?KW''lwr r ".v;, , vv- $T- t."'.M.;',. .f -tifci X TttE SOUANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1901. o 'fmiiY-'' ;xx: riui itonmi.v iiAnDWAm: stoke. Sunshine Not Necessary When you have the new Model Laundry Dryer In connection with your ranges. The same heat that does the baklug and cooka tho menlB will dry the clothes and do It as well as tho sunshine. Call and let us explain tho advantages of tho new Model Laundry Dry er. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave :xxxxooooooe The Coat Season Is Here And to arc the children's t'OATP, JACK IIS unrl tir.l'.mttS In all tlie new Mjlcs mid rulnu. Olio Will1 ItccCrrs (nr llic 'I and .1 )cir id'-.. 1 hrer-au.il Irr mid lull I'ntUi l"r I In- I and U jc;ir old girls. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. Ladies' Tailored Suits We Make Kit the Isdy n; the d-.il hcili 111 tl.c bilil. The. n.ikc. Mjli-. Ml, lltn-li and prlii'- ar" nil prrln t. Urn- piin- .-.lork is -now uwaiifni; Juii' ia-pco-tlmi. II- l.id lo fco joii any tinn-. Kins: Miller, Merchant Tailor, 435 SPRUCE STREET. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. oooooxxooooooooo 0 0 0 &m2.afi 0 0 -"- 6 n m o GOSSIP o o ooooooooooooooooo An exooedliiRly IntcreMling iurty was rIvi'H oh Wednesday afternoon liy Mr. mill Mia. V. C. DuueUlee, oC 7;" .lolTi'ivoit avenue, for their daugh ter, Margaret, hi honor of her seventh lilrlhtluy, which was a most enjoyable affair to the many guests liresent. Daueliifr and prames were Indulged in ami a "peanut hunt" at which Helen U'Hrien rarrleit off the prize was one of tin; features provided for the little ones. The dining room was deeorated in red i iil iiiiiuin " and whilu anil scene. "When t I'm' the iltilnl and presented a charming the children were seated lty lunch prepared for them a basket of novelties, tied up with red ribbon, was passed, the emlH of which wen; pulled by each to re ceive the prize. The afternoon passed all too rapidly and It was with n sigh of regret that the little ones bid their hostess good-bye. Miss Margaret was tho recipient of many beautiful gifts. Those present were: Tin! Mi.-ses Katlii'tjn t.'liuion-, Dully Not Hum, Dfula Hr.wlni, M.iisiiut ..'criiijn, K.ithijn Cour. Mil, Until I'.ijiic, Helen ami M.ujciy O'lliiin, Miiipnit sluin. Annette mill M..ricn Kslilcnuii, lSejtike Mi('niiil), I'lawes tliandmv, (nlr lli.', Jieiutliy U'.miU. Helen Mi i".ilcy, r.innic aid I'lluliilli I'nncnurn, IJthcl Woolwmth, I'tounca I'oli mid Margaret iMm-khc- M.ilcrs .loseph C.iiiutoi, WilnKiir ro.tuii, Vanillins Hoar, Uoorgc IMiKmHi, lord LMiIcmari, DonuM Ad-ili' and Wil liam Uilg.ir llmieklie. The umrriugp of W. J, Lewis, Jr., f.on of Hon. YV. .1. Lewis, of North fieraiitoii, to Miss Margaret Williams, of Peckvlile, was solemnized Wednes day evening, tit the home of the bride's parents, by Ttov. Dr. CieorKo 15, Guild, of the J'rovidencu i'rcsbytutlun church. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis will reside la Scranton upon their re.turn troin a wedding tour to Philadelphia and Washington. At tho home of .Mrs. Sidney Ilun Mood on North Main avenue yester day the last of a series of whist games played by the Ladles' Whist club took place. Mrs. Almond Stonier entertained her Sunday school class of I'rovldeuea Methodist Episcopal church Wednes day evening, at her home on Theodore stieet. A very enjoyable evening wan spHt by all present, Those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs, Almond Stonier, Misses Amber Stonier, Carrie Longmore, Gertrude. Newberry, Eva Proudlock, Anna Uhule, Louise Morgan, Helen Chap pell, Holla Cousin. Lucy Duwltt, Mr. William Wright and Charles Uowltt. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Holy Itosary church Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Kathryn Me Tittle was united In marriage to An thony Thornton, of West Market street. Miss Julia Jennings was the brides maid, while the groom's brother acted as best inun. The qtiurtettu marched down the middle aslo of tho church as far as the altar, to tho music played by Miss Thornton and Mlss Katlicr Ine Iteardon, uf South Scranton. At tlte altar they were met by Itev, J. J. O'Toole, who performed tho mar riage ceremony. The bride and the bridesmaid were attired In costumes made of white batiste, trimmed with point lace, and carried beautiful bou quels of rsd roses, After the cere mony the young couple save a recep tion and wedding dinner ut the groom's home, at which many friends were present, It was Incorrcutcly stated In this col. limn yesterday that umiulnsr was ono of the pastimes. Indulged in ut the sue prise party given Wednesday evening by At v. and Mrs, W. It. Case, of North Scranton In honor of their duun. liter. There was no dancing at tho party. PERSONAL, C. 0. Iloland 1 In New Yotk. .tallies Poland, of iv'llkc-ll.ltir. In thU city yesterday. I!. I!. K.iullntan, ol 1'icjcott acnuc. Is trout iflstilni; in Ulltton township. Attorney ilolin I. Murpltj went to New Voilf jeslcnl.iy afternoon on legal Im.hicss l)llrlrt Attorney W, II, Lewis and tirollier, Joseph, wcie tMilnir at Ml. I'oconu .veslctdaj'. John II. William.., private sciretaiy to Con arcuiiiin Conn'.'ll, I. icihIIiik trvr days In fceranleti. At. l. liiiiu, rtt M.idlion avenue, Puninorc. It FpendliiR a few il.ij. at Sihencclady, X. V., with lil I'rntlier, ilio Is very 111. Mies I.Ida We.ner, cl .tellcr'nn avenue, Oreen nblgr. n lelnmed irom HVIilmtlnn, n. C, alter n two inonths' vllt iltli ti lends. It. It. II, Klnljicti, oiiff.ot tlio rleiks at the poMolllrr, lesmncd Ills rlutlc? jeslerday, niter a rrrral ilaj-s' alisenrc on account ol IlineM. .1. C'l.iikc Pronn, leiently employed in tho diaimlitlus dep.ntincnt of tho Rctlilelirtn Steel Morks at south tlelldehein, l a Ruit at the In tim or hU liiotlierdii-la-, .!. A. Mellon, on Niitth .Main aiinue. He will 1euvo on Monday for I'lttMiurir. wine lie l to become ajslilant chief diain;lit-in.iii for the American Hlecl and Wire lonipanj BIG CONTRACT AWARDED. Grading' Work of the New Trolley Rontl Between Here nnd Plttston to Be Done by Paterson Man. The contract for the grading, truck laying iind masonry of tho Lacka wanna and Wyoming Valley Rppltt Transit company's Pnc, between here iirJn plttston. wits awarded yesterday to John It. Leo, of Paterson, N. .1. The cotnract price Is not made public. Tlie contract calls for the completion of tho grading wont by August I?. Mr. Lie said yesterday that he will put J.tiOO men mi the jub next Tuesday. There are tSO.000 yards of earth and 110,000 yards of rock to be cut. Tho work will be started at Mooslc where the heaviest cuts arc to be made. Mr. Lcc uropuoses to sub-lot considerable of the grading work. Within a month from the thna the grading is finished the tracklaylng and ballasting is to be completed. The electricians, bridge builders and equip ment manufacturers are already at work and If present plans do not mis carry the road will be In operation be fore the snow files. The surveys of the division between Wllkes-Barre and Plttston are about completed. President Houghton satd yesterday that this division will bo ready for operation at the same time as the stretch between hero and XJitts ton. Word was received yesterday from North Carolina that the 1,000 car loads of tics and 400 car loads of poles which have been contracted for arc ready for shipment. An Inspector is to be sent thither immediately to sec to their shipment. Mr. Lee who will do the grading work built a section of the Delaware, Lack awannaand Western road at Dansville, sections of Baltimore and Ohio at Havre do Grace and Chester, and por tions of the Illinois Central and the Chicago, Madison and Northern. He will have his headquarters in tho of llces of the Transit Contract company, on the tlfth floor of the Connell build ing. VERY P00RB0WLING. Elk Team Takes Two of Three Poorly Contested Games from the Black Diamonds. The 151k bowlers last night took two out of three games from Captain Frank Beavers and his Black Diamonds, as a consequence of which tho latter team falls below the, West Enders, No. 2, with whom they were tied, and the Elks increase their percentage by al most fifty pins. The league now stands as follows: Wen. l-o-t. Il. Ilicjele i lull l'i P.icku ilub 10 10 S ..Vii !l ! ,&o n i,i- .tr.q Vi is .lit S 1!) .'."I') Wist nnd Wheelmen .... Wist Knd No. J ISl.iik Diamond? lllks The match was rolled on the Bicycle club alleys, and was devoid of any btartling features. The bowling was exceptionally poor, the Elk's totals be ing but 2,222, while the home team only rolled 2.161. Filley had high score, 180, and Charles B.iehl's average was the top-notcher. One hundred and sixty were the figures which put him at the head of the lad der. Smith Gorman led his team. The ex-Backus bowler had a high score of 177 and an average of lor, 1-3. The scores follow: Total.-. IIL-ACK DIAMONDS. f.i'lliun 177 12-1 Ml loG iwjs , 115 uu i i res Wittlliii; 131 II". Til 131 Mnyer lit uu Hi :.! UtMvri.s iui !:; l'ji -;:, 770 70.i oS 3II r.i.us. Wikhil 1ft-, lii'i ISO tvi rilley 117 I.V) uu it, ll.lihm l.7 130 Mi -tl'l Iiuidiw,- i;i7 uu i-jii I?, ltlclil 1.5 HI-.' 170 IfO The Century Cub Wheelmen will ar rive bore todnv. a. nnrtv nt nhntit nnn dozen, who will be tho guests of thu Hlcycie ciuti. The team which will meet tho club team tonight will con sist Of llr. W. H. Moni-iv ranlnlii' Juck George, the famous long-distance cyclist: ,iocK ruiriey, a. b. Ehst and uert uuiger.or. Tins tram does not, however, represent the maximum bowling strength of the organization, three members of the regular team be. lug unable to bowl. Dr. Warden, Moore, Dutlleld, Mitchell and Uoper will roll against them. Tomorrow morning and afternoon tho visitors will be entertained by the local wheel men, nnd tomorrow night they will journey to AVilkes-Barre and thero meet the Weit Eudeis. Ask for Kelly's union crackers. WEATHER YESTERDAY, Local data ("V April Highest temperature , lo.vcft teiiipiiaUue , Uclatlvi! Humidity; 1001 i .37 degrcei 10 dcgren S a. in S7 per cent, ti p. I' .-. S2 r ' I'icclpitatioii, "I hours cuded S p. m., 0.20 iui'li. Weather ahonri. DIED. llOI.LISTKlt.At llollkttnillc. Wan count, l'a.t April 2J, 1001, Willlaan A. Ullittr, I(t4 71 j ear, lunnal will n uMvmcrt ItUr. Wilkes-llarrc papen pleate copy. STRIKE STILL HOLDS FAST SAUQUOIT GIRLS PAIL TO AC CEPT OPERATORS' OFFER. Although Hard Silk Workers Wed nesday Voted In Favor of Return ing1 to Work on Terms Offered by Superintendent Davis tho Members of the Soft Silk Department Yes terday Balloted Against Accepting the Proposal Beforo Warpers' De mands for Increase Is Ginntcd, The settlement of the silk mill sltike, which seemed so imminent after Wed nesday's meeting of the hard silk em ployes oC the Sauqttolt mill, at. which tho girls decided by an overwhelming vote to return to work, has been post-poncd-!t may be a day or It may be lndeilnltcly. Tho employes of the soft silk depart ment met yesterday afternoon, and after a long and stormy session voted gainst any resumption of work until the demands of the warpers are com plied with. The latter at the eleventh hour In no uncertain tones slgnllled that they must have an Increase In wages, and there comes the hitch. About three hundred girls were pres ent yesterday afternoon, when the meeting was called to order. "Mother" Mary Jones, M. D. Flaherty and others, who have been prominent throughout the strike, wore rented near the presi dent, and soon after the opening of tho session "Mother" Jones delivered an address, in which she advised the ac ceptance of the very fair offer made by the Sauquolt president. TERMS ANNOUNCED. The terms were announced to the girls nnd the general consensus of opinion wus that the one-halt cent per yard increase was a liberal one. Hut then arose tho question of the warpers, forty-live in number, for whom the operators' proposal In cluded nothing in the way of an in crease. During the past few days noth ing has been said, however, which would lend to the supposition that they demanded any advance, as their only grievance was declared to be the de sire for reinstatement of Miss Eliza beth Roach, the forewoman, reduced to the ranks for going on strike with the girls. They met, however, during the week nt tho home of ono of their number, and decided that while they will modify their original demands, still they must have an increase of one-quarter cent per hundred ends. 'They formerly asked one-half cent. At the meeting yester day they declared themselves satisfied with the disposition of their other grievance, as Superintendent Davis lias pledged himself to give Miss Roach the first vacant forcwomanship. The matter of wages Is therefore the sole obstacle remaining between the strikers and a settlementT The mill owners have stated throughout that this branch of the silk mill workers Is the best paid, and that no advnncn could possibly bo granted Its members. A committee was appointed yesterday. to wait upon Superintendent Davis and report at next Thursday's meeting. K the result of their interview is an en couraging one, however, a special meet ing is likely to be called. THEY WILL WAIT. It Is not likely that any action will be taken by the strikers of the other mills, regarding a renewal of work, as it Is the union's purpose to call the strike off on some fixed date, and for all the strikers to resume their tasks on that day. A special meeting of the Sauauoit hard silk workers will take place today, and this afternoon the Harvey girls will meet. What action will be taken by the lat ter it is hard to say, but it is not likely that any decisive move will be made by them or any of the other girls until the Sauquolt local has decided on its course of action. Among the hitter's members there was a most spirited de bate yesterday afternoon, as numerous girls wished to accept the offer, despite the warpers. The vote taken was not given out, but It is understood that It was not a very heavy one, as many of the girls refused to cast a ballot, owing to their undecided condition. The Taylor local will meet tomorrow afternoon, and "Mother" Jones will at tend the session and endeavor to bring about an amicable condition of affairs between the Mulherin local nnd their employers. A prominent member of the Klotx local last night said that the action taken by the members of the Sauquolt soft silk department would have no effect upon the decisions of the other strikers. Said she: "In my opinion, our girls will decide Sunday to resume work. The greater part of the girls ut all the mills are now witling to accept the owners' offer and the fact that this does not include the warpers, who represent but a tiny fraction of the striking forces, is not considered by any means a sufficient cause to keep the hulk of girls out on strike. "However, wo all anticipate a settle ment of the Sauquolt soft silk workers' grievances also and It Is likely that work will be resumed simultaneously at all the mills some day next week." At a meeting of the Central Labor union, of Wllkes-Barre, held last night, Attorney F, J. Strauss, representing the silk firm of Hess & Goldsmith, whose '100 hands have been out on strike for some time, .appeared and a&ked that steps bo taken toward a settlement. The matter was referred to a special committee, with power to net. Tho employes of the Simpson mill, at Mlnooka, returned to work yesterday moiuing. Jones Long's Sons wish to call at tention to an error made )n tho even ing papers of yesterday, whereby in the 2 o'clock hpurly sale, articles in the China Department were quoted at 10 cents, instead of 15 cents. Our New Stock Wall Papers, the handsomest styles for the price we have ever handled. See them. Nortons, Wyo. Ave., next Dime Bank. Say, cabby, where Is there a com plete sporting goods stoic? Why, at 211 ' Washington avenue. Flopey & Brooks, of course. The Klng'a Daughter, of Elm Park church will hold an apron and cake social at the church tomorrow after noon and evening. Cameras and Kodaks? Brookii, of course. Klotey & at Smoke the new Kleon cigar. 3c. CUBAN TEACHERS' VISIT STABTS HEALTH REVIVAL Paine's Celery Cempound Doing Won derful Work The visit of hundreds of bright Cu ban teachers to the United States last summer has caused a tremendous health-revival In Havana and San tiago. The American idea, "A. sound mind in a sound body." is one of the first lesons Cuba and Porto Jllco are learn ing. But they arc learning' fnst. Whatever distrust Cubans may have of American politicians, they have confidence in America's greatest rem edy, Paine's celery compound. It has opened the eyes of the people of Havana and Santiago to tho possi bilities of good health in a way their crude remedies had never let them Imagine. Paine's celery compound Is doing a tremendous missionary work this spring among tho sick, not only throughout the United States, but wherever the American Inlluence is felt. The best families in Santiago are taking Paine's celery compound. The common people are looking after their health ari never before. American phy sicians in Havana, are ordering tho great spring remedy. Its health-giving effect on friends and relatives who first tried Paine's celery compound In the United States has encouraged THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY. Celebration of Veterans of the Spanish-American War Veterans. General .1. P. S. Gobln command. No, 41, Spanish-American Avar Veterans, met last night at Itaub's hall and cele brated the organization's first anni versary, A large number of members and friends were present and thor oughly enjoyed the excellent pro gramme rendered and the tasty lunch which followed. The hall was handsomely decorated with large American and Cuban flags and the members of the command in their campaign uniforms, added to tho general martial atmosphere. Presi dent , Del A'oorhees oppned the meet ing with a brief address, In which hn told of the growth of the command nnd letters of regret at not being able to be present were then read from General J. P. S. Gobln. Colonel H. A. Coarsen, Colonel F. L. Hitchcock. Hon. AVIlllam Connell and Henry Harding, of Tunkhnmioeli. "My Country. 'TIs of Thee," iwas then sung In chorus by all present, and following tills the William Cou ncil Glee club sang. During tho night this aggregation of talented vocalists were several time. heard, rendering "Peace to tho Souls of Our Hoioes," Becker's march, "Comrades in Aims," nnd "Kathleen Mavoarneon." Excellent addresses weic- made by Attorney J. Elliott Ross, who spoka on "Patriotism," Police Magistrate John T, Howo, who, in his accustomed happy vein, spoke of "The Old Sol dier," and Attorney Richard J. llourke. whoso theme was "The Young Sol fl Smart Redaction In the Pric? of . , . lmJE&? Neckwear The rainy week previous to Easter injured our Meek wear-business. We've gone through our stock of Neckwear anything we could pick a quarrel with we knocked a big piece off the price, For Friday and Saturday Only Some Are Reduced a Third, Others a Half or Wore 35c Each 3 'or $1.00, Hultorllys Batwing Ties Imper ials and Ahfots, in a vailed assort ment of silks and colors. A big line of tho popular Derby l''our-ln-Hands, In neat colors some plaids and plain colors, all of the r-Q-cent sort. 35c. "On the Square1 Hmong Sick. thousands of despondent, hopeless suf ferers nt home to use It. Tho result In all these cases has been (the direct cause of the health-revival that Is now arousing such tremendous en thusiasm. That Santiago seconds Havana's en dorsement of Paine's celery compound is shown by the following letter from Mrs. Bellen Guerra: Sanliiiso, Cuba, Jan., 1001. Wi-IU. Itiili.iiiNmi Co.: Hear Mi ft 1 have had the xmt in iny tlngeifl and hand-'. My limits wi-ic licinniiljcd nnd I could luuilly stand. I vit t -uvi-r.il plijlcians. A druppt?t ndvi-jpd me lo u-o Paine's celery com pound. I lieitun at onc to set better, and today I nm pein-ctly well. Xal'iially I have Rieat faith in I'aiii"' cclerv lumpound. Veiy liuly ,AiiK. MUS. HKM5N lil'KitltA. Every ono in this springtime needs to purify the blood and regulate the nerves. Carry home today not by and by a hottlo of Paine's celery compound. Cure nervousness, neural gia and rheumatism this spring. You can now put your health on a sound basis by means of Paine's celery com pound. Such evidences of an unhealthy con dition as those constant headaches, melancholy, dyspepsia or constipation rapidly disappear under the cleansing regulating action of Paine's celery compound. dier.'' Clerk or tho Court T. P. Dan iels gave a number of phonographic selections. Lunch was served by Comrade Hir llnger. after the entertainment, and then came a thoroughly companion able, social camp-fire, Tho committee in charge of the affair consisted of: Del A'orhces, Harry Coursen. jr., E. It. Connolly, J, W. Benjamin and Charles Thomas. i Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Wai-ar llioivaniy ,. (iiMhla (iy.".c-.l;a . . John KouolM; Mai, Dnliiiiict.-k.i . Hairy A. I'ieuo .. fiiaop i:. ltoso Joe Kowovki Annie Spasm- licovaiud ViUiiti .. Itusliu Apiridl.'. ... Oiby shafi'i- MaifMiot Wel-ili ... Mike I'llra Vrion.1 (iiuvliins ... .I.hu Mmhlik Veinnlll.i M.i izl.o .. Many Makal.i Annie Ilia) Old l-niKC I Hd I'l'l CO ::ilO Caitleld iiiimiu illlli liailleld iivcuuo Sri ,i nl Oil 72U olive stieet Ulyplunt ." niakcly Old Poise Old IViKo 31:: Kloiiu Mint 107 lllvcr i-licct lain Scianliiit Mrcct ... ;::!() south Wailnulnu aw, Old I'oiBe Old rorjjB Ici-tup Il's-tip Who furnished the Alert and Oriole. Base Ball teams with those pretty uni forms'.' Why. Florey & Brooks, of course. Regina Music Boxes and Tune Sheets A full line. Cash or time. L. 11. Powell & Co , exclusive agents, 0M Blank Books and Stationery, Norton, Wyo, Ave., next Dime Bank, . A saving on Neckwear leaves something for other things. There's nothing better In spring Neckwear than these narrow Four-in-IIands of the one dollar sort no better stylo no better patterns. 75c. $1.50 and $2 Neckwear. $i.t)o HAND & PAYNE HIGH ART- Aud excellent quality is shown in our BEER, tf ever the conventional Phrase, "Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated" was ever properly em ployed in advertising, this is the occasion CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. N Try the New 5c. Cigar "Kleon." Guaranteed long Havana filler. Ask for Kelly's union crackers. Delicious Lunch Served Free of Charge at Our Store We invite you to come and see the delicious Waffles. Saratoga Chips, Doughnuts, Fried Oysters, Layer Cake and Tea Biscuits that we are baking all day long, demon strating the fine qualities of Cottoleue. Do Not Miss Com ing to the Store Clarke Bros --- Louis Arthur Watresi President "" Orlando S. Johnson, Vico Pre.t. "" Arthur II. Christy, Cashier Court House Square, SCRANTON, PA. Interest Paid on Savings Accounls Al'TIIOHIX.UD by iU Cli.ii'ter to accept all inJiiniT of 'Ilil-H; In sit ;is lli'irlvrr, 'IVii-lcc, (iuaiili.ni, .Vlmlui-lu. (nr or l!.rmtor. Till! V.U'I.TS of llils lUiik .UK protect nl liy tlie llnlmfi Klrclilc Alaim S.VkIi'III. l)IKI:CTOKS L. A. Watrcs, O, s. Jolinion Wm. F. HalLsttad 1!, I. KlnR.il.ury Everett Warren All?. Kobin.ion Joseph U'Urlen " A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. X Capital, $100,000 Surplus, $100,000 I UlYSIIIHi : ; ffi TRUST COf If 1 1 so6 SPKUCR STRGHT. I - HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT WE HAVE IN Odd Boxes of Stationery? At prices that will surely interest you. The above may be seen iu our displayswindow. , , REYNOLDS BROS. ?&& The Automobile Cap Will be the proper thing fot stylo nnd comfort this season. We are showing two shades, gray nnd blue. Ask to eo them nt 305 Lackawanna Avenue A Rich Find ii ai explosion tli.it U often licaid here h"i our rtiKtoincr sees our lurgi? stock nt Shirts, Uu doiuvar nnd Hosiery. We arc always on the elut (or tlie ro.il tliinp. The price Indicates what f woitli to us only. You'll find it worth much moie to joii. Conic, and see them. 412 SPRUCE STREET. Tiy oui .special 10o, collars; all shapes. SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett I 325-32T Penn Avenue, A Good Honest Value Tlil rucker, exJitly like cut, caned arm.s ami t-liltidle-., iiou lod brucci and support, Roldeii oak, heavy constiuttlon, (.hapcil 6c.it. 'ot for sixty minutes, but all day. ?),Tj value, CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! TH 0W0BI r; gm 321-228-335-237 WYOMING AVENUE. and mlEdLim Clover Ml m nK 1 1 HPPPt lllll I C-'' n 1111 'H "T II 1111 II w ll llli II "; i Sltr "V i?- KJSn.iOiAr- f .-. t iw.