The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 30, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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, --ay- y
14 i y r
The Cottage Hobg Company's Enter
prise Launched Amtd Oicat En
thusiasm. Th'e pi thoiouglifuics oC the
city wore now tied last night hy en
thiislnstlc ft lends of the Cottage Hose
coinpniiy, who assembled in groat
numbeis to wltnes-i the parade tlmt
preceded the opening lit the fair and
on nival of this popttlui oignnUatloii.
Theie iih mi Imposing puimlo of
'"'tho city Hi i deiiuitmetit, and tlu' en
thusiastic spirit ovorywhoio iniinl-
tosted was a blight uusui.v ot the success-
or the eiitei prise, which has) for Km
object the i.ilslng of a fund whetcby
the Cottage basemen fan meet n homo
ur their own.
The pim-ix-'liin, which moved at S
o'clock, ins headed hy the Munrt
bund, which discoursed a prORianiinu
of lively airs well calculated to pleao
aud delight the most indent admilcis
nf tbe pupiilai nigtlme selection"'.
T!v Andrew Mitchell ooiupanv, ncit
1 i lad In uultoinis cC cadet guiy and
lollshed button.'- and shinlm; helmets
i.illowed. with the nppaiatti'i dhectly
The Columblas. lospletidoiit In the
H Hide die which wins enthusiastic
i il-c wliirver It is illsplu.vod, and
v.llli tbeh splendid hose, came
net Puun the lty hall, the ilicincn.
,i moving plitute ot mloi and line
manhood, nmiched down South Main
I i eet, av i it i- as the Intui section of
that and Pike str-et, wl.eie the Cot
tage eompiny, fii unite limn Its quai
lis mi the South Side, became a pint
of the pioee-hlon. The pilnclpil
M loots weie then p.uadcd. the line of
nun eh ending at Uinke's hall, wheia
the was? about to lo opened,
j'ne hall i as one wive of color and
lirjht, and when the tinlmated and
lively cioud look possession .mil the
hiliit ol rood cheer ,md enjoyment
seemed eoiuniiiiilc.iti d to the Huong,
the luisemen had ieavon to K-el gi.ite
lul ovoi tbe success of the opening
The hall, though lavishly decoialed,
piesonts that appeal. nice of taste and
judgment e haiateiistle ot Fuluman, of
Seianton, who had chnige of the de-
oiatlons The led, white and blue
lnedomlnate, while heie and theie is .1
h.iimunliiiis blending of hilRht coloi.s.
On elthei side ot the stage aie the
booths whete nc cieain and candy aie
The opening: addioss was made by
Hon. James .1. O'Neill, who wnimly
welcomed the public to the attiactlons
which the tail and held foith.
Ho also indicated the numeious good
lensons whv tlie enteipilso deserved
the hearty suppoit ot the public.
Theie was, alo an unteitaining pio
ri amine ot musical numbeis, in which
Miss C.itheiitie Fl.tnneiy, Misses Ull.
abetli and May Pnvvdeily, MaiRaict
Dully and Ilemy Hattlc pai tieip.ued
with 1 1 edit.
The evening wns then i;lven ovct to
dancing, anil until U.JU the pleusmes
of this dlveislon weie heaitlly en loyal
bv its devotees
Hath night 11111111?: the week theie
will lie- a special pioigammo of musi
cal niimbei.s, .ir.d duilu-r the last half
ot the cvk theie will be dancing in
the aftei noon, commencing at .'JO
The opening night was a decided suc
i e: s and the tall piomlses to ailueve
all it di .selves.
Intciesting Happenings in Caibon
dalc Society Chcles.
V Miulal a fall that ha.-; awakened
i uisiderablo .nfiest is the ".souvenir"
u I il that ks to take place this oven
I ,g a' the In He ot Mis. 1'iank lino
1 i,d, on Lincoln avenue.
The affair will be undei the auspices
i r Tiinlty guild and the proceeds will
70 to the oigan tund of Trinljy Cpls-
opal chin clT A large patronage Is
looked foi, as an evening ot delightful
.sjelal enjoyment ha i bt-en jnovldcil
lor. The social t.ik-s Its name fiom
tne fact that each attendant is given
;i -o'lvinh. v"ji the auuvenli and the-
Greater America's Greatest Burdsn Conviction
Forced I pon Thousands Thit They Are, Face
to Face with a Serious Condition.
Here Are the Pronounced
Thiohblng, palpitating heatt.
Mleepless nights.
Sudden stui tings.
Morning languor.
Hialn fag.
Inability to woik or think.
Eliaus'lon on exertion.
Flagging nppftlte,
Digestion slow.
Food heavy.
Kaslly excited, nervous.
Stiength falls.
Trembling nands and limbs.
J-OSS Of, JlOhll.
.os3 of muscular power.
Settled melancholia.
In liable despondent.
Mis, Joseph Mitchell, of OIG Linden
rilieot, West Seianton, l'a says: "Dr.
A. W. Chase's Netvo Pills are tine, I
was all out 01 order, nervous and could
not sleep weak and mlsetable. The
kWnOb wcio hlugulsh and the hick
lofnje nothing deemed, to help me un
tlj' J got a bos of the Xeivo Pills at
Mtithews IJios,' ding stoic, coiner of
Luckawanna and Washington avenues.
Since I took them I sleep well, don't
jerk and talk. My neives aio steady
1 ftel stiong and tho kidneys aio
w 01 king wall again. I um moio than
1 leased and glad to lecommeiid the
medicine "
Known by
Their. Works
I , I
Ca.tbondale Department.
refreshments an offcilin? ot iT ecntit
W II be lecelved
Mrs. II. llariison and Mis. C. t'.
Jtose v'lll eiiteitalit at n llilmblo ten
nl the home of Mrs. Harrison, at !U
IiVith .Main slicel on Wednesday at
tention. Theie will he a delegation ot Our
bondale yoiuiR people In .leiuiyn to
nlRllt as gnosis at the ".iihuttls" so
cial which will be Riven In Assembly
The -hicIiiI will likelv be the most
elaborate affair evei held in .lcimii.
Mm tin Taylor, of Scott Sticet, Suc
cumbs After Painful Sickness.
After two mouths of sufleilng fniiu
u most painful alteetlon ot the .stom
ach, Mm tin Taylor passed away Uto
Sunday night, at his home, tit ".1 Scott
Mr. Taylor was TC venra of iirc. and
for neaily a half a cenluty was a
lesldent of faibondale. He was .i
native of li eland, tils blitliplme being
In une of the paiisbes ol the County
of Sllgo. He accompanied his patents
to this count i y when a ineie child, and
On bondale bus been his home ever
The deceased w is emplo.ved In and
about the llelawaie and Hudson col
llLiie, but about two mouths ago he
was obllg-nl to lellmpilhli his woik. Ho
failed inpldly and on Sundav death
tell.'ved his uifleilng.
-Mr. T.iloi was hinvived by hit. wife
and two .sans, Chi Istopher and John
Taylor, and tv.o daughteia, Mis. Wil
liam Oilemaii. this city, and SLsler
Alarv Veionha, of the Older of SI.
Fiancis, Phlladelphiii.
The tunci.'l will take place on Wcd
iHhday inoining. A high mass of ie
iiulcin will lie sung in St. Hose iltuuh.
beginning at ! o'clock. Initial will be
in St. ltote ifineteij.
The Junior Team Defeats ths Seniois
by a Close Scoie.
The base- ball game which was plaved
jesteidav afternoon on Sandy's Held,
between the Senior and Junior classes
ot the High .sebiiol leMlItcd In a vle
toiv tor the latter, by u scoie ot 11-10.
This is the second ol live games which
is being pla.ved, both lesulting in favor
ot the Juniois.
It was stated .vcstciday that Ouch
Oeaiy would on I'liday pick the fust
team, which will battle against the
Seianton High school nine un the 11th
ot May.
It is ifitaln that a stiong team will
be placed in the Held this jear, as the
candidates cmnpilvc such iilaeis as
KaMioi, Wvim, Monghau, Uuike, Kll
patilek, Quliin, I.ottus, Hetllnger, I'ulf,
Geaiy and Mima v. This means that
the Seianton boys will meet wot thy
competitors, as, in formet yens.
Patiick Quinn, of Indiana, Sustnins
a Bioken Aim While En Route to
This City.
Pali lik ijiilim, whose home It, on
Tall Hiook sli 'et, thl- city, but who
is emplovii nt his tiade as noiler
maker In South 13 u.l, lndlim, is visit
ing heie
Mi Qulnn's journey to Ibis nt was
attended bv a mishap that will some
what mar his .stay licie. While leav
ing a Ham on one ot the in ids which
eaiiled him hence, he was caught in
a uibh of luuiying passongeis, am! in
the jostling about, his aim was badly
sfiue.ved and with such toiee as- to
liactuic the menibei. The bieak oc
euiied ex.K'Uv when- it was bioken
some time ago.
Home nr the Summer,
Miss Maiv Gilhoy and 3Iiss Jennie
Tlghe, of Scott sticet, who aie em
ployed at diessmaking In New Yoik
ity dining the busy season, aie home
to icirraln until autumn.
Pleached Opening' Seimon.
The opening senium in the Foity
Horns' Devotion at St. Peter's cathe
dial Sunday was pleached by He v.
Walter Gounaii, assistant pi lest at
St, Hose chinch, this city.
Times cluinne, so do our ways of living ami
working, Uilhoads, steamboats', evuiy
raouiiH of traiispm tutlon, all inuiiner of In
vun lions uverythim; is with a view to nip
iillly. Time in tlioo-isenee. irtiiattiiity moves
hi tho Hiiini) way at uxpiess train sps'tl.
Tluu'ri whv so many men ami women Jlml
themselves giving out, sviupioins lireuking
ill on t hum that am o eomiuuu tit the pies
out time. (Jvoivvoik or high tension lias
1I0110 im work, Ncrvo wast luelj ol NVrvo
lAirce sets von fuco to face with 11 condition
it is ilaiih'eroiM to neglect It was beciuso
of the pifvaleiice of these- svniptnius that
Dr. A W C'iiiiso'h Nervi i'ills weie tirotight
lino being, tlu ir action i- to provide lacking
Noive Fuco tho cniiso of all tliesu trotiblas
ihey do tills ami Unit U why thoy 1110 so
popular, ripratilou ovldoiico provos their
fMi A4x MPn
DniL'giutH who make a praotico of substituting soiling
you Honietliliig tliev want vnu to buy instead ofwliut vou
uU for huvo but one object in view 111010 gain to tlieni.
selves eo that you got tho gumiinu Dr. A. V Clmse'a
ieivo PUK with eiuuature and poitralt of A.W- Chase,
M D, on tho box 5(1 routa of ilruggletB or Di. A. W,
Chase Meillclno Co., llunuio, N V.
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Residents of Cctrbondalo and Vicinity
to Stmt Across the Continent.
A number of icsldcnts of Carbotidalo
and vicinity will leave tonight on the
I'.ile "llyei" for vailous points In tho
Jar west.
Hairy U Smith, of Maple avenue,
will journey far acioss the continent,
his destination being Lot Angeles,
The pleasiites of u snjoiii n In lower
C'aHfoinlii at UiIh lime of the year.
wh"ii natiiic In all her beauty and
gloiy Is a vctltablp paiadlse, Is what
altiacts Mr. Smith and the length of
his stay will depend on his enjoyment
ot the trip.
Piofessor ifcotge. I4'. Ackeiuian, the
clever iiunet soloist In the Moiait
band and orchestra, also a soloist of
the Piesbyterlan chinch choir, will
also start on a Journey that will tuki
hint 'aNo to tbe Pacific coast
Mr. Aekctinan Is destined for Baker
Pity. Oregon, which Is the home of his
bi other, whom he has not seen In
about twenty yeais. While Mr. Aek
eiman Is anxious tor the companion
ship ot his biothei, then aie other
Intel eats lit the west that folin the
puipoco ot his trip. Scveial .vears ago
ho acquired an Intel est in a silver
mine which piomised piolltablo ie--stilts
wlim developed. Recently lnig'j
quantities of oie, which yielded A big
peicentage of sllvii, have been taken
I loin the mines ami the development
I j.1ip propjily leached a stage whcie
a visit to tliu .scene would be ot Intei
et,t and piolU, -Mr. Ackerman conclud
ed. Willi Hit opening of tin; spring
season, therelote, he picpared for tlu
ttlp on which he leaves this evening.
Mi, Aekei man's Inlet est In Baker
City will demand his attention for an
auelinat time and iljpiobablc that
he vUll not be able lo lelttin until the
summer mouths aie passed. He will
be .11 conipaniid by the fervent wishes
ol his 11 lends that his tilp may be
l..asaut and piolltabl-.
P. B. tloodsell, of the upper end of
the state, will leave tor Denver, Col
1 lado, wheio be Intends to locate. Mr.
Oodsell has been visiting in Oirbon-
lalp foi seveial weeks.
Mis. chailes O. Da vail will also
leave over the Hile for Santa Itosn,
Sirs. Do vail i.i fiom Pieston, Wayne
county, and leaves for California to
loin her husband, who is well located
Cie&cents Will Play the Olyphant
Team at Alumni Park.
Tho Ciescent base ball team has ic
ciraiiied tor the present season un
dei the management ot Hdward J.
Out dun. J'h'ir llrst game will bo with
the repitsentatlve nine 01 Olyphant in
Alumni park next Satuulay.
The piobable line-up of the team will
be: Catcher. Jfoian or Lottus; pitch
er. Cuff, Hadgins 01 bnilth; iiist base,
Piclgeou: second base Hogan: shott
stop, Mellale or Monogbau; thiid
bise, rduriay: loft Held, Owens, cen
ter ti-ld, i:mniett: light Held, Cioidon
-iv llealej.
The upenlng game ot the season will
be bailed with unmistakable pleasuie
and delight by lovers of outdoor spoit,
vlicc inteinst iii this foiemost pas
ilnn b en riulekened by the open
w of the big league. The advent ot
the sunshine and warmth tho past few
days has given .in impetus to the
spent and tho possibilities of base ball
in On bondale this .season has been H12
topic ot icinveisation about tow 11.
Coming Event in Carbondale Society
Xet in nnnoitmce in t-ueiety cir
cle.-, alter the Cottage Hose company
lair, which is in pt ogress nt Buike's
hall this week, la the -May dance of
the cleiks. which will be held in the
rime hall on Friday incut, Jlny ID.
1 'i nin 11 Mic'lul staiidnoint. it can be
said that the function is oeing eager
1 .- until mated, lor tie nei sonnel of the
organization include:, many who aie
piomlneut 111 moiety elides., a circum
stance that will give the ntf.ilr the
distinction of a social event,
Fiom a business standpoint, tho
clctks are anxious to .swell their tioas
ui, as the oimnlztitlon is on a good
basis, nurneilcally and it is their In
tention to be well tortitled llnanclully
toi their various needs.
Miiblc for the occasion will be fur
nished by Pi of. Filth. Joseph Wll
kcr will be the piomptei.
Knights' of Malta New Temple.
The Knights of Malta cummandery is
located in its now temple in the Watt
bulUlns, Salem iivniio and Main
htieei, whoie they have pleasant quar
tets. The meeting place will be known
as Knights of Malta temple.
The meeting will be on Tuesday
evening, May 7,
Pay Days.
The Del.iw.uo and Hudson cunipany
has fonimenctd its payments horc
iibnuts. Yesterday the employes of Powdetly
mines, No. 1 and 3, wete paid, and to
day the woikmen in tnd about tho
Coal Biook will receive their wages.
Crltically 111.
Mis. Jacob Stone, of Sand sheet, who
has been ill fur 11 number of weeks. Is
in a condition, Her son, Samuel,
of New Yoik city, bat arrived heie In
answer to a hint led summons.
Return to Caibondale,
Mis Mm tin Biennaii and family,
who left heie last full tor Schenectady,
N. Y.. have decided to icturn to Car
bondale, and will loeato in their old
home on uppr Duiidaff sheet.
Pui chased Two Teams.
ThoKiautz blew cry of tho Pennsyl
vania C'ential Brewing lompany has
Just made a put chute of two teams ot
powerful draft noises, which aie
being genet ally admit cd.
A Business Itomoval.
C. D. Shoit, milk dealer, has tcnicived
his, depot from Darte avenue. Ho Is
now located at - l.auicl stiect. ,
An Altar Boy't Experience.
John McCrtvvlcy, t Noith lilver
Mioet, an altar boy at St. Itose ijiiucli,
had a diiigorous ospeiienee while at
tending about the ult.11 on Sunday
night While llghllng the candles, his
surplice took file and tho blae was
consuming the garment unknown to
him. Luckily, the happening wns ob
served by a man In the conKicgntlon,
who leaped over the sanctuary rail and
lo the boy' lescue, tearing the hum
Ing surplice fiom his body heroic the
menaelns HanicB could do him harm.
Havo for the flight, the boy did not
mirfcr f 1 oni the cxpeilence.
"The Christian" on Thursday.
What will be an Impoitant event In
tlieatilcals befoic the close ot the sea
son la tho production of "The rinls
tlan," nt the Giand opera house on
Thuisdny evening next.
"The Christian" Is the dramatization
of Hall Calne's powerful novel of the
same name, the drama In which, 11 few
rcusoiih ago, .Mist. Viola Allen, who In
now starring In tho dramatization of
Minion Craw fold's "In the Palace of
the King," achieved so many triumphs.
The company which will bo here on
Tlnusday night Is under the dhectlon
ot Llebler H. Co,, the successful the
atrical manugt'iM of New Yoik city,
and a company that Is capable of giv
ing a llttlng presentation of this power
ful play Is asstned.
The diagram opened laiit night, and
the advance sale Indicated a good re
sponse to Manager "Byrne's effot t In
bringing this attraction to Carhondnlc.
Ladies of Communion Table Meet.
The ladles ot the Communion Table
of fit. Rose church held ar Interest
ing bcsslon last night. The icport of
the recent euchre, which was conduct
ed under these ladles' allspices wus
received, It was shown that tho at
fair was a groat success financially,
over SJ50 being netted by the under
taking. The enterpiloe, which was the
ladles' lb st venture, was so successful
tiom evciy standpoint thnt It may be
fonsldeied tha foio-runncr 01 .similar
f unci ions.
Liver: -incss Changes Hands.
The f .v. Sun 11m ty on John
sticet li 11 .' hands It Is now
the pi opt 'i.phcn Uolgate, who
will heiea m iii he business nt
the .sain? 1 'nc when it has been so
successfully managed fur eight eais
by Messrs. Hleicc.
Mr. Uolgate, the purchaser, has
heietofoie been a liilhoader. He has
a wide acquaintance, which will .serve
him well In his new venture.
New Breaker to Operate.
The new Delaware and Hudson
bleaker, being erected on the site of
the old No. 1 mine chutes on tho south
side, is rapidly nearlrg completion.
The caipenters are at work finishing
the nestling that is to connect the
mines with the breaker. It is thought
that all will be in readiness to lesuine
opeiatlons, in the rourse of a week.
Assistant Superintendent Loftus has
charge of the consttuctlon.
The Missionaries Depait.
The r,cdcmptorl&t missionaries left
this city yesterday for vailous parts of
the countt y. At the Delawaie and
Hudson station thcrewas quite a large
bl.ed ga thelitis to wish them God-speed.
Hdwaul Hessling, son of Mr. and
Mi.s. Joseph Hessling, of Wayne street,
accompanied the missionaries to the
inouasteiy at Saiatoga, N. Y., where
he will enter the novitiate ot the order.
Attended Mules' Banquet.
Misses Agnes Gilmartln and Lizzie
Schwartz und John Judge, of this city,
were among the guests at the banquet
of the Wyoming Valley Deaf Mute so
cietj, which cool; place at the Hotel
Hart on Saturday evening.
The gatheiins was quite .111 unusual
one. All of the toasts weie delivered
in the sign language and the slleni c
was oiilv broken by occasion lniitliful
Afflicted with Paralysis.
It will bo encouraging news, to tbe
fi lends of Mrs. Daniel Kelly, of Wood
lawn avenue, to be Informed that she
Is giadually legalning the use of her
faculties, iiftor the uttaek of partial
paialysls with which she was oveicome
list week. Mrs. Kelly's condition was
ciltlcal for seveial days, but now theie
aie hopeful indications of her recov
ery. A Piofitable Rummage Sale.
The rummage sale -which the young
ladles of tho Methodist
church have been conducting in the
O'Connell building, on Paik Place, has
been quite a source of prollt. Aheady
$110 has been realized from the sales of
miscellaneous urtlcles that the young
ladles gathered together for the sale.
An Additional Mail Pouch.
Postmaster Thomas has secured an
additional direct pouoh for the. local
ofllee to be "made up" by the railway
mail clerk on the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Westein tiain fiom Har
rl&burg to Serantoii. This will facili
tate the lecelpt of mall from the South
and the Western pait of the state.
John neese spent Sunday in Moosie. Pyle was a caller in
Forest City yestetday
Hdward Shannon and P. V. Fox
drove to Unlondule on Sunday.
Alfred Davis, the rorest City phar
macist, was In town yesterday.
James, Wheeler, ot Olyphant, called
on Carbondale friends on Sunday,
William Lewis, of South Main sheer,
was n visitor to Seianton Sunday.
Thomas Levinson, foimcrly of the
AiHhiaclto, but now cleik at tho Irv-
Do Not Trifle
with danger and remember
every cough or cold means
will cure your cough or cold
at once, It will heal and
strengthen your lungs. It is
a safeguard for you always,
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold,
"A Metre cold settled in throat and bronchitl
lubes colds alw.j slatted several months. J
tried hhiloh and li cured me at once. Am
clad to add my testiniooy.
Rectcr bt. Miri's Church, LcKoy, N. .
Shllnli'n Consumption flare Is M by all
ilruguUU ut 25c, 6Uc, J1.00 bottle. A
iirlutuil Kuurniitfii se with every bottlo.
ruuurniiit go to (iurlrusgl
and Bet j.w-ir money hack.
Write for illuitr.ted beoV. on conseniptien. Sent
wahoutcost tjou. b.C.. Well J A Co., IcKoy, N.V,
Inp, In Seianton, visited hero on Sun
day. A. W, niundln, of Seianton, niiulc
n hUBlness trip lo Caiuonditln yester
day. Thomas Melanej, of IVinioy, Is
upending a few tho a hi town on busi
ness. Mlstt Marcolla While, of Seventh
avenue, Is the guest 'of re
f 1 lends.
T. J. Kelly, the wholesale grocer, ot
Scranton. was n Cnrbondaiu visitor
It. IJ. Wilson, of Wilson & Company,
tailoring compan), Scranton, visited
her cSunday.
Miss HsUicr Moses, or Scranton, vis
ited yesterday with her cousin, Miss
Martini Singer.
Henry Law lor and .lames Jud'p. ot
Jcssup, were the guests of t'arbnudalc
friends on Sunday,
I P. H. Ullcy, of the giahl elevator
company at Seianton, wiih 1iip on
. business yesterday.
r F. Whlttcmore, of the I.. It. !w
' ell music stole. Scranton, was here on
business yesterday,
Hen Chapmnn, icprcseiitlng (fold
smith Brothet n' shoe house. Serantoii,
was In the eltv yesterday.
Miss nilK.tbe'h O'Malley. of Adams
nventie, Seianton, was the guest of
Carbondale relatives on Sunday.
Miss Fallon, ot Old Forge, has ie
tinned home alter a visit with Mis
May McLane. of Hiooklyn stiect.
Hon. P. A. PhUblu, of Arehbald,
icpresentntlve of this dlstilet at Har
rlsburg, was in tho city ,csloidiij.
Miss Nellie lint letuined to
her home In Olyphant after a shoi t
vllt with Miss Agnes Ciallagher. of
Pike stiset.
Chailes Connors, of Scranloii, repre
senting the International bhliL com
pany, was visiting among tin liade
heie yesleidaj.
Peter A. Coleman, of the Ptudoiitlal
Itisuianee company' Seianton olllce,
letuined yesterday, after spending
Sunday ut his home on the West Side.
Maurice G. Watt. A. L. riaiie, Al
bert Hutherfoicl and John Swelgert
weie a paity of tomlsts who traveled
lo Clifford and Crystal lake on Sun
day. Thomas J. MeGuhe, general agent
at Serantoii for the Equitable Life
Aftsui.mce company, and T. J. Dunn,
also .1 representative of the .same com
pany, weie in Cai bondale estcrday.
Mis. li. B. Wilson and Mrs. Fred
Chahe and daughter, Gladys, of Fac
toiyvllle, Pa spent Saturday and Sun
day at Carbondale, It being the anni
versary of the death of Dr. llobeit
Bruce Wilson, late of New Yoik.
Hal H. Jartvvin, formerly of the cler
ical force of the Hendricks Mnnufae
tuilng company, but now traveling
J representative for a New York state
shiit concern, is spending a few days
at his patents' home on Chmch street.
A two-story dwelling house, tbe prop
erty of Mr. and Mrs. John Reap, of the
Fast Side, was discovered on fire about
I 10 o'clock yesterday morning, and was
almost destroyed befoic the flames
weie extinguished. The Artesian Hove
company responded to the ahum, but
the flic had attained such headway be
fore their anival that It was most diftl-
i cult to subdue. The loss Is. it is under
stood, coveied by insurance.
The boaid of dheetois of the Ceme
tery association aie very indignant
over the action of a number ol small
boys, who recently did considerable
damaire and mischief within the ceme
teiy grounds. The boys cut and hacked
several of the shade tiees and loveied
several monuments with colored ciay
ons. The tliiectois have dlscoveted the
boys' names and have been to their
patents concornintr the matter. They
last pveninir decided to issue a warn
ing, and if any such deniedations aie
again committed the offendoit. will lie
piosoeuted. It is to be hoped that the
diieclois will have the bae'.ibonc to do
so, as any children guilty of such an
olfence deseive punishment
A grand concert will he given in As
sembly ball tomoiiow evening, under
the auspices of Hogarth's band, for the
benetlt of Mis. Henry Mayne, widow of
the late Hemy Majne, a former mem
ber of the band. An excellent tuo
gramme has been arranged, as will be
seen fiom the following, and the affair
is deserving of liberal pationage:
Maich. "Old Comiade," band: vocal
solo, Mrs. "William Buckingham; vocal
solo, TMchaid Hocking; leeltatlon, Miss
Violet Lane; cornet duut, Fied Hors
well and son; vocal solo, Hbenezer
Pi Ice: vocal solo (c haiaetuilstie),
Henry Battle; instrumental quaitette,
members of the band; vocal solo, Miss
Gertrude Vail; vocal solo, Patrick Mec
han; grand musical smash-up, band:
vocal duet. 'Misses Geitic Vail and
Myia Hills; leeitation, Mls.s Emily
Fessenden; vocal solo, Albert Hots
well; vocal solo, Aichie Martin, violin
solo, Miss Hannah Murphy, comic
solo, Stanley Layman; vocal solo, Jo
seph O'Brien; recitation, "William 'flut
ter; march, Hogarth's baud
The funeial of the late. Thomas'
Johns, of Vandllng, will take place at
1.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Inter
ment vvil) be made in Foi est City.
Miss Annie Small Hock, the well
known elocutionist, Mho gave such an
Interesting entertainment here some
time ago, will give an eiiteitainment
this evening, under the patronage of
tho boaid of trustees of the Piimltlvu
Methodist chinch.
lluigess Pendeied and daughter, Mis.
Louis Morris, weie Seianton visitors
Sunday. Mis. Motris and family will
leave this evening for Colouido to join
Mr, Mollis, who is located theie,
John Ureen, of Pittston, spent ves
teiday with bin hi other, Lincoln A.
Den Davlb and Hbonezer 1'iieo wcio
Foieat City vlsltois Sunday
The Best Cold Cine
Is une J ou can take without lutein up
tion to business. Ope that dois not ef
fect the head or heating like the con
tinned use of iuliilne. One that emeu
speedily and leaves you tesllng fresh
and clear-headed. Such a one- is
Kiause'a Cold Cuie. Pi ice, .'3c. Sold
by all diuggists.
Tliu slicet committee of loimoll jgs
teuiay seived the following1 notice on
piopeity ownois along Lael.awamia
sticet, which is belf-explanatory.
"Your attention Is leapeettully called
to the following lesolutlmi, passed by
the botough council on -Maich .'5, 1001 ;
Bo it lesolvcd, That the piopeitj own
eis, lesldents. and tenunts on Lacka
wanna street be requested to assist in
uialntuliilnv bald btreet in a state of
decency, by sweeping dht, etc, to the
curbs tiom centio of stiect opposite
each lesldeneo or buslntss place, and
the stiect commissioner to have the in
tciscctlons ot stteet c loaned, uud all
dlit leinovcd on Filda of each unci
every week, so tur as may be possible.'
Your co-operution in tills matter ls ie
spectfully solicited.
"Street t'oiunilttec of Council "
Wliilc attempting to boaid a huge
brewery wagon on L.icknwntina. street,
yesterday ttf tot noon, Willie Campbell,
the young son ot W, II, Cumpbctl, fell
beneath and hud his hand badly
crushed. He was lahrn lo Ur, Kelly's
drug stoic, ncttiby, wheic his wounds
were diesscil.
The sum of tlOf. was icalled ut the
rutniunRu sate held In Matthews' vacant
ntoie, on t.tukawnuiid tilioet, last week
for the boncllt or the Picsbjieilan
A Hungailau laboier employed III the
Hddy t'icek colllciy was palntully In
Jutcd about the head bv a fall of mof
yeatoulay aftot 110011. He wus taken lo
his home In Pihcbiug.
A clouded house w (Incused "The Vie
tin Ian i'ioss," ptesoiited by Tommy
Hhcaier and his cxeniieni fonipany at
till' Father Millllew iipaia liollse last
evening. This evening they will pic
sent "A lioiuanee of Koivcen," Tick
ets, 10, i and ,10 cent!.
T. P. Jones attended the "uncial of
the lute Thomas Williams, at llellevile,
Miss Lizzie Oadden. of Gi ecu llldgo,
wiui the guest ot Miss Alary Keigusuu,
of Laeki'.vvtinna sticet, over Sunday.
"Mother" Jones spent Sunday at this
pint e.
Miss Belle Kenny, of Seianton. vis
lied friends In town on Sunday
Miss Annie Piobeit was tbe guest of
Hyde Patk friends on Sunday.
An open-air concert will be given Hilt,
evening by Bonn's Military baud from
the vciulida of Hotel Million. The pin
giamine, -Maich, " Foi ever" (Jo
seph Lacallc); medley, overttuc, "Best
I'vei" (MneUie)! tiombiuie solo, "Be
cuttsc," Will Hill: cake walk, "llunke.v
Dory," Abe HoUmauu; ovcrtttie, "May
Floweis:" waltz, "Calanthc," Abe HoU
m.iuii; niaiilt, "I'he Fate of Ihe Kuti
gaioo' (Guslav Liideis), "Star
Spangled Hanilil."
Tin eiiteitainment o be hfid at tliu
Aiehbald and l'jn" Pilmlthe Melho
dist chinch this veiling under the
auspices of the Young Men's, Uiblc
class, piomlses to la- a maud musical
and llteiaiy t tout. A supper will be
seived at the coiiiiuMou of the pio
El amine.
County Oiganliit (Joiner 1). Heese,
of the Piohlbltlon p.nty, will call a
meeting of the tempeianee woikeis
heie on Thirsila, May '.', when he
will oiganize a Piohibllion league.
The Taylor and Pyne mines local
unions, t'nlted Mine Woikeis, oi
meily local blanch No. lou.vvlll meet
in joint session tliU evening' III Jones'
hall, when the tieasury will be divided
and each local will lecclve their p.nt.
All mcmbeis ot both blanches aie 10
ciucfted to be pies-nt.
Mother Mary Jones, the female 01
ganler, was In town yesteidaj, liv
ing to etlert a settlement with the
employes ot Judge & Mulhciln silk
factoiy and their pmploeis.
Iteoiganizatlnn of the I'llee Libiaiy
base ball team will be clleeted this
evening, when th"1 iiicmbeis of last
year's team aie lequchtcd to meet
at the Llbiai.v. lor that put pose.
The t el vices held in the Aiehbald
and I'mio Pilmitivc Methodist e lunch
last Sabbath, A pi il 2S, wciu unusually
mteiesting. Mlsslonaiy seiviees weie
held both 11101 nlng and evening, 'in
ducted bv the pastoi, P.ev. James
"Walkei. At the morning seiviee, the
oidlnaiu'o of baptism was adiulnisleri d
to four ehildieu, which v,.is followed
by an inteic sting dlseouise mi 'The
Mission of tin- hevenly," which was
listened to by a huge and nppiccl.tlivu
congix'gation At the close ot the
11101 ning service two poisons piescntnl
themselves to become nieinbeis, and
lead a Chilstian Hie. At the evening
seiviees a laige audience was assem
bled to listen to the excellent dKcouisu
and the leliditioti ol seveial .selec
tions given b the choir under the eill
ciclit dhectlon ol Mr. IJenjamin Jen
kins. .Miss Maltha Lander piesidccl at
the oigun. 'Ihe I'Ccning .siibjeet was
The (iiaiaeteil.stles or a Mi.-sion.n y
(iiiiich "
John Thomas, whose homo is In the
rear ol Kidgo stieet w.i.i quite serious
ly injuied in the Aiehbald niino'jestei
day, wheie he is emplojed as a miner
by tin falling of top 1, which
caught him on the back. He was con
veyed ( his home in the company s
Pior. 1). IJ. Jones left lor New Yoik
yesterday, to "-pond a shot t vacation.
Lib lodge, N'o 6i. Independent Ol
der of Odd fellows, will in et in lobu
lar sessoin tonight.
Ciiifllth Thomas, of rmbundale, vis
ited fttendb in tliis boiougli on the
Hie haul AYilliams lias letmpjil to
New Yoik, altei .spemlim, the past
few das with his patents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Williams, of Alain tliee1.
Hdwaid Hairis, a student of Mount
Heiman colli go, Xm thiield, Must-,, is
homo to tpend the sunimcr vaatioii.
Mi. and Mis. John Thomas, ut the
Aiehbald, have returned home li out
thdr w. Halmi," lout, and vvotc the
guests of the lutt.T's parents, All, and
Mis. David W. Jones, 01 Noith Tay
loi, on riimdav.
James Inglis let I lot I'.ubniidnlc ves
teiday, whete h.- will mi opt a posi
tion. .Mi. and Mis, John H. .N'elley aie vis
iting ut Tuii.uiH, Ohio,
Miss Mabel and Thomas Williams,
of Pcokville, weie tho guests of Miss
Alice lay on .Suudu.
Miss Mury James was a visitor at
tho pilvatu hospital at rn'tanlou on
Saturday atteinmui.
Miss 1:111111.1 U.tki.v, of H.vd. Paik.
a pent Sunday Willi her mother, .Alts.
Oakey, on Maple stiuet
Miss Clara K ouster has 1 etui nod to
her home In Miuooka, atur spending
the week with ftlelids ill town
Mrs, Fiisnd and Mis Pauls spent
ye.steiday at sjeiautoii.
Mr Iticiiaid Morgans and Miss LU
sii. riclimldt, of Hdo Path, wetu the
guests of Matilda Schmidt oil Sunday
.Mis, IKiijuiiilii WlllidiiM, of Car
malt stieet, vlslUd lelatives at I'll
mouth 011 Sntuidas
Last Sunday wns a day of ilili
blessings ut the I'cekvlllo Haptlst
chinch In the 11101 ning die people
weie happily suipilsed to hcc and har
i:aiigcllst John A. Havis, who held
special meetings in this ehiirt li seven
yeais ago Mi H.ivls gave a telling,
gospel message. At tho evening hoi'
vice Kov W. J. liitest, a loiinei pas.
toi, ihilvcied a powciiul teimo.i
Wuiv oho3 riiiidrsi in SicVy
Mntii l.un's hHCCt I'okcIcio loi l hildrcu, 1 , I
l Mcilici lira., .1 unit 111 l lilliliui'4 llan ,
Se Uili lluuU up (uhU in -1 Ikiik, ciiic 1.
u ivhi e , 'I I. a.ti. lie siciiij.h 1 lonlitoe. Irdlili -Uiwnkr.
( Jiid ii.-iiIjIc 1I1" Uunl', .ml
lii.liiic Vciinir Ml, l.niil.e Muiomi, Muul "
1 I , Ji. "It I, IliO Let llleillcille III 111.' Hell. I
i clilMicu celini fi'tubli and ieiiiil lining "
s.ild l.v all diui.'jlis ei l.y null. ftx. sample
Cl 111 lltl.t. .ilellC Mlell S. Ulllltlicl, UW),
N. .
IS2t Ttermttn-e Are .
CWcngo, Ills., Nov. '), 1WW.
crarnor's Sain Cum Co , Itocbostcr, Nt Y.
Oontlenicni for four jenr t siilTcrcit wllh
rlrnvel nml -orlnii TnrnmtiintJoH nt tint
Urinary OrCnni.
1 ouglil tin 1ne1llr.1t ndt until tho cllcn-o had
fiken se sttonff n hold on mr nystrra thnt the doeic.r
fill cloiibtfiil nf a 1 urc. As I found that -OToriil nt
un nnny coinnnlcs had liecn siUIcrlnc with klilncT
irouljlo nml hnd been rurrd hy Wnrncr' Hnlo
Cure, t tii-cldeil to try that aud 30011 (oiitut that I
li nl ileftdeil wisely.
1 iicil tho nicille-ltio for uoatly scTrn month,
licforu I wns entirely cured, but 1 nm Rlad to iy
that I have hud no relapse.
Yours very truly,
32ml Mass. Volunteer,
Siid 10111 iiainrmittinMr'M fo ll'nnicr'Scit
Cm r Co., Uvchcrler, AT. 1'., far a Frtt Samvh of
trar-ct ' Sufc Cure.
and Liver
Sold by all drngirlsti
or sent by mall.
25 CTS.
Ncrvlta Medical Co., Chicago
sold by McUjinih & Tliomas, DiUKgits, 203
Lack-inanna jeenuc. boraitton, Pa.
which must do good. Rev. Mr. (luest
has accepted the pastorate ,of tli -
Paptlst church at Worcester, X. Y a
most pleasant locality. His many
fi lends wish blm abundant success hi
his new field.
The borough police oflleers wete on
the alert Sunday and several bicycle
rideis wcio aricstnl for side-walk
Mi. AV, L. Allen leturncd home Sat
in day utter a several weeks' stay at
There was a special meeting of the
AVilson File company held at their
looms last evening for the purpose or
making airangenients for the put chase
of ,1 team of biases.
Chicken thieves have again made
their appearance. Seveial 1 hickein
wore stolen tiom Hbkoiy stiect resi
dents one evening last week.
Tinkle paugh Sc Kagan have opened
un their bicjcle lep.iir shop on Main
.Mis. AY. L, Allen has returned fiom
11 with Wilkes-Banc ft lends.
Mi. and Mis-. O. It. Leva 11 and ehll
dien, of Malleid, spent Similuv al the
home of the fotmet's paients, on Noith
Main street.
Mish Mattie Hinds has loltiiiied
home, after .spendings three months in
P01 1 Jet vis
ill.;. Fi.iuk Havduii and ehildien .11
visiting telatives in .Sttotidsbuig.
Miss Oiouoviovo Quinn. of Taybn,
spent Stind ly with Mica Jessie lie oil
-Mi--. J. N. Halley Is slowly iinpi liv
ing tiom liei repent illness.
.Mr. and Mis. Stout and daughtei,
Mios Nellie, ot Doiianeoton, ate visit
ing aL the liome ur James Lovan.
'Ihe Lo.val Tempciunuo legion will
meet in the Piesbytu ian chinch this
evening. County Supeiiutendent Mis
Bean, ot Seianton, will be ptesent rind
give an nddiess.
Miss L'dytliv Lcaiu, of Stroudsbiu?,
ia visiting at the homo of her sistei,
Mrs. John AA'illiains, of Minooka ave
nue. The Ladles' y society of the
Piosbytciian cimich will meil Fildav
alteinoon at the home of Mts. Grant
lit own. All iiiPinbeis aie lenuested to
bo piesent.
Mi. and Mis, J, i, r'.njl, uf Scran
ton, spent Suudi with ickitives In
tow 11.
Oigans for Sale Cheap.
A'ou can buy a good second hand Or
gan as low as $10.00 at Guernsey Hall,
J, AV, Guernsey. Ptop., .!H Washing
ton avenue, Scranton, Pa '
Cheap Entes lo California.
Pintles desiring to make tup to Cali
fornia. ArUona or Now Me.Meo, oltlv r
lor business or pleasuie. can do so nov
at almost half piite.
Lvery Tuesday, until Apill JOlh, in
clusive, tickets mm Uud "Colonist" muv
bo puiehnsed via Southoin nallwuy tor
$11 00 fiom Vv'ushlngton. $pj.50 ftom
Philadelphia, and coitespondlngly lov
pi lees ftom other points.
Tho Southern Hallway and Southern
I'uullle company operate tluough o.
euiblon hleepois Horn Washington,
leaving Mundais, Tuesdays and Fu
d.ijs, the Tuesday sleeper being avail
able tor "Colonist" tickets The berth
rate In these sleepers Is only $7,00, two
people being allowed to occupy one
beilh If dcslied, Potsonal cotiiluctots
and Pullman poitors go tlitoinjh with
euch sleeper. Thmo aio other new,
convenient and economical icatiues
connected with these exclusions vvhhii
may bo ascertained lumi Chailes L.
Hopkins, nistiiot Passenger Agent,
Southern Hallway, S.'S Chestnut btieet,
Philadelphia. '
Low Rates to Buffalo and Return via
Lackawanna Rnihoad.
On account of the Puii-Aiucilcan ex
po Itlmi the following louud-tilp rates
mid aiiangetnentswlll be In effect fiom
Seianton fc.inun iiviwin iwii on hoiu,
! loniuii'iniug Apill ::o and on evoiy day
thotcaftei dining the eposiiiun, llin-
,...1 ..... ,..111111 until Noveniboi :!fl In.
elltslvi. $11 -'0 Tcn-dnj tickets will bo
oold, lomiiienciiig Apill 'iu and on evoiy
d,i thcicaftei dutinj the CNpo,toii,
$S Five-day tickets will bo oold, com
iih mines Apiil 0 and on evciy Tuesday
and Satuiday iheieafter durJne the e
pusllion. $ij. AH tkketb will be hou
mod In'slecphig 01 pailoi cais In con
neitloii with iiioper Pulliuuu tickets
oMepl the llvcduj ilekcts, which wpi
bo honuicd in city coaches only. Cltll
die 11 between the ages ot live and
cloven ouis, one-half of the above