The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 27, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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iclit to 111 Strtnlon Tribune. .
Montrose, April 26. George O. Burns
nlll nssume the duties of postmaster
t thla place on May I.
The marriage of Miss Phoebe Rog
ers, daughter of Mr. mul Mrs. 8. CI.
nogers, to Itnv. Henry K. Wheeler, of
Kaloti, Pa., will tuke place at the
home of the bride's parents In this
place on May S.
John t$. Tntbell Is recording ftom an
nttack of the grip.
Jlnv. D. O. names, of this place, was
Appointed conference evangelist lit the
recent session of Wyoming conference.
Waller H. T.ooiiiIh has gone to Buf
falo, where he has been offered a fine
position during the Pan-Amerlcun ex
position. O. H. Cook and M". K, llcdtlen are at
Varren Center, doing un extensive Job
of painting and papering for J. V.
Harry Carey, who Is seriously 111 nl
his homo, on Maple street, Is reported
to be wllghtly Improved.
Peter Dale was at. Great Bend on
Wednesday, attending the Dale-Clancy
W. A. Payne liu gone lo Virginia to
District PHsesngcr Agent M. X,.
Smith, of the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western, wai here from Scranton
this week. His mother. Mrs. Nelson
Smith, of tula place, accompanied him
Kx-tlcglblor and Itccorder S. S.
Wright emphatically denies that ho
lias authorized the use of his name In
connection with the (.ongreslonal
nomination next ye u hut he does lint
-iy thut lv will not he i candidate.
Mi. Wright also pi-oIeE.sp; Ignoraaue of
the call Mild to iinve been Issued for
h tonferenee of ltpubllenns at the
Tarbell house. In this jib'to. on May
The cise of Mcr.sllli v. Susquehanna
eciunty. In which the plaintiff seeks to
coure tli'' Tl.OOO offered by the county
In connection with the apprehension
of the inurdroro f Jackson Pepper,
whs argutd lvfoir- arbitrators at the
court lions-- In this nlacc vesterd.iy.
The arbitrator!! are S. .1. Jcncket, II
D, Jone.-! and IT. A. Penney, and an
"ci eminent has been reached, but haf
not yet been made public. .. H. Mc-
'olliim and W. D. Tf. Ainey represent
cil the plr.lntiff. and County Solicitor
F. U and Wlllium M. Post ap
peared for the county.
f rri inl In tlic Serantm Tribune.
Tloncsdulc, -April 26. Miss Kalhcrlne
Chambers .-.pent a few days In Scran
tnn tin,; .vvclf.
Andrew Thompson has lei;n spend
Iiis: iho week In Philadelphia.
!cc. W. II. Sv, Ift will deliver th-j
buccal. tureate sermon to the graduat
:ru; riuss of the High school In the
Pi-!'.'-'!jy:c!;--n church, Sunday evening,
June f
Ki v. ('. L. Ptrcy will preach the an
nual anniversary sermon for the fMd
Fellows, who will attend the Baptist
church In a body on Sunday evening.
Miss Louisa. Fowler has been spend
ing the past week with friends in
.Scranton. '
Two of Iloncstfalc's expert anglers
brought In one hundred and thirty
trout on Tuesday.
The real estate of the Lite Otto
Schemmann, the hermit of Seeleyvllle,
will be sold by the administrators at
the court house, Friday, May .".
The Maypole dance to be given by
the Alert Hook and Ladder company
in their hall on Wednesday evening,
May 1, promises to be a very enjoyable
This (Saturday) evening Mr. and
Mrs. John Krantz will celebrate their
home on upper Main street. Their
fiftieth wedding anniversary at their
married, life has all been spent In
Honesdale and vicinity. Mr. Krants
has served as street commissioner for
twenty-five years. Their sons an
among the foremost business men of
Rev. William H. Swift in his seven
teenth anniversary sermon on Sunday
last gave some very Interesting fig
ures In connection with his seventeen
years uastorate of the Honesdale Pres
byterufi church. In 1884 the member
ship was 344; during Mr. Swift's min
istry 362 have been received Into the
church; tlie present membership Is ".77.
He has attended 328 funerals, married
194 couples and made S.500 calls. An
average of $11,042 has been raised an
nually for church purposes, Mr. Swift
also teaches the adult Bible class In
Sunday schools, Is always present ut
Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday
evenlngand prepares for the mid-week
prayer service.
Freedom lodge of Odd Fellows ha.n
arranged an excellent programme, con.
Mstlng of vocal and Instrumental mu
sic, recitations, etc., for the observ
ance of the eighty-second anniversary
of the order, which will auke place In
their hall on Monday evenlmr imvt
Hon. G. S. Purdy vi deliver the ad
dress of the evening, rjulijeet, "Fra
ternity." .
Ulngllng Hi others have niauv new
and notable zoo!og(etil specimens this
H-jason, nmonlg others u half-dozen
Hoyal Bengal tigers, a ptl,. raro
black tigers, a horned horse or gnu n
bl-horned rhinoceros, a pair uf xi'e.
born hlppopotuml, and mauv other In
teresting animals.- Including thirty
trained elephants.
Bprcljl to the Siianlon Tilbune
Hopbottoni, April 6, llev. A, o,
AuHtin, the new Methodist minister,
arrived Wednesday, Up oxueols to
oc-ciipy the par?onPge.
Sir, Uussell, the night operator, t,
cently carne liero from Ohio. Mis
family are expected about May I,
ilr, Kugeno AVrlglit met with an at
I'ldent whllo lighting' a Kerosene lliv,
vvlilch jesultcd In the Joss of hi mus
tache and several minor burns.
The 'Methodist Eplscopuj Aid society
mot with Mrs. M. J, TJtns Thurs
day. Mr, and Mrs, W, B. Biovvn anil Miss
dulse attended the Loomls Lake
Aid at N. M, Tlngley's Thursday.
A number of the ladles or the Unl
versnllst Aid met ut the church on
Tuesday and a great Improvement was
made by recovering the cushions.
The subject or ilev. Lewis' sermon
for Sunday evening will be "The Com
ing' Rellaloii,'AII ato Invited to at
tm, Mrs.i J, Pavls and daughter, De
borah, huAMbecn visiting' at M. J,
Hartley's the past week. They re
turned to their home In East Lenox
on Thursday.
The photograph gallery Is completed
and will be ready for sittings on Mon
day, Thuisduy and Friday.,
Mrs. tJugene Wright lias been quite
sick with the grip the Inst week.
Miss Irene Alney visited friends In
town Tuesday.
0. W. Struppler has been appointed
tax collector by the court In the place
of L. V, Bell.
Walks around town are being Im
proved. T. J. Tlngloy mid family have moved
fiom this place to Klngsley.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Klllum, of
Scranton, are here to spend the sum
mer with their mother, Mrr. M. M.
Special to the Scranton Tribun.
Plltston, April 26, A boxing tourna
ment Is booked for Dunn's hnll, Stur
mervllle, Tuesday evening, April 30,
ond the principal bout will be between
ttuhltn, of Philadelphia, and "Young
Ttyan," of Plltston. Both are clever
scrappers. Among the preliminary con
test will be one between James Brady,
of Paterson. N. J and John Hurst,
of West Plltston. a colored gentleman;
also one between Clliuartlu. of Puls
ion, and Gallagher, of Inuermun.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCfUlre's two-and-a-half-year
old son, George, who
received frightful burns Wednesday
morning, died this morning at 4 o'clock.
.The funeral will take place Sunday
afternoon at 'A o'clock.
William Tilley, of Plttston, and Thos.
Moore, of Port Blanchard, receive
painful burns and cuts about the up
per portion of the body by H13 explo
sion of a charge of powder In No. t
Among the coming nuptial events is
the marriage of John Gillespie, the
well known cigar manufacturer and
dealer, to Miss Alice Cosgrove, of
South Main street. The event takes
place next Tuesday.
Mr. Belinda McDcrmolt, aged M
years, died at her homo on Parsonage
street after a brier illness. The fune
ral took place this afternoon, with In
terment In Plttston cemetery.
Miss Anna May Mead entertained a
small company of friends at her home
on Linden stieet. West Plttston, this
The Leek Cornet baud has purchased
now uniforms.
Harvey Lynn, of this city, who re
ceived injuries while in the United
States cavalry service In Cuba last
year and who is now undergoing treat
ment in a Philadelphia hospital, has
been voted a pension of J30 per month.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Duiyea. April 2. There will he only
one polling place for June 23, and that
vv ill be at A. C. "Watson's.
An entertainment and ice cream so
ciul will he held at the Primitive
Methodist church on Monday evening,
A pi 11 29. All are welcome. Tickets
ir and 10 cents.
All members of the Lawrence Hose
company. No. 1, arc lequested to at
tend the meeting at the Hose hall,
Monday evening, as business of im
portance will be transacted.
Drummer Evangelist Williams will
lecture at the Brick Methodist Episco
pal qhurch Sunday afternoon at 3 p.
m on "A Boy's Company." All wel
come. Miss Alice Blown, who ha been so
seriously 111. Is slowly iccoverlng.
Duane Dills visited at the home of
his aunt, Mrs. W. G. Kvans, of Scran
ton, yesterday.
ftdward Webber Is the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Webber.
Mrs. Burleigh, of Tunkhannock, Is
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. William Shales.
The following collieries
paid employes yesterduy:
Columbia. The William A.
Ion will pay today.
In town,
and Uaby-
SpuUI to the S. ranton Tiihune.
Ilawley. April 27, Peter Cullum, of
Uonpsdule, called on telatives here last
Alts. Frederick (.'. White is visiting
fiiends In Ilarrlslnttg.
.Mis, Heniy IIItteiiRer, who has been
very 111, l.s Improving.
Mrs. Edward Cole Is seriously ill at
the home of M. XV. Cole.
Kx-Khoilff ThomtiM Medlund, of
Honesdale, spent Hatunlay with Mr.
Klpp, at Wllsonvltle.
Hugene Pierson, of Klmhles, was In
town Thin sdny.
Air. and Mis. W, . k'napp spent
Tuesday In Kimbles.
.Miss .Mary A. Mutruy relurned Mon
day to her studies at 81, Cei-llla't, acad
emy, Srr.inton, after a few weeks' visit
with Inv parents heie.
William Ilea s-ppnt Filduy In ,Si-i an
ion. Miss Itelw Slinpklns l.s vls,ltinK hj
Mrs. Joseph Fryer .s vUIHhk: In Port
Special to Hie SirMitou Tilbune,
Thompson. April 27. .Mrs. Martin
Pickering, of Susquehanna, was call
Ing on relatives In town on Wednesday,
Ilev, T. .1, Vaughn and son, Willie,
took dinner ut Hest Cottage yesterday,
while on their way to his new charge
at Mlddletleld, X, V where ho was ap
pointed at the recent conference. This
gives him a dilve of nearly two hun
dred Andes,
Oeorge Armstrong, of Rochester, Pa,
Is visiting his sister, Mis. O, D, Barnes
and hla mother, who Is living with her,
fop a few days.
Undertaker A. ll, Crosier Is attend
ing, this afternoon, the funeral of Mrs.
Stevens, widow of tho late John Stev
ens, at Stevens' Point.
Our enterprising "corner store" mer
chant, George I, Clark, is confined to
his bed with sickness.
P, R. St. John, a former resident of
Thompson but now of Binghamton, N,
Y., was shaking hands with his for
mer neighbors today. He Is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Lewis while
Rev. A. D. David, pastor of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, will preach the
baccalaureate sermon to the graduat
ing class of Thompson graded school
next Sabbath evening. The choir prom
ises some speclul music.
S. M. Laffray, of U LtXray ft Hl-
& ec
For Rent.
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the Times. In
cluding Desks, Steam Heat and
Electric Light.
Also 1200 feet of iloor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
The Tribune.
LOU.VntV COTTARi: of nine room'! (or the "ca
pon; furnished; tlic finest location in Dalton;
or will rent iinfutnlahrd for .icar. Apply tu
tl. V. C'jrlton, D.ilton, li.
I'OK nil.ST, with board, a pleasant front room;
hult.iblc for Iho persons. WW Stullicrry st.
roil Ri:.NT Uoifec. X. (.12 North Washington
aivnur; rlcvcn moms and luth room; all
newly Minted and papcicd. Apply al J'37 M"
den btrcct.
I'OIt Itlixr One Me double house; modern im
prounienci. Apply S1J Harrison acimc.
SUMMKR HOMi: On Paradox Lake firm of the
Acllromlaeks tt',4 mllei north of Schroon
1-al.r. (,'otlnj;e of sccn room1, completely
lurnbhed, cMrpt table and bed linen and
fiber) has four laruc, ally bedrooms beds
le wlic npring and maltressct,. Mountain
spring; water in kitchen; caidcn spate, it desired;
beautiful secnuy, charming drhes, bojtinp, fish
ing. Two maiU daltj I.lrery convenient.
Price f200 for the season. further particulurj
apply Samuel Tt. Bcaidiley, 3U1 Washington
mreel, New York city.
IC9 GRL'K.V ltlPGK smilllT, ten rooms, modem
improcments; tteam heat furnished; desir
desirable. Por Sale.
l'OIl SAM: Matched pair of blaik toatli Iioims
and live heavy chaft horses; mul sell i-ouii.
'Oi-'ta Oakford courl. (!, M. Kield.
FOIl SAM! HiRlilern llio.i-aml lineal feel, li to
7 inth mine iuops; three thousand nntili
lie?, fur Immediate dclbciy. T. M. L5111.I1, Toby
hannj, Pa.
bnt't; STOIli: in best Coinuii locality in I'liiU
delpliia, for sale cheap for u-h; liiit eli,s
chance for drumrist or doctoi; drussist wislu-a
to co wist in .tunc. Addiess J. A. Hart, Drug
gist, ia N. Btli street, Philadelphia, Pa.
I DIHS' HRIVINO HORSE for alc; 8 years old;
perfeitly sound, ahsolulely feirless. Can be
driven anj where liv anyone. Very handsome. No
tiicl.s; an ideal horse for a lady; piicc, with
buggy and luines-., ya. Apply at 8-.") Jtonroe
Real Estate.
I'lVr, SECTIONS La Salle enmity. Teai, land at
sacrifice; cm- mile iroiu i.iilroid station
Ilmchnrd, .Varliniburg, .Mo.
UOTL'li nt Waverly. consisting of 21 icoms; all
good sire; impiovements; good bam lor
liven; touts for -M per month, vlu-l be sold
vvitliin SO davs. isec Well, k Kcatni, I" ami IS
Uurr llldg., Washington avenue.
Ji;o Htijs 10 room double house; lot 2"-cltO;
rents for flll.M per month; Claj avciiue,
Dimmoie. Wells .t Ki-atur.
Booms nnd Board.
LAROi: front room with board for two
men, till Adams avenue.
man rompany, wholesale groceis, of
Paterson, N. J., was In town this morn
ing. Ho is looking over the creameries
in Susquehanna and Bradford i-ountles
In the interest of his firm. Tie says
that the new creamery here is the
finest plant In the county, and that Mr.
Jtonroe, who Is at the head. Is an At
The Spencer Heating' company, of
Thompson, has sold six heaters in the
last mouth, live of which are to lie put
In place at once.
Manley Latham, who began filing on
the- Erie a few months ago, has bpen
given an engine to lire steadily, which
Indicates good work on his part.
J. D. Miller, A. H. Crosier. I. H.
Latham and It. K. Howard and their
wives will attend the Installation of
officers of the .Masonic fraternity, at
Susquehanna, this evening.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Uniondale, April 26. The quarterly
meeting was held in the .Methodist
church last Thursday evening. Ptesid
Ing Elder Warner pi cached a very in
teresting, practical bermon, enjoyed by
all present.
Oeorge Cool; Danow and wife have
moved to the rooms newly vacated by
John Clarke's family.
Albert Smith Is expeilenc'ing the se
verest Illness of his lifetime. He has
the reputation of being a very healthy
and stiong man, but was obliged to
yield to this bold enemy of the race.
Ite', C, XV, Todd expects to move his
family to Forest City In n few days,
Isiael Rounds had the misfortune to
luse u -valuable cow last week.
About twenty Iambi, owned by K.
Williams, weio killed by dogs this
Miss Minn Norton, of Scranton, hpent
Sunday with her father, Lyman Xor-
There has been no success In fishing
for trout so far,
Howard Pomery, of White's Valley,
was In (own on business one day last
Rev. Newell, son and daughter, of
Throop, have moved Into tho Anderson
Mis. Bessie Foster, of Sturrucca,
spent Suriduy with her grandparents,
Squire and Mrs. Elijah Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ibuao Morgan are soon
to leave us, to take up their abode near
A company of young people met at
the home of A. A. Tlngley, Wednesday
night, for the purpose of organizing an
Bpreitl to the Scranton Tribune,
Hallstead, April 26. Hon. James T.
Du Bols, United States consul general
lo Switzerland, arrived homo on Lack
awanna train No. 5 Thursday evening.
Ha was met at the depot by an tnthu
slatitlc delegat'oa of citizens and J-.v
4 Lines 0 Cents
Mora Than Four Llnaa, 3 Cents for Eaoh Extra
Money to Loan,
MONIJV to loan on Itninci1 elly real estate.
HKNiiY nr.i.iN, jn.
MONT.V TO WAN' On real estate, lirgc or
small atnountx, nt ume: lates, 4 lo ll per cult.
I'ay terms. DoiirIji k Van Ucusen, nl;l-51.IV4
Council ItiilUllng.
JIONIIV TO r.OAN'-l'lie hundred to fltty thow
sand; Interest t lo 11 per cent; partial pay
ment1) on large loam accepted piomptly. Hey
nuUlfi, OOt Mearn llulbllng.
!UOO,000 TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or
monthly pajiucnt-s. Ktarl( & Co.,Tiaders' bldg.
STItAKillT LOANS tor any amount, Interest 4 lo
(1 per rent., can be obtained liom A. Don
nelly, 1!) Traders' National bank building.
Tin: pkn.v Minu!i i.irn lNsiiMAxrn com
pany will loan upon flrt mortgage upon
rrnlially located properties any amount for tirm
of jenx, at low- rate ot Inlerrst. Tapwoll, At
torney, Panll llullding.
S-lltAlllllT loans in amounts $.'fl to $100.00(1
at I'fc to II per cut; pajments monthly,
snnl-aniiuallv or euily. Tuti itl on balanie.
W. M Itunnell, Atty, ,'iOl 2 Meais llldg.
ftraight leans or lluildlng and Loan. At
fiom 1 lo (I per iciil. Call on X. V. Walker,
Sll-Jlj t.Vuncll building.
Agents Wanted.
AllKNTS Fell steel pen nnd build up a business
of juur own; l,"i per cent, profit; cciy
li'duceniclit given to luisllers. Mikclold Pen
Co., Hox .'10., New Haven, t'onn,
VANTi:i Agents to sell Hie fastest soiling
Household t-pct laity on Hie market; pajing
100 per c cut. pioftt; both Apply .it -Main
Distributing Centre, 82J Vuhlngton luenuc, next
Wednesday after 9 a. in.
ACKXTS WANTi;il-To sell the Litest invention
for producing light; beats clectiielly; ilicap
cr than kerosene; agents coining money; low
est prices; prompt shipments. 'I lie llcst Light
Co., Canton, Ohio.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTHI) By a joimg man, as
(olkclor; has had fou' yean,' e.pilcrcc
Willi a leading Urni of thi itv cm ftnnt-li
A No. 1 references. Address A. .'. II., Tribune.
SITUATION WANTLD Hy a young man, to do
woik in office or stoic. Addrci.1 ',., caic
RKLIABLi: joiing mm, having had oxpericrue as
n bookkeeper, wants some woik to do three
days a week. Address II., Tilbune office.
1:XPI:HIKNCL:1) I.ArXI)lli:SS would like gcnllc
men's and ladies' laundiy lo take home, 'JJS
l'enn avenue.
SITUATION WANTI'.D Young man wants peti
tion as bookkeeper; thoroughly familiar vvilli
ofilte work. Can fuini-h evceilint rcfcienccs as
to char.tctir and ability. Address o 15, Tilh
unc ottiec, tty.
anything; wouiil lit
store or meat market,
den sticei.
lly boy, I1;, nl almost
e lo deliver for gioeeiv
Address II. 1)., Hit Lin-
WANTKll Young man '7
city situation. Addresi
l;iii S. Wahinglon avenue.
Seals old would Ilk;
.Inhn Jtiitihkk-s, uar
Stl CATION" WN"1L'I X office gill; cin m
idsli 1 1 fen nil'. MmJ, de
liver). West Scranton.
POSITION vA."fi:i) Hi .i voung man of ep. ri
ence, in gioiciy oi ucmral stoic; ,ouiitiy
town picferred and board with employer Ad
dicts lor one week, S. '. O.. bo -J7I, PaLloiy
lllc, Pa.
MIl'VTION W N"li:il My n woman, lo go out
bv iUyt wesbiiig. Honing or (le.iniig. C.ill
or addiess Mrs. Ruell, lp) Codai avenue, city.
bl'll ATIOX WANiKD-Hy a middle-agid man,
wlio is collecting dibts: ilebts (Ollectcd on
emmission. Address William .lone, l)i. Me.
(!uev,'s tdlicc, .Maiioti stnei and Wiii.huiton
WANITD Lady to mil at llru-chelV, VJI W.voni
ing avenue, foi fine tailoi made suits-, no
elia ilnrge for making In onlir. Our inutlo,
Salisfai lion guiianteed oi money lefuuiied.
Bullurd's banii. In spite of Hie storm
there was considerable of u parade to
the homo of Mr. Du Bols on the moun
tain side. Rev. L. W. Church gave an
address of welcome on behalf of the
citizens, and then Introduced Michael
Hayes, who, on behalf of his fellow
citizens, presented Mr. Du Bols with
a handsome gold-headed cane as a
token of friendship and appreciation
from his townv-nion. He was com
pletely surprised and for a time seemed
hardly able to respond on account ot
emotion. The cane was presumed also
to 'commemorate his tlftloth birthday.
The handsome souvenir and token of
teg a rd was purchased entirely from
popular subscriptions from citizens and
members of the Hallstead board of
Special in the Scranton Tribune.
Nlcholsqn, April 1'fi. Mr. and Mrs. L.
B. Webb and three children, of Scran
ton, were visiting relatives In town a
few days this week.
Division Superintendent K. M
wus a caller in town Friday,
Mrs. H. T. Wilkins returned to her
home in Scranton Friday evening.
"Tompkins' Hired Man," the drama
given by the Kpworth league which
was held In the opera house last oven
lug, drew it large crowd and was a suc
cess in every way.
Milton Howell, of TutiUhaunock, was
a business caller in town Friday,
.Mrs, V, A, Baker spent Friday at
Xew Milrord,
The Best Cold Cure
Is one you can take without Interrup
tion to business, One that does not ef
fect the head or hearing like the con
tinued use of quinine, One that cures
speedily .and leaves you feeling fresh
and clear-headed. Such a one Is
Krnuse's Cold Cure, Price, 23c. Sold
by all druggists. '
Wall Street Beyle.
New York, April 20. Today's clock inaiket was
decidedly more quiet and orderly than on auv
day Uurlnir the week. There were a few io -si
vhich showed positive strength practically vvlth,
out Interruption nil day and there wen, no.
pcinti of acute weakness nor any period i f a
general disposition to sell, except for tho U".u
lug dip in .Auulgamited Copper nnd Ainu km
Owing to tomorrow's holiday on account oi the
removal of tho board room apparatus Iroiu the
piescnt building to the temporary cjuarteis In
tho Produce Exchange th'te was a disposition
to curtail speculative venture and to close up
account. The principal strength in the market
persisted in about the same quarters as for some,
llino past, namely, In the Grangers and l'acitlce.
Northern Paciflo was most largely dealt in ami
luso an extreme 3V,, but Iluilingtou advanced
2(4 to a record price, Hock Island rose 2 and
Northwest tY. lYntuvlvauU and Italtlmoia anil
Ohio continucsl strong. Union Pacific was not as
active us on previous davs of the week and there
was large realizing going in it all day, but tho
Stock was held abovo last night during tho
gicaler part ot tho day, although. It closed a
Help Wanted Male.
WANTKD Man to take care of ham nnd lipiko
Idmself gcncralh' tin fill around houc! must
be unmarried; rldeily man piefctrul; good honia
for the right per-on, Apply In Kxcliamrc hotel,
Duntnorc. '
WANTIlll-Sniiifl. Intelligent j for bell bojs
unit general wot I., aged IS to -JO years. Apply
to iU'l Washington avenue, Home Hmplo.vmcnt
office, from I) a. in. to II p. in.
WA.NTi:r Man wllti small family to act as
Janitor mul geneial work. Apply at N. A.
llulbert's, 111) Hjomlng nvenue, illy.
WANTDD Responsible wholesale firm vvaliU of
fire tn.niigcr at Iseraiiton; no traveling! 'JI.OHH
snhry, large etia profits; V"00 cish required;
position permanent. Address. Manufaeliircis, Xo.
183.! Cherry, Philadelphia, Pa.
YOl'S'f;, healthy, Indiistilous men who wish lo
make their null; In life, to tall al the Dime
Hank building and gel n prospectm of the Pa
tnea Plantation I'ompanj .
Help Wanted Femnle.
WANTI'.D A good girl for rrneral houscvvoik.
Apply 101.1 (Iiecn Rhlge strccl, b'ciunlon, Pa.
WANTLD A sleady girl for general housework,
lawy plan; and good paj. Aiily W. U. Ill"
sen, 1)., L. k W. Depot.
WANTi:D Ladles to Investigate our line of
l.llioi made suits! cxduslvc slvh-s at lowest
pil oi. Cull at lliti-c-hel's, 121 Womin incline.
Coal r.changc.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beceived at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 V. M.
Central City
Al.nilRT MTILHIZ, eoinei Hulhnj
i.lieet and ehster avenue.
GUSl'AV PICIILL, liiO Adams nvenue.
West Side
tJUOROK W. JUXKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
ritl'.D L. TLRI'Pi:. 7.W Ceilai avenii"-.
North Scranton
nLO. W. DAVIS, 'comer .Soith Main
avenue and Market strccl.
Green Kidge
CIIARLIIS P. JONi:. IJ-i7 Dnksun
I'. .1. .IOIINS, (HO Oiecn Itidge ttreet,
C. l.Olll'.NZ. eoiner Washington ave
nue ami .Minion street. '
W. II. KNI.ITKL. 1017 liviiu avenue.
J. c. bosi: ,t MIX.
LOVf priekctltook,
Dllllllioie CoilKI-.
p.iid foi its letiiiu lo
i-itlier at '.ill l)i ink-1 uvvaid will
Tiibiuie nlfii r
I OVP 'lino Apnl 11. a il.nk, hiindlc, cow; al-o
n ,ung heifci, Inroiniilioii tint will lead
lo the rnovoiy ot Ibe m.vv will gladlv lc lc
ceivcd by the undcisigmd. .1. II. I.itllcjnhn,
drug stoie, cuiner i'aiku and Noilli .M lilt.
LOST Kion 111 .letlerson avcrue, a small,
uruii, Inng-tailuil l'.noiiicl;
given foi its letiirn.
u riwuid wilt
' 1.0.iT-V'ivo dollars on auniint,
b.v not gettliu
lluiscliel's. Hie
.lust what we
50111 tailor midc -mis at
rurner, 121 Wyoming nvenue.
mivo j oil on vour -uits.
Boarders Wanted.
WANT!:!! -Tilde bonileis
V alnngton avciiue.
Mi, Tomiikiris, AJt
shade oil,
'1'ob.u i o :
"Hi. Vow
of ot her
Among the -m laities Sugar m-e .:,
"a, Cnloi.ulo fuel .'iV-j, Cloneial Hleitilc
Ymk Alihiakc It) points and a ntilii' 1
sptiia'tjes fi imii 1 to 2 points, 'iho
and Smtlicin i.iniks were notalii,
rtrong nt .ahum is of 2'h Io ;'... Total ,-ih to
day, ,tibJ,2H0 i-haies.
The rallioad bond uiaikel continued strong
vvitli the 1'iiion Pacific: convertible bonds 'till
vuy prominent, 'total bales, par value, 0,7to,.
OiiO. It. S. ictiuiding 2s advanced ' pa i i-nt,
on the last i all, Sales on the .Vow- York slock
cwcliinge for Ibe five da.vs this vvvik, duiiil,"
vvhlih the euhange was open for business, ag
gugate D.tM.O.tino -ha i is compared with lat
week's sales ot li,0il,ll)i) Miitr. which broke
all previous records Im a full week's biisin'ss.
On Monday of this vicck the siles of all stocks
reached an nggiegale of 2,.':f-2,.'iOO xhaies, exind
lug by sevetal hundred tlmusiml sh.ui- the pie
vimis icconl for one d.i.v's Imslnr-s
Hie following quotations oie furnished The
Tilbune by M. P. .Ionian .t, Co., momi TOi-T.))
Mian building, Scranton. Pa, Teh phone 5003:
Open- High. Low- t'los-
inc. est. est, ln,r.
Mnelii.ili Nu.ii 1 1 1 4 UT1,.. Ut!, 110!,
American Tobucc IJoU 1J!1"- l'!n','. IM
-Mclibon 71 7ia Tilj 71U
Atchison. I'r. Pii's tu'. Irs'i ')s78
Uiook. Tuition Ni si1! S.v, S."ii,4
Halt, & Olilc i)-ji)i pil'i lOJ-ls 1'llli
Coin, Tobacco II lOs IITH 1.1 4
1'hci. k Oliio 1711 UU 171. 47A
Llilc. k (!t. West 2lai ."i 2l'a IV.
Chh-.f tt, k I Iii7',i I'M ll7',4 lUs'4
ht, Paul IU'1',4 170'.. I ii-.' 17ili'.
Ituek Island , 1.1 ,1, ."iii3 il,':
Del. & Hudson t"7-s 17n'4 I77"j l"'4
Kan. k 'lev., I'r. lilt:, nVjj (l'i fi,1"
I.OUI.S. i .Nasli toi.i,, n i"t liiiit; Ki,aB
Mm. Illevated 12s tj -JS I'Js-'
Met. Tiactinn 17,1 171 " 17J14 7:,
Mlsso. Pat iho lusij, jos',4 ii7.iH 10711
Southern I'acihu .',..4 spj ,1114 ,w,l
Norfolk k West. ,.,.,. .11 ,11 1.11,$ r,vl
Noilhcin I'.ie'lle IU7 WU I'll IV. I'ltc-T.
.Villi Pacific, Pi icn4 ',)? fin, i):i)a
,V, . Cenlial l.1Hi I.,;-);, i.vja, ,yi.
lliilarici k West. ,,'.,,.;!, ,)Vi '!) J.1V1
Piun.i, It. It IVi il)4i l'. 1'j
I'leifo Mill Ki'i (tils ,'i ;.")i'j
Iteadlng lly HMi : ,'j ;-;'i ;-fc'i
Heading H) Pr 7tH4 77 7n'i 'ilii
.soiitiicin II. II '.iii'i :'iis 'i')7i j'O'f,
South. It. It., Pr. ,.. , 8.Hfi si Mi, fs'ir;
Tciui. foal k Iron I7T lla fif'ii WV.
! J- !!w v i:i's Wt n ml
V, fs. Lealher, Pi 77 '7 77 77'1
l'. S. Iliibber ,. 21 2114 aii4 2fj54
I 'linn lliciflc IDS 14 Kin; n7ai 07't
l'liiou Pacific, I'r, ,..,.. n4 (it; fim pja-
H.iba.h, Pr, iu!2 J2'4 Ui'4 41 1!
Western I'nlon , lui', u tai
Col, lud & lion iWa 101 if, 07 lOl'l
Amal. Copper .,, fjo'l 1.M14 jjnaj i21Ti
Pceiilu's G.n im una; jnl; w
levu l'ae llo 4S 4 iT 1771
Am. Car loundiy .,,,,, tai 20 ',r, "51J
1'. Steel Co , 4 4i i7f J ;,
I'. S, Steel Co,, IT..,, 01 !V,if fa
,,,.,,, -j'''n" High- f.ovv. Clos-
UIII-..r. in,;, e,t. est. in;
V,-v 1!! M'a "-! "
ul "5 T-", n
Jj t'i i'i ii isi;
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Baaed
on Par of 100.
Flrtt National IJank .,,..., luou
Scranton Savings lUnk ...,., j.50
Third National Bank ,,,,.,,..,,.,, so
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank,, 273
Fronomv Licht. II. & V. Co
Lacka. Trut Safe Deposit Co. ,,,
Clark & Snover Co., I'r
Scranton Iron Fenco lc Mfg. Co. ,,
Scranton Axle Works ,
Lackawanna Dairy Co., I'r.
County Savings Bank & Trust Co.
First National Bank (Cjulondale) .
Standard Drilling Co. ,
Traders' National Bank ,...,...,
Scranton Bolt uiwl Nut Co ,
... 109
Hi ...
100 ,.,
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 6 Cents for Each Extra Lino
SC1II.ITZ riKF.R Is everywhere known us the
Hi ci nude Milwaukee funous. Tlic
standard of the woild tndiiv is not (I'Mlii.m beer,
but Milwaukee lleer, Si hill Heel. Try It, llol
lied In A. W Silu.icder, 7id-7is Ailnim avenue.
201-.1 Old Tilepbone! 1S.VI New- Tehplmnc.
MITIIASICS, KNlllN'r.llllS, III.r.HlllC'lAN.
l-'lrenien, clc., new llipige tnlnpldct toiitilii'
liitf nucsllons asked by evauilnlng boanl of cngl
nccrs, srnt ftec. ficu. A. Zellir, Publisher, St.
Louis, Mo.
Certitlcd Public Accountant.
ll. O. SPAULDINO. 2.10
l'lll'.ni'.IIICK L. HltflWN. AllCIII'IKCT. IMtlUIS
building, Uil Washington nvenue, Scranton.
im. c. i:. i:iLi:Nin:i!(;ni, pauli iuiilhino.
Spruic elicit, Sii.iuton.
till. C. 0. LAU11ACII, 11S WHJMINd AVKNUL.
Hotels and Kcaturnnts.
mi: i'.i.k c.M'i:, ir, and in i'iianklin
avenue. Hales ic.isun'lde.
P. Hi:l(!Li:il, Piopiletoi.
singer dipol. Inndinled on the r.uiolieau
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Pioiirictor. .
Itoomi 12
, IK and
IS I tin r building.
tinted on real estate security. Meari building,
corner Washington avenue and Spnne stiecl.
.ili.l ( Ucpiiblican liullding,
Washlnglon avenue.
JLSSUP k .IKhSrp, A'lTOltNllYS AM) (OI..N.
M-llors ot-lavv. Coinmonvvcalth building, Rooiim
11), -JO and 111.
P0i!X)i, Ot ll tlooi, Mens building.
of Trade building. Siianlou, Pa.
iM'rriiipsox & wiuox,
Hank building.
a. w ni itTnoi.r, oi'iTci: jiovi;d io no.
211 Wjoming avenue.
! CLIIIIH'Dr: LVAXS. o-itopath. us axi
120 Washington Ave., Ni.mton Pa. Chronic
Di-cases a i-jici ialtj. OtlUi Hours: 8.L0 to 12
ni. ; 1..j0 to SSfi p. ni.
Physicians nnd Sugeons.
Hit, w. i:
inglon avenue. llesldime. 1J11' Miilbeiry.
I bi-uiiic disease. lungi., hcail. kidnivs and
genlto-iuinar organs a sptclally. Hours, 1
to I p in.
t;. it. CLAimi: & co.. scnnsvux xn xmts-
irymen. store 2111 vvaliwigton avenue; giecn
Ninth Main avenue; stoio tele,-
Wire Screens.
Sciantnn, Pa., lriamifaitiniT of Wile Screens.
. - I
Scranton Panssnjer Hallway, Brat
Mortgage, due VJ1Q ..............
Peoplc'a Sticct Hallway, first mort
gage, duo 1018
People's Street Hallway, Ocneral
mortgatp, due l'JJl
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Toinhip School 0 per cent.
City of Scranton St. Imp. tl per
Fcranton Traction 0 per cent.
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Couected bv II. (1. Pile. 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
nutlii-C'ieani'iy. old. 20a21c.i fresh, 22a22',ijo.
daiiv. ttoli, 21'iii2Jc'i old. 1 fulfil
Clnese Full creini. Ualle,
i:ggs yestein tush, it's tu 15c; nearby
stale, la',2 to I clc.
Beans Per Im., choice inanovv, ?2.55a2.CO.
I'ea Ileans Per bu., choiie inanovv, $2.5ia2.C0,
.Medium lieans P-'i bu., 'fJ.s'OaJ.tJ.
(liien Peas Per bu.,
Onlons-Per Im.. Jl.40al.Ct).
l'louillest patint, pel bbl $4.01.
Bed Kidney Il-aiis-Pcr bu., .ti.45a2.G0.
Philadelphia Graiu nnd Produce.
Philadelphia, Apill 2o. Wheal I'lnn, ije.
hlglier; inutiiiil glide, Apill, hUiWl-jc, Corn
i'fiiu, ai". hU'li.i: No. 2 uiKed, Airll, Ja
.H)''ic Hits steailvi No. 2 white clipped, S3,Jc.
Iluttei I'iiiii, fail 'iltmaiicl; fancy western cream
ci., 'JliM do. do. piiuls do., 2Jc; do. neaiby
ill., 2le. lings nteady fre.sli nearby, 13sC.;
ilo. wistein, He, do. southwestern, lUiic.) do.
southein. U'.lal.c. I luCse-Qulit; N. V. full
cieaius, fany small, 'Hie,! do. do. do., fair to
choice, llVJillUc lb fined sugan Uiiclungcd.
Cotton Ilia.-, lower! middling uplands, 8 IMCc.
Tallow- Me.ulv ; cltv pi line in lihds , 4TbC.;
icmiitiy do, iln I Id-., 4'.ilTsc.l cakes, Blia
1'tc. I.ivct pouluv- I hiu. .iuoel diiiundj fovvlJ,
ll.ill'.i'.l old mostly, 7a7';e.i winter chick
en,, lla-.'ile.; spilug chlil.ens, I' duck,
iMllie Dievcil poullij- -Firm. (,ood demand;
Inwls, iluilce, lll'li-,; do, lair to good, O'altX".:
old inivtiis, 7i , loasilng chickens, fioicn, 10
iil.ii'. j tmke.vs, frozen, UalJo, ; ducks, I0il2c.
Hei eipts-Floiir, 1,M0 liirrcK anil l.b'JO.OOO
pounds in sacks; v licit, 20,t)iX) bushels; corn,
4I.WKI InisheU; oats, 31,00). Shipments Wheat,
21,000 bushels; coin, 1S,000 bushels; oats, none.
New York Grain and Produce.
New York, Apill 20. Flour Very firm Willi
biiveis icady to negotiate at old prices, but
unwilling to meet an adraace. Wheat Spot
Hi in; No. 2 red, 63?io. Ub, afloat and SlUe.
elevator; No, 1 northern Duluth, 8S',c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, 01?4c. J. o. b. afloat.
Option opened firm and were well sustained all
the early part ot the day and closed tlim at
'.'la'.af. net advance. May closed feOftc.i July,
7'Jlsi".; Sept., 77io. Corn Spot steady; No,
2, KIJo, elevator and M?Je, f, o. b. atloat, Op
tions were irregular all day and closed Irrcgulir
at He. loss on .May, and lie advance otherwise.
May closed 4.l?c; duly. HO'ie.j bept., i09ic
Oats Spot steady; No. 2, SlJie, No, 3, 3U;
No. 2 white, 3314-133140.; No. a white. 32?ic;
track mixed western, Sta33Vsc. track white, S2a
Sli'ic Options quiet but steady, Butter
hleady; ireamery, UaiOi- ; factor)", llal314c.;
imitation creamery, 13!5al7v5e, ; state dairy, 15
also. Cheese Unsettled; fancy large colored,
lOftallc; fancy lirge. white, lOlJalOHc.; fancy
small colored, ll?4al.'e. ; fancy small, white,
HliallHc Kggs Dull; stale and Pcnna., 1(
alllfjc.; southein, 131sal3e. J western, storage,
IIViaHHc; western, regular packed, 13aHc,
Chicago Qrnln nnd Produce.
( hicjgo. Apiil 20. Todav's gialu markets were
moderately at live and firm, wheat timing t,i.;
mill, 14 to 'Jfiatii'., and oats, Vic higher, pio
visiuni dosed easier, (ash cjuotatloni were as
I'loiir Stead.v ; No. 3 spilng wheat, 71a72Uc;
No. 2 red, lUHi'-i No. 2 loin, lit.;; No. 2
jellovv, 46c; No. 2 oats, 27c.; No. i white,
2SHa2UV4c; No. 3 while, 2lia2S54l.; No. 2 KlaMe.; good feeding baile.v, 4c; fair to
iholce maltlna;, 4Sa55c; No. 1 tlax seed, $1.02;
No. I northwestern, ifl.ivi: prinw timothy seed,
(3.C0; uwm pork, $lt.iOkUl,iij lard, j10a.
QaP tfc tea
A. II. IHlKins rt.HANS PRIVY vaults and
i en pools; no odor; only impioved pump used,
A. II. Itrlggs, proprietor. Leave enters 1100
North Main nvenue, or I'.lcke's drug store, cor
ner Ailnns ami .Mulbciry. llolh telephoiiM.
DRKSsMAKIXfl toll Clin.DRI.'N '10 ORDHR;
also ladles' waists. I,ouU Shoemaker, 21VJ
Adams avenue.
mi:iiaroi:i: imos., piiintbrs' shppliks, kn.
vrlopes,, paper bags, I w fore, Warehouse, 134
Wasiiliiglnu avenue, Sciautou, Pa.
Sua lit on nl, the Hewn .lands' nl Rcismat
uros., nm itiiee .inn &o.i uinuin; n. norioo.
.'22 Lacknw-auni avenue; 1. S. Hchutzer, 211
Spuue street.
i:i,i:CT10N Xorirr.-Nothe Is lureby given t
the stockholders' of tin- Llndsey, Putixmitaw
ney mid lllg Run Water companies that the legil
I. a- amiiul meelitig and il-lion of o Ulcers and
illicctors of said companicH for the ensuing jeai
will be Inlil nl. their offiie. Room 1,1,1 Council
building, Nrantnn, Pa., on Silurdiiy, May (,
llilil, lulu. en Ibe Ii.iiiis ot I0.::i) and J1.:J0 o'cloclf
a Hi. slgiiift,
DIL .IOII.V L. WIIVIZ., Sec.-Trcas.
All)IH)ll'S XOIICi:.--IN RIJ: KSTATH OK 1111.
miiiid I'. llov te, dciiaseil. In the Orphans
Cnurl of L.ik.iwauu.i Coiiuly, l'i mi ' Uiinia. Xo.
S12, Sciies "II."
1 In- liudersigiied, an aiidilrA' appointed by thf
Oiidians' CouiL of said Coiuvty, io make dtstti
bulioii of the I tliiil in the Ii.khU of Iho executor,
T. .1. Ivelly, as shown by Hie mcoihI partial
lit r iiiiivI of the evciutor, Iwieby gives noticq s,
that lie will nllcnd to the duties ot his ap
poiiilinuil on Wcdnesda, tho Ihsl day of May,
. I)., HOI, .'l 'I o'eloik ii. in., at his ofllee, o.
.'ill Meais building, illy of S, i anion, in said
ictinly, nl widch time and pi.uc all persona hav
ing claims against said estate aic n quired to ar and pic-anl the same, or olhervviMi bo lor
i vet- ihbiincd fiom lottd'ig- in on said fund.
Si:Al.i:i) PROPOSU.S will be received at tho
offiie of the City Clerk. Scranton. Ta until
7.."0 o'llnk p. m., Thursdaj', lUy 2, 1001, tu
iriislriid u sewer systun with the ncc-casari
branches, oslciisinns, lonuections, buHiiw, man
holes, and IKtuics, lis follown; TIiq said seweg
to begin al the L;u k.iwanuii river on Funnel
fliiet, Hiriicc nh ng laumct stieet to lUilrosd
nvenue; also a branch thcicof on Fourth avcnU'i
extending to a point about M feet north o!
Ill, adwaj ; also a brain h on Moran court, cv
I ending fiom Ihnmet street to a point about CI
ftit noi'lh of Hroadw-ay; also :i luanch on Fifth
avenue, extending from Punnet Htrcct to a point
about M) feet south of said Lmmct street. Kacbt
piopnvil shall be aiioniiaiiicd by cash or certi
fied check in the sum of three hundred dollanl
ns a gunantC! lo execute the contract. llif
light to reject any and all lii'b ii reicrved.
lly older of City Councils.
M. T. LAVr.Lld:. City Clerk.
Si union. P pril 22, 111IH.
SKALD!) iMtOPOSALS w-ilt be received at thn
offiie of the City Cleric, Scranton, Pa., unlit
7.0 o'clock p. in., Thursday, May 2, 1W1, to
iinslruct a sewer system xvith tho necessary
blanches, extensions, connect ions, basins, man
holes, and lixtuies, as follows: Tho said sevve
lo begin at the Lackawanna river on Broadway,
thence along ISroadway lo Railroad avenue; al-a
a branch thereof on Moran court from Broadway
to a point about one hundred and scventy-Hv
Ret south of said Rranlwav; also a branch.
Iheieof on Voiuth avenue from Broadway to Lu
zerne street; also a brain Ii on Dowdell court
fioiu Hioadway to a point iiiiout one hundred and.
fitly feel south of sal I llroadivay; also a branch
on 'third avenue from Rioadw-.iy to Luzcun
stl eel; also on O'Connor lourt from the Lacki
vrann.i rivir to a point about one hundred ainJl
folly fool smith of Hroadw-ay; also on I'iiel ave
nue tiom tho l,ack.iwaun.i river to Broadway.
L'.icb proposal shall be aicompanird by .lusji,
or a icrtilied check, in the sum of three lmn
died Unllars as a guaiantee to execute the 'ion.
Irani-. Tho city reserves the light fo rejeit anl
cr all biiLs. M. T. LAVULLll, City Clcirlc.
Scranton. Pa., April 22, W01.
TUB ANNUAL MCCTIXO of tlic stockholJcra ot
tho Dickson Manufacturing Company will lm
held nt the office of the company, in the. city ot
Scranton, on tln eighth day of May, 1301, at 11
o clock .i. in., for tho purpose of electing Direc.
tors and voting upon 6uch other mattirs. as ma
cotiio befora tho meeting.
L. 1'. BOWIilt, Secretary
8.1714; short ribs, $S.10aS.SO; dry galled shouts
ders, 0Tia7Ucj short dear Bides, 3d.37Vid8.Mj
wlaskey, J1.27.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, April 20. Cattle Itccelpts, 2,000
geiicrally steady, except cannere weak; gonrl
to prune steers, $5a0; p oor to medium, IM.'Kl
al.l)5; stockera and feeders, firm, S2.60al.njli
S21?!.1lOB.4'60'. telttt. S2.75a4.83; canner,.
?2a2.C0; bulls, strong, 82.00al.B0; calves, llrm.
$la5.25; Texas fed Btcers, 4.25a5.40; 'VexdA
grara 6teers, SS.BOal; Texas bulls, S2.75at.
Hogs Iteoelpts today, 23,000; tomorrow, IP,,
000; entiinuted left over, 1,500; opened wri!
and clced strong, active; top, Jii.Oj; tnjtict
oi,u uu.uuvi.,, ,,uui,; gooa ic, cuoico ncavv.
$5.S0a0.07; rough heavy.; light, 0.7
a5.03; bull: of 'sales, 5.00a.1. 1).',.
Sheep lteceipts, 8,000; .sheep, steady; lamln,
stronger; Colorados, mostly $3.30; good toi
choice wethers, tfl.05at.00; fair to choice inKcd,
?; western sheep, l.fiSal.OO; jcarlings,
$l.03al.fJ0; natlva lambs, SI,D0aj,30; western
lajjiba, 1.70a5.a).
New York Live Stock.
New York, April 20. neeves Steer, n,ul'-f
but steady; bulls, slow; lows, flmi to slmfj
higher; steers, $.1a5.70; bulls,; choii
and export do., $1.(3-11.80; cows. $; cvMrs
tit do,. $1,23; cables, steady. Shipments. f,(4
cattle, 1,720 sbceii nnd 4,150 quartets of beef.
Calves, nctlvo nnd 21 to BU cents higher; eal
JJJ.fi0a0.25; littlo cilves, $.1. '
Sheep and Iambs Sheep, steady and seaicej
Iamb3, 2 cents off on increased supply; common
wooled sheep, $1; cllpcd do., $!.S5il.S0; wo.i.
eel lamlvs, ?3.73a0.121i; one car, $0.23; clippul
do., ifl.0a.1.50; clipped culls, fyS.0tlil.ii; tpiilij
iJiui'3, i.,aa.a per nc-ail,
East Liberty Cattle.
i:ist Liberty, April 20.-Catllc-Steade; evtri,
$3.;0a5.7fl; prime. 3.21i5.3D; good, if,1i.1.2i).
Hops Active; best mediums nnd heavy oil-.
era, .f0.15; light yorkers, sil.OlaO.IO; hcav-v
hogs, .15a0.171t; jilgs, $,Vj0jil; loushs, (4
Sheep Slow and lower; beft wethers, fl.mj
4.50; conunnu, 2a:t.50; choiie I lu, $.1.10.
5.23J coiuiiion to good, 1.50a5; veal ulve?, Jlaij,
Oil Market.
Oil City, April 20.-Credlt .bilanee?,
tlficates, no bid. Shipments, 100,2').",:
117; eers
av erage
OO.OSI, Iluni, 105,087; average, bl,l7fl,
Spencer Trask & Go
tl & 29 Pine St , New York.
Transact a general banking
business; net ns Fiscal
Agents for Corporations, mid
negotiate security issues of
railroads nnd other compa
nies, Execute commission
orders nnd deal in
INVESTHENT sccuRinns .
Descriptive list; of bond offerings
furnished on application. ;
Membors NeW Yoik Stock Exchange,
Branch Oflicis: 65 Stats St., Mm
i't w-jjfc-. o . mtq&lg&l&SJBSiamtt.,! tjuKjs