PyrT 1 ty . v y? , P. iT-VNy 1 ".fr ; j k. jyjT.V .-W j i , ,.tn v-, 'J. j" V? 4 THE SCltANTON TIUBUNE-HATUKDAY, AP1UL 27, 1901. i -, .. Ull -t t-V S, PnMl.htil t)ill.v. Hurpt iinday. by The Till), line I'linllshlrm Company, at rmyCciiU Monlli. I.IVV . tlirllAIII), IMlloi. t). V. llVMII'.i:, Itulncs.s MiiURir. New Yoil. OHIccs IJO Nassin St, S. S. VIHIUI-AND, Silo Arnt for I'otrlgn AtlxeillsliiS,'. I.nlritd ul Iho I'oslnlllcr nt Sirnntun, I'a., as .fLiihil 1'lnv Mali Mailer. When spice will potnill, The Ttlbtine Ii always bIbiI Id pi hil 'hull Icllcn limn ll fi lends ins mi i orient lupin, lull Hi tide Is thai th'",e imul be sIkiiciI, inr pitbliiullnii, liy Hie writers real nunc; unit I lie condition piccedcnt to i l" uplanie Is lh.ll .ill contributions lull he miwut In r ililorl.ll Id Mull. i in: 1' iiati: nut aivi:iiimsu. 'Hie followlinr luhle slums the prbe in Inch rrnli Insertion, p.e In he mcil within inie xenii I Hun nl l-itilliigan ' ml l)ISI't,.V. I'.ipir tleatlltn; I'lisltioil .J?.. I ". .,1 i j !!? ' - .17 I .l-' .11,-, I .Ik l.i'M Hi ill 5nO Indies! Nn Inihci 1"0i) " , :!'!! " (mno " , .31 .In .to I'or cAtds of tlianVf, resolutions, iif ei.ndolcnii' and nlmllar contributions In the nature of ml srrlixlmr The Trllmne timki's a iliaijp' ut ft cents a Hue, Hales for Clllfled AiIvpi titnic fiiinMift! on application. TWELVE PAGES. SCRANTOX, 'APKIJa 27, WOl. Another exhibition of Implicit fnlth Jn the resources ot the country Is given in the hope oC a number of Knfjllsh rapltulists who still believe that the.s wIM realize something upon the repudi ated Southern state war bonds. Circle or No Circle. - "V LBEWIIRUK appears a Iclter 1- from the Hon. Clinton Rog- M - era Woodruff, chairman, of the Union committee for the promotion of ballot reform and the merit system in Pennsylvania, in which reason3 are given why the Pennsylvania Ballot Keform associa tion insists upon abolishing the party circle or group system of marking ballots. lie contends that the parly circle is unconstitutional because il inter feres with free and. equal elections, and cites a ruling in a California case to prove that It is against public pol icy. Until such a l tiling is made and sustained in Pennsylvania, the Cali fornia citation is naturally of acade mic Interest only. "We have not stud ied it, but suspect it would take a htVong argument to convince us that. in a government founded on the party Idea and Impossible of continuance on :t republican bais without parties, it Is against public policy to permit those lavorable t pat I y tegularity to Iiiim- llii pilvllege of voting straight tliUots I'onvi'tiit'iitlv, if thi'y so ileslie. DifiVilim It "in "tir illsllnBiiished cor li.linndi'til. we think the question of iiii.ii!)"!.- In this vnnuerlluiL is essen '.il. uli-'ii the majDiity, as at present, I: ,ni ii p.uty tiii'Ie as a convenience m MitiiiK. they slicmlU have it. all the ii ! i -uillly In view of the fact i i.-it iiviitK II t'i theni does not take mini the minority of independent vo leis or patty ticket Hitters any I'sscti li it privilege nr any 1'undamcital ilKht. lOlei Hon- sue now free and iiti,il lit'citi-e each voter has unre hliii ted oplion either to marlciiu the circle or to niaik in tlie various squares. There is really more free dom now than there would be If lvo thiids of the voters should be coin. 1'elled, against their will, to mark each name separately nt the cninpul elon of the other third. That in. time most voters could be taught to mark a no-eircle ticket with approximate accuracy we do not doubt. But what is the use of going through another period of change and experiment whim the end to be gained is only to ctill the clamor of a minor ity, whtctf might not be satisfied even thea'2 Certainly air. "Woodruff, will not contend that removing the circle would brine out to primaries and clectlons those now accustomed to re , naln uvny. and find fault; or confer j upon the independent voters n greater I jiwmericnl power than they possess al- ready. Koe can We see how any gain I for righteousness would come through, j making ballot marking harder than It j is. If the wish Is to disfranchise II 1 literate voter.?, do eo openly and fairly i'lis a proposition oyj itself, calling it franchise, uot ballot, reform. '' Prospe'cTs for peace Jn South Africa nre more promising. When the cor respondents begin ta 'discover threc tallcii cornels in the heavens it Is evi dence that there is nothing exciting to report pu the battle field. As to Pacific Cables. RrOKXT Ottawa advices stale that after tho vicissitudes of fourteen years the British-Imperial plan of an all Jrltlsli Pacific cable has Anally been nsvnirod. Tho contract for Its laying hns been let. The details of arrauge jucuis for laying have been published. fJ'ho ftontractoi'3 undertake to Jmvti the cntlro lino from Vancouver's Island, airitlsh Columbia, to Xow Xoulnud and the Australasian colonlew completed tuirt In working order by December of next year. The $10,000,000 which Is the es-tlninU; of approximate cost, Is to bo loaned by the imperial government, tae United Kingdom, Canudii, und the Australasian colonies each guarantee ing their share. Camilla nt least, according lo the Ot tawa dispatches, believes tliut the lay ing of this cubic, to be absolutely un lei' Jhltlsli control, will delay for niany years thu constuietlon of the proposed Pacific cable by tho United rtlates or under Its contiol. Cireat Mi It alu Is said to hold tho sumo viow, The Argument on which they basa this belief Is that for a long time there will not be business enough to make two cablo line pay. The single fact that the line con titictcd fur Is to bo absolutely under ci.ntiol, makes more impera tive tho laying of a cable fiom fall, fi'inla via Hawaii, Tutiillu lu the Sa iponn IMuuds, and (iuiiiu, to the Phil ippine!!, also to Japan and China. Tills last connection will bo all the more a iim'salty, bevuuie 0f ulc iitiah. tiropolllon Id acquire the cable line nltenily In existence fiom Austiallii via .Singapore, lo Hong Kong. The t'nltpd Hlates government can not, afford lo bo dependent on the ItrltMt nml Iti'ltlsli-tnnitdlati govein inent.i for telegraphh1 lomintitllcatlon tit all time?, iitid tinder nil clrctnn stances or pence,' diplomatic troubles, or actual war with lis own Pacific dependencies and with China nml Japan. Whether the United States' Pat'llle i'ii bin, which must be laid at tin cully tiny, shall become nt once uomniotlclally remunerative or not its It very soon would do, despite the ex pressed (.'a mi ill a n hope to the con- Irnty If will become n hundred-fold a necessity to the government of this country with the existence of n cable absolutely under the control of another government. That Is n patpnt fact. It needs no arguing. Chief Need of the Navy. -"lll': WAHHINflTOX cones I pondenee lakes Hole of t lie JL Indifference shown by the naval mllltla of both the At lantic and Paclllc coasts, and of the sluing argument thus furnished for the establishment of it trained naval re serve. .Seerntiiry Long's purpose Is de clared to be to lay especial stress In his next report upon the necessity ex istent for congress to direct the estab lishment of such u resDfvc. The utter want of interest In the duties they ure supposed to have un dertaken "will prevent the oignnlsi.i llons ot naval mllltla from taking the usual cruise on a tegular man-o-war during the coming summer." fo says the report. The chief need of the navy Is men, and since the time has assuredly ar rived when the United States must be a nation with a strong navy, if It is to hold Its own at all, henceforth, there Is clear common sense In the de mand for a trained naval reserve from which the navy could In time ot con fllct he immediately augmented by competent, thoroughly Instructed men. A reserve, this should be, which, ai specified by Lieutenant Commander Sutherland, who is in immediate charge of naval milltiu matters, should in clude nil classes that have to do with the sea. The minimum term of enlist ment for such reserve, to be of iie, he puts at live years. Minister Conger probably believes that the Iowa fences are in greater need r attention nl present than af fairs at Pekln. Homes of Hope, FOLLOWING our recent resume of the libiary work estab lished bv its warden In Chi cago's prison a work that we again ask it there are none to start on an equally effective basis In the prison here theie comes most appioprlately the brier account of what that admir able and devoted woman, .Mis. Flailing ton Booth, is accomplishing in what we call homes of hope. Hope hall, No. 1, and Hope hall. No. 2, she names them. The first one Is at Flushing. Long Island, and is a small farm col ony. The secoml Is inn In the suburban legion of Chicago. She refers to them, in her lectures and appeals for their maintenance, as a part of the pi Ismi work or the Volun teers of America. Hut It is thtough her own untiring personal efforts that they are actually sustained. She Is as much both the soul and bodv of the prison work or the 'volunteer Army" as Mrs. Klizabeth Fiy was of the al most miraculous pilson lefortn woik accomplished In Newgate and in the whole prison system of Knsland hi Hie early decades of the nineteenth cen tury. Sirs. Booth's prison woik was begun In systematized fashion almost Im mediately after her last visit to Scran ton. In 3S90, hugely through the- in itial Interest in her woik moused bv the metropolitan newspapers' accounts of it, she was able to secuie the Flush ing farm and house. Over one thou sand discharged prlsoneis coming out into the wot M without a place, or a fool hold for honest work, anywhere else In It, have been leoelved, sheltered and fed, at Hope hall, No. 1. They did what work the farm could give ihem to do until employment, could be found for them. It has saved by far the largest proportion of them rrmn letura to crime. In Hope hall, No, L', the Iteooi d-Her-ald's Investigation explains ihat "ihe parole system of Illinois makes It pos sible for the home lo woik with the slate otllclals." That Is, "some respon sible person must guaranteo employ ment for a year in order lo secure a parole." As Hope hull gives u fie.i home until employment Is seemed fur those whom It takes, the guarantee Is modified to fit the case. In the two years and a half during which this refuge has been open the number te celveil has been about ITiO, and ot tlnsa "about 70 percent, have Income honest, Indiiriti Ions and law-abiding." While in Hope hall the men do the woik of eveiy kind, hut alternating lu the duties or the hoi;e, laundiy ami poullry .Mild, so that o half of tlm nvi'iuge number of twenty to twenty, live Inmates are free through the -day to look for work. It Is line, says the paper from whVh we quote, for any to have in depend on tho home for tluee months unless on account of Illness. "The paiole sys tcm, of, lequhes a monthly ic port of the status of each man, but the rules are not liksome. The Inmates are forbidden lo use tubacni or tun. fane language at the home. They must be In by durk in aider that no false chnrges may hold against them; and they are required to attend two ie llglous services a week." The neigh bors In the scattered subuib In which Hope hall stands have, It Is added, nothing but kind words for the insti tution and Its mission. That In In Itself a certificate of the successful manner lu which It Is doing Its work, Mrs. Balllngton Booth nukes an earnest uppeal for subscribers to thu extent of J.IOO a month, for the more regulur and substantial support of the two homes, In order to leave her fiee. to do more work In the prisons. How that delicate fiuine of hers is upborne by the splilt to do what she accomplishes Is the marvel. The help she asks ought to he forthcoming, and lu the two itates In which the home nrc. Then other slates may well stir themselves to similar work lu this matter, ns well as In the pi Iron library. Kveti on n mcie money basis It costs less lo help those who hnvu "gone wrong" to nn honest llfo than It docs to leave them to go hack Into bud ways or lo push thorn there. Although the Glasgow exposition which opened this week has failed of any ofllclal recognition from this coun try, nml tlii' American exhibits nre re ported to he few, the inanngers of the exposition me said lo he "looking con fidently for large support from Ameri can visitors." The Glasgow enterprise has, us a inutler of course, been largely crowded by the coming Pan-Ainorlcnn exposition out of the thought of this country, lu some quarters there has been sharp criticism for losing the opportunities for showing the superior ity of American manufactures before multitudes of Kuropcnti vlsltois. YeL fiom tlie very same sources we hear of "the hitler Jealousy" stirred up In Great Hrllaln and on the continent of Km ope by that very superiority. Why, then, mourn over neglected oppor tunities? The Philadelphia Ledger says that conservative estimates place the num ber of persons rcudeted homeless by the Hoods In the Ohio valley at more than 11,0(10. The total property loss is estimated at .fj,7 15,000, which Is i5ot so very much lu this land of big figures; but there Is every reason to suppose that most of the homeless ones have lost their nil, and n millionaire could lose no more, our contemporary adds: They will need food, clothing and help to make a fresh start In life, and thay cannot have these things too soon. Tho promptest charity for them Is the best. Can the Ited Cross he made, as often before, the medium of giving? There should be nn organized, responsible center for receiving and promptly dis tributing money and supplies. The Italians In Philadelphia propose a memorial fund, to erect a inanumcut to A'erdl In Fulrmount park. The in itial step will be the giving of a great concert on Monday evening next In the Academy of Music in that city. The entire musical and cultured public ot the ppimsylvaniau metropolis is being stirred to interest which, it is hoped, will result in tolling the fund up speedily to an amount sufficient for a beautiful and appropriate memorial. Hon. Chaiincey I Black talks like a man with n third parly selteine on his mind. Parly Circlfc and Ballot Reform Till! I lU.I.ON IMi 10111-5p1.11.leme Ii pelf ex pi iniini.i : Apt! 'Jt. Hull. ( Hilton Unci- WiH.diutf, liii ltd ISuildimr, I'lillidclpliia. Ucie sii: I am in lectipl of a 1 opy of jour heuiiniiii!;: "Ilicie (.111 he no ihoioui;li h.illot icfoiiii witliout the ginnping ot the i-amll-ilales 11111I1 r the repeithe otlici'ji, and the alioli linn ol the cinle." Vim leipiesl in publication, and I would si idly lOtnply weie it not that 1 In- Tiilmne I111 piiutcl eo many limes ucenlly llit i,ws of youi eiimmillee upon Ihli jsulijett, that il .-nini limlly neicuy to po over the siouii.I asaiii. I'li-niiill.t I ilniik It no iiii.ii than fair to sjv tn 1111 1 I li.iw liern luialih' to aioipt jour 1 lew nf I lie suppoeii ain to come to the peo ple nf Ihe innimuimealllt tlnniijili iloim; 4WJV wilh Ihe parlv (ilele. In kawaiiea n.tiiily, except on tare orca sinti., a et.x liine piopoilicn of Ihe xoteis, ill' 1 lu.Iini; citieiii In lonuiiiir In all pnliti 1 il paillfs, lote tlieh tiikels ntialnht. Willie I am not utile lo 1 tie exait with u-fof. em e to out 1 oinity, it 11 a matter of loinmoii knowleJae that I lie peuentaiji' of flraiyl.t p.uty Miles al .in i.iilin.iiy gemral election Ii ery much ill cmo--. nf tin- peiunlaKi- of Inlloti whiih an- nil. I -I1011I1I ny Hut as a rule SO In S.t lent, of nut citini. oidinaiili xnte r-l l.tivlit III ken. Nexciilielcns, Hie Mite east in this 1 (mmy lot l)i- .swallow slmweil that whin a xoler decile to he iiidepen.l.'ni of paily tiei, Ihe ptcMiil .11 1.111m mi nl nf the lullnl preeuti un nl.slaili's In lint piupo-e. 'I he pilt.i 1 itilc is imi, ai has heen rharped, a pail.i haltei, hut .1 inmciiietue and time s.uei. Tn me. Hie pinio.inn Hut it .shall he jhull-li.'.l looks lil.e an ell. .it mi Hie pair of a lelalliely small pcmntise nf the xollmf popu lation to fnue Ihe uialitliatlnu of llieir linl.l.y it the 1 0.1 and iti(iineiiien(e nf a laiire ntajor Ih, tun hae I hull ahle to Hume out wheicin the ahnllllnii of Hie (in I.' (.to he expideil tn Justlu IlK'lf lu hetlei tesillls. It would not nnl, i.nifii.e the llllleiate xoter, cans. Inj (11 Inneau'd 11-e nf helpeis it t the pnlli or re-ultlnsr in a lOiislileiablo illsfraiiihlsement, but it would al.o. ai iNpetieine te.11 be., woir.i and annoy a lam.- of Ihe well lead V'ton who hae beioiue .n i ii.tnme.l In Ihe party ilule, and in toe miuriy ol elulionc make use nT il a- .1 lime -hit, If we t ousiil.-r that liu' proper ifiuie In Icgl-lalton Ii lo con tre Hie leate-t nn.l Ol the loe.ltest lillllllill, I should lie xll.l In h.iM' xnu explain upon what. Kioiiiul .Mm so siicim.nisl.i Insist ii) .011 doliij AH.iv wilh this iniii Ii ahiiM'il ifiih. and I iliould be ul nl. wilh ii.ill pi-riiiii-lnu, to piiut lu.tli ll.l- Inn i and .M.ui I, pit. limn ll-pn Ifllll.l, l.iix s. iii, lu,,). I', Ipl.l.i. .rll lib haul, IMitm Tlie Tilbuiie, s Mr. s. Ion, Pa. Hear Mr. Hi. haul: tcr of pill til. In I have .Mutt'l.-llntr b t lefeieuie lo the pi i lit biles ctllbndhil jn tin anelillou's bill, foul bill.' I', iiii.tli ml. i II dim lb fm tu itenri illy known, ,i ili "lied- Ii Ihe lll.t pi i.e. penult iue In sai I I ie. said ihe it-ti'in ion of ll.e p.ul.i inliimu and Ihe 1 bile n un. .,, Set Hon u of Villi Ie 1 of Hie pie-eiii 1 ni'. tit. ill.. 11 iiioildes "lint 1 be II. n. -Ii ill In- fiiv and c. pill." IHcilimi. aie 11 t, fiee in. 1' iipnl when Ihe oPhiil billot di-cilini-nates lieiween candidates on a p.ulv an. I laii'li.l.ilei mi an liulipeudeiit tliket; nor wln-n 'I .li.i 1I1.1I1..1I1 s l.ilHeen Hi., sii.ilshi .aiiv toler mid Hie llul. . ni. lent xoiir. In nlher wonl, ju, ri'ionllii.ii nf .1 p.ulv nr .111.1 adianliu'e vheii lo pnli xnur. In ihe law Is at;ilu-t piildli) Iiii'Im und inionstilnli vjil. 'I'hl- I. is been held lu a (alifmnia 1.1.0 1 nii-liulni; ,1 1 flinilar In imr in Hie I'allfoiiila inii.liimion. Of inill.e, il is llil...-lble In ilehimilie wlnt liiopoilloii of ll.e Mileis ot I'l'liii-.lh.inl.l. denird in nit their lliket i no .Ull-tli-. un this point hue eer been ejlheiril. If I iniiv he peiiull led in indue fn. 111 mi nwu experleme I aIioiiI.I ay thai Ihe pinp.iillon in fome fertlmn of I'liiladelphla wj. 111.11 Ii ueaier fal pel mil. Ilun t'i but I iln 11.. I ii'iianl Ihe iile.i.ii of I lie nilliiliir of xnlii. ileslrim; to nil tl..'lr liikels i al all peiiliient or cvsenlUI. Ihe ferlim; I Inn- In nis-aid in ilie mailer Is thai ex 11,1 oIfi khoiild be icijuiit'il to take Ihe x.inie amount of tn.ul.le lo in.nk his lullnt as exery other totel, and that I here ..liuul.l be no ills iiiiulnjilou of .mi kind wIiiUomm- In faxor of any Kroup ofpamliilatc, null us we luxe with Ihe party lolnnin. The Jix;iiiiii-iil nl Hie pail.x liule Inlin; u ion-xenleiiu- and llme-axer iov not appeal lo me. It may be a ivnxenlemr and lime-eairr to agree lhat a u'llalu uroup ol men .hall make our iiominalioiis and do our xotln;, lint this does not make km h 4 coins., liuhl. The mailer ot ballot n l.u 111 as rcprcseuleil in Ihe llcdford bill is b, 110 means ,1 hnhhj, but u kl 111 ere dolic on Ihe prt of ini Interested In the welfare of jhe latc to haxc Ihe maililneix iJ toting nude abso lutely fair and riiiiiable, The aii.wer lo ijic aitjiiniciil that llio lledfoid bill, U enacted into Un-, would only loufiu: the Illiterate mIct, earning in Imreine of helper ut the poll or result In u lomldoralite illifrnn. chlifinrnt i the eipeilrme nl it.ilr like itiw rlmell., where n similar Itw U In torco and et feil, 'I hit experience ilmwi that there I neither iliifiJliilil'eliiinl nor tiiiiii.lnti! nn Ihe nuitiuij, there nre lew mldnki'i tt tit 1 feurr oppottutiltle for niMiikci het'Jine there l wily nne way ol ni.iikliig the hillnl, whcte.H Me now hie tttu Wil). I n'lHe ,1R.,( ttllh jnii Hill the proper lial ol legljl.illnii Is Id toluene the nre.ilet good lo the ieatet liumliei j hut tho ipeJleU Riiuil of the gte.itest iiiiuiher t.m ,niily ho roiKenril hy n Milit inlhfieiiie tu thu fiinliiiiHiiliil Hut eliillon mini lie fair tin. I r.pttl. If the ineain hy wlildi the oieielttii people are In epie their will ure not iiih'iiuli nor fair imr ml nor equltahle, ri'pulitluiii IikIHiiIIdih ate In lint extent veil- mwly jeni.in7.,. M irr uniiK we iimt imr I'li-illon hlnery nlwoliitely fair ami free limit illn Inn of .110 kltnl, mnl m t haw .ihl hefore, imy ny.iein which glc any .mil milage, liu malter limv lltjut, In any net iil olcn or el nl c.tliilltl.ilcit ocr unollirl et of toler", nr aiuilliir cl of e.inillclile, Ii a ferl oin Infillificmiiil ,,f inliotltnllnnal rlislil. 'I hat Ihe lletlfonl hilt will not ntitno Ihe Il literate op i,iue I111 oiuciiii'tKc, it alio amwered by the expuli'iiie nf thuo Cmintlei where the Cr.iHfoiil iniiiilj. Mnii nf pilniary election ii In ncne. 1 ils i.tii'in provide for the giottp. lint of c.uiilhlalci imiler 1 110 wilout-uWiei and t he.iril of no complain! on ihe put of the oteii that, Ihe K.Mtetu Ii either intifu-ltig or Incnmciiir-iit. On the iniili.iiy, Ihe general opinion l lint tlio Ciawfoul loiinly itcm Ii one nl the hel Hill ln m far heen ilnled for pilniary rlcriiotK. I think the experience of I..irknniiiii iniinly a jear ago when the 0lei.1 erleileil ilcicn mil 0( elirhty-nli andlil.itei on 1 ballot Willi c.inillilali'i uiouped lucouling In of flcei arToi.U u rmii'luvlu' answer. Of ninre, Hiiniiglinnr all nf Ihli .irgiiinent, I not tm-ntlom.l Hie f.ti.t that eery man should lie willing In lain, ample lime ami palm to i.vcriiM- Mi liuht of Miitrage anil thai he lui no liithl to ak he he ghen any ndr.inlige oxer his felloHi, lmp1, lo sine liN coiienl(nee. 'Ihe 111111 who ii not willing to sillily hii Inllnt carefully, with a lnv to indlciitlng liii plecloial choke, hliilly ilc-cncs iue riglil. Ilcietofore wc Ire.llnl the olir m II he weie anioui lo liu'liaigi' ha. lily hii rlnhti an a riln-eii and to fitllilalo Hie .hifllns: of Hie ticpoti.llilllly which the law and Hie constitution placed upon him to t lie shonldcH of "nine one else. Very tiul.v jouri. f'linlon llogeis IVn'idiufl. Weekly Letter on Miinicipal Affairs XLVI. BOSTON A CENTER MUNICIPAL SOCIALISM. OF " III! t'lTV 01' nivilnn is more KngliOi in Hi iliie prailices than any olhrr American - uiunicipilily. The l.itc-t fieak of this kind is n piopisal lo e-lablish .t (lematoix for Hie dtsposilioii of Ihe unclaimed pauper dead, and such other hitmiti bodies as would naturally (mil a le-duiR plan- in ihe "poller field." He sides thN, it is intended to open the plant tor Lvonir.ll 11-e of Ihe public on the paj merit of .1 small fee, and. it is antiiipaled, tlm the lexeuuei will o(ced the expt'uditme. exeial (Hie. nf (ileal lllit.iin. iiicludinp: icilain bornnslis of Lon don, hale had sinillai planti in mk ee-s-ful opeta Hon for the past ten lears, theufore Boston thinks she can dupluVc the undertaking witli profit. A lare number of no-lnu' cilini'. howeier, do nol concur with the miinliipil aulhoritlei who are behind the piojecl. While Ihe opposcn have no pjitii ultr anlipathy In this method of geltliiff rid of the indeed, they tax or Hie i stem they do not think llnl the plant can be rim on business ptliiciiles. Mill it ii loo uiaxp an elileipii-e to put into the hinds of the frho lous aldeimiu, and, theiefoic, they uijie. that it lie left to the eiileipu'se of pilx lie partic. since the failnns nf the municipal ice plant and the cleitlic li-ht inu', ronitrm tlon ami rc i:iii dipailment, the people take lev, kindly lo ownei-hip silninci pnipoi'il by the cocialisls of the toxni. lu tioth these pkiuls. a thorough itu(tii;alioii lexcalcd .1 padded pay roll, mnl not only lint, but a lot of imnmp, tents who did more ilim,ie,e than pood wheiexer they peifoimcd any work. They were kept on (he pay loll because thei were pood henehmeii of eeltain waul hailns. I'or this reiions opposition is more ditlhtilt to oicicunie than fonneily, and it is quite likely this latot pioposil xxill he defeated. Mtliouli Boston is infestn xxith wild heelers and 111 uliine politic ioiis xx-ho are "in it" for the spoils she is not so liiis- liiliku as other cities of her si?e. Hut niacliine nile lias been, and is. innuirli in exfdence lo Hiieatcn the life of certain ittsiiluthin-, and paiticiiluly thai of Ihe muni ripil print inn pi inr, which was inaugurated in l&'iT. Whin tlie plant was. treated a larse printing bouse Mipply company xxliieh Imi a larfje over plus of out (.(-. I He and cniiipiutixelx- useless, xxitli-a ili-ciiminatini; application of "Rrea.-c" u ceitain poitions ol the inichineiy, suceeedrd in loading Moik on to Hie city of Hoslon, and fict the s, benu laiuuiied 1111.I.T unf iii condillons. I pon the election ut Ma.inr Halt, .1 most sciuhini; iuicsti'statton was made, heginuim; xvith the public owner-hip xentiuts, in. I two nf them wen put out of existence because they xvere found lo be woiso ihnn usele'S .1 positixe ex-peilst- o tlie cil.x. 'the pr inline; plant, aetonlini; to the repori of Ihe experi accountant rctently iiiide, xvas louud to line a finhtiui; ( hanee fnr life, and Ma.xnr lint detiiiuined to I'liiuinate politics mini it. iimircl so far as p.K-ible. 'Hie otilcoine of a leteut episotle in this connection liemotMiatos , inax-or's sincerity nf purpose, and augurs well for Ihe future success of the plant. One nf Ihe al.leiiniule 1c tilers called on the sup.'iiulcuileiil of the piiutini; plant tho nlher diy and said: "I hue .1 jouni: ladv finnd in my xvard xxho wants a jnli in jour ilipailment." "Wliat i' 111 i.he tins" a-ked th" siipeilnlendent. "I)h, I il.. n't know," milled the .iltleiiuaii. Is she ,1 sliuosiapher ami typewilttr, or can she wills" .1 Kood liin.Ii;" cnntlmicd Hie superin tendent. "he (.in't do iii.thin' xx I1.1I I kilowi of, but she xv.iuts a jub, and 1 want her lo hue a jnhj Hide's loiim in hue fur one nun e, and xvhat t six uoes, et.!" "Well, all I li-iie to hi .Mr. Alileimau, Is llnl I do not need .iwy mule hi Ip, and I Hull I... 1 appoint Her." "We'll mc abniit llnl, ' k.iIiI the nl.l.' "I'll net nn oulinance p,i.ul at Ihe next meet, un; nf the (i.'itiin; ,1 pusillnn for her in this il.'pirtmcut." Viul lie did, but Maim- lhrr sii.l.iln. .1 Hie actlnu nf Ihe nip.'l llitenilclit and xclned Ihe oullll line. 'Ihe ei,.l aicouulaiit, m his lepoit. ai.l: "A miinliipil pi I111 1 in; plant Mnh as I hi- one, uitli all he pics.ey, lipe, inln, .'It,, espulall) tie siuned In handle Ihe icUlir woik nf the illy, would -no money oxei .1 pilxilo pi ml. "Atiollnr and tnoie cxidetit titiill nf Ihe muni elpil plant Is Hit- dlrei t beuellt In Ihe i-mplo.tcs thelt'lli, whose limns ot labor line been short ened, lirilid.i.i, Kianled, and waes luiieisnl. This louddeiatlon is .111 lliipoit.u.t one, aid one to be bluhlv ciiiiimcndiil and 1 mil limed, but the i;no. tesillls nf Midi a policy should, nf couise, In, made ell. lent In the lesiilH of tho plant. "The ill.cnitiiniiiiiie of the plant would bo-.1 pul. He nil. fortune, tun, in uiv npinlon, It 1 in be aiolded oulv I13 a adheicuce in biislncis ptincipb's in lis iiutiitieiiuiit, Ini l.i.lin? the ap pointment ami liuioxil of etiiploiei, 'Ihein is un doubt in m,i lulu. I that i 10 sir per tent, of Ihe expui-es of tin. depailiueiil would bo saxiil if Ihe pic-sure of pnlllual inllueiiie in laior of .iipllcaiils (or positions was wholly re incixfil, and the sii.( 1 inliii.lnil left enlliel.i fiee In urn Ids ilepailiiiiul ji .1 prlxate huiit(s is caiiled on, appointing expi'iicniod and capablo ciuplo.ii'i nnl.x, and ptuihaslux hii materials xiluri'iir tlu.i can be boutjlii at Hie- oxxnt priie.. "Willi Ihe plant run n a business solely for lli,e Iirnetlt of Ilie cily as 1 liolc, Un-ie Is no doubt in iny mind tint all espiiisM tan ha paid, the cM lo dciartiuenls leduied. and piolll fcboxxn by the plant nillldeiit lo ultiniitely teiiubuise the city for Ihe capital cpt'ndlluie In the plant." WASTE OF CAPITAL. O. S. .Uaiidcii, in Smus for viiy. We aic shocked when a jouni: nun .lissipales, in liotoui lixiie, a fnititnc left lilm; J t'i, at thu ii'ty name time, xie may bo lliuiwiin; away cap Hal moro precious by den.xlns ourerhej the ilceri whidi re.torca and fiohcni all of our pnxven,, by wuitln our tiine-capllil, 01 by lettltiif od.'n oppoitunllles tllp tbrouijli our lii'irx'i-) uinucd worst lliait watted. Oncle Sam Cannot ' B? Thrown Dou)n spedal LViiefpoinlenii nf 'Ihe Tilbuiie, 'ashlinl6ii, April 2tl. Till! T.U.K of an iilllante 9alnl Ihe l.'nlled Sars with the pnttiose of Ie. preng; her ptMitl Itnde minis unlikely li taiue seilous tnxltty If lomlilernl In Ihe llajil nl rcienl tnmnierclal hlstotj, ririti,ni .iMiuiiiiiPininU luxe linn made iturlm, the pal few jean nf coiiil.ln itlotis nr tc rII itltm Jirultut Ihe fulled Males wilh reference lu 0111 expoil Itade, A few- jean nun illinium ineili ixne the mibjeel of leitl-l.itltu lit nexeial of the Iln lopean lonnllleis with tin, .mn.nei.t iiuinuie of illMrlnilliutlliir either nu.iliwl irfbiln clas-es nf our piudiieti nr ot aldltit; nlt.llll 1 1 usei of pin ilmers lu the tnunlrlei lu uhlili hc leuli.lti"ii wai had. V little lalir t.ilile lmllir net Ion with liferctiee In Aliiethati fiulti. Mill Itllrr fultln'r li'Klil.itluii witli referrnce to xailom madei of limit w 11 had, .mil this was billowed b.i hmea.e of ilttlh'1 In ntlaln llutupean inimtilei .maliisl Ihe ila-es ot hir.uNlulli of which Ihe I'nllrd .Slates ii a larm- piodutu and eipotln. thu dally piniluils. Inn. nbo belli the snliject nf mote 01 leu alteiillon tmiii rairepcaus whn I111I looked askance at nlcoui.ugarliw butler and mini thicso. b,, .limn cn.allun and Iiwh of the I'nlted Males hue fitrnlslid n li.nls lor icilain icslrlctlxe leuulnlluin with tcfoienu' In icrtain piodueti nf our mantitacloiles and Hm xxiir with "sptln xv.ii looked upon by many 11 likely lo piailiinlly deslroy Hie rniniupup oe tweeu that imintry ami Hie rolled Males. o Wlnt has been Hie 11 suit ol all this minimi. lal friction, coimueu ial limtllltj-, nml nf these 11 1ll011.1t and totiiblu.itluu ui;.ilii-t American lonunener Tj answci 'In a woul: 1 steady In. lean' of Xlnnii 111 cxpnlls tn Ihe 10.111. tries in ipie-llon and In Hum- uise a deeie.i.e ut Ann iii an linpnili fiulti Hinse count lies. Take II... ...j.. ., f. t . !.. ...-.- ,11,- 1 .is.- 111 1 ,,'inillll.l , l. in-iiiucc, WI1CIC IC slliitiie U ion yi teoiilatlon Willi lefetouen lo cnlaln Aiueilian ptndinti Ins hcfti fieipienlly iiRililled and In .some cases acliltlly npplleil, 'I he Hemes of the Treasury Hiueiiii of Matlslics i-how" thai our exporls lo neimany haie In inased fimii M million dnll.111 in IS'.!, to 1; tuillioii clolkus in lmjo. while the tlsiirei for the I'iltlil months cndiii!!; xvith I'ebiiuij", ItlOt, show exporth In tlerin.iiiy xalucd nt 1.11 inllllnn dob I.11 . iisalnit 121 million dollat.s in Ihe corrc spondiiiff months of last xeai, and III million tlnllais In the Mine months of (he five nl jear ISlHi. Me.inllnic impoits into tho I piled Mates fiom Oeimany have fallen from 111 million do! law lu isnr in l7 million dollais in pi(X), lliousli fur llin fiscal jeat 1P0I tliej will piohahlj be sllshllx in pif of iikki. - 11 In 1'i.iuee nrlaiii meilcan nu. .1.1. lion-., ei. pecialj" thnse itt ciiit'ln. hue li'cn Ihe .subject nl 11101c or leu restrict txc IcaUlation or icculalion; jet out- expott. to Kiance, which In 1fi'i,i weie 'I, inllllnn dollars, wrte In 1900 ."! million, and in the eiflit nmnths cndiie; with r'cliruaiy, 1001, me W. million dollais as-aiiet I.! million dollars in the lotiespondlus; incnllis of ISlfl, Meat. time our lupous fiom Fiance bale nol maleiiallj chanu'cd. the impoits ot 1VJI liaxinir liein 7ii uiillioii dollais and Ihns. of IfKK) T.I miliums dollars-, xvliile for tho ci;;.' inonlhs endim; wilh Kchriiaix, tfUJI, thc.i .show an inciease of a little lew than ntn- mlllinu dob lars oxer the corrcsponi'ms; monlhs nf last xeai. To Spiln our cxpoit ttade, instead ol beim; de Minjed 01 inatciiall.e leilmeil, In. intica-etl, mnl the exports ditiltnr Hie pie-enl fbial jear strut Jlkclj- lo be icalei than in ,in,x- nllnr jear, witli iiossibly 1 hiti'-!. ei i ntioii. 111 nt.i lii--oij-. haiinj; I1n.11 for the ehdil liinnllis ciid.nj with IVbiuaij-, T'ni, (.10,.'in,stsn. .nainst s.rifi"i..'ri I in Hie (orrcsH tiding months nf lKi). and s(;,(m 0.'.", In the same mouths ot tlie tl-ial jear 1S"i K,en in (lie final jear VHjn Ihe I0t.1l expoits 10 Spain fiom Ihe I'niled Mites weie Ihrit than in any eailler jear kince 1e!l, IJxtti in the case of Hiissia, xx hose lcccnl ititlim with lefereuu to icilain Imeiiian pioducls has been alteadj anroiir.ced, the etlact Is up lo this time scaiielt apparent. Our expoits to Itiusia iliirins Man h of the present jear, the lii-t hill month follow inf? the announce incut of Hie disci iminatini; talis against Ihe United Make, ivne MJIri.ttt,!, ,ts ait-iin-l Sl.'JIcl.CJl duiinir Man It of last xi.ii. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. Slxlj-lxxo per rent, of the adults in the king dom of (beat Ibitain, Scotland and Ireland .Di ablo to read ami write. In IS01 only 'JJ pei Lent, could read anl write. The output of Brilisli mines ami quiiiies m-e fiom 11,000.000 tons ,n 1E01 (o .Vi.OHO.OOO tons, 111 1M0, and at piesenc reaches i0,000,0' tons, of which 2J0,O0fl,O0O tons .lie coal. Ill icccnt years fit eat llntain has lost her m piemaey amonir the nations of the world in the luamilactuii- of haidwaie, The I ullcd Main now- leads in the piodiictlon of tint lommodilj. Klenili, which Used to he Die xxotlil l.iliu.iae, Scranton's Business Houses THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE A LWA YS LEA DERS REMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET. 3)5 TO 32S N, SEVENTH ST. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS, CLEAN BARBERS. DIME BANK ' BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED, 2BC. SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. Mill It of lllUilXOlOV. He will llil-t .1011 hrapri-l of Ihem all, lot t.i-li ci-ie-l ol theni nil, foi lime. -.1 I'i'I.i. .Hemic. GREEN'S 'Hie Old lb liable Pawn lliohir. HIT l.n K.iwaimi axcime. Xloin 1 loatu'i! nn diamond', watches, jewcli.x, mtiiiial ilt-l 1 iimr-dl-. poisnual piopeiiy. I'llxait- 1 lit 1:1111 1' llnl l.iutncss ( TRY SMOKEEZY, Mwoliilcli l.oiii,- lln.ii.i I dlei 1 Ijj.ti., cents (Jill s.1 no pet liiimlinl ALBERT WITTE, ('inner hpiitte .ttett and Uaslilnslon axtnue THE LINDEN QUICK LUNCH, OR HOTEL, hops anil bum lies in llnl be totiliiued. op, belli Ihe bi'.-t the lit. VVWOI s.raks, 'I'l.x Us M F, WYMBS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 111.' .lat.on sunt "Jii W.ioiuin,' Sxe ( alia bv Telephone Itciche I'lompt Mleiilinn PETER STIPP. Criteial Ctiutiador, llulhler and Healer in Iluililitu; Mono, L'cmciiliii'.' nt ullais. a i-pc dally, Telephone Wi Oftlce, i7 Washiiii.'luii axeniit- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES E, JOSEPH KUETTEL, leai SII I. ai law-anna axemie, minufactuirt nl Win- St 1 1 mi nf all hinds; tllllx pirpaletl tm the -.piiii t-cj-oii, We uul,e jll Llnds vi poult screeim, cti. tint cjoous nii'Mii iixii.x GOLDEN GATE CASH STORE. J, '. loii, I'roptlelor, dealer in line (boici its and I'loxbioiui. t'iiu- Cii;ar-) soli by tlie box. to.') Wjuhlniitou avenue. THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. lias no old coodi lo xxtuk oil. Hxeii fctyle 1 new- and u;i-ln date. Our pi Ices aic lower Hun any others. 303 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR PENN AVE. now tankn Hflli, lirlna fpoktn I'.v onlv ll.Ooo.tXX), while llimllsh i .pokeii by 113,000,000, Itusslan by 30,000,(11x1, Hennan by ?0,O0O,O00 and Spanish by 00,000,000, It has been etlmalid thnt Ihe forel of the riilllpplne Ulundi toxer 1111 tirei of about 0, 1X10,000 acres, Tlie Hand f Mindanao, xvith an atci of some sn.iHm,owi acres, has hnmente tracts nt tilmost unbroken lorcit. There luxe hem taphl ultldes In the Iron and iteel liiduxliy In Souili Itussla ilurlucr the past five years. Ao fewer Hun fourteen Iron work hax-i! been slutted, while I he ipiuletlc of pre. pjlsllnit wolki ,,n,. ,,inli,., the number of their blast fiiunces. The city nf M, IVtetiiiur has assiitued rote llnl of thiee of the sheet cat lines within Its limit", and expeits oon in lake issexlon nf tho icmilnltiR lines, . (. ,,,.,,1, Mull luxe been secured the i(v will .nlxcrtl-c for liropoxals to tonxert Hum to the electrical M tern. Six ladles now rank in the i..,.i,.,.,.ni nt Swiss tinhei'sllles. Hem,. ,.M four, 1.110 Is the ptofi' ol hl.loij n plillumphx, wo me lu the depiilimiils of surutiy and of the Tcllurle ohscrxalntj, while Ihe fntiilb Is ilile librarian, Al Zitildi Iheie ate two, both In te depart ment of Miigrry. While ruttltiir up ,t ,pt,r nt 1, Klw ,,,111 In .utility, Altidiil.!, t. 11, Kesiciliin found an nuser hole plmiaed by a pin, (in innovlm; the pill he found In the hold u. il Kuld pieces luiirlnj; dates bftween IH.VI and bsi.O. The coins are siippusnl o been hid iheie for safe keeping; ilmlnj; Hie ilxll xxar. The Army and N.ixy .louinal slain that not commissioned nthteis of Hie aiiuy speak Spanish Ihiently. and (hat must of lliiMiiro ReMliilf lu the I'lilllpplnes, and the West miles. About as main- 111010 odlceis possess a limited kiimxIeilRe nf iiiil-h. I't'iiidi Is spoken by ill ulllcers, licimaii hy bin, the laiii;iia;e of (lie Indians In 1:1. Italian bj :;, Swcdidi and Norwtnlan bv I ami TjqiloR by .". Cltincse, il.ipinesp, H-klino, Ptileh, lluniirl 111, l'orttt puese mid Polish are also rpokcii by sonic of our onny olllcers. Seven Floors FmII of Exclmisflve DesDgmis An New FiuittoeStyreo jsiie Pfialni FJsriuires. 121 WDIM1 WASHINGTON AVMUiE ano a lining. H. K. ZERBE, 107 I'ks.mIi ,tuue lle-i loial 1. ( 1. 01. Hill 6l Co mi 11 THESE ENTERPRISING aEAZ"'RSCAN'sl7pPUy'YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY ANO SATISFACTORILY. -.Mifa..HnMiMMMia)miinuMHfWaa-xwuHMu SEOURITY BUILDING SAVINGS UNION. liu olPti, '(s -.MO Xleais Ituil.linp, nan-acts .1 Rcllil.ll bullilllu IH.'I bun litslie-.s 1 1 1 1 .. . 11; 1 1 1 1 1, tin stale nt l'cims.iUiit.hi. FARRELL'S TRANSFER Moics I'leiKbt, I'uiuilmc and It.iUJe. Stle-, I'iauns ami M.i, l.inet.v Q2B LACKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANDER & CO. hate in.ixeil (hen Milium.' liabli-liiueul u "On Atlams An , opposite tcnut tiniiie. JAMES I. QUICK. I'bunblii, 'liuuiia. Ha- I'lltln-. l.iuli n 'lools j.awn Sied, I'low... 'I'hoiie old nss', lewi ".o.'i rai'i bat tin aiemie. WILLIAM JANKO, MERCHANT TAILOR. 3SO NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. It. iiaiiniir Hi.l prts. UlK llelie .11 ..lioit 1.1 it Ice i. A C D K I R ANO W I O A N M N G N A opp D.L. tW. DEPOT. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, H. L. GLEASON. LADIES' TtlLOR, RECENTLY WITH GILBERTS, HAS OfCNED AT 50 SPRUCE ST. I.lllc-1-. .Xllll ..III CJi'l II pl't'lc'C't lit lltu XXltllOlll clHlll III' t"ll liltillSH, titiil ilt xxijliin,iiiislili li- tin1 liots't to In- luiil, uImi tlie iulct'. niv iiiuiluiaie. YOUNG'S HATS, LOUIS H. ISAACS, A2 SPRUCE ST. MANHATTAN SHIHT3. FRED H, WINTER, B24 CAPOUSE AVENUE, Staple ltoi inc., and I'iovI-ioii- lull hue of Vineiahiu, tu , 1 ex 1 It il daily REGULAR $5 PHOTOS FOR $3.00, CRAMER'S lacZHave REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I tlud Tenants for Kmpty llon-ea, I'lupiv Houses lui' Ttnaulf, (olliii lieiil,, loot, Miii and Insuie 1'ioiK'i ty ami IliiiKlms.. WILLIAM G, LOOMS, Itooins t anil 5 Iluir nullum.' COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. Cle-inllniwi, l'u re r'ontl. Polite AtluiHon. Ilea- o. liable I'lite. Open day and uluht. :.0l and CUH Spruce stiett, bcunton, 1'a. FINLEYJS Shirt Waist Information for Women Tho season for selecUng your Shirt Waists is nt hand and we now plaea beforo you tho finest line over shown In this city. The Shirt Wnlst makers have cre ated mnrvels of beauty nnd were splendidly encouraged by the de signers of the lovely materials used, making it possible for them to pro duce a "Symphonic Harmony." The perfect Shirt Waist. The de light of every lady. Silk Waists We nre showing the popular Senior Waist, the most perfect fitting waist on the market, in Black and nil the new colorings. Yoke and sleeves covered with fine thread and cluster tucks. Bishop sleeves with pointed cuffs, buttoned in front or back. Lansdowne Waists Mnde up in the most perfect man ner in regard to fi,t, style and con stitution, in all the new colorings aa Old Rose, Pcnrl Grey, Violet, etc. Mercerized Gingham Waists This now and most satisfactory material has every appearance of silk and comes in a variety of striped effects and in all the new pastel col orings. Very artistic. White Shirt Waists An extensive assortment of Whit Lansdowne, Lawn Pique and Mercer ized Duck, tucked, embroidered, strapped, tailor-made and plain, per fectly made, very aamty ana at tractive. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave1 P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. i 1 The Dickson Miiimfacturlni: Co. ' ci un ton and U'ill;o-I!.irr. I'.x. .Muuufaciiirers o.' l.CCOMOriVUS, STATIONARY EiSOINES lioilcr.i, Moisting und Pumplnz Machlniry. General Office. Bcranton, P- I V V V 'V V V FRANK M. MOVER, Contractor and Builder. 320 PENN AVENUE. .lobliltur of all kinds promptly attended to. imimato ( Mi:nirui.,.Y MHIMITIi.I). THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Ilelalls fiiinitme, linldlnir -imi floor coverings loi (a-li .11 x,li., prices nl 72J W. LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. Itl.l'AllHNIi hl'IX-IAl.TV. ". GROSS, 422 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, Siuics..or 10 the Hunt k Cornell Co., in tin .'ill. I hheit lueial xvoik nml xciitlhitlun. Carton Ionian'-, irpalii. and -.cneial til. xxoik a speclalt.x. No. Ii- I..K s.i;iniu axenue. I'.ll I, WrSDI". S-J7 Ws.NfiTO.V AVIISUK. UTEAM DYE WORKS. ami I'lcmli Div Cleatiiiu and ItcliiiUhtnc; Coo, Is called for anil dcllicrcd. Iilcplniuc couuectioii , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 123 PENN AVE. alex. hay. HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, 321 MULBERRY ST. WOLF A MCLANE, sas ADAMS AVE, Easter Millinery WENZEL P1.11 Heal I'lunibris, Tinners and Haunt Ids. I'uuuxes a i-pc 1 i a I t , Itepalrini; piomptly done. -10 Xilaius ate., Seiau Inn, I'a. WILSON & COMPANY. I'a.libmable Tailois (Hotel .Icriuyn Iluildlns), lii senile fclieel, btiautou, I'a, hults pressed, as itiitut pants pissed, P lints. Clothing re paired, f tcr and dellteied. New I'lione, Saj H, A, RIEFENBERQ, I'iuiuliiui:. 'liiinlui.- and lleatlnt;, r-ole ascnt for llouaul I'urnact', Telephone IIP.', ,017 l.indcn street. THE CHEAPEST Mtat and ipiliKe.t plate in Hie city to ht aoiir ho(i llxedi wo use nothing but Oak Tan blather and .lot class xvorl,nunhip. 427 Linden street, opponito po-stoaice. DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY, DENTIST. t'oiuicil.t will! Dr, Hill, 321 SPRUCE ST, MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE, CHIROPODIST ANO SCALP TREATMENT .VH-.vil itran. Huihiliii'. Pallors open Horeiay, 'lliuisila.t an. I 'atnulay cteniue-i. l & . jCW -fc-iVKi-. &M.