Ilypp7vjn w V3V,A mw - THE SCRANTOX TiUBUNE-THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1001. .... kbaoaIntiiiB appraisement. WelBfttt, R, 21 Lackawanni, YfTUlimft John V., 215 Lackawtrmii, retail. , Wel-berger, Frank, retail. Wormier, P. V 22' cnn, retail. Weld, M., HO Penn, retail. Williams MeAnully, 120 Wyoming, MUM. Williim McAnulty, 129 Wjomlnit, whole.!?. Will. Albert, Spruce mt Washington, retail. .William, J. D. Bros., 0U Lackawanna, whole. WenU ft Buffy, 42 Lackawanna, wholes-... Win La Lcnu store, 219 Spruce, retail. Wonnser, Charles P., al Lackawanna, null, Williams, b'amucl, 221 Spruce, wholesale, Ecla-ler, K. L. P., 123 Franklin, retail, 'edgier, Peter, JM franklin, retail. Zenkc, Albert, 21.1 Pcnn, retail. .. Zeldlcr, Maggie, 210 Franklin, retail. Ninth Ward. Rentele, A. k Sons, C13 Lackawanna, retail. Hone, U. L., 321 Mams, retail. IMwer, J. It., 609 Lackawanna, retail. matter, John, 607 Lackawanan, 2 bowling alleys. Caiutan, S., XM Adams, retail. Chittenden, C. L, Mil Lackawanna, drugs. Conway, P. ,T., 708 North Wmhlnglon, retail. Corcoran k Co., C21 Lackawanna, retail. Conrad, W. CI., ail) Adams, retail. Tlcwcy, J. M., Mil Linden, retail. I'.lke, N. M., 217 Adams, retail. l.vcrelt Bros., 002 Adams, retail. Poolo .V Fuller, 110 North Washington, retail. Koote fc Puller, lin North Washington, wholesale. I'oolo llcckcr, 617 Ltckawann.i, retail. l''oulkc, Kam G3D Linden, retail. l'rlcdlander & Co., 610 Spruce, retail. l'rnntz, William, 210 Washington, retail. Carney, llrnvvn & Co., 617 Linden, wholesale. C-tioriwcy, J. W., SH N. Washington, retail. las .ippllance Co., 120 X. Washington, retail. Carney, II r own k Co.. 617 Linden, rcUll. Cicgo, Carmine, Washington and Linden, rcl.ill. Cuern-oy Bros., Ill N. Washington, retail. ,llcldmocr, Krncst, 118 Olbson, retail. Ilackctt, W. T 1'rlco nidg.. real estate. Imperial Htalti. Paint and Filler Co., oil Lin den, holcsatc. .Tones, S., 110 N. Washington, retail. .Iiinckc. CJeorge, 021 Linden, retail. Koch, William, Jr., 601 Lackawanna, retail. Lanng's Globe, Hotel, 220 Wyoming, retail. Lconaid, Thomas 1'.. 605 Lacknuanna, retail. Lackawanna Dairy Co., 32.1 Adams, wholesale. Lewis It. 1'., C'.'l Lirkawanna, retail. I.ron.iK), Thos. F.. OS Liickawaniia. wholesale. Lniruz ,fc Koempel, 601 Lackawanna, drugs. Mill hell, Ira, 1120 X. Wahlngton, retail. Mcgirger- Urns.. l.'iO X. W.u.hlngton, retail. M.irherger, It. I.., 615 Lackawanna, retail. Marvin k Mulr, 118 X. Washington, retail. Mikhacllati tiros. k Co., l'-'l Washington, retail. I'lchel, (.'., (ViO Adams ictail. I'ieiiT, II. A.. 702 Adams, ict.tll. Ilchrig ,t Peek, CK1 Linden, retail. KeiMiiaun Bios., 61V) Linden, retell. Rail her, K. C, 210 Adams, retail. Ilim-p. S., Sl.'t I'lne, retail. Itnbcils . 61S Clbson, retail. Mniicll, . A.. !- Linden. Moil-, A. M., .Til Adams. fchoop ,V. P.. Moars Hide., retail. Stall, O. P. k Co., 132 X. Washington, whole, silo. lulled Slate T.vpevvritinrr Co., 6:51 Spiuce, re tail. William!, ,1. I). .V llio., X. Wellington, ie tall. Ivaltispinpcr, P., 010 Linden, ictail. Kuifluth, .1. v.., 617 Lackawanna, lr.d estate. Tenth Werd. Amendt, Vi1 W., IKIG nidge, letail. Dolnictsck, Otto, 073 Crow, retail. Doliieln, Vinient, OSli Paul, retail. (.ramie. Vito. 210.) Ash, retail. Clcisin.inn, William, 810 Prokcott. retail. llllgiit. C W.. 0S7 Prcscott, retail. - 1J.".. Joseph, 1001 Cross, retail. Kuorprel. W. II., 1017 X. Irving, dri ' K.iln In .V Magili, lit retail. Long, .lohii. 1 US Ash, retail. Miller, Willi mi, 10c Itidge, retail. ii-ok, Chailcs 10J ! Cms.-,, retail. Mcchlci, C, till Ah. letail. Nay Aug ,iinl)er Co., Traders' Dank Bldg., re tail. ficliardo. Mike, 2.VH Ash, letail. opiiii, Joseph. i"JO AMi, letnil. IVIrilln, I rink. 2617 Ash, letail. I'ilmlo. .iDiiii, 10.J .sh, retail. - i.ccliiiallo, .Mike. 810 Presrott, letail. Shultz llros., 1514 Ash, retail. i-trnuli in, Rath. 1101 Ash, tetall. 'Iliraucr, llernard, iOO Ash, retail. Meurel, K. A., Oj. I'rcseott, Weipkupli, r.ugcne, 10JO Ash, irt.ul. ehing, II. !.. Jf")7 John, retail. i:ienth Wanl. iniliiii-l i llonmeistei, :ti) Cedar, retail. inihiusl. llinrj. x27 ledar, retail, itriir, diin, ."Hi . ittstuu, letail. Iliiil. .I.iiiks, lit Cedar, retail. llniLhei.s, I'lanu It., 71:1 Ceuar, retail. i.iirges, John II., S12 Ciuar, retail. Roinner, l'red, Willow, retail, lie-l, James, 311 Culir. letail.' Iiurrrlt, Maij. !10 .. ,,ishington. letail. ("laiko llios., 5':o Pittston, retail. I'.ngle. (ieorge, 411 Aldei, retail. rUh Hro--., r.l Cedar, retail. Frnutz, Andieu. 8J1 Codar, letail, Foley, M. J., 308 Codar, retail. Cant, NIiIhiIjs 1121 S. Washington, irtail. (icigii. ,l.i(.nli, Sr,, 1,21 Cedir, letail. OsHindt. L. W., (I2H l'itllou, icliil. Cirussnun, Jamli. 3t'J Cedar, retail, (tiilheiii. Weiser ,t Kuver, 3 IS Cedar, retail. Oral. Philip, 601 ( edit-, letail. 11.irtm.iti. Jacob, llft'i S. Washington, retail. Ileen ,V Nin.s. 400 Cedir, letail. Haberstroh, L., 610 Cedar, letail. Ileuter, C'hailes, Cedir, irt.ul,, Jaeoli, SOI Cedar, letail. Jnli. Strp., 11112 S. Wiisliinjitoti, letail. Klein, William ( ., 10-JI 1'ilMon, n-Uil Kmuirkcr, Willmn, ot., 7'l Pitlstmi, retail. Kaeslnrv, tlinlrs, rdri Cedir, retail. Klit, 1'h.irles, l If il Cnlir, lelail. KucliiKT, Potei, Pittston, ictail. Kiut, Katie, ID1S . Wa-hlngtmi, lelail. Kiaier, haihs, 1 I0J Pittston. letail. Lath, Aiithmi), Ml;' Ctilir, ulall. Linn Mr-. II. , his Cedar, ictail, Miller. -Mr-. Ilavld. 300 Moil. Klin, lelail. Martin. I'. W 722 Pittston, letail. Mark, .1. , !KI Pittston. retail. Mitlie, It. & Co., Ml", ledir, lelail. Ullhr. lliaili's, ioi. ot Dm and S Wa.-liington, retail. Mrgiigrl. I ., 032, ret ill. Mill, I liailes, 416 t edar, letail. Mclonnell. W . A., 0O i-. W.isliiiislnu, irl.iil. Xeuls, ( li nliis. 113 fedir, liole.,ali.. Oldakniskie, Mrs. .,., fljil .-. Washington, ictail. l'owerf. Mis L. i llr Cedar, letail. Phillips, Jnliii, .117 Ciilai, retail. Uiiniottk, 11121 S. Wasliington, lelail. rtosar, Piter, 720 t'edai. lelail. nosen, (ieoicp, iffl t'cilar, letail. lt"-e, t hailos, Mild, ictail. Itehel, l'i ink, lil.l Cedar, letail. .Mme.s, lleni.v, 1WI" Cidar, letail. Slunk. Chaile.-, 3"i0 Hiiih, ictail. Siliueider Itrn-s., mil Cedai, retail. Mem, Milium, HI", Cedu, ictail. Storr, (lirfelliu. ttl.'i Cedir. retail. Mnlth, W. I.1., inirt S. Washington, niall. Mhull, Jamil, 1J32 Cedar, retail. Haft, llarrj. 531 Cedar, letail. Mhlmpll. August, fill Cedar, ictail. .ihol, Pedr, 710 Pitlatim, letail. Suualia, Jiepn, ltusl Pittitnn, ictail, 'lerppe, T. I,., 72:1 Cedar, retail. Vimlni'-I.ll'i, Joseph, 1.12 Pittston. lei ill. Wetter, llenr.i, 101 Cedar, ictiil. ang, P., est., M)2 Plllslon. retail. Zeiglrr ,t S-diuui iker. 601 Odai, retail. ZiiikuAl, Jiveph, 102!) h. Washington, id.iil. Twelfth Waril. Frahle, W, K Nilis, 226 Moue, ictail. Hope, 'Ihomas A, 312 Pio-pcit, lelail, llaici", .Mis. Jail, 211 Mime, letail, Mihiti, John T retail. Xealoii, W. .1., .m Piospeit, ictail, .Vraloii, MUhael, P2U Mime, null, 'llurlreiitli Waul, llonuir, inoil liukboii, ictail. Cole, II, M., II'. Capouse, i el all. t-uiMU, I', li.ii tapoiiM, lelail. Ii.nls, ltcrt.ui I:., 1627 1,'uvj, n 1 1 It. (Irecii Itldgo i.iuulicr Co., 5i tlucu, iel.ul. (Jreen lllrlgp Mnio tV., 1 10 Cip,ni.,c, irla I, llsngl, Jo-eph, i.(Vi IlMl,s,)n, ril.ill iiauaid, I', C agt,, i,u III, kmu, retail. Ilendeison. Mr. M,, Mill Alliright, ictail. Hughes, 'llitiua II,, IV,'J Dnksuu, iciail. Jordan, Thomas II., i -i Cupoiisc, retail. Junes, Chaile II.. 1)67 Diikson, ictail. JacUwin'a lieiieral Maikcl, Itri Capouse, ictail. Johns, P. J 020 liiciii llldgc, retail, Jacobs, C, S., I'l'i DiikMiii, irtail, Krnimatkir, llhhiid, iMi llli k.sun, retail, Kcrhiie, llcnrj, H72 N. Wasliington, ictail, Kelli, .luiiii. , I3'r2 X, Washington, retail, I,i'd, tieuige ., 6KI Mallnii, irtail. Lortnz, C, Uushinglnii and Marion, irtail, MelloiiiKll, M J,, 1122 X. Washington, ictail, Mihnlroii, C. A., , 'W hlmk Capouse, ictail, ll'llaw, M. K, IWS X. Washington, ictail, H'Doiiiicll. M, X 1122 Alhrishl, irtail. Paragon Plaslci ami hupply d,,, 621 lluvii llldr, irtail, Pctrtou, J. M,, 3U ,S. W.i.lilmilou, retail. IVrrj", William, ay Aug ami w,, ictail. Pratt, 11. K l.Vi.1 )hk.sou, retail. Itosenliety. !., 16-is Diikson, rrlall. Itohert, Williaui, l.iifl ('aiou', irtail. banderon Oil Co., Ui Caputisc, retail, hirauton Hairy Co., luiih and Moiucy, retail. cciliriiiiaM, iieiii., iir, j,ailll, retail, fcpencer, t-usan, 531 llrccii llidgc, irtail. Stciens, P. (I., 1116 Canoiisc, ictail. ' block, (i. It., agt, 1166 IlkUon, lelail. hihelemiug, W, II., 1127 Capouse. The I). & II. Co. 'llio I), fi II. Co. 'I he I), k II. Co.. Maiullle mlnr.. I Metier, William., Marlon utreet, intg. ,c, inn iiaiu. 'Ihe Cudahy Parking Co.. vihole.ilc. 'Jlifr T. II. Wa.. C., 722 W, Laikmanna. nholeisile. IWrnzel Un., 712 W, Lackauunua, retail. uencli, IScoigc, to.1'2 W. I.ackauanna, ictail., a. i, a vo., ivi n. Uiuawjnna. wtiolesalc. hVolo. Joe. 134 X. Main, retail. ISntliony, R. I)., X. Main, ictail. srniour i- io., im r.igiiin, hoictjic. Brunlng. W. t'. Jr.. 220 N. Main, iciail. Ik noi c, John, 710 tKiauton, ictail. Illume, Mi., 22S X. Main; retail. MERCAHTILE APPRAISEMENT. Brown, Domini, W, Lackawanna and Main, rt tall. Boyet, P. It,, 714 W, Lackawanna, retail. Ilohl, George F 020 W. Lackawanna, retail. Bennett, Ira. & Co., S10 Lackawanna, retail. Brown, Fork ft: Co., 700 Lackawanna, retail. Calibrate, A. M,, 127 Chestnut, retail. Connor, Harry, 141 Robinson, retail, Connor, Louis, H21 N. Main, retail. Oosgrove, .nomas, 160 N. Main, retail. Connor, D. A., 149 Robinson, retail. Crystal Dairy co., 1020 Price, retail. Clarke Bros., 40.1 N. Main, retail. Covlnd, Pake, nil Robinson, retail. Cummlngs, J. F tiiO W. Lackawanna, retail. Uoyle, .lames B. A Co., 142 N. Main, retail. lleckelnlck, C. C. 230 N. Maltf, retail. Kvans, John, 130 N, Main, retail. , Parr'g West KlUo Svpply Store, 1024 W. Lacka wanna, retail. Prans, Myron ft Co., X, Main, retail. Franehl, (1., 103 V. Lackawanna, retail. Fuller, M. It. & Co., 201 N. Main, retail. Ollroy, P. It., 629 Pleasant, retail. Oelgle, John. 618 W. Lackawanna, retail. fllbney, P.. If., 414 N. Main, retail, llartman, Philip, 7H W. Lackawanna, retail. lloltham, Thomas, 012 W. Lackawanna, retail. Holly, T. II., 1004 W. Lackawanna, retail, Johns. W. E. 1021 N. Main, retail. Joseph, Abraham, 124 Jtoblnson, ictail. Johns, ,t. P., 10t llobinson, retail. Joyce, William P.. 718 W. Iockawanna. retail. Jordan, Pat, 02(1 W. Lackawanna, retail. Jones, Thomas II., 144 N. Main, retail. Jones, H. ft. & On., 2.14 N. Main, retail. Janes, George, 102J Jackson, retail. eller, Luther. 813 W. Lackawanna, wholesale. Karpus, George, 210 X. Main, retail. Koons li Barnes, 222 .. Main, retail. I.onergan, P., 110 Chcslmit, retail. Lupto, Peter, 828 W. lackawunna, lelail. Loilus, John J 1108 M'. Lackawanna, retail, ...ears, H. C 208 X. Main, retail. .uount Pleasant Coal Co., retail. Malolt, Frank, 710 W. laickawanna. retail. .McCormlok, James, Chestnut mid M, Lackawan na, retail. Milkmaid, J. J Pcranton, retail. Xneglc & Teal, If, Poekash Place, wholesale. Mcdlaughlin, P, J., .Ninth and Lackawanna, re tail. Miller, P., tlrt X. Main, retail. Aiullen, Thomas P.. 1U30 W. Lackawanna, retail. Porter, Sam .1., WW W. Lackawanna. Penn Store Co., Ltd., retail. , Pass. William, 102.1 Lackawanna, retail. Piind. Xiilk, 131 Robinson, retail. Pfelrler, J. T., SOS X. Main, retail. Plialeii, II. .1., 100-2 W. Lackawanna. Heddington, John., 7,11 W. Lackawanni, retail. ltd hards k Co.. 2 X. Ninth, ictail. Rosi, Pelrr. 022 W. unckawanna. retail. .vhwnrr'chlld t Sulzberger, 10 Dockash Place, wholisalc. Saxe, Martha, 140 X. Main, retail. Seianton Ice Co., W. Linden, letail. Stlui-ter's Cash Stoic, MS W. Lackawanna, re tall. sihncll, Philip, 020 W. Lackawanna, retail. htettcr, William, 1181 X. Main, retell. Strong's Auction llou-e, 701 M". Lackawanna, retail. Strantnn Milling Co., Ill Eighth, wholesale. fsofla, II. 1)., 1010 Jackson, ictail. Stinscco, Charles 12S Ninth, ictail'. Seville, X". Main, retail. Saille, Iviah, 101S W". Lackawanna, ictail. Fitteenth Ward. Asliingcr, August, 539 Hampton, retail. Bnrschcll, 824 Hampton, retail. Colan. D., 601 S. Main, retail. U., L. 4: Iv. R. 11. Co., Hyde I'aifc. letail. Kmmerschide, M., 725 Hampton, , retail, l.'vans I). I). & Co., 607 S. Main, retail. Puns. Kdmund I.., 130"i Luzerne, retail, roster. L. & Co.. 612 Hampton, retail, itardies, Toui, 401 S. Main, retail, (iemge, Mis. Fred, 701 Hampton, retail. Jones, David M., 612 S. Main, letail. Louis, Lucctta, 007 Hampton, ictail. Mason, T. fellows, 401 S. Main, retail. McXamara, P. P., 813 I'.vnon, retail. Xauman, John, 814 Hampton, retail. Xiehols, M. V., 1002 Hampton, letail. Reese, David, 600 S. Main, retail, lteichort, demons. 501 S. Main, meat inaikct. Sihuhert, Ilcnrv, 120 S. Ninth, retail. Williams & Co., 702 S. Main, retail. Wjziik, t lucent, 1510 Luzerne, ictail. Wagner, John, Jr., 607 Hampton, retail. Sixteenth Ward. Allen. W. 11., tiOl X. Washington, retail. Iti noli, Fred, 243 Penn, retail. Illoom, Morris. 312 Pcnn, ictail. Rn-ck, Hunt T., Penn and Linden, ictail, Hiandywine, J., 332 Penn, retail. Biennau, M. J 'i'a Pcnn, retail. Iluias. 1'iauk, 130 Pcnn, retail. Carroll rt Co., Ill Linden, retail. Claik, J. M. .t Co.. 32ti Pcnn, ictail. Chlrago Clothing Co., 11.1 Pcnn. ictail. Cjllahan. James J., 431 Penn, retail. Cohen, 1., .".o Penn, irtail. Dounc, James, :!.., Penn, retail. Dinner, Knns, t!37 Penn, retail. Degulm, Dominick, 411 Pcnn. retail. Ppstciu, S., 333 Pcnn, rrlall. lhnpire Dry Goods Co., 33') Pcnn, wholesale. Could, A. It. k Sons 415 Linden, ictail. Talk, O. L., 301 Penn, retail. Farnhnlt, J. T., 321 Penn. retail, 'linkelstcin, II., 301 Fianklin, rcUiL (iaidclli, 1,., 101 Pcnn, ictail. iuisr fc Forsyth, 325 Pcnn, letail. Coldciiflager, W.. til Pcnn, ictail. Pcnn Stoic Co., Ltd., 502 I enn, ictail Rubcnii, X.. 410 Rajinond, retail. Itiiseiilnirg llros 0 Penn, poul tahloj. Riley, M, P., 32.1 Pi on, ictail. , "-w.utz, Aainii, ,'klll Pcnn, ictail. Seaman llios., 317 Pcnn. retail. "-iirait, J., I2"i enn, irtail, Sur.iMt. Mjer, 121 Prim, irtail, Slupas, laiuNa, 121 Penn, ictail, Sw, K Co., wholesale. "solomon, It., ..IS Pcnn, ictail. Thomas H. J. - (., W.Miiiiing ami Miilhun, di ug.s 'the Sit.intou Packing to.. Pine, wholesale. Wilier, Philip J., llj Pcnn, let ill. Wiukc, J. t., 315 Prim, irtall.V White, Willimi II., Hotel Tcriaic, ictail. Wincnerg, Sain, 430 Pcnn ictail, Seicnlcenlh Wirrl. Mini, Unbcit. 121 ,s. Washington, ictail. Iliid, I). II. . Dili Madison, ictail. Ilnicr, J. F 212 ..dams, irtail. Iloini. Ficdcilrk, 520 kawanna. puol tables. Droihifski, J,. 618 Laikiwanna, n tail. Pnterpiise Minr, 51ti l..u kawanna, ictail. Pliilej. P. It.. 510 Laikaiiamia, ictail. (loltisinann. J., 411 ,. Ua-hington. icl.til. Iliilbcrl k Co., oni Mulherr.i, retail. .Iifklus, Ihoiuis, 1,01 Lm kawanna, irtail, Jones, (i. .V To., pcnn and Prr.scott. ictail. Kelly. Rh hard, 531 L.u kawanna, ictail. Klliulleii, Jnlni, Hit s. WashliistPii, irtail. l.eb.ilo. 1'iauk, 527 Laikawaiini, irtail. I.ey. It., If) s. Washington, wholesale. M him le. Jaroli, 527 Lackawanna, irtail. Mahon k Co.. 50 S. W.islilngton, ictail. Xay Aug Dahv, Prorotl, retail. Xeufler, Diaries I)., 52K Ii kawanna, ictiil. Nolan, John P., 1521 Vine, irtail. O'llara, M. J., 521 Lukaw.inni. ictail. Ruler. W. !!.. 522 Lirkawanua. irtail, Rnll, Philip agent, 102 Liikauaiina, irtiil, Itutli. Ma. I0:i S. Winhlnslnii, retail. selmll, Alherl. 1202 Mulhiiu, ivl.,l Sihleldcr, s., 105 S, Washington, irtail. Srilieikcr, IM, 4.n Lackawanni, retail. 'Hie Laikiwanna stiur lalion, Lai kawanna. irtail. 'Ihe Siugci Mlg,, 02 Lai kawanna, letail, Tnti, Adam, 521 Laekawauni, utiil, 'Ihe Siiantnn iledding Cn Lukawami., ictail. Young, llciiuan. ,'i,, Picsenlt, ictail. Vaughn .. Slailr, 002 Pirsuilt, ictail. Hlghlcciuh Wind. I ompcte. AII011.11, 511 Kminrtt, ictail, Cm lei, P. W., I.'h h'lenth, irlall. Rinelt, lliau, :iil tuoadway, n tail. pnughcr. Pal, 502 I'muiett, 1 of .1 i I. Ihnliiry, Jo-rph, 10.1 s. Seirntli, retail. Ilaumiv, John, 701 Siiiiutim, lelail, I'azlc, Anne, 6.11 Ilioadwav, I rt ill. Miller, sun, 157 S, Seventh, retail. McLaughlin, T. II. . suantoii ami cimth, ir tail. ll'llojlr. T, A 510 llroadnar irlall, Itnlh, William 4Ui huimett, ictail. Siiantnn I'loiist Mippl Co., 13 Suantun, re tall. Saidd, Wllllaiu, 70.1 Sirantnn, retail. Walsh, Thomas II. , 210 Itallinad, irlall, Will., llhl I W lm) s. Wa.lilngton. irlall, Walsh, II,, OR) Seianton, retail. Xlneternlh nWid. Ainotd, John. 015 Piltslon, ictail. Ilnstuii Tea Co., 6.1.1 Pillstou, 11l.ul. Caiaiuugh, P, ., 522 Iliter, ictail, luspei, Ptlcr, Iriiug. irtan. Hippie, Phlllu 102.1 Pllti-toii, retail. Dcinulh, .1 null. 0)7 pittston, retail. Dei.lng, August, t,0 PiosprLt, retail. Ileilue, John, Prospect, retail, L'idrii .V R.idle, (iii Prospcit, ictail. I'allon, James P , 401 Piospcil, ictail, lirat, t li.iihd, 127 Pittston. ictail, llagen k Sons, 62il Alder, lumber. Ilalpin, Martin, i2.i Stone, rclnil. Iicitz,, t.,i Mime, utail. Ilenlnger k Co., 70!) 1'ltUton, retal, Kinpp, Henri , 02!) Stone, iclai, l.iilbaihri, 11., 520 Maple, 11 1 ill, l.augan, Patrick, 7J7 pig, retail. ...ay Mi. M 101 Prospect, retail. Merrick, P, J 4ivt Piospcit, lelail. Melliigh'i, Ca,h Store, 502 Stunc avenue, ie- Hell itros, lOtl pioopctl, retail. Iteaidou, M. P., 711 Clown, lelail, I'llaci, William P.. 420 I'ro.pcit, ictail. Phillips, Chailrs ),'., ti7 Pittston, ictail, Sporcr, MUhael. 12I htonc, retail. Spruks llro., 500 Alder, lumber. Siranton Dairy Co., 5JI Pittston. retail, sehribrr. Jacob, 531 Pittston, ictail. Westphihl, John. ar Pittston. retail. Twentieth Ward. Aikciman. H.. 711 Locust, retail. Council, William k Co., Cedar, retail. Council, William k Co., Mlnooka .tore, re tail. Council, William k Co., Meadow Brook store, ictail., Deckcrt, 1'iank, 615 Ux'iist, retail. Dunleaty, Ml... 1120 Pittston, retail. tlrabeut, J.. 1112 PltUton. retail. Gibbons, Mil., 2121 PitUtoa. ntell. THE ftcs 5f For Sent. FOR RENT FROM MAY 1 . Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Steam Heat and Electric Light, Also 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufac tuning. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office or The Tribune. POlt RENT House, No. CI2 Noilli Washington menuo; eleven looms and bath loom; all newly painted nnd papeied. Apply at 5.17 Lin den blrcct. I'Olt IIEXT Two or ir.oic pleasant looms at 1110 Pino street. POlt IIKXT One side double liouei modem lm pioicincnK Apply S12 IlarrHon aienur. SUMMER IIOMi: On Paradox Lake ticm of the Adirondack 3h mile nortli ot Sohroon Lake. Cottmre of seven looms, loniplctcly fuiiiLshcd, c.ccit table and bed linen and .siller; lias tour large, airy bedroom" beds' ham who fcpiincs und niattie'so. Mountain pring Mater in kitchen; garden space, it desired; beautiful secneiy. chaimin drlie, boatlmr, fish Inif. Tivo mails daily. Liicry convenient. Price 1J-200 for the season. Piirtliei partlculan apply Samuel II. flcaidslev, :t')l Washington direct, Nc- York city. D-20 OltEEX IlinOP SrnCBT, ten looms, modem improvements; steam heat furnished; desir desirable. Tor Sale. POlt SALE A Rood driving hoi-,c, buggy, liar lies', etc. 17J8 Monsey avenue. LADIES' DRIVING HORSE for sale; S jeais old; (icrfcttly sound, absolutely fearless. Can be diivcn anywhere by anyone. Very handsome. No tricks; an ideal horso for a lady; priie, with hiiKfjy and harness, V'2i. Apply ut 8.!') Monroe avenue. Real Estate. HOTEL at Waicily. consisting of 21 rooms; all good site; iuiprovemcnU; goorl bain for liiery; rents for fSO per month. Must be sold within .10 days. Sec Wells k Kcatnr, 17 and IS llurr Bldg., Washington airline. s2150 Bii.ia 10 mom double house; let -27xliiO; lents for 1H0.50 per month; Clay aicnue, Dunmore. Wells k Keator. Lost. LOT 1'ion 411 Jetlersou aicnue, a small, green, long-tailed Paroquet: a iciiaid v III le giien for its return. LOST Kiic dollars on account, li not getting om- tailor made stilts at llruscher.s, the Punier, 121 W.ioniing incline. .lust what we -ae j on on your tulK oAoaAOasaatAjkAa.akakAaka MEBCANTILE APPBAISEMENT. Hug. Prod, 1611 Pittston, retail. Ilumphrr, I). W., ltls Pittston. dings. Iliibbaiil, Alono, l!i'2S . Washington, ie tall. .loliiLsky, Anthonv, 160,", Pio-pett avcinic, ic tiil. IvIoiisKie, W, S.. .;ir, PitlMon, il.iil. ..opalcki. , latikc, 122 Pio-pect avenue, re. tall. I.ovvrcy, Peter, 2606 Biniev, ictail. I.avelle, M. II. , 21.1, Biine.v, lelail. I.angan, Michael, 710 Pig, irtail. MulkoiVski, Juob, 120 Prnspecl aicnue, ic tall. Milled. II P. 112 rillstou, ictail. 1111 Remington .Mullieiiu ,x Judg liiiuber, MeCica, Mi. John tall. 170') I'ilt-lou aicnue, 1220 l'10-pcit aienue. Maligin, tall. Natarie, NuiisIM, Mis Mai. .losciib, 662 Ililck, irlall. 1101 I'iltslon. Mai I in, 1.102 irtail. Piujji-J t avrnui, llabiga. tall. sklul. Joseph, IS.S2 linspecl, irlall. I'oblu, U'liliam, 1112 Pittston. irtail. I tin Lacl.aiiaiina stove Association, Ltd Pear, irtail. Tlieil, scb., 3 UJ tcclar, irtail. Tiuut.i-liii-t Waul Siideisoii, M1ish.1l, S. Ko.vmt ,11 nine ulall llinistcr. A.. Albright, irtail. Iliiike, M. ,l II nw DiaiiKinct. retail. Cooprr, D., L. tail. I).. I.. tail, (liellii, llcoigc. Biiliier, retail. k W. R. It. Co., Drl-bin minis, mines, V. It. It, Co., Diamond .lohii, Keysei ictail. (ilnn P. J.. 2211 Jackson, utail. Miuiskv. Nellie. S:IS Provideme id., uiall. I.Jikau.iniu Mill and Delator Co., liox iili'in id., ictail. Roilcki, Mix. S2'2 Kc.scr. irlall, suantoii l.'oal Co., Commonucalth lliiihhng, ic tail. EATINTS IIOP.SE:. sciaulim. Build (li. 111 lliiu-e, ictail, Dolau, P. li.. irtail. liohlhcig k I'inkli'sH'in. tetall. Ilainllcv, Willi 1111, irlall, llaraivit, Juob, ictail. llr-iioM, E. P irlall. Wrlsbcig, Mrs. J,, Spriue, irtail, Uri-licig, Mr. J,, lTankliii, retail, MiCJuij. Wallace, irlall. Bocr, .1. P.. ictail. .linkhu, Daniel, retail. Caibondale. Burinus, i,e, lelail, Appeal dj, Pihliy, April Sil, lll, 0 a. m, In 6 p. 111., at the 1hilr.1tlon Room, Coiiit House, in thn city of Scranton. Any pcison m i.sici talncsl or asi'sei ulio sli.lll fall to attend Mich appeal or tn appeal fioin the dec Isloii of the appialser to the Com mull lirxs iiltliin -ten da3 thereafter villi not be permitted to set up an a dcfeivo to the- ie. ictocr.v of the iimouut of tho license which he i.s icquired to pay when tuil shall be brought, that he is not a dealer In mcirhandl-r, etc,, rtc. The law fuither piovidea that it nhall be tho duly of the county treasurer to mie for tho iciovci of all lliciisi'ii duly returned to him by tho mercantile appraiser if not paid on ot tn'lore the lirst day ol viily in rach and cvciy vear, xvllhlil ten dais alter dale, and said treasurer tsliall not be diu barged from any unit license unless he brings suit to recover the tame on or bcfoio that date. THOMAS MARSHALL, Appialser, HENRY BELIN, JR., (lencral Agent for the Wjomlr.g District for Dupont's Powder Mining, IlliMIng, Sporting, Smol cIcm and the Itepauno Chemical Company' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Puse, Caps and t'jploderf. Reom 111 Cou ncil Building ,cunten. AGENCIES: TIIOS. lORl) JOHN B. SMITH k- S)V .... W, K. MULLKiAN ..; litUtcn li.vmouth WllVcsllaric TRIBUNE'S "WRNT" DIRECTORY 4- Lines 0 Cents Mora Than Pour Lines, 3Contfor Each Extra Money to Loan, MONEY to loan on Improved city real wUtc. HENItV BELIM, ,1R. CIIAH. II. WELLES. THOMAS BPRAOUE. MONEV TO LOAN On leal estate, laige or small oinountK, at once; rales, 4 to 6 per rent, Vtty temis. Douglas k Van Deusen, M.1-fil.l,,i Connctl Ilulldinjr. MONEY TO LOAN Plir hundred to lllly thou Hand! Interest 4 lu tl per rent; partial pi ments on large loans accepted promptly. Rey nolds, 001 Mears llullding. 300,000 TO LOAN Lowest n.tes; slialitht or monthly pojtiienls. Stark tt Co.,Tradcrs' liMn. STItAltillT LOANS (or any amount. Interest I to 0 per cent , can he obtained from A. Don nelly, 10 Traders' National lunk Imllillmr. THE PENN MUTt'Al. LIKE INSURANCE COM PANY will loan upon flwt mortgnue uion irntrallv located pinpeitlcs my oinoiint foi Inn of .Irani, at low- lair of lutrie-t. Capnell, At toiuey, Paiill Diilldlng. S'XRAtailT loans in amounts ?60 to 100,tX nt I'J to 0 pel nut; paj incuts inniitlilv. Heml-annually nr jearlv. Intcicst rn lialanre. W. M llunnell, Ally. .tO.i Mears llh'g. ANY AMOt'.NT OK MONEY TO LOAN-tJuIrk, etifilpl t leans ni llulldlng und Lnaii. At from 4 to rt ik-i- rent. Call on N. V. Walker, aif.313 Connell hulhllng. Situations Wanted. MTUATIOX WASTED By joung man. as lollcctoi; has had toursyjaw' cvpnicice with a leading "rm of Hill ill; ran fiiinl-h A .No. 1 reiricnccs. Adrho? A. i.'. il.. Tribune. EXPERIENCED LAl'NDItE-iS wniild like gentle men's and ladles' lauiiihy to take hniu", -2.IS Penn aienur. felTl' VTIO.V WANTED Vimiig man wants pod Hon as liookkvcprr; thoirnighlv familiar with otllce wnik. Can tuiiil-h pt client rcfeicnccii its ti character and ahilitj. Arhhes Buv 13. Tih line otllce, clt). hll'l'ATION WANTED-lly boy. IS. at almost anything: wniild like In ih-llier foi gioieiy htrne in melt maikcl. Addies E. I)., (,11 Lin den bticct. WANTED Viiung man IT .irais old would III.; clly sitiiallou. Addievi John llolchkiss, icar litil S. Wahliigton aicnue. blTCATION WANTED As ot'ice pill; can fin nish rcfeiencts. Addicss Maud, geneial dc livciy, West Si l. niton. POSITION WANTED-lly a joiing man of expiri ence, in giocciy or gcncial .stoic: country town iiiTferiisl ami boanl with rmplojer. Arl rlress for one week, S. P. 0., bo 271, Pactoij lille. Pa. S;ITlrTION WANTED By a woman, to go out by day, wnsliinrr, ironing or clcanirg. (.'all m nddiess .Mis. ltnuell, 12111 f'odai aicnue. illy, SITUATION WANTED 11 a middle-aged man, wlio is collecting debts: debts collected on i:"inillission. Address William -limes, )i. Me. (fieeiy's ofttcc, Maiion street and Washington aienue. SITUATION WAMED-lli a girl Id eais. ioi light homrwoik or are r ihlldien. Call at 1717 bmnnrr .nrmir, Pioiidenrc; iip-.stairs. A WIDOW would like to woih hv the diy nt house cleaning 'or olfice work. S. , 615 Harrison aicnue, Scramon. I'a. SITUATION WANTED 11 a gardnei or alte.i.l to hoises. Can ufcicnces. Addiess , Brme, Tribune oiilrc, sit-. WANTED Lady to call at HiiiscIicPh. 121 W Din ing aicnue, (or One tailor nude suits; no etia chaigc foi making to order. Our motto, r-atisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. YOt'Nfi man fed woman Mould like hoiisewoik, cooking or work ol any kind; lccp at home. P. Tribune offiec. SITI'VIION WAN'IED-H.i a .loung girl as nuise or light homework. Addio- ?.r, Nen sttecl. ttfltjAAAAAAtA.A..AA..A.A.tttttttttt4tttAAtAAaL THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New 111k. piil 21. Ainong the mail luo',111 pieirdcnls uiiiih h.ue bien icmiiiIciI in Ihe juiM'tit gicat Wall stint spi-i illation iuul be in 1. lulled the Male and chaiaclei ot the piofis .siotiat maiilptilat ion for puicl scnitiuieutal eT fict on the spi-cnlatiie -itl i- nt laige. N11 Midi light against ap mailing liiidciuy In the niai ket ivies ever beloie witnes-ett 011 the New oik Stock exihange as tint of tod.11. Prices wuc ahci Isoldly bid up lu spite nf the Imiriisina; iielglit of the telling ot the ndiamc. Th" liunhii of Mippoit .seemed to gum loo heal t .waul the latter pan nl the clay although th" n.aiket been taiily hotight to the standstill aflel the opining, lu the lattri pait m tin di, Imw rici, the bull pool -seined to conientiate .ittei. tinn moic on the new .slocks, vvlilrh had been selei tcsl fur the must aggressive manipulation lm Mistulning lifctl cm prices i'"iitially and In im pi(s.s the public mind, liilun I'.ullle was the most inu-piciloiLs of the-e but the tpeculatiiui 11.1s also iciy heavy ill St. Paul, Noithctii Pa' clllc and Southern pacille ami lliiiliugloii, thoii'-'i not hugely dealt in leiy s"i poitisl. The total dealings in liilou Pacili.' le.icliccl an aggugate of i.iii,M)c) sh.ucs. As the total Usiic n Ihe tonipaui'.s i.iiital amounts In ks than (saJ.tXM) ehaics uf lomnioii stock it is evident that todaj'n tsilcs would have been suflli'lcnt In tiansfei Hit ciintiol nf the mm pany had they icprcscnted actual nt ktcxk in any laige piopoillou. dd the sales ot Monday ami Tuci'day with tlnise nt today and vvr liave a lotal nl fiTl.lMO .sbau'r, wlilc-b Is liiucli nioie than the total coinnioii elock issir-, eVt no Idol is htard troin any source Hut lidon Pacille is iliaiigiiig hands. In fait there was no flesh news at all tn .mount toi Imlii's viuleut lise In the stuck vvhic-li tracheil uu rxtieiiu: 8, ilosltig practically at the top. This case Is l.vplcal ot the intensely .speiulatiie iliaiaetd' ol the ire rut etionumts ihallngH In the Mock 111 11 l.e'l, althniigli toda.v's liiiilncss was enn moie longcsleel ill .1 feu-stocks than at any time hlHi rrto. lu fict the general tuaiket did imt at auy tlme fully irsiimd In the iiianlpnlalloii of the lcaeleis. Union Pailtii' at the beginning ot the last hour of the day was left alone nil Its up waul (ouiw, the telling having rinbiacrd 1 11 clly cirry nlhrr oloik in llio list. When I'nioii Pacihi- itself gave way the slump ot pikes be i.uiLi' general tliiuiighout the lUt. In the piin 1ip.1l actiic block it an'ounted tn tiom 2 tn 6 points and I10111 1 tu 2 points nil through tho geneial list. This dcillne nlfcicd atlr.utlie piotits to the loom liailrrs andiv hen Union Pa iillei niacin its Hull spurt the inicrint" by the licaisi rallied tome feirrUh ulliiy, hut the ( los ing was tratio with new poind, nf vvrakiu-v, de veloping. The action nf the uuilui is dilfiriill to explain foni any news; of the ill) and (eeiucil to be wholly due tn Icihnical raiise. Tlirro aie tloso who believe .1 iciy vviih-sprrail feeling rx lals that (he i-peiulatiou and the aih.ime in in ic c-d have been ovcidonc ami that their is danger nf a tight money maikrt which would foun liquidation on .111 oveitiaiucd inaikct. Thu di-iKillou tn draw in spec illative Hurt and reduce, commitments is tcli onleoiiie of this feel ing, but it is evident that It is toiitMed by 1 very powerful combination of eperulatlio inler esbs, who hope to renew the speculative activity and advance, Total sale, 2,02fl,llH) shirrs. Union Pailtlo romertlble lioncls rro the leadci's ol thj bond market at jn extreme advauic ot 2-i. 'Ihe market otheiwUe wa.s fairly aitlve, hut tho movement of prices was iuegular. Total hU, par value, $d.32.,000. Unlleil Slatesi bonds were all unchanged uu the last call. Tho followlns quotations Tribune by M. S. Jordan k Hen building, Siranton, Pa. aie furnUhcd The Co., j-ooiiu 70.5-7J.1 Telephone 5003: uueiv High- Low- Cloa 11 ng, est. est. U2i Ui 07 n.i S3 n 41 in, American sugai Amcikaii Tobauo ,, Atth., To. k S. Pe . A., T. t S. I',, IT ., .111 ,1'20 . Ii7-1 . ixi Ui!i P27U S.J 17 S.4 Dii l-lj 17U '2! 171 1111! 170't 65; 111 120 t.7'0 OU UrooUliii Tl act ton Bait, k Ohio ('out. Tobacco .... (lies', k Ohio (hlo. k (l. W .... Chlo., B. k (, St. Paul ..., Rock Island Delaware k Hudson Kin. k Texai. Pi . l.ouU. k Nash ,,,, "., U5V n 47U -2JT, ion-1! IMH 1-Vl ....1781, ...,moit; II 47 2214 114 167?i 151 177 b-J'l 10 l'i lt)-i IK5-. HslH I52'i 177 M 1WTJ Litis SITUATIONS WANTHD PKEE. Help Wanted Male. 0t'N(l, healthy, Inilmtilous men who wWi to make their maik In life, lu call at the Dhun Hr.nk hulldlnir nnd get a pioipeclus nf the I'a tuc.i Plantation Company. MAN WANTED Por night wink at mind our packing house! one who has had smiia expe rience around machinery preleneil. Apply iillei 4 p. in. T. I. Can1 k fon, Washington nienite. WANTED-Rellablo man Mith few hunched dol lais capital, to take echisie sale: biggest money maker on the market: new metal special ly: monopoly: universal de'iuanrl: unlimited iniiikel; pars Immense! ; 1,000 gross sold In ten months'. To Investigate mil on Ml, Shaw at The Irilng, Help Wanted Female. WVNTED steady gill for geneial hotnewoth, I :.n.v plan- nnd good pa. Apply W. B, Ills sen, I)., !,. A W. Depot. WANTED (ilrl or woman In do geneial house wink. Adclrcw I). M Vail, Waierly, Pa., Ilux OS. WANTED Ladles tu IniMtlgate our line of tailor made suits: exelmlie styles at lowe-t prices. Call at Bru-chel's, l'21 W.iomlng iiienue. Coal Exihangc. BRANCH WANT OFFIGK8. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT WIILCr.. coiner Miilbeny i.tieet and Wcbstei aieiiue. (iPSTW liCIII.L. U',0 Adams aicnue. West Side flEOItfiE W. .IP.VKINs, Hil .south l liu aicnue. South Scrnntou I'RED L. TEltl'PE. 7i'l Cidar aienue. North Scranton (JKO. W. I)AK cu i .uilh Main avenue and M.nkct stiect. Green Bidge CHARLES P. IliNE-. I.Vi7 Du k-ou airntie. P. -I. .10II.Y-. tl-20 ClCdl Itidge tirrl. ('. LOREN,. i oilier Wasldiigton aie mie and Mation slicel. Petersburg V. II. KM.CPP.I.. 11117 liv Inn aienue. Dunmore .1. (5. BONE k .sON. Boardere Wanted. V ANTED Table hcuiclci-. Mis. Tompkins, ;,u Washington avciiitr. Booms and Board. POlt IIKXT. nilh In aid, liciiil loom. .SOI Mullinii stint. LAIICE fiont loom with lioaid foi tno gcnlh men, IIU Ailauu .nemir. Found. POl VD--M. Ilrniaitl dog saint' hi paiing icls. I'.liidei, Ouiicr l.lll line Vdiht'ss TiilniU" Maiihatlau Ele Met. Traction ( . Mlssoiiil Pacille . .. soul hem Pacific' Noifrilk A Western Ninth. Pacille North. Pacille. I'r .. N, V. Central .. . (Int. k West . . .. Penn 1. II. It Paellli' Mail Reading Rending, I'r sunt hem It. It Siiiilhiiu It. II.. I'r Tcnn. C. ex lion 1 . s. Leather I . S. I.ralhei, Pi I". S. Rubber .... I iiloii I'ailtli I ninn Pac Hie, li . ., I'r Wrsiem liiiou C. P. I A11t.1l. Coppei I'enple'.s alls Texas Pacille Am. Car Kouueh.v .. 1 . s. steel Cu .I2 .17'2',J .107 . .Wi . M .III! . Usvi .161 . ::i'j .Pi!) . its . .:s . 70 . -."i-; . S2'-'. . lai'i - His . 77'i . '21 . yiM 12H-J8 171 lUs's 61 1U.1 tlO V .tl, loll III ::si.. 7iii'. -!'is MIS Ii7 II T7U 21 11171-.. 'II mi, or. 1-2.1'b in t, 2.n ini... i2n'. j 171 IK. HI6-.J "a I li)2T, '9s ni :Ts :.7a .i(.i 76"i W rtii 1,1'-.. I.l'j lil'a 20H 'l')-! S7'k :Mi !IJI . 'I " 1211 1I2-'. in 2-rls I27'.i 172 HKIIl. 61 U io-'v; r) II! It V. 16s, .'.') 75T, 2!)1s S2VS l,i,l-, l.!'.. I.l'-j 2UV4 107U OOTA :iovi !)2, til-Vt 120'., 11H4 17 y 1 1, . to . in . ')'i .121L. ,W . 1ia . 2Vs . 10 IIIC.M.11 liltMN MARKET. Open- High- Low Clos ing, est. est, liu 71s 72S 7I 72'.; wupvr. May July . LORN. May '4 IT' s 7"'l 7'2i li. 47', "I. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations -All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Flret National Buk Uoo Scranton savings Bank ,. SW ... Third National Bank I'll Dime Deposit and Discount1 Bins... 27, Economy Light, II. k P, Co ,6 Lacka. Trust Safe) Deposit Co 130 Clark k Snover Co., P.- J25 Scranton Iron Fince & Mfg. Co loo Scranton Axie Works , tu Ucka-vanra Dairy Co., Pr, 20 County Savings Bank k Trust Co,. SCO First National Dink (Carkondale) ;j00 Standard Drilling Co 30 Tiadcrs' National Bank ,,,,, in ... Scranton Bolt and Nut Co 10) BONDS. Scranton Paasinger Hallway, first Moitgagc, due 1020 115 People's Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1019 115 People's Street Railway, General inortgtge, due 1WI 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co ,, 100 Lacka. Township School 6 per tent. ,,, 102 City ol Seianton St. Jmp. U per cent 102 Scruntcn Tuition 0 per cent, ,,,,, 115 ,,, Scranton Wholesale Market, (Conected by II. 0. Ddr. 27 Lackawanna Ave j Butlir Creaipi. old. ,20a'2li',; fresh, iUUV.v. ; daily, fiesh. 2',.a'22cj old, 15alSc. Cheese Full cream. 12al'le. Pggs Western fresh, ll'i lo Iji ; ncaib fctate, 151s lo 10c. Ileaiu Per liu,, choke marrow, ta.6UA.en. Pea Beans Per lm., ihohv inariim, i2.6")a'2 (). Medium Beans-P.'r bu., ?2.i0a'2.1J. llrcen Peas Per bu., itl.10al.15. Onlons-Per bu., il.10al.60. Flour licit patent, per bul $1 (13 Red Kidney Beans Per bu., $2.l3a'2.00 New York Grain nnd Proauce. New Yolk, April 81. -Flour Ajjln veiy linn and held genially higher, but lo the iL'iiimcni ot limine. Wicat Spot stiong; No. 2 led, 82 lie. f. o. li. ailojt and Sue. clcvaloi; No. 1 noitheiii Diilulh, S7Uc. I. o. b. caltoat; optiuiit, vvcic active and itiong all day; Anally cj.-ed on in dor piollt taking, the inaikct closed iuegular at liable, net llse; May closed 7050,; .ul, 7-.?ic se)lnnber, T7c. Coin Spot tlnu; No. 2, 62e. rlcvator and 5l?i'. f, o, b. afloat; option, wire exiited and stiong; closed linn at V.alvii. net sdiauce; April doecd 62Tc. i May, I2c j July, SO'.sc; September, lT,;e. Oats Spot tlun' ir; No. 1, 311:1-.; No. :. tile.; No. i white, .llUa 33:c.: No. 3 vvliile, :i2J;e. ; track mixed went, cm, aiaWlJc ; track white, 321011'.; options generally linn and higher with corn. Butter -Finn: teamery, ISaiOc.; facloiy, llalJt-jf.; initiation creumtry, ly'-ia I7'c. ; slate dalri, 13 3 Insertions 25 Cents MoraThan Four Lines, 6 Centa for Each Extra Line PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. K. C. bPMtLDINa. 220 BROADWAY, NEW York. Architects EDWARD II. DAVIt, AIICIIITECT, CONNI'.LI, building. PHP.DElilCK L. BROWN, AHCIH ll'.t T, PIlK.'l! building, 120 Washington aicnue, Suanton, Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENHEIKIEII, PAUI.I lltllLDIMl, Spiucr ultect, Scl Jlitin. DR. C. C. liAl'll.VCII, 116 WYOMINH AVP.NHE. Hotels and Besturants. THE ELK CAPE, l'2'i AND 127 PRANKLIN avenue. Hates ira'ouable. P., Piopiieloi. SCRANTON HOUSE, NI'.AR .. L. k W. PAS. sengcr depot. Conducted on the Euiopodii plan. VIC'lORKOt'll, Pinpililor. Lawyers. PRNK E. BOYLE. ATTOIINEY-T-I.W. Idioms 12, It, 10 mid IS Blur building. P. K. TRACYiATT'V.COM.MONWEAL'lll 111.11(1. I). II. REPl.OOLE. ATlORNEi LOANS NI.OO Hated on estate sccutll. Mc'ais btiihllng, corner Washington avenue and Spruce stiert. WILLARD, WMIREN k K.VAPP. ATTORNENS mid i Republican biilliliug. Washington avenue. .lE.s.SL'P . jrsn. AliORN'in. AND CO I sellois-al-laiv. Coiiiinotiweallli building. Rooms l'J, 20 and '21 EDWARD W. TTIWEII, ATlOltNEY. POl (01, tdli tloor, Meais building. BOOMS L. A. WATIIES. ATI011NEY-AT-LAW. Ill) Mill of Trade building, Seianton. Pa. PATTERSON .v WIM 0. TRADERS' NATION L Bank building. C. COMi:tiS, li-l.t IIEI-I'III.ICA.V BI'II.DINd. A. W. BK.IflllOLI', OI'I'ICE MOVED TO NO 211 W.vcmlna .ileum Osteopath. s. (lERTiti'Di: i'.vvns, osteopath. 12s and 120 Washlnxlon Ave., Seianton Pa, Chinnle Hi-eases a spriiali. Otllce Hours: S.:'a) to 12 i-i. : 1..I0 to :").-tO p. in. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. E. avenue. M.I EN, 611 NORTH WKHHNtilON' DR. S W. L'AMOREALV. OPP1CE !!!) WASH inglou avenue. Residence, Lll" Mulhciry Chrnnii- dl-ease, lungs, lir.ut, hidnri.s and genltri-urinary oigans a specialty. llouis, I to 4 p. m. Seeds. CS. R. CLARKE A CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NlitS enincn. fcloic '201 Wa.shington avinite; giem houses, 1050 Noith Main avenue; slmo tela phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOsEPH KlTniX. REAR 611 LCK. AVE., Stianlon, Pa. nianiifactiiier of Wire scicens. Scavenger. A. II IIIIKiCs CLEANS PRIVY M LTm AND i ess pools; no odor: old Impioved pumps u-cd. A. II. Bungs, piopiieloi'. Leave oideis ll'W Ninth Main aienue. or Eh he's chug sturc, ror nei Adams- and Miilbeny. Both telephones. :ellii'. ) becse sie.ulr; fancy laiae lolored, 111 llvii-; laiiev huge while, IDalli'.: fatiiy .ni.ill culled. 12.112'ie., fanev -in ill while, lliiil'Jc Philadelphia Grain and Produce. I'hiladi-lphii, Apiil 21. Wheat Strong and le. highci; contiact glade- Apiil, 7t)V-aab0i;. Com I'll in; No 2 mixed piil, I'l'..i60c. Oats-Pirm, No. 2 while clipped, .'ll'l-c. lluttei Ste.ul , laiiiv vvchtein c leameiy, 21c; do. do. piints, 22c; do. iieaib do.. Sir. Eggs Ouicl; ncaib. PHici du. western. Hi.: do. south western, I.Tli-e ; elu. soulhem, Lie. Cheese--(Juiet; New- Voik lull eie.niH tanc v (.mull, Tl'H ,il'2e.: do. do. ihi. Mil In choice, Dliall1 -e-. 11' Hueil MigarA--Pni hanged. Cotton l-lla1. loiiei; midilllng nplamls, S9kc. Tallow Steady; illy tuinie, in liogliead, I'si-.: couutl.v do. elo., Ii.iuels, iJalVs(., eakcs, .'Wa'ilsi'. Live Poiilli - I'll m. tali- demand; fouls, lie-.; old loosteis, T.iT'-ii.: vvinler chickens, li20i: pllIl iliiil. en., ;!i)i:i1e.; iluik-, lialOe. Dn-ssrd I'oultr.i--ITiiu, good deiuanil; low Is, ehoiie, ll';-,; do. fair to good, PaO'sc-. : old loesjleis, 7c; roasting thickens, froui. Uai:!e.; lurke-s. froru, I()il2c.; dinks. I0al2e ltccelpls- ITnui, 1,!H bauds and .170,000 pniiiiils in -Miks; wheal, 21,0)i) husheln; nun, 101,0(10 liusheli,; nils, 01,000 bushels, Ship inenls -Wheal, nonej com, (J,(M Ini.hcb,; oals, 1(17,00(1 bushels. Chicago Qrain ana Produce. I bu ago, Apiil 21, .Ma.v com wninl anolhrr leceiid hienklng advance tnd.i, closing lc. hlghn. Wheal c hi-ed -'--i. und cuts fa'- higher. Piovi.loiis at he close vvne 2',aa7'ii'. impioved. C.isli quotations were as tollovm: ITenu-Steady: So. 2 i-piing wheal, ,ac.-, No. :l, 72.i7.le-. ; .No. 2 ml. 7'2a7le.; No. 2 iniii, I7rv-i No. 'A yellow, I7V.; No. 2 nits. 27i'.; Nu. 2 iihile, 2Sia2!),.tc; n, :i white, 27'i.i'2s',i''.: No, 2, 60',ie.; gKicl feeding baric, l'. I tail In choice uniting, 62a 6ie.: No. I ll.ix- ml, xl.'iti; N. 1 nmthweslerii, ft, (d; inline Ihuothv -oed, s.!.60a.l.76; incs, polk, SII,:i"ull,IO; latel, 1sS.20aS.-26; shoit rib-, s.HiiS.i1 ; du sailed shniileleis, (i'iai'si.i ehmt ile.ii i-ide's. s2-'is.:t7li; llhlske, ..1,27 Chlciitfo Live Stock Market. ( hiiagn. Apiil 21. -I allle--Re(eipls, 10,mi, In- hiding 'Jul T'evaus; genciilli steady; com lid Texai.s, i6.'r2'-i: illns-1 Irom Texas, ifl.lllj luilih. els' stuck stlcinitei; good In prime sUcem, TI.I'M ii; pnnr In medium, .sl.tslil.IKi; stoekcrs ami feed ri, ot lunger, r2.76al.sX; invvs', tlun, .s2.S0.ll.fiT! heilei-. sluing, i!2.M.iL(l cannery, t.toady. S2.I0 a'2,76; bulls, lliin. s-2.S6a l.:;."i; (alvrs, steady, T"'! Texas glass Mens, -!.6nal; Texas bulls, molia:, 2 Hogs lleieipts lod.i , 27,000; to luoiiniv, 22,in)i); led over rtlui.itril, .1,1.-); heavy weak, light eivici; lop, il (."" : mixed and bull hi Is. Ijl,70a0 02lj; gel in ibolco heav.v, '.(aia'i.SI; lough heav.i. Vi fs3.i3.T7; light, S6.W 6.06; bulk ol MlCi-, $6."ia"i.1IT':. Sheep -ItcielpN, !0,nu0i sheep, vviakj export sheip, !tl.f0 lambs, shin ; e lipped l.imlis up tn ft. Si; good u choke uclbeis, f l,l)6a l.l-i; fair In ilioice mixed, &I.;I1 I, K): iirclcin cheep, M.iiOal.fX); Texas, bhrcp, r,u Hugs, l "O.1I.S6; nitlvc lambs, I.M)a", .;i); west, nu lambs.'io, New York Live Stock, New- oik, Apiil 21. lleevcis -M.uket fail and a ie in sliady tu ihiu; bulls shm; tlicis, sl.Mt 6.06; ot,, 6.00; fat nxcll, 4-1.76; bulls, s.Tal.60; iiiiia, .lal, (. litis, -Finn Id 2ie. higher; veals, s.ta'i.76; iholce elo,,, I'!',;.; lop,, Iso.','!: Ill He talic-s 2,60.i2.76. Sheep- IT111111 ; lauiUi, IV. hlghir rxiipt heai 1 lauilM vhiili .no not Mauled; .-pi In;.- lauilss, lower; wonlul bhecp, Sla 1.21); clipped do,, fi.26al.76; fen- cxpcill du., "i, vvoollcel iambs, im(I.:!7'l.; clipped do. $I.V)a'i.76; spline limbs, s.'.raiati each. Hogs Maiket tilrlc lliiuei al lO.I.ViU.I'i. E-ttfalo Live Stock. East lliillalo, Apiil 21. Rerripta-Catlte. U0 eaii,, sheep and ainh, 10 iais, bogs, 10 l.u. shipiiicni---('altle, 107 rais; sheep and lambs, 10 eais; hogs, 12 ciii. I'aitlr-l'ncliangcd, calve,, choice tu extra, iJ.V26.t..V); illped lambs, top quality, ss3.76a6.00; clipped wool ehetp. ihohc lei exlia, $l.'26.i 1.61). Hog.-lleav.v, Sii.l7i;an.20; pigi, sl.U'uO.lO. East liberty Cattle. East l.lbeit, April 21. -Cattle Strongci , cxtn, $3.Uia'.U6; priute, 6.26ai.60; gwd, $5a.20. Hog Slow; prime medium, M.iuo.25; heai Vorl.. era. .fd.-20: light elo., 0.IOiii.l, pits. 6.f.)n;; skiKj, sf'ia3. .'); louglu, SlaO.bO. Sheep Lowei; list veitlicis, s,.i.)al.6-1; (onunoil, S2a:i.60; ihoiijC Iambi. i.V20a5. 10; comon to good tla.'2'; vral calves, fctf. tap ' ' $ PROFESSIONA L. Ka-i'sAiiWsysaVS Miscellaneous. DIIE.SS.TaKINH POR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue, MEdAROEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPL1KS, EN v elopes, paper bags, twine, Waichousc, 1OT Washington avenue, Scranton Pa. HIE WILKESBAIHIP. RECORD CAN UK il.VIt In Scranton at Itio news stands ot Hel'inm Bros., 400 Spiuee .mil 60.1 Linden t M. Norton, Ml Lackawanni aveniiej I. S, giliulzcr, '211 Spruce street. LEGAL. NOI'K E -To .Master and .limine man Plumbei.1 of Ihe I'll of Sciiinloii. In aciciidatice with Ihe piiivl-ions of the A' t of Assemble i f .luiic '2 Ib'X'i, ott ale leqiiirrd to lake mil llirnsrs fioiu the Departmenl of Puh'.le salety, Such Iheiises will lie lsiird on proper exatiiliiallnn by Ihe examining board. Appllta Hous an oiiuninliil .by the uetcssaiy fee as pfu ilileil by said ad niii.,1 be Oil il in this nlllc. Notice uf lliui- to appear for examination will be liuillnl In rach ilppllc mil. ' By in del of THE Dlltl.f I OR OP PI III.IC .X.IKP.TY. . E. LI.EN, M. I), --upc'lliilriiileul ot the Bin rail of Health. SEM.ED PltOI'OSM.S will be at tin! utile uf the Clt 'ink, Siiiinton, Pa., until T.:;il n't luck p. lu., Thiusda, M..i 2, Hull, tn 1 1 lull ik l a river s..uin with Ihe iiens-liy Liiiticlies, extensions, coi'ie'c lion, hatdns, man hole, and llxluii, as follows: Tli said scucr In lieglii rl the l.iil..iiiiiuu,i iliei oil Eiiuui slirel, thence ah ng Eiuuict sluel In llailio.,d iiiiiuii.; .ibn a In .1 in It Ihueiil on Poiutli aviiui' e.Meudlng to a point about .'11 fiet ninth nt llioiiliia.i ; also a, on Moi.m cn'iit, I' ll luting fioui r.iuuiet siu-ct to a point shout 60 I il iiotlh ol' Iboadiiai, also a biaiicli on I'lfui mi line. "ti mling hniu I'.iiuiiel slirel to .1 pobit nlioiit N) ti"l Miiith or M,iJ ihuuiet tlc'et. E.u li loin-lll -.ball be .leio!l!Uillfcd b ca-tl or eclli tuil iheik lu Ihe sum of liner bundled dollais .is a x" ii. mle.' In exiciilr the inulinil. Ihe licilil In leiect auv and all bids is le-civcd. I)V Old"! nf (Til CoiiirIIs. M, X. LAVKI.LE, ( lly Cleik siiinliui. Pi., piil 22. 11)01. SEM.ED I'ROTlIsMs will be lenlved at tl oltlie ol lin- Cili (ioi I.. Siiaiitnu, Pa., nun 7,::o iiYlnil, p. nt., ThiiMilai. May 2, itsil, Ic iilistiinl a .eilel stcill vvlll the neccssiiy In i.iii ln-, exleii-ion, i inn ei lions. b.i,!n-, iii.iti holc, ami llvtiiies. a follows: The i-ald sruer tu begin at the Lai K.iiiaiiuii ilvci on Bio.ultvai. lliruie .tiling Bioaibvay to Itallinad avenue; ah.i a hi.iiirh tlcieof on ou ii coiiit Iioiii ltioadivav In a point r.boiit oiie hiuiihnl ami Kcvenl-tlie Icel miiiIIi of said Itiniitiiav . aNo u biaurii ll.cicol cm Pniitlh avenue linui Biiiadvvay to Lu cine slici; as a hunch on Dewdcll coou tiom Itio.ulu.i In .1 point about one bundled ai.d lilty feel soutli ol m. lliocdw.iv; alo a hrninh on Tlilid aienue fiom Broadu-ay to l.iizrrn slue!; also on (VCoiiiiur limit tiom the Laiki ii.tima liiei to a point about one hunched and toil feet ninth ol llimdvray; also oil l-'irtit i" 11110 Hniu the Larlviwanna liicr to Bioadiiay Each shall be ncc oiupanied by rali, in a ceitifii-il i lice k, in the sum of three bun iliiil dollais as i iiai.inlee to execute the con tiait. Tin- titi lesii'es the light to reject an or all bids. M. T. LAVEI.I.E, City Cleik. .s ton. Pa , Apiil 22. Iliti. IN THE COI'ltT OP COMMON PEEKS of Lacka iianr." count-, No. 2'li .May teim, 1001. Notice is bcu by given that nil application will li.- made to the aid loiut, cm tint 20th day ot Mai, A. D. 11)01, at II) o'clock a. tn under tlw i,c t of asseiubl ol the commonweal I h of I'ciui .siliaiiia, rutltleil "An act to provido for thM iuioipoiatii li and legulatlon of ccit.liu coipo. ! I11111.S." .ipiuoieit Apiil the 20th, 1S7I, and tin siipplemiuts thcielu, for the appioial ot certain .iini'iiiluiciits to the charter of the Hebrew Con gicgalloii Au-he t'hescd as set forth in lb.1 petition for the ulloivanre of said amendments lihd 111 said coiiit. R. L. LEW, Solicitor. THE AN.Nl'AI, MEEITNd of tho stockholdera 01 the DickMin Mauui.'.i tiiring Company vvlll be held at the ofllre of the rnnipati-, in the city of Seianton, 011 the eighth day of May, 1001, ut In o'clock 11. 111., for the purpoBe of electing Diice tens and voting upon Midi other matters as may 1 cine liefoie the Hireling. L. P. BOWER, Secretary FINANCIAL. rW Spencer Trask & Go BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St., New York. Transact a general banking business; act ns Fiscal Agents for Corporations, and negotiate security issues of railroads nnd other compa nies. Execute commission orders and deal in INVESTHENT SECURITIES Descriptive list of bond offerings furnished on application. Members New York Stock Exchange, Branch Offices: 65 Stats St., Albany California Oil. We have a hrt claM proposition in which we ate otfeilug charter member htock at 10c, pri i-haie, 'I'hc company owni 1'isO aeica Biliiateil In the iciy center ot tho great California, nil belt, and lui I'ptioni on additional ground, Wi aio olterlng tteaury btock lo iaii.0 money to pu; down wclU as epilfkly m pauible. Thn stock i-i unii' and carricM 1111 individual lia bility. Wo furnish tho ery higheat references. Write for p.irtleulari). TUB KliNDRICK PKOA10TION CO, Denver. Colorado. Lager Beer Brewery Jluaufactarers or OLD STOCK PILSNER N. Ninth Street, SCRANTON PA Telephoos Cull, 2:133. Oil Market. Oil Clt, Apul 21. -1'rcdil balances. fl.W); ret lifliald, no bliU; olnpmcnts, 101.172 hrrei., uvciage, M.2J.T bariel; runs, 07,C5 birrclt; viuge. bl, 197 lane'U Mis lis