i vA M?Vfe T'UM,f.'4 "'X,,''i:','!"'f"' ' K """ ''VfWp '.r TA'tLI - J1 - - V i '' "- AV 'I THE SCR ASTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1901. WWwW'-U1 (S Scnnfon &ri8tme I iI.U1imI Dally. Kx-ccpl Snn.Uy. Iy llic Trib- o rublUhltyT, Company, nl '' lrn" Mol,l,1 lino t.lVYg. MCI1AH1), IMItor. 0. F.UV.YBbi:, liuslniM .Manager. Hew York (mho. vlilXbASt). 8olo Auenl lor I orclRti Adtcrtlalng. Knitted at tlie I'mlofllfO at Suanton, Pa., as (second G'lns Mall Mutter. tiii: ilai- it mi: ion adviiu nsi.su. 'flic lollottltur tabic liow6 the price per Incli TJth Imcrttoii, fj'jce to be used ttlthlii one )MM Wlim spue ""I I crmll. The Tilbunc Ii alwall clad 'to 'print short IrttL-rs Irom lt iiliwla bear. Ins m cunctit loi.lt. I.iit Itn lulu Is luat t'ct must be tlgnetl, lor pul.lk.1H0n, by Ilia writer real name! and the condition picicikiit lo ' tcptancc Is that .ill loiitrlbutloiii alull bu sul.Jci U editorial -cilslon. 1 nil ... DISPLAY, Position .SO ..i .'f'l ljj .11 MM tlllll Sill) Illc'll, "HI ll.tllM ... van mai " I'm caids of thinks. rtMilntlons of eondoltniu unl ilitllar cnnlrll.titiotis hi l'i" future of "'' ml Mm: I lie 'Irlhinc tmked 11 iliame. of 0 ccuu " "nc- , . Dales for Clarified Adiertljins furnished un uipllrltloli, Pi'lUXTON, AI'IIII. I!-', ll'nl. A rni i ospontliMii hi' Hip I'hlliiiU'liililii Ledger. wiHIiik nf "Hip prlmithc trol ley system" hi' t Iiit f illy, rises l" ie innik: "I'Thi'pa xilien the li.u'tlnii of iM.ili re.tli.. tin' ini'.idicp of ii pos-slblp impfl Itrir tlu'.v mat dolKn In cm reel .'i fey. of i ho abuses uiiili'r which mir iw'k nml lirlplcs I'ltlz n- Miffer." .-'i i-.iiileni, "fn inniv iliini Philadelphia, Miirht l' Ie able in iipu,'liitil Hint II till i citx's indlei Mjii'n unn owned I iv i .ipilulliUs with ,i p"ison.il Intru'St ii 111- u t It. in-, (if S.'iiiiilnii. ItiMle.nl "f ljV till' IllllUIMll"- ()f lllllil thp. I.t'llRPf i in icspDinli'i'l i niiiplaiii ', 'onii- "low of i In. aliu-ei nii'lrr wlilcli mil' iiiopk.iinil Iiflplfs', (IHit'ii.; siill'm" iuIkIiI also l)'1 Vlli'lt'ctOll. Reapportionment. T ii tt'KSTHiN larrup the leK- iIntinc la nioio linport.'iiit than Hint o ip-apportlon- Ult'iit. Itict'-thp (lain of Hip lMtuil.il .ipp n timinipiit Hip IJis-t jioptil.ilinn uf Hip piiiiiinniiwpiilth luin aliiuis! ilmililptl: .mil sln.e lh" lu-it iip piu tloiinit'iit of tppifiPtitiithi-s. the tnl.il piipiilntiim has wown fimn J,'J)-,-;!)! to CuULMir., an ittcie.i-o of M) per cent. Thv Iiu'iPii'-e in our own uuinty illu?tiatf.s vivlilly Hie iiutalinpss of viiiilliiuiiic a iopi(,'SLtitaH(iii In the sUUp law -iii.i!Iii7 .i. cmbl h.ied mi the piipiilatlini of twenty ami thlity yonn asi.. Not in iwlstfjiup in 1.S7I.I, in ISM) lu'UawaniM liml Sli.'JfiS piipuhulnn, to ilay s.lit has 10:;,.31, a pain nl" mure than -00 t.oi i cut., hut Hiip has lieoii no Rain In hor reproscntatloii, our quota In thp linuse of lupiesontatlvea in 1 monilivr to pvpry ."0 member when by light it should ho I to peiy lit nioiii bprs. Our toiinty. In other words, is bolus subjected to an unfair discount of one-thhd. I'litle" tlie r onslilutk.il appoition inent of legisl.ithe distilets is based on a iuJIo obtalneU bv dlvldiiiK' the liopulation by 00. Kveiy county con taining less than Ihe latins has one icpieseiitutivu for eeiy full uitln anil mi additional repieentatlve when the siuplus esiteds half a idtio. but each county .shall have at least one member. Kveiy county conlalniiiff live latlos or more shall haeone lepiesentatlve for ovory full latio. A lepresentatlve ratio, on Hip rocPtiL lensiiF, is :il,r.H. The minimum ponulatlou fop two niPiubeis is IT.'iGti. for tluec members 7S.777. for' four meiuliets 110,'JS and tor live mem bers, lr-7 ..;.'. I'pon this ImsN the routi nes should hae lepusentatioii as shown in the following tabl , lompllerl by Colonel Lambcit ol the I'liilailelplila Pus!, eonip.n ji-n biliiR made with the piesipt lepipsentatiuii IkivhIdk' Hie problems of uppoition- luniti ,'if nlfpi'llllBothei ermnllt'x, let us sec Itfiw Liickiiwlinnu tan beat be v stlli'fed. The I'oiiHtltulioii pi ti hies that '"evr.ry city ouniulmnR a popula tion oriual to u ratio shall elect separ alPlyltsriioportion of the icpresontn tiviH't'Uotteil to the county In which It Is ''located." tScMiitnn contains nl most' precisely three latios only 7,-T.H i'vnr. DIvltion of the city into tlueo iliMrlcts made up us follows appeals htioiiBly'to (avor from a Republican Ktamlpiilut and Is as even a division with repent to population as cap ho iii.nle; Vril dit.tilul--To coiuprlso the Knurfli, wrth, Sixth, Fotifteemii, Kif. ttentft, IJIshteentli ami Twentloth waul J with a Republican plurality of aboucCoO. Hceond dlsttlct To cbinprlso the i:iElit)i, Ninth, Tenth, Uloventli, Twelfth," 'Kisteeuth, Bovcnteenth nml NlneteiHl)'AHiilt with tibcuit 100 Ho publlcnn tilurallty, Thliil dlsttlet T.i (.'Oinptlue the First, Second, Thlid, Sovcitth. Thirteenth and Twvnty-tlrst watds with about 450 Re publican plurality, As for l he territory outside of tho city, It has been proposed to combine !nt one dlftilct with two members, t" be known aa tha Fouttli district Avch buld, Ulakcly, Caibpndule, (.'.trbqndula township, Covington, DleUson, pun moie, Blnihutst, l-'oll, tJreenlleld. Oouldsboio, Jeffeiaon, Jeiniyn, I.ehlgh, Madison, 4jnyfleliJ, Olyphant, Scott, Sprlna' iirook, Thro'op, Vandllntj and ""iruiPi f TiT5irit)n I'apci lli-adini ..-, " '.-J75 .:i) ."! .P. .170 .l.'J .1. .13 .lt5 X Jl. V NVInton, wllh it Hepitbllenn plmnllty of nbout -.'OOi niul to leae I he AbhiRtutifl, JU-nluti, Diiltoti, Oleiibuin, lichawitn nii, T.a I'lurnc, MihikIi.', New-Ion, Old I'm pe, ttutiioin, 'I'iiyloi- and Wavetly ttiKcthfr an the KIHIi dlstrlft, with ubottt 7iiO Republican pluraljly. Wc see no !'.'aioti why Ihh- airsuiRP nit'lil should not iccelve fteiicial itp tuuvnl. One tlilUR Is rerlaln: the people ili.'inaiul re-iipiHii llonnicnt. I-'or twenty one months' trp.itiiipnl of tho lute Senator i l, MnKi-u, Dr. Illowtilnp:, of t'hllndelphla, Iihh pre sented a bill ror Slflii.oon, valultiR hit servlcps at $M) for each trpiitniollt hour. At this nitu It cost Senator .Miirpp inorn for treatinenl tlinn as rpiiulred to imp for X,'M patlPiitM received lust year Into Phllailplplifii'H liirsesl. liospl inl. And folks lallc tibout the voracity of po'lllclans. ' To Prevent Strikes. r "A. AniiV In May, If present plana I 4 pievall, a comnilltee of !lv I S ilnRUithed men. Including I3l?hnp Potior, Scth how, lYll.v Adler, Samuel CJoinpeis, Henry White, .lohn Mitchell nml Krauk V. Saipent. will moot In New Voik. iliuler, the auspices of the Nutlonal Civic Fed eration, lo devise plans by which All Ikes- on a Ihikc hciiIc can be avcrled Tlipio will bo an universal hupp that thi'li- dpllberallons muy be Hin-ccfiful. In HiIh connection It may not be amiss to rllo the conclllilomi leached hi Henry U. I.Io.mI coiiceininp the New JJeHland compulsory iiibltiatlou law wlilch Just now- Is Hie bjhlH of most eiforl.s to right tin- sltike evil by lesH liitliiii: III striken iiul IolKoiiU Ime brni Mopped. ('.') w aid trrm- b.no been llxnl so tint n nml iriimrs nn niil.r llielr luiiliacls ahead Milli'itit fi.ir of iiiliiilniie. ill Uuikln'incii, ton, KnoMlntf lint their In rump iiiuiiM In- nit down, and h imiic no fear ol IhIiii; li.cl.ed out. em iinny, buy lind, build liotntv. (II l)i.ute arlv ii.iilliiinll.i. new terms are Hud, but indu-tr.i Roei on ttitboiit interrupt lim. (,".) ,'.i f.ic'n,',i Ini been eluded he Hie ail. pi) lln luunlry K morn prosperous linn eirr. (7) 'Ihe .inutil-. of the aibilr.iliou court fl a -luidiril of Ihinic uhlili i.llier ( nurts .inept in ilcrrihutr rurs .ilfeiliui: wnrkintruien. () AuariN mule b ninpiih.ui- arbili.illon w iifltii irncmil hi loliinUiy .imecuieiit iihen lln.i epne. ('I) Trado iimors are Khen new Tiuhla, and .no idled upon to ...hull .ill n.nipeleut work iiiKiuiu in Mio li.ulr. il(. (-oiupuUU.il in the liukgiminil mikes con t ilhtiou eiii i. Ill) CijiiipiiUoiy pul.lhilv cues Ihe public, Ihe ie.il aibilntoi, .ill Ibe fills of eieiy dU pule. (U) sihned i hisses i well as iviKe-e.irners aie ihlnmiir the briictlts of .irbili ilion. (U) Peiieiblo selllenienl with llielr men Ins bien made ios-ihle ,nr the nniorlties of tho iiuplnirc iilm M.iulid In abilMle, but ueio pie unled In minonliis of their .inciites. (Ill l.iln.r iml npi.il aie beniK oipanlred into linie unioin .mil a!Oii.itious in-teid of ituih'. and lnnnopi.li-l. (TO 'Iride lionist.x U piomnleil bv Ibe espoaiire Did ptcieullon nf fraud-, nn tlie puhlii. (In) lliininie .mil liw-nbiiliiifr bu-iness meen seik Ihe pH.leitinn nf Ihe 1 iw In pile them win. irom di'itimtiun by the coinp.tilU.ii nf llihiiniiue find liu bre.ikin? rn iN. (IT) 'lhc weik and slimu ar fpiib(d both iiiinmr i iidtali'ls .mil i iip ii.iikinmnrn. (Is) lho iiili.n- is kii ii Li neulv .i- pov-iblo tn the licht itisloid nf Hip iiions. s in u.ir. (l'i)llii t.niiciiliitluii of ue.iltli and ponrr U i her kid U'D) 'Ihe di-liibuti;.n of nealtli is determined alomr linis nf re.i-.u'i, iiHtue and the cie.ili"-t Ik id, in-lead of .ilnnj? hue-, of the greatest Kieed. (Jl) Deniiii i.uy i- stienslhened b.i these eipiiluations. (J2) ll lurniihes Hie people llicir only iheap, fpeid.i and iiiitechnual jilbtoe. ' These concluions aie over-entViusI-.istic. Cntil human netme chaises, iv ruth wonderful approvlinatioifs to per fect institutions may lr' expected in New Zetland or elsew lii e. Kut thoic can be little doubt that the compulsion of publll' opinion, if not the statutoiy mandate of a uinipillsoiy (ubltratlon law, miiJl be put forth to dlscouracie the buitnlltles and savage wastes of itilkes and to substitute the clvlli-red method of adjusting dirfereiues by ju dicial piect.'scs. -Mton V. Adams, an electiical en (tliieer of Boston, h.is been lellliiR- the Industiial commission that niunicipal owned electric liRht plants In Massa chusetts pay hotter piollts and aie better nianuKCil than piivate-owned plants. This may be so In Massachu setts, but we doubt that it would w oil out that way in the anlhiacile inlnlnR counties ot Peunsylviinl.i. Important if True, S' OMI" FICCRr.S submitted re- i ently by A. J.. Unndnl of Washlnslon bofoio the Indus trial commission In support of government ownership unit contiol ot tele graphs- aie Intciestiiipr it accttiate: wo have no means or know ins how in cut ate I hey inc. Ho said telegraph lolls nro now levied so as to pay lase dll lUnds, not onlv for slock paid for in money but on .in Iniiuemo amount of wnteied rtock. Two-thirds of the stuck of the Western futon TeleKiaph iiimpany, lin asseiled, is pme and llli- nilxcil wi'ter, In r.S th. capital btock of the Western Vuloii company was I iS?5,"(iO, Thestockdivldendsdeclaiedbe t wein 1S3S and IMifi eight years woie $17 SlO.tin, and stiK'k was Ibsued for I new lines to tho nnuiiiiil of .fl,f17,!i".0, 1 iiiiiUInt; tho capital slock of the cofn- i.iiiy on duly 1, 1M;. f.'O liw.son. in that jell!' sio.lv was crcaieu iu inn amiuiiit of f2l,no.500, makin-r the cnpit.il stock a year later JlO.r.iis.aOo. The laisest dividend declared by the company up to JS7I wns 111 per tent, In that una year tin Inventors k'U their money lack four times, The Imgest amount of Mock ever divided at ono time was $.10,(100,000, and fop a period of seven yeius tlu dividend' nvorasjed about 100 per cent. In IS71 tho lompany bought up its own block and the stock of ollior telegiaph cohipmles and ac cumulated a fund of tci,on(i,o.0, which It held In the treubiuy ot (ho company. Dividends det lined In other yeais were: UCJ, 27 per cent ; 3863, joo per cent ; iStH, 300 per cent: In 1S7S u dividend of $6,000,000; In 1BSI ono of $15,000,000, and another of $1,300,000. ,H leallnod over $100,000,000 In twenty-live yeais by lis extortionate cliiuges. An in vcbiment. of $1,000 in AVestcru Union Mock In IWS would have leturued up to HtiO Mock dividend ot inore than ?p0.v06 anil cash dividends of $100 ono. In 2S90 tho capital stock was $s"!,it50,000 -now It Is $115,000,000. blxly-one per cent, of Ihe telegraph (ompanies of the xaoiM ato under gov eminent control and it Is Instructive, .Mr. Randal contended, to compare the rates under Mivli government control with the lutes in this country. In Kngland the rate ' Is 12 cents for Iwche wohIh, In (lei ninny 17 cents for i"on woids In Italy is cents for ilftepn wonls., In Swltzoilunil 10 ucntfl for leu Winds " RelRllim cents for loll words mill In France' 10 cuts for ten woids, while In the United Htates tho piovallliitT Into Is 2"i cents for ten w onK The belief Is wldespicad that preput ial til conlrol nf lelpginphs would bo ns Ronerally sathfae'lory as Is rovciii tni'iil cutitiol of the tnnlK over hitlf a billion dollais win Hi, or tVJ.'.O tons, of finld h now locked up In Uncle Sjam'H stroiiR box. Is It not dun Reruns to keep no much money out of I'itciiliillon? Dally School-Work Test. -m m AN O'RICLI.. who has ' "' F011,e' decidedly w lsr jL '.JL HiIiirs, tells Instilietois Ihev should iipvcr ovcr-jirnl-p a cIpxpp pupil and never snub h dull ullP. Hill Hip piesclll sysleni or willteti eMiiiilnatlons lor pioniotloiis Is a ciuitlnunt "snub" and dli.eoiiiaRenipnl to pu.ll4 who aie "dull," or called dull bpcatisp, however Kie.it may be their ability to ultlinately assimilate knowl edge, they have not quick memories, or are mil possessed of the power of e picssliiR themselves on paper which hi the gift of nioie favored srlinoliimlCH. II Is to bo iciiiciiibcicd also that those who lark tills power of oxtnes .slon come often fioni the homes where co-operation with the school's work of lialnliiR cannot bo had. The discour agement. Hip ".snub" of tltidltiR them selves left behind Is often so rich! as lo ho nn effectual quencher of ambition to lea Mi. So the In let period of school euis to Aihlcli such are limited tails of even the good it might have done them, but lor Hip cast-lion system. When the teacher has the liberty to advance each pupil according to the daily lecoid aveiage and the devotion lo stiidv and improvement demon strated in dally work, our common school system w ill take n vast step for waid. Senator Moigan's solution of the Cu ban problem, which he intends to sug gest to the Cuban commission, Is for it to make ii long story short by ap plying for admission to the Union as a state. That would bo an excellent bargain fiom the Cuban standpoint; but It would be decidedly tough on Uncle Sam. Says Poultney Bigelow : "Commer cialism runs riot in the United States. CoriupHon stalks HuourIi the Rovern inent departments. Congress itself Is little mine than a brokerage shot) for tlie sale of authority to fleece the peo ple." Poultney should take a spring medicine. Aguinaldo's manifesto shows that what tho f illplno ex-dletator has lost in exuberance ne seems to have gained in educational experience. In other woids, while he isu'L so sprightly as he once was, he knows moic. "Can a couple many and be happy on ?20 a week?" Is a question just now claiming the attention of tlie readers of the, New York Sun. They can If they cm be happy at all. COLD BY THE STAES. Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus, The Tribune Astrologer. -lrol.ihe ( j-l : I Hi .1. m., lor Moiulai, April 21. I'lU. & ? ihild lien ii un this diy mil notice that miiiy I oopl, up in imlillis .ill tlirii livei, without Minim; .1 do-iuMe at it in the bind u.n;oii. It is Mfe to M.uti- lint the fellow ulio nuks a m-ili for tho nc'!.-p.ipei otnee to (.ci. his side n tho qiniiel III print Ir-t is on lln urons side. 'the fut lh.it a neusp.ipei- dies lint! doubtltss ..11.OU11I1 foi ihe csUlente ot tome in this iun iiy. Nine pt'ii-oin hemnio IviUted Ihcniadies in the cnde.iioi' tn s-li.ipe p'jblie opinion. It is riidenl (hit .-piinc is not placing a bunco ,anip on u this time. Ajacchus' AJvice. sord .Hi lo slu.lv o .ill-sion lo to attempt to build ii bouse tin tho plUc tued in i book on .itililttUiUP. Weekly Letter on Mtinlcipal Affairs XLV. PUBLIC PLAY GROUNDS FOR CHILDREN. FIT IT VI, .UH Al.O lho tliat aue for paik piiipo.-es liul imt be.n piirihi'ed lo any Aineiit.ai mi.melpilil. Today tlicic .i j mom than si'no.OiW.Ceo imested by AmeiUaii lilies ill publio pljiiaonuiU, pnks and nppu. aim for Hit- uo ol iliilduii, old and iuu (ijllllllsllllll-, AkutillK llllkd .111(1 ll.ltllliUIM'S .110 piniiiitd uitli .i inme livUh band eitli y'JV fi lln- ie ol die genual publii. I'melsu iltie(i lu.o bid all these innienleniej fur a lonim pi i in I and bao Inner nuns inft ed than lilies on tlius i-lde of the AllJiitie. Hut Hut will not bo lhc i.ico .i duado lieme, tm iuipiovriiienid in this pntiiulir are bdiis inadi; nt mi niudi neater lain in this t ounl i Him In tlie old, Hut It will not take louuer than leu ,u ii-, to pa the tlnmr nioviii; lluiopi-au ihii nl. ipilili, 'llm iij-.i.lf for better londitlons for t lie poor and nioio i. pi ii i-pntr. tm tho iliildini in llio tu.ciiiuit ill-nuts lias loiiiiueuied about I'll .una iiKo in New Imk iil l,i t lie lite llv Maior William 17. -lon;. I ully tiienlj (wo Idoilo of i-luly old tiiieiii. nt 1ioiim.s in lli; ilc lively populjtcil dhtrius ueio r.utd to th.i Ciound ami loimiled jiitn biratliuiK phieo tor (lie iliildini nt tho lii'Inhlioiliond nf whom llieie Hire iiuuy who bad ntier tun .1 plot of gl.iy leu leit f(inie, Police ofliieu iilio.e beats wcie in (lie liein. Il of llnio iicul.v iicatrd p!a,ii;iouiidi line lo. ported a femr number of aueH for petty nl. (tinoi anions tliildiru thin bifoio llm mull pjiks ueio made. IIomiui Ii.( .iUd found that it ionipiiatiirl.1 fen (loll.iis iiiiieleil In Mud, pits and oilier liuph aum.iluinU tot Ihe thlU dun line riuieJMil Ibf iiiiuibvi' of aimlu anient; lh nmiair tlJ-i. 'I Iicbi- Inu lilies .ik'i.e lint tlm bliliuo, v.iiiuiatimiii, taud I'll, and the like i.iuip tliiu pay fui tlie iNpiu.o o uiitinn and in ilnli luiKo. IKninii his live iixlont K.uniu.-iiiiiu. 'I lie Hut was ibo xili of a woman and wjs oiienrii in lsi7 in tr'.i.t llo.lon 'lho net un the lirat laiije miiiilfip.il loinn i.iiim in I lie lounliy and iia, i pi mil in smilli llnslnii In lleiembir, W' All Ihe K)iutMtuuui, wlwllur iudncu or outdoor, am opt.it in die eientusr, lho foiuici belli: lighted b ikilrii li.diU, 'llifiu aie uvular In-lrin tl"ii ela-iid unit many bnj' iuh and a fiv i.-llH' ilnlis, and time an- n'iiti. Ii.mitj lor mill anil iiunicu, l'i,u and ghU 7m. lee i$ thaifii for lho uio of Ihe priillestJ. 'I lino aie ten lit tliuiibci and tiiui'htneiolcii! iusiltutioiu ubbli maintain oiuua.luiu.-, bnih outdoor and indoor, for genera! 11-0 under eeitaln cnndilioiu. Ihe me 01 the ouldooi aiid indoor cunna.iiun bli beiii j.dplril l.y oillrs In all part of llie. louiitii, the lar.-c.-t fucieaie liaiini; been nude iluiius Ihe past llnio jear. .Sot only cilie., but In'e nuijufj. loin. aie pioiidin' lhce liec mwiw pjf ictiutluu to the employed. I.a-l Rimtinrr thrie me feien outiloor cyinnnlum.1), In rlualnir tun prlinle ones, more or le under Hip tiurttc ot Hip New York fshool toiutnlltee, HeldM these, ujinnasllp upparalus Is liiiluded In miiiy of lln plajttmunds Imlli lame and inHi liol only In New Yolk, but in nllifl" 1 llle, lliwlmi ms Hie flnt ilH lo tdimi any leal Inlrtesl In pimlilhit, pbiM In ukale, Minn In IS'f! llio tun miei of Hip mrn'n it.iiniiium at tbailfo bunk urn- tlimdul by Hie paik depjil Weill, At present then- air' Im-cIip Innnltlpal tdiHlliur pliei malnlaliint by Ihe ill), nine of Mlikli nip nnilnllv lliN.deil fur the .uipoe, and ten of I hr m teisulail.i plmintl ullli horse-plane 11 pi 01 ess llrl liitioihiiul nil .lamalui oiid In lii and nil eicepl .Imn.Hea me iiell llfstiled In llio ueiilmr Abmil ilehti aires air thus kept In niiln, 'Hie "iiinn nt I haltediank for elicht .u.irs aurnsed tenl,i Dip da.u of iiilinl f-K.it ttiar. tni'l (lie .il r 1011 broke Hie reis.nl stme lhc ..iliriiie has hern In operation as llieie trie fntti'tiliip 1I1.M tif nllial skatlnlr. whlih Is "o ibiitp tlie put lulls lilfibesl riuild. Tlif Jl T h 11.I.1111 c al the i.iilniis i-kitllni: links ihiriiie lhc sui.nii was ih.se mi in ,0'',nOu, nlil.h It the limtl ritr '.mm 11 Must nf mil luge noilliein illles mm make iiMiie pint Mniis foi skuttiiir ; tlenrlm: nlT lhc Mmw. planlm: lb-" Iir. IU:1iIIiis It In Hit eieniHR nml ..flen pinildiiifr lielt'i'. nmni: lhee ate I Mi. if", with Win 11 in km 1 Iran it and pliuod, iml :i Innir 'I.Jlliik; eaiii of hlsl.i 01 smhiIj ila.is! f-t l'.ml, wllh Hie aires and 11 wa'nn ill eiillne ilclil.i llm iii.i. uitli a now. I hhiicHhips .is Mir as .s.rmn MHiijiike-, ullli "ien aues fli the rhri; Petiplt, ullli ttielic neirs and thou- mils in illliif. Ilifmstlii" of Hie pililleses 1I1II.1 i Minneapolis, rieieland ind Veil iml.. 'Hip llrsl in.idel pi 1; (.'round In this loimtit, i.nlslde of tin. fand'pil lipe and of the instlm lion.il class, win Hip Hull Inns', plat'jround in ( hh mo, wlilili mis openr.l In Is-ll, 'the appi lilt us eipiipiiiinl Is tm Hip little 1 blhlieii. inn I'tlinr nl siiluss "1111.1 pnl ," 1 ctiul pile, pnins blntks and bemli's. Ilieir l 11 tTRiilar kliidetc'iilrn nllriiiliiil nml 11 polbeuuii iletailid In Ihe till, Hip litter minHi laklliff Hie leid In 'bill j:.iuip. 'Ibe c lines iliat alp Hit' most populir are li.inill.ill mid Irtlnoi lu-p bill, larger pliiionnnd 11,1s ppened umler the aisplees nt the .Nuillmesleiu uuluitdl.t elHeui. nl In ISil, but ll lias -11110 lnt'li ptimnleil In olhei u-es. Ill bis llie I nitcislty of Idtasn Sellleinent 011 i,'ros aieiuip flirted a plittumimd about ;.IK) tut by T bet uilli a bid tli; oil 11 ltd niudi sim II fimn Hip (.Irnk't nd-. Iheie is only ill ilnllars' Horlh of nppirtus lutbidini; larinu- kinits nf Miins-. 'the -htlter tm lho motlurs and lho "little mothii"" 1- liirnMied with binthcs, hit,,' iairi.in, and kil.f jun..ts, and lias tome I.. In- 1 puiil ikal nf 1 (.mill tontti iihcie fitlnis tut. 10 11 lib Hitl." ildldieii on Sundajs, The lip' li-i.is pin liullilni; but bajeball .111 1 piefer Hie "Icpie" In Hie init-hi "Indoor" ball. 'Ihrre Is one klrnlerpailner in 1 harfte, who remains until ". o'cloek in the nltcrnnon at the rspense of I In" setlltnient, when a pnlie. msn takes tharice, ulin rflies the older hois and pill-, men and women tho ilcht of way. 'J lie ground Is llshlcd imlil 'J o'l.lw k, limine the tominc i-ea-on tlieie will be elissei oritanizeil in in.-.nilll tiaiuimr and ilrt.ss-lll.ikinB, and in tlie snnimtr, parlies of bo.ts ivill be liken on niturp cciin.ons tnlep a week. Tlieip arc ila es uhlth arc taucht the fitnple rulis fur giiminc and caiiiiR for flower and leKCtalilc garden. Oppnaitc Hie plaiground is a puhlle bath where the ililldrcn bath: teier.il limes a week and thp attendant .Ls-irta Hut it makes .1 tremendous dif ference in Hip condition mid tempers of the cliiblriii. The eipcn.es, cxclusiie of the pjm n.iiiuni, width is a V',000 plant for Indoor woik, amount to about $125 a season. The larger title-, iueluilini' Xeir York, Chlcapro, riilladplpbia, flo-ton, Uiltimore, and some of the smaller cities like bhnlia. X. Y., Terre Ilautp, Iml., Nnpi, Cal., So.utle, Wash., Now lli'dford, Mass, and olh. ii-. arc plauniiifr to spend mote on those popular features in connection ullli their park sistcms the tnniiucf season than has been customary it foimer tears. LITERARY NOTES. Ihe lliiid toliimc of "The Oieat Itepuhlic by Master lli-storiias" coiers the period from the War of 1812 down to just before the Spanish Anieilcan war. 'J lie authors represented are: Curios Morris, who- is driwn upon for four chapters of hi-loric.il generalization; J. T. Head ley, 11 ho destribes tun fainou- sea flgbts; llieo tloip Ilnosciclt, woo treats of Pcrri's tictory on Take Eric; (hirlcs .1. IiikitkoII, who deacnl.es the hattlc of Ihe Humes; II. M. DrackcnridRe, 'riic Charge at Lund.t'.s Inie"; Benson .1. Loss imr, "TIip Capture and Bmnln? of Wasliinnton," aUi, "Hip Conflict at Antietam"; G. XI. filcip, "llie Defense of New Orleans"; II. Von Hoist, "'Hie Missouri Compromise"; Kdnard Kierctt, 'The Ordinance of Nulliflcalion"; (!rorpe It. l'urbinks, "Tlie Seminole War"; .lohn Frost, "Tlie Baltic of Bneiia Vita"; Horace Biceley, "John Brown and the Raid on Harper's Ferry"; Ouille .1. Melor, "Fort Sumter Bombarded"; .lohn William Diaper, "The Monitor and the Mer nniic"; " William .Suinton, "The Baltic of shiloh"; Ail 1111 Bide 111, "Lookout Mountain and Mi-MOtitry Itiilgc" ; the C'omto de P.uis, "I'ick elt's C'liarpc at Oott.tidiurR"; William T. Sher man, "Sherman's Maitli to the 5-ea"; Armlstead !j. bonp;, "Last March of bee's Army ; Frederick ligau, "fireit Captains of tlie Ciiil War"; Oil ier H, fi. I.eiijli, "I'uirenc.i, Labor and Poli tics"; and .losepb M, Rorims, "Public Ktenli and Piesidential elections." Note should also 1 10 made ot tlie fid that this loliime, like its tun pi edeecviors, is appropi lately lllu-lriled. Tin- Woild's Work (or May enters important topics) in ltussia, Austria, Knsland, Mexico, Oiba, besides many American matters. Of important national inteittt is "'llie Solution of the Cuban Ptoblem," by the man who lias been most promi nently connected uitli the matter, Senator Plitt, of Connecticut. 'I tils is not only a nitionil, hut .i historical, paptr of treat, t line. .lohn Kim lierly .Mnnitord, 111 .1 strikingly illustrated article, de-eribeo the liiissian poliiit.il advance on Asia. Theodore Waters writes of tho treat possibilities in trail-mission of rleetrlcity for poncr, and an artlde about the peisonalltj and work of Frauds II. ( lergue shows one Rieit example of the-e pn. (.ibilities. Other intereathiR fcatuies are Sidney Brooks' Ihild liiiropt'iii article, thia time lousid eilnp Aiistria-llunKii,! ; story of the work of l'n-ident Dnz, of Mclio, Willi lu prophedes as to hi- prolnblp Micie-sor; the rrcountins of ct peiiments made in prollt.shatlng, ll0ing suc cesses and failures, uitli reasons; a description of tint pi 111 ft,- of bncding new wheals; a tlcfen-c of our cousulai serine; and in account of some ot the best new- pietciiliies of lost of life at ei, Then tliue arc lit id character sketches of James .1. Hill and secietary liaise, and edilorlil trib utes to rx'Pirtliknt Harrison and lo lleneral 1'iiiislon. A new series of books, knoun as Hip Urcat IVople'a cries, Is initiated by P, Appellon k Co., with a handsomely printed lolunio on "Tim Spanish JVople, 'I heir Origin, Rmwtli and In fluence," by Martin A. ". Hume, In tiatinij llif ciolulion of a lilirhly loniposhe people from its larious rarial units, lho iiithor points out Hut Spiin was llio battle ground upon wliith 11.13 decided the form into which modern Utilization liould bo moulded whether Ai.ian or Semite, Cliristiiii or Moslem, 'lho etuintry becimo tlm pre.-crier aiul liaii-iuitlei nf nuny Miuiials of taiii-lieil .liu lent sislrm-, and the iiilline nf Spain was. In a sense, .111 rpllomc of uiiout rital systems which In ht.torif limes hate dliid ed tho world, 'lho scribes ol Spaniards to the llniivm empire, tho mystic spirilud exaltation of Hie sixteenth icnlury, ami tho far-rrachlns eiplorstlons and (ompiesu of Spauiird,, the for tltes rendcicd by Spain lo batlit llttriluie, the picsenatloii of lhc llonian fylem of Juiballctlon ht Spain, and tlie influence of Spain upon rclig. Inn, literature, and tho stJge, 110 fully indicated in tills book. Pi. Huiiip writes tilth all Hie ad tanlagrs of the modern liistorinl specialist, 'Ihe tonlenls nf the May l.-uc ot VIifijbtMi1' Magazine aie tcr tailed. They unga from 1 suprib character study ol Chief Crokcr, of lho File Pepaitment of ..civ York, contributed by l.inday Denl-on, lo j. toinpilatlon of opinions of piomlnent aitors ami inanageis on "How to On nn tho Stage," Ballnrcl by Franklin Files. An admirable story of deei's life, "t'nior," l.y Maximilian Fojtor, "Makiiiff Bjln by F.lectrb tit," ,1 slud.i of Flnicr dates' tntiuus cxperb mints in Washington; stories of llie newspaper woild, 'Adtt'ittures in elts getting," by Allen Stngree; a study ol Mis. Piper, tlm (aiuoin me? ilium, by Mary C. Blossom. The Noiel Be rpicsts, Ut llngcno P, l.jlc, Mrs, Kasetlcr's pho tographu, J, I", Mouhray's "MaMnff ol a Country Home" all will be found readable, eip lirlaiuiiu and Inforiuln.T. Sir Ihomaj Upton has urilltn especially fur the Saturday Kicning Post, ot May II, an article on 'Tho Sports 'Ihit Mike the Han." lie places jachllng high on the Hit, and gitri interesting auccdotci of tiia onn farcer as an amateur jaelits man. Sir Thomas' Is hopeful, if not tonfhlcut, of "lilting" tho America's Cup next aulumn. Ho sax, liouctrr, Hut if it were a certainly ho would not crow the water; for there Is no sport ing intrrct in "sure things." "no llosacj; I'latl an J C'roktr," U the had- Inc arllelp In .Miidfe' for'MaV. The nsnie of Hip author Is not glten, bill whoeter lie l, In' knows dU mlijrrl well ami liiiidlm It lilider. fully. "Thp Men That Conlrol Our IMIIiivnk" by Karl II. Hnr.i, l a tea liable aud lmnirl.int liiily of Hip eight men lint lonlrnt Hip tun hundred thousand miles nf railway In Ihe United Plates, 'iherp arc oilier feature eepullj up lo 1 1 1 1 e and lull ot tiedi Intere'l, i i Growing Export of American Coal Spedal (oiie-pondentp nf Ihe Minnie baliiiiRti.ii, .Spill 21 Till; xNMirUT.MIl.ST of piopeilliP ft poll lax of one sIiIIIIiik pel loll on ling lMi toil adds Inletesl to Hie fail tint Amelliali roal l luakllig lapld hcadii.lt in Intaillnc Hip innkela nf the woild. Ihe Hr tires nf Hip Heaury liuieau ot statistics indlealp tint Hip end I'tpnils nf Hip llst.ll irar uhlth ends .limp o will aiii"iii.t In nbmit s.nmi.iinii tnn, a agahi'l lew than U.ikiii.im m inns In ivnij ':t.;r.',IW Inns In Is'C, "id ,ss,iis tons In 1'i. This expntt llguie i i tel sin ill lompirrd tilth (hit of the 1 11II11I ' nullum, nv inmpilid With enr poiil aira, uhlth is in mi Hints 11s grrat .i that nf am oilier nf Hip nuibexpnillmt natlmi, but Hip glnulh III "HI nun IPC his hem unit h limrp rapid than thai ..I an.t i.lhei loimli.i. 0 'lho I nlted K'ngdciu. for liplin.e, exported ,'..! tJ.K.-i Inns In IH'iil and lil.m-.ull Ions In IfHn), Hip relallie gmulh being liuiili greater In the me of the 1 nlted Miles than 111 Hie tflse of Hip fiillrsl Kltvdom. (.eninn.i la the set inn! great coal exporling totniliy ot the world, and her expnrts only iiurca..! from f,ll".,n0il niftrlo tons in Is'lfl In r,J(l,()Ofl lon in linm. The t iiitrtl Stubs linn ranks ihlrd In lho unllti of toil pvpntiatlnns, ulillp Belgium ranks fouilh with 1 IoIhI export itlnn nf fi.tll.nno tons in It.") and (l.nil, . tons In I'sm. Thin tnc relalltp kiomIU of mal cxiv.ris fimn HiC Inlti.l State- hi In' extcrds Hut nf any ol In r nation, whilo ll n-nv holds Ihlid place III mlu it exportation. o In piniliictli.il the I lilted Stales his within Hie last lun jeais ttkeu tlr-tt rank, her 1ol.il roal pitHluetUm in 1', lho latesl atnllahle tell, being .'X".M,VII Inn-, igllu-t IKH.D'll.VSI Imu bv the I nlted Kingdom; while. In 1jM Hie pin diittlon "f Hip I'nlleil Kingdom was 181,1,1 l.'.'i1 ton, and tint of Ihe Lulled Slate-, ll,ssj,72') tons. m KNOWLEDGE IN BRIEF, London lias O'X) acres of docks; Lntetpool, ..'s) acres Well seasoned led hltkoiy weights ."ii.Tr pounds to the cubic foot. In prehistoric lines tlie rhinoceros f1nini-1i.il In Californli, whllj Ligp lions and tigers liied in the jungb'S. The ele-ert nf Sihaia i- no little spot. P coters -J,;00,i0 .se,uaic tulles belucen Hip At lantic ocean and the ViIp x alley. Tlie !atet Swiss mountain railway piopcct is to connect the I'ngatllnc xtilh the Italian like by a nml mer the Ileiuliu i.inge. Forty four )ear3 ago the Knu-at Kau- riici was nniigatcd fiom its moiilli up as fai as Mil leme. Now railroads do the Im-inca-. Oiip of Hie moat elesliiiititp earthquake- in tlie world's history was Dial width otcuued in Ytddo, in the 3 oar 1V(V;, when 100,(100 people were killed. The Prnnsiltania lailioad is rtporlcd tn lute our 28,000 inditidin! sh.ircholdi in who mu-t be notified of Hie nut- slock allotment and ic ceite subscription warrants. The Benedictine distillciy at Fccimp pin iluced last year ,OSl,0On bottles. One bundled and forty tons of this liquor, tallied at a7Ui,CKK, were exported to Hamburg. According (o a recent regulation, pupil- in the schools of Saxony will lieiciifter be icipiiied l' commit to memory 2UI Biblicil terse- and PI! ti-fses of IiyniRs in addition lo Hip catechism. The natiteti of Hip ca-t coast of Africa liatp a species of cjinbal cxactlv resembling in sliapc the dumb hells used by athletes. Tlicy aio plajod in pairs, one in oath hand, and xioleiitli iiiiitttn together. Tliere ate in Hiis counlry oter 200 muutifactui inf plants' producing' bats aud caps for mm and hots. Tlie bat factories gitc emplojmcnt to 2',, 000 persons who turn out .1 hnished pioduct xalued at fi'5,Oni),noo annually. One of the smallest pan-lies in Wales is Hie histniit! parish of Slier in Ihe Bridgend Union. It liab only .1 population of eight or nine souls. Nash and Stcmbndgc, tuo other paiishes, only number fourteen inhabitants1 between them. People gito more lime to iccrcation than they did tears ago, and the world is tho bitter for it. Occasion d outing-, railroad join-nets, xi-Us to interpiting points, both at homo and abioad, liatc gieatly suollcu llie title of tnncl. At least ono coopciathc colont Hut located in Dickinson county, Kansas scciih lo be tin If. ing. It was formed three years ago and Ins made money from tlie -tail, clearing st.SIJ la-t jeir. The colony has .1 i.inch, a genei.il store, a bank and un Insuramc fcituie. Scranton HOTEL TERRACE. P.UU.OR HOTKh Aeconuuodilions. 1'nsiu paied moderate iharsef. I'cimanent and tablo boardei-s. . II. HHYTI'. O. S. BLOSS ROOM 1 ARCADE THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR. Uulldinir Contractor. Kmploys union men. IMIinatca theci fully giten. ncmodclins and repaliins a siiccialty. 328 WASHINQTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEA R STORE Will sell all their simplea of tine Imported Madra bhlrts for men at blp.: tioilh V lt ?J.:.n DAVIS STEAM DYE Co. 310 PENN AVE. Clooda called for and deliirred. Cleanln?, tlieins and Presiing. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, PHONE 3735 Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. Ilcst 2j cent meal in the illy. lite MeariickcU, ?1,00. iaadiy dinner a t-petiilly. Heme undo I'a.lri, 244 ADAMS AVE. W. A. HARVEY. Uritric IMrins and rixtures Hntriu Doll and 'lelephoui Work 30Q Commonwealth building. J. B. WOOLSEY eg CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber Q" ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Man-jtailurrio' .struts MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, 111. tilt 1 .ttjciits )0l John A. Hoehllnir'si hoiu ('..,' Hire Hope and l.lcttritul Wire. Culta IViilu and llubbir Mf.' Co '. lleltlns, I'aiMiik', llo.c and ilcchiuiial llubber (loud, huoiilloii Pat kin,;. I'aittr's Oil IMotlilint. Ko.mi H1U I'aull Hid.' FRECKLES, olli, Tan, l.iur S-'l and all pl.'inentari iliMoloralioiu Kiiuulctiby iiimnid lo mj pp" ilal lionip tieatuicut, and tho timipkxlon rtiilfitil c tf ii' and Miiooth HELEN BUCHANAN, liennitolosist alJ Washington tc SHOFF'S HAT FACTORY, .'ill Spiute Sjlrett, .Sen- Hotel Jermiii .Ml the lien Id l toi bprins mjk are Hon- In. Veil- Hits Midi) lo Older W, H, GORDON & SON, llor.o bhoelns and Ocncral lllacksmlll in; Wj;on and t'Jiil;o Uultditu; and llubber 'lire In;. 339 ADAMS AVENUE. Excliusive Desigms! It is some satisfaction in buying furniture to buy goods that are not peddled all over the city. Our posi tion in the trade, being that of the Largest Eiyers of Furniture In Scranton, enables us to control the product of the very best factories in the United States for this city. A Metropolitan Stock at less than metropolitan prices. i HSH&Coiniinielll Washington Avenue. Furs That We Store... Receive protection, insur ance and actual benefit from the process employed. Re pairs skillfully, economically made. Furs called for and delivered free. Free storage when repairing is done. Attend Our Special Sale of Ladies' Tailor Hade Suits, From 25 to 33 per cent, off regular prices. BRESCHEL, Reliable and Up.to-Date Furrier. 124 Wyoming Ave. 'Leader's" Old Stand. Piano Tuning H. K. ZERBE, "HIT Pic-colt .iieniie. Be-t local lefeicntes. Business THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS QF every CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Co.'s I'lnc Old Poits, nursiindics, and i-autiinc-. I anuly Tiado Onl.i. P. H. FRENCH. 4oa connell bldq. Brescheus Great Fire Sale isa wyoming avenue. Nun lioinc On. I'lne I'm a and all kinds of Neckwear. BRESCHEL CO. Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUE. CalU by telephone, reeeiio prompt attention. WILSON c WASBERS. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED, "ilial-s all." REGULAR SB PHOTOS ROR $3.00 AT CRAMER'S 311LACKA.AVE S. H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. Hanleys Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON Mm make a specialty ot line bread ululls Oidcrs for Saladi, Ojatcie, Ciomictlcj, eli"., picimptly tilled. A full lino ol Ue L'icain and lici. GOODMAN'S SHOE store, ,Sim at 11- l.jtl. mania ate. SOUVENIRS OIV'N OUR CUSTOMERS. WALTER E, DAVIS. 214, 216, SIB PAULI BLDQ, AttQiney-iit-Law, Scranton, Pa. nton vitrified brick --, manufacturing Company Maki-is ol Patinc llmk, clp. M. II Pile, li.peial l-ale Atfenl, iniitc Kf Wa.biiiBlcii I -. Weiki ut Na Auv, l'a.. 1.. i. . V. It. It. FINLEY'S Annual Sale of New Spring Hosiery It U fiiilnitmi-y 1ltl1 tin at tills sea nun 111 slVtJ 1)111' tunic 11 Special Hosiery Offering of tllillsiltil xiiIiip. W'r Iuup tipcnt it iit n 111 en 1 1 1 1 of tltiip mid much 0110 In nuiltlnpr out' hpIpi'IUiiih inr thl.M ovont, nml hnve. scciiit'il 11 Hue of hodloiy siir IiiichIiis all ptcvlniiM clfnrls of linpfp ccdciilcd pnppIIciico, utipeiuiillcd In upiilltif,' riimllty. ri'.'rO-U.TK IN STYI.K tun- IJIuck lliwi- iipp all nf thp relet, butted "lli'i'iiisduif" tiiMt liliick lv!. Ladies' Black Hose at 25c This Hup of llns'p N liuitrlileed, .ll tlllu Jiili'c. V rIxp mi tho Klt-'Hlcit vnlllo eibtiilliiiblc. Ladies' Black Hose at 35c up .'I p.ilin for $1.00. l.l.slc tlncid, elior stllidi, iieivnlty stilpcs in viirlnttn widths mid Nlyleii, uiieiiirhtleiiiiibly tho IjpsI Milne. In lho iniiikpt, and me xxcll xxtirlh ".Of. Ladies' Black Hose at 50c At thin pi lio x p oiitchiNS tliPin all. Uiihtirp.iit'-pd In (imllty and stylo, e-oni-piMsos all thp dlfl'oicnt xxplghtH of Llnlt and I'otnn lloso, In plain, fancy and laco offects. Fancy and Lace Hosiery All tho latest novel erfocts In Silk, I.Lslo and Fine Cotton. Children's Lisle Hose at 25c An unusual eippoitunity to hccuie excellent value for your money. A genuine HeuiiKdorf dye, lilpth spliced heel, double solo anil double knee, sizes ." lo S',i. Actual value, loo. Men's Hosiery AVo hnve n splendid b.u-Rniu for you in l-efiiilai' "3o number, now -Joe. Kino as-soi tinenl of the Litest things in fan cy naif-hose, In all the new colorings and various qualities. 510512 Lackawanna Ave P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. The Dickson Maiiufacturlii;; Co. tcrnnton nuel Wllkos-ilurra, l'x, .Mauufaclurors or LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARV ENGINE? boilers, llolstlneand I'umplns Machinery. General OlSce. Scranton. Pa. Houses. 4 i S2 4 Guernsey Hall IS THE BEST PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A RIANO OR ORGAN Don't fail to come and &ee as great bargains .iro waiting lor you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP, 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. Ill New I'iiiertibPi HulMitii;. (inld .Mrdil PliotogMphcr SV FOR SALE lU'l.l.lri ind xf! ONs nf til l,, alo lloiiT. and Ilillldins I nls al biisaiii llOIISKi I 1,11'l'fil and (iltUOMI.I) at M. T. Keller's l,atkaannaL4iriase Mulks. "ft ", ( hildlill'3 Xllbt. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. t fpreldti Hi 'Iretcrtoi, II.iuiii 1, mer (ilube lolc, lluuid; 1 in l..n p m I'nii-ultatini! free. M'luinu !s). HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIEO WITH A SMALL PROFIT, BERNHARD, jeweler, SO l.lUiAMA.N.VA AVIIM II. EDWIN S, WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 2BCOAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. the scranton umbrella Manufacturing Company Wc ijiij the Urse-t loik of Lnibiclli-, rai d.-ola and Handle;, xc j.-o HLCOM.U umbrellas and piiawli and make ilieiu up emiJllj m sm1'l .i new and guarantee tui 1'iues lo Is.- loutv lluu mi.i hou.-o in tho till Wc irpjir all cm koo.1, lor ciio tcjr I net. ui LIlAlttJi:. 313 SPRUCE STREET.