'. A. MillllniKT. Onlil nehlltur, Wit limit llivlncer. Knink IleiiltiRir, Miril Itiler, Tnrle 'itiMicli, l'reil Kelli tmnii, 1'iiink .Men, f lulled Killiiiiiin, iIidikp Man, Mr. .mil Mf Willi nn M,iu-, m Mr. iml Mtn Hllll.nn M.m, r. Mis. Jleniy t.uwretiie eiilPitulned a number of her friends at a o'clock ten yesteulny nfternoon In honor of her seventieth birthday ut her home. :ul Noith Hyde lui U avenue. Mary .In mi's eiitei lalncil with 11 few -elections on til" piano and Miss Jltlth laiwieneo sang seveial popular alis. Helli'shments' weie seived by Alts. John A, James. Mis. n.ivld II. Reese, assisted bv .Mis. 'j'homns l. Wllllaiiis. .Mis. Xathan i:ians and Mis. Kltuer lluglie.s. Those piesent weie: Mrs IIciij l.-inieiiii'. Mr 1 0111 K llnU, Mi, .limn -Mox, Mi. W W. levU, Mih Jame-i I mi is. Mi. MIIUm Thonu, Mm. IIoIhtI Knn. Mr-i Wllllim I.miih, Mi. DiW'l W. M01. Hill, Mis. Daiitl ItrMioIiN, Mi-. Ann AreiK, MlP. 'Ihomii M. .louts Mrs Mary O. .Toms .M11 W It limn T. Mllllains Mix Niwill, ill II. II Hi ins Mic llliliuil MniinlK Mil Wlllhni B laini-. Mis lolin IMujiiIii, Mm. Daild I! Itn-i", Mr Jolm I). James Mis 1 liner HnijlKS Mis N.illi.)ii 111 jus Mrs. T nomad l'.ans Tho-e piesent limn out of town lol low : Mrs Isaac fteese. of 1'eclcvllle; Mis. William Samuels, of Wilkcs le: .Mis. J5. Hobei Is, of Shut on, li nnd Alls. Thomus U. Williams, of Duryeu. A paity of young people fioni this city enjoyed a hti.iw ride to Hotel Dixon, JIoscow, Satuiday evening. They plajed games until midnight, when supper was served. Those who attended weie: Vli-cs I.thtt Mill-nil. Minnie Tliomis Ahille Mi- ShdijIi', s.kIU. Munli, II It limn.-, Annie keimeiij. l.i??ie, lUlhd lliilinn. J.lli Wlllaid, mil Del Itauadii, Will Iliclton, ltnb rr-?i.e, llnry l'umci, II rr W II. 1 ml, lliny Tmrni-., Kied Aetln. Inn ( mniiiii , and Waltit llL-ifoii. PERSONAL. M. I Ki 11 mil Kolieil I Wlllnmi mn u-' iMilul It the Hotel llnlt, 111 Ncu ol!, ll-t s,itmd i. A. J. I nllioin, h . w l- .it In- otllie n 1'ediral Inllhlinc i-Knliv iflu I week' the ab- seine on account of illness Polui- Mici-l) lie Mllln blol.e .ill ionl ie luiliv In .lppi irine in lln -Irceu in a bran new nli.iH lnl. "II V liot ei.ousb lor one ind HllJ -liollldll't f u II 11," quoth he l red Binnelt, Irininb inipln.eil .it He -outii -ticl mill, iml lio htl heie minll.i lo tike i poMtiiM Tl (he -puro Point, Mil, plint, has bein jiM Hppnnited superintendenl of (he lollina. mill if the Niiintnl -led 'lube lompjin it miTic-tow ii, O , it i h Hid-i me sihin. Ills mini hill tiiiniU will i!i ll'jitul lo lull Ot 111 MhUf-S TODAY'S EVENTS. -puiil iiudinir ol lomuiim rouiiiit ti iiuht spin il incetinj at the Ite-uie Mi ion to linrlil, ruiditiliil by i. 1'. Jiji, of llostm, M i-s llu SMitphony oldie-h l uill hold i ituill l ( hi ,u.-il tin-, CMiitni,' it lii'ii looms in me Pitiic lliuk l.uililincr. iiniMi it mtirl iminint will be .imii toiiiKnt il llu 1'AiiI'H.r .Sulil i lubS (tiii)it-t nn W.isli Hilton lunni. An iMellent luuuiauimc his Inn piepaud ind j lato ittLiidiiKe l- ( puled Hie uutiin uill u-e piotnpll jt 8 o'i Im K. tins (leuint: thete will !' a liklil -.hi.i1 .md lie i nam sale nL tin oung Wonitn'i iTirislian ai-o(tition. All iiiembei- will buna Ihe in iniiil tilFnns .ind ppfiid i soi ihI eienms. this I- rne of the lew oicosioni whin the js-oi I itlfnt niMtn it- men fiimds and all should imbtaee the opiHitttmili. ANNOUNCEMENTS. it Tue-di eininir, Piof. Willis J,. ootj will diluer a Uctiiie in the tmird of ti.ule Hum- on the subjut, "Mr and Motin Phtucm mi," Prof Moon in chic! of the wiather Im li.m at Wa-hmslon and knows lu subjeet. Dm in K the eenimr he will till in the depth, wenrlil, ilensllv mill tempu itme of Ihe atmo.ptu re; Inw stiMini- nnl ioUI wans an- simple atmnp!iuii-ei'die-; how the ait is -.uneied and i-tontis lo. i did, md all about a suicril itoim, (he -.(ep of .i (old ujti, huriuanti-, Ihe (lulve.lon aio.iu, toiniiliH-. bit wan- .ml llooiK tlita In- will lilt i .i ilianie lo ak mv ipn -lion which in y .iii-( in the iiiind- ot the li-tincis Uuiini; the (indie-.-. Thin- will be no -hlit iM lx- it Ihe 01111; Vonun'r. I'lili.-lt.ili a oeialmii till- etcii. insr, on iiiimml or llu- lib lit Muhl and ice sal,, wlmb will be held at Iho moms. On i'rhhy m.'lit 'he ila will meet as n-iul. m POSTOFFICE MATTERS. The loc il po.tofllce ollui lis jetirdi.i nulled i nl ! e Irom W'a.hlnloii lint the tn isiuj i p il line nt ippioud of the JpiointiiicnU of Mlilnel Miloniy, Hold I ill, . ,1. IIHa- in 1 , lull i A White n- staiupii- .lolin Ions, who Ins been linifr tlclk In tin- i.iihuij null iilri' hue ilmiiia; the I il iluhlein .ein-, his tiiuluiil lit-. inUiiitinu on ji count of 111 health, to U in ill --i!k.i (nti im nt of ItJllw iy Miil Siuu' .1 unr.- ( While. It will take i fleet May I Ml l,oiu'- mu.,or I is not sel beiu appolnUd NEW BANK OPENS TOMORROW. The People's Bank Will Open for Business in Its. Hnndsome Newly rmnUhed Banking Room in the Meais Building- Tomouow Morn ing. Tomouow nioinlug at 9 n'tloilj, the 1'puplo's liiiuU Aiill open for business, In the handsomely appointed now banking loom in tho Meats building, coiner of AVashington avoniie and Sprilie stteiit. The poillnp of tho building occupied by the bank has been imiiotleled, so sis to tifloul oveiy ioii( iiloiieo known lo modern bank ing, Hesldes an Immense vnttlt, es peleally bulll, a handsome buiglar and tlie.pioof i.'oillss bal'o has been put in; guai untoelng ab.-uluto safety of all tunds, seem ItU-.s, ei-. In nun ol ihe, liir-lltutl'in. Tim IKtmes and Inlet lor doeniallon nie liaiidi-onio In design and beauti ful In color i-fli'it and mint be seen in be appieclated. Tho business find .standing of the men lutniested In the now bank Is In Itself an absoluto KUuinnteA of safety and good man uKt'iuent. The otrtcei.s and dliectois are as fol lows: President, O, O. Jones; vlco picsldenl,"i. l' fteyuolds; cat-hler, H. M Ivcr,. dliectois-, C. X). Jones, (S. F Itnynolds, Thomas t-jpiaguo, JUehnid O'llilon, Samuel Saniter, A. T. 'iv man, '. S. Woolwmth, M. J. Ilealy, AV. J. l-'ultnn, Aithur Dunn. T. C. Von Slou-li, M, i', falter. Smoke the new Kleon eljtar. Oc. HAS GONE IN BIGTOMBINE DICKSON SHOPS PART OF GIGAN TIC CONCERN. Newest "Community of Interests" Brings Together Mnchino Woiks of Milwaukee, Chicago, Scrantou nnd London, Eng. To Be Known na tho Allis-Chalmets Company. Locomotive Shops Not Included in the Deal Details of Operation Not Known Here as Yet. Announcement was made heie yes terday that the Dickson Miiniit'nctuilng company's I'enn avenue wotkti and Wilkes-Ban e plant have gone Into the big combine or machinery manufactur ing concerns of which The Tribune told on Salutdny. The new combine Is i-.illtd the Allls c'linlinein company. It embraces the I-. P. Alllrt company, 'of Milwaukee, the lnrgest bulldeis of st.itlonniy steam en gines In the United States; the l'lner - C'hnlnier.s eompnny. of Chicago, an other large nmnufactuier of ninchln eiy, with a. lnancll plant neai London, i:ng of whli Ii i:. 1. Sancton, formerly of the Dickson works, Is manager, and the (Jules Iron woiks, of Chicago, one or the tiiuiiufdctuiei.s -il" mine machinery In the United States. Tin: FitoHAT'.i.n nFFrx'T. Nothing Is- known lieu-, as r t. of what effect the combine will lime on the operation of the Dickson woiks, but there Is hnidly any ituestioii but that the utTeet will be good. Tho other thieo meinbeis of the combination are Western concerns, and each of them has had a huge tiade in the K.isl. The likelihood Is the Dick-on company was taken into the deal that it might be used to take- cue of the eastern tiade. If the Dickson shops get any consider able p.ut of tlie eastern tiade ion 1 1 oiled bv these other companies. It will at least mean full lime, the jear in mind, and possiblv enhuged shops. The locomotive shops of tlhe Dickson cumpaiiy, known as the CTitC woiks, tie not taken into Ihe combine It Is uudei stood they will be opeialed for the piesent by the Dickson Manufac tuilng company. 13ontuall., It can lie expected, they will loim pan of the locomotive woiks combine now In pio cess of foi mat ion. OCFlPDItS OF COMI'ANV. The Dickson Alanufaetiii ing enmp.inj Is capitalizid tor isno Onfl and has been liicoipoiated since 1SI-2. C H. Zehndor Is tin- piesldenl: A. U Fletiher, v ke pi esident, and j F. Tiowei, and ueasuiei. On Satuiday the Tiulli made Secie taiy Ilowir, of the Dick-on woiks, sny with lofeieiice to the exclusive stcny piinted in The Ti ibiine tint motning about the proposed combine; "This i apart about a geneial consoli dation of the machine woiks of the country was conceived la the biain of an ambitious, loo-zealous, sim pleton, who wanted to Mai tie the woild with a 'giganllc' .stoiy." Air. liowcr, of couise, said nothing of the kind. The Tiuth young man simply lied In a senseless effoit to dis credit an Impoitant piece ot news ap pealing in another papei. I-ct him read the above and lea in wisdom. FOR A NINE HOUR DAY. Machinists Petition to Be Piesented Tonight at Lyceum. The tollowlng assignment ol scuts lias been made by the Mai hlnlstn union to biipcilnlendents, fotemen, etc., who have been invited to attend their enteitalnnieut in the Lyceum tonight, at which their petition lor a nine-hour day will be piesented: A foj;e, in-ill Ik in 1. I. II, mi, secieian and tri.i-unr Duksou M mill u lining toinpiui, (' Ddiue.x, hupeinitinikiit. piih-uu louuio Hi,- wmkfi; V. V. i Ktihii. mu- pnidenl link mii Miiiuf uliiiii it couipini; I. M. Aliud-i, hiuicrintcndcul Sdiiilon Doll .ir.d Nut woilx II l.i se, milii tioo: I). I. ,s. llioun, isii.-l.uit mpi ilnlc ink nt. mot he powei mil nuiliiiKiv lid, 1 ickawinui and Wisteu. i lilionl I' -l.lojd, Mipeilntinilem motin power .uul mi dilueiy lliliw.ui-, l,.icli.-.v.aiilil und Wntrn Kill n ul; W. , Mjy, hiiici il miiiikii Penn-jbauii ( oal coiopnin ; Ceou:o 1', -lule, Mipcriiiliiuliut W.ioiulm, clblsioii New oik, bake 1 lie ud WiMuii ullrnicl; Vijt Wlllnm-, .i-.UI.iiu -ic-nlat l.iekiwauni Iron anil sn-,1 loiupiu.i, ' l,oj;e, main llioi T. I!. (Luke, . piriiitindiiil Peliwau-, I id, iw.iuui iml Wi-iiiu llihoil couipinj , W. II. Tint-dale, pn-liluil Hiliw.iii, I. ii I iw unit and Wi'slirn inmp'nn, lb iii.i Wiiiriuu, ' iiiiiii;m, iw.inui lion ami Slid; (' II Xiliude,, pie-i-dim Uul. -uii Miuufai tin in compiio; W. 1) i hiider, picslchiii i-irintou Holt and Nin woiks, II I oro, nuili Hoot),. T, Catilichl, nil-let i u hulldei llelawaie, l.iik.iwauni .uul Western i ill. iml: A 11, I liu, uuiloi iiiicliiulu 11,, l ,V. W I! It . Milcolm N, M.lil.auli, Mipeuutunli nil lliikson M, nuiiciiiuuu loinpini; II W Ifoulo.i, o --1-I jut Mip.MlnUinhiil llluvxui Mum fadnviiu complin. Il Hon, lower tlir Ucoice - ii,i(s kuiii Iriidcul sirinlou 1' toiiipnii , I . liiu.i, piexliknl Illiih M inufii lining iuiuuii I' W, (ion-ike, ii.eilnleiiduit ITndt Miimfjctinlnic oinpai, II I' loHlhci, c liii f t leiL II , L X W It I! fo.; John II Pome, pn-idcui Puon's Pump works; ('. II Poid, pii -blcnl -uaniuii I orajlii loiupa-n K How, ililliK.liatdv in fiont of It ale) V, loge-K in:, Ii. 1'. kilpaliick. ,dlUion nnvlei lnicliJIile 1, b. A W. II, S. .1.; k I(i3, It I'. Sililllln,, ilnUion niilir uuilunk II I A H II It, -iraia-o and Ctitj, V v.; Iv 10H, I'. W Willi uii,, ma-lei iiiuhinh- II, 1 Jt W R It., llullilo. N II lo, lOttl'l till- Ull- IHM Advance in Ice Pjices a railiue. The tluee local ko companies hnd i oiubliied to iTdvanc-i ihe rates ul co this buabaii and dilve the luduneiident deali'i.s out of business, but upon bull ing that ihe t'ocnuo Alountain and lleait Lako lie company weie giilug m stall a depot on Mllllln avuiuin and l.lndfii stieet, they abolished the pi in Mr. It. W. SUiulte, who lb inanagei of this company, stales that his company has bin vested this past winter 100,000 tons of ice, and me prepared to supply tho tiado of Scruuton for a mimbin of cuts at leaionabla juices. Bilnveue Tiimmiug. Suiuetiiiug new. for Slilit Waists Poll and see It. Cuimer-Wclls Co., ISO Wyoming avenue SECRETARY Minnesota Has No Firmer Believer in Paine's Celery Compound. e-i2 Paine's eeleiy ooinpound has ac quired its tieniendoiis teputatlon for making people well by diicT' personal testimony fioni mn and women who used it. No testimonial lias ever been published for this gicat remedy that could not bo easily veiiflcd at Hi si hand by any one at all inleicsted. Nothing has over been claimed for I'alne's iclery compound that it lias not nc Loiupilsliecl in huudieds of cases. Foi the guidance of thoughtful peo ple who lecognlo the lncd ot puiiO Ing tin- blood and legulating the nc ies in the .spilng, the lollowing let tei to the luopiiotois of Paine's eeleiy ompoiinil 1 1 ini Secietary of State lieig of .Minneapolis will be of the utmost value In detei mining upon -i titistwoitby spting leimdy: St I ml. Alinn . .Ian. I. 1M. Dear Sirs; One show no gieater faith thnn bv taking a leniedy for one's health. No better of excolleneo can be olfcii'd than tin- ice onimend.ition ot that lemeelv to one's li lends. T have taken Paine's eeleiy compound tnv sell'. and as a lesull he.ulib commend it lo otlieir. AI.nmtT DHItCi. MISSIONARY MEETING. Confeience of Christian Endeavor ' Woikeis at Grace Refonnecl Chuich Last Night. Mi-sionai. loiunilttees lioin si of the Clnistittn Undeavor soi ictlcs affili ated with the tltv union galheied last uglit in (.Juice llefoimed cliuu-h, on W.voinlng avenue, the ociasion being the Hist nibslnnary set vice conducted under the jiusplces of the union. The principal le.iluie of the evicNcp, whicli weie picsided over by Itev. latlher Hess W.uing, the president of the city union, was an addiess by llev. Ji. AV. Clymei. pastor of the Noitll Alain Avenue Cliiistinn chinch. He .spoke pilncipall.v upon Ihe missionaiy spiilt. "A chill eh oi a soilctj," .-aid lie, ' to be scli'-pei pelu.iting must engage in woild-wide ovangelialion. AVo mlglit as well iiudertake to puilty one sciuare mil in the ii-ntei ot the Atlantic ocean as lo pm In a city or a community without Hi til piiiil.vlug Its outside sur loiiiidiiigs. In our complex social le latloiis our mn -nlvatioii and satety depends upon tin- eenveislon of thoso who came to emt loiumy heioie tliey come," rnllowlng lti, Mi C'l.vmei'.s addiess thcie all open paillanient lor tho discussion of plans, hints and help for the development ot inl-slonary wink. Dining tills discussion Rev, Air. A Wir ing, who Is the slate supeiintendent of mlssiiiiiai) woiU. lead tin- tollowlng list of things which lie has leconunend ed oveiy ChiiHtiuit llndeavor union In iho stnte to endeavor lo scent e: 1 V iiil-sionii.v couii'iiili in imii liiu.i.Jii l.udi nor tot icli. -'. A niiitiiiK ol Ibis iiuiiiuiil.i al ha-l onco 'i niuiith to plan aid piai, ,1 A Illl-Illllll llllltltln of tin- MiClt-tl nioiilli- 1; oi Id nioiillili. I 'I Im prti-eiitaliou ol miuu elioit and -nil. in; Hull of iiii-.loiui.i :ic, oi iieeili nt iicrv I lull (km I ndi nor pater uititim;, tn be Imuiedli'e. 1 lollomil bj a In iff pi i)ii .iieiuim In !-. Ilcioiiiimnd the u-o of .1 "piaju i.uh " in out lliieel bj the l lilted Foditi oi (hilstian ).iiika or, oi by dlllcitiil dcnomfnilioiial lioanls o V nii-sloiui llln n in cat li society, or i llhln li -n li of i he mu ibi-ii ol Ihe wniei.c Dim bud. i e id I- b net i bin in, m not not (i. iiii-in.i st ml j ila-s oi ii'.i'hm, imb, hiictir po-slbk. Membir of diliiient ooik tin could julu In Midi a (lie. 7, The u-o of ihaiiH, imps blukiioinU, rf , In HIiiMi.Uc lili-sloi tlilds ind mult 'e f ir- nt il 1 in in ml-lcnaiy liui, nd a ciiii i for diuoiulimmnil iiiNiton.iiy in,i,n lien fi, sYuue i-pniiii pi in oi M.luii of (.IvlnK foi inl-.'icns iieiu bsi Hun luo nuts or Ibo il U a wrik. Ifci cu iiieli.idiul. Pel -s tlii i lilms of the l'edli le.l.ui DR. CONWELL COMING, He AVill Speak in the Auditoiiuni on May 7. Itc-V ItUb&cll II I'ollWill, I). I), of I'hllndi Iphln.wliom ihe k-ciuio butiaus liiivo IkiiihI to bo tlio most populai he tiller III tho woild, will speuk in tho Auditoiiuni, on Noith Alain avenue, at llie Installation ot itev. Albeit Huti'liOi Smith ns pastor ot tho North .Main Avi'iiuo Uaptlst ihuti-h. on Tuesday evening. May 7, ut S o'clock. Theme, The- Chuiih lor the Twentieth Cen tal y." Othei spe.iki'is of the evening will Iki W. J. 11. lluslam, of Williamsport, and Hey. W. J I'oid, r Scuinton, OF STATE No lemtdy but Paine's eeleiy enm poimd has ever been recommended by so conspicuously fair-minded u. body of men and women. It occupies a clear Held among men of sound judgment In the cum of diseases ailslng fiom a. tiled oi otherwise iinpahcd nervous ! y stein. There is no help so sine and so im mediate as one gets fioni the use of Paine's i elei v compound. Detailed Infoi mat ion of Innumerable cases of ihuumatlspi, neuralgia and dyrpepsla, lomyletelv cured, bus established this gicat Invigoialor as the most aluablo lemcdy thost tun down In health can make use of Paine's coleiv compound fiees the body of vicious humors that have ac cumulated dining the wlrtet, and aie the cause of kidney and liver com plaints. Only a gieat lemedv based on a piofound knowledge of these dis eases could do the vvoik that Paine's celeiv compound is now doing. lie tier nutrition for the neives, an nwiiktiiod nprotitc, puntlid blood, and comnleie assimilation of the food thesl- tolleiw the tnlthful Usft of Paine's ecliiy i-nmpound as mtely as Uy fol lows night. THE STUDIO CLUB CONCERT. Piogramme That Will Bo Rendeied Tonight in Palish House. The following will be the piogiamme ol the Studio club, assisted by Francis Fisher Poweis, the distinguished bari tone, of New York; Miss Julia (J. Allen, violinist, and Aliss Chnilotte L. Black mail, pianist, at SI. Luke's parsh house tonight, Apill 80, beginning piomptly nt S.1.1: "Wilioiiic -pun," .. . . .Dma. studio I'lub lltio lltilliaul ( liopm VII-, lil.ii km in, Mi-s Mien. -iiiiuile llubcr Studio ( Inb A rirmmm: Riei 1 10 '-llu- MbIiI 111- a T Imii-iml I M-"....0-lit Mi. Powii" "the I nth lliistnun" ItnliliH Studio L lull. CO llciceuse lie Jod. Rocliiil (10 al-o lie Coricit Mtt-ln Mi-j Allen. 'I inhi I In- Apple lloush-," rieeimn Muiliii (Tub GO "-luce We Parled" Mlit-en (10 "foie Is 1 Unlililc" MIIImii 'Old folks it Honu" t'o-ler ,-lucb,. ( lob. Spiin.- sIL , , , well Violin ohlit,ilo. Ml-, Allen siudi 1 I lull HE SET SHRUBBERY ON FIRE. Caspar Tovish Attested Neai Lake Scianton. The sliiubbeiy along the east bank of Lake Set an ton near the big dam was lound on Hie yesterday afternoon, having been Ignited fioni a blimo kindled liy thieo men. Two of theso escaped when the f,as and water com pany'n men i.mi to extinguish tho bl.ue, lint the third, Caspar Tovish, of Theodore sit eel, was too ill mil; to move. A win i mil foi his .most was hwoin out befoio Alaglsti.ite Millar by See lotaiy Oeoign H, Hand, of tho Scian ton Gas and Water company. It was placed In tho hands of Deputy Con stable McDonald and Olllcor llyeis, who, after much dlllicillty, suc ceeded in lauding Tovish In tho Center stteet police station, lie will have n heaiing this nioinlng, DIRECTORY WAR IS ON. W. T. Smythe Swoie Out a Bunch of Wnviants. Then- Is ttoublo belwi-en the two rival dlticlory publiPhPi.s, AV, F. Smythe, one of them, went bol'oro Alugistiale Jlowo esterday and so ciued vvuirants for tho uirest of J, 17, WilllnuiH, his ilvul, and tho latter'.s twenty odd canvassers, chaiglng them with criminal libel. Tho alleged libel is loiitaliird In a signed statement published In the city papeis some few weeks ago, In which Mr, Smythe's bclit-mo to publish a, diiectoiy "lot- .sweet ihailty'.s sake" was ridiculed, and In which It was as set ted Uiut ho had taken contiaets tor diieetpiy work In ISO1) apd had tailed to fulfill tho s-.uiie, .Muglsliulo llown set IMiliiy night foi the healing in the i.tse. WEATHER YESTERDAY. Local data for Apiil 2), TOl: IlUhrt tcni ciatviro f.oiet timpcMluie i il.,ier Iti ih. ueu HtljtUe lluinidit: 8 a, in. .,,...,.....,,.....,, 0 p. r edit, 8 p. m -! pet trot Vo piiilpitalion; weailur tlcar. HIGH ART- And excellent quality is shown in our BEER. If ever the conventional Phrase, "Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated" was ever properly em ployed in advertising, this is the occasion CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. CHANGES IN SCHEDULE. Piovislons of the Revenue Tax Law Which Was Passed by Congiess cu March 2, Last. In the last Is'stie of the national treasury tiuetil i epulis, Commis floner J. AW Yotkes calls attention to n number of changes in the schedule of tutlclcs und occupations subject to taxes under the Internal levenue law, n-ode bv the act of Match 2, 1901. ltepeal of Ihe following tivH will like efTut Julv I, luoi, vl: Sprelal .i of cninrneiilil biokets stimp taws on bank iheck, dialts and onleiN for the payment of money il li?ht or on denimd (di tits nnd onlen fur the piyment of money otherwho linn at hlijht oi on iknuud rettnln taxable); cettlllcales of deposit, posioltkc money ordtrii, promk'oiy note-s, ineHitgagw, leaseM, export bills of lading; iiianlfccts lor cits terns boue entry or clcarmee of cargo, power of attorney, ptotents certlluate-t of prollts' or cerliftrilefl tltowlna; inten-st in property or ae eniniilitlons of compinies; warehou-e receipts, telegnplilo iliipatchcs enpre-i reeclpts (domes tie frelKht bills' ot laillnc rrmiln taxible), In surance polities and prcmiunu dnrsi'd for ma rine, inland, lire, ia..iultj, fidelity and irinr nteo in-uraiirc; taxes on tikplmne mesyij-es, tamp tavei on meclieinal proprietaiy artlclcf. pcrluinery and cosmetics, chewing cum and all articles eveepl wines in Schedule II. The tax on legacies for religious clnritible, Ilterarv and iiluciillonil purpose wis ripeileel to lako elkct on ind after Mirth , loot. Taxe? will be reduced on and after July 1, 3H1. on conusance-1 of reil estate, pissit-e tickets, cigar-, Miuff and tobicco, fermented liqiiois, foicik'ii bills oi cxchinge mil foreign money orelc I s On and alter April 1, 1101, acldillnnil tixes are imposed, ir. : Spcclil tnc on ileileni In giain, sicuriliis, rle., doing i bucket shop busi ness, nndtr a pingriph of Seludule A, Act .Much 2, inot. spevlil l,i oi. contiact agrct ments, eli., of nich ill aleiv. Elm Park Chuich Rummage Sale. The ladles of Kim Park church will hold a iiimniage sale at 120 Penn ave nue beginning on Tluttsday of this week. Those having ai tides to con ti ibute may have them called lor by sending woid to the pmsonage or with the janitor at the chinch. Jangling Nerves. Aie you iultable? Do uu sleep badly? Is it hard to concentiate your thoughts? Is your appetite poor? Do you feel tiled, icstless and despondent? Tiy Lichty's Celery Neive Compound. It will do you mote good than any thing you have evei tiled. Sold by Matthews Diotheis. WRESTLING. Joseph ArtWflMc WWBld like to meet Iho following wiestlois: Kde Corcor an, diaries Coicoian, Jolin Langan and Lester, Leo Paidello's span-ins pattner. .losepli K. Kcllam, Manager, TJ7 Him sticet, Scranton, Pa. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave. Ask for Kelly's union crackers, Ask foi Kelly's union craclceis. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TCLEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Maiugir's, 117 Adams avenue. Morifz MoszkoWski WRITES TO REQARDINQ THE Mason and Hamlin Pianoforte The eminent musician, compo ser, teacher and pianist, now in Paris, writes in a lecent letter warm words ot praise in regard to the new scale Mason Ik Hamlin Pianoforte. Moszkowski says, among other things, "It has a full, singing tone and a most satisfac tory action. As a whole, the in stuiment I believe to he of the very first rank." A stock of these supetb instru ments may be seen at the ware rooms of L. B. Powell & Co. 131-133 WASHINQTON AVENUE. Ladies' Tailored Suits We Make I it the l.iJv a., the halhu.- fit the bird The make, l)li. 111, i"iUh mid ulci aie all pencil, Oi.i kpiing toek U n oi Jivalliiu )iu in-pi.--lien, fie slad (u kc jdi an nun. Ktofr Miller, Merchant Tailor, 435 SPRUCE STREET. yirrk jHl h I -f-f---f-f-f-f-f-f--t--f-f-f -f-f-f- LouM Arthur Wairea; President T Orlando S. Johnson, Vlco Pre. T' Arthur lit Christy. Cashier J Capital, $100,000 Surplus, $100,000 jot. SPRUCE STKKB1 , Court House Square, SCRANTON, PA. 4- Interest Paid on Savings Accounts AUTIIOlttr.l) by It Clurter to accept 4- all manner of Trusts; to act is 4. ltecelier. Trustee, UiimlUn, Adiniiilstra. . , tor or i.ecuior. . . 'T'lli: VVUII.s of Ibis Hank ate protect- . ed by tho Holmes lllcetric Alarm . S-.istem. , " dipi:ctou; " DIRECTORS I.. A- Watrei , O. S. Johnson Wm. F.Hall stead 13, l KlnK sbury Everett Warren Auk. Robinson Joseph O'Brien f --- SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-32? Penn Avenue, A Rich Find is .111 epn-Moii tilt is ohm luaiil hero nh-N oui 111-toniir sci-, 0111 lue otocl. of shutt, tn lioiwc 11 and llusloi. Wo ilo alrtijn on the elen. for the 1e.1l thing. "Ihe- puce inelliates what ill woitli In ii- cub. Vuu'll Hud it woitli iniu 1 moiu to you. ( unii md see lliein 4l SPRUCE STREET, 'li) bin ppi.ul PJ- ulliis all shipe- Ideal Qo Cart Weather SI VsllINi: AM) rnr.sll Vltl are phiililul thive ilJ), Hon lull) set his A go-cait Is luli)' lust health giiei, and mdi lnl ol Hum Iteie Hut )onr giealist ilifiluilli is 111 rluttoliiK th de sign Jon like besl ll the l.e.t in ikes including a com plete bhowinir of Iho itltbratccl "Hi) wool" 1 nts aid cauiais A Special Cart This Week nullum?, ca-j itiniiln,-. ruhlier tired, full rud l.oily, lull of si)le, J 5V Valii's $11.79 CREDIT YOU? CERTAINLY! Ttffr 60N0MY 231-223.825.827 WYOMING AVENUE. Clover EM I fill MtiMoLim faA,i 1 - jALfcia-,-' -