J .- ?w THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1001. H T. Pul.tM-r"d' Kill?-. Ifxrrpt Fiimlv. -r Th,l,TrJ!", Ino I'lililliliiluf Centip.ili.i, il FJIIJ- CenU a Montl I.IVV S. HICHAM), lalllnr. II. V. M. Willi:, llulne Milliner. No Yk Oflkei IM .. . vnKE,iAND( Sole Aireiil lor I'oicIrii AilretllMtiff. Ilnlrietl1 it the I'lulnlliir nl Kiimiliin, I'a , M htmml Ula Mall .Mitller. When UUCP ulll prntilt. The Tlllitine l til.l.vi .lad In print -hurl lellirn Hum lt. flit-mi' iai. hif on eiirteiil tuple, Iml II Mil' It tJmt I lien! inii-l It iditneil, rot inililh.it Ion, liy II"- nrlti'i Iml mum-! mill ll' riimlllliiii piete-dent I" '" lepliilin- It tli.ll .ill inlilllliiltliin-i .hull w MU'J" t to nlltnrliil leiWnn. i in: n.vr iiati: run Aiivt'.itTMNei, Tin- follemliiif I alilt slinm tin pil'i' It ll"11 mill Insertion, i-piee In I"' mi'il within i'i"" .-,'-"'i I Kim nl iMillinfoiil 1'illt IIM'I.W. I I'ipir I llraillUH I I'.iwlli"" I limn lull llithe " .-'"I .-"' I '!'' ,VM imhei tn .'.!-. '' iim ii .! I ". ::iii " IV- .17 I"' (,!!.) " 15 .H." I .i" I m- raids ol llmnV". revilulions l i ntnlnlmii' mnl ciitiil.ir umlilliiiliniH In lln- iiilnn- (il ml iiitliltu: 'llic Tilliiinc ni.ikt .1 ih.ilite nl renin u IIiii'. , ... Kates fur l,'l.i.lled UieltMni; fiiliiMidl "ll ieatiuii. TEN PAGES. scnANTOx. a purr. 2;, iwi. Tmiwrrmv, April -0, will bo Arbor tiny It ourIU lo lit- maili' a tiny of mark In I'Vury se-liool leiom, in fihliijr liniHCHslve tt-ai-liliiB of thu vital value of tmesis lo owry coiiiiiiiinlty, every ."-oi'tlon of tilt? lauil, and of tlie liiiiuirt-.'ilie-t- of prenervliiK- wuiiiIIjikIs. giovi-n, IiirIc h-oi'm: tti'(" In tin- I'liiinii-y: uIoiir nil nl and Mihiirbiin highways: on city avenues; on limne lot" and vaeimt lots. Let the coiiiIiik K'ii''iMtliin lie taught to end vandalism. Power Well Placed. IX 'I' UK coiiinifiiH ubl'-ii sii ad verse lo llie Sliprt me coti.-t'H liillnK upon 1 he Boveincu's power to veto p.nls of appro piliUliins one tliiiliKht tippeari almost iiiilfeiiiuly. It i well staled by the J'itlsbuiR- 'nines: 'Un- iletisiim pi-u lit llli t.ikis finin Hie li erl inline pnuer In ililriinme tlie .inuitiut of pulilie inniiry tint -.li.il I lie .ippiupii.iieil Ki .my pitliiu lai purpone. unless ihe .ippiupii niim is mule hiiijr 1 iiniiali lietnre die lin.il .iiliiiinnn nt In lupine isetnllie :iitioii while the 1 .- ly- is -till in se.s. .ion .mil It Ti.i-4 .111 oppotliinil, In nvei ihle hU rlii. As muM of tlie Jppiupi utiull hill get I iin-imli Ion lite lor (hi. Ihi- iroM-inoi uill pin tii.ill.i In i Him- Hie ole .i'iliiii-1 In the miller of flieir .unniint. This pnut'i. It is pointed out. is a preat one and call for u wise i-eielse of eliolee by the people in their elec tion of a governor. Xattirally. The moie the power, the better should be the mail. Mat in view of the f.iet lli.il the people do the eleetiiiK, It puts Upon thein the Until re.-.)onlblllty, and they i-.in much more leadlly keep an eye on one man than upon the 2.11 individuals wlio compose the seneial assembly. If the lesisl.uuie wishes lo be business-like in its methods, It enii pas tlie nppiopriatiou bills eaily in the .session and not wait until the Inst minute, when In Ihe general crush Rood, bad nnd inlddllnp: bills often so throiiKli In dlscriminalely. It Is not the governor's fault If the lnwmakers are careless. It Is rather the people's sjood fortune that he has power 10 undo the lawmakers' mistakes. The Cubans may' not be able to se eure everything that they want in the way of license to run Ihe Island, hut they will at least be allowed to in vestigate ihe highest i cstills in the art of American cookery while in Wash ington. Briton and Boer. THAT, (erl.ilnly, is an inter-o-UiiiK; letter which the .NVw Yoil; Sun of yesterday prints noin .Montagu White, (ho diplomatic representative of th llucis in the I'niled States, who has just returned fiom Imrope with a bur den of Information new to most read ers of the dally press. The Boers In the Held without excep tion are determined, he says, to light on to the end unless their Independ ence is recognized. TMiey haw now lost so much lu material wealth that the prospect of further suffeiiiig has comparatively few terrors for them. '.Moieovcr, they have, to Use a familiar i'Xitess!on, "regained their wind," Says Sir. "While: "The obstacles to pencil liave been raised by the British tliem s"lve. The great opportunity was lost afLer the surrender of General Cronje ut Pnurdebcrg. This disaster for a time so disheartened the Uoers that had Lord Huberts, instead of insisting on iiiicoiidlllonitl surrender, offered anything like generous terms, It Is cer tain Ihat peace would have been es tablished JoiiK wince. fWliiit prolonged jbe war-was 'the demand for uneotull tTvniil .siitiender and the Issue of l.oid liol.'erls'.proulamations, with the burn ing of homesteads, the destruction ut crops and gardens, tlie carrying off of d.tttlo and, above nil, the linrrylug of lio women. The greatest indignation, Jjut no dlrTnay, has been caused by ihe policy of feeding thoe women and children who had relatives ut the fiont or, half rations, This has been admit ted by ilr. Urotlrielt, the seeielary of ittate for war. These nets. Instead of cowing tlie spirit of tho Uoers, have hud precisely tlio opposite etfert, nnd havo reudeied nugatory the I'aardo jierg victory." A to their means of carrying on the war, iltj Wlilto assorts that they havo f.nouViunmimUUm to last with care 'for a long time, and tho winter season low coming on tells more against, the .British" than against the burghers. As lo tiin repiii that the Boers are mis la1 by their advisers in Europe, -who hold out to them hopes of foreign com plications and foreign Intervention, theio Is, says Mr, White, absolutely no foundation fur them. On the contrary, the decision to continue the war was ,'nrrled ut, without hope or expeututlon 'of fovelsnnsslslunee, and without nny leiVrence to Hieir advisers ln .Europe, un one. point Mr, Yltflu speaks' with warranted sliaipnebs: "It seems in. ciedlble,'' nny lie, ''that lespectiiblo Journals huuld peifijsl In publishing I deliberate and t-iicuinslantial rnporls Uliout III U.'UUiK-'iit of UilKuidCTs and pence envoys, 'l'liny have all, llrst nnd last, proveit to be lies, tievernl men, Liinham, Dr. Walker rtntl others who Vj'crc irportod to have boon murdered In cold blood nt the beginning of tho war, un- still alive, nnd Andreas Wes sels, peace envoy, reported to have been shot by order of General Do Wet, is now known to be alive and well. The report a ns to General D? Wet's mad ness nnd other stupid stories ns to President Steyn counselling surrender, lit nil part of the same campaign of falsehood and calumy ngnlnst the Uoers." The circulation or these false reports by the American press is not Intentional. The news has lo bo nt cepted as It comes The censorship Is lu Milllsh hands and Is absolute. Whatever of truth there may lip In Mr. While's contention that the Uoers will yet the Kngland out as the Thir teen American colonies tired her out at the close of the eighteenth cen tury, there Is undeniable truth In his philosophic conclusion: "'Hie world Is not likely lo forgot the lesions of the South. 'African war. A renin rkiible as pect of this lemnrknblu war Inis been Ihe povverle'ssiiRss of wealth, These two republics have been pitted against the richest power on earth, and the sympathies of cosmopolitan wealth have been almost without exception actively directed against the Uoeis, yet notwithstanding these drawbacks the latter have carried on -the war to sllc'i a point that even If their hopes should not be crowned wlih success, the ulti mate victory of the British will bu a Ki't'iit moral disaster If nut a material defeat." Although we have nevr swerved from our original belief thai In the In oad purposes of civilization the cause of Cngland In South Africa is th" cause of Immunity, yel il Is undeniable that the magnificent leslsttince and endur ii in e of Ihe embattled farmers of the Tiansviial have open"d the world's eyes to un-Mispeoted elemental virtues among them which, when this unhappy tiagedy shall have ended, will form a foundation for a splendid composite manhood thiough the blend of stiong races in a new empire consecrated by piesent bloodshed and suffering to the doctrine of equal lights. Without Ihe tiippoil of Ihe Inqiiiier no mill i .111 lie nomiiuliil for jriuernor In the Itepulili i.iii romeiition. I'liiLitli'lpliU Innitlrei. . Quite Important if true. Can our f onieinporary piove it'.' Term-Average Promotions. OX MOXDAY of Ihe present week the special committee of Philadelphia's board ol idiicatlon, appointed by that bod.v to consider and report upon Superintendent UionkV recommenda tion of public school promotions by teim averages, adopted that recom mendation by an almost unanimous vole o'f its twenty-two members. The vote was taken after a discussion lasting nearly three bonis, towards tliH close ol which one of the mem beis lemaiked that In the course of It "there had been more light thrown on public school woik, which, ultimately, will be of the greatest value, than in any discussion heretofore held In the bonid or lis committees," that he could recall in years of service. The resolutions as adopted provide for the pioinotlon on June ."0. 1001 the clo.se of the city's school year of all pupils certilled to the supeiin lendenl by the principals of schools as qualified for the work of the noxt higher grade, without examination. In Ihe promotions not from grade to giade, but to higher schools, the class standing, nunieileally staled, of each pupil, shall accompany the certillca tion, If for .sufficient cause in the conditions nt the .schools the superin tendent shall dttclde the number of piomoilons loo gie.it that number may. with the appioval of the com mittee on Ihe school involved, i educe the piomotions to an etxent not ex ceeding -S per cent. Any pupil found unqualified for the higher grade work after (nonunion shall be. on Xovembei hi lelurned lo the school from which promoted, for more thorough piepara tlon. This will allow full time for fair test of each pupil's prepaiatlon and ability. As il Came out dm lug the commit tee's tluee hours' discussion of Su peilntendent Brooks' recommendation thai, while he had named a general teim average of 70 lu ull subjects us Ihe basis for promotion, there has b( en no uniform method of keeping class recoids. ll was decided not to make that aveiage the basis this June but hereafter to set a fixed standard, insisting on uniformity of records. Examinations are not yet discon tinued for the pupils failing of ceill liciitlon. If their examination results shall leach the standard average set, they will go up. i:ut il was distinctly nsH'itcd during the discussion tli.il on the one hand, "pupils have been pro moled mi a basis of M), or because .M-liool illreclois or politicians have In sisted upon particular pupils being promoted without referenco to qualifi cations; and thai, on the other, pupils being promoted without refeience to quallliculinus; mid that, on the other, pupils attaining an average of 70 or upward have been kept back, ho as not to eudunger tho chopping of a di vision mi account of decreased attend ance." Philadelphia Is not alone In hearlnu such a charge. As already mentioned, the adoption of tho resolutions was almost unani mous. One member objected on tho ground, as stated by hbuself, that "the new method will entail never-ending trouble." Ho thinks tho old system the easier way of sliding along. ,IIo was answered that "there will, of course, lie trouble In connection wllh discontinuing examinations, but the outcome will bo dlioctly in the line of progress and in the best Interests of thu school children." 'These inter ests arc tho chief thing to be consld eied the object for which the publlo schools exist. Tho children are tho Ucpubllo's future citizens and i tilers. Mr. Burns evidently started nut with the Intention of making the rip per bill look like 30 centa. i "- Xext October In the City of Mexico another congicss of tho American 101 publics Is to meet to consider reciproc ity, an Intel -continental railway, uni form (luaruntlnc provisions, perma nent I'an-Amorlcnn arbitration court ad various other topics of mutual In terest nnd value to the irovcrnmcnts and peoples to be represented. Thlsjs distinctly to be a Pan-American year In llie Mtnpilun tli.it Im lern Inaiiitiit.ilrd to fjlslfy ami Inllm-tiic pulille opinion, nnd lo placo Ihe wliMify in Hie liamli of our olillrr, the con'cltncclfn prei of the country will be ucil. ll brlioovos Christian men anil unmrti lo keep allte to lh tllii.itloti, ami defeat Ihe atlpinptt of iincniiiiloii!) army olllrr-M to rf-lnlroJiici; the iiloon In camp. Scuiilon Time. H Is wholly a question of fact, not of sentiment. It the soldier can bo kept temperate without the canteen, p-ood. Hut If abolishing the c-nnteen drives him to worse places and worse Indulgence then the doing away with the canteen will lu time bo recognized as a mistake. The judgment of the commanding ollieers on this point Is far more trustworthy than tho theor ies or wishes of civilians. It was against the closing of the canteen nnd It Is In favor of Its le-esliibllshinent, The common sense of the country lit tho long i tin will not subscribe to the doctrine that the gieat majority of the ollieers of the 1 'lilted States niiny, men to whose leadership in duties In volving possible death the nation freely entrusts Its best nnd bravest sons, ai e falsifiers or Ignorant of tho requirements of camp life. - - - The legislatine of Xew Yoik, which bus just adjourned, has not only saved 1.700,000 a year by Introducing Odell economies In methods of adnilnisliii tlon but has by that and oilier means made possible the lowest tax rale in forty-seven yea is. Such legislatures re store faith In leptesentatlve govern ment. Minister l.ooniis. of Venezuela, seems to hae bad no dllllculty in "squaring himself" when allowed lo piesent his side of the case unassisted by the ambitious war correspondents. When the Arkansas law requiring nil drinkeis lo take out a five dollar yeaily license goes Into effect every man can tun his own speakeasy lu that state. The man who owns a ti out pond seems to be about the only one who has any show In taking advantage of the opening' of the fishing season. TOLD BY THE STARS. Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus, The Tribune Astrologer. AilioLilii.- tii't: '-."I a. m. fm "J'hui'il.iy, Apill i iii, ma. A iliihl I'oin on Ibis il.ic in uiiiMtli-nn,,' the linm of the wheels ol indii-lie hcie.iliouN will noli- t li.it th. ie N midline llic millei with Ihi i;i of the ilhoiu- mill. Tlie-c Apill hnwrn till In in.' M.il flow 1 1 s An.l niiti.i .in opinimr Inn); lint tout ill's powi is Tor sen I it limits ill linn llu- e.ntli In mini. 'Ihe mail who ihhs huh on .1 voir of pupil l.Tiili w buiiielimii- in the i ml thmipeil upon UKKiil loiks of olil'moii. MjiiLiki- tail Ki-ni-i-illr In lolnl .1 failure in iiiaUiic-i-s white the lnili.inil iiIiimi lo lake unt life iu-.tii.inu-. .Seine men would t.iHier own a ilos Hun po-..('- the iiiiiliiilul .ilTeition of their hitler li..lu-. I'nliln.illy spe.ikiiiK Si union Mill continues in the hlir.nil helt, Ajacchus' Advice. When .Mm hue lh.it ikitiip leilinu keep .111 ie on Ihe 1le.11 weithet H.ik .mil iheei up. Information and Entertainment, Too All (lltllISC In tJioiKi- l.i lull, who wall hod 1 ,111 full; I lie Million of Ihe p.iwei.s .11 I'i kill .lli.l tells or Iheil p. 1 illi.ulii. s 111 tin Iml, piliililit, Ihe -lillilllil ol million of tlie Tnlli'il M.1I1S sohlin is far ami aw.11 liiglur 1I1.111 thil of ,ll sohlii-l III the wollil. 'Ihe I lilt' il Stales louilui-siiii.s lu IVI.in nele J ptlfiit Ko-I-stml foi' pii.iiitini; liiMules whiih 1 until not. he olitalneil 111 .me ollieis In ilwiplino, liv wliicli teim .Mr. I. null means the oiiioiis iliMiplme, the Mil fine ilisiipline. Ihe iIim ipllne lli.it was .ippa rinl to Ihe ec of the i.ptri.itoi, the Ann.') lean sohlieiH wen- woeliill laiKin;, ami wouhl 10111 pelu wllh ihe 11 1 lit li loi the l.i t plan- niuoni; lln- nil it it tone-, Iml vvliiu nil fuhliuir was In lie done Ihe.i uiunalli iu.iiiai;eil lo Kit Ih-'te, HkIiI will anil -liuiil Mialnht. lie speal.s willi elitlill-i.iMil of Ihe ,l.i.llii'-.. suhlliis. They wile peoi i avali.niioi), hut in eeiy other liiaiuh of Dull' senile ll uppc.ucil to linn thai tin1 cipiilleil, If Ihi illil not siupi'.s, the host of the .il 1 nil licups In I1I11.1. Tlielr eslietne iiiolul. il) in Ihe lli-lil was .1 level. it iun. all lluir uuwr liieuls -itiueil lo he iloue 011 the iloulile, ami Hun- was a lenc, xo .iml ailbily nhuiil them that was niuipli ileimhtiul to u.ilili. The old h.dilim; m x-hlni MUiit of .lupin x-eui el III nilhely hi.inlni; in the lue.i-t of CM-iy lilth .lap. 'Hue Mm: as they liv'lit, ami fuht wllh Ihe fiolic wiltoine of mhoollin.is who line Ihe i;.inie llu aic pl.ii in:.-. 'Ilieii il 1-1 i'U-i 1 il of li'e Is cM.MOIllill.il. "IJiillc in IOlHl.l-1," Ms Mi, 1. 1 uih, "Ihi- H'liiu.' .mil n ami li'litini; i-plut appeals 11 u-piiunii- oy its aleiiue in the (lei' nun lie appiais to he Ihe uuiie of the iiiJuu I11I11111I Mihller. llu- Mililiei who is Die lesiilt of lalioiloiis ami .lu'tll.ite illlll. On pnaile, their It 1 1 shouul up Mipnlor to lliil ui any of II. e olio - a I lli. Hut llun ll w.n klilf, wnoilen and inn li. 111I1 al lo a ilexnc, ami it wouhl he cuiimis M uli-ine, uluii oci.islon iliouliI .iiiv, iui; lo K'Wcie losseri .iiniiii Ihe oMieeis, how- this liumiii liiei liauUiu ihiiuulai'tiuul oil I In1 puaile ttinuiel wouhl wmL wlirn Ihliiwn 1111 lis own ii-souiecj ami when olilimd to iilyon lu uwn Imliililiiil iiv. Iloiiiih, inn 1. nih, In .11, slow inoiliitr, hut Kilini; niie llu- I. ha of Kical slulilioiiiiie.s anil lie iliUJliie, Ihe lliK-'au- appi.ileil lo lie in iiiauy npects llie te.t war siohlirrs of the lot. They almost iiilal llie h.pllli'-e lu Ihe hiiiiplliity of Ihcii iliel. Mlluuili Mow in niowineiil, illu-y an- capable ol eMtiiciiii; lAtunirl lou; 111111I11-. Tin icKimuiIti of colonial I'liiiili Hoops wlikh ar 1 uiiip inli U ll.t- crisinil cpcilitloii nuy lie pas-eil uniiuilciil, fur they laclcil neatly eury fcoldl.-r-lil.e ipialil) of conduct or cquiiiiii-nl. They wcic slmpl lunealli contiiupl. They dMinnni&liod Ilieni-i'Ui.s 1 hi, lie hy Ihili' looting cxplolla and li their outlaws on the I hlnue, more paitiiu (ally upon Ihe woiiuii." 'Hie cJi- of IliissU recches W.lAfl.Om) u ear talaiy, or about J0 a inimilu foi caili wniKIm; dji. The Julian of Tinl.i romes nevt, wllh Si.-i.'iO.om, or ahout W ti inliiiilc. The em peior of Auslila pels S,.'AHI,(infl or M0 1 lulnuli', Ihe (iriiiian laUr, 1, '00,0 HI, or is .1 iiilnute; the Mng of lUly, Vl.uiO.UKl, or $7 a inlmiic-, ami the -lull of IVi-di, ..',kl,noil, not Mulie ifcl a iiilmile. L'uii-iilrilu' how inueli -MiKinhy lias lo lonl. aftor Ihc-so l 13 s mi a plitauce of only aliout 10 cents a inlmile, nut counllnj; holhla.iJ or Sunda, the womlcr h he iluou't go 011 a utrikc. Of real ilale pn-pcil of the .ilue of ml.mk) OHO now- uwMtin di-pii-illoii jn llie Ui.uuciy ceiuli of Ijiidanil, only about f(lliV),ifc'( oiili is without l-ilile omiii.-lilp. "I in l.iliiud elates" are few ami far lu-turrn. 'Ihcic i, liowcicr, consMeralile inmicy in the II1IIUI1 sot eminent' hands awaiting pmof of imneri-lilp. "This iiiciiey," fcais llu- .NVw- ml, Sun, "nuy ha ilMJ. cit into tluee- lUsx-s. Tin- lh?t iIjm Is mule up of unclaimed ilhidcmls cm what Ihe laiL'll-li call cnicrmnrnt ktoik, more it less opiiialcnt to our cniciiiiurnt Imuils, 'lliise ilivMcmU arc held liy the Hank of KiujIjiuI for Ira )cars. At thr cud of llijl time they arc turned oer to Hie national ilelit comiutjnncr, who keep thcni uiilll the itiltninU appear. When one rlofJ piesint lilnnclf lie mint iuovp tils ililml Ihcii olhcr claimant are ,uherlleil lor. If no on" rlo cm proce a, heller claim the flrst-tomcr rrel the money, 'Ihe ollur ilases of Oils lluil.illiieil mciicy arei N.n.il pil(- money nnd iincl.ilnicil ilhldfiiils from li.uil.iupl, hi Imth nt llicso ct.in.sis Ihe pruceiluie In Ihe miller of clilniinls Is the nunc as In the llrnt cl.is," Hut as .1 rule It Is cider lo cam a new- Inrlniie In Ihe New- Win lil t li iti to piove title to an otcl one III Ihe Olit World. If Horace flreeley wile In rclo Ids iiiblci- lo iciinix nun In the IIrIiI nl lucre iciuil liiforn,-!-I Ion lie would piohalil.i i) 1 "(hi South ami r.ibc 11011ns. ' In a letter In llie Vahlnirlnti s.ir Captain II A, WINon, ol Wjsliinutnn, lelli wlnt .1 piodlalde nut the pee in l. The lehl fiom a slnttle irno In full hearing Is from l to tin lucliels of liellnl mils, and llie tutu nt prliv whfto tiny mow Is from I." lu an tenls per ipi.ul A picali tlee at lis best, fiom lillerli li) Iw-etil years old, has a pic,nl of lop of fiom llll In Blly Icet ami a height of IMy In seicnly-feet, and is from ilithleen to llinl.i imlies lu illatmler nl lliu hasc. At from nine lo Im car old the Ileus (omnium' lo hear fruit Iklillv, ami fiom Hi it on tin- liiircnse Is i.iphl, intl Hie liol of It all Is Ihry iieicr fill of a imp. Tin- life ol lhl lice Is flpp.11 1 nl ly peipeltul. At llfly yeir old Hie lues .lie I-joiiiih and health, hearlm; llu'lr 1 I'll liiiidin of (ml! with una! icuulailty. licit- Is an liitriesllii-j lahle -linullis Ihe per raplla iol nl KOii-uilmr scmii of uur piliulpil cllli-sl e- ,' "J ' New- Noik. li!l' ChieaRii . u'. .11 I'hil.i :.c- St. I.ouls.. -J. "i t llo-l ."..It 1 tlillimoie. .1 WtlslillSlolll -.W i'j.;; ii.ii-i OJs T.'il Pi.-JI ll.-il il.'r: II. ll! .'ITI I.I II .Til 2.111 l.'Jil' --'.."iiil -M-JI I I'll .1X1 'ill 1 1 Sl '!.M 1 ii.s; i."ii .lo.'JI ri.'u l.'Jl .7.V 1 I'.ll I il 1 1 Vol Incluillntr data relallnK lo sanllai ills (list. It will he priiciwi! tint Ihe n.-l ol iiiuuuipil uiwei luni nt per capita in l'lih'u;o is li-s than ui'i-I1.1II tli.it of New Sulk and only oni'-llilici 1 I1.1t of llo-lou. The llo-lon pei i.ipila inclndiN v.' 1'J cxpendul li the loiinty. ( liicaeo -petuls mote than rme-thlid of its lost of iiic Rinein imiif on the Illinois, while N'i w- oil; (.peuils le.ss than one-Mull. A simnl lion r was paid lv Ihe I'liilnl "l.ncs siipieiui' limit List weel; In I hailes . liaiiliuei, the well known roii-titiitiiin.il hw.iei- of N'ew Vcuk, when Chief .luIUe 1'ulhr pen niplnill ordeied Ihe icpiCMUtatiie of the allium Ci n 11.1l lo mike Mi. (Liiiliiiei'i Miipli mental lnii-f in Ihe I'oilo lino InilT 1.1-e a put of Ihe u-o of Ihe .0 el firtii-iit in Us lonlintion that lonie-is his phmi powei 111 the ymeininent ol acuuiied Icriiloiy. Mr. Cudluu's hiief, it is Ki-neialU ronccilcil, is Ihe ahh-t eier picsintcd I" Ih (omt. It in-iliuil-. In Hiilisl.iiii e. lint the I'lillcil i-tatrs hae not only the pnwi-i of a eoii-titufional c;oeimiient, hut al-o the pnwir of nilionalil a- well lis con-lltiilloiul powu, and that they who a huwiiiiii. nt li"f.n- Ihe (on-tilntioii was made, and, in malleis not iilli 1 lid hi Hie lou-litiilioii. ale a kiwi 1 nun ut or 1I1 r the lunad aid iiiherint power of nicional ity, for piupasis if war, of Heat, or or Hie th teimiuation of inlonhl ipie-lious towin out of cotnpie-t made hy Ihe nallon, in a wai In twetn the union and another nation, whiih has hi en hioii'ht to a loin lii-iou under the onleily foinis of neiiliiliotis and the like. Tuder an ail pis-ul il Ihe la-l 11,-0111 of lonijtess the illllia 'I'i nue--.e ltoml(llly line his liei n IimiI in Hie middle of Ihe main -tieit of llri-lol, 'I'i 1111. Tin le is a i.ir line in Ihe strut and pa 1 mails 011 oppo..ite -idi-s of a iar limv lide ill ilillelilit .ili-s. Tin- malliise of miiioi-, fiiihideu lu Viiiriiiia, 1111 he peifiumrd on the miiiIIi .-!!,' of a int. iit;iuii iiiminal 011 Ihe soulli -hie ol Ihe -lint is site fl mil ar-ii-l, should he f.o Iti-i-i. until uipu-ilien pipei can he ohlaiii'-il Itoiu 'leni.e u-. I'm le ain fs not tteitiuu: M ij.u iliueial Shaf lei liuiil. Iruitii' hi- Sanlii';i 1 .iiiipni;ii lite war il. i iilii.i nt piinilllid .111.11 lies of I i-11 uoMiiuueul- to anoinpiii the 1111111a11 aim. ImUii.'I Mi. ill, 'i h.iiaul thiil l.ei p tu the t,'o eiumi'iil. Mm lonir del. i- the loinptiollf 1 ni I'u- tiia.iii iliiules thai Hitie is no liuid pie ml, .1 fir mm h espui-.s, and lean-- the lull tor liimi.il Shaflu to pi. 'Ihe jinoiiii i- sojil.li. 'I'hls i it's (oltou nop of the soulli is sai, lo Ik woilh i-'iUii.uuOnoii a- 11 i ome- fiom the in Hi liuniug il inlo plain -hecliuws its i.ilue is I'oulded. jut! in lai-iie; Ihe guide ot the maun failiuid vioilui t 10 a little liettei iiulity llie due dollhle- aullli, and .imoimls lo -r-.lnxl, m h 1, 1 H e NOTHING TO CONCEAL. IMItnr ol 'Ihe Tilhune Sir: I hoe ii-l lead 111 the i ue of lour pipir of Apill I'i, mull i' the I llie of "I'nshy lei S'e--ioiis Ihid," the following: "Dining the .ifliniuon 1'ie-h.iti iy, lielilinl lilted diioi-, fim-hleied the 1 a-i- of Itev. John Dunn, who left the luiul-tiy In lake up Hie pracliie of law in this nt, while he was .id milled to the hit. .dr. Dunn Ins jolni d Hie I'lilt.-ni in 1 111111 li of Hull. do, N. , while he now 11 M1I1-, and in ,111 indauic with the lilies of Hie chuull he was Hit-It hue ileno-ed tiom the mtnlsti of the l'ie-liteii in fhiiiih," I wi-h lo 111 ike .1 puhlli- htaleuienl to llie fait tint 1 nl'iecl lo Hie manner in which Ihe I'losh.itciy h. milled my "use. as il is failed in your papei. I fill to ee anv na-on for Piesh.iti'iy taking up m "1 i-e" "hehind ilo-id doois." evil pi il he thai Ihey were afiald In giu- me a healing heioie llu- puhllc, I gae up the I'li-li.Mi-ilau uiini-liy heiau-e ut my limit'-! mmktimi t li.it llun- was nothing supeiiiiliu.il aliout .li'-iis. While I iciognh-c in him all that is iiolde and woilhy of liuiti inlly's Imilalloii, ('! I uu legaul him slmpl as .1 good nun; and mi, without creating a. di-ttiile auic, I quiet ly lelllul fiom Hie pulpit of the 'ie-hleiian ihuiili, wlitic Miili .1 Indict could not I") toll 1. Hid. I il-i not -ce aiithlug 1ll.s1n.11 efiil, i.itlicr kouielhing homuahle, in .1 mill gitlug up his tlio-cn (ailing lucau-r ot hits hone-t run iilions. Tliucfoie, it seems lo me H1.1t th" I'll -I i.M ny showed in) had l.'i-le. imlteil, iu lou-lilerilig my ci' "hehind clo-ed doois," ami I wi-h Hie public lo know- that I hie iiolhlug wlutcvir to conceal. Tin- day lias paed when lioteiodoxy U leglulnl ns a sin, ami today hon esty, ralliir llun oiliodo, is at a picmiuiu, Vuiiis tiul, .leliii T. Ihiiiu. Ihtlfdo, April C.I, ABOUT NEW ZEALAND. Kill 1 or ot Tho Tribune - Sir: In otir i-no of l.i.t TucmLi 1011 g.no lis a list of conilu-lons hy lleniy 11. I.lo.id ion coining llu- New- .calami cciupiiUoi aihllrall. 111 law, lint, in keeping Willi Ihe leuil tenor ot your editorial euliiiiius when dealing wllh N'tiv Zealand, 0ii addul: " The niuelusioiu are oicr-euthilsiattic-. I mil human uJlute changes no sucli wuiuleifiil appioNlmatiiJiis to inHfeit In-llluHons may he rxpeilril in New Zealand or clsewlure." Your conclusion, Mr. IMilor, i-s oter pessmilslle, hefausc not ha-ed on aciur.uo Infoiiiiilion, Tun many of us are inclined to guise the human race by llie slanilird with whiih wc aie un rounded, rnnviiupiitly we fall Inlo cuorj. Tho people of New Zelland ought not Id Im llun Juilscd. 'I hey iJinl lodi ill the foiefumt and hud and shouldou alioic Ihe iel nl their raic. In pi out of this scciiilimly exaggerated awrtion, one Ins only lu examine llie laws whicli m n-ccnt cars they have put on their Unite hooks. These law not onlj adoin their .lalule hocks, hut (heir constant enforcement adonis llu- Ihc3 of tho people, ami gies tin m uu iippoiluiiliy c iIIm,oiit lliws for fuluru loircctiou. It may ho ;iknl how tliii ic-inaikable ilunfje In hum in inline has heen luou,'ht about in 4Ni-v Zetland and not to the same extent in other places. The answer Is not lo bo found in the alubrloiu climate, Ihe fertility ol tin: toil, the iiicxliauntihillly of in nilnrv. the n perlor cilucatton ot the people, IhougK Hi is ii an important Uclur, nor iu a special intcipoM lion of I'roxideiue. The answer U Has: A man is what hi) en ilionineiiU nuke him. t'haugc llic cnilronmenlj by legal proicas or olliciwUe and )ou clioaigc the man. This nMom holds (rood when pptlcJ to .1 nation as well as to an ImllWdual, The people of Jirw Zealand, by lecnil cinclmenl", I me i hanged Ihclr own environments and their human mimes liaic con'ecpirnlly tollnwed ault, The IorIciI Inference Is that whaletcr clt cxl'ls lu .1 land, whether It lie Ihe uttlke habit, lite ilrlnl. Iiahlt, or any oilier habit lli.lt lli the cnetgy nt llic toinmiinlly, It cm lie returned by ilinngltig llic cnxlrnnmenls of Hie penple, This cannot be done by wlt lug llll cierjliody faiora the removal ol an eiil, hut by llie enactment and enforcement ol wIao lana, many of wlilcli nlay wllh aihan lage be iciphil fiom that llltle corner of the ttotlil colled New Zealand. Thomas lluttnail. .In 111.1 n, Apill -.1. NUBS OP KNOWLEDGE. lu South Auslrall.i there are only 8S women for eiery Hl men, The winker wasps, like Ihe worker bees, are smaller llu 11 Ihe sjurriii or males. Ihe win Ill's 111a1111f.il Itiieis ito ninety Ions nl gold nnd iila tons of idlicr a ear. A llltle lallwav at Onset lla, on Tape Cod, opei.ilrs Hie unl hoie tar In .Niw l.iul.ind, boudon has Iwruty-one luunleipil eemelerlrsl and ten whleli ate owned by ptlialc conipinles). llelmll iliicliin sijs thai "."1 per cent, of Ihe people hue .1 touch of e oiuumptlon conic time lu Inch' lives. 'llu- people of i l7iiij .ue leliimliig thanks for Ihe heal lest rainfall there for twenty e.ny. Il.tlns me not an cier.iday occtmencc In that luiiloiy. Steeple ( 'I.11 di.n, in North lluiks, . Cngl.ind, ilalnis Ihe ilisHnclion of being the flint parl-h to adept Hie puhlli- lihiarlcs net In Hie iclgn id King lalwai-d VII, Ihe biggest and mo-i cosily hotel in Hi"lnn Is In go up this sraon oil Hie pile ot the Ilium whk. ll I- In be In elegance a rlial of New York's W.ildorf-A-lorlj. llie (ieimaii papeis allrge Ihit iunl ot the put pie draper n-ed In London at the ruicem' fiiiiei.il, eaiiie fiom Oeiman, whenie laige or ileij weie cxei tiled lit llie -luutesl notice. ( lilue-.!' me lint rnliicly elntlied In cotton. Tin- onlliiaiy annual clop of lll. In (Tiltia Is cs II111.1I11I al ahout l.linn.liOil poiimls. of whlili niei li'l per edit, is eon-iimoil in the country wheie il is piodmcd. A Vlhoido iei-ani has ju-t come inlo a for tune of 2, 000,1100, left lo I1I111 liy a cousin who died In l!ii-ii. .iiheii the dead man's father was in ml-iiy the pea-anl's falhcr was the only brother who would lulp him. llie jui In .1 11 il It id ill Wales comprised otii- man tnmul Itttglu-s and cteien named -Inncs. sen 11 of the kilter bore llie Chri-lian nime of .lohn. fli.- pii-oner's nauie was the same as Hut of Hie -own jurnis John Jones. 'Ihe llev. A. .1. llaugho, ol Mason Pity. III., his limine; his' ileiical i.ircer marled 1,857 couples nnd lOtidiiUcd oeer I, ,'.0(1 funeials. So far is Is known Hits icioul lias m,t heen ex tiedcd l-y .111 -nlni-lir in llie lounliy. 'Ihe autoiiiohtle Hip fioiu Palis to lleilin, whii li was to hne taken pi u-e 111 M.t . is, hy .ii'iangeiiient between Ihe Palls and Herlin club-, postponed until duly l-ll. "Ch. iu 11 curs" In Paris inleiiil lo do Ihe tilp within Iwo day. 'I he (lieik lii.peilor Heneral nf Auliipillies states lint Ihe hunzt- -iatue ut a oulli nccuH d-ttit'iid at Ceiigo, iu Hie Ionian islands, dips fiom the period of Phidias, and is the nici-t pei feil and iieautiful telle- of antiqiitly ct hmuglit lo iiglil. 'llu- Ma achu-elt eoninii ioners of ptisous siigge.-l llu- eoininitiniut of coiumon drunkards for Indefinite periods and their cmplo incut in gainful labor for Ihe -tale. The point mil Hut p.i!iuut of ,1 Hue does not nuke 11 man any the less .1 ditinkaid, nor has it inueli, if an, ri foimalory eflei t, wheieas, ur tlieir opinion, llu- plan they -uuge-t would aiit in reclaiming them. Since Hie patent ollice was litrit e-lahli-lied, in 17O0, only ,"i,7."i7 p.ilenls luce been gianted In women. Theic .ue oilier interesting llguics. 'I'liete aie oilier inleie-ting ligurcs. Theic b.uc been 11.1 patents i ned lo colored men, of whom is wen- gianled lo one iuicnloi- and 22 In an oihei'. Mow- llun Ml per cent, of Ihe pilenls is-iietl .111- In cillens of the I'tiltcil Slates. line ol llie most piomiueut ttapli-t pienhers in llu- lii hilly of New Yolk his made il a piac tice in ill Ids petoiatts lo wiilc his resign i lion Milhiri a week' of his tnhancc upon .1 new Held, sign, sell, and deliier it lo the ptnpcr olllci.il Willi the lem.nk: "llieie, now! Newer a-k me for iny resignation. Wheneier you want 111c lo go jusi hieak open the cmclope, wilte iu .1 dale to llie 1I01 iimeiit and oiler It to the tuii-pt-iMtlou." I'lofcs-or W. M. Wliceler ilescrilies a species of ants which 1 li-e "mii-luooins" for food. They tli.-t cut It-ales inlo -mall picrc- and cany them lulu ll.ilr undeigiouud ihambeis. Then Ihe le due e Ihe leaies to .1 pulp, which the deposit ill .1 help, in this heip the ni.iieliiun of a spe 1 its ot fungus Units lodging, and, the siihtci. i.iueati fondilions Inoiiug such a le-ull, iniuulc dwellings an- ptoiluenl on the egetable mis.s. I'I esc aie the "mu-liloolll," whieh con-lilille abnest lb.- sole fui.il of the 10I011 of onl- that 1 ultili.lt il lie '111. Scranton's Business Houses ...... j. I THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS I j. I OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. w"!"i'i THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS REMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET, 3IS TO 3SS N. SEVENTH ST. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS. DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED, SBC. SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. line ll nf ltlM.IStlTOV. lie villi tiuH u rii'dpest nl them .ill, foi luili: e-.iiie.t nl (hem nil, lor lime. ti S 1 l'eim .iiciine. GREEN'S The OM llelLilile I'aiin Ilioker. 107 I.Jik'ivann.i nieinie Money lojneil on illainoinls, w.ilelie.. jeiielry, miisie.il Instiiiinentu, ioi!-oiiul jiroperty. I'lli.it'e enlr.iiiu' .unl l;ii-lni's eonllilentUI. TRY SMOKEEZY, Alwoluli-ly I.oiit? ll.n.ui.i Tiller Ciit.ii-, I ii-ut i.ulii fl.Wl per Inniiliiil. ALBERT WITTE, Cornel- Sprue ii ktieet ainl M'.isliliulun aieiiue. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, SilU llii- lient SltaLs, (hops ami l.ini, he. lu the ill), Tiy in uiul he lonilnitil. M F. WYMBS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, lllv' .lailtioii Mud SJii W'.iniiiiiis Nif (jlls In- Ti-lephono lleii'lie I'minpi Attention PETER STIPP, Oncral Cniitr.ie.loi-, lliilltltr ami Dealer in llullilliii J-tone t'eiiii-iilini: ot ull.iri. .1 i-pi-ilally Tilepliuno S.VIJ, Ofllie. W7 W.iliiii'.'ton aienue. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. E, JOSEPH KUETTEL, lear 511 l..iiUajiiiu amine, manufauitiei of Who Seieins of all l.lmli; lully prcpjii'il for llie Dpilm: wasou, Wc make ull LlmU ol poiili Krreiu, cle. ULH (iOOl)a I'HI.sll 1)AIU GOLDEN GATE CASH STORE, I. (I, lloier, 1'ioprlclnr, elealcr In lino Rroiri ics ami I'linWoru. Kluc Cie.amt.old liy the liox. O.i Washington iiunue. THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. llu no i'H ;ooilj to work on. Piety tllc U neii" and mi-tn-date. Uur pi lie ire loner than any others. 303 SPRUCE STREET, NEAR PENN AVE, That Extra Bedflacom Now that von are in a laracr J house with .111 cxlm sltcpin room you need a Bedroom .Sui. A lluce-piece suit would lo-iK j nicely i i that guest eliambei una give the Mouse u general tone of refinement Wc li.ivo :i very' line line of Timr.r.-Pnri- Ri-droom Spits In J some of the very Intcst styles. (ll would he a pleasure to look them over. ) Wc have them in Golden Oak, BMseye lapis in our large stock we have just what you want and the prices aie in plain figures. HUUConnell i3i N. Washington Avenue. Receive protection, insur ance and actual benefit from the process employed. Re pairs skillfully, economically made. Furs called for and delivered free. Free storage when repairing is done. Attend Our Speciat Sale of Ladies' Tailor made Suits, From 25 to 33 per cent, off regular prices. BRESCHEL, Reliable and Up-to-Date Furrier. 124 Wyoming Ave. "Leader's" Old Stand. Piano Tuning. H. K. ZERBE, ",07 I'rcsiotl .mime. Ilet loe.il n-rereiiee- SEOURirr BUILDING & SAVINGS UNION, Home mile c. -JUS 201 Means llullillmr, ti.in-.nls a uenei.ll liullillii-r anil loan lui-iness IliioiiKlinut the state nf renu.iliaiii.i. FARRELL'S TRANSFER Mnie.s 1'ieislit, I'limitine anil Ilisa',-e, li.ifn. I'I. urns .ue) Maihlueij, 22B LACKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANDER CO. haie mnieil their Millinery l.sl.ilill-hment to 20'j AiIjuh Aie., eipposite mint liouw, JAMES I. QUICK. I'luinliinsr, Tiniili If, fiJ 1'itlinir, Canlen Tunis, l.unn f.ietl, I'loiid. 'I'll ', "hi iV-sj; neiv 2i0,1 ."iHtl l.iikaiiiiuii.l iiieliue. WILLIAM JANKO. MERCHANT TAILOR. 32a NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. llepaiiim; .ui'i 'ii ss lux il'ine at olmrt mil lie. L A OPP. d.l. aw. DEPOT. OPEN DAY AND NIBHT, C D K I A N W I R O O A N M N G N A H. L. GLBASON, LADIES' TAILOR, RECENTLY WITH GILBERTS, HAS OPENED AT 510 SPRUCE ST. l.aillf-n, yeiii cm sot a poi font fit lnro without right nr ton llttliitfs, .mil tin' wnrknifinhlilp Is tlio best to bo hail, iiIhi tlio pi Ires uie nioilerato, YOUNG'S HATS, LOUIS H. ISAACS, A1S SPRUCE S,T. MANHATTAN SHIRTS, FRED H, WINTER, 1324 CAPOUSE AVENUE, .M.iplii (.H.mles ami I'loilsiiiu. full line nl eitilalilis, id , icielu-el daily. REGULAR Q PHOTOS FOR $3,00, CRAMER'S laJUave, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I f i in 1 Ten nils f"r limply lloa-tii, Kmpiy Homes lor Tenant, Collet t lle-nts, l.nuk Alter ami injure 1'iopcity ami Ilulliliugs. WILLIAM G. LOOIVUS, dooms I ami .'i llun- lluildliu COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. CIcanlliicM, I'uie I'otvl, I'oli.e Aitentlon. Ilea- tonalil I'liees. Ojieu day uiul nlslil. GDI and lW Spruec kticct, biraotou, I'i. Furs That We Store... FINLEY'S Shirt Waist Information for Women Tho season for selecting1 your Shirt Waists is at hand and wo now place before you tho finest lino ever shown In this city. The Shirt Waist innkors havo cre ated marvels of benuty and woro splendidly encotuuged by tho de signers of the lovely materials used, makinp It possible for them to pro duce a "Symphonic Harmony." The pcifcct Shirt Waist. Tlie dt light of every lady. Silk Waists Wo arc showing the popular Senior Walbt, tho most perfect ntting waist on the market, In Blnck unci nil the now colorings. Yoke and 1 sleeves covered with lino thread and cluster tucks. Bishop sleeves with pointed cuffs, buttoned in fiont or back, Lansdowne Waists Made up iu tho most perfect man ner in logard to lil style and con struction, iu all the new colorings as Old Rose, Pearl Grey, Violet, etc. Mercerized Gingham Waists This new and moat satisfactory material has every appearance of silk nnd comes in a variety of stripccT effects and in all the new pastel col orings. Very artistic. White Shirt Waists An extensive assortment of Whita Lansdowne, Lawn Pique and Moicor iued Duck, tucked, embroidered, strapped, tailor-made and plain, per fectly made, veiy dainty nnd at tractive. 510512 Lackawanna Ave P. J. I10NAN, Merchant Tailor. 3 19 Lackawanna Avenue. The Ulcksou Mnniifacturiii!; Oo. t crnnton and VIII:ei!irri, .' .Muiiufuuiurori of L0C0A10T1VES. STATIONARY ENGINES boilers, HoMI'it; and Pumping Machln-ry. General Office, Scranton. Pa. J 11 tfr FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. 020 PENN AVENUE. Jnlililnp; of all kinds promptly attended to. i'iuiTi:h nr.ritr't'i.i.Y hiniirri:ii. THE HOME SUPPLY CO. I'etails fiuiilliiie, hed, Hue; and Horn- iouiln;s foi- t.ih .it uliulevile prie.es nt 72.1 W. LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY IIIU'AIHIMI A hl'IX IAI.TV. F. GROSS, 422 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, Sin e esioi tn the Hunt fc Cot lie 1 1 Co., in tin 1.111I sheet mei il imrlt and ventilation. Carlou liiiuiue., li lulls ini'l i.eneial lil, milk a tpi-ilalt'., , l.!J I.Kk.in.iuui deiiiir, 1'Al I. IIMII', IIJ7 WAMIIMilON AVIINL'i: STEAM DYE WORKS, aiel I'i i mil Die ('leaning nnd ItellnUliing, l.iiniN rullril fur ami tltliieieil Ttltiliont- intiiiiitlfin. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 123 PENN AVE. ALEX. HAY. HOUSE, SIONAND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANQER, 321 MULBERRY ST, WOLF & MLANE, sss Adams Ave, Easter Millinery WENZEL I'rae Ileal I'lunilier., Ttlinirs and tiiht IHn I'limaee-i a ispe e l.i 1 t j. Itep.il! im,' pioiuptly done. J 10 Adanis aie., Soian Inn, I'a. WILSON di COMPANY, rashlniiilile Tailnis lllolil .lemun lluildin;), Aii .-pniie ktuit, SiMUton, I'a. niii presaid, i:."i euit.sj panli pn-Ascil. in ii-iiU I'lothlns n palli'd. called for mid ileliu'ieil. New I'lione. jifti H. A, RIEFENBERQ. I'lnmlilns, Tliinlm; .iml llcitinsr, hole asent Im- lluward 1'uiiiai.c. Tclcplmno UU. 517 Linden utreet. THE CHEAPEST Heat and iiiiiUt plaeo in Iho elty In luie i,,ni tlmm llM'tl. o use nothing Imt Oak Tan Uatht-i and (list class uoikiiuiiship. 431" Linden .licet, oppoallu intoloflUe. DR. E, V, BEARDSLEY,, DENTIST, I'eniK'.lv iviih Pr. Hill. 321 SPRUCE ST, MRS, SARA ALLYN. MANICURE, CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT .-i;.yil Mrars nulhlin;. I'arlort open Jlondiy, Thuilay nnd Situiiliy cicuijisa. i u V - -11lw vl