The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 23, 1901, Image 1

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Bills Introduced in Senate and
House ot Representatives
Mr. Dimy Suggests Bewnids for
Hoiolc Persons Who Save Lives in
the Mines of Pennsylvania A
Short Session of the House Num
eious Measures Intiocluced.
11) I'.ulielvc wire from I ho Vssocliti 1 Pie-.
Hai risburg, Apill 22. Thou- was a
vuy 411111 attendance of senatois in the
.scuttle tonight a id in consequence little
business was tiutisaeted. Tlnee bills
were hitioditied, mid the calendar was
i toured of bills on reading, after
which adjournment was taken until 10
o'clock tomoiiow morning.
The bills intiodueed were at. follows:
lie Mi I n, Dnipliiii Vmcndinir Hi" tint .iml
tldul Mctions nr the act of .lime 0, liOl, J"
t'loiuitu tie appointment of policemen In bor
oujis to .is to pi mile foi the jppolntminl of
policemen In boioiu,ln In tin-" chief burgess. Mill
j" I to the mi ot (lie town counul anil
p'aciiur the poliremiii, when ippoiutcd, limit r
ll r eonliol of the thief burge
l.j Mr. llrury, of Luzerne Providing (or the
iiu mllug of miners or other person Ifor biaic
ii hi role deed, in (.avirg life and valuable prop,
nte In and noiinil the mines of tin- state 'the
Mil pirvnks thi foi ill died of unusual bin
civ or lictci-m on the pirt ot nn) iwson or
pir-rns in mmiir life or picpeitj in or about the
mines i oll imdal of honor to cost net less
than HK hlnll be nw.inliel to nub person. If
life lie sicritierd in the prrfonnince of surli
dciiK Si 000 in addition to the mc.dal, i-lull be
iwirde.l to the family or hgnl bpirn of Mich
cis in The awanls ire to be maile bv the de.
piitmcnt of iiilirnil iillair on tin- recomnicnelJ.
turn ct alii ihslmt inspeitor of mines
Hi Mr llnir), be ic(tiist of Mr. Hinn, of Mle
Jem. who as absent l'ropoing certain
.iincndnicnts to tin constitution as follows: Add
l i the fnd of the 111 -t t engriph of iictinu one
iftn utiele eight, if It i the words "hall be
.milled to Mile .t all elections" the word,
"-iilijn t, hovvevci, to Mich lives- tcquinng and
lisnlitine the regKlntion of electors a the
CUiiril iisseinlih miv runt." Also bv (.tnlcing
jl of section kctin, artiile eight, the vvoieb.,
'but no elutor sbill le deprived of the prin
l( "i voting bv iriion of Ins nunc not being
iifj-lcied" iind adding to the M-ction the tol
1( me woul- ' Tint liws legulating ind riqim
mc, the iigistrction ot rlcilors niaj be enacted
i.F ippl to citUs oiilx, jiroMded that -ueli liws
b iiiiitoini for cities of the smp ( 1 15 rii1
lull ilsn piuxidis t lilt the amendments bImII
le subniiltid to the people for idoption 01 ie
jtcli in. it tl 0 J.OAembcr elertion
Shoit Session of the House.
hhoi t sebsion ol the house was
held tonight, at which the appiopiia
lion WIN for the state and semi-state
inititutlons weie lead for the fftdl
, resolution was inputted fiom the
1 ules (onuulttec by Mr. Vooihees, of
Philadelphia, punkllng that thuniotn
Irg and allot noon sessions ot the house
mi Tuobthns, 'odnesdaii and Thtits
day b ikoteil to the eonsldcintion
of local .ind speeial bills on thitd tead
inir and final passage, senate hills on
lliitd teartinar find final passage and
house WIN on thiid and linal pa.ssago.
Ah. Coun, ot laietne, moved that
eoiisideiation ot the tesolutlon be post
poned tor one week. The motion failed
lj ,1 oie ol 7'i to -10, less thin two
thlids voting in the atihmathe.
Mi "Mcl-am, ot J. ineastet, then
ninMvI to amend the lestilutlon to fic
Tneda moinings and afternoons for
stnate bills on tlilul lending and flnnl
passage and loae the onk-i of busi
ness 1 in- the lemalmlet ot the week
as It now N, The motion tailed, after
which the lesolutlun ns icpoited ftom
ouiinltlef was dcfealeil bv a vote of
Til eus to 07 nii.v.s.
The following Mils eie nu In
Mi. I1.t-.icl., if Ml.ahoin -iueiidiii- tin mci
untile ll(en,e 11, a.t ul Io'ki. pmt tiling lint
ilie liulitoi Riiienl 111 ij rxomi.itc- 11 loimty
li.iisinir fiom tbn pmntnl of ln.s whioli ( m.
1101 bi (ollntul and In all nub 1 isj, Sl,n b, ,i
11 11 be Inoutht
Mi Mil indie--, if Alleghenv t'loUdnn,- lint
hi suits 1.1 lumri ilamikis fm ins injun eaiit.
in 1I..1U1 il liui bo compdint for the jury !n
nivsui i 111111,11 in ilhm eompinsilion for
'!u mi mil Mirteiliifcs ot the plaintiff ind plun
Mr ioih.(". of I'liilaililphu I'msiding tint
lit the nest (.cm nil Urrtion the .tistioii cf
ihansiriK the locilinn rf th. eipliol fiuni linns,
lurp t.. I'lilljdilphla khill be sulmi.ttr.l to a
ote of Hi. people iind tint tl,t turetn-v of
the eoinnmnmaltli be diiettcd to piipaie a In)
lot for uirilnc out Hie pni,ons ot the act,
The 1'ieus.y rrsoltttlon, dlteetlng the
auditor gpneial to havo placed on the
dcfeks of the membets of the house, not
Inter than April 1, his annual teport
for the j ear ending Xo ember so, moo,
was taken up and amended to IK tho
date at .May 1, and Inld noi- one day
under tho 1 tiles,
The Gahln paw nlu akerrs' bill was re
committed to the law and order roin
mlttee by request 01' the author, Mr.
t!filln, of Schujlklll.
Adjourned until 10 o'clock tomoirow.
An Heioie Opeiation to Save Phillip
Gunn Wns Unsuccessful,
lit rxe!uHe Wiiu fiom The sjiclated 1'rcs.i
St. LouIk, api II 2. Philip Ounn.wlio
was stabbed In the licait aatuiilay
night and made the subject of an
lierolo opeiation .11 the dty hospital,
died today,
Thiee MlUhes wote put In Citinn's
heart. Salt water leplneeil the lost
Wood and lieuil stimularts kept the
limn nllve until unlaw
B' Kitliisiie Vliit from Hie Sssotiatui I'icts
U I'hllai'clplila- It II :
llrublljii . . , ...0 0 (1 2 11 0 l 0 o-J il J
ridljihlplila . 1 U U 0 1 1) I) it x u 11 1
HatUiii- Kuiiiei', lltn and slcilnia ij
While and Jkl'arUud l'iiiilie-1 ol'an.
Other nkdiilcd (taint pu.tptaml account win.
An Assertion Tlint Infeiior Speci
mens Have Been Used.
fly Ktrlnshe Wire fiom The Awoelitcil 1'i'w
riilladelphlii. Apill 22. The Wliole
pule Seedtnen's league of tho United
Stiilos has forwarded n communication
to Societal y of Agtlcultuie Wilson,
chatglng Irregnhullles In the free seed
dlstilhutlnn of his departinont and pro
testing ngnlnst pnvment for seeds fur
nished on the April, Hint, contract. The
nssertlon Is made that common and
cheap seeds have been substituted for
the .speelllc vatletles Indicated In the
specified Mom- of .Tanuaty 27, lioo: that
the stipulated weights hae "been re
duced, and that couti actors htive been
benefitted because of the-'O and other
A letter wns aNo sent to liobert
Tracewell, compttoller of the United
States treasuty, lequestlng hltn to
stop payments on -vouchers of the
Mnrket Oatdoneis' association.
Buinet Landiclh. secietnty of the
Wholesale tseeilnien's league, todav
Mtld the bid of the Market fiaulenei's
ns'oclntlon to furnish 24,000,000 pack
ages of seeds of specified weight and
vaiietv, which secured the contract,
lepiesentlng $108,000, was so low that
tit the figtlies quoted It will bo almost
Impossible to furnish the beed le
qtilicd bv th" s-peellleatloiifc.
Fifty Million Dollars Worth of Se
em ities Will Be Taken in
the United States.
Hi lAchiino Wire from 'flip Associated Hie"
Now York, Apt 11 22 The livening
Pot says: Fifty million dollais of
Giat Btitain's new loan has been
placed in the United States. The Na
tional City bank, J. P. Morgan & Co ,
Hai Ing, Magoun & Co , and the New
Y01 k t,ir0 Insurance company, rora
piNc the syndicate that has taken the
loan. Amp lean subset Iptlons will
ptobablv aggregate much in excess of
the 130,000 000 arranged for, as the in
terest yield of the new consols plate
the loan in the ft out tank of high
class got eminent investments. It was
announced this afternoon that the
most of the loan had been plaeod bv
the s ndkate.
"Of the amount subsci Ibed, the New
Yotk Life Insuiance company has
bought outright $5,000,000 of the new
bonds Beside' this, it put in a sep
al ate subscription today for $3,000,000
mote. 11 is- undei stood that besides
the $10,1100,000 contracted for, syndicate
members have put in piovlslonal bids
for seveial millions mote. This was
done to pro ide for the overflow sub
set lptions which wore expected as soon
as details of the loin wore announced.
The Mutual Life Insuiance company
was said to have subset ibed for V001 -000
of the loan, but this could not be
conflimed "
The Btltlsh tonsols otfeied in this
rountt v at l-Pi per cent., payable at
various dates up to December 5, bear
interest at the late of 23't per cent,
per annum, up to Apul G. 1303, and
aftoiwaids at 2Vi per cent, per an
John Banett to Be Delegate to the
Ameiican States Confeience.
Of riTClusne Wire from The Associated !',.
Washington, Apill 22 The president
led ly made the lollowing appoint
ments: Intorioi Udwaul H. Mooie, ol Mich
igan, to be assistant comnilsslonci of
Navy Cluules O'Neill, to be thief
ot the bin eau of oidnance with the
lank of 1 ear admiral, and Luther S.
Van Wcdekend, to be a singeon, with
the lank ol lieutenant,
State John Bntrett, of Oiegon, to be
.1 delegate on the pin t of the United
States to the Intel national Confeience
of Ameiican States, to be held in the
City ol Mexico,
Supieme Comt Denies His Applica
tion to Be Admitted to Bail.
By tlvilnsiip Wiro fiom The siocuted Pie")
Washington, Apill 2J. Tits United
States Supreme coutt today denied thf
application of Captain Carter to be
admitted in ball.
The eouit contented itsell with a
ha ie announcement mude b the chlet
Justice of the le.sull of Its-, delibera
tions, No leusons were assigned and
no letetenco was mnde to Cartel's mo
tion to hlllko Solicitor Cieneial Itleh
atds' hilef tiom tho filet, of tho comt,
Piguies Received at State Depart
ment Place Number at 186.
U) l'veltwlio Wire flam The Ksoclated IV,
Washington, Apill 2J, PIguies io
loived at the state department, coin
piled by .1, W. Stevenson, dliector of
the Chinese Inland mission, show that
the total number of foielgn mlsslonni
les killed In China dining the locent
distill bailees, In cliullntr ehildien, wns
Of thc-e, 2S adults and 8 ehlldum
weto Ainuilcuns.
tly hvcliulte Wiie freni Tie Associated Pteu
n'adilnsloii, pili !J,-Colonel riurlehilto
died at loit Sam lliu.ton, Texas, lodaj, TI10
cuiso of bU death was iientiritU Ho v.a j
(.raiiulc of the military acadein, having been
appolrtcil (mm Iljinbiiig, pa , in 1601, lie w 1,
colonel ot the 'Iwuitv.thiiil ititjntiT. now In
(he Philippine, bul had been on cick leavci since
Januij li,l llu wjs ricoiiiiiicudcd for a bievct
for kilUnt and inri Humous tenlccs in loading
the aibanie upon Auat, l,iucn, Oit, I, Is(r.
I'cilUvillv, Apiil -V. Ik-rnard Jloljn, n bod).
iiialer nf liu Molly Mairulria at loretllle in
Ilia wventiir, died at his home at U Mine
Hun, tills count). He is dclvattd in 167i at
the I un. qui lomeiiimi of tho Ancitnt Order of
Hibernians b. .ijck Kihoe, vsho a.s BUli.tC(uently
liti'iif for bfinsr an accomplice iu the Sanijcr and
tun murder at IUmii Hun. Mi, Pobn, It U
cljluud, ,j, loo lonsi rvatls t He located at
Itjien H1I11 and mijed In Hie hotel and liury
liu-liiiii in v hie li he buuine sucetMful
It Is ThouoJit That the Danger ot
Hloh Water Is Now Past.
A Gieat Deal of Cleaning- Up to Bo
Done In Many Plnces Along- the
Banks Machinery Will Need to Be
Taken Apart and Cleaned Rail
loads Have Recoveied Remnik
nbly Well from the Effects of the
riood Various? Lines Have Re
sumed Operations Heavy Losses.
lly l.vclii-iie Wire irom The UstUitcd i'r. "
Flushing. Apill 22 -The flood Is
over. Notwithstanding the fact that
in the eatly day there was every evi
dence of n lenewnl of the high water,
the announcement can be made au
thodltatlvely tonight that there Is nof
the least danger of another rise at
this point, nor for the piesent, but
towns on the Ohio tlver below here
aie not et out of danger, because of
tains in thevalley last night undtodav.
All up liver points teport the rain and
snow having ceased and the livers
The Ohio legistered 19.S at the dam
heie at 7 o'clock, and falling. Fore
caster Fiank Rtdgway says it would
lequire a steady downpour of rain for
twenty-four hours to check the fall,
and from present indications such a
thing N not likely.
The rivers about this city are down
so that the works along the banks are
1 uniting. There is a groat deal of
cleaning up to be done. The flood
In ought in much slimy mud that it
lefr when ir 1 needed and it will recilliro
a day or two to remove it from many
of the mills. In a number or places
this mud has clogged up the mnchln
erv. some of which will have to be
taken apart and be cleaned.
The weeks and iuns which did so
r.iiinli clninn-re In file outlvinr distlicts
mi fsntiirdav. me back well within
their banks tonight and mud and slime
aie the only leminders left or the
flood. Carnegie borough is busy clean
ing up and lepairlng tno linages,
houses and toads that were dostioyed
when Chartlers cieek ran wild. The
snme slate of affalis exist, at Mn
Kee's Hocks and othei towns that the
water 1 cached.
Hai ho ads Recovei.
'I he lalltoads have lecoveiecl 1 e
maikably well fioin the effects of the
Hood and snow stoiin, and now the
various lines have le.sumed operations
to all points; but for seveial days no
pietension at 1 mining on schedule time
will be made
A look aver the gtoutul after tho
flood shows that the losses will be
lillly as gieat as was estimated yes
terday. In and about Pittsbuig It will
piobably take $1,000,000 to pay the to
tal cost of the Injuiy to piopeity bv
the water and by landslides. Add to
this, the gieat loss to tho inlltoaiis
and manufacluiing plants up and
down the livers in this Imemdiatu
vlclnitv, with the loss In wages to the
woikingmon, and the total will not
fall tar short of the $2,000,000 niaik.
The woik of cleaning up is going on
eveiywhoie in the Hooded distilct.
Most of the water front mills and fac
toiles aie still idle and will be until
the mud Is gotten out oC the machlneiy
an water pumped out of tho pits.
A Child Rescued by Patiick Mc-
Avoy, a New York Cential Rnil-
xoad Employe.
Bl l.x.hi-ne Wirt 110111 Tlic A.suclalnl lioi
New Yoik. April 22. Patrick Mc
Avoy, a laboier employed, by the New
Y'oik Cential railroad In Hastlnss-on-the.-IIudson,
saw a man and woman
bmy a two-weeks-olcl baby iboy alive
toduy. As soon as MeAvoy lealled
what was being done, he tan to the
lescuo and succeeded in 1 amoving tho
loose earth tiom the child in time to
save Its lite, The mun and woman ran
away, but Me Avoy gave 11 desciiptlon
of them to the police, and an Italian
man and woman weie uiiestcd In
yonkeis 011 .suspicion tliaf-they wete
the would-be ntuideiers,
As soon sis the couple saw him they
Liu, and MeAvoy began to remove tho
Jteshly leplacod diit.
IIo went to the place and tool; the
child fiom Its buiinl place. As soon as
he hud the child, MeAvoy for a car
for Hastings, IIo dltected the motoi
miiii to put on all speed, and Hustings
was reached In leccnd time, Tho Hist
ding stoie passed was the goal, In this
place the child was quickly levlved.
It wns coming around Itself, and live
minutes nf artificial lespltatlon put It
out of all daivger. Doctors hud been
summoned as well, but when thoy ar
ilvod a low minutes later they ngieed
that all danger wiib past.
Dy i:cluile U'i.e from llie Woiialcil I'icss.
Washington, April '22. A lablcguun js ic
ccived at the nar department today fiom Havana
3) ins Dut the Cuban rommLioii now on ils
waj here c-onslsti of tivc dclttrates and 0110 in-tctpi-cter,
It iu not Known Just when the clilc.
gjtlon will arrive, but it U expected to leaeli
Waalilmtton tomorrow inornln;. 'Hie nai ckpail,
inent h tnaliins aiunifenunts lo care tor the
Passed Over Van Wyck's Veto.
By Exclusive Mire from The Asociatfd Pic.s.
Albjnj, April S3 llio New- Vork charter
aniendmciit bill a ruased over Ma)or Van
Wyck's veto by both bunches ot the lesWature
today and the K kupplemenUI bills will le
pafitd lomoiion l.oveinoi (Id. II (igncd the
bill it once.
Tho Filipino Prisoner Has Been Set
Free by General MacArthur.
By Exclusive Wire fiom tlic Associated PreM,
AVnshington, April 22. Leon Canln, n
native Filipino, who formerly served In
the Spanish army, has been in confine
ment nt Manila since March, 1883,
under a .sentence of life Imprisonment
Imposed by a mllltaiy commission on
conviction of assassination. In Aug
ust, 18D3, he wns recommended to the
govei nor pencral for put don for bravery
and good conduct during the campaign
In Mindanao. During that campaign
he appiehended three escaped convicts,
and declined the lewaid usual in such
cases. Since his confinement at Bll
bad his conduct has been good, nnd
the "warden leports- that he has been
indefatigable In his enre of the sick.
In view of these facts, and upon the
lecommondntion of the chief Justice ot
the Supremo court and the command
ing olllccr of the Ftesldio Do Manila,
Geneiul MucArthur has remitted the
unexecuted portion of the prisoner's
sentence nnd sot him at liberty.
It Is Believed That They Will En
deavor to Discover the Source of
the Insui gents' Supplies.
lie I'.veliislee Win fiom 'Hie A-scialed IVm.
Kingston, Jamaica, April 22 Two
Colombian ofllclals arrived here on the
steamer Orinoco last Sunday fiom Co
lon on a seeiet mission which, it is
believed, Is to discover the source
whence the Colombian rebels are get
ting supplies. The general situation
In Colombia lemalns unchanged.
The Colombian government and pub
lie Institutions, as well as Individuals,
will send numerous exhibits this" week
lo the Pan-American exposition.
Four Men Killed in a Catastrophe
at St. Marys.
Pv 1 Mlmive Wire fiom Th" Axsouded Prci
St. Maiys, W. Va , April 22. A ter
ilflc natural gas explosion 'occui red in
the Commeiclal hotel early this morn
ing. The enthe building, a large frame,
wiiifl mass of flames when the startled
citlens lushed tiom their homes at the
lepoil. The building was entliely de
stioyed, and todav the ruins aie being
searched for bodies.
Four ate dead, as follows: Samuel
Cunningham, oil diillor, Jllxfoid, Pa.:
John George oil wan, Butler, Pa ;
H.uiy Robinson, tool diesser. Corn
ing, O , John Slater, 13-year-old son
of the proprietor of the hotel. Othei s
may be dead,
Tho teport that Thomas Stiley. an
oil shootei, and his partner, weie
among the dead, is not true, thoy lmv -ing
tinned up uninjuied. Seveial oth
ei s aie badly hui t.
The Wilkes-Bavie Girls Decide Not
to Accept Owners' Proposition.
By rxrlusive Wire fiom The Voouateel Pn j
WHKes-Baiie, Apill 22 Tho 400 em
nlojes of Goldsmith B10S, who opeiate
a laige silk mill in this city, and who
went oui on strike early in January,
held a meeting this afternoon to dis
cuss a poiposition lecelved fiom the
film looking to a settlement or the
The mill owners made many conces
sions and agieed lo recognize the
union, but they said nothing about
the tolnslatemont of the four loom
fKeis, whose suspension was the cause
of the lockout. It is understood the
Messrs. Goldsmith will never consent
to take back these men. The girls
then took a seciet ballot, and, by a
vole ol 3is to 2S agieed not to accept'
the pioposltlon submitted.
The Wounded Minister Unable to
Appear at Barker's Trial.
By l'vclii-iive Wnc fiom The Associated Vic.
Now Yoik, Apill 2.'. The attending
physician of the Rev. John Keller, rec
tor of Tiinlty Episcopal mission at Ar
lington, N, J., who was shot by Thus.
It. Baiker, today notified Piosccutor
Unvln that Mr, Keller would not be
able to appear at Baikei's tilal If It
weie held this week, as had been the
Intention. a.nls Is due to tho fact that
an abscess tl few das ago formed un
der Kellers left eye nnd this was cut
out today and was a very painful op
eiatlon. The rectm'.s phjsleal condition ofh
ei wise continues to be good,
Frank Smith Thrown Into the River
and Drowned,
H I velutlve Wile fiom 'Jlie Associated I'rrs..,
Cilens Falls, N.Y., Apill 23. One hun
ch ed teet of the coffpr dam of the new
dam of the Hudson River Power com
pany, tit Spier Falls, went out today,
owing to tho high watet fiom the incit
ing hiiovv in the Adhondacks and the
heavy inlns of tho past week.
Futnk Smith and Oscar Satteileo
worn thiovvn Inlo the Uver by the
bieMkiug ot the guy rope of the deiilclc.
Sntteilee was saved by clinging to a
lot,, Smith was dinwned.
Coipoiations Chnrteied,
By Hclushc Wire fiom Jho Associated IVeii
llarrebmg, prll 22 -duller-, were la-ued at
I lie" .late ilepiilmeiit todj) as follows; 'lis
ollegc Hill bind lompaii), Natitkokc, capitil
fc.0 000; Illicit) Hill association, Ulcjlieny,
eipltal feftio, Pnibiella I mine coin
pan), Philadclpliii, capital isj,WJ Maw li
Chunk Writer I'oveer compaii), Jliuelt CIiuiik,
eipltal $l,SuO! rim (Ico. H. West FI100 Co,
Plilhdelphlj, capital Sti-.,0iXi The Simons i.
struve Hosier) (0, I'lilladelphli, capital ,uOe)
Pigeon Bill Defeated.
By 1 ulu-ne Wne from I lie ssoriatcd l'iev
Mbjny, Apill Ji.Tlic bill of r-enator sUUc,
prohilntinK the ho tiiii; ol live- pigeons, vvat
1 lllcd in the aseiubi) lonln-ht alter a bnef de
bate. It fjillnjr to ireelvc the conftitulional 111a-Jorll).
All Are Now Eaoer for Givll Rule on
the Island ot Leute.
The Natives Aie Hunting the Rem
nant of the Insurrection The
Philippine Commission 'Welcomed.
Insurgent Camps Captured Major
Allen to Be First Governor.
By I xrlii'tvo Wiie fiom The AfioclaleJ Preni
Taclobun, Island of Leyte, April 21.
Enthuslasto throngs greeted the Phil
ippine commission here. The "vivas"
nnd speeches of welcome In the Til
bunal hall -were echoed by the crowds
outside. Confidence In Ameiican pur
pose was reiterated. The people are
alert arcd pattlotlc. The population Is
moi e than 300,000.
Thcpiesident of Tiicloban, with a de
tachment of natives, Is absent, chasing
the remnant of a hundred Insurgents.
Most of the municipalities havo been
oiganlzed, and all weie lepresented at
the conference. The province will' be
created tomoiiow. with Major Henry
.1. Allen, of the Forty-tblid Volunteer
infantry, aa governor, and Lieutenant
William S. Conrovv, of the same regi
ment, who Is a New Yorker, as treas
urer. During the last fortnight Major John
C. Gilmore, Jr., of the Forty-third Vol
unteer Infantry, ha captured a high
insurgent stionghold In western Leyte.
Lieutenant Mort,on L Avery, of the
same regiment, has destroyed another
camp and killed six insurgents
Fear That They May Prove a Men
ace to American Seamen.
Washington. April 22. The question
whether Filipino sailois will enter into
competition with American sailors is
laised by the order of the piesldent,
w hlch provides that natives of the
aichlpelago enlisting in the navy shall
locelve only half the pay of men en
listing from this tountiy. Five hun
dred Filipinos will lie enrolled, and
they will be eligible as coxswains, sea
men, ordinary seamen, machinists, fire
men, coal passers, itewaids anil cook
anil mess attendants.
The cutting of the rate of pay Is Jus
tified at the Navy deparement by the
statement that it is In accoidunce with
the amounts now paid by the met chant
maiino of the islands. However, the
order practically cuts off from employ
ment 300 American sailois, and by
many here Is tegaidod as a menace to
those already employed, since it in
directly lowers the slandaitl of lemun
Thiee Men Aie Badly Injured While
nt Work in the Plant of E. I.
Du Pont De Nemours & Co,
Bj IacIiisiic Wire from lite Associated l'rer"
Wilmington, Del, Apill 22. An ex
plosion of gasoline occurred at the
Carney's Point, N, J., plant ot E. I,
Du Pont De Nemouis tc Co., Mioitly
after noon toda, in which thiee men,
two fiom this city, weie badly Injured,
and one may die. The Injuied aie:
Charles Maxwell, of this city, both legs
badly loin and may have to be ampu
tated, may die; James Purcell, of this
city, head, face and arms badly lacer
ated, pieces of flesh hanging from the
legs and arms; Joseph Lynch, ot Ponns
vllje, N. J part of the face torn away,
right arm and other parts of the body
The men were soldeiitig .some pipes
at a gasoline tank, using a gasoline
lamp, and it is supposed thai tho heat
from tho lamp set llie to the gasoline
In tho tank. The building In which tho
men weto w 01 king was badly dam
aged. As soon as possible 'after the
accident, physicians weie munitioned
fiom l'onn's Grove, and the men wcio
placed on the tugboat Ihnlly and
bi ought to this city and taken to the
Pelawnio hospital. They wore accom
panied to Wilmington by members of
the lh m and two physicians,
Delicacies Sent to Joseph Haenuelt
Contained Cyanide of Potassium.
By Exclusive Wire fnim "lho Associated I'rca
Denver, Apill 22. Chemical tests
show that pie, manges or other deli
cacies sent last Saturday to Joseph A.
llnennolt, n julsoner hi the'eounty Jail,
contained enough cjauldo ol potassium
to kill all the pilsoneis in the Jail.
Haenuelt Is tho pilnelpul witness
against a man and a woman cluugod
With having lobbed Mis. Klcuu Hetts
of $7,000 wen tli of iliitniciiids
Smelting Dhectois Meet.
By Excluilr Wire from The Auociiled 1'reii.
Vivv oi!, Apill 2J -Hid adjourned meeting
of Uiii ducctore of tho tnerkan i-iiicltliig iml
lUHiiing company was. held tocla.v qnd tho b).
livvi we'll' aimn led lo pciniit 01 a icpie-ienta.
lion In the directorate of the f.iiictiiliiim in.
teiit, uiiasu plant wait recciitl) ab'oibed by
tho compaii). 'Iho number of .Jii.vtois was in.
created from 1(1 to 21, tho new inenibciic being
five of tho Oiiggenhcim brothen- pjiiiel (lug.
geiiheliu ua elected elulinun of the boaul, ind
Simon tluggcnh tin, seeictJi)
Geneial Wade Succeeds Bates.
II) Kvclu(ve Wire from Ihe Wsoclalcd 1'ien
Washington, Apul 22 n onlei Issued hj sspc
icluiv Itoot'iij Brigadier fieneiul lame I'.
Wade lo command Hui depailmenl of Southern
luion, in pi ice of Generil Hue, jnd Itngiellei
(icneral Wilum l.udlow to command the detail
incut of Ihe" Vi.J.WJ, in p'au of flinrul Hughes I
Weather Indication! TocUyi
t Cencnl Amilnaldo Is sincere In Tffort". tn
Secure I'eace.
rtttsburu Hoods Ueocdlner
Work of the Pfiite hawniakert.
Filipino Eager tor Cfvil little.
2 General Oarbondalr Wcpirlmcnt.
3 Locat Board of Control Itceliiccs Tai Teey.
Bimv Diy In the Court?
4 rdltorial.
iotc and Comment,
C I.ncil Silk Strike- frith -it MlnuoVa,
Big Mine Cave In at Mav field.
0 Local West Scnnton and Submliv
7 Oeneral Xorthcislern Pennvleniij.
riminelal ind ()ininerclul,
8 Loci! Vews ot the Inilnslriil and f ihnr
Worl I.
Supieme Comt Decides as to the
Constitutionality of His Action
on School Appropriations.
By Hvclmlve Wire fiom The Vnfociitid Pic
Philadelphia, Apill 22. The Supieme
com I today sustained the constitution
ality of Governor Stone's action In cut
ting off by a veto $1,000,000 from the
public school appropriation made by
the state leglslatuie in 1898. The gov
ernor's light to veto certain parts, ot
appiopriatton bills was canied to the
Supreme court by the Patton township
school district of Centre county, on an
appeal liom the decision of Judge Love
of that county, who held that the veto
of the governor was constitutional. The
township's school board Instituted pro
ceedings to recover its portion of the
money which was lost to the Centre
county schools by the goveinoi's veto,
and applied, to Judge Love lor a man
damus. The petition was lefuscd, and
the case was immediately canied to
the Supreme com t.
The right of the governor to leduce
appropriations had been the subject of
much inteiest throughout the state,
and .several suits. Instituted by school
districts to test the legality of the gov
ernors action, are now pending. Tho
decision of the .Supreme coutt today
will probably cause the abandonment
of these suits.
In his opinion. Justice Mitchell salcH
lho governoi is ti. m(cril put of the law
making poveu of the 'I ite His disappiov il,
common!) kiinnn is .e veto, is es-entiallv i !
i-hlieo act Th- fict Hut Ihe governor is lim
ited to negition or c onciirn nco anil cannot if
ftninheel) initiate or iinend legis-litloii, doe
not tike aw.iy the legislative character nt Ins
act an) inoie than the vvint cl eei in th'
senate oi the United sUUs- to ongiinte revenue
1 111-3 dilutes lh slindin; as i ro ordinetc bian'h
of congress.
Both sid.s hive sought lo dcnw conlu nil lion
of their views' tiom the evpre-.. mandate of the
constitution m siclion 1 of aitieie , thai Ihe
lefjisl iliirc "slull ippropuite at least one million ejeh cm foi the suppoil of public
Ecliooh ' 'lln, the .ippelhnts claim, prevints
the governor tiom eveuislng his veto poeeu it
ill atriiml ipirnpuitions for the pnbln hchonl
But tliisv iigiinienl- cntnelv Unoies (he emMi
tutiona reiiiiirinent llnl "evire- bill" slnll be
submitted foi (he governors appiov il 'I he eon
addition mills no cvrtptinu of seliool lulls oi
anv otlm, and mich evecption would petimt ei j
and cleir violation of tin prohibition in secln.ii
1 of iitule iv, jlhIiH the neition of e state
debt cceedlng one iiiillion dollars in llie ig
giegite at, anv one limi lo supply defte lene les
in revent.e suppo;e tne legnlatme should pp-piopnalc-
a sum fur school pmposcs ceceeding by
moie thin a million dollarri the entiip revenue
of the Btate (I evould be the governor' dutv
tn veto it to pievent the creitiou ot a pionlbit d
debt. And cv.n if the appropiiulou for Mhcols
vms onlj the coiishiulional million dollars jet
if tint vvnild increa e in evisting debt liom
eleficieiicy of revenue bejond the prohibited limit,
there would at once be an inevitable rom!!-t
between two cvir- provisions of tin- cinslitu
lion mil it would become Ihe governor duly
to eveielc Ins uiiknient nhich was of the lei, er
ibiportinci' and sliould glee vv, 1u elt ir
re ult then tore H lint appropiutions mr iit'ioul
pmpose ore not evcipted iu inv ei-e from
the requirement ot sulmn-ioii to Hie .oventor
for lil-i approval,
'fliero are but thre; wav? in whieli v bill can
beroi ie a law- in Ibis ..late pavage by the leg
Wiluro and approval he Hie governor; paisauo
by tho legislatme, elivipproval by the governor
and passage igniu In the mode pusciiliec) b)
Hie constittillin; or paige bv the legislature
and failure of the governor to return it with hU
cbieetions wilhln the lequlnil time Tiie ap.
proprlatlon of Ml, 000,000 chimed in lho present
civ never beeamo hw In any of lliee Unco
vvjvs ami there is no other
Justice Mitchell, In eoiielusion, .said
that the writ of mandamus Itself was
one that the court vliael full power to
Issuo for the htate officer exempt fiom
its operation. This Is a personal or
official exemption, the manifest pur
pose of which was to protect a .state
ofilcoi- from being taken awny or In
terfeied with In his olllclal duties at
lho seat ot f,o eminent t" answer the
local courts thinughout the state. In
this ras-o ho held the objection now
mndo relates mil to tho uuthoilty of
the court over tho subject matter, but
only to tho pilvllege, personal or am
ulul, of the delendanl
Billy Smith Knocked Out.
B) Ptilutlvo Wiie from Tiie nehte.i Press.
Louden, Apill 2 -t tli. illnnil Si,irinn
club lotusht, "licl ' Itubcit-, nf i'lirflind,
kinikcd nut "Ilill)" Suillh, tin. Vmuidii, iu tho
ciglilli 1-oiihI The fulil wj lor He nine
c h iiiipliinliip of 1 upland Mt.'i llie.hght !-'llitll
v is 1 1 nun id lo i lii.spilul win re he was still
liiiroriHloiH at 2 ci'eh el, lliis luoilllti- It U
baud tlul his in j ell i s ev ill pioei I it j 1
Martin Favors Pepusylvania-Eiie,
6v Inclusive id fiom 'lie fe.cljled fiesi
Pittsburg, prtl 22. J), II. Sin tin, niaiu.'er of
pisseiigcr liaftlei of (lie Baltimore and Ohio, who
wax chcc-iii tn aibitiat!! tho ilipuh. over the
kioti loute ilitle'ientlJl, hai r.iuklisl lita deei.
vbu in luvoi if the I'niiisvli.iiila I tie (oinbina
Diowued In the Ohio,
IV ivelisive Wire fiom Ihe Usociated I'icm
I'lttsbiug, Vpill 22 V skiff, containing- (hire.
pieile, who win- eilhliig elilltwoeiel ill the
Ohio lieel at I egionvilli, l'i . eaptUisl ami two
cf the occupants . II ll.Hliiijrl am! Iheiius
IIol-iii,'el, weie iIiuwiim
Pensions Gi anted.
By I'veliiilvc Wiie fiom Hit 5sw1ated I'resi
W.v-hinlon. vplil n2 - pcinloii of sJ a
month ii.n 1 ceie ,'i..uuil 10 l.dnaul i.ieeu, of
I Ullclcm. '.'4
The Ex-lnsuroent Expresses Opin
ions as to the Philippines
Snys That He Is Doing All Possible
to Assist in the Pacification of the
Islands He Believes That Tinio,
Luobnn, Malvar and Other Repie
sentative Insurgents Will Surren
der as Soon as They Cnn Be Made
to Undei stand the Conditions.
B) Uuhuiie Wiie fiom The Associvleel l'rcs.
Mnnila, April 22. A lepicsentatlve
of tiie Associated Pi ess visited Umlllo
Aguinalelci this nf let noon at ST. Solano
stieet, whither he was removed from
Malncan, and found hltn In a largo
roptn upstalis, furnished with a tnble,
a typewriting machine nnd twculv
chaii.. Ills wife, who was entertain
ing a number of Filipino women
friends, sit at one end of the loom,
while Aguinaldo, smoking a cigar ami
chatting with Benito Legal do, occupied
the opposite comci.
Others piesent wore Lieutenant Col
onel John S. Marjory, Forty-fhst Vol
unteer infantry, -who has ehaige ol
Aguinaldo, Lieutenant Gilbert A.
Youngbeiy, of the Thhd artillery, anil
Mr. Fisher, General MacAi thur's pi I
vate seciofaiy.
Aguinaldo. whose beaiing was cour
teous and dignified, was diessed In
white, looked well and made an ex
cellent lmpiesslon. Legaido, who onlv
recently ictuinecl fiom the United
States, was telling him about the ttip
and he seemed Interested, smiled fre
quently and asked numeious questions.
He Inquired particularly as to Presi
dent McKInley and seemed anxious
to know -what was thought of him in
the United Stains- lie was intliei
reluctant to lalk for publication and
considered eveiy question carefully be
fore ansvveiing. He said ho was doing
all he could to assist in the pacifica
tion of the Philippines and expressed
Irtmself as surprised at what the
Amei leans had accomplished. When
ho was Hist captured, he wont on to
say, be 'wns greatly astonished to find
that a majoiitv of the Filipinos enlei
tained tho opinion that Ameiican .sov
ereignty was piefeiable to Independ
ence, but now he was Inclined to be
lieve that way himself. Ho explained
that sine; the dissolution of the in
suigent congress and the declination
of guerilla waifme the chiefs had op
erated to all Intents and purposes In
dependently. They -recognised him as
commander in chief, sending him re
poits occasionally and lie issued some
oidei.s, but tor the last .seven months
the admlnlstiatloii had been difficult,
as ho had boon almost ellscouniKitod.
Insui gents Uiged to Sunendei.
"I am now uiglng in tho stiongest
possible manner." said Aguinaldo,
"that all itisuigonts should sui render
and sweat allegiance to the United
He expressed the opinion that Tinlo,
Luoban, Malvar and other representa
tive insmgents would .surrender as
soon as they came to understand the
nature of the niniiestv offered them.
He said he hoped that when the woik
of pacification was complete ami con
ditions weie settled the pilsoneis in
Guam would bo released. Alter ie
ferilng in gratelul terms to tho cotit
teous treatment accoided him by tho
mllltaiy authorities, he declared his
conviction that tho civil government
which will folhtv pacification would
realize the highest hopes of the Fili
pino people.
When questioned regaidlng the re
port that he would visit the United
States, he replied that he would llko
to do so, but had made no plans as
yet, placing himself entirely at the dis
posal of tho United States govern,
ment. In concluding the Interview ho
"livety woul In my address to mv
countrymen, the Filipinos, camo from
my heart. I nopo tho Amei leans be
lieve mo thoioiighly sincere in my ef
forts to soctiio peaco, and, undei
Ameiican auspices, to piomoto the wel
fare and ptospeilty of the Philip
Tour Men Belonging- to the Rockc
feller Pleet Aie Di owned.
B." Hveluslvo Wire finni llui Asoehteil Press.
lhle, April 22. Four men belonging
to the Rockefeller fleet, laid up here in
the upper bay, went nshoto lu a jawl
boat Sunday altoinoon. Thay weto
dt owned on their return, the ihs;
knowledge 01 the ait Idem being tin
finding of tho boat upside down to.
day, There was a fo 011 the biy
and the sea wns high,
Those lost vvutei I'eicv ), Dillillld,
of Florence, Ohio; Thomas Greei, nt
Uiitfuln; t'liailes Cauiiei, of liiufoo;
(iuj J.aphaiu. of I'alnesvllle, Ohio,
Tho thiee last named weie engineer
Steamship Anivals,
By l.wlmlvc H'lic fiom Tlio Associated Piesi
cw- nlk-. A I Ml 22 AlllVed- la flaM0,ti'l
ll.nn', l.ilm llu nun and .soutlumpton Via
weip Mrivi'l s, utliuark, New ork, II.1111
l.iicu- llult,iril. New oik I'he.
bourg salhd t.rosii hmfuut (liom llieiiien),
Ne'w York Iliiipool Virlve.l Servia, i v
v.uik vli Ciie.u.ii.wii
tt f -r t
f Mnliliuluie Vjul 2 l.iiinvt for -
riisda) ami Lailrin l'eiin.
fr)lv.llllj- riwiel) lue-djv, Ineal
tliourrx. Wedne-djv leu, vvaiinei, 4
v iilal Ic wind- i
fegf A v.4