The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 27, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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TJ113 SPRING session or I he arch
dcaconry 01 t-Janntoii Diocese of
rciUru1 Pennsylvania will open
In St. .Iiiiiiph' Ktilsuopal church,
1'llUton, JMoiiduy ovuuIiik. It l
iwpepted that the majority of the
clergy resident In thh nrchtlcncotuy
will he iirctcnl mill tuirHclpale In llicsc
HorvlcuH. Arclulcacoii C'hxu will pre
, nidi. The follow hip Ih ii proRiainmc of
the session:
MONDAY, Al'Wir. '29.
i !'fl p. in, I'.inillig pr.ijoi.
il'lr.'.K". Subject: "Ihe Llmrclmian'e Duly
fiuiu (lit- Wnvpoliit of I'rlv llcj?c."
1. "Clitireli Attendance," Ihr Hm. W. 1.
.'olinsnn, Calvary churcli, Ulkcs-nirii
i. "Chinch suppoit or S'yjteinntli! Itlvlng,"
Hie llcv. I-. I'. lljrrlnyton, 'Ii hilly ihtmli, rt
::. "Praver," tlic Dc. .1. II. Oililllh, St. Pet
el's thuicli, PI mouth.
Iljmiis: llVJO.ISI. ill:, SIS.
11'KsHAV, AI'BIIifii
7 mi ,i nt Holy Communion.
, "ii .i in. -Ituslne's Mo line.
infM.i. in. -Morning pr.ijcr.
Iii.;" i in - Holy Comiuunt n
Setinon l,y Ihe l!c. I'. II, Cirpcntcr,
MIKopI, P.i.
IlininJ: 5:.', US'. 609.
" '.'i p. hi.- UusIiKSi Meeting.
.. ') y. in. Aichdcitoii't llcport.
t i p. m,-Hugc-ls, tin' Itev. HoW llcll,
SJ.lie, l'.i.
.", "1 p m.'-Cn.ed and Collect:"
lu:nim;, "so.
IIionarv Meeting bpcakcis, Bishop ralhol,
l I)., Archilcicrm li.itlcllfle, tlov, V. A. tier
lun'. Iljmiis: ."I., J.V, 252, till. .".
I)r Jones' subject, will be "I lie bnliur ' Ini'l
111 Ills I.Ovin; Purpose till' Mini Ml 1 tllO
111 Mint rlir-r: ,i,"
The Mucial roouih tit Klin I'.uk i-lnm-li
in re crowded last night to wcIcohip
U. K. IJ. Singer, the nuw asflslnnt to
Mr. Ciltlln. The programme of tlie evn
Imj was nrrungtcl under the illrectiun
of IJ. R. Hlckn. The Hint pdit was of
a furinul character, V. II. Rock prefclcl
iiiir. lie inatle tlie liappIeHt surt of nn
aildrcis, eliaracterihllc in its Immur
.Hid i leverncfcfi. ile t,poke in lielmlf of
l he I'liiircli. Sir. Hicks spoke for the
Sunday m-IiouI, and pleasant Ki-uetiners
were llios-c.- lie brought lo the young1
niPii. .1. (!. Shepherd gave an eloquetit
nddrc'h from the Kpworth IcitRUe. The
i hureh ipt.irtette and Air. Pennington
rendered a number of aclcotloiii?. rind
Dr. Liifllu made u eharauteilstic ad
dress, boitulll'iil In Us allusions to his
young assistant, and, ns usual, full of
humor and brightness.
K. Mr. HiiiKer leplled to all the
I'lubiimtsjMiig tributes of adniiratioii
.mil, welcome In a suitable manner, quite
winning his audience with his graceful
speech. Mr. Sinner is a very good
loukiug lnon, :is The Tribune has previ
ously htatcd. Ile is an ntlilute and as
linelyeiiuipped mentally as in physique.
U was noted lust night Unit the con
sregat ion which crowded about tu greet
.Mr. Singer contuincd more than a, fair
sprinkling of very pretty girls. It may
In- mentioned, incidentally, that the
young assistant pastor is a single man.
Ue. Air. Singer was born in White
i Haven, this state, but his previous pas
torales have been In the northern end
of Wyoming conference. He was ad
mitted to the conference in 1SH7 at
OiiiMinta. Hi will be of great assist
ance to Mr. ("Willi.
. S,
A me.-ting of all the misslonaiy com
mittees of the various Christian En
deavor societies of the city will bo held
in .t Alonday evening, April 20, in
Grace Reformed Kplscopal chuivti at
7. IT, o'clock. Rev. R. v . Clynie, pas
tor of the North Main Atomic Chris
tian church, and superintendent of
missions of the City Christian Kn
deavor union, will deliver the address
of the evening, and Rev. Luther Hess
Warring, president of the City union,
who Is also state Christian Endeavor
superintendent of missions, will con
duet an open parliament on helps, hints
and plans for cultivating (the spirit
and developing Interest and work In
missions. The general public Is cor
dially United to attend.
An Oneonla exchange says: "At the
parlors of the Methodist Kplscopal
church last evening a social was given
by the ladies of tin church to atford
an opportunity to the member of the
churcli and congregation to say good
bye and God-speed to Rev. and Mrs.
H. c MeDcrmott pi lor to their de
parture for ricranton, There was a.
largo number of the friends of the re
tiring pas-.tor present, who found the
occasion pliMsuruble socially, but pos
sessing a tinge of sadness in tlie de
nurture of the reverend gentlemun and
wife and the breaking of pastoral rela
tions. 'Mr.-. C. J, AVo.-.teott. in behalf
of the ladles of the church, presented
a purse of $10 tu Mis. MoDermott, who
aekuowelged her thanks In n pleasing
manner. During the evening a light
lunch was served by the ladles. The
r. 'tiling was an anniversary of the
marriage of Mr, and Mrs. MeDermutt
and many of those assembled found
occasion to extend sincere best wishes
for continued prosperity und happiness
and that success may attend the min
istrations of the departing pastor in
Ills new field of labor."
The drummer evangelist, Rev. w. H.
VWhims, will conduct Anti-Saloon
league meetings us follows: Tomor
row, a. rn Derr Memorial Metho
list church, Wllkes-Rurro; U p. m
Brick Methodist church, Old Forge; fi
P. m.. Ciilvlnistlc AlothodlHt church,
Ballevuq; Sunday May s, :i.;io ,, ,n
Dickson city chapel, ii p. ni., Welhh
Coiigrcgtitlouul church, Ri evidence;
Sunday, May 12, 10.30 u, m l-mitm,
Congregational church, Providence;
May 6 to la inclusive, ovcepl Sunday,
May 12, .Mr. AVIIIhims will assist Rev.
Hammond in a special revival meeting
at the PreaMytiniui- mission in Price
hinr,. The subjects for tills meeting
will be as follows; Monday, May 0,
7.30 p. pi., "The Ten Virgins"; Tues
day, May 7. 7,l!0 p, m., "Mo Room for
Jesus"; Wednesday, May 5, M0 p. m.,
"The Last Invitation"; Thursday, .May
9, 7,30 p. m "Will Wq Know Our
Friends In Heaven"; Friday, May 10,
7.30 p. m "The Young Man und His
Company"; Saturday, May it, a p, in.,
klmlergurten sermon to children, sub
Jeul, "The First Slim"; 7.30 p. m.. "The
Last Romp with tho Tiger"; Monday,
Mny 13, 7.30 p. in., furnwell sermon.
Evangelist John A, D.ivls, of New
Toik. who hh been holding &
Services with the Young Men's Chris
tlan association dm lug tho week, will
speak at the Sunday school services
ut the l'enn Avenue Ruptls( church'
tomorrow afternoon, und In the even
lug will conduct mi evangelistic Her
Vice in tliv I'emi Avenue chut oh, fol
lowing the Illustrated ?ermon by the
pastor, Air. Dlivls hna bctn very biic
res..ful In whining many men tj
Christ during his meetings thlti week
mid him stlmulutcd many to a better
At tho l'enn Avenue Uaptlst church
tomorrow r Veiling, Rev. Dr. Pierce will
give the third of hhs scries of sermon
lectures on "The Pilgrim's Progress."
The sermon will be Illustrated by mnny
line slcrooptlcon views, reviewing tho
story of the Pilgrim from his home to
tho Palace Beautiful und the Vale of
shadows. Choice music by tho choir,
mid splendid congregational singing.
Tim largo auditorium hni been crowd
ed during these services..
gMi Hews Mesu
The Woman's Missionary society of
the Second Presbyterian church held a
regular meeting yesterday. Mrs. H. C.
Barker presided.
Mrs. R. F. Y. Pliircc will entertain
the Voting Ladles' society of Willing
"Workers of the Penn Avenue church,
for ten, at the parsonage, on Mifflin
itAonup. tills afternoon.
The annual conference of the pnstora
of the Primitive Alethodlst church
will be held In Plymouth commencing
noxt Thursday, and remain in session
until the following Tuesday.
Rev. H. H. Harris, Ph. V., of Taylor,
and Rev. 13. B. Palmer, D. D., of Phila
delphia, will bo the speakers at the
Baptist Ministers.' conference in the
l'enn Avenue Baptist, church next Mon
day morning. A large attendance of
all the Baptist pastors of the vicinity
is greatly desired.
Tho qunrterly meeting of the "Wo
men's Christian Temperance union ot
Lackawanna county will take place in
the Piovitlence Methodist Episcopal
church, North Alain avenue, Wednes
day, May 1. There will be two ses
sions, one at 10 o'clock a. in. and the
o'her at 2 o'clock p. tu. Airs. H. W.
Palmer, of Wilkes-Bairo, will speak on
"Roys' Industrial Associations." All
inn tillleers of the county union are to
1).' present.
The forty hours devotions will com
mence at St. "Peter's cathedral Sunday
id 10.30 a. m with a solcmu high mass
and the procession of the blessed sac
rament. The sermon Sunday night
will be preached by the Rev. "Walter
Gorman, of Carbomlale, and on Mon
day night the sermon will be preached
by the Rev. Charles Manley, of Kings
ton, both these priests before their or
dination were members of the cathe
dral parish. Tuesday night there will
be no sermon, so that more time may
be given to confessions. Confessions
will be heard from 10 a. m. lo 12 m.,
and from .1 p. m. to 6 p. m.
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
1 :i in Park C hurch Ph.. ir ;imi pr.ii&o benke
at y.:jfi .i. in.; preaching sen ice at 1O.H0 a. ni. ;
scrinoii by tho pastor, ur. ('. Jl. Oiflin; clasi
meeting after the moniins scriicc. Sunday
school at 2 p. m.; Junior league at 3.30; Senior
Kpnnrtli league at C.iiO p. in.; pleaching at 7.S0
p. in. by the pistor; subject, "Hitting the
jlaik." IJM'rylioily welcome. Young peopla
especially inited.
Simpson .Methodist Kplscopal thuicli, West
SM ltcv. If. C. MeDcrmott, p.iitor. 'I lie new
p.i.Mi.r iil pieacli r.t both 'the lnornins and
nciiim; ceiuccs. Smdiy school, Kpwoilh league
ami i la-.:" nicctinu'.s at the miul lioiu The p.o
plo aio cordially inritul to these services.
Asbury -Mcth,.di-t Kpiicopal Church, comer
Moncy avenue and Delaware strrcl ltcv. W. (3.
Simpson, D. I)., pjtor. Doioliunal meeting of
the brotherhood of M. Paul at P. SO n. in.;
preaching at 10.M a, in.; Mibject, "should a.
(JuicUntd t.ifo Mark Sahation?" Sunday school
at 2.riil p. in.; Kpwortli League at 6.30 p. ni.;
pleaching at 7.S0 p. m.; subject, "Christian
Knighthood." Columbus coinniandcry. Ancient
HluMi iuiia Older Knights of Malta, villi attend
tliia service in a body. Pra.ier nif cling, Wed
nesday, at 7.30 p. in. BiijIiii-'.j meeting of the
Ilrollicihood of t. Paul, on the second and
tourtii Tiiesdas of each month, at 7.J0 p. in.
Seats free and all arc welcome.
.Vh Strut Methodist KpUcopal liurrh Iter.
J. H. Austin, pastor. Morning preaching cor.
vice at 10.M) a, hi,; Mihjeit, "Th" stmy of tlie
li.iail and Its be-i-ons" ; tlaw meeting at 11.30
a. in.; .1. K. Master.-, leader; bundiy Mliool at
" p. in,. K. W. Mone, superintendent; Junior
Lesgiic at :i p. in.; lld Katie llarlnun, tupn.
inteiiduit: Kpnoith I.taguc ut tl.13 p. in.; even
ing j.ic.uhiiig xriico at 7':M o'clock; subject,
"Ri( Angel in the Way." A loidial Meleome
to all,
Cum t Muot Methodist tpUcopal churcli-Itev.
fi. '. I.jnian, pislov. Class, ti.45, O. D. UeWItt,
leader; preaching at JO.w); Sunday school, u,j,
j, It. Clark, supi'ilnteiidcnt; Junior bcague, ,1.iO,
Mm. 1'ied King, wiperintendent; Kpnorth
league, H.Wi; picacliing, 7..'irt. The new ilmii ill
render gu,..l music. Seals tree, Kiei.vl.ody e.
ci me.
Cedar Aicnuc M.thodist Kpiscopal cliurch
lt.v. I', P, l),.ty, pastor. Meeting ol the Ilrolli
cihood at P. Ii a. in.; pre aching at J0.:i0 a. in.
ami i ,.ii p. in,; Sunday school at noon; Junior
l.pworth league at ,). p. hi.; Kpwortli league,
Edwaid fin Itli, leader, t,.X0 p, m. strangers coi.
ilialljweleoine to all the scrvlic-i,
Nay Aug .Methodist KpNopal Chinch Sundiy
Kl.ool at in., fiauk L'dwards, superin.
triuli in ; i hurch n-i e at O.iM p. m. ; clas meet
ing at I p. in,; W. M, Nixon, leader. .Ml we.
Afrlein MeiliodM Kplscopal flmuli, Howard
Place Pr, 1. t5. Ilentley, pastor. Prcacliing at
10,.(l a, m,; Mibjcit, "llithfitn llatli the Lord
Hflptd IV," S.3U p. in., Sunday sihool; Clnia.
tljii Kndeaiur prajr meeting; 7 p. ni preach.
tug, 7,1) p. in. A cordial welcome In all.
l'enn Amine Uaptlst church, Penn avenue, lie
tween gpiuve and Linden btreett. I'rcachin'j,
iiioiidng at 10:i0, ami evening at 7,oO, by the
pabtci, l!iv. Itibeil t V. Plertc, I). P. Moriilii','
piii.veiK In the lov.r temple at 0.J3. llirmc o
morning s.inv.n, "Jhc Lite fle.vnnd, or tlio Waj
to (Jod," Sunday schools at the Penn aicnuu
t-iiruh at 3 o'clock, and at tho Ameiman nnv
sinn on I'rescott avenue at S.W o'clock, yoiiiiy
Pcnple'ii lnccling at 0.30 p. in, In the evtiiiui;
th pastor will gio tl.cj thiid erunon lecliiin on
Pilgrim', 1'iogiuj, lliitrated with many beau,
tiful nueoplleoii vlcwj, entitled "The Palace
llejullful and the Valo of bhaduw.." Ilev, John
A, Davis, the evangelist of New yen It, will
sIimI. at tlie Sunday teiiool tcnlte, and alter
the Kiinvn in tho online he will hold a tpc
ci'd cvongclNtie service in the lower temple.
All mv ee.idlally Invited lo hear this, earnest
and UovotcO cvangelltt.
First Ilaptist ehutili, South Main avenue Bev.
S. I', Mathews, pastor. The usual pieaclilng ser
vice Sunday morning at U.SO a. m. in the base,
incut of the Welsh UaptlU church; in the even
ing, same place, ut 7.80 p. m. There will bu a
tally of tlm It. V P. IJ. Special music, recita
tion and addiwse.i by I'roles.or James Hughes,
ol the High school; iumlay school, 2.SO p, rn.
11 mouth thurih, Dr. IJedJoc, supeilnttndeiit;
projer and oualness meeting, Wednesday cvcnlnif,
7.;:0 and tf.SO p. in. All are cordially invited to
these services.
Jackson street llaptlH church Morning pray
er iiieellug In vestry at 0.80, brother David Ar.
cut, leader; preaching service at 10.30, Ilev.
Thomas cic Israeli', D. I). At a p. m. the regu
lar session of the lllblo school, Charles Holley,
superintendent: eveulucr service at 7 sbrp. rhls
scivice Ii blight and cheerful and ii ipprecided
Sunday School
April 28.
INTRODUCTION.-The sllenro ol (he flospcls
Ii moat eloquent-It dUplajj n Divine quallly In
the writings. .Men aw dlpo.od to lollow silonn
tho tialni of thought to discover Hie secrcU of
nctlotu In lliclr relatione, lint Ih done liceaina
It Is (Ii6 only wiiy open (o thrin. 'I hey arc
compelled to fcaioti from cUtrt tn caiie. Hence
tirciimstanees even of a trivial clniractcr me ni
ranged with great ceactiicHi. Hut tho Infinite
mind Keen things ni they arc mid kliowd without
reasoning why they nre so. Hence In tho nai.
lathe we have only a lew Incidents conernlrg a
few dhtlplc!), homo women, Miry In partliular,
t'etrr and John, and two otlicr,namcs nut given,
a( pear and disappear with (treat abruptness.
What men would naturally tell of tho larger com
pany of the followers of Jesus the naerrd penmen
paw over In total silence. Where they went,
what they did, what were their feelings and ut
Icrancca on the point nothing Ii Mid, We
aie left therefore lo eonjectuii, or, whit Is bct
ler, to silence.
ASSKMnLUD (Verses 10 and SO). We arn now
to consider tho disciples In one oompa-tiy. U
was at the dees of the day, Sunday, on which
Jesus arose fiom the dead. They were probably
In that same room where they ate the paschat
supper together, where Jesus piajtd and taught
(John UI: 18.21), on Thursday evening Juit
three dajs bIore, a loom ulilih had been hired
for the purpose (Mall, mm I: IS). Thin sscnv
hlage shows that they had not jet seulteied
abroad, that theie wan some bond of fellowship
among them, rcrhapn they had been sought out
In (heir lodgings and brought together by some
who desired that the reports made concerning the
rcMitiectlon should be considered. Jt U highly
probable that they would give attention to that
matter. 'Iho door) were closed for fear tint
the ,Tew3 might distuib them. Suddenly, with,
nut warning, Jests, stood in their mldit and
saluted them with "Peace bo unto ou." Ad
vancing he showed to all the prints, of the nails
In His lidiuls and of the spear in Ills side, and
alt were convinced and made jovful.
ni;.STOVi;n i.VeseH Jl and Ci). Ah soon as the
dlviplcj had rceugnUcd their Mailer, being lully
convinced of UN rcsunculioti and piescncee
among them, .lewis pioccedert lo impart mil"
them what from the beginning He had deigned
them to pii'sovi. His 10ul3 weie preceded by
another silutallon of pface. Then c.imc their
commission, in hamiony with His early promise!
(Matt, iv: IP), and with Ills prajer uttered in
tint same loom (John .wli: Is) by which they
were In bo sfiit out as mesvengers of Jesus ('J
Tint, ii: "Jl as lie had been a mi'cnger of th...
Father flleb. ill: -), 11 conuriKMon wlilcli w.11
afterward greatly expanded (Mark xvi; 1,",). After
ward He made them know the conditions of suc
cess In executing that commission, saying "Re
feree o tho Holy (Jliost (Acts I: 8), the same
conditions appointed under die old dispen-ation
(Zecli iv: (,). Thus In a single evening those
men were called to a ww caiccr. Pieeiouly
they had been learner?, liiuccfoith they shall be
spii it-endowed advocates of Jesu. Chii-l.
KKMITTKD (Vcr.-c 'Si). It will be
by all llihlc students that on one occasion .lisiis
give authority to Peter (Matt. vi: in), 'cein
ingly distinguishing him trom ail the other.).
Whatever mav have been included in that gilt
it mut be ob-erved lint hcic it is Irecly offcri-el
to all wi that tiic eleven are lifted into equality
with the fisherman apostle. The power here of
feici was undoubtedly to be applied in govern
Inij lliij cliurcb. As tnen who had reeelvcd tho
Holy (iiiost, that U, inspired men, they should
be qualified to found tho clmrcli upon such prill
cipleti a would be pleasing to God, to make its
laws and to establish its doctrine. That would
be a pien.gallifc to be exercised by them only,
not to la traiMnlttcd. They had it because the
Holy (.host would guide them into all truth
(John .vi: 13). Tliey would teach as the 01a
clcs of (iod, and lay the enduiing foundations
of the churi h, Jesus Cluist being the chief coi
ner stone (Kpli. ii: 20).
DOt'PTKD (Verses 21 and 2,1). -tine e.f th.
di-iiples was alcnt when Jesus made Himself
known and gave His blessing, roimuis-lon and
authoiity. niomas was the Aramaic, and Didy
111111 the Creek torm of his name. lie is men
tioned among the apostles with Matthew- (Malt.,
.: .". Thii'p incidents only are recorded with
which he was connected, two besides (liK H..
delc-nnlneel to share the peril which awaited Jesus
in Judea (John M: IS), entertaining no hope of
escape from death. During the Jat Mippcr when
Jesus spoke of His uepaiture Thoina-. ilcciaieil
tint the disciples did not know where the Lord
purposed to go ("John xiv: .i). These two
brief utterances .lie in baimonv with what he
sain in this place. On learning from the ten
that Jesus had appeared to them he iefued to
accept their united testimony as he should have
done, and asserted that he would believe only
upon the testimony of bin own seizes. The per
sonal pronouni ale cry prominent in bis little
speech, by which he acquired the title, "tho
doubting Thomas." However, he demanded only
tho evidence gianted lo the othei5.
SALU'ir.n (Veiso 2.1). The dueiplcs n-,n-sembled
in the same place after right da.vs, or
on the eighth day, counting the other meeting
mi the first, HiLicby completing .1 week, I'lorn
this it appears that Ihey Irid thus rally set apart
thi- day for public assembling, with what mo
tive no one can My, unle,-s it wa-, through the
mutual love and netd which Ihey tound laigeiy
supplied by the new hope of iho 1 e.-iu reel Ion.
fliadually by tucli observance the first day of
the writ; because the Christian Sabbath, i.illrd
also the Lotd's day (Ilev. 1:10), At this sccoi.d
meeting Thnira? was pr.sent, and the do..!-, were
clnvxl as beloie, so shutting out tlie curious and
for the sood inu-ic tendered. A f.liort address
will follow the praise fervice. "following
ClulM." You are vveleoiue to ail our ci vices,
Ulitely Ilaptist church David Spencer, D. 11.,
pabtor. 10.f.0 a. in., tilinon. "1 be Author of
KaltU"; 11.15, niMc Miool; 0.4.i p. in., B. Y.
I'. l'; 7,80, Pinion, "Ihe Author of Doul.t,"
Eier.vbody welcome,
I'usi Piesbyteiian church Sen lce lo.iO a, ni,
and 7.30 p, m. Pr. MeLeod and Di. Hodge's as
sistant, Ilev, Victor Herbert LuUns of Wllkcv
Daire, will cu'lianee pu.pits. r-trangcrs vvcl
'come, ll.e Second l'lesbiterian ehureh Servlees at
I0..(0,1. m.t 7.50 p. m. Di. Itoblnson will pieieh
morninK and evening. Tlie topic tor the evnilnif
ceinrtin will be "Iho Tool's Poverty," All aie
coidiall.v invited.
Providence 1'rcsbvtciian chute It -1 he pator,
Dr. t'iulld. will occupy the pulpit at 10,50 a, in.
and 7,!0 p. in.; Minday school at noon; Undeav.
or mcctlns at 0.S.1 o'clock. Ihe ?ats ot the
church uro free.
fireen Itidee Presbj le rian (hutch rtev, I. J,
I.insing, pastor; ltcv, L. It, foster, as.sfs.tant, '
10.30, teiviio of worship, with sermon by the
pastor, subject, "'Ihe Beauty of the Loid"i 12,
Hible school;. U.80, Christian Endeavor; 7.30, ser
vice, with nermoii hy the pastor, subject, "Ihe
Joy of the Loid." All aie welcome,
Washburn Street IVcsbvlerhn church Ilev,
John I', Moffat, D. n., pastor, t-eriicfs at 10.30
a. in. and 7,30 p. in,; Hible school at 12 in.; O,
i:. Young People at 0.20 p, m., subject, "I'idell.
ty to I'ledgca"; concciatlon services-, leader,
1'rofebsor I). A. btone; prayer meeting, Wednes
day, 7.30 p. m. The pastor will preach morning
and evening, All vu Iconic,
Adanu Avenue chapel, New- Yoil: street The
ltcv, James Hughes will preach in the morning
at 10.30, subject, "Tlie L'hur, li at Kpliisiis," and
in the evening at 7.30, subject, "hound an AU1111,
for There Is Hanger Ahead"; Sunday school at 3
o'clock, Mr, Chandler, siipc-ilutendcnt. Mi.
Hughes will leach the Men', lllblo class. A
meeting of the Christian fndcaior at 6.13. On
Mondiy there will be a meeting of the Men's
Mutual Improvement society, A hcaity imitation
Is given to all who may desiic to attend these
fsipoue Chapel fl'rctbvtcrijii) Preaching st
10.30 a. 111. and 7.MI p. m. by the, pastor, ltcv. L.
It. Pester; bunday school, a p. 111.; ftulur L'n.
dcivor, I'.'iO p. 111,; Junior rncleivur and tinging
school, Monday evening. Pra.vrr mietlug, 7.30
o'clock 'Ihuisday evening. leading room ppen
t'rlday evening. All welcome.
saint Luke's 1' ltcv. liogcn Isiifl, I). ').,
Appears to the Apostles.
John xx: 19-29.
those wh wcta disponed (0 evil. And again in
at (ho first Jciih suddenly stood )n the mlelst, ,t
vcilflrallon e.f (he promise inudc (Matt, MllltSQ),
In one of hks discourses on the siibjeit of pi aver,
The second appearance under sudi clri'iumtanci")
Intrc.lscs the hope cherished by believers ever
since, that He will meet vvllh them, IPs coming
was: with the same beautiful salutation us that
given a vveel; befpte, which none eoiild luvc (01
gotten, "Peace be unto ou."
PtlOVi:i).-(Vere 27). 'Hid setuiid Mult ol
Jesus lo tli dleclples was unlike Iho first In one
Impoitanl pailleiilar it found the itmipany ells
agreeing oil 11 nutter of fact, destined to be tor
Ululated Into a dncliiue of the- church. 'I'm vt
them stoutly afiliinc.l upon personal knowledge
the resurrection of Jcmh. One of (hem as stoutly
protested that he would not believe unless by
sight and touch ho knew. It was neccs-ary (hat
Hie company should be a unit in this matter.
The success of the gospel depended on their
agreement. Ten aifuming and one doubling tho
world would never believe. If that was not tho
only purpose of Jesus hi coining tohe assembly
at that tlm It was evld'iitly une'purpasc, and
sufficient to Induce His presence. So, as boon aj
consistent, He turned to the only doubter und
oficrcd him tho pioof demanded, vvllh his own
hands, this matter-of-fact mm should prove to
himself that the Master was really present and
alive. "Be not feilhless, but believing," the
half chiding but cncouiaglng remark ot Jesus.
CONVINt.'KD. (Vcises 28 and 29). Did Thomas
follow the directions of Jesus? Did he Rally
thrust his finger Into the wound in the Saviour's
slrle? There Is no evidence that he did. In nil
probability ho did not. The pcison, tho fate, tho
By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D.
From Author's. Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," Published ly H. II. Revel
& Co., Chicago, III. I
Our Lord's did not immediately fol
low His rcsuirritinn, lor He wuina establish Ills
sletoiy oicr death by fellowship witli III- dis
ciples for a season.
Ily this mean. He would also establish their
Fait It in Him and theii assurance tor tlm futiuc
would be complete. Ills nppe.-1r.1111 ci after Ills
icstniection wcic not iiidisciiininatc minings and
Koines, but weie definite ads of our Luul for
delinitc purposes.
lie appeaiid:
1. To the weeping Jlaiy at the t.imb to teach
us that thought we m iv not ec llim for our
teais, yet He is ever pie.scut in our sonuws.
2. To Hie women returning tiom the tomb
signifying that lie is ever pie-cnt to bles loving
service for Him.
!l. To bimon Peter, alone.
Jesus lemeinbeis and blesses the truly lepent
ant ones.
1. To the two eliseiples on their way to Km
mans. Jesus walks and talks with its when we lovingly
talk of llim.
,". To the disciples at pia.vei meeting, e.cept
Jcsiis is piesent at eveiy praver meeting and
absent ones lose a blessing.
('.. To all the dUciplcs, doubling 'llionns in
Jesus is leady to dispel all doubts, if we will
come el.iso enough to touch llim.
7. To the seven disciple fishing in fialilee.
Jesus is inlciesteel in all I'hristians. who are
toiling and blcse.s (heir libois.
r. To the eleven disciples on .1 mountafS.
Jcrfis i with u: ill our most esalted jo.vs and
(i. To five hundred bieilncn at oner.
Jesus is piesent to W1..5 tlie multitudes,
10. To James alone.
Jesus is with u in our loneliness.
11. To all His disciples at Ills asienslon.
That with uplifted ejes and lives wo might
look into Zion's Holy Hill lor our sliengtli ami
help "until Ile conies."
I'leeious punni-ci "Lo! I .1111 with you ,i.
The above skdeh can be used in .1 bilef niblo
reading, hiving the iiieuibcis of the ihiss lead
the eventn connected Willi the appeui.uices of
our Loid alter His icsiiriectlon.
1. Jlk. It): u; John 2'1: II is.
2. Matt, 2S: 11-10.
!!. I.u. 21-81: 1 (0. 13-."i.
I. .Ml;. 1: 12-1.1; l.u. 21: l.'i-.:,'!.
5. I.u. 21: Su-iji .fins. 20: pi.-j.:.
1!. J no. 20: 21-20.
7. Jno, 21: Ml.
S. Mk. PI: 14. Is; Malt, 2: lo-X
!), 1 Co. IS; (1.
reitorj Itev, II. .1. Il.iughlon, Keillor curate; Rev.
M. II,, junior ein.ilc. 'I bird f-uud.ij ufler
St, Luke's Chmc.i7:i0 a, 111.. Holy Couiiiiui
ie.11; lo.f.d a. ii nioriiiiig piaver and sermon;
"M p. 111,, evening praver and sermon; 9, II .
in., Sunday fchool and Hible classes.
St, Mark's, Hunmnie s a, in,, Holy Com
munion; 10,30 a. m., morning pia.eer and hciinon;
7.:o p. ni., evening piayer and seunon; 3 p. m,,
Sunday school and lilhle classes.
Kan End Mis'lon, Preseott avenue 2.30 p. in,,
Sunday school and niblo; 3,10 p. rn ev
ening prayi r and scimcii.
South Side Mission, fig slicot-2,30 p. m
Sunday school and Hible (las..!-!,
St, deorge, Olyphant 2,ial p. m , Sundiy
school and Hible clieej 3.10 p, in,, evening
praver and sermon.
Christ's chiiieh, corner Washington avrimeand
Park sticct Itev. IV S. Dallentine, rector. Ser.
.lies, lO.iO a. m., S..',0 p. ni. and 7.30 p. in. All
seats tree. All welcome,
Reformed Episcopal,
firaee Deformed l.'piseopal chinch, Winning
avenue, beloie Mulberry sheet llcv, fieorge L,
Alrlch, pastor. Piayer and pulse senior, 0,30
.1. 111.; divine vvnirliip, 10.30 a. in, and 7,30 p.
m., preaching by the pastor: A. in., "1'clluw
ship," Phil. Ij 11; p. m "Studies in Malaehij
Tho Faithful llcmnaiit," Mai. 3: e.7; Sabbitii
school at 12 111.; Y. P. ! ('. I.'., B.30 p. 111.
Lesson study, Wednesday, 7.30 p. rn. i prajer
meeting at S. Seats free. All welcome.
Evangolinul I,uthian.
fiiace llnglirli I.iitlii-i.m (liuieh (Oiueial iu
oil), coiner Madison uvvnue ami Mulbeny street
ltcv. Luther Hess Waring, pastor. I,30 a. m.,
Sundjy school; 10.30 a. 111., Divine vvoishlp; a'l'a
Jcet of seiinon, "'llw Holy 'Iriilty;" i.i: p. 111.,
Young People's Society of UuMlan l.'udeaioii
7,u0 p. m., Divine woiship. ' u. pastor will
Rive ail addicM on "'Die Lutheran Chuirh In I lie
United State One llcmdied ears Ago and fs'o.v.''
Tlie public is cordially invited.
Hist L'huicli (( hritt Scicnlisl), .".Ifl tdanw
avenue -juiiday services, 10.W a. 111. and T.Ul
p. m.; Sunday school, II. Ij a. in.; subject, "t'v
erlastiug I'liuishmeut." 'testimonial mce'tings
Wednesday evening at S o'clock. The eliuuh
is also open evciy day during the week. Ihe
llitle jnd all Christian Science Literature is kept
in its fire public leading loom, ".science and
llralth with Key to the Scripture." by Maiy
lljker t'dd.v, will Ik- loaned to investigators with
out ebaige. Millers and Ictteii of liKjulrv aie
J. E. Gilbert, D.D
Secretary ol American
Society of Religious
voice, the familiar uiIiIipm of Jesus inido It un
necessary. Tlie man was thoroughly convinced
and exclaimed, "My l.oul and my (Iod." To his
mind the tact (hat the Saviour had risen from
the dead rairled proof of divinity. The ilcmoti.
t Ira I km was as complete as It was suddni. The
ct.nfcwlcm was given wldi ,1 boldness and
promptness which belongs to cveiy liomst doubter
when sufficient evidence Is furnished, llioin.ii
was made In tint horn to unite with his
bielhiru In giving n heail.v, stmiig ilud united
le Minimi' to tlie woild on the gieat eloclrlue by
which (he Christian s.vstcin was to bu dlstlii
KUlhscd. Hut Jesus Improved the nic'.Klon to let
1 1 i 111 know tint his filth was not of tho highest
Older, that (hey who believed without seeing
were more blessed, alluding to one of the chief
methods of producing faith (Mark .tilllU).
CONCr.tJMON.-l. We sec how eaielul Christ
was to cultivate faith In Ills followers. He
mighl, had He pleased, hive removed all ttaee
of wound from his own ilsen body, He sulTercd
Hum to 1 0111.1 in as maiks of identity and grounds
of confidence, 2. Wo see how much a man loses
by absence fiom fellowship of the faithful.
'Il10m.11 delayed (lie apostolic college a -week
and made a second appeaiancc neceaiy. Kvciy
imusi suffers by the lardy movements 'of some.
.'!. Doubters must not bo condemned as apostates.
Time and favorable conditions will uwaken their
faith and secure their testimony if (he doubts
arc huncsl. I. Pallli built on seeing Is little
woilh. However, (here Is no demand for blind
faith. Theio is a dllTeren.e between skepticism
and the spirit of examination. 6. Clod hath ever
Instructed his people by faith, but men ate
rentltiually laboring to the end tint knowledge
only miy line the masliiy. 'I lie wold to all Is
"Only Itcllcvc."
10. 1 To. 10: 7.
11. I Co. IJ: 7; ML. Id: 11)20; I.u. 24: ju-il.
'I he siire-t ol our lesson todiy is tlie CltOWN
INtl Or r.M'lH. Hut for ltd-, one supiemc ele
ment in tlie Jives of tiio disciples they would
have been disheaiteiird, disoiganizcd, ili-banded
and dlsiouraged altei the iiiicllhion of theii Lord
and .l.itei. r.tltti in Je-us Chi 1st Hid in the
ultimate tiiuuipli of His cause kept them united
and lo.val. 1'ailli brought them together for mu
tual encouragement, for earnest consideration
of the MaMci'i cause and kingdom, and prajer
for peace, protection and guidance. ,
Into siielt a meeting, whose inspiiation was
faith, whew mission was spiritual direction, and
whose spuit vva, prayer, Jesus wis sure to come
and bestow .1 blessing.
Thomas, distressed, distiactecl, doubling, was
absent fiom the first piayer meeting and lost a
meat blessing. During the da.vs which followed
Ids f.-cble health was kiiidlid by the testimony
of otheis., who said: "U'e have seen the Loid."
At the ii.-st meeting ilu i.i.c h of Thomas wasie
inloioed by the syht of Ihe "I'linl of the nails."
Then Je-us gave the divine fmiuula 01 Christian
assuianie: "llle.seil ,ue ihey thai In Ilev e, and
h ive not seen.
h.Jli(ir.hTIONS,--l'iliil in laue Ictteis the
woid Jllhfsi. then piint tlie vvonl I'AITII in the
name Jesus, Above tin- name ih.ivv a cloven on
which i- pilnled the woid VKTOItV; ,.1, diaw
the pie tun of a white heail, having a starlet
iiitlini'i pilot in the lie.ut in nig blue letteis the
woid I'AITII. As the lesson Oi lallli is developed
dinvv aii'iinel the he.ut .1 golden clown foiane-e
color wilh scailet outlinej, and nnke tlie per
s d application: "Do ,vou believe in J.sih
I'lirlsl? Will .von accept Him now as ji,nr
Miloit Will ou let llim cieivvii ,v..ii n,.w with
His tniglvciiiss and peaieV
Sri.iiilou, I'a.
welcomed and given courteous, .mention and in
foi mil ion fieo.
Kiou United evangelical Chinch IlJil l.upou,e
.ileum. Pleaching, I0..1U 1 an. 7.:to p, 111,
by the paMe.i, Ilev. .1. W, Me.sengii ; subjects,
"'Ihe Hlglu'st HhIobj" and "'Ilu Power of
ChrUt." Sunday ..ehool at ti.'iO a, ni. ; Junior
Cideavur, :i p. in,; .scnioi Cmlcaim, ft no p. in,;
pujer liieetiue, 7.30 oMoel, Wednesday even,
lug. seals lice and uii.vbi.ily ivtlcium-.'
Plyinoiilli (lunch, Jaiksn
street Ilev. II. A, llojl, p.i,i,ii-. u..(0 d, m,,
pleaching by the pasloi ; subject, "Working- and
Waiting;" 12 Sabbath sehoul; J, LI v, nl
Mission S'ablutli sehoul, Kiieim.111 avenue; 0 p,
in., Young People's Suciv of Clirislian L'n
de.ivor; 7 p. 111,, pleaching by tlie pavtor; .11I1.
ject, "The Mural inching of Miiferine." A welcome 1-, extenilcd to all.
Calav.iry llefoiined l'huicli, Me.nioe aveimo
and (iihsnii slreet--llev, ,M, I., riu.r, pa-lor.
senile, 10.30 ,1. in. ai 7,;:o p. nl.j Mmday
school, 11,11 11. in,; ( IniMlaii i:udeavor, fi.j
p, m.; Cateclil.m ut l.'U 1. 111.
l'ii.t Piliiiitive Metliodi.t eliuieli, (,'iceii nidge
ltcv. II, l.ees, pastor, Morning' subject, "l.'n.
ion(louj Los,"; evening nibjeel, "(icthscinauc."
S, W. L, Monday evening. All aie welcome.
All Souls' fuivrisallst eliiireh, Pine stieet, near
Ad mis .iv cum. Sell Ices at I0.3W a, m,, conduel.
ed b.v Mr, Donley. 'I lie subject of the ills
eouiso will be, "What Constitutes, .1 Man?" sun,
day school at 11.13 a. in. No evening service.
Itillioad V. M. C. A, (iospel ineeilng fm m1.
load men, their families and fi lends hundiy at
.1.1.1 p. 111. Addles,- by (ev, 1,'eoigo L. Alrlch,
Special iniulu by the Simpson Hale ipuitette.
All aro welcome.
Dicsson Illy Cliapcl -sundiy inoiuiiiu .siiviu
at 10.30, eondiulcl by supciliit indent Mnboiii,
ut" tho Itesi-.e Mss. 11.
Itestuu Mission Meeting i-vei) nl-abi ,, s
o'clock. All ,iie welcome
Ihe supreme eonuiiandci,i of the Knights of
Main will hubl their annual convocation at Ito
Chester, N. V, 011 (K(. 3, 10 ami 17. Prepau
lion aie lapidly propreylng, and (he various
eoniinillccs laving the maltcr In t-haigc aie la
beling earnestly (o uisiiie success. A souvcnii
piogiom is lo bo Issued. Visiloiii will be pie.
ent lioni all part of (lie country, Several fa
mom drill eoip?. in full unlloim, beaded by
eckbiated brass bands, have itgiiiiled lliclr lii
tciitloii uf being piCMiit.
King Richard coiunuudciy, .No. 117. at l liaiu
bctsbuig, I'a., on May u, will admit .1 class of
The most
woman in
the world
' ' Tiik DiscovKRiiit or Face Bleach-
j MME. A. RUPPERTS? ' .,
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We always carry a full line of Mme. A. Ruppert's Gray Hah- Reatonrtlva,
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Cnll and bare their merits explained to yoa.
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Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
Station In New Vork foot of Liberty street,
N'. It., and South Feny.
timi: tauu; in Enxcr nov. m, moo.
Traini leave Scranton for New York, Newark,
rilzabclli, Philadelpliia, Kaston, Betlilcliem, At
lcnlovvn, Muucli Chunk and White Haven at S.."u
a. 111.; expicsi, 3.10; express, ;i,f,o a. 111. Sun
d'ovs Mi P- ''
For ritteton ni' AVilke-Hane. fi.SO a. m. ;
and S.W P- ' Sundays. 2.15 y. 111.
or naltimoie and Washington unci points
South and West vi.e lletlileliem, 8.u0 .1, m, ; 1.10
and !..W 11. in. t-undays. 2.n p, m.
I'm- I-oiifr Iti.inch, Ocean drove, tie., ut
a m. and 1.1U p. in.
. .. .,.. I nl.,ll..l ,11.1 llj,.!.h.i. !- ,,
lor iccuiin.H. ..".... .. ......,s.,,..K. .,i s.i.
lentovvn, S.30 a. in. and 1.10 p. 111. f-imiljys..
2.13 p.
Tor Poltsvllle, 6.SO 11. ni. and t.W p. ni.
TIuourIi tickets to all poiutK east, taulli and
vvct at lowest rales' at tlie alalion.
II. P. IIA1.D.VIN. f.'en. I'asi. ,al.
.1. II. OI.II VUSII.V, (Jen. Mipl.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
In r.lleet MjkIi . 1(01.
l'or Philadelphia and New- Yolk via II. t; II.
It. It., al li.l") und 11.53 .1. in., arcl 2.IS, 1.27
( Diamond i:piess), aid 11. to p. 111. Sun-da.v.s-,
D. & II. It. II., 1. .'. S.27 p. ill
l'or While Haven, Ilizleton and principal point3
in the coal regions, via D. II. K, II., (.1B,
2.18 and 4.27 p. ill. K"i' Pottnvillc, ,.27 p. ni.
l'or Itethlehcni, listen, Heading, Han isbiirg
and pilncipal iiil.-iiiie-ili.elc. stations via I). i: II.
It. I!., (1.11, 11.31 u. in.: 2-1S. 1.27 (Black Dia
mond Kxpres), 11.30 p. ni. &, D. ft; II,
I!. II., 1.5S, K.27 p. in.
l'or Tunkhannocl:, Tovvanda, Klmlia, Itbica,
fieneva and prlnclpil intennediite station,, via
D L. t W. 1!. It., S.0S a. in.; 1.03 and 3.10
p. m.
l'or Ooneia. lto:hcster, Iluftnlo, Tails,
Chicago and all points west, via D. A,- II. It. It.,
11.65 a. m., 3.3J (Ulark Diamond Kxpiess), 7.1S,
10.11, 11.30 p. in. Sundays-, D. & II. It. B.,
11.03. 8.27 p. in
Pullman nailor and sleeping or Lehigh Tmllcy
pailom car on all u.iiiis between Wllkes-ltaue
and New Yoi! Philadelpliia, lliilf.ilo and hits-
pension Iliiuge
ItOLLIN II. WH.III'lt, Ren. supt., 20 Coitland
Mli,.r.t. V.'iv- Ynik.
CIIAI(l.i:S S. Li:i:. Cen. P Agl-. -ii Coitland
Ml ret, New ork.
w. ,nonni:m.ciii;h, inv. p.i,n Agt., .south
Bethlehem, Pa.
Pol- ticket-, and Pullman reservations apply to
301 Lackawanna avenue, Scunton, Pa,
Delnwaie and Hudson.
In nnect Nov. 23, 1000.
' TiaiiiB foi C.irbondalo le.ivo Scranton at 6.10.
7.3.1, ls.a.1. 10.13 .1. in.; 12.U0. 1.20, 2.41, a.02,
fl-'ti, e',.23, 7,57, 0.13, 11.15 p. 111,; 1,10 j, m,
"l'or Honesdale-o.20. 10.13 a, in.; 2.11 and C.20
''Vor Wilkes Ban e-0. 1... 7.4S, o.l.'!. filiS. 10.41,
11,:.-, a ; I.-.3. "-'"'. i-u- ''-". -io.7.i9, 10.11;
U.M p. in.
l'or L. V. It. II. points O.I.1, 11.35 a. 111.; 2.13,
4.27 and ll..'- p. ,'"
for Peui,slvaui.i II. II. polnls-0.43, U.38 a.
m.; 2.1S and 4.27 p. in,
l'or Albany and all points north-0.20 a. rn.
and 3.5! P. I".
I01 Caibondale-n.cK), 11.3.1 a. in.; ?,4f, 3,52,
5.47, 10.52 p. m.
l'or Wllkes-Baue O.-iS, 11,53 a, m,; 1,3s', 3,2s,
0 27, 8.27 p. in.
Tor Albaiij' and points not th 3.5-; p. m,
for llonesdalc U.0O a. m. and 3.5J p. m,
. Lowest rates lo all points in United &tatej
and CHiuda.
.1. II. lU'ltniClv, (i, P, A Albany, N. Y.
H, W. CBO'sS', H. P. A., Scranton, Pa,
foity.eiglit to receive the higher ricgiecs by ex
e'lnplillcalloii b.v tliand Itecoider (Jeoigo II,
Pieice. 'Iliey bavo all tiavclcd tho Knight of
Malta and Black ilegu-is und a sepaiato night
has been set apait for the Bed Ciosi and Sepul
rlue. May 7 will bo devoted to a piibllo ineut
ing in I'lankllii lounty, vvbiio a new com.
liiaudery ii being oiganied.
Bed Cio-s eomniandery, No, 27, at Milton, on
Apill 2.1, gave tho Bed Cross and Sepulchre in
full foi 111. 'this (Oiiinuiid U glowing both in
luiinbcikliip and lluancos, and its degree voil; is
of a high orilei,
VloilliUIn He ho louiiii.liidel.v, No. I'll, at
lliiiiesboio, Pa., his piiieliiMil a line lot, on
vvhli Ii a large Knight ol .Malta trnipln will bo
built, Willi mil pall iip'to-dltu in rveiy
l I. line. 1 1. mi i.lei.v, No. 5, at Philadelphia,
011 Apiil 2'., will bold 1 public "inoek Hill."
and evriy elloil will be i.i.nle lo convict Iho
prisuuii of a vi'iy I11i11c.11, nfleiise.
Imprilal (oiiiiiiandiry, No. 2.'3, at Cni'slcr, on
April 3ii, will receive a lirgu class l' special dis
peiisatiou. Jangling Nerves.
Arc j nit Irrltabie? Dei ynu sleep
badly? Is It hard tu I'oiicuiitr.iti; your
thtiuirlits? It, your appatlto poor? On
you feci tlri'd, n?sitkss and despondent .'
Try l.lelity'.s Cclury .Nerve e'oiiipotiud.
It will do you iiioi-o tfood than any.
thing you linvo t'ver tried, Sold by
Matthews Ktotliers,.
.. I i ,
( For thirty
years a
Schedulo in Effect March 17, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton:
6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more. Washington and for Pitts
burg and the West.
9.38 a. m.. -week days, for Hazleton,
and for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays
1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore.
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. For Hasfleton, week
days only.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury
Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
.1, H. HUTCHINSON, Cen. MKr.
J. 11. WOOD, Clen. I'ass. Agt.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In Effect Dee. 2, 1000.
South Leave .Scranton for New York at 1.10,
3.00 fi.30, MM and 10.03 a. ni.; 12.55, 3.33 p. in.
Tor Philadelphia at 8.00 and 10.03 a. tn.; 12.53
and 3.33 p. in. Tor Stroudsburg- at 6.10 p. rn,
Milk accommodation at 3.40 p. m. Arrive at
llobokcn at 0.30, 7.18, 10.23, 12.03, 3.15, -MS,
7,11) p. m. Arrive at Philadelphia at 1.0H, S.23,
0.00 and S.22 p. m, Arrive from New York at
1.10, fl.:B and 10.2J a. in.: 1.00. 1.52, 5,43, 1.45
and 11.30 p. ni. Horn Stroudsburg; at 8.0S a.
Xorlh Leave Scranton for Buffalo and Inter
mediate stations at 1.15, 0.35 and 9.00 a. tn.-.
1.53, S.4S and 11.33 p. ru. For Oswego and at G.33 a. m. and 1.65 p. m. For
Ulici at 1.10 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. For Won.
troFc at C.uO a ni; 1.05 and 6.43 p. in. Fo
Nicholson at 4.0U and 0.15 p. m. For Blng.
hamton at 10.20 0. in. Arrive In Scranton from
Buiralo at 1.25, 2.53, 5.15 and 10.00 a. m,j a.30
and 8,00 p. in. From Oswego and Syracuse at
2.03 a. 111.1 12.33 and 8.00 p. m From Utlcj
at 2.53 a. 111.; 12.33 and 3.90 p. m, Froi.
Nicholson at 7.50 a. m. and 0.00 p. nj. From
Montrose at 10.00 a. m.; 3.20 and 8.00 p. tn,
flloonieburg Division Leave Scranton foi
Noithumbeiland, at 0.43, 10.05 a. m.; 1.55 ana
5.00 p. m. for l'lyinoutb at 1.05, 3.10, a50 p.
m. Tor Kingston at 8.10 a. m. Arrive nt
Northumberland at 0.35 a. ra.; 1.10, 5.00 and 8.4?
p. 111. Arrive at Kingston at 8.53 a. m. Arrivs
at Plvmouth at 2.00, 4.32. 0.45 p, m, Arrtvi
In Scranton from Northumberland at 0.43 a. m.
12,35, 4.00 and 8.43 p, m. From Kingston at
11,1)0 a. in. 1'iom Plymouth at 7.55 a. ra.; 3.".
uuel 6.33 p. in.
South Uave Scranton at 1,40, S.OO, C.50, 10.01
p, 111.; 3.33 and 3.40 p. in.
North Leave Scranton at J.15, 6,33 a, jn.j
l.fsS. 5.18 and 11.85 p. rn.
Dloomsburg Division teava Scranton at 14.01
a. 111, and 5.50 p. m.
Erie and Wyoming Valley.
Tiino Table In Effect Sept, 17, WOO.
Trains for Havvley and local points, 'connect,
ing at Havvley wltli Krio rtllroad for 'New York,
Nevvburg and intermediate points, leava tSvraa
ton at 7.05 a. in, and 2.25 p. tn.
Trains arrive at Scranton at 10.30 a, m. and
0,10 p. tn.
Xsfmd Card in effect Vc9 30th, 1900
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