? i t Ik ;? ?T 'XrJ tJK - - ,$ W fr'f .TV ' t,$lt' i Jf- ' -s - THE SOKAVION TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, APRIL, tfO, 190.11 -v,li':o:'X,"k'?,'J ' y'ixfWM $0ejtarftiifoi $ri8ue t1 iiWIjhfrt.Dlllr, Kvtpl PimtV. '''J' 1'ulilltliW Company, at I'll!) (m " line UVV 8. ItlCllAIIU, Kililor. 0. F. nVXIIKil, liiifltim l inner. Kwrotkomciiv..s-j.M.iM.v.).AM)i Sole Aipnl I'll I'iihU" AiliTlllliK Kntered t "tlic l'otitln' pi i.tnftiu, iNjioml L'Ijmi Mill MUli'i. I'a, When spam ulll pnnll. ' li 'Irllmn l iIauv clntl to pi Int .li.nl litlcr- limn ll IiIiiiiI l''1' Inif mi itiririit l.ipli-. but H ml;' ''"'',, '"..' itiu.t Im hIkih-iI. mi- pulilli itlmi. I V"' ' ' Mil iMiiii'i ati.l il.r ciiiiilltli.ii Hi;trHiit t" ' ; irptann' H i Imt -ill uintiiliiillii 'lull '"' ,""'''1 ' tu cdlturlal ii'iilnti. mi; hi,AT ii.vn: roil wiviiiiimnh. 'ii... f..n.. i.. 1,1.1., ,l,u iii i, mire iifi null Bill l!IH-ll!lill, f I" I"' lll'l Wltlllll I I I T Hill"" I'll llli'li r....... . i - . ii. it'll . I Kllll lit iMllllltfOII I'.iptr I HmiIIiii! il ' .!" .-" I'ntl poill Inn " HI !l ,l'i .M .! DISI'I.W. lo.f ili.in .'uo In. Ii m lii'lin I'l'l " Vm'i " tm " in .1." .15 IT'i .17 .li.i I'nr canh. nl lli ml.'. ir-oliitlnn or otnltIi-iiT ami ulinll.ir uintrllnilloiif In tin" ii.ilnri" "f ' irilMn;.' The TiIIiiiiic innl.i'f " tluini' "f ''"'' 'l,ir . . . i IIiiim (or Clillii-il Ailritlliiit tninlOii-il t.n lipllialli.il. "ten pages."" SCUANTOX. AI'IMIi 3d, 1MM. The so-rnllod niiiddl" met the nflli'i of ikllii(iii'iit tax L'olU-ctiir Is UMlly less nf a tmiihllo limn It xet'liiM. Tin new rlinrtor saj-H conni'll may aitthoilscc" the recorder at his option to coinlilnt? the ollU'e of city It'eastm-i' and ilolln niit'iit tax i-iilliM'tnr ('otiuci!. haw nl icaity aillhoi-izfil Hip rproider lo mako this combination and liy hl jfiKiitiinrt to the icorsaiilzullon ordinance he ac cepts councils' siiKKeslion. f'oti.eiitent 1y there Is no lawful delinquent tax collector at jiii's-ent other Hum the city treasurer: anil all tall; of Mr. Jenkins suing the city for $.l.nrtO a year salaty Is moonshine. On Changing the Capitul. OMK of the arguments ad vanced In favor of mibstitut ItiK Philadelphia In place of Uani.shurfr n Ihe capltnl of the state undoubtedly have weight. For one tlilnir, the liotH accommoda tions of the l.irser city uie much su perior. On special occasions, when political interest, runs hlsh. M.m-N-lmrtf i literally oveiciowded. and those who prefer rert at nisjlil to noise and tevelry aie at a disadvantage. Then, too, Philadelphia is a center of Intellectual and public interests which would be helpful to'tlie oflielals of the state kovci anient In many ways now Impossible at llanisburg. The blK city nowadays diaws to it the best In nil departments of lire and thought: and legishUois who aie honest and earnest could hardly fail to stimu lated by the superior associations and bioadenins iulluences of the better so ciety, the intellectual society, of the Quaker City, than which there is none better anywhere. Modern modes of travel liaie done away with the early necessity for lo cullnar the state capital near the geo graphical center of the commonwealth. As a matler of fact, Philadelphia, is today easier of access to a majority of Pennsylvanlans than Ilanisbuig is. Tiallroads enter it from all directions. It is on a number of the main high ways of travel. Harrisburg, though not Uitllcult to get to, is le-s favorably located. And Its native life is slow nnd malarial. It the people want to vote on chang ing the.- capital, now is certainly the time to do it. A new capltol will soon have to lie built. If it Is not to be built in Harris burg the fact should be known. At the same time, we do not believe that there Is much likelihood of u change. If we thought Iheie vere, we should suggest to the com monwealth the piopilety of moving the tate government to Reran ton. The presiding judge at the tilal of the alleged C'udahy Kidnapper, who was acquitted the other day, seems to ho nf the opinion that It would not be a bad icTe.t to offer a reward for a few sensible jurymen. i m Constitutional Revision. WHIIiK there Is concededly much woilc for a consti tutional convention, ex perience and new devel opments calling for considerable revis ions, of tho constitution of 18M, the proposition made in certain quarters, to rush the calling of one as if It were of the utmost importance to levise the constitution on a gallop, does not com mend itself to the judgment of the judicious, "If," .says the Hanisburg correspond ent of the Philadelphia Ledger, "a bill were passed for a constitutional ron i'Oi.tlnu it could be submitted to the nqople next 'November, and the dele ?iiles elected'.af the sone time. Should ;ho voters npprove'of the convention, t could organize next December and jomplole Its work In two or tin on nonths, and the proposed constitution cuild be submitted' at U, special eleu lou In tho spring. It would not be neo ssary to enact any law to enforce such i piovislou (as tho curtailment of the. ,-eto power) as the convention might nsert In tho 'how constitution to con. lno the governor's powets to an tip ii'oval or a veto of separate Hems ap propriating public funds, It would en .'oico itself as the provision relating to tho same subject in the present con stitution does." If he only or the chief reason for a constitutional convention wete the re striction of tho gubernatorial veto power, it might well he asked whether tlie gnmo would be worth the candle, It; Is cxtieinsly doubtful If a conven tion could bo elected which would In tfli'feie with the executive's present preiogatlve as dellned 111 the recent decision of the Supieme emu l. That power s genciully legarded as both w'.holesoiuu and well placed. It Is rf valuable check upon legislative. tljotglltle.ssie.s.s or extravagance, aid while not likely to be used save in times' of admitted necessity, Its exist Cee Is ait escellout safeguaid. Hut as llin Ledger uirrespondent joints out elsewpere In his review ut Ihe stiliject. there Is n demand for othu'r changes in Hie constitution tlmt w ttnlil no doubt niHke It easy to pass ii bill for n constitutional convention. "The article covering elections Is tin satisfactory In seveial resperl.s. There nie litre? ntnlldllients lo tills article iiwultlttK l"lslatlve action, all nf which pasied the general assembly In Isitit. If a majmliy of the member In each house vole for tlieln at this session, they wilt be .suhltlllted to the voters at the eletliin In November, anil If apinoved by litem lltt'y will he Incorporated In the runiliimenlnl law. These atiietidinenls ptovlde for ihe ennetinent of laws n permit per sonal registration In cllle, Ihe ellinln a I Inn of the numbers on ballots and in penult the use of voting machines Instead of 'ballots There Is another amendment Introduced at this session, by Itepiesclltatlve Hull, of Allegheny, lo change the section piescrlblng the method of nppoi Honing the state Into xpimtiirliil districts. Mr. Wall would leave Ihe section as II .stands, evcept lh number of senators. lie holds that It Is Impossible to apportion the slate under the present constitution Into fifty senatorial districts wunout lohiting the provisions preset Iblng the method to be lollowed. He be. Ileves to making the totnl number of s'Miatois elustlc, to be Increased when II Is not possible to conllne It to llfty senators, but not to go below that number," Hut most Important of all, the con stitutional provision iclallng to legist lalion for el lies Is unsatisfactory and anthiiialed. Whatever may be Ihe Iheoietlcal objection to special legis lation, the division of all cities into only three classes has wrought haid shlps in municipal development which a new convention nf constitution re visers would undoubtedly lemedy. In addition to strike Mdllenrirnts and other dltllctillles of note it Is pleasing to announce ihat '.t has also be-m defin itely s"ti!e.J where Hugh Jennings will play ball this se.i m. Stedman on the Schools. T IK "banker-poet," Kdniund Claience Stedman, was, a few days ago, the guest of the New York City Teach eis' association, known as Wol Schol astikoi. Ills address after the ban quet touched on many points of pub lic school education. He gave full I raKe wheie ptalse was due, alike to methods and instructors. He spoke a.s clearly with regaid to deficiencies in method and lack of results that should be attained. Some nf these last, the chief deliejency, Indeed, is of so great importance that we repro duce the pith of it here, largely in his own words. After saying that there are condi tions which biing him personally, like ,tber men engaged in active business, constantly In touch with the schools; that every business man, every pro fessional man, Is supplying post-graduate courses for the boys and glils sent out from the public schools, and that of a scoie of sin eesslve office boys whom he has taught and trained the most have turned out well: lie says: "1 am also bound to state that nine-tenths of these boys have come lo me and what employer will not make the same teporlV straight from Ihe public schools, with characteris tics, varying according to their respec tive wits and origins, that for a lime have been sure to call upon one's re serves of patience or piofanity as the case may be. "I found almost every one of these lads lo possess some knowledge of arithmetic, and quick In getting hold of figures and book-keeping. That is good anil needful. Hut scarcely one of them has had a clearly formed hand writing. Few of them have been even tolerable spellers. Lastly, and surely most important.' only those from the nicest households have shown any consciousness of their exlraotdinary proficiency in wiong pronunciation, bad grammar and command of slang. .Vow. It Is very hard In our heterogene ous city to do away with this kind of prolielency in a boy after the age at which he leaves the public school, t suppose the majority of your pupils consist of those who have to take an early start In the work of earning a living and getting on in the woild. If so, the largest use of our schools Is to give such boys and girls the best equipment obtainable for that pur pose before they start. Curiously enough, I have found that many of my boys have spent a gool deal of lime upon side fads and have a few vague Ideas about aits, ologles and so-called studies, that might sere as 'elect Ives' In a seminary or collegiate couise," Mr, Sledman continues "Now I re alise the chuuu and Use of object leaching in the kludeignrten and schools for manual training, and schools of design are among our great est gains; nor will you, I believe, think me Insensible to the sweet InlltleniPs of ait and beauty, or to any manlfpsta tlmt of the Ideal. Hut surely the first thing in do, In a limited teim of study, Is to give a .youth th one equlivment, ihe one instrument tluough which, as he grows older, he can, for him self, make ship Hint nil these tilings shall be added, That equipment, that instiumenl of this I make no douhlt Is the coriect knowledge, the prac tical mastery, of language; nnd this means, In Amer.lca, llrst and last and always, of our own p.eiess, Inclusive, exptesslvn, world-pervading Kngllsh tongue. This gives yoiif pupil his own master key tit the entrances by which nil kinds of knowledge can lie obtained In maimer life." Ill closing he said -and we still pre fer to give his own words "If I weie not king but with power to determine the bent of our ptlbllr school Instruc tion, I should pay extieme lespect to' tho ancestral doctilne of 'the thiee It's," reading, writing and nrltiimetlo; anil would add to them nn S,' the pracllie. of collect speaking for there Is truth In lure lien Johnson's opening definition of Knglish gtamnmr. 'It is the art and practice of, speaking the Kngllsh language correctly.' This art, and lint of spelling and writing cor rectly, must be acquired, like any other technical nullity, In the 'glowing yems.' To master them In lute adoles cence has proved Just as hard at Ox fold as at Columbln." Tho complaints that Mr. BUdm&a makes, for himself nnd for the business men of New York city, simply dupli cate what Is heard front business nnd professional men everywhete. "Sea tee iy nny" of the hoys or gills who enter otllce or stole "hits u clearly formed handw tiling. 1-Vw of llieiu have Ween tolerable spellets. I.aslly and surely" he tells of "their piollclrncy In wtong pronunciation, had grammar, ami com mand nf slang" except where Ihe home training has corrected thesp; the schools have not, The bad spelling will continue aa n tun tier of course while the fad of "teaching leading without spelling" continues. The art of spelling and writing eoneetly, on which Mr. Kled nuin rightfully lays such stress, never can be n i'ii ill i m1 under this "Impioved" method. Some day our business, men all over the laud will rebel against (he cramming sysletn, the numberless "side fads, the vague Ideas about arts, ologles, and so-called studies" refeiied lo by Mr, Stedman: and will Insist on better leaching of "the three It's," as he does. When they como lo that lime they will discover that the things lo be thrown out have not been put Into the eurrlctilunis by the teachers, but have been forced upon Ihcni; also that for teaching well what Is most needful the classes need to ! small enough lor the teacher to give individual cate to each pupil, and to keep such dally tecord ivnil knowledge of each as will wholly supeisede the present examination and pioniotlon system. Latest accounts fiom show that flenerol Casslus refuses to be pad (led. Kentucky Clay still The Buffalo Compromise. f f-sHK COMPHOMIRK reached u.v lie iiirrciMis in tin; l.iii- 1 American exposition may please both sides to the dis pute as to the proper method of ob serving Sunday within the exposition and It may not. AVe piedlet that It will not. The exposition Is to lie open on Sun days from 1 p. ni, to 1t p. in., but the Midway and all other amusement fea ttlies aie to be closed and nothing but food is to be offered for sale within the grounds. This is meant to discourage boisteiousness and it w ill pi ob.ihly suc ceed. Hut If the flee and easy Sunday reveler Is discouraged from Sunday at tendance, fiom what other classes In the community will the. at tendance be I eel lilted'.' f oui pi (anises wheie a moial principle is Involved seldom simoiiut to much. This will Inn dly prove an exception to the rule. Tile Culled Stales government's pa ternal seed distribution performance, which has given cause for Innumerable complaints to say nothing of the fierce criticisms uf the scheme in loin is In be leviseil as In Its methods. Ileie after the entlie w.nk is to be in chaige of the director of tile buieau of plant imliistiy, Piofessor Ii. T. Callo way. A luilber described: I'mler the new pi. in trained scientists, of whom theie Is ,i large number hi the new plant bureau, will make a thor ough observation and inspection of the seeds. They will g.i to tile eou tiacloir.' plant with a special view to seeing that the seeds are of new varie ties and aie clean of weeds. The buieau will dheet the distribution of all the seeds. I'llpple Cieek announces a a rand to tal of SIOOri.OiM.OOn In her gold output. This sample of pio.-perity will piobably stand unchallenged until lb" I'.m Ainerican hotel kepepj lu.ve lm.il heard fnun. KIND WORDS. (.Ill M'il.l. l. II. Dimi'Mi: inii columns i .ipllmi. .I "si mil ill, S.1I.11I," ttliiih .lppcn priL Mliinliv In Hi." Sil.lllll.ll Tuljlllil'. Jlr In ll'l nil Iillellslilu. Von h.io Hi.' i.inilii of piillini; simillho 1 1 in In in .in eiciy il-i.i I.iiuu.ii. .mil 1 lie iioti plod-, M0n.1I 1 .111 ,i.ii 1 hie tlirin tullj -is will i' h'rf puifi'1-.iiin d liii'lhtiii. inir "siicnlifle s,i," I-, I llilul., a i't .1I11 iLili- jililitnni lo llie il' iMily (lllih-nt S11.111I1111 TillmiV. Will Jim l.iii.l Iy ijlie j ma opinion in Silinlilli' sil.nl of ! uil-i' uf tin' pii'i.ilciui' ot 111-11 1 .11.11 I'll in t His -t.ile? I 1. it nil. moil' pii'ijhnl III -oiiii' of ihi' Mills III in in ollm-'.' Whit i- tho U'.w.n tint llit'ii is so niin.li io-s u.i,i i.it.iuh in liir.it Ullt.iln Hi, 111 In III.' -IJI.'. ' Wills M'l.V 1 1 nh, U . l . .IniiiH. IJ'i .N Sinit. j,.., lilj, piil !',, I'llie foit'siilnt; lii.iiii.i will In- .in-wcn.l liy Dr. si'ihr in next Minnie's ssin -IM. 1'iih- Ulll'. I Many Wonders lor the Buffalo Shou) IV.Iil Ihe W.l.hiliiiloil I'. I. Till', iiilll.M,lil.lli llellllllloli's I'xlnl.il ,il Hi" I'.iii Moi'ili.in I'Npisition ulll Ii.' 0 in of III. Inui-I in III' siiipi nun lit I.Hil.lii.ir. .nut IiKiui.ii ui i. (ii,. 1 hi. 1 1 tiitrnstmv'. I.m-i I1111..11 ot lli" iielilntion "ill In' i".n' M'liti.l, bill lllC NllHillll MllPlllll, of 1DUI..1, Ulll liuK- III" niel eMi'll-ne ili-plix 'Hie ni-lllll lloll VUll ll IX'' --"Mill I'Xilillil- IMlllUliU' of lid liNluit. .1. will .i .011.1. liuin 11. 'U' ilni'liip. II. I. U i. II- UOlK IUUI. lIlO l.lltl'l uill 1.0 .111 ill (Aliilnl 'Mil-, uill he ililiiltil into tun mi W1.11-, uiii' iipii-i'iiilii; III" lii-loi. of p.n Uiliinv Jinl the 01 In 1 1 1..- liMoi.i ot ..iinlin':. The MiliJ.'ils uill l" iipu.iM.liil I a I.11 -fiiiiil.. n pniiliiitii.ns limn tin incl liiii'iiw luiiilinu.'. In Hi" .ck. Hi. 11 of vnl,c(s lor tlii exlnhlt llu -iiiiili-iitiijii In- li nl tin' .1 il v i e of 111 my of llie I.I.I .IIIKI" il. till' lolllltl.l, .111.I It I ixputci llu! il." ilikphi ulll .1111.11 1 11 uiimi ileal 111 at. Il IlllUt! o -'Hie '" ulll In' iipnM'iili'il liy a l.iuo nl.f ino.lil, limiii4 jl llie luluial u'dnii's cf 1I10 p.ilK .mil lh" .1 11 i ill 1 1 Iml'MV, pollil., hihliiis .ml mini iiiiiiiAiiiii nl'. 'Hi). iii.hU'I liJ4 l" " Il uniKtil nut ullli Lii.it 1 .11" ni'l ulll slum- rii'iy inipoit.iiil ili-ull ullli i-xji tin's.4. I lie inoilol ulll ." Miipliimiiti'il h 111.1111 .nti'utlnic iliiii;iaph't of plilili.vqn.' puinu in lie pjrK. 'Ihe uoik of III" Hunan of CmIuiuis 1I011 mil lenil 1 1 -i-t j li'.iillly to ,'sliibiiii.u. hut iii" pnl He uill liiw jii iipp.iitnuil.i in In s v iiiiiii-ti'iii lu mi' llie .inionril of pilniul ni inn jiiuiull.i- liinii'il nut hy Ink' sjni'-i piliuiiu lioii-i-'. J. llu' I'xhilm ol lh" I'lni'JU ulll nn hull' .1 lonipliiii fil of iroii'liiiiKiil piil.lii.iliiiii-i, villi a lh" liuirju ijiv IlillllttK 111 fl'll'11,11 llllllltliK (III) oji. 'I liu uiiK ni Ihe li.iil'Knauii IhjikIi uf ill? smith. M'lilju. llu' st 1 oj.liv -,1. j Olu-uialoii, uill In.' .11I10I1.1I1I1 rliuun ill lliilljlu. It uill IikIiiiK' a liny ttiiKlui; t bail of llu- toUr nctruin, Iweiily fit! Ion;'. I Iii. 1 Ii i t l.ocln.s ullli thv l.ihlo rpiitrnni 111 uil'Jl". .lion, hut . Mrenii'ly liiilluul, fuluu'"il b die iniiillili' spi'i I111111, M.i ny feet 111 lnitli, vthiili In? Ik in xxorlol mil liy III,' lii.lulili In. 01 1lr1lric.1l Ihi'iiiionu'lii Tin' holu. 1111I11' linilf uill j No In' -liouii 'I Ills mirilon iii.tiunitiil, tho 111 x cut ion ut I'lolftssoi- S. P. I.nii; Iii, ii'iicuiy of the fciiiltlwmli.11 Instiliillon, io tonli x,niJtloiv of Itinpeiiiiiiio or oiic-ljlllloiitli of a desire hhIiIkijiI". 'I lie nlwi-x.iloi. ulll ulrii exhllill a eile el pliol.ji.iiln of lln ic (rut lutjl eillp.e of lh" sim, ii'uaiiliil l.i inni.i ti tbi Bni'H pliutoijphu of I li U KlinJ cxrr Ulitii, They hIhiw Ihe- 1010111 of Ihe nun In 1 tiiiimrr liiiclfttine xtt apiiriuibeO. Some uf It"'"' 4uIokiJ)Ih utle lnKen hy tne.UH of . aluillitlc 1 4iui-r.li Ihlitii'ii 'niihi'i In ilUinetei .nut n l"in nf 1:11 fed, 11 -Ihe i-OilliII ill Ihe Vul.innl MiMilm ulll nun M .itino.t itilbely of new t,1io t. nut fliouit al nny pri'ilnn prpiellloii, Ihe I'mi-Amf-ili-in Ulet niii'i Hint mli tlie ml Ire ixtilhlt, .iml M'ry Utile tint li not iniitiiiii ulll Ik thnun. He pirn Im lii'i'ii In elei I hme mill MilKlint nli jirli 11ml 1M1ll.lt ihi'in .liiiili, i.illu'r tliiin In hou' extrhilii' leife- of nnll pt-rlitietn. The ishllill M illvluYi) Into lluei' .(illme ?noloi,'i, poluir.t nn. I .ilithn,pnloi:, In ro.ilnjy tin' iiiie seniii I1J1 hem foiliin.ili. In nlil.iliilmr tti.ni i.ii" ninl trlUn? "pi'ilmeiii for Ihe rxhlhit, ulihli In ruiillniil In iiim..iii Mildir.iti' nnltn.il'. Amonie niiiiiinali houit will h.. Hie K'o.lliilc hiMr nf Al.eK.1, Ihi- lutit l.i'iir in the uoitil: I iliiKiilar Ullli' Ki.iy uhrler l.ni, wlilili lhn niiiimg llu nov tleliU InrK nl Mount St. l!ll.i the Riiint moose, the wlhl hhnK iliirp of Itilli-h t'oliiliil.l.i. ninl I Kill's sheep, uhieh l entlielj uliitei the line Wtt llnll.iti mm I, the ituxK o , the liii.lilil.llli nn II. on .mil nlhei rJU' alillillb. VII the III iff pei le ulll In luoui led nil li.ne, with mieooilei linlii'illnir Heir li.Hllliil .iiriotili'lluici .mil hihlu. 'Ihi- l.inl exhllili ulll Im linle .ihi'ol rim nf llie imel l.illlimt nn. I clnKiiiit spei I ' In imttt,i, In. tiulli.g iii.mii Wi-I Indian mil South iii rir .111 i li t iff, "lull Uf the inlli'iu, ' the Aim h .in iwltlih. the ln,ie,if .mil p.iri'otf, I limhielhi liinl, hell l.inl. i m k of tin unlK .iiei ollutf. 'Ihe inxlileiinv of holh lilnlf ami m.1111 iniN l r,f ,1 ii.iy liluli nulei. Aiuoms Ihe lip tiles Hi" linil MllKInc exhilill Mill h, .1 ultfltllli ' Miippiii;; luilli' f 1 mo Tes.is, known if the nil ijz I lor sinippir, "ihe ncitnie li iimti. II1.111 (he del Ionic 1it.1l l the LimeM fi li u.iler turtle' 1 ler fnuml In AnieiliM. Tlilf p.irt i.f llie ixhihll ilu liiilmliM the poli-onmif .t ml mm poifoimiis Anuiii.in sii.iKef. i.itlli mi i',i', 1nu.r1.-lll I.0.1 ion . frii'lnr, ml sp.e.nlinu aiMu, t.cithi'i ullli m.1111 ' li.-.inl-, Irnit". to.ul'. .111J sjI.hii iiiiteif, imlmliii pn In fiom I'iiIu .mil I'orlu lllio. - n -Aim-ill .111 fi-h.'f vlll he tulle 1. pi.'senleil. 'llu iiiiifiiini I1111 'hail nunitf nl lier ei .111. 1 on 'In Amion liii'i- inlled Im; .pel l.illj fr die II11II.1I.1 exhihll. Tliie hale hi en prepiieil hi .1 new imlluiO, hi uhlih lluir 11lt1n.1l foim anil nun li fit Ihi'lr lnilli.itit inlnr If piiseinil. noxil'j tu ll-l.is ulll he .1 Inure nioih'l of 11 lu'ini ihip s,m tl.li ,'iiiniinl hy me.ins of ilu-irii.il it t.n luni'iiK su tint It ulll pliiephim'-i'e. as it i Known to 1I0 ulru able in Ihe iKpths of tin in ran. Main of the IMu's limn die ileepi -I watiu aie exivi'illi.gli uioli'sipie .in. I aie uon il.-iliil In ftiintiiie, hut 011 nn. mill of their mmi-I sie ami hail romhtloti ulun iIi.ikuhI flinn tin1 i-i.i they aie Hill.' Known In the piihlle. 'llu' ueolojtlial exhihit uill he ilieij.lfleil. ami ililifl.i im-ili in line n ij luti-i-lliii;- M-rieN (ou-iu of ex.iniplei ol the arloiis elements wlihh mini IIIKUIIllilllIll lu Ihi ll.il,., ni. h ll Knlil, sll, ieiper, leail, ini'ii my. plitinmii, 1.11I.011 anil lion. Mi nine us il "nil nun, one of llie iinsi nf llu'-e ilemenli i- in.n. The exliilnt eoiu.ilns i.alni' iiou f 1 mil li'ieeiil.iuil em' a iiirilim of an iiou tiieleoiite fiom Neu Mexiin Vtmihi'i in lenstimr (xliihlt If llu lime platinum luii;,' uorlli ah.. ul s.n, 1 .nhon I. iepn-i nteil In a iliamoml uist.it. .1 piire or iruphiie. uiul -pi -1 ine'o. of llu ittriou. .mil l.ilu.ihle l.l.l" I. 1I1.IU1..U.I. Knouii .n i.nhoii..ile. a pu'ii- of nlnli lull ihe -IO of I pl'.l if Hill III .1 1 ,. ' 1 1 s X sttii's of imii i.-l wilt 1111 iuil. .nn imp" I. ml .ui.l anil no -in, ill 1:1111 i,.i ot tin- -111K it": f. 1 ins. I.iij.ih in mi Xiiieiii.i. Xuotl.ii 's Ii.11.1lle iiiKii'siim; i-liiliit il Ihis nine uill hi a siinlif of lli" 101K. 01 lh" II e,iii.iii i-lnul uhii ii aie ii'.iii!,i lei i Miil.ii w an. on pamul n plioioji.i,i, ,,i i inti 11. n- 1.1 uie lllll'ls uf tl.l, II f , ,,( 1,01, ,. tioiiaiy sum lines 1.01,1 1 in 'miueialf .mil mil.- Ulll h.llll.le Illllii lU.I.'lllhil'lll r-lilli- of tin ml I nli. .nail siauiie f nl in Ne Klul mil I ol lei lions ol il'posii-. hum Ihe hoi -piiii-f ml Ki-.i-.'is ..( ,l.-iu.-t..ni' I'.nl uill al-11 I -In. .mi. iinthii -1 iii .f i'ii- Kioioi 1...I i-xiuiiii i- .;. iiiieil lo lii-sll i luhiaie amiiiils .mil limit 11.1 il. "I Ihe l.iil .111I11111I., Hi. 011" uhii-li uill ili.lll.lle , nlli.ul inu-l . 1 1 1 111 ii .11 i- die Kiu.iille malum il'liKe nplile l.nouu 1- 11 li 1 lalops, pie I'.nul unh llu- in . pel ili.iu of llie luliiioi .1"- II II 111! 111. this lll'.llltl" U.ls llU'l't tll.lll III" Kiiv-i-i I'lephaiil, ami hoi ,111 initiuus.. h,.m shn hi "Il Hi" had. ol ihe ln.nl, 1. mil is 1 p-ni ul (.'li, It hoitis our tli "ii f. Ili'-oli-s llu- .Kilelmi, .1 Kin;" paiulitlj lepii-i ulill'r the iliililll .1- 11 nn.-t hat" nppi.iiiil uh.li alin ami a luuil.'l ml1 alo ho .hoi n. Illlill.i le-s .ltil.il!'.' 1- II'" i iiuhi.loii. .1 uh.li UK" tltuiltlolls maliiliiil Hum M.lluui.l. uholi if-.n In it .il inmli ..f lli t 01 .1x11 it 1 1 It 1 siiam;" toiiihiii..ii,.u ol .liit... m'i-iou, .mil -im lion, .mil Ills lotu In ill a pit. 1" to m.l iji-l- Xl.olhii "Mt.oinliii.ii.t inatiii.' lo I." ixhioii'.l is a Imii v.'iili iii'tii Lu. uii us he-p. ioiiiis 1 1 1 uiti.iil. ihs hinl u.is lino,, il, in ihii" f.'i 1 hi.'li. 'tin -Kihiouis) iii il 1 iiuiph ie. Mm li .Him lion uoiihl 1 li i d H I 1 hr .itlr.iile.i In tin 1 xlllli , of the li.-sil uooiis h inn iii.iia, mini of ulu Ii ale 1 I111111I1 liiilli.ilil 111 ioh 1. - 11 n i xu n-ii" ilisi.K.i uf mu,t.jn iiilliii.pi. I. ., piipneil in 1 11 opeiatiou wirli th" If -it .111 ot xm.'iii .111 I.lliiiolov, Mill loinpiet" lh- I'xh'lt'i I10111 the nuts" nn. The lun-t pionuneui tiaiiue of this exliihii wilt I." tin limo t.niiili uioitp.. li I'll st lilin; 11 piial n.ilile Xllllhau p'opi"-. Iiii'.i lli" l'.il.i',;oiil.iiw in 1I1.' .nit it IM.iuii.-. I nh umiip v ill s( ni- ii, i:,,,. ,111 nh 1 ot il.. i .stunt" , -illli.tl'tiltliuf. alii mini'- ol lif 01 lh" ii-opie 10 whom il niiir-. I'lo-. iiieutioti lits he u uim I 1 eii'i.i ilelail 01 th,. .11, e-suin -. i.ul tin iikmI ehuu: nnl piiuliuu ui tli" Iiuuim liiu..s aie of 1 hluii mil. 1 sui'tutttnltn i,f. iuiiih will li m.1111 ia-i.s 111 I . I uilh 1 1.II1 1 li 111. n'ptt-s 111,114 the .Ills ot the 1 lid I.I I,-, thdl holi-ehohl Itlill'll-, illl-f ueapon-. "It. i-ilits ol inu,i... uf l-,ioi t.lliollf, III" MlllU.IIII, lh" . n. IM ItOll-i , ptl"lllii. .unl utheis will al-u h" shui.u. Mui'h .mention i.a. linn kimii lo lh" t nlli't linn ul native ha-l eis 'tills -"iii'f uill indiiil" 1" ti ipt o! alioii'iit, il hi-Ki i-iii.iKiu: in tin ui'-tiiu le'iui-plii i". 1'Iieie wilt li" miiiy lii'iuimtl ph'iis, -in h ,e ihi Miu 1I.111 Ihi" mass ut'ixiuir, tin" p nun toiler .ii.- of I alifoinl 1, ami the ili.i-:.n:.il i.uiii- ut He I ,iihf of liui.111.1. (he lii.i Imii ins lu.-i hi- In lllluhitf. Mm h of lh" 1 .iittul hi- ihi.ni.i li-iu slilppul In Hull. iln. ..ml nlhei' ui.iii-ii.il 1. 11 .nit fm shipment. s,.,it f i,,. -,jjiV uho .11 In ha" ili.iu;!' ol llie ixhil.n .tie tin oil mi ihe I'xpi.siiliiu ttl.'iiii-l- INFORMATION AND ENTERTAINMENT, TOO. Su,. 11,11 alnl Vnii.ii li.ilh I.. 1-1 -I'liii! li iiiii- Iiii iintiianiiil woini'ii llni' ut lii.-i' iiii. in iliUMil 111. nl' lli 111 'Jim inns .,14.. I..i .1 nun ln li'il lli.' Lull, nl Ills iniliiii.i 1.1 In. -inn-1.', il' u miaul, 'llu" lintii ' 1. in.,i.a,i'i I'.v s,inii, liiKiu'f, iiii'l llu1 imnt.it lifil Mult. an ul 11 ii',,w l.iti.lilii tu tin' Hull. 'In I. ii.iali'.l t'i 1 lu.llit.. lllf'li'. In M ii.lulll.i'in. .la.. Il.ll In1. 11 iui mi tl.i 1 lilt; niiiilt'.ii;... It I. Im' Tii.lim'.oiiii, uiul i 140.11 hy pin Am. 111 .ill l.litiiiil nil 1 1.11. . lli in Hi.' Mm lull Tui.i iciniaiii'. Tin' ilu. rtiii'tii 1. i'iinii.1 iii lioolc l.ntii .unl riinl. vii'lil.i linn iaac uf si, all llillt. Il will l"0,llill' ti 1 Mi, ' nf Mil .iil tlnu' il.iis' ttnik Id inn til tin- it.nlU"k'''. ami lliu fii- will Im ti". M llu- iiiosi'iit' i.iti- uf 1I1. 1 iii.tititf.il uiii' ... ..ioN ami inlnr ailiiKs Ilio iniim ii.-c whim Inn li tiisU iif M.i 1 ni' .'.uiiibt last iiuny 11' 11-. M' tliiiuuh tlix I. mil luii'.-tf inr 1 t.i. -ni'. tin' fa. 1 lliul ni'M-iitirti (iiuul Jliillri in. I a luiti" nuinli'l i.t wii.lll.'il limrlty mills an' rating up ilu lliulwr ai lli lalu uf I'lmu ;j;i,iiui).o.io tu ni.ivw.ifiil dot ulilinill.v I'Milfn tin- apiii'lii-ii-iuii if iiiicl.r, ami in iniifai lint s, All t'liuu'.ii iluili.'S ai" I, mil in, li, -..in. ui inn 'I Ms Is niitiuiuiial 'llu 1 luliiiii 1l1.1t lh KiiMt-sii'al stiai ki iiualli-'i won. n tlun aiallalild fur llu- uii, ilu- ui.iinl-..i, tin Kn'ai Kliiliil-u.i, Ihe KHMi-snil ifiaiiil-iiti am .i mi iluwii III.' jti'iieiatluiif to tin' ill) t'nt iIi.'h' is not .1 llmail of it left. Tin' ilillni'li 1 ti"' 'luili ini; of a rliiluiiuii Is in I lie utili'iial, Jti'l llflFI' 111 llu' int. SjntlJuo ile I'iiIu lias .1 .iiuIjiiuii uf J.iHt. )n .lauuji), s.i", Hull" win' .t. iliatli.. nliiili inaLt'S an aliiuill 1I1.1II1 lati- ut I .7 1. per l.ikVi. )u .latliurv, l.s'iu, ninl. 'i uiiliiaiy ntlc praillial tjiiiijtlon in. appliril, ami the ilcallu, wui' 'l'i. niaklrir rate uf 11, In .Ijinuri. I"i, 'In lllMlllf l.llllllllTfll lit), Mil" nf u.l.s Niw. afl 1 twuiyi'ais uf .aitllaiy uil llie .lantui.x. rl, Uiatliii iiiiinlii'ii'l ii, a 1 al 1' uf !i A nw wool Ins iniiiD to lift" f uni llii; plains uf Uaiisa.. Il .i.iillioaiin. i lluis rIiui Lv iln. WKIiiu KiuU: " wtml iixcialj imin n"" b quint Uf." ill Kjnsjf U 'IiiiI1jI.ii il ' Il lu .1 ill lit itt. liaiU- uf iiiojnlin, nun ulm is waml I ini'iely awaUni'il 1111.1 I In- aitnltiof nf 1I1I1IM'. a mail who ii llnffi-il If uni' who li m haill.i waniJ Ihal In" lulii'U'. ili-fiiiv" lii'p f.ibli', but a man lw 14 'buttalui'il' m.l onl li 'Wvti ilefetise if linioflhle, lull uili'l Wink lip clioili?h lornniotlon tn nut." 'Ihif If tlie iimnl Irnllnrlnl fluliit nf Alilim Niulti! inltef, lltltbh ,, 1 I'lenrli. 11 .,.,, ,,,ittlii . 1 (lei ni.iu , , , , i , 1 , Italian ii I'orluciteH'. , in spun j.h 1 in" Tin Kil 1 Ilu.ipl I mmii I'li'i" slate , .iPl.'lltl .l.slll.llfl tiH..Nl Isf.iriC i'O.I'l ll-.-l.l.l) .PM.'mil l,lllllU.I nun tun 'l.iiM Jllt,iit i"ii.iiin I.lhelhl .. h.roi-ni Ahw-lnll To I id . ll.t'iti'-.l". Exclysave V It is some satisfaction in buying furniture to buy goods that are not peddled all over the city. Our posi tion in the trade, being that of the Largest Buyers of FraMre In Scranton, enables us to control the product of the very best factories in the United States for this city. A Metropolitan Stock at less than metropolitan prices. HlllfcConnell Washington Avenue. Damaged by Water Now Gointr on at 'flrjS -rtR v D-iAm. (Oi'iKT i.iU'ivirdllllliU aiNl WyoKiiiK Avoiim's Piano Tuning. H. K. ZERBE, ".UT 1'iisiiiti iii'imi" !! I lin.i' ii'fi'inii Sale of Shoes i wmm. CRANTON'S t$USINESS HOUSES s THE GILHGOL WAGONS ARC ALWAYS LEADERS ncMCMBEft thc name ano srrtrcr. 35 TO 32S N. SEVENTH ST. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARSERS. DIME BANK BARBER SHOP VJITH BtTH ATTACHCD, 2SC. SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. II111 H in lil.lllMSitlV t Im ,ipi - r ,l.t 1.1 all mi all. . 1.1. will in ! 1. . i-.i-n 1 1,1 .'ui I IVlit .IM'IIII G A? E fz N' S ll.ii lllil lh nalil. l'niii Itii'lu'i. In7 I..11 '- rtiinil' uni ni' M1.1111 lu.11. nn iIiiiiii'IjI- 1 1 In' I. witii nn 11 a .n-li mii'iii-. pi'i-iiii.i' pii.p.iti t'lli.llll . i'ii'. .11 'I 1 't.n. i-f I UUU.tl nl tal TRY SMOKEEZY, IisiiIiiii-I 1.1'iisT llai .lu lilii 1 I is I'" tl 111. I II II, hi I.I p.l 1,11 111 1 1 1 'I ALBERT WITTE, Ciiitii'i' spiiui' siii'i'i .iml ,iliiiiiiui ai.'t.'i. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTHL, feulli llu' licxt Mcali.s, (hups .11 il l.uin'lii f in Ihi' t i I . 'I'll Uf ami Im louiliiiiil. M F. WYMLIS. rul ' DIRECTOR, 111 1 . a ".'ii 1. iiiilu ii (ull ,y ,l. fl .ii I'l.'lmil ML 111 "'I' PETEf STIPP. liuii-ial fm ' " liiuli.ii am I lli'ii.i ' IlinlillHV -tuiu tun. III. .1. "I b l' a -P i-ialtj Tilipliuiii' -'''' Oflui", .i-'i V, a-.' uiu'.on a.' I' if ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. e, joseph KuerrtsL, rrar all l.aikawaiiua a miiniuu m-i " Win- .suu'iis nf all Kiiul. nil. pnpifiil 1. llu" spitns Ma-un miki a' i.iiiil a "'i MIl'I'lLS, III uiii iioou-i nil ill DiUi GOLDEN GATE CASH STORE. .1 c llojcri t'lopiiclui. ili-alir ui nut- (itum ic ami I'ioiioiw. I'iin' t iuai util li. llie ln) 205 Wa-sIiliiKtim avn.uc THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. lias no t.Iil iro.vli n wml. ull Difij Klik' is 111.U' and 11 ) toil ill'. Om pmi' aic lower llwn au.i oilitr 303 SPRUCE STREET, NEAR PENN AVE "Elite" French China. KS There are .1 hundred m.ikts nf Stcr liiiR silver, but there i nnc partlciitrir lir.iiul which is coveted by the feminine heart above all olhets Volt Know the kind. I'lteie .ire over a ilocn ni.tke til rrcncli C.liin.i. There ir-luit one kind tlt.it mails', lime with the silver above mentioned and lh.it U the "Ulite" liijnd Read .iliotit it, haven't yojir Come in mullet tti show you some new de.sicn. GRUENER & CO., V 20' WYOMINC. AVK. t 1. v. v. n , p. K. . . . v. ". K . t " t x V TRY CK S06 St Union Hade 5 Tobacco A Good Smoke or Chow. A Tiinl Solicited. Sntisi'nction Guaranteed. X 1 ?i MANUFACTURED BY The Clock Tobacco Go,, 044-40-48 Wyoming Ave. Scnuiton, Pn. .1 : ! ! A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. let! ?? rfafii ! Sterling Silverware p. ibSfcfbllbi Libs ! THS ENTERPRISING OEALZRS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. seouRirr huiloins a savings union, lli.llli' ult.n JHi-Sil'i Mi 11- llilllililt','. lian-ails a Lll11l.1l luiililiiia; ami I11.111 lui-iiii'-s lliiuiiuliuili llu i.t 1I1 ut i'l'iitisiliania. "'farrell's transfer ll.iiii I ilium run 11 11. iml l!i,;,.i!,i", th-i. I'liniis .unl Maihun'O 2SG LACKnWANNA AVC. M. A. I, au mm (11, illiii FRIEDLANDER CO. il il.i' 1 Miilnii'ii' r-ialilislimi'iit ti uppi lit' tutiit mils.'. JAMES I. QUICK t'luiMl.11,1; I1111111 a I awn si'il, I'lm . I. I It'. H'l, I' lllil II I , f. 'I'li'im . .il.l n-s-i, k i.i , .(1 1 . I im uiii.. aii'tiii. M1UMMM, WILLIAM JANKO. MERCHANT TAILOrW 320 NORTH WASHINGTON AVC. L A C D K 1 r ANO VJ I o A N M n a N A OPP. O-L ttlV. ozpar. OPEN DAY ANO filOHT. It 11.1 it , in it il.il plls .1 nliOlt mimmMMm H. L. GLEASON, LADIES' TilLOR, RECENTLY WITII GILBERTS, HAS OPENED AT 50 SPRUCE ST. I. nli. s, villi ,'t a lii'tl-it fit liiii- in iiliou i-mlu 1 .lllil. till" "fillUllllllllll till lilt 111 hys. i.s tho in .si lo tu- had. iim Hi'' pi ii'-is an limdonile. YOUNG'S HATS, LOUIS H, ISAACS. .J2 SPRUCC ST. MANHATTAN SHIFTS, FRED H. WINTER. 824 CAI'OUSE AVENUE, III ..III- 111,1 I'lMl .Hill- fllil ,.JIH,', l C .-.Mil lllil. REGULAR SB PHOTOS FOR $3.00. GRAMEft'S 311 LACKA.AVE, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I hint Triunln for I iiipn IIhum'.. I mpi If u-ef Tui 1 1,1. I mil' t Kin -. 1 iuil i,i'i ami illflili I'lup.'lt ull'l Itllll'llUV,. WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, II, ,1,111 1 ..ii'l o Hun lh l.lni COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. I Iranian.', I'mi" fno'l, I'ob'o Mnii'iuii. Itci .uitjlilv fill n. Opi'i' 'lav aii'l mulit U) ami Ml Spiuiu iicil, fa. ui.tun, I'a. FINLEY'S Remarkable Sale of An iixi'oiitloniil iiuichusM 11C over twfi llimmtinil .vuiiIm nf 'L'ulTctu Silks In ult Ihe now onloi'lnKM, Inr-ludliiK whltp anil bhtelt. whli'h ttu olTi'f fur 0110 pcI ul unUHtiitllv tittiiii'tlvt! DtltoH. PntTrliu hIIU.m 1110 tit ptcsont In Kioitl ileimintl for SttllM. Jui'kotH, U'iiIhIs, PeltlfiiiitM, nntl lilnlti'tH, ti mt titc ritii'ly fohl 1111 ili'i the luKUhii' iii'lcH. 1-'iii" thli reitmia this salo orfets nn unoiiinlod oiiurlu- nlty to Ncrui-i' TnffiMu Sllka nl pilri- Hint will In- liupoKHlblo to duplicate. At 39c a Yard A l!.ni;h will", puio Klllc T11IIVI.1. lit Iiii-ko tnnj;e of I'oloi'M, Ini'ludtnt; whlln ninl blut'K. iPKtilur vnluc" ri'iilit, Pik'o for thi.t wt'cl-t, 3!ii'. At 59c a Yard A Ifi.lni'li wlilf, fine nnls.li ninl wrlKht) Taffotii SHU, i-miijiloti) line of colors,! ii'KUliir vuluo Tile, friru I or tlikt wcelf o'Ji'. Taffeta Silks At 88c a Yard 'g A 117-ltieli will" I'Xlni iiitillty $ 1 Kills. In law lini' of I'lOora, ,ff Mlltll" l.'Jt", SiAt 88c a Yard Tdffol.1, i-PKiilnr Iiiipnrli'il ntul doiiu'Stli' plain bl.u'l. Tatfolu SIIUp, InlKht ltihlri" nnd film finish' sranil wi'itiinjT iiuulllan: ir-su-lar vuluo Sil.'-'o. I'l'lcc tin- this wpoU, SSo. At $1.15 a Yard j ' A jr-lni'h whlo "AiiiOi'lmn" Ttliii'lc ' Taffotii i-lll. wear crunrnntPPil, boavy I to tin- hand -uul nleo tlnlali, rcKtilnf ,t I altto .$1 J'rli'p for this week, V l'' ;:At $1.25 a Yard i:liu wide Mlticl! Taffeta Silk, usli.fc honvy wpIkIH. onr Ruarnnlced: al.su "IJrin'not" 'lno luiporti'd Silk, IiriKhC lustre and beautiful llnlsli. tOKitliif vnluc Sl.'i'i. I'rlio for tills week. St.'J.T. Foulard Silks and Satins (mi's nro acknowloilKcd the hand somest i1cM!;n and lai'Best nssortmontj li. tho city. Prices, 40c. 73c, $1.00 and' 510512 Lackawanna Ave J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. ; Zl " J The Dickson Mu.iur.ictiirin;; Ut). iciiiiiton and WllUei-llirrs, l'., .Muniilaclurari o. i locomotives, stationary engines lioilcr.f, Hol3tin;;niul 1'uinplnE iiiacuintry. General Orucc. Bcrinton. Fa. I i !' FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. DSO PENN AVSNUE. JiibblllfT of nil kinds promptly attended to. s'iimi:s 111,1 iiei i.i.y St I1MII1KI). THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Kit. 1 If fiiiiiliiui" I.01I.I111K ami floor Roicrings Im 1 till .i whulusaK" pnuf nt 724 W. LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. Itl.l'AIHIMI spec I.M.TV. P. GROSS, ASS SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, si.ui -,i lu tin limit A" t'nini'll t fi , 111 l:i 1 1 -I 1 111, t, it wink ninl iiitll,itiuii. I ariim lulls .ml i.nii'i il 1I1 wink a -I'i'i lain S... t.U I ii'l,.iv.'.uiii.i iiv rune l'M. M Mil' .17 sS(,'T(V wns'f'K. STEAM DYE WORKS. .ml I 1, 11.11 )i I Iiji.hu and 1 t.'tintsti inn 1 . , 1- ..i,,il im ,111,1 ililiimeil. ! 1 1 1 unmet uiii, MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 1ST PENN AVE ALEX. HAY. HOUSE. SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER AtlO PAPER HANGER, SSI MULBERRY ST, WOLF & MLANE, 222 AOAMS AVE, Easter Millinery WENZEL I'm In at l'lutnl"''.. 'I'imiiif au.i 1,4 In lu- I'iiiii 11 1 a spr 1 1 .1 1 1 Itipaiiui". piumpil) iluiic. al' iIjiii. an . .s.'i.im lull. I'a WILSON d COMPAftY, I , I. mi ihlf 'l.iilni. .Iluii'l .hliniii tluililinj), ." sin,,,,. (ii,i. siraiiinii, I'a. Milts prtissau, .tii.iil. panls pi. .'(il, HI oni t lotlitHK n-iwln-il. i.llli'il f.irnnii ili'liu'iwl. N'i'W I'liune. VIU H. A. RIEFENPERG, I'.uiiiliui,. Iiimiiii; alt.' Iliaiuig. .'ole a;nt no It 'iar.1 1 uiiiavt' TUiphuli. Id- 1. union ftiu)! THE CHEAPEST lit. I 4 in I iiuili-l plJ"" "' '' 'l' o ha liilll I 'l It". ',1 "11- u'l' li'" "UK uul "11 'K11 l.iaiui-1 ami ill.' 'la-' uuil.man.liip I'J l.itl.li'li .Im', uppuslll po.itullln' DR. E. V, BEARDSLEY. DENTIST, I .iinul wall Or Mill 321 SPRUCE ST, MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT .Ai.Vit V)i'.ir Iti'lilins I'ailon opm Minli 'lliuriU. jinl Miu'ilay cvi-i.iiii,. f. -v ..- UJ5taaiSiwifrliMfci - r, i?.ffyMiirwfc rgfoja