K':H-yf'nWW5tWt'' 'i"t' iWv'jft''; V.W'TC ,' r f J . '..J saKf..7.V5. 'j ., ....A. .41 i . . , t r v V t x.a L'l 'H 1 J .-, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1901'. 3v IMMaiUBIAU&. V (!.J")ViW' VxtpKnv--?k!,i'u.r vHy '' .-;'-wi.1?,.,.,i 4, 1 ht HI l'l A.U iii thMntrthftt. I4a tkK iinllti nntva VhAt, JWiiln fhn milk ttlfct Id llftcil fflf V .1.1.. .1. ft t.jidt i 11 f Anita fnVln 'f ftntn. crowintt children Invalids and tulngperions Or. Hand's PKOSPHATED Condensed Milk !t l il.hflt. fuint nllt-UhFkiil1ittii ta. k L.ji.J- .k.Ai. akikta ttte.. libit J naoniirrj iuou nflrf mr in" irrr nnoRtvii r. Mini CondmiM Bilk ft. Sainton. P. Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OC Per j)c Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 'iclephonOrdMl'rorapUrtllverl ?jt37 Adams A venus. CITY NOTES I 4 " I'llOIlAIUY XI.XT VI:i:K. Tlic Home for llic lii'iidlcS'i iiiminaitc r.ilc will piobibly take t'l-ict ne.U w-ek. HAS AN" AUIOMOMI.K.Ault mobile aie be uimint' plrnlifiil in this city. Andrew lliilfoul is the last nun to h;ivc s-uuh an acquisition. CIIAltTint AStii:i) l'Olt. Attorneys Vosbufff &. p.iw.snti on Sitnnl.iy applied to court for a char ter lor tint Von Moirli Keg Fund nssoclalion, 1'AV-IlAIS. 'Ilic Deiauaie and Hudson paid mi Sattiiday at tlic following Wilkcs-Ilarrc mines: Pil.niaie, D.iltlinjie No. '.'. Ilaltinioic No. :.', Pjltlinoio Tunnel and ("ujnirhnni. HAS CltKATU) IMTHI'.ST. The announco mcnl that s-olimuunl'diik. Jlmd l'owell and I'tr. union bavics .lie to himr. in Scranton on tlic JIM. nt M.iy i.i uc.itins great, Inlet est. IIII.I.MDi: IIOMi: VISI'lTO. The members rf ihe Scranton poor Ward paid a visit to the 1'ilMdc home Saturday for the purpoe of in piotliiir some of the new impiovemcnts being m.i.le .it that institution. on. jir:niMAV i.mijhi:d. nr. nronre c. ,'4( riiin.in, nlulii driving alonir Uleclilc iivenue mi "aturdjy altcrnoon was Ihromi trr.m his enr iiiije, hi h'nive lieinK tnuhlciied by J fcireet ,ii 'Ihe doitor was thrown into a rulvert and his h,:cl; w. ipiite badly wirnihetl. I.TMMAcn SAl.i:. The ladies of the film J'.irk i lunch will rrnduel. a nimnuie siile at 12:1 Pcnn .n'l-iiiie c-omnieiK-in." '.villi Ttnnsd.iy of this week. I.jrt if.- It.iine: artiel.- tiiey wi-h to contribute vlll leave word with the janitor ot tin: ihureh or at the piiMinaso and they will lie innnc ilialeiy uill.-ii lev. MUMCAIi i:.Vll.KVAIX.MKNr. A nin-io.il rn lc tniiiinc ill will be uiion in the Kxielsiur hm-iil ('hill's dub hcie on Wefliinytiin .Meiiue tomoi n niuhl lor the benefit ol the buildins lund o' the 1 1 w tcmtile of the Linden i-lreel o;i)2iii;a. lion, hinsins- by ne:.'io plantation vooalUts will be on" 't Ibe leatiires of an e.vtelkiit prograiume. Itl.'.Zl: AT XAV Alili i'AISK. A lot nl nndir. I.....I. !.. V... l... t. .! ....... ,.,!..,.. .......... . I... I l'lll-l III .... ...IK Jl.tll, I.M.I . ,111111 .I1I.1I..V, V tnven Vine and Mulbi'iiy sheets was et on file jertcrdav 'afleincon in some unknown nianiiei. The lielief Cue company ri'.-powled lo a still al-iirtt and succeed, d in evtincul-hinK the Ware but not until a Epr.ee several hundred npiaie feet in (linl had been binned dear, WEEK'S CI.KAlllXi !. VIh- 'linJeis Nation il bank reporla olearinss for the Scrtoiton C'leai ms House .tAfociatlon tor the wiek cudit.g plil 27, ai follows: Monday, !fift!,Bifl.2(. ; Tues. day, S2"n'iSli.f,li Wcdiiel-day, ji,iiT0.SI; 'llnirs day, $?2;!,nC0.S-; l'liday, Sltl!i,83O..0: S iturd.iy, .,C-7,T62.t.'J. Total, MjO'l.nor.'Vi. Tlio dcjiin(,.s fur the coruvpomiiiifi wed, of lat year was 1,31 3,227.07. Second Legislative District, Notice is lien by ciwn to the Itepubliuu vnleu il the Second lecMative district Tri.ae!;awanna iiiunty that n piinuiy eleelion will be held on Suntday. Ma. Is. lHOl, .it the reKular polling places, between tlio houis i I and 7 o'clock p. in., for the puipo-i; ot electing two delegates to itpxfcr.t the .said IcRidative dUtricL In I tic coin, bit; llcpuhlican ftate convenllun to be held in Harrisburu', The foiivention to compute the ote rdll bo held oil Tuesday, .May 2, 'jij, at 10 o'clock a. ni. In the com I liou-e in Serantoii. In necorriaticc with the niles Roveinlni: the dinlrlct, (he candidates will be voted lop directly by the u.lcrti at the pulls and nuit tester with the disliict chairman Idx full luuie and postoftuc I'ddtess, and pay hU .imviik nt tiueeii das before the election, or hii. name will not bo placed en the otliclal ballot, neither will any lutrs cast lor him be counted. The distriU vinilanee conunltlfe In aiioin pic duets will conduct the election, and the result will be reported by thn reliitn ludge to (ho dis. tiict coinention, which will he composed of judsfs o( Ihe various districts, A wrltlen notice contalnlii',' fmilicr intiiicllnnt ill be mailed to each number l the sdd dis trict vigilance committee, I'redeiie I'leit, Chairman S.vond hesWalive Disttid. Atltsli Walter i:. l)avl, Sctrct.ur. ---f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f. We offer subject to previous sale $ 1 1,000 Ithaca Street Railway Co, FIRST MORTGAGE :Gold Bonds: O Per Cent. Mature 1023. As the fceeonrt mortgage bonds of this company are sell ing' at a premium the value of the firsts is beyond question, A-: krr v, !MgB (rwb wfyf -fuJvQ-A M BroiCvtj, N. T. WHUtJ-Birrc, -- 4- C'tbondle. -f 4- i 6 od C, t'eiimionwealth Did:., 4 Kcuotco. 4 ,t m-ft -f ttH GUESTS OF THE LACKAWANNA. Presentation to Gcoi-go A. Cullen, of Chicago. Sfitwitny it jmitr or wcHtoin ntll roml nion, )iflncl)tilly from thu Wn bnnli, imssctl throtiRli tlio city. 'J'liey tiri tlic gnonlM or tlio Ijiiukttwnrinii roarl ixnd llio nrly wna In oIuu'sp C (ItioiBc A. Gallon, ot Chicago, the I.ticilcnWfinna'ii Ronornl ivcalom li f.onRer airftnt. "With him wore! 11. V. P. Taylor, iisslsUmt ccnernl nnssen scr nsont oC tlio 'SViihnpli: 1!. O. Tliomiisoti, Rcncral Ofrcnt Fort Wnyne: R. Swift, Southnrn iifisscnKCf npent, Clnclnnutt; ('., V. Mnxrield, tllHtrlol PiiBRonBcr iifiont, liullaiiit)olln; li. It. CofCon, city iiassoiiRur tiRcnl, St. liOUlsi -H, 10. AVnltts, lmssciiRcr and ticket aRPiit, Molillo, Aht.i James daw, travollnR niiHsuriRer aRciit, Buf falo, X. V.; T. H. Ktialmni, cnntral IKiB.Monger asunt. I'lttsbnrs. !'! - !' ICcrnnn, rlty lmsRiniRoi' and ticket JtRent. Chlt'aRO, 111.; Krunk Oi'tmo, trnvnllng pancnRor nRottl. (..'otonello, Alu.j II. c. SlntlttH, traveling imsscn Kor URont, KutiHtift Cll. Mo,: 11. N. nutorltnld, travcllnR piiHMPUffer iiRant Lnckawiinntt railroad, CIiIchro; K. Jt. AVlHlmrd, travollnR passenser agent 'Frisco line, CIiIcoro. Thfy becntno the Riirsts of the lick nwiinnn railroad at llnlfalo Tlmr.eday and their special car was attached to train No. 12 and whirled on to Now York. There they found themselves In the midst or friends and old acquaint ances. They were the RUests of the Lackawanna ofllclnls dttrlnR their stay in the city and on Frldny evening a banquet was served to them at the llottllvara cafe. Saturday morning thflr special car, the' bountiful Alexis, was attached to train No. ", tlio Queen City Limited, leaving New York til 10 a. rn., and wended their way hack toward the banks of the Wabash, The party wan uuroinpauletl from New York to Washington by General Tlekol A sent T. "W. I.ee and General SupHi'lntoiiilnnt of Dining Car Servlco Smith. After dinner was served in one (if the Lackawanna's beautiful dining cars the party returned to their private apartments, when 11. V. P. Taylor announced that he had a charge that lie had carried from New York and, as II was becoming burdensome, he wished to unbosom and get It off his mind. He said he had n feeling toward one of the party, but It was of a friendly character, nntl he desired every one present to share It with him. Ooorga A. Cullen was sum moned to appear In the center of the party and Sir. Ta'ylor in n, very neat and appropriate speech presented him with a beautiful watch fob with solid gold settings and engravings appropri ate to the occasion, and also a beau tiful solid silver match sale with his name Inscribed thereon. Air. Taylor saltl these would in an humble wax testify to the grateful feeling of the members of the party for Air. Cul len's kindnesses to them. The latter was quite overcome by the surprise given him, but earnestly thanked the gentlemen about him for the evidences of good feeling and regard which the gifts brought him. PIERCE-ROSE WEDDING. Ceremony Was Performed in Penn Avenue Baptist Church, The spacious auditorium of the Penn Avenue Baptist church was filled Sat urday by a largo company of rela tives and friends, the occasion being the wedding of Mr. Harry A. Pierce to Miss Grace T3. Rose, both popular young people belonging to the fash ionable circles of the city. The church was beautifully decorated with palms, ferns and roses by Marvin & Mulr, llorists, and Professor Charles Doer snm presided at the grand organ. The entire arrangements of the wed ding were art almost exact reproduc tion of similar services which were held for Mr. George O. Sharps and Miss Ann K Rose, twin Mster or the bride, which were held in the Penn avenuo church three weeks ago. The bride was handsomely attired in a tai lor made gown of navy blue, a picture hat of plnlf, and carried while roses. The matron of honor, the twin sister of the bride, was attired in a tailor made gown of brown, with a light blue picture hut, and cart led dark icd roses. Promptly at 12 o'clock the wedding match from Lohengrin was played and the wedding party moved up the center aisle of the church, preceded by the ushers, llntry llouck and George O. Sharps. Tim bride wns met at the altar by the groom unci Dr. Frank C. "Wardell, the best man, and by Itov. Itoberl V. Y. Pierce, D. D., the oflleiat ing clergyman, pastor of the church. The beautiful ceremony arranged by Dr. Pierce was performed, while the soft slraius of music filled the audi torium. The bridal party retired while tlio great organ peeled forth Mendels sohn's wedding march. A wedding bteakfnst wns served by Caterer llan loy at the home of the bride's parents, 7110 Olive street, to the Immediate fam ily and bridal parly. Among the out-of-town guests wero Mrs. ,T, II, Pierce, mother of the groom: Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Swell and Miv day Jordon, sisters of the gtoom, Mnsler Harry Swell ami Miss Dorothy .lordon, oil of lioston. Muss. The gifts to tho bride wore numerous and costly.amoug them being u gold certlfleato for V, leather couch, leather chair, mahog any music cabinet, mahogany table, a Bieat nbundaneo of China, cut glass, silver, linen, pictures, FOfn. pillows, real laeo work, .iardlnlors, carving sets, cr.ndclabras, chilling dish sots, etc, The groom Is one of the most prom ising business men of the oily, and tho bride has for several year been nn instructor In tho city schools, and Is popular In muFicnl circles. The brJdo and groom loft for n tour In New York-, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. tTpnn their return thoy will reside at "The Linden," ,'!(7 Linden street. PIKST APPEARANCE HERE, Mr. Powers Will Sing nt tlio Studio Concert. The Studio i lull coucM-t, for the bene fit of 'St. Luke.'t! Freti Kludergurten, wlU be given tomorrow night, begin ning 'it x.lfi. Tho photograph of Mr. Powers, who will appear In this eltv for tho Hist ilniii at this concert, is dis played hi tho window of Powell's muMo store, and Is attracting much atten tion. Mr, Poweis not only possesses a rnro voice, and a. rum stylo and finish In Ids sinning, but also a very line presencu and superb physique. Ills charming and genial 'munner always captivates his audiences, and has made for him u wide clrolo of friends In society. For years he has been the most sought lifter and In the greatest demand of nil the Now York muslclnitii. "Who has the agency for the Cleve land nicyclos? Florey A Brooks, of eourr v FUTURE PLANS OF VOLUNTEERS RELIEF ASSOCIATION TO BE CONTINUED. Executive Committee Has Been Em powered to Secure Suitable Quar ters for n Club House Benefits Are to Be Paid Only to Active Eire men All Applicants for Places ill Reorganized Department Have Now Taken Both Examinations. Other News. One of tho ortlecrs of the Firemen's Relief association explained to n Trib une man yesterday Just what plans that organization had under way for continuing in existence after tho re organization of the fire department. "A great many mistaken notions concerning this matter liavu got abroad," said he. "and I think that It is nbout time our position wns set forth clearly and correctly. The Fire men's Relief association ls'n chartered organization ami will continue In c.x' lslence after tin re-organlzatlon ot tho lire department the same as nl present. It will Include In its mem bership both the volunteers who will be disbanded and the members of the re-organlzed department, including permanent, bunk and call men. "We shall "pxtlnue In control of the funds now lit V treasury and of the money now rt Ived from Ihe city, this being the city's share of the lax on foreign lire insurance companies. This money wnl be expended as here tofore In paying benefits to active llre nien who may bo hurt while respond ing to an alarm or working al a. lire. "Many people have got the Impres sion that sick benefits will be paid to ex-volunteers out of this fund. Noth ing could be further from tlio truth. Benefits will be paid only to active firemen actually injured while engaged In active service. "The ex-volunteers will, we believe, remain members of tho relief associa tion merely for old time sake. Tho volunteer companies will be practi cally disbanded, but theoretically they will not be. Kach company has a charter or its own nnd all will bo amalgamated Into the one associa tion. In case or a parade or re-union the companies can parade as separata organizations. "The board of directors of the as sociation has been instructed to look around for suitable rooms for the lo cation of a club house and have prac tically decided upon a building in the. central part of tho city. It Is a. four story building and three floors are for rent. It is very probable that these three floors will be rented and occu pied by the association Just as soon as the department is re-organized. "It Is planned to lit the rooms up as a regular club house and to fur nish them with the furniture at pres ent In the sixteen lire houses, nil of which Is owned by the volunteer or ganizations. Thej-e is more than suf- iicituii gymnastic apparatus scattered I among me sixteen companies to lit up a gymnasium and it is probable that one floor will be so fitted up. "Bat lis will be provided and also a reading room. In fact, the place will be transformed into as cozy and as comfortable quarters as are possessed by any club in the city. There are sev eral hundred men now members of the volunteer department who spend the best part of their idle time in the days and their nights in and around tho lire houses. The tlisbandment of tlio volunteer department will mean the throwing of these men out on the streets, and we feel some place should be provided for them. "The active members of the re-organized department will, of course, be accorded tho privileges of the rooms miring their Idle hours and will really be the principal benefactors by the (.nliiiua...-o of the relief association We f(.el confident that no citizen or the city who thoroughly understands our position and plans will for a mo ment object to the continuance of the existence of the organization." a it .. Dr. W. G. Fulton has completed tho physical examination or the men who tire applicants for places under the re organized lire department and, to use a slang expression, It is now "up lo" Director of Public Safety Hitchcock, Ho has tin- names of all who have successfully passed bolh the mental nnd physical examinations and their fate rests In his bands. The colonel will not divulge Just when ho intends to make the appoint ment and parries all inquiries along this Hue by slating that ho will an nounce the appointments Just "as soon as things are in shape." Ho is known to be considering the advisability ot appointing only tlio permanent men first ami waiting to appoint the niuu until such "time as a sufficient num ber of persons pass the required ex amination or making no appointments at all until enough men to nil all va cancies are secured. V V No provision whatever" has been n ade in the appropriation ordinance tor th purchase of boots, rubber coals or helmets for tho hunk or cull men. It Is claimed that by the lime a bunk or call man flls himself out iwilh these requisites that u great big parts of his first lx months salary will ho gone. Not only this, but no provision is made in tho appropriation ordinance for tho purchase of beds for the bunk men and additional permanent men, The beds now In use In the several hoso houses, with the exception of those used by the majority of ihe per manent men, are tiv property of tho company, who may be exported to, and who will, move them out just as soon as the volunteer force Is disband ed, lu fact, when the companies move out overjlhlng they own them will be very little left In the firo houses ex cept the apparatus. Now chairs nntl other furnlturo will havo to ho pur chased, hut no provision is made In tho appropriation ordinance for any or tiieso things. It Is planned to divide die new hoo which Is n be purulmi-oU during thu coming llsosil year among tho cmtral rlty companies In order that ea'fi of these companies may havo a doubli supply lu case of u big lire such us the Lackawanna nvmuio bl.tze last February, when almost ovary avail able foot of hose In the lUui.irtinept was frozen stiff on tho sireut, leaving tho rest of tho city at tho mercy of any blaze which might have broke out. Guernsey Hall, Kit Washington ave Scranton, Is tho best and most reliable place to pur chase a good Piano. It will pay you to call and get prices and terms. J. V. Guernsey, Prop. Smoke the Pocono Oe, cigar. WILL BE MACHINISTS' NIGHT. Petition for a Nine-Hour Day t6 Be Presented at Lyceum. Tomorrow night, In the Lyceum the aire, tho members of tho recently or ganized council or nfllllatcd machine, holler, rnr, blacksmith unci pattern shop employes and machine shop labor ers nfllllatcd with the Central Labor union and a. council of delegates from lodges of tho Intc.rnnllonal Association of Machinists on the. Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western railroad system will Jointly present to their employers a. petition for a nine-hour day. Tlv affair will bo lu th nature ot nai entertainment with the presentation of tho petition and an address nt Its con chislon by Humphrey It. Campbell, set ting forth the merits of the nine-hour movement. The superintendents and foremen of the various companies em ploying machinists have been invited to attend and the eight boxes and the logos have been reserved lor their use. Those who are to participate In the entertainment are nil members of Ihe several unions nfllllatcd with the coiln ells. The orchestra will bo In charge of AL J, Leonard, ot tho Lackawanna car shops, and will render several selec tions. Tho programme Includes t.wo songs by tho Electric City Glee club, led by Moses Morgan, a member or the choir of the Second Presbyterian church: a bass solo by Prof. H. K. Jones and a brief farce-comedy, being a. "Reproduction, of the Memorable Mooting of Knockers, .Kickers and Leather Jnws." This will bo a satire on one of the meetings of tho union, and will bo par ticipated in by a large number of the members. The committee In charge of the affair announce that thoy have re ceived very few responses to the invi tations sent to the; employers, and would wish that they might be nrt swetod at once. MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD Eulogies Pronounced on the Late James B. Nicholson, Grand Secre tary of Grand Lodge of State. Odd Fellows from all th lodges in Scranton and vicinity attended thj memorial service and eighty-second anniversary of the establishment of the order in America, which wns held in Odd Fellows' hall, on "Wyoming avenue, yesterday afternoon. The memorial service was in honor of the lato James B. Nicholson, grand secre tary of the Grand lodge of Pennsyl vania, who died In Philadelphia re cently. Hon. James Molr presided over the meeting and delivered an eulogistic address on tho life and character or the deceased brother, and prayer was offered by Rev. It. F. Y. Pierce, of the Penn Avenue Baptist, church. Tho Silurian Lodge Glee club sang several selections, David Jenkins rendered a solo, and addresses were delivered by Past Grand Master V. Gayloril Thomas, Past Grand Master Piereo and Past Grand Patriarch Edward C. Deans. Mr. Thomas' address was an able effort in behalf of the life ot an able man. He said that Mr. Nicholson was a giant among men In every sense of the word. He measured up to the highest type of elevated manhood. De ceased entered into the work in Penn sylvania In IS.","., having been initiated Into the order in IS45. Thus he was for over fifty-six years an Odd Fel low. In fSGil he was elected secretary of the grand lodge, -which office he held up to the time of his death. There was no man In the order bet ter qualified than he was In the teach ings and principles of Odd Fellowship. His reputation was not conllned to Pennsylvania alone, but as far as Odd Fellowship extends his influence is felt. No man was ever niorc loved, esteemed and respected and no de parture will be more regretted than that of James B. Nicholson. He was a. splendid specimen of man, morally nnd mentally. After a song by David Jenkins, Rev. Pierce spoke on Odd Fellowship ana its uplifting influences, also paying a worthy tribute to the deceased, lu whose honor the meeting was held. Incidentally, Dr. Pierce remarked that he himself has been an Odd Fellow for twenty-live years and he felt that lie shared with all Odd Fellows a sense of per.ional bereavemen.t In the loss of Air. Nicholson. All had lost a true friend and tho order a wise counsellor, He gave a beautiful word picture of the relationship of man to man and spoko with an earnestness that be tokened a deep regard for the princi ples of the order. Ho said that a great procession of a million men are marching to the silent tomb and wo should all so live that we shall enter Into immortality, and so llvo that wo leave an Impress on other lives. Tho closing address was made by General Edward C. Deans, past grand patriarch and representative to thu sovereign grand lodge. He dwelt more particularly nn tin accomplishments of the order nnd Its founders, naming Mr. Nicholson as one of the architects and builders of the order In Pennsyl vania. The meeting was closed with a selection by tho glee club. HOSPITAL WAS REMEMBERED. Gifts to the Hahnemann on Its An nual Donation Day, The directors of the Hahnemann hospital gratofully acknowledge the following gifts for their donation day: Jin. Ceoige Sandoison, two tete-a-tete tela for t:indoison and .I.kI;s'jii roomt, two pound of .-olfce and one pound tea; Mi. Willriin II. Km si 11, nialtiial lor nittlus- II.uiihI wrappers for women's wardj ,MIa Nettie Newell, one pair pillow cae?, two fillet: iteldmiii, J oil A .., one piece of lmu-liiij Mis. I., 11. M.itlne, .': Mrs. II. Jl. Ilolco, two doien ten poous; two lo.:eii fori:. Mr. '. w. KirkpalrUk, tluee ula-tfs of jell, six tl.i. s; Mu, ,1, II. pjiuuild., W tahlopooM, twelve iranonqn; Mts.s llrlln, one don teaspoons; JIIsk Marsaietta 1,. llfliu, Master D'Andrlot Helm, four pillow caics: Mlis lUlle llmlbiit, canned fiult and jellv; Ml. .1. ViiUcui I'eclt, s! pain il cooks; Iwdvo IowhN; Mi V. ". Weld, iloiliins, icadinff matter; Mis. T II. Clarke, one iloru pillow i-ascx; a friend, oikj Owen .silierplated forks; Mia, I,. II. l'owell, locklm: chair; Mis I. I), Hcrodl, (our tnwiK one haiku of aoplrv; Ml-s Itidiiiioiul, on. lug )l luirinps; Mi f'l.m Mariny. tiller gliieih in jill ; Mi,, ThoniH I.', .lor.in, one iloziu tup hini; Mi, fhailti) i:. Uoblnson. V. Jtu. W. 'I', .-mill), MV. Sirs. X. (!. ItoUitson, tvtr wrappers for Mi'iueii'tf waul: Mis. Paul llelin, lied thread: Mm. '. II. Scott, lutir ipiarU of milk; Mrs. fuavle., II. Welles. iie pound., biitlci; I'ooto ,V I'iiIIi'I'. one iloau iHr phlrd kuin-Mj Mrs. 11 .her! 1". V. I'leiic, one ihvni towels: Mticciiau . ('onne)l, emsuvin: Kciuutli II. WUIfs, one pair pillow tau-a: Mi. I'. II. I'wlej, .-,; Mi. llrod lliud, one pleio lectins; .iolui Arm biibi, ten pounds ot laid; Mr. ('. p. slmpyjii, t nicjd thlit. hlioiuh the donation day is ovtr any other ar lUles will b.j lhinklully roec-luil. Sonny, where can I get my wheel icpalred? At Florey & Brooks', of I'OUI'fC. Try the New 5c. Cigar "Kleon." Guaranteed long Havana filler. THE GROWTH OF LUTHERANISM SERMON BY REV. L. H. WARING LAST NIGHT. He Told of the Early Establishment of the Lutheran Church in This Country; of the Persecutions It Suffered in Its Early Days ami of Its Rapid Progress to Third Place in tho List of Protestant Denomina tions in the United States Some Interesting Statistics. lUiv. Luther Hess Waring, pastor of Graco F.viingollcul Lutheran church, gave un Interesting account before his congregation last night of the growth of the Lutheran church In tills coun try. IIo told interestingly or tho first Dutch Lutherans who came to this country In 1621 nnd established them selves in New Amsterdam, now Now York city, but then a Dutch colony. Tlio established church In Now Am sterdam at that time was the Reform ed church and for years, ho said, tho Lutherans were compelled to submit to what he termed "Infamous and cruel persecutions." Heavy lines were Im posed' upon Lutheran clergymen for preaching the gospel and upon those who attended Lutheran services. In IGC-1 the English came Into pos session of New Amsterdam nnd relig ious toleration and freedom ot con science took the plnco ol bigotry and persecution. In 1C3S tho Swedish Luth erans, lie said, begnn to emigrate to this country and first settled In Dela ware. Here the first Evangelical Luth eran church erected on the continent was built. The first translation of tho Bible into u. heathen tongue was, made by these Swedish Lutherans who translated the Scriptures into the lan guage spokeir by the Delaware Indians. Though Protestantism had Us birth in Germany, he said, It was not until the early part of tho eighteenth cen tury that tiny German Lutherans set tled in this country. Though they were the last to come thoy ue now the strongest in numbers. They first landed in 1701! in Georgia and largo parties kept coming at frequent inter vals after that. Bey. Mr. Waring told of the growth ot the Lutheran church throughout tho world. He said that it is tho largest denomination of the Protestant church, numbering tiO.000,000 communicants. The growth of the church in this coun try has been marvelous, he said. The number of Lutheran pastors In this country since 17S0 he said was as fol lows: 17S0, 70; 1S20, 170; 1830, f!00; 1S-I0, 100; 1S50, S00; 1S60, 1,200: 1870, 1.900; 1SS0, li.OOO; 1S90. 3.000; 1000. C.763; I'M, 6.S14. The number of communicants of the Lutheran church in this country in 1S00 was about 20,000, ho said. At the present time there are 1,674,173 Luth erans In the United States. In eighty years the church has multiplied its membership forty times over, he said, and in the last ten years It has gained 500,000 members. It stands third in the list of Protestant churches In this country In point of membership out stripping the Presbyterian church which stands fourth. "Wo are forging ahead at a surpris ingly rapid rate." said Air. Waring In conclusion, "and there is no telling what God has In store for this part of His zion." RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. "What Constitutes a Man" was the topic spoken on yestenlay inorainir m All Souls' t'ni vcisalist tliurch by Alfred Donley. itev. Dr. .l.unts Md.eod, pistor ol the I'iisl l'rcibjtirian dmich, and Ttev. Victor Herbert I.nl.-ras, of Wilkevllaiic, exrhantted pnlpita yi. tnday. "'Ill fool's Povettj" was the topic- of an elo iMioiit". Feriuen preadied last niiihl by Her. Dr. (.'haile.-. '. liobinson, pastor of the Secuiid Vreo byitri.in cliurdi. "The lteauly of tlio l.oid" nnd "Tho Joy ot the Lord" were Hie topiis of two wrmons preadied yesterdiy by ltcv. .1. .1. Lininir, pastor ot the (linen llidf,'e Prcslijlniati elniieh. llev. floor!:!' Ii. Aliieh, pastor of fltaee He fnnr.ed vlitin.li. conducted the scivlro.i jesteiday afternoon at thu Uallioaii Vniinir Men's Chtislian Association rooms. There was t-peciul niiisio by the Simpson male quartette. Tlio inrmbors of Columbus commandeiy. Knights of Malta, attended the .Vbury Methodist KpiK-opal church last nlfrht in a body and lis tened to an able sermon by the pastor, Itev. Dr. W. O. Simpson, who spoke, on "ChiKtiau Knlclilhood." llev. Dr. Ilobeil 1". V, I'Iriie, pastor of the Although It Is not generally known. Dr. Stephen V. Lewis, the unassuming young physician who tukes charge of. the duties of junior resident house Bur geon at the Lackuwanna hospital will not follow the example of his prede cessors at tho institution and after the course of practical training afforded by the Lackawanna hung out his shlnglo either in this oily or elswheio. Dr. Lewl.t intends to enter the mis sionary Hold, nnd at tho end ot his year's service will leave the olty as a medical missionary under tho Presby terian board of mission?, A brother of Dr. Lewis, who was formerly a resi dent physician nt tho Lackawanna has preceded him In the field and Is at present surgeon to tint legation at fekin. Dr, Lewis comes from the western part of thin state and is n grudtintn of the University of Pennsylvania. While tit ccllego ho distinguished himself as a. worker in c-olleRlato Young Mou' Christian association circles, and was pionilnent in all associations of this nature. Personally ho Is r. most at'fa hlo, pleasant young man and has tic milt ud numerous friends during his term at the hospital, When ho leaves the Institution to go foith and li.glu Ihe great llfo's work he has planned fur himself ho will bo accompanied by the good wishes and GiHh'pcod of ail who know him. - Attorney M. l. ltuddy, who vill this week succeed Frederick Fuller as al derniun of tho .Sixteenth ward, is n young mini who was born In this oily and has been engaged In tho practice uf law at the local bar for the l.isl llvo years. lie was od.icaled lu ihe lllgh school in this city and from that institution went to Holy Cross college at Worcester, Mass., where ho com pleted tho classical course. Return ing to this city he took up tho study of law In the ofllce or Connolly and Dayls, completing his .studies at the Dickinson Law school In Carlisle In 1S06. Mr, Tluddy's popularity with tho WtfrtWWJWWWWMWYWYWWrtWYWWnJliW4 The Cautious HiOtiRltlfut Dnyoi tint njiotvl a .j...,. ..... ..... ...... n. Wo toutt IiivosIIkiIIiih no matter If nm can't a fluid to buy .1 fnlt net, plicri from one nt our open slock lather llian buy a lull set of Inferior ;5 Chits, Field Havlland loo - 5 China Sets Geo V Millar & mMmmmmMmmm.wmwMF' aM IHMwntlW OIWll-l'l 11m MHRfcDt Has )JJ iA7 D.K divine" StiVt f- F( WD ALWAYS I . Gentlemen : In our Korrect Shape Shoes you get $5 worth of wear, $5 worth of style and $100 worth of comfort all for 4.00 only $4.00. Ask to see our Oxfords. LEWIS & ffl HUP ! RFOR MEN ALL STYLES M ONEPRICEIk"? TRADE niumlfciafiii ! YT Jit.. m-j'".-' MXKKXXUKKKKXX$XKX30KX50QOQ5 g People Who Ride the K KKKnMMKnUMKMK$50K50KnKKKKKK Penn Avenue baptist church, delivered last iiiklit the thiol of his series of sermons on llimyan's immoital "Pilsnin'.s l'iorcs," taking lor tin theme, "The t'alaco beautiful and the Vale of Mnulous." After the snvbe evaimelistio wniies vure conducted In the loner temple by KianK'--linl John Davis, of lliimliaiiiinii. ROOMS FOB FEDERAL COURT. Allotment Is Expected from the Treasury Department Soon. Communication is active these days between the local postotlicc authorities and the treasury departmental Wash ington, regarding the re-arrangement which is to be made of thu rooms on the second and third floors, for tho olliclals of the new federal court dis trict. Plans of the building have been drawn and sent to Washington, show ing the exact location of tho rooms, and from these will bo made the new allotment, by the tieasury otueinls. as this department has supervision of all tho federal buildings in the country. Marshal Fred Leonard and District Attorney McCarrell, will. 11 is su lii. make their headquarters at llarrls burg, save of course when the court convenes In this city. llooms are already provided In the building' for the marshal, and aie now Mention of Men of the people of his ward Is demonstrated by tho big vote he received In February, although bis Republican opponent was an unusually strong candidate. Ho has the knowledge of law and of prac tice which is essential to the man who ntt"iiipts tho dllllc-ult task of adjudica ting the disputes of others and more over has a well-poised mind. Mr, ltud dy should make a worthy successor for Ald.'iman Fuller, who for thirty years has been dispensing Justice hi llio .Sixteenth ward, anil who is g'-n-orally lecognlzed as one of the best aldermen In this part of the slate. .1. tines I. Mntouey, the young man who has been sent from the Hevnntli ward to succeed lion, 'John K. Uoche lu the t-eleci council, will muke a valu able member of that body. Ho is n level headed young business man who bus a tluuougli knowledge of Ills ward mid Us needs us well as sound ami .sensible viows on the question of mu nicipal government in general, a field where so many men go woefully astray. .Mr. .Mnlniii-y hm been in tlio Sev enth wnid all his life, was educated in llio public schools titer , and after hi i king for a sho.t time lu the htoal;. or learned the tinning linde. Ills ag Ki'(ssIvo uaiiito would not permit him to chain himself to the workbench nt" smother and soon ho formed ti part-tii-shlp vlih John ie annoy. I'lbier the llin: name ol J, I', Mulouoy & Co., and opened a general plumbing and tinning Establishment on Capouse -nue, which has grown steadily from the moment It opened Its doors?. Ho will t.-.ito hN seat at the ncvl meeting 'f the select louiieil, ami whlln ho cannot be e.vpe ted to 111) the niche vacated by his distinguished predeces sor ho will I u a member who will rap idly win it phue for himself lu that body. W. W. Adair, the secretary of the railroad department of the Young Men's Chrlstiuu association, who suc ceeded F, W. 1'carsall, is ably carry- ! Seldom Erf itoll.iv fnpn tHniwf Sot. of jy Linrl until thfj .! , how imicli or how little yoil.liavo fo upend, 'J you will Unit it. trim economy lo iiitrrham Im ! pallrrns - tli.it on can iiialcli nl. liny time 8a Ware. Others llnd thin p.i)n. Why not you? Piece trench 4, . 5" $25.00 g Co m Wjromim Avenne " BUSY. )l t REILLY nps FINEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LEATHERS MARK HI Scranton Bicycle i Have more enjoyment and less care in their wheeling than those who ride any other. You ought to come in and learn all about The Scranton how cheap and how good it is, and what our terms are. 126-128 Franklin Ave. f occupied by Deputy Mlarshal Clark: Lowry and Uuforeo (.'. A. Van Wormor, Under the new arrangement a. separata apartment will be assigned tho referee. Tho quarters at the far end of tho second floor, which are now occupied by Deputy Clerk A. J. Colborn, jr., will be used by Jnlgo Tt. W. Archbald. It is not yet known which apartment will bo occupied by Clerk of the Couit Searle. It is expected at the postofTico that word will soon be received from the licnmiry department, showing the new arrangement of rooms. KELLER ASKS A DIVORCE. Wants to Be Separated from His Wife, Who Rnn Away. (.'ail Keller, through his attorney, Joseph O'Hrli'ii, on 'Saturday filed an application for a divorce from his wife, Natalie Keller. Albert Xontn, an Italian contractor, is named us co respondent, Mrs. Keller is about ."0 years or age and some months ami Zeuni began fiaylng her attentions. Keller rebuked htm on several occasions, but was not surprised when ho arrived homo one day and found that his wife had ran away with tho Italian. Neither of the two have since been seen. Hot. Ing on and extending tho work of that popular secretary. Tho work Is de veloping wonderfully under Mr. Adair's direction, the membership having reached ovor 900. Sir. AdnW has a modest and unassuming, ye! vigorous, personality that makes last ing friends for the association. He i. a good speaker and has been in fre quent demand for Uiblo readlnRS, for which ho has w?ll prepared himself by severe courses of study, Outside of his work the thing that Mr. Adair prefers Jo do is to go out on tho Pocono in company with soni" railroad men nnd fish for trout, II doesn't do tills any of toner than an.' of tho other expert troutir.-s who mulct tho Uallroad Young .Moil's Christian association their headquarters, but still ho does 11 often enough to keep his hand In und feel "proud of tho graceful way thai ho can drop a fly In any "rilllo" right this side of ,i "deep black pool." ' ., i Frank li, Iteeso, tho newly appoint. I'll clerk to Director of I'ubllc tfnfeiy Hitchcock, is one of tlio best known of tho younger element of Ilepuldt enps whouhnvo done so much of Jain years lo contribute to the parly's su, -cess hi this county. Ho Is president pi" tho West SIdo Central riopubllcyii club, which numbers among Its nieiu beiM soino of tho lending citizens ot West rierunton, and was a year ago a candidate at tho Republican primaries for tho nomination for recorder ol deeds, Ho made an aggressive light and e amo out third In the race out ot tho nine candidates who entered tho Held, Ho ias a candidate for the appoint ment as Recorder Molr's jirlvato secre tary, but, as the recorder saw lit ti ictaln II, t Hution In that place, ho was given the appointment as secre tary to Director Hitchcock, a place or almost as much importance. Ho Js a young man who is uniformly polite and courteous, who numbers hN friends by the hundred, nnd who will, no doubt, yet bo heard from In Lacka wanna county politics. BITTENBENDERCO !l V r j& JCTttm-Vllr- ' - ,.,'i. ,t,mfj".a . ,-.