The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 26, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    1(1 P W W p
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'"'''iVH ljJJb,(firuVITp3iij)r tpnrlP
r t
rtriiTHEn conferences of
Giicvance Committee of D., L. & W.
Men Waited Upon Superintendent
Loom Ifi Committee of the Striking
Firemen flora the South Mill
Wnntcd to Interview General Man
ager Weln urn but He Wns In New
Yolk The B., L. & W. Board for
Today Odds and Ends of News.
Jonas Long's Sons'
Wc arc now prepared to show you an entire NEW slock of
Great Friday Afternoon Hourly Sales
Only a little hour yet you will find more opportunities in that space of time to double your income than in several days of oidinaiy
experience. You know "a penny saved is a penny earned," and in this case it means a good many dollars earned, which, of course, is
the same as doubling your income. People are yet talking about the great olTers they found in our Big Stores last Friday afternoon, and
declare they don't mind being crowded a little at the counters for a few minutes while they are securing such satisfactory results. We
have even better opportunities to show you at the Famous Hourly Sales today.
I Wall Papers and Draperies
J Evciy item is this season's goods, and wc aic pteparcd to serve
Sale No. 1
Sale No. 2
you promptly and at our well-known low piiees.
After Ik Ins; In billon the ri outer
part of ycntPidny, the Hricvniicc com
mittee teprescntliiK the locals of nil
tin- lolllorlcs operated by the Debt
wair, J.ttck.uvnnna and Western
lompany, Mjslouluy attcuioon waited
upon Suporlntndnt 13. 13. Lioomts, of
Hi Liirlmwinna coal department and
inosentcd him with the Hit of gilev
anecs formulated nt the meotlnRs hold
titerdny, "WeunoHtlnv and Tuodav.
The committee ai lived at his olUee
about 4 o'clock and are Mild to lnws
lircn in ftopslcm with Wiint'ilnleiiueiit
J.oomls for some time. Nothing could
bo learned of the outcome of the mei't
jiiff. as the commit too dispelled to
their lcspecthe homes after It and
air. Loomis could not be located last
nlffhr. No repoil was made by the
lommlttec to dlbtilel beaduuarteis.
It is Bonerally under.stood
.imonp the demauilH made arc a ic
iiiicst for a unlfoim wage s.cale at
the eompinvVs colliotles an elsht
hoiir day. and other concelon- The
grievance committee tepipspntlnpr the
Delaware and Hudson depart
ment continued their meeting of "Wed
nesday, holding session in the A. O.
IT. W. hall. They will convene again
this morning.
The J3r!c collieries pent delegates to
a meeting of their committee, held
In the Hotel Coyne, and the Temple
Clion and Coal company's employes
met at Scott's hotel, on Lackawanna,
avenue. AH these meetings weie con
tinued. "Last night special committees
appointed at the meetings met and
worked on scale", wjiich will be sub
mitted to the committee this morn
ing. National Committeeman Fiederick
Wither, of the Mine Workers, visited
each of the meetings jester-daw and
uddre&bod them on the .subject of their
foming together. Little hesides or
gmlzation took plare at the morning
&cssJoni and during the afternoon
general discussion took pluce on ex
isting conditions, and the natme of
the demands to be formulated.
They Are Still Out.
The committee appointed at Wed
nesday aftei noon's meeting of the
striking tliemen of the South Steel
mill, ycsteiday -visited the company's
hcadquaiteis, in older to wait upon
licneial Manager llcnrv "Wehrum.
They were infoimed, however, that the
latter was still In New Yoik.
None of the men have as et le.sumed
woik at the mill and they as.seit that
their absence Is interfering muteilallv
with oiieiations at the woiks. The
iiimibeis of the executive boaid jes
teidav announced their intention to
fiKleavor to enlist the aid of other l.i
111)1" oiganiations foi the stilkcis.
The btilkeis while attempting to dis
suade men at tho mill Horn taking
their places, have acted with a praise
worthy freedom fiom violence. As an
evidence of the way in which they in
tend conducting their side of the mat
ter they have granted ?Ir. Okell, of the
company, the privilege of picking from
their number as many men as ho de
sii es, who will act as deputies and see
to It that no distut nances occur. The
men entertain hopes of an early settlement.
., Xi. & W. Bomct.
I'ollowinc is the make-up of the D ,
li. &. "W. board for today:
Wild Ote, East 8 p. m , I Halli-lt; 1 y ' .
1 l". Stcvciisj Jl p. in , .1, A. Uush
IKIDVY, Al'llll 2d
Wild Cats, Last VJSO a. ni , II. .1. laikm;
" a. m., II. Holier ty: i a. in , I'. (An in uikIi ;
'i a. m, T. liUpatrick; 1) a. m , 0. C'ibe; 1
p. in., S. 0 Connor, with John Hasan's men; -!
p. in, J. Mosier; fi p. " '' IN McCaim; C
p m , J. J. Murraj, with !. T. staples' men
Summits, Ktc 0 i. m, east. 7. HcniiiKiti; 7
in, west, G. Irounfilkci. (I p, in, ca-t, ,1.
fan Iks; 7 p. in, init, .M. Gold.n with W. II.
"Nichols' crew; 7 p. in, vvo!t (mm Cajnga, Sic
I unci 7 p. m , west from Cavtura, Tliompxon; 7
ji m, east fiom a.v Anir, I aw ml MiAllMir.
Puller 10 . in, K. II. Snoi.
Pushers S a. in , Honor: 1(1 .1. m , S I'm.
ntil.v; 11,10 a. in, Morui; 7 p m, Hurpli ; I)
i in , Jairnpin; It) p. m , WMncr.
Passenger 1 nulit.J 7 a. m.. (illtic : T a. in ,
Sinner; .1 JO j). in , Minion; 7 p. m , JliGouui.
lid Cats. West I a. m, I'. Kingslcj ; 5 a.
in , ,1. HurMnrt; 7 a in . I'. Wall; s a. m , .1,
II, Masters; 10 a, in , M. I.ouiJincv; U turn ,
I, Gahafpn; 1 J), in . J. I'. 3Iacr; 2 p. in ,
I) llagRerty; :t p. in , , G, llininillt, 1 p.
in, DouclicjiiJ (1 j). m , I. McCirlliv
rcmiluclor W, D. Wartel will mil S a m ,
WiM Cat. coniiix nclnpr Apil! 'Jotli, in pi no
nl 1 ranK McDonnell.
C milliliter C. Uaitlioloiurv will urn 1! ft p. m,
WIM Cat, commencing April ihitli, vvitli Ben.
nelt'h tiew.
Dial i man C'mtU llosello repoils toi ilul; en
with I, DnliiiviU.
This and That.
fi, Twining, ongliiPfi' f maln
tfinnco of way on the Cential Itall
ioad of Now Joisoy, lotuined to Mauc!)
i 'hunk yesterday, after a shoit visit
lu this city.
Si'iaulon conductoi.s on the Lacka
wnnna laihoid have each been as
rlHiied special cabooses. Hereafter no
conductor will bo allowed to change
i ibooos without an aider from tho
It l.s whispoied in lallroad circles
liti t 13. fj, nusbell, cc-general super
intendent of the Lackawanna railroad,
Is on a sick leave of 'absence from
he Intoicolonlal ralhoad, of which
'ie iceently became huperlntendent,
t V.T, Haxter, state president of the
Intel national Association of Statlonaiy
!''iieuieu, has opened headquarters at
W Lackawanna avenue, and all sta
tltinaiy fliemen are lecjuested to take
sogiiUunte of this fact,
A gang of 150 Italians have anlved
lot the construction work on the Dela
ware Valley railroad and until their
ow a shanties are erected along the
outo have nuaiters In tho old New
Yoik, Susquehanna and Westf'n de
;ut at Giael Plate. Com ajtor Mc
(Jralli Is uvvalting uuHal of. horso and
wagons. Stioudsbuig Times.
I'lCbldent Baar, of tho Philadelphia
and Reading lailioad and the Cential
Itallroad of New Jeisey, accompanied
by C. II. Wan en, first vice ptesldent
and geneial manuger of the Central,
ni rived In Sciatnon on a special train
early yesterday moinlug and left aguln
at 7 o'clock. Their 'visit was a ms
tery to the local olllclals, and their
rescuco was not known until after
P "1
Begins Promptl) at
2 O'clock.
House Furnishing Goods
In the Basement
T15A KETTLES The well Known Hot lies.
tH" Te.t Kettle, In tho .N'o. S size, all coppoi,
nickel plated and nickel lined, polished on
the outside. Woilh $1.10. One yf-,
hour yyc
HAMPERS Your choice of three sleM.
round willow Clothes Hampcis, made good
and strong, of best American willow; legu-
lar pi lee from JiSrt lo $1.40. One
COFFEE POTS Tin ee slel Coffee Pots,
genuine Agate and Peerless Enameled. They
hold "Yi, 4 and 6 quails. Quite lnige sbes,
call them boilers If sou will, they hae
both bales and handles. Your C-
choice aiOk
We h.we auanged tor this hour a 10c.
table of big alues. Xot a piece is woith
less than 13c; some as much as ,;ic. We
name a few of the many ai tides:
1, m and 2-auart Enameled Coftee Pots.
1 and OVi-inch Agate Fijing Pans: S and I
quart Enameled Pudding Pans; t and 5-qunil
Enameled Milk Pans; veiy large and heavy
Enameled Kitchen Elppeis: laige Enameled
Wash Howls 3-quatt Poicelain-Llned Ket
tles; Stew Pans, Sauce Pans, steel Fix
ing Pans, Tea Bells and Call BVlIs, Caiptt
Tacks, any size, etc., etc. Each,
one hour
DISHES We have 500 dozen Plates, Cups
and Saucers of English Poiceluln, under
glaze decoiation In daik blue and peacock
gicen. Tho cups, are laige and h:ic handles,
the plates aie s-e en-Inch. For one houi
j oil can secure a plate, cup and
.saucer lor
Boilei ,
good, heay, bright tin. One
But Just Look at This
II. & E. fine quality Gianulated Sug.n.
put up in packages of "i pounds each. Foi
one hour on Friday, only one pack- g
age to a customer, sale pike Jt5C
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
On flflln Floor
SHOES For little bable. soft soles, In
black and In tan, nicely mnde In every way,
and would sell regularly for 31c. a
pair. One hour pi Ice
Eongola Kid, with patent leather tips, .solid
leather all through; tegular value JC-
$1.'j:. One hour ViJC
LADrES' OXFORDS Fine quality of Don
giila. Kid. with patent leather tips, .solid
counter and Insoles, made -with English back
stiap. giving most strength where most
needed. Consldcicd good alue at rg-
1.2,".. For one hour VOC
Dongola, with vesting top. finished with let
buckles and black satin bow. For Qp
one hour yOC
l.ace Trimmed.
For one hour I C
Double sole, heel and knee, guaranteed tast
coloi.s; sizes 6 to 0'4, Ten cent qual-
ity. For one hour C
DRESS GINGHAMS Fine quails Madias
dies'. Ginghams, in all the new checks,
stripes and plaids. Giound colors in pink,
pale blue, o blood, cadet, nay, Iaen-
dcr, etc; legular price 10c. One
WHITE DP.Es.rf GOODS Satin stiipod,
s.itin check and plaid, fancy white goods. A
laige assoi tment of latest palteins; '"7l
legular puce UVic. One hour only.. jC
pi ice -lie. a paper. One hour sale.... 1 C-
hTOCKINET SHIELDS Two si..'', tt .
CORSET CLASPS Five hook, lo.
TOWELS Linen Huek Towels, 1SJ4, with
i d stiipe bordetf, heavy quality, Q-
icgulaily hold at V:. One hour... O4C
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
rialn Floor
HUGS 27xG4 Jule Rugs in a combination
of coloilng and several dlfteiont slilpes, es
pecially adapted to poich use. Just the
thing :ou want light away. Veiy 'jr,
bright and effective. For one hour OVC
DOMESTICS, ETC. Combination Sale
Batiste Lawns 40 Inches wide, Percales 30
Inches -wide, Dresden and Set oil designs and
stripes, all colors; suitable for shht waists
and dresses for ladles and chlldien. Regu
lar price 10 and 12c. a yaul. One
hour only
Second Floor.
WRAPPERS This is an unexampled otter,
even for our counters. Wo And that peo
ple want something good, and they can find
it in wrappeis. Beautiful Peicales
and Pilnts In every conceivable shade and
liguio the steadfast, always practical, dark
blue and white, and also dainty vhlta
grounds, with pink, blue, lavender and lose
coloied designs. Several handsome -wrappers
In black, with tasteful white flguie. All
of these are piettily trimmed and 01 giaceful
out. Neer sold a cent under one JClt
dollar. Our price for one hour "C
CORSETS A tiuly gieal chance. This Is
a corset fiom one of Hie- beat makeis. Pci
tect In cuives tasteful in design In pink,
bluo and white: laoc tiimmed top and bot
tom. Regular pi ice Me. One hour
ROYS' SUITS In double-brjasted and cs
tce style 3 to 9 and S to V yentr,. Twenty
pictty patterns for selection. Coals all ex
tra well lined, trous"i.s with taped .seams
and will not lip. Colots iulud plain blue
and brown, also daik and light mixluics.
Vesttesall hae open fi out, double
bicasted vests. For one bout
Fourth Floor
ROCKERS A tempting oflur of hlgh-giadc
lot kei t. elaborate pailoi chair, made of se
lected quaitcied oak. Elegantlv hantl-llli
ishod and substantially constructed. Shaped
Mont gioocd seats: thiee caivcd tails in
back, with close spindle inset tlou thiough
out. These locUcis nae Dcen considered
excellent xalue at $3 30. Connoisseius will
eagerly take advantage of our Fil
day houily sale pi Ice of
: 37c
4.4. 4.. .t.4ll.,...i
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue-
their departure. They arc supposed to
hav been on a lour of inspection.
Cheap Kates to California.
Parties desiring to make trip to Cali
fornia, Ailzona or New Mexico, either
for business or pleasure, can do so now
at almost half price.
Every Tuesday, until April SOth, in
clusive, tickets marked "Colonist" may
be purchased via Southern Railway lor
W.00 trom Washington, $tti r.O fiom
Philadelphia, and correspondingly low
prices from other points.
The Southern Railway and southern
Pacific company opeiate Ihinugh e
cuislon sleepeis fiom "Washington,
leaving Mondays, Tuesdas and Ftl
daj.s, the Tuesd ly sleeper being avail
able foi "Colonist" tickets, The berth
rale In these sleepeis In only $7.00, two
people being allowed to occupy one
berth It desiied. Personal condiictois
and Pullman portots go thiough with
each sleeper. Thete are other new,
convenient and economical fea tines
connected with those px-ouislons which
may be nsceitalned from Chailcs 1..
Hopkins, Distilct Passenger Agent.
Southern Railway, S2S Chestnut stieut,
Lackawanna Raihond.
On account of tho Paii-Ameilean ex
position the following louud-ltlp i.ites
and anangenientswlll bo in effect fiom
Scianton: Seabon tickets -will bo sold,
c oinmenelng April .10 and on every day
theieafter duttng tho exposition, lim
ited lor iPtmn until November 30 In
clusive, 511.20, Ten-day tickets -will be
sold, commencing Apill 30 and on eveiy
day thcieatter cluilug tlie ex-pnsltlon,
$R, Flve.dfiy tickets will bo mild, com
mencing April !!0 and on overy Tuestlny
and Katuiduy theieatter cluilug the ex
position, $0. All tickets will be hoit
01 ed In sleeping or pailor cars In con
nection with pioper Pullman tickets,
except the five-day tickets, which will
bo honoied In day coaches only, f'hll
dien between tho ages of five ami
eleven eais, ono-hiilf of the above
Lackawanna Ralhond Excui&iou to
Washington, D. C,
On May 4, ticket agents of tho Lack
awanno. lailioad will frell exclusion
tickets to Washington, D, C, good
going on any tegular train on that date
and limited for letutn until May II,
Inclusive, at rale of one way faio tor
the tound trip,
Organs for Bale Cheap.
Tou can buy a good second hand Or
gan us low as J10 0O at Guernsey Hall,
j. w, auemsey, Prop., 3H Washing
ton avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Wheie can I got my films and plates
developed and pictures finished? Why,
nt Jlorey & Riooks, of course.
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
Eiie and Wyoming Valley,
Timo Tublc in I Hcct Sept. 17, liXXJ
Tiains for lUnle; and local points, connect.
Ini; ut lUv.ley Uh I rl railroad fvi Kcvt ots,
Nrwbure and inWrinediuto ijoIdIj, leave SirJa-
ton at 7.0S a. m. and Mb . in.
Trains arrive at fccranton at 10 M i a. Id
P.19 p. m.
Schedule in Effect Maich 17, 1901.
Trains leave Scranton:
6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbuiy,
Harrisbuvg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and for Pitts
burg and the West.
9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
and for Sunbury, Hanisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Plttsbuig and the
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays
1.58 p. m.,) tor Sunbuiy, Hanis
buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. For Haaleton, weok
days only.
4.27 p. m., week days, tor Sunbuiy,
Hazleton, Pottsville, Hanisbuig,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
I n m'TCUIXsOV. Ccn. Msr.
J, B. WOOD, Oeii l'ij ARt.
Cential Bailroad of New Jersey.
Stations in New York Foot of Liberty street,
N It , ami South reirj.
1IMK TM.h IN UirCT .XOV. .'j, 1D00.
'Irains leave scianton foi Xcv oiU, .Newaik.
FlUabetli. Philadelphia, 1 uton, Bfthlcliem, l
lentown, Maucli Chunk and White Hiven at S.11
11 111 ; cxnrcs'!. 1 1 cvpic,, .150 a 111 sul.
dav, -' 1" !' nl
lor Piluton and Wilkes Dane, S..0 j. ni ; I 10
and 3 50 p i" Smidavii, J r p. m
Kor Uiltlmore mil Waahlnglun iud pcuni
f,outli and Wct vu Uethleliem, 8:0 1 rn ; I in
and 3 r)0 p. m hundj)-, 2.lj p, ln
For Unit Bunch, Giove, tli al fc TO
a m and 1 10 p. m
J'or Ucidinir, Lebanon and llirrir-lmrg, via M
Icntovvn, b a. m. and 1.10 p m sundaj ,
211 P m.
l'oi Put In Ilk'. s."0 i in il'd 1 10 p in
Througli lukct to ill points cat, couth and
vet at locl ratp at the itation.
II, P. lSll.niWV, Gen Pa-j. t.
.1 II. OUIMJSI'N', Clen Supt
Lehigh Valley Baihoad.
in r.irect a. jpoi.
Pot I'lnladelphla and cvr orU vii P V. II
It It, nt Ofi and II V a. 111., hi d J IS, ( J7
(IIIjcIc Diamond aril 11 vi) p in .Sun.
dais, L II. It. II , l.'o, 8 27 p 111
lor hlte lliun, link ton and pilncipal points
in the coal regions via D &. II. It. It , t! Ij,
CIS and 12" i, 111 For 1'otthiillf, I.J" p. 111.
I'or Ilelhlchciii, 1'aitin, I'eadlig, llurisburg
nnd pilnclpal intiuiKiliatc station,, vii I) ,V II.
II. It, (III. 11 5i 1. 111,; '-'IS, 127 (Wick l)li.
iiionil I'vpre-i). 11." p. huudii-, l. & II.
II It , 1 rS. 8 27 p. 111.
l'oi liiiikliannock, lmimli, lliiiin, ItluiJ,
litiiiu and pilnclpil liitiiiiii'illjli; rtatloni, ill
11, I, i. II, It. It, 0 03 a. m ; 1,05 and .110
p ni.
1 01 Geneva, Uoehulor lluPalo, Xiigua I'all.
ChUan'o uiul all points vul, via P i. II, It It ,
II &'. n. 111 , .1 II (Illack lllamoiid KspriK,), 7,!
III II, 11.0 i, 111. humla., I) i. II. II, R,
1155, 8 27 t m
1101 1 IN II. W II (llllt, Gen hupl., 20 Coitland
ttircl, Xew orlt.
I II UiM.s. s. 1 1 1', Gen. Pan .l., 2il Cortland
slreit. New ork.
A W. .ON.M'MLill.n, Hlv. 1M. Ait , houtli
Pilhleheiu, Pa.
I in thl els and Piilliun n-erution-, apply to
.01 lackananna avLiun.', Hiantou, Pa,
3ime Card (u ffftct Dar, 30th, IUOO,
Vd bl
la too
"1 r
I Ml
. , .10W
,. ,10 31
.1 ...1011
. .,1015
;,.,8 86
. ex
IWir., UJoiit ,,,I,t.
U " . bUrllohl
111 ' .Piettonlark, "
" , ..WIIWOOU ., "
" ,. Poynlll.., "
" , Orion . '
" , Plusunt Mt 1 "
" ,, Unloudalo,, "
" boreit City "
" tarbondaleVd
" . CaiboDUate . M
" .While Bridge. "
" . JUyueld Vd. "
" .. Mayfltld.., '
" Jcrnivn .. "
" . .Arebbald ,,
" Wlntin
" , li.kvllla
" .Cllrbant
' . Prlicbura..
luroop , , '
'' rrntlrUnct , "
I arK t'lace,. "
1 a
8 031111
Oftjll 11
8 53110(1
Wll 01,
1110 57
8 (J 10 63
mo 10 toi
9 39 10 II
8J510 15
K 32 10 131
S3010 (0-l.v. ., S.rantou
M I 119 I
.,.. ptiaa . ,
7 Ml til M . .,
7 ooi fie 5i.
" I I5 t f, ,
7 ni lie u
" ; m Sett.
" 7 nlSeiii
7 Ui i76 ,
JlOjffiSli ,
AdJlllonil Irilnilciro rarlondtle for MavbirH Ttid
" .If,'.'1 "17tPmiiJ(iDi
topplniitall tltiluD lo ( thondl, iiniloj at 7 is poi
Jtte cents per mile.
I.oneat Ilatea lu all X'olnta Weat,
i. C. 'NDtRSOH, J. t. WUIH,
Ola'IfiH'iArot, Ir. 4ot,
VotkCitJC AcraaUaU'a.
Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western
In 1 flea Oct". 2, UOO
soutli I eive S-cranton for New Vork at 1,10,
3 00 fi "0, S00 and 10 Oi a. in.: 12.53. ,13.1 1) in.
lor Philadelphia al 8 00 and 10 0i a, m ; I ! Vi
and .1 :u y. 111 Tor Mroudsburi; at f Ifl p. in.
Milk airominiiHation at .1 in p m 11ive at
llobokcn at ll 0. 7.1n 10 JS, 12 08, a 15, I l,
7.10 p, ni. Aiiho al Philidel Ida at I (wi, 121,
(100 mid 8.22 p in, Airiie fiom Neu- ork at
I. Ill, 6 32 and 10 2-1 a. 111 i I. Oil. I. 2. 5-II. , ;
and 11 ID p in limn rdtoud burrf at 8 0a .1,
Vorlh I f lie SLranlui for IliiHalo anil jiitei.
incillalc fetation il 1,15, 0 35 und 0 00 a, in ,
1 55, 0 IS ard 11.J5 p. 11 I'or Oswcru mil
MraeuM' al d )j .1. ill. and J, 15 p. in , r
llllta at I 10 a, in, and 1,55 p. m for Von.
Iro-o at 0 0) 1 nij 1 ( and Ola p 111, ,,,
Mi.hol-.op at 100 and l) 11 p. in, I'or llln'
liirilon at 10 '20 1 111, rilie ill Arrant nn lioni
lludalo at l:i -'55, .HI mil 10 00 u. 111 ; 1.0
and soo p in Irnnt (Swrgo and tyrauHr at
.'53 a m.; 12 0- and Siw p, m ,,)m iita
at 2 55 11. 111. t'2d3 and lull p. 111 1 10m
Mcltolton at 7.50 a. 111, and 6 00 p. 111, 1 10111
MnntroiO at W.oo a. 111 .1.20 and b () p. in,
Woomsbiinr Illvisloii Leave Scraiton for
Northumberland, at II 15, 10 05 J. in.; 1,55 ai
6 00 p. m. l'oi Pljinoiilli at 1 05, 3 10, 8 10 p.
m. I'or Kingston at 8 10 a. in. Arrive .it
:voithuiulcilaiid at 0.5.5 a. in. 1.10, 5 00 and 8 15
p. ni. Arrive at Kingnton at 8 52 a. in. Anlvc
at Plvmoiitli at 2 00. UJ, (M5 p. m. Anivc
Jn biranton from Northumberland at 0 42 a. n 1
12 31, 4d) and 8,45 p. m. 1 mm Kingston at
J I (hi a. 111. from Plymouth at 7,55 a. in ; 3'2u
and, 6 85 p. 111.
fioulli Teuve fiuanton at 1.40, 3 00, fi JO, 1005
p in.'. J .id and .:. 10 p, in.
N'oilh I.cavo r-crantMi at 1.15, t, 33 a m ,
1.15, 5 IS and ll..'i p. in
Ulocinnbuit; PivisionLeavc Stlaiiton st 10 03
a, 111. and 5 50 p m.
Delawaie and Hudson,
In Lftect Nov, 25, 1000.
Trains for taibondale leave Scranton at 20.
7.63, 8 S3, 10 1J a. in. , 12 00, 1.20, 2 U, J 5
6 20, 0 25, 7.57, 0.15. 11 15 p. m j a. m,
For lloneodale U '.0, 1014 a. m.j 2 44 and 0 20
f'Vot MlkcsHarre-0.Ci, 7.48. 8.43. ocs. 10 i
1) Jl a. m.l 1.SS, 2 18, 3JJ, 4 27, 10,7 to, Jo J'
II 30 p. ni. '
lor L. V. II, ll. points 43 j, 11 55 a, m ; ,j
4 27 and II (0 p. m. '
For Pennajlvanla R, It. 1o1iiU-6 45, V.Si a
m ; 2.18 and 4 27 p. in.
For Albany and all point north 0 20 a 111
and 3 02 p. m
For rarbondile 9 00, 1I.3J t. ni j .l. 3U;
6 47, 10 J2 in.
l-ov WilktiUauc 0 58, II 55 a in j 1 5?, ") ,
6 27, 87 p. m. '
lor Albarj and jwlnlj north 3 0". p. m
lor llonesdale 0 00 a 111. and d52 p. m.
Iokc1 rate to all points Jn I'nllcd btald
ai.d L'auada
A .1. II. DUIIDICK. G. P. A , Albanv-, N. V.
N tt, Y. CUO&S, D. V. A , Scraatott, Vi.
California Oil.
Wc haic a firs.t cla-s piopo-ltion in which wc
arc olleilnK ihaitci membei stock it lOi". pei
share. Tho lumpanv own-, 12S0 acm situated
in the vcu until o the Rieit rallfoinla oil
belt, and lia.-. options on idditionil ground Wc
ore otlerlnsr treasury stoik to rii-c nionev to put
doivn wells n iiiakli ta pa-.ible The stock
N non assessable ma curie'i no individual III
billtj. Wo fiiiiiUti the vliv hiheit rcfei-enceo
Wrlto tor pirtlculjis
Denver. Colorado,
Sf.Q.F.THEEL,527 !
rolliatipniBf r. vmij tinns oprriBiut my
AmfrlraadD&raileMtocur alieb mall t'rliatt
PUfvu. 1 xrtft Abmui, niotwl 1'oUen, Wf risoi,
Ifnlllaru Lnd4rli)Dninla A Sbruitkrn OmB?
frth ran rarrtf i to 10 Jij. 8(t yrn prartlral k ft Jtnk
hoipltal tip rlrnrr ! (ifrmiay, Htarl far book "Tnjin"i'l
polnr Ttrj ncdlral & alrctrlral friDil Iratlon Ihl papar.T
orit Keep
your ffoser
To the grindstoue of buy
ing always at the same place,
look around aud see if there
are not better values offered.
Here you will find Imperial
Lawn Mowers; the kind that
will cut the grass at the Pan
American Exposition this
Foote & Fuller Co
Hears Building.
n r. h at it tt t n t r. t it r. n k
I Clock's Best j
Union Hade
A Good Smoke or Chew.
A Tiinl Solicited.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Clock Tobacco Co,,
644-46-48 Wyoming Ave.
Scianton, Pn.
Capital $200,000. Surplus $500,000.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm, Conntu, President
Hlnry Bbw, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Pfck, Cashier.
Places in Virginia
Can be comfortably and cibily
reached by tlio
Steamers pall dilly except Sunday from Tier 2.
North liner, fool of Heath htrcct. Vt York, fo
Old Point Comfort
Richmond, Ua.
and Washington, D. C.
Connecting for All Points South and Ve:t,
Through TicKets returning from Washington
by rati or water.
Cor full infomution applj to
81-85 Beocb St., New York.
H B WALKKIt.Traf ifgr. J.J.BnQW.N.O.P.A.
THE lion does picket duty for you
and prevents adulteration and
impurity from entering into your pack
age of
When you buy an unbroken package
of LION COPFEE you have coffee that
is absolutely pure, strong and invigor
ating. A single pound makes 40 cups.
No other coffee will go so far. You
will never know what it is like till you
try it. LION COPPCE is not a glazed
compound, but a puro coffee and noth
ing but coffee.
Y7 'AjJ
Watch our next advertissmentt
In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive
fist. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article
which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have fey
simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads ,from the wrappers of our one pound sealed
packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold).
jX j ".; -,