The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 23, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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-vrtx-n r-"'Vs$ .sfv?" jr-fr
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Ih the Councils Last Evening Both
Branches The Ordinance Provid
ing for a Municipal Water Plant
to Cost $140,000 Pnfesed FUst and
Second Heading in Common Coun
cil. .
' The select council mot In special Mis
sion .it "7 10 o'clock, with President
Fletcher, Thompson, Ban ell and Davis
on bund. 'J'lit' ordinance providing for
the annual uppi epilation for the
eUr from April 1, 1801, to April 7, IPO-',
carrying $11,000, was passed on thlid
The oidlnance piovidtn for the levy
nr tuxes tor the romlns year pulsed
thlid leadlnp;. The pole ta: uidlnuiice,
taxing nil poles und ivtii'aMn the public
sti cuts if (Jniboiulale, and the bill ptu-vidlin-
lor an Incieaso In the salailcs
of the local police force passed llifat
reading. At 7.:iD o'clock select council
adjoin ncd.
, Common council was called to older
at". with Piosldont Collins, Nealon,
Whitllclri. Altiiphy, W. Mnstois, Stone,
13 vans, J. JIusteis and Punllano pies
ent. The (list business to come up was
a tcsolutlon ftoni t-doct cotindl Klvlni
pei mission to the Catboiidnle Gas com
pany to erect six stieet lamps In vuil
oiis .sections of the city. On motion of
Mr. Ncnlou the icsolutlon was con
ciincd In. A icsolutlon, fiom se
lect, in iCK.iitl to extending the plat
lorms in each council chamber, was
t uncuried In by motion of Mr. Stone,
t'liniiiuan Collin", bow ever, thought It
hhotild go to the building committee,
and It was sent theie.
A lesolutlon from select council ill
legal d to lighting the sheets of the
i ity for one year or more provoked a
little discussion. Mr. Nealon called at
tention to the ambiguity of the reso
lution in stating "lor one year or
nioie." The icsolutlon finally parsed,
it being decided that the exact tot in
could bo fixed when the contiaet was
let. A lesolutlon by Mr. Fietdioi, oi
.select, that the joint building commit
tees of councils confer in legaid to a
suitable dto tor the Cainegle llbiaiy
building was eoncuiied In. The .same
ionise was taken on a icsolutlon dl
tecting the city tieasmer to refund
taxes paid by Frank Mollinaio, he be
ing a minor.
The water question then lame up. It
was intioduced by Mr. Nealon, ol the
Thlid waul, and is entitled "an oidi
nance pioviding tor the Issuing of
bonds of the rity of Catboiidnle in the
sum of $145,000 lor the put pose of pij
Ing for the election and ronsttuctlon
ol a public municipal water plant to
be owned and operated by the s.iid city
of Caibondnle, together with the put -i
base ol land and such water lights as
may be necess.ny theieto, and piovid
ing for the ledemption theieof."
After leiltlug the f.tct.s of the sub
mission of the question to the voteis
of the city and an Ineiease in the in
debtedness of the city being oted for
by the vote ot 1,670 otes to a.'S against,
the oitlinauec is dhided lino eight .sec
tions. '
Section I authorises the issue of ne
gotiable bonds to the amount of $145,
OuO, the bonds to be of the denomina
tion of Sl.fnO, with inteiest coupons at
tached. The bonds .shall be tuimbeied
lioni 1 to 113 inclusive and shall be
' signed by the mayor, seal ot city al
IKcd and duly attested by the eilv
Idk. The date ot the bonds shall be
luh t, litiil, j,hnll i,c. ledeemable as
In iclnnller hpecllicd and shall boar In
teiest at tin' late of lour per tent , fiee
fiom nil taxes, which the city assumes
lo pay. The Juiciest coupons shall be
executed by the engtaved or lltho
giaphed sltinatute ot the niuvoi. and
shall be payable semi-annually on the
111. st dnj.s ot .lanuaiy and .Inly, at the
ollice of tin eily ticisuiui- ot the dtj
of Catboiidnle.
Sieetloti L Said bonds shall be te
deemable in tle uiiiot of thelt niiinheih,
as follows. U:
No's, I to :',-, Inelusive, .Inly 1st, lOOii.
No's jii to .".0, iiKluslve, July 1st, nm.
No's, :,j to 100, inclusive, July 1st,
No's. 101 to It!"., inelusive, Inly 1st,
Section It. Said bonds shall bu Issued
in ticeoidnnt") with the piovlsions of
lite net ot Aptll L'Olli, 1S7I, the pio
Msions of the act of May :.!ul, 1SSH.
and the soveutl supplements nnd
amendments of said acts.
Section 1. Said bonds si. all bo desig
nated and known at, "Municipal Water
Plant liniids" nnd shall be prepared
lor issue by I he city clerk, and duly
j.dgned and .sealed as piovldoil In seo
' ti in i ot this otdlnance.
1" riu turn 5. The ilty cleik diall ud
.viIim toi bids upon suhi bonds to the
""amount of Jin.OOO.flU. at four per et nt.
ICwblch bonds shall bo sold to the hlgh
...est and lios bhldor by notion of t.
"(ouncllsof the city ot Uaibonilalo. Tim
(.a . k i
:"bcurqs coighs and colds at
Zcik. We don't mean that it
rpHeves you for a little while
it cures, It has been doing
; this for half a century. It has
"saVed hundreds of thousands
of lives, It will save yours if
you give it a chance.
' "I luo receiuM so much Icncfit from It, that
I aUa) teiuirtinenU Shiloh's for cousin,
thruat, hronchiilard lun trnuhl.M
Cil Afa. YANUbKCAK, VictforJ, N. V,
fililloh'u Oaiikiimptlon Ciirji Uolil by all
dmgxUtS ut "St, OOc, 81.00 it bottle. A
iirlntml gllruntl).) i:ira Willi tncry bottlti.
ryiiunieunt sutlollPtl go to ur ilrues'
iul uct uur niuiiiy baclt,
't'rltt for illLttntd boolt oa cuntuiosnon. Sen!
kiuutot twycu. b. C. Wel!J. Co., I eUoy,N.V.
Catbondale Department.
prrtteil.1: of Mild sale in be paid by
the pin chaser to the cit.v tteasiirer us
pi ovlded by law.
Section ti. The money (hat niay be
unlhed from the sale of said bonds
shall bo and Is lieiebv nppiopi luted for
lite payment of the oosl ol the public
municipal water plant enumerated
above in this oidlnance. Any mil plus
of the piocecds at Islng ft out Iho sale
of snld bonds which mny 1 cumin af
ter lite said municipal water plant hits
la on fully paid tor, shall be paid into
the (linking fund ptovlded lot tho 10
tlempllon of said bonds.
Section 7. I'or tho pin pose of paying
the principal and Inteiest of said
bonds there Is hereby levied tor the
enr 11101. mi all ptoperty taxahlo for
city purposes, a tax ot two mills on
the dollar or valuation, and every year
theteafter theie shall be levied Tot
such puipo-u a tax suiltclent to pay
the Inteiest on said bonds, nnd the
pilucipal thei f of an the, pntne becomes
due and payable as enumerated above
in tills oidlnnnce.
Section 8. The Hinds leulled fiom
the sale of the said bonds shall be
paid Into the city tieasiliy, and, the
city tteasurer, the mayor of the city
and the city controller shall cause the
said funds to be Immediately plated
at inteiest In the banks or tills city
or of the city of Hcinnlon to be desig
nated bv them, placing and keeping
Hum time to lime an equal jiinoinit of
said funds In each of tho banks so
This oidlnance was leferred to tit'
finance committee with instructions
to leport l'oilbwith. The committee
reported fnvoiably and Us lepott was
adopted. The bill was then sent lor
wad to first and second leadings.
Select council file No. 1, pioviding
for l he annual appt epilation, was 10
fetied t finance committee. The same
couise was taken on select council llle
No. '2, 1 1 milling for tho ley of (axes.
Mr. Nealon intioduced a losoltitlou
pi o Idlng that the city engineer bo
empoweied at once to suiey and piu
paie a nuip ot the city of (,'at biuulale,
in older that spei illcations may be
,'tepaied for the puiposu ol purling
in a municipal water plant, and tho
city engineer is liMeby empoweied to
employ tho necessary help in oidei to
reUonn said woik. Tho author of this
moved its Immediate adoption. Mr.
btone said thai while ho was in favor
of lite municipal water plant lie ad
lsed caution and thought it was too
gieat a matter to be acted upon hast
ily. Mr. Nealon letoiled that the
tiouble was that the councils had been
going too slow in the matter all along.
The woik should be begun at unic, as
oted lor by 1,600 tapajeis. The
icsolutlon was then adopted unanl
lrousU. The bond or Cilv Cloik Moon was, leeched and this council ail
jc in tied.
The First Congiegayonnl Chuich Il
luminated by Coal Oil Lamps Sun
day Night.
Just as the lte. .M. C. JJllolt stepped
into the pulpit; just as Oiganlst Nay
lor pulled out (be stops in the oigan
to begirt the include; just as the
chinch bell In the Cougiegational
chuicii tolled lor the thlid time on
j Sunday night, the luso in the elect! lo
light lKtuies binned out in that edi
tb e and the tougiegation was lett In
daikness. calls on the i lecti ic light
lompany pioving useless, usheis hus
tled aiound the nelgbboihood and
piocuied enough keiosene l.imps to il
luminate the ihuieii lcebly und Hie
sei vices piocei ded. I.ate cotneis see
ing the r hill til in daikness, tinned
away and went to other places ot
wot ship.
Oiganlst Naylor kept the (ongiega
tion Horn glowing icstlcss by pliijlng
until l he lamps weie In ought, a polled
of Iiom twenty to touty-lic minutes
Tho speilal musical piogtainnio tlial
had been pu-pated, had to be oinltleil.
County Commissioners Did Not Find
Many Complnints from tho Tax
payeis. Count. I'ouiini.-sloneis Penman,
Mouis and Dm kin, iith iliclr del ks,
weie in town i.stetilay to luur ap
peals Hum tile county assessments.
Tin so coininlsloneih oicupled tho
coi.neil ehambeis In the city building.
i3acb one took two winds and with
Ha w.nrt assc-sois, heaiil complaiiits
it the lnxiaeis. Theie weie ioiii
paiatlveiy few appeals, ns in
tases, despite Its being the ttiennial
iihessincnt ,eai the llguies aie simi
lar lo those ot last env and In ,t
nuiuber ot lasts mulct hilly icdiued
A number ot tho laiger laxpayuis
weie piesent, however, and endeavoi
cd to get their assessments l educed.
In some or these mses the leniou
stiauces weit has-d on Ueiieal ei
lors madi! In ictuining tho'ilguios to
the cunuui.-'Hiuni'is,
Yesteuiay the lieiiilng.s weie ghen
to "Jaiboiidalu city lapayeis. Today Horn Cuiboiidalc tuwushlp,
Fell township, Vaiidllng, Jeiinyu boi
uugh and MuMleld, will bo heaul.
MeBtint; Tonight.
Ancient Oiilu uf lllbeinlaiis, Dlvls
inn No, J I
St, Vincent do l'aul.
lXuighteis eif Itcticl.ali, Jiieiclia
IocIec No. luD.
iniptoved Older or lUd .Men, l.ack.i
wanna tilbe, No, 'i'
Knights of Honor,
Local iinluu, No. Ibll,
Daimhleis of ril finorge.
Removed to Wilkes-Banc.
Tho lamlly of ilionms 1'attis ie.
moved yesteiday tioni tjils titj to
Wllkes-Uai io. Mr. 1'eteis was fanner,
ly employed In the Del.iwnio and Hud
son blacksmith .shop on Ninth Muln
stieet, but for .some time pust has
been w oi king In VI)kcs-Uaue.
Gone to Confeiencs.
Tho Itev, I'. Klulnger, pastor of tho
liist Lutheiun 13vungellcai chuicii
(St. Paul's), depailud yesteuiay artei
noon tor Luhlghtou, Pa., to attend tho
unnual conlVtoneu of tho stale sjuoil.
At tho Opera House.
TiuilKht llencilt toiitert for hospital.
Toinoiunv night "A Poor Itelatlon."
Filday night "tlnclo Tom's Cubln."
To Mr. and Mis. Andiew Hanson, of
Seventh avenue, a ion.
'Phone :
NEW, 266
OLD, 0423
Tho Necessity of Co-Oporation How
Thoy Cnn Help Each Other.
l.asl evening Leader had a very
tlnniy und nppiopilale aiilcie on the
need of the cti-opciatlou ot the olelgy
nnd the proas. Wo tepilnt It, as fol
lows: "It has often been retnaikcd that
mun. of lite clctgy arc lemlss In not
using the picas to a gieater extent In
ptomtilgatlng the tenets of their faith
nnd movements In the icliglous world.
We have known ministers who arfectcd
to belittle the tiforls of newspapers to
luiptme the moinl condition of society:
but It Is well known that the piess
gencially is doing a gieat woik In up
lifting men Irani thu ways of sin nnd
druiniliition: Indeed, they aie willing
to do much moro If they can have the
help of the clergy.
"In these days owuvbody reads Iho
papers add they naturally look for
complete intelligence in legard to all
movements which iulliienco public sen
timent and boar upon tho welfare of
the community. Il would be a dull
wotld weie it not lor the constant
stream ol news happenings detailed in
the public, pi ess. Many minds aie
stlned by what they lead and hem
ot tho niaicii of incuts In this tapid
age, and no small piopoition ot rcud
cis and he.uoi.s lake a deep Inteiest In
the piumotion of religious It nth and
l he moral advancement of the human
"A minister who was interviewed on
Ibis subject letently spoke stiongly as
to the iniluoiice ot the press in dissem
inating icllgioiis intelligence. He said:
'Many cleigyineu sin in lemainlng
asleep lo tho oppoi tunilies ofteicd
them lor spi calling tho pilnclples of
iighteousness through the public press.
We aie to publish the glad tidings, and
II we can only leach hundieds by the
olte wc may leaih thousands by the
louinal. AW cannot go out to the
blgw.ns and hedges, but the newspa
peis i a n. and tliej win take our mes
sages lor us If thc ate woithy. Tho
devil has the ear of the world. We
should be awake to get tor God as
huge an audience as we He will
hold us accountable it we lemaiu asleep
and keep the people slumbei lug.' "
Theatiical Gossip.
On Wednesday night of this week we
aie to hae another ol Sol. Smith
Hudson's successes at tho ciiand Opera
Ilou-e, with a star unknown to Car
bondale, but who pioniises well. Fiank, it is announced, follows Mr.
Kussell's lonieptions and icndilion ol
"A Poor Relation," and in that he
shows good seiioe. n is ,t mistake
not to follow the pi dents and advice
ol n master in the ail.
This evening will be given the gland
conceit tor the benellt of tho Hiueigen
iy hospital, at tho Uiand. The per
I oimois me all "stuis." They aie:
Mine. Flavie Van Den llende, Rclglum
'lelllsl; Mons. Flavicu Vandeiveken,
lielgiuin violinist; lUjss Ciar.i SiniP
son Bi.uly. .sopiano soloist, of Sci an
ion; i 'hailos Dousani, pianist, of
Sii.inton. and Allied AVooler. tenor.
of Sci.mton. Theie will bo no ic-
seived .seals.
On Filday night another "Uncle
Tem'e. Cabin" compiny will make Its
now lo a t'aibondalo audience, mak
ing the thin! visit this season of op
ponents oi the time or "befo' de war."
iiie Stetson luinpany Is well and la
viii ably known thiougli tilth section,
and 11 is moics than likely that tho
pnpul.nlty of Minks and Little llv.i
tnd the test will none, of their
On Thuislay evenliig, Mav , "The
Cliiistian" will be seen heie. Leib
ler ,V Co. have two companies on tho
load piesenling this play, and tho one
that will come to Caiboudale is an
lioiiuied as the licst one. The i a"t
which will be seen on the local stage
Is: Hon. John Sloini, Lionel Adams;
Lend Stuini, Jetteison Lloyd; Horatio
Diake. Kiedeiltk Conger; Lend Ttob
eil li e, Haiold HarlKoll; Paison
Ouavle, r:odeiiok Miiynard: Biother
Paul, r.dmund Hlton; Ciloiy Quale,
l.llla Vane.
Rummage Sale Begins Fridny.
The .vouny: L.idy Workeis of the M.
13. thuich will open tin ii- iiiininugi:
sale mi Vilday alteiuoou In the O'Con
ntil bulldlim, Pink pl.iee. They can
use any ai tides of clothing, erockeiy,
bin dw aie, tuinltu'c, etc., which ou
are tluough with, and they will lie
glad lo call tor them If woid Is left at
the stote or with any of the ladies.
An Offer fiom Scrnnton.
It Is said tint Miss Kutheiine L
P.ue, lu.stuietor in Latin in tho Ceu
tial High school, has loeelved a very
flutteilng oifer lo Income asaociated
with the faculty of the Sciantou High
school It Is luither said that Miss
Pace is the best Lullu scholar In this
set Hon.
Reception at tho Paisonage.
The Ladles' Aid aoiioty ot iho
M. 13. liiuuii will hold a reception
at the paisonage on Vilday utteinoon
mini '! to ti o'clock, at which time, tho
hubsciipijoiis to the dollar offoting will
bf leeched,
In&vuanco Agents Smoke.
The local agents mnncclul with the
Metiopolitan LUo Insur.iiH'o company
held a smoker last ovunlng In tho com
pany's olllces In thu Uuiko building
In honor of thu vjjt of Supoilntendent
A. h. Avtiy, of .Soiuntoii.
A Now Barber Shop.
John .1. Cos bus opened a neat and
wdl.jl'ted baiber Minn In thu ieinod
cied bullililig iccunlly uietipleil by
Michael Honuett, on South Muln street,
and which w.w binned nut about two
months ago.
Tor Throwing- Stonej.
Mai tin Ciippen, tho detective for
the Duhiw.uu and Hudaon company,
was In town lust night to pinsecuto
foui .voting men of this tlty mid Jer
nvu, ehaiged wltu thiowiug .stune.i at
llio lallioad'H piojieitj, Tho tjuaitette
MolhT laj' sweet l'o,Ui'i lo, tlilldrcn. sic.
vilill ii'.ul lit Slot lu i i.rj), lor jcju a ner,u
in Iho ehillrcnV Home In New uk, ( im. .
MiMineKi, Itai btuiiudi, 'litlhhu I)N,uIij
li cue Jli'l uyulattf )li 11 wo' enj ilq Uo Uuuiit'
'll.cj m i' Hi plusjut ly llio Ijttojinl'lijunlij,,
us llllik, tliiltliiu like1 tlitin Oici lu.Ouil le,ll
iiitiilult uf cun ri 'I lav utter full, s.jl.l ,v
all UiiiKKlKta, J". U lo.ti.t sjiii,iu nti'l'
Ailtlrcii lltu h. Oluislcil, In i Hoi, , ,.
were given a hearing before Alderman
tfunert. Mr. Crlppcn read the law, but,
as tho young men were penitent, they
wtro discharged with a reprimand on
payment of costs.
C, It. V, Passes Resolutions.
At the meeting of tho Central Labor
union on Sunday afternoon tho follow
ing icsolutlon wrui pnescd, to ho pre
sented to each of tho couticllmeti. It
l as follows:
"To tho select nnd common council?
of tho city of Caibniulnle.
"Greeting: Humor having reached
this union thnt sonic of tho membeis
ot your honoiabto bodies havo In view
the obstruction of nv municipal wat
er oidlnance, either by negative vole,
amendments, or absence fiom tliani
bei s,
"Now, therefoie, the Carboiidale Cell
1 1 ul Labor union, at Us meeting on
this date, has doomed It ni'ccssary lo
remind you ot tin. tiomeudotis mnjnil
ty lit favor of municipal water at a
recent election In this city, and, fut-thc-r.
"The members of the ppvpi.iI labor
oiganlzatlons, an cltlaons and taxpay
ers, demand that you crtrty out the
will of the people at (ho said election,
and this, too.. without further delnv.
"Respectfully submitted by tho Cen
tral Labor union of the tlty ot Car
boiidale. April 21, 1001.
Frank Keenan, In "A Poor Relation"
The play which" Sol Smith Russell
made famous, und which, without
doubt, has been the greatest success of
that famous actoi's career, Is to be Iho
Hi act Ion nt tho Grand Wednesday
liie production will be given by a
ipiaint comedian. Prank Keenan, sup
I oi toil by ono of the best companies
that has yet appeared in this charm
ing play. They aie under the direc
tion or t'rcil G. Herger, who bah for
yeais been, and still Is, Sol Smith P.iis
sell's manager.
Well Attended Missions
The men's mission .it5t. Rosuvhuu-h
yesleiday was especially well attend
ed. At tho fi o'clock mass the pi lest
in charge, itov. Kalher Miller, com
plimented the worshippers and paid a
high tribute to Caiboudale as a relig
ious center. Tho edifice was filled to
the doors. Th S o'clock mass also
produced a laige crowd of men. Last
night the crowded chuicii showed that
the male contingent of tho parish had
the icllglous pilnciple deep in their
Rehearsing Actively.
The paits for the juvenile play, "The
Mystic Midgets," whieb Is lo bo given
in Tilnily Piotestanl Uplscopa! chuich
on May 17 and IS, have all been as
signed and the little ones aie learning
their p.uls and leheaislng actively
on Monday evening and Wednesday
and Satutdny- afternoons. Theie will
be thiee lepiesentatlons of the play,
Kilday evening and Satin day matinee
and oveniiiK.
Odd Fellows in Scianton.
A numher of the Odd Fcllowe, of this
tity jowne'od to Scianton last even
ing on the 7 o'clock train to attend the
special session ot the grand eutamp
nient held theie jesterday. The pur
pose of the gathering was lo conler
the past official degiee, ..nil tho giand
encampment degree. Tho latter meet
ing was held last, evening and only
pasl chief palilalias weie e'ltltled to
A Foimcr Resident in Tiouble.
.M. W. Grogan, of Olyphant, tormeily
of Carbondale. was fined $J"i and costh
lor keepinga slot machine in his place.
He was also fined $a." lor obsti lie ting a
legal process, In addition to being
i ailed upon to pav tho costs in each
case. He made the fatal mistake of
being disiespectful to the ofllcer of the
law who called for his machine.
The Bishop Expected.
111. Rev. L'thelbeit Talbot, bishop ot
the I'plscopal diocese of Central Penn
sjlvanla, is expected hcie late in May
to adminster the lite ot conf.liiiia.tlon
at Tilnity chuich.
Much Better.
Ml., Went li Wills, of South Church
stieet, who has been confined in Winer
guncy hospital tor tome time, is great
ly improved and it Is thought she will
bo able to go home In a .short time.
Scarlet Fever.
A i use of scaiiet fever has been le
ported to tho bonid of health In tho
family of Thomas Kllleen, on Brook
lyn stieet, and alo one In the lamlly
of L. Sloan, on Waj. tie stieet.
Collar Bone Bioken.
S.uah, the I-' ear-old daughter of
Mr. and Mis. J. G. Nicholson, of
Prumniond avenue, felt fiom a porch
und sustained a fiaeturo of the collar
The Passing Thioiig.
P. R. Rev an was in. town yestoiday.
Mis. M. A. M.veis. of Porter avenue.
Is in Now York cltv on business.
Fietl Swingle and Chailes Humpluey
spent Sunday evening In Olyphant.
Mis. C, If. Hionson Is confined to her
home, on Canaan &tieot, by Mines?.
Mis. C. II. Hlller. of Seoleyvllle,
spent Sunday with friends In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Sumuel Tcmby, of Jer, spent Sunday with filends heie.
John McDonald, or Wilkes-Uane,
bpent Sunday with Caibondalo filends,
Jitmcb McICenna and Edward Sulli
van, of Wllkes-Barre, bpent Sunday In
Mrs. Ralph Rlalr, of this cit, was
tho gurst of filends In Thompson last
w eek.
P. T. Reilly, of Scianton, und Kranly
Rvines, ot Wilkes-Cauc, spent Sunday
in low ii,
Mli.s May T.oftus, of Moutiose, Is the
guest of Mlis Agnes Culcmuu, of tho
v.oht Hide.
)''icti H. Woodwoith, who sl weeks
USD left heie for hU homo In Oiegon,
has uiurned,
A. o, Huubons', of Hronkljn street,
hits uiuiiieil, aftor a shoit visit with
i iiluMves in Honesdnle.
Geoigo llux, of Scianlon, a former
K'Uldoiit heie, bpent Sunday nt Iho
homo of Walter Wills.
Miss Jennie Tlghe, of New York city,
Is homo to spend tho summer with her
pjiviits, on Scott stieet.
Pied Llebsrmnii, formerly connected
wllh tho Caiboudale Telephone com
pany. Is now lu Wllllamspoit, doing woik.
Mls.s Anna Povle, of Wllkes-Uarre,
and Miss Anna Doyle, uf Wayiuait, aio
visiting Mis. John Hildgott, on South
Main sheet.
Thomas Caw ley, of Carbondale. was
a caller at the home of Thomas Craig,
on South Main Mtcet, yesterday.--F'lttston
Alaster Refoid C. Williams, after
spending the past ten days with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mis. U. IL Lee,
has returned to his home In Set anion,
Mr. und Mr. T. A. Grace nlo guests
nt the homo of Mlihnel Coleman, on
Vino street.
Mrs. C. V. Mltcholl. of Ketikit col
lege, N. Y., is a guest at the Uaptlst
parsonage, on Lincoln avenue. She w III
make an extended visit with her
daughter, Mrs. IL .1. Whaleii,
An alarming lepoit was chculnled
ciound town last evening of an exten
sive mine cave at Muyfleld. The ie
pott slated that ono man hud boon
killed and several houses had dlsnp
pouted and part of tho i.tllroad. Then'
was but little foundation lor I he ie
poi't, oxcept that a largo tlssille ex
tending for a considerable distitnce was
discovered close to the rulliond Hacks.
Trains woio delayed for a while and
throughout tho evening all trains
moved .slowly whert passing over a.
short section of tho road.
Miss Reiiha Rarrott, of Lakeside,
is the guest of her brother, Ptofcssor
II. N. Ranett, of Second street.
Doiolhy, the little daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. William Ceigun, who has
been ciltleally III for several weeks,
died on Sunday afternoon. The fune
ral will take plave this afternoon. In
terment will be made In y cem
etery, Mnyfleld.
The home ot Mr. and Mis. William
Brown, of Main stieet, was bilghteneil
yesterday by the arrival ot a twelve
pound sou.
Miss Mamie Mci.otighlln, of Avoen,
Is spending u few d:is with Jerinyn
and Mnyiield friends.
Hogarth's band aie gelling up on
evcellent ptogrammo for their concert
on May 1 for the bonellt of Mi. Heniy
Mayne. Among thf attractions uffcirit
will bo a dooi prize of a battel of
At the last meeting of the Keg limit
of the Delaware and Hudson collleiy
thu lollowlng oflicers weie elected:
liesldent, George l'"ndeicd; vice-pies-Ident,
Samuel Waters; financial ccie
tary. Rattley Mullen, Sr.; ieoidlng
f.ecietaiy. John Cm ley; visiting com
mittee, James Sliaikey and Alexander
Bruce: tiustce. Michael Mtildoop.
The Kcilpse Sfjcial club will conduct
.1 social In Kntei prise ball on April "0.
Miss Kate Reunion, of Scranlon, ttlll
tuinisb the music.
Miss Llzie Muilalley. of Scianton,
who has been visiting fi lends heie, has
i etui ncd home.
Mrs. Hendrlr'k, of Hoboken. N. J.,
Is tho guest of her son, T. A. Hendiick,
ot Second stieet.
The membeis of the Picsbj teuaii
chinch will conduct a itimniage sale
In tho vacant stoic or S. J. Matthew-.,
on Delaware stieet, tor tluce days,
comriienclng Thursday.
Miss Kate Dodson's pupils of the
Columbus school will give an enlet
l.ilnment in Lloyd's hall this evening
for the bonellt of the Pihuitive Metho
dist chuich. An excellent piogianime
lids been in ranged. Admission, in and
1." cents.
Mrs. John J. Jones and ciiildien, ot
Nanticoke, are visiting Mr. and Mis.
T. I'. Jones, of Lackawanna stieii.
Tommy She.ner with his excellent
company will play a letuin engage
ment at the Father Mnthew Opei.i
House for tin ee nights, commencing
next Monday evening. Mr. Kheuior Is
ono of the most popular actois witli
the tbeatcr-goeis at this place and he
will undoubtedly be gieeted wlili
ciowcled houses on his letuin visit.
Miss Mary A. O'Rojle visited friends
at Jermjn on Sunday.
Tho report that a jouiig son of
George shylnk, a Hungarian mei chant
on tho Flats, had been diowned, caused
gieat excitement in that vicinity last
evening and hundieds of people flocked
along tho liver bank. As Mr. Shylak
is out of town, nothing definite could
bo learned, but it is gencially thought
that the stoiy Is a hoax.
The No. 2 colliery of the Delawaio
and Hudson company was idle yester
day on account of lepairs being made.
James thady, of Scotch stieet, Is
seiiously ill,
James Grady, son of Mis. Ann
Grady, died after an Illness of a few
hout.s last evening at 7 o'clock, aged
2S years. Ho Is survived by his moth
er, two bintheis and four slstets. announcement latei.
Aichbald Mine Workeis' union, No.
3613, United Mine Workeis of Ameil
oii, will meet In special fossIou this
evening in the Odd Fellows' hall, on
North Main sheet, when all tho slate
picker.', door tendets and diiveis will
lio organized. National Committeeman
Tied Dllclier and other dlstiltt oigan
Izers will be piesent to addiess the
Announeenient lin.s been made of the
coming marriage of Miss Kll.i Rurns,
an estimable young lady, and Mr. J.
P. Doyle, a pt eminent young mail ot
Wilkes-Haiyie, to be soleninl."d next
Tlie following fiom this place at
tended the biithday paity of Eddie
Prlcu In West Sciantou .vesteiday:
Mrs. Joseph Connolly and t'hitdtou,
Sadie, Louisa and Walter. Mis. rten
Jamln Williams and children, Maud
and May, nnd Misses Myitle and Mil
dred Connolly.
David Willlunih, of Washington
stieet, who was seiiously iiijtued in
the Pync mine last vvpek, Is impi liv
ing, Llveiyman T. J. Davis pin dinted a
new team of black limses at TunU
hannock last week.
Wvery inembT of Williams divi
sion, No. til, Sons ot Temperance, aio
urgently icquested lo bo piesent at
this evening's session to welcome tho
grand patilaich and gtand secniary
and other lepiesentatlves of the Grand
division fiom Philadelphia. The pies.
once of sister divisions is also io
fiuested. i
Tho inembt'is of the Taylor Hods
base ball team will meet hi the Pile J
llbiaiy hall on I'llday evuiing at 7 :;)
o'doik tor Iho putpciso of ie-oreaiiU-Jug
lor the season,
.Mr. and Mrs. John 13. Davit, of
Wllltps-U.ii i e. have been the guesis of
lelatlves In town for tho past few
Lackawanna lodge, No, IU, Anicii
can Ptotestant association, will moot
In Impoitant business session this
evening, when matteis pci tabling to
the turning fair will bo discussed.
Miss Maggie Hood has ictuiiiod fiom
her visit to littston
Lily lodge, No. 019, 1. t). O P., will
meet this evening
Mis. Reese W. Reese has re tin ncd
fiuiii a visit with htt daughter, Mis.
William Jones, In Caiboudale
Wdwin Smllh, of Gteen Rldgo. was a
business caller In town yesieulu
Rev. D. C. Kdwuids, pastel ot the
Welsh Baptist ilitiuh ollliiatcd lu
AVIIke.s-ltaiie on tho Sabbath. Itev.
Dr, 11. II. Haiiis occupied tho for-
Cold facts.
The principal reasons why you ought to buy a Leon
aid Clcanable Refrigerator are that it keeps things
cold .nd pure, it uses little ice, and it can be taken
apart to be cleaned. Our refrigerators arc built to with
stand the roughness of the average iceman. They will
last longer, keep food purer, use less ice and give bet
ter satisfaction than any other icfrigerator on earth,
inei'.s charge on Sunday evening and
ilellveied an cluiiueiit sjinion In !3ng
lish. Aichbald "ollloiy resumed operations
ye-steiday alter an Idleness of lour
dais lor i epulis.
Air. and .Mis. II. 15. Hilggs, ot Cai
boudale, visited at the home ol Mi. and
Mis. S. II. i:iif,gs, esleiday.
Mr. and Mis. lr. V. Mace. Ji., of
Utlca, N, " lelmned home yesteuiay
alter spending a lew das with thu
lormei's pan ills, Ml. and Mis. II. V, ol Main stieet.
United Mine vv'otkeis of Amcili.i,
Local No. 117, will meet in tegular ses
sion this evening at Mutt Haven hall.
Cans Nos. 10J and 1JJ ot the Seiantun
Tiactlon conipany aie supplied with
flat wheels, and as they go bumping
and thumping along our thoioughtates
the noise is almost deafening. As the
cars i tin until midnight, il makes them
a nuisance that should not be tolei -ated.
Mr. 13 Davis, nl Ashlev, has opened
up a boot and shoe icp.ili .shop in the
G. A. R. building. -Mr. Davis will move
his family heie in the near lutiue.
All niemb-'is ot tho WINon File com
pany aie icquested to be piesent at
the tegular meeting this evening.
Miss Itcba Slmpkins, or Haw ley, Is
ponding a lew days with ti lends in
The I uncial of Thomas Pcanlon, who
war killed on the Moosio Mountain
uiilioad, look place fiom his late homo
.vesteiday. The funeial va latgelv
attended by his Hi-'inls hoin up and
down the valley. Mi. Sennlon was
bom in this town thlity je.iiH ago,
and made his home heie most of the
time Mnce. He Is silivived by his wile
and one child, who aie at piesent in
Ni w Jeisoy. The Iiileiment was made
in the Aiehb.ild nnlluille eemelei v.
("aids aie out announcing the double
marriage of Messrs. Mit had Fagaii
and James Loflus, .md Misses Miime
Lot tus and Annie Lynott.
The Rllte Social dill) will conduit
a social in Hillings' ball Satuulay
cm n lug.
Don't lot get the "Shamioik and
Ilu'i'," which will be pioduced at l he
St. .lames hall this evening. A sodal
will follow the play. Geneial admis
sion. IT, cents.
Spriiil tu tlio sl1Mi(,ii Tillnmo.
Rlnihuisl. Apt II L"i. Mks. Hyion
Buckingham attended n legular
meeting of Hie O. 13. S. at Scianton
last evening
Miss Maiv Selilnneiliiig was the
guest ot Supeilntendent and .Mis. J
C Taylor, at their home in Sciantou,
on Satuid.iy and Suud.iv.
Theie was a goo I .ittciidain e nl the
King's Daughters soi la I at the home
ot .Mr. Hymn KiicI'IiikIiihu, on Thins
day evening and m nhe inldltlon io
the .Sunday school llbiaiy mud was
Mr. Isa ic Depew, or "I'lielo Isaac,"
as ho wat lamllluib i ailed, died at
the home ot his daughtei, Mis, Alo
Catteison, em Thutsday iiioining, at
the llpe old ,iju ,u !ij, Funeial sei
vlceh oa In Id at the Moscow Metho
dist Hpiscopal i Inn t h on Sundu.v,
.Mi, and Mit. J. .1. Hiickinghuiu and
tliiuchtei, Hiliiu, Mr. and Mis. tl D.
I!obliisoit. Mr. liovd Uubiu-ou and
Ah. Wnltoi Stanton, of Suauloii. and
Ml. W 11. RoblllbOH. nt I'ieetvllle,
woie gmsth nt uiatlvcs licit) on Sun
daj, .Mr i If. "Whitney Is conillicd to (ho
house with an attin k ot measles, Dr.
Kuedler intends lilni.
Miss Graio Statilou and Mis.i Ucs-io j
Ruiklngham. on Suiul.t evening, vv" o
elecltd delegates to t . Chi Istian 13i.
deavor ronvenllon. in be held it iho
Penii Avenue K.ipiirt fiiuieli on
Tbutda afteinooii and tveninis.
Mioses J3dna Dunning and Anna
Kipp and Mi-s'si. Wullucn Page, HI
nior Williams, 1'iaiik and 'Jimmus
W'upl v il take the coiilial e cnwiiii i
tion bo eighth guide pupiib at M -cov.
on .saliuiluj m-xt.
Mi. ami Mi.- Chailes Puiikluit .nil
Mil, lUir nltsls at the home o' ,i
Chuiles Cm lit on'.
Master Will Ji 'i Johns tiiteitaincd i
uumbiii of his lllil.i tileinds ut a blitii
day paity ycsitiiUi), tiiu 1 mull
Tho Rest Cold Cine
l. one .vou tan take without im imi"
tlun to buslnebS. Out that ilois nut ei
lee l Hie heat! in healing like thu ton
tinned use of quinine. One taut lines
speidily nnd, leaves you t .iiug tush
and deal -headed. Suth a oiu Is
Kinase's Cold CUie. Pike, Wc, Sold
by all cIiu,RMs. '
Air and Alls. Thomas l Aloiaii, son, '
1 he intrinsic merit of the lecent
Pianofortes by the Mason & Ham
lin Co. has called forth the follow
ing lemaikable expressions from
men who stand pic-eminent today
in the musical lite of the woild.
"The Mason .v. Hamlin Piano is, I
believe, an insliumcnt of the very
lit hL
Composei, 11 ii I, 'Iritlicr.
"I believe the Maaon JL Hamlin
Piano.-, to. be of the very first rank."
MtlllUi: NiKlst i
IIh1 iico tiuetl iuiit of ntitIt il t.i U in U I
lopp toiln.
"It Is unsui passed."
' i:miij pair.
t'niiilinliir I'lillliiiinuinu Oulir-lm, Sew York
A stock ot these supeib instru
ments may be seen at the waie
looms of
1,'Si-ir, U';isiiii-(iii Ave.
H n n t r. . n K . r.v.KKK. r.
Union Hade
A Good Smoke or Chew.
A Tiial Solicited.
Satisfaction Guniantced.
The Clock Tobacco Co,
l314-'16-48 Wyoming Ave.
Scianton, Tr.
j. 4. 4 ! " I ! ! 42 .
I .
Said the bait to the fish.
Or next thing you know
you'll garnish a dish.
I came from the store of
Florew & Brooks,
And I'm daugerotts.
2 1 Washington Ave.
rvssEsxssra cures
s oyapopsia,
Sick-Meau -
acho and Live.'
SUCiflR COrtTEl).
Sold by all drugclsts
urrciii. oy uail.
bolj by MtfiJiNh i. 'fhoiuu, l)iu;.bts, !W)
Latkaujnn.i .uiiiuc, htuiitou. IV
AIKIut'l. and daiiRlitor -Mai In, of Old
1'oiKo, bpent jhe Mttei p.nt ol lasi
w 'Ck lu Wllkes-llario on account of
the death of a ftleiul.
lOO t!UL
j 25 CTS.