The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 29, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tf -j.- V -- '
fCJ-,'-gB .
V jv1
- rr jg jT ry.r's
It Recounts the Incidents In Connec
tion with the Presentation ol a
Compass and Case of Mathematical
Instruments to the Late William
Law at Aichbald on September 18.
1354 Adthesses Woic Made by n
Number and Music Was Furnished
bv the Old Cavbondale Band.
Mis. Justin I.HSseriif. daughter of
John IS. .Smith, iif Pltttson. was look
ng over her lather's papers, and
round n Vlttstnn (luitotte, yellow with
age. and dated Oct. 13. 1S.1I, In which
whs the following article:
Alilihjul, Sept. 11'. 1811.
Luge meeting "I the clhrens of Aii'hliiltl
was In-Ill in Hit- I'rrs-lij t pi in ii church on Nattuday
(wiiiiiar. Sept. H. lor Hie piupoc of presenting
i ti-lini'iiiinl lo William Law, ci , mining cngl
no( r.
I lie muting whs oiganicd In- (ailing V.dvvard
b-ue, ol rc )il ill I" the. i lull ; .Mcssn.. Daniel
"mil ,imJ James llosic, of Carbondale, weic
ri.itnnl .n viic-ptesfdi-nt?, and fhomas Dlekson,, 'I ho dijci t -if the meeting having been
,ili-i h. t he- iliiili)n.iii. Mi. -lolni 1'cigu-on
(.line loiiv.inl .mil nude tlir pic. dilation of .i
i-umpai-s .mil Ims of in-huments In the following
lu-il nn-1 uppiopihtc addiess:
Mi. (, Ladies and Gciitlcimn: The
committee of airaiiscincnts line contend! upon
inn the liouoi nf presenting Ibis tc-tinioniil. I
il-ciii inj-i-lf ipiilc ininnipclont to di-chargo Iho
dill) devolve- upon nip, and 1 thriefoic
hiiiuhl) ti-.U lli- assi-mbl) In fHM tin- impcrlrct
iiunuci in whiih I in. iv porfoim tlip lask thus
imposed. Tin- gentleman who in about to n-tctve
this imniMMt ami i.i-c nt in ithi instal
ments h -. been in the pmplo.v of Hip Delaware,
nnd llinl-iiii . mini company for the last llirru
M-aio a-. Mipuintcndciit of their miiics In Arch
li.ild. ami dining Hip time Piuploji-d he lint di--dmied
iIip ilr.llf-. of his uttirp wilh the highest
Mli-lailhni, both in hi-. mIciiIIIh- management of
the iiilniu,' uiii.Uion-, .is well as the gcntlem ml)
nnd Kind lii.itiiiint in t lie mitiaguncnt of tlio-o
imcbr hi- supiivl-h.ii. Mi. I.iw"- high talent as
.1 mining engium h.i- piouned a situition inoip
liMatiu- he now hold- the high position of
t fin r niimiip eiigimu toi Hi it uniiiiuotli corpota-tn-ii,
tit Pi nii-jli.inli iml lompjny. Mr.
hiiiin.iii I Hunk the illieilnis o. that miupiny
ouiil nni haw-srli-rud i pu-on hot ter ah ul.iti il
i piouiuie tlmr iiitrn-t and swell up then divi
link rmnrii: 'in Mr., i. vw.
Law's rlppi.itinciit during his ic-iilence in
Snli'iiM his him i pi mi, huii(-t, Mraight-fcr-v
ltd cur-i Hi- inihlni --and -inipliiity of di-io-itivu
his ulti.iiteil the I pint-, nnd nffiptinna
f h i Ui-ikiiiru aliuo-t lo the jioint of adulation,
nvd with I o.i i- i Midiliuu: tlm-p priiiLi-di--
of iniiulii ,uid unipcMticp to which he is
-ii .lidentb .iltarhi-il; he was eiy slliuncnt. on
'hi i piiiul-. uuiiil to pioiuolp thp inkiest and
hippiiu--. ol In-, woikuifii. Up hunitiled hiiu-iclt
on a I. t-l ,uth hi-, woil.nien, hut -till uiiiu
'lined hi- pii-ltfnii; and the (food Hook siVit
'lie Hut luiiiililrlli hini-elt .ull he exalted."
It lit-. I'teu -o in this; he i-, calted. The
-ti mspi i fitiin the Cieen J-le, the feun- of Cain
'n la, .Hid tlni-e ticin the lull- of Motlmd, as
veil i, the uohle-heaitfd are his
IiIuiiIn Hi hi- iniile no di-tlnclioii In tnnfn
liu nun-: Mud of nitioual prpjudife.-, he Ins
ileilt iustly with all.
In I'liiilii-ioii, I hope lli.lL the hip inj,- of
hi.nm nu, ii-t on hiei. and tin- hind of I'ioi-iIi-ikp
rliici t him in the pith of iittie and in
t'VritJ. no! a- Hie iipitseutatie.-. of the mineid
or relihild I pie-enl ou with the.-e te-timonials
ol their liish icgnnl; ami as the needle of jour
loinpa-, puiiils to he uith Pole may j on
loiitlnue hue lo the Rieit. i-ardinal piinciples
(if nioialilv, lihi-rallly, honesty and iiitesrlty;
and may jmi live Imu: to pplorc the ftuhle'r-
'iiie lAfiu- ot the eaith fm the f-ood of your
fellow- man and your own inteu-it nnd in the
Inlpipst ol jour employer
To tin- ahne nddie-s .Ml, l.m ie-pruiiled as
Mr, I I Ladies and (ientlenian: 111 ae
irptnis llii- .ihuhle and h.ind-ome present, as
inepulrcl ,i II is unmerited on my pirl, allow
ii" in let in ii jou my sincere and hcaitlelt thanks,
ind I j-iiip juu that the eoui-e piii-ued hy mo
whtlvt auiimcr jou was only that which Icon-
nleipil my duty pointed out; and tint I eiulcat
oi cd to do uvaullfiS nf finwns oi fiMns fioin
my pullPi: and If in mi d-iiiu, as this hand
nine! and the keliiiM iiuuitcnlt J at this
liirilinir c-ein tu iune. I .-euued the sood wMies
of my fellow cltUrn., I am douhly pild, as It
i nni Inns iik more and mine ol the tiuth of
i Ioiijv c-liei l-hril in iNiiu, one tint I lon-ddor the
tnci-l inluiuiiw fe.-ituie of lnuuanlly. Hut lit
The ureit inns ot maii'ilnd win iiIhus n-pect
whit i, uaht," llilntf, a-, jou alt'Liimv, a
"ti.inwi- to puhhe t-pcahiii, I hope jou will me lor not nuupjluj; juiu .ttltnt'iou h,n-,
o I will lumlude bv wiMihiu- tint the jniu
.fund tielliiKs maj ..f helweeu jou and my
uci is-oi a- hive alwajs el-,ted helweui .-imi
and injoelf; ami mat I alwajs, while inuipied in
hiiiii.ess when l.-ihor I-. m he peifoiiin-d, diiiiien
eiieountc-ied, and If powihlo aieited,' miu)
men as i tut In Auhhalil.
-oi.oxi.1, .-i'a.u:xiii:w.'., .iii--.
ltei- wliii Ii, at Intuials iliuhij: the whole
evening, the t aihonilale llia-s liimi (who had
jcneiou-ly oluiilrpinl their xmii-i), di-couiMd
vMct and i!eai.nit iniisle In their utinl happy
mil ellertlw st.vle. 'the mcptlnif was then ml-lie-ed
hj i oloinl Itdin . spjinjenheig, a-, loj.
Ir, Cliaiiniiii, Lnlir, and dentlcmeii: It sies
me pliasiiie lu parikipale In the indentation of
ihli ttstiiiionlal oi re.put to our Mhnv citizen,
William Law, i'wj., and in new ot the lelatlous
ne has niNtaluul, not only tu the opc-r.UIe, hut
o the InlMbltaiiU eiidallj, 1 l,aU. ,ioui)t
mt he has a slimii; hold upon the iilfeilloiij o
ill our liticciisi indeed, how can be It ollieiio
w li ii his imifoim mhinitv and kindness aie taken
tnto unisldu-Hion. I lefei not tu theve thlui,,
to flitter, but as an epicsaIou of the publlu
teellng in pntlug with linn,
The ability and IuipaitlalKy with whuii ,e b.
illwlurfeil his ottleial dutj v.,f among u. Iiaa
tiidcJted dim tn all oi the opeiatiin, in whowj
heads lie ll he held in leiiieinbianic as Ion?
n Ihey Hlull beat with their wonted puKitlonn.
I longralulate jou upon join- tecent appointnieut
to a inoie liHi.ttlve, und, of iciiite, a more ic
ponslbIe ltuttion as chief inlulne; engineer of
the I'mnsylianU Coal lonipauy's iiiiiiea at I'ltU.
ion, in which, wUhlni; jvu hicicss, we bopu von
nay find in joui new iclation, t.othliii; wlikli
will niM 4 tisli of lejict to e.-eape jour biea.t,
but, on the ivnti.ny, jou may be happiei- ,iin
inoie pleasantly (iKinn.t inccd. It U true, how
ever, tint v-ith ituieated leipoiialhilities our
i-.tlM r-n IlkiiwitL- iniu.i-.ed; but it U ciualy
tins teat a matter inlinl fiud, an addliioiul in.
certlve In at-tion. Such .i ininU we think jmi
pvvstui, and that (heretora jojr new tiluatiun in
Ittston will but jllPid t pioptr oipoi (unity foi
Ilia development ut ,t powcit, ulieieln ii whl
thine with bilvhttr liistie, the n.oie it, lnl be
Miiouiulcd with dlllleulties. )Ut, tir, I dnubt if
jou can, or enri- will, find n mote faithful t
of inlnirs whom to e.eKiv jour judgment
nnd management than you luvu louml l.eie, 'hy
uio tiiilfoimly kind, altalile, pleisaiil and wllllils
to obey nil K.e-oniblj- fomnuimlj. 'they hate to
liait ltli jou-hut, in the KiiiducM of their
luart, they would say s.uci,c3 to jou, and may ,i
Ions and luppy life be jouri, Sli, l win a,!C
jou when van be found u inoie k?ucivu and
iicble-l.eiiitcd set of men than ais our inlneuf-
alwoyj iwdy to .-sl.t ll.eir fellow being, fu dit-ir-wi,
tliey toatnbutu ihoiiund ot dollais by
way ot jubjcilptioni to tnelr fellow nun out oi
ibeir bird ciiidns neiy ear. You will kee
l.t-i-i with iliilll on their ihouldeiv, and their
i nps iiina(i.j; upon Iheli bea-h, and by tin lljht
1 ot wli'eh llip.v slope their v i.v Inlo the dmk'
i.iviim n( I'u' eatlli to illi; nut Hie hidden lit."'
tires tlnl aie ilopotliecl (line t'j'.oiiir tinkn-wvn
Imt 'I, t" he nut ner our utim ami tiillroulj
t'i I'.o uieiil iiieli'oijlls. I etiir nnj they llu' to
I'ttL.t tin nulls n ii.rlr l.iini'.
I'M UNM I.IIUIs l'Mi-i.
Coloiiii "pliiKeiiheryi folloMecl bj Air, Paul
Inns l,c-wl, of Ciiibolutile, In .ippioptiite and
lnfpy, after whlili Mr. Thomas .lo'i'i
ton, of llutimuic, dellieu-d tlie Militoliiid ilddici.:
Mr. Piedileiit, tulles and Clrtittemcli! In he
ll ilf ol tlio Ri-lillenii-ii Iicip fioin Ditiimoie, I bfJt
tn iy we me clad (d meet jou here nn villi an as tins, li u MMicllillig new- to us
people of Duiniioio. lleie He M-e osseiuhlfd (ho
liuiip mid hlnew of Atilibitd, tneii of illflertnl in-tion-i,
all iiii.inliiioiis In imp thlna;. vl, to iiow
pulillelj In tin- world the Msh e.teom In wlilth
I'ii'j hold ihclr foinifi' (.iipcilntciideiil, Mr. il
Ham In, We foidlally csiiRratulato you on
ll-.ld, Any ono who has the honor of bclrs ,
in-tin iliiti-d with AM. law will concur with m"
lu iajiiu tint he Is n man well woithy Hie
Hihstuntlal of leganl which you lu Midi
an agreeable maimer haio beslowed upon him
toiilghl. In him Is to be found tin' man In sub
staticp, not In i-hadow, as Is the c.i3e with many
who aro placed in xltiiHnr iltuitloiui his motto
tluouifli life has been to do to otheis as he Would
wlh others lo do lo him. Tonight wp may see
that this adnge was pait of blnielf nlille he was
with jou in Aichtuld. Wc hope lie may be lonif
.-pared In u-e the instruments jou have bestowed
upon him, not only tor hh. own and familj's
Mke, but ar tor the hake of his workmen, for
to them In- iiIvmjs has been and I doubt not eicr
will he, a hue and deolrd filcnd.
Ilelnif loudly failed upon. Thonns Dickson,
esq., of Carbondiile, net addressed the meeting
in substance as follows:
Air, I'lcsideiit, Ladles and Gentlemen: Wc
hae been called together for the purpose of see
ing: the piest-ntatlou of a comp.uss and its equip
ments, by the MOiklngmen of Arehbild, a.s a mark
of their le-peel and esteem for their late minlnif
Mutineer, William law, and a pioud nnd Ioiir
I" he lememhcicd occasion If. must be to him.
It seldom falls to the lot of a man of his jears
In mclir. the universal icspect nnd esteem of his
co-lahoieis ( gicat proportion of whom in jenis
an- his si-niois), and not only of those who ale
his subordinates, but. also nf his employers. It
is i niie thing, indeed, tint a pel son in such i
n sponsible situation cm be jut to einploj-cis
ami einphued, and jet be ic-pected and esteemed
by bolh parties. Hut such a man is William
Law, and the f itirens of Archbald haic united
as one mini to demonstrate the fact, ley the
piest-ntation of this bi-autltiil set of instiuments
as a inemenlo of times pat, and as a token of
the appreciation of the w-orkiiiRinen of!
of thai whlili is noble, just and good in a super
inteudcntj and whenever William Law casts his
ejes upon this compiss it must be with a urate
fill heat I and thinks to (tod that lie has been
piompted tn do bis dutj-,
As lo nij peional intereour-p with Hip ip
cipicnt ot this testimonial, it has been puielj
onp of fiiiiid-hip, and it is gtatitying lo me to
lip able to add my tc-timony to his merits, as I
hue alwaj i found him matilj-, uptight and lion
oiiblo, and his intellectual attainments fur supu
ior to what his modestj- and uiiiSMiming de
meanor leads people to brliiwe.
One wonl as to the donois: I have many warm
and peisunal friends in Aichbald, and nij" intci-COUI--C
with them his been oT the mo-t pleasing
kind. I Lisleil of their friend-hip and bos
pitillty on a pieiious opeasion, and I can .is-tire
All-. law that this dpinnnshalion of the good
feeling toward him of his fiiends in Aichbald
is tint inciclj' a spontaneous burst of enthusiasm
that will pass aaj" with the nest wind into the
sea ol oblhion, but that it Ins oiiginalcd in the
depths of the attainment he has eieated in Iheli
bosoms, and that it is ehvp, heartfelt and la-ting.
And allow me to say for the cili?ens of
C.iibondale thai thej- respect Mr. law as a citben
and a man, ami Hut his piofessional acquire
ments are highlv appreciated: o much -o tint
thej,' look upon him as a candidate in the affec
tions ot the miners In till the s.uc.iuiy made lry
the deuth of oui late and ninth limented Alex
ander llijden, the gicute-t eulogy that can he
I cannot leave this subject without leieiting
to the last occasion of this lnd that It was my
priiilepe to attend; it was the piesentation of a
similar compass to my late fiiend, Alexander
llijden, upon his leaving Oaihondale for Pitts
ton, by Hip minois lhat had been under his
superintendence. He is now covcied by the sod;
he Ins s tn Hie last of eaith, and a belter,
pmer, nobler liatmc ncer had an existence in
a bosom of humanity, lie was a fond latin r, an
atleetionate husband and a ujjn fiiend! he wis
unitei-ally helm til and Is as iuueis.illy legiel
ted, "Peace to his ashe5. '
I.EWLS WALTKRa' TltlflUli:.
Lewis S. Wallets, Csq., being called upon, said;
Such a call was quite unexpected to him, but
he was leij- happj- to he pie-ent on so Intetesting
an nccjsion. i-o laiye a gathering of happj- coun
tenances he had seldom mot . The meeting
binught to his mind a sentence liom Di, .lohnson,
which lie would quote:
"I Mill teatli jou to picue the bowels oi the
earth, and bring out of the caverns of mountain-,
metals, which will giic Miength to our
band?, and subject all niluio to our u-e and
plea -urc."
This was eiuphitkally the bu,iin'.s of
men, '1 lies." lulling hands and honest tiers and
waim heaits make it their business lo picue the
mountain-, and In Inn out to light and life the
"black diamond" Coal, by the genius and
enemy of man, is made to melt the iiou and
nuke the lails and diive the lotomotlic ovor
thoiisaiiils of miles of IhU fair and fanned land,
lieigl-.led with tin liio and imlustiy of all in-lion--,
I'oal loiees the mou-lcr oecan e.ssel our
Hip Atlaiitli- ill Hip shoitet possible petiod of
lime, and thus augment the coinmeite of the
woi Id; ioa nukes the steun tint piopels the
vut iii.uiui.ictiiiliig estahlishments In (h and
our sl-tei' slates has become iieces-aij- lo
ihj kitchen and c.iinloits ot l!lp,iind o" the
pleasuics of the puloi, How varicifand atlous
Ihe aitciiis Hiiuiigh which It cliculates, How
vast the ( emplojed in its eiuulatlou, fioin
Hie miner and Ids hou-es, the car and hoiw's,
the ulliruflt and ens and engines-, tlie caiuls
and boats :md vessels and w!iaue, nil this hu,i-lu-vs
tollown the occupation nt Hum- men, lliev
pleiet- Ihe inoin.taiiH ami bring thl iinpouaiir
uiticle lo liuhl and Hie.
Ilt-ic see this picnnt so nppiopiiately be
luwftl upon one su liiistworthj ;t it shows that
ii-al merit and modest woith .lie duly appuciiied
bj the inineis oi Aithbald, They haie come fioin
dlttciTiit lands and of several iiulon, jet nov
liy aside all piejiidlies and unite m th'is token
of e.ieeni lo one fiom the laud "Wheie Wallacn
llltd." 'llils oeci.iou may teach iheso noble
beailed uicii how much they may do by united
means ami well dlicetcd clfoit to build up initi.
union- ol learning in the land oi their adoption;
institutions that t-hall tit t1i--fr children to lion-mabl.-
till the stations and putouii the duties of
p.l. mil iu:kiiilk's hi nun.
liny. Mr, lle-mcl:, of Anhbald, ne:.t addressed
the meeting; in the follow lug uppiopiiate manner;
ladle, and Ucntletwii; We ininMcrs tilled en
to speak on public occasions, are prono almost
insliuctiiely to call up soma teU of terlptuit
as liivlnj at IwH 60U10 application to tlio c-iisn
in hand. "He that hunihluh himself bl.all be
nv.illed" me the words that hive been veil- an.
plopi-iatelj applied lo cur fiiend, Law, I am u,
minded as I loot, around in HiU and com
niodluia church c a passage in (ha seventh chap.
r ot Luke's fo-pel, . entiiii lloinan ecu.
tuiion wWieri to luio IhrUt Wi ),U .-tyant,
und tho ciders of tl.e .icwt, 1-ame.vtly buought
fhrUt to ctiio him, sayinji ,nat he woj woilliv
tor wltort ia .liould do thii, for ,a loysi), c"r
mtluii and bath built u a .jnaaojuc" Chilli
himself aileiw.ud gu-atly coninuiikd him, Our
lib-nd, law, was one oi tlio buiklins committed
of this cliuicli and dil much In various waji lo
bpiuio tlio tie'Ction of this tdllicc In which w
aie now- (omened lo e.pliess him our grateful
lliauks. S-uiic may call this niaii-uoibhlp, but I
do not leganl II in tkat lljht, Mr. law. for
the time jeai of Ids lesldence with u as tuper.
Iiitendent of the lnlm-i, luf discharged IiU uiduoua
duties o ui tu secure the confidence and atlec.
iiou, not only of iliosu whom he was t-slled lo
diieet, but of those who appointed him to office.
How natural, then, how proper ad how pleasant
il is to c.vpiivt in this social and publlu ni'iu
nei'i fetliujf s.o jIioiil- and so unanimous. Ba-
ii.k-s, .Mr. Law it cue ol the list men. I shoald
Ihlnk, to be Injure! by tuck sa tipresjloa k J
s el $
For Rent.
. i-" ..., ,
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the Times. In
eluding Desk?, Steam Meat mid
Electric Light.
Also 1200 feet of iloor space on
4th lloor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
The Tribune.
l'Olt HUNT llousj at Suo llanison incline, with
all improvements; for rent nt ?IC,(W or will sell
for 3,S(X. Apply on fircmlte.
COUNTRY (.OTTAQP. of nine looms for Hid sea
son; furnished; the finest location in Dalton;
oi- will rent unfurnished for vcar. , Anplv to
. W. Carlton, Dalton, Pa.
P0K RENT, with board, a pleasant finnt loom;
suitable for two peii-otis, sot Mulbeny bt.
l''0R HUNT House, No. 012 North Washington
avenue: eleven looms ami lialli loom; all
newly painted and pipeied. Apply at )7 Lin
den street.
l'Olt RENT One side double house: modem Im
provements. Apply 8K Hairison avenue.
iii'J GREEN RIIKJC SntPET, ten looms, moilein
improicments; steam heat fuinlslicd; deslr
lesirable. Money to Loan.
3I0XI!Y lo loan on improved city leal estate.
IlKNItY BEUS, .115.
3(K),XI0 TO LOAN Lowest r..tcs: straight or
monthly pajments. Stalk k Co.,Tradcrs' bldg.
STHAIfiHT LOANS for any amount. inleiet -I to
t) per cent , cm be obtained fioru A. Don-ncllj-,
111 Traders' National bink building.
PANY will loan upon first moi tgnge niton
centrally located properties any iiiiioimt tor teui
of 1 pais, at low rate of interest. Cipwcll, At
toiney, Pauli Muilding.
STRAIGHT loans in amounts V.0 to -slOO.OW
at t. to r. per tent; pajments niontldv,
seml-annuiilly or jeailj-. Inteie-l on balance.
W. M Runnell, Attv, siu.j uidg.
ttialjM leans oi Bullulng and Loan. At
from 4 lo fl per tent. Call on N. V. Walkct,
31I-31S I'minell building.
Booms and Board.
LARGE fiont room with board for two gentle
men, 11(1 Adams avenue.
ganl. When Washington was quite a j-outh, and
his title was colonel instead of general, a vote
of thanks was given him by the Vuglnia legi
lahuc fm hi.s braveij' shown at tlie bittle ol
l'oit Uuqucsiic, now Pittsbuig Ovcicomc by tills
shong expression of commendation bestowed upon
him, and also by his nature diindenl, lie- could
scaicelj- make any leplj-. Upon this a member
ot Hip legislature nro-c and said: "Colonel Wa-h-ington,
jour modest)- surpasses even j-our lu.iv-oij-."
Modesty ever accompanies due worth;
and we all know- that it crowns the virtues
which adorn our friend, Law, We often hear
it said that love is better than law. But in oui
litem! we have both love and law combined a
veiy happy (ombiualion, indeed.
As I look on this beautiful compa-s, elevated
on ils stand bcfoic the pulpit, I am lemindcd
ot that Heavenly Compass reposing on the sailed
desk itself thatsuiedirector which God lias given
Us by vvliii h to steer our course safelj' over life's
tempestuous ocean to the haven nf eternal icst.
Our fiiend came from a land wheie Hie Heav
enly Guide is loved as ardently and read as dill
gcutly, perhaps, as in any pait of the world;
wheie the masses of the people take II under
their anus to chinch eveiy Sabbath anil
fnlly seaich it to see whether the minister
pi caches according to it or not. Tlii- I know
was fot maiiv- generations Hip piaetice theic, ami
I believe is still expensively kept up. To the
Bible and the Sabbath Scotland owps nun h of
the eneigy and intelligence and wottli
lhat rhajae teiles so laige a portion of its titi
ens ,st home and evcij-vvheie else. Piiiallj, I am
u-minded by this pieseiilation ol tlnl day of
final ilciMou and awaid that wc niii-l all inert.
Miy we then all wreive iiom a hlghir thin hit
mill atitboilly the welcome appinval: "Well
done, thou good and laithful seivant."
The meeting was also addica-eil by Messrs.
John Campbell, John Thomas and Daniel Jsuuij-,
ot Caibondile, whose remaiks have not been
handed m o Ihe secretary.
When It was on motion levdved that Ihe
thanks e.f the meeting bo tendcted to the f-.n.
liondale band, and also to the hustpps of Hie
Piesbyleiiin i lunch for ihe ik-o ot the house,
Itesolved, That llio gentliiueii who have ad-lies,-ed
the meeting upon this occasion be ie
quested to luuil.h tlie with copies ot
Ihi'lr respective addu-sse.s and that they be pub
IMidl, with the pioceidins-s, in all tho papers in
ihe rouiitj-.
The meeting then adjoin ne J in the best possible
let-Inn,, satisfied Willi themselves and "Ilia icst
t mankind." Edvvaid Jones, Cluiiman.
Thonns Diikson, Secrtlatv,
Another Attempt Is Made to Connect
the Bradford County Coal Fields
with the Delaware and Hudson,
Special lo Hie Seianton Tiibune,
Towunda, April as. Another uttenipt
is Uelnt' mado to connect the Delaware
and Hudson load with the coal fleld.
A few days ago h dhector of the Al
bany, Blnshaiuton and Plttsbuis rail
road went over the piopo.sed lomn
from niiiBhumton to Siuterfield to take
u mini view In reeuid to srudps, got
tlrifr facts and other Infonnuilon neces
sary before the meeting of directum
held at New York last week, whliii re
port has not been learned. Th pro
jected road Is to be an exten&lon of the
Delawnte und Hudhon railroad from
niiiBhatnton toWlllluniDporl, thus coni
nlettus a tliroiiKh lino noin Jloston and
Albany to Pittsburg-, Uimdimatl und
the southwest. 1. XL Thutatoii, a tep
reseutullvt' of the toad, st.itex that the.
pew Hum would itiu from UIiikIuiiiiIou
to Ve.itul, thence to Ulichurdvllle nnd
then follow down tho 'yaushitr creek
to Wyaluslntr. wheie il would cross the
Lehigh Valley track ami (he sjtibojue
humu vlvoi', near .Sugar Run, puss
through Scrotavalc, Colloy and on to
b'atlei field, where It would connect with
the Yv'llliatuHjjoi-t brunch.
Chcular lctteis are behiff received by
liruperty ovxneis in legard tn tho right
of way, which in being; albo solicited by
district aRents uloutr the uiute. K. IV.
I rwlts. of A yulusins, lemeaenth South
an rr-Hlfo-, ( ns nlreutiy been In-
4 Lines 0 Cents
Mors Than Four Llneti 3 Cents for Eaeh Extra
For Sale.
I DlMHIi In iilinnumc hen by that fov the pin-liev-f!
ot sPltllng Hip i.lltiiewhlp bulne"s of tin
lalp linn of T. P. Cur : Sen, I luvc ilrcMut to
oflcr for sale tlio piemli-ei on Washington Itvr
lute known as t'ail'.s Al.ukel, logethei with the
llturr, ft.iilc and Rooibwlll of ihe tnisliie-n. 1
conslilci' llii f'tith1cimcnl so well Ituoiui in this
tlty I ileeni it iiiniei ewary In make uny
i-otuii'.eiit as lo the lmpoitamc of this nflii' as
nil timisinl fppoilunlly tor Inveslinciit. The iral
(state, u lot I'hloO feel, will Iv sold rNunlc If
desired. P. !.. t.'AIIIt.
Siiivli-lnij p.utilcr of Ihe l.Ke linn of T, II. lair
eV Son.
VOIl SAM: Malehed pair of black toach horses
and live! Iie.liy ili.itt lioin-s: must sell soon,
S2J-2J1 rilkfoid couit. (1. Jl. I'icld.
l'OK HAM: KIrIiIici Ihousanil lineal feel. 0 to
7 liidi mine piops; three thousand notth
llii", for Immediate MIeij. T, M. I.yncli, Toby
liaiina, Pa,
UllUO STORi: in best Geiniau loenllly in Phila
delphia, tot- (.ale'cheap for cai.ii; Hist cliiwt
il.anpe for druggist or doc-tot: dungist wit-hen
to go went in Jimp. Atldiess .1, A. Halt, Ding
gist, taw X. Mil street, Philadelphia, Pa.
li.MJlUS' HHIVINU IIOII.SK fov site; S jenis old;
pc-riectlv souuil, absolutely fearless, Can bo
dihen anjwheic bj' unyone. Very handsome. No
lilel.s; nn ideal Iioi-p tor a Indj-; price, with
buggy and harness, !fj:!i. Apply at KM AIouioo
Situations Wanted.
31TUATI0S WANTKD-Dy a joung nun. as
collet toi; has bad four j-rars' rxpcilcrco
with a leading firm of llii; i-ity n;nl can (unil.-li
A No. 1 refeiences. Address A. '. U., Tribune.
woik in office or store.
young man, to do,
Addiess ',., care
RELIABLE young man, having had iwpcilemc a.s
,i bookkeeper, wants some work to do Unco
days a week. Addiess 11., Tiibune office.
EXPERIESCED LAUNDRIXt would like gentle
men's and ladles lainulrj- to take homo, AJ8
Pcnn avenue.
SIIUATIO.V WANTED Young man wants posi.
Iiou as bookkecpei; thoioughly familiar with
fifll'o woik. Can fmnlsli en client refeicnces es
to chaiactcr anil abilltj. Aildus- ilo-i 13, Trih.
tine oflicc, cllj-.
SITUATION WANTED-Uy boj-, 13, at almost
aujHiing; would like lo deliver for gioeeiy
stoie or meat maiket. Addiess I.', 1)., ml Lin
den sheet.
WANTED Young man !7 j-ears old would Ilk"
(ity situation. Addiess John llotclikiss, leai
Hid !?. Wellington iiienuc.
SITUATION WANIED-As ofhee c-iil; cm fm
idsh ictcience's. Addic-s .Maud, dc-llieij-,
We-t Seianton,
POSITION WANTEU-liy a joung man of epm"
ence, in gloeeiv or general Mote: countiv
town prefcru-d mid boanl with cniplojei. Ail
iiess for one week, .. F. O., bo 271, Kactoiv
vllle, Pa.
SITUATION WANTED-Ry a woman, to go out
by daj-, wiishlifg, boning or cleanirg. Call
or adihess Aim. Russell, 1210 Cedar avenue, city.
SHfATION WANTED-Dy a miildlc-agcd man,
who is collecting debts: debts collected on
cc-minission. Address William .lone-. Di, M'
Giccij's nilitp, Al.uion sin-it and WashiiiBton
WANTED Lady to call al Ruiscliepf., 121 Wvoiii
ing aienue, for line tailor nude Hiits;' no
etia eliaigc for making to older. Our motto,
i-atistaetioti guaianjced or money lefiinded.
tiniiitecl by those who know that the
new road would bo in ouctation within
a year.
Speelal tn the Seianton Tiihutip,
Towanda, April 2S. Haih-oad oin
ulals heie have received orders that
AValter L. Main's circus and men
agsrle would visit Towanda on Wed
nesday, Jlay . The show visited tills
Dluce a few years since, traveling In
its town cars, and had ono of (be
largest crowds ever attracted to tlie
county .sent.
The following postollices in this vi
cinity will be discontinued on May 1,
when the free rural delivery .system
takes effect: Paco, Macedonia, Uhdey,
Hornbrook, Client, Black. Myersburg,
Apex, McICIzer, Overshot, Luther's
Mills. Highland, Mountain Lake and
Dtii'cll. Also the following- htage
routes will b abandoned, which start
fiom Towanda postofllce: To Uhdey.
ftome, Xorth Homo, Butllngtdn, and
others are looked for. lo which the
carriers will carry closed notiches to
the last named places,
Le Roy Colejnan, a lending mer
chant and financier for private indi
viduals of Le Kaysville, has made an
assignment with liabilities amounting
to over $'10,000 and assets at $l,00O.
Tlio .Metropolitan (pianette will give
a concert at Towanda, May 14. Pro
ceeds will be used for the benefit or
the Young Men's C'hilstlau associa
tion. The pi-oiss commeiuls them high
ly. In his choige to the sinuil Jury mi
.Monday Judge Fanning presented
some very thorough instructions, giv
ing som? strict rule.s fm- the juror.-s
to act by when on duty,
Oeorge Kline bus gone to Klmiia,
wheie fie will luivo rdiuige of Little's
amusement enterprise at Kldihlgu
The Tluptlsis liayo Just dedicated
their new church at Burlington, at
which several ministeis assisted lu tho
services. Tlio edlllce was erected at ,i
oust of $1,830, and it was dedicated
with tha necessary amount all pledged.
Lehigh Valley Agent Harry Hani
don has ictmned fiom a visit at .Vow
Lehigh Valley superintendent Dorge,
of Hay re, lias had a huge room tilted
up in the freight depot til that plate,
which contains h?d, wali-stands, hot
and cold water and other conveniences
for tlie benefit of tlie employes, A
Janitor has charge of the room and It
is kept In a neut condition,
Tito Sunday law will bo enforced by
the council of Dimhore.
Sp.ltl to ilir Scrinlou Tribune.
Tuukhuur.ock, April i'T.Mr.
Thujor, of Jiluuhaiuton, X. v
ping a few days with ills family at
this place.
Mis Nina Cauiey, n btudeiu at til"
Seianton Business ccllege, Is visiting
her aunt. Mrs. Joseph l.iiee, mi Prloj
Mis. 1'isula Scott, who has been
f-lopplug with lelatlves in town, has
lcliiruod to Spiingville, wliero .'die lias
been slaying all winter with her slu
lei, Mis. .Minor Riley.
Jacob Van Biuicom, of .Vlohobon,
was in town on S.ituiday.
fluy Jackson, who Is t-mplnyed as a
cleik tn tlie Lehigh Valley Coal com
pany's olllces in New Yoik, spent Sun
day with ids mother tit this place.
Hr-lcii, tho little daughter of Mr. und
Mis. Samuel Fitch. Is seriously ill wilh
Hi' Try Welch and family, of Suyre,
Help Wanted Male.
I'liisr IHMi
union wug(i. biead bakei- waulpil,
Address llakir. Tilhuiip nfllic.
IVANTEU A jouiw nun of good nddie-w lo lenl
sodi louuUin. Apply nt Hindeison' PliiiiniiK y.
toiiur Wnlilimkii and fpiitei! tlm-f.
WANTED Man to take r. of bsin and nuke
himself geneully iiw-ful m-ouml lumsct inual
he unman led; rldeily limn piefeiud; aond homo
for the right prison. Applj to Erchango litilcl,
WANTED 1tesKiinlhlr wholesale linn wauls nf
llic manager nl Sciiinloii; no Inivcling! $l,riiii)
Fotarj', lirge extra ptollls; STdO cash lequlred;
position permanent. Addicts. Mauufattuteis, No.
f.ti.' Clieirj-, Philadelphia, P.i.
Help Wanted Female.
i ANTED Ladles to Invpsllgate o-u- line ol
tailor made stills; -m1iiIip sljlcii nt lowest
pilfcs. Call nt Hiii'fhel's. I'M Wjoiiilug avenue,
I'nal Exclinngc.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT MJIILU'I. co-i.c-i Mulliriiy
r.trect and Webster, a venue.
GIJSfAV riCHLL, 0-,0 Adams avenue.
West Side
onoittii: w. .ins'KiN,
101 .-..iiilh Mam
South Scranton
niri) L. TERPPi;. -ill CnUr ai-iiuc
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, cmnei Noith
auntie and Market sheet.
Green Ridge
CHARLES P. JON-Li. IV,7 Dickson
I'. .!. JOHNS, WO Otccn Itldge -tied.
C. LORENZ, coiner Wushiuglnu no-
mie and Marion sheet.
1017 living -i.emie.
j. g. bom: i- SON.
Agents Wanted,
WANTED Agents to sell the fastest selling
Household Specialty on the maiket; p tying
100 per cent, piotit; both sexes. Apply al Main
m.ttibuting Ccntie. nj.-! Wa-hinglon avenue, ne.l
AVe'lncsday after 1) a, m.
Beal Estate.
Keator, Bun-
city piopcitics.
Sec Well-
MI.2TO Buv.s 10-rooiu single house. Improve
ments; lot Itlvinn; Harri-on avenue. Wells ,t
Keator, Burr Building.
-siOrt-BuyH lot Ti
Wells & Keator.
Ill, Dalton, Pa., i luigaiu.
aie the jiuesls of Mr. and M'rs. Elmer
Thomas, on Harrison streot.
Ceorge Kassett, of .Tenningsillo. was
doing- business in town on Saturday.
William Conneil, a brakeman on the
Montrose branch of the Lehigh Valley
ralhoad, had the misfortune to have
his foot crushed while on the north
bound trip Saturday morning. It 1m
btlioved that "amputation will be nec
essary. Ho was taken to the R. A.
Packer hrspltal at Sayre. Tho young
man is abnul 20 years old and the son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Conneil, of this
Judge K. M. Dunham stopped in town
over Saluidtiy on his way home fiom
Wilkes-Darre, wheie he has been o.n
gaged in holding criminal com I the
1 f st week.
Special to the Scranton Tiibune.
Pittslon, April 28. The Scranton
archdeaconry of the church,
will hold its annual spring session
In St. James' church hero today and
tomorrow. The programme is as fol
lows: Monday, V,;iO, evening prayer;
addresses, "Tin Churchman's Duty
from the Viewpoint of Privilege,"
"Church. Attendance," Rev. W, P.
Johnson, Calvary church, Wilkes
Barre; "Church Support or System
atic (living." Rev. F. P. Harrington,
Trinity church. West Pittston; prayer,
Rev. J. H. Ciiifllth, St. Peter's church,
Plymouth. Tuesday 7 n. m., holy
communion; H a. m bushu'ss meet
ing; 10 a. ni morning prayer; jo,::o
a. m holy communion, sermon by ('.
B, Carpenter, Mllfoid, Pa.: hymns, r.2.',
H3l!, tiOii; 2,:'.ll p. ui business meeting;
W.'M p. ni aiuhdeiu'on'n repoi I ; 4 p. in.,
ICxegesis, Rev. Ilnbert Bell, Sayre, P.i,;
ii p. in., cieed and collects. Archdeu
ennry and gonerol missionary meeting,
7,:!0 p. in. Speakeis, Hlshop Talbot,
Hey, H. L. Jones, l. I),, Archdeacon
Kadclilf, Mov, K, A. Of i mint.
The funoial of lleorge tlie l"..e.if.
old son of Mr, and Mrs. Ch.ules Teets,
look place on Saturday afternoon. Ser
vices were held In tho Methodist Kplv
lopal church, Rev. 1. Al. IMseoo oU
elating, lntei mem was iniile in Lang
cliffe ceniolery.
Tho many friends of Thomas Johns,
icimorl) of tuis town, were grieved
to hear of bin death, which ooouired on
Satniday morning at Vnudling. Do
ittitcd wos a member of the Sons of
HI. Ofoige and the Ancient Order of
K( listers of this town, Tho fiiueial
will take place on Wednefcday after
noon. Jnteiment will be at Vouching.
Miss Knte Wateis has beep elected
delegate to the convention of Textile
Workers, which will convene .u Holy,
oke next week.
W- !. Beuuhnan oml .T, J. Mnraliau
returned from Clear-Held county yes-tei'diij-.
I,. I-:, Diuffnei, uf sVllllamsport,
spent yeitoiday at (he Diulfner icsl
deiice, .Misses Ida McKau and I.oltle Mar
shall, of Plalnb, spent yesteidaj with
Miss Jennie Newllu.
The employes of the Hillsido will be
paid today.
tltorge Cable is now employed us
lineman for the eleetrio light company.
The manlage of Anthony Byder, of
the AVest Side, and Miss Nellie Mc
Afee, which was solemnized some
time since, has been made public. They
are residing on the West Side.
Tlieie will be a meeting of No. 1017
United Mine Workeis of America, this
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 6 Cents for Each Extra Line
LOSTA pnckelbook, eltlirr at l!OI Oi Inker '-r
Dimiuoip Cm in ix. Liberal iivaul will be
paid fm- lis telurn lo Tilliiinc otllee,
LOST Since1 Apill 11. .1'r, hrimllc tnwi alo
a Joung hrllei. ttifoiiuatlon will Irad
to the it-uiieiy of the (ov will wl.ullv be le
icliptl by tlie imderfluiinl, .1. 11. LHUeinloi,
dtug stoic, (orntv Paiker und Nnilh Main,
LOHT I'ioui 111 .lollrri-on niet'tie, n s'nall,
SKfti, lunu'-tlilcil I'.iio'pifl; a i-ei.atd vil'
1 o given for Its n tntn.
Boarders Wanted,
WANTED-Titl-le liomclri
Wnshlngtnii nvciiup.
.Mis, Tompl.liH,
Wanted To Bout.
WAXTEU-'lvvo or lluce ulccl.v fiiiiil.hed toonn
tin' lioiiscl-einlii,f bv p.Hly villi bi'ol iciVrenc-.
Addrers G., Tillumo olllre,
."C1II.IT IIIUIU is cveiJ-wliciL- liown a Hip
Ill-el- that made f..iiim. 'Ihe
standard of the wmld lodav is not C-im.oi bru,
but Milwaukee llcer. Schlitz Reel. Tiy I'. Hot
tied bj- A. W. fichiaedcr. T2U-7'!S ii.uns aveiiu".
JOI-.t Olel Telephone: lVi New- Teh phone.
Certified Public Accountant.
building. 120 Washlnglon uvetiue. Seianton.
Spiucc shcil, Sciautoti.
OR. c. C. I.M'IIAI.II.
IT1 XK t:
Rooms 12,
. iioyi.i:,
II, 111 ami
IS Biur building.
lialcd on ical estate seiuiitj-. Meats buildins,
coiner Washington avenue and Spruce sheet.
and counselloi-s-at-law. Ilepubtican building,
Washington avenue.
JES.SUP i; .lESnUP, A'lTORSEVS AND t fit X-sellors-at-law.
CoiriUionweallh building, Rooms
111, 20 and 21.
OOJ-POI, Pth tloor. Aloars building.
of Trade building, Seianton, P.i.
Bank building.
C. tOMEGYS, !l-l-i
211 Wjoinint; avenui.
0 0
I,H EUM-Bl.ieU Pihi Tioubadours.
AL,Al)E.M CluiliR It. Chainpliii
'Rip Van Winkle."
Ihoiins Jeflcrsnii, who lia-s taken up "Itip Ian
Winkle." is sahl to list nihil his father, Jo'fph
Ji-mrson, phjsiially and inentallj- and in vail
on. w.ijs. it would lie stunge, indeed, if lie did
not inherit some nf his talent for acting which
has lie.ii in the family foi sl- geneiatioas be
line him.
'Ihoie who havp seen him ad r.iy Hipip is i.o
iliiiibt of his aptitude for a laieei- on the bi.1',0
and his success lu his present venhiri- has he.
loiiie su nuikcil that is something lil.elj- to bo and become a sttindaid pnfiiiinunci-.
Thuiuas, who nssiiuu-s H.e loin of liop, savs:
"I giiisss people Ihlnk I am nervy," But his
audience leallj- do mil think so, but l .it her won
der lhat he lias refiiilnoil fiom showing wlut
he imilil (le. II is veij- gr.itlt.ving lo Thonns
Hie w.i.v his ertotls aie being leceivt-il.
The Academy Tonight.
An alhacti'.t- li-t of plajs is ofleieel bv II..-Chiih-1
K, Ch.-iuipllu louipanv rliis wei-k. Among
MViial old tavniites a luuilbei nf new ones lo
ii-peitoiro will be given i priser.tilton by this
Tlie sc-u-aliuiul in I.HiMliia, "II. e -iu of
Pilde," will be the nileiing lonighl. This plaj
has never hesii se.-u Iiiip, "Thn Cuise of I'lid-1'
i lull of Biupii-.'s and gives cadi niemher of the
tompinv an oppoihiullv- f.-r some good woik.
Black Patti Tioubadouis.
'A ILnklovvn I'lollt! on Ihe Lkillo" . li lulr
of 1 1 ii- new ipiulng 'Konii skit" pn-mled by Hi I'alll I'loiilildoui.-. 'I Ins lo hi- the
iiuiili'sl bll ut inn anil uictnd.i lln-e lahnlfd
and veisalile cbunj eeslaeii-s J'tl cicaltil. It
oniipies an hour ff lb" evi-iili-g. iiilcilalnmeiit
ami Is Inlui lull oi h. il coon tun, lag time ne-l-ol.v,
bin I. dam lug mid Iho uiust. fasiinatlng p.
hlblllou of giaicful daiky take waits Imagin
able. II Is hugilj ,lp.lii i.llfd Is ii,ilic.ite,
bj' tip Jojoiu shouts of liii-jhlri- and hll-ulnu.
-ippliu.i, whlili aiioinpaiihs ivvij' onng, sto,.',
tlaiKi- ami iniiiual siliiilhus v-hiih .ibouud in
tin rMI.
R is iln- Id), '-iooii l.ii" uf ihe season and it
Il is imly of lie- u.'iij- good cuuifs in hie and cudhnl utigo i ntci I j itum n..
nttcit-d bv the nilrtli-pr.ivol.iiij 'Pioi luilmn-s, i
tin- Ljieiiiii Muiiila.v cviulng.
Iiwln's Majesties.
'Ilii'iiici gi-ns who (iiij good mil. ii . 1 . .. i ' .1
sKiinj, ami waiilinbi-, and Hut iljs loinuly
should not oveilook flu- milling of lit In's )ae
tic, who appear al iho fluiilv lln.ito,. Uih illy,
CdllllKllclllg 1liUI5il.1V, Miy !. in) hlll- Hal-,
a. this loiiipany alt nl the ahi-o
'Ihe Todd, Judge i.iuiilv, a-inluls; Uu'n Jl.-I
Hill, deinlau coiiedlan.; Kilo Pild. Iln ilainl
liltle (lion ulil; two Aiiuili.ut Mat's, titiiihi
lll-h loini-iliaiisi h h Tajlor, oopiai..!, Wallini,
and Hammond, ,vui; illu-halois. and lie-let ,
le.-hr and Willi mi-, ttlo, teai-tiiu wilh l"u
t'.-.f( i.lllV Wlltd'll lllU-l(.ll ll.lKstllS, UJllU-l',
"bowu Ihe Line," and "'llm Kmlpp ( uu " n
whlili flic iiithii .oiunaiiv ol llitilv m i,h on
tillitili. f-'leallv. Wilinei- il.,ilt H
Mis, John V. Thornton was a tailor
in Peckvllle on Weduesiluj.
.Mrs, Robeit McCutelieou iett on Fri
day tor California, where she will
spend somo time with relatives.
Miss tlrace Clilvers. of Peckvllle
was tho guest of the Misses Heed dur
ing the week.
Tito grandest concert, of the season
will be given in the Brick church on
Tuesday evenlgn. May , by the First
K6 o iJl
PhyslclniiB and Sugeons.
lilt W. K ALIJNWil.fNolimriWSlHMUOV
1)11. 1 W lAMOREAUA. 0l'flf71'. .Til WASH.
Inalou an line. Reshlriiee, l.lls Mnlheirj
Cliionlo dlense, liuig, heart, klelntj-n and
ge-nllo-uiliniy oigaiu a npeclallj-. Hours, 1
lo t p. m,
Hotels and Resturantti.
t'Al'l!. Ui AND 117
Rates ie.isoli.iblp,
P. ZEIGLI'.R, Piopilelor
Ki'gei- depot, t'oiidu(lpl on the European
pl m.. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
'12! W,ililnglon Am-.. N-ranton Ps, Cluonh
Discuses n spiclalij-. Olllcu Hours! 3.S0 to 12
in.; L.:o to n.::o p. m.
if" pools! in odoi; only improved pumps used.
A. It. Ililggs, pioprielor. Leave oiilers IlCH
Noilh Alitn nveiiup, or Eicke's diug store, cor.
nei Adams and Mulheiry, Both lelephones.
djinen. simp 201 Washington avenue; greni
houses, l'1'.O Noilh Alain avenue; stoie tcb
phone, 7SJ,
Wire Screens.
Siantoii, Pa., maiuif.Ktmcr of Wire Sirccn".
also ladles' w.iil.
Ailanis avenue.
Louis Sho'inaker, 212
v elopes, paper hags, twine,
Washington avenue, Stianton.
Waichouse, 1.-.0
lu Srianlon at tin- news stands of
Bio.. icul Spiurp ami 'iill Linden: Al. Xorlon,
r22 Lncl-uwauiu aveiui'-; 1. S. Schutzcr, 211
Spiuii- -heel.
THE AXVI'Vli MEETING of the contributors to
Hip f.atkaw-.iim.". hospital will be held at the lu Hip uly of Stinnlon, Pa., on Alon
il.iv, May otli, 1U;. Iiclvveii tlie hours of tt and 1
o" lock p. in., nn Hie t-lettlon ot dhectors aim
11 e tian-actiou of .such other business as ma
piopnly cninc In fore Hip meeting.
.Vilest: President.
It. It. MVE1.LV, Sicreiaiy.
THE ANNUAL AtEETING or tho stockholders of
the Dickson Manufacturing Company will be
held al the oflicc of the rompuny. in the city of
Si Linton, on tin- eighth day of Maj-, 1001, at in
n'cloik a. in., for the pin pose of electing; Dlrfi
tois and voting upon such other matters as may
(Cine before the meeting.
L. P. BOWER, Seerctaij-.
Welsh Congregational choir of Scran
ton. Mrs, Harry Cooper and daughter, of
Taylor, were guests at the home of
Thomas Drake on Thursday.
Charles Drake, of Tunkhanock, lias
moved bis family into one of John Sur
her's houses.
Scranton Board of Trade Xxchamga
Quotations All Quotation Baeed
on Par of 100.
Pitft National Bank
Scranton Savings Bank
Third National Bank
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank..
ICconomy Light, U. & P. Co
Larks. Trust Safe Deposit Co
Clark & Snovsr Co., Pr
Scranton lion Fenca c Ulg. Co. ...
Bcrsnton Aile Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.
County Savings Bank f Tiuat Co..
First National Bank (Carbondale)..
Standard Drilling Co
Traders' National Bank
fsciaiilon Holt and Nut Co
Scranton Pa.singer Railway, first
Mortgage, duo 11)20
People's Street Railway, first mort-
Sjavc, due IBIS ,
People's Sheet Railway, General
mortgage, due lliil
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacks. Township School 5 por cent.
City ot Scranton St. Imp. tf per
Scranton Tun. 1 1 on 6 per cent. .....
Bid. like.
... 800
IIS ...
113 ...
... VI
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Coirected by II. (5. Dale. 27 Lsckswanna Ave)
Ilutlcl Ciraiur. old, Silailc; fiesh, 2ila22He,
daiij,, 'll',;Vili; old, HMSo,
Cheese Full rienm. 12j Up,
I Itgi, Western lu'sli, II1.- (o 15e. nesiby
slate, li',3 to liio.
Beans IVr bu., choicp inanow, j;.5Sa'J.60.
Pe.i Beans Per bu., clioiie rnairovv, J.'.SJa'inl.
Medium Hcsns-l'.T liu.. W.0s2.45.
Oieen Peu.s-1'ei bu., 41. jail, 10.
Onions-Per bu,, -iLlOaLriO.
l-'loiir-Bft pati ut, per bbl $1.05.
Itfil Kidney Beani. Per bu., 1.4aa;.50.
Buffalo Live Stock. .
l'.i. llullalo, Apul I's.-nciclpls C'altle, 1,'S
i a, ; hliu-p mil Iambi, ii c lis; hogs, 'JO can
slilpniitits ('.iiilc, lul rausj theep and Iambs,
c'i: liog", IJ (ais, 1'itlle Pair demand; cal
(lioifti to c.Mia, l.r-ut; lamb-,,
t'li.i.VO; ahcip, ihuicp Id cvtiu, if C.jOa4.73. ' llOfs
-Ileal) nil.v-d and mi-diuiii, V'-"1-!'! piS
t'ontluiy to tue Kciieully accepld opinion
it lr. a-iil(d thai nioio steam veelj aro now
ii-ci! on the Mi-slsslppl liver and its tributaries
Hun ever befoie, IV, Iliyanl, of New Or
It aiis. so teatiriril beioie tho indiutrial commit
lto in tt'a.lilngton, Mme ielef is soujlit
(igaiii-l Iho impediments f,o navigation. '
-WV - la. VV'V'X''V'
X-svsVV" Vst.
United Railways of
Sl Loiiis, Mo.,
4 .
Yielding Investor 4.60
Rudolph Kleybd'ltrrCiv
1 NaBsa'uSSKrTAk.;;'