The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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m MMIh
MONTROSE. lo Hip Sirjuilon Trlhiinc.
Montrose, April 24. K. H. W. Scarle,
clerk of ihn now Federal court, wns
attending to legal business hero the
forepart, of the week.
A. II, McCollum, liiRtcnd of his broth
er, Justice McColltun, will deliver the
Memorial day uddrcss In this place
next month.
Owing to an uccldciil tit (he olor
trlu IIrIiI pliint on .Sunday ovenlng the
good people of tlic town who Jmd as
sembled In the several places of wor
Hhlp wore suddenly plunged In dark
ness. Sonic of the churches had lnnips
or candles to meet the emergency, but
nt others the congregations wore dis
missed. George .T. and Fritz A. Mack were
the guests of Ulnghnniton friends over
The annual sermon to Four Hroth
ors' post, No. 4.1;:, G. A. II., will bo
delivered by Itev. K K. Thormis nt
tlio Uuptlst church on Sttndiiy even
ing. May 2fi.
The F. 11. Conley house, on South
Main street, botongliiR to the Hoyd es
tate, was sold at public pale on Satur
day, being purchased by linger S.
Soarle for $S8.1.
I. I!. Parks, of Hickory Grove, was
in town this week.
Mrs. It. II. Morris Is the now or
ganist ai the Baptist church, succeed
ing Miss Vorim Beardslfp, who re
signed. In the case of Temperance Stone
agaliiht Montrose borough for $.",000
damages, because of Injuries received
en n defective walk In this place sev
eral years ago, the jury on Saturday
returned a verdict for the plalntlft in
the Mini of $-00.
Sydney .1. Jenekcs lias sold his In
terest In the MeCnusbind pharmacy to
his partner, Captain R.James McC'aus
lnnd, who will rontlnuc the business.
What his pluns for the future are Mr.
Jenekcs has not announced, but it is
known that lie lias several very at
tractive business offers tinder consid
eration. Mr. Jenekcs Is ono of the
most popular young business men of
Montrose, and It will occasion th ckocn
est regret If his business Interests shall
necessitate his removing from the
Miss Kllzn II. Frazier, of 'Susque
hanna, is visiting at. Mrs. C. B. Wa.1
rous'. on staple street, and calling on
relatives and friends In town.
Charles H. Tiffany, of Brooklyn, was
greeting Montrose friends this week.
On Sunday the amount of the Fast
er offering at St. Mary's church was
announced as $1L'3, an increase of $ti
over last year.
Itcv. II. B. Benedict has heeli con
fined to bis bed with n lame knee,
caused by a severe strain.
Mi.-s Lillian Tltsworth is ill at her
home on .Maple street.
Mrs. Tolly McCollum, one of our old
est and most highly esteemed residents,
celebrated the eighty-eighth anniver
sary of her birth on Saturday, sur
rounded by the children, their families
and many friends. Chief Justice J.
Brewster McCollum, of the Pennsyl
vania Supreme court, came on from
Philadelphia that he might be with
bis venerable mother upon the happy
occasion. Mrs. McCollum retains all of
her faculties in a. remarkable degree,
enjoys fairly good health and is as
bright and cheerful a conversationalist
as can bo found in the town. She
was the recipient of many messages
and tokens of congratulations and lov
ing regard from her host of friends.
Bplnl to Hie Scranton Trihune.
Ilonoselnle. April 24. Mrs. Joseph
Taylor and sister. Miss Sophia Keillor,
will .leave Monday for a visit at Brook
lyn and Flushing, N. V.
Miss Jennie Brownscombe will sail
for Southampton, May 2, and will spend
the summer at various points in Fng
' land.
Captain C. K. Baker Is spending a
week lu Harrisburg as the guest of his
Miss Bertha Clark has returned from
an extended visit with her brother, Dr.
Clark, at Connellsburg, Pn.
.Martin Galvin lias bought of C. F.
llockwell the Dr. William Heed store
William Dodge, of Dodge Brothers,
bakers, was chosen llrat lieutenant of
Company K on Thursday evening last.
Mr. Dodge wus formerly first lieuten
ant In the old Thirteenth regiment,
.Hid served with tho regiment during
the war with Spain.
Sumo vislinrs to the sick room forget
thai their call should be short, be the
cull so welcome.
Mr ,1. Buckingham, living near tho
filiiishoiise, suffered the loss of a thumb
on Tuesday. The member was caught
m a buzz saw and was so badly in-
It's the Neglect of at First Slight Ailments That
Bring So Many People to a Condition of Waning
oiicuui usuai pursuits riust Be Abandoned.
So many peoplo In this busy ago
crowd along life with a consciousness
that nature Is tapping tor assistance.
They are the kind who do not admit
richness until held bedfast by a violent
They aro the kind whoso lives are so
full of activity that first symptoms like
Palpitation of tho heart,
I'nsettlcd nerve?,
Nervous headache
Trembling of hands and limbs,
Loss of appetite,
Wauing fctrcngth
Food heavy,
And a lot of Indications aro passed
over and endured until gradually they
Mitt Into a settled condition of de
spondency. The grand reputation gained by Dr.
A W, Chaee'a Nerve Pills follows now.
Their success in making this kind ot
sick people well-
jurcd Unit amputation was necessary.
Dr. 1. II. Peterson removed the ontlro
thumb from the hand.
A rich treat Is In store for the lovers
nt the play In Honcsulitc. It Is seldom
tbnt they can boo nt their home so
f.i pular a piny as "Hip Van Winkle"
by the popular nclor, Jefferson. At
the Opera Houso May 2.
The Honcsdalo chapter of the Kp
worth league will, rIvc nn entcrtuln
irent and social In the church parlor
on Friday evening, April 26. The poetn
of the evening will bo Scott nnd Bnrrle.
The pows In the Presbyterian church
will be rented for the ensuing yenr
Tuesday evening, April 30 at half past
gprtlil to tlic ScMnlon Tribune.
Thompson, April 21. Mrs. Robert
Ward and son, Karl, of Stroudsburp,
after a few days visit with Mrs. C.
M. Lewis and other relations nnd
ft lends here, returned to their homo
The teachers and pupils of our
graded school will give nn entertain
ment In Keystone hall Saturday even
ing, Mny I.
Rev. W. II. French will preach the
memorial sermon for Myron French
post, at his church, Lake View, this
The first quarterly meeting services
for the Thompson chnrgo will be held
next Sabbath morning in the Metho
dist Fplscopal church, in Thompson,
conducted by P. 15., J. F. Warner.
This is proving to be an old fash
ioned season, rain every day for a
week and a shower or two each night,
and muddy roads galore.
In Harford and Lenox townships
the road supervisors, with their gangs
of men nnd road workers, are repair
ing (he roads in their districts.
The Susquehanna, county Prohibi
tion convention will be held In Key
stone hull, Thompson, May 7, 1901,
Stale Chairman Jones will be pres
ent and speak in the evening.
H. M. Cole, of Scranton is here to
day, visiting his father. Rev. L. Cole,
who had another shock Saturday, but
is rallying again.
ICIiner Lee, of Starrucca, was a
business caller in town today.
Frank Lewis Is doing business in
Susquehanna today.
Mrs. A. C. Foster is visiting at Jer
myn this evening and tomorrow,
Mr. and Mrs. Westgate, of Forest
City, spent tho Sabbath with her
brother, Mr. Monroe, on Main street,
Turner Williams has moved his fam
ily into the rooms over James Burns'
Special to Ilic Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, April 24. Prominent
lirie officials went west on Tuesday
afterncon in a special car attached to
train No. I.
The Century club will hold a hop In
flogan Opera House on Thursday even
ing. May 2.
The "Alvin Joslln" company will ap
pear in Hogan Opera House on Friday
evening. May 3.
Miss Bllsh, of Binghamton, will hold
a social bop in Hogan Opera House on
Monday evening next.
The Independent Republicans of Sus
quehanna county have issued a call for
a meeting to be held at the Tarbell
House, Montrose, May 11. It is re
ported 'that former Register and Re
corder Samuel S. Wright, of Montrose,
is a candidate for congress.
Erie Officer Joines last evening ar
rested a negro in the West Susquehan
na yard, supposed to 'bo a murderer
wanted at Buffalo. He is in the bor
ough lockup awaiting identification.
A summer normal training school
for Sunday school teachers of Susque
hanna county will be held at Heart
Lake, June 24 to 2$. Prominent state
workers will be present ns instructors.
Mrs. Engle, of Union, N, Y Is visit
ing Susquehanna relatives.
The Helping Hand society held a
supper this evening in tho Methodist
church parlors.
Rev. Charles Henry Newing Is re
moving his household effects to Dun
more, his new field of labor.
Mrs. Edward. Bryant, of. Oak street,
this afternoon entertained the Ladles'
Aid society of the Baptist church.
The organization of an automobile
club has been postponed until May or
According to the Into census, Susque
hanna county has forty-two people to
tho square mile.
Congressman Amos J. Cummlngs and
wife, of New York city, will spend tho
summer at "The Hickories," Colum-
Dian urovc.
Miss Pauline K. Barrett, of Susque
hanna, reader: Miss Tllllo E. Solomon,
of Syracuse, contralto, and Mrs. Mary
Mr. Thomas Summers, of No, 1610
Jackson street, Bcrunton, Pa., savs:
"Dr. A. W. Chase's Noivo Pills arc
a splendid cure for nervous sick head
aches, Mine wore terrible at times. I
was nervous at tho same time. Tho
uorvo pills were recommended to mo
"id 1 got u box at Matthews Broth
ers' drug store, corner Wash
ington and Luckawanrma avenues,
and they completely cured tho
headaches and nervousness. This I
think is iccommendntion enough."
Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills, B0
cunts a box at druggists, orDr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, T-
fljk JLi j ft 0.
Mooney, of Susquehanna, accompanist,
will give nn entertainment In Fire
men's hall, Lanesboro, on Friday even
ing. A young son ot Eric Engineer Nich
olas Fox, of Laurel street, Is seriously
111. '
John W. Lnrrabce, of Grand street,
Is in Montrose on business.
Mr. nnd Mm. T. L. Belcher, of Schen
ectady, N. Y are guests ot Susque
hanna relatives.
fptcll to the ScMnlon Tribune.
Plttston, April 24. While playing
with matches 'In ai upstairs bed
room about ! o'clock this morning little
Oeorgo McGulrc, tho two-nnd-a-half-ycar-old
iron of Mr. and Mrs. John
McQulrc, ot Charles street, set fire to
his clothing and before Mrs. McGulrc,
who was attracted by the boy's
screams, could reach his side he hud
been seriously burned about tho breast,
face, arms and bend. The mother
wrapped the llttlo one In a strip of
carpet and extinguished the flames,
burning her left hand In tho act. Fears
aro felt for the boy's recovery.
Patrick n-empsey, an employe at the
Lehigh Valley station nt Plttston Junc
tion, was this afternoon united In mar
riage to Miss Sarah Loftus, of Mill
street. The ceremony was performed
In St. John's Roman Catholic church
by Rev. Father Eugene A. Garvey in
the presence of a large company of
friends. Miss Mary Loftus was brides
maid nnd John Dempsey was btst
man. The family relatives of Mr. and
Mrs. Dempsey attended tho wedding
supper after the ceremony nt their
newly furnished home, 134 South Main
Solomon Pugh, of West Plttston, was
slightly squeezed between n ear and
tho "rib" at the Stevens mine this
Michael Cummlngs, of Inkerman. has
been re-appointed a member of the
Plttston poor board.
The Young Men's christian associa
tion building fund has reached the $24,
000 mark.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Noble, of West
Plttston, celebrated tho fifth anniver
sary of 'their wedding last evening.
The Sunday school room of the Wat
er Street Baptist church has beep re
papered nnd painted.
Company M, of We.t Plttston, has
elected the following officers for tho
civil organization of tho company:
Board of control. Lieutenant B. S. Em
ory, Sergeant William Everhart, 'Ser
geant David Williams, Corporal Bren
ton. Private C. S. Derby; treasurer,
Lieutenant W. S. Bnrrett; secretary,
Private Snowden; auditing committee.
Sergeant Everhart, Corporal Barber
and Private Derby.
James Corcoran, of Hamtown, and
Miss Lizzie Burke, ot Portb Griffith,
daughter of Richard Burke, were mar
ried in St. John's church here this
James Lunny. an Upper Plttston
railroad man, and Miss Mary Walsh,
a popular Butler street young lady.
were joined In matrimony by Father
Garvey in St. John's Roman Catholic
church at 4.::o this afternoon.
Special to tlic Scrjtiton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, April 24. Attorney
Henry Harding left for Philadelphia
yesterday, where he will attend the
celebration by the Naval Veterans' as
sociation in honor of the anniversary
of the capture of the city of New Or
leans by the Union squadrons, under
the command of Admirals Farragul
and Porter in 1SG2. Mr. Harding is an
ex-sailor, and a member of the asso
ciation. Mrs. A. B. Woodward Is entertaining
her sister, Mrs. Smith, of Carbondale.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brown were in
Wilkes-Barre on business on AVednes
day, and stayed over to see "Janice
Meredith" in the evening.
District Attorney O. Smith Klnner Is
in Scranton and Nicholson tills week
on business.
Mrs. Aaron L. Avery is confined to
her home, on Slocum street, by illness.
Benjamin Hall, of South Eaton, was
doing business in town on Wednesday.
Matt Esser, of Sayre, visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Esser, on Put
nam street, in Wednesday.
Dr. George M. Klnner, of Mehoopany,
was calling on friends in town on Wed
nesday. Attorney Ernest W. Little, ot Wilkes
Barre, was In town on Wednesday.
Miss Carmita Cadalso.of East Lemon,
who has been visiting her cousin, Miss
Fannie Stark, on Wyoming avenue, the
past throe weeks, returned home on
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New Mllford, April 24. Rev. Church,
pastor of the Presbyterian church nt
Hallstcad, took charge of the services
In the Presbyterian hcurcli In this
place Sunday.
A reception was tendered Rev. and
Mrs. Charles Smith, at their home on
Church street Tuesday evening. New
Mllford people aro well pleased to
have Mr. Smith with them another
Miss Alice Bloxham, who lias been
spending a few days with friends
here, returned to Courtland Monday,
where she is attending school.
Rev. Charles Smith and wife, Rev,
I, 1). Mallory and wife, S. V. Trum
bull and daughter, Lettie Woodhouso,
Nina '.Monro nnd J. X. Axtoll, attended
a local Sunday school Institute nt
Soutlr New Mllford last Saturday.
Miss Lena Barrett, a noted elocu
tionist, of Susquehanna, will give ait
entertainment In tho Presbyterian
church on the. veiling of May 2, for
tlic benefit of tho Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor.
The ladies of the Working guild will
meet at the homo of Mrs. David Mc
Connell, on Thursday ovenln. A full
attendance Is desired, us tliero Is spec
ial business to be attended to.
Allen Ward, of Hallstead, called on
friends In town Wednesday.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hallstead, April 24. William Uruslln
left this week to Join tho Leo Brothers'
circus band, He will resign his posi
tion In the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western ofilees here,
The district school entertainment
given by local talent at the Young
Men's Christian association hall, last
Tuesday evening, was tho most suc
cessful of tho many popular entertain
ments given this year. After paying
all expenses, there were still left in the
treasury fifty dollars.
Miss Edith Trowbridge and Miss
Josie Millard have returned from the
Moody Bible Training school at Chi
cago. Lisle Elghniy and T. M, Gregg have
leased a stone quarry near Red Rock,
and will conduct a quarrying business
this year.
Next Sunday ij. D. Fisher, of Har-
Is Gladly Extended by a
Scranton Citizen.
There are many enthusiastic citizens
in Scranton prepared to tell their ex
perience for tho public good. Testi
mony from such a source Is the best
of evidence nnd will prove a "helping
hand" lo scores of renders. Rend the
following slntcmeut:
Mr. Jacob Rupenthnl, of 820 Irving
avenue, South Side, employed as n ma
chinist attendant In the D L. & W.
R. Tt. shops, says: "I had nlinost con
iita'nt pain In my back and nt night It
was so bad I could not turn lu bed. I
tried all kinds of plasters and kidney
medicines, but derived little, If any,
benefit. Noticing Doan's Kidney Pills
advertised lu our city papers nnd en
dorsed by numbers of Scranton citi
zens, 1 got them at Matthews Brothers'
drug store. They did mo more good
than nil other remedies put together.
Having nt times a slight return of the
pain In my back, a resort to a. dose or
two of Doan's Kidney Pills never
failed to drive it away."
For sale by all dealers. Price, 50
cents. Fostcr-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
Remember tho name, Doan's, and
take no substitute.
ford, will address the meeting at the
Young Men's Christian association at
y.SO o'clock. Will Adams, of Klngsloy,
will furnish violin selections, and there
will be singing by the regular Young
Men's Christian association choir.
Mrs. J. II. Van Loan bad a sudden
attack of slckness.whlle visiting at the
home of Mrs. B. C. Read, last Satur
day. She was able to be removed to
her home here on Tuesday, She Is rap
idly recovering.
G. W. Capwell and William Snedaker
have been declared innocent of any
connection with the Paterson wreck.
A part of a load of bay was upset on
the Church street crossing on Tuesday.
The hay was blown by the wind in all
directions, and the wagon was reloaded
with much difficulty.
James Hays, of California, lias been
visiting his brother, T. H. Hays, for
several days. He will return to Cali
fornia from here.
Postmaster Richard Barber has re
turned homo from the hospital in
Scranton. He is much improved in
Mrs. B. C. Read and Mrs. A. J. Gere
attended the missionary convention at
New Milford last Friday.
Fred W. Church, editor of the Hall
stead Herald, will take a trip through
the Southern states and to Cuba, leav
ing about the middle of May. '
Will Hendricks is erecting a fine new
dwelling house on Chase avenue.
Henry Talmadge is erecting a hand
some new veranda around his home on
Chase avenue.
Mr. Healy, of New York, a heavy
stockholder in the chair factory here,
was in town on business this week.
Spoclil Id Hip Srranlnn Tiiliunc.
Duryea, April 24. Tuesday the court
of Luzerne county proclaimed Dur
ea as a borough. This Is hailed with
delight by most of the citizens of this
place. Dr. N. J. Baker and other wor
thy citizens have worked earnestly for
this result. Election will occur on
July 2:s at A. C. Watson's confection
ery store, when officers of the borough
will be chosen.
Tho choir of the Brick Methodist
Episcopal church will bold an enter
tainment on May 2.
Class No. 7 held a meeting last even
ing, at which it was voted that the
old officers bold office again, but
Dunne Dills, secretary, resigned, be
cause ho hns held office now for three
terms, The new officers for the next
thre2 months are: President, George
Grenne; vice-president, Duane Dills;
treasurer, Thomas Martin: secretary,
H. Brown; assistant, William Barnes,
Miss Lizzie Kennedy called in Pltts
ton on Tuesday.
Mw. Lawrence Boyce Is ill.
Mrs. M. Cleary visited in Wilkes
Barre, Tuesday.
Tho infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Vuro Hill died Tuesday evening.
Miss Mary Clark Is seriously HI.
On Decoration day a flag will bo pre
sented to the East district school house
by the Jr. O. U. A. M. Special exer
cises will be held in honor of the oc
casion. Mrs. Aiuurniau visited in Plttston
Mrs. Patrick Fltzslmmons visited
hor sister, Mrs. Gavin, of West Pltts
ton, recently.
The Temple Coal and Iron company
will pay its employes at the William A
colliery Saturday.
A Spring Tonic.
Everybody needs a tonlo In the
spring; at this time the system craves
a tonic It Is house-cleaning time for
your body. Llchty'a Celery Nerve
Compound will tone up your nerves,
blond, kidneys ami liver, ami fill you
with health and energy. Sold by Mat
thews Brothers.
Yesterday nfternnon at about D
o'clock, George, tlio 17-year-old son of
Mr. and Jre. Charles Teets, was
killed In Heidelberg colliery, No. I,
shaft, of tho Lehigh Valley Coal coin
puny. How the accident occurred is
not known. Tliero were no murks on
tho body nnd it Is supposed that lie
was squeezed bet wen tho curs, Ho
wus employed as a driver und there
being few men In tho mine at thu
time, they do not know how long the
boy lny there. AVhen found ho was
yet alive, but unconscious. He died
before he reached home. Tlio case is a
particularly sad one. The family
came here about six months ago from
Wellsboro, N. Y, Tlio boy never saw
a coal luli'.o until lie camo here, and
his working there was averse to his
parent's wishes. The funeral arrange
ments are not yet completed.
Misses Maud Holgate nnd Blanche
Sanders attended the Maplo sugar
party given ill tlio class culture so
ciety in Scrutnon on Tuesday even
jr. J. Powell has returned home, af
ter several months' visit with friends
In England.
The death of Mrs. Patrick McAn
drew occurred on Tuesday morning, at
the family residence nn Main street,
after six weeks Illness of paralynl?.
Deceased was n resident of this town
for more thin thirty yours. She was
about 70 years of bro. nnd Is Riirvivnd
by her husband and the following sons
nnd daughters! John, Michael. Pat
rick, Martin, Mary nnd Bridget. The
funernl will tnke place this morning nt
n o'clock. Interment will be In St.
Mary's cemetery.
William Dixon, ot Baltimore Modioli
rotlcge, s spending 'his vacation at
the homo of his parents, on York nvu
mi c.
Hairy Capwell. ot Mcnslc. will bo
In Konnlmnn's drug store during the
next few months. Mr. Ronnlmnn Is at.
Clonrlleld county, taking charge or an
excavating contract.
fprelal lo Hit suanton Tribune.
Harford, April 21. The telephone
lino from Harford to Gibson Is ncurly
Rev. G. D. Fisher was returned lo
this charge for another year.
I'ho young men's union class
hold a social In the lecture room
day cvnlng.
Lawyer Lott, ot Montrose, was
Saturday to atten dthe lawsuit
Rhynorson anil Flint.
Miss Kmlly Ohamberlnln Is suffering
with throat difficulty.
Miss Jenkins, of Carbondnle, Is tak
ing euro of (iernld Hammond, who Is
Buffering with cuncer.
Mr. A. It. Grant, or Foster, was In
town Saturday looking after the In
terest of his farm.
S. B. York is digging the cellar of his
now house.
George Sweet, of Colorado. Is visit
ing his parents. It has been twelve
years since George visited his nntlve
town, and ills old friends were glad lo
welcome him.
E. B. Miller, of Now York, is clerk
ing for E. M. Watson.
Mrs. Will Coltson, of Elmira, Is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
lA'OKUM "J.inico Meredith." Xishl.
ACADKMV Tommy Hiemer coinpJny. Mallnee
and nighl.
OAtKTV I.lltle i:g)it UmlcMpie
Matinee and night.
"The Heart of Maryland."
Though the weather was miserable,
nn audience that crowded the Lyceum
to the doors saw "Ths Heart of Mary
land" presented at the Lyceum last
nlaht. This stirring drama by Belasco
seems to increase in popularity and
drawing power with each presenta
tion. Tho way !n which It was re
ceived Inst night left no doubt as to
the kind of an impression that it made
on the audience.
The company was most creditable
throughout, the leading roles being
sustained by Herbert Bostwick, Frank
A. Conner, Frederick G. Lewis, Walter
Belasco, Regan Hughston, Mable How
ard, Anna O'Ryan and Louise Ken
more. Mary Manueiing-.
Carl Ahrendt, a German actor, who
has many years' experience on the
American stage, plays the part of
Colonel Raid, the Hessian commander
ut Trenton, in support of Mary Man
nerlng in her new revolutionary play.
"Janice Meredith," which comes to
the Lyceum theatre tonight. Mr. Ah
rendt came to this country about
eighteen years ago. He had had many
years' experience on the German stage.
He spoke English indifferently and
was cast for character parts In which
his imperfect English made him par
ticularly Interesting.
Today he speaks the English lan
guage as well as any actor on the
stage, with n slight German accent.
This and his pronounced German per
sonality makes him an ideal In the
part ot Colonel Rahl. In stuglng
"Janice Meredith," Frank McKee
made a special effort to select artists
exactly suited to every part. The re
sult of this care with "Janice Mere
dith" is one of the best cast plays that
lias been seen the present season.
"A Poor Relation."
In Sol Smith Russell's long career
he never produced u better or more
successful play than his famous come
dy. "A Poor Relation," nnd It was a
matter of -jreat regret when his health
forbade his appearing for some time to
It was fortunate, however, that Mr.
(tussell was able to secure In Mr.
Kecnnn mi actor so capable of main
taining the traditions of tho delightful
character of Noah Vnle. Mr. Keenun
will nppear In the part that made Mr,
Russell famous, and Judging from the
unbounded praise of both press and
public, Mr, Keenun Is evidently mak
ing himself famous, too. The St. Louis
Republic, In writing of Mr, Keenun,
says: "There is no apparent effort on
the comedian's part to touch the
hearts of his audience, There Is no
striving after effect. But In many ot
his scenes tears conic to the eyes of
the nudlenco almost before tho sinllo
has left their lips,"
lu the supporting company we find
such names as George 11, Miller,
Georgo It, Hprague, Marius Morlurity,
John Cumberland, Misses Vota Hen
derson, Kntlieiin Doollng, Kato Long,
Fanny Barry Sprngue, and others,
Special scenery, costumes, stage sel
lings In fact, everything Is carried by
tho company to Insure n production
correct and adequate In every detail.
Will Ie ut the Lyceum Friday night,
"Undo Tom's Cabin,"
Stetson's big production or "1'iicle
Tom's Cabin" will appear nt tho Ly
ceum on Saturday afternoon and night.
It has been organized this season in a
manner that will make it far superior
to any previous production ever seen
bore. Misses Kitty Morgan and Bcrtliit,
Crosblo are the two Topsles; Messrs,
George Harris and Nick Gllnu are the
two Marks, and Stetson's original
"Uncle Tom," Mr. Fred Bennett, will
also be lu the cast.
Leon Washburn, the manager of this
company, lias, however, succeeded in
organizing a cast composed of specially
selected players, chosen for their adapt
ability for tho parts assigned them.and
hns received ills reward in tho gener
ous patronage of the public und piMlses
from tlio press. A street parade will
bo given that is said to delight every
Juvenile spectator 'beyond measure.
Black Patti Troubadours;
The Black Pattl Troubadours have
an entirely new stage hchrjmo for this
season. Their new stugo production Is
entitled "A Darktown Frollo on the
The W. B. Erect
moves all pressure
abdomen. Throws
into a fine miltary
only model for the now straight-front stylo costumes. It Is hygienic and
beautiful. It does away with all the Ills ot tight lacing, least of which are.
short breathing nnd indigestion. Every dealer In Scranton has them on sale.
If! yours hasn't send to us direct and we will see Hint your nro supplied.
ERECT FORM Style 701.
Heavy front steel. Of white nnd
drab Jean. Hip gored.... $1.00
ERECT FORM Style 702.
Hip gored. Heavy front steel. Of
imported Diamond Sateen In
white and drab $1,50 1
ERECT FORM Style 963.
Of imported Coutll. Full gored.
bins cut. For small, slender ilg-
ures $1.75
CAUTION. Loot for the lettering V.
every pair.
A Bicycle Bargain Sale
At the Opening of the Season
CYCLES on sale ut prices less than actual
cost to its. The assortment is a varied one
all standard makes, and includes Ladies',
(Jciitlcnicii'sand Children's Models.
This is the first time Standard Bicycles
have bsen offered nt reduced prices in
Scranton at the opening of the season.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
I Meldrum, Scott & Co.
S Are Showing Handsome Mew Lines of Q
I Coaching Sun Umbrellas
Also Exclusive Novelties in
Fine Grenadine and Chif
fon Trimmed Parasols.
llliilto." which is said to be one of tho
most entertalniig and attractive stage
vehiek's for tlio versatile talent em
bodied in Ibis world-famous Afro
Aiueiii'iin organization.
The "Paratowu Frollo on the Ulalto"
Is appropriately described as being a
"bunch of fun and melody." All the
latest coon conceits, darkey fun and
situations, ragllnu' ballads, and the
sweetesl melodies of the plantation and
opera, aie blended with gyrating cako
walks and bewildering buck nnd wing
Tlio eiilli" company appear hi this
"Darktown Frollo on tho llliilto," and
lis representation in other cities (juall
lles It as being the biggest hit Messrs.
Vnelokel und Nolan have scored slnco
tho inception of their phenomenally
successful attraction. It will be pre
seined at tlio Lyceum, Monday night.
Champlln Next Week.
Chillies K. I'hainplin nnd company
will bo the. attraction ut tho Academy
of Music next wee!;, Of this company
the I.ynn News says:
"Charles K. Champlln and excellent
company made themselves so popular
during last weok that they have been
persuaded by tho management to ro
iiiuin another week. To lovers of a
good modern drama or a sensational
pla,. . tlis will bo a ram treat. Charles
K, Champlln during the pnst two years
lias gained a wonderful reputation
throughout the country, and though
mill a young man, he ranks high in
IPs piofesslon; )ils brief stuy hem has
added to bis former success.
Tho opening play on Monday night
will bo 'Tie Curse of I'rlde." Thu
coiiipan., Is well known through tlio
New Kugluud states, Mr. Champlln
being a great favorite through that
section of tlio east. Kpociul scenery
will bo used for each production. "In
Old Vlrginlu'wlll be the uttruetlon
jf 126 Wyoming; Avenue. j
Form Corset re
from the bust nnd
the shoulders back
attitude. It is the
ERECT FORM Style 950.
Improved. Of Fr-jiichCoulll. In white
and drab. Full gored, bias cut, $3.00
ERECT FORM Style 062.
Of extra heavy French Ooutil, In
white and drab nnd black Sateen.
Full gored, bins cut :.... $2.50
i ERECT FORM Style 960.
I Of Imported Coutll. Full gored, bins
cut Heavily boned. For full de-
I veloped figures $2.50
B. "Krect Form" slumped on t lie Inside or
.177 Broadway. New Vork.
for the opening matinee on Tuesday
Clianse of Progrnmme.
Ai Hi (iuioty, beginning with mati
nee Ibis nftuinuon, tho "Utile Kgypt"
!!iiiicsuors will present nn entirely
different programme, and several new
and novel features will be introduced
during tho balance ot the week.
Cheap Rates to California, ,
Parties desiring to inakn trip to Cali
fornia, Arizona or New Mexico, either
for business or pleasure, can do so now
nt almost half price.
Fvery Tuesday, until April SOth, In
clusive, tickets mnrked "Colonist" may
he purchased via .Southern Railway for
$41,00 from Washington, J46,fiO from
Philadelphia, and correspondingly low
prices from other points.
Tho Southern Hallway and .Southern
IMclllo company operuto through ex.
curslnn sleepers from 'Washington,
leaving Mondays, Tuesdays and Fri
days, tho Tuesday sleeper being avail
able for "Colonist" tickets. The berth
rate in these sleepers is only 17.00,, two
people being allowed to occupy ont
berth If desired. Personal conduotor.s
nnd Pullman porters go thrqugh with
eacli sleeper. Tliero are ntjier nen,
convenient and economical feature?
connected with these excursions which
may tie ateertalncd from Charles ,.
Hopkins. District Passenger Agent,
.Southern Hallway, S28 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia. '
Lackawanna Railroad Excursion to
Washington, D. C.
Dn May I, ticket agents of the Lack
awanna railroad will bdl excursion
tickets lo AVushiiiKton. 1. C, good
going on any regular train on that il.U"
and limited for return until May II.
inclusive, at rate of one way fare for
the round
Lv '"? .'.'..A &. fte j..'Q- -M; &---,