The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 26, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pn - vl" 'rrMyr ' ?" " 'w"v. v i 77X51
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'Ts? """A f'Vv rpii f 'y-fjyff
Physicians Have Grafted Skin fiom
Hla Ann nnd Constructed a New
End on His Nose Operation Suc
cessfully Performed Stag Party
of the Electric City Wheelmen.
Funeral of the Late William Will
iams Personal Mention and Short
News Notes.
Ilobort TIrup. of 1112 Jifiiyctle
tiret, who had u part of ills nose
bitten off by a horse several weeks
ago, will' not surfer from any noticeable
deformity, thanks to the skill of the
modern physician. The young man was
In the employ of Helser fc Wnrnke,
and when the linn purchased a new
team, he wont to the .stable to look
them over, and as he was admiring
them, one of the homes snapped at
him and bit off a portion of his nose.
When he was taken to the hospital,
the physicians decided upon a skin
crafting process to replace the imper
fect nose. Tlgue underwent live oper
ations, In which pieces of flesh were
cut from his arm and grafted onto his
nose. The operations have boon so
successful that he expects to be dis
charged from the hospital next week.
At first the physicians expected to
attach the flpph from th( arm on the
nose and sever it afterwards, hut this
was deemed impracticable and the
open grafting process was resorted to,
with the above-mentioned result.
A peculiar coincidence in connection
with the cafe was that the horse died
about the time tile second operation
whs performed on young Tlgue.
Electric City Wheelmen.
Another of the enjoyable "stags' was
Aeld at the club house of the Electric
City "Wheelmen last evening and about
a hundred members were in attend
ance. An amusing feature of the event
was an apjile-eating.contest in which a
number of the boys participated.
The apples -were suspended from
strings and the contestants were re
quired to eat tlicir apples without
touching them with their hands. The
"eaters." were: Walter James, "Will
Scagra.ves, Louis Parry, Kd. Morse,
Hen Allen, Elmci Crane, Conrad Lutz,
limrys Joseph. Andrew Sherrett and
Harry McCracken.
The Judges were Charles Hartley,
Men Luce and Tr. Srtuppler. Arthur
SKIS8 jC0Hus
out fob and colds
Satin Back
Velvet Ribbons
Are the Rage. . .
Our stock of these is so enormous
that description is impossible. Be
sides a full line of Blacks in all
widths and qualities we show a com
plete line of Satin and Linen Velvet
Ribbons in all the shades of the sea
son, on widths from No. i to 40.
Fast edges, of Course.
Extra Special
Bargains for Saturday
IT ".No 7 Hair Ribbons, pure
'silt, all colors, worth I2c the
yard. Saturday ,
No. 40 Fancy Silk Ribbons,
20c quality, for
No. 50 Fancy Silk Polka
)bt Ribbons. The vard ....
The Color Range in AH of the
Above Is Complete.
Globe Warehouse
Stover acted as I line-keeper. The
prize, a pack of playing cards, was
u wntdod to Walter Jones, who con
sumed Ids apple in a minute and n.
Charles Hartley, the mimic and ven
triloquist, gave a number of Imita
tions of well known characters, told a
few of his host stories and amused
the boys with feats of ventriloquism.
Tils act was thoroughly appreciated
and received meritorious applause.
The club cateiers served a lunch of
ham and eggs and a smoker anil social
session followed, which were enjoyed
by all. "Pop" Plorey directed the even
ing's entertainment. Vocalist David
Stephens was unable to sing, owing to
Browns' Entertainment.
An enlertnininont and social for the
benefit of tho West Hide Browns base
ball club was held In Sfears' hall last
evening, which was liberally patronized
by their friends. Tho proceeds will be
used in equipping the club for the com
ing season. The entertainment was
presided over by Thomas Mcllugh,
who made a capital chairman.
Instrumental selections were given
by Stephens and Cole, and ITofessor
George Martin. The soloists were Da
vid Davis, David Jenkins. Mrs. Nellie
Markwlck, John II. Jones, William
Price and Thomas Powell. Specialties
were given by Peter Smith, Harry
Hubbard. Miss Llzvile Needham. Walsh
and Murphy and Thomas Monels.
An enjoyable social followed, which
was participated in by several hundred
young people.
Oarnp No. 178, P. O. S. of A.
The efforts of the members of Camp
178, Patriotic Order Sons of America,
to increase their membership has met
with excellent success, and at every
meeting since the contest was inaugur
ated applications and Initiations have
been In order. After the regular meet
ing last evening a social session was
held, at which the following programme
was rendered:
Solo, Albert Davis: address, James
Hughes; solo, Harry Wrigley; violin
solo, Horace Smith: instrumental solo,
Ivor Price: solo, Joseph Phillips; in
strumental selection. Fred Neumuls;
solo, Philip Waircn: address, H. C.
The session was well attended, and a
number of new applications were re
ceived and several elected to member
ship. Ansley's New Horses.
Joseph Ansley, tho mill owner, who
now conducts the planing mill for
merly operated by his father, who died
recently, has added three new teams
to his stable, which are attracting
much attention.
Two of the teams were purchased
in Dalton and the other from William
Davis, of North Main avenue. Dr. S.
T?. Sutton, the well-known veterinary,
and one of the best judges of horse
flesh in the city, selected the horses
for Mr. Am ley.
William Williams Buried.
Services over the remains or the late
William Williams were held ycstciday
afternoon at tho home- of' deceased's
nephew, Thomas Wllllums, on North
Main avenue, and were attended by
many friends of the family. Rev. D.
D. Hopkins, pastor of the First Welsh
Baptist church, ofllclated, and Inter
ment wns made In tho Washburn
street cemetery.
Members of the First Baptist church
choir sang at (he house and at the
grave: The pall-bearers were ,1. 1.
Jenkins, Thomas M, Jonss, Thomas
Clrllllths, Jonah Hedman, Benjamin
Thomas and Joseph Hilt.
Meeting1 Saturday Night.
foiniuandery No. 1, Order of Ameri
can Knighthood, will meet In Mo-gnns'
null, Main and Jackson streets, on Sat
urday night at 7.15 p. m. prompt, when
business of great Importance will bo
discussed pertaining to state and local
Communications from some very
pi'omlcnnt men of this and other state
will he read, itnent tho work to be done
by the organization In tho future nnd
the methods to be adopted in assisting
those already engaged In purging the
city of corruption.
The remains of the late Harry Hick
were taken to Wllkes-Barre yesterday
for Interment.
Mrs. John J. Gordon and children, of
South Hyde Park avenue, have gone to
New York to permanently reside.
Conductor John G. Nicholson, of tho
Duryoa Hue, has recovered from an ill
ness and Is on duty again.
George Becso. of Reese's cash store,
had his hand painfully injured recently
while opening a barrel.
Adolph Both, an aged resident of
Knimet strot, fell In the yard recently
and fractured his aim.
Harry Davis and Frank Jones, of
South Main avenue, will graduate to
day from the pharmacy department of
the University of Buffalo. Robert
Bradley will graduate from the New
York College of Pharmacy next week.
Druggist John J. Davles, of South
Main avenue, left for Buffalo last night
to attend the graduation of his brother,
Druggist Smith has opened a phar
macy nt the corner of South Main ave
nue ami T.undis street. He was for
merly identified with Myron Evans &
The Women's Homo Missionary so
ciety of the Simpson Methodist Epis
copal church held an interesting liter
ary meeting last evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Addison Chase, on
North Main avenue,
Cisiro Potmento Has Narrow Escape
from Being Buried Alive Other
Interesting' News Items.
(Mio I'dlnioiito, .in ItMiau imploded in the
new ewrr beiner coti'trtntrcl on Sprinir oticet,
n.K .llnio-t buried aliic .cslciday. noon. Pol
memo ha.s iu-t tlnished c-t t i 1 1 tj IiM dinner and was
.fount 10 liter tlio -over, w'.icn nurses of
nnd dlit came down upon lum and cocercd him
complctelv cMtptins a tin ill portion ol hi
lYllf.w i ounlij im-n who nciu about the phie',
balt tied to In? itcuc and alter fclioeclimr fir time managed to take liim from hl prill
cms position. Pnlnn'iito as u.iconscious and
jfl'T r3niin.i( ion it was loiiml thai he leeeiwd
federal broken nhs .nd vas .sutfeiinjr fiom a
enntu-dnn of Mood in hN Iiad. Ho wis remould
to hi? home on Clark stieel.
A Nickel Social.
1h' ui.ijl committee ot the I'loueletiee I'ir5
u.itcriin Knilejvur society announce a ".Nickel
foiuI" tliis ceenlna. 'I lie committee has out on
"u-nri" a lot of nirlirU one only t ea,eli in
dividual, and tiiiiiidit i i K.i'on ot reckoning.
The r.ulety "i jj '' hlh one nickel
multiplied iuelf Into 111.11 y nickels would make
an lnterestlm. book .mil the dory will be to'.d
at. the till-. cecum:;. Their- will alio he a
hurl iMOKiainme ot uiu-.ii , together wilh ehoeo
laic and fake. No adiue-don tec will lie re
coned .it the tlooi and the public U Im ited to
p.iitn ip.itc in the (njojiiKiii of the cnuim,'.
Tii Install New Pastor.
l.Vv Albeit If. Ninth, the new pilor 01 lln
North Main Aunuc Baptist chinch, will be for-
nully ' niBht, M.,v 7.
Anions the f-peakeis will be 'lev. lr. U11-.-.1U
II Cometh, of Philadelphia; licv. W. .1. I'm. I.
of the ifroeii IthUe li.ipii-t rluimi. and Itev.
.1. II. lU-lim, f the 1'iift liipti-1 cliiiuh of
Charged with Larceny.
Amlnw I'oll.iviekl, ot bamel Micel, w, ,u.
ict'd In- ('unstable Mill-, tor the larcrn.i of
f'lmitme whiili had been attached by law, ljnt
I'ollivkkl yv aiiiiuiKil befoie AMetnwu My
ers and In hi In M) bail joi apneaianio lit
Briefly Noted.
A iiHitiijc of the Vespei'b chili wa- bold last
cw-nliie in their looms on We-l Maikel -tieet,
I'luiu were only two pil-ouen in Hotel IV
IhoniLS vi'.tiiil.iy inoininq-. both beinir nncHd
by I'.itinlin.iii Watkin- I'm being: diunk and dw
oiderly. 'liny wue 'Ihonii- Mcttate-, ot petty
-.tieet, and .f.iiue.- hiin, of IMiKir street, Ihey
weio iiialsned In fore Aldflinin I'ldhl and flnul
.S'i. v lilt Ii the paid.
Mi- lamNe Kclfcr, ol lIone-il.ile, i-itin-:
hei l-lei, Mi, ,1, ('. i.ille.pie, ol Oak slieel.
The two sanies of bukit ball whiili wciis
placid at .St. John's ball last eu'iilni: between
the Drlendon, and tlio Ciackeiiaiks, fiom North
Suaiiton. ami the Oriental and Twintletli Centitiy
leauu weie uitnrii-cil by a IniRc umiibei' of visi
tors tioni all pails of the Uly, The flrt came,
whiili wap!a)cd between the Urfcnduo and the
( raikcijaiki, was i defeat for the latter by a
core ol JO to 0. The teams Until up ai (ollmri,
baikels lioing nude as inarkids Pefcniku
Cenleik, Collins (3), Kraft (S) and Snyder fti)s
cuiid-, l'ieiidei,Ml, Mnriult;; fotwanN, llolind
(I), Mcliit,io (J), Ciaikerjaika Centers, .Him,
!-'i harpies, Aiulrewj; ciuuls -ludse, .chonburn;
tonvaids, Nilliian, l.aim'an. Umplie, Jl, ,r,
Nialonj tlmc-keepirs, .nl.ind Muipli.i, In tho
(.econd (,'Jine. IiLtweeu the Orimtal and tlio
Twinllftli Century teams, tlio beore wj 0 o 3
In faor of tho former, 'llm pla.ura were: Ceu
leu, Jluiphy, Kianuy (1), Koch cmriN, rol
lout, ltafter; foiwaids, Itjan (1), Me.all. (i),
'Hie Tweutletli Cintuiy were; Centcis, Jons (1),
O'poiincll, Ilurke; uuards, I'ahey, Heap; fuittartt,
Dclaiey and l.owiy. irmpiic, M. Murpiiyj time
ketpem, .1, Pius and Xealon. 1'iotessoi 'I', .1
llcniiie for tin.- racial uhidi was held Jllei tho
The Ice cieam .ile of the Vounc Women's
L'huitiau aoclatlon at their luomi last night
was well attended, and pioved a tlwroitglily en
Joable atTalr.
The iiieiiiluu of Ilia (itncral (irant (.oniuund
cry, No. li.'iO, Knlifhts of Jfalta, will meet In
rcuulir etioii Ihli evening: at llartman' lull.
')he St. JIji.v's lunch tliulr will pieet tor re
hearsal this eunins at !t. Mar)', hall, on llitk
in y tlrcct.
A luibkal and lilcury cntertalmuciit will be
Kilvli Situnliy eeuintr ut the Vounu WoinenV
ChrUtlan association rooms by Miss I.lllie Miller
and MUs Kninu Meyerj for tho benefit of the
talent fund.
vtcul'Wuse Kemp' tlaham for the Throat and
latngs- It is curing inoie Coiijlu, (olil.
Asthma, biomliltli, Croup am all Tlnoat and
Lure Tioublei, than any other medicine. The
proprietor lias autliorUcd any drnjjist to give
you a Sample llolllc 1'irc tu coniiuo jou 91 (he
molt of tbU steal icuudy. 1'ike i'x-. aod W.
MHirtaMiW4 ttrt 4iirmmmiA
tlr bnatMuf p(mt air twfcw tt ?.
Dwton etn tMa MtAirt. H iMMlM flm.
It affNt rery etrt el Mm tfftm. It ''
trncaa4 liHkrMsllMtWmk and 4M-
turn, it ttm m
fl uKi oerwMtntlr
i(ttva eotoalyfcy eh oi
lei u tbtoMy Btl'
at BsattkWM raeanl et
naaniy kadi casttvry
tbt grtataat Mandytr
icUacortte (Or tba turn
'of malaria, tt cum hc-
ciue h tt stoiahtty part, Inst trosnafl dttttssrhm
tontacco, aspswiauy hum out it ansa on ui
dtxeJt!voraini,prtltt aod lmultt Hie Wood,
nad dtlsm oat all anlcrU ajama. lAiiemAcstUitm
tvarrwhtrepnacftbaRtarmakuia. AUeraatlata
and tttxtia Mil it 1 H your mot, hoUt wUI
b aant ya, aeaatcaa prttjaM, oa raeatef ot a. Ba
are yon t laccamajan. SutatltniaM and Imitas
Veii act lnjarfoaa. WrHclortrtaBeakttt.
iiurrv Uamt vratltiay Co.. Reckatttr, N. Vf
1 lie reception (endeied the meniheis and
Mends of Kt. Mark's eliuicli on Wcdne.-ilay night
was l.irttcly attended, deplte the inelcmency of
tlie! weather. A ery ptciisant eeelilne wxs spent
by those Jiresent. llaltity refreishments wtie
beried by the youiff l.idle3 of the church.
Tonight at the Tilpp Avttnte Clirisll.ui rhniih
occurs the concert tjiven under the .itispiceii ol
tlie Yount Ladles' circle.
Geoige Krost Is iinproilnrr bis piopcrty on
l)i Inker Rtreel, by the laylnff of a nrw walk the
entire length of It.
Ilie condltltin of Xf. K. Kellem wai tomeuliit
Improved yesterday, and at present Blronir hopes
am entertained that his eyesight will not be lost.
Members of Independent Hoe company are re
quested to meet at their rooms tonight, as
business of importance is to be transacted.
Employes at the collieries of the Trie ttallroad
company were paid yesterday.
W. J. Crane, of Oherry street, has accepted a
position with the Iloies Nteel Wheel works.
flcorff Kellem has accepted a position as as-fil-lant
bookkeeper at the stole of the Oieen
lllclfre Coal company.
Mrs. Itobcrt Hughe;, of Collins street, is some,
what Improved and her eatly tecovery is now
looked for.
ll Emily Fljnn. of Wilkcs-narre, is a vWl
or at Dr. J. H. Oarvey's resldenco.
There is no improvement in the condition of
Thomas Yountr, of lllikely stieet, who lias been
ciltleally ill for several week.s.
Miss .!o.sle Wert, of ttlakely sheet. Ins re
turned from a pleasant vWt with Wilkrsdtanc
-Mrs. A. E. flroevn hai gone to I'hiliclelphtl,
where she will speml a few diys.
im. S. Y. STEVENS. After an Ill
ness of several weeks' duration. Dr.
Selton V. Stevens died yesterday rnorn
inr; of appendicitis. About u. week afro
Dr. Stevens was admitted for treat
ment to the Scranton private hospital,
and It was there found necessary to
pet form an operation. Duriiifr the past
few days he sank rapidly, and. at 9
o'clock yesterday morning-, the end
Deceased was a prominent younc;
practitioner, and his untimely death
will be mourned by friends, whose
name is legion.
He was bom at Lake. Ariel, Wayne
county, and was twenty-nine years anil
three months of age. Ho is survived
by his widow. Mrs. F.uth Stevens, his
father and mother, his sister, Sirs. E.
f. Stevens, of Green Ttidfre, and two
brothers. Burton and Day. Tie was a
graduate of the Jefferson Medical col
lejre at Philadelphia, and for two years
acted as house surgeon at the Moses
Taylpr hospital.
Tho funeral will be held at :!.30 o'clock
Sunday afternoon from the residence of
his father, on Capouse avenue. Inter
ment will be made in the Forest Hill
Watklns. an aged lady, for many years
a resident of the West Side of this city,
died AVednesday morninff in East Chi
catro.where she was visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Elias Davies. Deceased was
widely and favorably known through
out this section, as she had resided In
this city and vicinity for thirty years.
She was a devoted member of the Flrht
Welsh Baptist church, though of late
she was not privileged to attend church
services, because of illness and feeble
ness. Incident to age. For the last
twenty years Mrs. Watklns made her
home with her daughter, Mrs. D. C.
Williams, of 1117 Luzerne street. Last
winter, however, she had a doMre to
visit her children in tho west, where
upon Mrs. Davies came and took her
mother home with her on the 24th of
January last. She died at her daugh
ter's home, in the; eightieth year of er
ago, three months from the day hhe
loft Scranton. She Is mourned by a
host of friends. Nine chlldicu survive
her; three daughters live in Chicago:
one in Connellsville, Pa.: one in Knelt
away, N. J.; a son, Thomas G. Wat
klns. of Forest City, and Mrs. D. C.
Williams. Mrs. Henry Knarr and Rev.
W. tt. Watklns. of this city. Shu KvIIl
be hulled tomorrow in East Chicago.
nand (llaidano, aged eight months,
died yesterday at the home of his par
outs. 905 Scranton street. The Inter
ment will be made ut 10 o'clock this
morning in the Cathedral cemetery.
ELLEN HADDOW. Ellen, the one-year-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. George
Haddow, 01' Washburn street, died yes
terday. The Interment will be made to
morrow in Forest Hill cemetery
Tito of Mrs. Serudo Banner
will take place this afternoon at
o'clock ftom tho residence of her son,
Jospi1i Danner, 334 Franklin avenue.
Interment at Forest Hill cemetery.
The funeral of the late Francis J.
Jones will take place this afternoon at
,1 o'clock from the family residence, 337
North Fllmoro avenue. Rev, L. K.
Foster will olllclate. interment will bo
made in the Washburn street cemetery.
The funeral of Mis. James Gerrity
will take place tomorrow morning at !)
o'clock from the fumlly residence on
Deceit stret. -V requiem mass will bn
celebrated at St, John's church, anil
Interment will bo made in tho Cathe
dral cemetery,
The funeral of Mrtf. Kathetlne Boh
noiistengel will take place this morning
from her late residence in Schltnpff's
court. A lecjulem mass will be cele
brated tit St. Mary's church, mi River
street. Interment will be made In the
Twentieth ward cemetery.
Where can T get everything In the
lino of ritoto Supplies? Why, at
Flotey & Brooks, of coutse.
Came Up from Havrlsbuvg' on a Pri
vate Business Trip.
TIijii. John P. Elkln, attorney general
of Pennsylvania, came up fiom Hur
rlsburg In company wlh Deputy Gen
eral FIclW, and will spend a day in
Sciuntou. He comes solely on private
buslucas, he says. He hits an Interest
In the Scranton Glass Manufacturing
company, and took a run up to havo
a look at Us big plant In Moosle.
Mr. Elltln nnd Mr. Flelts! were Imih
in attendance at the ripper argument
In Philadelphia, and nrc fooling con
fident that the attack on the bill was
Programm That Will Be Rendered
Monday Night
Klols local, 'JG9, Textile Wotkers.
will run Its first entertainment and
soolal at St. John's hall, Pino Btook,
on Aiirll 23. The following persons
will participate:
Plnno Solo MIm Kate Uearilon
Duct ..John Waihbuin nnd Kate Connors
Vocal Unto Honor.! .lohnsoii
Recitation Helen Illll
VoeMl Soto Sidney Miller
Duck and Willi? Dance,
.lames ( ttmiiiliicp, Huerliri Solo f.enorc fctcllcr
Vocal Solo , John Shcrinin
Itecllatlori Jennie Itolilnson
Double fuartelte.
Comet Solo t.iiucs Murray
.Acrobatic t'eati Durkin llrothern
Vocal Solo will H. Tlurke
Musical Duct, Violin and ll.mjo, ,
Deiile Mteiii
Recitation Mary l'lahcity
Vocal Solo , Kate Conner
Club Swinging John Klilcn
Vocal S'olo Arnvdiy
Recitation llnnuili Callahan
Vocal Solfc Mary 'llmran
Vocal S'olo DaeU
Team Has Been Picked to Meet the
Rosevllle Stars.
Captain Charles Fowler has picked
the team with which he will meet the
Rosevllle bowlers tomorrow night at
the Green Itlrlgo Wheelmen's club
alleys, and although not by any means
sanguine of victory, expects to give thes
New Jerseymen an excellent argument.
On his team will bo Smith, a star
member of the Boston Athletic, asso
ciation's team; Jack Taylor, of the
Black Diamonds; Frank Beavers', cap
tain of the same team; Howard Davis
and Fowler himself.
On the Rosevllle side there will be
the same quintette of formidable bowl
ers who met the all-star team on tho
Elk alleys. Captain Van Ness, Meyer,
Pierson, Wood and Dletrlck arc the
men who will oppose the local tenpln
artists. The match will tie wholly a
club affair. None but members will bo
present, nor will there oven bo any
lady visitors. This is occasioned by the
fact that tho seating capacity is lm
ited, nnd an attendance of members
alone will more than crowd the alleys.
The Ilollond-llaycs equity Miit will be heard
The cae of if. T. Heller jgaiiift .1. F. Paltry
wa. reported fettled jcsterd.iy and ordeicd lioin
the li,t.
I'atiiek- Mnllaikey w.i-: icle.i-ed fiom (ho
ein penitentiary , e-t ci day, lifter lminc s-cnod
two vin for complicity in the burglary of An
thony Mahon' residence on Kiauklin nienuc
Benin okcrly, Thomas V. Heel; nnd Frederick
Scott, fitting ai aihitialors jesteiday heard
testimony in the case of . Apoxlnlliin .sr lin-t
Nellie lloia Mnnkcy. ill which .1 bill or 1l.isli r
ing .1 house 011 I'roeidencc road is in dispute. -M-torncjrf
Cornelius Comegys anil C. S. WoodrulT
appeared for the phintlll and John r. Scrags for
the defendant.
Frederick Dawe, of Jcinieu, applied for a di
lorio jeslerday fiom M wife. Kiniua, Dawo, to
whom ho was tniiirieil in Cornwall, laigland,
Apiil 111, 1581. He- e.ime to this country in
1M11, leaving his wife behind him. She refu.-ed
to rejoin him when he sent for her and now. e
he nlic.;i.i, she is living with another man, one
Richard Vigus. Attorney V. A. Hatlenhcig rcpic
cents the libcllant.
Judge Kelly jcslerdav heaid testimony in the
injunction proceedings brought by the boiough of
Maylleld to pievent the Scranton Railway com
pany fiom running coal and other ctia he.iey
cais oer one of the borough bridges. 'I ho net
hearing will lake phec May 10. Attorneys John
R. Tdwards and John II. Jones appear for the
borough and Major Kicrctt Warren for the com
pinj. Another of the SVrantnri Riilway compane's
dmnge mils was amicably tettlcd jesterday.
It wis that in which I'atiiek Jojec, of South
Scranton. demanded $10,000 damages for the
deatli ot his little daughter, who was killed by
a Mrcet car while sleigh riding on Stone avenue
two j en is ago l;it whiter. O'llrien & Mu tin
lepie-etited the plaintiff and Major Dvcrctt. War
icu the defendant.
'I he Muling base ball tiaiu oiginired fer
TiOl and would like to play the No. :V team
one week fiom Saturday, Slay I, HOI, if Manager
J. Twiis and Captain I". 1'eiher do not object,
AiiMVcr to Captain White and Managei II Mead.
A Chemical Renctloii That Astound
ed a Washerwoman.
nancy tiiillieilaiid, "in Alu-ler's.
The I'ncetloiis chemist, once took nn
ortllnni'y cotton hatielkurohieL' atiel
Ko.ikeel It in nitric iinil sulphuric acltls,
Then, after it time, he took It out iitul
lln.spel It carefully mo as to remove the
free acid. It looked then like any other
cotton handkerchief. It went to the
vahlienvonmn, who puL It throusrh all
the wuteiH that handkerchiefs ro
tliroiiKli, hunt;- It out on the line, and
took it In again when it was dry. She
spread It out on the lioniiiK-bounl, put
tho hot Iron on It, and It went away.
There was a flash, a puff of smoke, and
then no handkerchief, not even tlio
ashes of one. When you consider how
frightened the washerwoman must
havu been at such koIhrs-oii In the
broad, open daylight, how worried she
must have been lest the gentleman
should think she had stolen his hand
kerchieffor she was an honest wo
man 1 make no doubt whatover, at
least as far as cheap cotton handker
chiefs were concerned and, of course,
she thought ho wouldn't believe her
when she told him what hail become
of it, you will sft nt once that this Is
leally a very line joke Indeed, and
ought 10 have been In Die Fllegeudc
What happened to the handkerchief
vas what happens to the maiiiifiicturu
of gun-cotton, Tlio sulphuric, acid
takes the water nut of tho cellulose
and tho nltrle acid makes an arrange
ment whereby a certain amount of nl
tryl gets to take the place of It so that
when lire Is applied it all burns at
once. Btarcli Is the same thing chem
ically as cotton, same proportions of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, only the
patterns, so to speak, of the molecule
Is different, and out of that law-abiding
box of white grains at this, mo
ment In the left-liaml corner of your
kitchen cupboard, madam, could bn
made enough ultio-staich to wreck
your happy home while you are saj
Ing "Jack rtoblns'ou." Tlio molasses
Jug Is just as potent for destruction,
and an explosive is now marketed that
In made from btiaw, nitrated In the
same way as cotton. Of couise, you
have heard that glycerine, which Is so
good for chapped hands, can bo turned
Into the most powerful explosive
known by the same combination of
acids. It Is so powerful that It bus to
be diluted with infusorial earth, each
tiny particle of which, long years ugo,
rm s I
r . 1
' NT
1 wf' I
i I )
II I 1
1 1
rrt Hi
Hi A
Our $4 Hade-to-Measure Trousers are won
derfully smooth for the price. Give us a sample
Remember the Name and Number.
Last Chance to Buy
Cover Dishes
At 59c
Thursday, April 25,
at 8.30 a. m.
At our sale of two weeks ago
the demand for these decorated
beauties exceeded the supply
and many late shoppers suf
fered disappointment.
We have secured two dozen
more hig-li grade, odd pieces
nnd they will go to our first
patrons Thursday morning, at
the above price.
Gruerver S, Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
11 Be T
Said the bait to the fish.
Or next thing you know
you'll garnish a dish.
I came from the store of
Florey & Brooks,
And I'm dangerous.
211 Washington Ave.
was the shell of a little animal that
never dreamed it wns going to assist in
torpedoing an oil well, It seems to mo
a oncer use of this terrible destructive
that It should be a medicine, a heart
stlmulaut. If anybody Is desirous of
getting a headache without a gay
evening to precede it. lie has only to
taste a tiny drop of the yellow, sweet
hit, oily liquid, and he will think cveiy
heal of his heart is a whack of a
sleilKc-liummcr on the back of his
I'loiu lhu I'lUiliuii; I'onniiireul (jiiiio
When o cntiiM a policeman uith a muhrr
nt put., in liU liandt tlio cmc" te cuiuniil iiiur
del. Win 11 ail i'l Ulcer U pljud ill rvntiul
id iiucliliici) i'f .1 lutlK-hip he U entrusted
uitli the' .i.uit to bleu it ii)i. Dill it i run
presumed the policeman u'.U do murder or thu
I'tigiucci kink the 4 1) In. 'Ihc ikiwci the jjencinor
00 Fly
Is the sum we charge for making a
Suit or Overcoat to measure. We
furnish honest cloth and honest trim
mings. We hire reliable workmen.
Our cutting is up to the best standards
of the day.
If you have ,$15 to spend for dress,
spend it here. You cannot find in all
America squarer value at trie price.
If anything goes wrong in the
execution of your order, should you
find any ground for dissatisfaction, It
is the rule of our house to hand back
your money without a word. Will
you try us ?
- KEIS A BtmnilNDEIt. Lesiecf.
A. J. DUrFV. iUmser.
oxi: xuiirr
Friday, April 26.
.mi:. rraxK kiuaax, iy
I he Sol Smith Itu'.se;U Nay.
"List nifclit 1'unk Krciiiin in 'Poor rtcUtion'
rlcd notable Jnd most siic.ces-.lul engagement
M ide iiHtintanootri lilt, ciptunnr; Omahi peop-li
by inistrrly nid finished nttins." Telegram,
Vnoduaid .t ISuwn,, Jlgrs., Boyd's theater,
8.n.'i a. m.
rwri:S2M. 50c, 7.. and
Saturday Matinee and Night
mapsivi: l'ttoncdioN' of
Uncle Tom's Cabin
(luminal Ocole I-mlieV Itiud.
Mjllillcent Sibtlllli llloodlllillll'lj.
l'lices M.illnce, 10, W and M u-nta.
Xislit, 10, 2(1, SO and OT ecliK
Monday Night, April 29.
"flct Vi'iir .Moiie.i'i Worth."
Black Patti
Ore.iteU (uloird ?lioev en l.arth. ULVCH
PATTI and Thirty Kbouy L'cstatie?. A Bjrktowr
Frolic en the Hijlto.
Pricrs 1), S5, 60 and 75 cents
fedls on sals I'rlda.v at t a. ni.
Uanacera and Lessee Local Uanager.
Week Commcnciiii- Mondae, April 22.
Tommy Shearer Co.
Tfiurday eenluj Ih-Jvl el the Itockiei
I'rhlay oienins ,.., A Wouun'a Kodcmptloa
Saturday cening ..Itoaring- Ctect Swiadlt
in ui:i'i;moiitu.
Piuee. l.vcnlns! 1". -n a'"l 3t1 "'
Slitineco, 10 ami -.'O cenlf.
ALF. C lICnitlNClOy, Jlanjejer.
Little Egypt Buriesquers
Pally niatfnec",
Im. tio ii inc.-uiiicl to u.-c for the lu-ncnt ot II I
coiiuuoiiwealth and It ieci)le. Iliviy man en
tnulerl cm Hi power ii pietumed to me it fol
aoeid. It lie nei it for 111 it i, j inUii'r, How
tu kIic a nun pouer eithiut UKInv chanrcs o
hi. Mbuiiu it i a pioblem.
Tlierc will Iki reprcentalnc of foity-twn
diOeunt Inbfi of Indiana in the Indian con
urexi at tho I'an-Anieilcin epoitlon at Butlalo
neat tuiuuur.
A fawek-ry ,. Jt, i juaj.,.