ffifcWsr&FRQ ' l -B.- " V i. C,fv ' V V; If At, V-T irPfi M i , , . , : t, --.-- -v . vvT ',' - 'i i - " " " , ,r t 9 - I l tibiute Tllli ONLY SCRAN TON PAPER KbCKlVING THB COMPLETE NBVVS SUKVICH. OP THE ASSOCIATED PKESS, .THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CUNTS. TWELVE RAGES SCJIAOTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 2?, 300.1. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. Vt. frl, TV!. ? . c,vwc j. CHINESE ARE RE-APPEARING fioalments That Retired Bcuoiul the Great Wall Have Bobbed Up at Another Point. HEAD OFFICIALS WARNED It Is Pointed Out That the Imme diate Itetiiement of the Chinese Tioops Is Necessary The Tiench Toice Is Bendy to Renew Opeia itons, but Has Been Otdeted t'o Awnit the Result ot the Imperial Edict Notices Posted in the Night Calling on Fatiiotie Chinamen to Rise May 15 and Expel All Toi- OlRlli'lS Ji I clii up Win ficm Hi V I Uul I'k i Pi kin. April 2ll The Chinese legl- 111 Ills Wllllll IC'tllCll lleVOlld 11iog-io.it will lim nnppisued at another point within lln lulu! national uica. Sluing uinnsi nt.itlDiis have been made to the llilllsl I'll lllpfltl lltl.llieS 111 le'glld to ilu- nic-sii foi theli Immediate le llliliiinl The CieiM h ioice Is in lendl iii bs ti it nt w Hie opci aliens, but litis bo. n eucloiid to await tho lesiilt ot the llllll 1 1 il i diets I lu ciilni i ti e wondering If the im piilil i niiiiilssinn appointed bv an i (Mi t i mii il A pi 11 21. to inquliu lullv lino the question ot nloi ins, lially nil aus the it'linqiiisliing nl absolute powct oi vvhcthci It is merely tlio Cor fu u If n of ptl i ounolls. Notices in I'liliHs- weie plm aided dining the nUht tailing on pitiiotie Chinamen to rise Mav IT. iiiid expel all foieigncis. Young lai 'ling, the ( cnsoi ot Chl-Li piuvliioe. has memorialized the tin one In iitiiin to Pi Kin as soon as possible, In null i to p.icilv tlio people, who aio Innkiiu i.igeilv wostwaid for their cm piim s ittuiu The i iisui Is cutain llinc is no dnugu, anil iL tlio (inpeior i iloiilittiil In.- i an letuin as Hit as Ka-Ciing-l n wlnie In, tan liettn examine tin. i on Utlons .Hid anangefoi tbefoi i Un evae nation. IJut, lie adds, nn eaily I tie loi bis niajestv's letuin should linnicdkitch be issiiul. The sixteen Kiupp guns and slxtv vi son i aits of ainintinition capttned by lln P.iilish.)irni Shnn-Hni-Kwaii, nie in ixiollinl i oiulition. An Indian iia tlvi ulllti i, who made the mptiue, was oIIoilmI two (aits of silvtl if lie would not taUe the guns, and sav nothing about tliein Flag of Chang Chung. Washington, Apiil 20 The w.u de l.utineiil lias made public the tud r i'sui'd in t'lilii i. b CbiKial Chitlte, w'hh h fontaliiiil a lettoi lioin s,ecic tuj Ttoot This lt'ttei was .in u kllowledM'UH 111 ol th lecelpt ol the Hag ul Chang Chung To, i oinin mile i o the piovlueo of Hilpei, eaptuted by Tioop L, ol tin Sixth onvnliy, al Chang Pin,; t'how on Sept I P'Ou -In the let It l Hi ulai Hoot s lid In tin piel.ue ol th- iec cut lustoiv ol the s,t caviliv, (iitltled Tinni niklowtl to sintlat,ii' Lit uten Hit Colonel Cai let said " To iiinsiie Hie Until of hlsloi v II m.ij be nticss.uv to aiiiond the till' to it-ad Tinni Yoiktoun to 1'tkin' "I tonguttul Uo the MUli e.ivaliv upon tin at touiplishiiiiiit ul this pio p!ici, and I ii.ii Ui nliuh onsiaiul lie Tioop Jj upon tin Kill.int and i.uly s i ito lliiiiUBh which, as a pan ol the I'hiu.i l Miel ospiilition, it lias aildtd to tlie lauiels ot this unions u;,! ni( lit." Oeneial fhalue dlier !. that the nilif inal ( op ot the seeii.i,uV letter he piesen d in the leeonlh ol the tioop. Set ions Famine. X. w Voik, Apiil JO The tt.llowlnff (.ibliM.im wits itcoheil by the Cluis ll.in lleuild toditM "Pokln, Apiil Jj 'ei v soi loiis lainine .spiendb over tlio whole piinineo ot Kluin-HI. Out 11, iiiiO.oiji) population nffoctod TjkpiU lo ll t ukossiii.i. r'oiiilltions waiiant Im iiiedlntt' appi nl. 1A IIuii, Chnnf?." The ('luiMlliin lleiald has announced 1th put pose ot l.tlhlliK a fund to ielleo ilin suffciei.s ill the lanillie-htiioken dls liiet. BOXERS ON THE WAR PATH. A Band of One Thousand Opeinting Near Pno Ting Pu. Ill l,iliilu Ain iinui 'lln Socnt(il I'li-- T.ondon, Aptil 27. The Itoiitor Tele Ki.im foiiip.iiiv has to(oied tlio fol lowlnpr dlsfMtth fiom Pekln, dated t.s tmday: "A band or ?oeis' pstlnmlnl at n thousand, is opoi.iiinBr tumty uiIIph houth of Pao-Tliiff-rn. it lias i.ilded tlueo IllnBL'h within a Me.k, and tluealeiib to niu-isaeio the riuihtlnns In that ilcinlty, many of whom hao Hid to Vao-TiiiK-ru fur retime. "In tlio .Mnu-L'heim dlhtilet, uoilh tast of Pao-Tlim-I'M. anothpr stmim band Ih eoniniltthm dppiedatloius, and bn.s nnnoiinied Iks ililuulloii to attack the city of Jlan-ciieim', whoie theio is it post of twenty Ueiinaii sodt-s, "lion Pao'TJiiB-Fu, liiio tho town wn& pia(tlcall denuded ot tinopn by the expedition to the Oieat AVall, Is not wamlnt,' in evident of t-oilous uniest amoim iho menu dihoidcily elements of the population." ODD FELLOWS EIGHTY SECOND ANNIVERSARY. Vf Exdwhe Wire from Tlio aisochto! I'tcn. WaJilntfton, ,nl ai-'IlK OH rilli)i( tin. Ditilct ot t'uluinliu tmli.v (tltbialcil tlui Uglilj tPtoml uniiiKTMiy of Hit. foi iiiatiou i. iho oiiKr. A call iciilo vl ikjiIv .Mni iiurMlier. (I llto tutor maitlxil in p-iulo anil vtio itiiiutil 'iv I'm 'lent Mckinkn and I lie tlUtiii. t (oiiudI.-nIwi-tn British War Loan. fif Jxtlnsbc Wire ftoni the Awodalcil Iitt Iwtiin. April ""ij 'llic SUtUt will mv to. aiTrciiv lhat llic j holloas fur (lit lliilljli uir Jtfjn ajrifgatt SH,WW,il0 poiiicl. FEATURE OF FORGERIES. Book Containing Blank Stock Ceitlfl catea Used by Hadley Jones. Dj I cliiihp Wire (rem Tic Awiclalctl l'rci I.lltlu Pulls, N. Y April 2C A stilt t llim fentute ot the set let of foisciles said to hne boon toinmltted by pc Mnjor ltiidley .Ioiioh, of this cltv, was dlndosed heie today, when Jones' h ife wns opened by nn expoit. In the safe was found n book eontitlnlim blanlc sloek lettllk'iitCH of the National Her kimer county bunk of this city. Seven teen of the ccitllltates hnd boon used, and soPial of the leniainlnir ceitltl pules bad the name of AVIlllani O. 5111 Hbiiii, picsldent. and Albeit Htoiy, eiiHlilet, foiKPd thoieon. It Is belles ed bv the polho that most ot these foiled ceftllhreu'S wiie put as (ollatoial for loans negotiated at vari ous bank's thioimhout the countiy. The amount of Moelc Issued will not be known until the banks make lcpoits but It Is ('stimuli d heie tonight Hint the total will be at bust W7.000. 'I be National Utrkluioi Couutv b ink is the l.u gost Institution of Its kind In this counts. .Jones' wife, who la also miss ing lioin the city and Is belloed to have Inlned him, was a stockholder In the bank, and All, Stoiy, the cashiei, whoso name Mas loigcd to the ceitifl oales, was bei uncle. .Tones got one of her ceitllldites nntl Irnl a new stock leitlfleato boolc printed bv a Uuffnlo pilntlncr fiim. BUSINESS CONtTnUES TO BE VERY BRISK Situation in Tintle as Viewed by Dun's Weekly Review. 11 I tlieit' Win firm Iho sioti itcft I'n ( New Yoik, Ajnll 211 TJ. G. Dun A; Comp my's AVeokiv ItoIew of Tiado lomotiow will f-.n : Husiness continues ory brisk for the Sscason in the fTce of some diaw lurks which at times might cause niai ked hesitation. Chief of these is the Hoods In manv direction. The weather all over the cast has been .ul eisp lo an Incieiso ot letull tiade. Bank ilea rings, bowtct, show that, while speculation has been heavy, theio must lme been a -acII sustained oliune of ligitmiite business, tin the K tins aie lt.l per tent ooi lilOt) and 1S.f oei lS'll outside New Yoik and 10J0 i)ci cent ovei IllliO and MO oer IS')!) at this city. Muth unfiiMirable toiumont has ap pealed legaidlug the adsance in steel mils to S Yet the change is onh lu keeping v. Ith lceent Inci eases in pileeb of pig iion and billets On new busi ness or epoit oidois it is not unin sniiable to make pileis foi tails on a parity with otliei pioiluets of this ln dustiv. Aside fiom thi one opciatiun theio is no new developments. Pig lion is mine fuilet. with little tikin for dolhoiy besond July 1. Domestic business in principal lines of nianufar tuied steel is so actie as to discoiii: a,p foielgn bujlim, but nncbineiv and specialty mills aip epoi ting fieily. Tt is lopoited n nin flushing that mills aie not now dec! bv demand to the ox tent notked In lsio, but pioduetho tapaeity has laioly expanded. After a piolotmed period of waiting for definite ciop news tlio ceieal ni.u kels suddenly awoke lo unusual ,c thit. iMueh of tlie liuieaspd tiadlng and shniji adsance in pries icsultod tiom closer nianlpulalloii. bv a single w ostein spppuiutiji, who tniiipolled tlie slioil contingtnt to eopr Muj coin conti ads at the highest juiips of tlie season. Wheat has risen sharpls, paitlv In SMiiputhv with coin Tallin os lor the week miinbeml A', in tlio Pnlted .States, against JO! last yeai. and .(! In C.unda, against .'.' last (ai. ALLEGED KIDNAPPERS ARE CAPTURED Captain Titus Is Notified by Police That He Has Membeis of a Gypsy Sand. tl, I Mlii-lii' Wire (mm flic Assnci (led Pici Now York. April 2(1 Captain Titus was not Hied today bv tho police tr Washington that they bad in custody Hannah and LizIn Michel, membeis of a band of gMislo.s who weio en tamped al Highlnldgo, ibis city, a slioit time ago, on suspicion of being Iinplli iled in the kidnapping of AV11 llp Met oimlck, OHO Of tho gllK, U v f,,!!, WJ,,, In n phntngi.iph galloiy, iliopjiod a pleco ol papoi bearing the name ot the mis .sing boy Captain Titus sent a delec lle to AVashliigton to malio an Iiuct ligation. Stieet Car Strike, Hi l.ln-li Wire (inn 'lln iciito( Pu-. Mi link id ,'il I lit' gintill ililkp of llic .-tint i nlioiil iniilntr, ttlikli flillul litiiMilly in tli uli, .--till rmilliiiits. t-onii' nu mliti s of llic .-.nlkiu' iniiniiitlto line I) t?n linprhi iic.l -s till mill OIIK Ul Mnlllll'lt'a Jttll K. llnll the ( IIS .iii- iimnlm.", cioitid In nnmitnl iniUiino mil ilihui lit inllll.il) inlmerH Blnine House Sold. Pi I wlir-hf Will (mm llic -.gt.ljUil l'ip Wa.lillUloii Ai'Nl 20 Mr ll4lilit S tllilni, r I uibli, Mt . Midou of tin lain I inn-, I! llliim, Ini ilauil on icrriil i ilml lu fir tnn. Un lln; tie old llliim iLliltntp un lliipunt null, till-, tat, ti MiimuuIc I nkno Wallar W(ktln(.lioi,fC, if I'lttt-liuiu llu rmisiikialion innuil h s-1 It 1 0 m Petioleum Di&coveied, By I'Mluibo Wire (rum 'lln, As-ntlatnl I'iru M. ln ( y, ni o illitnurj of ipo. hum Inn luni inailt- Iwuit) mills Rnilliwe-t of Hit til) of i.uul il ij mi nnil a touiuio lu born kiiiiinl ta 0nutc uil Willi DEATHS OF A DAY, IVl l,x(lu-he Wiic (ion) riic AoolaU I'iCM Irbtuun, Ai'ill 20 llcr an lllmu ot iieJrlj tno'uu'ks, Jiistph II I l'lit, loi nunj jean. nil. tor of tlw Ul'inon IUilj :wu, thU til), ami ont, ot Lebanon's lct Lnauu clllicns ami promintiit Itcpublioans, ilircl f.Jj), oi,(il 01 )tari Ninoui) incstiation was the Immediate Ljuse ot uYith lloclicMtr, Vpril Ell "Jutk" 'IWnri, who waj well ltnouii jn inijilUtie ami spntliiK tirclej uiul wji the Iralnei of John L. Milliiun (ol lit) lijl t wllh JjKp fillrjin, ill tl at hli home lure tlilj inoiulnir. ai;til ill. BIG REVOLT IN ALGIERS Troops Have Been Sent to Quell the Disturbances in Mllianali. EUROPEANS ARE KILLED Tls Village of Maigueilte Looted. On the Ai rival of tho Troops tho Rebels Wore Repulsed They Tlee to the Mountains Battalion of Zouaves Leaves Algioia for the Scene of Tiouble Rebellion Solely for Pillage. tty fscltiMic Wire from I he Associated ritm. Algleis, April 2fi The nalUcs bioke out in ieolt today, neir tho town of Mllianali, In Oinn piolnee. The dep uty admlnlstiator of the piovlnte and some- nnthe hoi semen nie lepoited us pilsonois with the icbels. A Spaniard has bfen killed, 'and the village of Mar gin rile was looted. Seveial peons wri wounded. Tioops line been ottloiod to the si one ut distill banco. uno icpoit, wbleh is as jet uneon llinicd, is to the effect that ten Uuio lioins weie killed at Maigueilte. Ou the aius.il of the tioops the lehels wcie ic pulsed and fled into the moun tains One of the suldiois was killed and two ollicois woie wounded. A bit tiillon of Zouaves left Algieis tonight, and a .squadron of chassouib fioin 1511 dah and Oiloansvllle will icpair lo the stone of tiouble toniouow morning. Lieutenant Colonel hole will coinm ind the column. The lebelhon is sololv foi pillage and bus no political aspects CONDITION OF THE OHIO. The River Stationaiy for Some Dis tance Below Cincinnati IVeaily All Day Yesteiday. lie I elusne Who fioin ilie Sisoiiilinl Tre Ciliciiiiuitl, April 2fi The Ohio river lias been hlatlonaiv heie and loi some distance below Cincinnati since 9 o'clock this moinini,, when tlio limit of 39 (". feet was leached. Tbo'e de pomHng on tho pi 'diction of the limit not 'eceodIng HS Pet hue suffeiod since tlio si ige became almosi ten feet above the dangei line, it i& ostiniatod that ri00 lesidonces have b'cu iiiiin tl iled in the east end of Olneinn it I. and mine on tho wr t side, along Mill i ic"k vallej. 'fin so do not include the Hooded dl tricts along the 1 1 outage ul the Ohio rivci, wheio tho tenements, as well as business iutetct, bae suffoiou. On the Kentucky side liotn Covington, through Nov, poit, lielleue and Diy ton, tho situation ' i tpi ills disli.ss Ing. Thnusinds aie out ol woik bote and up lh va'.lev, but most of them will i"suiue Monday. NATIONAL GUARD ORDERS The Tltiid Biignde Encampment to Be Held in July. Ih I'viliiilie Who Iroin The s-.ochleil Pie- llniiisburg, April 2tl.-i.ienpi.al oideis weio issued today lioin the headquar ters of the National Guaid announcing that th (intent .season for ililu piac llce will open Mav I and close Oct. U. An oi dei was also issued announcing tho summer encampment as follows- fust brigade, lioin julv -n to 27 in clusive; Second brigade, lioin Aug 17 to 21 Inclusive; Thinl brigade, iiom .luly 20 to 27 Inclusive. Tlie place of i neanipnipnt for etch brigade will bo designated by the brigade commander. The thaiaetin of duly to be pot fanned bj l be naval foico and the dale will bo announced later. British Subject Depot tod. in- 1 pbitlu' Wiie from 'llie Asj'Kiitnl I'nv llloenilonU in, Apiil 25 I he pumiit inii4id, piti-Iiiini; mn a (omt of jsniiini n. jmi.iliiU hi, In ninniiiKftl his inlentioii ot t.uppu'-hig ilN- Imil lltlt Ulltti.. ill llH OllltlCiI l lllilll Mill. j.Lt il nihil MIuIkII In he ilt0iteil lo . Ion loi .iIjiiiIiij in .inny nnler tn tin? (IToit lhat limn:. ImMiiri (-lull sn-pinil i Imml niiliMe ot their ilotis tiliine: Hit niiiKf. nl ill Ihe uuiipiiiti of Hill putiiulu Iioiw Tiouble at Maiklo Collieries. ' II) ImIiiiIiu Wiie fimn 'lilt .snehted 1'u.s Ihlelon, Ariil SO -I In tronblo nt tlio rob liciln of (.' II Mirklt .S f.i. will he sctlk.l to. inuiniA vtluli i nifillit,' or Hid ixiuiihe luiuli p( Hit' tliicp nnlliruite tliiliuK of the Unit si Slim WoiKni will I io lit Ul here. V ipiiiiii iniro u b. Mi tlltt Kit with the ilUtrirt hoinl Mass Meeting at Matanzus. Ily I veluilve VMri.' Iio.n The M'oclatdl 1'ffM, II u ina, pul JO 'Hi PiinotriN will hold i irni-s mo tlUK in VI it init in l similji, I Ii- ti.u. Ik In,' Iho I'l'inm i ilb of (he tmpo.ii Ilia pljllnrm lo hi iilimillitl fir nluplion .lll (mr atttpUnto of tin 1'lilt .inn iiihntnl ami will n tloi-t lln louui of (initial Wuoil Stmggle to the Bitter End. Ily I x(lu"lwt Wire doin 'iho .mlateil l"re Mulritl, Apiil '.'i 'Ilin lilli'lu) Loinniilleo l.uii Imu iilipHJ (i rs"lu'i"n s ..Hi utr upon lln.ii iciiiill.timn in tlie I'hilipiuiH' il..iiU to toiillnuo Ihtli lllligle .i4h'l Au tm.au oMitinlj U il t. littti cul. ' Anti-Clerical Demoilbuatiou. Il kxclniio Wire n ni Hit Avoilaml l'us 1 Ivlion, A pill 20 ln tnli tkrital iIpiiioiMi i llviii was tlUpeiMil 1 tin polkt luio tmli). Jho iUnro it Jesuit wi biiinul in ffi,) hj tho mob who ImluUc In aml-kiH um Pensions G anted, fly Uxrliuhe Wire from The Aisoilateil I'rus Washington, April 20. llitou pirn-ion. havo hem nunttil Win II.iukIuii. of ujutui, to, )ine O Col lie r, o( Winliii. fJi. I'tirtst lovltr, ol SuJiiton, ij;,Jjtvb Whllthnatl, of llubhlf, 0 CAUSE OP JAPANESE TAII.URES. Balance, of Trado Qicatly Against tho Mikado's Kingdom. Br lltelndve Wire from Tlio Ashotlilril l'rets London, April 20. The London man ngoiH ot the Yokohama Specie Hunk uiul the Hong Kong and Shanghai Hanking coi potation nay they do not four that anything sei Ions will develop fiom the bank failures lu .Inpan, an nounced yesteiday In a dlspatbh from Yokohama. The majority of the banks Involved are veiy small concerns, with a capital of no more th in Cfi.OOO or C 6,000 apiece. They nie more in the liatuic of money-lending Institutions than bnnksi, and, apparently, only the .Japanoso themselves ato involved. Soma tiouble has been expected for a long lime, owing to the .stringency of money In Japan, which now costs about lf per cent. That It Is believed Is duo to the picseiil balance of trade being so much against Japan, the Impoita gientlv e( ceding the exports Some lellef Ik hoped fiom the addi tional taxation authorized by tho new Japanese budget. kitchenerIeports activity in africa Lieutenant Reid with Twenty Bush men Engages the Enemy Boers Killed and Wounded. II 1 itltisiM! Who fiom The Aociiteil l're'i London, April 2C The war office has iei lived the lollowlng fiom Loid Kitchener: "Victoria, April 20 Since josluiday the (olunins ierrt the Boer losses to bo twelve killed, twenty wounded, foi t -seven e ipluied and fmty-two suuomloied. "tn addition lo the foiegolng. Lieu tenant "Hi Id, with twenty Bushmen, taptuied south ot Commlss o Drift, Oliplutnt ilvei, Commandant Schojd er and foity-one Boeis, together with a JI.ix.lni. Hold's men ciept up and smioundod the men befoic dawn and opened the, tho Boais immediately "iniendiiing." ' Tn a latoi message, forw aiding ad vice;, tiom Geneial Kitchenot, his In other, tho commander In ehlet, sajs. "Genual Kltchtnoi lepoits from Paaido riat. lour Boers killed, ISO taken prisomis and .1,000 cattle, 0,000 sheep and m inv wagons captuiod." PORTO RICANS. TO GOV. ALLEN. They Fear That Some One Has Im posed on Him. Di Txclustve Wiie from Iho An-neiatert Tieu. Now Yoik, April n- The Poi'to Ttieo ( oinnussioneis now in tins cltv have written to Gov ei nor Allen ietuesting lilm lo Jutnisli them with a list of the n lines of tho seveial bund rod al leged business men of Poito Illco who aie s.i Id to have signed a memorial ( ongiatulatiiif, him upon tlio success ol his vai's adniinlbtiatlon. Tin coninussioneis have boon led to make Ibis icqucst because among the sit,neis ol tliPir ciodentkils is eveiv buslnrss house ol any lmpoitnnce In the island, and thov have loason to suspect 'thai Gov oi nor Allen is being misled as to the eb tiat lor of the slgn eis ot the testimonial. WRECKED IN CHINESE WATERS. British. Passenger unci Mail Steam ship A&hoie No Lives Lost, nt tvhisio Wiie f oni l be V"omleil Fres. Hong Kong, April 20 The British ste unship Soln.inn, of the I'eniusukir and Oi lentil steamship lino, i tinning between Shanghai and London, Is ashoie on the Tong Ying isl inds. She went agiound In a dense log. The malls and pu-sengus weio landed at Foorhou, China, in Chinese junks iiom the Islands The liiitlsh htoamsliip Coiomaudtl, C'apinhi Vibeit, whit it nms between Sbanglial and Bomiiav, has gone to the ass! dance of Hie Holnaon, At coi (11111' to later advices, u js p pccled thai tho Sola. ion will become a total wnek. All her commitments aie lull ot water. CANALS IN THE DANUBE. Vy ImJuiIip Win fiom 'lln Vwimtnl l'lu,. Vienna, April 20. Tho Imperial gov ernment has submitted to tho loiihs lath a bill authori.llig llic constuiction of lour canals In the Danube, Moldau, Elbo and A'istuia districts. The woik of (onstitictlon ks to begin In 1901, and will be completed In 1021. Two bundled and Ilitv million kio nen, at 1 per cent., aie to be bonowed boioio 190.', and fiiitber funds for the cnnsti notion of these tour canals will be' hoi i owed when nccossaiy, .. GENERAL ERENCIHC ILL. Ileum t That He Has Been Oidoied to Take a Sea Voyage. P) I sdii-.ni' Who (mill 'llic Usoiiatid Pre Iondoii, April 20 Geppinl rieneb, a coi ding to lodaj's advices, Is sick at Viedciiiil station, on the lallway, in the uxtiemo unnh of the Oiaugo lU.er Colony. In a dlppatrh lioin that plnio io tho Tliuts, published tenia), It Is said that Hid gmiruat hid been oidoied to lake a sea vo.vige, lu older to lctupente Steamship Auivals II l h -hi Win mm Hie Vuw.lifi.1 Pu Xn 'Veil. I ill M - niul (Vjlninhii lm. hum, I. ut WihlilK. Ilunhnii II inilniu i leji.il I'liilnl.i, lbtioii!; ki ( j -i i-no, I hai'i' I s,,(Uu im, liiittiiilain ii lloulojjif i ... i. -v . ...n.ll. Ii.fn.....! ,.....1 a, ... ... Respite for Fiye. II) f Mluslvo Wire Irom 'Ihe Visoelatcsl Press IhiuMinig. April 2il-vjitin VI, Pi), ol ( ir lUk'i a-i loila) iipiutl h) li'menior stono Irom Mi) 7,11. Ituia 27, In inuuhrtil his lunlliir IiiIim, Ijmt I Itlllin. HsJi I'ailblo, on 5U) 1U Ua pint'!; t'in nn', . .i.i("iii .x.iiti) ii m.iii' Ijinl, Xttt iil. Jlowlle sillnl. Piiimu (nun li-o). Niw oih Siuthiiiipton sailv'ip Vni't llhiuuk Umm IljinhutB) n oiU ill ( lieihoiinr jplt nlitil Ilolitn. rollun, Stw oik ill filhultii' (or (lino.i (ami pioctiiltil) ()ii-ciilownriieii (.imptnli, Ni' 'Viil. tor fiierioil (ami piocceihil). Htj(h Ilml- I'u'ttil Musitjiii, llutltiilini foi v Volt. GERMANY WAR PREPARATIONS London Saturday Review Intimates That Gontest with the United States Is Probable. THE CAUSE OF EXPANSION Geimany's Navy Is to Be Inci eased, It Is Thought, for the Purpose of Being Equipped for a Struggle with the United States Germany's Intel est in South America May Be Responsible for Designs on the Monroe Doctrine. Bj txthilu Wiro from The Assueialeil Pun London, April 20. Tho Satin day Re view will bay tomonow that "the ex pansion of the Geimnn navy is moie In piepaiatlon for a contest with the United States than with Great Britain, because the loadlest cause for future naval conflicts will be found in the struggle for the pnitllion or tho ex ploitation OL tho great Pouth American continent." Tho Review devotes a page to a de scription of the lesouiees of South America and Geimany's hundreds of thousands of settlers in Uia.ll and Chill, and the Inability ot Geimany pin siting her designs in South America without a, conflict with the United Slates The aitlelo concludes with the statement that it Would not be good policy for Gteat Britain to oppose Ger many's legitimate aims, and that an alliance with the United States, that had foi its pin pose the maintenance of the Monioe doctrine, "would not onlv bo Indict ouslv In opposition to our own inteiests, but it would rightly mouse every other nation to a death stiugglo agaiiibt a. genuine Anglo-Saxon men ace." GERMAN DISASTER. Auothei Explosion ai Giieslieim Causes a Panic Soldieis, Five men and Inhabitants Flee to Fiankfoit. H) 1 xrliiiiie Wiie (Kin lie Vsoii ill il Pre' fianktot l-oi-the-Maiii, April 20 riic bioke out ngaln today In the iiiins ot the eleetio-chemical woiks. near Gielshcim, the scene ot vestei d ivTs disaster, and the explosion of a fjie.it benine lescivolr at 11 o'clock, and the imminent dangei of further ( xplosions, caused a panic in the v I ( inilv of the woiks Otdeis weto is sued that overv one In the illage of Gileshoim and Us u' ighboi hood should vacate their picmlses, and the Inhabi tant, lied vvitli hiKh possessions as iliey could hastily collect, most ot them coming to Fiankfoit. liven the lliemen, salvageis and soldieis left the scone. During tho flight a number of women and cblldien weie tin own down and tiampled under foot. The lailtond service to Giioshoim Is sus pended em account of the danger to passing Mains. It is believed that the list ot dead in yestoi dav's calamity will not be as laige as at flit icpoited. Eight v bodies had been recoveied when woik nt the mlns was suspended at 11 o'clork. About I'O poisons weie in luiud, sonio seriously, and manv aio still missing. Some lopoiled missing have boon found. PLAN TO CAPTURE DOWAGER. Col. Maichand. of Fashoda Fame, Wanted to Emulate Funston. B) Hvcltiolvp Who fiom Ihe Associated l'ic Bails, April 20. Colonel Maichand, who. as M ijor Maichand, of the rteneli inny, won distinction in Fas hoda, Africa, In LSO'i, and who is now with the Fiench expedition iry foice in China, loi med a .scheme, the Gaulols mv.s, to uiptuiu the dowager empiess of China and her entlto .suite, by mothiids similar to those by wbleh General Fuiislou captuiod Agulnaldo. The tulnl"tuis ol the poweis would not consent, howovot, lo tho sa home bolus tauled out. As China Is supposed o bo at peace with tho poweis, the lcasons tor the nilnlbteif,' objoe'lons aio obvious, Will Operate Against Titists, lt,t lAthhlvc Wire horn 'Iho Vv-oiiiltd Pua I'ltWiuil!, iul jl-lhf IMpilth tonn itw will M)! "t .1 niutlni In thin i in in VI iy '., i iiiov. rneiit will ho i-Urlul loi lln ounile thn o( ihn ( nihil I.ilior I'liiuiiil o( (lit I nlttil M.ilm which If iliiicl to ho an mill, inution of all tho lilmi oiKiiiililluii of Iho lonntr), with initial lKiihtnrl(r (lit nhjiii hcin,- lo tunio tcnpinillon amon, ill luinihi nl lilmi mil jlmitl lo nprialo .-pi i i ill jfjinn Hie tail tiii'.it. " Stieet Letter Box Contiact, C) rieliiiiio Wire fmni lln oiiited PirsJ Washlivtcn, pill .'ii --Iho (entiitt (oi pir, nl-linii, Ihchtlfil httir lovti to the i,otiiiiiKiit foi ii'so in tlliit. thioiiEhont Ihn I nliul Mates limine the tour veus le-Innlii, lul) 1 luvt, todj wa-. iwanktl In- tp ptt-toldt p lUpjitment In Ihn Miilil,Jii Mul , , cinip.iin, ot Adilan Jliell. Ihtio no Unr sits of huse to lo fur. liLlntl at Iho following I'm lu-putln-b sj'm, H7j. ?l -5 and M i Iho lat h x new Ue of lios, to ho put Into i -i Hail Stoun in Mistouri. Ily llvclii'bo Wiie fiom Hie Vwocluled Presi. little ItJtl., Ark, Apiil 1. -A speclil dom scHtniian, Mo. eaid a teuitic rain ami hail stoini vI-IUil oilli iiliaiicis lat night. Sis tl tf-tlos and (our miles ol tratk on tlio SI. I mil and .XoilhiniUlariiH rallioad wtie washed out Kail tomiettloii wllh Kuitla i-inhifs and pulnii t'Jil U Kicrt-d, TUB NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indication Today: - FAWi WAHMEH. 1 (Icrenl-ClilneFC Still HclllRcreiit. Alserlm In lletolt. t'nlun C'cmmkileii Ii S.illfleil ncrnnny Makm Heady (or War. 2 (Icnenl Cirtiunihlo l)fiarliiiint, .1 General in the I ind of 1 locra (I'jiI II ) 4 I'tlltorlaL j oli; anil ConiniiMit. 6 koonl Soclnl mil Personal. Ono WonMii'ti View. Stientlflc til.nl 9 total IMIlli Onnev (loiitd Stekn a llhoite. Pollellor Walton's Opinion on (Inntinx Con. fncta, fiotfilji of the Oinid. 7 I ocil Silk Strike Is I mled I'hll nlelplil i Iloultm Difiilnl Xovcl Sttlke of Sehool l!i) 8 Ineil et Siimlon anil suhmlpin, ') (ieninl N'mlhenlern Penns)lvinlj. ' riinntlal nnd Coininerelal. U I.oeal "lotktiiii," Wlnnei ol the Thiul Pibo In the shoit ''tor) Conlr-I 11 Ieil Siindav sMionl te.-son for romoiTow, l!tlla;ioii Xews of Ihe tttcl, IJ Tivcil Inditslilil'imil T.ihor. HEAD JERKED OFF BY HANGMAN'S ROPE "Black Jack," a Tiain Robber, Is Ex ecuted at Clayton A Confession Calculated to Fiee Inno cent Men. D) I xclusile Wiie fiom The -otutitl Pit (Jlttjton, N. M, April 2tl Thomas n Ketchum, alias "Black Jack," the tiain lubber, was banged at 1.21 p m today. The lope broke, but tho fall lei ked Kotclium's head offt lie was tile most noted desperado of tlie southwest tor nianj jeais, and al though bo was r;i edited with having taken the lives of some of his follow -belni.s, bis execution, set for noon to day, was foi an attempted tiain 10b beiy in which nobody was killed This oi Imp was committed noai Folsoni. X. M . August 10, 1S1D. Single-handed, Ketchum hold up a Colmado and Southern passenger tiain. He oideied tho engineei and tlremnn to uncouple the engine and leave the train The conductor and mail agent opened file. Ketchum leceivtd the contents of a double-baneled shotgun In his light arm, but ctuicklv changing the rifle to his loft sdiouldei, ho bticceeded in wounding both conductor and mail agent. He v. as ra pun eel the next day, tried and given the extieme penalty. Ketchum mailed a letter to Piesident McKinlej- this nioining, in which ho says: "Standing in the piesence of death, whoie no human aid can reach me, I dosiie to communicate to jou .some facts which mav, perhaps, he the means of libeiating Innocent men. Theio aio now thiee men in Santa Fe penitential v sciving sentences for the lobbeiy of tilt United States null at Stein's IMss, Arizona, in 1W, vb.: Leon ud Albei tson, Walter Huffman anil Dill 'Waleiman, and they nie as innocent ot the crime as unbnin b tin . The names of the men who committed tlie crime an- Dave Atkins, fM Hul lins. Will Carvci. Sua Ken hum, Bioiuho Bill and in) self." MR. HAY RESIGNS Expense of Living in Pietoiia Is Gi eater Than the Salary. H, r'xeliwvp Wne uoni 'lh .Vs.oel ilctl Pie i Wellington, April 2fi Vdelbeit I lav, son of tlie sei.euiiv ol si ite', has i signpil his post as United SI lies t on ul seneinl nt I'lHtCitir The leslgni tmn takes elieet tomonow. His suc cessor has not yet been pelee led. In view of tlie gnat exppnse ol liv ing at Pietoiia, it is possible tint tho ollico will bo lelt vacuut until e on-gics-i tan have an oppoi unity to act upon a loeommentl ition fiom the ev ocative looking to tin incieasp in the salaiy of tho ollico ol toliMil geneial at Pietoiia. Memorial Day South. II) l,i ItMw Win- fiom Jho V-Boclaliil l'ii- MIlllll, f.i, Miil to Vltllinihl iht w-15 jinn ilh olisuuil tlnniinhoiil tliu south lodi), with the ti-ual teieinonm. BASE BALL. American League. t lliltnnoit' II II 1 lloslon 000 11 00 2 J I. j I llaltlnioip I D I II 0 2 0 U-1II It .1 IlJtU'riii KiIIiiiii mil t it, r, lliblmilt) ml llnhbibOii. Uinpiit L mtllliou M Philailclplih- Ii 11 I W,.ish!n,'lon .... 0 0 0 l 0 I I 0-1 J I'hihilelphii 00 0 0 00 I DOl 7 7 llitterh-. C'aulck mid Clnk, 1'nu irnl l'uwtn riiiilu llaktll Atlenilinco 20 OI0. t lldioil- It II 1, Mllttlillao . . J (i J ilo 1 0 0 17 4 pi'lioll ... . U II I 0 0 I 0 J .'-ii II J llalKiIis-diiviii uul 1 1 tliv , (Inin. and lliiel. low, I nipliis Sliciitlau ind JIim-in ( hit ii;o (lii.lJiitl, net M-lmliiliil National League. VI Phil oh Iplila- l! il '" llaaon ... 0 0 I 0 . ODD II I s pliihiMphla . . I un ini) I) o o-sl n I llnltrit Plitlnii mil klttrhUe: Doimliui' in. I Mi I ill uul. I iiiiiil O'lii) VUiiiilmit I, ""I U Xtw ..ii. . ! 1! llicokbn . . 1 I I) 0 0 il I 0 0 1 Vol 0k . . 0 0 a Ul) I) J I) V-"i 7 J llilirn.-l)vioijii and Melinite; VlitltiCNVi'n nntl IIhmiiiiiii. t mpiii CoI m. Mtinilmte n.OiXi l (hlil.'o lU liinlin..) - Ii II I CliU-airi ... . !D 1 0(101)0 I 00 D-7 S 1 lintinnili .nil I J II 0 1)0 I 00 I b ).' I lljtii rlt Nt wu uul IMu, Ihulus vitutko and Ulin'. rinpiit I nilio. Al PitUlim bt luuU Pill-hins- ii" 1.JIIIC, wit gioiindii. Eastern League. t JloclieMcr ltoirnstcr. 0; Tnionlo. 5. t Woicesttr Woitt(.lei. I; S-juuum, I t Pinvidtnee I'roildtiuf. i; llailfmd, 1 At lulaalo-PuBalo, 'J, MontFeal, 10. THE CUBANS ARE SATISFIED General Pedro E. Bctancourt, One oHhe Influential Deletiatcs, Is Interviewed. THEIR REAL MISSION A Mistake to Suppose That tho Cuban Commission Came to tlio United States for Any Other Pui pose Than to Study the Question of Relations Between the United ' States and Cuba No Intention ot Making Demands of Any Natuie. fl IVIiimVp Wlli' flulll Hit V-.oellltd Pu'-3 Washington, April 2ii Genual IV dio H. Botaii'ouit, one of the most lu lliienllal niembois of the Cuban dele gation, was scon liy mi Associated Biess lopotter today, and, in icspoiiso to iniiiiliie's, made some Intel estlng geneial st.ilcni"iit as to the pin posn of tho visit and Ihe inipiesslons v lib h the delegates have obtained "It should be undei stood." said e.!on eial rluncoiiit. "that we uie hoie lor the piupouc oL studjitig tliu enlliij iliicstitin ol tlio lelatlons between Un united States and Cub i, moie pitille ulaily as piesented bv the Plait amendment, but It Is a mistake to think that wo have piesented any pio posltlon, or tint theio is anything tints far bovotul an often t to Icain Iho views entei tallied bv th authorities heie mi the manv points involved and at tlio same time to (onvev to them view held by the convention -which wo aie heie lo lepiesent. We aio not clothed vvitli .inv plenipotentiaiy powers and cannot present plans which nieur lo us. For that 1 cason, it is a mistake to think thill In the dlsdisslons which have otcuticd tlieie is anything like You give us this and wo will give jou that ' "Thus far I think 1 can say tin mv sMl' and my associates that 'the dis cussion has pioduceii an agieeabb' liu piession upon us It has shown an earnest elloit on both sidps to den' with the subject in such a spirit et fairness and honoi as would leach a conclusion .satisf.ictoi v to all con cerned. "The dinner given us at the execu tive mansion last night piodiuoil upon us a inot favoiable hnpiessioa. It was m ide plain to us that jour public men approach this subject in a spirit of dlsmteipsti dness and of unselfish ness, and that their concern was chief ly the inteiests of Cub-j. In so fai as the inlci"sl of the United States nat ui. illy might he involved, tlie viewwa maintained that this was foi the ulll niafe inteiest and beuollt of Cuba. "As to the details of our fm tlior dis cussion tho membeis ol the delegation don't fuel at libeitv notv to go into pulleiilais Although tho piosldont is iliout lo lo.ivp on Ills w ostein trip, jot be bis isked us to t onfer fullv with Socretaiy Bool, who has n most thoiongh knowledge and appi eolation ot the various points Involved. For that leason it does not Mem essential that our discussions shall he biiuietl to a close within ihe day ami toiunr iow, and it niav'h" thai they will bo piolongod beyond the time of the de pillule of the piesident. We have been assuieel that tlieie is an earnest desiio to hive us iambi until theio Is the most complete uinloi standing on the voi.v last point open to doubt." Couitesy Appieciated. ('leiieial Botancourt added an o piesslon of appiei I itiop for the cour tesy shown tlie delegation bv the pub lic and tin pies'i of Iho 1'nlled States, as well as bv the oillclals. There was another conleicnte at tho war dopaitmont this atleinoon, last lug moio than tlnee boms. At this sitting, not onlv tlie political lelatlons of tho United States and Cubi worn disi'iiitsed, but theio was much Hum devoted to tlie economic ciuctloiis, .such as the possibility of a i eduction ot the I ii Iff on sugar and genera it clpinelty niiaugements between thh countiy and the island. This was n gnideel as piacllcallv the last busi. in s conl"ieneo bv tho United Slates oillclals, though It is quite piobible that tho Cubans will dosiie a (Hither confeience wllh Seciataiv lioot, in ol der to have .soiuo points that have been dlsi'ii-sed further elucidated afl"r they havo consideied among them, selves tho statements Hindu tn thoin by tho s'Piolatv. Toniouow thn Cu bans will be again espoited lo thn white liotio and will sav good-bye (" tho picsldonl, Tlinio will bo no fur ther conteionco with Secietniy Hoot until Moiida.v, It is bellevtd bv the United States ofllcluls that a, verv laic uiidoi.stand lug has been icuhed nntl that the complelo icpoit of the Intel views wllh the Hpcietary width the delegation will tnko luck lo tho convention will have a vpiy s-atlsfai toi) icsiilt upon thn meiulieis of t Ii it 1 btnlv San Domingo Miuisterb Resign. !)) kicliulio Wirn In in The -.sorla(ert Prut Sin iloinliue mi ll.ilitn ' ildo, pil -W -Ihn iiiliiMu ol II" iiiinim xnor lliiijaiult the in In lil u of w it sMnn (wilt), an I the mill Wtr ot nK scum linbtrb Inn icljiied Tlr tonntrj U (l'dei Judge) ioi Siam. P) iMbi'b Whv (rem ll'o wihtotl l'ie Xtw mh, Apiil 2i -rudtikk W. II dlts I Uih ill), tndit mum! i talilo tli-ijiati.lt uoi . I'll) i Siireia, um.ii nilni.lii In I unee ki)ins "Vti) Klitlto niniiin.i Mini iKiiil n il loi Jn Ue fur ."lain it 11) llim mi iiuiiind iillmul ' -rttt4tt HH -f . 4- -f WEATHER FORECAST, 4- f - - Wibliliieton inli) -l'oiteit lor Sit- mil l anl s iml.n . IjOiiii 1 lim.th nila 4 lair .sjlnidat , hiiuh in boulhun por- e -f (ii.ii. Snndj), (air, fu.li i utirh wnuU