, wm& 4 ,v K i i K i xrr&& k , - f w 3 j '- ..i'wwwmwiww-'p j 1.(4 .44 W l.5 (.. Mtl fl. 4 v ""- ' ' at" 'VvlM'f 'J ' i 'x.'-iMwr .Ttf. tas?. t" ",u Un" y , vVY""' $v ' - I- Id r THE SOU ANTON TRIBUNJ&-SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1001'. v f . wjiw f Aoawijfp it ) k WEST SCRANTON yw iw PALL OP ROOF WAS FATAL KILLED THOMAS E. WILLIAMS, Or HAMPTON STREET. Ills Luboior. Jnnies KJiir, Sustained Painful Injuries John Jones, of South Hydo Pink Avenue, Had a Thrilling Escape Scaffold on Which Ho Waa Wot king Fell. Itccfclcss Bicycle Rider Run Down a Child runoinl of the Late Pinncls J. JonesOthei Notes. A f.ilul nmih'iit uceiiilc'1 111 1 In Hellevuo mine jostetil.'iy. in vvlilih TIlOltlltH 1.2. A"llllllUi, Of J I (J,l ITllllllLfII sued, lost liH llli'. mill Jimim Klinr. nf Moildlan xlicet. IiIm liihoici. hail mil' cii' his li.milK Imtlly oiushoil. 'Chi1 men were orieriiKOil In cutting mill, when u fall of inof occulted, which ciuihnil U'llllunm beneath U. and hli follow -avoi Union had nun li llilli tilt j In fxtil. e.illnp; the uiifoi Minnie inluoi Itoni tne di'lu l. Tho body w.is lmdly tiiunuleil when taken out and removed to Ills home', whole tin op nunir children wore sikl stiicken river flip cad event, lice eased whs .it fiiii' time an inside loieuinn at the Hellevuo, mid wns vvcll-icniivvii thinimhnut tlip mines. Klnn hud sev eral of his llneis hiiiaslieil, anil 10 pcIpI tiLUliuetil tit the .Muse-, Tnylor iinspii.il. Willlami was a member of the An cient Oilier of Poicsleis. The luiit'i.il announcement will lip ni.ntr liter. New Agency. Ii. CI. Jloittmi .V; Sun, vvho lin-vi heie loioru i onflnod their business to their "Ulcus at 22Z South .Main apiuie, are now siueailhiK out and aio fitting up eleRnnt otliets at 10! Ninth Main nu nue, next to Zvlusgraic's dins; stoic. We undei stand that they have been appointed agents tor three Rood flip Insurance companies ami cIkIiI of the nest ocean .steamship companies, li. rr. Morgan is btill uotat) nubile, and has acceptably filled the ollleo for moie than twenty eins ii.ist. Pirst Baptist Chuich. On Sunday evening: the IJ.iptlst Vourig People's union or the Flisl B.iptibt church will bold their annual iull. on which incision the follow ing pr ogi .iiuine ivill bo tendered: Or gan voluntnH: invocation; anthem; Scilptttte: prayer; otfer In?; offertory -nlo. jflss aiutli Doddoe: nnnnuncc- ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR (COUGHS t and COLDS take: DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. atin Back Velvet Are the Rage. . . Our stock of these is so enormous that description is impossible. Be sides a full line of Blacks in all widths and qualities we show a com plete line of Satin and Linen Velvet Ribbons in all the shades of the sea son, on widths from No. I to 40. Fast edges, of Course. Extra Special Bargains for Saturday No 7 Hair Ribbons, pure silk, all colors, worth I2c the yard. Saturday . , No. 40 Fancy Silk Ribbons, 20c quality, for No. zo Fancy (iJOfr Ribbons. The fc . . - . . - ' AM. The Color Range in All of the Abovev Is Complete. Globe Warehouse - .. - vr'' montu: ir-rllnlton, '.Miss Alice AVIl Iltttnt; ntltllPin! iccllutlon, ailss Lot tie Jones; uddrupi. Viof. Jnnies H. Hiiflhes, eubleet, "llxpainunti, or tho Development of Our Youiik People's I'ovvoi"; hyinu: benediction. Machinist's Nanow Escape. .lolirt Jones, of South Hyde l'nrk ae nuo, a machinist In the Dickson laico iui)lto works, had a nnirow psciuie fiotu r-ctloit.'i Injuiy Hhortly after din ner jestetdny. In eoniinny with a number of fillow-woiknien, Joncn was piiKiiKi'd In lep.rliliiK one of the .slacks on the toof of tho b.illdhuT, when the searfoIilliiK Knve way ftoni undct him. .iolluft hIIiI fio'.n tlie top of the iool, wheie he wiik uorkluir, to the td?i nud fortunately Hticieeded In eatelihiK hold of the eiues Ju.st as he was uhout to rail Horn the laillcllm,'. Tho fulling seaifold pliiiek the ladder, which was leaning .'uvalnsL the building, and kiioeked It ovnr. An flmifrai I.iii workin.ui nmiouly escaped lulnjj Htitiik by the ladder. The litlor wns badly frightened, but when called to had piesenee of mind enotiKh to holl tho Inddcr again und H"-(tir' .lone-i from his ppillous position. A Keckloss Bicyclist. A lilejell-t, whose name eould not lie lc'ituod run down a (hlld of Hug J'eddler AVelsbrig at the ( oi ner or Alain iipnuo and .laelaon KtiuoL at ti o'elotk ls evening und wn tin own violently tioin his wheel The child sustained binNes about the bend nnd body and wns tendeily pielted up bj T)i utfrflHt Finnic Ueaveis, who restoieil the bov to his mother. The bic.vdlsl iiKo suKtalned bodllv inulse-. The llder was travolln? lit l lapld pnie. and urn into the child be foie the latter eould escape. Thiee Puneinls "iesteulay. The lPiualns of Ferdinand filaiilnnn, the IntnuL child of A'r. and .Mis. tiiai (liino, of SO', Hcrantnn !t'pft, weie in teired In the Oathef.ral ceineteiy es toidTV atteinoon. Ilov. L. It. li'ostor. nt the til con Itioge I'lesbvteiinn elitneli, ollli kited at the funct.U of the late Fi.iuds J. Jones jesturdny alteinoou. The wi- Ires were held ut tho home of de ceased's patent", ,"i!7 Xoi th Fihnoie .ivenuc. and imminent was made in the AVa.shburn slieet cemetery. The iunei.il ol the late Alls, lleniv Kot.nuin. who died in Paradise, Aion iop eorrntv, ouciinod yesterday attei noon finill the lion.e of II. D. Hartll, liJ'i Prleo stieel. The interment w.it. made in the Washburn stieel i ome let y. The pall bearers were Aloig.in Aroigans, Anthony JIor.nl,-, James Powell, William TiriPket, O.iper Hf llant and Christopher Jones. Catholic Belief Association. Council No. in?, of the Catholic 15c llef and JJeneiiciai absutlatlon, w.ib In btituted in Y. Al. I. hall on Thuisdny evening by Oigamzer AI. G. L.mg.iu. The following oillceis weie elected. Piesldent, J. J. Piennaii, Al. D , 111 st vicc-pie.sldent, Aliehael J. Henni gan; second icc-picsldent, Atis. C.ilhtiinc Sullivan; lecording secic taty, Allbs Alargnret Aluiphy; linanciat 5c lie 25 c Silk Polk ai vard . . Ribbons Rccretary, JIlss Catheilne L. nnlln Bher: tronsuier, Jtlss Anna .Sullivan! Ritaul, 3liss Mnty Foley; maishal, Jllfs It. nnltiiRliet'i tniHlpps, Jttj. Jnnies S. Clatliif'her, AtH, Ilenilpttn t'anavau, Airs. Anna Murphy, MIhs Mar gat et llcnnlfriin, John Comey. Tho above named nitloem will he In (dnllpd at a meeting of the lotinell on Monthly eenlng. . i Steamship Tickets, at IowohI tales. Apply to Muijmu Tliornus, 112S Jackson ilieel. Olenrhip; tho Indebtedness. rtev. .Tames Ucnnlnger, who has been ictutncd iih paHtor ot the llamptou Street MPthotllst Ihilspopat chtlreh, Is oi king puoigetlertlly to wipe out the liidrhtodncHR ugahiHt lh ohuiph and expeels to vlear the building In another month. The inombeti of the ehuteli have iiKo woiked eiy hard along (IiIh par tletilnr line and now thai their hopes w III be ii'.illzed llmiu Is m out lelolu- in if, B, O. Morgan & Son. Klie Insurance and ocean passage tickets. Olllces, 10! Ninth Alain uve nueiind .'Jl .Soulli Main avenue. " GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The dlstiict temple meeting ot the 1. idles of the tloldeu Jingle was hold on Thuisdiiv evening In Y. AI. I. hull, oil Noith Alnln avenue, under the all nplies ot Temple No. SJ. Vlsltoi.s won-piesi-iit fionr I-uksvllle. Pltlston and other pohit". The session was pu fhlt'it over by Airs, L. .Steuner, of I'ltiston, giand tPiuphu "I the older Itefiesliinpnts weie "el veil alter the mectlnt;. The meeting had no paitlc ul.ir blgnlllcaliee. The Young 111111' aiiNlllnry of the .Simpson Alt thodlsl Episcopal chinch were entered last evening at tho home ol AINs i;th( I'oune, miner of North r.ionilev avenue and ialnjette stieel. business mepting was held, lol Itiued bv a social session". Ucv. i:, J. Alt Hem. v, iei lor of St. IXavld's 12plscop.il uhuiih, was calli d to Philuilulphl.i on Thiusiliv on ,ic lount ot the f eilous illness of ills mother. Miss Ann!" .lone-, ot IJUIevne, p.du fullv iujtucd hei hand on Thui--du.v while opening a i.m of tiult 'lb" member was badly tui by n pine ot tin The number., ol I'i ule of I.aikn wimnii lodjje, No. T!. Ladies' Auvllinij to the Miothcihood ol Railroad Train men, will conduct a dime supper at 'nJ If.nnpton street, on Thuiln., .May :ii D. Al Jones, iiu- South Alnln avenii" dillggiit, attended t lie m .ulu.it Ion e- otclses at the liullalo College ol Pliiu niiiev j ester da v, wheie his biotliei, Fiank, was a member ot the graduat ing class. Thomas 'W'illlanib. in employe in th" Coiitinentiil inrnp, has his hand toin leienlly while lemoving ,i spia.g ftnm .1 1.11. llev. and Alls. h Sweet and daughter, P.eba, lell esteiday aftei noon for Oneonta, N. Y, where thev will m.'iKo their lutuie home. A num bei of their fi lends weie at tire statioir to bid them farewell. Tin lr .son. Wil lis, iliove to Oiieoutti, stalling Tliius day. An Intanl child ot Alnaliam CeoihP, of !1J!i Sci. niton stieel, died jesterdav and will be bin led this .if lei noon In the (.'.ilhedinl ccineterv. AVilll nil JJavls, of l.in i:non sheet, who was in lined leienlly In the Sloan mine, Is reeoveilng and will be able to lesume woik net week TIcv. AlcDennott. the new pastor ot the Simpson iliuieh. Is the guest ot Airs. y. v. peik, of Chtstnii stieel. He will begin his pastoiate lomonovv. woman named Alls Lewis, of Tiiiidliain, was ovei coim last evening while standing mi .South .Main ave nue, near Washburn street, waiting for ,1 uii. Pbe w.is convejeil to her home. Oi. Aithtli A. Puv nobis, In other of J 11. iiooisi' Ii. HoMioIils, Imp an ollice at 11,! J.nksun htitet opened A lair and .social will be held undfr the auspices of the Ladles' Aid sU( iety ol the Pollmie Calv inlstic Alelhodisi eliiiuh, on South Alain avenue, Wed nesday evening, AIn i. Admission, n cents The MMiy or the Jackson Slieet Uaptist r lunch is now lendy and with it:, novvdiess ol paint picbjnts ,1 beau tllul appcaianie. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. runeial of Mis. Cmohnn Bohensten- gel Otpheus Glee Club Orgnn- ized Other News Notes, The leinaliis of Alit-. Cniolln.i Hoh ncnstengel weie c unsigned to their llual Hhtlng place, in the Twentieth ward cemetery, jehtuidny morning, The runeinl wus held tioin cleeased'.s lute icsideneo In Sehlmpifs court, and was attended by many mourning rela tives und friends who had Known Airs, liohnonsiongc'l dm lug her long and Uhiitul lite. A itiiulcm mar, who celebrated nt Hi. Alarj s chuich by Ituv. Father .Stiaiib. The pall-beaioi.s were John Dcinuth, John Stein, Jacob ficlgei nud IVtei Pobllng, Jr. niee Club Oignin.ed, Wliut pioiiilses to be the best must ml oigauiiitloii lu the iit,v n.ih nigaii l.ed Tliiii.sdn night nt St. John's hiiich. It Is to be Known n.s thb Oipiiciis rilcv club, and l.s couipnscd of tvvciitj.hlx voung men, who mo an uoicd lor their miinlml talmu. Tho ollliei.s who were chosen aie I'uif Kiilllvan. lender, pic-ddenl, P.W. Ilioou .'ccietui.v, Hugh Ccijue, tn.Miier, Jo heph Aliuphj. The nipinbcis uir: June i I ! n 'Ihonu-, l'cliu, Jjiihs lm. in, I miiis Stilli in., Puiil hillj, llu,li lnvin, MkiiuI (ouilih.i, ,lo-epli Vliupln, lliomn. !hi !. !. Giiiih llnrn. viuinii laulle, .K lit! M. tne, Mi.hiil b.liCjiu, liiomis llohn, pnhj JIIUv, "VI li tin 1 l . 11. , I), mil, fjmU.i lames Miiijii. I,uiii lidiaii, .vnhiil I'tincj. .IdIiii IVr. lit, III. I 111 OMiIKi, ,) i, lies U,i, .iii.l .Uliluel I u-.ii h The club will have its n st inciting Alnuday evonliirf, lo .niaiitfo their llnnnte.s und iiiaKe ai larrscmenis fn: foining i cue' a i. sa l.s and iomith Tonight's EutcUninineut. At the elltPituluinem to be lu K at tin .'smith Side Young AVonuu'i, i.'hils tliiii association looms tonight tlie fol lowing programme will bo lcndeied; I'lano polo, f'laia llahls; ipcitntjon, Ida Kllilir v oi nl duet AllmiU llait- A SENSIBLE MAN Utuld u.-e Uciup' Pilsjin fui ,1 c 'I iun.it. ml Juifc"-. It ii turln." niuiu Couclu, I'oldi, Aaiuiu, UrumliUI. tionp und ull 'Jh oat jmt I.unir 'froulilcs, iluu unj other mcilUici'. 'the. prcprictor liai nullioricd auj dm,Ut to lite vu 1 Sample llvttle 1'iiu to louvluija jou of tho limit ef UiU treat leiuidy. 1'i.cc -JJi. and M. A FEW PAOT. About tho New Cixtiurh euro. The new Cnlnnh Cure Is it nuvv do tiaitttu In so-culled cntiurh ctirew he I'nuw' It actually curec, nud Is not Hhnply a temporary letlef. The new Cutnrrh Cure Im not it milve, olnttnelit, powder nor lluilld, but n pleiiditut tnstlng tablet containing tho best Hpeclllcs Tor cnlnnh In a concen trated, convenient foim. The old style of catarrh Halved nnd olntmentH are greasy, dirty and Incon venient at tho best; the new propitia tion being lit tablet form Is itlvn.s clean and convenient. The now Cntiirrh Cure Is supeilor lo Catiuih povvdeis bcciiUHf It Is n no torious fact that many cutaiih pow deiH contain cocaine. Tho new Catarrh Cure 1 called Stiuut'H ('atnrrh Tablets, a wholesome combination of blood root, benchwood tar. gunlacol nud other antiseptics, and cutes by Itn aellon upon the blood nnd mucous membrane, tlrfs only ra tional hoatmenl for eatnithul tiouhle. You do not have to duivv upon your Imagination to discover whether you aio getting benelll from Stuart's Cn lnnh Tablets; Improvements! and 10 llcf nro nppaient fioni the Hist tablet taken. All diilggtsts sell and leoomineiitl tlieni, They cost but TO cents for lull slcd packages, ami any catairh suf ferer who luis wasted time nnd money on Hpra.vs, salves nnd povvdeis, will appreciate to I he lull the mei It of Stuait's Cntiurh Tablets. man and Katie Ludvvig; piano duel, Kittle and llauy Iliiiuphiey; solo, lhiuna Scheuch: lecltatlon. Cora Young: duet, Emma AInler and Amelia Platter, piano solo, Carrie Docbler: dilll, by four girls; cook song; lecita llon, Pnmalup Kpitlks; solo, Aliuy AYIrth; piano j,olo, Llzle Posar ; reci tation, Nettle Wlith; pluno, iolln and mandolin, Air. Afotchnmn. Air. Schwen ker and W. (liainbo; lecltatlon, Tillle Tuft; plarro, violin and guitar, Minute, Fied nnd C'haille Heffner. This enleilalnirieut Is given by .Min nie Ale.veis and Tlllie Atlllor, for the l.rlent Hind, and lire admission is HI cents. I Jot li Indlc and gentlemen ate invited. Bieezy Brevities. The tio.pe! meeting Suiidav .uier noon at !! n o'clock, at the South Side Young Women's Christian association, rooms, will be led by Aliss leU Ik. All women and girls invited. On Tuesday nlglrt, April .10. al the South Side looms, the Talent social will be held, and all those who weie given a talent are irrv lied to come nnd ictuiii the increa.secl talent. Al.utin Langan, a well known loot lull pla.ver, who lot a leg while em plojcd ns n Delaware, Lackawanna and 'Western rallioaei biakemnn, at Clark's Summit, last Washington's r.itbday, left the Alosos Taylor hospi tal vesteiday nltcrnoon. He will stay lor a while villi his bi other, T. J. Langan, of the Columbia House. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Fnniily of John McLnne Had a Nar- low Escape tiom Being Cie- mated Yesterday Morning. John AIeL,ane and fanillv had a nar row escape Horn death in theii honre in PoeK .slieet yesterday morning. At L 10 Alchane was awakened by .smoke and found tli.it the building was thinly In the grriMi ot flames which oilglnated In a dUoptive fine. lie moused tbe nieinbeis m bK tam ily unci they i usbed lumi the building coveiing themselves with such ai tides in they could pick up In their burr led lllght An alarm was s-ounded to which the hose companies lesponded but they could nut s-ave the building fiom total desti uetlon. They succeeded ill hav ing the ndlolning piopeitles. 'Pile loss is M.000 und the Insurance ?700 An Exciting' Game. At the auditorium last night a very pcltlng game of basket ball was pl.ijed b the iil.uk Diamonds ami the Seianton twine The scoie was 1 to C in ravor of the lilack Diamonds. The audltmiirni was thiongecl with speotutois and at times the excitement was at n high pitch. Almost Electiocuted. While tiimmlng tin elec ti le light at the Minor e Tliiiisdny inoining John Aluiphy, an imploje of tho Set anion Klectile Light company, lecolvcd nrr elcetiie shock which burned his hands nud rendered him run ouselnm. The eruient was shut oil at the tlmo nnd Aliuphj'.s injury was due lo u live whe coming lu coninet with the olec tih llghl who. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Sew Inr, .-eIiou Satuiday aflouioon at L' SO o'clock. ' lospol met llnp 7.30 o'clock. All Satuidny ovenlng at no welcome to thli mooting. Junior meeting Sunday nttoinoon at .! r.O o'clock; leadei, KlMo Thoinun. Alondny evening iihht walft class at 7 !0 o'eloi k. All oung gills mo In vited lo join this i lns3. Ucv. Ceoigo 1 Ahlch'h lllblc .sillily Tlles-tlaj aftennoou nt I o'clock. The uttendnneo was good at this class last Tiichdav, eoiuddeilng the nilny after noon. All felt veiy well icpalil for liuving conio out. The ftudy of tho 'I'lopheile.s of Daniel" will bo con tinued lu the loin tli chapter uc't TucmIuj. W'e Invlln othois to join us in this most iinpciilant and upliitlng html) All's Wcstc ott's embioldeiv c loss Tuesday nvenlng at 7.J0 o'clocl;. This elath Is glowing In iiuiuhcir., All who wHh to Join, niaj do mi at this time. Alotheis' uncling W'eduetduy altei noou at J o'clock-. All-. I.ev, Cure will hiivo .liatgo of this meeting. All tnoiheis me Invited to intend this n.eetiny. Kitchen tj.n dun Thui'Mliiy alteinoou al I o'clock Thuihilav evening lliblu study at 7 so n clock. Suudnj nhool lesion and c. I Scollelds iinicsponilenco cuiuce, "Tlie liellevei's Two Kutiues," aio tho .subjects lur lire evening coiihlderatlou Tho legumr meeting of thn ovecutlvo coiTiuilllou will bo hold Sattuduy af. teinoon ut 3 o'clock, .llvvhovvlsli tho join classes In pulnl Ing, cnibroldeiy, lhigllt.li l.itci wink, plnno or mlllhieiv may call on .secte tiny al loonih, ;'DI8 Xorlh Alain aye. nue. MAKRIED. Ill 1 111,11 111 IC II ltr-ln raiitvn, Vpul Ji, 1WI,. lij the Ituv. 1". I'. Dotj, in tho CcUr Avenue Mdlioilkt Kplscopal parouago, John lkjsuni.1, if Oljphaul, unil Sll.i Helen llutclw ail, of b 1 niton. DUNMORE DOINGS CONCERT GIVEN IN THE CHRIS TIAN CHURCH. Au Excellent Fioginmme Rendered Which Was Received with Otent Favor by the Audience Euneinl of Mrs. George H. Blesecker from Her Lnto Home at Gypsy Giove Loula VnnoB Aviested at tho Request of His Parents Tomonow's Chuich Sei vices Other News Notes. At Iho Christian chuich lust night n large audience gnthuicd to enloy the conceit given under Iho nusplces of the Young Lu'dlcV circle. 1 ivory seat In the chuich wus taken, nnd that the vui Ions numhets weie nppreclated was tittcsleil by the hqarty applause glVen at the close of each number. A 10 (ippearanue vvnn called for lu ninny eiiseji. The lullovvlng iirogiamrne was lendoied: Plnno solo, Spinning Chor us fi ihii "The Flying Dutchmiin" (Wagner), AIlss Clnulotto Ulacknran; Ilecltatloil, selected, Miss ltealiloo Aloirls; soprano solo, "Conceit Wa!t7." (Wekeilln), Atlss Cordelia l'iccmiin; violin solo, "Kniitiislcj on an old Air," AIlss Julia Allen: contralto bolo, "Lovely Spilng" Cowan; Airs. Lily Joscph-Kellet'; piano solos (a) "Itustlo Dante" (Ternpelton Strong), (b) "Alel odv" CNevIn), AIKs Hlaeknuin; iiiuir telle, "Suawneu Piver," AIlss Flmeuco P.ob'itson, Allhs li'ieeinan. Ali.s. Keller and AIlss Aland Atuv; lecltatlon, "As the Aloon Pose" (selected), All's AIoi rls; violin solo (selected), AIlss Allen; Ti lo, "llurc.rrollu" (Mandeggei), Aliases Itobeitson, I'ippinan und Alls. Keller. Mis. Biesecker's Fnneinl. The funeral of the lale Airs. George H. Piesecier took irlace from her late home al C.vpsy C,iove jchterday aftei noon in -' o'tluck. The sad sen lees weie conducted by Hev. C. H. Nevv ing, ot the Methodist JIpKcopal cliuich. Pining his lomuiks ho spoke many wouls of consolation and eomtort for the beienved fuuillv. Sevei.il of the l.'ivoule hvintis of the deceased were beautltullv le'ndoieu by a trio com posed of Alls. Ceoige Simpson, Alisscs Iluby Yost and Aniin Powell. A laige concoui.se ot I rlends ami neighbors tollovvcd the leruaiiib to their last lesting place In Purrruore cemeteiv. The p.ill-be.ircis wpie: Will In m 1. Jones, Frank Iluntlev, Stephen Uich ,n ds. William Piddle, Hmoiy Plaek and Jams AleC'aithy. IN A FEW LINES. Louis anntss as fiieHicl last night and lodged in the boiotigh jail, upon Hie rcciuest or his patents. Tt Is llkelj Mime steps will be taken that will remove him lo new scenes 'very .soon. Dunmoie 1'iesb.v teilnn chinch. Itrv. Willlmn r. Olbboin, paslor. -lorning subject, nt 10 hi) .1. in.. "The Cute for Anxiety": evening subject, at 7."0. '"Ihe lielplc.-s Soul and the Alerciful Savioi." Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Pk.jci meeting at 7.10 o'clock Wedne" dnv. Christ Ian chuich Sei vices both inclining and evening, rondnctod by the pastor, Uev. J. D. Dabnoy. Aloin irrg subjppt. "Jpsus appears to Apos tles": pvenlng topic. "Will Jens Come Again." Sunday school at ID o'clock. Alen's meeting, n p. m. iheijbodv welcome. Ucv. C. H. jewing will occupy the pulpit at both services m the Aletho dist eliiiuh tnmoiiovv. Itegiilin sei vlccs will be conducted as usual tliioughoiil the week. Mis. c I., nice, a foniier lchldent heie. spout jcstciday with fi lends in tow 11. All". John 1. Ambon, or .Vee Yink, is visiting her sister. Alls. I'. J. Cun wa, of Apple stieet. GREEN RIDGE. Ihe Amilv Liteiaiy nnd Debillng soclelj held lis iegul.tr nicctlng at the rcslilcliie ot S. II. I'i Ice. 17-Ti Wiishlng tou avenue, Thuisday evening. The fol lowing olliceis were elected: I'resldeirt, lUissel Honor; vice-president, William i.lndsay; sectetar.v, ('luiiles Toboy; ,is slstuut seeretuiy, Leliind Almsh; treas llicr. John Pi Ice. AIlss Jones, ot Oljphant, gave a de lightful thcatie party Tliiusday even ing lor her niece, AIlss Ilvelyn Jones, t Fleldslone. Those who enjoyed "Janice Aleiedlth," chnpoioned by AIlss Jones, weie Alisses Mnbpl Fordham, Evelyn Jones, Jessie Cnllendcr, I.ouls.i Connelly, Helen Chnmlieilhi and Unity Connolly, Colo I'i Ice, AValter Phillips, Aluc Phillips and Hay Sanderson. OBITUARY. AlAin I'lLAHHUTV. Aliss Jlaiy Flahei'tj, the oldest daughtci ol Air, and Airs. .Martin Flaheity, or Pltlston nveinio mid Cherry street, died last evening at 7 .10 o'clock utter a two mouths Ilngeilni, illiur-.s iif brouihitls. Deceased was a vcty bright .voting vvo ninu, ') yens of age and possessed of 11 pleasing, sunny disposition rihe will be missed and mounted by iiuin.v fi lends. She was a member ol tin messed Vligin sodality ami l.eiigue of tho riuciPd Heal t of St .lohn'ii chuich. Hetcased Is suivived by the lollowlng alsleis and Inotbms, biisldos Inn p.iients' Alls Allchnel Alcl.miu.v. AI.1iK.11 pi, Julia. John, Alii lined, Patilck, Thomns and Alar, tin, Jr. Tho turn 1 .il will take ploco .Monday moinlng at '1 u 1 im k. with u solemn high miu-s 01 iciiuiein ui SI. John's chuich. Inieinieiit will bo niiide In Iho fauilb !.'loi al lh .MiiiOokn (;atholc eemeU'lj TUNIUtAL OF MRS. JJANNER. It Y11s Held I10111 the ltesideuce ot Her Sou, Tin- runeinl in Alts Sai.nde Dnnint, widow of the lnii William IXiniiei, was held jesteidny atteinoon tioin the tcsi denii? of her t-nn, Joseph Oauiiei, of :ui T'uinklln avenue. The icmains teposui 111 a uiiiiiisoiiie coucn casket, .suuouiid oil by mini) beautiful lloi.tl otictings. Tho sol vices weie couduitcd b) litv. .Spilkor, of the Holy Ttliilty laitheian chuich, nud Ijev, llpaulsley. of tho l'lilveisallft iluiuli. A iiiai unto lima the l.tiihcian cliuuli 1 holr sang. Tho pall-bcaiels weie P. J. Vettei, C. K. llai lick, AVIlllani Win 1111, l.ovl lieu, ThouuiH ritgei.ild and A Illtten bendei . Q'Hrion'.s famous sil) -oik hoise act is 0110 of the sensational fiatuus of Hlngllng Hrotheis cltcus thlb season. This Is the giottcst number of hoises ever beeii together lu one act. I Special Diseases of Menl IS MY SPECIALTY. Do FL 'Jp Center Scatter JWWh on' Faculties P Specialty H yon ire mUTtilng (rem my cllii'jji' or eomlltlon pecullHr to men, or If you Wva been ni'Mipolnterl in not KrttlnB pcmiincnL lure. I wnnt you to romc mid tmvo social clut ",," .mf'. ' wl" plaln to you MY s,YSl.M Or' 'IIUIATMUM', Mhlili I time orlRlnitnl trier di-vrlopFd after my wliolc llfp'n ciicrlCnce In treat Inir nwlil dlvacii of mm. I lnvu j iielts, Rpcclnc, ficc simples, trial tiealmint or Hrctro nicdtcil loinblnntlom ou almllor devices which do t.ot anil laiinol euro dl-easci perullir to mm. My eilucillon, mv enperl , ,mJ eonsclencc, my reputillon condemns all such quackery, II you will pay mo a viit I will Blvc you I 111 t: 01' CltMlOt: i tlmrcnmli personal examination anil an lionent opinion of jour cjfc If Jon are liieiirjhte I u tell you so, and advli- you vo that jou will not be limiiliiiwid In unscriipuloiu paetllloneM ho claim to euro all If alter im. nJnir ou, I tlnd you ciiralitc, t Mill Insure jou nf a xnninent cine, Iii3snuit.h aa I will fr(V0U vcrltlen RUinntec to rctund vou every irnt you tnio pild me In ci 1 tall to fITfet a inn? I male- no cliarci' for nuillclnen, is thev an alwajn lneludrd lu tlie nominal ec, aalcnl, and jou hnow to the cent, licfrro jou utart vvluit your whole lieilment it Bolnu to cost, and I Hill make no false promise ns fo the time for tlia wkc of Rcltlnit: you as palknt, a4 I proinl'O only whit 1 can do, and do in I pioml'c. UNN'AT1lr, UlsCIIMiaES -lopped In S to 10 ihju. I.JI1SSI0NS intl nralni utoppeil In "i to r, dn Ml CI.HS. I tare not of how Ioiir itandlnic I will dry them up at once. STrtlrjt'nr. cured without tnttlni; or dilating iniUtOCI Ml oi anv swellings or cnhrKcmenli reilueed ab once nil'OTIISOY liy my fj-teni of troitm nt in cuublu lncpectlvc of the time ataniilns t jour ape llbMIDl'lt AMI KIDM.Y derincmcnti by mv fj(ein of trcilmenl uliow clsiw of ln procement luni Ihe very bejjlnnlng: llllKL'ltA'riSVf, bcinu caticd by Impure condition of blood, i cured prrminrntly br me SI'ICIHO DfOOD I'OlbOMSG, pcinnncntly cuieil uitluml the use ot Iodide of Volash or Mercurj. WniTK If jou cannot cill. All coiTipondence atrlctly confldfiitul and all lepllea kcnt In plain envelopes Inclosn 'cent si an p to imure reply. ' OITICi: HOIJII, la m. lo j p m mid 8 to 8 p m , Sumlajs. 10 a m to 4 p m. DR Hi Periiinuently Located nt Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Buildiiu, 426-428 Spce St, SCRANTON, PA. TAKE ELEVATOR. 1 a TAKE ELEVATOR. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. 8ir's i" 'F",ff"lJr Bra IfnI.Snra a r 1 I-nUI Fm X l Hi N M H Hi H u n m m JLL jm- 2JL2&. mJS tik m S , I 1 Coming to TI. IjM. M I tgiNothing to Equal It in riagnitude and Originality Ever Seen in ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RElS&BUItUUNDUR IIAKKV A. HROVV.N Managera and Lcsacci. Local Mauiccr. Week I'oininciiilin; MonJaj. piil "- Tornray -bearer Co. I'ltl'.sl NUM. nuii-iliv ovinlus He lit ot llic HilKIc, Prlili) cmiiIiilc Worn ill's ltiilciiipllon MtiirclJC tviiilnB lioirin, Cxnl hwimllo Ml, MAI' Willi? THE GEMS IN ltf.l'hltlOlltl. Pi in- I wn!li,"t 10, -0 ail'l ') Mllniis 10 .mil J') ecnU iewGaietyTheater Al.l' I. IIHIISISUIOV, Mini. r. ALL THIS WHEK. Little Egypt Btirlesquers Dub 111 it in FLAYS AND PLAYERS. Ill iliii Itis ci mi 110 will "lc no el se 11 11 I'hil i.l. iib 1 louuiii iiul lull mist lll.ily iii-jiiii1 llu 1 In, 111 in picMiii lnpi', ii not I'ouucliifil sii.ni iiimuli 10 limit pi)in; jiiiII cure., anJ will he rc-vvililcn jihI.iivimiI lnl.no tin,' mi a torn iiixe nil, viiiu,!! viicL.ill 1.1,1k ' 1 I plo i" '"' ,ou B I '""' 'lilklfl'"! lulls icilcui, em 1 1 ilrU Js rev in It tin iiimilni ( n, ilMiaitfi. iiiul u ijooil iiiomli'ii 1 oil, put u It II) lw 1 li It diuiiin tui, D'.CIIS c in Ull-iiui-stiiiiil I ' whippiil 1 Hi 01 wli.it appLjis lion i In .1 liiliiii, iiml vvlutliii vu pli) In New Vn " IWutl the aiiiuuiLl, cm lie I liny bo iilii-el en a- ttiUiil tin ill) vvill eui.l) ho Mill 111 th. Ull. Il IIM) not hiu lln Mint' ti mil' Il hi iiov-IM) lluss fm llu- lit U MiiiH to mo ii. nothing, lint a uill bu it- 1.) It It U -Iiul le ehlUltlUll heli.l I'lllUJi IpllU mTs il j. lln ' Mil. In. I lllilhllul, Wild !' J.ilHHll sllell J u IllllkjhU' tlleeess ill I tlv'oilllle- Klelllel loiiuii'lc , It .1 111 1, "Hni t'liiui lli'hml II 0 'IhiiUii'," uill, il Ihe eh si- it el.c- ne-int piuii, iimlo lur in. 1 n) 11,11 .11 mis the Mliuliij Me lus 11 in cl 1 hou-e Im 11 em llic libit 'IIiiiium. ulii'if .sla ve 111 llllelUllI ilmiiu Ihe 1110111I1 nt ,lul) 1 pule of file nib, luilmllii Ml l'ranici lliookc, Mrs Vlill.i lliihliu, 1 ilu ml (I White lit 1 lii.ina.ii 1 , ieih II Kill eilltoi "I do H11II.1I' vuiiii) lourlci, Vf l IIj.wihiihI.iiiiI Ihi-oiliu kiinnr Oil" nf Urn piiiicip.il am jell, us at llu' Hull 1I0 l're-4 club hriicfit given at the Sui' tlu.ilio In that city r-uiulj) evciliifc, April M, vea vilUieel IIuIIjihI ill tho thiol aet ut "the I'owe-r llehluil Ihu 'Ihrom " Jibs ItjlUm lu jn?t coiiipleleel a vtecls'fc insJenuiit in Ihu I'ju-Vmcricim city, U)Ini; ti cuoini'iiu Lul)n,j4 at the 'lcL thvatiw in OFF Scranton. I YCEUH THEATRE - nEIS .V. niTltdHN'Dl'R, Lcecs. A J, DL I'i , Manager, Saturday Matinee ,ahd Nigflil STETSON'S vtvs-tvi l'uouu HON or One!!! Tom's Gabi Oruiual f'ic. lc- I lunV llunl Vallllleria Su 1 1 ill llhirKlhntiiKls Piieep Mutlme, PI, i) ami .11 cnu Niulil, I'I. ft. 0 ami W ecnis. Monday Night, April 29, ' Oil mil Vliilii) Wullll '' Black Patti Troubadours l.i.Jli-l I Inn I -li v." n l.allll III ( K I' I'll .mil Ihiilv 1 1 1 ,11 l.i s(K Hi V l)nMoii i li'llu nil Iho Ithillo. I'liiis-li, ,,'i, Ml Jin! 7,, icnl. S'U-, on t.lo 1 1 111 i) .it ( 1 Hi 0l Ml. Ill IAI V. . Wetliiestlny, Tiny i. Air, Thomas Jefferson J I - , 1 t'l lu, Il 1 ,t Rip Van Winkle siiipoueil In a I'iik i.s .'. , .'in. , ; .i S lis on r,ile II iihIj), S-i'le M'llll ' an I .si im Usual hour Her ejon veill ein-o .it illilopoit. Conn., JUy II, Jilei' veuleli kIk will Mil fot Kuropv for sei II cjuieel vjejtlun. Coipotntions Chniteied. ItiuliliU)., April ;t- L'luiler vvue l-cUdl lyJ lliei klate itepjrliiicnt lwl.iv lu the A U t-ailurj to, l'itlhui", uplul AO), and H. l.aui.r' Wjijoii Co, I'lltiibupj;, capital fK)(J0e. s h H i .e iss I