AVlfVft tTJt- i'fe t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, APML 22, 1001. Z CI MIi NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA THE TRIDUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY T p. r- SALAD FROM SUSQUEHANNA THE MYSTERIOUS MURDER OF WIDOW CAMPBELL. Stinnge Tales of Ghosts That Dnnce nt Nightfall An Editor Abroad. A Few Mixed Pickles Springtime Fancies Pel sonnl and Other Para graphs." f-eelal In the 'cunton Tilbiiii. Sustiiiolmiinii, Apt II 19. Some m-hib . nito t'io Widow Campbell, nit aged tcbI dent of Orent J'pncl township, was im ported to liuvo a ronslderablo sum In Bold In her possession. She suddenly dlKiippcmi'd tind Illinois of murder vveip i Ifc. Tt wiih Htnted at the time that the widow plucpd her Rold In a valise and sUiirtcd afoot for Orcat Ttend. to take it train to Syracuse, to lslt lelnthes. She disappeared from the piutli, and detectives failed to lo late her, dead or alive. Theie woie seveial anests on suspl i Ion. A nuiiihet of jiersons at Gieal Heud suddenly were possessed of gold, and they weio shadowed, but all to no pin poses At let. or Riound in the wooded scrtlou of Client Bend town ship weie din? oer with the hop of finding a new sun e, and the eount. nuthoiltles i.iiiie within an nee of of luIiiPT a ipwanl foi the dlspoveiy ol llie widow. Tlieie came sti.uifre talis ol Bhosts ilnmliiK over the tuinplkes. .Mid ihppIhr .it doois nt unseemly hums ol the night The dlsnppooi anip ot the Widow Campbell In time (eased to Intciest tile pnhlle and the miittui whs loig-otten. Those who a i e In a position to know now claim that the 'widow died a nat iii ol death and was decently bin ltd In a seciet plui e by poisons who deslied to dhide h -r gold among themselves, without consulting- her lel.itives or shailng It with the lavvyeis and the. court. It amy have been woildl.v w is ihim, but it was roogli on tlie lnwjeis and the nest ot kin. AN r.MTOU AHIiOAD The Ni w Vol K Teleguiph has the follow lug i OHC2I nlng oiu able and ver Mitile ll lend, Judge Thomas .1. Ham, the- vetei.in edltoi of the llonesdalo llei.'ild. ".ludgp Thomas J. ll.ini, for neatly hall a lentui.v a piospeious editor in AV.i.vne count. I'a. Is meiely help fni a ipilet time with his married f-on. and be would like I In- 'tills to know ha, is not Muflalo Hill, being meiel.v one of the big .stout's doubles, ami thev must tup making fain-goo ei es at him, li1 -.ly.s Kuuileen luindied small bos will .iImi Kindlj slup following him iiiound town and quit impoi tuning him loi passes to a show be has noth ing to do w lib. "He hasn't been to Manhattan tor a i hnr. .iiii n Mm rrir.it liiimpi wiiM leo- deied lo Chailes Dlik"lis. That was b"foie c'olouel C'odv had m-uiioiI stub a hold on the gamin population, and Judge Ham had a line visit. Now lie ciu't gn out with his son without get ting Into tiouble "Thee atti ntior.s weie taken light I li the bulge when lie lii.st ai lived, but lv Ions', now loi Wayne LOtinti. whtie the people knnw he is not liuf l.uo Hill and wliiie the gills aie not ictistantly winking at him" IN Sl'SlOITIIA.VXA i'UI'NTV. la'itor Moip an I l.imll.v, ol Hied Head, alt eiie.ing a llip tllloilgli the sinnv smith I'i'tid st.u .1 i ousiil Uciiei.il .laniLS T, Uu Hois, ni Swltcijiinil, will ill a I'ow el.iv. 111 1 he at HiillsteHd to le limln pumiiienllv Tlie.v will miupi tin li beaiilitul n w liouie Ulimois to tlie loniiaii notwilh ' indiiig. tlie name ol (ileal Fiend will i I lie 1 h lllged to I 'h.imnlsvillP. Colonel Chailes C I'isitt and tamlly. v ho have hpent the vv inlet in Hlug hamion, have win hum I to ibMr hoine IP New Mill Old. Tilcphouo hihv .lie being .sluing al mas., eviiiwiipic thuuiRliout the louu tv Now that the pm?i1 iiuestinn of the postmahtui.ship bus beon --I'ttlcU, per haps Montiuw -will settle down to the iiuitti ot lelebiatlng the 011tont1l.il of .is settlement MINKD PICK1.KS. A Hiisfjuohuniiii mini k.iyn that he vvniilil iailn.r hold a eiiuy 1 omli aigu iiniit with Hie beds of a mine nulls train to li at his wile tlneo .straight ,uims of uuehic. Tin hiuculent oy.stei has gone on his minuet vacation. 011eg man, il you feel that "lite Is .1 blank,' llll II out and have it .swoiu 1 Nnbodi has Invested a luiitiiv.iiuci hcioby a man at the theater run iiup a ill" Itel In the hlot and get a 1 Imo, ll would fill another long. felt want. To lenitive paint: Sit down upon It 1 1 1 1 m o It Is diy. I'lie liddlus tell us that the hop I'iop wa- big 1 1st wiutei. It ios k money to advertlfe, but it li oht.s miiih moil) money not to uihei- tlr 't'he hliJtUht hint ol mi Apt II fool Is thi chap vhu hlKim somethlns tint he dinMi't underhtnnd. lldhon id at vvoik on a patent level, ilo m. he eNpeets to talbo nothlag vvli It, except, iiothaps, a ininlhtci'n (liu,v. Un that rulclh his diet with eaio Is en, iter tl an he that taketh on an nvu -supply of Bteen tuick and 11 pain In the hlomitch. Tho (list man who gets shaved In a b.iiber fehop on tho lateat .stylo of lim ited lailioad tuitn will ho htaver than Who liistoilial Individual that svvnl- tinned the ihf-t oyster. DIUFTWGOl), lion. Ainoa J. Cuniinliigs, of New 'Voil;. vvlio Is now on his way home U om Floilda, will spend the mnimer at Columbian Oiove, Just noith of I Sutoiueliunnn, llshlns J.nd smoking. E, li. V. Seine, eifi., anil fumlly. will eietipy their summer cottage at the fe.it ie pUluiesque spot The annuul conventlun of the Sustpis lainiiu County 'IVail'.ett-' iissoekulon will he In Id nt Moutiofe, on Saluiday, .several Uilo fi eight londuttois have Peer, picmottd to Mra passenger con tiiutoiJ, In antleipatlqn of a heavy pussiengei lialhc duilng tho Pan-Auier-k.ui epei-Itloii. I'bo niaplo sugjr beason, In Sustiue iii npa, U nt u end. The yield was but fall' fileudj ot Itev. W. il. lloulon, pua- tor of the Avenue Melhodlt chuich, will tender him a reception this even ing nt the lesldenc? hf Dnnlel T. SpiaRUe, Oakland Side. The E1I0 has placed a large order for passenger loeomotlvea with the Bald win locomotive woths, Philadelphia, SPRINGTIME KANC'tlJS. In tlii sprlnpr tlie jolly fainici ltli J tlnwlle 1I0II1 I'CRltl rrlnlliiK Icllpit on a slihulc "Summer bomilein taken In." , In tho vpHttg nil tliiiiR ait? Ihflj, cieribod) tffHwg gonil, Ami tie fowl Miipfncloil .it n jtfulfliy ! tmle. We often say "minor has It," and ns often aie sony that pIio didn't keep it w hen she had It. A lady visiting Buffalo Miys that the only thing you can buy theie nt. a iPHnonnblo pi Ice Is a postage stamp. The small hoy, like a woman. Is likely some day to make a. man grown. Nairn e will soon he like a dude so fiesh and gieen. The man who plants a tiee on Arbor day may never become gieat, but ho has In hi in the elements of a good citi zen. "It Is nol the big hog that iiuvh," savs a farmer's paper. This Is very Hue. The big hog makes the otheis pav. Those who go ti out (Miing should takp along a kettle full ot hot water to melt the snow banks. The king of England weius a pair of pantaloons live times, states the El niita Advettiser. What does he wear the remainder of the time? I'l.OTSAM. AND JETSAM. Judge Heaile on Thutsday decided favoiably on the application of the citi 7ens of this 'borough to have four wauls. Instead of two. as at present. Heieafter theie will be eight town councllmen and eight school dliectois, double the piesenl number. The Eile stilke Is settled back to Its old position. It has evidently come to stay. The tepoit that Keystone Hook and Ladder company. No. 1, had sold Its new chemical flic engine to Scranton, Is said to he premature. A special election will soon bo held to vote upon the question of electing a icnttal lire station. It will fill another long-felt wnnt. Tho Ihie Is to have eighty new pas senger coaches, .it a 1 ost of about $.".00,000. Dr. A. H. Hagei has leturned ftom tiouldsboio, wheie he attended the I uncial of his father, the late Hon Solomon S. Hagei. Whitney. DURYEA. T'i id.ij afternoon the Lexington and New Oi leans societies put up a good snuggle for victoiy. They met in the High school building, and both camps bad veiy shnip, bright, Intciesting iiiesnns. Tlie Lexingtons again cai lied ofl the honors by a scoie of 17-!. The Lexingtons have been victoiious In eveiy battle, but allowance has to he made for the New Oilcans, as it Is mostly composed of the junior classes. One of the hugest funerals held in this town tor some years was that of the late Dennis Biady. of York ave nue, on Kiiday. Eaily In the 11101 nlng his numeious friends assembled to take a last look at one who had alwais been such a tine fiiend to them The gtief stiickcn tamlly tollowed the lemains to St. Maiv's XJholie. church, in Avoea. wheie 11 leiiuleni high mass was cele ln.ited. Tuteimcnt was made in St. M.n.v'.s lemeteiy. The funeial of William, the two-year-old son ot Mr. Wigo. of Footo stieot, tonk place Kiiday afternoon. Inter ment was made in tlie Marey ecmeteiy. The giaduates of the High school aie piepaiing lor the lommencemenL exer cises. They have also arranged to have 1 bunnuet, to which all the post-graduates will be Invited. On account of some ol the advanced studies being re iiulied, tlie graduates will not obtain a complete diploma, but one like those given all the other giadudtes of this sihool. The Piimitive Methodist chinch has 111 1, tiigcd to hold a ba.aal in tho Lavv lenco Hobo company's hall tiom May L'O to 2,-1. Miss Mali Anderson visited the High school on Frlda. Jasper Lane, of Mayfleld, visited at Hie home of his In other. Frank Lane, Sat at day. Miss Teiesii Ciicgniy is sufleilng from diphtheiia, Geoige Hughes Is 11 victim of the same disease. KNIGHTS OP MALTA The ladies of Dames of Malta of John Kno coiiimniidciy, No. U at Wllkes rt.irie, having collected too much for the handsome silk flag and two mink eis pieseited by them to the command, handed n check for Hip huge balance to the giand ivcoider lor the Kuiglitfi of Malta hospital tund. This Is the lii.st gltt tor tlie Hind fiom the ladles, and Is Ihcietoip doubly welcomed. Fidelity coiuiiiandciy. No, ao), was instituted at Furgo, N. D on Apill S liy Supiouio Itetoider Frank Gray, Su pi cm j Deputy W. B. Young and stuff. The hiipiemo iecoider spent two weeks In that .state, und besldo Insti tuting two commands, gave thotough instructions to three others. The Mal ta s ti inlaid Is well planted In the western Held, and great giowth Is as suied, Puiltau commandeiy, No, iSO. at Wllkliisbuig, Pa., will leeelvo a class by special dispensation this month, and a long 1 osier roll Is ready for the oc casion, Mountain Echo commandery, No, 194, at Barneshoio, Pa,, on May lio will eelehiate Its fifth annlveisary In loyal style. The principul speaker on that occasion will be Past Grand Com mander Sir John Govvland, who was tho Instituting oftlcer of the body. Shlloh commandeiy, No, 101, at Bangor, Pa,, on April -'0 will iccelve a largo class by special dispensation, Sandllands commandery, No. 152, at Yoik, Pa,, Is making extensive piepur ations for the great Red Cross council to be held on April 26, when a number of novitiates will iccelvo the princely oider of Malta Knlplithood, The election, boaid of the Giand commandeiy will meet at headquar ters, comer Broad and Arch stieets, Philadelphia on May 1, to make the olllclal count of the votes cast In Feb mury last for giand ofllcers. Star of A,,ler'u commandeiy, No. 113. at lluirlsbuig, Pa., at Its last two convocations, lias lecelved twenty-five upplicutlous for membeishlp from Sir 3fr fta tafr For Rent. WWrf"WJS" FOR RENT FROM MAY 1. Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Stejin Heat and Electric Light. Also 1200 feet of floor spjtce on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. I'Olt III.Nf Horn" (JO'i Olhc ntloel, luonn nml Inih, all modern Iniprovcmcnti. toil KKNT One kltle double Iioihc; modem lm proicnicnt? Apply $11 llurrlon arnur. hUMMi:il IIOMl-On Purndox Iakr f.cm ot the Adirondack I'i nillfi noith ot sdiroon I.nl.c. Cottiuo ol oen tooin, mnipli tib fill nl-licil. except tulilc und bid llliiti und -Iber: Ims toui large, airy btdiooms becli liavi- wire spilnc'i and inatlieiv.. Mountain Kprl'iB water in kttrben; garden space. It de-lied; lieautirul itrnen, cliarinini; driven, boatlnu, ttsli ln. Two malls dallv. Livery convenieni. I'rlee 00 foi tli m-moii. further particular? applv Mintirl It. Heaidlej, .111 V Jshlngtoii blreel, Sen Yoik ritj. tOft Itr.N'T ll'ioori bouse, modern Improve. ment, t.'i Madison avenue. ft!') fIRKKN' IllllOK SrHKbT, ten rootm. modem iniprnvcmenl"; -dcam heal fuinUhed; doilr. dfsiiablc. For Sale. WWMWWVW 1 OK su;rhu lioiifOli-ild rc'jJj 6f tlie Aldinc hotel will be sold at public .nrlirii m JJt .Vdim-i acnue, on 'lucida, A,nll J2, n Hi" .it ternoon. rou ii,i-sr. bckn'ard dog, uni: n:t)t- pree, eisht 115 pound-., lo months old, tblrtj inchea tall at shoulders; beautiful appear ance! especially kind In ihildien; no place lo keep him, rea:on for clllnr. Aildre-s Bo 221, Tribune office. KOfl StLB-Car loul ol jouns sound hore, cceiRliini; ficm tl.'iO to liM pounds. 221 Oak foicl court. .1. M. Field. Wanted Board and Booms. HOARD AND ROOM M.tNTCD by a joiiuc: mar ried couple in a pnc.itc famili, in Rood feo lion of scr.iiilon Addres-". slating paiticulam and terms, Do 603, Cirbonclalc, I'u Lost. LOST Kno dollars on account, by rot settinc; ,1oui tailoi made suits at lliiiolidV. the. rurricr, 121 Wiominf; .uenue. .lust what we nim. ou on join ruiK l,0sr-In mitral citj, on Tuesdac, lady's soil watch bearing Inilhls K II. Under nil! re miic icward li iclnminn to 6.1" Willow sticcl. O. F. Kobler, niaklnrr i recorl that i clinieult to ofiunl. This command is 'Heparin a laiRC class for admission shortly. Past Conm.indef C. It. Bow man, ii candidate for grand captain Rcncial, will epicspnt this command nt the Grand convocation ut Columbia next month. Mount Uoieb commandery, No. 141, at Altoona, is confcriln- degrees in full form on nine candidates. Sir J. Horace Sliamp, a veteian sir knight, has been elected as lecorder, to succeed the late Sir J. B. A. Ickes. The proclamation has 'been issued for tlie annual convocation of the Grand commandery of Pennsylvania, which will be held nt, Columbia, Lancaster county, on Hay 14, 15 and 16. There will be an informal reception in the council ehaniber of Orlflamme com mandery, No. 170, on Mtonday evening, May 13; and a public reception on Tuesday evening. May 14, In tho Co lumbia opera house. On Wednesday evening tho Apion Green degtee will be confeued in full form, and on Thuts day evening an entertainment will be inovidecl for all companions of the or der. The six sessions of tho Grand com mandery ivill be held morning and af tei noon only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A delightful trolley tilp to Chlckles park, Lancaster, and LItlU Springs by special cars will be made on Filday morning, tho 17th. A large attendance Is expected at this1 Giand convocation, because of action upon amendments to the Grand consti tution, and because five offlceis of the Grand body are to bo elected. King Richard commandeiy, No. 147, at Cliambcrsburg, Pa., on April 11, gave a pleasing entertainment In tlio hall. Past Commander Sir James A. Ilnmiltou presided, and the programme included a description of tho Island of Malta by Dr. James H. Black, with original stercoptlton views; a line series of views 'by filr J, Will Barbour, past commander; addresses by Bev. Sir 11. U. Lclsenrlu, past commander; Uov, W. P. Kvclanrl, Congressman Toad. M. Malum, Sir II. c. White and Sir S. P. Huber. A lecltatlon by Theo dorp Carl, singing hy W. G. t'nder vvood and muslo by Floyd Boise's trio completed the admit able programme, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. A Subject in Which Eveiybody Is Deeply Inteiested. The successful operation of vvlieless telegraphy means a gieat deal to the world. Maiconl has done much to per fect tho system since ho first discov ered It. Tho euily Idea was tan led out by nn elaboiate set of instruments and apparatus, and un aerial wire hung fiom a tall mast. But the aerial who and the tall musts huvo been leplacetl by moic modem uppaiatus, and u cylinder but u few feet high Is now em ployed In the- set vice. Mai coni has successfully Intioiluceil the duplex telegiaphy Into his system, a step significant of wonderful ad vancement. Only recently lie accom plished a remuikable feat. He had es tablished a station at the Llzaid, Coin wall, which Is 200 miles from St. Cath ailnes, and on tho first day of tho jelgu of King Edvvaid VII. Mr. Mar coni succeeded In establishing perfect communication between St. Cathetlnes und the Lizard. Since that time he lias established pei feet communication In both direc tions und auanged to duplex the line, so that he could tend two messages 4 Lines Q Cents Mara Than Four Lines, 3 Centi for Eaoh Extra Help Wanted FeinaU. H AN rt'.l) Women In innke pies and ralcesi Rood wages In llflht peUou. pply Mai ijuhic's ltesUuin.nl, 21 ,ominf oieniie. WANTI'.I) f. idles to limilluate our line of tailor inodo suits! eicliHlie nljles at lowi't nlcp. Oall at Flrii'i hel'd, U Wjnmliig aMiiiii", Coal Itiilianrti. WAVICI) coninelent j onnft woman lo lake i nc of i!ijlcln's uf me, fall at 122 snlny a enue. Honey to Loan. MOM'.V lo loan on lmprned clly ieil eatate. hi;miy hi'.i.in, .in. CIIAS II. WRM.I'.S. iifOMAs sinaui:. VOO.ODi) 'TO I.OS.X Lowest n.les! Mralnht or nionlhh p.ijiupnlP. SluikA. t o.,Tiadcrs' bldv. MiUHIIIT LOANS for anv amount, Interest 4 to U per cent , can be obtained from A, Don ticlli, 10 liadeis' National bank building. Till: IVnu .Mutual Life Insuramr Com panv will loin upon flist niottguge iiiftii cfnlrall.v lociteil properties anv amount, for term of jeuri-, nl low ule of Inteiest. Capnell, Altcine, Paiill llullilliif. hlRAlOlIT loans In amountf $"X) to MlW.Ouu at t'i to f pel cent! paMiients lnontbli, aenii aniiiiallv or jearli. Iiitiict on balance V. M llilimell, Att), .'I01-2 Murs BldR. MOXi;V (n loan on bond and mortgage, am amount, .M. II, llotpate, Coinmoiiwealth building;. A.NV AMOUNT Or MONKV TO LOAN'-Qulck, slral;;l I leans or Dullciinp: and Loan. At from 4 to 6 pel cent. Call on Jf, V. Walker, 311-11. Connell bullcllnir. Booms and Board. LMKJi: front room with board foi two nentlr men, 41(1 Adams nenue. Situations Wanted. MrttVriOV VA1ht)-By a jouns man. as collcctoii his had toui j-jrii' evpiljcue with a leadinc f rm of lids i ity i .nl cm fiuni'li A .o. 1 reference-. Addres-S K. i. II, 'Irihime. sITl'AriOV WANTKD-Tly a girl 10 jeais, loi Hglic hoii'-ework or care of cliildren. Pall at 1717 Sumnct icenue, Tiovidence; up tairi. A WIDOW" would like lo net wotk by the dn at liou-e iliinimr er office work. S "., fil., Hnrihon aienue, Stranton, I'a. SITUATION" WAMKD-By .1 (jaidnci ol attend to hoic Can turnlMi icference. Address A. Riuce, Tribune offlee, city. WAMIID Lady to call at Diu-.chpl'fi, 124 Wjoni ing aenue, ror fine tailoi made suits; no ctrd charge lor making (o order. Our motto. Satisfaction guaianteed or moncj refunded. YOIINf! manicd woman would like housework, cooklna or work of an kind; sleep at home. P. Tribune office blTUVTIOV WsATI.D- Fly a joumr lady, as a rleik, or to do oiliie work. Addieas, , . Z , Rendliani, t'i. W'AMKD ltv n middle aged lad, position is housekeeper in small tstnll ; widower's fam ily picfened; lefeience given. Addies3 House keeper, Tribune oflce. MTt;TION' WAMKD-lh a jounif girl as nur..p or light lioucwoik. ddre .!.!' New street. Sllt'ATION WAMCD 1U a j oung man as book keeper and typewriter; tan gic reference; small salar.c. ddiess We-ley II. Weaver, tvope, isullican county, I'a. each way at tho tame time. It li stated that there is no leason why he should not send 20 messages save the cost ot the Instalments. The Mai coni system can be used In any kind of weather, fog or fine, wet or dry, in fact It works better in wet weather than on a fine dty. To hundreds of thousands ot people the Pan-Ameiican exposition will af fotd the first opportunity of witness ing til" opeiation of the Marconi sys tem of vvlieless telegraphy. No one will want to miss It. AN AID TO GOOD TEMPER. Machine Devised to Regrister Accur ately AH' Telephone Calls. When tho Centennial exposition was held In Philadelphia, the telephone was one of the great curiosities exhibited there. Now, just as the Pan-Ameilcan exposition Is about to open, conies an announcement that a Chicago man has peifected a machine that will keep an accurate count of tho calls, to tho sat isfaction of 'both the company and the subs-criber. It is a small clock-shaped metal bov, designed to stand on a desk telephone or to bo attached to the framewotk of a box telephone, connec tion being made by short vviies with tho telephone wires. The mode of opeiation Is quite simple. When the subscriber calls cential, ho presses a button on top of tlie Indicator, which adds one to a number seen thtough a glass In fiont, the opeiation being about the same as a stteet car register when the conductor pulls the coid. At the same time It sends a buzz over the wires to central, showing that tho call has beon registeiecl. Wheiijho company deslies to take the lecoid of tho telephone, the sub scriber Is called up and asked to press the Indicator button. When this is done tho recoid-taker in the central olllce reproduces tho number shown by the indicator. The appaiattts is designed to do away with and settle disputes he tweeu subset Ibeis and telephone com panies as to tho number of messages sent. AUTOS FOR FARMERS. Geiioially speaking, faimots should not be expected to take so much In teiest In tho automobllo exhibit at the Pan-Ameilcun exposition as peoplo who leslde In cities wheie smooth pavements 1110 at all seasons available) for the opeiation of tho horseless oar llages, but If tho iepoit that comes fiom Colorado is title, It Is possible tlie farmers who visit tlie Pan-American vvill be 11101 e Inteiested than any body else In tlio automobllo display, Tho leusun of such .1 possibility Is found in the fact (hat a Coloiado man Is si.ld lo havit Invented an automo bllo tor tho use of fatnieis. it is u iiiethlue which may be opeiated by gtisollue or electilcity, und It Is adapt ed to ploughing, seeding, cultivating 01 hoi vesting. The engine or motor Is on the for wrjrd or Idtlve wheels, which nie joined by a long leach to the smaller iciir wheels, over which the seat of the dilver Is plated. A laige tiansverse bar ot oases tho leach bar at the cen ter, and to this transverse bar the plough, cultivator or other appliance for farm vvoik may be attached. The entire power of the engine may be ap plied to oiio wheel to get tt out of a hole or ml, and the "auto" can be turned In u small compass. Llna SITUATIONS WANTED PRBB. Businesi Opportunity, W'.WTCD-llellalile man wild feir bundled dob lats capital. In take etclii'Uc mile! blgget money linker on the niarkell new melal -peclal' 1 i monopoly; iunrial ileinauds unlimited tnaiket! p.i Inimeiueh ', 1,(KW gross sold In (en months (none In t'i inn,') To lnetlgale, nil Immediately nn Mi. Miter at The Irtliii. Bonrdetts Wanted. WASTIID-Iabte bonultrs. Mis. 'lompkln., Ml Washington avenue. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived nt Any of the Follow ing TJiug Stoies Until 10 P. H. Centtal City AI.IIL'RT SCIILIJI. toinei Mulbciry itrect and W'cblei avenue. OfSrsV tMCIII.L, f)50 Aclanw avenue. West Side (IKfHKIK W. .ll'.S'KlNS1, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton I'liUI) L. TlinPl'K, T2') Cedar avenue. North Scranton fJIIO. W. DVVIs, comer N'oilli Main avenue and Market elicit. Green Bidge OlIMll.KS V. JONIK T.J7 Dickson avenue. P. .1. JOHN", 020 Oicen Itldac ttr-ct C. LORENZ, corner W'nshiiijton ave nue and Marion stieet. Petersbmg W. II. KMIPrKL. 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmoie J. O. BONK A, ?OV. PROFESSIONAL. Architects L'DWARD H. )Vl ARC11I1I.CT, fONNLI.1, building. l'RKDKRICK h. BROWN, ARCIIITIXr, PRICE building, 1211 Washington avenue, Scianton, Dentists. DR. C. ll. KILKNBLRGER, PAULl BUILDINO, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBAC1I, 115 WYOMING ANKNUL. Hotels and Besturants. Tin: i:lk cafe. 125 nd 127 thanklin avenue. Rates reasonable. T. ZEIGLKR, Piopiietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D , h. & W. Pas senger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOL1I, Proprietor. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. i:. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINOION, avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMORKAUX, OlTICr, .110 WAhll ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberr. Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and (renito-urinary organs a specialty. llouis, 1 to 4 p. m. 0X0sCX0 THEATRICAL. oooxxxxxooooooo TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. AC'MHIMYTommy Shearer eompiny. "Sigiit. llhTV Little Kgvpt Burlei-que comiianv. Matinee and night. "The Victorian Cross." "Die Victorian Cro-s" is a -1 luullunjl inelu drama, depicting life in Liur'aml unci in Last lntiu, The play embodies the best clement- ( comedy and patlicj, telts a thrlilinir story of lu art intciest, abounds in intense dramatic sit uations, sl.iitlliiff climaxes, and, from a di.i matic standpoint, is a most fuscinatlni plaj. M a play it has been a success and is an object les-on ithas fulfilled its mission. Tlie Tommy Shcaier company who open a weeks engagement at the Aeademv of .Musk- tonight will present it foi their opening bill. "Janice Meiedith." Vail eveibndy ulio follows coiileuipoian eons liieiatuie l.as uacl I'aul Leicelci I'orel'a novel of the Itevolutionary I lines. "Janice Meredith." It will he presented at the I. ceiuii theater next Tliuisdiv evening, picndidlv stigod bv Manager 1 unU VtcKee, with that most beautiful and attractive actress, Mary Han neilng, III the title role, Mi3 MjunerlriB's tue. cess In this plaj this season has been extraoi. ilinaiy. '1 lie pla of ' lauiee Meredith" vvas clianutize.l from the book atniy bv tlie aullmi, I'.ml Lei tester I'ord and rdvvaril L', Hoe, who lias made .1 wide reputation as tlie diamatirei of a large number of popular novels. The pla is prriented in four .scenes, rrpicucnting tin farmaul of the Meredith liomestiad in Gieenvvood, ,N, .1,, in May, 1775; a living roo.n in the Mcicdllli home, tlnistinai eve,, 1770J tlie lieadquarleiK of Col onel Hani at Trrqfci", CluUtmas di, 17TH, and a dismantled houo jji YnrMovvn 011 the clay of CiimvMUb -uireiidrr 10 Washington, Octohei, I'M. "The Heait of Maiyland." One of tlie brUhlfiit ard inot jinee(ul of tlie tew great enduiing pUvs that is based upon the lenities and romantic U111 of ,-imciiiaii life is David Bclaaco'i, 'I lie Ileal I of Mar land," which is to be the attiadion at Ihe Ijceum next Wednesday night, It is a ilramitiu epic which tells the sun of woman's love and clf -.aciiAilug devotion and hei undaunted lieioimi, battling hrr way to the triumphant finale in the effort to Mn hei I'lcr from tlin ril.grace of being exeeu -101 a spy. In this plctuie of love and war, sno U ih central figure amid a coro ot strong and iea. I.llfl t.vpicil ihaiacleis and aucntitrd bv the romanticUm which will evci gloiifv the hltioiy iiid tiailillons of om old colonial limes. Little Egypt Company. 'ludjc, lomoiiovr .mil Wedlufdav, I lie luminal "Little ISH't" and hei lompaii of bin letqueia will lurni.h tlie entertslumint at III" ever popular (ialeiy, and no doubt Ihe 1nu.1l excellent InisiueM el ne b,v 1 1 - altiacilun lieu, will be lepeatiil I'relty glrK clever comedians, ami funny bur. Ic'iiuits go to make up a fine peifoiniaucc, Uiual inatiuces will be then FLAYS AND PLAYERS. "Lovers' lane" U not to leave New Voil Ibis season, although jt is forced out of llie Man hattan, through a change in l-ecshtp. aitu iU one huiidicdtli pciforuiauce, .piil C'i It will at once be icinovcd by William V, Brady to the Theater Republic,, where it will continue; until hot weather, VV, D. Ilowells in a review of (lie recent dra matic season in. Nrw- Yoik, finds in Mr. CI do liliir-i pla) 'The (liinbcif," at the Bijou the high watei mark ot Ihe American pla.vwiight. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Four Llnea, 6 Canta forEaoh Extra Llna rKOfeSSIONAL. Ceitlfled Public Accountant. K. ('. Hl'Tui.llINO, 220 IIIIOADWAV, MAV Vntk. Lawyers. fllNK II. IIOVLi:. ATrOltNKV.AIM.AW'. Rooms 12. 14, 10 ami I llurr building. r K. TRAHV,TT'V,roMMONU'i:LTi7llM)tT i7. ii. niii'LOtu.l'. A"ToiiNi:v-LmTTr:(!(f tlated on leal elate securit. Meals builitlng, comer W'aililnglon avmue and Spruce tieet, WILl.'RI). WARHEV ti KS'AI'I'.' VITOTISins and counsellor at-law. Republican Imildltig, AVaslilngton avenue. JVsTP A .IEsII P. A'llOKNT.-S WlTTiittV tellor' ut-law. t'ciuuuciiiwrallli bulldliig, llnoins IP, 20 und 21, KDW'ARD V. Til Willi. riOREV IIOOMK trai-rat, mn nooi, 'leais imtiiimg, L. A. WAlUl.i. xriORMJV-AI-l. Uv, imMlli of Trade luilldlng, 'tranloii. I'a. PATlKRsON k Wll.tOV, 'IIIADt It1-' WIIOWL Bank building. C. tOMKOx. Ol.' lU'.Pt III.ICW 111 II.DIVO a. w. nnirnoi.r. ori'ici: 211 W;iiilng avenue. MOVI.I) 10 M) Osteopath. S OIlllRI'Dt: l'VAs. Osll'Ol'VIII. 12S Ip 12il U'lifililnglon Ave,, .scranton I'a I'lucuili DNium's h speiialt.v. Otllcc Hauls: S 10 to 12 in.; f .ll lo ISO p. in Seeds. r. (LMtKi: a to., si:i:o&mi:v and m'iss- ei.vmen. slore 201 UVIilnglon nKiiue; icin hollos. I Till North .Main avenue; stole lik phone, 7S2. Scavenger. A. II. DRIfiC'S CI.EVN!" I'ltlVV. M I-1S U cess poids; no ocloi ; onl Impioved pump', uf-ccl A. II. Ill irk', piopiietor. leivo oiuris ll'JU Norlh Main avenue, oi Elckc's ding store, coi ner Villus and Mulbeii. Bolh telephone Wli'e Screens. jom'.pii Kur.rrix, rear nit lnck we, bciautou, I'a , iiiauufuctuiei of Wiic hcieen- Miscellaneous. DRI"SSMKIN(i l'Olt CillLDREV 10 ORDER, a lco ladies' watsls. Louis Shocm.ikei, 212 Adams avenue. MEOR(!EE BROS. PRINTERS' MIPPLILS. PA clopes. paper bags, twine, Taiclioue, 1M Waslilngton avenue, Sciuntnn, Pa. THE WILKES BARRE RLCORD CN BE II VII in Scranton at the news stands of Reiunin Bros , 40cl Spruce and 50.1 Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S Hchutcr, 211 Spiuce Etiect. LEGAL, NOTIt E SEALED I'ROPOsVLs OR M.I, VI) vciliMtig as lequucd li Sec. 1, Vit. , , ot an Act of the Gencrat Assemble of Pennslvain, dated March 7, 1001, lelntlng to the ro ei nmcut of cities of the second class, will be lecelved at the iceorder's oHIce in tlie ily of S'cranton, up to 4 o'clock p. in., of W'cdnesdav, pnl 24tb, 1001, when said bids will bc opined and con tracts awaidnd in aicoidanco Willi Ihe leqinic menls ot said Act . .1 VMES MOIR, ' ( 11 Riiouloi. srianlon, Pa., Vpnl IS, 1"01. As pla.ved bv Mi-n Biugliam und hei companv, it ccntains pmsages of ax fieMi and native coin ed as 1 li.ivc evel seen on Ihe Auidican atage, A queer insight his been given us of the op eialle i-tage's bchavioi behind the scrues. Kclouid De Res7kc, Impiessaiio fiian's idebrated ba-o, had floweis handed to the footlights in Bo-ton on the orcaMun of his twenti-flfth anulveiRary a. a dinger on Ihe i.tage. 'the novveis did not pic uvei the footlights. Madam Melbn so insistently nml tonsixtentlr uigeil tint bein,i the prima -douna of tho night the opeia beint, Itomeo and luliet she and ntic nloin. was en titled lo Midi afelicile and hweet .-einled iiiliu lion fiom the ncthci s)dr of the footlights. Ilm gives a slight Intimation ot trials that Mi. than and his licntcntnts have pmbaldv- been ulled 011 Ibioiighout llie e-ea-ou to dapple witli night iflei niglit. There-a Vaughn, the once populai loiuie opeia ccntiallo, is the lalol ctlin ol iiuault, .mil has been cnmniltlccl to the Woncstei alum near Bonton. Tills news wiU, Lome as 1 great shock to liei fiieuds, foi theie Ins been no permonition that hei iniiiil was in any w 1 f teclcd. MUs Vaughn lias not been seiu mi the stage foi scoi.it yeais, and has been living 111 letlrement since the death of hei hiMiind, Will, am A, Meslaer, the comedian, late 1M sum nier Fhe was (list aftected by her pie-em malaelv, she hail signed a coutiacl to go out a- leulluv laelv with Ihe Jcftei'.on De Angeli-, Opeia com. panv, but Middcnly he 1 aim lied Ihe i outran 011 the giound ut ill liealth A aw lUinuueis ago she siLstaineil a bevcic Miiiilieke, mid vvas ill (or some time aftciwaid. The death 111 hei hurbaml, to whom she wa su ill devolnl, foi-lou-c-il mil a shoil time aileiward, ami Inn Ihe deatli ot liei i-i-lel, Cella, Vl,uthew, wile M Sherile Malllirw.-, caused liei much grl'f 'Hun came tlie death of her biotliei, Joe Oil, onl a few nioiits ago, s,P nj, putieulailv fond of hei mcitlicr, nml aluii)s look a gieMl mleie.t in bis mm, having stalled him 1 11 the business with liei luisband in Mc.lai's 'loiuNts in a Pullman Cat," THE MA'RKETS. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. 'I lie following isolations Tilhime li VI, 1, Jordan .V, Hears building, birantou, Pa, AmciKiu iiic.ii . Its Ameiiinn Tciliaci 1 , lis1! Alih., 'lo. .V. ,n .) , , Til' T. cV. -. I. I'l . 'Is tlmnkbii li.iCtl.ni .. 'ti'i Ball A Ohio . . . Us Ciml. lobacio . , 7s (lies. i (Mil 10'.. Chlo, ' t. W , . . . .M f'liie.. II cS. 11 . , , ,'V .SI, I'aul , . .. Mil's Itock Maud , . , lt Delawaie .1- Hudson .,.,IM hail, i les , I'l- , . tills foui ctA'a.li 1D7 Manhatlau hie .... I JO Mel. 'Iracllou (u 17.14 MUouil Tacille ,, . .107" Southern I'acllici , ,. , 1S am furnished The Co., rooms 7i).734 Teleohone 5UCM: High- Low- ( lo est Clt. Wi lis' a Ill's 1171a M'a "'i' I5J4 in.; ll'J's IJ'i 7's as e7 Ifiij 47Ts 1 '.') 7'. 117'. S(3j 0e'i. li'l 44 il llll IlltlS, IVV'.j 17", 07 IO0I4 no 171 107'k 4S? SVii 10.1 'IS.', Ill-, .fill 41 h 1 . 170 IV7'j ll ilijij 1I)74 111) l-l'i JOa 4sT. in llil' a lis'.. 1.VV H'. lul ,.HJ ..7'i 7ii" .U4 fl'l Iis'k 11 7't l'11'.j O'l tl'a III 117 liih llii''i 47'i i6 , 47'i O'i M Inf'i IW, 17'i's Ui 11 Hi's IJn'i 17J!i ll)"s 17. VI'h 02'i Ps' I VI v 11.1) Jilt i's 7l.'s :nU w Ii7!j ll'i 774 lUH' SMi ili'i IMli 1)7 Uo nvs 4'a .'V'a (', Bt"J Norfolk .V Wesicin ,. , fll'i .North. I'acllio Soilh. I'acirc. .N. . frnt nl I'H'i I'l t-si iv. ; mi ili'a. Out ; Ufi .. , IVi.na. II It I'aUfii- Mall .. . . lleiding lleicllng, IT S iilheiu II I.. oiilhcru II. It I'l '1 1 nn.. f ,V lion l .s. Lealhci I . s, e-alhei, I'l I liioli l'aiiflc I'niuii l'aiiflc, I'l . ubah, I'c , . WtsUiu llljoil . . c i; 1 Vlnal. Cupper , People' t'J Tcas I'avine V111. far Kouudr I', h. Mrrl I"-) .. I', h. Steel CVi., Tr HOC .11.1 .I7' -.is li4 !'! IW. II 77'. .lun'a . -i . 40", in; t)7 Wa't .llo'i lO'i J5'4 17 0" U-M ll' lilt 6i 41 ")t; 07 u 1IV4 4d'i m:w ork ok iv MAllKbT. Open- lli-ll- Low- ('I04. ing. rst. nt. In,' 7Ds 'f JOta 70' ' 71 71 70', 71 wiitvr. Mav Jul ftP ? ftsIP LEQAL. VIEWERS MITIt'E-ln te, benefts and dam aucs b,v reamu of Ihe fonstruillim of n i-cwer mi li ( il t avenue, Irving nunue. Iliienzll routt, T.ivlor avinue, Ivellinii loml, W'ebtei avenue and Vli sin el, In ihe Tenth wird, clt ut SllJIllnll The folowlng Is a siliiiliilp of Ihe benfhls fiiiiiul by Ihe nuclei lgneil vleweis as shown bv their lepiiit, fllid In the I'lolhnnulatv'ii olnie nt the Cum 1 of ('11111111011 Pleas of Lackawanna loiinlv, mi Ihe CI If (I iv of Odobei, PHH), tn No, 201, September turn, lOiWi s-cHEDI'Li:. I nt. Block. N line of Owner. Vssessnient III II J unit llelldlg f4Hhl It II lleoiite Klil) r 47.0I 12 II Michael Wallets 41.11 1IA1I 11 Mirk.OlKnovllcl &.'l I. A III II Inlin Mem 2.11.64 17 II P. I. Itulleimun 10J.12 Is II Minimi Wagner !". t'i II lleiniail W'agnei tM.fi 211 II lliiiran Waanei W.M 21 II Willi mi Wellnei 10.1 B . 22A2I II Milhodist Chilicli 203ft 21 II R. V. Ilium nn ti 103..ii 2i 11 Mis. Ileiille'tta W.vanl ... 1t Rrt 2il II VIm. Ciilherllie Thauci .... tOV.l! 27 II Tied Tcibuk. r v A.I 2m II ,lutnl Minicli T2.6l 2M. II Tied Knlbaili ? W in r. Wllllaiu II. Wllllim. ii. 1342 17 II W llliplinlna Nmlir 121. 41 ISA III n Peter Mmfei 20V 02 .11 Ali 211 I. nils Vive 208" II 'ii llelinin VI iglin 122.2 1 III liilm Lee Estate 1 2 2 III liilm lee IMille 10V 1l I HI Icilin Lee IMille 10V 40 I in .loliii l.ee IVstuli 1010 .V li. vlnlin Lee Estate ., KM to 0 lr lohn lee E'tate 105 til 7 111 VllcluH Vlecbl 100,4i li Mis. dclli Wagner , 10b,7 'i 10 I ewis Paihei 100 If. HI In I, -wis 1'iiitie . iV)7! II A 12 in liicoli -aai, .li '... ill IV 1 HI Viilhunv Stump 103.0c II Id lu oil Pall IM.II IV ll. Mis Mailln Oislcile .... 116.'? III li. VIoMiiidu Phalu 10V tl 17 in IVidimind Pittnrli 10J.HI IS li I barles Ita.Mio 104 .11 I'l lil I bin les Lemuel lOJ.I.'l 20 in I'llwnd lliirlmin 101 :i I 21 li. I harles Mlllei, Sr 100.1) Zi ll. Philip Smdei I0H12 2. Hi .lo-cpll llallllliislei v VIM "I 21 Id lli'iu.v Uuoepfil N. 101.111 LV II. Mchulns llanst.ln 10S ,V7 20 II. louls Goeilll? I2I.ST 27 10 I I in Mcclilei Elate 100 IV 2s HI I ml l-iiiiiri. Si 1lfl..'l) I 2, I '! licorgo r.ubci Estate .!9l.7l 4 21 lewis P. h. M tile 1 IW47 V 21 Mis. Ilallle I'obl 105.47 II 21 lewis Eaibei 10V.1? 7 21 llnisllan Muscat,! 70 1 7a 21 4 Italics Kempel 36 K h 21 Philip sihwellrei 10V.1i 0 21 Iheodoie sliepplcinan Pt. 105.47 III 21 lleniicttu L. c)inart7.... 105.47 11 -21 I! t'. Capvvell 105.17 12 21 I hristiau Biisl 101. 1 It 21 Elizabeth Doner 10" 47 li 21 likseph Hoffman 12920 20 21 Hernhardt Thauer 101.21 'I 21 Bernhardt Thauei lOO.fcr, "2 '! Itiliim W'ellnei OS IV) 21 21 William Mveis 1V2!.. 21 21 Vdam Buber Estate 142.1V 2V 21 Mis. Katlnrine Thaller ... BO 70 2h 21 Mrs. Katherlnc Thauer .... 158 41 27 21 Mis,. Maris Plttocl mill 1 27 vrantou School Disti ii t , . 205 07 ,t 27 liroige Smithing 08 1 .V 27 (.eoige Ilonold 72. .W ft 27 lohn Gocbc! S'.tiO Scianton Clly iaV7.0) I ol it cost of sewei )609.ti2 Notice is heieb given lliat unless exceptions aie filed theuto within thirtv (.10) elajs from the elite liereof, the sulci leport will bj continual alculutrl by Ihe ( eiurl. JI. II. SANDERS. 1.1VV 8. RICHARD, D I. CVMPBELL, Vieweis t OltV. May 41'4 44S 44'; 4l'l Scranton Board of Trade Xxchangs Quotations All Quotatlonc Baaed on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Aslcec First National Bank 1200 Scranton Savings Bank 350 Third National Bank 480 Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 275 ... Economy Light. U. & 1 Co. 44 Lacka Trrst Sate Deposit Co 150 Clark & Snoycr Co., Pr. 15 Scranton Iron Fence etc Mfg. Co. 100 Scranton Axle Works 8V Lacka-vanna Dairy Co., Pr. 2U County Savings Bank & Trust Co.. SCO First National Bank (Carbor.dale) 200 Standard Drilling Co Tiadera' National Bank 14S Scranton Bolt and Nut Co 100 ... BONDS. Scranton Fass-ngcr Railway, first Mortgage, due t?20 US People's btreet Railway, first mort gage, due 101S 115 People's Street Railway, General mortgage, clue 1021 115 . Dickson Manufai turing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 5 per cent. ... Wi City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 per cint. .. 1M Scranton Traction 0 per cent. US ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coricctcd b II. 0. Dale. 27 Lackawanna Ave.) BuUii-Cream-M. old, 20a 'lc; fresh, 2.!a2"!e dad, fiesli, JI('h'l; old, JJalSc. Cl.ceae l'till iream, 12al3c. 1 Rgs W'e-teiu licsh, ll'i to I'c; neaih state. I'U to Uu. 1'eans IVr bu , choice iiunovv, 55a2.fi0 Pea Beans I'ei bu , ilioici marrow, V.""- ' Mitlluni Bcans-P.-r bu., 2 :0a2.43. llreen Peas Pel bu , 'l.tOal.'S, Onlons-Pcr bu , iJLIOalSO I'loiir Hist patent, per bbl., $l.bj, Red Kidney Beani Per bu , $.M3a.' 30. Philadelphia Live Stock. Philadelphia, pul 21. Receipts for the weekt tattle, 2,U7li sheep, 7JSI-, hogs, J,bJ.I. Cattle llighci cm nioelriati olTerlngs; bei,t, Va6; choice, $.' !l7a5 0, nod, ,V,23a5.1"; medium, "VaS 2V cominon, ft.ViV, Mieep and lambs Tiifle. Iov ii unci lunket not teetive; i-lietp, . "i'4l J ilioico, t'.ia'ic; good, lil'ii.; medium,' R'talc" iiiiiiniiiii, 2'e.il' ; limlis, gooil lo citra. .'.a H'itf ; spiing laiutH, flan per Iliad. Hogs Vlai. kcl firm, with pikes well maintained; west nn, MtiiS'ge I'll cons, improved Inquiry it 'i4ule llilu cow, fall ieqiiei-t, 2a.'!;i,; ve'l calvcM, mini I'jilei at lali'.e ; milch ions o liiMei seiectiiins leaiUeel ".iSatO. Drcajed steeu, bliade liimei at Si0'4cl diessed rows, HWic, Buffalo Live Stock, li.t lluflalo, Vpiil SI -Itecelpt.s-Oalile, SI i .Us; ohrep and limbs, 11 cars; hngi, 20 cais shipments tattle, 5! can.; hcep and lambs, 7 i an.; hog, II cjh. fa I tle-Lnc hanged fahe, dull Wool lambs, choice to extra, ,J3,75a3."S; clipped lamlca, ?.Va5.10; sheep, choice tn extra, $L75a5. Ilogs, heavy, $ 23 pigs, 0.10a6.J5. FINANCIAL. K -s $200,000 United Railways of St Loiiis, Mo,, 4 BONDS. YieHing Investor 4.60 Rudolph Klejbolte k Go. 1 Nassau St., New York. - 'feLk al f ,! 1 " J-, - .