The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 26, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    f $$$ vv ; rfttif ripipi'mf , . 3v. fjtytsHmg
fsr.ii'" 5 Vf
r.T".,,-A-w,-,- . '- -r;;jK,7 -:r e YVMs "-1'1
fpwlil lo hc Scranton Tribune.
Tunklmnnock, April 2;;. Mrs. Slor
tiiicli, of New York city, who linn been
tlic Rtirst of Misses Jliuinali mid Mar
tha l.olieck, tho rmst sis weckn, lias
teturnod hoiuu.
Atlornry O. O. Dershltucr and family,
who have been vlsUlnr- friends and
rotative; In Scranton tills week, lmvo
rcturnc'l home.
Kx-Countv CoinnilHsloncr Andrew M.
DcWItt, ot KflltP, was In town on Wed
nesday. Tho .T. K Wlff&lns Concert enm
tmny will strut May 1!l. on a tour
among towns tip the river.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Mellaril T.ce.
on yccond atreet, 11 daiiRliter, April
MIps Anna Jlock has a. reputation as
nn entertainer. Sho comes to tho
opern house this evening, under tho
auspices of tho Baptist church.
Miss Shaw, who has been vlsltlnp
her slhter, Mrs. Frank Hcftron, for
pome time, has returned to her homo
at Nicholson.
W. V. Shaw. resistor rnid recorder,
churles Ooodrleli and Dexter Prevost
went on a flshliiK expedition to Ox
bow pond this week.
Kev. IM A. Oriniii, prcsldliiB cider
if this district, will prench the Mo
niorlnl Pity sermon to J. AV. Keynolds
post. (Sritnil Army of the Republic, on
Sunday, May 20.
The X'nthoii.slcin I'onn&ylvanlni
Pros' nsf.oelatlon will hold lis sprlns
uicclliiR at tills place on Saturday,
April 27.
The Monday club will meet next
week at the home of Mrs. .Tames l?latt,
uii Weal TloKa street.
The 111 tie thirteen months' old child
nf Mr. ami Mis. Unci I-", Bllllnss died
Tliurhday morning at I o'clock, after
an Illness of two weeks' duration.
l'x-i'oimty Auditor Henry Young, ot
N'orthniorehinU, was doins business In
tow 11 011 Thursday.
Air. and Mrs. Aaron ISrown, Mrs.
Samuel Kyeiibrteli, Mrs. K. X. Stone
and .Mrs. V. J. li.irdwcll, attended tho
tinnier at AVilkcs-Barre on 'Wednes
day oveniiifr.
Pmf Frank J. Herman, principal of
(lie Mehnopany schools was calling in
tow n on Thuif-day.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Now Milfoid, April !3. Bert Moore,
of Brooklyn, N. Y., is a guest of his
mother, Mrs. L. W. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Payne, of
Wilkes-Harre, spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. L,. F. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Reynolds are
entertaining their daughter, Mrs. John
Ooldcn, of Cohocton, N. Y.
Miss Lena Spencer, of Bingbamton,
spent Sunday with relatives here.
F. X. fiillespie and Mrs. B. M. Wall,
both popular young people of this
place, were united In marriage at the
borne of the bride's mother in Plain
Held, N. J., April IS, 11)01.
Mrs. Frank Seymour visited her
duughter, Miss May Seymour, in Blng
luimton this week.
.Miss Mary Hand wont to Carbondalo
Wednesday, where she has accepted a.
position in 11 tailor shop.
Colonel C. C. Pratt and family will
return from Binghamton this week.
Mrs. William Kelleher spent a few
days last week with Scranton friends.
Mrs. D. Van Busklrk is able to be
out again after a severe attack of ery
sipelas in the face.
luiiy Hawley, of Scranton, was In
tow n over Sunday.
"Handicapped," a two act comedy,
will be presented at the New Mllford
opera house Satuulay evening. May
i. An admission, fee of 13 cents will
be charged, After the entertainment
ice cream and cake will be served and
a sale of fancy articles will be con
ducted by the young ludles. The en
tertainment will be for tho beenfit or
St. Mark's church.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coddlngton, of
Hallstead, were guests at the home of
L W. Boyle the fore part of the week.
special to the -uianton Tiibune
Susquehanna, April 23, The Erie
shopmen will be paid on Friday for
horviccs. In March.
Mrs. R. G, Clark and daughter, of
Great Bend, have returned home from
a visit with Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Evans, of West Main
Mbs Jennie Tewksbury, of Bingham
ton, Is visiting her parents in Oakland.
The several Industries itt Brandt are
opening the tetihun with 11 boom.
Mrs. X. W. Fox. of the Oakland bide,
js the guc-t or friends in Great Bend.
The l.anehboro Red Men will pay tho tribe a fiateinul visitation on
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Henry P, Mygatt is at Deposit,
called there- by tho death of her mother,
the late Mrs, Ira Snyder,
Mrs. Sei.'ley, of Jackson street, was
this morning taken to the state asy
lum for the Insane, at Danville, She Is
a former resident of C'arbondnle.
In St. l.uwronre Catholic church,
Gicat Bend, on Wednesday morning,
hy the pastor, Rev J. S. Fugaii, Ficd
crick flHiitey, uf t'l.ilcltuul. was united
The Finger Posts Marking the Many
By-paths ot Present Day Troubles
Seem to Point the Same Way.
Lack of Nerve Force.
Day by d.iy the columns of thin
paper bring iihw evidence from Scrap,
ton peop'o of the grcu tvwl: i-o'ng
il 1)0 by lr. A. W, Chase's Nervo Pills,
Why thrv .ucompiibh bo much is imhII.v
explained -tney urn prepared with an
eye sing.e to lesiinlng nervo force.
Tliey tumniplMi this object, which 110
other medicine In (he world has ever
been ublu to do; that's why hundreds
of Sei-witon people offer their testi
mony, Mr. Samuel Roeis, of N11. 12S Hyde
Park avenue, Scranton, Pa., says: "I
Wits in a uin-down cioiulllloii, head
aches, nervous and hleoplng badly ami
the uppetllo pooi. I was lobl of Dr.
A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills ami Kot u
boN'. -As a result I bleep and eat well
again. I am very much pleased witli
them and glud to recommend them to
other. This I can do conscientiously,"
Dr, A. W, Chase's Nervo Pills, are
sold ut 50i a bos ut dealers, or Dr. A.
W, Cham Medicine Co.. Buffalo, N Y.
See that portrait and slguutuic of A.
W. Chatc, M D., aie on every package.
In mari-lnge to Miss Bridget Dale, of
Mrs. Frank Wrlghter Is -111 at licr
home on Broad street.
The next meeting of tho Past
Sachem's association, Improved Order
of Red Men, of Susquehanna county,
will be held at Franklin Forks, In July.
Mrs. John StevenH, a pioneer resident
of Stevens' Point, tiled on Wednesday
morning, nged seventy-six years. The
funeral will take place on Friday after
noon, at 2 o'clock, from the Stevens'
Point Methodist Episcopal church, the
pastor, Rov. D. Ii. Meek In, oinclatlng.
It Is reported that Jefferson Division
Superintendent Hlbblts will take a flnp
position as mcchniilcal engineer on the
Union Pacific road, at Omahn, Nc
bruskH. Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" com
pany will appear In Hogan opera house
this evening. ,
The condition of Sidney Masters, an
need resident or Turnpike street, who
has 'been seriously ill for several weeks
with a dislocated leg, Is somewhat Im
proved. Miss Edith Fox, of Port JcrvlB, Is vis
iting her parents, Engineer and Mrs.
Nicholas Fox, on Iaurel street.
A number of Susquehanna men have
established branches of their business
In Binghamton.
AVIIIIam Epes is gradually recovering
from 11 severe of pneumonia.
The negro, who was arrested in the
West Susquehanna yard on Thursday
night, was not William Anderson, who
is wanted in Buffalo, and he was re
leased. Peter Baxter, poor commissioner, Is
at Danville on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clancey. of
Oakland, were in C4reat Bend on Wed
nesday, attending the marriage of their
Mrs. Hill, an aged and esteemed resi
dent, died last night, afer a brief Ill
ness, nt the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Glnnavnn, of West Main street.
The funeral arrangements have not yet
been made.
Special ti, Ihe Scranton Tribune.
Kingsley, April 23. W. AY. Sloat was
in Scranton, Thursday.
Mrs. Ida Williams, of Scranton, is a
guest at the home of F. P. Tlngley.
Miss Leila Barlow returned Thurs
day to her home In Conklln.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Merrill, of Brooklyn,
were guests at the home of J. B. Goss
on Thursday.
Mrs. S. J. Adams, Miss Lizzie Tiffany
and Miss Blanch Sloat were in Hop
bottom on Tijesday.
.1. F. Adams has returned fiom a
week's stay at Harford.
Hon. and Mrs. G. A. Ressigue of Gib
son were recent guests at the home of
F. E. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Finn and son,
Howard, have returned from a few
days' visit with relatives at Scranton.
The News Broken to His Mother at
D.v ''Etlibhr' Wlif Horn Tlic Associated Pics.
Livei pool. April 23. Decatur M. Saw
yer, or Monlcluir, N. X, who arrived at
Plymouth yesterday on the steamer
Deutschland, in an attempt to reach
his wife, who was a passenger on the
steamer Majestic, which arrived at
Liverpool early this morning, and be
the lirst to break the news of the acci
dental drowning of their son, Otis
Sawyer, at Lakeville, Conn., met Mrs.
Sawyer as she was leaving the Majes
tic this morning with her 'daughter.
The Sawyers proceeded to London.
Lakeville, Conn., April 23. The body
of Otis Sawyer, of Montclair, N. J., the
Hotchklss school student, drowned last
week, was recovered this afternoon. It
was brought up by grappling irons.
J. Frank Condon Kills Himself by
Blowing Out His Brains.
By Ec)ushe Wire from The Associated Pre
Altoona, Pa., April 23. J. Frank Con
don, for the past twenty years ofllcial
court reporter for Blnli and Cambria
counties, committed suicide in his otllco
in this city during yesterday afternoon
by blowing out his brains. His body
wns not found until today. On his desk
was a telegram addressed to his son in
Johnstown, saying: "Father is dead.
Sealed letters to friends -were also
found In his desk. Mr. Condon had been
In poor health for a long time. He was
forty-seven years of age.
The Bodies of the Victims of Luke
Fidler Disaster Found.
By rUrluMre Wire (10m Tin Associated Pre".
Shamokln, April 23. The rescuing
party at Luke Fidler colliery this morn
ing penetrated the breuhts worked by
Anthony Marcavlch and AnthonyShar
acavlhh, who were entombed In 11 guug
way since noon yesterday by a fall of
The men were found near near the
place whore the icbcuers broke through,
ami from the condition of their bodies
it Is likely they woie suffocated by gas
t-oon after they had been entombed,
By Em hum; Wire hem 'I he As-.oii.iUd I'res,
lUrrlebuin, .ull Sj, ficuinur fetone today
jpproiol (lie fullonjn; bilta:
Amending; the ait picmlliinR the fees to he
paid liy .ipplkauU (or e.vnnliutlon ky the 6talq
phariiMifiitiYal rwminini,' hoaid,
'lo repeal jn nu tixmc Hie compensation of
dlif gtcrc ol ihe poor in Camilla 1 aunty.
To (moiiMKC the Use of uide tiics on wagons
on the publiu highway heio Hie county teat
i lotated
Authorizing the securing of a lioud for a liquor
lUenio fiom any part ol tho tounty,
Heiiiliing ruui'ietlilcnt buihicib to teiure a
licence liclorc limiting in this btale.
To repeal an act to increase the number of
diners in Red Bank township, Armstrong county,
I'eflniui; and -lunUliini; the (.rimo of admlnii
lirliiK' knockout drops.
Itcpcallns the aU ireatlne the hoard of re.
vision nf tcs in Philadelphia,
'! piovldc tor Ihe cleitioii of th- board of
Hliolon of tak!) in I'hiladtlphia.
I'ndouiiu; the Rustics of hospitals and asy
luuw under the tontiol of the state with cor.
poratc posteie.
m 11
An Automobile Law.
By EuliisJic Wite from The Associated frees.
Albanv. Amil 5.--1he oowrnor lias tlcn.! In.
bill prmidlu; for rcgUtinllou of automobile?
!iml ullowlni; tlietn lo luti nn anv hfohvtav !il
TT.- .--- ...,.-- .... -.- "rf 9.--w
spctd not to exceed flltecn mile u hour outside
of incorporated cities and TilltgM.
er &
For Rent.
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the- Times. In
cluding Desks, Steam Heat and
Electric Light.
Also 1200 feet of Door space on
4th lloor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at oflice of
THK Tribunh.
KOR RENT, with board, si pleasant hunt room;
suitable for two persons. fcOO Mulbony tt,
1'OK ItENT Houkc, No. C4J North Washington
avenue; cleer. loom1! and both room; all
newly painted and papered. Apply at 5U" Lin
den street.
KOlt RI'NT One side double house; modern im
proemcnts. Apply ill llanior. nenuc.
SUMMIIR HOMI On Paradox take (lem of the
Adiiondacks 3J4 miles north of Snhroon
Lake. C'ottaije ot seien ioom. completely
furnished. c.ccpt tall ami bed linen and
.sllier; has four laigc, airy bedrooms ed
hs' wire fpiliK ami mattrcses. Motmtaln
uprinpt water in kitchen: rjarden ppace, If desired;
beautiful scener1, cluimini; driies. boating, ttoli
ins. Ttto mail3 daily. I.lvciy convenient.
Price $J0O for tire season. Further particular
apply Samuel n. Hcaidslej, ;JT1 Vnhington
slrcet, New Voik city.
W9 RRCCX UIIJGE STREET, ten room5. modern
improements; steam heal fuinished; desir
desirable. For Sale.
DRL'O STORK in best German Ioc.ilily in F'liiU
delphla, for sale cheap for cnli; first class
chance for druggist or doctor: diuggist wishes
to go west in June. Addies .1. A. Halt, Diub
gist, l'.HK N. 5th street, Philadelphia, I'a.
l'OR SALE A good diiwtig lior.-e, buggy, li.n
ness, etc. 1708 Jlonscy aenuc.
LADIES' DRIVING HORaE for sale; S years old;
perfectly sound, absolutely ten less. Cm be
driven anj where by anyone. Vciy handsome. Xo
tricks; an ideal horso for ;i lady; price, with
buggy and haincs., f'--'. Apply .it b'!1) Moutoj
Real Estate.
HOTEL at Waierly, consisting of 21 renins; all
good size; improvements; good bain tor
lheiy; lents for .V)0 per month. Mu't be i,ld
wltliin 31) d.ns. See Welln & Kc.itoi, 17 and IS
Hinr Bldg., Washington avenue.
2150 Buys 10 loom double house; lot 271VXI;
rents for 18.50 per month; Clay acime,
Dunmoie. Wells & Keatoi.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Tabic boirUera. Mis Tompkins SU
Wafhinglon aceniie.
0 1 iitin 1 ivuriLc.
LYCEUM "A Poor Relation." Niglu.
ACADEMY Tommy Shearer company. Matinee
and night.
GAIETY Little Eipt Buile-que company.
Matinee and night.
"Janice Meredith."
No st.u of this season his ucciveii a wanner
greeting than was accorded Mary Mannering at
the Ljeeitm labt night by the splendid audience
which crowded the theater lo sec the pioduction
ot "Janice Meredith," the play Ed.vard E. llo.-e
has manufactured from Paul Leicester Ford'!,
revolutionary story cf the same name. .Mr,
Ford vviote a novel which was lead and dis
cussed enough to give It a place among the
highly successful novels of its time. From tills
populir work Mr. Rote his made a pl..y whim
pieservea the main incidents ot the book, and
is far moic satisfacloiy, viewed meiel.v as a
stage ci cat ion, than Ihe aveiagc di.iiniti7ation
made I rnm a novel.
Mr, Rose opens his play in Hie faimjaid of
the Meicditli home, at Greenwood, N, J., on too
day the minute men ropultc the BiitUU lecu'
hi? ut Lcsington. The next, act is laid in the
interior or the Gieenvvood residence more than
a j ear and orwhalf later, when John Brereiou,
t'Cailug dispatches tor Washington stops tbeie
to get a glance at Janice, and it possible a woid
with her Act three I laid lu the Drinker house
at Trenton, N, J,, where Colonel Rahl had 0,.
tablished Ids lieadqi; liters. Act tour deals with
Incidentals at Yoiktown on the day Coinivullli
Mr. Foul has been jienerous In dealing with the
( liguro of his pliy, Janice Meiedlth, She
Is less tickle and Inconsistent than tho oiiitg
woman Mr. Foul described. Miss Manncring's
Imrcisouation of the role last night was as de
lightful .1 bit of voik as has rvei been seen 011
that .-.tape. Pc&s.'fecd of 1 harms and graces
iliat belong to lew of the women who line
places of piinilnciice on the static slic h.u the
artistic instill' t wfthout which tlic plavcr mow's
in the datk, In all ot the moods of tho viva.
Ions and (banning colonial gill die was equally
pleasing and faseinatui: and one hid just dr.
child that the was bupeili In a bit of cjjulleij
when twitt tunc 111 tho nction ot tlio pliy
made Janice deeply emotional and Jllsa Mannei.
Ing, by her nice sense of the right way to deal
with tills cmeigeriiy convince ou thai sJ.10 is
liothin.' If not an actress of Tine dUci limitation
and undoubted talent. It was her iiut appsaraucc
in Scrantou as a star, ami I lie rlatteilug icccp.
lion the icccived will no doubt have its inllu.
ence, in hriiiglng her here again. At the cloe
oC cadi ucl last nljlit tlicin vvcrr from lliice to
six- cur'aln calls,
Itobcit Drouet, the voung man cast tor tho
role of Charles Fowled, the bondman, aftciwards
Colonel Prcreton, is lundsomc and graceful, and
u discreet actor for a joung man. His woik l't
rilght was eminently tutlsfactoiy and ludlcale
that It Mr, Drouet continue! to be painstaking
and thoiougli, hid iutuiu on the stage will tic
worth watching.
Amy Ititard was a distinct hrai a the wilful,
gossipy Tabltlu Di Inker, the bosom liinid ol
Janice, lliai Mcintosh as Philemon Ilemiim,
Carl Ahrcndt as Col. Rahl, A. L. Lipui.111 .1 Lou)
Clowes and Gcoic Baikiis as Lieutenant Mow.
bray were the other piomiucnt menibcis of c
company that was of gnat eicclkmc Ihiough.
Bauer's orchcstu of liileen piccca gave a spe
cial programme of music between the acts which
wis warmly applauded. Alter the first act Pil
lion, the photographer, took a Hash light picture.
of the audience from tho ttac;c.
Wrestling" Tonight. J
At the Gaiety tonight two wrestling bonis
will occur in connection with the regular per.
formancc and both matchc. give pioniUc ot
being full of cicltcment. Sam llodgins, of .lea-
4 Lines. 0 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for Each Extra
Money to Lonn.
MONEY to loan on Improved city leal culatc.
HKNItV nEI.I.V, .lit.
niAs. ii. i:ei,i:s.
$.),000 TO LOAN Lowest rate"! ulrnlsht or
monthly lajinenlj. Stark k Co-.Tradcrs' bMff.
STItAlflllT LOANS lor any amount. Interest I to
II per cent , ran lin obtained from A. l)oii
idly. IH Tradcw' ban!, building.
the pex.v mutual Lin: insurance com
pany vlll loan upon 1rt moitguge ukiii
centrally located pioprities i.nv utuoiinl for tern
of cir.", at lo late of liiteie.t, Capwell, At
torney, Paull llulldlng.
STRAinilT loans in nmotiiiU K.O to 1im),0)0
at t',i to 0 per cent; payments monthlv,
fembatinuallv or jearlv. In(eiet on balance.
W. M llunncll, Atly, .1010 Means Illclg.
etialghl I'nti! or llulhling and Loan. Al
from 1 lo 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
3'.3U t.Vnnell building.
Booms and Board.
LARGE fiont room with boaid for lo gentle
men, III! Adam avenue.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED By a joung man. as
collectoi ; has had tour years' cspcilncc
with a leading (m of I Sit i illy ami (im ttiiiilh
A No. I icfcicnciv. Address ',. .. ("., Tribune.
jixPKUII'NfED LAUNIlltESS would like gentle
men's and ladle' laundiy to take home, i!S
Penn .nenuc.
SITUATION WANTED Young man wants posi
tion as bookkeeper: thmoiiKhlv familiar with
olllro work. Can fmnifh excellent lefcicuccs i'3
lo ihainctcr and abllllj. Addicss llo lj, Ttb
une olner, clt.
SITUATION WANTED-Hy I xi v . I.", al. almo-t
an' tiling; would like lo ilcll'ci foi giuuiy
slore or nnat mjikct. Addren E. I)., nil Lin
den stieei.
WANTED Yomr; man !" jean old would like
city l(uitioii. Aildioss .lolin lluliliki.s-, lear
1'Jti S. Wulilngtou .neiiue.
SITUATION WAN1ED s ofne .'ill; i-sn fi'i
nMi icfercnces. Addicss .Maud, general ilc
liery, West Sciantun.
POSITION WANTED By .1 ioung man of esp.ii
ence, in gtoccry ni genetal store; counliy
town pieteiieit and I10.111I with ciuplo-er. Ad
dicts for one week, S1, 1'. O., lo': 271, I'actoi'
sille, Pa.
SITUATION NTKII lly .1 m.maii, to go .ml
by da, w.'fcliinc, iioning 01 cteanlr!;. Call
or addie-s Mrs. Ru-ell. l'JI'i Cedar acnue, cily.
SITt;T10N" WANTED y a lniddle-agrd man,
who i- collecting ddil: debts collet ted on
ccicniis:on. Addiss William done. Dt. Ale
Glee'y's oflice, Mai ion stlccl and Washington
a cnue.
SITUATION WAXTEII-Uy a niil id lean, (or
llglic hou-eoi!c ot caic of bildren. f '.ill it
KIT Sumni't acenue, irovideine; up-aUit.
A WIDOW would like lo get work bv (ho du
al hoiiie .leaning vr olfue woik. S, M'., 515
ll.irii-on aveii'ie, Serantou. Pa.
SITUATION WANTED -By a gardner or attend
to horses. Can tmuMi ntncnce. Arldu-vs A.
Biuce, Tiilitne oiflce, citi.
WANTED Lady to call al Hin-rhpl-, I-.M Wyom
ing accniie. Ini line tailm made Milts; 11.
e?tra chaigc tor making 10 oulei. Om motto,
SatMartion guaianteed 01 nioni.y leitmded.
YOUNG manied woman would like hoiwwoik,
cooking or woik ot anv kind; -lcep al linnie.
P. Tiibune office. ' S
SITUATION WANTED-lly a .coung gill a, nrn-i!
01 llglit hoiHennik. Addles. ,i.r New hIiicI,
sup, will imi'l I li.ules Cniiiiian, uf I'loviclein (,
and John al-o of .lesiip, will ineel Ms
Coiisiduable money has been wagcied upon
the result of huth lunte-ts and an iiileicstin,;
evening is in pio-pcrt I01 all lovcis of this 101111
of spoil.
Well Known Repeitoire People.
Allhougli the star and owner of tho Charles
K. Chauipliii company vvhith opens its engage
ment ot one week al the Academy uel Mondiy
night, i himself a stiaugci 10 nciaulon play
goers, his company is composed in patt of some
of the best known rcpcitoiie people on the stage,
Among these is noticed tho names of Sim C.
Miller ard Hugh 1". Koch, also that of Mi. J.
Roy Ilaipcr. Mi.s Made Ilarcourt is now in her
thirtieth week witli this company. Miss Nellie
Diamond Koch is well known in icpertolio woik
and is now the leading lad.! in this coniptny.
Tin play on Monday night, "'I lie Cuisc of
Pride," is sjid to be a vcij fine pioduilion,
"A Poor Relation."
Many orders for acalti for the peit'oiman, e of
Sol Smith liiisscl's gtcut play, "A Pooi liela.
lion," which comes to the L.vceum tonight, have
been icccived. II is not fajlng too much tint
the lompauy (which is Mr. Russell's own lute
oiganiallou) lnelud"S .1 comp.m.v 01 vei lapablc
(idols', while all the piopcilies, sieneiv- and .to-us-oiies bv Mi, Ruill hlm-ell will be
seen heir.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
On ot the stage stories tint will ever leinaiu
shong and trim to audiences is "Uncle Tom's
Cabin," a sumptuous pioduilion of which und'r
tlio able management of Mr, l,on Washburn
will be given ,-t Ihe Lccum on Satuulay attu
noen and night when cveijnne who his the op.
poitunlty of vvllnessing same will acclaim ii .13
one oi Hie best ,vct given bv any company. Time,
rftoit and expense have not hem sp.ucd in its
stiiging or Hemou 01 cast and (he minutest do.
tail has been caiclully piinaicil. Theiu is no
Hoiy or book or stage that mi delights tlic ju
venile mind and II is li be hoped that eveiy
boy and gill mav have, tlieir wish to see it,
Black Pattl Tioubadouis,
The Illail; P.itti 'IT oubadoin s w)l be pieseuted
it tho L.vctum Mondiy night. The company l
well known in thU city wheie it has lilh'd more
than one sutcesstul rngageuicut, but llils vcir
the company has been Increased and new teahiics
have been added, so thai the paiticipanW in the
fun-making will have new lrhfilro Im Hie con
vcyance nt tlieir cftoits to pliaec.
American League,
Hy Eeujie Wire (rem Tl.c Associated Pien
At Heholi R, j, ;,
Milwaukee, 0 3 S 0 0 0 II .1 0-11 II 6
Detioit 000 J i UO I 10-11 IS 0
Balleiles liavve'y,llovvlug, HiMIng and Leah;
Millie, I'rlsl. "") lluelow. Uinpiics-slu'iidau and
At CTiIcubo
l levlland ....
II. II. I,
.1 1 U 00 1 000-3 5
Chicago 0 l 2 n 0 ,s 11 1 x-7 lo
Battel les -Moore and c.ign; tkopec and Vv.
Sullivan.' Umpire Connelly,
BilliinoiC'lloston, lalu.
PhiladclphiuWashlugton, rain.
Eastern League,
At Rochester Rochester, h; Teuonto, I.
WoicCstci-Syraeuse, postpoiied, lain.
At Providence Piovldcnccdlartfoid game post,
poned, lain.
At Buffalo Buflalc, 15; Mentical, II.
National League.
All National league games postponed on ac.
count of tain.
Help Wanted Male.
sr. rVsjSV AAJsjJ Vj'JIuV
UANTEII-Sniart, liilelllgint lor bell bo.'i.
and general work, agid 18 In 20 j ram. Apply
to ,13,1 Washington acemie, lloinu I'.uiplo.Miicnl
olflcr, from n a, m. to 1. p. m.
WANTED Man with Miull family lo art n
iJiillor mid general untie, Apply at N. A.
llulbrrt's. IIP W'omlng aienue, elly.
WANTED Responsible wholesale linn wants id
tlcc iitiin irpi al Scranlnii; no Ir.nellng; fl,.Wi
sntaiy, large rxlia piollli; 7t' cash lei'idio-l;
position pennnni'nt, ddirs, Miiiinf.u linei.", N'o.
11.12 Clierry, Phlladelphl.i. IM.
YOUNG, healthy, Imlmlilnm men who wish lo
make tlieir tn.nk In Hie, to tall ut the Dime
Rank building and gel a piospectus of I lie Pa
tuea Phntatloii Compan).
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A stead) gill foi general 1ioucvork.
Easy place and good paj. Apply W. II. III
cn, D., L. t W. Depot.
WANTED Ladies to Investigate our line ol
tailor made suits: eelusce stjles at lowo't
price?. Call at Bru'chel's. 121 Wyoming mcMii",
Coal Exchange,
Want Advertisements Will Be
Becelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT hCIILUTZ. (oilier Mulheiry
ntreet and Wclitei oienue.
OUSTAV PIC'itLL, (iJO Adams avenue.
West Side
GEORGE W. JEN KIN, llil uth Main
South Scranton
FRED L. TEKPPE. 7J'i (ukir aeiui.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAMS cinei Noilli Main
avenue and Maikel tied.
Green Bidge
(11ARLES P. JOVE-. I'"'7 li.i..oii
I'. .1. JOHNS, 1)20 Gimi llidge stied.
('. I.OHEN'J'. cornir Wa.hiiulon aie-
nue and Mirinn sjiopi.
W. If. KNHTEL. lolT linns ,n '.
.1. c. HONE .1 M)V,
LOST pair of gold limuird glaes in v.iet
lietuet'ti Adams avenue and Mulbeny sileet.
rindi 1 will he lewaideil by uiiuning to II.
I'iuciiicis, ::,1." Noitli Inini" avenue.'
I.OjT f-lmo Apiil II. a duk, luindle iow; al-u
.1 "t!HK lieifri. Intoniiation (hit will Wad
to the uioieiy oi the mur will gladlv be le
ii'iced by the uudi'iiguiil. .1. II. l.iltlejolm,
ding Mine, 1 omer P.iiIict and Noitli Main.
LO.V1'- 1'iou 111 JetleiMm nifiMie. a mu.iII,
eiccn, loug'tlileil I'.iicqiul ; a lew-aid v il!
1 0 guet, foi Its letiiiu.
LO.Vr l'ico iIdII.ih on .11 ouitt, bv l.ui gettim;
our tailor made suits at llin-i hel'-, tin'
I'm 1 in, 121 Wvomiiig aruuc. Jut wlut cce
save ou 011 .uiir tuils.
Wall Street Review.
New- uik, Apill 25. speculative smlimPnl
showed a decided iuipioveuienl lodi uvir tint
whidi pievallid .vesleid.iv, althougli Ihe 1'iove
1 1 1 e ill. in piina cuutinued vciy iuij'ilu and at
times riiatlc. 'Hie heavy speiulitlve ln,iiiila
lion whiih w.ts airoiuplished y's'.erliy ot 1 01.
pievinis day-, of tl.c weik, lellevlng the over
(ongestioii of the opecululive holdings iliublle-s
bad a gnat dial to do witli the better hue of
the maiket. Theie weie fitithei ucveloiUijnts of
shcngtli toilay as a supplement ui ihe Union
1'iicitii: movimcnt and the sticnglh of tiie inaikel
was moic genei.illy dlffusnl thin at any pievlous
time this week. The maimer in whi'h the mar
ket leceived Hie fouual .iiiiiouncinc-it of the
U mis of tlio Iluilington meigi'i- had an cm enr
aging cftect on sentiment. Time was little c.
teet on Builington itselt whiih mov.'d u.iuovvly
by 1 iinip. ul-011 with otlici' .stm'.s, i,ut was vny
lit til all day, For the first lime lids week the
be.ns lejiaincd tiom theii final nttac cu tlio
null, 1 1 and llieie was tiie ilond nf '.eallitiug 01
dels which lino been a tcatinc of tin- lis) hiiir
ol each pievioiis day this week. Ilia niol ion.
spicuous movrmints of ihe day weie distinctly
the oiitgiovvtli of the cm 1 rut (onvidioii tiiat
the perfecting of Ihe Builingtoii deal v-ill bo
fiillnvved hy similar aiiangimeiits on Hie p.uc
of the other uillioad systems as an oltsot, The
Grangeis, Pacifies and Soiilhwcstcins theicfou:
pl.ijcil a piomineul put in Ihe Iridium, Tho
111.11 Let strength 01 .sumo of the eastern I11111I:
lines was supposed to lie associated with Hie
movement ot the western lines. Thus the stud:
111, ill, i'l gossip aftiibule.s ihe Luge bii it'g ot
Ati bison to a de.ign on the pail of Hie Pcnu
s.vlvanla lo control a Pacific outlet. Ililtlmaie
and Ohio as a subsidiary company, was even
more acutely affected thin Peniis.vlvauli, Tho
llse ill Aliliison eU'jided to b., in tlio pielciitd
lo :i, in Ilaltimoio and Ohio lo ', and in
IVnnlvania to 2',4. 'Hie advance lu Voillinii
Pai'lllu was resumed utter a lengthy period of
compaiativo quiet, appaieutly on Hie Huoiy that
it was entitled to Use with Union Paelfie, Union
Paiiflo Itseli was al one tlmo '!i nver last
night and tvvlie lecided lielovv last night, (los
ing with a net gain of only a tiartbu. Tin
Micuglh of Southern l.u irlc was duo to the sup.
pcnltiou that it will share Ii. anv adv intage
which .u-iiuii to Union Pacific, Special sluigth
was sliovvn by the Chicago Teimiiiil Hanster
mid Colorado Fuel stoi ks at advance of '''4 to
5'a, without news lo explain It, Smelting bloke
I'a on llui announcement ot another Injunction
against tho stock Issue pioposcd to take up H.e
Guggenheim iuteret.s. The toik rallltd S'j,
Total sales tndiy, .'.UnLSOO shaies.
The luge bu.vllig of Union P.ii'llic ronvcitib'e
I'ouils continueii and the 111.11 krl geueiallv was
stiong. Total sales, par value. .lUV11111. I .
S, ii'fundlng 'is dei lined ' and the ,V iegi.
tried 'i per Ciut, 011 the lasl call.
Tiie following quotations aie furnished Tim
Tiibune by M. S, Jordan A. Co,, rooms Til )
Meats building, Scranton, Pa, Tchphono 000.1:
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing. Pt. est, hit.
Ameiiiaii Suuar 1 1 ! t 1113', ll.'li M
Ainiiliaii T'obtieo .....i'.'i'.i Uili pi5' VJbl!
Atiltlsou O'Os 7l',a 11014 71
Atchison, Pr I'7U in of'i f'a;J,
Biook, Tuition Slla SV, .s,' MV'
lljltn. A. Ohiis fn'i 10-i's Ml nil
lent, T'obiuo ll'L sfi li4 ll'i
I her, , Ohio , IDs I7J li',i 47';
I hie. & fit. West. ,..,,. iii li-.'sj '.'ii, ;58
lldi,, B. i: ( HH9i Iti7 nll, H'1,-4
St. Paul Il" IT"' '(ii'a 'no
Roek lihn.l n Hi JWa I ; 1.1114,
Delavvaie A' lluil'o 7S IT.' ITTli 177'a
Kan. r Tc IT. ill'', il(j 11 (it
Louis. & Nasi luV.j, 10.1 i)t, in...'',
.Man. ITeviilcil 121 l.'stj 17,, 1;,
Met. T'lJction I7J 17.1 ITHi 17"a
Mlsso. Pacific iloi3 0-j lii,1", 11175,
NlUtllCIII I'jiific .'lils .1111 l'J, 1.1'.i
Noifolk k West MY. II .I'v.. .(,
Vuilli. Piiltie liilii Ki7?i 101 litfr.;
North. Pacillc, Pr Mi'.j MIJ ') nil
N. V. Central lo-J'i IIP. 1l 1.1
Out. & Wcstciii IIH ., -Ill n-Ji
IMina. It. It IV! lot iyrj jbi
Pacific Mail , VI It :i'l ;,J,
Itiadiiirf 11 My Is-s ::'i Wi
Reading Ry., I'r. 7o ' "k 70 M
soutlicm It. It. '."th ,"'1i 111 ;'',
Soijlhcrn It. Il Pr .",'a M ilj s-.i'
Term. Coal A liou .... 07 t W, e,7?
If. S. Uather ......... I.l'j 'i i., it'J
U. . Leather, Pr icifi :,) W "oij
If. S. Rubber '() "I '.0 .);
Union I'acino ,n l'J7?i iu joe.?i jo7'i
I'nloii Pacific, Pr. .... M)V UPJ tJi; PI
Wabash. I'r. ai'-i ID1; S'tJj 10
Wittnu I nlon .. . ... Vi's W Vi W
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 6 Cents for Each Extra Line
Certified Public Accountant,
building, 12(1 Washington avenue, Scianlon.
Spuice street, Srrantoii.
Hotels and Resturants.
avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZEIIILER. Piopiicloi.
(engcr depot. Conducted on tlic European
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Pioprletor.
Rooms 12. II, 1(1 and 18 lluir building.
Hated on real estate wcuiity. Meals building,
corner Washington uvenue and Spiuee stieot.
and counscllori'-al-Uw. Itepuhllcan luilldlng,
Washington avenue.
sellois-atdavv. Couimunwealth building, Rooiin
10, 20 and 21.
003-101. Olh lloor, Meais building.
of Tinde building, Scianlon, I'a.
Hank building.
a. w. isnmioi.r. ornci: movi'.ii to no
211 Wvonilng avcuue.
12'. Wahiuslun Ave.. Nraiiton Pa. I Inonic
.Di-easi'S a spccialtv. Oifke llouis: S."D to 12
ri.; LJ" lo T..I0 p. m.
Physicians and Sugeons.
ingtuii avenue. ResldciMe. lolR Mulliciiy.
Chronic dist-ae. liius, lieaii. kidue.vs and
genllo-iuinaiy oigaus a fcpecially. Houm, I
to 4 p. m.
c. it. clarki; i ;o.. ski:dsmi:.n and xuits.
ci'iucu. Ntoie 201 Wjshiugioii avenue: gusii
lioues, 130 Ninth Main avenue; ioie telj
phone, 782. '
,r.. pools; 1111 r.doi ; only Improved pumps uvd.
A. II. Iliijg-. piopiletm. Leave onlem 11"0
Noitli Main avenue', cu Eiike's drug htoie. col
lier Ad.mii and Mulbeny. Both (ileplioues.
(ol. Fuel A- Jrou 0". ts'. !i. fo I oppcl 1-iJ 1JJU l-'l'i VJUj
Piople's f!is 111'! Ilfl'n 11.11 lfi'i
Tex.i Pacilic 17 is 4t'i 17',, 47H
m. ('it i'liuiidiv J51'.. -ii -1'j -'i
I . -:. Med Co Hi 17', l.i'ii lfi'i
I. S. li(I Co., P Dili Ulai P."" afi
Open- High- Low- Clos.
WHEAT. liifT. C"t. est. in.T
Mir 7l"i 7.: Tl'i Ti'-'i
.lulv 7i'.. 7i' 7J'S 71
( URN.
Mav 47's -tsi, 17'.. l"'J
Scranton Bonrd of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par ot 10U.
Fiist National Bank
Scranton Savings Bank
Third National name
Ilimc Deposit and Discount Bank..
F.conomy Light, 11. & l'-Co-
Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co
Clark k Snover Co, Pr.
Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Axle Worku
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr.
County Savings Bank k Trust Co.,
First National Bank (Carbondale),.
Standard Drilling Co
Ttaders' National Bank
Snantcn Boll and Nut Co
Scranton Passmger Railway, first
Mortgage, due l'JM ;.
People's Sheet Railway, flr-t mort
gage, due 1018
People's Sheet Railway, General
mortgage, due 1021
DirLson Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Township School 0 per cent.
City of Scranton St. Imp. per
Scunton Traction 6 per cent
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. 0, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.
Buttii CieamT.v. old, 2fla2Ic: fresh, 2a22!jc;
daiiy, fiesh. 21''.ai.'c; old, IAiISc.
Cheese Full cream, 12alSc,
Uggs Western flesh, ll's to 13c ; neaiby
state, 11'a to Ilk.
lb. ins-Per bu., diolc mairovv, ij,!.6.ra2..
Pea Beans- Per Int., choice iiuuow, 5i.'.5'a2,M.
.Medium Beani Par bu., ?.M0a2,15.
(Jrecn Peas Per bu., 91.slOal.45.
Onions Per bu.. Sfl.40jl.i10.
Flour Best patent, per bbl., 1Lt3.
Bed Kidney Beans Per Im., Ti.l5aS 30.
New York Grain and Produce.
New Yoik, April 25. Flour rimi and a ilinle
liighei; winter straight, -jsl.uUal.3S; Mlnu. pit
inr, Sflal.30. Wheat Spot firm: No. 2 ted,
S.t',Jc. f. o. b. afloat, and SiO;c. elevator; No I
northern Duluth, S1!'. f, u. ti. alioat. Options
active and -thong most of the day; lintllv cavil
oil, and cloyed steady to luiit .'it 'iuc. net
advame, May closed, cslc.; July, 7o5si'', Sept.,
77'V Coin -Spot stiong; No, 2, 3dc. elevator,
and 52Vac. f. o. b. alio it, Options strong and
closed stiong cm M.i at !', net advance, ai.d
'so, up on ulhei inoulhs, .May doted ,""c ;
.lull, 30V ; Sept., I'lV'. Oits-Spot tlinifi;
No. 2, Ol'ijc,; V. .1, illi.; No. 2 while, ;ii'ia
;;Si. ; No, :' white, itj-t . ; Hack iniscd wet
em, ,ila.J2'.e.; had, white. riJaJU'ic Options
piii't but Him. Ilnilvr Steady; iii'ameiy, 5a
20,.; I'aetoiy, llal'ai.: slate dairy, ISali'o.
'l,gs-Stiacly; stall and Pciina., llall'ji ; south
fin, l-J'allc; wc'itciu stou'ac, lH,al!s ;
western, ugulir paikiug, lie. Cheese--Stead ,
fnuy laigo coloicd, loallo.; lane laigo
white, Ri'iilOV-; i-imc j- small coloicd, ll'ia
lit ; fain sinall white, lUgall'V
Cliicnirii Grain ana Produce.
fhujg. Hull looked like the Im
ginning of the ci.d ol the Phillips Ma 10111
deal anil ihe ti itme ol spei illation oil change
Imia.v. Mlhoiigh heivll sold, this option doid
ciiilv '(. lowir. U l.c.i t ailvanecd 011 damage
dalins'aiid iiioderalei leie'lfils, Ma closing lac.
higliei. Oata closed unchanged and piovu-ioiu
iljai lo 7'sc-, improved, Cash quotations vvtic
us lollovvs:
I huu stead; So. .i spiiug wheat, il'il
72Jsi.. No. 2 led. 72,:a7.1e.; .So. 2 corn, I79ic ;
No. 2 elluvv, I74tc ; .So, 2 oats, 27'ic., No.
2 while. 2s1ia2mic'.; No. :! white, u.i2i- ; o.
2 lc, 03c, i good Iccdliig bailey, 4V , fair lo
choice malting, .VJa.'aV. ; .So. I lias sicd, T 1 . 0 1 ,
No. 1 uoilhwistciu, I.C2; piimc timothy stcd,
S.I.IM1; mess poik, tll.liill.50: laid, fs.271.1
S.SO; sboit libs, sides, SsS.10iS.:,0; chy salted
ehouldcis, 'c)'ia71ic.: shoit dear sides, $S.7'aa
( Ml; whlAc.v, 4-1 27
e1 HsF
also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 211
Adam avenue.
tt-loncn, paper lugs, twine, alehouse, I'M
Washington avenue, S'cunton, Pa,
In Scianlon nt I tie iicwk slanda of Rehman
Bios., loci Spiucc and 3at Linden: f. Norton,
.'22 Lirkavvamu avenue; 1, S. Schtitter, 211
Sprttie ntreet,
IN THE MATTER ol designation of newspaper.
In the Dislilu Couil of the United Slates for
the Western dUliict nf Prnus.vlvanla.
-cc. 2f. Courts nf bankruptey shall by order
designate a nevvspiper puhllhed within tlitir te.
speetlvc trnltorlil districts, and In the county
in wliii Ii the haukiupl irsidrs or the major pal t
of his piopcrty Is "Hinted, In which notices re
ipilied to lie puhlMird by this net and oirteis
which the lourl may dlieit to be published shall
lie Insetted. Anv ourt miy In a. particular case,
lor tlio lonvnilime nf unties in inteiest, desla
nolo some newspaper in which liotlen
and oiihis in such rise shall he published.
Al Solatium, In ald district, at .1 com I ,.f
biiikiuptry held licfoie ('. A. Van Wornier, Rel
cue in llankiuptry of ilil lumt, on the '-''111
day of Apill. A. D., llrtl.
II is heiebv ordi led that all iioliee.i and otdcrs
lecpilud lo be published in bankrupliy proceed
ings in tlic munly of l.iu kaivnnni in said dis
liiit, bo published lu tlic Sciantun Tiihime, 1
dally mnspapi'i' ptihllshed in tlic cllv of bcr.:i
Inn. county of l..n kavvanua and district afoic
said. C. A. VAN VvORMEE, ltefcrcc.
SEALED I'ROPOSM.'s will be received at th.
ollki' of lie City 'Telk, Sciai'toii, Ph., uiml
7..'.0 o'clock p. in.. Tlun-dai, My 2, 1IHI1. to
irn.liuit, a ewei s'sliiu with the neccs-viiy
l.i.iiiilii'j, estuisioii-, loni'Tllcns. basins, m."i
holes, and tlturc-. as lollons: Tin; said sewer
I" begin i'l the Lackawanna liver on Emn"t
sheet, thence along Emmet sheet to Ralliuud
auntie: uNu a brain h theieof nu Fourth avcuui
e'.tendlng to a pmul abolil .'0 feci north of
Broadway; al-o ,1 biat.ih on Aloran court, o
tending fioiii Eiiiuid street lo t point (bout 50
fut north of lhoadvvav , alo a biam It on IT1111
aiemie, csti'iiding tiuiii ITimiel street to a point
,'ibnut Ml feet soutli nt mid I'iniiiet .street. Each
pinpo'il slull be auniupiiiiicd by call or ceili
IK tl eltiik in tin' sum of tlner liiunlred dollats
as .1 gituaiile.. to cuu(p the contract. The
light lo irjicl any and all bids Is icsoived.
lly unlcr of Cilv Council-.
M. T. LAVELI.E. Hy Clcik.
Seianlrni, Pi., Apiil 22. IIKH.
SEALED PROPOSAI.-s will be leciived at the
olfue of the City ITeik, Scianlon, Pa., tmtii
7,::0 o'clock p. 111., Thursday. May 2, I'M, to
lonstiuct a sewn ijsteni witli the ncccssaiy
branches, i lensions-, connections, basins, nan
holes, and lilmi"-, as ioIIdvvs: The said sewer
lo begin al the Idickawanna liver on Broadvvav ,
Ihetui' along llioadvv-.iy lo Railioad avenue; al-o
a bianeh tl'cieoi on Motrin court from Broadway
to a prJnt about one hundred and seventy-five
ir pi south 01 said Bioidwav; aNo a tirarfM
tl.i reof on Fourth avenue from Bmadvvay to Lu
rule stieei; al-i a branch 011 Dow-dell court
iii'iii llioadvvav lo n point about one bundled ai.d
filly ii-et south ot sail liioiidwny; also a branch
on Third nvciino fion Broadway to Liuiern
sheet; also on O'Connor lonit-fioin the La.c;.i
wanna liver to a point about one hundred and
lot ty feet south of Hioadvvay; also on Fiist ave
nue from tho Lackawanna river to Broadway
E.uh piopo-al shall be accompanied by cash
ot a ceititicd check, in the sum of tlueo huu
died dollars as 1, guarantee to execute the con
duct The city icseues the right to reject any
or all bids. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk.
Su.mton, Pa , Apill t'2. 3001.
JJ1E ANNUM, AIKETIN'G 0! the stockholder ol
the Dickson Manufacturing Company will !
In m at Hie oiiiie nt the company, in the city o
Siranion, on tin- eighth day of May, 1001, at II
oMoik a. 111.. lor the pnipoe nt electing Tliieo
tois and voting upon such other matters as 111.1;
conic befoie the meet lug.
L. i: BOWER, Societaiy.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chiiago. Apiil 25. Cattle Receipts 9,000, in
eluding 200 Te.vnis; stecis, steady to btrom; ;
biitdieis slock, shady, eveept canncrs;
steers, iX.S"i; good lo piinie .steers, 5sja0; poor
to medium, t,.fJ0il.Uj; stotkcr.s and feedeis,
stiong to Klej. higher, at !f2.7oal.!)0; cows. 2.7V
nl.fO; beifeis, $2.75a;.f.i: cannere, f2a2.(i.
Iiulls, firm, S2 Slal.5'1; calves, 10 to 23 cent'
higher, .'sa5.25; Tevas fed steers, $L25al.lO. gi.iv, stcer.s, .ykilOal; Texts bulls, SJ.7J
a.T IKI.
Hogs Reteipls today, i!l,O0O; cstimiled 10.
inoiiov.-, lii.isin, Jolt over, y,500; opened Ec
higliei; closed we.-ik; top, $6.12',4; mixed and
buteheis, ;.75a(1.01; good to choice heavy, $3.81
.ilkRHa rough heavy, Jj.70aa.80; light, S5.70a6;
bulk 0. s.iles, ?5.90ai 02',a.
Sheep llecelpts, 12,000; sheep, weak; lambs,
steady tor vvooled: clipped, slow; gocd lo
iliolce wr titers, $(,uiljl.s0; fair to choice mixed,
SI.:i0r,I.C0; western sheep, (fl.DOalSOj
rheep, y'.irlli gs. SI.ri0a4.SO: native lambs, f4 0
aS.IO; vveslein Iambi, $I.T.1a5.:,0.
Buffalo Live Stock.
Fast Buffalo, April Ti. Receipts-Cattle, (1
eai.s; sheep and lambs, 41 loads; Iioga, 20 cars.
Shipments Cattle, tl cai.s; sheep and lamb's
11 cats; hogs, fl cais.
Hogs Heavy, $0.15; pigs, $d,iG.05.
Oil Market.
Oil (ily, Aptil 25. Credit biTanrcs, 117; cer
lificate, no bid. Shipments, 107,094; average
00,0.11, Riu,s, lOl.SIU; average, 83,582.
United Railways of
St. Lotiis, Mo.,
Yielding Investor 4,60
RmlolpLi Kieybolte & C ot
1 Nassau St., New York,
Men Suffering
from loss of nervous force often owe
theircouditiou lo youthful Ignorance
ttcit fearful enemy lo health.
It is the busiuess of science to repair
the damage caused by the tboughtlesa
piactices of youth.
Kervous Debility never B's well of
Itself, Its victims Urate through a
miserable eiistetice, weak, listless,
literally feed the huuery nerves, giving
them the precise ingredie u U de.
luntidcd by nature. Thlsi wonderful
rcuiedv cures. Ners-ous Ilphllliv. nlnnii
all drains, replaces trusted tissues,
sends rich, warn, life blood tlugllug
through every part, aiaklug every or-
San act ami c-auviiig you to glowr with
Jl.fVJ per box; 6 boxes (with guarna.
tee to cure), - X. Book fret. VekX,
aiiEDiciM. co, Cleveland, Ohio.
V'or'iale by John II. I'heTpo, riurmacbt, eorovr
Wjcnting avenue nd Spruce stiett,