vi w.i ??.' vTt7tTiv t f r ' w- iJ'r s," . i , Si KFiffp , -f?f 4OTOMriS,T"-,v H s,,r,Tp,ytiH3tif' - f V THE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1901. f-'' 5?n?7 ? . a: ;xxxxxxxxxxx; mi: uodciw AnnwAB stokb. That' the icimhi tvo am adifrll.lns lin inowei Von will probably need one poii mil we w nil son to pet the hrt for tie lent tnone). nnv the fltiinltic "I'hilulelphli" Huhl, i iv riinnltij: ami iltmibic Vie hue tomplite, line. Footc & Shear Co. JJ9N, Washington Ave :ooooooooooe The Coat Season Is Here .Mid fo are the Children's COATS, .TACK HT and lilXITltS in all the new stjlea and tolois I'ulu little Hfdcrj for the 2 and .) jfir oldj. Ilircc quarter und full length for the I and (i mr old girls. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER YESTERDAY. Im il ililo for Apiil 2-, 1'JOI . lluhtst titnpirituie TiidcsriPi tunpci ilinc S elegiotj Hililiie lluuili'it.x s i in IS per cent -. p i 10 pir cent. Tso put Ipitidon; c itlici eleii. PERSONAL, Ml- lu pll I eii of lllO, -UfCt, H III lW A iK l-nlou (.umpul-, of I'tli'lon, wa in the cit.v Wi-tCI(l ) Mis Mjiv, of Million, t li-idnf, filuuls ii the nil. Mis Miv Albio, oi lefteti-on aicnue, has ic tinned frcm ,i to ft tends m I.twr otl,. cil. lied, in 1! loin , of Diinl.irK, X. , Fpcnl kuilii it the homo ot his (mints on Jiihson nun Loli ml I'. .1 Mtuli'll. of ionkn-, was in tin oh icstinliy the 'i est of his ioiimii, K 1'. Mil' lull, ot Pinii amine. I Sin 111 uliiili-. Iiobtn-on, William Cmc, ulni loili mil I mil bchiinpfl tpent Situula) iislini,; it l.aUc II. my and tame home with a -plnidid ntili l'ohert Di.iuiey, ot N'oilli Sumner aiume, who li idtiitiil on liuli) tioin the New ork College of riiatniaiy, ii 1 onif. He Mas honorid with the ue ptc-iiluiiy of Irs ill's, and ispected to mupt a po-itim .it I on? Ilr.inili lor the sumiuir. Ihoiius I.iikin, of Wiit 1 ickawuliln aicnue, ,i Hi. i cut at -Nugai.i uniieisitj, is uniting ntw 'mills T-. a t-lnhiapeuean deiliimei. Itiientlf hi pirtuipittd in a pioint ilion of "Uichclieu," I'hnli won foi him ntiilud di-tinetioii .13 a ilia- 111 II if hlU'l'.lt. Miss 1 lMin, if l'hiniiiith, one of Hie tenter mil-os at tho 1 lrkiwanni Infcpitil, will leae Hi. institution dining the wcei,. Mis-, Vason, win is one of flu niOrtt popuj 11 )ouiiff wonun at the lin.-pil il, will ho im-nd by cieiionc tor. iiiiled Willi the ho-pilil. Elm Pnik Chuich Rurnruage Sale. The l.ulich of Kim I'aik church will hold .1 minimise t-.tlu al 129 Pcnn ave nue boRlnnhiK on fhuischiy of this week. Those ItavitiR ,11 tides to eon tiibutp 111,1 v them called for by 'ewlliiR woirl to the rinis-omiKe or with the janitoi at the chili ill. MADE THREE ADDRESSES. Voik of Rev. W. H. Willinins tor the Anti-Saloon League. '1 he Diuiiiiuer i:.mfrelNL Kcv. "V. IT. iVIUI.ims put In 11 ery full day yes Icid.iy llghtliiR- the halooon. He dellv-, cied Antl-Saluon league addi esses in' the moi-nlne: ,t the Deir Mcmoilul Metliodl&t chinch, WllKes-B.iiie: In the iilturnoiin at llikk ihuich, I3ui jc.i, ami at night in tho Citlvlnlstlo McthoiIKt cliuiili, Ilclleue. TlifM- nicotlliKh ieie ety laigelv nttundtil. At then; all Mi: Wllllnnih oniolltd the id'ople agaliiht the saloon by ih diluting pledge eaids. Next Thuii-rliy, .May 2, at 7,u0 p. 111,, he will Klve hlh "I..if.t Tioinp with the Tlgei" In thu TabeinuLle Congiegatlonal (huiih, Wtst Hciantou, to which hr iinitoh eci)biiiy, MILCOVITZ MUST AWAIT TRIAL. Judge Kelly Refuses to Older His Release, Judge Kelly, on Sahitduy, hoanl tcs tlnumy In tlu liHlieas coiputr pioceed Ings niought lo hfeuro the lolease 01 Joseph Mllitvlt5, who alter escaping Horn the county jail whine ho was. Im pilsonea on a chaigo of (, was. le-arrcsted and ie.c6miultted by Aldeiinan Millar on the chaigo of escaping fiom Jail. Attorney . V. Louglnan appealing for Mllcolt nigueil that lie was. not a coin let within the meaning of tho act under which he was committed. Af.slt.tant District Attorney Thomas showed lhat MllcoviU's orfenso was .1 tian-igiPSblon agtiliiht tho coumion law, Jiulgo Kelly lomanded Mllcovltz to nwult tilal, MAUD QONNE TO LECTURE, Will Appear with Major McBildo at Collepe Hall on Sunday, Allss Maud Oonno and Major Me tlrtde, who an touting tho United States for the caiibo of fi eland, will dellvoi a ledum under th. .uwplces of thfi Ji'm Mitchell club In College 1 nil 011 Sunday evening. Miss Coruii: has atti acted cousldci nbla attention by her leetuicb on the Boer war. Mrs. Joseph O'Bilen, MUs Suslo limn?, Miis May Roland and Piofesior Kelly, of Aichbald, will par ticipate hi the musical piogramme. Cameras and KpUaks.' Floiey & TJlooHs, ot courpe, Smoke the new Klcon clj,.u. 5c, . 4 ?..V mxi FUNERAL OF 3R. S. W. STEVENS. Services Wio Held at the Home of Deceased's Parents. The fuucint of Dr. Setton W. Ktcfn took place ftom the home of deceased's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. (J. Stevens, 1411 C.ipouse avenue, yesterday after noon at 3 o'clock. The laige looms of the family homo worn too munlt to con tain tho ftlendi who gathered to puy their lust respoctn to one who was held In high esteem during life, Dr. O. Simpson, pastor ot Afcbuiy Methodist Kplncopal church, conducted the services. A quartette, composed of Mis. 1-t CIS, Mrs, Beit Calkins William H. Liinyon and W. II. Trovcrton, sang povoial selection!?. The memuois of Luckawunna lodge, Independent Order of Odd Follows, nttended In a body. The ilornt offerings were ninny and beautiful, The pall-boaieis wpio Dr. O. J. Muioy, V. 13. Becis, lklwnul Oseit bach, V. J:. Allleck, E. HclitmprC untl .T. K. Volkiiundt. Tho ilower-beaiMis weic Ur. A. W. Smith, Dr. Lewis Fry and W. J. Appleman. Inteiment was made In Foiest Hill cemetery. Friends troni out of the city attend ing the obsequies woie Dr. A. It. Stev ens of South Canaan; Dr. W. A. Stev ens and family, of Uumllton, Fa.; Mis. O. D. Stevens nnd It. W. Noble, of Maplewood; A. W. Catcison, of Slci llng. Pa.: Mr. and Mis. C. 12. Mills, of Honesdale, Pn.: 12. V. Jones, of Ailel, and W. J. Appleman, of Thioon. JERSEYMEN'S GOOD WORK Roseville Bowleis Defeat a Picked Team on Gieen Ridge Wheel men's Alleys. The fctioug bowling team lepi event ing tho Itoseville, N. J., Athletic asso ciation weic the guests Satuiday, of the Green Ttldge Wheelmen, and Sat uiday night bowled thiee games atjalnst a team picked by Chailes I'owlei. The bowling Mat, witnessed bv liuudieds of enthusiastic spectators who crowded the blccheis at the side of the aliej . Fach well made sp.uo and eeiy strike was gieetcl by loud cheering mil scotti of the men picsont caie fully taking the scoie and noting each fi lime's icsulls gave the Fcene some what of the aspect ot a base ball oioid bofoie tho national game died In this city. The visitoit. had no diffi culty in taking all thiee games by a total of 2C37 pins to 23T5. the hist being the onlv match in which the local plavers had any chanco to win. The vi'ltois put the same team into the game that 1 oiled the all-star league team on the I31k 'alleys. Dletiick was the night's high man with 214, and Wood had the highest aveiage, 1M5 L'aoh of the Itoseviile men went over a 170 avoiage tor tire night. Smith led the home team with .111 mciage ot 177 1-3, and Fow lei's lot was high seme. The detailed peeves tollov.-: itoi.vir 1 v lVai-i.n 171 lil 101 olS Wood 171 liHi -HI r"v3 Pulriik T.' 11 HT-oJO 111 Niv-s 1l (TO 1M .'ill Mljfl K I !' l"'lr nis Touii n ""i n-su" Hitch sioie, Diitiuk, -It. lligii aienge, Aood, ltd SCHAM-ON Snutli 1M l-i l"i- "J fow lei Fit I"'1' l-t "'rtl Dims 11 nn JOn hoiicm iw r.1 1st re Tajlot 11T llf. liS 411 Total Toj 7 if. M7-i!7r. High t.cne, 1'awlci, Wl High aieragc, Smith, 177 J .' DiPtilclt'b 211 was made by bunching four stiikes after the fhst fianio. In the game he made six stiikes and four 5p.11 cs. Meyer made a beautiful spare in the same game on one of the most difficult "splits" of the night. Following the match games came an exhibition of bowling bv Van Ness and Mcyois on one side against Pier.son and Diet! ids. Van Ntss' side won. Van Ness himelf rolling 232,the night's high score. Colonel Oeorgc Sandeison umpired the match game. Century Bowlers Defeated. A laigc number of Bicycle club men accompanied the Century Wheelmen of Philadelphia to Wllkes-Barre Saturday night ami watched them bo defeated by the West 13nd Wheelmen by a total or 23-i0 to 2220. The match resulted as follows: ( nvii'iiv ni:i:iAih.. I.ln-t 1 lo If. 1' 172 fltihrir Ik! liiS 1 JS aft? Jloore 1! H"i 150 u; iiowts n- ii' 131 in Young Uli US ? !.' lot lis 710 71S 7b.' SJJ0 lliH heme, (.nljs.t, 12 High (tain aria.e, Ciilagai, lli 1 ! WI.&1 l.M) WHH'l.Mi:. Yo-I Ill ISi lMl- ill llini 1(1) Hm 170-.ill l!uil lif 1.1 ii IW Hills Ill I -J 15 in Wumiiii hi 170 ii u) I (.tali 7ft1 -..'U 7M 11'M High Mdie, Wiignid, 151. High aui ice, Weisiiiid, 1'.0 I .' FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION. It Was Begun at St. Petei's Cathe dial Yesterday, Tho foity bouts' devotion was begun yesteiday mottling at St. Peter's cathe. dral with a solemn high mass, tho otil cois of whieji were as follows: Celo biant, itev, V, J. dough; deacon, llev, Myles McManus; sub-deacon, Rev, L. Van ilea; master of ceremonies, Itev, J. J. cli illln. Dining the mass, Piof. Schilling, tho oiganlst, played in a mabtetly manner two now selections which ho himself lias composed. Following tho mass thcie was a pio cession of the Most Blessed Saeia nient, which was exposed on the high altar tor adoiatlou, In the evening thuro was benediction an.. -a, sermon by Hev. Walter Gorman, of C'arbondale, Thuio will bo masses today, tonior low and Wednesday at 5, G, 7 and 8 o'clock a. m, and services tonight and tomoiiow night ut 7.30 o'clock. Con tesslous aie being lieaid in the moin ings tioin c to s and lrom 10 to l'j in tho afternoon trom 3 to 0, and at night after the service. Wheif can I gel my aims and plates de eloped and plctuies finished? Why, at I'loiey ii Biooks, of comae. " Oisans for Sale Cheap. You can buy a good second hand Ot gan as low as 510.00 at Guernsey Hall, j, W. Guernsey, Prop.. J14 Washing ton avenue, Scranton, Pa, Who furnished the Aleit and Oilole Base Hall teams with thote pictty uni forms? Why, Florey & Brooks, of couise. AsK for Kelly's union erckeii. - a.,Tslfl. A.J.'SJ uM.jlj.-li , .i -h.w .,; CALLED THE STRIKE OFF FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT WAS MADE YESTERDAY. At a General Meeting of the Stilklng Silk Mill Employes Held In Col lego Hnll the GUIs Were Ordeicd Back to Work Tomorrow Morning. Mass Meeting and Parade Today. Klotz Glrla May Not Follow the General Lead Tiouble at Pater son, At a geneinl meeting of the employes of tho silk mills of this city, held nes ted day nfternoon In St. Thomas College hall, the sttlke which has been on dur ing the lust three months was formnlly declared off and tho announcement made that woik will be ieuincd Tues day morning. This nfteincn the younger girls will celebinto the end of the stilkc by hold ing a parade, and tonight 11 mass meet ing will bo conducted In College hall, at which Editor William Mallly. of tho New York Workei; National Commit teeman Fredeilck Dllcher, of the Unit ed Mine Workers of America, and "Mother" Maiy Jones will make ad dresses. Yesteiday afternoon's meeting was hugely nttended by lcpicsentotlves of nil the mills, but moto, p.utlculails- the Sttiicitioit, which will be opened this motning by Superintendent Davip. Miss Manning, president of th Sau quolt soft silk local, pieslded over the meeting, which was called to older about r..4,"i o'clock, the delay liaing been caused by many of the girls going to Economy hall, wlieie It was oiigin ally announced that tho meeting was to be held, AN OPEN SESSION. The session was open, ami of voiy shoit duiation. The announcement was biielly made that the strike was over, and all hands wcie oideied back to work Tuesday morning. "Mother" Jones then made .1 short address, in which she biielly mentioned the suc cessful culmination of the long snug gle, and then in god all of the younger glils to paitlclpato in today's paiade. The little ones, who are the only ones to be In line, will gather and fotm In line at the armory, which they will leiae ot 4.10 o'clock. Tonight's demon -stiation will bo open to the general public and a laige attendance is asked. The Klotz local will gie an entei tain inept on their own hook, at St. John's hall, Capouse avenue. Tho stilke is now over cPivwheie, with the possible exceptions of the Klotz and Taylor mill of Mulheiin fc Judge. "Motliei" Jones last night e pressed heiself as hopeful that the Taylor gills would lesume woik with the otheis, and deelaied that she would go down today and see what could be done. The gltls at this mill hae al ways been paid exceedingly good wages, so good, in fact, that the man agement has deelaied that it would be an actual impossibility to pay higher. SYMPATHY MOVEMENT. The movement has been, theiefote, mote or le-s.s a sympathy one and thcie foie tho lenewal of woik at the other mills, it is thought, will lestilt in a like action at the Taylor plant. At the Klotz mill it is diffeient. how ever. The girls employed by this con cern weic the first to go on stilke and hae been leading spiiits In the moe ment tlnoughout, and several of their number ye.steidav deelaied to a Tiib une man that an afllimative vote on the owners' pioposal is far fiom an assuied thing. This local otes tomor iow night. The wnipei.s who legisteied .such a cieoided objection last Thursday against the soft silk woikeis' voting for a set tlement befoie their gilevances wete adjusted, met Bishop Hoban Saturday morning and were assured by him that Superintendent Dav(s would fulfil their ipquests. An Increase of onp-quaiter cent per bundled ends will be granted, and a uniform dally scale of i paid for warps less than tlneo hundred yaids. "Mother Jones spent Saturday in Paterson, Trouble seems brewing there, and a general stiike is tlueatened on account of difficulties with the ribbon w 01 kei s. TWO BASKET BALL GAMES. Contests in the Airaoiy "pn Satuiday Night. Theie weic two basket ball games played in the armoiy 011 Satuidny night, between the Detendeis and Tigue's gymnasium team and between the Crackerjacks, of Noith Scranton, and the Twentieth Centuiyp, of Mi nooka. Fifteen minute halves were played in both instances, and the games were witnessed by over 200 pet sons. The game between tho Defendeis and tho Tlgue team was the second in a .seiles nf five lor a $.'0 puiso. Tho Defendeis won by 11 scoie of fl.., The lluvup was as follows: li.niiiia-iuii. Defendeis, 'li-'tie inilii .Kare 'Mfoicl ,B,i fotwatd fli.latid lienjitnin lelt feiward Snjdci lllt'gin light guaul I'emlcigajt It'herU lelt guard Moriarty lu'nncdj light md Kratt Ingriei. left etd Collins Minima,)- llukeh, Uefutdeis, 0; llyniuasiiiii', I; Kane, 4; Mijder, 1, ligue, 1, Uuipiie Mur phy, lletetce Kcilon, The ganio between the Ciackcrjacks and tho '.Twentieth Centuiys was moio aggiesslvely (ought and wab won by the Centuijs by a score of 2 to 1. The llne-up for this same follows: CiacUerjacls. Twentieth CenUn.u. Joint.,, ,,,, , renter ,, While O'Donnell. .,.,,,, ilUit foiward Millci llei lift foiwaul ,,,., a. WilUA,, .,,,,., light guaul 1", Dots PoliC), ,,,,,.,, left Ruaul ,,,,, s, JHii, 1'tlie) light end I., wuu Low ay left uid .litleis fciorc-lwerlktli rerun)., j l raikerjuk?, 1, THE CLOSING SERVICE. Evangelist Davis Has Ended His Work Heje for the Piesent. The closing .service of Evangelist Davis, in the Young Men's Christian association yesteiday afteiuoon, was one to be long lemembeied by thoso pie&ent. The woid was piesented with unusual power, and when the speaker contrasted the death-bed scenes of In geisoll and Moody, teats dimmed tho eyes of many, and when the invitation was given thiee men promised to lead a Christian life. Duilng the seivlco the choir sang "Jesus Is Calling," and Assistant Mala sang the "Ninety and Nine." Itev. Dd'vis secuic-d a great hold upon the lieaits of the young men, and they hope to hae him return. GRANT AGAIN ARRESTED. Manager of Little Egypt Company Has Troubles of His Own. Clifford Wi Grant, manager of the Lltllo Egypt Burlesque company, which appealed Inst week at the C-nl-cly, wan nuested after the perfoini nnco Saturday night at the Instance of Edith Hai court, Joslo Williams and May Cairon, tlnco of the female mem bers of the troupe. They claimed Hint after the pei toi malice he paid tho snlulcn of the ether ten members of tho company, leaving them out In tho cold. They weio unable to pay their board bills as a consequence, und Proprietor Ho snr, of the Conway House, nttnehed tnclr trunks. Then they caused tho 01 lest of Grant, claiming that he was about to Jcave town without paying litem. The tililctinnn decided that It (hunt would pay the $28.70 due Mi. Bosar und $t3.30 costs ho would lclcuso him. The manager pleaded poverty, but when tho aldpiman said he would havp lo fuinlsli $1,000 ball, 0110 01 the inoicd ton, Paulino Uciry, came forwntd with the requhed $.13 and Giant was le lenscd. Giant had been ariested eailler In the week on the ehaigc of obtaining baggage fiom tho Lackawanna com pany under false pretenses. THE YOUNG UNIONISTS. Bootblacks and Newboys' Union Yes terday Weie Dined at College Hall Seveial Speeches Made. A tuiliiu, but pleasing, spectacle was piesented yesterday afternoon, when between thiee and tour hun dred boys leptesenting the youngest and newest union In this city Med Into St. Thomas' College hall and thotc listened to a number of addresses, ate and were meny. It was the initial appeaianeo 01 the Bootblacks' and Newsboys' union In the city streets and eeiywheic the joungsten weie gieeted with fiiendly and good natuied smiles. It was 01 Ig inally intended to conduct the oont at the Oiand Cential hotel, but the In flu,c of unionists was too gieat and the assemblage adjourned to moio spa cious quaiteis. It Is suspected that mole than n few of the youths in the thiong joined the union Instanter yes teiday afternoon when they henid i fieo luneii was to bo 0113 of the dnj's featuies. I-ed bv I'lesident James DuhV. the bos took seats in College hall. It was .1 motley ciowd which faced the speak pis. Stieet aiabs of eveiy descilplion made up the audience, but thev cer tainly seemed impregnated with the spit it ol unionism from their damp ened locks and faces gleaming with .1 soapv radiant 2 to the tips of the boots, which cast a glimmei that showed thorn masteis of their ciafl. "Mother Jones gave a heinly, cheerful addtess to the boys, In which she spoke ot the necessity of oigan ization and assutod the lads of tha benefits which would ailse to them fiom their union. Beading 100ms will be established for them, those of their number who ate musically inclined foimed Into a baud, insltuctois pio ided and other adatuages seemed. William Mailev, edittn of the New Yoi k Woi ker, also addi essed the boys. He spoke along tho same lines as "Mother" Jones, and, among other things, told of the iccoiit stilke of the New York newsboys. A number of piominent local labor lendeis, among them Secretaiy Geoige Oothler, of the Cential Labor union and J. F. Haiu me.s, of the stone cutters, weie pies ent, but made no speeches. A busi ness meeting followed the addi esses and tho union's offlcpis weie appoint ed a committee lo look for looms ana anangp meeting nights. Liiinch was then seived bv I'. H Dm kin, of the Giand Cential. after which each boy was given a chock for a cap, with which thev will be pio vlded tomonow bv Henry Collins. BODY FOUND IN WOODS. Nothing in the Clothing That Would Indicnte Who the Man Is Man ner of Death Unknown. The decomposed body of a nun ap paicntly 45 yeais ot age, was found jesterday morning on tho MooMe mountain, ntmut two and one-half miles fiom Moosic in what is known aa Covey's Swamp. The discoxery was made by a man named Lubendei, who was taking a walk in that vicinity. The find was icported to Coroner Booeits, wno directed XJiulei taker James Walsh to lemove tho body to hU plnci of busine-s, wheie tho cor oner will hold an autopsy today, and if possible 11111 a vol the mysteiy. Tho identity of the man Is almost Impossi ble, although It mny bo tlctei mined who he Is by the .11 tides found on tin- body. These consist 01 11 watch, pipe and snutf bov, the latter being formed fiom a dried lemon. The clothing and shoos icsemblo those of a miner, but as far as could bo learned yesteiday no 0110 Is missing from Moosic. Tho llesh on tho head and face has been eaten away, but a heavy black beaid is ills cernable through the remaining fea tuies. The body had evidently been at the place wheie It was found lor some time, as a young son of .Mr. Lubowlei' noticed a man sitting at the same placo a week ago Inst Satuiday, and thought the fellow was sleeping und wan afiaid to disturb him. The remains weio viewed by many people yesterday, but up to a late hour last' night no one had been able to Identify them. Tlteio i.s no evidence of foul play, and the supposition is that the man died fiom oposuie. EUGENE DORFLINGER KILLED, Eugene D01 (linger, tor tlility-seveu yeais tho .station master at the EiIj station at White Mllln, was instantly killed on Satuiday afternoon by the l.'W passenger tiuln. He missed his looting arid fell nam the station platfoun diieetjy undsr tln tialn, just as It was pulling out, Two coaches passed over his lct,s, soveilnr them both, Doilllngei was veiy well known In this city, A w ifo ami sevcir.l chlldien sin vivc hint. Announcements. 'loiiionon cieiiiug the liieinbtu 01 the vung Uoincu'o rf'-euiiatlon will lilimi the Ulenls jWilli width Hi) halo been fjitlitiilly wurUiij, 'llieie will hi a eutl.U tuning at the 1001114 in which an iift iteiin bile will be a part ot the etenlng's ptogtatiinie, Men a will .H women jrc inlted to attend tlds eent Chief of the Wutlier lluteau Moore will lecttiic foi tho benefit (t tlw oung Woinen'u CluUtlan atoodation 'iueday ectiing, Ma) 7, in the board oi trade building, Chief .Moore is a won di fully good spca'iei .mil lie will giic 0110 ol (lie most inttre.tliig Icilure cier heard in thl city on ni.itti'M which will Intercat nil piaitical pwpU. JUNK DEALERS' HEAVY LOSSES BELIEVE THE FIRE WAS OF IN CENDIARY ORIGIN. Glass and Smith Did Not Cany Any Insuranco and They Place Their Joint Loss at Over Eleven 'Thous and Dollars Tho Joidan Estate Suffered a Loss of $2,500 on the Building Adjoining the Junk Quarters Fhe Dlscoveied Enily Yesterday Morning. liKeiidl.11 Ism Is thought to have caused tho desttuctlvo (Ire which Inoke out e.uly yesteiday morning at IVnn avenue rind Vine stieet und desliovcd the Junk shop of Alexander Grass and David Smith, and of Jacob Smith, ntid which also gutted the can Inge rcposl. tiny of the Mat wood Joidan estate. The damages woic as follows: Mi'Mlliiler Uiiii. building md iok . ,.ii,IiX1 lamb Smith, .slock -'.OW 1) mil I Utitiiiniii, building in wlihli '-iiillh win loci tul j00 Joidan enlato '2,!M Glass carried not n cent of Insuinnee on either building or stock, nor did Smith. Btennmnn's loss was entlie, but the Joidan building can led $1,800 hisuiance. The blaze oiiglnated In a heap of lubblsh neai Smith's place and this was the fiist to catch the flic. Owing to the Inflammable natuip of tlie contents of any junk shop, most Insuianco companies lefiise to take them n ilsks, and this at counts for the fact that neither Glass nor Smith had tlioli leases at nil covcrpd. SAVS A FIBF.BUG DID IT. Gmss lift night positively stated his belief that an Ineendiaiy had kindled the blaze, and numeious of the lit emeu who w 01 Iced ftom 2 o'clock until S on the llto entertain the same opinion, al-x though the o'llnlon is also ventured that a dgaiette butt caielessly tin own into the yaid might hae ignited some HibbMi. The Municipal 1 ' ting and litt pnneinent companv's ltoises and wagons weic lodged in the .Ionian building, but weie all .saved fiom the Hume- A watchman for Hip Dickson Manulactiiiing company dlscoveied the blnzo shortly befoie 2 o'clock. A pile of nibblsh was then binning fleicelv and just as he dlseoPied it. a hungiy tongue of flame shot out and In an In stant the coiner ot Smith's shop was w lapped In a blaze. The watchman sounded .111 .'il.iiin ftom Bok 16. at Pcnn avenue and Vine -licet, and tills alaim was answeted by the CtystaK Nnv Augs, Phoenix Chemical nnd Hook- and Ladder com panies. When the (he laddies ajihed both Smith's place anil Glass' estab lishment, al 41S-440 Pcnn .nenue, weic on (lie. Glass' shop w.i- a two--toiy wooden building. 23xri0 feet, mid Smith'-, place one-stoiy high and 2".x2"i. Jot dan's building was also aflame. The two junk bliopt weic doomed fiom the (lif.t, the mases of rags, bones and lubblsh binning like the pioxeibial tinder. The fliemen bent theit effoits on conti oiling the (lie al the Joidan building, a laigp tlnee-stoiy frame strucluip. Had the blaze spiead fiom theie, a iov of wooden buildings in the neatbv com I w ould have been doomed. Tt was found uecessaiy to send In a second alarm, and this was answered by the Phihnoy Engine com pany, of Green Ittdge, and the C'eti tuivs, of South Sci anion. THE DAMAGE DONE It was S o'clock befoie l he (lames smouldered down and by this time the Smith and Giass shop-, woie cadi a mass of cindets, while the complete in terior of the Joidan building was gutted. The btiek oftlce of Glass was untouched b) the llnmes The contents of the Joidan building which weie not saed weie of little impottance. but the Conti noting and ImptoNemeut coinpunv suffered somp los In thp bainsfuinishings, hoises' I'ePd, etc. Giass' shop employs oighL men nnd seven glils, and the dim ex pects to soon open tempouiy bend itiaileis. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. hums Kenlaiii .mil Wllllau, "-liuuip wcie 11 testid 1.11 l,ackaw.inni .lwnuo tn "Sitinil i nit,ht fur lighting, 'lint who each Imed '. )ioletdiy nioining b) Miglsltilc Howe. Kali MiCornitfk, who wis aire-lul 1 tip ludiv ulghl oil tho iliugo oi 'lulling a witch aid su in mom) fiom a It ivellltig mm 111 1 ihsoideili liuw on lti)iiii.uil 11. ml, was louimlltid lo tin count x Jill oil Si(iuda i.i ill 1 Hilt of -VH) ball lliniiie M1.1g.1w mid l.iaii Itolwit, ot llellr Mi. hill, wlm wile .1111 lid 011 Truli' f.u .is (111I1I11,; limit I mi. 1. in l.iiiioln Heights, wue gliin a In alii," I.. loic Militnnn Mlllai 1 11 sit. 1111l.11 und wue lull finu) v.; 1 1 1 wue un able In piy lite lines, which Witt litei tcmltltd T, M, Know li, p.rpil.'ioi of the Ilagli holil ul oiil l'ei.n iMiuie, was misled 111 Siiimliy al the hist aim- if Mi'iiln!iniliit of I'oliio 1I1.I,. Ilug, who ililun (hit film .ill 1 lie lias been fillhi'. llipint willioiit ,1 liuiiH lie will no aivin n heating lurm 1'iliie lligWute illlii tins IllOllllllg Vij I). llt..hii, hi -iiiie .tint, wis n I nyied befoie Aldiiuian llailiv mi Situtihu 011 1 (huge ot thiiats pun mil l. Cli.nlis Winti'i ninth, U paith'H live in Iho time liiiildln, one of the HiieaN illegul tn bun innl 115 Mip. llialier w 14 lint alio would "I11111 Hie heat eft," II10 .lidilliiiii t' ill" iilittci urdfr ad l.eineit Hull Wat-oil i jiiesti 1 on suuiiln at fciuoon 011 a will lilt ciiiutd last, fill fuail AN iliruiati lolin T. Howe 1) Mis f A. Hull, who ilmgis I1I111 wlllt Jumping a lioatd bill, lie liiil Mtriisatullv iliided ihe con-tal.U unlil Jtmdax thcti liu was found slatidini; mi I.i, 1 iwanm, nr nil'. He was lotniiilltiil to tic lounti jiil 11 iteimlt of I.-i I. Mi., 'Ilictiius lewli, of I'tiu'ljuig, wa iitui A Iiiailug 1 1 (on- AliKtnuu Mtllai siliiidat on t thatgu of utility pufuicd hi tic 1 l7-)i'ar ol I ion, wliu 1 1 limed lie hid nun obliged In snl tlillil ilsiuluie nil auount 01 hi.-, : ulh. i'.s. tttiliiieul. Mm bad thieiieiied to I ill Idui ami la tlr.scd liiin will) .1 hulilici knlfp, (ne .ad Mtt, l.i..l ,'4 held in "0. In, I 'fhtee )oung linn win teen hating tia 1 lafo on !-.tuii..v night with .1 ii.uple 1.1 I.j tics uinli llflr atuii I'ltioliiuii i'.iit lei 1, uotllled anil Im aiiealul on of tint tlio in l.'all road alle). Ha bid two Utiles of lien It to,, n iu with iiint. lie gan ids nnn .1, I'dw ml llloili und Hid Iu iisided ut tail M.ipli .lint He itupliialcil iwn ollni nmi' 11:111, .lot 11 h'.iui. HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT WE HAVc IN Odd Boxes of Stationery ? At prices that will surely iuterest you. The above may be seen in our display window. , , REYNOLDS BROS. HIGH ART- Aud excelleut qutiUty is shown iu our BEER. If ever the con vent ionrtl Phrase, "Most fie Seen To Be Appreciated" was ever properly em ployed in advertising, this is the occasion CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. I mil. o' loetisi Mieid nnd Mrhitu Miller, d sttetl, ninl one of the bms who work! Ii lb' bowllnr t'lliy liiev hlt"i' hive been tirll I'll' to ippeir iu polh" rotul tl.ia tutitili.;. SOLICITOR WATSON'S ACT If It Passes the Leglslatuie, He Says, a New Assessment Can Be Made Next Year. Accuidiiig In Uy Holidtof Watson thu iissessitieiil lecetitly made by the board ol" a."es-nis will not hac to lemaln iu fotcc for thiee )enis if the act which he drew up and which is on passage in the state leglslaturo pases, and tlit'ie is eu'iy icaoii lo believe thai 11 will. The act gives tho .I'-sesstif- In cities of tho second class the power lo use Hip ust-pssini'ut litndo bcoic Apiil 1 its "the ImMs for the year 1"WU," nnd also gives them poaci fo iovImj. fillci1 and clttssltv it as they ni.iv sue lit. Ml. Wi'tson liolcls that if tills act be omes a law the wmds, "the basis for the lf-nl," will piecludu nnv po'ubllilv of tin ah-e-sinenl holding good for LhiPe yeais-. tt'i City Cleil; laitillc lot'icd it would, if flic a?pss n enl. .hl'".t is made on a one-third valuation did hold good lor llnce jp.ii?. the ipvcnites of Hie llj would be ieducil nliuo'-t oiip-hiilf next )oar when th ( Uv onips lo i tilled a gradu ated tax )vv as piovidccl in 'the Mp 1 ct bill. l full l.Ues on Vnisines? luopcitM two thitils laips on lesidence piopcit.v aud oiii'-hall i.ites on ngii cultiiiai ptopetl.. Mi. Watson savs thai undei thb act Hie picoont assessiiieiii. will only be cood lnr one )eir and that for th v."ti e.f lfoj-l'io:. the asscsfois c m m.tUi' an enlirelv new csi-essmcnt on a t'Mi-ibniis in a full valuation, just us thev chotc-". Tho-'' stucicuts of municipal ntfalis who h:ic giPii tho inaltPf anv study hop" lhat what he spvs is ttne. loi if II is nut the cltv v ill be lr a pu'llv. bid box a vear linni now. Cntastiophe in Shooting Galleiy. B) l.silmiv W-re funii 'Hie Av-orialed Pie I'lrlou, 11. Aput -While it woik in ills shouting s,jlkrv bet.' it in only limn this niorti nig, Willnni Wliitele wi,. si i?ed with i lit md tell nut i tow of coal ml limps His ilotlies ought Hie md lie tvas lenh dead beiote Ilie police broke iu Ilie il.mi. lb died in Hie hmpitJl i few- liotrs lilei His home wis at I'luc, V I. Boxing Gloves of coui-e A I Flnicv i Diooks, Ask for Kelly's union ciackeis. AVheii- tan I get cvpivlhing In Hip line of Photo Supplies.' Why, at Floiey & Biooks, of couise. Ask for Kelly's union ciackeis. Delicious Lunch Served Free of Charge at Our Store We invite you to come aud see the delicious Waffles. Saratoga Chips, Doughnuts, Fried Oysters, Layer Cake and Tea Biscuits that we are baking all day long, demon strating the fiue qualities of Cottolene. Do Not Miss Com ing to the Store Clarke Bros Ladies' Tailored Suits We Make I, i iif Inly a. Die H.itiur fl! the bud 'Ihe Ii ake, trjlc fit, tnilih anil pikes am all pel In I I mi epitui sink is iow nwalliii,, .lout lli-p.' lien, He iiad to spp oii anv tlui' King Miller, Merchant Tailor, 435 SPRUCE STREET, Stationers and Engravers SS!' M t-f4-t-4- 4'tf ; Arthur Watresi President f Orlmtdu S. Johnaon, Vies Pres. Arthur Hi Christy, Cnhler X . Capital, $100,000 t sv Surplus, $100,000 -f 4-4-4- 4-4- AND TRUST G0MP1NY sod SPRLCB STREET. Court House Square, SCRANTON, PA. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts ArillOllll.ll b) its Charter to accept nil mantlet ot Trusts; to act a ltciuui. 'ituslee, (luardlan, dministra. toe or Kveuitoi, Till: VU'bls of Und: ire prolect ed b) Ihe Holmes Llecttlc Alarm Sjltll. DIRKCTORS I . A. tr, O. s. Jolin.on Urn. I-. llallstead I.'. P. Kingsbury Kierett Warren Auk. Robinson .loscph O'Brien t4- f s-04 ff 4-4- SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Clover, Millett fl 325-32T Penn Ayeofle, A Rich Find is an expression t'tat is often iicatd here srnel our customer sees our large stock ot Shirts, ln derwear and Hosier). Wc aic jilwa)s on the eleil for tlie leal tlunpf. The price Indicates what it's worth to ns only. You'll find it worth mueH mcreto)ou. Conic and 6co lliem. 412 SPRUCE STREET. 1'iy our epecitd 10a collars; all shapes. Today's Special Prices BEDROOM OUTPIT, 24 pieces, $38.75 REED ROCKERS, full size, $1.49. SIDEBOARDS, woith $19.00, $14.98 PARLOR COUCHES, with tringe or moulded edge, worth 918.00, $8.98 CHINESE MATTINGS, woith ISo 10c BRUSSELS REMNANTS, laige enough for xug, 79c CREDIT YOU? CERTAINLY! 'THE: &0N0MY 221.223.?83-237 WYOMING AVENUE. i n. jsSm wH3 J. is!Sjffll jfirZarjf Ti'ii'ytelWMiiJRW'iaWBty. A iS '