The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    4t,MJ '1
T . V f W .1 " 52'MiV'V .1, !)$
s'4rqejnr "Sp-FfJ
Delegates Weio Piesent from Phila
delphia nnd All of the Divisions In
This Vicinity Names of Tlioso
Who Attended the Gatheilng In
stallation of the Now Offlceis of
Slocum Lodge of Odd Follows Last
Night New Pastor of the Simpson
Chinch In the City.
The riii.ii tot ly sessions of the gland
dLvlslon ol the Sons ofTenipeiaiue was
held In Mnig'iu's hall, ul Main ve
nue nnd .lucksnn stieet. last night, and
urn. attended b ilelegatloim fmm u
ntinihci .if different lo Iges. The f-es-sloii
iim a strict mil', mid lusted until
ii'inly ml Inlght. The following wns
nlvm mil tor publication.
John M F.dvvuids mi-i elected to lilt
tin- lltii'iiiril ti'im ol gland wot thy
iii'ik I ih A motion iiicviilli'il thai the
until divisliu i It-it tlticc of It-, nulli
ties in ltd In conjiiiii'tlrii with the
I'tohlhltlnii Ami tidntent Adulation of
l'i iin- ImiiiI i. Under tin- good of the
onlir Hi. Son ol Tempi'iamo (lice
c Inl) miiilcicd p M-Ing -elictl ins Wil
liam I 'avis mlli'il "What mi Old Man
Said." A ninllon was made anil mi
lled 1 1) it Hip lji Jilitl division tender
tluli th. inks to Hippie division foi se
mi ing t ho hull and entei tabling the
i'iil-i'f-lmii inonibeis. The follow Ing
wo in i sf nt:
! IUIII I'llll Hi. Illlll I III III" I ,llMI, 1 .III. j
(', Mr nl. . W li Willi in MirioiiK, V.
I i, 11 llll mi II Dniwii. (.Hi- U."--
iiil.v, I M Iiiimi I lltilr, 'lillli lli'ii'itiini.
I r I mini ijinn Inliii -v. il" li iijiliiiii sm,
M, W, I. inl'i-oi, Kile liiflci-oii, Mill
I'iim.ii'- I I
Call i nihil s
1 tip 1 1 rl .
1.1' ll I" -"l-ldl
i'iI. I. nil. Hi-,
I Itilnii, W .s Uni, .'. I
llo nil-, mil 'llioims niutlirn
I. Ui-, IS linlicrK Ii.c
Willi mi-. InlNii n ItmllioH I.mii- iml Will
l,iii". s. jrt IMIm inn Menu' r.i.nuK.
Nurlh Iml ti t-H'ii Uitiii I I) l..m-. Milium
I no. l)iil siiiiniis
Moo-li UrtM.m -Mi ml Mr-. I 1'. I, tl
M in. .1 m os II -ii It
l.nili imii Hi'1-iuii- Inlm It WtllimiN, Si-kr
1) mis. w 1' i.ikui, lt.ij sml
l.'ipptr. Iliiiini I I. I nu iuK .1. W. I'luini-,
I I) liul-, s,t, ni-, W. ll lli ic-, I. !
In..-. II II 'Milium, .Irilm Willhm-, Ihoini-l.',
I. 'Iin i.IIii-, lolm 1 lin, Hum ,lu. li"-,
i tin l.ii i -, It iliiiitii--, I,' Li.m, T, 'Ilium i-i.
.1 liiiimlil-.. I. 1! Ii.vtrs 1) 1 il nil-, s I il-
ml-, 1 II iilinn, I nanus W. Thiiina, .
Wear for
Ladies of Fashion
The lew US
represent the newest and handsomest
Parisian Novelties, Fancy Collars,
Cluster Ruffles, Large Flowing Tabs,
Etc., makes them the dressiest of all
the new dressy ideas.
Eton Jackets m Silk
Heavy Silk Taffetas, with rich Ap
plique trimmings, all-over manifold
tucks, also Peau-de-Soie Etons in rich
and novel effects.
!1m Silk Taffeta Skirts
Dress Skirts, of course, with new
Hare and flounce effects, combination
ruifle, and ruffled applique trimmings,
etc. Large assortment of new and
-elegant designs.
Get an Idea of the New Styles
"from Our Window Display.
Globe Warehouse
II Tlmiin. 0 (It lull lis .1. William, limn 0.
Pnlii, (ilc I'v m, .Mem. lames CI. I', ttivc.i
Twenty-tin to new divisions have
been urgnnUed since last October. Ad
di esses wcie delivered dm Ing the even
ing by a ntitnbi'i' of the above named
visitors, and the convention wan voted
n Blind success In every particular.
Two Young Men Injined,
.lolm Junes, of Fllmnrc iivcniic, and
Lotighlln Mrilugh, of Cliuitt u umm
and Jackson stieet, emplo.M'H In Hi"
ltde 1 'title shntl. weio InJUK'd while
at woilc on Tuesday.
Holli wete lldlttg on a tlli or cuts
nnd were, standing between thoni
when they nti itch lb" and sus-
talnid bodily btulso. Their InJtitlcH
mo not set Ions.
Installation of Ofllccts.
A tegular meeting of Klocinu lodge,
No. 976, Independent Older of Odd l'cl
Iowh, was held In Masonic hall last
night, nl which the following nlllcen
weic Installed by Dlstilet Deputy Ol
ln .N'obfo giund. Pavld 15. .Tones; vice
Ki.ind, Uviin 11. .Ioiicm; assistant secic.
tar.v, Nols Aiidi.s'in: tiustee. John S.
Davis. A stnoK'T and .social .session
followed the iiiHtull.itlon.
ruucinl of Hnny Hock.
Rev. .Innies tSctinliiRer, pastor of the
Hampton Slient JIetllodlt Upls-eiipnl
heuiih. londiicteil the I uncial hervlcea
opt the totn.ilns of the Into Many
lis 1. at 7..W o'clock last o cuing, at
the house, l.ti South Tenth stieet.
A lame tisscinbl.igc was, present to
nttisl tlicli .sympalhv for the bctcupil
ttinillv. v The iciualiw will be taken
to nt S.KO iVclock this
n.oinlng, whete intciineiiL will be
Steamship Tickets,
at lowest late-. Apply in Mingnil
', 1IJS Jaekson stieet.
Events of This Evening.
Mlci.m iiipetiug of Hip Ladles
Home J!l-slonaiy society of the Simp
son Methodist nplscopal chinch, at the
home of Mr. and M's. Addison W.
Oh.": p. Noith Main :icuue.
Oig.inisMtinii of AVesy Scianlon of the Catholic Itcllct and
lietiUactory Instititlc, at Younsr Men's
'institute hall.
Meeting of the I.adiis' Aid soi iety
In Simpson Methodl&t J'pNi'op.if
i bin ih, this afteinuon.
Stag six la I at the r.leclnc 'ily
Wlicf Imen's club house. Chailcs
Ilmtley anil otheis will ptitei tain.
Rose Bushes Given Away.
Another lot ol Itose Hitshis will
ho Riven away Pi Ida, S.ituiday and
Mottd.i. Meats .V ll.tgui.
General News Notes.
Ki.inU Mtfann, of AVcst Linden
slice!, has iiLecpted a position with
tfte Aimour J'eel i uliipauy, with hc.ld
liMiteis at Mantkoku.
AnnouticcniPiit has been made of the
appioaihing m.iiti.igc of Patilik .T.
IJaily and Mi'.s M'.nguiet L. Stanton,
liffon Cape
both of How land avenue, nnd Dennis
Nealoit, of Luzerne Direct, and Mlstt
Kale Ulllewnle, or Ctown inenile.
The ftinetal of tlm Into IMwmd
Smith uccinixil esleiday morning
from the family lenldontc, tin JtieU
huii etiopl. A high iniiPH of icrpilem
wns- celbtnted In SI. T'ntrlelt's cliutch
nnd Inteintent mii miulo In the Cathc
tti nl icmctety.
Mlclinel C'tlinmlns, of Ltltle Mead
ows, .Sustitielmnna totinly, H the guest
of IiIh brother, Wllllum Oilmmlns, of
South niomley avenue.
.Tnlin Sliatigliiieswy and Thomas fill
roy hno boeu elocled an delegates to
ippteKent St.'m Hallullon at tins
Dloeemiu convention, to be held In tills
city next month.
The pupils iniiglit by MIrh Sadie
.Tones gave a very ci editable recltul
la (liioiiihcy hall limt evening. A'
huge number of Went Setanton peo
ple tttti tided.
The local t'oiM of the Salvnllon
At my wan recently picHcnted with n
linndKontp Hag by nicmbcrH of the Pa
ttlotli' Oulcr Sons of Ametlca. It
will fioin the bartacks Hag slarf,
mi Pile .stieet.
Min. David .iGnkliif, of Not th Tte
betca incline, 1m iceoveiiiig fioin the
effects of a icceiit oppratlon.
ltuv. i: A. Tioyl, pastor of the Ply
mouth chimb, has ictuincd homo
1 1 oin Lancaster, Ohio, and now te
.sldcs at the coiner of Not th Sumner
nvenilP and Pi ho stieet.
At the legular meeting of Patagonia,
lodge, No. :2C,, Knights of Pythias,
hrlil last evening, live candidates were
Initiated Into membership.
Miibter Ilowaid Pi Ice, of South Fll
mole avenue, was letideied n suipilso
putty hv a nutnb-'r of tiling friends,
on .Monday evening.
Mi. nnd Mis. i:. n. Dean, of Scian
lon stieet, dhposcd of their household
elfects yestetday to Auctioneer Sliong.
A .son was recently botn to Mr. and
Mrs. William Fair, of Tiipp Park.
Mls-i Louise Flynn. of Pi Ice stieet. Is
vetv 111 nl her home.
Kc. McUeimott, the new pastor of
the Simpson Methodist Dplseopal
chinch, aniuvl in city yesteiday and
wilt bpgln his pastorate net Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Plttston,
railed on Mis. . N. Chase, of Noi th
Jboniley avenue yesterday.
The choir of the Jackson Stieet
Baptist church .seienaelcd their pastot,
Kcv. Thomas dc (Itucliy, at his homo
last evening.
The Tabernacle united choir held ,i
well attended iiheaisal last evening,
with niche.sti.i accompaniment. They
will ptoduce cantata "Daniel" In
Me.ti.s' hall on May l!".
The AVIlliam Connoll Olee club will
sing at Kaub's hall this evening at the
meeting ot the Spanisli-Ameiican Wai
Vetei .ins' association.
The of Gcoigc Sfoeber was
held ftom his late tcsldence. on Bitch
.-.tieel, yestetday nftcinooif at J o'i lock.
The set vices weio held at the Chutcli
ot Peace by Kev. V. Schmidt, pastor
of tlie chinch, and weic attended by a
l.nge number of mends and lelntives.
Inlet incut was made in the Plttston
.uentte cemelciy.
The Setanton Athletic club will meet
this evening nt their looms on Alder
The incinbets of the St. Alovsius
Tcmpei.iiiee society will meet in month
ly session this evening In Pluunnicy
Local union, No. 13 il, of nellevue,
1'iiited Mine AVoikers of Amotion, will
meet at Novlck's hall this evening.
Them will be two games of basket
b ill played at St. John's hall this even
ing. The hist game will be between
the Defendeis and the Comets, and the
.second between the Twentieth Cen
tuos and St, Joseph's, of Minooka.
The game w ill cniiimeni e at '-.SO o'clock.
An lie i team sale will be held tit
the looms ot the Young Women's
C'lnistlati assocl.Uion, 10J1 Cedar ave
nue, Thursday evening, Apiil LTi, for
the benefit of the talent fund. The
sale will be In chaige of Alice Bar
nickel and Minnie Mailman.
Rose Bushes Given Away.
Another lot of Bote Bushes will
be given away Filday, Satin day and
Monday. Meais & Hagen.
Seizes a Tract at Avoca Under Right
of Eminent Domain.
Indemnifying- bonds weic tiled In the
Luzerne coui t ycstoiday by the Setan
ton and AVUkcs-Bnuo Bapld Tianslt
company, as a (list stpp towards the
seizin e, under tight of eminent domain, '
of ti nlne-acie snip of the Laeoe &
Shifter Unci at Avoca, which Is wanted
lor a ptlvate light of way. Other seiz
in es ate to bo made of lands In the
samo nelghboihood, the company and
the ownets being unable to comu to an
agieuiuPlit as to what they ate woith.
This is the Hist time the company
has attempted to exeicise the light of
eminent domain. Tlieie weic conten
tions i.ilsed that the iiinipanji was not
empoweied with light of eminent do
main, but the company Is cnntldent of
the, and is ptoi ceding accoid
luglj. - i ...
Two Matches to Be Decided on Fii
day Night.
At the ci.tloty on Filday night. In
i-oiinei tmii with tha icgular ncilnriu
anio, tlicio will bo sc'Vciiit wtcstlliig
matches, which ptoinlse to bo of in
tense Inteiest.
Abe I'oicni. in will wusdc Sam llodg.
Ins, ot Jesaiip, who tecently tlttew Hilly
Lester at the I lately, and Cluulio Cot
coian wilt take on John Langnn, also
ot .lossup. The (.'oleomas ate tcsldents
of Piovldeiicc,
The matches are tor $50 n side and a
side hot, mid the stylo will bi catch-as-catih-ciin,
James Twiss will ho the
lefetee, -
C, W. Ginnt, of Little Egypt Com
pany, Under Ane&t.
Uliffonl W. Uiani, nuiniigei' of the
"Little Kgypt Buile.srpie" company,
was in tested je.steidny at the Instance
of t 31. Smith, a hotel proprietor from
i.'lnilia, N, Y, who cluuges him with
obtaining baggago tunn the Lacka
wanna company under false lepieseu
tutlona. Giant didn't have much to say when
auatgued. lie was held in $500 hall
and furnished seeiulty. it is juobublu
that the dllllculty will bo ananged
duiiiig the week.
Would uso Kemp's HiUain foi the 'Ihroat anl
l.un;s. Jt is cuilus luuio Cousltf, Coldj,
AklliiiU, UiuikIiHU, Croup juJ all ' ami
tun 'lioublcJ, tluu j ii) oilier mcdiiliK-. Ttm
proprlctiir Uai autlioiUed uuy drubt to n'we
you SJinpIo Uultlc Kicc to com line jou o( tli
wtrit ot tills yrcat icmcdy. I'lkg -m. jiiJ iv.
Services Weic Conducted at the Lato
Home by Rev. Dr. George E. Guild.
Thontns G. Evans Presented with
Watch Charm by the Keystone
Club John Ford Breaks His Arm
by Tailing Down Steps John Gol
den Arraigned Before Alderman
Myers Other News Notes.
The fiinoial of Mrs. Aaron McDonald
took place yesteiday afternoon at 2.30
o'clock fioin her late home, 1S34 North
Main avenue. Mr. McDonald wns one
of the best known persons In this sec
tion In f-oclul nnd chinch nttalrs, and
the funeral whb largely nttended by
i elat Ives and friends, nnxlotts to evi
dence their sorrow nnd respect.
Kev. Dr. U. K. Guild, of the Presby
terian rhutch, was In ehnrgc of the
services. A fpiurtettc from the Pros
bytcrlnn chinch, composed of .Howard
Uilffln. Phoebe Smith, AVIlliam Evans
and Mrs. Kinnk Norton, sang "do
Huiy Thy Sorrow" nnd "Asleep In the
The pnll-bpatets weic AV. (', McDon
nell, of AVIIkes-Barrc; AW 11. McDon
nell. J. M. McDonnell, J. McDonnell,
D. AV. Shearer and P. II. Ktirfllch. In
tel iiient was made in the Dunmoio
Mr. Evans Presented.
Thomas J. Evans, n member of the
Ke stone Literal y and Dramatic club,
was piesented with a handsome gold
WHteh cluuni, Tuesday evening, by the
Keystone club, at a meeting held in
their neatly furnished rooms In the
Auditorium. The meeting was called
to order by President Michael Gerrity,
who in a few words told the membeis
what the meeting was tailed for.
He then introduced Treasurer John
T. McNamma, who made the presen
tation speech.
Following the piesentatlon and Mr.
1 1vans' speech of thanks, a very de
lightful entertainment was given by
the following persons: Arocal solo, John
Itow ley; lecltation, Thomas J. Clark:
piano solo, Llbble Neary: fife duet,
Thomas Golden and Thomas Gilboy;
vocal solo, John Hughes; piano solo,
John Sherman nnd Lena Thomas; i col
lation, George Welters: solo, John
Mm an; vocal solo, Lena Thomas: vio
lin solo, Patrick Sullivan; vocal solo,
John Malloy. After this a smoker was
The club elected the following ofll
ceis for the ensuing year: President,
Michael Genity: vice-pteslilent, T. J.
Clnik: financial secrotaiy, Peter F.
Began; recoidlng secietary, P. J.
Moian; tieasurcr, John T. McNamaia;
sorgeant-at-arnis, John T. Sherman;
janitor, Joseph C. Sherman; manager,
Thomas Dvans.
William Thomas Injured.
William Thomas, 17 yeais of age,
employed at Stoir's mines No. 1. as
:i dtiver boy. had his light ankle
iiuslied Tuesday afternoon, while do
ing his customarv duty In the mines.
Thomas was standing on one side of
the track on a plane 'when a trip ot
cars came down and some object on
the track caused the cais to leave
the tiack, tunning over Thomas' foot
Thomas was rpmoved to his home
Ir Thioop, where a doctor sum
moned and dtessed the Injmeil mem
bet. Accident to John Fold.
John Foid, aged 42 eais. lcslding
at Oak stieet and McDonough avenue,
fell Tuesdav afternoon while coming
down tt pair of stulrs In the of
his home and broke his left aim. Foul
was on the top step when part of It
gave way, letting him down with gieat
The fall iPiideted him unconscious
anil he was found In that condition by
his wife, who had him lemoved to
the house, whete a physician was
summoned. It was found that ho had
icceived a bioken arm and seveial sc
ere bruises.
Golden Attested Again.
John Golden the well known huck
ster, whoso fate Is a familiar one in
Aldctman Myers couit, was again ar
lalgned befnie this magistrate yester
day, on the same old cliurge, -wife
beating and making threats, piefeired
by his wife.
Mis. Golden was so badly ftlghtenod
by her husband's actions last evening
that she wns unable to appear against
him. The alderman committed him
to the county jail. This has been the
fomth or tlfth time Golden has been
befoto the aldeinian on chaiges pte
feiipd by his wife, of beating her or
dilvlng her from their house, while ho
was in a drunken condition.
Rose Bushes Given Away.
Another lot of Bose Bushes will
be given away Filday. Satttiduy and
Monday. Meais it Hagen. '
A nipfttlng of the Ladles Aullhny or
the Ancient Older of lilbemians, pi
sioll No. 11, will liu held this oven
Iin, In St. Alaiy's hull,
The Black Diamond basket ball team
t.nd the Nntth .Setanton basket ball
team will play next Filday evening at
the Aiidltoiluiti.
Two joung daughters of Alderman
Fldler ate sick at their homo on Spilng
The Women's Christian Tempciaiuo
union held uu interesting meeting in
the Capouso Avenue Evangelical chapel
yesteiduy aftetiioou. .Mrs. lilpley had
I'haigo of the meeting, which 'was well
attended. The ptlneipal event of the
afternoon's woik was the reading by
3lis. Uepuo of her lepott of the Alttl
Saloon league convention, held in Mar
ket Siiiai I'lesbytcilan chinch at
Hurrisbuig, March 21. This league is
a union mmposed of till tenipoianco
societies of all denominations. Dr,
Tucker Is employed by tio league and
devotes all his time to the wink. Mis,
Depue gave a clear lepoit of the wink
done ut the convention, of which Dr,
11. A. Swingle, state supeilntendont of
the New Yojk league, was chairman,
with notes ftom addresses made by
Bov. Hugh O. (ilbbs, D. P., who has
been ciiBUged in the woik for thltty
yens, Dr. Bellly, (leneial Slglan, Dr.
Smith and otheis. At the close of the
meeting the ladles tendeied Mis. Depuo
a vote of tliuukb for her excellent to
poi t.
The members of the Gieen Bldgu
AVheelni"ii .no rejoicing over the ar
ilval of two of the lljiest Brunswlck-Ualkc-Cullcudar
company's bllllaul
lablcs, which will be pluepd In posl
llon and bo iciidy Tor Use this even
ing, A light lunch will hereafter bo
served at the club liottso each evening
by Steward Winner.
Green Bldgo camp, Modern Wood
men of America, held an Inlet esthm
meeting at Masonic hnll, Dickson ave
nue, Inst evening. Seven uihdidatPH
wero Initialed and nineteen nppllea
tlons for membership weic received.
The cdinmlttcc on llrst anniversary cel
ebiatlon reported that the exercises
and banquet would bo held Thursday
evening, Mny 1(1.
Mrs. F. L. Hitchcock, of AVashlng
ton avenue, Is In Philadelphia.
Mrs. A. O. Thomasnn, ot North Park,
spent yesterday In Kingston.
Miss Maud Depuo, of Monsoy ave
nue, li visiting friends In Flcptvllle.
A literary and musical cntet tiilnment
will be given In lhr L'.tst Market Street
Primitive Methodist church ttitnmiiiiv
evening. An Intcicstlng fentute of the
evening will be tt contest between the
Misses Foidhnm, Powell nnd Doisey,
Roso Bushes Given Awny.
Another lot ot Rose Bushes will
be given awuy Friday, Saturday and
Monday. Meats & Hagen.
Annual Social nnd Supper of Daugh
ters of America a Great Suc
cess Other Notes.
One of the laigcst audiences ever
gathered In Odd Fellows' hall was
ptcsent last night, when the Daughtcts
of Amciica held their annual social and
supper.N An enteitalnment opened the
evening's pleasuie, furnished by some
of the best talent that has appeared In
affairs of this kind In some time. The
following wero those tnklng pint:
1'i.mi) Solo tl.inr.i HiiRirt
Itriltitlon Ml-s Vnn Iluirn
Sinu-in,' (jjiiloltc-
t'lke Wiilk ltcasie .nil Silly Jono-., Jci ni u
Itcdtitluii Mic Klli-iit
siiiRiiig IJmi'ti'lto
SmiK llclrii l'ou-c'll
nuttJtlon DcmIc .lours
Sulo Mr. Jnnoi
lletltat ton Ann oim
SinshiK- Ijuirtrttn
At the close of the entertainment
those piesent wete invited to the floor
above, where a supper, which was well
prepared, awaited them. Tables loaded
with the good things of the season
tilled the rooms, and were soon sur
lounded by merry throngs. The floor
betow was cleared for dancing, which
the young folks piesent enjoyed until
an early hour.
Condition of Moses Kellcm.
Inriulries made last night at the
Lackawanna hospital regarding the
condition of Moses K. Kellem, elicited
the response that ho was icstlng com
foi tably.
The physicians in charge have sttong
hopes of 'being able to save his sight,
although ho suffets consideiable pain
ftom his scalds.
Rose Bushes Given Awny.
Another lot of Bose Bushes will
be given away Filday, Satin day ami
Monday. Mears & Hagen.
Taylor Lov eland, emplowed by Lum
beimnn B. AV. Osterhout, met with a
seiiQiis accident yesteiday. He was
engaged in running lumber through a
machine saw, when the muchlne
sttuck a knot, which flew wldly and
badly laceiated his eye. The doctor
consulted could not say, owing to the
inflamed condition of the member,
whether the sight was destioyed or
The Woman's Christian TempoianeP
union will meet in the Sunday school
room of the Methodist Episcopal
chin eh Siinilav afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Kveiy member of the society is re
quested to be piesent lo help, as im
poitant business will be transacted.
At the congiegatlonal meeting held
in the Presbyterian church lust night.
Frank Marshall was elected -tiustee
lor the ensuing three yeais.
Joseph Vlckeis, who removed to
Johnstown some time ago, has 10
tuined and will again make his homo
Mm. Bobeit Hughes is dangeiously
ill at her home, on Collins street, with
Miss Mattle Chambeilln has loturned
from a visit of several weeks with
Llnghamton friends.
Mrs. Frank Thomas I? eonvnlescont
after her recent seveie Illness.
'Iho Ladies' Catholic Benevolent
union of Minooka held a meeting last
night at the Ancient Order or Hiberni
ans hall on AVillow stieet.
Miss Mai la, Phllbln and Mr. Hugh
Pndden, both popular young people of
this place, will be mauled AVeduesduy
at St. Joseph's- chinch.
Mts. Connollv, tho mother of James
Connolly, of Gllmote avenue, died last
evening, death being due to general do-
The bowling match scheduled for lo
morrow night between the Black Dia
monds nnd the Elks will be i oiled to
night Instead on the Bicycle, club al
leys. The cause at this Juggling Uh
the league dates Is the f'ict that to
moirow night will witness the niot
Ing of the Bicycle club team and the
stiong bow lei s ippiesouting the Cen
tuiy Wheelmen of Philadelphia. This
affair will bo one or the bowling events
of tlm year In local ton-pin elides.
The C'enturys will aulvo eatly toinoi
tow aftetnoun and will bo the local
wheelmen's guests Friday nnd Satur
day, Following the match, which will
be tolled toiuoriow night a baiuiuet
will bo served, at which a number of
this city's bowling enthusiasts, will bo
present, and post-prandial speeches
will lie one of tho nights fc.ituies,
Satin day night another bowling con
test of no mean importance will take
place, when the mighty Bosevllle team
will battle with live picked men on
tho fast alloys of the Gieeu Hidge
Wheelmen. Gieat mo the ltosevllles In
fame and gieat also they showed them
selves to be 111 the match they plaved
with the All-league team on ths Elk
alleys. Bowling on tho sptlglitllcst al
leys In Northeast in n Pentlsylvanlu,
for such Is tho leputatlon of the (It ecu
Bldgo bowling urena. gieat things will
be expected of the Jerseytueii,
Dr. AVardcll. the hatd-vvorklng lap
tain, of the BIcjelo club team, l.s a
much chagrined nrin these tlajs. For
two yeais tlieie has been a little guld
blllty. The licensed had been a rest'
drill of this locality for a long time,
nnd was tntieli lesnecled by alt who
know her. The runcinl anatiBemctils
.will be made later.
Friday evening the Ladles' auxiliary
of the Ancient Order of Hibernians ot
this place will t (induct nit entertain
ment at HI. Joseph's hall, which piom
Ises lo bo a veiy pleasant affair. Hon.
J. P. Qiilnnnu, of Sci anion, will deliver
an uddiess, and the following pro
gramme will be i cutlet ed: Piano solo,
Miss Laura Eriiii: solo, P. J. (jultitt;
recitation, Minn Olmstcad; solo, Ed
win d Mtirphv; duet. Misses Katie and
Ann' Unit; solo, oiweti Howell; piano
solo, Miss Anna Hut lis; addicss, lion.
J. P. Qiilnnnu; sand Jig, John McDon
ough; Mnait riuaitette. Arthur Mor
gan, Hlchatd AVnlklns,, Sidney Owens,
Unity Bvuns; lecltation, Miss Maine
Bnliiml; solo, Miss Maty Muck! solo,
AVIlliam Jones; iccitatlnii, Miss Smith
Pi Ice: duel, Misses Maggie C'nhlll and
Agnes Coyne; piano solo, Miss May A.
AVnlsh; solo, John Lnffy; solo, Miss
Jennie Jones; lecltation, Miss Klllo
Btowulug; solo, William Pi Ice; solo,
James Mttngau. The enteitalnment will
bo followed by it social. Music for
dancing will be furnished by Miss
Lam a Lga-u.
Mis. Geotge It. Ulcsecker died at her
home, In Dunmoic, yesteiday inotnlng
at 1 o'clock. Mis. Blesecker had been
In poor health for seveial yeais, and
on Tuesday of last week she was token
suddenly woisp and after a week's suf
fering passed away. She eatly gae
her heart to God, and was a member
of the Methodist Episcopal church, 111 si
of the Greenwood chiipol at Dilnku
and later of the chinch at Dunmoio.
Deceased was botn at llollistct vllle.
September 22, 1S12, and was man led
Dei ember 3, 1870. She Is smvlvpd hv
her husband and four chlldten, Mis.
Dwlght C. Aveiy, Mis. Mniy Mitchell,
AValtcr AV. and Elizabeth Blesecker.
ftnd the following hi otheis and sisters:
Mis. Maty Tucker and Mis. John
Reader, ot Michigan; Mis. A. L. Stone
and John and Butler Mitchell. The
funeral will be held at her late honi"
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with
buiial in Dumnotc cemeteiy.
James Gertlty, ot GIO Maple stitet,
aged 27 yeais, tiled last evening at 5 30
o'clock, at her lesldence, titter a two
weeks' Illness of pneumonia. She Is
suivivcd by a husband and one child,
Joseph, and four sisteis, Mis. Thomas
Bmke. Mrs. James Knncy, Mis. John
Barrett and Btidget Qulnn. The fund al
announcement will be made latet.
FRANCIS J. JONES. Ftancls J tho
llfteeii-yeat-olil son of 31r. and 3lis.
D.t id Jones, of 337 North Filmoi c ave
nue, died Tuesdav night, after a short
Illness from pneumonia. The fnneial
set vices will be held at the house at 3
o'clock tomoirovv .if tot noon. Intctnicnt
will be made In AVashbutn stieet ceme
Attorney Donnelly Spoke on As
ttonomy Last Night.
Attorney Fiank E. Donnelly gave a
most Intel csting and able ilfteen min
ute talk last night bcfoie the Catho
lic Histoilcal society on "The Catho
lic Chinch nnd Asttonomy."
He said that the fust aslionomer
who icvolutionlzed the thcoiles held
fiom the dawn of Chilstlanity until
tho Fifteenth centuiy and who (list
dlscoveied that the e.ntli lovolved
mound the sun, was Copernicus, who
lived and died a Boman Catholic. Of
the other asttonomeis who since tho
lifetime of Copei ulcus have advanced
(he science of asttonomy over one-hair
have been Catholics, he -aid.
Mr. Donnelly's talk was the last of
a sciiPs In the sciences. Other fcat
uics of last night's piogiamme weio
seveial wonderlully beautiful sopiuuo
solos by Miss Kathetine Mongan, ot
Dunmote, and a clever lecltation hv
Miss Callahan. Miss 31ongan was en
i oied no le'-s than tour times for her
leally splendid singing.
Pioposition to Reduce Hntton's Sal
aiy Will Come Up.
At tonight's meeting of tho select
council the battle loval on the wd no
tion of the sal.ny of the iccoider's pil
vnle secretiiiy will bo fought;. 3lr.
('lemons will lenow his motion to go
Into committee of the whole to amend
tho nppiopilutlnn oidiiiance on thltd
If the motion to go Into committee ot
the whole canles, the amendment
which 3Ir. demons ptopnsps to ofter
will also doubtless i.ui.v. This amend
ment will piovide for. i consideiable le
diiction In the 51,500 salary piovlded hi
the oullnanie, but just how muih nan
nut be learned.
Mr, demons and his suppot lets claim
to have sufficient, votes to do anything
they please with Mr. nation's salaty,
fiom cutting il down to $000 to wiping
It out altogether. Eleven sine, and ,i
possible twelve, votes am counted upon,
medal ofleted nt the club to tho nitiu
who for ihreo consecutive mouths hud
high scuin on the all"s. Anv man
winning the medal tho icipiitetl mint
In I' of time Is to obtain pcinianeiit
possession ot It, Fur thu past two
mouths the club captain was high man
mid when he bowled -.i'l one day this
month his nuuiPioiis fi lends fell iipiui
his neck and (oiiBratulatcd him, In lan
iy seeing the gitfrdou illicitly lib.
Two liuiulr.'il and thlity-llve, in fact,
looked pintty good, but ll has been
beutPti and Br, Wat dell hasn't tiny
hopes of heating out tho scote which
passed his. L.m week a young man
uaineil Mai shall, who Isn't on either of
ths club tenuis, and who doesn't en
joy the iiumo of being an A No. I
bowler, had the satistactlmi of making
the above noted scoie All that he
tolled was 250, which is within tlnee
pins of tlm club lecoul. Ho made
eight sttikes and two spates and as a
i unserpieiii c Is ptetty sine of Che medal
for Apt ll. The alley lecotd, which is
20J, is hold by Foley.
M V tt V
A mistake which appealed In the
computation of the league aveiages
which appealed In yesterday's Tilbuue,
makes the Elks pen outage lowet than
It ieally Is. The league tall-end 'is
have lost eighteen games not nine
teen, and this, with tnelr six vlctoilcs,
gives them a standing ot .200
The only league game which will be
bowled tomorrow night will be at
Wilkes-B.nie, whcie iho West Enders
No. 2 will meet the Backus team.
- heis niinatiNnnrt, Lwmm.
A. J. UUlTVi Mtniger.
Oiik Mght Only, TllUltspW, At'ltlt. OS
l'l.iik MiKco trcinl
Alary Mannerlng
In rul l.ckmlrr Void .ml KiliMrd 1!. ttivie'l
)miii.iiIu Vrrslon ot
1 Janice neredith"
Mr. ForrlV v lilcl i -rcAil nrvnlntloniry nnmancr.
hupporlril by an ndrmiiite toinpmiy ot tnlonlcil
itiitt-i. Miiisnlllirnl ciictlal eccnery ! UrneU
llrm Aitluir VocKtlln,
l'ntri H Entire lower floor. ?I.M; Lot .ml
toiro .MID, $2; tmlcnnj. Hint four ro, 1
Imlcony, lu.t (our rp, i.V. ! Inliony box in J
lone wain, t'Ot uallcr, WV.
Si it on win ly nl ft ,i m.
ONI! MHlir OM.Y,
Friday, April 26.
Mil. l'ltM" M.IINAN, IN
A Poor Relation
Tlio Sol Pmllli ItiKioll ruy.
"List iiIkIiI l'rnik Iviciimi In 'I'unr Itrlntlon
ilccil not ilili" iml most niiiicvtiil rucifronirnt.
Muili' tiintmitaiiroiis lilt, i ipltiriiitr Onnliii poo l
f itiKluly .iml lliilslinl n tint;." TclrRiain,
Wnoilniinl .t Hiiojtsi, Msn., Ilijil's llicitcr,
S.ll.1 3 111.
l'ltll'l.S-'JV , 00c ,iV. anil fl 00.
Saturday Matinee and Night
Mssi: I'llOUl CI ION OK
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Orljrlml Creole aut Ham).
M.iRiilliir t Siberian IlliimlliniiniN.
I'rkc3 Mntlnco, 10, 20 unci : mils.
ImkIiI, to, 20, M .mil 50 irnls
. -
Monday Night, April 29.
"UrL 0111 Monoj'i Win tli."
Black Patti
(ircntrit Lulmril show on Kulli lll,(K
1'AHI anil 'Biiity Llion Uitiau-. A IMiktimn
I'mlic on the Iti.illu.
1'ilics 1j, "Ci, .10 .mil 7"i icnt-. '
Si .its on sale Krlilav nt 9 a. m.
Managers and Lessees. Local Manager.
Wick Cninincncliu Muiulij, Apill "2.
Toramy Shearer Co.
IMII sI'A riNfl
'lliiii-il.! evening Unit of the ltnct.m
l'ltiliy cvrning V W'oniinS Itciliniplloii
sitimliy cM-nins: Itouins Crock SwHmllu
AM, m:t wn:iv,
i ni.t'i.itiniiii:.
I'rlic-, 1 veiling". 1". -" .i"1' -" ""'
JIatinci-i, 10 ami '!') icnt-,.
ALf. 0. IIUBUIM.IOV, M-inigcr.
Little Egypt Burlesquerc
Last Chance to Buy
Cover Dishes
At 59c
Thursday, April 25,
at 8.30 a. m.
At our sale of two weeks ago
the demand for these decorated
beauties exceeded tho supply
and many late shoppers suf
fered disappointment.
We have seemed two dozen
mote high giade, odd pieces
and they will go to our lirst
pntions Thmsdny mottling, nt
the above pi ice.
Gruener & Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
Dir.ui 1'iont. Vtliiilii tlty, cw Jeii faimmi
iu.illli .uu I p1ia.-,uii lewirl Uiigisl on tlio (
A'ot .ipin i.v lI. Hut .nut L .ilil Si i w itir liatliK in
linuc, tioo tn giii'nlM. Irpcclil Spilng ltjl...
Uuliisll.i .mil iliiiun- ,
(lls, II MU.Its, Oniici Jiul 1'iop'r
Ftist Business Session of Hist As
sembly of Ficshyteilmi Women's
By l.ilii-lo Who fiom Iho .VmuiiIkI I'lf-
I'hlladelphla, Am II 21, Tlio Ihst
business session or the thlitj -llrst as
sembly ot tlm I'resbvteiian AVoinenN
l''urelgn Mis.slon.ny society was held
heio today, with Mis. C. 1 Tuinet,
of tills city, piesldeut, in tho chah.
The nioinlmi session was devoted ptln
ilpally to the leading of jepoits and
other loutliii) inatteis, A nuinher of
nilstlontiiles hi foielgn Holds weio lu
tioduicd and made In let' addicsses.
Mis, ('. X Tliotpc, secretary foi In
dia, said the if suits accomplished in
that iiitintiy dining the past year weio
en. out aging Shu stated that at lease
live millions of people had died of star
vation as a icsiilt ot tho famliia In In
dia. Mrs. M. Xuwklik piesented a lepoit
on the piogrcss of missionary woik In
L'hlna and Koiea
ltupoits wciealso piesented by Mis,
V. j;. Mortis, secietaiy for South
Ametlca and Syila. and Mrs. W. II.
IXinhl-ion, secietaiy for Afiic.i, Japan,
Mcito and IVtsla.
An addiess was made by Miss Milan!
Tltua, a graduate of Joshl Ikount, To
Tensions Granted.
W'a.hliiKton, April 21. I'dnaii! Mtvklu l
Wilkin tljru', lus been guntcil i pciuli'ii ot i' i