The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 29, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Knivea mid Pistols Weie Used in
Hennessy Couit and in the Vicin
ity ot the Continental Sunday
Ball Playing in West Park Cor
dial Reception to Rev. H. C. Mc
Deimott Five Caused Commotion
Yesterday Afternoon Notes and
Despite the fact that Dlieelor of
Public Safety Hitchcock li.ii.succeedeu
In r.lnlnjr the Millions m SutKlny, llieie
.et leiuuliis- a lnwlcds clenifnt that lit
not only a menace to society, hut a. ills
ruirp in West Heiuntuii. Thiee in
.stiuieeH of tllU ehul actor weie blottf-llt
to llshl yesterday, l--o of wltleli liilKht
have resulted hi nun dor, ;unl tho other
ultemly litis n t oiitnmtiiiitliiK
on the younger element that follows hi
Its unite.
The 111 hi lepuil cime Jrom the irlu
lly of the I'ontliienlnl mine, wheto It
uas lupnilud n fiee-fnr-ull flsliL oo
eltrred. In which knives iiliil Jilstols
rvcretlsed. K10mwh.1t could hi- learned
a dlitutb.mce occulted in a speakeasy,
which ended in the flirht, hiiL lietore
any of tho p.u tlriilnis intild he leal nrd
llii matter was hushed up. '.leiilettaut
William was notllied and dispatched
1'alioliniiu Jl ('ollla.fiu to the .scene, hut
nothliiK could ho Ip.nncd of the affair.
The fecund dlsliu hanee occurred in
llenne-sv coutl, ivlieie nn Arabian
wedding1 eelebiatlon vus in pioftiess.
Cine of the 1ul;y belles of the party
1 ast poo-Koo eyes at other men lit.sldes
her loer, who became enraged tind
slashed one of his ihals with a knife.
This atialr was also hushed up befote
the police wtie aw.ue nt what was
ROI11R on.
The third instance of Sabbath clese
oi.itioii was found in West P.iik, uheie
base h.ill Raines weie m progress both
nioinliiR and at lei noon, and where pio
lanity was. fieely indulged hi. These
Simd.iv frames are conducted by an
iinwlcoiiie element 1n AVcst 1'atk,
mi timed 1'ioin dlllHieiit sections of the
New Pastor Welcomed.
Tlie Ion which greeted Hev.
11. ('. McUeunott 'it his Initial seivlea
in the Simpson -Methodist Kpihcopal
chinch estudny moiniiiR- must have
been veiy RiatifyinR to the new pas
tor, and it Is 11 pleasure to note that
1 and COLDS
New Draperies
and Upholsterings
The exclusive Uphol3tery aud Drapery Store cannot
offer you auy inducements in the way of assortment,
correct styles and proper fashions that we cannot show.
Nor can they begin to compete with, us in prices. No
need to tell you why. Common sense answers that
question satisfactorily.
Upholsteries and Draperies
Form an important department with us, in a great
store. The cost of running a department is a trifle
when compared with the expense of running a store.
You get the benefit.
Lace Curtains of All Kinds
Iu Pairs, iu yard goods or in Door Panels. The range
of qualities aud prices is boundless, while the variety
in design includes everything of merit on the market
today. The new Cable Cord Nottinghams are pretty
and popular, Brussels Nets continue iu favor, while
Irish. Points still hold their own with present season's
buyers. Dainty Bobbinettes, with lace aud inserlings,
Embroidered Muslins and Ruffled Swisses have their
places also, as well as a few other makes uot so well
known, but much appreciated by people of taste.
JPortieres in Tapestries
Rope Work aud handsome Mercerized Effects.
Our Upholstery Stock
Includes Tapestries, Brocatelles, Velours, Art Tick
,,yigs, Sateens, Denims, Silkolines, Etc., aud we carry
"""" all the fixings iu stock for Draperies or Curtaius, iu
i eluding Poles, Brackets, Rods, Hooks, Etc., Etc.
j , r Get acquainted with our Upholstery Department,
i if you do not know it already. Money may be saved
jj infjit all times.
the reverend gentleman made a veiy
favorable lmiuesslon on his congrega
tion. Uvnry seat In ihe spacious auditori
um was occupied and all tho people
manifested a keen Interest in what the
pastor said. Bcfoto conuuonclnir his
letnaika ho look occasion to rommk
that lie had very little to say In as
Miming the work here. "I find myself
facing a strange congregation, and
you a straiiRe face In the pulpit." ho
paid, "hut with youis prayctp, sym
pathy and assistance and the belt) ot
liod we will do tho best We ian."
Hev. AlcOetmott took his test from
the eleventh chapter In tho hook of
Hebrews, choosing the tenth verso:
"Kor he looked for a. city which hath
foundation, whose builder and maker
Is God." His sermon was Intel cstliiR
and Instructive and was attentively
listened to by all In attendance.
Tire Caused Much Alann.
The peopli! of "West Scranton weio
thrown Into a state of excitement yes
let clay afternoon, when a flic ahum
was sounded fiotn box "4, at the cor
ner of North Main and West Lacka
wanna avenues. The wotd spieafl
rapidly that Clarke Hrotheis depuit
inoat stores were on Hies, but foitun
atoly the tlames weie connnd to an
urea-way outside the building.
Some one either thtew a llshled
match or a clear Into a pile oC iub
blsh In the small area-wav on the
AVesl Lackawanna avenue side, and
the rubbish smouldered until a bla-se
atose. Janitor McConnor micceedetl in
extinguishing the itaines before any
damage lesulled. The lliemn re
sponded quickly, but their services
were not needed.
Visited the Pan-American.
liugglsts John .T. Davles and Da
vid M. Jones returned home Satuulay
evening fiom Buffalo, whoie their
biotliers, Hairy and Frank, graduated
In pharmacy on Tiiday. Bofoie re
turning the paity visited the Pan
American exposition grounds, which
will he formally opened this week.
In speaking of the sights, Mr. Davles
said last evening that the buildings
are simply magnificent, and, -while the
exhibits ate not yet in place, every
thing points to a maivelous exposi
tion. Alread over no.OOO paid admissions
have been recaived at the gates, and.
while it is a tritle early as -.ot to visit
the grounds, there is sufficient to in
stue the visitor that the attiactlons
will be well worth seeing.
New Telephone System.
The s-ubfct Ibers to the new telephone
system In West Scianton aie giowiuc
impatient, and hae begun to auk
question-, pertaining to this impiove
ment. Severn! ed 'phones have been
placed in as many business places and
private residences, but the receivers
are lacking, and as soon as these ate
supplied everything will be leady for
How soon these will be supplied is a
matter ot conjecture, but it Is to be
hoped that it will be soon. Those who
hae alieady used the new system
That's all.
pronounce It satisfactory In every re
spect. '
First Baptist Church.
The anntinl rally of the Hantlsl
Young People's) union was held last
evening, ns 'announced, and u very
large congregation tinned out to gteet
the young people as well as those
who wore Itisliumontal In tendering
the exceedingly pleasing programme.
Tho address ot tho evening by Pi of,
James H. Hughes on the subject "Kk
panslon, or the Development of Our
Young People," was one ol drop
thought and created a profound 1m
picsslon upon his deeply Interested
The special music as lendeted by
the choir was of the usual high order,
and the offertoiy solo by Miss Hulh
Hcddpe wns exceptionally flue and most
beautifully rendetcd. Miss Alice "Wil
liams Vcty pleasingly leclted "The
Painter of Seville," and Miss Lottie
Jones leclted the "Hock or Ages" In
an excellent manner.
B. 0. Morgan & Son.
Kite liiHiiruuuc and ocean passage
tickets. Otllces, IO"! North Main ave
nue and L'W South Main avenue.
Joshua Miller, the young colons! man
Who sold some ot Meredith Jones'
stock In liailo and also ninilo away
with wearing appaiel belonging to his
employer, Is believed to have gone to
tiutfnlo. n
Mis. Isaai Hauls Is c onilned to her
home on North Jliomley avenue bv
Mls Sadie Kdwaids, of Xoith Brom
ley avenue, who 1ms been .studying
music In New Yoik, Is spending a few
days at her home,
Mr. Trunk Heck, of South Sumner
avenue, who was operated on recently
at the West Side hospital, is lecoveilng
slow ly.
Heitben Staples, of Academy slieet,
! plumed last evening fiom a short
visit at Paterson, X. J.
Professor (Icnrge Martin, of Acad
emy sheet. Is thi? composer of a song
entitled "For Us," which is making a
Tile leriains of Mr. and Mis. Abra
ham Oeoige's child weie Intoned hi
the rallied! ul cemetery on Satin day
The T.eek Social club held another of
their enjoyable socials lecently in Kv
ans' hall in honor of the marriage of
one of their members, A number of
new membets weie initiated and sev
en ai applicants were balloted for.
Miss Jessie Polhamus, of Sumner
avenue, is rocoveiiug fiom an attack
ot diphtlieiia.
Mrs. Ella Sherwood, of Xoith Iljde
Park avenue, is visiting friends in New
Mt. Tiank Belden and ehildien, of
Hall.stead, ate visiting fi lends In town.
Miss lmima Chaniherlin. of Dalton,
is the guest of West Scranton triends.
Mis Eugene W.iiner. of Wilkes
Ittinc, I, tha guest of her sister, Mrs,
Coleman, of North Uromley avenue.
Mis. Prank Shedd, of South Suni
nei avenue, is convalescing alter a
eiy painful Illness.
A daughter has bilghtened the houv
or Mr. and Mis. fi. A. Williams, of
11 !0 P.ock street.
Mis. Chailcs rieeley will unlet tain
the Wat Side f'hailty club at her
home. 1017 Olive stieet, tomoirow
evening. ,A11 meinbeis at e lequested
to be piesenL at S o'clock shaip.
The funeial of the late Thomas T.
Williams will take place at :! o'clock
this afternoon fiom the bouse, llfi!
Hampton stieet. Uev. D. D. Hopkins
and Itev. Thomas de Cinch v will oth
c late. Intel ment will be mnde In
AVashbutn stieet cemetciy
The Distinction Accorded Mrs. Rufus
Moiuoe (ounty has the .Mmngest
blide in Pennsylvania, hhe Is Mrs.
JUifus Knecht and hei age is thiite?u
Just at the time when ghls of her
lge aie about la.v ing aside their dolls
and having theli fiocks made to teach
their slioe tops, Iis. Knecht has taken
up the icsponsibilltles ot matrimony.
She has had enough "sehonlln'," slie
The lli-yeai -old hi ide is a daughter
i-f Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stout and Is
one of a l.uge family residing in Cool
biiugh township, almost on the veiy
vi go of Lackawanna.
Kate Is the name ot tho young btlde
.nd she Is not bad looking, says a
OooUiaugh lesldent who knows her.
Her patents own a small faun tract
and the father and biothers add to
t'lelr Income by cutting Ice and luni
beting. Kate helped her mother in tho
One day her biothers btoughf home
a lusty young fat m hand named Rufuit
Knecht. He lived at Claik's Summit
and is not cjulto SO yeais old. Ho
looked at Katie, less than half his age,
and blushed. Then he nindo what tho
song calls "goo-goo eyes" at her and
she made "goo-soo eyes" back. Knecht
stayed for a meal at the house and the
way Katie helped In the cooking nuct
serving made Knecht feel mom icgaid
lor her. Thus the attachment began
that led to Knecht's asking Kallo to
tunny li tin.
"If pap and main says so," said she,
I'm willla'."
Mr. and Mis. Stout weie asked and
accjpted Knecht's oiler. A day was
stit ami the father, lover and Katie
went to Scranton for a mattlage II. The penult was Issued after
the father hud swoin to an alli
ilavlt giving his lotisent to the mar
liage, "Lot's git nun tied on our way
home," said Knecht, and It was agtecd
The neaust 'sctulio lives at Thotn
hmst. He Is 'Squire Heller, who io
lently came Into notoriety over the
peculiar icpoit he made In an inquest
over a suicide named Wetkhelser,
They hud no dlilltiilty In getting
'riqulro Holler to tie tho knot and he
kissed the young bride, too.
"Now, Kate, you come or long home,
with me," said r.Uheflu-luw Sout,
This was a solar-pleus tor Knecht.
In vain he ptotesled. "I'ap" was ada
mant. "Twon't be fet long," said lie to the
disappointed gioom, "Vor see, nut'e,
you'ie wot king away f ruin homo and
jest oi soon as you guts (led Katie
can tome "
Theie. was conslueiabls discussion
over the change in affults, but "Pap"
won. Katie, the i-yrai -old hi Ide, In
washhiK tho dishes again and will ho
doing so until "flute" has the home
leady. Sttoudbburg Times.
In in fctore foi 11 lio uc Kcmp'i BjUam for
Ihr Throat and l.uni;, the gioat guaruilccil
rcmcdi, Would ou UlUit tliut It U sold on
iti merits and au ihi)?nHt h autlioilicd by the
proprietor ot Hits n)mlalul uinody tu gie you
a tantpla bottle (ice? It nen t.ilU la euro
acute or cluonlo coiiflis. All diuggUt? nil
Kemp' lliham 1'ilic $V. aud Wt,
Work Will Be Started at Noon ou
Foundation of Now Memorial Bap
tist Church Prominent Prohibi
tionists Will Speak at the Audi
toiium Saturday Night Pro
gramme of Today's Eisteddfod.
Yesterday's Seivices at the Piovl
denre Episcopal Ohm oh.
Today noon ground will he broken for
the foundation of the new Mcmotlal
Baptist chut ch. which will be built on
n largo lot lorn ted between Oak and
Market streets. The contract for the
building has been awarded to Farrel t
The foundation will be built by John
Jones. The work on lite foundation
will proceed as fast as possible, so as
to let the woik ou the siinoi structure
be soon begun. There will be no cere
monies at the breaking of the ground.
The chinch, when completed, will he
one of the handsomest sncied edlllces
in this city. It will contain an aitdl
totium IHxtO feet, a lecture room 30x'.!9
feet, connected wilh the auditorium by
sliding doors, and also several class
looms. The conti actors are pledged to
complete the work by September 1.
Today's Eisteddfod.
Following Is Ihe programme of the
eisteddfod which will be held In the
Welsh Congteg.itlonnl chili ch on West
Market street this evening, commenc
ing at 7.30 o'clock:
Addiess by the cluiltman; opening
song, by Gwllym Moilais; address by
the bards; competition solo for ehil
dien; recitation, competition In "Pa
le Mae'r (Jweddlwyr Oynt"; adjudica
tion on No. 4; competition, qunitette.
No. St Gospel Hymns; adjudication on
No. 5; adjudication on No. 7; competi
tion on reciting "Our Flag"; foIo by
Mis. p. D. Lewis; adjudication on No.
HI: competition, reciting "The Model
Church"; competition, double quar
tette; adjudication on No. 1.1; adjudica
tion on Xo. H; competition solo for
men, "Y Oralgsydd uweh jm ml";
choirs, competition; adjudication on
No. 18; dismiss by singing "My Coun
tiy 'Tis of Thee."
Prohibition Speakeis.
Piof, Patton, of Lancaster, Pa., and
Chailes R. Jones, who are traveling
through the state in the Intel ests of
the Prohibition league, making ad
dresses nt different cities, will be at
the Audiloiium next Saturday evening.
Prof. Patton will take for his subject
"Saloons Across Chinch Paths," and
all those who will have the pleasure of
heating the two speakeis will no doubt
enjoy the addresses, as they come high
ly lecommended by those who have
heard them In the nasi.
These two well-known gentlemen will
give lectuies throughout the county
dm Ing the month on "Prohibition.
A musical and liteiaiy programme
w ill also be rendered by some of the
best local talent.
At the Piovldence Chutch.
Uev. G. A. Cine, pastor of the Piovl
dence Upiseopal church, pleached a
veiy interesting seimon last evening
hefoie a laige audience. His subjecL
wa" "Increase and Peciease.
The Kpworth league meeting of the
church was also largely attended. Miss
Nellie Benjamin was leader, and gave
a splendid talk on the "League Pledge."
The lStothoihood of St. Paul will meet
this evening. Hev. Dr. Peel, will give
a talk to them on the "Care of tho
The Women's Clulstian Tempeiance
union will hold a convention In the
auditorium of the chinch on Wednes
day morning at 10 o'clock. Repiesen
tatives from diffeient branches will be
prcsf lit.
Mr. and Mi. F. B. Collins, of North
Main avenue, visited niends in Cn
boudalc. yestetday.
Pat tick Flynti, of Btick, avenue, is
sttffeilng fiom a. .sptained ankle.
W. A. Lynott Is seilously ill at his
home on West. Market stieet.
Theie will be a regular meeting ot 20."., F. D. I. V., tn Lconaul'b hall.
Monday evening, Auril "0. All mein
be'ir ate requested to be piesent.
The funeral of Mis. James Coillss, of
Kuaue street, was held Satuulay after
noon at 2 o'clock. Seivices weie held
at the Holy Bosary chinch. Inteiment
was made in the Cathedral cemetery.
Stereoptlcon a lews of North and
South Wales will be given tomouow
evening at the Wayne Avenue Metho
dist church. A fine ptogramme will be
lendeted by some of the young inoiii
beis ot the church. It will consist of
lecitutious, solos and duets. The ptlce
of admission will bo twenty cents to
each and every person.
Police couit assumed quite a metro
politan aspect on Satuulay. when four
prisoners weie marched beloio Bur
gess Burschell. John Walsh, chaiged
with drunkenness, was lined fi and
dischiuged. Patilck Cllftonl, ol Piov
ldence, was (Ined $2 for iliunkenncss,
Fiank Bienuau, of Clay avenue, chaig
ed with being chunk and dlsouletly, in
default of is (hie was committed for
ten clays In tho county Jail. (Jcoign
Vanness, of William stieot, accused of and vagianey, In default
of a 510 line, was committed to the
icuuly jail tor sUty days. Burgess
Bimeboll, with Satuulay's lecoul, holds
the medal top the number of prisonois
In ought betota him and lines collected
In one day, tor many yettis.
I , K. lii'iuion Is .siiiuilng tioni a
seveio case of oiyslpelas at his homo
on Khn stieot.
Thomas Young, of Hlaktly stieet, Ih
guittuully falling, and his loeovery Is
ucM'alied of,
Mcssts. T. Mit7or and tjeotge Car
lisle, diaughtPiuen tiom Susquehanna,
have accepted positions with tho IJi Io
c'uinpinv lieie.
Mis. Blrs and Mi.-. Hastings, of
Pittston, aro visiting al Piofessnr .
N, Davl-.' home on Ulukcly stieet.
Mis. Joepli Knight, of Hlakelv
stieet, is ill,
Tha nitlclul boaul of the MetiiodUt
IIplH'opal chutch will meet tuiilght.
l.ctteis lenniiilng uncalled for dur
ing the peilod ending Alil 27, 1901, at
the postolllce. Poisons calling for these
Mto.i pleaso say advetlUed: .Miss
C, P. Aiuoldl, 1617 Jeffeison avenue, 2:
N. Bet-.'iold. J. W. Buckingham, Mis.
A. H. Connois, CD Hldge stieet: Maty
Cafi'vil'i Ym. Dunbar, 112 Madison:
Mis. J. 13. Mack, 60S Drinker streot;
John P. Smith. Becca Sampson, 911
J.inu'3 tlieef Maigiet Timlin, 1CIC
Adams nvtnuej Mr. Tultle, fliemanj
Wnslly Kuslcs (F), Savtrlo Prezlnso
Fredetlck llartnoll has become Inter
ested In the great concert to be given
by Mine. Schumann Hclttk, contralto!
.Miss Maud Powell, violinist, titid Ffr
nngcon Davles, but Hone, and will call
Upon his friends In Duumorc and
Scianton during tho present week with
a subset Iptlon list for this great event.
Tha f uncial nf Mrs. Jiunes (lenity
took place Saturday morning from thu
family lesldenco al hl) Mapb sttect.
and was very hugely attended by
mourning relatives and friends. At
Ht, John's chinch a high mnss of ie
qutem was celebrated by Hev. Father
Mdlley, aftojr which Interment wasi
mnde In the Cnthedtal cemetery. The
pallbcaieis were: Tlioinas Qulnn, Mar
tin Qulnn, Michael Qulnn, John O'Boyle,
Juines McAndiew and Thomas
O'Boyle. '
At a meeting of Cclumhus council,
Young Men's Institute, It was decided
to hold the contest and entertainment
between the Beds iinil the Blues on
Tuesday evening, May SO, at Pharmauy
Camp HO, Patriotic Older Sons of
Ameilci, will meet In tegular session
this evening in Hartman's hall.
Albeit Hcplor, an employe at the
Scuintou ale brewery, had two fln-
geis of his light hand so badly injuieil
Saturday by getting them caught be
tween two bands, that amputation
was found neccssniy to -amputate
them. Dr. Mauley pot fanned the op
eiatlon. The members of the Yungor Maen
ncichor met lor reheat. sal yesterday
nf lei noon at Get mania hall for their
coming conceit and social, which they
are going to hold tomorrow evening at
Git mania hall.
Miss Ella V. Honey, teacher ot
Gtanunar C grade al school No. J7. Is
ill. Miss Lizzie Hobiuson is teaching
in her place.
The ntembei s of the Bachelor Maids'
Social club picnicked at pond,
Saturday. The patty was ciiapeioned
by Miss Callender.
Miss Kate Nettleton, of Adams ave
nue, has leluined fiom nn extended
visit, with f i lends In Toledo. Ohio.
Complaint has been made bv some of
tlie residents of Giecn Hldge of tho
long, loud and shilll whistle which is
blown oveiy morning at ii 30 o'clock at
tho Dickson breaker.
JOHN O'HAHA. John O'Haia, aged
SI cais, 'died on Kiiday last '.it his
home on Scranton streot of genetal de
bility caused bv his great age. He,
up to two years ago, had led a very
active Hie, having kept a groceiy slote
on Scianton stieet since I860. He is
survived by one duugliter. Miss Eliza
beth, his wfe having died some five
cars at;o. The timet al will be held
totnoriow motning at 0.30 o'clock from
St. Patrick's chinch, with Inteiment
in the Cathedtal cemeteiy.
MHS..1 CLIPS HAYDHX. .Ml s .Julius
Hayden.aged 60 ears, of Denver, Colo
laclo. died on Fiiclay night last at the
home of her sister, .Mrs. Plummcr S.
Page, of Not th Washington avenue.
Mis. Hayden had been the guest of her
sister for neaily a year, and was await
ing the arrival of the body of her son,
foimerly a member ot the Thirty
lourth infantry and who died in tho
Philippines some time ago. She Is sur
vlved by one sou, A A Hayden, of
JOHN WEUKH. John Weber, aged
21 veais, died on Saturdaj at the Hill
side Home, whoie he had been con
fined since ISO:.. The otllcials of the
home -.lie unacquainted with deceased's
leiatives.antl unless the body is claimed
it will be Intel ted by the poor bonrtl.
Any iufouiiatlon concerning the l da
tives of thu dead man should bo com
municated immediately to Supeiin
tendent Boomer, who is .iunIous to
Know something about them.
ANTHONY MOHAN. Woul leaehoil
tills city on Satuulay that Anthonv
Mot an, who foimoilv lived at IOC Mmy
stieet, had died in a hospital in Butto
City, Montana, on Friday last. Moian
leii tills city about three months ago
to make his futitte home in the west.
MBS. KLLHN OWKN. At the ie.s
denee of Thomas Moote, 1010 Lleettlo
avenue, Ninth Patk.iiccuned the death
cs-teidav moinlngof Mrs. Ellen Owen,
widow or the late Uev. John Owen, of
Carboudale. Sei vices at tlie Moore iosI
dence Tuesday a t 1.30 p. in. Iitteimeut
al Caihoudale.
The luiieial of Miss Maty Flnheity
will take place this morning tiom the
family lesldence, at Pittston avenue
and C'heiry stieet, at 0 o'clock. A high
muss of icquieiti v.iii be,, beld at St.
John's chinch, lute i incut will be made
in the Mlnooka ceineteiy.
Some of the Ingiedients Employed
in Manufacturing' Sham Gems,
1 intii tin.. ( iiiititfn flnoiiicli'.
I'd meet the gi owing demand fortiul
llclal Jew eh y the ptocess of making
"piccious stones" has been gteutly hn
inovetl within tho hist lew cuis aud
Its further development has enlisted
tho sit vices of pome, of Ihe most sklll
lul chemists,
The mittcilal chlell) ithod Is glass, but
it Is not the otcliuniy glass of com
ineico. It Is pieptiivd with the
est en io by hlghl) .skilled nitlsatis, for
upon Its cleaiucsh and pctfcct homo
geneity depends the quality of the Imi
tation gems, which aie far stipeilor to
tho cheap guide ol connteifelis that
icly on silver backings lor their luster.
This glass can only bo made fioin
absolutely puio quartz, or, belter still,
fiom lock otstu, as quint, iicqueiitly
contains minute veins ot hon, which
would Impair the clearness and ccdot
of the glass. The bitnihoiiulu of pot
ash and the oxide of lead which nt
inKeil with it must also be clieiiUall
pttte. Other ingiediems of less inipou
tune ate botac, whicii ptouioics tin
lluv, and a small quaiilllv of at senlc .
Tim 1)0.-1 glass foi Imitation gems
consists of lock ciy&tal. :u per cent,
bliaibonate of potash, 17 per cent,
oxide of lead, 60 per cent; boiax, 1 'pel
cent, and a ttnee of aisenlc. Cuicfully
picpaicd by competent liaiidi, this
inUtuiu ptoduies a gt.ule of plass
which lu hillllancy and iilde.sceucc
elds little to the geiiulfie diamond
Itself, and these qualities ma bo
fin ther enhanced by the substitution
of potassium for tho bleat honate of
potash and an incieasc; of the quantity
of oxltlo of lead used.
Stones carefully made by this process
can only be distinguished tiom the
genuine bv expeits. This Is ti lie, how-
Jonas Long's Sods
flANY IN ONE Such are our great stores under
the one colossal roof. We have goods for the individ
ual and for the multitude. The patron who is looking
for useful domestic articles at a reasonable rate will find
them here at prices below his most thrifty hopes. The
one who desires the rich and costly and luxuriant will
also be able to save money in buying in our depart
ments, besides having t! c advantage of infinite variety
in selection. The goods lo which reference is made be
low will appeal to every practical mind.
The goodness or the
quality plus the Tightness
of the price is the secret
of successful selling iu this
Carpet Store of ours.
A glance over the line will
convince you of these facts.
Today's pi ice list has to do with
the best possible qualities. In
grain Carpets, ex-stiper quality.
This carpet weighs two ounces
more than the ordinary kinds
and sells at 70 cents the yard,
made and lined.
Tapestry Brussels Carpets
in almost any color combination
you can think of, in (our quali
ties 45 cents, 55 cents, 70 cents
and 85 cents the yard, made,
laid aud lined.
A large assortment Bigelow
Lowell Body Brussels, jn many
beaut'ful designs soft olive
grounds, with the much-sought-alter
garlands of pink roses, old
blue, rich wood tints and other
ground colors.
Also ah assortment of Vel
vqts and Axminster Carpets.
Carpet Store on Third Floor.
Take Klevator.
donas Long's Sods
ever, only .so long: as they aio new, for
imitation gems wcur off, becomu blind
tinil lohe thcilr Hie with nse, inul it Ih
to lemcdy those ilefectb thut the cffoiti
of elieiuiats' .110 now dirertecl.
Opaqiiu sjems, like tlie tuitiolsc anil
tile opal, aie tiiacle Hum bI.iss whose
tiniiMpJicnt'v i.s ilestio.ved by the tuldl
tloii of o.slile of zine after puheiization.
The color of thettiiHitoise is piodiiecd
by means ol oxide of roppi't and eo-
The Complicated Method by Whicii
It Is Asceitained.
V.. I 111 tis in llio Clnn'i) llteuid
The method adopted h the census'
of'ce lor tho umiputn ,011 ol mo eent'-r
of population Is rather com plicated. It
w.ih adopted jcais iiso, and is followed
lor the puipos-e, of inaUing compai'l
hiins. The map of the United Suites
is etoi&ed hnilzontally and ertknlly
with lines drawn to it-present p.uallels
and ineiidlaiis. "Squaio decriees" ,ue
thus piodnccd. A point is then tih
Hiinicd tentatively lib the center, pie
teiably the center of population as de-
eloped by the pievlous eeiisus. Tho
populiitlon ot each Hquare degtee is as
sumed to be located at the center of
that Miuiue deKiee, except lu cases
wheto It N inanifoHt that thiH assump
tion would be untitle, 11s, for instance,
wheio a p.ut of the snume iIcrtpo is
occupied by the s.e.1 or other Iuiko body
of water, or win 10 It contains a city
of lottsIiUiable uimnitiuilu which in
situated "oft' center." lu these cases
the po.sltlon of the (enter of the popu
lation of the Minnie debtee Is esti
mated us neatly as possible. The dis
tance of each such center of population
of a. sUiue deKiee, whether assumed
to be at the center of tlie squat p de
cree or nt a distance tiom tho tenter
tioni the assumed p.tiullel and tiom
the assniued liieildlan, Is then com
puted, Tlie population of p.u It squuro
degiee Is multiplied by its distance
ft 0111 the assumed p.uallel of latitude.
; the center, and the sunt of tlto pto
dticis or iiiotueiits, not lit ami f-ouih of
that pauillel, is made up The (infer
ence, divided by the lolal populiitlon
of the eotintty, kIcs a conecliou to
the latitude. III a similar uittuuer tilts
cast and west moments ate made up,
and fiom them a, collection n longi
tude Is obtained. Tills question, ac
(fitdliiK to letteis Kieived fiom read
eis of tlie Hecoril, Is tiltmctlti? special
illlelltloil atiKillK s-dtool leilcllQs who
pioposn Mtliotls liKlltods of locating
the 11 in. ieiiU'1 of population, some lin
ing hlmplei and as act mate as that in
use ls the 1 listis Intuitu
Debpeutte llnttle Between Willies
ami Iltickei3.
II; l.flnu. Uiu finni Ihe Vucuttd 1'
t'leailleld, l.i , .ptll is A imiit be
tvvcen two doen tiamps aud a number
of the employes of the Cleatlleld llli)
hrlil; wotks, near lwie, riatuiday
nlKllt, lesulled in one of the men he-loii-jlucr
to tin works liclnj; fatally
shot and another seiiousij wounded
The tiamps and biitl.-maktiH met
near the (')cai field and MuIuhiIiik
lnldtf Moth parties had been dilnK
iilK and a quilt 1 el ensued.
The turnips opened liie with ieol
els, it Is alleged, and their opponents,
not belnn; aimed, tesponded wltli
fctones. li. M. IJadlston was shot
tluoush tlie head mid will ill'. A niuii
Coats, Jackets,
Silk Waists, Etc
The well-dressed lady who
has no Black Taffeta Jacket this
season is not happy. She will
be happy when she discovers
that she can buy one in our
stores at such a moderate cost.
Tlie Utcit tiling the collirlpw llton In
a kuoiI iiuitily lined in white
sill.; price
We ln ilirui in newest model and richest
tiiimniiict ull the ij up lo fit! lie,
A Iiikp as-oilincnt ot lidu-s hitk waists
v.ith ill the up indite frilU of fashion, in
tuiUtur, hcmstilc lilur ami lvdy In-n't
fionts all slnd.'s .ind styles; Kl rt Q
piice j
lliti liU-l thine In bdies' Mill.iriB .".Mrli,
111 rocrt doth, llure liottmn, ulth CC ((
21 low of htitchiuc; pine &j,tr
firry homespun sMrK olrirint. ti QS
cut j ml lit, -em sore; price.... JW'0
A liemtiful tiller sown in light weight
hroid doth, ecicihngl) sldWi Willi the gen
tnl little 1 oar and graceful ikirt,
two cuIoi-n ci-tor and blue; C 1 7.CJ8
prue v
- ItCIS .1 BURGlIVDKK, Lmsccs.
A. J. BUrri',MaiKH,ir.
Monday Night, April 29,
dot om A!imic,s Uurtlt "
Black Patti
(lpitet I olorul Show n Kaitli. BT. $
PATH .mil thirty I Imiiv l.ciliciii Duktovt
li idle on tlie lllillo
1'ilciw li, -i, W mil 7"i (enl" on -..Ic I'n.l ij it ti i. in
om: MCiiir om.v.
Wednesday, Hay i.
Mr. Thomas Jefferson
III .1 I'lU tl(.t Kill (if
Rip Van Winkle
"Mippoi toil hj .i Milendid I i.t.
I'HICI.s J3f., aio , TV. Jiitl "d.OO.
s.'uIb en hali" Mondij, mini hour
Minagt" nl Lesson Local ilaiuger,
OunWc U Comment Ins Mimd.0, U i'
Chas. K. Champlin
uml Ills own pvivlleiit loiiipiti) Mill juciiiit
' iiptituiii) ol htimlml plajs,
Mondiv ficnini; 'lln furw ot I'rldi
'Huwljy Mitlme In Old Vlrslnli
Tuocil IV r.eiil Onl) a l'""1'1
ditlnco PiltiY ID and -0 niil
1 Kllllllf l'lictK-lO, tt) mil ..0 mils.
ALf 0 llUIIUMilON, .Maiufcr
'II ice lii ( oiniiirii. in. llitnli, ILy t
Irwin's Majesties.
Illll !!IIIII1H
On-in l mill tlJlitn lili.Ncrt Joi.oi-i fmioui
In ilili and iluriiiu ircuil I..IIK0SI on llit! CuJjt,
M(t'l lll mid (old s, r I'jlht If
Iiuim, liin U siimi- spuul -('""t. Ua'
( i jnd dim in.
llls It il,l!s ihiiei uml "'voir
nained J.aylon was shot IIiioubIi thu
les. A was toimed by the sher
llf of the county and tltliteeu tinntpi
anwet hifj the dcHciiptioii of thohu
wlio p.iitleip.ited in the uifi.iy weru
inn down and placed undci anebt.
fay, cabby, wheto is ftltete a com
plete HpoitlitK jjoods atoio'.' "Why, at
!ill Washington avenue. Flotey
lliooUs, of comae.
faBW11 ?' V