wl! " fieM ' ' flffl 'hi tJ. r IJS.1-? W.AAJ?7,J'W,TMJ ,jjf ' " 'V"W?STrTrea "l tV-? i -j! vfi to THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1901'. No other article used in the domestic economy of the household has so many enthusiastic friends among the house keepers of America. The great popularity and general use of the Royal Baking Powder attest its superiority Hie " Royal Bakei and Pastry Cook" con jininj; over 800 most practical and valuable rooking receipts free to every patron, send postal card with your full address. HOTAt INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR ARE CONFERRING ABOUT THEIR GRIEVANCES. Couunittess of Mine Workers Met Mine Supcilntendents in This City Yesterday Appointments An nounced by Geneial Supeiinten dent T. E. Clarke, of the Lackawan na Ficsent Condition of the An tluacito Coal Tiade The D., L. & W. Board for Today. SujiciintLnili'iiL '. ('. Ilo-e, 01 tlio Delnw.iro and Hudson 1 o.il tlfp.nt inent, find H 15. Thoiiio. of the Temple ('oil and lion coinp.iiiy, ccmc w.iitoel upuii yc.sloiel.i.v li tlio pri ien anc p com miltfes whiili met iliii inpr the latter prfit of last week in this city and for mulated lists ol nmttei.s (o he pic-onted to the company authoilties lor adjust ment. AVlule the Toinplo committee.-'.-, list It .said to li,ie ineiuly dealt with a num ber ot inlnoi inatteis and loeal arilev aneos, tne Uc law aie and Hudon eom mittf o is thouKht to have pie.sented to Hupeiiiit'.'iident ('. I Jos-e an an ay of demands which are of c onslderableim portam e. The men wailed upon the Miiieiiii lendcnt yc-j.teid.cy nioiniiiR- and were onlv tlo.seteil with blni lor a fhott while, durlutr which they piesented the list which it took tour davs of last week to draw up. Mi. p.osc promised to Rive it due consideration, hut set no dale lor uhinir tlu oinnilttee an an swer. "When .seen ycsleulay hy a Trib une man, he declined to state whut was the natuio of the committee's de mands. "However." lie said, "them Is one thins- nine. AW will not increase their waSMN W have i ulflllotl our iiKiceinent and can do no moie." The conimitteo ot Tompl-i company's men, who met lust wtelt at Scott's hotel, woio In session with Kumnin lendent Thome the si enter patt ni'jvs teiday attetnoon and it was about ti.10 o'clock when the merv llnally lett thu ofllee. The miners and "uperiuteiulent had a he.11 t-lo-heait talk, and last nlKlil the latter .stated that tlio men's Kilevanccs weie adjusted, without any chniiKes of importimtc taking place. Xo chantres niu made in the wane scale, nor in the uncial methods of opom ilon. .Some of tlie matiei.s which te qulied deliberation weie taken under advisement by Siiiniriuleiideiit Thome. Tlio Kivater p.ut of the mutteis weie, however, inuiely local silevances. Tlic liiu Ktlevauc( fommittee has now concluded its dollbetatlous, but were unablu yesleulay to see .Supeiin tendent AV. ., liny, who was out of the city. The Xow Ynik, Oniiirio and AA'estcin committee h still In sosslnn. Stiike of Xabojeis. Another stilko was InaiiKuiatfn w.-,. It'idny, when about loity labours cm 'ilojeel by (Jonti.ii.tor -M, ,1, middy on the toundntiou woik of tho pi luting plant for the Collleiy Ihiglueer com pany, on AVyomhiB avenue, lofii'-ed to lontlnuu opetailons uiiIchs a linlfoim scale of $l..'.rt pei ilav was paid thum. As tlio woik Is almo.st completed, Sir. Ruddy yeslerday said that opera tions weio not Incommoded to any cMent, as, ho tan easily secuio all tlio men necessary and woik them today. The tumble originated Saturday, Tlio men weie engaged under a contiact .stipulating that they be paid every two weeUb, Woik was started a week ago last Wednesday but Saturday the men asked lor their pay and lecelved It. Yeuterduy morning they notified Mr, rtuddy that eeiy man must be paid a dally wage of 51.50. Some of. the men ulready iecoled that, while oth ers, boys and old men, aie paid l?ss, and tho men received tlio answer that only IhoHo who de&cire'd It would be paid tho lenuhed sum. Thpy then btiuuk una by so doing thtuw twenty-six teamsteis out of woik for tho (neater pait or the da. Some of the men who lecelved $1.50 per day re mained at their tasks. Tho ouiat lug Is now piaetleally completed and the masons will soon begin woik. The Switchmen's. Grievances. Kveiytlilus peitalnlng to the swltch imn has been left In the hands of teyT No other article of food has received such em phatic commendation for purity and whole someness from the most eminent authorities. BAKINQ POWOCN ".. WILLIAM 1THEET. NEW chairman Timlin, or the Kiievance committee, and he will not talk on tlio subject. Fiank Jones, president of the local switchmen's lot othei hood, lu spcaklns of the matter yesterday, said: "The .stoiies published in the out of town papers- do us a si eat injustice, and there is no more ti tit Ii in them than thi re is in the tumor that we aie point; to enter into a sttike. In the fitst place, we cannot strike if we wanl to, unless such an action has been sanc tioned by the entire biotheihood." Itcgauliiifr tin; reinstatement of Her lity und Toomey, President Jones had nothing tosav. but il was gleaned from another souice that a lenuest will he made or the company to furnish them employment. There is no foundation for 'the stoiies afloat, that those men will be reinstated, as their soivlies weie unsatisfactory to the company, and lor that icason they weie dis charged. Kurthermoie, both of them weie emplojed .is bosses when they weio dismissed, and .ucoiding to tho mles of the oider they aie not eligible to consideiation fioin a biotheihood point of v lew. Jlr. Pooie, chief cleik to tieneial riupeiinlendent Claike, staled positive ly yesteiday that no schedule of giicv aiucs had been prescnud lor the com pany's consideration, and that so far as lie knows none luue been prepared. Lackawanna Appointments. Tlio following clicin.iis weie issued je-cteiday fiom the olliio of Geneial Supeiintendent T. I:, Claike, ot the Lackawanna railroad, lelatlve to two appointments, which will become ef fective to m 01 row: Sr.r.ioti. I'j., l 1, I'hii I nictiie IIih (lite, the aiinnitinpnt 01 Mi. t, 1! ( im'. i superintendent of 111 -fnlc n ltcr"In fonfinnotl I'. I'.. (Uikc Ci-wi.il Supciinltiitlnii. Ir. Casey was appolntfd acting .supeiintendent some time ago, and has tilled the position very acceptably. Tie was loimeily chief eloik to J. Jl. Daly, ex-supeiintendent ol tiansportatioii. and when Jlr. Daly leslpned, tlie office ot siipeiintLiidenl or car senile was ci cited. Siumnii, I'l , Mil I, fml, lil.'itln' Ilii- dd.. Mi. W ilium f. Wilnn U .iiluntiil hlii 1I1I111 i.'wil. with oiiiii .it 'u Ktiliuue plin', iw tU il, mip Mi 1, , Hjcr, liNluncil, 'I'. I.. I IlldC, CCIICMl "IIIH'lillllllili III. Sir. AVII.son is a western mini, and hut little is known of him heie. Woikraen laid Oft. Since Hi- Pennsylvania Coal min p.iny assumed cliaige or the Itiuine collleiy of the Newton Coal company, at Plttstiin, seveial months ago. many leis'ilis h.ive been made inside tlie mine, Now that all Inipunenients mi1 about completed. It will necessi tate Hie laying olf of nboul twenty live men on May 1, This and oilier ..linages made by tho company make il nppanMU thai oNoiythiug Is being done to lessen (lie expenses of the company. The two eiiglnoiis, tiu.stwoi thy men In eieiy paitlcul.ii, aie Included In the number laid mf. Tlionias Cook, foi eman of the lepaii gang, who has been with the company soveinl yeais In ch.ugo of the link work, will also letlie on Mn I, The pump iiiiincis, who used that shaft, will have to enter by another opening. Tho men under Mr. Cook woiked steadily while other places weie idle. Tho tlio boss lms been iraiisleried lo another shaft. Wilkes. Hat 10 News. The Antluuclte Coal Tinde. Tho haul coul trade Is, on the whole, Is In hotter shapo than Is usual at this time of the year, and all indications .110 that tho Am 11 shipments will be laigcr than anticipated. A backward spiing is in pan icspoiislble for tho demand, but the chief enuso of tho buying Is piobably the nuw schedule of pi ices, with graded discounts, while the "com munity of Intei ests" In tho coal toads makes It piobable that tho discounts will bo maintained. Huylug Is pietty well distributed. There Is nothing do ing lu anthiacito at tho head of tho lakes, thero being piaetleally none theio to sell. Jn Chicago tenltory business is light, pending tho opening of lake navigation. On account or tlio ougiuceis' .stilku bhlpinents will not btait fiom Iiulfalo hcfoic May 10th, oven If navigation opens boforo that, Tho vessel mvneis' association is still (Irm In Its attitude towaul the engi neer, the stiike virtually being sim ply lor tho lecognltlon or the engi neeis' union. The t'nlteel States .Steel loiporatlon controls a large number of Avoid the imitation powders. They are sold cheap because thry are made from alum. But alum is a poison dangerous to use in food. YORK. vessels that are 110L likely lo bother with coal unless Kites aie high. Coal cai lying will vii ttiallv bo done bv out side ciaft, these ia.ve founed an as sociation and are trying to hold tatos to "iOe , while coal shippers want 40c. Owing to the 01 e carrying fleet not caiing for coal from Buffalo, the distii butlon of leturn caigoes is now such that theie Is no excess Tor the head of the lakes, consequently the rates fiom Patff.ilct to Chicago aie the same as to Dultilh. A 10 or 50c. rate from Buf falo applies to till upper lake ports except oul-of-the-wccy points. In tlie i:ast tinde is quite good. Tlieie has been a good demand from points bejond Cape Cod. Bituminous shippers, in fact, accuse anthiacito buyers of being so eager to get coal forwaid ns to keep up coastwise essel lates, when a 10c. drop was expected, thus oft setting tlie -Vpiil discount ot Hie. as compired witli May. This is denied by antlnacite sales agents at New A'oik, who sav that long-continued bod w Pitt her is gieatly delaying coastwise movements, so that aiilvals at points bojond Capo Cod aie lighter, not heavier than a few weeks ago. 15e tall buing at Boston, New A'oik, and Philadelphia, Is unusually good for this time ol tlie year. The Apiil pi ices for liee-buining while ash coal f. o. b. New A'oik Har bor poits aie: llioken, S3 HO: egg, $3.7.1; stove and nut, $t. KnglneeiinR and Mining Journal. D., L. & W. Board. Following is the make-up of the D., I, &AV. board for today: xioM)y. rnii, .i. Wild 1 lis, i:at s p in , V. V. Sterciu; 10 p in, J A. IluJi; It p 111. 1". ri.inniRli. triisuvv. .pitii, :. Wil.l rit-, Kit 12.!0 a in, 1'itzpjtilcK; a i. 111 , S. O'Connur, with .1. IMMor's mon; " a. in , .1. 'Mo.-ior; 0 n . '. II. Mif .inn; ill j. in, i.ui;i' 'nmnii'.: 1 p. in, V, I.uiarr; p in , .1. .1 CoM"lln; j i. m , O. I". Kcmif); (i i in , . II. Kohi. s summit'.. Fit.- U .'. m . (Mil .1. (Auiigt?: ? i. til, wit, (icilgi' rumnlrlkii: 0 p m., rjl, .1. I I, iimir in ; 7 p in . t.it. W, II. Mi dot's; 7 p. i.i., cast limn Ncv Aiiir. 1 . Mi llilci; 7 p. in , it (nun I juii;i, Mi lams I' in. west Ireni Civ. ui; l, I In nii-iii. I'ullil ID J. in., 1'. II Nioi Ci-liiis-'j a. m , llmwr 10 a. in , s. iuiiiiii ; II. .ii i. in. Mi i in; 7 p. n ,, Jliirpliv; n p. in, l.nnpliU, lop in.. i(liner. I'a-ci(.ir liuiins 7 a. in,. (.iKnoy; 7 a. in , shs.im; .',.ii p in. St niton; 7 p m . Mnucunii, Wild Ml. Wol I a. in., W. II. llutliolome, Willi poiiillun'ti inciil ,'i J. in , .Mills, Milli Mr.. l.iilln'-c nun; II a in . I". Wall; 7 .i. m , .1. (.'In. Iii ; S a. in., 31. Cari'inilv; 10 a, in,, u Kinipi. Ii., 11 a. in., .1. llniUi.nl; t p. in, .1. .1, Mm. i.i, Willi sliplis' mm, 2. p. in, O Itamlolph; .'i I', in,, II. ( i(iiri; .1 p in.. KrtiliKm; 4 p in, M IiOiikIiih i ; .' p. in, lulm Uiliahan; I, I II. Ul-tiK .sorirr r'nmliii irti M (ihiliv will urn sj ami SI. ultli IIimiiV iiiw, i oiiiim in inu Apiil ,'Ui, until uilliir IlOticl. I oiuliicini' fii'drco Tlionn will inn (', lliriliol. I inou's lllV ICUlllll. llriKiinin I', 'llinliu Mill S' unl wlili M, I'll liiml.v nisi lilp llrakcnuii s. (Icimis will j,o out uitli ,1, Mi Doiim II nil dip, llraKiiiiiu llonii in will so out ullh T. .1. n.'iip..iiii mi 7 p. in, .sininnlt, IihiIkIiI, Apiil SOME APPOINTMENTS TODAY. Ditector Hitchcock to Till File De partment Places, Ulmtor ot Public) Safety r, ij Hitchcock stated josterday .ifternoou that he believed lie would be ready to du somutlmo to nuike sonio o tlio Uro depnilnii nf appointments. Mo spent all yestmdav afternoon witli Supetintondenl Zlzelmann going thiough the Hat of applicants who have sue cess! ully passed tho examinations. He would not say whethei just the per manent men or whether tho pcuuanent, bunk and call men weio to lie appointed today, BASE BALL. 'I he ( oiiili lUi? Illll rlnb ut t 01 Jihluii aiiil woiilil 111." to pli) any team in I In county it 18 i iai5. '(lie pi n CIS arc; 1', si a 1 civ, ulclier, II Priccoll and CainpMI, pllchcci, V. Minn, fholstop; It, (triiiicr, (lit base; 1', IaIIih, ilcu'i'I liaic: ,1. riillon, tliinl I'jie; ,1, McMnllcii rl.'lit licM; ,( folllito, ccntsf Uclil; J, Ilw.uliN, lot Hell: Monti and licvlnr, w . ilitnlci; I', linn, tiriiutei; II, Urunor, cap. tain; T. loltu., nuiir.tci, 'I ho stiiiii lu-o (till team will meet a team fiom ,i .ai htliunl, uiiinnicil, or t lie ftiat nanw of tlie uJ-ini, 'I lie (.aiiic will take piare at tlic Moiloik llelil in, 10 au o'clock Falnidaj nicrnlii,', May (. 'Ilm Mcillngi will try tlielr new pilch. en for tlio fimt time IhU te-aion, Tlic.t an II W Mcail, II. .1, stlllwpll and A. Millc. Tlie Sterlings hue alo ligncil a now (ilajti, Uo l,-,iiolt, who will play In llin inllclil. 'Iho skiliin.''. ulll auept u eli.illcnui' fiom an.i levin in Uiekananiu lountj uudor the age u( 11 .mo i . An.cv.ci in tliU papi'i. o (;jihc on Siind.i.i. Maiiavcr, II W Mead; uplaln, K. While. MILL GIRLS RESUME WORK MANY HANDS BACK AT SAU QUOIT YESTERDAY. Supeiintendent Davis Opened the Big Mill Yesterday Horning Strikers Also HcBume iWork at Blips' Dun more nnd Dickson Plants All Girls In Line Except Klots nnd Taylor Locals Klotz Girls Want Forewoman Dismissed Yestor-' day's Parade nnd Mnss Meeting. Supeiintendent W. II. Wavls yester day morning opened ht Sauqtiolt mill, and seveial hundred girls were present to resume work and thus stnmp their seal of approval upon th statement made Sunday declaring the strike to be at an end. Other milk Which re sumed operations yesterday morning weie Valentine Itllss' Dunnioio and Dickson City plants. Tho stilkers celebrated the end of tlielr long period ot Idleness by a pa rade yesterday afternoon, In which only the younger members participated, nnd a mass meeting last night In College ball, at which William aiallly, of New Yoik, and "Mot hot" Mary .Tone made addresses. The Peteisbuig local met yesterday artetnoon and listened to the proposition submitted bv Supeiintend ent Uiiohofen. The latter, in behalf of Helling. David & Hchocn. who operate tlie mill, made the same offer thnt Supeiintendent Davis and tho other operators held out, and as wages at the rctcrsbiirg mill and the Sauquolt are about Iho some, the advances tuc equal. The piopos.il was universally con ceded to be a liberal one, and the stiik ers were highly content with It, as their lousing vote amply demonstrated. Only three ballots were cast against a renewal of work, and the milt will open today. The employes of Bliss' Dunmore nnd Dickson mills met Sunday and then deckled to go back to woi k. There were an abundance of hands at each yesterday. Mr. Bliss is now In Vir ginia, tvheie lie Is negotiating for a site upon which to establish a mill. LOSE ONE MILL.. The loss of this one plant of Mr. Blls? Is the only loss of any branch of the local silk Industry caused by the sti ike. The Bliss tlve-year contract on the North Scranton mill expired May t. and Mr. Bliss intended to move his machinery to Dickson. The building theie was to have been increased and the number of woiIcpis employed doubled. "When the strike was called, however, and Supeiintendent Davis, of the Sauciuoit. and Valentine Bliss took their Southern tiip the latter kept a keen lookout for fiuoiablc offets, and hence results the loss to this city of his mill. The Klotz mill and Mulherin & Judge's Taylor,plant are the only ones which ii 111 not be in operation today. "Mother" Jones and numerous of the strlkeis' gill leaders yesterday ex pressed themselves as confident that work would be soon resumed at the Taylor mill, but thete ic a general opinion that matteis at tho Klotz es tablishment will not be so easily settled. H'lth the Klotz sills the main point at issue has not been the Increase in wages, but rather a demand for the withdinwal or an unpopular forelady. They still stoutly insist on having the obnoxious young woman lemoved from her position, ind bete conies the hitch. The local will meet tonight in St. John's hall, on Capouse avenue, and otc on tlie matter. Last night tlie Klot7 gills- gave a social and entertainment at St. John's bali, which was hugely attended by lepiesentativcs of all the city mills. An excellent programme was rendeied, following which a general time of so ciability ensued. The heat of the night was lesponsible for the audience which assembled at St. Thomas col lege hall being a i other slim one, and the Klotz girls' affair also proved a disastrous rival chawing card. LV rOLLKi'lE HALL. It was S SO o'clock betoie the meet ing staiteHl. On the platform were seated a number ol membeis of tho Milkers' executive committee, Editor William Mailley. of the New York Woiker: "Mother Muiy Jones and Seeietuiy Oeoige (iothler, of the Cen tial Labor union. Tlie latter acted as chairman of tho night, and intioduced Mr. Mailley. The latter hi icily told of the Inteiest which the gills had moused thiough out the country bv thell tlnee months' strike, and conguitiilated them on ie tuiniug to woik at Inci eased wages, and with belter general advantages. Ho declaied the vh tmy deseived and thn causu ,i just one. and paid a glow ini; tilbuto to "Mother" Jones tor the woik sh" did in tlie Milkens behalf, lie expiessed liia .i-ilonlhuiiont at see ing such young clilldien In the after loop's parade, and belli told that they weie silk woikcis, and then passed Into a ills' ouiso on unionism. He was win inly applauded, and Chuliniaii liothler thou Intioduced "Mother" Jones, who delivered one of her ciHtoniuiy vlgoious addi esses. She in god a continuance of the union meetings nnd union splilt, and win tied tho glils against dlsiuptlon. in tho course of her nddiess, she bltteily de nounced the state lautory Inspectors lor neglect of duty, and declined, "in tho tutuio wo piopoco to see to It (hat these fellows nt HutiJshuiff either thiow up their jobs or got out and at tend to their business." The p.ncniH who send thole Intant clilldien to woik in the silk mills weio also stonily lebllked hy tho speaker, who moieover Indulged lu seoral caustlo icmaiUs on tho subject of mill-owners who dag ,oung glil stilkeis Into limit and on magistiates who enfoice tho law op them, ai-ti:rnoon pauadu. Yestmday afternoon a uuinbei of the smallei girls celubiated the ond of the stiike by parading the streets of tho central city. They met m the urnioiy, whuia they were Joined by about one bundled and twenty-live members of tha Bootblacks and News, boys' league, At 1.30 o'clock "Mothei" M.uy Jones, who was acting as marMiaj, gavo the signal and the procession started. Theie -weie about oiy hun died and llfty small gills In Hue, hu skies tlie boys, all of them marching by twos, Fist came Mother" Jones and about a scoio of newsboy ancM then followed the glls. n number of whom cairled American banners, while some of the standards can led at tlic parade which took place early in the stilko weie also In evidence. . The phalanx of hiiotblacks and news boys In might up the icar. An anius. lug fcatuio of the parade was tho presence of one liny newsboy, known ns "Micky," who was carried along In n diminutive cart drawn by another news peddler. The parade proceeded from the armory lo Linden street, nnd then the young mat diets walked the city streets for about tlnee quartets of nn hour, after which they disband ed, POLICE AND ALDERMEN. Tony Mlnoltl, ho U clnrgril with toilln lonc by Vincent Catlnecl, Imd n brnrhiK boforc MiKlntralc Millar Jevlrnln.v nnd win hold in $.500 hill. I'litrolnipn ritilcj How picked up, )at tilalit on tlie uttcrf. i otmy wlille dug wllli jellnw pol. On tlio collar wore ctiRiiird the mm' "i:. Itcrurn." Sn'clit Ufflccnt Donlm niul t'Inike r illicit i lion5 in the To blncK of It innoiul iillov tut nllftit em a wan ltd, '( ho propilclirw. Mi. inp. on, licr two cm, licr two iliuglitrr nnd u man wen nrrcttil jihI Indued In Ilic icntul poller Million. Kicd sclvniii?, l'tinfe 'riinnlliv nnd llerbirt Ai it'll, linen jonne InU horn Sotilli SrMiiton, were ininfed .1 1 iterdu) , at Hie inilaiice ot in citlin lad, nutlet Felincldet. wlio rliirRcd Hum witli bcitlliif; him, Ml, Mtiilo .Mlll.n dKlimpred tl'sm Willi n wnrnln. rmnltle Seniotil, ot l'mspei I auntie, win nr roted jKlcrdty at tlie ln,t,inte ot the IlottleiV ii.-orlillin, on the clnrge nt tudlcklng In Htf lilireel liottlrt. t ifrlstiutp Jllllir, oiler a tiiaiiiiK last nUliU lined him M. mid coils. Mtltln Allen, of Moolc, win irrnlcd je-fer-diy by Comluhle Weir on a warrant swoni out bv Jill. W. Fl. Duukui, of the bond of asso ciated Clnrlllei, who cliirgcs him with irnell to bis children, nnd to Iiii wife He will be Rheu a liemlnir thl Momlne, befoio JIBitMlff Mllh.. John llnnolf. of .feu, lekterd.'iv cimcd Pie atiit of Duile teecoh, 'lonj dell, lloralnlek Iloldocl. end I'lIpi- I'elmiello, of the uno plair, on the 'lillRe of .ibdin tin? and .illiniiliii; lo ciluu a II it ir old girl luiiinl Annie Danjo. t a hiirlne bcfnie AliUnnaii Howe, the tii!, w h diwilop'd Ih it Oiiol ttnpo'.cil upon (he liiil nnd in ide tin belli c Hut dip i roIiik lo ml .14 biidrtnnld al .motlicr weddlna', when. In retlitj, ne wis lo be marled lo liiin. He Imd cicn ptiKUtcd n nianlaKC license, 'I he ,1 ilenniii h-ld him in syn) ti, am dlluiged Die olliet dtf(ii(hnl, who were with htm on (he el.t in ((notion, Iml tigalnst whmn no else was nude mil. Marriage Licenses. 'Ilicnus Pidden Cubonihle Kiltie Common! I'hiladclphh Il.ur.i- II. Ilert.inc Iteadln I)a K. VIotit o Keidin Dr. lieorico Wbltiic.v MiiHfleld..Biool(liiie, Mass. Katherine .New ten U'lnhiim Dunmore Tliomrs Junes Dunmore Kntliiine CYiiif Dunmore Rriue Kinpp Durjca fame C. f!ie-i 1..17 JacKson utreet Ihoiin-, J-nindh Inn -t Carbnncli'e Mm prag.e ;ibtii Caibondilo' Jame5 P. llo.ile Stiriurca rilen Hums Tailor Dinte Cecoly Ji,sup Annie Dinin Iissup Ninnno Piehielti fe-si.p lulu IttliiKclin Iis-up Irani. Mnjoi 1 , , Itroinlei ae. (intrude smilim I IK; Moiuey aie. RA ILROA O TIME TA BLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In Kffect Dec. 2, ll(K). South F.eiie Sennton fur .New fori, il I 10, .".no f, so. 1-00 and I0 0.' u. in.; 1J 55, J S3 p. in. For Pliiladelphia at BOO and 10 Oi I. m ; 1 i5 und .1 JJ p m For MinwlstiurK- at (, 10 p in. MilK nccoininndilfon U ' 10 ji. in Anne at Iloboken at (.10. 7.H. 10 'JS, 12 OS. 3 16. l. 7.111 p m. Arriie at I'hihdelrhia at 1 0o, ", il, 0 00 and 8 22 p. in Arriie fiom New Yoik il 1.10, (1-52 and 10 21 1 rn ; 1 (X), 1 32. ,", (i, r. and 11 u0 p. m. Horn tstiotid.biirg at S Oj i m. Noith l.ear Sci.mton for lluffalo md inter mediate stations at 1.13, fi35 und 0 00 a. in : 1,85. 0 4S and 11..I5 p m 1 or OweKi nnd Sj racuse al 0 13 a, m and I V, p. m. 1 or tfticii at 1 10 n m mil I " p m For A'on tiosi at a "0 a m, 105 and 5 IS p in. Foi Nicholson at 100 and 6 l"i p m For tins hamton al 10 20 i. in. Anne in Soranton liom Uuffalo at 1.21, 1 r. 5 4i and 10(1) m ; 1 10 and S00 p m from Ovieco and hjiteuso ai 2 55 a. m.; 1-' 03 and SO.) p. m t-rom lllica at i. 1"i a. in, l-'JS and '. A p. m. i ,om Nicholson at 7 50 a. in and 6 CM p m. Fiom Jlont'ose it 10 mi a in , .1 20 and 8 00 p. m BlnoimburB Division I eaie Scranton for Norlhumbeilaiid, it fill. 10 01 a in.; 1 ,-,3 nd 0 30 p m. Foi I'ljmoutli at t.O".. 3 (0. S 50 p 111, Foi Kingston at S 10 a. 111 At rile at Noilliunibeilind at 0 Ji a. 111.; I 10, .-,110 and S (5 p. m rmo ut Kingston at S52 a. in. Arrive at I'll mouth at 2 00. 1 J2. 0.13 p. m. Arilv,. m Seranton from Northuinhtrlinil at 0 (2 ,. n-j I2'l"i, -I 50 and 8(3 I' m. I rom Kingston at tl 00 am. I 10111 I'omoutn at 1 oj a. in ; J.-'O and 5 J p. 111. SUNDW TPMNS &oulh I.eaie irinton at 1.10, 3 0), 3 50, 10 05 p. m.; .1 3! and ii JO p. ni North l.cnc Seinnlon at 1.15, il 35 a. 111.; 1.1". 5 (s and 11.35 p. ni. liloom-burir Diviiioii(ae Scianton at 10 03 a. in. and 0 30 p in. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect March 3, IfOI. For Philadelphli and New York m T A. II It I!., at 0 Ii and 11.11 a. m , aril J.18, I 27 (lllack Diamond Ksprcw), ard ll.bO p. in. Sun. da.is, D. A, 11. It. It. 1 58, 8 27 p in For Unite Haven, IliJrton and pnn. ipal pointi III the coal rcsiont, ua. I. II. IS. I!., C 13, 2.18 and (27 p in. Foi Potliiille, 1.27 p. ru. For lijtlilchciii, I'istiii, Itcadiiiff, HairnliurB and pilnclpal llilorinuli.il.. st itioiw lia II. & II. It K., '1(5, 11.13 a. m.; 2.1b, 127 (lihck Dl i mend Fxprcs). ll.'o p. in fcundas, D. k II. It It.. 1.58, 8 27 p m Foi Piinkhiimoi k, lowinda, l.linln, llhiea, Ccncia and prlnclpil inlsiiiicdlili' si itions. Ii 11., Ij &. W It, It , 8 08 a. 111 ; l.lfi and .: 10 p. 111. Foi Henna, ltoJi,-lri, Bul'alo. XIirui Fall, Chltaco ond all point-, weet, via D i. II. II II . 11 55 a. in , 3.1J (lllaik Diamond lApress), 7.1s, 10(1, II .id p. 1". Miwlaj. I). A II. It. I! , 11 65, 8 '27 l 111 I'lilliiuii pirlor and slcepins 01 I.ihlsli Aallei parlors tats nn all iialn-, hetwun Wilkes-llnie and Xiw Ym, J'hlladelphia, Jluilalu and .-ui. pension IIiUku Hdl.l.lV 11 H.I5t'B, (.'en Nipt.. 2ii Cortlind sin el, New "toil,, CUMII.r.S S. II 11. lien. I'.is-i al , id C'oitliud slteel. New m A . .NONNKM Ulll.lt. Ho. I'ali. .V;t , S till Pethlfbeni, I'a Foi thkels anil I'ulliinn iccia!lon.-, iipl to Pol l.aelananua aieiuio, seiaiiloii, I'a. Central Kailioad of New Jersey. St ilioiis in Niw 'oik -Foot ut l.llnrti slue', V. II , and Ninth IVilJ iimi: I'.uii r 'N ' 11 i-fr N0V' -'". i"oo. 'lialns U''"1' NiaiiO'ii loi New oik, .Ni.,tk, FlUibetl.. I'lilUilclphli. I.a.lon, llillilehun. M ltntonii. Muni riimil. und White II.11111 at S ,!u a. 111.; evptcis. 1.1", ixpriMi, .150 a, m. sin d'm 2.l" P a For I'lttaton JJ WlUii'ltanf. 30 i in , 1 id and .I.W p. in. Nitidis. 2.15 p. 111 For Ililllnioie mil WashliiRlin and polink South and Wr-t '' Helhhlum. 8u0 a. ni,. I n and H.rid p. iw fillidils, 2 15 p. in I'm l.nii Ihaiuli Ouan (Iioie, ill, at h jil 3 m and l.W p. in Voi llcailliis. Iiilunon and lliriisliiug, eh lentowii. s..'0 a. 111. md I 10 p in. Mind ij , 2.15 n. 111. For l'cillUllc, S.-al a. m and 110 p. m IIiioiirIi tlekits lo all polnls eist, 0111I1 ind wcol at lowest rate at the ilitlon II. P, IIU.IIWIV, (.'.11 P.im nt .1. II Ol IAtlSF,N. (ion supt Delawaio and Hudson, In Flint No 'Jj, lini lull foi ( .ilbolldilo lean St I and'il II n '0, 5.11, S , 10 W . m l-'W, l.'.o, 2(1. .Ia2, Sit", Ij21, T..i", 0. Ij. II 11 p 111 ; I In a. in I in llone'dah 1'20 pi.),, a. 111.; u. II and 1.20 ''Voi' Wllkeilljiie-i Is 7.IS. ill, n .j. 0 n, 11,3.1 a in , I 25, 2.J5, ,!.J. I 27, il 10,7 IS, 10 II, 11.10 p. Ill lor L. . II U piinU 0 Ij, I) ,3 a. m .' ,, (27 and U..0 p. m. For I'enra'jhanU II. It. poii.t-n (1, 0 u a. 111.: 2.1S and I 27 p. ,?'-,, ,, For Allunj ard atl points tiorth-0'.Ci a in, """"-'''"SU.NDW'IUMNS lor tarbondale 9 Utf, 1I..W a in; .' , '13.', 5.17, 0 ii p ' , . . Foi VWIkcjllJiu l n I 1 ''. I.2i, l) J7, 8 2J p. m Foi MbaliJ and polnli iii)1i-2.5' p. in lur HoiieMlik 0 oil a in and .1.12 p. in lowi.t latii to all poinU lu tnllcd suin and Cawda I II lU'IlIUf'K. (i. V ., Ml. 1111, N 1 I ItOS D I'. ., SiijiiIou, Pa. Eiie and Wyoming; Valley. lime Table In I'llut Spt 17, lift). luliw lor llaulej an I Imal polnli, 10111:01 1 ln ut jlawlei with File rallinid lor Sew "ioik, NewbutK and liitiiuu JijU' point., I cue Kiau ton al 7.0.1 a. in. and .','23 p 111 luliio juie at seinntou al 10 CO a. 111 an I 9,10 p. in. T I NEW J VVc arc now prepared lo show f Carpets I Wall Papers f Kvcry itetn is this season's goods, and wc arc prcpatcd lo bcrvc J 4, you promptly and at our well-known low tiriccs. ? WILLI AflS Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue-'44'44'4'44'4'4'44'4"!'44"f44'4'4'-)4"!'44'4 il lie i Flv Said tlie bait to the fish. Or next thing you know you'll garnish a dish. I came from the store of Florey & Brooks, And I'm dangerous. 211 Washington Ave. Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 455 N. Ninth Street, .PS Telephone Call, 2333. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. 'THE NEW RUDOLF. Of cm 1'rnnl. Vtlantio CltJ. Xi .Tfrn-.i 's fnnou lioallli .mil plcamic resoil. (.trKCt cm tlic Oust, Mont ipiroiil, lint ami C'nlrl "sei-vcUrr ballis In lieuc. frci1 lo RiiKli. !-ipiiiI iiins llatfN Orclii-.ll.i Jtid iliinims'. , lllb It. MM.RS Ouimi mil I'lop't. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROft" Schedule In Effect March 17, 1901. Tinins leave Scranton: 6.45 a. iu., week days, for Sunbmy, Hairlsbiup, Philadelphia, Balti rnoio, Washington and tor Pitts buig and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Hixnisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. n week days, (Sundays 1.08 p. m.,) foi Sunbmy, Hanis buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. Per Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m week days, for Sunbmy. Haaleton, Pottsvtlle, Hauisbuig1, Philadelphia and Pittsbmg. .i. ii. in rriu-ON. (.imi uc J. 11. VOOI), Ucn I'j. st SCRANTON DIVISION. m INK IS Lager Beer W7 j-gjjaTOrtji ji gBjzay Time CarU hi frrl Iter. ItOth, ll00, M7 8M21l " " M SOS 808" ,hh rmos F2 L I I M . I (M ' . .ItIOAi.N ,'(3.ISIJ.T ' OU .,,,1015 105 Al. I iiUonil,. I.v , ,J 051 SO .,.1010 111 " lltiaorL SIMM . .ion sis " Muiiii-ia , " , . 5 Ml is ...1011 8 SI " .I'nUon 1ml. ' ,,.. 8 01(55 ...lOI'i 3 2i " ,JMllH.i ., , ISlJcS 10 00 IS 10 ' .lojlllfllt. , ' ,,. 5w6N I HO II 1'UiKnnt Ml , 3 055 30 ,,0S" ll I lllnliitald,, ,,. IU36M .,,. IHIA louit Clt: S196U. .,,, fM ill iai " (utuoniltliiYil " UlUiT ....SCO 0 1011 .") " laibondala. 7 008 6(6 51 ,,..8i Jdi . ' ,V. Wto Ilrlille, JCJ . ....69111011111 Mallild Yd, ",7K315 5S ,, 6 f UIUM II " MuI).ll ."70!IUJ0( ,. ejasautij Jiimju '7W3(iSc. ... Gil hMII I'l Mililald, "7!S3 6bW . .6S3 K.VIII 01 ' CWntnn " 7IIIHIU. .. 8la SIUI0',: ' l'iLvllli "7 2JSU6 16 ., .611 UlOlOtu " I-i1.iI.iiik " 7S3(076 2( .,..605 J3H10 4 " Tlnwp 7 31 1 ID fi 37 ....6031 8.1510 1.5 ' .Innil.ii, f. "7ui(C3l BCasillon V-ll. I In.,. 7.51 (76 S 8 0J .010 101,1 b. I ml, .11 Al ?4'HU)63j PM l UI Mi PM PM AjMloitil lrlrlvtce Ctroondilu (r ilsitieM mi 8(5 inliixtrpt sun.l.j ,m,i 7 50pm !uudiy vnl) .tlllliug l SliiHi-IJ trii700liann.IMpm .lilitl. rill ralni If T0ciulou HIT (0 1 ni niidiy ooli, tc..iiEit at all tl ns la I arlmudtle, trriiliia al 7(5 11.1, niul iralu Ira, c Maih!. ar.l for c arUom uttilnu all,arriiioi;atCariidaliialA5 6i, Hates y cents per uiiln, I.onest Hates tu all J'olnu Wott. C fNDCHSON, ( a'Uaii'c i'l -New Vvuktil;. r. WH3H, lrit Aimt, 6CfUlCH.lt. STOCK. ! 1 a you an entire NEW slock of 4 4 4- 4 4 and Draperies 4 4 & flcANULTY ! L OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. ' Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. W.M. CoNNbLi, President. HhNRY Br.UN, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. PrcK, Cashier. Sale of Shoes Damaged by Water Now Going on at Corner Lackuwannu and Wyoming Avenues. 'I NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMlJSSTEIt HOTEL Cur. Sifrmth St. ami Ininj rijcc, NEW YORK. Amriiun I'l in, ! ',0 Per Y)iv ami Upwaii) riiiopcui I'l in, 1 00 Pei lljy jtirt I'pcaiilv bpocul Itjles lo Families T. THOMPSON, Prop. Hotel VICTORIA 27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave., New YorJ European tffiffij$fc AbsotuteM Plan wTyBM Fireproof rn the centre of the ahopplne and theatre district A MiHlcrn Flnt-tli-.s Hotel, Complete In aU Its rpjlnu menu Furnlstilns nnd itecorltiont new throughout. Attot u inntUtkub f r $. ffufts; 150 bull- with tatli. Hot an! tvM n aid and tclpf,thonj in ever) room. CuUIno unexcelle U OEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prop.T f-f---t--t----t----t- -f-t--f X For Business Men 4- In the heart s tha whole-sal a 4. district. T, For Slioppci'.s "t R mlnutea' wulk to Wannmakem; 4 T S mlnutea to Slecel Coopcr'u Ble j, Store. Cnsy or access to the sreat T -f Vry Goods Stores. -f t For Siglilseers One block from B'way Cars, rlv 4. Init easy transportation to all 4 points ot Interest. 4 4 4- X f 4 HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOKK. 1 for. Mth ST. & UNIVEHSITY PI " Only one Block from Broadway. ROODIS, $1 Up, Prices Keutonable 4- -f-f----f---f-f---f-f---f -( , "3 California Oil. We liaic a firl clu piopo.llion In vi tile Ii w aie oircilns cliailci nwinlwr lcl. at Jlkr, m bIijh', 'Hid cmni'itij min UsD ucm klluaieii ill Ilia 5cry center o( dm uieat (alifnuiU oil . ... 1 1.... ...,il,.r.c mi iil.lillmiil i.Tminn. 1, m IKIl, 111111 iu i'j....'..-. .... ...,.. -y" '. ; - - mp ulUriiiK llPunri noil, lu Hi" inoniy to put down W'lW 1UICI.I liiwaimc. Ml- Mi" 4 is noudMnalile und lairioa nn iinliiilual lu. Mill. We (iiml.li (ho mi lilsct rcfcic-ncc. Write (01 partltulJit. llin KCNUUIJk PROMOTION CO. )ener. Colored. aCuAI'U lAlnmsiii .... ......-.u.. ttili(ti-TPtHil ami RhiMllil ktlOlT A&A fl about 1 bo wonderful MXRVtL Whirling Spry 'llieit'w iplDiMirltf. intrc .Sn ro -G. tiim una ntifiMUi tim-Mn eit Moral ronifnirnt ILllMbltl lomin. 1 . t, rn... .I....l.( -- tl WW VIHfl ! It Mtllhl.,iii.icpliiu 4 otlu 1. IhiihmiiI ilunii (or II ltisliulH.lti.Hil. .rild II jl ir lit rtimui, supply iu (nil ii.iiliinhriiiiiiiliUii'iiiiiiutii uluiiili.tfliiite illliri,l il., Itwotii (d (, I inn u I!lr , Ncvi uil. ..,,-., , ,vat ""Wl Tiriill. l, lll ant k)rulrollrrfit.tf JrorNorsiTll(oiIl4Booll IctpotlBOTJ' trdtftl k4 ttttrttriv4, SflU paprr. l&BM$m tv ", .ffibrvrvz' $lJ Prof.G.F.THEEL,5278,u?hrirf tinrrlr. buftrjutrr lo rorr lobj' mill rrlulv 1 rf (frntrdt 1 1 IUdfttEiru,ibviri I m.ul 1 aI.a. ....n. n. 1.1 ill f.i .i j i