The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1901, Image 1

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    'C f'-fWvWST'
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Bill Introduced In Senate yesifeu
bu Mr. Berkelbacti ot
Measure to Countenance Railway
Traffic, Printing and Other Busi
ness on the Sabbath Bills Passed
Finally in Senate and House The
Bedford Ballot Bill Again De
feated in the House Five Per
Cent. Interest Bill Defeated.
Ii Hvilii-iie Wire lioirt 'I lie Avnclalcd I'rcs'.
llarrisburg. Aiirll 21. Senator Bcrk
elhaeh. of Philadelphia, today intro
duced In the senate a bill which re
peals a portion of the Sunday blue
iws of April 2.', 1S74. The bill makes
I lawful to operate on Sundays rail
.iiys, street ears and vehicles convoy -nq-
passengers for hire, makes law
Mil the printing, publishing and sell
ing of newspapers, the sale of clears
ind tobacco, candles, fruits and non
Intoxlenllng lltpilds or drinks, breud
ituffs. cakes and ice cream at retail,
inil allows the currying on of the busi
ness of barbers on the Sabbath.
Sir. Boyle, of Fayette, introduced a
bill appropriating $r0,000 to the Union
town llopllal association of Union
town. At the afternoon ! Jsslon of the .sen
ate the calendar was cleared of bills
on tlr-t, second and third reading-, thus
plmlng that body -well up in its work.
Thirty-two bills were passed finally,
two wcio advanced to third reading,
ami twenty-seven passed tlrst reading.
flio ole by which the liouse Dili
piuvldliig for the encouragement ot
tree planting along public roads, which
was defeated at .the morning session,
was reconsidered and the bill was
postponed for the present.
The bouse bill punishing the crime of
abduction of persons or depriving them
or their liberty with intent to extort
money or other reward was defeated.
The Philadelphia fee bill was re
porter! from the liouse with the infor
mation that the house had appointed
n conference committee to carry out Its
d -sire. A motion was adopted that the
.-onatu also appoint such a committee.
Bills Passed Finally.
These bills were passed finally:
'I lie lViu.sjli.ima Par .-usodation's lilll defining
Ik' liditf. find liabilities 'if parties lo ami rcsii e tin" cfUU of im.tiaiN tor work and labor
I (to done ,ind laho." or material to bo furnished
lo any building, bridge, wharf, etc.. and proritl
ins icniedics tor llio re.'ovci.v of debts due by
iakcp of with outran-, and repelling con
oliililiiifr uinl elmiliiit existing livv in ldation
House bill valtdalin;; nllii ial art' clone and per.
limned bi hiiii:c-iis Imliliux ofhcis nndii irrej;
ul.u elections or .i poinluiciits.
Iloimi' bill .mic ndili;. an act icluting
silt-, and the prr-i nation of the lien oi moil-;i.rat.--.
IK.u-i' bill miniating nimtg.i:;, coaiejamea
mill other instruments vvlueii have been delict
ivil.i nikiimrlodcnl.
IIuuh bill picicnliuy; birftees and coimril
iniii oi boinuglN tiom K'licilin or itf iing
bubo and to pimi-li any peiron who may olkr
in bnbe the Mine.
Iloiw bill .unending an net- 1 1 ci 1 n g and ili
tiipi I1--T the otieno of diddeily conduct by pei
. in on til" public hiitumijs, .v as lo pitnlde for
llu- right ot ,,
I'lou-e bin piovi'ling for Ihe pajinent by the
piopcr county of ousts (n and oth-jr
I'M vihcie uioanlzanci's have been oi Mull be
lakui and .Mich leiiuiii.iuce (.bill be foifeitecl,
moicied mid paid lo tliop luper authorities.,
IIouh' bill Using To emit, a-. Ihe Ice to lie
chaigrd by con-dabh-s ior ceciit ing an older of
lelief ot a pauper and alloiiii'g i cents per mile
for mileage,
Protecting cliiMiin and nuking II a mi-do.
im mor to pi.uc fixe of tilal (.aiiipli of medicine,
d.wt., ink, coloring or polrdiing compound in any
fonn uhcie chililien can fcuue the cauii'.
Hoiim bill making it unlawful to ailullciatR
luiura (mil julec ami ptovidlng pen illicit lur
v.datioii.s thereof.
Iluuso bill uiiirndiug an ait to picvcut fiaud
mill deieplion in llio manufacture, ami .-ale of
Iicor. by tuillier ii'Kul.'tiuK ueh niiniifaetmo
and sate.
I'roildiu Hint tho iiiljudkatioii of one jno-
crdins lo condeum a liiinplko or houlciunl and
fn the sjine from tolls.and toll gati shall not
he- a lur lo anoth'T pi oi minis' o( the same in
tnrc if brrught Mlthln not less than two jtjtj.
Iloiis" bill npeallnir nn act increaJnfr tho coin.
ieiiaitlon of tlii coin ty lommissioiieis, counly
1'iidltors sine jurom of 1'iko county so far us tl.o
home relate to ami lUra tho fees of the amidol".
Ursulatiiiff the compi nation of Ihe diiccloii
and audlton. of Ihe poor dUtriet of C.ubond do.
Hoip bill repcalinj an act pioiidinir for the
flection of u pour house in I'niey low-nMiip,
;iarion county,
Iteprallnj hettiors two, thiee, four and M of
an act supplcmentaiT lu the i Inner of llu? ho.
lough of Mechanlcsburg.
Ilouso bill directing bow to piureul when a
ifunly lias been till tiled and a new counly erected
therefrom on morlgi.ges, Judenienlk, ilena am)
other records which hate been made or inieiecl
In the original county and rclaln to or aflrcc
Ijncla or tciicmenUl in the new counly.
Amending an act jiroviding for the appoint,
incut of llbrariaiH lor law llbrarlei conneclid
with tho common'vealtli bo u t proUde lor
their competition.
Fixing the salaiy of counly cuninii-.-ionoi's In
lice several (ouutio.
House bill approving of ihe lihuiv of the
PitUhurg hibiaiy asoeition und uutliuihiinr
the keeping and niuitit jEning llifirof at any place
in the city of Pittsburg or hoiough or Hibuib
dpoinlng to the ilty.
Ilouio bill proridlng for tlie pirirntiou of Ihe of ilUeasu from tho cartages of auimaU
llut die of dansnniu or iliiilint dUra.ei or ate
killed while nltiiclcd Willi .-.ucli dl.-ae.
Proilding for the cjiamliiatlou, liccn.uie and
registration ot pcuoiis, thm or coiporatiou n
caged in plumbing and pioridlug for irrlulii
regulations in tatrjing on micli btisine3 in cr.
ond clasj cities.
In the House.
Tho bill providing for the discontinu
ance of brigade bauds and tltc-estab-Jlshment
of regimental bauds' was de
feated. Mr. Van Dyke, of Westmoreland,
called up his primary election bill,
which was on the postponed culeudar.
The bill has been endorsed by the
l'lttsburg chamber of commcice. It
provides that primary elections shall
be held throughout the state on the
snmo day, under the supervision of tho
regular election olllcers. The bill passed
Dually by a vote of 1t" to G7.
The Bedford ballot bill, which was
on the house postponed enlendar for
third reading and final passage, was
taken up nt the afternoon session at
the request of Mr. Bedford, of Phila
delphia. The measure was ndoptcd by
tho Pennsylvania Ballot Reform asso
ciation, and was formeily known as the
Keator bill. It was beaten by the house
In the session of 1897: passed the bouse
In the session of IMP, and failed In the
The bill does awny with the party
circle on (he odlclul ballot and provides
for the grouping of candidates. It pro
vides a Jaw that no voter can receive
assistance in preparing his ballot un
less he Is physically disabled or cannot
read. lie must make uflldavlt to this
fact, and the helper must make affi
davit that he will not disclose how the
voter voted. The bill failed by a vote
of 8f yens to fis nays, less than a- con
stitutional majority ot 103 voting In the
These bills passed finally:
i'lovidlng for the c lection of separate teeorder
ot ilciili and legisferi ot wills in counties haiinj
a popullllon of nier 1."r0,000.
I'Mntf a delhiim value of the sharei of bank
hlotk for the puriioM- of slate taiation.
Authorizing the dlstilot nttotney to enter a
nolle pio'erml in criminal acs with the eon
Fent of the couit and living bis fee at $."i for the
The bill designating the lawful rale
of interest at live per cent, for the
usa or loan of money was defeated.
Tho order of business In the house
tonight was senate bills on second
reading. The bill providing for the ap
pointment of assistant chief cleric of
the senate was amended by Mr. Corny,
of Luzerne, to abolish the ofllces of
engineer and firemen of the capltol at
the expiration of the terms ot the pres
ent incumbents.
The Sisslon bill to provide for the
appointment by the secretary of Inter
nal affairs of appraisers to adjust the
price of vacant land applied for was
amended to provide for the sale ot
such land to the highest bidder.
Chinese Aroused Because of Harsh
Treatment They Have Received
at Hands of Germans.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.
Pekin, April 24. Tho international
detachment of 800 men, under Colonel
Had ford, which left Shan Hal Kwan
to punish the force of Boxers and rob
beis that recntly attacked the Indian
troops, killing Major Browning, mot
the enemy in force, killing fifty. Of
the international detachment. sK Brit
ish, two Japanese and one French
man was killed, The enemy fled into
the mountains, but will be closely pur
sued. The body of Major Browning
was recovered.
The Germans have been ordered
back from the Pao Ting Fu expedi
tion. Their behavior for the last week
or so has caused great indignation in
Pekin, not only among the Chinese,
but among the foreigners as well.
Tlie Chinese say there is Intense
feeling throughout the province
against foreigners, largely because of
the harsh treatment the Chinese have
received fioin tlie Germans.
Train Hands Killed Many
By I'Aclusivo Wile fiom 'Hie A-wrliitrd I'lC".
Dayton, 0., April 24. The south
hound Cincinnati Hamilton and Day
ton limited, due at this point at (1.20
o'clock, was badly wrecked nine miles
north ot Dayton, near Johnson's sta
tion this evening, The accident was
due to spreading rails, which threw
the engine down and it turned a head
er. Behind It. the baggage car and
smoker up-ended and fell into tho
ditch, J'higlneer Patrick Dooley, ot
Lima, wos killed, as was also Fireman
Rnyinnnd McKlroy. or Lima.
The Injuietl wore brought to this
city and taken to St. Kllzabeth hos
pital, So far uh now known those
most seriously hurt are Frank Weaver,
brakeinan, of Cincinnati, left arm
crushed and otherwise serloutly hurt:
George Thompson, baggagemaster,
Cincinnati, abdominal injuries, ser
ious. Fred Coles, Sidney, O,, a pas
senger, was seriously cut about tho
A Girl Striker Is Thrown Into the
Canal Police Restore Order.
Py i:cluMve Whe from The Associated Pieti.
Pas-air, .N, ,1 Aplll 21. All attempt by tho
r.unagi'hirnt ot the Anieikan ligar factcny vvlie.o
the ktiikn is in piogress tn le-iiine work today
lesiilled in a not duriur which cim of Hie girl
slrikris was thrown into tho imii.iI and otluis
weie rouslil.v handled,
llio trouble began when ten of tlie fctrlkeis
tried to leturn In work. Tlie police testoti'd
order. 'Ih" gill tluov.n Into' the canal v,-as nut
bailb hml.
' ' '
National League.
ai ;iiiciimiu it. ii. i:.
Cliiiugo , una I I Oil JO-Ii 12 t
L'niiiiiiuii a 6,n u i o ft x to m a
Jlaterleo TJjIor and Klingi I'lilllliu, Mcd'ad.
den and I'eiU. Piupiie llmailc.
At SI. lamb)- H. II. K,
1'ltWiiiiK urtOS I 0 0(13-5 It
M. lands 0 1 0 I II 0 l) 0 I 1(1 I
Ilatlcriti Taimciilll and O'Connor; Nichols and
.loue. Umpire Divjcr.
At PliiUillphia-Ilotoii.Vhiladelpliia, no game;
AI Xcw Volt lliookljn.yew Yoik, no gm;
American League.
U U.Uaxo u II, n.
Cleveland 0 0 0 J 0 0 I 0 0-J 7 3
Dilcagn ,.... fi 000 0 1 0 8 T I
ilatti-ricB Ilofler and Wood; Patterson and U",
Sullivan. Pinphe Connelly,
At J'lilljclelriMn Waliliielon.riilliIclphj, no
game; lain.
At Hjlllinoie -Iloilon-lljltlnioie, so game; iln.
At Detroit Jllluaiiku'Hi'lrolt, no game; ralu.
The Instirueius Continue to Gome
Into the American Fold In
Laroe Numbers. '
One Hundred and Fifteen Officers
and 2,157 Men Take the Oath of
Allegiance American Forces Ac
tive Throughout the Archipelago.
Commissary Inquiry Progressing.
Samar Island Terrorized by the
Rebel Leader Panoy Pacified Big
Chief Yields.
H.T Iltcltulve Wire frnn The Awoclated I'icu
Maniln. April 24. One hundred and
fifteen olllcers and 2,157 bolomen have
surrendered and sworn allegiance to
the United Slates at Nmvacnn, prov
ince of South llocos. The American
forces are active throughout the archi
pelago, accelerating surrenders.
The commissary Investigation Is pro
gressing. Several Important witnesses
in the Reed case have left Manila.
Messis. Barry Baldwin, Thomas Har
ris, Fred Macondry and H. Schindler,
prominent merchants, who arc sup
posed to possess Information concern
ing money paid to commissary olllcers,
are detained as witnesses under $2,n00
bail. Other arrests will ho made. The
trial of Captain James C. Reed, for
merly depot commissary at Manila,
who was arrested on the charge of par
ticipating in the commissary ftauds,
has been temporarily postponed.
Major Noble, adjutant general of the
Department of the Vlsayas, has re
ceived the surrender of Qtientln Salas
and throe of his officers. All the in
surgents under Salas will surrender
soon. It is said that will terminate the
Insurrection in the Island of Panay.
It is estimated that there am 2.",0d0
lepers in the Philippines, and it is
planned to isolate them on one island.
Major Maus, the medical inspector;
Captain Ahern, of the Ninth Infantry,
and Captain Quartermaster Horton
have been appointed a board of oftlcers
to select a suitable island. They have
visited Busanga, Culllon, Cngayan. De
jele and other places, and have made a.
report, which has not yet been acted
Samar Terrorized.
Tacloban, Island of T.eyte, April L'S.
The session of the Philippine commis
sion at Catbalogan, Samar island, to
day developed the fact that the Inhab
itants of Samar are still terrorized by
the forces of General Lulcban, the rebel
leader, which consist of 600 rifles anil
many bolomen, The only delegates
present at tho session were representa
tives from several garrisoned towns on
the oast coast, and they feared to give
information to tlie Americans. The
commissioners assured them that the
increased American forces would cope
with the rebels and that a vigorous
campaign would be instituted in Sa
mar. The only American troops lu
Samar are seven companies of the First
Previous to the arrival of tho com
mission yesterday a parly of Instirrec
tos fired down from the hills back of
Cathalogan. Some bamboo guns were
captured today.
The commissioners sailed tonight for
the southern Luzon provinces.
it:. Members Inclined to Accept
American Terms.
Dy Kxcludrr Wire from The, Associated 1'iesi.
Washington, April 21. According to
the latesL mall advices from Manila,
the Hong Kong Filipino junta is dis
integrating. Finances are running low,
anil the thirty-two Filipinos connected
with It are inclined to accept the terms
of thu United States and return tn Ma
nila. The real leader ot the junta Is said to
he Agoni'lllo, although his authority Is
Impaired by his absence In Paris,
Maicavich and Schuyvacavich Be
lieved to Be Dead.
Uy Inclusive Wire from 'the Associated I'rew.
SliatitoUn, April 21, Anthony Mairavich and
Anthony fHliuyvtiiavith were entombed in tho
cakt gmgway ut l.uko Tidier colliery ai noon lu.
day liy n fail ot coal and aic believed lo be
Hciciiim aie lit woik, lieadul by Mine Iiupcc
ior IMward llrcnmn and In tide lVnniati ilitluel
Itcaddy, 1ml Ihey don't epcct to reacli the i-n-Icmbed
men before tonioriow, "o hope is en.
lertalueil that tho imprisoned Illinois will be
biought out aide.
Steamship Arrivals.
11 Ktr-lnslra Wire from The Associated I'icm.
Xew Vork, Apiil 21. Ai lived; Aucliorla, (Pas.
goiv; Teutonic, Liverpool and QueepFtomi,
f'lraied; llarbarosa, llrrmen via Clicibourg.
Sailed; Oceanic, Liverpool; SI, Louis, South,
ainpton; Latin, llremen via Southampton; Ien
slnglon, Antwerp, I'ljinoulh Aicited; Penl-ili,
land, New Voik for Humburg via Cheibomg,
Queenstovvn Anivnl; Majestic, ew Voil. for
Liverpool. L'Izard l'a3idi I'rcfoila, New iil;
lor PI) mouth, Cheibouig and Hamburg.
Will Furnish Pension Commissioner,
By Exclusive Wire fiom Tlie Associated I'icai.
VTaihlngton, April "L Iteprcwntative CuttU
in tliu courao ot a talk with the president today
tatd that Kansas stood ready to fuinUh a pension
lomuiibJoncr in caso ot tlie rctiiciucut of II,
t'lay Kvani. The president said lie was not jc'
icady to tale that matter up. The picsldont's
rcmaiks Indicated that no action is now ronteiu.
plated in the case of Commissioner Lvan,
Strike Probable.
Dy Lxclitolio Wire fiom The' Associated Prem
Watertown, N'. V April 51. The luanufac.
tureii, pj Water ton n have ajrecd to reject the
ikinaii'h of tho juachlnlitH for a nine-hour day
at the W32"sj pjld for ten hours and a utrikc of
five bundled yn'ii and the forciui: out of cm
plojnient uf l,Ji more U piobable.
Taken from a Temporary Vault to
Crypt in Reconstructed Monu
ment. Dy Kxcliidie Wiic from The .tuoUaled I'ltJJ.
Springfield, 111., April 21. After re
posing nearly n year In a temporary
vault on the monument grounds, the
hotly ' ot Abraham Lincoln -was, late
this afternoon, returned to Its crypt
In the re-constructed Lincoln monu
ment. No ceremony attended the removal of
tho body, which wits conducted in the
presence ot Governor Yates. State
Treasurer Williamson and Superin
tendent of Public Instruction Alfred
Poi'liss, commissioners of tho monu
ment, and the representatives of the
H was decided not to open the cas
ket, as was done fourteen years ago,
They Object to the Selection of Mrs.
Susan Frnzer to Succeed Mrs.
Lewis W. Hall.
By l'.ulm'ne Wire from The Associated l'iei.
Pittsburg, April 24. The story from
Philadelphia to the effect that Mrs.
Susan Frazer, of Lancaster, had been
elected state regent of the Daughters
of the American Revolution to fill the
vacancy caused by the death ot Mrs.
Lewis W. Hall, of Ilarrisburg, pro
duced the greatest Indignation among
tho members of the Pittsburg chapter
of the organization. The officers and
prominent members of the local organ
ization say t'.iey will fight the election
beroro the higher authorities of tho
order, because 'they claim that It was
Illegal and unconstitutional. The meet
ing of tho nutlonal board will convene
in Washington next AVcdnesdfiy and
this question will be one of vital im
portance to be considered.
The olllcers of tho Pittsburg chapter
1'ayc made a written report of their
stand nndilt will be presented to Mrs.
.lames R. Mellon, the local member of
the national board. Should the elec
tion l.e declared unconstitutional the
slate may he without a regent until
tho annual meeting of the Daughters of
tlie American Revolution in February
next. The local members seem united
In saying that there is only one way
to elect a regent when a. vacancy is
caused by death and itliat Is at a con
tinental congress.
Strange Case Discovered by the
Health Commissioner' at Bal
timore. Ity i:oluiio Wire from The A.-soriated Pre.
Baltimore, April 24. Health Connnls-
i sloner Bosley said .today that he had
been intormed that a leprous patient
whom ho has been seeking for two
weeks is Mrs. Williams, a former
trained nurse, who resides at 1602 Lor
man street, this city. Dr. Bosley called
at her home today. In company witli
tho attending physician, but the house
was closed, and neighbors stated that
she was away on a visit.
Mrs. Williams Is married and has
two children.
Dr. Bosley is undecided as to whether
or not there will he need for separating
her from her family. In common with
most other physicians, he holds that
leprosy is not even remotely contagi
ous. '
Pennsylvania Receives an Allotment
of Thirty-Three Lieutenants.
By lltrhuive Whe fiom The Asoiated Pie-.".
Washington, Apill 21, Tlie senel.iiy oi w..r
today Hindu public lliu liann'.-. of this 5Sfi null to.
lecird for Hist and second lieutenant.; in tlie auuy inula tlie army n'organlratloii Mil.
All ot tlio.ii' men have had nciriic either in thn
state or n illonal loluntei'M or in llio icgular
.nwy. 'ihey have, been oidered for examination
aiid'bhould Ihey pavi will be appoiiUul, Tlie fee.
loilioiw wero nude from the vailous stale,
l'inii-vlv.iilia received an allotment ot tidily
llueo a-, follow:
l.iwis Jl. ClaiKi', .1. V. Cunningham, O. Hod
man Juneis Prank S. Lekeining, llalpli Jl, Jlltdi
ell, Ki.iuU T. JlcNoniey, Fred lliooke Neilson,
.-amiiel A. l'llce, Joseph O. lliglitei, Jr,, Viands)
W. Italston, Jr Mo-scj II, lto, Lester II. Simon-,
.lorepli 0. Wll-oii. Harry A. Porter, Franklin lt.
Kinney, .Tamo A. Ilisgln', Alpha T. Kaston,
liiorge V. Mid, I.oul-. II, KilUiiin, llcniy'l',
rietiher, Ligar S. Major, Jforrls W. Keek, Hm
ell Heal!, Samuel !. Shartle, Claudius Jl, Sea
man, .lo-4'pli II. Dent, CI; do f). Ctu-uu, PouglJs
II. .laeolu,
Roosevelt a Mason,
Ily Luliishf Wire fiom Thn A'socliilcd l're,
New Vork, April 21. Vice President Tlieodore
looevilt is now u matcr Jla.-ou, liariug taken
thn tliliil degree IoiiIkIiI in Jlatineiock lodge, No,
NXi, at Oji-tcr Bay, L. I, The ceremony wa
wltmvvcd by UM niavler Jlason., including: fiuml
Mavter Charles) W. Jleade, oi the Krand lodge of
this tato and liin entire stall who did the work
of tlie degree. Visiting bietluen vvciu aUo piea.
cut iroiu other (state.
Actor Accused of Murder.
By Lxilmiie Wire from Tlie Associated Pren.
Yew York, April .'I, Antonio Tiiolli, who
MIkd Maude tlrcioli, uu llalian uctreu, wj
found snlh.v of inuidtr in llio tirl ihgiea today,
'lliu gill mm only lo pju old and had re
lated In many Ium.
fly Lxihulie Wliu from The Associated 'u'i.
1'liiladilphl.i, April 21, llev. William Hudson
purr, a piouiiucut Kplscopal ilcigjiiian, died heir
today of fatly degeneration of tho hrait, aged IS
.lean. Jlr. lluir was bom In tills cltj, lie via!)
u giuduatu of 'lilnlly cullcge, Hartford, and ie
lehrd bis theological education at thu Wctt
riiiladclpldi Divinity school, lie via rivlor of
St, Jainen' ihunli, Mt. Holly, X. J,, for one
j ear and for two )esM had charge of St. James'
iliurili at Newtown, L. I,
lliehmoud, Va., Apiil 21. lion, Jolinoi:. Jlai
key, estate auditor, '.ieutcnant govunor and
I'S'supcriiileudeiit of public Instruction rf Vir
ginia, died ut Ids home in Alhcmaite counly P'U
evinlng, aged $2 Ji'aM. '
Moikholm, April 21.-fount Aivld lVwe, for.
meily piemler of Sweden, died here lodaj, llu
na J .vecia ot agu
SiiGGesstuI Conference Between
Emploues and Olilcials oi
the Jersey Gentral.
A New Schedule lo Go Into Effect
on May 1 Telegraphers Will Re
ceive No General Incrase but Will
Bo Paid for All Overtime, Includ
ing Sunday Work Different Wage
Agreements Signed by Represent
atives of tho Various Brotherhoods.
IJy Kxolulivo Wire from 'flip Aisocialed Prfsv
New York, April 21. The conference
between oftlcials and representa
tives of tho employes of the
Central Railroad ot New Jersey
terminated today In an agreement be
tween the company and the several
bodies of their employes. The tele
graphers will receive no general In
crease of salaries, but will be paid for
all overtime, Including Sunday work.
The new schedule will go Into effect
on 'May 1.
The different agreements wero sign
ed by John V. "Waito for the engineers:
Timothy Shea, for tho firemen: L. TJ.
Tltui, for tho conductors; J. "W. Har
ris, for the trainmen, and John Nel
llgan, for the telegraphers. Tele
graphers, who may have to appear
as witnesses In court at anj' Investi
gation or inqulrj- or trial In which the
railroad Is concerned, unless they are
directly at fault themselves, will bo
paid for the time lost, provided the
witness fees are not equal to tho
amount they would have earned dur
ing the time lost.
Tt anj" telegraph opeialor considers
his paj- too small, or llnds that ho Is
unable properly to support himself or
his family, he can appeal to the gen
oral superintendent and will be ac
corded a. hearing.
The telegraphers are divided into
eight-hour, ten-hour, and twelve-hour
men. ' The eight-hour men work In the
larger offices, where there . are three
shifts in twenty-four hours. All re
ceive $:in per month or over and over
time. The ten -hour men will lecelve
$30 and overtime. Tho twelve-hour
men will got $40 to $00 a month and
overtime. The minimum paj' remains
at S40 a month. The best paying posi
tions are those of the interlocking tow
er men, who get $0." a month and over
time. The company saj-s that If the force
of telegraphers should have to be re
duced at any time, the men who have
been the longest with the company
will be retained and tho men known
as "extras" will be dropped first. No
i eduction of the force Is contemplated,
how ever.
George Brainard Suddenly Loses His
Reason and Shoots with Fatal Ef
fect. By r.cluMvi Who fiom 'Ihe Associated I'l'f.i".
I'oilland, Me., April 21. One man vva-, Hl.ot
and killed, and two otheiH probably tataliy sh"t
and Deputy Jlarshal Willard frith was (.lightly
v.ounded by Clcorge 11. Ilralneid, of Uoiton, in
Ihe New Uugliiul's TUcplione company's building
hero thii afternoon. Tho dead man is I. II.
l'arnliam, of Ito-don, iliiet electrician; the fa
tally wounded are .lames Wadsworlh, clectiieian,
.-nd Klmer Lane. Kaile Uinton vva... also eiioiisIy
v.oimded. Ilraiuenl i under aru-t. He ! i'ip.
pusid to have been taken suddenly iiKine.
The men wire employed in nuking exteniivc
changes in Hie new exchange of the New Lngland
Telephone comnany. While at woil; lliainerd
suddenly iliew a, revolver and shot Chief Klec
triiian Varnh.mi i.i the. forehfud. killing Mm on
the .spot. Then lie turned and In lapid Miou-i-sion
shot Wad.sworih, Huston nd U'liie, vho
v.cre. in separate corner of tho room.
);put.v Jlaiohal Viith, vvlo w.n summoned,
i mle (I up Hie stalls, though warned that 111.)
miudi-ter was illll theie with a icvolvei'. '.lust
-a lie leached the. top of the flight of (tain
Frith lerclvcil .1 bullet in tlie right side. The
deputy lontimird on and downed the muideier in; could shoot again and placed irons
illicit him. Deputy rritli was nol strion-ly
Entire Population of Oharties Follow
the Biors to the Grave.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Prew.
Cliartre.i, I'rance, April 21. The bodies ot the
the murdered cltlldieii of Ihe farmer iiamei'
Ihiere who weie killed April St, vvern Interred
iliit altunoon in a common grave, 'ilia bishop
of rhattrcs llio municipil oificlals the entim
population of thn village vilieie the crimes wens
committed and nv.uibeia of htiangem followed the
Uric re. who claimed that tlie inuidrit. who
coMiuiltlcil by two tr..niH but who is impelled
of laving slafi tliu children 'liniself in a fit of
drunken inadncw liai not yet roiifrfwil but Hie
authorities ate satisfied that he is (lie miirdeirr,
'llio motive of tho murder appears tn be that
llrlere wanted to marij' a vviduw vvlio had ie.
jeeled lilin on account of his largo (jnilli. Tne
crime lias caused intensii etcltiiuint Ihioughoiit
An Executor Ai rested.
By t:rltiilr Wire fiom Tlie Associated Press.
niugliamton. N. V., prll 21 Vnsil P. Jle.
MjsIit, of Nineveh, li, V wa auet(d heio last
evening on a warrant chaigiug him with mKip.
piopilatiug $23,000 of the fundi of (he estate of
.line Hush, late of the town of Colesville. Jl..
Ma.lcr was ono ol tlie eveeulors ot the i slate.
Twelve Lives Lost in a Storm.
By i:cIuslieWlro fiom The Associated Piess.
Call ul la, April 2J. violent dut bloun vi.
iled Jlandalay, capital of lluimali, Tuesday, and
u.ia followed by a trnible uln ilorni. 'Iwelve
lives wero floit and great dcstiuctlon wai.
Fava Will Retunt to Italy.
By KttbiJvo tp from The Associated I'rcsa.
Wasliingon, Apiil 21. llaron Pavj, Ihe Italian
amh.iHador, whoe buccivsoi- lias been uppointid
and who will shortly reluin lo Italy, iad a bric(
Informal tall, with the incident today.
Weather Indication Today:
1 Oetieral KtTort at Harrhbiirg to the
ilersey Cenlral Ofllclals and Men Acjtee.
Ciibitn CnnnnUslnii at Washlfigton,
Jlany Filipinos Surnnder.
2 Oeneral Catbondale PepaitniMit,
3 Local Silk Workers Slrlko Will Lnd Today.
Direi'lor Hocho Sajs Oily Can't Make Con.
fl Local-One April Day's Weddings,
0 Loral West i-cranlon and Subuiban.
7 (leiural Northeastern 1'ennsjlunl.i,
8 Advertisements.
11 Oeneral l'lnanilal and Coiiinirn l.iL,
10 local Ittdiistiial and Labor,
Argument Court Comes lo a iAosc.
Government Is Weakened by the Ad
mission of Evidence Against
Professor Eastman.
By Ksrlmlie Wire from Tin Associated Preis.
Cambridge Jluss', April 24. Tin?
government lost Its llrst critical pnlnc
in the admission of evidence against
Professor Kiistuian, of Harvard col
lege, wlio Is on trial In the 'Superior
court charged with the murder of his
brother-in-law, ltlchard Grogan, Jr.,
this afternoon, when Judge CitslUll
stated that certain evidi-ncc In the
form of repetition of statements al
leged to have been made by Orogau
as ho was dying, was not admissible
In a certain form which tended to con
vey the opinion, and not the fact, nn
to whether ho (Orogan) had .been
"killed" or "murdered." The point
raised by Jlr. Elder, for the prisoner,
apparently was unexpected by the at
torney general.
Lottie Itroughton, n witness, wai
asked to repeat What she had heard
fJrogan say, her testlmonj" having al
ready gone beyond the point where it
Lad been shown that Orogan was
wounded. Jlr. Klder. Interposing, said
he anticipated the answer to lie,
1 Charles, juiu'vo murdered mo," and
to lt he objected as Incompetent evi
dence on tlie plain ground that it was
Hrogan's opinion, not a specific decla
lation of the dying man. On tlie same
ground he objected to evidence already
presented, which in feet was opinion
anil not hare staten hit ot fact. At
iorney Oeneral Know ton took the op
posite 'ground, but the decision wus
against the government in almost ev
ery particular, the exception being that
the Identical words objected to wero
allowed to stand In the direct testi
mony of .Mr. Titus, a druggist, who
saw the struggle between Grogan and
K.istman and heard the former speak
Immediately after having been shot.
The entire day was full of sensu
llonal evidence, beginning with that of
Walter TO. Titus, a druggist. Tie saw
L'aslmr-n with a revolver in his hand
and identified one exhibited in court as
the same. Several persons who live In
tlie neighborhood of the Alvan Cliulce
estate told of the excitement following
the shooting and of hearing ciie.s of
"ilelp: Murder!"
The concluding witness and the une
who.-e evidence Is expected to be very
Important, was Belle Bryan, the house:,
keeper for Mrs. flrognn. Her htor
had not proceeded far enough at the
day's adjournment to disclose tlie gov
ernment's strength at this point in ils
cham of circumstances.
High Water at Cincinnati Still
Above the Predicted Limit.
By Kscluiiic Win- fiom The SMiiiated Pie.s.
Cincinnati, April M. Tonight the
stuge of the Ohio lieie was fu.ri feet,
bin wince ". p. in. the rate of rising was
reduced from one Inch tin hour to al
most one-half Inch an hour. Although
the rate of rising Is gradually decreas
ing, the flood here will exceed llio pre
dicted limit of 5S f..'et. Estimates on
tho rise that Is tn sight up llio river In
dicate that the Ohio will not become
stationary until tommrow afternoon,
when it Is not expected lo exceed lis.,"
feel, or 8.5 feet above the danger line.
TiiislnpK men and manufactuiei-H in
the bottoms will suffer more than was
expected, and many more, families will
he driven out of their homes along tho
Ohio to the south and along Mill Creek
valley on tho wes,t, and along the Little
Miami on tho oasl, than wero antici
pated lu tho earlier piopatatloiis.
On tho Kentucky side tho Interrup
tion to mills, factories und business Is
not so great, but In pioportlon to tho
population manymore have been driven
Iroiu their homes than on the Ohio
Not Pleased at Attitude of Govern
ment Toward Congregations.
Dy Hscluslvo Wire from The Associated I'rew.
Paris. April 21. Lo folre, alluding to
the alleged recall of Mouslgnor Loren
zi'lli, says that, on tho conlraiy, his
eventual recall, which for oilier reasons
had been decided upon by the Vatican
a long time ago, bus been postponed
precisely in order not to bo mlstnkon
for a hostile demonstration against tho
acts of tha government,
Tho paper continues that while lliu
popo Is pulped at the attitude of tho
govorumen towuid tho congrcgullons,
he lh moro. than ever resolved to porso
vero In his policy of conciliation und
support of the French republic
Auditing Mine Workers' Accounts.
By L'tdusiic Wire from Tlie Associated l'rcsa.
IndianapnlUj, Apiil 21. The auditor), of the
I'nitid .Mine Woikc-i of America arc heie in.
fpecling tho aciounts of the oiganizatlnn. A
miuli laiger amount ha been spent this, jear
than duiing the coirrsponding period of last jear
for maintaining Mrller.s and continuing relief.
There ha-s already Wen rsiieiided this jear on
hikes alouo lj.t).W. h. M. feston, of lllov
buig, Pa., tcdiv tuuCfdrd W. C. tnott. us ,j,
itor of the National Journal of the uigjuizalion.
The Constitutional Convention'?
Commission Arrives auliR
National Ganltal.
The Visltois Met at tho Station by
Colonel Sanger, Assistant Secre
tory of War and the Assistant Sec
retary of State General Wood
Calls on Secretary Root Senator
Morgan's Plans.
By Ktrlitstrf Wire fiom The Assort i led l'ies.
Washington, Apill 21. Tlie commis
sion appointed by the fubaii constitu
tional copvcnitlou in confer Willi
1'iPhldenl MeKlnlcy on the subject of
the relations between (he United
States and Cuba, arrived here at 11.40
o'clock this morning. The members
were met lu tlie Pennsylvania rall
ioad station by the assistant secre
tary of war. Colonel Sanger; the as
sistant secietary of state, lr. Illll;
Captain Sawtolle and Lieutenant Ov
erton, who escorted thorn In can luges
to the Shorcham, which they will mako
I heir headquarters while In Wash
ington. Tlie eonmiissloneis expect to leluiii
to Havana on Monday or Tuesday
next, after the president's dcpartuic
on his western trip. As registered at
the the commission con
sists of tho following named:
Domingo Mendcz Cnpote, Pedro
Gonzalez Llorente, Pedro 13. Rctnn
court, Pnfacl M. Portuondo, Diego Ta
mayo, Pedio M. Hntenza, Interpre
ter. Mariiues K. Starling, correspondent
of El Mundo, and M .M. Coronado, edi
tor of La Dlscusion, accompany tho
commissioners. Coronado is the man
who was Imprisoned by order ot Gen
eral Wood for publishing a cartoon
representing tli" Cuban people cruel
fled with President MeKlnlcy and Gen
eral Wood on either side as two
thieves. He was released, after a few
hours under arrest, but his paper has
been continuing its daily cartooning of
Wood and tho President.
Sonor Capote, chairman of the dele
gation, speaking, through an interpre
ter, pleaded fatigue as an excuse for
the jefusal of the commissioners to
submit to nn Interview this morning.
Senor Cnpote is more ot a German
than a Cuban in appearance. lie is
Ihe president of the Cuban constitu
tional conven'ion. He was a law clerk
In TIafuia whn th" Insurrection broke
out. and was mndc secretary of tlie
so-called revolutionary government.
He Is identified with the radical ele
ment, but has been quoted as sayug
that after Independence had been tried,
for a time tho destiny of the Cuban
people was to becomo u part of thn
United States. He was u member of
General Brooke's cabinet. He bclnngi
to tlie llopubllcan party, has an iiillu
ential following, and is hostile lo Maxi
mo Gomez.
Picturesque Members.
.ludge Llorente is the most pletm
csctie member of tho party. He Is con
siderably less than five feet tall ami
has a white fringe of beard all urnunti
a face weazened with age. Ho Is lu
ins seventy-seventh year and Is iuso
clto Justice of 'the Supremo court of
tlie island. lie was a member of tins
committee which made the original
draft of the Cuban constitution and
it was through a dramatic speech by
I' im that the convention refused to
strike out the clause Invoking the
blessing of God. He is looked upon an
pro-American in his tendencies.
The youngest mouiTier ot the com
lr.lsion is Itafael Portiiiuido, a delegate
fiom Santiago, and tlie state's attoi
ney there, appointed by General Wood,
lie belongs to tho radical aml-Gnmi-a
fnotlon and maintains that the Mon
too doctilne gives thn United States
all tho control over Culm that It should
Diego Tanuiyo Is a member of Gen
eral Wood's cabinet. He Is Identified
with the National or Maximo Gonuv,
party. Tu Ihe convention he proposed
that Cuba, when once constituted as
an Independent state, should adopt
treaties with the United States guar
anteeing practically everything covereii
In tho Piatt amendment.
Goneral Betancourt Is a physician
who was appointed civil governor ot
Matanzas by General .Brooke, and still
retains tho position.
General Wood at lived earlier than
the commissioners. Tie went to tho
As nnniiunceil. they Mill be Heated
with every consideration by tho presi
dent, who will give them a full healing
and discuss with them the provisions
of tho Plutt amendment lo llio United
States army appropriation bill govern
ing tho lelatlons bet ween the Island
and the United States, He will try lu
convince them of tlio-dlslutercstedni'ss
of the United Stales in Insisting upon
a cleap ileilnillou now of those iclatlons
and endeavor to give thein a clear
understanding of iho feeling on tlm
subject auiontr leading American pub
i: men. With the Litter end in view
ho will have them meet as many in
possible of the senators and represen
tatives now In Washington. He will
entertain them ut dinner In the whltu
house tomorrow' nlshti and hns Invited
to meet them Senators Lodge, Voraker
und other Itepuhlicau leader.
nf tTfiH-it
Washington. Apiil 21. l'nicct for
ej.tcrn l'iinviaina: leailns early
'thursday muinlii; fur duiln? fbo 'by
and on liiilaj; lu.-h noihcily vvindi.
-rf tt fttttft ftttt