The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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ETC - -. (
4 '
Jf ..T"ii ,'.l..J'H
" Ail Excellent Combinatloii.
1 Tiiu pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well Known remedy,
i , Smut or Flos, manufactured by thn
C'At.tPOtmiA I'm Svtiui Co.. Illustrate
the value of obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
tiicdlcltmlly laxative, and presentinrr
t thciniu the form most refreshing to tho
asto and acceptable to tho system. It
... is thn one peroct strengthening Inxu
tie, clcansinc: tho system effectually.
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet, promptly and uiifiblingnna
to orcrcotim habitual constipation per
mnncntly. Its perfect freedom from
every olijoolinnablo fUiillty and sub
stance, and its acting' on thn kidneys,
liver and bowels, without uvulccnmg
or h'rit'iliiiff tlicni, inultu it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing flgi:
nre used, as theyavo pleasant to the
t:iste, but tliQ medicinal qualities of the
remedy arc obtained from henna and
other 'aromatir plants, by a method
known to the Camfoiikia Vic, fsyuui
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
reinemberthofullnainoof tliot'ompany
printed on the front of every package.
Torenln hy nil OniKi?iste. I'ricoBO;. per bottle.
Ice Cream.
gjc Quart
- clexihoneOrflersrromptty UU vorol
2j(-337 Adams Avenus-
4 $4. 4-
I'.W Ji.Us lln" IMjwjip .mil llml-on com
um .MMculjy mi .it liiiumnuil Xus. 1 ami a,
I.iiijlIiiU' .iixI I, Hlin i 'limine.
11 M:i!.l, or UK. l'i:i;.s Tlic mr-mli'i
ii l..iil..iu.iiin i Kul,:.', In.l. nt. Onli-r ol O.l-l
I fllnu jii- tApilcil In ullciiil, loinnninv .iftir
uvuii .11 .: iilmi., I lie Hint-Mi l the I. ili; Dr.
s N. -Uviii-.
I.I 11.11 MM MIM.ilM,. 'Ilu- l.iiliin' v,,,,i
1, in. -ii ul lU' I'iiiii All mil' l,l't-l iliiiiili will
cm .1 liti'imy nieu'.iiit,' .il ." oMnil; Tucaiiay
,.H. 11 ii, ..ill ."11. .Mis. I'iiuKu.iIiI will n-
i-iii' "llin I..i l. in Hi- I..1U1 " ltrtic-liiiicnli villi
In i-UHll.
I -i; llll. WHOM'. Ni'AMl' l.tirr. .ire
lullip 111 III .11 llll- P"-.llflll U tlirw lllj-, lu'lMIU-C
ll'llllllt- ,-l.llllS .111 ll-lll llll llirlll imtl.lll of 1 tic
mliiiiiji in icnl i-t imp Uri a ilui-ii lilteis,
llllls ll.llllilll, llllt" In I II llll-ill'll ilmiiit; t lie
nsl WlCl..
I I II-1 UU.NWK.iV l.v.V.--tstc-iil.iy was ik-iu-li'.n
ihy lit I Ik- II.1I111. iii;hi;i,il ,iti. Hu
ll tliii'iBis1 fit U11- ifimi'il imlilic In tlic Muitlij
Iiiiii win' I'lmi'iit .mil ci'i'ini,!.. , larac mii'i.
m-i nl 11-cfnl .-iili'li,-, nt aiioiw ii.uiiiis wne
.iioiiglii 111 ilmm;; tin 1I.1.1 iiii.I iliu ,111.
Hinrlti"S line ilrxicktl tu mI .i-iilc ime iliy r.i'.li
u ir lor Mm iiium iliiij,i'h vi-llors. wcrr
"hown ihioiiKli iliu ni-tliulluii liy lliv iluciors .iud
V M'l.K.NDIl) I'llUIOtilt.MMI. I he iilmto
n.iih f (lie .iiidloiun uhlili Milm-i (lie i
fiiiiii.ince of Jmiiu Jkrulith nt (In. I,.niuiu llio
Jin laM. Thuii-ilay cciiiiij, t.iKcn fion'i u,t. cl.ige
liy I'liotogiaplior Dillon, n one of the llucjt "0.
liii tiuii'. of plioloj,'i.iilik' art rir done in thin
Hy. The plate is an imiiiiully luge uiie, lulu?
Hl" imlicj., and i-i mi lomplclr in il.i.ul Hut
iiniiv 01 our HI0-.I; piumiiant jieoplii who were
1111.1I1I0 to grt Mats ed-it in the iijllery lie
-.iny icccgnieii 111 iiielr lolly position-..
IHI.I.O.VS PIXI. IIATHSn.-rranK .Dillon, far.
m-ily a stiaiiton tioilte for hU work a ttrt
ha .uniii of tlilo titj's. Iiibt Atlantic league tcini,
was i-arried from (he Hold oil the .houlilen, of
a wildly cnthmiihilo U-lruit iruwd 'lliurnliy
after the opeiiins; traiue of the American Icisrue
dfou In that city. Detroit won out in 'lie
nlnili iiining liy a hi tat liniah, in wlin-h leu
runs eic tioud, and .Mllwaukie'o had of inne
paaicd, Dillon nude lour two base hlt in the
same, two of them in the ninth limine. I1U
litt Ii te tent in the wlnnin!,' run.
Guernsey Hall,
3H Wnshlnston avo Scranton, is the
best and most reliable place to pur
thafe a pnod Piano. It will pay yntj
to cajl and fjet prices and terms, J, 'w.
Gutrnsnjy, Pfop.
J?o'5sr -OlOveH. At Florey & llrooks,
of iour-so - - -
Smoke the Pocono Ec. cigar.
JKejittef. subject o pievlous
$ 11,000
Ithaca Street Railway Co,
: Q,old Bonds :
0 Pe?,Ccut, Mature 102S.
f As thi? second mortgage
bonds oi thla company are sell-
intr at a premium the value of
the firsts is beyond question.
ti BroiSvuy, N. V, fftlkM Barre.
. Cjrbndale, "
4,. 6 nd, ', CoillinviiWf alth Blllf.j (
w-' " - Scnnton.
f-f-f-f-f-f -f-- -- ---f-.4'
(Under this Iieaitliiic liort lillrrt nf Inti-re't
nlll lie tmlilMiiJ lien .ueom..iiilril, for piihlltJ
Hon, liy Ihe wrllrr'd name., The Trllmnc iloel not
luluine reponlhlllty tor oplnloin hcte itirced.
Statement from tho Machinists.
IMller of 1lir Trllitiiie-
Slri t:lettile t'lly lodije, .N'o. VVD,
A.'ml.itloii tit .M.Kliliilnt", nl lit intetliv, lunUlit
itecltlul to uiill .von to lirln Iffde the u"
He tlnmijtli jour rulimirn the IdIImvIiibi
The Jntr 1 11.1t Awoilatlon of MachlnbM l
ri.dunoilNR to In.iimuiiili' nine lioui m 11 iK
in day till our the ruiinlrj where tin hoiin
tx.w lonitltlites n ill' wotk. "1 lit- paeu was fit
lor the tiioioinrnt by nn iiRreumnt wlilili 0111
Jtloclitlnn Kiuteil Willi the National .Metal
Trillin ussocLitton (nf iiunulittnreri.), May IS
l'.itiO, under the Inmi of which the iiicluljern if
cur order eniplojul hy fiinn t.elon?ln. In tip
Nation ii Melnl Traiks It 11 t-tiouM I"'
unuteil a nine anil une-hutf horn iliy tlv montlu
tuim the dale of the apiccui'nt, er Nov. IS Hi1",
fliid n nine hour die one Jeir fnfli the dale nt
the nnrccntrnt, ir M.ij J", 1T0I. 'I hue lire ahom
one hundieil iilnl thlrlj-liie fliin" In loiiicltii' to
tlill nioel.itlon, neiordiiitf lo inloilnallon we
li.iie at hand, annum' tin 111 I11I11K mh.1i Hum .".
the KdiMinl P. MU lumpiiiy of MIlnaiiKce,
'l., who" r.niinllin: In Itifoniiilluti we
taken palm li k'iiiic, iilotic employ almut l.n'W
inaihliiKls. II re.idil.i lie sun Hi'
inmcmcut U of Mime iiiinnltinle. l' notice
nto tint thli was .111 agreement belwiin tlirlt
asfoii.illoii .mil nin ik.mh1.iHoh.
Alniii.t :ii 111011 in H1I1 iigtmiii nt iu mlcred
Into tlie ot'i f 1111 inl.i i of .our as-iulitiim nn
plojed lij lailroidt and liiiliutietiuiri who do
not lielons tu the N.tlluiiil Mi til 'I rule j-woila-lion
Ihbmi to lonsldiT the nine hour 1l.1v al-c,
Our local KulRe hue Ink the milter lip, mnl
a-l 11 llrl klep IimI, .nlunluite of Ihe 1 ililiiattuli
of their ninth mmiwrMi, Dee. .'.", tiiH), In imile
the otlluri of tliele loiiipaniiw tu he pif-enl al
an iiili.rnuil di-uus-doti il the nlni tieur day.
We had the pit nunc of lt.iinir llh ti-, 111 a
rr-ult, the siipeiliitrntlti.l of tin DnkMiu
nietile woiki, the previd"iit of the ScMnlun Holt
and Nut winks iliu nun who Is now ai'
mperlnlinileiil ol iii'iliic )inir ami iimiliimry
o' Ihe Dclawaie, I..11 kawan-ia and le:tiin rail-
mnl, hut then iniler nieiliaiili' at suanlini;
almi the thiir link of Ihe, Laikawanni
ami ltliin rilliuaii, mnl we nielved .1 wiy
(oiirliou-i lc-pmiM' fn m T. . I.loyil, -upeHli
li'lident of miiliic iiir and lnailducr.i nl the
Dilawaic. l.atkaH.iniu and Wc-tein railmad.
ttaliuir that In" tt'itrtttiil licinir rnmpilhd In
In" ahiiul ill .Niw oik, hut ulliciuNi' he wmilil
he l.iil tu uitt't anil li.iu-i't In .111 lufoiinil wa.
the matters up for ii.usideiatiou.
Sunij of :i lilt inuili Ri-atlliid .il Oil-. h"nn-'
il mtaiil pioi?rci.i tint inutinl im
'I. i-l H.ililiLT whirli e.i-U I" .1 (11 loo liiuiliil
ilent lielwicn cmploiu' and tni1or. We there
liioitclit tu Hie atteiition of out cm sis the niiif
hour day moiemint and its pio-pictm i ulmiin.
Hon, in order tint they might hale nppuilumly
lor cinsiileiatiori and pi cpnrat ion.
I.niouiaeil hy the Hieplion our ndianees met
with, we concluded to formally piesinl tun pili
Hoi: tor the vine hour day in the i-auie way.
We know and to do our oniplu.urs know I lie
difficulty in :uiim "jlisfnloiy rej-ulli Willi
"uuevame louimittii.-." kft lo Iiielr own ie
ioiined to leaih a conclusion under mole or h.-i
iintiiriusiic? ciiciinistanits in tin pii'sime of,
in llicir opinion, an L.ici'illni;l, 111tU.1l Miperin.
tiuilent or feu man.
I'li.ise loiijidu that thue .lie sis- unions of
aiious kinds ol mital woikiue; mi'ih.iuiis who
will le allukd ! the luoie. If the whi-l'c
blows ait hem i-.ulirr lot- Ihe mailiinisti, il will
tor the lil.iik-mlths and the huih rm ikeis and
tin" rest. Well imw liy to tUure out if ou 1.111
hove loiw il uutilil take for an .igitcincnt tu he
leichcil liy a dilteient inuimittee for e.uli hhop
in tliu city, horn i.uli ul these MX unions mil
inc; on their miplnjc. We thouhl hi.-l to nice t
and combine 011 .1 luiifoim petition, 1 limin.Hiii
all pitly Kiievami'S, whidi are bo liable In
conlintion and Useless ili-ciisi-ion, whire Hie ioiii
miltees undritake the task, and pii-ml uur poll
Hun in the nunc of the m Sxnitiut
and ihe madiinislri nf the Deliware, l.ackau.iuua
and Wi-itcui f.jlim to the utfliiis of the vniuiij
rompanirii 01 then' lepie-i nlatiies whose atUnd
auic wt- hoprd to imi' at ihe Lwiutit tin-iter
'Itusdaj, Apiil .in, JWJJ.
in addllioii to Hi." addiess iiiiyjaminic Ihe pili
tiou we have piepired .1 pi up. inline whnh II is
hoped i ei. one vlin mis it will iiimlude is a
unlit to us and the ilTnil and ti.uniiii; tu pioiluie it i.innot help but hcnifit
thoe of our m.'inbiis who take 7ml and albnd
them a lai- belter oppoitunity fur an unii'Ii-hiue;
Fonirthiiig reallv tu tlieii and nihanic
niint than the luiny "rii'vantis,' Mipposed and
real, tint labor iiil-.iiii.iIioiis ate rupp..-ul lo
tpeiul all their ampins lime and mcie.v nn.
,.s tu what eti nt we can cpcd utii iuiilov
i'is to oiKuuiase lis, and how- they ale nally
W1II111K to "in update" for nur 1tmt11.1l ailian
1.1KP we epect the Iioitcxt sells in the l.jeeum
theater, whkli vie h.iie allutled In niiicly-tu'ii of
our cniido.ieit, and foienieu 10 a on-ideraltle cv
tint, In iloipirntly pioelanu In the icpii-cnti-tive
of juur pipd, wliuin we hope to h,ive there.
We do not wish n, do an.v of llicm an 111
juslieo and wj liopo if anv uf tlirm nn undei
.1 wioti(r iniires,ion as to our aims and tho meth
ods hy which we hope to aii-uumlish them 111
.-pile ut the iiitorinalii.ii aiiompiujlm; Hie in
vitation and other infoiniitlou we have fur-in.-hed
llicm, tlie.v will take tli" liuuble to
infoini theiuselviss, and I...I by their actions
iatii-0 tome uf us lo lOlicliuIe tint wc line
ii.itliinc belli i- tu hope foi tint the old method-,
oi foreinK ourselves on tin ir attention.
Khelrio t.'ity loduc. No. ioU, ,Vsu.
liili.'ii of il iJilnis.
Humphrey II. t .unphell, I'lesidcnt.
A. A. Dont.v, ltiK'idiui,'
Sdantun, I'a Apiil "Jd
T.iae 1'iuiirr, vilio vas aueateil vistirday inuiti
Ins on the chaise ol dtmik and disouleilv, w.u
lined if 10 In police eouit jiUuby uiornmi,' 1
I'uliic MasUttate Howe.
Ju.s. filllcn w.ij uiie-ted jcstculiy on a dunce
of laiieny prifnrid by s. Mlllluiisir, who 1 l.ilim
he stole 'J from lutii. A lieatiiii will be luM
betme Aldeimau Millar IoiiIkIiI.
Mm. Klirabith Tall,, of I'lieibuiLT, was .11.
rtsled .vcaterihy ut the instauee of Mime of her
neiKhbor.s, vvhu chaige her with luilliiMtln::
ami wilfully abusing her 10.ieii.ohl ton. fehc
will 1n (riven a uvnlns? al 2 uMoik this after
noon by Aldeiunu Millar,
Antonio Mluolti, an Italiin contractor, resld"
iiiR on "seuuton tticet, vvus aireilul .nsludiy
011 a rliiiKf of laiceny, picfnreil by Viuicnt
Cailucel, another eonfaitor, win) ihaifria hiui
with eteallw,' ktone valued at tI'-ITj and using
it in constructing a building; in Lincoln Heights,
A healing in the caae will lie, Inld toulsht he.
foic Aldiiinan Millar.
Doile Mortran, ItobeiU and Newton
Smith, three jcun; men about Is old, re
Idlnij at Lincoln HeiKhls, wtic aiusted ,o-ter.
day nt the Instance of Klnur haani, another joins
man of about Ihe Mime azc, v.ho chartes tlicni
with avsiult and battery. They will be iriun a
lifarlntr befoie Aldeinun W. s. Millar this uf.
teinoon at S o'clock-,
Second Legislative District.
Notice is hereby Riven to the lb publican voters
of the Second legUlatire distm ' "Lackawanna
county lint ! irlnmry election .. bo lichl on
MtimJir. Mai is, 1001, at the regular rolling
places, t.ctvvnn tho hours nf and 7 o'cloil; p.
m., for the purpose of clcrtina; two ilslemtes to
npidti.t tha bald Ii Islatlvo dilrlit In tie com.
Iinr Hepublican state convention to bo held in
llairisburvr. 'Ihe convention to compute the veto
will be held on Tncsdiy, Jla.v 21, loot, at 10
o'clock, a, 111. in theenuit lioiivi In Snuiitoii,
In aecorifjiKe with the lilies koh-iiiIiu tku
district, thi' iMiididatei villi bo witid for dlrnlly
ly the voters at the polls and inu.t te;iter
with Ihe dUtrlit chairman bU full name and
pu-ldlite iliiii, and pay his as-e.-muent lift en
days bitoiL" the election, or his njnio will not ho
plated en the ollldal I allot, neither will any
vote cast fcr l.lm bu counted. '
'Hi dbli'd vljtilaiMO comuiiltee in various pre
duets will ronilut the election, and the result
will bo itortnl liy ths letiiin Judse to tho ills
tint convintlon, which will be (oinpocil of
jiiiIM of the varlois dUlrictn.
A wtlttai nollec rontalnlnsr further Imtmctlonj
will lie mailed to dull member of tho ald di.
II It-t i3llancu comuiiltee.
I'redorle W. Flelt,
Chilrman S'csml , irtlative 1). strict.
Attctt: Waller H. Davis, secrelaiy,
1 -
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley.231 Vyomlne av?
Sonny, where can I get my wheel
lepaireil? At Florey & Brooks', of
Application Is Filed "When Her Hus-hand-of-a-Dny
la Caught hy the
Police in a Lodging House with
Another Womnn Romantic Mav
ilago and Horsowhlpplng of nn
Edltqr Recalled by tho Divorce
Piocccdlngs Holland-Hayes In
junction Case,
Application wax intidu to court ycM
leidiiy by .Mis. tidlth (Inrney Gould,
for illvotxc from Howard Gould, the
11c I or, to whom slie wan niurrlctl In
WlllU'.s-lJairo, Noveinliet' S last, ami
wlilch murrliiKu intluccd the ,t)nsiii
tltimil article In the Hcrantonlan, for
vvlilfli M. ,1. O'Toole wuh liut'ricwhlppcd
by the uhus-cd bride. (
Thn llliol wiim filed by Attorneys Jos
eph U'llrlcn i 1 tit I m. J. Martin. 11 Iihh
bcrn In the Inwyors' haiula for Homo
time, bill II was not until yesterday
that Hiitlsfui'lory evidence of the re
spondent's alleged tiiifiilthfiiltiet3 was
at luinil.
11 eitnie ill the shape of an arrest
iiuitlc al L'.IIU o'clock yesteiday morning
by Kpei'ial Olllcoi Jack Tlerney and
two patiolinen. Goultl and a woman
numcdI,llll.m Gross were caught to
golher nl a lotlcrlng house in Center
street, nf which Clara Velehel Is pro
prleliesp. The ill voice libel charges
ik'sei Hint and unfttlthfulucss, and the
Giosu vv omnii Is named as co-respondent.
The Gould inimiagc was a rmuantii",
if mil MM'Siitioual nffulr. The giooin
was pliivlug 11 minor part hi 11 reper
toire company., which was then hold
ing forth at the Academy of Music,
lie met his wife-to-be during the week
of the day nn which they were mnr
iled. They went to AVillies-Bitrri", be
came man and wife, and twenty-four
hums later, separated. It Is said tho
separation was the result of tho bride
Incoming disgusted nl her husband
iiiakltiK 11 demand upon her for money.
Holland-Hayes Injunction Cose.
kiiidiip J. NVheatini I'lupwiter yester-li-iy
heaul testimony in the Injunction
case of Michael Holland against Mrs.
Mary Hayes and children. Arguments
will bo I.011 id tills morning ut 10
The parties own and for many years
have occupied adjoining properties, on
HU-nn avenue. A few yeais ago Mis.
Hayes had her lot re-surveyed by A.
It. Dunning and following tho lines
laid down hy him she found the
dividing fence was over on her lot two
feet. She pioceeded to tear it down,
ttuil after razing it to Ihe ground, had
her barn on the rear of the lot moved
oer lo occupy a part of the uewly
actiiired two feet of land.
"Week befote List, "Mis. Hayes put a
wing of carpenters at work extending
the porch of her house over and two
feel beyond the old fence line. The
Hollands piotestcd and, 11 Is alleged,
made threats of violence. Mrs. Hayes,
in turn, pi elected the carpenters while
the work proceeded. Tho Hollands
came into court and secured a prelimi
nary injunction testraining further
operations. Tcstimou.v was yester
day heard for and against a rule to
make tho Injunction permanent.
The pilnoipal witnesses were Sur
veyors A. IL Dunning and Patiick
Blevvitt, repiesentlng, lespectlvely, the
defendants and plaintiff. Mr. Dun
ning di'claied for the new line and
Mr. t'.lewitt for the old one.
Attorneys Joseph O'Brien and M. J.
fc,s-AAA-A-A-A AAJl. ArfiAJlAAJk
ssip of
A meeting "was held In tho armory
Thursday night of the captains of the
Thirteenth's companies and the allot
ment of company rooms in the now
armory took place. U was decided lo
give first ulioitu to the senior captain,
and tints It was that Captain John
Karnbeck, of Company H, was allowed
to pick Ills men's quarters -from Ihe
eight rooms.
He promptly chose room No. 1, which
is located on the second floor of the
building at Myrtle street and Adams
avenue, and Is thu most desirable ot
all the apartments. Captulu AV. A.
Haul), of Company L, who had second
choice, took loom No. S, which is lo
cated ut the other efld of tlie floor.
Company D took room 4, H No. C, C
No. 7, I- No. -', A No. K, and K
tji v m
The special committee appointed tp
take charge of the furnishing of the
armory v. Ill meet this morning and
consider ihe bids on furniture which
must all be In at tills session. The
committeemen have all been working
like heroes during the past week on the
matter and are deserving of a good
deal of credit for tho time anil atten
tion they have devoted to their task.
The members are Colonel II. M,
Holes, Colonel C, C. Mnttes, Colonel
Heiman Ostium, Colonel L. A. Wntres,
Captain John ICambeck and Captain
Frank Vandllng.
A subject which is arousing a good
deal of comment nmong the soldier
boys Is tho matter of lockers for tho
company rooms, Opinion Is divided
among the regimental authorities as to
what particular kind of lockers to se
cure and wliile there aio a number
who alvocatu the closed, glass front
lockers, there are those who prefer
the open, iron work Kind now In ser
vice. From present Indications, however,
It will be tho former which will bo
secured for tho new armory. Those
who advocate the glass front loejeers
claim that lis transparent face aoes
away with many minor Inconveniences,
The champions of the Iron work front,
however, argue that their choice is of
a more sanitary nature, because of al
lowing tho clothes a free airing, some
thing which a closed front prevents,
Thero i some t Ik of providing rlllo
racks but It is likely, however, that
In tho future as the past tho weapons
will bo storedjjway In tho lockers, ns
placed thero it Is a recognized fact that
no confuion can oiihuc or guns bo
misappropriated in cases of hurry.
Company A will meet Monday night
at tho armory where Major Frank Rob
ling will conduct the election of a cap
tain to succeed Thomas Oilman, re
signed. Second Lieutenant George
Russ Is still tho only candidate In tno
After much debate tho price for ad
mission tickets to the ball which will
Martin, for Iho plaintiff, and 13. C.
Newcomb and C C. Donovan, for the
defendants, aro the counsel.
Thoughtless Mr. MUcovits!.
Judge John P. Kelly will, this morn
lag hear testimony In hnheas corpus
proceedings Instituted by Attorney P.
I' LoughiTih, to secure tho relenso of
Joseph Mllcavltz, who Is conllned In
tho county Joll on tho charge of "es
caping from Jail."
Fab. in, last, Mllcovllz was went up
ftom police court for thirty days for
drunkenness. The day before his term
was up he and five others were at
work In the jail yard, doing sotno
grading, under thn supervision of
Keeper It. F. Ferbcr. 'ihe rear gate
wait left open lo permit them to wheel
dirt out lo thu vacant lots in tho rear
of tlie Jail.
Mllcnvlts: and another man, it con
vict nnmed Nlcholls, who was serving
six months for larceny, made n sud
den boll and got away. Mllcovltz
was captured ihP next day In West
Scranton and titter a hearing before
Afdcrinan Millar, was committed to
await ball for "escaping from Jail."
Attorney Loughran contends that
Mllcovltz's offense Is Hot "contrary to
tlie act or April ICi, 11)01," under which
he was committed, in that lie was not
a convict in thp meaning of the act,
and further that he did not break
any comities.
Oppose New Newton Road.
Attorneys "Vosburg & Dawson, rep
iesentlng George V. and Curtis It.
Smith, executors of the estate of Ellas
A. Smith, deceased, tiled exceptions
yesterday to tho report of the viewers
of tlie proposed new road In Newton
They allege that the description of
the termini Is Indeiinlte; that there
Is no necessity for the road; that the
damages allowed them are Inadeiiuate;
that the grade is heavier .in places
than ihe law penults, and that the
vluwers av.tiitled demages lo an es
tate instead of to the heirs.
Three Licenses Transferred.
.lttdire Kelly yesterday granted liquor
licensee transfers its follows:
License of Theodote Croekenberg, of
Tlirnop, to Michael Uressula.
License of John 1. Lavln, of Ihe
Second ward of Dickson City, to John
License of Michael llanelt. of Ihe
Second ward of Winton, lo James Hid
den. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
I'red 1'. rinnry ...
(icilnnle Siutl
r.ud 1'iask.i
('.ithdlni' Iti'slall .
William fir.ucvvfi'
Miuy I'.iskiewic. ..
....Spilmr fliook
li Iielii IB
.Mm Iankaliaw"
Annie llooti'lli Dunmuic
New Trolley Company Likely to De
sert Wyoming" Avenue.
Opposition to .the proposition of the
Central Rapid Transit company to
make "Wyoming avenue, in the central
city, tlie main artery of their contem
plated system, has become so vigor
ous that the ollieers of the company
ate seriously considering tho advisa
bility of asking lo substitute AVash
ingion avenue for "Wyoming between
Lackawanna, avenue and Vine street.
Iiilluentlal property holders in the
blocks between Linden and Mulberry
stieets have recently joined In vigor
ously opposing the franchise and the
njw company lias about come to the
conclusion that it is useless to hope
to get a franchise for another railway
on the tit si four blocks of "Wyoming
tho GisirsSm
open the armory has been decided
upon. Ten dollars will be charged ami
discrimination will be made in no cases.
There was talk of admitting the regi
ment's members free but this was
tlnally decided against. Thero will be,
however, a regimental ball given short
ly after the opening affair at which the
guardsmen will hold carnival.
The hull will bo arranged only a
few clays after the big ball in order
that the same decorations may be
used, and the armory present as hand
some an appearance as on the occasion
when the highest military and civil
llghls of Pennsylvania. grace its lioor.
W rf
Tho Thirteenth regiment was repre-.
Hunted on the gridiron last season by
a foot ball team and now as tho ama
teur base ball teams of the vicinity aro
beginlug to feel their muscles and
yearn for opponents, the members of
the different companies wonder why
thu regiment cannot put a team on
the diamond. There am numerous ex
cellent players in the regiment and a,
nine could ho put onto the local dia
mond which would play a snappy and
fast article of thu national game.
Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant
"W, S, Gould announces himself as a
candidate for the position of first lieu
tenant In Company K, of tho Thir
teenth, to succeed Lieutenant Isaac
Drown, 'deceased. Sergeant Gould has
been conected with the guard during
the last fifteen yeais and is a careful
and painstaking soldier. He was ser
geant of Company C for a time and
later made sergeant major. He has
alRo served as tho representative of the
non-commissioned staff on the rlfla
team. He )s the nnlyvau who has yet
announced himself as a candidate for
the lieutenancy. No election has been
so far ordered, although tho vacancy
has existed for several weks.
The date of the ball which will open
tho new armory has now been definite
ly fixed. It will be held Thursday
night, June 6. Already local olllcers
aro preparing for the event which will
be of thu fullest dress description,
Yards und yards of gold laco will be
teen on the breasts of the military
lights present, and tho full splendor
of tho United States' olllcers state garb
will be a revelation to those who have
always fondly Imagined that the most
Spartan llko severity characterized tlie
apparel of Uncle Sam's military ser
vants. Nothing has been as yet done in the
matter of personal visits by the special
committee appointed to wait upon Vlcu
President Roosevelt, General Nelson A.
Miles and other celebrities and extend
them verbal invitation to attend tho
ball, it Is ery likely, however, that
next week thu committee which con
sists of Colonel h. A, Wtitres. Hon.
William Connell and Major Everett
Warren will take some fcteps In the
Ho Holds That Councils Have No
Power or Authority In the Matter
' nnd Says This Is Vested by the In
tent of the Ripper BUI In tho City
Recorder, tho Head of tho Proper
Department nnd the Bureau Super
intendent Interested Way Ho
Reaches This Conclusion.
City Solicitor George M. Wntson.s In
an opinion transmitted yesterday af
ternoon to Director of Public Woiks
John ft. Hoche, in response to a re
quest from that olliclal, holds that un
der tho ripper act tho city recorder
nnd the head ot the proper department
have the right and authority to award
contracts for work to bo done for,
and material to be furnished to thu
The oily solicitor's opinion is a most
Interesting document, inasmuch as tlie
lutctprelatlou he puts upon the law
Is one which has not previously been
even considered. After citing that
portion of the-net which goes on to
say that contracts" "shall be lot as
heretofore In cities of tho second class
and nil bids shall bo received and
opened publicly by the olliclal or com
mittee Intrusted with the awarding
-of thp contract," also that portion
which soys that "no contract shall bo
entered Into or o.eeuted directly by
the councils or any committee there
of," he goes on to say:
"It. appeals that the legislative in
tent was to relieve councils from any
lesposlhlllty lit participation In any
contract lntnlo on the purl of tin city.
The statute lakes from them the
power to enter Into a contract either
dliectly or bv committee, and I do
not understand that they have any
authority to procure bldrlets or open
such bids of persons as may answer
the advertisement and desire to enter
into a contract.
"The last part of thu llrsf, paia
graph of Section 1 oC Article v men
tions 'committee, or olliclal intrusted
with the awarding of Ihe contract.'
Tho nevt paragraph forbids councils
from entering into a contract directly
or by comniiitee, so wo must assume
that tin: committee meant In the last
part of Iliu llrst paragraph could not
have been created by councils.
"The legislature intended to relieve
councils from nil icsponslblllty in re
lation to contracts and to lcposc that
responsibility In ihe head or tho de
partment under whose direction the
work would be done, the city lecorder,
who is responsible lor the good con
duct of the direction of the depart
ment and the controller whose duty
II is to see that no one presents su.
cesstully any unjust eluim against the
".These people have given sullilcnt
bonds to protect the city against any
unfair and unjust claim and the legis
lature did well when they made them
responsible for the good i onduct and
faithful, peiformance of contracts.
"I am of the opinion that contracts
for ivork or material should bo ad
vertised for by the head of the de
partment and tlie city recorder; that
the bids should be opened and con
sidered by the city recorder, the di
rector of the department and the su
perintendent of the bureau or sub
division of tho department, and
awarded by them so that the best in
formation may be obtained before the
execution of the contract."
II will be noticed that tlieie is no
doubt in tho city solicitor's mind that
Ihe "entering into" a contract means
the "awardinsr of one." He takes this
for granted when he says that coun
cils have unthing to do with con
tracts. He makes no reference uhalcer to
the contention made by Director Roche
that under the old act of 1S71 It would
bo necepsary for councils by oullnauce
to designate who should award con
tracts. While he has not set forth hH
views on this point in tlie opinion,
they are, nevertheless, known.
The very last section of the ripper
bill piovldcs that "all oilier laws for
the government of cities of the sec
ond class, unless preserved by the
terms of this act, as well as all laws
Inconsistent with or sunplied by tills
act, are hereby repealed,"
City Solicitor Watson br-Idr that tha
winds "as heretofore" in tho ripper
bill aro not sufllcient to preserve tho
terms ot tho old act, which provides
that councils shall pass an ordinance
prescribing rules and regulations for
the awarding of contracts. Ho con
tends that there must be something
more specific: that the section of the
act desired lo be preserved and the
date of Its passage should Iiavo ben
Included In the ripper in order to make
it apply.
Had a Conference with Officers of
tho Switchmen's Union.
Frank T. Hawley, grund master of
the Switchmen's union, stopped off in
Scranton yesterday, on his way from
New York to his homo in Uutfalo, and
lust night had a confurenci.1 with tho
olllcers of tho local switchmen.
What transpired at thn conference
could not be authoritatively learned,
bt it is supposed the matters con-d I
ered relnted to thu grievances whluh
are to be presented May 1 by tho
bwltchmen of the whole Lackawanna
Richnuis & Wirth,
326 Lackawanna avenue, ate amiln
ready for business In their handsome
store at Sid Lackawanna avenue. They
luivo opened up with a brand now
stock of spring and summer clothing
for young and old, and everything is
union made. Come and sue us for fine
goods at small prices.
UJG Lackawanna avenue.
Splendid New Stock
of spring clothing at Richards &
Wlrth's new store, U2G Lackawanna
avenue, Every garment in our stock
is tills season's mako and thu price
cunnot full to please.
Given Awny,
Rose bushes that will bloom tills
year given away Saturday and Mom
duy. Mcars & Hagen.
The May Magazines Are Here.
Norton, Wyo. ave., nest Dime bank.
j; There Is n diiTcrcncc In globes. Ours are mnde by 5jj
.HU, cit.u yiuas mm uiinuiiu uiiLiciicss, uur prices lor ,
different sizes yon will find' a little lower than you pay for SB
dull finish elsewhere. 2
30c, 40c,
CuudTYfeA ,
fltci V 7Vi:fln
S' 11XIHKM.I. Wk
S Sm9lo Shape" Shoe. Jf
Ji:::::l":iiiiilllillliii;;:::::;f ')
L. j fientlemen : . Iv
Gentlemen : .
In our Korrect Shape Shoes you
get $5 worth of wear, $$ worth of
style and $ioo worth of comfort
all for 4.00 only $4.00.
Ask to see our Oxfords.
People Who. Ride
rf , rw
0000H.Zq0X0000JM$0np00P 01i.aMlXJSXlf1Ul.010lK
Can find shoes here to suit his taste or lo meet his
peculiar shoe ideas. Shoes for business or outing use,
or for wear on dress occasions. They are the embodi
ment of Elegance and Ease. They are "beauties"
to look at and "luxuries" to the foot. They also pre
vent "that tired tceling" ot the pocket, made in the very
latest shapes, of the most fashionable leathers and in the
very best manner. Exceptionally artistic in design.
We Place on Sale Today About
200 P
I (Superior to regular goods.) Some elegant styles,
S but not many of a size. Mostly Men s Oxfords in Pat
j out Leather, Russia Calf, Vici Kid, Etc, Sizes to Qtf,
all widths. Regular prices $2.50, $3.00 and 4.00.
I While They Last
$1.50, $100
Two dollars ot shoe value for every dollar you
invest. Ladies' Ox ord Ties at 50c a Pair.
1 I
330 Lackawanna Avenue,
rfar7'!TfTra rwvvT!!rimiSZXmwsscSREii
Fresh Imported and Key West Cigars
dally receipts. Two 'phones. I' 1'.
Dean, li'S Connell building.
Win has thn agency for tho I'luve
land I Hey vies'.' Kloivy & Itrunks. l
50c, and 65c.
r-k 134 Wrominc Avnnnn wi
VW. Wlk In Binl Look Around m
rirJtai sj I
- rissSy
Mtnii T
flWH jir l.l u ry
i ,d
k !
sj i
the Scranton Bicycle
Have more enjoyment and
less care in tneir wneenng
than those who ride any 5
other. You ought to come Jw
in and learn all about The W
Scranton how cheap and Q
how good it is, and what "
our terms are,
126-128 Franklin Ave.
I.uul ihu for Aurll SO, 1101:
Ui-rinsi tuniicutiiie u; ii."gTm
l.uuitt tciniiiMlur.) , 4.) ilogrccj
Itiljtivc IlimilOil :
"' i...... 61 per cptu
h !' 111 , 4) irr inn
Nu I'lvcluiutiim; wutlici i-lcvit.
f Sample
Shoes j
Ml I flit